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OCT 5 1917

Mexican Review








Friendly Relations Assured

Inauguration Festivities American Ambassador Fletcher recently
issued a statement to the press of Mexico
President Carranza Installed in Office With City in which he declared that the relations
Appropriate Ceremony and Rejoicing between Mexico and the United States were
increasingly cordial, and that any misunder
UESDAY, May 1 , 1917, was one of the buildings and were saluted by the discharge standing would be due to the activities of
T most notable days in the entire history of twenty-one salvos of cannon. All church enemies of both countries. The text of the
of the Republic of Mexico . It was the day bells were also rung and the military bands statement follows :
set for the inauguration of Venustiano Car of the city marched through the streets play "I do not expect any difficulties to arise
ranza as President of the nation, but it was ing national airs. between the Governments of the United
of far greater significance and importance than At ten o'clock a great civic and military States and Mexico as a result of the entry
the mere installation of a Chief Magistrate. parade took place, composed of large bodies of the United States into the great war.
It was the day that marked the restoration of troops- cavalry, artillery and infantry "My Government is perfectly satisfied with
of Constitutional Government that had been together with thousands of school children, the declaration of neutrality made by the
suspended for more than four years through representatives of athletic and other organi President-elect before Congress on April 15,
the ruthless treason and assassinations per zations, first-aid societies, military , schools, and is confident that the Mexican Government,
petrated by Huerta and his associates. Not civic associations, etc. The procession marched representing a sovereign and self-respecting
only that, but it was the day when a consti through the principal streets, which were people, will take the proper and necessary
tution more advanced than that of any other crowded with spectators, and then passed in means to enforce it.
"No pressure from the Government of the
United States has been or will be brought to
bear upon the Mexican or any other neutral
government to enter the war on the side of
the United States. The relations between
Mexico and the United States are becoming
more cordial and sympathetic every day and
I sincerely hope that nothing may occur to
interfere with the good and close understand
ing between these two great American democ
WOME 318 "Geography makes us neighbors ; common
CV108 aims and aspirations and common sense should
make us friends. Should anything happen in
Mexico to compromise its neutrality and in
volve the Governments of the two countries
in difficulties, it will be the result of under
hand work of some enemies of one or the
other or of both countries.
"The Government and people of the United
States have none but the best wishes for the
welfare of this country and will do nothing
which would interfere with the establishment
of a free, constitutional and orderly Govern
ment, the pacification of the country and the
development of national prosperity.
"The United States, in spite of its strong
desires and most sincere efforts to hold itself
Portion of Gathering to Welcome President Carranza aloof from this great international conflict,
has been forced to take up arms and I sin
review at the National Palace before Presi cerely hope that Mexico may be more fortu
country in the world became the organic law
of the land, thus marking not only a great dent Carranza, who was accompanied by his nate. Americans in official and private life,
forward step for Mexico, but also for the staff, Cabinet members and the diplomatic appreciating the hospitality of a friendly
representatives . country, will scrupulously refrain from doing
entire human race.
It is the earnest belief of President Car Following this, President Carranza was es anything which might compromise the neu
corted to the Chamber of Deputies, where trality of Mexico or embarrass this Govern
ranza and his associates, as well as of those
both houses met in joint session, and the offi ment."
foreigners who have watched the progress of
events, beginning so feebly in Coahuila in cial notification of his election was read to
February, 1913, and growing stronger and him by Governor de la Mata . After this their chosen leader in the name of the entire
stronger every day, until the culmination was the President took the solemn oath of office, army. The members of Congress then paid
reached on May 1, 1917, that a new era has and simultaneously thousands of doves were their respects, after which the doors were
dawned for Mexico ; that permanent peace and loosed and flew in every direction, as a symbol thrown open and the general public were ad
its accompanying prosperity are assured, and that the dove of peace had at last descended mitted. Thousands passed in front of the
that under the leadership of the President the upon the land. President, grasped his hand and gave him
country will march steadily forward under the After taking the oath, the President and their congratulations .
banner of peace just as it has marched steadily his suite returned to the National Palace, The inaugural celebration continued for five
forward under the same leadership beneath where all the accredited representatives of the days, ending on May 5th, one of the national
the banner of war, for four troublous years. different foreign powers were presented to holidays, which is second only to the national
The program of the festivities and cere him. The dean of the diplomatic corps, the independence day, September 16th, in the
monies was as follows : minister from Norway, addressed congratula hearts of the people. There were all sorts
At six on the morning of May 1st the na tions in the name of his associates, after of athletic sports, festivities, receptions, balls,
tional colors were raised over all the public which Secretary of War Obregon felicitated etc., culminating on the 5th of May.

New Governmental Departments

Presidential Election
By a recent decree the Department of Fo
mento, Colonization and Industry has been
The Result as Declared by Congress-Many Names
separated into two divisions, owing to the vast
Written by Voters on the Blank Ballots amount of labor entailed by the various
branches dealt with, and which under the new
EREWITH are given the complete re "Chamber of Deputies, Mexico , April 26,
Government has become overwhelming. The
H turns of the Presidential election held 1916.
Department of Fomento is one division and
on March 11th, canvassed by Congress and "EDUARDO HAY, President.
announced as the official figures. the Department of Commerce and Industry is
"JESUS LOPEZ LIRA, Secretary. the other.
In every instance the ballots were blank, a "FILOMENO MATA, Second Secretary."
To the Secretary of Fomento will belong
space being left for the voter to inscribe the No Official Candidates
name of his favorite candidate. As will be the following branches of the public service :
President Carranza has issued the following Colonization, immigration, agricultural coloni
seen, several thousand votes were cast for
positive declaration, negativing the report set zation, founding of towns with communal
others than President Carranza, Generals
Gonzales and Obregon leading in this respect. afloat regarding certain candidates for Gov lands, agrarian problems, lands, repartition of
ernorship of various States, that they were lands, conservation and exploration of forests,
Many others received smaller numbers of
the chosen representatives of the Administra waters, irrigation of lands, draining of lakes
votes, including General Alvarado and other tion. The statement follows :
prominent revolutionary leaders. and swamps, fisheries, hunting, the study of
"The Citizen Venustiano Carranza, Presi the improvement of live-stock, silk culture,
The figures follow :
States Carranza Gonzales Obregon JUSE MAHIA ITURBIUL
Aguascalientes 7394 28 17
Colima ... 4874 27 19 MARIANO CUERRERO FARIAS

Coahuila 26841 52 219 LEONANDO IGNACIO IGNACIO
Campeche 2061 6 3 LOPEZ RAYON
Chihuahua *** 5883 2 57 BRAVO CUADALUPE DELA
Durango 6816 17 202 BRAYD MICUEL
Guanajuato HORNETSON 00
91226 3328 708 CALLAS BARRAGAN
Guerrero **** 9825
Jalisco 34135 28 52
Mexico 52513 1676 520
Michoacan 33627 1515 120
Nuevo Leon *** 33166 8 10
Oaxaca 60964 138 73
Puebla 57519 1215 193 57
Queretaro 14754 491 111
S. L. Potosi *** 22638 71 51
Sinaloa 12710 24 169
Tabasco 6163 2 5
Hidalgo 19949 70 32
Tlaxcala 21724 176 53
Yucatan 25717 12 14
Zacatecas ** 20732 67 66
Veracruz 39455 276 172
Sonora 20667 6 367
Tepic *** 8856 2 9
Baja California 3056 25
Quintana Roo 345 12 2
Distrito Federal 70003 1773 553
Totals ..... 797305 11615 4008
The total number of votes cast was 812,928.

Carranza Officially Declared President

After canvassing the returns of the election
from the various States, the Chamber of Dep
uties adopted a resolution in the following President Carranza Taking Oath of Office
words, announcing officially that in the elec dent-elect of the Republic, makes known the bird and bee culture, the establishment of agri
tion held on March 11th the Citizen Venus following : It has reached my knowledge that cultural schools, encouraging the cultivation of
tiano Carranza received 797,305 votes, against in some States of the Republic some of the vegetables , industrial and medicinal, fruits,
various other candidates with a much inferior candidates who are nominated for the Gov trees, experimental stations, chambers of com
number of ballots . The resolution was unani ernorship of said States have been reported merce and agricultural associations, veterinary
mously approved. It reads as follows : to be official candidates -that is, that they are schools, geographical studies, astronomy, prop
"The Chamber of Deputies of the Twenty supposed to have the support and protection aganda and expositions of agriculture, flowers
Seventh Congress of the Republic of Mexico , of the First Chief. To make clear the erro and live-stock, astronomical observatories,
constituted in an Electoral College and in use neous misunderstanding in this matter, I scientific explorations, census statistics in gen
of the rights and faculties conferred upon hereby declare that the Constitutional Gov eral, and registration of property.
them by Section I of Article 74 of the Po ernment which I have the honor to represent Under the Department of Commerce and
litical Constitution of the Republic, have de will not sustain or protect any popular candi Industry, the Secretary will have charge of
creed, after a careful examination of the date whatsoever. On the contrary, the Con the following : Commerce, industry in general,
electoral computations verified on the second stitutional Government will do all in its commercial and business organizations , teach
Sunday of March of this year: power to see that free and legal elections are ing national propaganda, studies, geological
"Article I- The Citizen Venustiano Car held, and that the choice of the people be explorations , mining and mining concessions,
ranza is declared President for the term of respected. All political parties will have equal exploitations of oil , mineral combustibles, mer
four years beginning from December of 1916 rights and protection. In virtue of this, in cantile and industrial property, exclusive priv
until November of 1920, in virtue of having some of the States where the provisional ileges, the direction general of labor, and all
obtained an absolute majority of votes in the Governors have placed their influence in favor matters relating to laborers, immigration, in
election. of certain candidates, they have been removed, surance companies, national and international
"Article II-In virtue of this, the Citizen so that the will of the people shall not be expositions, commercial, mining and merchant
Venustiano Carranza is cited to appear on trampled upon. marine, statistics , etc.
May the first before the Chamber of Depu "National Palace, Mexico, April 7, 1917.
ties, and with all the formalities of the law "V. GARRANZA , Exports from the United States to
take the oath of office as President of the Mexico for April, 1917, amounted to
"The First Chief in Charge of the
Republic. Executive Power." $ 1,930,458, against $815,152 for the same
month in 1916.

The State of Tabasco

A Little Known, But Very Interesting Portion

of the Republic of Mexico

HE resources and problems of the State tation, which attains a remarkable degree of
THof Tabasco are important and typical of luxuriousness. Cedar and mahogany are
a rich section of Mexico, little known in the found in the extensive forests and, because
United States. of the numerous natural waterways, are easily
Tabasco is situated on the southern shore floated to tide water. For more than fifty
of the Gulf of Mexico, between Guatemala years the forests of Tabasco have been ex
and the State of Campeche, which form its ploited almost incessantly by different com
eastern boundary, and the States of Chiapas, panies, yet enormous wealth in forest products
Vera Cruz and Oaxaca. It comprises 27,000 remains-fibrous and medicinal plants, gums
square kilometers-or 10,072 square miles . and resinous saps, including chicle and the
The location and physical aspects of the so-called castilloa , which yields a good quality
State give it a climate ranging in temperature of oil.
between the extremes of 60 and 96 degrees The principal agricultural products are
Fahrenheit. Its numerous rivers and rich soil cacao, of which three crops a year are gath
are the basis of its great agricultural resources. ered ; maize, which is also harvested three
Nearly all the State is low and level and times annually ; rice, beans, tobacco, and oil.
formed largely of alluvial deposits brought Stock-raising is carried on to some extent.
down from the slopes of the Sierra Madre, Considerable sugar cane is grown and some
which forms part of the boundary with Guate "aguardiente," a brandy from cane syrup, dis
mala. So numerous are the rivers that they tilled.
still furnish the principal means of communi The business of the State is quite largely Governor Luis F. Dominguez of Tabasco
prospectors have made attempts to locate
mineral oil in commercial quantity, but thus
far without success.
The first railroad in the State is now under
construction and, though short, is counted
upon to make immediate contribution to agri
VART cultural development. Contributing to this de
A velopment also, and to the general welfare
of the population, is the restitution of the
"ejidos," or community lands, which has been
proceeding satisfactorily and means much to
the independence and well-being of the na
REVE tives, since agriculture is practically the only
source of wealth, as well as of the necessaries
of life.
The industries carried on to any important
degree are the producing of sugar, tanning
and the making of pottery and tobacco
The political and administrative organiza
tion of the State is in its general lines similar
to that of a State of the United States, the
public functions being divided into executive,
judicial and legislative. The State is divided
into seventeen municipalities and eight judicial
Municipal Government Palace, Villa Hermosa, Tabasco The need of the country is for development,
both of material and human resources. Al
cation. A dozen could be named which are in the hands of the Spanish colony, which most without railroads and with very few
navigable for the ordinary river craft, and may be said to be its only foreign element, .M well-made roads, encouragement of agricul
some which could accommodate fairly large and which occupies itself principally with buy ture awaits to a large degree upon improve
steamers. Numerous lagoons and estuaries ing and selling products of the country that ment of communication.
add still further to the possibilities of water are exported to other States of Mexico, prin Earnest and persistent efforts have been
communication . cipally Yucatan, Campeche and Vera Cruz, made to bring public instruction to the de
The population of the State is approximately and to foreign markets. Coffee, chicle, oil, sired standard ; and while this has not yet
135,000. Only 59,000 live in towns and vil valuable woods and hides are the principal been attained, much has been accomplished
lages, the remainder dwelling in the open articles of export to foreign countries. The when due allowance is made for the adverse
importations are made up mostly of flour, conditions encountered . An insufficient num
peas, potatoes, onions, garlic, textiles, medi ber of teachers and disinterestedness upon the
Agriculture is the greatest source of wealth.
Periodically many of the rivers overflow, and cines and wines. part of the natives are two of the great diffi
Both a Chamber of Commerce and a Farm culties met. Teachers have been drawn as
after the consequent inundation leave a rich
ers' Union are found in the capital, Villa was found possible from other States, prin
alluvial deposit, as does the Nile each year ;
furthermore, rains are frequent and the at Hermosa (Beautiful Town) . cipally from Vera Cruz. This source of supply
mosphere is rarely lacking in sufficient mois Evidences of the existence of petroleum has been inadequate, so attention has been
ture to maintain the freshness of the vege have been repeatedly noted and explorers and given especially to the establishment and

