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Cite this: J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 110 PAPER
Performance evaluation of phycocyanin probes for the monitoring of
 ıse Veilleux,a Christian Deblois,a Annabelle Warrenb
Christian Bastien,*a Richard Cardin,a Elo€
and Isabelle Laurion
Received 20th July 2010, Accepted 20th September 2010
DOI: 10.1039/c0em00366b
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

The performance of two field probes (YSI 6600 and TriOS), used for the measurement of in vivo
phycocyanin fluorescence, was compared and validated in the laboratory in 2008 and 2009 with
cultures of Microcystis aeruginosa and field samples. The background noise of the two probes was low
and the detection limits were estimated at 1500 cells mL1 for the YSI and 0.69 mg PC L1 for the TriOS.
The linearity and repeatability of both probes have been excellent. Strong relationships were observed
between the in vivo fluorescence and the total cyanobacterial biovolume (R2 ¼ 0.82 YSI; 0.83 TriOS) or
the abundance (R2 ¼ 0.71 YSI; 0.75 TriOS) of cyanobacteria. However, the difference between cell
densities determined by microscopy and measured by the YSI can be very large and has been associated
to the variability of cell volume among cyanobacteria. This last observation makes the YSI a qualitative
tool if a post-calibration is not done. The analysis of filtrated samples showed that dissolved
phycocyanin (extracellular) may represent a significant fluorescence signal. No relationship could be
established between the abundance, the total cyanobacterial biovolume or the in vivo fluorescence of
phycocyanin and the concentrations of cyanotoxins (R2 # 0.22).

Introduction support this management plan, identification and enumeration

of cyanobacteria are performed and analysed for cyanotoxins on
The proliferation of cyanobacteria in lakes of Quebec (Canada) a regular basis. These tests are essential to provide reliable data
is of growing concern given the large number of blooms and for assessing the state of lakes and take decisions on the basis of
degradation of many lakes reported in recent years, and the management thresholds expressed as cyanotoxin concentrations
ability of cyanobacteria to produce toxins potentially at risk for and abundance of cyanobacteria. However, these relatively time-
human health.1 In order to protect public health, to improve consuming methods performed on grab samples do not allow
knowledge related to cyanobacteria issues and to improve the monitoring of cyanobacteria with sufficient spatio-temporal
water quality, the Government of Quebec has established the resolution. In this context, field probes measuring the in vivo
Management Plan 2007–2017.2 From 2007 to 2009, an average of fluorescence of phycocyanin may represent an interesting
148 lakes have been affected by blooms in Quebec.3 In order to approach for monitoring cyanobacteria in bringing a rapid tool
to locate and follow the bloom forming cyanobacteria and for
Centre d’expertise en analyse environnementale, MDDEP, 2700 rue the selection of samples to be analyzed in the laboratory.
Einstein, Qu ebec (Qc), G1P 3W8, Canada. E-mail: christian.bastien@; Fax: +1 418 643-9023; Tel: +1 418 643-8225 ext. 227
Phycocyanin (PC) is a blue pigment which belongs to a group
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique—Eau Terre Environnement, of light harvesting proteins named phycobiliproteins (PBPs). The
490 de la Couronne, Qu ebec (Qc), G1K 9A9, Canada major biological role of PBPs is photosynthetic light harvesting.

Environmental impact
Field probes for the measurement of in vivo fluorescence of phycocyanin have been proposed as a complementary tool for moni-
toring cyanobacteria with the more classical laboratory analysis. Our paper discusses in detail the reliability of those probes and the
limit to the interpretation of results. The impact of cell volume on results expressed in cells mL1 is especially considered. In our
knowledge it is the first report that discriminates the contribution of dissolved (extracellular) and intracellular phycocyanin to the
fluorescence signal. We have also established a relationship between potentially harmful cyanobacteria and actual detection of
cyanotoxins. We think that the paper brings original and useful information for those, like public organizations, who are questioning
the practical application of these probes.

