DLP - Subtraction

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Detailed Lesson Plan for Mathematics

(Grade 3)


At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

a. Know how to subtract 2 to 3-digit numbers;

b. understand the steps of subtracting 2 and 3-digit numbers;

c. appreciate the use of subtraction in the daily life.

Subject Matter: Subtraction of two to three digit numbers.

References: https://www.cuemath.com/numbers/subtraction/,


Materials: Powerpoint Presentation

Video Presentation



A. Greetings:

Good Morning, Children!

- Good Morning too, Teacher

How are you today?

-We are fine, Teacher.


B. Prayer

Remain standing and let us have a prayer first.

__________,come in front and you lead the prayer.

- Yes, Teacher.

-Okay, classmate. Let us bow down our head and




Good morning once again, Children.

C. Motivation Activities:

Are you ready for our lesson today, children?

-Yes, Teacher.
Let us have an exercise first!

Let us sing, "Pinnochio exercise".

I'll go first, and then you follow after me, okay?


(Singing and dancing)

-Yes, Teacher!

Awesome, children! Now we all have the energy to (Children following)

learn a new lesson. Let's clap our hands together!

(Children clapping)
Before you take your sit, look around you first for
some garbage. If you see one, pick it up and throw
it in the trash can.

Very well, children!

- Yes, Teacher.

D. Classroom rules:

Before we begin, I will remind you our classroom

rules and regulations so listen carefully, children.

Listen to the teacher when he/she is


Sit still and don't make unnecessary


Raise your right hand if you want to answer

a question or you have a concern.

Do not talk in chorus unless said by a


Be polite when talking.

Be respectful towards your classmates and

your teacher.

Do you understand, children?

E. Review:

Okay, children. Anyone can tell me what was our -Yes, Teacher.
last lesson?

Okay, _________. Stand up and tell me what is it?

(Children raises their hands)

Very well.
-It was all about the story "The Subtraction,
___________, tell me what was it all about?

What were the fruits that I have shown you as an

example, children?

-It was all about how we subtract numbers, teacher.

What did we do to the bananas?

-It was a bananas, Teacher.

Yes! We ate bananas yesterday!

-We ate it, teacher.

Now, before I ask my last question. Let us all watch

this video first. Listen carefully okay?

- Yes.
My last question is, what are the parts of the

- It was Minuend, Subtrahend, and Difference,


Very good! You seem to really remember our last

lesson. Because you listened really well to our

F. Proper Discussion:

Now let's us proceed to the continuation of our


The Subtraction of two to three digit numbers.

What is 2 to 3-Digit Subtraction?

2-digit subtraction is done by placing the given

numbers into columns using their respective place
values, ones and tens. The same as the three digit
number. We just have to add the place value of

In subtraction, the number from which the other

number is subtracted is called the minuend, the
number which is to be subtracted from the minuend
is called the subtrahend. The final result after
subtracting the subtrahend from the minuend is
called the difference.

The subtraction formula is written as:

Minuend - Subtrahend = Difference.

When performing 2-digit subtraction, we mostly use

the column method. The following steps explain the
method for 2-digit subtraction.

Step 1: Place the numbers one below the other

such that the bigger number is placed up and the
smaller number is placed below it. We know that
the number that is placed up is called the minuend
and the number placed below is the subtrahend.
Step 2: The numbers need to be placed as per their
place values such that the ones digits are aligned
vertically together and the tens digits are aligned

Step 3: Start subtracting the digits from the ones

column and then move on to the tens column.

Step 4: Once the difference is obtained, the

corresponding answer is written underneath.

There are 2 type of 2-Digit Subtraction.

1. 2-Digit Subtraction without Regrouping.

2. 2-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping.

But for today, we will just tackle about the;

2-Digit Subtraction without Regrouping

2-digit subtraction without regrouping means that

the subtraction is done without borrowing. It refers
to the cases when each digit in the minuend is
bigger than the corresponding digit of the
subtrahend. Let us take an example to understand
this better.