Other branches of education than the pri the people, ordered a general reform of the
mary schools have received attention . Night educational laws and the programs pertaining
schools have been brought within the reach to public instruction, and it is expected that
of all children to whom work denies attend with the minute study which is being made
ance at the day school . There are also eve a new code will soon be worked out covering
ning schools for adults and for women, and the importance of education, obligatory in
for sons of laborers the Society of Artisans struction, selection of personnel, medical in
has a special institution to which the Govern spection, school inspection and policy, etc.
ment lends support. Evening schools have There is also a law at present in preparation
also been established by the present State dealing with rural schools. This was pro
Government of Tabasco in all the municipal posed by Professor Arnulfo Giorgana, and it
halls and benefits are already apparent. was expected that within two months from the
The State has no industrial school, but time this was written the State would be pro
workmen's children who have satisfactorily vided with a sufficient number of these schools.
met the requirements of the four years' obliga There were at that time 91 elementary primary
tory instruction in the primary schools become schools and three higher primary schools, in
apprenticed in whichever free trade they addition to 25 schools which have been or
choose. dered but not yet established.
Rural education, in its strict meaning, has Agricultural education is given in the ele
not been established, although many teachers mentary schools and study is being given to
have given special attention to it. The indif the problem of its extension . An agricultural
ference and opposition of the natives as to experiment station exists near the capital,
the necessity of instruction has been the great which does not, however, perform the com
obstacle. Under Governor Dr. Simón Sarlat, plete and efficient services desired of it, be
rural schools were established whose results, cause the building for it is not yet finished,
while not striking, yet made a beginning in and because of lack of sufficient staff. All
Lic. Joaquin Ruiz,
Secretary General of Tabasco State Government teaching reading, writing and arithmetic to of these difficulties are expected to be over
the natives of the outlying country. Among come soon.
maintenance of a normal school, which is
overcoming the problem of scarcity of teach
ers. Institutes bearing the names of "Juarez"
and "America," known as normal academies,
teach pedagogy and the applied methodology
of instructions . In the former the course is
five years, which, in addition to its preparation
of students to be teachers, constitutes one of
the schools for general higher education. The
normal school for teachers established in 1906
is the normal school proper and also has a
five-year term, graduating students qualified
to teach elemental and higher education.
Meeting the indifference of the people to
ward the school has been exceedingly difficult, 1771
with frequent shortage of labor and the ever
present tasks which agriculture furnishes
abundantly. Steps have been taken to reduce
truancy and to impress upon parents the in
advisability of withdrawing children of school
age from school to work on the farm or in
shops. The difficulties in providing a sufficient
number of buildings, furniture and equipment
through sparsely settled sections have made
impossible the enforcement of compulsory
education .
The organization of the primary schools is
now complete, each teacher instructing a group State Government Palace, Villa Hermosa, Tabasco
of usually from thirty to forty in number.
Physical education is obligatory in all the these schools there were many like that of During the hardest days of the Revolution
schools and is mostly in the form of military El Rosario, of the municipality of Comalcalco , many of the plantations were abandoned and
exercises and outings of the pupils, gymna which was founded by the inhabitants of the the production of most others greatly reduced,
siums not being generally available. The rapid place, each contributing materials and giving owing in both cases as much to the usual con
increase in the number of primary schools has the land necessary for practical agriculture. servatism of capital in the face of uncertain
resulted in a marked decrease in illiteracy and The statistics of illiteracy taken from the political conditions as to the scarcity of labor.
it is hoped with good reason that the people published data by Professor Tores Quintero Restoration is rapidly being brought about, the
of the open country will come to feel the in his pamphlet on rudimentary instruction in extreme fertility of the soil making the re
necessity of instruction and that colonization the Republic , placed the population of Tabasco newing of agricultural productiveness rapid.
will soon have brought the population up to at 187,574 and the illiterates at 155,359, leav Financial difficulties were encountered in
numbers sufficient to support schools in sec ing 32,215 as the number who are able to Tabasco as elsewhere following the Revolu
tions now too sparsely populated. The Gov read and write. Illiteracy is greater among tion. There were times when, after the resto
ernment of the State backs with generous children over twelve years than under, show ration of metallic currency, the Government
expenditures for public instruction its faith ing that efforts recently made to spread public lacked money with which to pay even the
that it is through education that this rich instruction have accomplished results. troops. The public and the business interests,
State will achieve worthy prosperity. The present Governor, in the interests of (Concluded on page 11 )

which the time should again be extended, it

has been directed :
Foreigners in Mexico
"First- The 15th of August of this year is
The Basis Upon Which They May Acquire Mineral, Oil the end of the limit for the extension that
and Other Lands in the Republic was granted. (2 ) All applications that are
suspended on account of the certificates re
ECRETARY PASTOR ROUAIX , of the tary of Foreign Relations , in which the appli ferred to in Clause 3 will continue suspended
S Department of Fomento, has signed and cant declares that he has conformed with the until the organic laws and regulations of
promulgated the following regulations relative requirements cited in the first clause, and Article 27 of the Constitution are put into
to the basis upon which foreigners may ac which are not accompanied by said certificate, effect. (3) If anterior to the present decree
quire property, lands, mines, forest privileges, declaring that the applicant is willing to for the organic or regulatory laws of Article 27
etc., in Mexico, in accordance with the consti feit his citizenship, the certificate or applica are put into effect, the parties in interest shall
tutional principles of the Government : tion will be without any legal value. All titles present the certificate referred to in Clause 3,
"On the 15th of August of last year, in to property or permissions for exploitation and if the First Chief of the Constitutional
virtue of high consideration for our funda of national products already mentioned, also Army or the Federal Executive shall declare
mental laws, which concede to foreigners the the contracts, must have a literal copy of the that said certificate should not be admitted,
same rights as our own citizens, and in order certificate mentioned in the first clause. If the application will be filed and declared null ."
that the first named shall not receive more this certificate does not appear in the contract April 24, 1917. To all whomthis may
benefits and considerations than they, it was or permission, it will be the cause of declaring concern.
decreed that the following dispositions must said permission or contract null and void. THE SECRETARY-PASTOR ROUAIX .
be observed : "Third- In all applications or solicitations

Colonizing Socorro Island

The Secretary of Fomento has entered into
a contract with General Fortunato Maycotte
ES for the colonization of the island of Socorro ,
EL RM FES PRAC which belongs to the group called Revillagi
7033 gedo, in the Pacific Ocean. The contract gives
7 the concessionaire the right to exploit the
fisheries, forest products, waters, minerals, as
also the deposits of lime and kelp that are
found on this island.
The concessionaire is obliged to establish, in
those portions of the island that are suscepti
ble to cultivation, families of Mexicans who
will be given from 25 to 65 acres of land for
each person in the family. He must also give
to each of the colonists the implements and
other elements necessary for proper cultiva
tion of the soil, and also construct houses for
their comfortable occupation . At the end of
three years the concessionaire must file a plot
of the island, while at the completion of each
fiscal year he must render a detailed account
of the work done and the progress made in
that period. He must found and maintain
Normal School for Professors , Villa Hermosa, Tabasco
schools at his own cost, and must also provide
"First- Regarding foreigners who applied already presented to the Secretary of Fomento, a doctor, who will attend the colonists and
for or wished to acquire property in Mexico,. or the administrative agencies of the Ministry furnish the necessary medicines free of cost..
such as forest products, mines, lands, etc., or of Fomento, all judgment or decision of said He is to pay the laborers with whatever money
concessions for the exploitation of the prod applications will be suspended and four is then in use, and he is not to pay them
ucts of the country, such as petroleum, fish months will be given to present the certificates with " orders," or to establish a company store.
eries, etc.: Before endeavoring to acquire such referred to in the first clause, the date to be He is also required to observe Article 123 of
property, all foreigners must previously send counted from the date of these announce the Constitution, referring to the legislation
an application to the Secretary of Foreign ments. If this is not complied with, all appli of labor and laborers. He must maintain in
Relations, in which they shall declare that cations and solicitations will be declared null the most conspicuous spot the national flag as
they forfeit their right as foreign citizens and and void. These dispositions will be published a sign of the sovereignty of the Republic. The
the right to appeal to their embassy in the officially all over the Republic, to be obeyed concessionaire will also be obliged not to de
special case as proprietors or concession hold to the letter. stroy the live-stock existing on said island,
ers, and that in the case of becoming property "In accordance with an anterior decree, and to procure others for the betterment of
holders in Mexico, they renounce all rights as which has in consideration that many foreign conditions thereon. He will also observe the
foreigners and consider themselves Mexican ers were unable to present in time the certifi same conduct regarding the breeding places
citizens, renouncing the right of foreigners to cates referred to in Clauses 2 and 3, it has of fish, as well as attending to the replenishing
demand protection from their respective gov been conceded that the four months which of the forest growths. He will pay the Sec
ernments. Foreign companies will be incapa were given in Clause 3 as the time in which retary of Fomento the sum of $1,200 for the
ble of acquiring rights or properties mentioned to file said certificates, would be extended for inspection and protection of the island by the
if they do not nationalize themselves and act four months longer, which means that they Government, which sum is to be paid annu
in accordance with the Mexican laws. will have until the 15th of August of this year ally. He must also pay the usual taxes
"Second- In all applications which are not to comply therewith, and that when this date assessed upon the exploitation of the different
accompanied by a certificate from the Secre shall be near and finding no other reason for products of the island.

By acting firmly against enemies of Carranza

Will End International Plots within the jurisdiction of the United States,
the Washington Government will indeed be
The United States Will in Future Prosecute Conspirators able rightly to ask that enemies of the United
States or their agents who are now or may
Against Mexico and Other Countries
be active in Mexico shall be similarly prose
HE United States Government, after act in the United States as an agent of a cuted. The new sections of the Espionage bill
TH suffering its hospitality to be seriously foreign government without prior notification . will go a long way toward establishing a
abused for many years by foreign agents, ac to the Secretary of State, shall be fined not reciprocity on this most important phase of
credited and unaccredited, juntas, conspira more than $5,000 or imprisoned not more than revolutionary troubles in all Latin-America.
tors and filibusterers, is at last to deal sternly five years or both. N. Y. Evening Post.
with those who would plan on American terri "The words ' foreign government' as used in
tory military expeditions against governments the above section shall be deemed to include A New Railroad Line
or factions of nations with which this country any government, faction, or body of insurgents A Mexican company has asked the Secre
is at peace. within a country with whom the United States tary of Communications and Public Works
Both the Senate and House Judiciary Com is at peace, which government, faction, or for a concession for the construction of a
mittees have approved several paragraphs to body of insurgents may or may not have been railroad which will start from the city of
be included in the Espionage bill, now pend recognized by the United States as a gov San Luis Potosi, pass through the State and
ing, which will have a far-reaching effect on the city of Durango, and have its terminal at
the stability of constituted governments in "If two or more persons within the juris the port of Mazatlan, in the State of Sinaloa ,
Central and South America. By its provisions
will counter-revolution, for example, against
the Carranza Government in Mexico be pre
vented, so far as activity on United States
territory is concerned . No longer will the
Carranza Administration need to fear the se M
cret maneuvers of cientificos and other exiles
who adroitly plot in New York City, San SURTSA
Antonio, El Paso, and other towns the over
throw of the Government which the United
States has recognized and is now morally sup
It is a well-known fact, for instance, that
although the United States Government pos
sessed proof that Victoriano Huerta was
brought back to this country by German
money, that he planned to participate in a
military movement against Carranza, and was
en route to the border for that purpose, he
could not be convicted under any Federal
statute. His trial was postponed until death
solved the problem. Supreme Court decisions
had made it clear that under existing laws it
was criminal actually to participate in an
armed expedition, but that the mere planning
of a revolt in a neighboring country was not a
punishable offence. Conspirators have long
taken advantage of this well-known immunity.
But when the espionage measure passes, the
new provisions applicable in time of war as Small Portion of Gathering to Welcome President Carranza
well as in time of peace will rid the United diction of the United States conspire to injure which is known as the most important seaport
States of these offenders and do much toward or destroy property situated within a foreign on the west coast. The construction of this
making the neighboring governments feel that country with which the United States is at railroad will be of great benefit to the entire
the protestations of disinterestedness in revo peace when the offence designed to be com Republic, as it will connect all the principal
lutionary movements made by the Washington mitted in such foreign countries constitutes a cities of the country with the Pacific Ocean.
Government are at last to be effectively rein crime punishable by imprisonment under the Another feature of importance is that the city
forced by action . laws thereof and when one or more of such where the line begins is a great railway center
TEXT OF NEW PROPOSALS persons commits an act within the jurisdiction and one of the most important places in the
The language of the new proposals which of the United States to effect the object of country.
are sure of adoption reads as follows : the conspiracy, each of the parties to such If the Technical Commission of Railroads
"Whoever within the territory or jurisdic conspiracy shall be fined not more than $5,000 and Navigation renders a favorable report on
tion of the United States begins or sets on or imprisoned not more than three years or the project, the Secretary will sign a contract
foot, or provides, or prepares a means for, both." with the concessionaires and work on the line
or furnishes the money for, or who takes part ENFORCEMENT PLANNED will be commenced immediately.
in, any military or naval expedition or enter Strict enforcement of these laws is planned A railroad to Mazatlan was one of the
prise to be carried on from thence against the by the Department of Justice. It goes without projects of the late C. P. Huntington, who
territory or dominion of any foreign prince saying that their passage will be greatly wel built the International Mexican road from
or state, or of any colony, district, or people comed in Mexico, where, indeed, in the last Piedras Negras, on the Rio Grande, to the city
with whom the United States is at peace, shall two years the feeling has prevailed that prose of Durango, proposing to extend it to Mazat
be fined not more than $3,000 and imprisoned cution by the United States of Villa agents lan. This plan was never carried out, though
not more than three years. or sympathizers with the Villa cause, or con several surveys were made. The region be
"Whoever being an alien, other than a spirators against Carranza, resident in our tween Durango and Mazatlan is very rich in
diplomatic or consular officer, or attaché, shall own country, has at best been only lukewarm. timber, mineral and agricultural resources.


