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1 Feb 2023, 10:21 am

3 types of bonding
Transfer of valance
Sharing of valence
Ionic bonding forms only between? (2)
What is the lost e
What is the gained e
Metalic bonding(3)
Alwys form between 2 metals
Atom needs 8 electrons except? (2)
What is ANS
Terminal atom examples (2)
Central atom (1)
When covalent bonds it forms?
Finished Lewis dot structure
Multiply bonds can be formed by(5)
Lewis dot structure method
Example of atoms that have not a center
The most (?) nonmetal is written (?)
2 non-metal atoms aquire the econfiguration to
form a?
A symbol represent (?) of the (?)
-(? And ?)
It represent the valence electrons

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