Interview Questions For Various Company

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What are stages in ABAP Methodology

What is the navigation path creation of material type

What is the navigation path creation of number ranges for a material
How 411 movement type is useful
What are different stock exsitsed in sap
What are business scenarios that you over cone
Breif about thrid party along with configuration steps
Brief about stock tranfer order with configuration steps
Brief about subcontracting along with configuration
What you meant by account assignment category
What do you meant by item category
What is the difference between 122 and 161 Movement type
What is transport order
What is meant by workbench and customizing requests
In which stage unit testing will be done
What aretransactions that will hits when GR and IR postings done
Any gaps that you find in your previous project
What are enchancements that you done in your previous project
Disscussed about critical,high and low level tickets
Brief about release strategy
Breif about outline agreement
What is the difference between contract and scheduling agreement
Whatis delivery type used in intra and inter stock tranfer order
What are the document types used in intra and inter stock tranfer order
How many standard documents are there in sap
What is internal document and external document
What is the difference between purchasing organzation and purchasing group
Breif me about P2P cycle
What is ERS,can give do without po or not,if yes why
Explain me about outline agreements
What is the transaction for vendor master company code and purchasing data
What is the table name for purchase info record
What is the table name for source list
What is the source list
what is the release strategy t- code for contract
What is the transaction code for ers
In purchase infor record what are three important things to be considered
What is the t- code for list of purchase order
What are the enchancements that you done and can you explain be brief
what is the tool that used as convert data from legacy to sap bods
What do you know about SRM
How you use to convert legacy to sap, What is the that you are using
In release strategy I have to maintained before 31st march 3 levels are should be approved, But from 1st april onwards they loo
approvals for the same material, Can you mention where and how the necessary changes are required.
In purchase infor record where do you get the tax code
How profit centre g/l account hits
What is Source List, Purpose of source list
What is RFQ
Can a purchase organization assign to mutiple company codes
Expain me complete enterprize structure
Do you know anything about sm37
What are important tables in MM
Explain me about Procurement to pay
What are the enchancements that you have done
What are challenges that you faced technically
Do you any working experience ,if in case your client faced problem in production sever are you able to handle it
Ntt Data Interview Que
subcontracting Configuration along with transations keys
Configurtion of release strategy
Configurtion of consignment
What is table name for PO header and item
What is the communation structure for release strategy for PO and PR
STO Configuration along with movement types
Recent tickets that you sloved
What are the enhance that you done
What are the tables for PR
What is the t- code for List of PR and PO
What is Split Valuation and its configuration
What is Physical inventory
What is Park Invoice
What is access sequence
What is batch mangement and explain it along with configuration
Configuration for Services
What do you mean by credit memo, Subsequent credit and Subsequent Debit
In which t- code you can check stock
Accenture Interview Questions
What is Table for Company code
What is Table for plant
What is Table for storage location
What is the t- code for material master
Configuration of material master
What is the t- code for number ranges in material master
What is internal number range and external number range and confiduration
Is the number ranges are transported
Different account assginment category and mention it
Subcontracting Configuration
What is the t- code for po
What is RFQ
What is BOM
What is recrusive BOM
In po in which tab you can identify BOM
Release strategy Configuration
In PO what is the t - code for release strategy
In pr do you we have messages
What is account assignment category
Different account assginment category and mention it
What is the account assignment Category for cost centre
What is the account assignment Category for Asset
What is the account assignment Category for project
What is the account assignment Category for order
What is item category and what is the purpose of using it
What is the item category for subcontrating
What is the t- code for subcontracting and can you give any other t- code
Subcontracting Configuration
Account determination configuration
What is valuation class
What is t code for valuation class
What is t - code for automatic postings
Explain about your roles and responsibilities in your recent project
What are your support projects and what are the tickets that you sloved
What is the t- code for mails trigerring - NEU
What are the different messages that you can process your order
What is the t- code for Goods issue
What is the t- code for Goods receipt
What is the t- code automatic account postings
In release strategy how many levels can be released
In which tab you can identify goods receipt and invoice receipt in PO
What is the movement type to return goods to vendor and can you mention another movement
What is the movement type for intial stock posting
Can you create PO without material master and tell the transaction keys that will hit
What is t- code for open and closing periods
What is the tables for open and closing period
In which t- code you can check wheather you order has to vendor all mails
rview Questions




Material Data





What is the table name for Account assignment in PR and PO
Can we do relase strategy in without classification in PO
What is the reason that why release strategy n PO is possible in header data
If I created material and passed the transaction and stock is zero, can I remove batch
Service PO
Any idea about PS
Is the credit memo possible for service PO
No,as it is an external document
As it is a external document and we need to do with classification only
No, We cannot remove the batch even though it is zero


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