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When you read do not always know every word you read. This is normal. This is even more
normal for students reading texts in English as a second or foreign language. But you can
guess the word that you do not understand its meaning by understanding it in its context.
You can read and get an understanding of the words or phrases that come or/ and after it.
You can also try to understand the sentence structure that the word belongs to. In that way,
you can tell the kind of word it is: a noun, a conjunction, a verb, etc.

Now, study the following example. Read and guess a word to put in each space.

Henry had a wonderful birthday. His girl ___(1)___ bought him a new watch. His Brother
__(2)__ sister gave him a party. Henry’s mother ___(3)___ a special chocolate birthday
cake, and all of Henry’s good ___(4)___ came to his house. ___(5)___danced all night.
Henry ___(6)___ his birthday.

(1)______________________ (4)______________________

________________________ ________________________

(2)______________________ (5)______________________

________________________ ________________________

(3)______________________ (6)______________________

________________________ ________________________

Task 1 Completion

Read these sentences, and write the best word for each space. Then decide, what kind of
words they are.

1) Sara put on her _________ because she was cold. (___________)

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2) Roy forgot his __________ so his feet got wet in the rain (__________)

3) The teacher told us to read the _________ for home work (__________)

4) Liz takes piano lessons and she ___________ very well. (__________)

5) Dr. Diamond ____________ to go fishing (___________)

6) My school is far away, so I have to take a_______________. (____________)

7) When Henry is late for school, he ___________ all the way. (_____________)

8) Tom did not close the____________, so the room was very cold. (__________)

9) Bill’s mother _______________ breakfast every morning. (____________)

10) Sometimes Jane’s homesick, so she____________her mother in London. (_______)

Task 2 Completion

Read the following story and complete the missing words


Helen Keller was a famous American. She was a writer and a speaker. She wrote

b_____ and articles about education and politics. She t______ to every part of the world.

But surprising fact about Helen Keller i_____ this: she could not see and she could not

hear. This blind, deaf w______ was a very special person.

Helen Keller ________ not always blind and deaf. She was all right when _______

was born on June 27, 1880. But she _______ very sick the next year. After that, she was

not the same. Her parents __________ her and __________ tried to take care of her. But ot

was not easy. Her __________ could not show her what to do.

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By the time Helen was six _________ old, her parents were unhappy. _________

knew that Helen was very smart. _________ they could not teach her. They did _________

know what to do. But they knew they had to do ___________.

When Helen was seven, they decided __________ find help for Helen. They write

to Michael Anagnos, a __________ in Boston. They asked him to _________ a teacher for

Helen. He __________ to them and said: “I know ___________ good teacher for Helen.

Her name ___________ Anne Sullivan. I will send her for you.”

The Kellers were very pleased. They __________ a good teacher for Helen. Then

___________ could learn and they could all __________ happy. The teacher could show

Helen ____________ to do. She could teach Helen ___________ read to talk.

The Keller _____________ lived in the South. They had a ___________ house in a

small town in Alabama. ___________ were not rich, but they were ____________ poor.

They could pay Annie Sullivan to __________ Helen.

Helen was not a nice child to be near. She did not know how to _________ at the

table. She made strange ___________ like a bird. She sometimes hit ___________ mother

and father. She often ____________ around the house and hurt herself.

Annie Sullivan finally came to the Keller home. She come by train from Boston.

Helen’s __________ and father tried to tell Helen ___________ Annie was her friend.

They could ___________ make her understand.

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Annie began to __________ care of Helen. She tried to _____________ her She

showed Helen the names ___________ things. She wrote the words on ____________

hands. But Helen did not understand. _____________ began to feel hopeless.

