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Mandanas, Marc Jester P.

Control Group Step 1:
Pretest Posttest Ha: There is a significant difference between the pretest and
1 2 23 posttest of the control group.
2 3 22
3 6 21 Ho: There is no significant difference between pretest and
4 3 18 posttest of the control group.
5 3 17
6 4 19 Step 2:
7 5 21 Piared T-test A = 0.05
8 3 17 XB > XA 1-Tailed
9 2 21
10 7 23
11 6 22
12 5 22 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
13 4 19
14 3 14 Pretest Posttest
15 4 18 Mean 3.72 20.44
16 2 20 Variance 2.376667 5.923333
17 4 19 Observatio 25 25
18 6 21 Pooled Var 4.15
19 4 19 Hypothesiz 0
20 4 21 df 48
21 3 24 t Stat -29.01798
22 2 23 P(T<=t) one2.155E-32
23 2 24 t Critical o 1.677224
24 1 21 P(T<=t) two 4.31E-32
25 5 22 t Critical t 2.010635

Step 3:
Group Test n mean sd t-value p-value Ho V.I.
Pretest 25 3.72 1.54
Control Group -29.01 0.0000 Reject Significant
Posttest 25 20.44 5

Step 4:
Reject Ho
Step 5:
Ha: There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttes of the control group.
Experimental Group Step 1:
Pretest Posttest Ha: There is a significant difference between the pretest and
1 3 23 posttest of the expiremental group
2 3 24
3 6 24 Ho: There is no significant difference between the pretest and
4 4 21 posttest of the expiremental group
5 2 21
6 2 22 Step 2:
7 2 23 Piared T-test A = 0.05
8 3 21 XB > XA 1-Tailed
9 3 20
10 3 25 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
11 4 24
12 3 23 Pretest Posttest
13 3 22 Mean 3.8 22.83333
14 4 21 Variance 1.833333 3.971014
15 4 24 Observatio 25 24
16 3 23 Pooled Var 2.879433
17 4 26 Hypothesiz 0
18 4 24 df 47
19 4 23 t Stat -39.24994
20 5 22 P(T<=t) one7.014E-38
21 3 21 t Critical o 1.677927
22 5 24 P(T<=t) two1.403E-37
23 5 28 t Critical t 2.011741
24 5 19
25 8 23

Step 3:
Group Test n mean sd t-value p-value Ho V.I
Experimental Pretest 25 3.8 1.35
-39.25 0.000 Reject Significant
Group Posttest 25 22.83 1.99

Step 4:
Reject Ho
Step 5:
Ha: There is a significant difference between the pretest and posttest of the expiremental group
Control Group Experimental Group Step 1:
Posttest Posttest Ha: There is a significant difference between the
posttest of the control group and expiremental
1 23 23 1 group
2 22 24 2
3 21 24 3 Ho: There is no significant difference between the
posttest of the control group and expiremental
4 18 21 4 group
5 17 21 5
6 19 22 6 Step 2:
7 21 23 7 Piared T-test A = 0.05
8 17 21 8 XB > XA 1-Tailed
9 21 20 9
10 23 25 10 t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances
11 22 24 11
12 22 23 12 Posttest Posttest
13 19 22 13 Mean 20.44 22.84
14 14 21 14 Variance 5.923333 3.806667
15 18 24 15 Observatio 25 25
16 20 23 16 Pooled Var 4.865
17 19 26 17 Hypothesiz 0
18 21 24 18 df 48
19 19 23 19 t Stat -3.847023
20 21 22 20 P(T<=t) one0.000176
21 24 21 21 t Critical o 1.677224
22 23 24 22 P(T<=t) two0.000352
23 24 28 23 t Critical t 2.010635
24 21 19 24
25 22 23 25

Step 3:
Group n mean sd t-value p-value Ho V.I.
Control 25 20.44 2.43379
-3.847 0.000 Reject Significant
Expiremental 25 22.84 1.951068

Step 4:
Reject Ho
Step 5:
Ho: There is a significant difference between the posttest of the control group and expiremental
Older Younger Step 1:
1 45 34 Ha: There is a significant difference between the younger and
2 38 22 older adults on perceived life satisfaction.
3 52 15
4 48 27 Ho: There is no significant difference between the younger
5 25 37 and older adults on perceived life satisfaction.
6 39 41
7 51 24 Step 2:
8 46 19 Piared T-test A = 0.05
9 55 26 XB > XA 1-Tailed
10 46 36

Step 3:
Group n mean sd t-value p-value Ho V.I
Older 10 44.5 8.682678 4.257 0.000 Reject Significant
Younger 10 28.1 8.543353

Step 4:
Reject Ho
Step 5:
Ha: There is a significant difference between the younger and older adults on perceived life
t-Test: Two-Sample Assuming Equal Variances

Older Younger
Mean 44.5 28.1
Variance 75.38889 72.98889
Observatio 10 10
Pooled Var 74.18889
Hypothesiz 0
df 18
t Stat 4.257547
P(T<=t) one0.000237
t Critical o 1.734064
P(T<=t) two0.000474
t Critical t 2.100922

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