Religious Education B CY3.1

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Religious Education B

Challenge Yourself 3.1

Name: Justin Clark DL. Belale Class No: B2

Grade and Section: Grade 11 Harmony Date: January 27, 2022

When do you feel that God loves you?

Despite all things in Life, I know that God loves me. How? Simply because whenever I feel that I
am directly going in the wrong path of life, because of wrong decisions I’ve made. I feel
uncomfortable vibe and that feeling for me, not only physically, mentally, psychological trigger.
But also spiritual, that God is concerned about my situation and loves me. Another thing is Self-
compassion, whenever I pray, I feel like I realized something that I should rest and relax too. That
realization for me is because of God.
For me, personally from the start of everything God already loves us. We may feel it so much
when we were still young. But, eventually because of constant change and distractions, we began
to be separated from him. But it doesn’t necessary mean that God doesn’t love us anymore, thus
he will always welcome us. To surrender to him, submit to him. He is always there for us. Despite
things like change, sin, temptation, and many more. He is always, and will be. There for us. To
me, I feel that God loves me when I feel safe and doesn’t experience confusions. Also, confusion
and loneliness for me indicates that God is communicating to us, that something is wrong to our
life. I believe that we are enemies of God, but through Jesus Christ the only son of God. We began
to be his sons and daughters to. Because of Jesus Sacrifice and gift to us, we must accept that
Jesus has died for our sins to experience the Love of God. Another thing that I feel that God’s love
me is his protection & safety to me. I feel safe and protected by God, I began to flee more often
than before to temptation and experience the feeling of security under God. I feel the Love of
God whenever I read and learned something to bible verses. I feel that it is one of the things to
continuously feel God’s love for us through his words.
Over all, God’s love to us are unconditional and constant no matter who we are, what are going
through, and what we are facing. We may not really deserve God’s love, but because of his son
Jesus Christ, God was able to love us unconditionally. In conclusion, I feel that God’s love me
every day when I feel safe, protected, assurance, confident, happy, and many more. Lastly, I feel
God’s love when I am capable of loving others and kind to people. Because, I cannot give unto
others what I don’t have.

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