.The . THE REVIEW gives elsewhere the total num taken over by the Government at cost as
ber of votes cast for the President by States shown by invoices and put on sale. All
Mexican Review at the election in March. An interesting fea wholesalers were required to present docu
ture is the considerable number of ballots for ments showing cost of their various com
THE OF -THE Generals Gonzales and Obregon, though both modities, and were allowed to sell at a profit
|BENEFICENT - INTENTIONS - AND had issued statements early in the campaign of twenty per cent. Retailers were permitted
-OF - THE that they were not and would not be candi } to realize a profit of twenty-five per cent.
REPUBLIC OF " MEXICO dates, and urging all voters to support the Price lists were posted, giving the maximum
Published Monthly at logical and only real candidate, President Car rates chargeable for all commodities, and those
Washington, D. C., U. S. A. ranza. As heretofore stated, all the ballots demanding more than this were punished .
George F. Weeks Editor and Publisher used were blank, no name being printed
613 Riggs Building
Yearly Subscription $1.00 in the United States and thereon, and the voters were able to exercise
Possessions, Mexico and Canada. their own will in naming their favorites . The A Not Well-Posted Writer
Elsewhere $1.50
Eastern Representative, 3014 Equitable Bldg., New election was by direct vote, instead of the
York; Mexican Representative, Avenida Juarez 12, Collier's Weekly of May 19th devotes sev
Mexico City, D. F. former cumbersome electoral system.
eral pages to an argument by a well-known
ex- Senator, the object of which is to demon
NOTE AND COMMENT A notable feature for several months past
strate that the United States ought to intervene
has been the holding of congresses of the em
The resumption of active operations by such in Mexico, under the pretext of a "benevo
extensive concerns as the American Smelting ployes of various industries in different por lent protectorate." No one who has followed
and Refining Company at its various plants in tions of the Republic, where measures were
the intervention movement during the past
discussed for the betterment of the condition
different portions of the Republic is proof five years will for one moment be deceived
of the workingmen . In every case these gath
positive that foreign investors are accommo by this designation . It is interesting to note
erings have resulted in material increases in what the writer declares a "constructive
dating themselves to the new order of things,
wages, as well as in improvements in other American policy" would do in Mexico . He
that they believe permanent tranquility has the hours
directions, such as the shortening of
returned, and that they have confidence in the says :
of labor, etc. That such conventions can be
Government's willingness and ability to main "It would mean the distribution of land
held is one of the most striking and con
tain order and protect citizens and foreigners among the people, freedom for the peon to
vincing proofs of the changes that have been till his acres in peace, with access to markets
alike in the peaceful conduct of their chosen
wrought by the Revolution . Not so many for his produce, or to labor undisturbed for
pursuits and enterprises.
years ago meetings of workingmen with these good wages in steady employments. * It would
mean the education of children and the forma
objects in view were dispersed by rifle and
It has been found advisable by the United Now the Government encourages tion of habits of order and system among all
cannon .
States Government to issue an express disTh people. It would mean all those things which
and participates in them. in sum we describe by the word civilization ."
claimer of the report that foreigners not citi
zens were liable to conscription under the law If the author of the article in question were
The recently published statements of Secre
recently adopted. The immediate reason for as well posted regarding his subject as a man
tary of State Lansing to the press regarding is bound to be who assumes to speak with
this action was the widespread fear among the
the improvement of conditions in Mexico, and authority, he would have known before he'
numerous Mexican citizens temporarily resi
dent in the United States, especially in the the better understanding that is being created
penned the words quoted , as well as many
between the two countries, have produced a others of like purport, that what he declares
border States, that they might be called upon
to join the army against their desire. There very favorable effect in the Republic. There the United States would do is already being
has coincidently been a notable cessation in
is no occasion for such apprehension and the done, and done quietly and without ostenta
usual influx of laborers from Mexico into the publication by the American press of tion- so quietly that the foreign press has
Texas and elsewhere during the cotton and unfounded reports calculated to engender scarcely deigned to notice it even when re
cane harvest can be continued without fear of trouble and misunderstanding, while a better quested so to do . He would have known that
molestation. knowledge of actual conditions in Mexico is land is being distributed among the people,
becoming more general. The inauguration of the commencement in that direction having
The indisposition of a large portion of the President Carranza and the work of the Na been made as far back as the first half- dozen
press to publish matters that are creditable to tional Congress have done much to encourage months of the Revolution in 1913. He would
the Mexican Government, while apparently the belief among those hitherto skeptical that have known that the peons are "tilling their
too willing to give space to things that are it will only be a question of a comparatively acres and working undisturbed for good
discreditable, even when they are absurd , can brief period before tranquility will be general wages." Note the condition in Yucatan as
be seen from the manner in which the re throughout the country. All true friends of well as elsewhere, where for the first time
markable resumption of specie payments was both nations rejoice at the improved aspect. in his life the peon enjoys a decent wage and
brought about, has been treated. In truth it abundant leisure for attendance at school or
has been almost completely ignored. A1 The United States is confronted by much for otherwise improving himself. He would
though it has been an accomplished fact for the same sort of food problem that was the have known that even while the Revolution
over six months, and although it is one of case in Mexico City and other centers of was at its height and the outcome apparently
the most remarkable events of the kind in population during the Revolution. Steps are doubtful, the Revolutionists found time and
history, yet few readers of the daily or maga being taken in the former country to regulate money to send hundreds of school teachers
zine press have seen any account of the oc the handling and the prices of food com to the United States to learn the best methods
currence. It is true it reads like a fairy tale, modities , but so far as observation goes the of education . He would have known that in
but nevertheless it is true. The facts set down plan so successfully followed in the sister that same period of unrest and uncertainty
in the last issue of THE REVIEW can be proven Republic does not appear as yet to have been new schools were opened as fast as new terri
readily by any one caring to do so. The advanced. It is that of the establishment of tory was conquered, and that today the num
press correspondents in Mexico will corrobo stores under Government control, where food ber of educational institutions of all kinds is
rate the account, yet because it is contrary is sold at an advance over actual cost of just at least fifty per cent greater than ever before
to the accepted rules of finance supposed to sufficient to pay the cost of distribution and in the history of Mexico. He would have known
govern such matters, it is calmly set down as handling . The Mexican officials purchased many other interesting facts regarding the
impossible and the story denounced as false. directly from the farmers, wherever possible, progress that Mexico has made and is making,
There have been a number of so-called finan and then sold to all applicants at rates far and he would have found the very foundation
cial and economic laws disproved during the below those demanded by the average dealer. stones taken from beneath the "argument"
Revolution in Mexico, and not the least was Stocks of grain, beans and other articles that that he has advanced on behalf of would-be
the automatic resumption of specie payments. were being hoarded contrary to law were exploiters of a neighboring country.

Interesting Historical Fact Endorsement of "The Review" Profitable Oil Business

In a very readable article by Consul J. R. The following from a New York business The annual report of the Mexican Petro
Silliman, entitled "Old Mexico and New in man who takes a deep interest in Mexico is leum Company for 1916 shows that in that
Querétaro," which appeared in the Century well worth consideration : year it made a net recovery of $7,153,059, of
Magazine for April, was the following, which "In my opinion, the thoughts of the reading which, after deducting the $950,000 applied to
is very pertinent at this juncture : public of the United States have been so the preferred stock, a balance of nearly $16
"This is far from being a complete statement abused by continued reports condemning all a share remained for the common. This is
Mexicans, that a false impression has been
of the change which has come in Mexico . It deeply imbedded in their minds. more than three times the amount earned for
is really only one feature of the change. The "General Carranza is working on a plan that this issue in 1915 and more than five times
world is full of the story. Looking upon it he had in mind over two years ago, when in that earned in 1914.
all, even in the midst of it all, the calm , un the midst of all his troubles he saw but one Although this was a remarkable showing,
prejudiced observer with open and receptive goal , and that plan was fully defined in his the recovery for the current year should more
spirit can only endeavor to be sure that he speech at Queretaro . than double this amount. Nine new tank
"I have read carefully the three issues of
sees the entire situation from all its different THE REVIEW - October, November and De steamers with an aggregate tonnage of more
viewpoints and listen patiently to all the radi cember. One thing is clear throughout your than 100,000, and four new barges , each with
cally different presentations of it. publications, that you are certainly operating a cargo capacity of 16,000 barrels, are now
"He must ever remember that the present along the proper lines, as is manifest by the under construction. Of these nine steamers,
truths in your statements.
movement in Mexico is essentially a revolu "I could write indefinitely in this strain, six will be completed by the end of July and
tion ; that it is the Mexicans themselves who having had opportunity to see both sides of the remaining boats will be ready for service
have brought about the great changes ; that the question, and found the situation through- by the end of 1917. At the end of the current
it is the Mexicans themselves who are respon out Mexico, having traveled from Vera Cruz, year the company will have a total of 250,000
sible for them, and that it is the Mexicans northward and eastward to Larado, is that it
will be but a matter of a few months , under tons of shipping service, as compared with the
themselves who must, at last, give to the the able guidance of General Carranza to present 46,000 tons ; it will own and control
world a sufficient or an insufficient reason for clear the situation to such an extent that Mex 28 vessels, with a total carrying capacity of
them. He must also bear in mind that only ico will come back to its own, and start on 1,000,000 barrels.
impartial history, which always overlooks ex new lines of prosperity, unknown heretofore. Production is a secondary problem as com
cesses and abuses which are temporary and "It is needless for me to tell you, who no pared with transportation facilities and it is
searches ever for the fundamentals which are doubt are experiencing the same annoyances,
that many people absolutely know nothing or on these carriers that the increased produc
eternal, can finally determine any great politi do not want to know anything about true con tion will depend. As a matter of fact, Mexi
cal issue. It is time alone that is the real ditions in Mexico, and the good work of GenGRA can Petroleum already has a production greatly
revelation of destiny. It is time alone that eral Carranza, and it oftentimes surprises me in excess of its shipping facilities. By the
how a discussion will arise with the most inC
can, and does finally and faithfully, place the end of July it should be an easy matter, with
telligent of Americans, who cannot see any
correct estimate upon men, their policies, and thing in Mexico but banditism, so called graft, these new boats, to more than double the
their work. It is time alone that, sooner or the ignorance of the people, disease , and in present production . The demand for oil from
later, demonstrates clearly what has been de fact everything but the true conditions." Great Britain is great and will continue, with
structive, what has been merely obstructive, "It is a pleasure to know that a journal, prices high, and there is every indication that
printed in English dealing exclusively with
and what has been truly constructive. the Mexican situation, can be obtained the company will earn between $30 and $35
Every one knows the close connection be by American people who are desirous of a share on the common in 1917, probably
tween the clerical party and the second empire reading the Truth About the Consti nearer $35.
in Mexico . It was an absolute surprise to me, tutionalist Form of Government.' The It is interesting to note that this concern,
therefore, to find in my recent reading in American press, in its eagerness to ob a purely American one, has pursued the even
tain news to place before the public, will
Querétaro the following from the Catholic accept and print statements received from course of its way throughout all the revolu
Emperor Maximilian to the Catholic bishops unreliable sources at the border, without tionary years now ended. It has extended its
of Mexico, in replying to a communication investigating as to the correctness of these operations, sunk many wells, built extensive
from them dated December 29 , 1866 : statements , and it is a very noticeable tanks and pipe lines, and in every way been
" You say that the Mexican Church has fact, that if one reads and compares the state active. It has never found it necessary to ask
ments of three or four newspapers of the
never taken part in political affairs. Would same date, that he will observe contradictory for diplomatic interference because of any
God this were true, but unfortunately ( des reports. real or fancied grievance. Its Mexican em
graciadamente) we have irrefutable evidences, ployes have remained faithful and steadfast,
and indeed in great numbers, which are a sad and have stood to their posts during the en
but evident truth that even the dignitaries of National Agrarian Commission forced absence of the foreign ones. It is also
the Church and a considerable number of the The auxiliary director of the National a fact that the new labor laws as embodied
clergy have manifested an obstinate and active Agrarian Commission has rendered a detailed in the Constitution are largely based upon the
resistance to the legitimate authorities of the account to the members of that body of the methods followed voluntarily by this company
State. It is clear, my esteemed bishops, that work that has so far been accomplished. In since its inception. In a word, the Mexican
the Mexican Church, by a lamentable fatality, the period from March, 1916 , to March, 1917, Petroleum Company has set an example in
has concerned itself overmuch in temporal different groups have been made of the vari this and other ways that might well be imi
matters, forgetting in this, and losing sight of ous matters that have been treated and accom tated by other concerns, and with profit. It
completely, the true teachings of the gospel. plished, making a total of 4,200 different pro is a pleasure to chronicle the satisfactory
"These words were soon followed by the ceedings. In the month of March of the financial results that have attended the oper
disastrous storm which fell upon the Church current year 75 proceedings were taken up ations of such an organization .
with the overthrow of the empire, and by the and concluded, while a considerable number
stern, relentless fate which led Maximilian to of consultations, petitions, etc. , received atten The agricultural experimental stations in
his death upon the Hill of the Bells." tion. During the same period 76 others were the States of Vera Cruz, Puebla, San Luís
submitted and considered by the commission . Potosí, Oaxaca, Tabasco and elsewhere, have
Smile awhile, and while you smile Six of these have been approved by President been provided with modern machinery and ap
Another smiles. Carranza . pliances , the best varieties of seeds of many
And soon there's miles and miles Approximately over . 870 applications have products have been procured , and the agricul
Of smiles, been submitted to the commission, of which turalists in those sections will be instructed in
And life's worth while, because 470 were for the restitution of lands , while the best methods for the highest development
You smile! the others, on account of their indefinable of their holdings , being aided in every manner
-ANON. character, have not yet been classified . toward this important end.

Falsehoods About Mexico

Seen in a Mexican Plaza (From the "German Herold," New York. )
For months the American newspapers have
A Summer's Idyll of an Idle Summer been filled with reports of the German danger
in Mexico. Whole regiments of German re
BY GEORGE F. WEEKS servists are said to have left the United States
and gone into Mexico to await a favorable
WHY THEY THOUGHT I WAS RUDE for his asking my pardon-that I was only too time to surprise Uncle Sam. The Mexican
glad to have him give me any information or army, it is asserted, has a large number of
AME to my reserved seat in the plaza
CAM one day Don Martin, a typical Mexican make any suggestions that lay within his German officers. German banks in Mexico ,
gentleman, who had done much to smooth my power. it is further said, have managed to continue
path and assist me in the prosecution of my "Very well, then. Some ladies were calling doing business, while British and French
enterprise. upon my family the other day, and I over banks have been prohibited from doing so.
And just a word by way of preface : I heard their conversation . After speaking of Lies are not always small. Those mentioned
arrived in Cuatro Cienegas an absolute stran various matters, they finally began to talk herein have been published over the whole
ger. Had never been there, did not know a about you, and after wondering as to your United States and have found many believers .
soul, and was far more lost than the historical business here, how long you expected to re Presently, a respectable Mexican journal
cat in a strange garret- supposed to represent main, etc. , they remarked that they thought comes forward, that is being published by the
the very acme of loneliness . At that time I you had acted very rudely indeed during your Mexican Government for the enlightenment of
did not possess enough of the language of the stay." this country, and gives the true facts in the
I was thunderstruck. For a moment I could case. In the MEXICAN REVIEW all these stories
country to swear by, even to swear with, and
scarcely enough by which to eat. not find words. Then I said : "Why, Don are designated as absurd. During the last
Martin, what could they have meant? I have three or four months, at the most only 170
Securing a couple of rooms, I was busy,
treated no one rudely since coming here. In Germans have crossed the border into Mexico .
with the help of a peon, setting them to rights
and arranging the few necessary bits of furni fact, I have hardly spoken to any one, and
ture, when a fine-looking, portly gentleman of do not know any of the ladies even by sight.
fifty or thereabouts knocked at the open door. How can they accuse me of having been
"Pardon me," he said. "My name is Martin rude?"
Arredondo. Some of my people told me that "I will explain it to you," said Don Martin.
a strange American had arrived in town with "The ladies went on to say, in explanation
the evident intention of remaining. Knowing of what they thought was your rude conduct,
that there were no other foreigners here, and that you had been here several weeks , that
as I am the only native who speaks English, they had seen you on the plaza on the eve
I thought I would call upon you without delay nings when there was music (Wednesdays and
and place my services at your disposal . If Sundays) , that you had passed them again and
there is anything in which I can assist you, again (the custom being that the women all
I hope you will not be backward in calling walk by themselves in one direction and the
upon me." men by themselves in the opposite direction ) ,
And this was no perfunctory offer, either, and in all that time you had never once spoken
made out of mere courtesy and with no expec to one of them! They were not accustomed
tation that any use would be made of it. In to such rudeness of conduct, and wondered
all my stay in this town Don Martin more where you could have come from, that you
than fulfilled his promise, many times doing were so guilty."
me favors, as I learned subsequently, without As soon as I could catch my breath I said :
solicitation upon my own part. I was in "Why, Don Martin, in California, where I
debted to him over and over again for courte lived many years, and in all other portions of
sies and services of the most valuable kind. the United States, if a man dare speak to a
Beyond giving me his name and pointing lady to whom he has not been introduced, or
out the location of his residence, my visitor unless she speaks to him first, he is apt to Juarez Institute, Villa Hermosa, Tabasco.
did not inform me as to his standing in the find himself in very serious trouble-even in
jail. And, naturally, I supposed the same rule In Tampico, the Mexico harbor city, there are
place, but merely contented himself by offering
prevailed here." only 30 Germans that can be designated as
his assistance and inviting me to call. Very
"We have different customs here, especially newcomers. On the whole, the Mexican con
soon, however, I learned that he was one of
in small towns like this . If a stranger con suls in the United States have only issued
the leading citizens, an extensive property
siders himself to be a gentleman and the equal 500 passports for Germans going into Mexico.
owner, manager of a branch bank, and in
of the people whom he meets on the plaza General Obregon has announced that there is
every respect easily the foremost and most
not one German officer or subordinate in the
influential resident. during the music, it is his duty to speak to
And many a time I thought, and still think : every lady whom he passes. If he does not Mexican army. In general , all foreigners
do this, he is regarded as a boor and very have been debarred from the service . What
How long would a strange Mexican in an
ill bred." the banks have suffered, so all other institu
American town, knowing little of the language
or customs, wait before the leading banker I thanked Don Martin for his kindness, and tions have previously suffered that did not
gave the very pleasant ladies of Cuatro obey the law with regard to the redemption
and property owner would call upon him and
Cienegas no further occasion for criticism on of their paper currency. All Mexican banks.
tender his services ? How long, indeed ? This
this account. Incidentally, I made some very must comply with this law. No one can say
question need not be answered. There isn't
that German banks have received any privi
any answer ! interesting and enjoyable acquaintances .
leges over others. Lastly, the journal takes
But to resume.
the firm stand that Germans living in Mexico
Don Martin sat down by my side and, after have no sympathy for any movement between
a few moments of conversation, said : The National Agrarian Commission and the
the United States and Mexico.
"Señor Semanas , pardon me, but will you various State branches continue to receive
The American press can only win the re
permit me to tell you something that I am numerous applications for the restoration of
spect of foreign countries when such false
sure will be of benefit to you?" community lands and the work is going on reports as have been uncovered by the Mexi
I assured him that there was no necessity rapidly in all portions of the Republic. can journal cease to be believed .

