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Today we are going to look at Buzz Lightyear origin and history so sit back and grab

your popcorn as the Lightyear recap is about to begin.

We start by seeing a spaceship which is the SS1 star command exploration vehicle, this
ship was traveling for a long time and here we see a soldier awakening from
cryogenization this soldier is Buzz lightyear and he has awakened to stop the ship and
explore this unknown planet; then the ship and here he prepares to go out to explore
the place, while he narrates the mission as he always does and we meet Alisha
Hawthorne, his exploration partner, they both explore the place and without realizing
it some tentacles from the planet began to sink their ship with the whole crew inside
while Buzz and his partner continued exploring and while doing this, Buzz makes it
clear that he doesn't like rookies for missions as they seem like a nuisance to him but
Alisha had invited a rookie and Buzz doesn't want to work with him. but in the end he
accepts that he helps them and just at that moment one of the tentacles takes the
rookie and more tentacles appear that almost catch them but they don't succeed and
besides that insects also appear so they both decide to run towards the ship to escape
and when they arrive Buzz realizes that one of the tentacles has caught the rookie so
he is going to help him; he almost died but his partner helps him, however the ship is
about to take off so Buzz takes the rookie to the ship and manages to enter but when
he tries to take off the tentacles of this planet had become entangled in the ship
causing the ship to take off very close to the surface and then the ship enters, after this
Buzz is very sad because he sees that the hyperspeed crystal is destroyed and that is
why they will not be able to return but his partner Alisha encourages him saying that
they will be able to rebuild another crystal and that Only he can do it and that's how
after a year with the help of the entire crew of the ship they manage to make another
crystal and Buzz is ready to try it but before leaving he tells his partner "to infinity and
beyond" , they high-five their fingers and say goodbye and we see the integration of
the crystal with a robot which tells him that it is 86.7% stable but even so Buzz decides
to test it so they place the crystal in his ship and Buzz prepares to take off, when When
everything is ready, he takes off, moving away little by little from the planet and he
thinks that he has achieved it and that with this crystal now everyone will be able to
return to their planet, so he decides to start the hyperspeed test, then he begins to
travel light years but soon he realizes that the crystal is unstable and his thruster
explodes leaving him completely alone in space and unable to return. The test should
have lasted 4 minutes but when Buzz believes that he will be stranded in space he
decides to throw the fuel into the air to make it explode and thus redirect the ship
back to the planet, he succeeds and lands on this planet again but it would quickly
happen realized that something strange had happened because the aviation assistant
is now older and the place would now be more urbanized; The assistant informs him
that it has been exactly four years, two months since he left, but for Buzz this time was
only 20 minutes and then he meets his partner Officer Hawthorne who tells him that
the mission has been canceled since now people have adapted to this planet but still
Buzz wants to continue with the mission and return home.
After this Commander Hawthorne takes him to her house on this planet, she tells him
that she is going to get married since many things have happened in these four years
and upon entering her room she discovers that they have left her a gift and when we
open En we see that he is a robot cat, Buzz goes to rest but while he slept he has a
nightmare where he remembers the day they arrived here and tried to leave this
planet but failed, so Buzz is very restless so he decides to continue with the mission ,
but not before leaving his cat as a task to find the formula to recreate the hyperspeed
crystal, so Buzz says goodbye to Commander Hawthorne again as they used to say to
infinity and beyond; Buzz begins the test but again the crystal is unstable and although
he tries again the new crystals also turn out to be unstable and every time he returned
he noticed that his companions were getting older, Commander Hawthorne had a son
who on each trip became more adult and we would meet his wife, but Buzz didn't give
up and kept trying again and again for 62 years, one day when he returns home after
discovering his crystal was still unstable, he discovers that Officer Alisha Hawthorne
has died and has left a message saying goodbye and here we also meet his
granddaughter and the new general who comes to take the position of commander
who informs Buzz that the missions to test the hypervelocity crystal have ended since
they have adapted to living on this planet and shows him a laser dome that will cover
the city in dangers, but Buzz tells him that he can still get them off this planet, however
the general doesn't care; Buzz can't stop thinking and his cat tells him that he has
finally managed to find the perfect formula to create the hyperspeed crystal and also
tells him that he can try the crystal on his next mission but very sad Buzz tells him that
there will be no more missions Y Just as he says this, two guards knock on his door to
ask him about the cat since the tests aren't going to continue they'll have to deactivate
