PTPT Compi Midterms

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TOPIC 1: Human Organism 13. The guillotine, a medieval instrument for

beheading criminals, could be described as
1. Which of the sections below separates the passing along a ________ plane through the
body into dorsal and ventral parts? neck.
- Frontal Section - Transverse
2. Which of the following pairs of terms are 14. The major goals of physiology include
synonymous in bipedal animals such as
humans but not in quadrupeds (animals that - Both "understanding and predicting the body's
walk on all four feet)? response to stimuli" and "understanding how
the body maintains homeostasis" are correct.
- Dorsal & Lateral
15. Which of the following statements correctly
3. Which of these characteristics of life means describes the control center of a homeostatic
"The ability to use energy to perform vital mechanism?
- The control center responds to environmental
- Metabolism changes by always increasing the body
4. From the anatomical position, the scapula
(shoulder blade) is always ________ to the ribs. ACTIVITY:
- Dorsal, posterior, and superficial Up to Bottom:
5. When you scratch a dog's back along its (blue) Frontal/Coronal,
spine, which of the following terms would apply
to the skin you are scratching? (green) Transverse,

- Dorsal, superior, medial, superficial (red) Saggital/Median,

6. When a person is in anatomical position, the (yellow) Parasaggital

wrist is ________ to the elbow.

- Distal

7. The basic structural and functional unit of an

organism, such as plant or animal, is the...

- Cell
TOPIC 2: The Chemical Basis of Life
8. Homeostasis is the condition produced by...
1. A solution with a pH of 7 is considered to be
- The tendency for change in a body variable to
be counteracted as soon as the body variable - Neutral
goes past its normal range of values.
2. Nucleotides are the building blocks for
9. In which quadrant of the abdomen is most of
the liver usually located? - Nucleic Acids

- Right upper quadrant 3. The weak attraction between the negative

end of one polar molecule and the positive end
10. Which statement below describes a of another polar molecule is called a(n)
physiological process? ________bond.
- The blood transports nutrients and oxygen to - Hydrogen.
the cells of the body
4. Atom Y has 11 protons, 11 electrons, and 12
11. Which of the sections below separates the neutrons. What is the atomic number of Atom
body into right and left parts? Y?
- Median Plane/Sagittal Plane - 11.
12. The scientific discipline that deals with the 5. Monosaccharides are the building blocks for
processes or functions of living organisms is... ________.
- Physiology - Carbohydrates.

6. Which of these statements concerning lipids is 2. A cell releases a substance that travels
NOT true? through the extracellular fluid and binds to a
membrane protein on a different cell. This is an
- A fatty acid that contains only single covalent
example of which cell function? What type of
bonds between the carbon atoms is called
membrane protein does the substance bind?
- Communication; Receptor
7. Glycerol and fatty acids are the building
blocks for ________. 3. Our body cells perform several important
functions, including
- Fats (triglycerides).
- Communication, cell metabolism and energy
8. Two atoms with the same number of protons
use, reproduction and inheritance, & synthesis
and electrons, but different numbers of
of molecules.
neutrons, are called ________.
4. What term dealing with cancer means
- Isotopes.
"spreading to a new site"?
9. The building blocks for proteins are ________.
- Metastasis
- Amino acids.
5. Carrier-mediated transport mechanisms
10. Atoms that have gained or lost electrons are
- Exhibit specificity, include facilitated diffusion,
active transport, and secondary active
- Ions. transport, function to move large water-soluble
molecules, & function to move electrically
charged ions.
ACTIVITY: 6. Membrane channels that allow ions to
1. pH Levels of Common Substances: constantly pass through are called ________.

- Leak Channels

7. The ________ endoplasmic reticulum

manufactures lipids and carbohydrates,
whereas the ________ endoplasmic reticulum
assists with the synthesis of proteins, which it
sends to the Golgi apparatus.