(Concluded from page 5)
Railroad Employes
however, volunteered loans, as did the leading
Formulate the Basis for an Agreement With the
bank of the State, and conditions soon im
Managers of the National Lines
"Ninth-All the rules and laws which have In spite of financial embarrassment all of
HE recent Congress of Railroad Em the governmental functions have proceeded ,
been agreed upon with the actual administra
TH ployes in Mexico City, after several some with notable vigor. The department of
tion of the railroads will be in force indefi
weeks of discussion , adopted the following health has been particularly active, and
nitely, unless at the end of one year two - thirds
as the basis of a mutual understanding with through its co-operation with the local au
of the personnel of the system should desire
the officials : the removing or modification of the existing thorities , a large lagoon near the capital was
"First-The Constitutionalist Railroads of drained. Results have shown in the decrease,
laws, or if the railroads should pass into new
Mexico will recognize the juridical person hands . These would be asked to recognize the practically to the disappearing point, of sev
ality of the corporations or unions formed or eral contagious diseases, which previously
existing laws."
that may be formed in the future, and legally
constituted , by the employes of the railways
and who belong to the different trades repre
sented in the present convention . As
"Second- The functionaries and in general RELOXE
the officers of the railroad shall, in matters
that are related to the service and that in any
way affect the employes , deal with the com
mittees appointed for that purpose by the
Unions or groups recognized by the employes
not grouped.
"Third-Whenever in any portion of the
railway system men are needed for the carry
ing out of some service, the management re
serves to itself the right of sending such em
ployes as they may deem convenient, they
having the power to request the local com
mittees of the groups to which they belong
to make such selection .
"Fourth- When any temporary or perma
nent vacancy of officials shall occur in the
shops, the management shall take into con
sideration, in filling said vacancies, the per
sonal aptitude and capacity of the most
advanced employes . The respective commit
tees shall have the right to pass upon such
appointments when they consider themselves
injured in their scale or grade of standing by
others who may aspire to the same grade.
"Fifth- The granting of free passes and
other privileges to the unions or groups re
ferred to, shall be subjected expressly to the Scenes at Inauguration Festivities
customs already established under the admin
istration of the ex-National Railways of
General J. M. Rodriguez, President of the were of frequent occurrence in the vicinity.
Mexico .
Health Board, is devising a plan in accordance Repairs and construction to the hospital have
"Sixth- Whenever the management shall with the provisions of the new Constitution,
determine upon certain economies with regard for the establishment of a national Depart been made and a new ward has just been
to the personnel, the most adequate form shall ment of Public Health for the entire Republic, begun.
be studied for carrying them out, strictly sub and from which much good is expected to Another important public work is the open
jecting themselves to the general regulations result. ing of a 40-kilometer road, establishing com
The Union of Stevedores and Laborers of
of the shops, in such a manner that the inter munication between the capital of Chiapas and
Vera Cruz has demanded a regular wage of
ests of both sides may receive the least pos $6 daily, while the employers wish only to pay the Department of Pichucalco in Chiapas, and
sible impairment. them by the hour of actual employment. The a telephone line 25 kilometers long between
"Seventh- It is solemnly stipulated that the Governmental Labor Commission will be called
upon unless the question is settled between the capital and the village of San Francisco,
committees will treat only with master me
the parties interested. with a branch of 20 kilometers to extend the
chanics or other immediate chiefs on all
General Jose I. Lugo has been appointed line to the frontier of Chiapas.
matters relative to the service . The privilege Director of the Department of Labor, which
will be allowed to the committees of investi is under the newly created Department of A study of the question of the boundary
gating during working hours, if they have had Commerce and Industry, and will at once com between Chiapas and Tabasco has been com
mence a careful examination of the conditions
previous permission from the chiefs or opera pleted with the greatest care as to the docu
of labor throughout the entire Republic, with
tors, any charges made by employer or em the view of establishing better conditions.
mentary proof, surveys, etc. , and it is believed
ploye. Their rights will of course be merely The authorities of Vera Cruz have directed that an end has been made of a subject long
those of representatives . that all saloons and places where alcoholic in doubt.
"Eighth-Whenever any employe of the beverages are sold shall be closed at six in
railroad is arrested by the authorities, if the the evening. The proprietors of such estab
lishments have entered a protest, but the au General Jesus J. Ferreira has been appointed
motive be in any way connected with the thorities have positively refused to recede,
service, the railroad will help him in all pos claiming it is for the benefit of the public to Governor of the new State of Nayarit, for
enforce the order. merly the Territory of Tepic.
sible ways.

Three Years' Trade Record

Mexico's Foreign Trade The National City Bank of New York
has compiled the following interesting sta
Enormous and Increasing Demand for Her tistics showing the commerce between Mexico
Products in the United States and the United States during the past three
years, each year given being for the twelve
N order to give an exact idea of the im With such a population, what will bethe
consumption of tropical products ? It will months ending with December :
IN portance to Mexico of the commerce
done by the United States in products amount to billions of dollars. What a great PRINCIPAL IMPORTS FROM MEXICO
grown on our soil, beneath the ardent rays prospect for the neighbor on the South, 1914 1915 1916
of the tropical sun, we quote below figures Mexico ! What a future for our tropical agri Coffee,
» lbs. 43,551,343 52,205,373 51,779,324
$6,755,955 $6,625,840 $ 6,686,181
taken from official statistics showing the culture ! What a field for the investment of Copper Ore, gross
weight, tons 80,518 71,067 163,163
importations during three different epochs, capital ! The Mexican mines are acknowl Copper Ore, copper
from which will be seen the enormous con edged to be the richest in the world, and the cont., lbs 15,495,694 14,707,724 33,525,559
Copper Ore $ 1,882,728 $ 1,906,324 $7,394,396
sumption in the United States of the petroleum deposits discovered on the Gulf Copper manufac
tures, lbs. ..... 43,193,868 15,973,838 62,391,123
articles referred to . And in order to better coast promise to inundate both hemispheres Copper manufac
appreciate the undeniable interest which with that fluid ; but neither the mines nor the tures ► $6,009,328 $ 2,726,367 $ 14,197,120
>> Grass,
Sisal "" tons .. 197,340 176,055 211,321
Mexico takes in the development of this petroleum compare to the wealth Mexico will • $22,283,373 $ 19,133,777 $25,479,127
obtain from the traffic in the products grown Straw Hats, etc .. $239,313 $397,127 $207,152
traffic, neighbors as we are, and producing Hides,
JJ Cattle,
"2 lbs . 37,750,732 50,808,523 32,374,236
on our soil, as we do, practically all the in the tropics, having, as she does, at her $6,367,722 $8,357,078 $ 5,876,718
articles given below, we mention also the doorway a market which she could not totally }} skins,• lbs... - $4,008,
Goat 561 3,304,193 4,345,916
1,165,461 $901,095 $ 1,218,422
Lead and Lead
population of the United States on the supply if every inch of her fertile soil were manufactures,
three dates referred to . to be cultivated. lbs. • ·· · 46,267,361 93,558,927 37,678,597
Lead and Lead
manufactures · .. $ 1,498,510 $ 3,152,196 $ 1,828,445
Product 1875 1900 1914 Mahogany, 1,000 ft. 7,617 7,446 7,069
Mahogany $512,785 $471,445 $535,389
Fine woods 896,962 2,430,702 7,124,688
Cocoa and chocolate • 595,128 6,210,035 21,503,983
Coffee 50,591,488 52,467,943 111,456,524 PRINCIPAL EXPORTS TO MEXICO
Cork 108,047 1,909,483 6,499,632 1914 1915 1916
Cotton • 408,808 7,969,945 20,803,635 Agricultural Imple
ments $127,609 $96,810 $196,699
Dyes and colors S 973,519 1,083,664 3,337,228 Corn, bu. · • 782,005 2,883,700 3,498,948
Plumes 10 9,204 1,736,458 4,871,663 Wheat, bu. 260,364 132,471 42,319
Fibers - 2,147,811 24,277,272 51,539,636 Automobiles $ 111,334 $160,467 $603,776
13,086,459 19,263,092 61,595,395 Coal , bituminous,
Fruits • tons 359,802 279,013 196,547
Gums 2,807,164 6,884,704 12,741,609 Coal, bituminous .. $ 1,450,402 $ 1,237,153 $736,171
Rubber and Guttapercha • 4,675,490 31,792,607 72,156,437 Cotton, unmanufac
• 649,724 1,446,490 1,093,226 tured, bales ... • 29,655 33,133 4,520
Indigo Cotton, unmanufac
Licorice root • 953,928 1,657,256 2,047,192 tured, lbs. ··· • 15,872,670 17,660,560 2,367,750
Raw and prepared opium . · 2,037,793 2,189,721 1,810,429 Cotton, unmanufac
7,652,017 tured ... $1,455,366 $ 1,858,186 $307,198
Rice ·· 1,547,697 2,279,036 Cotton Cloths, yds. 8,231,870 11,761,191 61,088,413
Tapioca Cotton Cloths $690,771 $863,207 $4,781,596
Olive Oil • 230,890 411,029 8,394,190 Locomotives, steam 2 17 54
Locomotives, steam $15,510 $168,300 $384,805
Raw silk 2 4,918,350 45,329,760 100,930,025 Pipes and Fittings
Spices ♥ 2,285,525 3,401,029 5,595,509 cast, lbs. ·· 1,981,079 10,224,797
Sponges 118,129 536,303 481,973 Wrought Pipes, lbs. ·· · 11,286,231 23,494,808
Rails for Railways,
Sugar and Molasses • 85,014,578 85,949,891 156,534,946 tons 960 2,653 3,959
Tea •R 22,673,303 10,558,110 16,735,302 Iron, Steel Sheets
Tobacco * 6,861,384 15,661,360 35,608,109 and Plates, lbs .. 5,536,578 4,284,430 6,983,790
348,120 2,277,675 Structural Iron and
Vanilla 1,209,334 …………
Steel, tons .... 1,616 1,272 3,597
Vegetable Oils 1,806,613 6,320,711 23,130,549 Tinplate, etc., lbs. 3,488,252 7,710,940 3,828,929
Wire, barbed, etc.,
lbs. .... • 5,692,724 3,585,393 3,609,808
Totals 205,746,114 332,975,955 735,921,572 Wire, barbed, etc.. $ 137,620 $ 105,262 $155,038
Bacon, lbs. 225,342 136,391 313,248
As may be seen from the above figures, dur If Mexico aspires to be a great, strong and Lard, lbs. 2,988,262 6,465,558 10,363,916
Oils : Crude, gals.. 9,207,354 10,132,665 7,972,448
ing the period from 1875 to 1914 there was an rich Nation, she must not lose sight of this Lubricating, gals. 694,436 745 739 619,608
Cottonseed, lbs... 6,347,683 3,198,312 999,712
increase in the consumption of tropical prod market ; nor fail to improve the opportunity Paper, News Print,
ucts in the United States amounting to $530, which nature has given her of cultivating lbs. 1,342,640 4,525,022 5,537,920
Paraffine Wax, lbs. 9,216,906 5,088,646 3,581,732
175,458. products which her neighbor on the north, Boards, Planks, etc.
M ft. ... 46,878 31,054 44,085
The population on the three different dates who cannot grow them in her frigid climate, Wool wearing ap
mentioned was as follows : 1875, 43,951,000 ; must import from other lands to feed her parel $236,921 $276,630
enormous population , and provide material for
1900, 75,994,575 ; 1914, 98,646,491 .
her numerous factories.
In forty years the population has more than From various portions of the Republic
This stream of gold which flows year after
doubled. If it continues increasing at this is received information of the establishment
year from the United States to distant coun
rate, by the end of the present century the tries that grow the same products that are of periodicals , both daily and weekly. Pub
United States will have more than four hun lishers are greatly hampered by the scar
produced on Mexican soil, should be diverted
dred million inhabitants , and the consumption to us, and it is to accomplish this that the city and high price of white paper.
of tropical products in the same ratio will News is making these studies for the benefit
amount to three billions of dollars. And in The authorities of the city of Campeche
of the country, whose geographical situation have refused the application of a prominent
another century or two the population of that places it in such an admirable position to con
country will no doubt exceed that of western citizen for permission to open a saloon on
trol the neighboring markets in competition .
Europe, which is calculated at four hundred the principal thoroughfare of the place,
with the other tropical countries.- Mexican
and fifty millions, and is scattered over a News.
on the ground that the building selected
territory but little greater than that of the is needed for the establishment of a new
United States, the area of western Europe Two new nautical schools are to be es school, which they declare in their refusal
being about ten million square kilometers, and tablished by the Department of War and to grant the permission is of such para
that of the United States nine and a half Navy-one in Campeche and the other at mount importance to the public welfare
millions. Mazatlan, Sinaloa. as not to admit of discussion .

of a sainted father, who preached in the same

pulpit for forty-two years, without meddling
育 with public affairs. And it can be conclu
sively denied in the name of the Savior of
men, who commanded his followers to "ren
der unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's."
Your article is quite unsparing in condem
nation of Mexican political corruption . Are
you acquainted with the real conditions in
your own city and State ?
Your editorial carries on further about the
provision that "ministers must be natives of
Mexico" ; which, from years of residence in
Mexico, with some knowledge of the Spanish
language, I consider, as do practically all
70 Mexican statesmen, a necessary provision for
their present safety ; nor do I think it aimed
at Americans or at Protestants, but at the
Jesuit political hierarchy. You further laugh
house. As if the title was not at the idea of legislative control of the num
ber of churches . One would think you be
enough, your first paragraph is
lieve there cannot be too much of a good
monstrously absurd, in which you
thing. What authority do you think ought
say that it "appears the re
to regulate the number of churches in a
actionaries are in control and de
country like Mexico ? Coming nearer home,
termined to prevent light pene
do you approve of the continuing divisions in
trating Mexican darkness," and
the Presbyterian and Methodist bodies, for
more of the same sort. This is
instance, which are designated geographically,
diametrically opposite to the and which make a mock of the Gospel they
truth, as all disinterested people preach by perpetuating the distrust of the
acquainted with real Mexican
Civil War in the pulpit, long after even politi
conditions can testify. cians are ashamed of it?
Your second statement is news As to muzzling the press, which we are now
indeed concerning the burning doing for the same reasons as Mexico- self
anxiety of "Americans of all protection-various interests with offices
classes" to aid Mexico by estab within a mile of yours, and at least one other
Thousands of Doves Freed at Inauguration lishing free schools (which Diaz interest which is never rated commercially,
did a generation gone), "free press" (do have long muzzled our metropolitan press,
Comment on the Constitution you think theirs is not as free as your own including your valued journal. To make a
organ?), "free churches" (which they have long story short, you have not made a point
WASHINGTON, D. C., June 1, 1917. had since 1857) . Mexico, religion perhaps from beginning to end of the editorial in
To the Editor of the MEXICAN REVIEW. excepted, neither wants nor needs foreign question, for want of the Mexican atmosphere
SIR: Some time since the New York Inde teachers any more than we do. How many and angle of vision.
pendent commented upon certain phases of patriotic Americans want German teachers Your concluding paragraph is saturated with
the New Mexican Constitution in a manner for their sons? the same un-American confusion of thought
that I and others believed warranted a pro Governor Alvarado's (Yucatan ) school sys already noted. After acknowledging Rome's
test. In accordance with this belief I sent tem, which is at least as progressive as any responsibility for Mexican conditions in that
that paper the accompanying letter, which has thing in America, gets along very well with they are bred by centuries of Romish mis
not, however, so far, made its appearance in out foreign teachers, thank you . rule, you say that "tolerance, not intolerance,
its columns. In the interest of fair play, truth Then you soar in excitement about the " dia is the proper remedy for them." Perhaps so,
and common justice, I ask that THE REVIEW bolical cunning with which the Mexican Con if the sentiment is confined to religion, but
give it space in its pages. stitution is drawn up" and you quote from absolutely false if politics be included. You
Yours truly, the new one : "Every religious act of public seem to want to hark back to the exploded
S. J. MACFARREN. worship shall be performed strictly within the theory of religious persecution in Mexico ,
places of public worship, which shall at all which convulsed our office-ridden editorial
To the Editor of the Independent : times be under governmental supervision." If rooms last year, but it won't do, dear Inde
Allow a surprised reader, representing that seems extreme to you, it is because you pendent; it may be all right, but it won't do.
others who have had confidence in your know nothing of the clerical tyranny against Mexico is not only tolerant of the Romish
leadership in public matters, to apply its own which it is directed and under which Mexico religion, but devoted to it in preference to all
language to your editorial of March 26th, en suffered for centuries, and you further support others. Most Mexicans love it, and all of
titled "The Elimination of Religion and Edu your case by quoting the provision of the new them respect it. What Mexican patriots nat
cation from Mexico." It is truly a "most Constitution that all places of public worship urally despise and detest is Romish politics,
amazing" paper, in tone, in statement, in infer are the property of the nation ; but you en which have wrought them so much damage.
ence and in spirit, to say nothing of taste. tirely omit, with intention unexplained, to state And they show here in practice a correct dis
Does your controlling interest deem this a that this provision is in the old Constitution crimination which is quite absent from your
good time to insult and anger every loyal since '57; and I have yet to hear any com editorial, and indeed from our timid metro
citizen of our good neighbor Mexico, with plaint of it from disinterested sources ; and politan press generally. They have learned,
whom we are at peace despite some delicacy then you make the monstrous statement, for in common with most other countries domi
in present relations ? Do you consider it good a society like ours, in which church and state nated by Rome, what Protestant countries
morals or patriotic citizenship ? are strictly separate, as is the church and edu like our own seem very slow to realize, as
Your article is of the war-producing type cation, "that the ministers are prohibited from our own hard-working and continually slan
which promises so much trouble for our coun the exercise of their highest function- that of dered patriotic Jesuits can testify.
try, and its hostile animus is about as safe influence on public affairs," meaning, of course, S. J. MACFARREN.
in the present crisis as a match in a powder politics. The writer denies this in the name Washington, April 15, 1917.