110 | J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 110–118 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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PBPs are water-soluble and strongly fluorescent.4 PC is found as The probe allows measurements to be made in two ranges of
a major pigment (>10% of total pigments) in cyanophyceae and sensitivity, from 0 to 20 mg L1 and from 0 to 200 mg L1.14 The
cryptophyceae, and as a trace pigment (<1% of total pigments) in manufacturer’s calibration was used for all tests and was vali-
rhodophyceae.5,6 It absorbs red and orange light at wavelengths dated with a standard solution of PC (see section below). The
between 610 and 630 nm (absorption peak at 620 nm) and emits TriOS probe was tested only in 2009. Values of cyanobacteria
fluorescence in the band of wavelengths from 600 to 700 nm biomass (mg PC L1) measured with the TriOS must be converted
(emission peak at 647 nm). In freshwaters, the PC is mainly to density equivalent (cells of 38 mm3 mL1) or biomass
associated with cyanobacteria and can be used as an indicator of (mg chl-a L1) to evaluate risk associated to cyanobacteria on the
their biomass.7 Previous research has demonstrated a very good basis of established guidelines.1,15
relationship between the PC measured with TriOS probe and the
cell density determined by microscopy on nearly 800 samples Culture of M. aeruginosa
(R2 ¼ 0.73).8 Field probes measuring PC fluorescence can then
potentially be used to perform spatio-temporal monitoring of A culture of M. aeruginosa (UTCC 299) was maintained in
cyanobacteria blooms and to optimize sampling for laboratory a BG-11 medium16 with continuous agitation under controlled
analyses. Vertical profiles of PC could also be done to evaluate light conditions (20 mmol m2 s1), temperature (26  C  1) and
photoperiod (16 h light and 8 h dark). Under these conditions,
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

the proximity of cyanobacteria to drinking water intakes. In this

situation, the use of such probes could provide early warning the culture remained unicellular (without colony formation).
signals.9–12 The cell density and average cell volume of the culture were
The objectives of this study are to evaluate the reliability determined using a particle counter Coulter Multisizer 3. The
(background noise, detection limit, quantification limit, linearity, results of counts were regularly validated using an inverted
repeatability and accuracy) of two field probes, the YSI 6600 and microscope (Nikon Eclipse TE 2000S) with the Uterm€ ohl’s
the TriOS microFlu-blue, in controlled conditions in the labo- method.17
ratory, and to determine their potential for a use in the context of
monitoring blooms of cyanobacteria. Standard solution of phycocyanin

A standard solution of PC was made with the C-phycocyanin

extracted from Spirulina (P2172 Sigma) in phosphate buffer at
Material and methods pH 7.6. The PC concentration was determined by spectropho-
Measurement of the in vivo phycocyanin fluorescence tometry using the following equation:18
The YSI 6600 probe, equipped with the optical sensor   A615  ð0:474  A652 Þ
PC mg mL1 ¼
BGA-PC 6131, uses an orange light emitting diode for the 5:34
excitation (peak at 610 nm) and a photodiode of high sensi- where A is the absorbance at 615 or 652 nm.
tivity for the detection of fluorescence emitted between
600 and 700 nm. The probe is designed to transform the Background noise
fluorescence of the PC into an equivalent cell density of
Microcystis aeruginosa. If the probe is used with the manu- The average background noise of probes was determined with
facturer’s default calibration, its putative measuring range is phosphate buffer at pH 7.4 and with raw water from St Charles
between 0 and 280 000 cells mL1. Cyanobacteria density here River (near Quebec City) filtered through a nitrocellulose
expresses the concentration of cells of a known cell volume, 0.22 mm filter (Millipore GSWP). The values of background
equivalent to dimensions of the species used for calibration noise were subsequently subtracted from all measures that
(for M. aeruginosa: cell diameter z 3.5 mm and cell volume z followed.
38 mm3). Three types of calibration can be used with that
probe: the manufacturer’s default calibration (which is done Method detection limit and method quantification limit
with a culture of M. aeruginosa), a calibration with rhodamine The method detection limit (MDL) and the method quantifica-
to estimate the temporal drift in the calibration and a two- tion limit (MQL) were considered, respectively, as the concen-
point home calibration performed with a culture of tration equivalent to 3 times and 10 times the standard deviation
cyanobacteria (e.g., 0 and 5000 cells mL1). The two-point of 10 measures done on 10 replicates of a sample at low density.19
calibration with cyanobacteria is considered the optimal way For the YSI probe, the MDL and MQL were determined with
to calibrate the probe.13 In 2008 and 2009, tests were made the culture of M. aeruginosa maintained in the laboratory at
with manufacturer’s calibration and two-point calibration with concentrations of 1500 and 4000 cells mL1. The MDL and MQL
a culture of M. aeruginosa for the determination of back- of the TriOS probe were determined using a standard solution of
ground noise and linearity (see section below). For all others PC at a concentration of 3.1 mg L1 and also with M. aeruginosa
measurements, the YSI probe had a two-point calibration with at 4000 cells mL1.
a culture of M. aeruginosa at a cell density of
20 000 cells mL1.
The TriOS microFlu-blue probe has an excitation peak at
620 nm and reads the fluorescence emitted between 650 and The relationship between the in vivo fluorescence of PC measured
660 nm. This probe provides a result in terms of concentration of with the YSI probe and the cell density of the culture of
PC and its putative measuring range is between 0 and 200 mg L1. M. aeruginosa was determined with calibrations done with two