- Smooth; Rough

8. The nucleolus...
2. DNA Structure:
- Is the location for production of large and small
Click the link below to view a bundle of DNA ribosomal subunits.
structures. What do the square plates
represent? 9. Transcription

- Nitrogenous Bases - Occurs when double strands of DNA separate,

and RNA nucleotides pair with DNA
3. Protein Structure: nucleotides, determines the sequence of
codons on a particular mRNA molecule,
How many subunits can you see in the sample
produces mRNA, & takes place in the nucleus
protein shown? Click the link below:
of the cell.
10. Translation

- Involves formation of peptide bonds between

TOPIC 3: Cell Structures and Functions adjacent amino acids.

1. ________ are components of the cytoskeleton 11. The nucleic acid that combines with
that help to provide support, assist in cell preexisting protein to form ribosomal subunits is
division, and form cilia. ________.

- Microtubules. - rRNA.

12. Cell shrinkage is also called ________.

- Crenation.

13. When placed in a ________ solution, a cell will

exhibit a net loss of water. The specific process
by which the water leaves the cell is called

- Hypertonic; Osmosis

14. If sugar solution A, which is twice as

concentrated as sugar solution B, is separated 1 → nucleus,
from solution B by a selectively permeable
2 → plasma membrane,
3 → Golgi apparatus,
- There would be a net movement of water from
B to A. 4 → cytoplasm,

15. A dialysis membrane is selectively 5 → rough endoplasmic reticulum,

permeable, and substances smaller than
6 → smooth endoplasmic reticulum,
proteins are able to pass through. The dialysis
machine allows blood to flow past one side of 7 (Hint: has low pH) → lysosome
the dialysis membrane and the dialysis fluid
flows on the other side of the membrane. If you 8 → microtubules,
wanted to use a dialysis machine to remove 9→ mitochondrion,
only urea (a small molecule) from blood, what
could you use for the dialysis fluid?

- A solution that is isotonic and contains the

same concentration of substances as blood,
except for having no urea in it
16. Membrane channels that allow ions to 1. ________ are cells within nervous tissue that are
constantly pass through are called ________. responsible for conducting action potentials.

- Leak Channels. - Neurons

17. If a red blood cell were placed in distilled 2. Cell connections that bind adjacent cells
water, we would expect the cell to together and form permeability barriers are
- Swell and Lyse
- Tight Junction
18. A selective poison that blocked the function
of the mitochondria was used on a group of 3. Cells of the epidermis are mechanically
cells. Which of the following processes would linked together via ________, which, together
most likely be interrupted by the presence of with a network of fine proteins and intercellular
this poison? cement, connect the cell membranes of the
two cells.
- Active Transport
- Desmosome
19. A cell examined under the microscope
shows large amounts of rough endoplasmic 4. Epithelial Cells
reticulum, many Golgi apparatuses, and many - Can be somewhat far away from any blood
secretory vesicles. To which of the following vessel, cover body surfaces or form glands,
tissues would this cell most likely belong? usually have a free surface that is not in contact
- Mammary Gland with other cells, have a basement membrane
that attaches to underlying tissues.
20. Which of these molecules is correctly
matched with its method of movement through 5. Following an injury, chemicals are released or
the cell membrane? activated in the injured tissues. These
chemicals, called chemical mediators, include
- Large, water-soluble molecules: transported by
carrier-mediated process - Prostaglandins & Histamine

6. Hemidesmosome

- Are a modified form of a desmosomes, anchor

cells to the basement membrane, are found in
epithelium that is subjected to a high degree of

7. Major components of the extracellular matrix 19. In which type of epithelial tissues will the
of connective tissue include transport of gas and other materials be faster?