employed, whether mechanical, physical or

New Oil Taxation Decree chemical, which may give as a result the
separation of one or more of the substances
which compose the original product. From
Following is the Text of the New Oil Tax Decree, Brief Synopses
this excepted the operation of water elim
of which were Telegraphed at the Time of its Issue
ination, always provided it be performed
HE Citizen in charge of the Executive steamers employed in exportation shall be without the intervention of heat, and that
TH Power issued recently the following subject to preceding tariff. it result in the separation of the compo- .
Decree : The products derived from refining crude nents of the crude petroleum .
petroleum and the utilization of gas from Crude gasoline is the distillate corre
Venustiano Carranza, First Chief of the the wells not to be consumed in the sponding to this product which has not
Constitutionalist Army, in charge of the received treatment of redistillation and
country, shall pay as follows :
Executive Power of the Nation, by virtue purifying with acid and alkali ; crude kero
Refined gasoline, half of one cent per
of the powers with which I am invested ;
litre . sene is the distillate corresponding to this
Whereas, The production of petroleum product which has not received any treat
Crude gasoline , one cent per litre.
in the country , due to the great develop ment of redistillation and purifying with
Crude kerosene, half of one cent per litre.
ment which it has acquired in recent years, acid and alkali . Refined gasoline and kero
must become a fount of income for the Refined kerosene, one quarter of one
cent per litre. sene are such as have received treatment of
Federal Treasury, proportionate with the redistillation and purifying by means of
Lubricant, one quarter of one cent per
great profits derived therefrom by the acid and alkali .
Companies and concerns dedicated to the As petroleum fuel are considered the
Asphalt, $ 1.50 per ton .
oil industry ; that it is expedient to exempt liquid products proceeding from crude
Gas, 5 per centum ad valorem .
from the special Stamp Tax such petroleum petroleum or the mixtures of petroleums
as is consumed within the country, for the B. Crude petroleum and its derivates , from which have been eliminated certain
purpose of encouraging industry by sup when wasted in any quantity, either through oils to lower their point of inflaming. Fuel
plying abundant and cheap fuel ; that in carelessness or lack of compliance with oils are included among the refined oils ,
view of the varied quality of the petroleum legal provisions, shall pay a double tax there being effected , however, a special
produced in the Republic , and the conse from that corresponding to similar prod classification for the purposes of the tax .
quent variation of commercial value, there ucts . Products derived from the natural Art . 4. In order to be able to establish
fore the tax must take into consideration gas from the wells whenever wasted owing the tax which according to paragraph A of
the value of each product in order to be to the same reasons, shall pay IO per Article I corresponds to each one of the
reasonable and equitable ; that a consider centum of their commercial value . products derived from petroleum , the De
able quantity of the liquid is not utilized partment of the Treasury shall stipulate
Art. 2. The following shall be exempted
owing to lack of the necessary requirements twice a month the prices of said articles
from the special stamp tax, save such as
in the exploration work and daily handling, at the ports of shipment, taking the average
may correspond to them on sales as per
causing frequent losses, not only to the of the values of the preceding month . The
Law of June 1 , 1906 :
Companies interested, but also to Govern manifests or invoices submitted by the
ment due to the income that it fails to re A. All crude petroleum which may be Companies covering sales of the same
ceive; consumed in the country, either due to articles throughout the Republic, shall
sales , use in exploration work, or exploita serve as basis to make the aforesaid com
Therefore , I have deemed proper to issue
tion in the fields and terminals of the Com
the following Decree : putation . In case that there be not ef
panies ; such as may be delivered to the re fected sales in the country, the average
Article 1. All petroleum in a crude state fineries of the country to be refined or price of said product at New York shall
of national production , its derivates, and used as fuel ; such as may be used by the
well gas, from the moment it leaves the be taken for the preceding month or at
steamers or tug-boats destined to coast some other ports of the United States, de
fields or reservoirs, shall be subjected to a service or in general, all the crude petro ducting the value of transportation of the
special stamp tax, as follows : leum of national production which may be said products from the Mexican ports to
A. All crude petroleum of national pro used in any form within the country. the foreign ports. In the absence of proven
duction, as well as fuel petroleum which is B. All by-products of crude petroleum
data to make the previous calculation , there
not destined to be used within the country, of national production, whatever may be shall be assigned a price equal to that ob
shall pay the tax in accordance with the its class or physical state, which may be taining in United States for the same
following tariff : sold or utilized in any form whatever, with articles, as regards their physical proper
Fuel petroleum shall pay 10 per centum in the country, always provided they may ties , affixing upon this price the corre
per net ton ad valorem; this value shall be have been elaborated at the national re
sponding tax.
considered for fuel oil , of 0.91 density at fineries, in the fields or terminals of the }
Art . 5 . All sums to be paid into the
$9.50 . The value of the ton of fuel oil shall companies, whatever may have been the
process employed, Treasury , in accordance with the present
diminish twenty cents for each increase of
Decree , shall be made up of national gold .
one hundredth of density, including in this Art. 3. For the purpose of the present
variation the petroleum whose density may Decree, there shall be understood as crude Transitory
be 0.97 . petroleum , the natural product, such as it Art. I. All laws, regulations , and pro
The value of fuel oil, whose density may issues from the sources or wells, always
provided that they do not contain more visions which may be opposed to the ful
be less than 0.91 , shall increase for each
fillment of the present Decree are hereby
hundredth which it may diminish in density, than one per centum of water or sediment,
rescinded .
the sum of forty cents. for should it contain a greater proportion , Art . 2. This Decree shall go into effect
The price of $7.50 per ton is assigned then from the total weight there shall be
from May 1 , 1917. Therefore I order that
per ton to all petroleum whose density deducted the equivalent to the proportion
per centum that it may exceed the afore it be printed , published , circulated and com
may be greater than 0.97. plied with .
Crude petroleum shall pay 10 per centum said one per cent, upon making the liqui
Constitution and Reforms. Given at the
per net ton ad valorem ; said value shall be dation of the respective tax.
National Palace of Mexico , on the thir
considered as $14.00 for oils of 0.91 density, Under the denomination of refined pe
teenth day of April of the year nineteen
diminishing in the same manner that fuel troleum shall be understood all the prod hundred and seventeen ,
oil, up to a density of 0.97. ucts, solid or liquid proceeding from crude
Fuel oil for the use of tug -boats and tank petroleum , whatever may be the process (Signed) V. CARRANZA.



Fifty additional mines in the State of San Night schools have been established in Jutla ,
Active operations have been commenced on Oaxaca, for the convenience of adults and
the construction of the port works at Pro Luís Potosí have announced the resumption
greso, Yucatan, the principal seaport in that of operations , giving employment to thousands others who are unable to attend the day
State. of workingmen . schools .
The Society of Train Dispatchers and Rail Reports from Chihuahua are that industrial Lic. Luís Manuel Rojas, who was President
way Telegraphers has been reorganized in and mining operations have been resumed in of the Constituent Congress which adopted
Mexico City with a large and enthusiastic the Parral district and in all portions of the the new Constitution, has been installed as
membership. southern section of that State. Director-General of Fine Arts.
A suitable site in the city of Saltillo has Permission has been granted by the Depart Four new schools for working people have
been given by Governor Espinosa Mireles to ment of Communications for the construction recently been established in the city of
the workingmen for the erection of a building of two wharves on the shores of the Panuco Toluca, capital of the State of Mexico . They
for their use as a clubhouse. River by concerns engaged in the production are for children and adults of both sexes and
William A. Hay has been granted a con and exportation of petroleum . are well attended .
cession by the Department of Fomento to During the last month for which statistics A model agricultural school has been estab
exploit the cocoanut, coquito and similar re are available there were exported from the lished at Irapuato , in the State of Guana
sources of the Territory of Quintana Roo . port of Tampico a total of 245,371 tons of juato , a locality famous for the production
petroleum in various forms. The Huasteca of choice strawberries, which are harvested
The Bureau of Agriculture has opened an
office for the testing of various classes of Company (an American concern ) led all daily throughout the year.
seeds, and all farmers and others interested others with 95,300 tons. A rural normal school has been established
are invited to make use of the same. The Company for the Development of the in Yucatán, "in imitation of the example set
Plans are on foot among the various labor Southeast has been granted ample accommo by Booker T. Washington." It is to be called
unions of the Federal District, which includes dations for the construction of all the works the "Student City of the Mayas," and an
the city of Mexico, for the organization of at Progreso necessary for handling petroleum admirable location has been chosen in the
a federation of the unions of all trades . for use in the State of Yucatán. The plant pueblo of Itzimna.
will be an extensive one.
Preparations have been completed for the The State authorities of Sinaloa have
establishment in Monterrey of a plant for the The wells that are being sunk in the Tam served notice upon all parents and those hav
inanufacture of films of scenes illustrating pico district by the National Government under ing children in their charge that they must
progress and present conditions in Mexico . the direction of Alberto Langarica, C.E. , are send them regularly to school, or otherwise
approaching completion and it is expected a they will be dealt with in a salutary manner.
The Mexican consul at Kobe, Japan, is ar large supply of oil will be secured. They are
ranging to secure shipments of white paper by It is proposed that every child of suitable age
equipped with the most modern machinery. shall be obliged to receive an education.
manufacturers in that country to supply the
demand in Mexico , where news print is very Some of the largest mines in the Republic The school teachers of Yucatán (who are
scarce and high-priced. are sending their entire output of bullion to greater in number than the entire military
the National Mint for coinage and it has been force in that State ) have organized a CO
Owing to the suspension of the tax on im
ported automobiles and other machines, there found necessary to augment the employes of operative society for supplying members with
that institution in order to handle the matter
has been a great impetus in the importation satisfactorily and promptly. all kinds of food articles and general mer
of such articles at Tampico , and the customs chandise at wholesale rates . They will also
employes have been overworked in conse Consular reports from points in the United establish dairies, poultry farms, gardens,
quence. States declare that there is a constantly in bakeries, etc.
creasing demand for coal in that country that
The Department of Aviation is extending is produced in Mexico , and a great stimulus The National Library is receiving many im
its operations and three new groups of provements, among others the addition of an
hangars have recently been constructed in the is expected in the coal fields of Coahuila in
consequence. Infantile Department for literature adapted to
suburbs of the city of Mexico, while the the very young. The work of classifying and
capacity of the shops for the construction of The total production of petroleum in the cataloguing the large number of books in the
aeroplanes has also been increased . Republic in 1916 was 40,550,469 barrels . In institution is well under way, over sixty thou
Latest available statistics show that the 1900 the production was 18,000 barrels ; in sand volumes having already been arranged
State of Vera Cruz produced in a single year 1905, 650,000 barrels ; in 1910 , 3,500,000 bar during the present year.
a grand total of $63,600,000, coffee leading rels ; in 1911 , 14,500,000 barrels ; in 1913,
with $13,162,000 . Sugar yielded $9,989,000, corn 15,575,000 barrels ; in 1914, 26,325,000 barrels,
$7,775,000, alcohol $7,441,000, timber $5,718,000 , and in 1915 , 38,655,000 barrels . The police authorities of the city of Mérida,
tobacco $4,790,000 , vanilla $3,630,000, beans Secretary Pani, of the Department of Com capital of Yucatán, have taken strict measures
$1,798,000, etc. merce and Industry, announces positively that against the adulteration of milk and punish
A concession has been granted to J. H. the Government has no intention whatever of severely any violating the law in this direction.
Mendoza for the exploitation of the guano "intervening" ( confiscating ) regarding the General Ignacio Pesquiera has been ap
deposits on the islands of María Cleofas, property of any foreign petroleum company, pointed Governor of the State of Sinaloa ,
Marietas, Punta Mita and Piedra Blanca, in and he declares that all reports in the press pending the election that has been called to
the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Colima. to the contrary are absolutely false.
fill that position. There are six candidates
The terms of the grant are the receipt by the The Department of Fomento has granted now in the field.
Government of twenty per cent of the total to Frank L. Semple a concession to construct
amount extracted . a public pipe line for handling petroleum and The Department of Fomento has nullified
for the construction of wharves and other the concession granted in 1912 to J. N. Ron
The Mexican consul at Copenhagen has dero to exploit seaweed on the coast between
recommended the establishment of a perma shipping facilities at the port of Tuxpam and
nent exhibition in that city of the products at three points on Lake Tamiahua. In return Mazatlán and Topolobampo. Failure to com
for the concession the recipient agrees to con ply with the terms of the concession was the
of the Republic, in order to encourage trade cause.
between the two countries . There is an ex struct a building for public use at whatever
tensive demand in Denmark for many articles point the Government may select, such to cost Natives of Mexico going from that country
produced in Mexico . not less than $20,000. to the United States are required to pay $8
each for the privilege of entry, and must also
be able to read and write idiomatic English,
THE MEXICAN NEWS or, in default, to do the same in their own
B. F. Inman Only Newspaper in Mexico Publishing News language.
APARTADO 26B MEXICO, D. F. in the English Language
Securities, Confidential Information, Freight Subscription rate $10 per year U. S. Currency
Forwarding and Tariffs, and Trans H. C. Walker, Manager, Postoffice Box 1956, GEORGE WILSON
lations. Prompt attention to all or la Nuevo Mexico 24, Mexico City, D. F.
inquiries. Cable " INMAN" Mines, Oil Lands
Communications and Subscriptions Addressed to
CODES THE MEXICAN REVIEW Correspondence Solicited
Western Union A. B. C. , 5th Edition 613 Riggs Bldg. , Washington, D. C.
Bedford McNeill "Pantelegraphy TYBO" Will be promptly Forwarded. P. O. Box 1677 Mexico, D. F.
675APR 30