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cyanobacteria cell densities (5000 and 25 000 cells mL1) and for Validation of probes with field samples
the manufacturer’s calibration. A culture of M. aeruginosa at
The 91 samples used for this part of the study were taken from
high cell density (1  106 cells mL1, 15%) was quantified with
20 lakes at the surface (portion 0 to 1 metre depth) or in surface
a particle counter and validated by microscopy. The microscopy
scum between May and November in 2008 and 2009. Samples
measured values were used as reference points and subsequently,
were preserved on ice during transport and at 4  1  C in the
a dilution series was performed to obtain aliquots between 0 and
laboratory for a maximum storage time of 5 days before fluo-
100 000 cells mL1 (15%). Some of the dilutions were then
rometric measurement. A parallel experiment, conducted to
validated by microscopy.
ensure that the storage time of samples was appropriate, indi-
With the TriOS probe, the relationship was established
cated no significant loss of PC (a < 0.05) (data not shown). All
between the in vivo fluorescence and a standard solution of PC
in vivo fluorescence measurements were performed in the labo-
(from 0 to 150 mg L1). The relationship was also determined
ratory. It should also be noted that the samples analyzed in this
with a culture of M. aeruginosa (from 0 to 100 000 cells mL1,
study were obtained from several lakes visited upon alerts given
by citizens and were not following a time sequence monitoring.
In 2008, only the fluorescence of total PC (intra and extra-
cellular) was measured with the YSI probe. In 2009, the in vivo
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

Repeatability and accuracy

fluorescence was measured with both probes before and after the
The repeatability and the accuracy of the YSI probe were filtration of samples through a 0.22 mm filter (Millipore GSWP).
determined by taking fluorescence measures of 10 replicates of This was done in order to discriminate the signal contribution by
a culture of M. aeruginosa at cell densities of 30 000 and the intracellular PC and the dissolved or extracellular PC as well
65 000 cells mL1. The repeatability of the TriOS probe was as the effect of other possible sources of interference. The iden-
determined by measuring 10 replicates of a culture of M. aeru- tifications, enumerations and estimations of total cyanobacterial
ginosa at densities of 30 000 and 75 000 cells mL1 and its biovolume were made from sub-samples preserved with 1%
accuracy was determined by compiling measures of 10 replicates Lugol solution and analyzed using inverted microscopy. All
of two concentrations (20 and 75 mg L1) of the PC standard identifications were done on the basis of reference books.20–23 The
solution. cyanotoxins (microcystin LR, RR, YR, LA, LY, LW, LF and
The repeatability was calculated as follows:19 anatoxin-a) were analyzed using liquid chromatography coupled
tð0:975; n1Þ  SD to mass spectrometers in tandem (HPLC-MS/MS).
Statistical analysis
where t is the Student’s t with a probability of 0.975 and SD is the
standard deviation. All results were transformed into logarithms to meet the
The accuracy was calculated as the difference between the requirements of normality and homoscedasticity for the statis-
‘‘true’’ value and the measured value. In the case of the YSI, the tical treatment. The statistical analysis was performed using the
‘‘true’’ value is the cell density determined by microscopy, while software Sigma Plot 2001 (version 7101) and coefficients of
for the TriOS probe, it is the PC concentration determined by determination (R2) are presented.
spectrophotometry. The accuracy was calculated as follows:
ðVm  Vt Þ Results and discussion
Relative error ð%Þ ¼  100
Background noise

accuracy (%) ¼ 100  relative error (%) The background noise of both probes was low. The average
background noise of the YSI probe was less than 310 cells mL1,
where Vm is the average of 10 measures and Vt is the ‘‘true’’ value. no matter the type of calibration used, and it was estimated at