the cat, so Buzz takes the cage and tells them he'll deactivate it himself, but escapes
instead. out the window with the cat; He prepares himself with his suit and they
infiltrate a hidden place where they mix the new formula creating this time a very
powerful crystal and in the end they manage to get on a ship but right there they are
discovered then the general orders them to stop but since they don't he sends soldiers
from Zurg to stop them and when they are almost caught the cat Hacks the system
leaving them free to take off, this time everything would be perfect and finally he
manages to reach 100% hyper speed now he is ready to return to the planet and take
his people home , when returning to the planet we see that it has a lot of speed and
ends up making a forced emergency landing, however everything goes well and the
crystal is intact but at that moment when communicating with the star command no
one responds but soon a mysterious soldier appears and hides it telling him that some
mysterious robots have arrived and are attacking people, we see one of these robots
appear and place a device on B's ship uzz and teleports her to a ship that was in the
atmosphere. here we are going to meet the villain, a robot named Zurg, meanwhile on
earth the soldier recognizes Buzz and he introduces himself as Izzy Hawthorne, it turns
out to be the granddaughter of Alisha Hawthorne since on the last trip he made he left
with 22 years with the cat. She tells him that a week ago this mothership showed up
and apparently wiped out the commander but also brought the entire base to a
standstill; Izzy reveals that she has a team and that she only needed a pilot so she
takes them with her squad and together they devise a plan to save the base which is to
destroy Zurg's mothership so the robots will stop appearing and free the people. ,
thanks to the fact that they have a ship they will use the hypervelocity crystal but their
plans would be interrupted when a Zurg robot arrives to take Buzz and although they
try to stop the robot they cannot because they are rookie soldiers but nevertheless a
rookie soldier manages to prevent Buzz He takes Buzz and while this is happening we
see that on the mother ship, Zurg is upset, so he decides to take a ship and go down to
do the job himself.
Buzz realizes that Izzy's team are pure rookies so he doesn't want them for the mission
because it would put them in danger so he decides to pack his things and start the
mission alone, however they offer to accompany him to the ship depot abandoned, his
team consisting of an old ex-convict, a homeless man and General Hawthorne's
granddaughter, arrive at the place and when he goes to one of the abandoned ships he
finds his suit from when he was a space ranger which he puts on and brings back many
memories , but there were the rookies ready to join him and there are just insects that
had woken up and they are going to attack them but they manage to close the door
and Buzz explains that to get out of there they will have to use the camouflage and
makes each of the rookies stand one of these suits and that's how they head to the
ship to go destroy Zurg's mothership but Buzz hadn't told the rookies that the
invisibility cloak was only a few minutes long and the rookies If they played then the
insects see them and go to eat them but they manage to save themselves, Buzz
manages to put the hyper speed crystal on the ship and manages to escape but they
realize that a small ship is coming in their direction; In this ship would come the robot
Zurg who manages to shoot Buzz's ship causing it to fall forcing him to make an
emergency landing and they realize that they are stranded on the dark side of the
planet, apparently there is nothing here Just a base that it is a bit far away and since
the ship was damaged they decide to go to the base to look for the artifact they need
to repair the ship so the whole team decides to go look for it, when they arrive at the
place they quickly manage to enter and find what they were looking for but the rookie
presses a button that activates a cage which locks them all up and to get out they
decide to hit the power switch until these cages stop working but in the struggle Buzz
loses the device so he goes to look for it and also saves the cat but when he tries to run
towards his friends he falls and manages to jump but just when we think he is going to
die, Izzy saves him after this they eat a sandwich and here Buzz decides to open up
with them telling them that he always he was used to doing the missions just because
he feels more comfortable that way, he tells them that in the past when he entered
military school he was very clumsy and almost gave up everything but Izzy's
grandmother Commander Alisha hawthorne saw something in him and for that he is
now going to start trusting them, here the cat would end up damaged because of the
homeless man and by fixing it he projects a message from the past from when alisha
Hawthone left him on a mission to take care of her best friend Buzz, she said that Buzz
was a great space guardian who was going to help them return to But when Buzz hears
this, he feels bad because he could never get them back home and Buzz tells Izzy that
because of him his grandmother never had a life and ended up stranded in this place
since he was never able to save her, however Izzy interrupts him to tell him that she
had a life here since she got married, had a child, had friends and had her that actually
everyone had a life except him since all the people he knew were getting old; The
people here don't want to go home, they want to continue their lives on this planet,
but Buzz has no life here.