- Protein fibers, ground substance, and fluid. - Simple squamous epithelium

8. The connective tissue that covers muscles, 20. Which of the following parts of the bone tissue
glands, and nerves is connects the bone cells to the Haversian
- Loose or areolar connective tissue.
- Lacuna
9. The supportive cells of the nervous system are
called ________. 21. Dense and loose connective tissues differ
mostly in the amount and arrangement of _____
- Glial
10. Which of the types of epithelial free surfaces
- Collagen
is correctly matched with its function?
22. Which of the following are correct about
- Smooth - decreases friction
non-keratinized epithelial tissues? Select all
11. Connective tissue cells whose names that apply.
contain the suffix -blast
- Found in the lining of the mouth, & composed
- Produce matrix of stratified squamous cells.

12. Which of these is NOT one of the four basic 23. The rapid transmission of impulse along the
tissue types? axon fiber such as the saltatory conduction is
facilitated by the following pairs of structures?
- Glandular
- Nodes of Ranvier and myelin sheath.
13. The major symptoms of inflammation include
24. Which of the following does not contribute to
- Pain, Disturbance of function, Heat, Redness the strength of connective tissues?
and swelling.
- Abundance of collagen fibers
14. The blood-brain barrier is a specialized
epithelium that prevents many materials from 25. Which of the following characteristics are
passing from the blood into the brain. The cell shared by skeletal and cardiac muscles?
connections most likely present between the
- Both contain intercalated discs and both are
cells forming this barrier are
- Tight Junction
26. Which of the following proteins bind cell
15. Epithelium that consists of a single layer of surface carbohydrates (glycans) via
cells, in which some cells are tall and thin and heterophilic interactions?
reach the free surface and others do not, is
- Cadherins.
classified as
27. The cellular junctions that zip the epithelial
- Pseudostratified Columnar Epithelium.
cell together like quilt is known as _____.
16. Stratified Epithelial Tissues
- Tight junctions
- Have multiple layers of cells that hinder
28. The fluid portion of the blood that contains
movement of materials into the body and are
water, globulins, minerals and other materials is
found in areas of the body where abrasions
called ____.
can occur.
- Plasma
17. Cell connections that bind adjacent cells
together and form permeability barriers are

- Tight Junctions

18. The most correct classification of an

epithelial tissue consisting of many layers of
cells, in which the outer layers are flat and thin
and the basal layers are cuboidal or columnar,

- Stratified Squamous Epithelium.


1. Identify the cellular junctions between two 4.

epithelial cells. Drag and drop the names of the
1. Muscle tissue
structures in the corresponding letters: A-E
2. Contains

A. Tight Junction

B. Adherens Junction

C. Desmosome

D. Gap Junction

E. Hemidesmosome


2. Drag and drop the corresponding terms or
descriptions with the images shown. 1. The stratum corneum of the epidermis

- Can become thickened and form a structure

called a callus or corn.

2. Racial variations in skin color are determined


- The number of melanocytes and the

distribution and deposition of melanin.

3. Melanin

1. Blood - Is produced by melanocytes.

2. Adipose 4. When a cancer is said to have metastasized,

it means that
3. Hyaline Cartilage
- It has spread to other areas of the body.
4. Dense Connective Tissue
5. Third-degree burns
5. Elastic Cartilage
- Result in excessive fluid loss.
6. Loose Connective Tissue
6. Which of the following functions of the
integumentary system is NOT correctly
3. matched with an example?

- Excretion-Hydrogen ions are moved from the

skin into the urine.

7. A hair is formed or made by cells within the

- Hair bulb.

8. Which part of the skin is filled with adipose

1. Simple Squamous Epithelium tissue?
2. Simple Columnar Epithelium - Subcutaneous tissue.
3. Pseudostratified Epithelium 9. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic
of aging of the integumentary system?
4. Simple Cuboidal Epithelium
- Increase in activity of sweat and sebaceous
5. Stratified Squamous Epithelium
6. Transitional Epithelium
10. Malignant melanoma

- Usually arises from melanocytes in a preexisting


11. Paul is on the newest diet craze. After a 18. Chef Brandi suffered a burn on her arm when
couple of weeks of eating only carrots and a kettle of spaghetti sauce exploded. The
carrot-based products, he begins to notice that doctor, using a forceps, pulls on a hair within the
his skin has a decidedly yellowish tint. This is area that is burned. The hair easily pulls out.
because What degree of burn did the patient have?

