Sample End Course Test Critical Thinking 2018 2

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Họ c phầ n: Tư duy phê phán Mã đề: ENDCT000

Mã họ c phầ n: 4112042 Số TC: 02
KHOA TIẾNG ANH Ngày thi: 11/12/2018 Thờ i gian: 45 phút

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1. Decide whether this is argument or not? Why (not)?

No Statements  Why (not)

e.g. conditional can only be
If 'Avoid the rush-hour' must be the slogan of large cities the Conditional part of argument as
world over, it's a slogan no one takes the least notice of. premise

2. Provide your own example of the following kinds of argument

Kinds of atgument Example
1 ........

2 ........

3 ........

3. Examine the arguments and the following questions

i) Is each of the following deductive argument valid or not?
ii) Explain why.
iii) Rewrite the unvalid argument to make it valid.

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 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 valid Your explanation Rewritten argument (if invalid)

E.g. All birds are mammals. A + valid The conclusion follows (NA: not applied)
crow is a bird. Therefore, logically from the premises
the crow is a mammal. crow  birds  mammals
 crow  mammals


4. Explain why the following argument is not a sound argument and rewrite it to make it a sound

Argument Explanation Rewritten argument

E.g. The Eiffel Tower is in London. Premise 1: False The Eiffel Tower is in Paris.
London is in France. Premise 2: False Paris is in France.
Therefore, the Eiffel Tower is in France. Therefore, the Eiffel Tower is in France.

5. Explain why the following argument is not a cogent argument and rewrite it to make it a cogent
Explanation Rewritten argument
E.g. All the previous deans of the premise: False E.g. All the previous deans of the English
English Department are female. So Department were over 30 years old. So next dean is
next dean is probably female. probably over 30 years old.

6. Find the missing premise/conclusion for the arguments below.

Missing part Premise/ Rewritten argument

E.g. The bigger the burger, the (Burgers are missing The bigger the burger, the better the
better the burger. Burgers are better at conclusion burger. Burgers are bigger at Burger King.
bigger at Burger King. Burger King) So, Burgers are better at Burger King

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 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

7. What kind of falacy is committed in the following arguments?

Argument kind of falacy Explanation

E.g. "You're clearly just too young to understand." Personal attack Stating one's age to stop him
from being able to make a
meaningful argument



8. Write an argument to illustrate each of the diagram with flowchart that indicates relationships
of argumentative support
1) Your argument


Your argument

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 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

9. Draw the diagrams that indicates relationships of argumentative support.

 (Note that this is a case of Mixed Patterns of Linked & Independent Premises)

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