The salaries of all public employes in the The rates of import duty on packages sent A telephone system is to be established in
State of San Luis Potosi have been increased by parcel post from other countries have been the city of Merida, with branch lines to all
twenty-five per cent, in order to keep pace directed to be increased one hundred per cent. important points in the State of Yucatan.
with the high cost of living. The export duty on garbanzos ( a species of Beginning with the early part of April, rail
A corps of 600 cavalrymen, after the fash field pea in great demand abroad and pur way communication was re-established directly
ion of the former rurales, has been equipped chased extensively on the Mexican west coast) between the Capital City and Juarez, via
in Sonora to act as mounted police in the has been decreased from six cents to three Torreon and Chihuahua.
outlying regions. cents per kilo-corresponding to 1.38 and .69 During the year 1916, the National railway
cents per pound respectively. lines consumed 364,798 cubic meters of petro
The work of dredging and otherwise im leum as fuel. Not half of the locomotives of
proving the harbor of Tampico and the All tax collectors in every portion of the the lines are oil burners.
Panuco River is progressing rapidly and ship Republic have been instructed to make prompt
ping accommodations for deep-water vessels and frequent remittances of moneys collected An employe of the railway shops in Mexico
are being rapidly augmented. by them to the National Treasury, in order City has perfected a device for the automatic
that there may be as large an accumulation stoppage of trains, by which accidents can be
The wages of all employes in the textile prevented when an engineer overruns or pays
factories of the State of Mexico have been of coin therein as possible.
no attention to the adverse signals .
increased at the ratio of thirty per cent for For a portion of the month of April the
Treasury Department established the rate of Under date of April 19th it was announced
those working by the day and forty per cent
for piece workers. exchange at which American money would be that the repairs to the railway between Ori
received for import duties at $1.70 Mexican zaba and Vera Cruz had been completed and
A Congress of Workingmen in all the tex the regular operation of trains had been com
tile establishments of the State of Puebla has coin for $1 in American paper, silver, nickel menced.
been called by the Governor under authoriza or copper, and at $1.95 for each gold dollar.
tion of President Carranza for the purpose of The outstanding paper currency, or "infalsi Receipts for passenger and freight traffic
ficable" bills, is to be returned to the National have increased notably on the Mexican Rail
discussing various measures for the betterment way since it was taken over by the Govern
of the condition of the workers in every di Treasury by the imposition of a surtax in that
rection . This State is one of the leading money equal to the amount imposed in coin ment, while trains are operated with much
greater regularity. The shops at Orizaba and
manufacturing centers of the Republic. on all imports, exports and mineral products.
As a result, the paper referred to is increasing Apizaco are busily repairing the rolling stock
Following the recent convention of railway and putting it again in commission.
shop employes in Mexico City, which dealt rapidly in value, although not in circulation.
satisfactorily with various questions affecting Recent quotations of paper money in Mexico CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED
the welfare of that class of workmen, another City show that the notes for one dollar of THE MEXICAN REVIEW will be pleased to receive
Congress was held in May of the trainmen, the National Bank are valued at 33 to 34 communications from whatever source dealing with
matters of interest to both Mexicans and Americans,
conductors, engineers, firemen, etc., which cents , while those of the Bank of London and and from those who desire to have the truth known
took up problems affecting their branch of the Mexico are valued at 19 to 20 cents. "Infalsi about Mexico . It is hoped that all who wish to aid
service, with good results . All labor matters ficable" bills, the last Government issue, which in the removal of the widespread false impressions
concerning that country, and in placing it in its
are being handled in this manner throughout are no longer in circulation, are quoted at proper light before the world, will assist THE REVIEW
the Republic . $40 to $42 for $1 in coin . in this important but difficult task.

To Country Editors and Farmers :

If you want to learn all about the biggest and most successful farmer's coöperative
system in the world , you should study the organization of the Comision Reguladora
del Mercado de Henequen of Yucatan.

If you want to know the truth about binder twine, the reasons for the advance in
prices and what interests are back of the very costly campaign that is being waged
against the Yucatan coöperative marketing system, you should read the SISAL
BULLETIN, published every two weeks .

Millions of dollars are being spent by certain wealthy individuals and powerful
corporations to regain control over the world's supply of the fibre that is used
exclusively, almost, in the manufacture of binder twine for the American farmers.
The Sisal Bulletin will keep you posted on this gigantic fight. A postcard or letter
will get your name on the permanent mailing list and you will be glad that you
found it. It is free.


Room 2835 Equitable Bldg. , 120 Broadway

New York City


CCT27 1917

President Carranza's Address to Congress UNIV. OF MICH


Mexican Review







Mexico's Oil Industry

also the aid given to Salvador as a result of

President Carranza's Address
the earthquake of June 7th.
The release of a large number of rifle car
Delivered at the Reopening of the Congressional Session tridges belonging to the Government, which
had been detained at the border for a lengthy
September 1st-Condition of the Country
period, was ascribed to the good offices of
N THE first day of September the Na tries before proposing the date for the open Ambassador Fletcher.
ON tional Chamber of Deputies reconvened ing of the Congress ; that the Argentine
after a recess of several days, and President Treatment of Rebels and Bandits
Foreign Office had addressed the Chanceries 1
Carranza addressed that body personally , re The restoration of the tribunals and pro
of those countries which had not replied,
viewing the progress made by the Government requesting that they communicate the impres cesses of civil law received attention, and in
under his direction since his opening address sions of their governments on the suggested this connection the President said ;
to Congress on May 1st last. step ; and, finally, that the proposed meeting "The Constitution promulgated at Querétaro
He said :
was not designed to deal with permanent having modified the framework of the execu
"Gentlemen of the Congress : It is a source questions of an international order, but to dis tive power, it became necessary to draft a bill
of deep gratification , in obedience to the con cuss incidents growing out of the conflict, on executive departments and bureaus ; 4 this
stitutional mandate, to inform you on this treating the situation which the war had pre measure is now under consideration by the
solemn occasion as to the march of public sented to the neutrals, endeavoring to bring Congress.
affairs during the brief period elapsed since about uniformity of views in the matter, and "The final victory of the cause of the people
May 1st last. At that time, when the great co-ordinating as far as possible the viewpoint has been followed by two significant events in
charter went into force with the opening of of the several nations. The Government of keeping with our historical traditions : the ap
the Congress , it was my privilege to fulfil the Mexico replied to the Argentine Minister, re pearance of banditry, and the desire on the
same duty for the preconstitutional period. questing that he suggest to his Government part of those who are convinced of the fruit
"The reconstruction of the nation began at the advisability of expediting the date of the lessness of their task to , surrender. In the
the same time as the struggle on the fields Congress, adding that the republics which had problems arising out of these two conditions,
of battle, and the Executive has been zealously not yet accepted the invitation might subse the Executive has submitted to your distin
continuing this reorganization , harmonizing quently formulate their answers and attend guished consideration a bill to punish high
one epoch with the other by means of decrees the conference. But on July 22d last, our waymen, incendiaries, and kidnappers, and
and adequate measures. and directing his representative in Buenos Aires advised that another bill granting it the right to accept
efforts in strict compliance with the law. the President of Argentina deemed it expe the surrender of such rebels as may request
There have not lacked obstacles to thwart the dient to postpone indefinitely the call for the it. The passage of these measures will allow,
aims of the Revolution ; but it has been my Congress of Neutrals, in virtue of the lack of on the one hand, of the incorporation into the
happy fortune to overcome them, to the deep uniformity of opinion among the Latin social fabric of those who patriotically lay
regret of those interested in creating difficul American countries, and in order to avoid a down their arms, and, on the other hand, will
ties for the Government. misinterpretation as to the purposes of the permit of the extermination of those bandits.
conference. who, with no other watchword than that of
The Latin-American Peace Congress
"The Mexican Government has seen with crime, are engaged in blowing up trains, in
"The diplomatic relations of the Government regret that its efforts toward peace did not pillaging, and in murdering helpless human
of Mexico with foreign nations have suffered have the desired success and that the world beings. In fulfilment, too, of the imperative
no alteration , and are more cordial than conflagration has spread until it has reached duty of preventing the public order from be
ever. nations wholly foreign to the issues involved ing disturbed, I decreed, by a circular order,
"This honorable body is already advised that in this gigantic struggle, which has no prece the expulsion of those authors, accomplices
on February 11th last the Government of dent in the annals of history. Inspired, how or abettors of the military coup of 1913 or of
Mexico addressed a note to the neutral gov ever, by the same lofty and sincere sentiments offenses against the Constitutionalist • Govern
ernments, expressing its keen desire to lend of humanity which animated her note to the ment who had returned to the country, except
its aid in an effort to bring about a cessation neutral countries in February last, Mexico will ing those who had come back by decision of
of the bloody strife which is annihilating Eu not falter an instant in her purpose to con the First Chief or of the President of the
rope and is convulsing and threatening the tribute in one way or another toward hasten Republic. This decree will remain in force
rest of the world. As a result of this step, ing the day of a lasting and stable peace. until the amnesty law relating to these
the Argentine Government , through our diplo "Mexico would be happy to lend her dis offenders and that of civil responsibility pre
matic representative in Buenos Aires, com interested co-operation toward the restoration scribed in Transitory Article No. 15 of the
municated to the Government of Mexico its of world harmony ; and desirous as she is of Constitution shall have been enacted."
decision to invite all the Latin-American re The granting of pensions to the widows of
contributing toward this humanitarian work,
publics to a Congress- which might be held she will not let the first opportunity pass which President Madero , Vice-President Suarez and
in Buenos Aires-with a view to co- ordinate future events may offer to carry out these other revolutionary martyrs was noted . The
the several efforts of the Hispano-American magnanimous aims. President stated that he had studied carefully
republics in favor of peace, without infringing "Mexico, in order better to fulfil this mis various measures necessary for enactment into
the dignity and rights of the belligerent na sion which destiny offers her, wholly removed law for carrying out the provisions of the new
tions. The Mexican Government gladly ac as she is from the issues being fought out Constitution . The relations of the National
cepted this invitation, which was addressed by the European peoples and respectful of all Government and the various State govern
by the Argentine Government to all the other nations and respected by them, will continue ments were declared to be perfectly harmo
Latin-American republics. Accordingly, on maintaining the strictest neutrality, as has been nious and actuated by the same spirit.
May 1st last, H. E. Sr. Manuel E. Malbrán, and will be her unalterable policy."
Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipo Labor Troubles
The various changes in the diplomatic
tentiary of Argentina, notified this Govern service were recited , while the fact was noted "In order not to pay the mining tax, the
ment that the invitation had been accepted by that the business transacted by the consuls in Cananea Consolidated Copper Company
the following countries : Brazil, Chile, Uru foreign countries had materially increased , as stopped operations in July last, thus throwing
guay, Peru, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, shown by the fact that during the months of over six thousand persons out of work. After
Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, June and July the receipts of those officials it was found impossible to obtain a resumption
and Haiti, and that replies were awaited from had been $1,241,567 , an increase of $841,567 of work, trains were placed at the disposal
the other republics . The Argentine Minister over the preceding two months. of the workmen to take them to different parts
further advised that his Government would The convention held in April of members of the State ( Sonora ) and of the adjoining
await the acceptance by the remaining coun of the medical professions was referred to, as State of Sinaloa. Steps were also taken to



colonize with families of these workmen sev deeds under which the inhabitants held. As of proprietors and lessees of oil lands, and of
eral rural properties which had been inter a measure of strict justice, the restoration of persons engaged in developing the oil industry.
dicted. 'La Demócrata de Cananea' Company these lands was decreed, the Federal Govern Accordingly, the Executive, desirous of pro
likewise ceased operating. In Tampico the ment retaining only such portions as had not ceeding in strict justice, initiated the labors
dockhands of the I. W. W. went on a strike been owned individually. of the Department with Circular No. 1 of
in the same month of July, demanding in April 26th of the present year, inviting the
creased wages and shorter hours ; this action Diffusion of Agricultural Facts oil companies, and all private persons whose
finally brought on a general strike of all port interests were bound up in this industry, to
"The situation of the country has prevented
employees. The Board of Conciliation and make whatever suggestions they thought fit,
the needed full impetus being given to the
Arbitration, aided by the good offices of the so that these might be taken into account in
development of agriculture. Agricultural edu
local government, settled the conflict, and drafting the regulations of this law. Not only
normal conditions were restored. Similar cation and propaganda have, however, been
was close attention given to these observations,
started on eminently practical lines . Thus,
problems have arisen in Agujita and Rosita , but a technical commission, under the chair
in the State of Coahuila. The authorities have the agricultural industries are being taught in manship of the Chief of the Petroleum Bu
the practical courses which have continued to
intervened in all these disputes, acting always reau , was sent to Tampico to complete this
be given in the Bureau of Agriculture ; in
in strict obedience to the constitutional pre study on the ground itself and by means of
struction is likewise being given in new
cepts and in the interest of society. personal contact with the interested parties.
methods of cultivation by means of lectures
Sixteen permits to perforate oil wells have
or by the exhibition of modern agricultural
Community Lands been granted, the majority of them being,
machinery. The Government has devoted
located in the zone adjoining the port of
"The measures relating to the reconstruc special attention to gasoline tractors, some of
Tampico . Care has been taken in each case.
tion of community lands, in conformity with which are being exhibited in the Republic, so to state that, in accordance with the corre
the Law of January 6, 1915, have entered a that the farmers may become familiar with
period of full development. The duties of sponding constitutional provision, the party
them and thus supply the lack of draft ani
receiving the permit is granted the usufruct
the National Agrarian Commission are of a mals which is being experienced everywhere.
of a national property. The establishment of
twofold nature : those of a general advisory
seven pipe lines has also been allowed ; five
council, to mold the new jurisprudence which Railroads
new companies have been recorded , thus bring
should determine the interpretation of the
Act, and those of a board to study and review "The several railroad lines, formerly admin ing the number of those with a duly accredited
istered by the National Lines of Mexico , and juridical personality up to one hundred and
the records sent by the States , leaving to the
now a dependency of the Government under thirty-four ( 134) .
Executive the final disposition to be made of
each case . the name of the Constitutionalist Railways,
have shown an improvement both in their Financial
"The Law of January 6, 1915, contains pro
equipment and in their operation . Represent "The movement in revenue stamps has been
visions wholly revolutionary in character, and
ing, as they do, one of the most important as follows : 48,189,300 ' ordinary' revenue
is a complete departure from normal juris
factors in the economic growth of the Re stamps amounting to $ 141,698,812.50 ; 30,365,040
prudence. It would accordingly have required
public, they have received the preferential revenue stamps for the Federal Contribution
to be regulated in its application. But by rea
attention they deserve, and the figures which Tax,' amounting to $20,630,960.00 ; 27,269,139
son of the radicalism of its purposes and
I shall briefly set before you for the period revenue stamps in ' special taxes,' amounting
provisions and of the novelty of its enforce
of May 1st to August 31st last are a testimony to $40,766,044.00 ; 87,184,717 ' Tobacco' stamps ,
ment, it was thought more expedient and
to the zeal with which this important public
practical to take up and decide each specific amounting to $2,810,046.17 ; making a total of
service is being performed by the Executive 193,008,197 revenue stamps , amounting to
case as it arose, fixing in circulars the general
and by the corresponding Bureau . $205.905,862.87.
regulations by which the several communities
and authorities charged with the application "Disbursements from May 1st to August
Situation of the Mining Industry
of the law should be governed. 10th last amount to $22,500,000.00 . Daily aver
"Of the one hundred and forty- four Mining age expenditure, 317,000.00 pesos silver (peso
Subdivision of Lands Agencies in operation throughout the Republic silver 0.50 U. S. cy.) .
"Among other regulations decreed, a circu in normal times, one hundred and twenty-three “According to information on record in the
lar has been issued designed to forestall a have been re-opened to the public ; in these Treasury offices throughout the Republic, the
certain tendency on the part of the landowning agencies four hundred and forty-five applica stock of specie is as follows :
class to evade the law. This circular provides tions for concessions have been filed, and one On May 1st last . • $5,583,722.55
for the immediate subdivision of lands that hundred and ninety-five titles issued, covering On June 1st last . 5,817.000.65
an area of 1234 hectares, 73 ares and 232 On July 1st last . · • 6,985,922.21
are near towns, so that, whenever petitions are
presented for such lands, a small landowning centiares. There are at present in force thirty On August 1st last.. 8.321,028.51
class may already have taken possession of two thousand seven hundred and one ( 32,701 )
them, even though this possession be only mining concessions, of which two thousand Taxation
nine hundred and seventeen ( 2917 ) are being
apparent. "The subject of public taxation has received
"According to information in the hands of worked ; one thousand nine hundred and fifty
special consideration . By the law of April
the National Agrarian Commission, 1393 peti eight ( 1958 ) have requested an extension of
15th last, a tax of 40 per cent has been
tions for community lands have been filed time in which to resume operations, while the assessed on the selling price of alcohols and
remainder have confined themselves to safe
with the State governments. The majority of other spirituous liquors and of 16 per cent on
these petitions are still under consideration by guarding legally their titles . home-made beer ; a tax of 40 per cent on
the Local Boards, and only 48 complete records import dues, excepting surtaxes, has also been
Growth of the Petroleum Industry
have been received by the National Agrarian levied on similar foreign products.
Commission since March of this year, of "The petroleum industry will steadily in "Under the same date, May 1st, the law
which 21 cases have been finally passed upon crease, owing to the growing demand for of April 13th went into force, fixing the tax
by the Executive. The communities benefited mineral oil and its by-products, and to the on crude oil and its by-products. This tax
thereby have had allotted to them 19,128 hec supply of this fuel to be found in various produced in the first bi-monthly period- May
tares by way of grant, and only 76 by way of regions of the Republic. Sufficient discoveries and June- an income of 1,374,541.47 pesos
restoration. of petroleum have been made to place this silver ( 1 pesos silver = 0.50 U. S. Cy. )
"The lands of the town of Santa Fé in the industry in the top rank among the sources which, compared with that of the preceding
Federal District had formerly been declared of wealth of the nation. Article 27 of the period of May and April when the Law of
to be national property, in spite of the ancient New Constitution radically modified the status (Concluded on page 15)

