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Name: Michael Angelo D.

Dagpin BEED -4
Field Study 2: Learning Episode 17
Using Traditional and Authentic Types of Assessment for Formative and Summative
Participate and Assist
(Note to Student Teacher: As you participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in
giving traditional and authentic forms of assessment for formative summative purposes,
please take note of what you are expected to give more attention to as asked in NOTICE,
the next step.)
1. Confer with your Cooperating Teacher about the lessons for the week or better still study your
Cooperating Teacher’s lesson plans for the week. This may also be done face-to-face or online.
2. Ask your Cooperating Teacher what you can do to assist him/her in the assessment phase of
the lesson, e.g. contribute/formulate assessment tasks, supervise students as they do assessment

1. Take notice of:
 the alignment of the different assessment task/s both paper-and-pencil (traditional) and
non-paper-and pencil tests (authentic) used to assess the learning outcomes.
 the quality of both traditional and authentic assessment tasks used (if constructed in
accordance with principles of test construction/assessment task development.
 the students’ comments/reaction/response/behaviour while doing both traditional and
authentic assessment tasks
 the CT’s comments/reaction/response/behavior while giving both traditional and
authentic assessment tasks.
 the assessment tasks used for formative purposes (to ensure lesson understanding and
mastery) and for summative (grading) purposes
 your own feelings and thoughts as you assisted your CT:
- Formulate the assessment tasks.
- Administer the assessment.

1. Are the assessment tasks aligned with the learning outcomes?
The learning activities created to attain the learning outcomes are aligned with the
instructional techniques and evaluation.
2. Did teacher make use both traditional and authentic assessment tasks?
Teachers concur that grading and administering traditional exams are certainly simplier.
From it, they gain a lot. It happens quickly for results to be created.
3. Are the traditional and authentic assessment tasks (written tests) formulated in accordance
with principles of test construction?
In contrast to traditional assessment, which involves students selecting an answer, genuine
assessment pushes students to perform a task using the object they are given. Even when
traditional evaluation is generated, everyday evaluation occurs. Alternative to honest
assessment is conventional evaluation.

4. Were the assessment tasks for formative purposes also used for summative purposes? Why or
why not?
Formative assessment is more of a partnership between the teacher and the students to
guide and lead the learning, as opposed to summative evaluation, which is often employed
as a quantitative measure of what students know or can remember at the end of a period.
They can be combined to achieve a single objective.

5. Where were assessment results students better - in the results of traditional or authentic
Comparing authentic evaluations to standard or conventional testing has various
advantages. They are more likely to be accurate than standard tests, particularly for
learning objectives that call for higher-order cognitive abilities.

6. Which assessment activity/activities did the students like more? Like least? Why?
The use of information-gathering techniques, strategic questioning, giving feedback, and
introducing peer and self-evaluation are all enjoyable assessment activities for students.
How can I make the assessment process more meaningful to and more acceptable to
Think about it first. Make sure that the exam focuses mostly on the key ideas and abilities
that were stressed in class throughout the unit. Follow the student outcomes and learning
objectives as a guide. Give students a set of precise performance evaluation standards.

Write Action Research Prompts

1. One thing/Some things that went well is/are in the development/use/administration of
assessment tasks are
The design, implementation, and administration of the assessment task had one or more
successful components. provide a challenge for all types of pupils being evaluated, directly
relate to the aims of the learner or a particular learning objective, and include defined and
understandable evaluation criteria. Equal treatment of all children, especially those with
special needs, is another requirement.

2. One thing/Some things is/are that did not go very well in the development/use/
administration of assessment tasks are…
If students perform poorly on an examination, it may demotivate them to take more tests in
the future. They are continually assessed, which gives them a better understanding of the
student's current level and how to progress.

This part of the assessment process went well because…The learning outcomes are
precisely defined and identified.

This part of the assessment process did not go well because…it ignore to analyze the
assessments' conclusions.
To ensure that the assessment process serves its purpose, to help students learn, I will
read researchers on…or view video on…to ensure that the evaluation process achieves its
objective of supporting students in learning. Providing students with Assessment Process

To help improve assessment practice, I would like to conduct an action research on…I
wish to do an action research study to improve evaluation procedures. helping educators
evaluate their own performance and enhance their work.

Check for Mastery

Direction: Select the letter of the correct answer.
1. Teacher C made her students write a paragraph about their favorite food to check their ability
to pronounce words correctly, her intended learning outcome. Is the assessment task aligned with
the assessment task?
A. Yes
B. No
C. Somewhat
D. Almost
2. Here is an intended learning outcome: “To illustrate the principle of law and demand with a
concrete example.” Which assessment task is aligned with the learning outcome?
A. Give a concrete example to illustrate the principle of law and demand.
B. Illustrate with a diagram the law of supply and demand.
C. Chat is the law of supply and demand? Explain.
D. Is the law of supply and demands true at all times? Support your answer.
3. Here is a completion test: ______ is an example of an invertebrate. Is the completion test in
accordance with the principles of test construction?
A. Yes.
B. Somewhat
C. No.
D. Yes, it is specific.
4. For the course on Practice Teaching/Teaching Internship, the College Supervisor of student
teachers required each student intern to compile his/her lesson plans with comments from their
Cooperating Teachers and to write their reflections and lessons learned. Which type of
assessment are the student interns required?
A. Process
B. Product
C. Project
D. Portfolio
5. Teacher rated students’ project against 5 criteria which she explained to her students before
they worked on their projects. Which type of rubric did Teacher use to assess her students’
A. Holistic rubric
B. Analytic rubric
C. Scoring rubric
D. Descriptive rubric

Work on my Artifacts
Compile samples of traditional and authentic assessment tasks used in the classes you
observed. Include your annotations/improvements on the assessment tasks.
Traditional evaluations include examinations like quizzes, reports, essays, multiple-choice
questions, and unit tests. Learning management systems (LMSs) like Blackboard, D2L
Brightspace, and Moodle are examples of virtual learning environments that frequently use
traditional evaluation techniques.

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