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Name: Rodrigo Antonio Mota Martínez

Career: Customs and Logistics

Matter: Inglés lll

Fourth semester. Group: 04ALXMA_7s-1

Unit 2. Video Journal

Master: Rodrigo Alonso Bayardi Aispuro

Date: September 26, 2021

Unit 2. Video Journal

Link de video

Legends= stories about the past

Waves= movement on wáter
Missionary= a person who brings a new religion to a country
Suprised= when you don`t expect something
Judge= a person who decides which person is the winner.

☑1. Juan and Maria are together aging. I`m suprised !

☑2.Old people tell legends to young children.

☑3. My uncle is a missionary in Africa

☑4. Itis dangerous to swim here. The waves are very big.

☑5. The Judge is wrong! I am the winner.

A. Watch the video. Number the sentences in the correct order

☑. 3 But some Hawaiian people dance the hula in secret

☑. 1 The hula started 300 years ago.

☑. 2 The missionaries asked the queen of Hawaii to stop the dance.

☑. 5 The hula dancers take part in a festival every year.

☑. 4 Today there are special schools where people learn the hula.

1. The hula is 300 year old.

A. 300
B. 3000

2. The girls in the legend copy the waves.

A. Waves
B. Trees

3. The missionaries were surprised .

A. Surprised
B. Interested

4. The dancers have to practice for many hours before they can perform.
A. Days
B. Hours

5. The judges look at the dancers costumes .

A. Hair
B. Costumes

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