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Nowadays everyone knows about celebrities because of the luxurious

lifestyle that they have. However, they not only stand out for that, the bad
behavior of some artists has been the cover scandal in many media more than

Firstly, some of the famous have great recognition for their excellent work
in acting, singing or games, but their bad habits and scandals make that great
image fall to the ground. For example, abuse of women and drug addiction
are the most common and horrible problems in the world of artists.

Furthermore, the lack of values is the main reason why these problems
occur in celebrities, the pressure and stress make them fall into drug
addiction, becoming increasingly aggressive even with their own fans.

Finally, acting in such a way not only causes damage to them and their
career, they also give a bad example for their fans and the people around
them trying to support them.

To sum up, artists with these kinds of problems must seek professional help
to help them control stress and improve their mental health so that they are
not bad role models.

186 words

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