Mexico's Petroleum ing those regions, came upon the abandoned

works and staked his claim upon the springs.
Immediately after he had secured the respect
Interesting Facts Regarding Its Genesis and Development-Comparative ive permit, he endeavored to organize a com
Production-Rapidly Increasing Exports pany for the purpose of exploiting them.
Notwithstanding his great efforts, he failed in
VERY interesting series of articles has After a lapse of eight years, the data show his object, and thereupon made a special trip
A recently appeared in El Economista, a that in 1865 a permit was granted by the to the United States in order to offer for sale,
newspaper published in Mexico City, regard Federal Spanish Government to a Spaniard, to one of the petroleum companies that were
ing the petroleum measures of the Republic Ildefonso Lopez, to exploit the deposits of then operating in California, what he pomp
and their development. The facts regarding bituminous and oleous substances at San Jose ously called his "mines of liquid gold in
the history of that industry are not well known de las Rusias, State of Tamaulipas , a place Mexico ." Nevertheless , he did not succeed in
in the United States, and THE REVIEW gives not far from Soto de la Marina, in the eastern attaining his object.
a summary of the salient points as translated portion of the State named. From this time down to 1883, we have noth
from the paper named. The Spaniard, Lopez, dedicated himself al ing sure that could serve to indicate the prog
most wholly to the exploitation of the "pitch" ress of the activities undertaken towards the
Although there are no definite records as or asphaltum which abounds in those regions , exploitation of petroleum. In that year there
to when this industry was first started in our and also, like his predecessors , the mineral oil was organized at San Juan Bautista (now
country, we have, however, found among some that flowed spontaneously. Villahermosa ) , capital of the State of
pamphlets belonging to the year 1857 , some In view of the good results obtained by Tabasco, a company with a capital of one
data which show that a group of individuals , him, and upon the publication of a book in million pesos, of which Señor Simeon Sarlat,
mostly merchants , in the village of Macuspana , 1868 which dealt, even if only in a vague Governor of Tabasco, was president. This
Tabasco, entered into an agreement that each manner, with the exploitation of petroleum in company had for its object the exploration of
the petroleum springs near Macuspana, the
existence of which was presumed on account
of the exterior indications to which we have
already referred . The location for the wells
was chosen in an ill-advised manner, and by
preference near the pitch or asphaltum mines,
which abounded in this region, and the drilling
operations were begun at the place supposed
to be best suited for it, located at a small
farm which was then the property of Señor
Sarlat, and very near the place where Pearson
now has established the most important camp
in the State. However, all was in vain ; and
the funds of the company were exhausted
without obtaining positive results . This dis
couraged and misled the operators to such an
extent that they completely stopped all activi
ties in their exploitation, and even that which
was necessary for the removal and collection
of the machinery, which, exposed to the rigors
of that climate, was soon converted into
heaps of rusty and useless iron.
Almost simultaneous with this undertaking,
the subsequently famous English subject,
Cecil Rhodes, was asking for the correspond
ing permit for the exploitation of the carbides
of hydrogen in the subsoil of a great exten
Igurron Tree, Tampico Oil Fields. sion of land located in the district of Papantla,
State of Vera Cruz, for which purpose he had
should furnish "a hundred loads of cacao" Russia, a group of Mexican planters organized previously actively worked, and gathered to
with which to procure "sheets of forged iron" a company which bore the name of "The gether in New York a numerous group of
to be used in the making of receptacles for Development Company of the Gulf of Mex foreign capitalists, who, in view of the fabu
the storage of "illuminating oil" that flowed ico." Even if the constitution of this company lous accounts that were circulated regarding
with the water from a spring near the village indicated that the ostensible object of its activ the importance of the oil indications in Mex
and which the natives used for illuminating ities was, among others, the extraction of ico, undertook an enterprise that was to be
purposes. coral from the shoals near the coast of dedicated to the exploration and exploitation
In another part of the pamphlet referred Sotavento, it really dedicated itself exclusively of Mexican oil, conferring the local manage
to, it is related that said merchants obtained. to the exploitation of the petroleum fields lo ment upon Rhodes. This organization was
within a short time great profits from the cated near Furbero, Papantla, State of Vera called "The Mexican Petroleum and Liquid.
enterprise, and as they could not dispose of Cruz. However, the financial object of this Fuel Company," and like its predecessors in
all the oil at the locality of its source, they enterprise was never attained, in spite of the the same line, it failed after using up a con
visited for this purpose the neighboring cities, most rational and scientific methods employed siderable capital ; and like the one organized
arriving at one time very near the capital of in the operations, because once the capital at Tabasco, it abandoned its machinery.
the State. invested had been exhausted, no new oil indi After this succession of failures there came
Thus it can be seen that, even if only as a cations appeared, and the organizers abandoned naturally a period of pessimism regarding the
beginning on a very small scale, oil was al the project notwithstanding the fact that in oil industry in Mexico. This was without real
ready being exploited in Mexico as far back the localities concerned there were places grounds, but lasted until 1900, when Ameri
as 1857, and although we have no proofs in where oil covered the surface of streams. can capitalists led by E. L. Doheny and C. A.
confirmation, that primitive industry must in As a result of this, in 1878, after several Canfield began work in the State of San Luis
due time have improved and progressed. years of neglect, Dr. Autrey, who was explor Potosi near the Vera Cruz boundary at a

place since well known as Ebano. They pur tation of the petroleum springs, we believe it defined, such as those of Tabasco-Chiapas,
chased a large tract of land in the latter part pertinent to point out as a whole the region which extends from parallel 17, passing to the
of 1900 and in the spring of 1901 built the that, according to many practical and pro north of Chiapas to parallel 18, crossing from
first modern oil-well drilling plant in Mexico. fessional men, is best suited for the exploita east to west the middle of the State of
Drilling operations commenced May 1 , 1901 , tion which we are studying. Tabasco, with a perpendicular dimension, in
and on the 14th was completed the first suc The eastern slope of the Gulf, beginning relation to it, of two and half degrees ; those
cessful oil well in the Republic. Other wells from the branches of the eastern Mexican of Lower California, which are as yet alto
were drilled in rapid succession, a contract
to sell oil to the Mexican Central Railway was
arranged and in 1905 deliveries were being
made to that concern at the rate of 6000
barrels daily. The same people followed the
development at Ebano with the important one
known as the Casiano district, on which prop a P
erty they drilled the world's greatest producer, Af
known as Casiano No. 7, the total production
of which to September 11th this year, its
seventh anniversary, was the stupendous
amount of 61,568,000 barrels, to which the well
is adding at the rate of 600,000 barrels monthly.


As we have already pointed out, the first

attention paid to petroleum was in the
year 1857, but the meager details that exist
concerning it do not really begin till the year
1900, and these, as well as those of 1913, do
not coincide with those furnished by the com Train of Tank Cars.
panies and those issued by the Government
to several publications. Of these details we Sierra Madre, as far as very near the littoral, gether undefined, and those of the States in
will have to consolidate those that are in ac the northern part of the Republic, preferably
excepting a few small zones therein, is con
cord with each other and then compare them sidered by many natives and foreigners as a those of Nuevo Leon.
with the totals of other countries that produce deposit of enormous quantities of hydrocar
this mineral oil, for the corresponding periods. Specific Character of Petroleum Regions
bides of hydrogen. This zone extends for
of time, so that we may know the rank that The same publication from which the fore
seven degrees North longitude, from parallel
Mexico then occupied, and then define that going has been condensed (El Economista)
17 to parallel 24.
which she now occupies. Once we have deter This great extension of land, which covers gives the following summary of the various
mined as to where there has been an increase petroleum belts of the Republic, the data, how
the southern half of the State of Tamaulipas,
of production, we can then predict logically almost all of Vera Cruz, and parts of the ever, not being so complete as could have
the place which Mexico can and should occupy States of San Luis Potosi, Puebla and Hidalgo, been wished.
among the nations of the world in the pro
duction of this precious liquid.
Production of Petroleum in Mexico in 1916
No. of
Companies Pro Barrels Cubic Meters
2222296EN BILD 2262

El Aguila... 12 16,376,293.40 2,603,830.65

Brooks. 12 1,728,079.43 274,764.63
La Corona... 12 557,792.33 88,688.98
East Coast . 12 1,110,062.14 176,499.88
Freeport & Mex.. 12 1,640,201.64 260,792.06
El Golfo... 27,643.40 4,395.30
Hispano Mex . 5,877.23 934.48.
Huasteca Petroleum 12 11,923,411.45 1,895,822.42
International .... 12 644,203.77 102,428.40
Mexicana de Com
bustible . 3 19,759.06 3,141.69
Mexico Fuel Oil . 1 4,564.03 725.68
Mexican Gulf.... 11 886,179.69 140,902.57
Mexican Oil..**** 9 83,231.51 13,233.81
*Mexicana de
Petroleo...... 12 1,008,702.70 160,383.73
Monterrey. 12 25,147.42 3,998.44
National Oil. 8 193,262.64 30,728.76
Oil Fields of Mexico 12 112,846.79 17,942.64
Panuco Boston... 6 246,285.91 39,159.46
Panuco Excelsior ... 3 2,014.97 320.38
Panuco Balley.. 4 104,066.54 16,546.58
Penn Mex, Fuel ... 11 3,444,490.30 547,673.96
Tal Vez.... 1 76,048.43 12,091.70
30 21

Tampico Oil... 1,013.84 161.20

Transcontinental.. 10 171,888.30 27,330.24
Vera Cruz & Mexico
Oil Syndicate.... 157,149.18 24,986.72
La Victoria...... 252.76 40.19
Refining Plant, Tampico.
40,550 , 468.86 6,447,524.55
*Same Ownership as the Huasteca Co. is calculated to have a superficial area of a Those portions of the country that have been
little more than 60,000 square kilometers, ex exploited can be reduced into four distinct
Location and Extension of the Oil Fields
cluding some small portions that are not regions. First, that called Panuco, to the east
Though the Government has by decree suited for this exploitation. and southeast of Tampico, and which is given
clearly defined the zones for which corre Besides this region, there are other zones first place, not on account of its present or
Sponding license will be issued for the exploi of sufficient importance but which are badly future importance , but by being the most ex

tensively explored ; second, that of Tuxpam has a bright future on account of the mag In Mexico , without being considered as a
(south of Tampico ) , which in the judgment nificent quality of its products, which have notable case, the well Juan Casiano, on the
of the publication quoted is undoubtedly of bases of paraffin, very light, and containing 16th of September, 1910, flowed with an initial
greatest importance, especially in the future ; enormous proportions of illuminating oils. pressure of 40 kilograms per cubic centimeter
third, that of Tabasco-Chiapas ; and fourth, On the contrary, that of Tuxpam and the and which after six years and ten months has
that of the Isthmus, located on the continental oil region of the Isthmus is characterized by only gone down to 38.4 kilograms per cubic
"narrowness" of Tehuantepec. This last one the very short period of production of its oil centimeter. Moreover, well No. 4, of Potrero
has very little importance, notwithstanding the wells. Like those of the Panuco, the veins del Llano, flowed at the outset with a pressure
fact that it was here where the first oil enter that have been discovered at the Isthmus down of sixty-five kilograms per cubic centimeter
prise was undertaken. to date have been reached at comparatively and has remained the same down to date.
The foregoing classification is made by re minor depths. Among these facts, what is notable is not
ferring only to the general location and with From the foregoing considerations it is precisely the great yield of the Mexican wells
out taking into consideration the specific gathered that the regions that have the -because in other countries there have been
character of the products obtained, nor the brightest future for the industry are that of wells of greater efficiency than that attained .
geological conditions of the soil, in each Tuxpam, by reason of the amount and dura by those of the Republic, excepting that of
region, which could indicate whether or not tion of its productions, and that of Tabasco Dos Bocas, which undoubtedly was the greatest
the oil all comes from the same vein. It Chiapas in respect to quality. oil geyser that ever flowed in the world.
(200,000 barrels per day during all its life )
but the long term that is observed in their
unitary production which is evidenced from
the beginning.
When the region of Tabasco- Chiapas is re
ferred to, all the scientific reports submitted
in the geological institutes of the United
States, Germany, France and Mexico have
clearly shown, through respective analysis , that
the samples of oil sent from Macuspana,
Tabasco, were of the finest oil known .
On the other hand, it should not be strange
that the Mexican production, notwithstanding
WAT the advantages that have already been pointed
out, is inferior to that of North America and
almost equal to that of Russia (during the
last year past it was superior) , for the reason
that, while there are more than 200,000 wells
in the United States, there are less than 1100
Panuco River and City of Tampico. wells in Mexico . ( Less than 300 are pro
might be thought that the petroleum zones of If each one of these regions in the country Dividing the quantity of petroleum pro
Lower California and those in the north of which are considered as having the brightest duced in 1916 in the United States among the
the Republic have been forgotten ; but it must future are successively compared with their number of wells that are under exploitation.
be taken into consideration that those fields like in other countries ,
still remain unexplored, and for this reason, it will be seen that
and on account also of the fact that there are those of Mexico have
no details concerning them, they should not, the advantage over
therefore, have now the importance of the those of foreign lands.
others above mentioned.. The comparison will be
That of the Panuco is characterized espe commenced with that
cially by three essential points : The minor of Tuxpam .
depth at which the oil deposits are reached It has recently been
(600 to 800 metres, the exceptions that have stated in an American
been observed only tending to affirm the newspaper, as a curious
rule) ; the relatively few failures in the drill piece of news, that a
ing of wells in the region, and the short dura well in Texas flowed
tion of the production of its wells. with a pressure of 180
That of Tuxpam, unlike the foregoing and pounds per cubic inch ;
others, has shown signs that the deposit from that is, approximately
which the oil is extracted, which is of dolo 27½ kilos per cubic
mitic lime, seems more extensive, as shown by centimeters, having kept
the long periods of productivity of its wells. up this pressure for
That of Tabasco-Chiapas, though it has not three years and five
produced considerable quantities down to date, months. Oil Pumping Plant.