- Excess carotene from his diet has accumulated - Third-degree burn

in the lipids of the stratum corneum.
19. Which part of the skin is filled with adipose
12. Most babies have more adipose tissue in the tissue?
subcutaneous tissue compared to
- Subcutaneous tissue.
adults.ˇWhich of the following statements gives
a valid explanation for the difference? 20. Redness of the skin can result from all of the
following EXCEPT
- Babies lose body heat more easily than adults,
due to their size, and the extra adipose tissue - Poor oxygen supply.
helps regulate body temperature by providing
insulation. 21. When exposed to the cold, the ears and nose
may appear red. This is because
13. Which type of glands help to cool the body?
- Blood vessels dilate to prevent tissue damage
- Eccrine sweat glands & Apocrine sweat from the cold.
22. Which of the following conditions is NOT
14. The subcutaneous tissue correctly paired with its symptoms?
- Is important for padding and insulation, - Psoriasis: Circular scaly lesions.
contains about half of the body's stored lipids,
is loose connective tissue that attaches the skin 23. A burn is an injury to a tissue caused by
to underlying bone and muscle, is also called - Exposure to excess heat, exposure to excess
hypodermis. cold, friction, exposure to chemicals.
15. Sandra has been working very long hours 24. Jaundice is caused by
the past three months and has had very little
time to relax.ˇ She works as a medical - Collection of abnormal bile pigment in the skin.
transcriptionist and spends most of her time at 25. Cyanosis is caused by
her desk. The results of her recent annual
physical indicated that her calcium levels were - Decreased oxygen content of blood.
on the lower end of the acceptable values.ˇ
Her physician suggests that she adjust her diet
to include more calcium-rich foods and to TOPIC 6: SKELETAL SYSTEM
spend some time relaxing outdoors.ˇ Why
would her physician suggest she spend time 1. Bone remodeling
outdoors to improve her calcium levels?
- is essential for maintaining blood calcium
- Sun exposure enables the production of levels, continues throughout the life span of the
vitamin D in the body, which is necessary for individual, is controlled by the actions of
calcium absorption at the small intestine. parathyroid hormone and calcitonin, is
accomplished by the actions of the osteoclasts
16. Sharon and Jennifer are sisters and grew up and osteoblasts.
in the same household. Jennifer enjoyed
spending her days outside while Sharon 2. Compact bone consists of cells called
enjoyed staying inside most days. Which osteocytes located within spaces in the matrix
statement best describes how this difference in called
sun exposure affecting skin aging between the
- Lacunae.
two sisters?
3. Intramembranous ossification
- Jennifer's skin is more likely to age at a faster
pace, because sun exposure decreases - Occurs in the bones of the skull.
collagen and elastic fibers in the skin.
4. Which of these sections of the vertebral
17. The lunula is part of the column curve posteriorly?

- Nail matrix. - Thoracic curvature and sacrum (with coccyx).

5. Bones is a type of

- Connective tissue.

6. The joint uniting the parietal and temporal 19. Fibrous joints between the bones of the skull
bones is the are called ________.

- Squamous Suture. - Sutures

7. The two bones of the skull in which teeth are 20. A ________ is a hole found in bone.
located are the
- Foramen
- Maxilla and mandible.
21. Joints are classified structurally according to
8. Bone growth the ________ that binds them, and functionally
according to their ________.
- Occurs through the deposition of new bone
lamellae onto existing bone or other - Connective tissue; degree of motion
connective tissue.

9. In compact bone, a haversian canal, with the

lamellae and osteocytes surrounding it is called TOPIC 7: MUSCULAR SYSTEM
1. The ________ is the smooth ER of a muscle fiber
- Osteon. and stores calcium ions.

