Post Lab Report Directions Y22

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Post Lab Report Format

IN Establish the scientific concept

Summarize previous research T I
CT Describe the objectives OD
IO of YOUR study T R
What did

What did

S I ON Relate YOUR
S results to the objective SS
I S Discuss what your results MEAN N
D by linking observations to inferences
Link your study to the scientific concept

General Instructions

1. All members of your lab group must write their own lab report.
2. Your report should be divided into the following sections:
a. Title Page
b. Introduction
c. Methods
d. Results
e. Discussion
f. References
3. Write in your own words; do not copy from the source material
4. Write in the past tense (you’ve already performed the experiment) using the active voice (use I,
we, me).
Specific Instructions for each Section

1. Title Page
a. Include your lab report title, name, instructor’s name, course name, class day
and time.
b. The title should be as specific as possible and briefly state primary topic dealt
with for this experiment.
2. Introduction (1.5 -2 pages : minimum of 1.5 pages)
a. Background information that will help the reader understand the experiment
that you have conducted. Important terms should be defined.
b. Purpose of the lab should be clearly stated.
c. A testable hypothesis should be included as the final sentence.
d. This section MUST include in text citations from 3 sources (the website, the
textbook and one additional source). Using APA format, 7th edition.
3. Methods (several paragraphs of methods, not bullets)
a. A complete explanation of the materials and supplies that were used to conduct
the experiment should be included in this portion of the report. Explain what the
supplies were used for
b. Your methods should cover what you were doing, why you were doing it, and
how you were doing it. The number of trials and replicates performed must be
clearly stated.
c. Should be detailed enough so that someone can repeat your experiment exactly
as you performed it.
4. Results (1-2 paragraphs plus graphs and tables)
a. All of the data that was collected during the experiment should be presented in a
data table (s). Title the data table and include proper nomenclature.
b. A secondary graph, figure, or pie chart to represent the information is included
and further explained. Pictures do not count as a secondary graphic.
c. You should also briefly summarize your results in paragraph form in this section
but do not include any analysis (discussion).
5. Discussion (minimum of one page)
a. This is the most important part of your lab report.
b. Interpret and discuss your data and relate back to the background information
presented in the introduction.
c. Explain WHY you think you obtained the results you did.
d. Clearly explain whether the results support or refute (do NOT use the word
“prove”) the hypothesis being tested. If they do not support your hypothesis,
explain why not.
e. Explain what your findings mean and what conclusions you can draw from the
data. Sources of error and suggestions for improvement should be included in
this section
6. References
a. You should list no fewer than three sources, which were used to write your lab
report (one should be the website, one is the textbook and the third is an
additional outside source)
b. In text citations should be used for direct quotations and ideas taken from a
c. All references must be listed using APA format.
d. Wikipedia, blogs and power points/lecture notes should NEVER be used as a
e. Sample APA Citations
i. General Book Format: Align to the left margin, second line is indented –
recommend a hanging indent under format, paragraph
1. Author Last Name, Author First Initial. (Year). Title (in italics).
ii. For websites:
Author of the webpage – if person Last name, First. If business, then use
the full name.
Ex’s: Last name, First initial. (Year). Title of search in italics. Active
Ex: Name of company. (Year). Title of search in italics. Active Hyperlink

Center for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC]. (2022). Ebola Virus.

General Information

The lab report will be submitted to Turnitin in Canvas for a plagiarism check.

The lab report will be graded using the “Lab Report Rubric”. Spelling, grammar, and formatting
will count.

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