PE Reviewer

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Dance- the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given

space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking
delight in the movement itself.
Folk Dance- a type of dance that is a vernacular, usually recreational, expression of a past
or present culture.
Ritual Dance- combine improvisational movement, music and ritual for a specific, shared
Life-cycle Dance- which celebrate an individual's birth, baptism, courtship, wedding,
and demise; and the occupational dances, which transform defense and livelihood
Occupational Dance- depict the lifestyle and daily work of the people living in various
topographies. The fishing villages from north to south of the archipelago developed folk
dances depicting their customs in the workplace.
Muslim Dance- Dervish dancing. There is one outstanding example of pure dance: that of
the whirling dervishes, an art that has been practiced since the 13th century. 
Ballet- ballet, theatrical dance in which a formal academic dance technique—the danse
d'école—is combined with other artistic elements such as music, costume, and stage scenery.
The academic technique itself is also known as ballet.
Locking- is a style of funk dance, which is today also associated with hip hop. The name is
based on the concept of locking movements, which means freezing from a fast movement
and "locking" in a certain position, holding that position for a short while and then
continuing at the same speed as before.
Burian (1963)- Burian (1963) further affirms that, "Ballet is an artistic, programmatic,
scenic dance accompanied by music"
Game Dance- are a category of video games that require the player to move their body
rhythmically to music.
Street Dance- is a type of dance genre that came to being outside the traditional dance
Classical Dance- form characterized by grace and precision of movement and by elaborate
formal gestures, steps, and poses.
Contemporary Ballet- is a genre of dance that incorporates elements of classical ballet and
modern dance.
Floor craft- is the art of adapting your dance to what your surroundings permit, the dance
floor and the other couples around you. The skill in ballroom dancing of navigating around
the dance floor in the most effective way possible.
Haskell (1965)- Ballet, according to Haskell (`1965), "combination of the arts of dancing,
poetry, music and planting"
Dance sports- is what used to be referred to as competitive Ballroom Dancing, renamed to
suit its modern image as a demanding sport.

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