Internal Diseases OSCE (Module Form) (1) - Copy-1

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Student`s name:… ananya rai

Group №:9b ,subgroup 26

Teacher`s (patient`s) name: natalia mam

4 questions (after anamnesis and examination):

1. Which organ and system are affected? …

Head, Central Nervous System
2. What are 5 possible diagnoses for D/D?

• Pro: want to avoid physical activity, headache is frequent
• Cons: dull aching pain, throbbing, moderate, pulsating
2)Tension-Type Headache
• Pro: band like and bilateral, pressing or tightening, feels like band around head, wants to
avoid physical activity, consistent without throbbing, responsive to over-counter treatment
• Cons: mild to moderate

3)Subarachnoid hemorrhage
• Pro: deep pain in head , sudden onset of headache
• Cons:no blurred/double vision, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting or loss of consciousness

4)Sinus headache
• Pro: deep pain, pain gets worse with sudden movement or strainng,
• Cons: no bad taste, no facial swelling, no mucus discharge,

5)Cluster Headache
• Pro: severe headache, pain in frontal side of head
• Cons: dull aching pain, pulsating, short duration, unilateral, lacrimation

3. Which risk factors are connected with the main syndrome?...

It can be Family history, affect Daily Routine, person may overuse Medication

4. Which special features are connected with the main syndrome?...

Age Factor, same headache same pattern, family history, patient can’t focus on daily things and
activities due of the intensity of the pain, Bilateral, aching or pressure, Tightening

Preliminary diagnosis:.. Stress, Lack of sleep, Severity is moderate, Pain doesn’t radiate, in
Frontal part of head

Management Plan (if needed)…

Treatment Plan: it will be treated with combination of healthy habits and medication
Medications: the drugs aspirin, ibuprofen

Lifestyle modification: Eat nutritious food, Exercise normally, Sleep Regularly for minimum 6-
8hours, Try to solve your personal or professional problems don’t layaside

Final differential diagnosis (due to etiology)

V (vascular) –yes

І (infection) – no

Т (traumatic) – no

А (autoimune) – no

М (metabolic) – no

І (idiopathic) – no

N (neoplasm) – no

I (iatrogenic) – no

С (congenital)– no

D (degenerative)– no

Е (endocrine) – no

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