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Topic: Compliance

In psychology, compliance refers to changing one's behavior at the
request or direction of another person.

Examples of Compliance
It can be helpful to consider a few different
examples of compliance to better understand how it works. Some examples of
compliance include:
• A child cleaning up their room because their parent asked them to
• A student helping another student with their homework when asked
• Buying an item because a salesperson encourages you to do so
• Helping a friend because they ask you for a favor
• Assisting someone because they have helped you in the past

Techniques Used in Compliance

Compliance is a major topic of
interest within the field of consumer psychology. This specialty area focuses on the
psychology of consumer behavior, including how sellers can influence buyers and
persuade()‫ قائل کرنا‬them to purchase goods and services. Marketers often rely on a
number of different strategies to obtain compliance from consumers.

1-The Foot in the Door Technique

2-The Door in the Face Technique
3-The Low-Ball Technique

1-The Foot in the Door Technique

Start with a trivial()‫ معمولی‬request and when accepted move on to a larger request.
This technique seems to work because once we have made a commitment(,)‫ عزم‬we
feel pressure to remain consistent()‫ متواتر‬with the earlier action.
For example,
imagine one of your friends missed the last psychology class
and asked to borrow your notes. This is a small request that seems
reasonable, so you lend the notes to your friend. A week later, the same
friend asks to borrow all of your psychology notes. This is large request –
would you agree or not?

2-The Door in the Face Technique

Start with a very large request. After
this large request is denied (as expected), a much smaller one is made-the one the
person actually wanted. This technique achieves compliance as refusing a large
request increases the likelihood of agreeing to a second, smaller request.
For example,
Negotiating()‫ مذاکرات کر رہے ہیں‬a pay rise with your boss. First you
make a request that will not be met and ask for 20%. When this is refused you
make a more realistic request and ask for 10%.
3-The Low-ball technique
The low-balling technique is a compliance method in
which the persuader gets a person to commit to a low-ball offer they have no intention of
keeping; then the price is suddenly increased. Since a person has already committed, it is
hard to say no to the new higher price demand.

For example,
when buying a car the salesman agrees a price, but must “check”
with his manager if this is acceptable. While waiting you think you have secured a
good deal. The salesman returns and says the manager would not agree the deal
and the price is raised. Most people agree to the higher price
Key Factors Affecting Compliance
Several essential factors
influence compliance. The presence of these factors makes it more likely that
people will comply.
• Affinity: People are more likely to comply when they believe they share
something in common with the person making the request.
• Group size: The likelihood of compliance increases with the number of
people present. If only one or two people are present, a person might buck
the group opinion and refuse to comply.

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