Task 3 Guess the Meaning

Read each sentence. Try to guess the meaning of the word.
a) She knew her boss was a misogynist soon after she started working for him.
Guess: a misogynist is ____________________________________________________
b) It is difficult for a woman to work for a misogynist because she is never sure of the
reason of his criticism.
Guess: a misogynist is ____________________________________________________
c) She knew that no woman mould advance in his company, so she told the misogynist
that she was resigning.
Guess: a misogynist is ____________________________________________________
d) “Don’t trust him. He is the son of a quisling. During the revolution period 1945 his
father cooperated with the Dutch.”
Guess: a quisling is ______________________________________________________
e) Every time he attends a community meeting he appears lackadaisical. He is always
standing up at the back of the room with his hands folded in front of him.
Guess: lackadaisical is __________________________________________________

Task 4 Mystery Word

Read each sentence and try to guess what xxxxxx mean.
1) He was used to having many xxxxxx in his room, now his new room seems dark.
2) He studied at the library, where there were more xxxxxx.
3) The best part about xxxxxx is that you can open them in warm weather, to get a

Bahasa Inggris 2 19
4) Now, he was a little bit upset because he misses the large xxxxxx that he was used
to having.
5) He realize now that people need xxxxxx for many reasons, among others is to help
him read and get fresh air.
What is xxxxxx? _____________________________________________________

Task 5

Read this passage. Then choose the best answer. Do not stop reading, try to guess any new
words to you.
By Sandra Atherton

Acid water Theis like fish vinegar or lemon

are dying in juice.
the It
hurts when it gets
Adirondack lakesin inyour eyes. ItNew
northern also kills
State. and animalsarethat
Fishermen usually
worried. This live in to
used lake From Reading Power
be a That
favorite is whyspot the
for fish
dying But in the
every year there were fewer fish. Some 1) This passage is about a) fishing; b)
lakes -6% But ofdead fish now
them- may have
be just
at all. air pollution; c) acid rain; d)
the problem. Scientists
are beginning are worried
to get findingtoo. other scientist.
What of acid rain.
is killing the In large areas of the eastern
United States, trees areisdying.
The problem Not just
acid rain. Acidone raintree 2) Every year in the Adirondacks
is aand
kind there,
of airbut pollution.
whole It isforest.
causedAtbyfirst lakes there a) are more fish; b) are
that burn understand
coal, orwhy. oil, There
or gas. were fewer fish; c) are more factories; d)
bugs factories
or diseases in these
send smoketrees.
highThe intoweather
the is less rain.
The thewind
cause. Acidcarries
often rain is the
makingsmoke thefar earth 3) Acid rain comes from a) factories
fromacidic in these
factories. areas.ofSome
Some the kinds of trees
unhealthy that burn oil or gas; b) the northern
thingslive in earth
in the smoke thatmay
acidic.down with
part of New York area; c) the water
the rain Now scientists
hundreds are also
of miles away. beginning
This is to
whattheis effects
happening of acid in rain
the onAdirondacks.
large animals. in lakes; d) science laboratories.
For example,
There are many theyfactories
believe in thethat some deer
Midwestern 4) Factory smoke a) stays over the
Poland are are
They lesssending
healthy abecause of acid
lot of smoke into rain. factories; b) turns into air; c) is
hurt windby the rain,thewhat
blows smokeabout people?
towards usually clean now; d) can travel
NewisYorkthe question
States and many people beginning
the Adirondack area. to hundreds of miles.
ask. No one Theknows rain in thethe
answer yet. But isn’t
Adirondacks it is an 5) Acid rain a) makes lake water acid;
natural and question
clean for us all. It’s full of acid
chemicals. When it falls in the lakes. It
b) is good for flowers; c) falls
changes them too. The lakes become more mostly in the Midwestern states; d)
acidic. are becoming more acidic.
6) Plants and animals a) prefer acid
water; b) like vinegar and orange
juice; c) can’t live in acid water; d)
are becoming more acidic.
7) Scientist think acid rain a) is killing people; b) may be good for trees; c) helps kill
bugs; d) is killing trees.

Bahasa Inggris 2 20
8) No one knows if a a) deer are hurt by acid rain; b) people are hurt by acid rain;
c)fish are dying because of acid rain; d) acid rain is a problem.

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