Table 1 Background noise of the YSI and TriOS probes. N ¼ number of replicates; SD ¼ standard deviation; Min ¼ minimum value measured; and
max ¼ maximum value measured

Mean SD Min Max

YSI probe N Cells mL1

Manufacturer’s calibration 10 307 58 213 387

Calibration with 10 219 350 1034 364
5000 cells mL1
of M. aeruginosa

Mean SD Min Max

TriOS probe N mg PC L1

Manufacturer’s calibration 9 0.56 0.32 0.24 1.0

112 | J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 110–118 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Table 2 Method detection limit (MDL) and the method quantification limit (MQL) of the YSI and TriOS probes. N ¼ number of replicates and SD ¼
standard deviation

Mean SD MDL (3  SD) MQL (10  SD)

YSI probe N Cells mL1

1500 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 1688 407 1221 4070

4000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 4374 594 1782 5940

Mean SD MDL (3  SD) MQL (10  SD)

TriOS probe N mg PC L1

Standard solution of PC at 3.1 mg L1 10 3.2 0.31 0.93 3.1

4000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 3.8 0.23 0.69 2.3
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

0.56 mg PC L1 for the TriOS probe (Table 1). Negative numbers around 1170 and 870 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa. The variability
were only recorded when the YSI probe was calibrated with in the response of the TriOS probe was lower in the culture of
M. aeruginosa. cyanobacteria which has contributed to a lower MDL. The YSI
showed an average MQL of 5000 cells mL1 for the two dilutions
of M. aeruginosa tested and the TriOS showed a MQL of 2.3 mg
Method detection limit and method quantification limit
PC L1 (or 2900 cells mL1) with the suspension of
The method detection limit (MDL) and the method quantifica- M. aeruginosa.
tion limit (MQL) of the YSI probe were determined at two cell A MQL between 3000 and 6000 cells mL1 is acceptable as it
densities (Table 2). The average MDL obtained with these two allows quantitative detection of cyanobacteria with a pure
tests was 1500 cells mL1, which is higher than the 220 cells mL1 culture of M. aeruginosa. This limit is also low enough for an
reported by the manufacturer.13 The MDL of the TriOS probe application in the context of monitoring raw and treated water
was estimated at 0.93 mg PC L1 with the standard solution of PC for human consumption. However, the MDL and MQL may be
and at 0.69 mg PC L1 with a suspension of M. aeruginosa. These higher where the colonial or filamentous forms of cyanobacteria
MDL expressed in PC concentrations represent respectively are dominating, as in the natural environment.24

Fig. 1 Relationships between cell density of M. aeruginosa measured by microscopy and the YSI probe calibrated (a) by the manufacturer or (b) with
cyanobacteria suspensions (filled circle with 5000 cells mL1 and empty circles with 25 000 cells mL1), and relationships between (c) a standard PC
solution and the TriOS probe or (d) relationship between cell density measured by microscopy and the TriOS probe (the dotted lines indicate 1 : 1

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MDL of 102 and 103 cells mL1 is reported in the literature for cyanobacteria significantly improved the accuracy beyond
M. aeruginosa measured in the laboratory using a spectropho- 5000 cells mL1 by comparison to the manufacturer’s calibration.
tometer.25,26 MDL ranging from 103 to 107 cells mL1 for other The stability of the YSI calibration was followed during the
species of cyanobacteria was also reported.25 An MDL of 102 summer 2009 by repeated measurements using a solution of 100
cells mL1 was found in a study with the fluoroprobe designed by mg L1 of rhodamine. This monitoring has shown an excellent
BBE Moldaenke.7 In another study done on a reservoir affected stability of the calibration over the entire period of the evaluation
mainly by M. aeruginosa, a MDL of 1113 cells mL1 was (N ¼ 40, mean ¼ 289 000 cells mL1, and SD ¼ 10 789 cells
obtained using the fluorometer Turner Designs 10-AU-005.10 mL1).
In order to release the PC, the use of a fluorometer coupled to The linearity of the TriOS probe determined with a standard
an ultrasonic device to break the colonies and filaments and even solution of PC was highly significant (R2 ¼ 0.998, P < 0.0001;
cause cell lysis has been proposed in which a sonication of Fig. 1c). Moreover, the results are near the nominal concentra-
20 minutes would increase by ten the fluorescence response at low tions expected. The differences between the probe and the 1 : 1
cell density.25 The sonication of samples prior to the reading of relationship were of 30% or less in the concentration range 5 to
fluorescence could thus substantially decrease the MDL. Such an 150 mg L1. When the exercise was done with a culture of M.
approach has the potential to increase sensitivity and reduce aeruginosa, the linearity was also highly significant
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

variability related to the morphological diversity of cyanobac- (R2 ¼ 0.999, P < 0.0001) for intracellular PC concentrations of
teria. However, sonication is not easily applicable in the field. about 1 ng per cell (Fig. 1d).

