Placenta Increta Concept Map

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The risk of placenta increta appears to be increased in women who TREATMENT

had a previous
caesarean Older maternal pt. who been
section age diagnosed with
Surgery alternative to radical surgery that is
placenta praevia acceptable and reliable, especially when
future fertility is to be preserved.
antepartum. Vessel Uterine Caesarean
serial ultrasound Followed by interval Ligation packing hysterectomy
and Doppler manual removal of measures
methotrexate assessment placenta.

Arterial embolization is an effective

During placenta- In many cases, treatment option for women who wish
to preserve their fertility.
postpartum increta deliveries, an emergency
hemorrhage severe hemorrhage hysterectomy is
was observed. required. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Placental implantation abnormalities (PIAs) Placenta

Absence of the normal mechanism that prevents
fetal mechanical
Increta trophoblasts from invading deeper
erythroblastosis abnormalities
associated with Invasion of the trophoblast into the myometrium
elevated maternal serum alpha- the umbilical cord.
fetoprotein (MSAFP) Placenta Increta
NURSING CARE (Invasion of outer half of the myometrium)
those who have a increased risk of abnormal
previa placenta placental adherence. Obtain a thorough history of the pt. Placenta Increta
pregnancy. (Invasion of outer half of the myometrium)

DIAGNOSIS Assist with the implementation of Neovascularisation and Loss of living ligatures'
in the myometrium as a
Excessive &
uncontrollable bleeding
modalities. abnormal blood supply
through the vesical, result of invading not amenable to medical
MRI is a vital tool for prenatal vaginal, and pudendal trophoblasts disrupting or surgical haemostasis
Sonography is still Instruct pt. taking Methotrexate to
diagnosis of invasive increase their fluid intake to at least arteries the myometrial fibers
the preferred imaging

placentation and enables 2 L per day, as the drug increases uric

modality for placental

multidisciplinary treatment acid formation.
planning to minimize maternal Assist the woman and her family
morbidity and mortality. emotionally. BSN - 216

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