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18 Jan 2023, 9:20 am

What is neo-primitivism?

-a belief in the value of what is simple. Some

experts considers primitivism as a found
sensibility and cultural attitude.

Trocadéro Museum is the first museum to display

a primitive art


-lubok is a Russian popular print, characterized by

simple graphics and narratives derived from
literature, religious stories

sculpture was the most popular form of

koprimitive art
Henri Matisse was the most popular primitivist
The seed of the areoi
The moon and earth

1. What does the neo in primitivism means?

2. Who is the most popular primitivist
3. What museum was the first to display a
primitive art.
4. What is a Russian popular print
5. Lubki is derived form literature and?
6. Popular form of primitive art
7. Where did primitivism started
8. Why did this movement arise?
9. Picture of the self Portrait
10. Picture of area area
11. Picture of the sleeping gypsy
12. New or experimental ideas especially in the
13. When did the primitivism arise?

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