Villaruz, Clarissa Mae

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Lesson Plan for Grade 7 Science (Quarter 3)

Learning Competencies: Infer the conditions necessary for heat transfer to occur;

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should have:

A. Identified the different types of heat transfer.

B. Given examples of heat transfer that occur in everyday situations.

C. Performed an activity that shows conduction, convection and radiation.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Heat Transfer

B. Materials: Bond paper, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Pentel pen

C. Source: Youtube, Sciencing

III. Procedure:

A. Preliminary Activity

a. Greetings

b. Prayer

c. Class rules (five rules)

d. Attendance

B. Review

(Assume that the previous lesson was forms of energy.)

Ask: What are the forms of energy and its significance to our day-to-day lives? (Ask

2 students to share their insights).

C. Motivation/ activating prior knowledge/Activity

Moving on let’s have a short game. This game is called find the hidden word. Below
there are jumbled letters that I need you to correctly guess the hidden word. Anybody
from the class can answer, an additional point is given for class participation to those
students who can answer. Let’s start!


Who among you here can share some insights about these words? Okay, very good!

Thank you for participating in our activity. Let us proceed now to our proper discussion.

D. Discussion/Lesson Proper

What is Heat?

In physics, Heat is the transfer of kinetic energy from one medium or object to another,
or from an energy source to a medium or object.

But why do you think heat transfers

What is Temperature?

The degree or intensity of heat present in a substance or object, especially as expressed

according to a comparative scale and shown by a thermometer or perceived by touch.

Now, what is Heat Transfer?

Heat transfer takes place between objects of different temperature. Heat energy always
transfers from object of higher temperature to object of lower of temperature. When the
object becomes warmer, it means that it gained energy. When it becomes cooler, it means that
it lost energy.
Heat transfer occur in three ways through conduction, convection and radiation

What is Conduction?
-is the process in which the transfer of heat takes place between objects by direct contact.

State in which it occurs;

It can happen in solid, liquid, and gas

Example: Hot Frying Pan- the conduction of heat from the fire to the pan

Pot and Rice- rice is in direct contact with the pot

some materials conduct heat better than other materials

Conductors -conduct heat energy very well

Example: Metals, Diamond, Stone
Insulators- resist the flow of heat
Example: Wood, Fiberglass, Rubber, Paper, Cloth

What is Convection?

-is the transfer of heat by the movement of fluid

Particle movement:
When heated the particles gain energy, spread out, become less dense and rise. As it cools,
the particles lose energy, get closer together, become denser and sink
State in which it occurs:
 Can happen in liquids and gas
 Not in Solids

Steaming cup of Heat coffee- the heat is being transferred into the air

Air-Conditioner- the cold air that blows out from the air conditioner
circulates around the room and creates convection currents
-heat moves from the warmer air to the colder air which makes the air in the room cooler

What is radiation?
-is a transfer of energy from its origin to the surroundings.
Example: alligators and the lizards they use the radiation from the Sun to warm their bodies

Wave produce by Mobile Phones- cellphone emits low level of non-ionizing radiation,
which is radio frequency. Radio frequency radiation has high thermal effect that raises body

To learn more about heat transfer I want to you to watch this short

E. Application

IFL. in Mt 13:6,21, and Lu 8:6-13, heat signifies tribulation, temptation, or persecution

God works a similar process in us. Our lives are a process of God applying heat
and exposing our weaknesses, our faults, our struggles, and our impurities. Heat is
hot and uncomfortable, but if we submit to the heat, we are day by day transformed
into his likeness. The process ends when we meet Jesus’ face to face, and he looks
into our faces and sees his clear reflection.

D. Generalization

Heat transfer takes place between objects of different temperature. Heat energy
always transfers from object of higher temperature to object of lower temperature
through the process of conduction, convection and radiation. In, Conduction heat
transfer between objects by direct contact. However, in convection the heat transfer
through fluid or gas. In Radiation, heat transfer from its origin to the surroundings. These
methods of heat transfer are very significant in our day-to-day lives.

IV. Assessment

Directions: Read and identify the situations carefully. Infer the method of heat
transfer shown in each situation.
______________1. Last night you were watching the news on the television and
the weather forecast for today is muggy and hot. The temperature in the house is
rising and you turn on the air conditioning unit.

______________2. You are about to drink your hot coffee and as you hold a hot
cup of coffee you feel the heat transfer into your hand.

______________3. It was a sunny morning and you decided to take a walk. After
a while, you started sweating as the sun rays directly hit on you.

For numbers 4-5.

Define the different types of heat transfer in essay form not less than 3 sentences
and give examples of each that occur in everyday situations.

V. Assignment/ Enrichment:

Instruction: At your home, demonstrate or perform the different methods of heat

transfer by means of creating a video. The video must be 5 minutes long.
Content 70%
Creativity 30%
Total 100%
VI. Remarks
Thank you for participating in our discussion. I assume all of you have understood
our lessons since you have passed the test. So, for tomorrow’s lesson read in advance about

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