10. If blood calcium levels are too high, ________ - Sarcoplasmic reticulum
activity decreases, while ________ activity
2. ATP
- Is required for muscle relaxation, releases part
- Osteoclast; Osteoblast.
of its energy as heat, provides energy for the
11. Which of these sections of the vertebral movement of the cross-bridges, attaches to the
column is matched with its correct number of myosin myofilaments.
3. Creatine phosphate
- Sacral—5 vertebrae fused into one sacrum.
- Acts as an energy reserve in muscle tissue.
12. Carpals and tarsals are best classified as
4. The ________ consists of only actin
________ bones.
- Short Bones
- I band
13. A long bone
5. A ________ is a single muscle cell.
- Has red marrow and yellow marrow in its
- Muscle fiber
cavities, has an epiphysis at each end, has
endosteum lining the medullary cavity, has a 6. A single motor neuron and all the skeletal
medullary cavity in the diaphysis. muscle fibers it innervates is called a ________.

14. The pectoral girdle - Motor Unit

- Consists of the clavicle and scapula. 7. Cardiac muscle

15. Is the anatomical term for a depression found - Is under involuntary control.
in bone.
8. The ________ is a group of muscle fibers
- Fossa surrounded by perimysium

16. The anatomical term for a tunnel in bone is - Muscle fascicle

- Canal or meatus. 9. Smooth muscle

17. The anatomical term for a cavity found inside - Has no distinct sarcomeres, does not develop
bone is ________. an oxygen deficit, may be autorhythmic,
contracts more slowly than skeletal muscle.
- Sinus.
10. Acetylcholine
18. The scapula
- Binds to receptors on the muscle cell
- Has a ridge, called the spine, on the posterior
membrane, is broken down by
surface, has a depression called the glenoid
acetylcholinesterase, causes an influx of
cavity where the head of the humerus
sodium ions into the muscle cell when bound to
articulates, has a coracoid process to which
its receptor, is the neurotransmitter at the
arm and chest muscles attach, has an
neuromuscular junction.
acromion process to which the clavicle

11. The condition in which a muscle remains 7. The ________ consists of the brain and spinal
contracted between stimuli without relaxing is cord.
called a/an ________.
- Central nervous system.
- Tetanus
8. Voltage-gated ion channels
12. Muscles are named according to their:
- Open in response to changes in the membrane
- Location or number of heads, size or shape, potential & are responsible for the generation
origin or insertion point, function or action. of the action potential in neurons.

13. The specific molecules that provide calcium- 9. Which of the following are major functions of
binding sites on actin are ________ molecules. the nervous system?

- Troponin - Control muscles and glands, receive sensory

input, integrate information, maintain
14. Aerobic respiration
- Requires oxygen, breaks down glucose, takes
10. Which type of cell is composed of one
place in mitochondria located within the
dendrite and one axon, and is found in the eye
muscle fiber sarcoplasm, produces ATP, CO2,
and nose?
and H2O.
- Bipolar neuron

11. Spinal nerves

- contain both afferent and efferent fibers,
1. Action potentials mostly exit between adjacent vertebrae, are
organized into plexuses, except for T2 to T11,
- Jump between nodes of Ranvier & occur in an
have both autonomic and somatomotor
all-or-none fashion.
efferent fibers.
2. Chemical substances released from the
12. White matter of the central nervous system
presynaptic terminal
- is formed by bundles of parallel axons with their
- are called neurotransmitters, bind to receptors
myelin sheaths.
on the postsynaptic membrane, may inhibit or
stimulate an action potential in the 13. The numerous raised folds on the surface of
postsynaptic membrane depending on the each cerebral hemisphere are called ________.
receptors, are normally broken down by
enzymes located in the synapse. - Gyri