Repeatability and accuracy

The repeatability of measurements was excellent for both probes
Overall, the linearity of both probes was excellent with (Table 3). The coefficients of variation (CV) of the YSI probe
M. aeruginosa cultures in controlled conditions in the laboratory. calibrated by the manufacturer are of 2.0 and 1.1% depending on
With the manufacturer’s calibration, the linear regression the cell density measured. However, the results show relatively
between cell density measured by microscopy in the range 0 to large differences between the probe and the nominal values
100 000 cells mL1 and the density determined with the YSI determined by microscopy (the probe overestimated cell density
probe was highly significant (R2 ¼ 0.996, P < 0.0001; Fig. 1a). by 38 and 59%, respectively at 30 000 and 60 000 cell mL1). The
The linearity was also very good even if only the range CV of the TriOS probe varied between 1.2 and 4.8% depending
0 to 10 000 cells mL1 was considered (R2 ¼ 0.951, P ¼ 0.0001; on the type of sample used. Although the TriOS probe response
data not shown). However, this calibration of the YSI probe was more variable than that of the YSI probe, it proved to be
leads to results that are largely underestimated (by 70 to 93%) in more accurate (with differences with ‘‘true’’ values lower or equal
comparison to values determined by microscopy. to 15%) in comparison to the YSI probe even if this last one was
When the YSI probe was calibrated with cyanobacteria at calibrated with M. aeruginosa. Considering this aspect, the TriOS
densities of 5000 and 25 000 cells mL1, the linear regressions probe appears more efficient than the YSI probe, although it is
were again highly significant in the range 0 to 100 000 cells mL1 also possible that the use of pure PC extracts artificially
(R2 > 0.993, P < 0.0001; Fig. 1b). When considering the rela- improved its accuracy.
tionship in the range 0 to 10 000 cells mL1 only, R2 was similar
as for the entire range for the calibration done at 5000 cells mL1.
Validation of probes with field samples
However, it was slightly lower for the calibration done at
25 000 cells mL1 (R2 ¼ 0.815, P ¼ 0.0009; data not shown). In 2008 and 2009, the in vivo fluorescence of PC measured by
According to our results, the probe seems more efficient when it both probes was strongly related to the cell density and to
is calibrated at 5000 cells mL1 in comparison with a calibration the total cyanobacterial biovolume measured by microscopy
at 25 000 cells mL1. Moreover, the calibration with (R2 > 0.705, P < 0.0001; Fig. 2). However, the differences

Table 3 Repeatability and accuracy of the YSI and TriOS probes. N ¼ number of replicates; SD ¼ standard deviation; and CV ¼ coefficient of

Mean SD CV Repeatability Accuracy

YSI probe N Cells mL1 % Cells mL1 %

30 000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 41 401 832 2.0 44 401  540 +38
65 000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 103 451 122 1.1 103 451  802 +59

Mean SD CV Repeatability Accuracy

TriOS probe N mg L1 of PC % mg L1 of PC %

30 000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 30 0.49 1.6 30  0.32 na

75 000 cells mL1 of M. aeruginosa 10 59 0.71 1.2 59  0.51 na
Standard solution of PC at 20 mg L1 10 23 1.1 4.8 23  0.71 +15
Standard solution of PC at 75 mg L1 10 69 2.4 3.5 69  1.6 8.4

114 | J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 110–118 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38. View Article Online

Fig. 2 Relationships between the YSI probe in 2008–2009 for field samples and (a) the cell density measured by microscopy; (b) the biovolume
measured by microscopy; and relationships between the TriOS probe in 2009 and (c) the cell density measured by microscopy; and (d) the biovolume
measured by microscopy (the dotted line indicates 1 : 1 relationship).

