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Research Methods
in Psychopathology
Rullita Aristya Mintarsih, M.Psi
The Scientific A systemic method for gathering knowledge about the world around us, the
systemic is a set of way that can include a varying number of steps.

Why we need it?

All the treatment methods used by mental health professionals are based on
empirical research and the scientific method.
The Steps of the
Critical Thinking Gaps
Ask questions and be willing to Generate a research question or
wonder to assess claims made identify a problem to
by others and make objective investigate which starts with a
judgements. literature review. So that we
can find gaps or holes.
The Steps of the
Hypothesis Results
Attempt to explain the We now examine the data to see if
phenomena we wish to study the pattern we predicted exists.
based on theory and/or There are two forms of statistical
observation, becomes a testable explanation of the result. First,
prediction (hypothesis). descriptive statistics which
provide a means of summarizing
Research Design or describing data in presentable
form. Second, inferential
Test the hypothesis by choosing statistics that allow sets of
an appropriate research method numerical data to determine the
to answer our question/test our statistical significance.
The Steps of the
Conclusions Publication
Interpret the results accurately Communicate our findings to
and not overstate the findings. the broader scientific
We must be aware of our biases community. We need to share
and avoid emotional reasoning this information with others wo
so not cloud the judgement. that they might comment
critically on our methodology,
statistical analyses, and
conclusions. They also allows to
replication or repeating the
Three Cardinal Features
Observable behavior

Causal or cause and effect statements

Pre-post test design
Naturalistic and Laboratory
Naturalistic Observation, in its natural environment
setting, but it could take a long time for the behavior to

Laboratory Observation, in laboratory setting, but their

behavior could become artificial.
Case Studies
Utilize a detailed description of one person or small group
but lacking generalizability.
Survey/Self-Report Data
This is a questionnaire consisting at least one scale with
some questions used to assess a psychological construct of
interest. But, the actual survey could be tedious for the
participant or they might be answers questions
Correlational Research
examines the relationship between two variables or two
groups of variables, positive or negative correlation, but
this method does not allow you to make a causal
This is a controlled test of a hypothesis in which the
researcher manipulates one variable and measures its
effect on another variable.
Independent Variable (IV) = the manipulated variable
Dependent Variable (DV) = the one that measured or
In this method there are control group and experiment
Multi-method Research
Provide the most precise method of what will affecting
behavior or mental processes better with typically using
several approaches and different stages.
" Five Principles for
Research Ethics
Intellectual property (authenticity)
Multiple roles
Informed consent
Confidentiality and privacy
Conflict of interest
Thank You

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