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Configure EnSight
Customize Icon Bars and Panels

EnSight uses several sets of icons to group functionality. The Feature Icon bar can be customized in terms of which
features are available and what order they will be presented. All of the icon bars can be moved and docked or
undocked. In addition, all of the list panels (part, variable, viewports, annotations, query/plots, and frames) can
customize the columns of data displayed in the panel.
The icons can have text “sub titles” under the icon. Many users find it useful to turn this text one while they learn the
system and turn it back off once mastered.

To turn on Icon text :
1. Right click in the Feature Icon bar then select
“Display icon text” from the pulldown.

To customize the Feature Icon Bar:

1. Right click in the Feature Icon bar then select “Customize Feature Toolbar” from the pulldown.

2. In the resulting dialog you can:

(a) Select features from the “available” list on the

left and use the right arrow button to place it on the
Feature Icon bar.

(b) Similar, if you select a feature in the right

column you can click the left
mouse button which will remove it
from the Feature Icon bar.

(c) Any feature in the right column

can be moved up and down to
modify it’s order on the icon bar via
use of the up/down arrows.

3. The Save button will retain the

settings next time you run EnSight.

4. While the OK button will make

the modifications for the current
session only.l

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To customize the columns in the list panels:

1. Right click on the column header in the list you wish to

customize. In the figure shown the right click was performed
on the “Name” portion of the list.

2. Each list panel will have a different set of attributes that can
be shown. The figure at right shows the choices for the
Variables list. Similar to the Feature Bar discussion above
you can add or remove new columns and modify the order of
the columns using the left/right and up/down

To move the Icon bars:

1. Right click on any icon bar. In the resulting pulldown

the “Lock toolbars” should be unchecked, i.e., toolbars
are allowed to be moved.

2. The icon bars have a “handle”. Click and drag the

handle and the icon bar will come out of the user
interface and will follow the mouse as you move it.

3. If you release the mouse button outside of the user interface

the icon bar will be free floating.


3. As you drag the icon bar to the various docking locations in

the user interface you will see a space open up where the bar
could dock itself. Release the mouse button and the icon bar
will doc in the space provided.

The blue rectangle indicates

where the bar could be This bar is being dragged

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To move the panels:

1. Right click on any icon bar or the header of any panel.

In the resulting pulldown the “Lock dock widgets”
should be unchecked, i.e., “widgets” are allowed to be

2. The panels can be dragged by their header. Click and

drag the header and the panel will come out of the user
interface and will follow the mouse as you move it.

3. If you release the mouse button outside of the user interface

the panel will be free floating.


3. As you drag the panel to the various docking locations in the

user interface you will see a space open up where the panel
could dock itself. Release the mouse button and the panel
will doc in the space provided.
The blue rectangle indicates
where the panel could be

4. Panels can be stacked on top

of each other. In which case you This panel is being dragged
will get a tab for each panel
occupying the same space. By
default for example, the Variables,
Plots/Queries, Annotations, and
Viewports panels are stacked.

The layout and position of the icon bars and panels are saved and will be restored next time you run EnSight. The
easiest way to restore the default configuration is to start EnSight with a “-no_prefs” start parameter.

User Manual: Icon Bars

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