between YSI probe and microscopy results varied from 97 to microscopic analysis (Aphanothece, Aphanocapsa, Cyanodictyon,
1239% in 2008 and from 93 to 890% in 2009. For the TriOS Merismopedia, Planktolyngbya, Limnothrix, Phormidium and
probe, the relationships had slightly higher R2 by comparison to Synechococcus) have been removed from the data series. It was
the YSI probe. TriOS accuracy with field samples cannot be found that the withdrawal of these genera did not affect R2 values
assessed because the PC concentrations were not determined by between the total cyanobacterial biovolume and both probe
a reference method (e.g., with pigment extraction and spectros- estimations, suggesting their small contribution to the total cya-
copy). nobacterial biovolume. However, for the relationships with cell
The samples for which density was underestimated by the YSI density, the withdrawal of the picocyanobacteria genera dimin-
probe contained in most cases less than 30 000 cells mL1 while ished the R2 values for both probes (R2 ¼ 0.655 YSI, 0.610 TriOS)
the overestimated densities were observed in samples having (data not shown). This diminution is clearly due to samples
more than 30 000 cells mL1 (Fig. 2a). The underestimated dominated by picocyanobacteria. In this regard, it may be wise to
samples generally exhibited diverse communities of cyanobac- use the YSI raw data (in relative fluorescence units) instead of the
teria, including picocyanobacteria that are often dominant in result transformed in cells per mL since the raw data are directly
terms of abundance. Inversely, the overestimated samples often related to the quantity of PC and then to the total cyanobacterial
contained bloom-forming species dominated by one or two biovolume, the same way as for the TriOS probe. In addition to
genera and where picocyanobacteria were rarely identified. This the variability in cell volume of different genera of cyanobacteria
dominance of picocyanobacteria in samples of low density is also and the possible effect of turbidity, there are several other factors
reflected in the relationship between the in vivo fluorescence that may influence the in vivo fluorescence of PC. They comprise
measured with the YSI probe and the total cyanobacterial bio- the growth stage of cyanobacteria,28 the level of light saturation,29
volume in 2008–2009 (Fig. 2b) where nearly 15% of samples the aggregation of cells into colonies more or less voluminous,25,30
containing a total cyanobacterial biovolume that was very small. and the historical conditions of light and nutrients.31,32
It is possible that picocyanobacteria have been underestimated in Because in vivo PC fluorescence measurements are qualitative
samples with the presence of bloom-forming species. Moreover, in the absence of data correction following post-calibration, it
no false-positives of PC have been observed in this study but can be difficult to evaluate whether or not a decisional threshold
some authors have reported false-positives in the presence of is reached. However, some authors suggested management
high turbidity.27 thresholds based on PC levels for the determination of the
In order to better understand the effect of picocyanobacteria on appropriate sampling frequency.8 Some also suggested using
the relationships observed, linear regressions have also been direct PC thresholds (measured in the laboratory with a spec-
applied after the picocyanobacteria genera quantified by trophotometer) but they warn of the need to give special

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attention to samples having an in vivo fluorescence near the dominated by Microcystis or a mixture of Anabaena and Apha-
management threshold given the variability between probes in nothece. The latter potentially results in an average cell volume
terms of reliability and calibration.33 In the context of optimi- similar to the one of M. aeruginosa used for the calibration of the
zation of field sampling, the PC in vivo fluorescence could be used instrument in the laboratory.
as criteria to decide whether or not a sample should be taken for In 2009, measurements obtained on filtrated samples indicated
identification and enumeration of cyanobacteria by microscopic the presence of extracellular PC in many samples. There are
analysis in the laboratory. Given the qualitative aspect of the significant relationships between the fluorescence signal in the
measures of PC, a threshold corresponding to a density of 15 000 filtrate measured by the YSI probe and the cell density
cells mL1 of cyanobacteria or about 15 mg PC L1 seems (R2 ¼ 0.600, P < 0.0001; data not shown) or total cyanobacterial
appropriate as decision criteria, as one of the management biovolume (R2 ¼ 0.733, P < 0.0001; Fig. 4a), as well as for the
thresholds is 20 000 cells mL1. However, a more precise vali- TriOS probe signal with cell density (R2 ¼ 0.570, P < 0.0001; data
dation is needed near the threshold value of 20 000 cells mL1, not shown) or total cyanobacterial biovolume (R2 ¼ 0.725,
especially for the YSI probe. Also, the combined use of PC in vivo P < 0.0001; Fig. 4b). On average, 21 to 25% of the fluorescence
fluorescence and cyanotoxins screening tests (microcystins strip signal was related to the filtrate, and therefore to extracellular
test34) seems optimal by avoiding false negative (i.e., detectable PC. The variations of the filtrate fluorescence signal were
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

