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Periodic Table of Legend

Alkaline Metals 123 122.91960

Alkaline Earths Atomic Number
Atomic Weight

Transition Metals
Copyright © 1998 Anthony Atkielski. All rights reserved.

Rare Earths Although the author has made his best effort to ensure Symbol
that the information contained in this document is timely
Other Metals and correct, he cannot be responsible for accidental
errors, and omissions. Address comments, inquiries,

the Elements
error reports, and suggestions to the author via e-mail at
Non-metals <>. Shells
Halogens Available for download from

Noble Gases
This document may be freely reproduced for non-profit, Dilithium -32-14-2
non-commercial purposes, provided that the entire
document is reproduced in unmodified form.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1 1.0007947 2 4.0026022

H He K
Hydrogen 1 Helium 2

3 6.9412 4 9.0121923 5 10.8117 6 12.01078 7 14.006747 8 15.99943 9 18.99840325 10 20.17976

Li Be B C N O F Ne K-L
Lithium 2-1 Beryllium 2-2 Boron 2-3 Carbon 2-4 Nitrogen 2-5 Oxygen 2-6 Fluorine 2-7 Neon 2-8

11 22.9897702 12 24.30506 13 26.9815382 14 28.08553 15 30.9737612 16 32.0666 17 35.45279 18 39.9481

Na Mg Al Si P S Cl Ar K-L-M
Sodium 2-8-1 Magnesium 2-8-2 Aluminum 2-8-3 Silicon 2-8-4 Phosphorus 2-8-5 Sulfur 2-8-6 Chlorine 2-8-7 Argon 2-8-8

19 39.09831 20 40.0784 21 44.9559106 22 47.8761 23 50.94151 24 1.000797 25 54.9380499 26 55.8452 27 58.9332009 28 58.69342 29 63.5463 30 65.392 31 69.7231 32 72.612 33 74.921602 34 78.963 35 79.9041 36 83.801

K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr -L-M-N
Potassium -8-8-1 Calcium -8-8-2 Scandium -8-9-2 Titanium -8-10-2 Vanadium -8-11-2 Chromium -8-13-1 Manganese -8-13-2 Iron -8-14-2 Cobalt -8-15-2 Nickel -8-16-2 Copper -8-18-1 Zinc -8-18-2 Gallium -8-18-3 Germanium -8-18-4 Arsenic -8-18-5 Selenium -8-18-6 Bromine -8-18-7 Krypton -8-18-8

37 85.46783 38 87.621 39 85.905852 40 91.2242 41 92.906382 42 95.941 43 98.9063 44 101.072 45 102.905502 46 106.421 47 107.86822 48 112.4118 49 114.8183 50 118.7107 51 121.7601 52 127.603 53 126.904473 54 131.292

Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe -M-N-O
Rubidium -18-8-1 Strontium -18-8-2 Yttirum -18-9-2 Zirconium -18-10-2 Niobium -18-12-2 Molybdenum -18-13-1 Technetium -18-13-2 Ruthenium -18-15-1 Rhodium -18-16-1 Palladium -18-18-0 Silver -18-18-1 Cadmium -18-18-2 Indium -18-18-3 Tin -18-18-4 Antimony -18-18-5 Tellurium -18-18-6 Iodine -18-18-7 Xenon -18-18-8

55 132.905452 56 137.3277 72 178.492 73 180.94791 74 183.841 75 186.2071 76 190.233 77 192.2173 78 195.0782 79 196.966552 80 200.592 81 204.38332 82 207.21 83 208.980382 84 (208.9824) 85 (209.9871) 86 (222.0176)

Cs Ba Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn -N-O-P
Cesium -18-8-1 Barium -18-8-2 Hafnium -32-10-2 Tantalum -32-11-2 Tungsten -32-12-2 Rhenium -32-13-2 Osmium -32-14-2 Iridium -32-15-2 Platinum -32-16-2 Gold -32-18-1 Mercury -32-18-2 Thallium -32-18-3 Lead -32-18-4 Bismuth -32-18-5 Polonium -32-18-6 Astatine -32-18-7 Radon -32-18-8

87 (223.0197) 88 (226.0254) 104 (261.1089) 105 (262.1144) 106 (263.1186) 107 (264.12) 108 (265.1306) 109 (268) 110 (269) 111 (272) 112 (277)

Fr Ra Rf Ha Sg Bh Hs Mt - - - Note: Elements 110 through 112 have not yet

been definitively named, and so no names or
Francium -18-8-1 Radium -18-8-2 Rutherfordium -32-10-2 Hahnium -32-11-2 Seaborgium -32-12-2 Bhorium -32-13-2 Hassium -32-14-2 Meitnerium -32-15-2 -32-16-2 -32-17-2 -32-18-2
symbols for these newly-discovered ele-
ments are given here.

57 138.90552 58 140.1161 59 140.907652 60 144.243 61 (144.9127) 62 150.363 63 151.9641 64 157.253 65 158.925342 66 162.503 67 164.930322 68 167.263 69 168.934212 70 173.043 71 174.9671

La Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu -N-O-P
Lanthanum -18-9-2 Cerium -19-9-2 Praseodymium -21-8-2 Neodymium -22-8-2 Promethium -23-8-2 Samarium -24-8-2 Europium -25-8-2 Gadolinium -25-9-2 Terbium -27-8-2 Dysprosium -28-8-2 Holmium -29-8-2 Erbium -30-8-2 Thulium -31-8-2 Ytterbium -32-8-2 Lutetium -32-9-2

89 (227.0227) 90 232.03811 91 231.035882 92 238.02891 93 (237.0482) 94 (244.0642) 95 (243.0614) 96 (247.0703) 97 (247.0703) 98 (251.0796) 99 (252.0830) 100 (257.0951) 101 (258.0984) 102 (259.1011) 103 (262.110)

Ac Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr -O-P-Q
Actinium -18-9-2 Thorium -18-10-2 Protactinium -20-9-2 Uranium -21-9-2 Neptunium -22-9-2 Plutonium -24-8-2 Americium -25-8-2 Curium -25-9-2 Berkelium -27-8-2 Californium -28-8-2 Einsteinium -29-8-2 Fermium -30-8-2 Mendelevium -31-8-2 Nobelium -32-8-2 Lawrencium -32-9-2

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