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As Nursing Students in MSU-CHS, you are given a chance to participate in the review and revision
of the Vision, Mission, College Objectives, Institutional Outcome and Values/Attributes of Graduates
of Mindanao State University - College of Health Sciences, what would it be and why? Please
underline the word/phrase/sentence you want to revise and re-write the whole paragraph and write your
explanation or justification below each paragraph. You may use the attached MSU-CHS VMGO copy
provided. (50 points)
- The MSU CHS Vision and Mission are extremely important to the university. If I had the chance to
make one change, I would like the vision statement to ensure that all decisions are appropriately in line
with what the MSU CHS intended to do and the mission statement to give the organization a clear and
effective framework for making decisions. A vision gives direction to the organization's future and
should serve as its source of inspiration, making everyone feel proud, thrilled, and like they are a part
of something better and bigger in the future.

A nursing student is envisioned by the College of Health Sciences as creative, capable, and
scientifically prepared to meet the needs of nursing professions in promoting and preserving health.

To generate nursing graduates who are professionally aware, capable, and committed to serving, give
nursing students the foundational skills they need.

2. What is Maternal and Child Health Nursing?

- Maternal and Child Health refer to philo-mother and child relationship to one another and
consideration of the entire family as well as the culture and socio-economic environment as framework
of the patient. It involves the care of the woman and family throughout pregnancy and childbirth and
the health promotion and illness care for the children and families.

3. Discuss why nurses need to be satisfactorily competent on how to perform the different skills in the
care of mother, child and adolescents. (25 points)
- In maternal, knowledge and skill are but a portion of the picture. To be able to carry out the
interventions that will be required of her in order to improve the patient's health, the nurse must possess
adequate competence in a variety of skills related to the care of mothers, children, and adolescents.

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