presence of cyanotoxins with low density of cyanobacteria or important between samples and the ratio of extracellular PC to
conversely high density of cyanobacteria and no cyanotoxins intracellular PC varied from 1 to 100%. In some cases, the whole
detection). The latter immunochromatographic strip test is being PC signal was therefore extracellular. Interferences caused by
already tested in the Government of Quebec Management Plan. varying concentrations of chromophoric dissolved organic
The simultaneous variations of both probes with the cell matter may have contributed to the fluorescence of filtrates.
densities and total cyanobacterial biovolume measured by However, the relationship between the filtrate PC signal and total
microscopy are illustrated in Fig. 3. The curves show a close cyanobacterial biovolume suggests that the fluorescence was
agreement between probe estimations and the total cyano- indeed related to the extracellular PC released by lysed cells of
bacterial biovolume. However, differences sometimes exceeding cyanobacteria. This observation raises questions on the expres-
an order of magnitude are seen between cell densities estimated sion of the YSI results in terms of cells mL1 because the extra-
with the YSI probe and those measured by microscopy. The cellular PC is included in the computed abundance.
samples for which the YSI probe presented a good accuracy were Measurement of the in vivo fluorescence must be interpreted in

Fig. 3 Comparison between the cell density of field samples and the biovolume measured by microscopy: (a) the YSI probe for 2008–2009 and (b) the
TriOS probe for 2009.

116 | J. Environ. Monit., 2011, 13, 110–118 This journal is ª The Royal Society of Chemistry 2011
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Fig. 4 Relationships between the fluorescence of the filtrate of field samples and the biovolume measured by microscopy for (a) the YSI probe in 2008–
2009 and (b) the TriOS probe in 2009.
Published on 26 October 2010. Downloaded on 30/10/2014 12:48:38.

terms of total PC and the subtraction of a field blank obtained qualitative if no correction is applied following a post-calibra-
from filtered samples will allow an estimate of intracellular PC. tion, as suggested by the manufacturer.
The presence of extracellular PC has already been raised as The TriOS probe appears interesting for monitoring cyano-
a hypothesis to explain some data showing no apparent rela- bacterial blooms because of its ease of use, its reliability and its
tionship with cell density.8 No relationship could be established expression of the results in terms of PC concentration which is
between the presence of extracellular PC and the cyanobacteria not biased by the variability of cell volume. However, thresholds
genera observed or the time of the year. However, in some cases generally used in management plans are in cells per mL which
where the extracellular PC was elevated, high densities of the disadvantages the TriOS probe as this provides results in terms of
genus Anabaena were observed. concentration of PC. The advantage of using a multi-probe
During the two years of the study, cyanotoxins have been system such as proposed by YSI, where for example data on
identified in 36 of the 91 samples. When all samples were water temperature, dissolved oxygen, total chlorophyll-a and
considered, no relationship was established between the PC are collected simultaneously, is certainly considerable and
concentration of cyanotoxins and the cell density (R2 ¼ 0.235) or should also be taken into account in monitoring studies.41
the total cyanobacterial biovolume (R2 ¼ 0.198) or with the Improvement of converting equations provided by manufac-
probe estimations (R2 ¼ 0.172 and 0.161, respectively for the YSI turers is needed. The lack of quantitative relationship between
and the TriOS probes). This result confirms that there is no direct cyanobacteria and cyanotoxin concentrations shows that these
link between the presence of cyanobacteria and the cyanotoxin two parameters must be used in a complementary way to manage
concentrations measured. It is known that the gene expression risk appropriately.
for microcystin or other toxin production may vary from one
strain to another.35 The activation of these genes is also strongly
influenced by environmental conditions, such as the concentra-
tions of nitrogen and phosphorus.36–38 Moreover, there is a wide The authors would like to thank Ga€elle Triffault-Bouchet for her
range of cyanotoxin types39 and many are not currently quanti- support to the revision of the document. They also want to thank
fied. This could also contribute to the weakness of the relation- all the people from the different regional divisions of the ministry
ship between in vivo PC fluorescence and the concentrations of for their contribution to the field sampling.
cyanotoxins. A genomic approach has been proposed to distin-
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