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A WORLD LANGUAGE “The movement of English around che work bogan with che pioneering voyages to the Americas, Asia, and che Anipodes (gp. 92-101), continued withthe 15thcenuuy colonial developmensin Afice andthe South Pacific (pp. 102-5), and took signfiane fur ‘her stp when fe ws sdopred in he 20th century a6 an offical or semi-offical language by many newly independent sates (p. 110) English is now the dom inant or oficial language in oer 60 counties ee the table on p. 108), and is represented in every cont- ‘eat and in che thee major oesans ~ Alavi (eg, Se Helena), Indian (eg. Sechalls), and Pacific (eg, Heal) Ie is this spread of representation which rales the aplication ofthe rerm word language’ & rely “The presen-day wold sus of English eprimat- iy the tesule of two ctor: che expansion of Bish colonial power, which peaked rowards che end ofthe 1 century, ad the emergence of che United States a the leading economic power of the 20ch century Te seh let ficcor which continues to explain the postion ofthe English language today (much tothe > NC ove lengua >> iia agen xa wiV'inorenanve variety Avariety ‘of Engioh heh hs eevlged inane devant rc iescng Engh 0 “arguage) Oh ve kn ran ter: ea eachig of Egat Second Language 2 EL 1650 aening Ena Spek tote Lngege te other tongue Therion Eilat die ber teso. rctontetwen cdr rai onguage seating co 20 - REGIONAL VARIATION (Of ll che sociolinguistic and syle Factors which promote varegy in Language use (p. 364), the one ‘hich people most commonly enquire abouts geo graphical origin. The face chat speech, in particular, fan convey such a clear answer co the question ‘Adhere ae you from” exercises a peculiar fascina- tion, nd the cerms dialer and acen ate a nortal pre of everyday vocabulary. We veadly notice Fegional differences in che way people clk, and although we may be unable o describe chesedifer- fences other chan in the mos vague and impresion- intictems (guteua’ musica, Iiing) weave no

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