Endorsed Mini Project Oct21 Feb22 Student Ver (With Rubric)

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ECS338 : MINI PROJECT (OCT 2021 – FEB2022)



Diploma in Civil Engineering (EC110)
ECS338 –Structural Concrete & Steel Design
Sem: OCT 2021 – FEB 2022

CO1: Analyse reinforced concrete and steel sections in accordance with the relevant
standards. (C4)
CO2: Design solution for concrete and steel structures with appropriate consideration for
public safety and environmental. (C5)
CO3: Display appropriate techniques to reinforced concrete structure and steel
design problems with an awareness of the limitations. (P5)

PO2/PLO3: Identify and analyse well-defined engineering problems reaching
substantiated conclusions using codified methods of analysis specific to their
field of activity.
PO3/PLO3: Design solutions for well-defined technical problems and assist with the
design of systems, components or processes to meet specified needs with
appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and
environmental considerations.
PO4/PLO2: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems; locate and search
relevant codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and

Student should be able:
1. To identify the problems and search for relevant design data, catalogues and standard
codes of practices to complete the task (CO3PO4)
2. To use analyze and perform the design calculation in accordance to the relevant
standard (CO3PO4)
3. To demonstrate the ability to interpret and transfer design solution using modern
engineering and IT tools to well-defined engineering problems completing the task
ECS338 : MINI PROJECT (OCT 2021 – FEB2022)


Activity (D)-I-O
Structure Structured
Solution Known
Team Small team
Duration 4 weeks

Problem Solving

1. This activity requires a small group of students to propose suitable member sizes for an
open-spaced spaced industrial structure with reference to available catalogue by
specific manufacturer.
2. Students are required to perform a complete checking for all relevant structural steel
members in accordance to EC3.
3. All findings must be presented in the form of a poster with complete structural drawing
via Computer Aided Design (CAD) software (i.e. AutoCAD).

The assessment is to be carried out through the designated time frame of 4 weeks. Students
must submit the task given by end of Week 14. Students are required to submit the task in a
poster format (PDF file) that consists all related information and prepare for a short
presentation of 10 minutes.

1. Students are required to form a group of 3 to 4 person.
2. Students are required to find relevant steel catalogue from local steel manufacturers.
3. Students are required to design 1 steel beam, 1 steel column, 1 steel connection and 1
pad footing.
4. Students are required to present the progress of the work every week until completion of
the design.

You are working as an assistant engineer at XXXX Sdn Bhd. (give your own name) that
specializes in structural steel design. Your company were assigned to propose a design of
an open-spaced industrial structure.

The main structural system of an industrial structure is composed of a roof truss as shown in
Figure 1, with a span equal to L = n x S, where n, is the number of truss panels and S, is the
ECS338 : MINI PROJECT (OCT 2021 – FEB2022)

width of each panel. The structure has also an intermediate floor with a span equal L/2 that
is covered with concrete slab supported by steel beams. The main structural system is
repeated with 4 equal spacings of B value. You and your team are required to:
1) Determine the ultimate vertical loads on the roof truss and R.C floor.
2) Propose suitable sizes/dimensions for steel beam (1 / B – C), steel column and a
beam-column connection by conducting appropriate checking on axis C.
3) Draw the details of the frame by using AutoCAD or any suitable software in one title
block and take a video with duration of less than 2 minutes while using the software.
4) Prepare a poster for 10 minutes presentation that consists of the proposed design.

Figure 1: Elevation view of the open-spaced industrial structure

Groups will be assigned for respective case in Table 1 to extract the values of n, S and
B. The following data is also to be included in your design:
Weight of steel roof sheets = 0.2 kN/m2
Self weight of purlins = 0.25 kN/m
Self weight of truss (on horizontal projection) = 0.3 kN/m2
Live load on roof (on horizontal projection) = 0.5 kN/m2
R.C slab thickness = 150 mm
Live load on intermediate R.C floor = 2 kN/m2

Table 1: The respective values of n, S and B for each cases

Case n S B
1 4 2.0 m 6.0 m
2 5 2.5 m 5.5 m
3 6 2.0 m 4.0 m
4 7 2.5m 4.5 m
5 8 2.0 m 5.0 m
Diploma in Civil Engineering (EC110)
ECS338 –Structural Concrete & Steel Design

MINI PROJECT - Structural Concrete & Steel Design

Sem: OCT 2021 – FEB 2022

LECTURER : _______________________________
GROUP : _______________________________


Students are obligated to the following declaration in submitting the task given:

“I hereby declare that all online submissions are based on my original efforts, not
plagiarized from any source(s), nor attempting to or communicate by using any form of
communication with any other person during the online assessment period. I am fully
aware that candidates who are suspected of violating this pledge are liable to be
referred to the Disciplinary Committee of the Faculty”


Endorsed by: Data Collection


Interpret Design

Project Execution

Resource Person ECS338

10/1/2022 TOTAL MARKS
CO3: Display appropriate techniques to
reinforced concrete structure and steel PO4: Conduct investigations of well-defined problems; locate and search relevant
CO statement PO statement Well-defined
design problems with an awareness of the codes and catalogues, conduct standard tests and measurements.
limitations. (P5)

Demonstrate ability to develop a procedure for investigating well defined problem, decide what data , catalogue and standard codes of practices to gather, and interpret and perform design procedures in order to
propose viable solutions by considering engineering limitations.

Criteria 1 (E, F) 2 (D, D+,C-) 3 (C, C+) 4 (B-, B, B+) 5 (A-, A, A+)

Level Identify the problems and search for relevant design data, catalogues and standards codes of practices to solve the problem.

Satisfactory data gathering with enough Correct data gathering with almost all Comprehensive data gathering with
Unable to gather data, Not enough data gathering with a lot of
design data, catalogues and design design data, catalogues and design complete design data, catalogues and design
PI/P2 Data collections catalogues or design missing design data, catalogues and
standards is shown leading to standards presented leading to justifiable standards presented leading to justifiable
standard. standards leading to incorrect solutions.
acceptable solutions. <30% missing data. solutions. <10% missing data. solutions.

Ability to use practical skill and knowledge to performed analysis and design procedures to solve the problem

Demonstrate correct procedures according Demonstrate correct procedures according to

Unable to determine the Requires assistance to ensure the correct Demonstrate correct procedures
P3 Procedures to design standard leading to reliable design standard leading to solution obtained
correct procedures procedures according to design standard
solution within less than 10% error

Ability to interpret and transfer design solution to produce a set of technical drawing

Unable to interpret and Demonstrate poor ability to interpret and Demonstrate satisfactory ability to Demonstrate good ability to interpret and
Interpret design Demonstrate strong ability to interpret and
P4 transfer design solution to transfer design solution to technical interpret and transfer design solution to transfer design solution to technical
Solution transfer design solution to technical drawings
technical drawings drawings technical drawings drawings

Ability to produce a set of technical drawing from the proposed solution to the problem

Produced a set of technical drawing

Produced a set of technical drawing which Produced a set of complete technical
Completed Unable to produce a Produced a set of technical drawing with which includes elements as in actual
P5 includes elements as in actual practices with drawing which includes all elements as in
Tasks technical drawing limited elements without title block practices with some missing parts and
small missing parts. actual practices
without title block

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