Example: Subtract 27 from 39.

Solution: Let us solve this using the following steps.

Step 1: Arrange the numbers according to their

place value as shown below.

Step 2: Start subtracting the digits at ones place.

Since the number on top is greater than the
number at the bottom, no regrouping/borrowing is
required here. After subtracting the numbers in
ones column we get 9 - 7 = 2.

Step 3: Now, subtract the digits in the tens column

and we get the difference as 3 - 2 = 1.

Our next example: Subtract 15 to 29.

The step is the same as the first example:


2 9

- 1 5

1 4

This also applies to the 3-digit numbers.

For example: Subtract 127 to 239.

Solution: Let us solve this using the following steps.

Step 1: Arrange the numbers according to their

place value as shown below.

Step 2: Start subtracting the digits at ones place.

Since the number on top is greater than the
number at the bottom, no regrouping/borrowing is
required here. After subtracting the numbers in
ones column we get 9 - 7 = 2.

Step 3: Now, subtract the digits in the tens column

and we get the difference as 3 - 2 = 1.

Step 4: Now, subtract the digits in the hundreds

column and we get the difference as 2 - 1 = 1.


2 3 9

- 1 2 7

1 1 2

Another example: Subtract 357 to 579.


5 7 9

- 3 5 7

2 2 2

Did you understand, children? Or should I give

another example?

G. Application:

Now, I will give problems here and I want you to try

to solve it.

After that, I will call you and let you give your
answer to that given problem using the method that
I showed you.

Okay, Children?

Are you ready? -We understand, Teacher.


1. Subtract 58 to 99.

2. Subtract 45 to 68.

3. Subtract 26 to 87.
4. Subtract 566 to 989. -Yes, teacher!

5. Subtract 428 to 639.

-Yes, teacher!

Alright! Who wants to reveal his/her answer first?

You may raise your hand.

Alright, _______ reveal your answer to the number

1. (Children silently answers)

Very good! Your answer is correct! 99-58 = 41

How about the number 2, _______. Reveal your 68-45 = 23

87-26 = 61
Awesome! Your answer is also correct!
989-566 = 423
How about number 3, ________. Reveal your
answer. 639- 428 = 211

Wonderful! You are also correct!

For the number 4 I would like to call, ________. (Children raising their hand)
Reveal your answer to everyone.

Terrific! You’ve got the correct answer!

And for the last one, _______. Reveal your answer!

Very well! You also got the correct answer!

For the rest of you, did you get the right answer?

Wonderful! Clap your hands together to

congratulate yourself!

H. Generalization:

Did you understand our lesson, children?

What are the formulas of subtraction?

What are the two factors of subtraction?

What is the factor that we have discussed today?

Awesome! Very well, children. -Yes, Teacher!

(everyone clapping their hands)

I. Evaluation:

Directions: Solve the given problems of 2 and 3

digit numbers. Show your solution.

1. Subtract 12 to 23.

2. Subtract 37 to 89.
-yes, teacher!
3. Subtract 235 to 458.
-Minuend, Subtrahend, and Difference
4. Subtract 328 to 739.
-The Subtraction with regrouping and the
5. Subtract 635 to 959. subtraction without regrouping.

Alright, let us check your paper! -The subtraction without regrouping, teacher!

I will write the answer and look at your paper and

check if correct. Do you understand?
Wonderful! Congratulations, Children!

J. Assignment:

For your assignment, I want you to make your own

5 subtraction problems and solve it. Seek help to
your Siblings, Parents or Guardian. 23-12 = 11

Understand, children? 89-37 = 52

Now, before we end this class let us all stand up 458 – 325 = 133
and sing “If you’re happy and you know it clap your
hands”. I’ll go first then you follow, children. Okay? 739 – 328 = 411

959 – 635 = 324

Good bye, Children! See you again tomorrow.

-Yes, teacher!

-Yes, teacher!

(singing and dancing)


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