3. Clusters of neuron cell bodies located in the 14. The "little brain" that controls balance and
PNS are called ________. coordinates movements is located posterior to
the brainstem and inferior to the occipital lobe
- Ganglia is the ________.
4. Following neurotransmitter activation of - Cerebellum
chemically gated Na+ channels
15. The ________ consists of the brain and spinal
- The cell may reach threshold, a local potential cord.
is generated, the inside of the membrane
becomes more less negative to positive, the - Central Nervous System
Na+ channels open for a brief time, generating 16. The thickest and most superficial of the
a local current. meninges is the ________.
5. Gaps between segments of oligodendrocytes - Dura mater
or between individual Schwann cells are called
________. 17. Cranial nerves such as the trigeminal and
vagus nerves contain. (Check all that apply)
- Nodes of Ranvier.
- Sensory (afferent) neurons & Motor (efferent)
6. In a neuron, short, branching cytoplasmic neurons.
extensions that receive information and carry it
to the cell body are called ________. 18. The corpus callosum

- Dendrites. - Consists of a broad band of white tracts, is the

largest of the commissures, allows sensory
information to be shared between the two
cerebral hemispheres, is found at the base of
the longitudinal fissure.

19. The enteric nervous system 10. The vestibule

- is capable of monitoring and controlling the - has chambers with patches of specialized
digestive tract independent of the CNS, epithelium called maculae, can be divided
consists of the plexuses within the wall of the into the utricle and saccule, contains maculae,
digestive tract, includes sensory neurons, which have hair cells embedded into a
sympathetic and parasympathetic motor gelatinous mass, is associated with static
neurons, and enteric neurons, stimulates glands equilibrium.
to secrete substances into the digestive tract.
11. When you walk into a dark room, the radial
smooth muscles of the iris ________ the pupil of
your eye.
TOPIC 9: SENSES - Dilates
1. Axons from olfactory neurons 12. Retinal
- Pass through the cribriform plate of the - Synthesis in rod cells requires vitamin A.
ethmoid bone, eventually relay information to
the brain through the olfactory tracts, form 13. Axons from olfactory neurons
cranial nerve I, enter the olfactory bulbs and - Eventually relay information to the brain
synapse with interneurons. through the olfactory tracts, form cranial nerve
2. ________ detect light touch and superficial I, pass through the cribriform plate of the
pressure and are found in the epidermis. ethmoid bone, enter the olfactory bulbs and
synapse with interneurons.
- Merkel disks
14. The spiral organ
3. The gelatinous mass inside of the eye is called
the ________. - Contains specialized sensory cells with hairlike
- Vitreous humor
15. The fleshy part of the external ear on the
4. When you have a cold, the mucus secretions outside of the head is the ________.
in your respiratory tract increase and are
usually thicker than normal. How would this - Auricle
affect your sense of smell? 16. The choroid of the eye
- The increased amount of mucus reduces the - Consists of a vascular network and large
number of odorants that can reach and bind numbers of melanin-containing cells.
to olfactory receptor cells.
17. ________ respond to fine, discriminative touch
5. The lens focuses light on the photoreceptor and are found just deep to the epidermis.
cells by ________; this movement is
accomplished by the ________. - Meissner corpuscles

- Changing shape from spherical to flat; 18. The firm, opaque, white, outer connective
suspensory ligaments and ciliary body. tissue layer of the posterior five-sixths of the eye
is the ________.
6. The hair cells and tectorial membrane are
found in the - Sclera

- Cochlea. 19. Which of the following is NOT one of the four

primary taste sensations?
7. Another name for pain receptors is ________.
- Spicy
- Nociceptors
20. Which of the following is not an accessory
8. The middle layer of the eye that, consists of structure of the eye?
the choroid, ciliary body, and iris is the ________.
- Retina
- Vascular tunic
21. The auditory ossicles
9. The iris
- Transmit vibrations from the tympanic
- surrounds an opening called the pupil, is membrane to the round window.
stimulated to contract by parasympathetic
stimulation, is the colored portion of the eye, 22. Joanna has been experiencing diffuse pain
controls the diameter of the pupil. in her upper right shoulder and right upper
abdomen. The pain is most likely the result of

- Referred pain from the liver and gallbladder.

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