He and the three rookies were back on the ship with the artifact, but Zurg had come to
take Buzz away; Buzz tries to escape but this robot is very strong and when it seems
that he is finally going to catch him, the old woman knocks him down and thus they
manage to escape but Zurg gets up again and orders more robots to go down to catch
Buzz and the rookie begins to destroying robots, as they chase them the cat starts
charging to restore the ship to 100% and get the hyperdrive back because now they
were just floating on the surface and when it finally charges to 100% the system
reboots and Izzy hits the start button launch early which causes the ship to crash and
this time takes considerable damage from this crash landing and the hypervelocity
crystal falls out so Buzz quickly leaves to retrieve it but Zurg arrives and takes it before
Buzz can. do and go; Buzz feels that everything is over, Izzy apologizes for the mistake
made but Buzz gets upset and tells him that the mission is over, there is nothing else to
do and at that moment Zurg reappears and catches him with one hand and teleports
him to the ship nurse, here Buzz tries to defend himself but realizes that this robot is
not attacking him and asks who it is; here we discover that Buzz Lightyear himself is
inside this robot, Buzz believes that he is his father but he reveals that it is the same
but from the future he also had his own cat; Buzz is very confused, he tells him that it's
him but in 50 years and explains that robots can't say Buzz they can only pronounce
Zurg and that's why they call him that; It turns out that this future Buzz in the past also
reached hyperdrive, but when he came back to this planet to take his people back to
his home planet, the commander planned to arrest him, so Buzz escaped and traveled
as far as he could with hyperdrive, which which resulted in him traveling centuries into
the future and ending up in a future he didn't recognize, in that future there was a lot
of advanced technology and that's where he realized that if he could go forward in
time with the crystal he could also go back in time, the Buzz from the future tells him
that they can change things, that they can complete the mission and prevent their ship
from colliding with this planet and being stranded here and when he is almost
convinced to do this he sees his photo with Alisha and this brings back memories of
Izzy and thinks that if they go back to the past she will never have a family and will
never exist so she changes her mind and doesn't want to change anything so future
Buzz gets angry and tries to stop him with his robots to take away his cry stal and being
able to go back to the past which he easily achieves and is going to start with his plan
to go back to the past but future Buzz's cat shoots the tranquilizer dart at him and
helps young Buzz; at the same time, his companions use the ship's device to transport
to the mother ship where the future version of Buzz recovers and uses his robot to
catch young Buzz and take the crystal from him to return to the past, but young Buzz
had already activated the destruction of the ship in two minutes, however here they
begin to fight without gravity, then we see that Izzi decides to launch into space to
reach Buzz who was in the neighboring ship, here she was very scared but she still
launches and almost loses the Buzz's cat, but manages to grab it and they are both
saved and While this is happening Buzz from the future and Buzz from the past
continue to fight strongly until by accident they cause the self-destruct of the ship to
activate in 10 seconds and although Buzz from the future tries to repair it, he cannot
because the controls are damaged, so Buzz and Izzy they teleport to the ship to escape
and at the same time the old woman and the tramp manage to create an explosion
and also escape so the whole team is reunited in the ship and they are going to escape
but before Buzz inserts the crystal in his ship the countdown ends and everything
explodes and he, along with the rest, are fired on the ship into the atmosphere of this
planet but Buzz manages to get into a ship and was on his way to save his friends but
at that moment the Buzz from the future appears to take the crystal from him because
he wants return to the past Then he decides to leave the ship, fights with him and
taking advantage of the fact that he had taken the crystal from him, he shoots it
making it explode, however his team was directed falling into the atmosphere at high
speed so Buzz with his wings tries to save them but no matter how hard he tries he
realizes that it will be impossible so he gets under the ship to reduce the impact of the
fall while hitting them. his companions instructions to activate the speed reducer after
this he and his companions would manage to get safely to the planet and out of
danger Emotional Buzz finally feels at home and already feels that this is his home and
Here comes the commander but although we thought that the incarcerated tells him
that he wants to start a new space guardian program and needs him as the boss so
Buzz chooses his team and here we see them ready for their next mission and Buzz and
Izzy, Alisha Hawthorne's granddaughter, take off and say goodbye with the finger
saying to infinity and beyond and we reach the end of the film.
I sincerely hope that you liked the video and if so, give me a like and leave me a
comment giving me your opinion and telling me what other movie you would like me
to talk about, see you in the next video, bye.

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