Production of Petroleum in the Principal Countries from 1910 to 1915 inclusive

1910 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915
Countries Barrels Metric tons Barrels Metric tons Metric tons
Barrels Metric tons Barrels Metric tons Barrels Barrels Metric tons
United States.. 209,556,048 27,940,806 220,449,391 29,393,252 222,113,218 29,615,098 248 , 446,230 33 , 126, 164 265,762,535 35,435,005 281 , 104 , 104 37 , 480,547
Russia.. 70,336,574 9,378,210 66,183,691 9,066,259 68,019 , 208 9,317,700 60,935,482 8,124,731 67,020,522 8,936,070 68,548,062 9,353,077
MEXICO. **** 3,332,807 444,374 14,051,643 1,873,552 16,558,215 2,207,762 25,696,291 3,426,172 26,235,403 3,489,309 32,910,508 4,388,068
Dutch Indies.. 11,030,620 1,495,715 12,172,949 1,670,668 10,845,624 1,478,132 11,966,857 1,534,223 12,705,208 1,634,403 12,386,808 1,710,445
Roumania . .. 28-1 9,722,958 1,352,289 11,101,878 1,544,072 12,991,913 1,806,942 13,554,768 1,885,225 12,826,579 1,783,947 12,029,913 1,673,145
India.... ** 6,137,990 818,400 6,451,203 897,184 7,116,672 989,801 7,500,000 1,000,000 8,000,000 1,066,667 7,400,000 986,667
Galicia. 9 12,673,688 1,762,560 10,485,726 1,458,275 8,535,174 1,187,007 7,818 , 130 1,087,286 5,033,350 700,000 4,158,899 578,388
Japan. 3. 1,930,661 257,421 1,658,903 221,187 1,671,405 222,854 1,942,009 258,934 2,738,378 365,117 3,118,464 415,785
Germany. 1,032,522 145,168 1,017,045 142,966 1,031,050 144,934 995,764 140,000 995,764 140,000 995,764 140,000

success, but was unable to convince others of Mexican petroleum is evidenced by many
there, each well produced, approximately, only
five barrels daily. If we follow the identical it, and in despair committed suicide . Subse publications upon the subject. Some very in
process with respect to Mexico- that is, if we quent events have demonstrated how well teresting light is thrown upon the matter, by
divide the 40,000,000 barrels that were ex founded was his belief. the published hearings before the Senate Com
tracted in 1916, among the 1100 wells under In 1900 E. L. Doheny, who had taken a mittee on Public Lands which were recently
exploitation- we find that the daily production prominent part in the development of oil in held and during which the oil and coal ques
per well was approximately one hundred bar California, made a contract with the Mexican tions were discussed at length. From state
rels, which means a unitary production of Central Railroad to furnish it all the fuel oil ments made before the committee it appears
Mexico twenty times greater than that of the it could use at the rate of $1.20 Mexican gold that it is a surprising fact that in both the
United States. And it cannot be alleged that per barrel, and at once began pushing the English and the American navies the fuel
this is so because in the neighboring country development of the Tampico region, of which specifications now in force forbid the use of
the wells are not allowed to flow at full pres they were the pioneers, and not the Pearsons, Mexican oil! They distinctly provide that
"Mexican oil will not be accepted." This pro
hibition was first made by the English navy,
and was followed by that of the United States.
The manner in which Mexican petroleum goes
into use in the British navy is by having it
shipped to the United States, where it goes
into a common pool, after which it is shipped
abroad and supplied to the navy as the
"purely American product."
The fact was brought out that the potential
production of the Mexican oil fields was in
RB round numbers a million barrels daily, but that
because of lack of transportation facilities the
actual production was much less- less than a
million barrels per week. Thus, the Huasteca
Petroleum Company, with a potential capacity
of 300,000 barrels daily (that is, with wells
already driven and able to produce that
amount, but shut down) , is only producing
50,000 barrels, that being the amount that can
be exported. "We are producing all we can
Street Scene in Tampico. move," said the manager of the company.
This applies to other companies as well. There
sure, as there they have all appliances with as has been stated . The Mexican Petroleum is no difficulty in getting the oil to the coast,
which to make them yield as much as possible Company, the concern organized by Mr. as the wells are located at no great distance.
in the shortest time ; and if another way is Doheny and his associates, brought in their from shipping points, and all are provided
pursued in Mexico , it would show an absolute first well in 1901 , and it was not until 1904 with pipe lines, there being something like five
that the first Pearson well was completed. hundred miles of such lines in the compara
lack of knowledge of the matter, a thing that
is not characteristic of the American people,
who have distinguished themselves by their
economic proclivities. On the other hand, in
Mexico, it has been evident that the wells,
in many instances, are allowed to flow only
at half pressure, and not voluntarily, but on
account of the lack of means of transporta
tion, as pipe lines, tank steamers, railroads,
Moreover, if it is accepted, without acknowl
edging it, that by not extracting all that a
well can produce in the United States is what
determines that lowest unitary production in
that country, we could do no more than put
one advantage against another, because then
our superiority would not depend upon the
potentiality (or power) but upon the durability
of the wells, which, if allowed to flow at
half pressure in the United States, would Am
continue rendering their commercial yield of
to-day, while, if allowed to flow at full pres
sure, they would not last as long. Oil Pumping Plant, Tampico District.

Further Interesting Details At the present time there are 320 registered tively limited area in which are included the
THE REVIEW has learned some further facts petroleum companies in operation, though the greater number of the producing wells of
regarding the development of the petroleum actual production is confined to a few only. the Republic. Ocean transportation is the
measures of the Republic which may be of The table given in the foregoing shows the difficulty, and this is being met by the con
interest to its readers . relative standing of the various companies as struction of oil-carrying steamers as rapidly
The first American to engage in exploitation producers, though their
their potentiality is not as possible.
was a sea captain who invested every cent he given, that being more or less a problematical The extent of the misunderstanding regard
could raise in sinking a well 500 feet in depth matter. ing the oil question is well illustrated in a
at the asphaltum deposits near Llano Grande, That there is a widespread misunderstand recent article in World's Work entitled "The
in the Tampico district. He was confident of ing regarding thethe production and use of (Continued on page 10)


The . present, as well as the members of the Pan wages and shortest hours prevail of any por
American Federation of Labor Conference tion of the Republic.
Mexican Review Committee, with its representatives from It has been hoped that some solution of this
· DEVOTED TO Porto Rico, Santiago Iglesias ; Cuba, Antonio difficulty might be found which would be just
AMERICAN-PEOPLE - IN -RESPECT Correa Gonzalez ; Yucatan, Carlos Loveira ; to all concerned, but at present the condition
TO THE HOPES - AMBITIONS Federated Syndicates of Mexico, Edmundo is as noted.
-OF -THE• Martinez ; and Cardenio Gonzalez, represent
REPUBLIC OF MEXICO ing the Chilian labor movement. MI MADRE MEXICO
As Mexico has to-day in her various labor
Published Monthly at By GERTRUDE M. MORAN
Washington, D. C. , U. S. A. organizations over half a million men and There is a star shines o'er thee, Mexico ;
George F. Wecks Editor and Publisher women, this international conference means 'Tis not of War, but bodes ill for thy foe ;
613 Riggs Building not only the binding of labor ties across the The Star of Justice and of Courtesy will save
Yearly Subscription $ 1.00 in the United States and border, but the beginning of an understanding From all barbarians and from progress' grave :
Possessions , Mexico and Canada. For in thy heart , as in thy land, there live,
Elsewhere $ 1.50 between peoples of the Western Hemisphere The golden flowers only love can give.
Eastern Representative, 3014 Equitable Bldg., New guaranteeing a lasting peace.
York ; Mexican Representative , Avenida Juarez 12, Tho' drawn aside for just a little while
Mexico City, D. F. From your fine selves by enemies- you smile
Serenely. From Great God your blessings come,
ENROLMENT OF MEXICAN Those who can appreciate, who envy none,
With minds so keen and clear, with souls of fire,
INTERNATIONAL LABOR CITIZENS Welcome this course, and spurn the dire
CONFERENCE Commercial heights, on lives of labor raised ;
An unfortunate condition of affairs, and Pursue the former ideals of thy earlier days.
"Fourteen thousand Mexican miners work one which promises serious embarrassment to Raised to such eminence, thy southern friends and thee
in the copper, silver and gold mines of Ari industries requiring large supplies of labor, Shall rule in kindness all the western sea.
zona. Over half of the membership of the Deign to accept from hands of former foe
has been created by the enforced enrolment This tribute to thyself, O Mother, Mexico!
Arizona State Federation of Labor- an inte of Mexican citizens resident in the United None of all other lands may dare aspire
gral and representative part of the American To greater progress ; in the mire
States under the conscription law. Notwith
Federation of Labor- is either of Mexican Of greed and gold thy feet but once were caught.
blood or birth. In this State the wage standing repeated assurances that it is not in Now, thou wilt conquer, doing what thou ought ;
tended to draft them, so much apprehension All men within thy land at liberty ;
workers of the two sister Republics have come All fed with justice, kindness, love and courtesy.
has been caused that thousands have gone back
to a fraternal understanding which marks the COLTON, CAL., July, 1917.
into their own country and others are prepar
beginning of the end of all future border
wars. With the inevitable spread of this ing to go. The American officials intrusted The Chamber of Deputies has under dis
understanding throughout the labor move with the preparation of the lists have refused cussion a measure which declares that the
ments of the United States of North America to accept the certificates of Mexican Consuls present Government has no responsibility for
and the United States of Mexico , military at various points in the United States that the any losses caused by the treason of Huerta
bearers thereof are Mexican citizens, though or of Villa, but that the real property of the
aggression, interventions and conquests will
it is difficult to understand what better proof persons responsible for those acts shall be
become impossible, and to this end the con
vention at Clifton of the Arizona State Fed can be given, and they have also refused to forfeited to the Government and the major
eration of Labor, during its second day's recognize the provisions of the Mexican Con portion of the proceeds therefrom shall be
session, August 6, 1917, elected a committee stitution that children born in a foreign coun devoted to the compensation of those who
of five to hold an international conference try of Mexican parentage are themselves suffered actual loss from the causes noted.
Mexican citizens and cannot lose their rights
with representatives of the Sonora Working
and responsibilities as such, as is the case with Pursuant to the plan of the Department of
men's Congress of Mexico for the purpose of Fine Arts for the establishment of regional
devising practical plans for mutual aid in American children born in foreign countries
of American parentage. As a result of this museums for the better preservation of the
industrial actions."
unfortunate condition, the Embassy in this city many archaeological and other objects of edu
This statement was made by the secretary
is overwhelmed with protests from Mexican cational interest and value, such institutions
of the Pan-American Federation of Labor
citizens resident in the United States who are have been opened in Guadalajara, Merida and
Conference Committee, John Murray, at a
demanding the protection of their govern Zacatecas, while preparations are being made
meeting of this international body held in the
ment. Their apprehension is increased by the for many others. Efforts will be made to pre
A. F. of L. Building, August 20th, presided
reports of discussions in Congress regarding vent the exportation of such objects from the
over by Samuel Gompers. In the course of
the advisability of including aliens in the con Republic, which is already contrary to law.
his report Secretary Murray explained how
the last great strike in the Clifton-Morenci scription and sending them into active service.
A special commission has been appointed by
district, Arizona, had been won by the solidar The miners of the Southwest, the farmers
the Treasury Department for the purpose of
ity of the Mexican miners. He asserted that of Texas and other States, employers of un
investigating the various concessions granted
the I. W. W. movement had no hold on either skilled as well as skilled labor in that portion
by former regimes to the Pearson (Lord
the Mexican or American miner in Arizona of the country west of the Mississippi, where
Cowdray) interests, including those for the
or Mexico . It was due to the mine owners the bulk of Mexican workers are to be found,
Tehuantepec Railway, the ports of Salina Cruz
and their managers falsely proclaiming every as well as on the Pacific coast, numbering and Coatzacoalcos , as well as for others in
labor organizer to be an "I. W. W. agitator" hundreds of thousands, find themselves threat
the States of Vera Cruz and Tamaulipas , in 1
that caused the lawless bands of vigilantes, ened with a shortage of help for crop gather
order to determine their legality and exact
under the direct control of these same copper ing and other purposes, owing to the con
nature, concerning which there have been
barons , to terrorize and deport every wage stantly increasing exodus of Mexicans who are
many conflicting reports .
worker not to their liking. Proof was given returning home in order to escape the opera
to the committee that the copper mine owners tion of the laws now in operation or that Illustrated Talks on Mexico
financed these vigilance committees, the same may be passed governing conscription, and a Clubs, societies or organizations of any kind wish
copper interests that operate in Cananea and very serious condition has already arisen , ing to learn something of the truth about Mexico,
New Mexico, as well as throughout Arizona. which promises to become still worse. The through the medium of illustrated talks, can be ac
Mexican laborers are not so much the sufferers commodated by communicating with THE MEXICAN
The proposed international conference will
REVIEW, or with Mr. S. J. MacFarren, 711 Thirteenth
probably be held in October, on alternate days, as their former employers, as the Government street, N. W., this city. Mr. MacFarren has resided
in the two towns touching each other on the furnishes them transportation to any portion many years in Mexico and is familiar with the various
border line, Douglas and Agua Prieta. Invi of Mexico where they may wish to go, and features and peculiarities of that country. He is
donating his services for the purpose of affording ac
tations are to be given to the Governors of there is an urgent demand for labor in many curate information regarding a matter upon which the
Chihuahua, Sonora, Arizona and Texas to be sections, notably Yucatan, where the highest general public is woefully ignorant.

The repair and construction of highways FOOL'S PARADISE

between Mexico City and Tampico has
reached such a stage that it is announced that We all are gathered here, who else no refuge had ;
regular automobile lines will soon be operated We all are here, we Fools-the sad, the glad, the mad,
between those two important centers of popu So counted by a world that missed us nevermore,
lation and commerce. At the present time That fed us grudgingly-or starved us on its store.
communication is possible only by sea from
The Governor of the State of Aguascal Vera Cruz and by a very circuitous railway They all are here those darling truants from the rod
ientes is establishing schools in all the route via San Luis Potosi or Monterrey, re Who learned no lesson save the boundless love of
haciendas and most remote villages, in order quiring several days for the trip. God.
to give the common people everywhere the And they are here the laughers whom their world
means of education. frowned down,
SMALL LAND HOLDINGS Who danced to all the pipes that stray from town
The aeroplane mail service from Mexico to to town!
Vera Cruz is expected to cover the distance SPECIAL attention is being paid by the
in four hours ; from Mexico to Queretaro in E Department of Fomento to the enforce And moody ones are with us- souls of smoldering fire
two hours and from Mexico to Pachuca in That blew alive and caught at wrong in sudden ire ;
forty-five minutes. ment of Article 27 of the new constitution ,
And prophet-spirits mild who none would ever heed ;
relating to the agrarian question which went And childlike men of might that any child could lead.
A company has been organized which will
commence the construction of automobiles. into effect on May 1st. The Secretary of
that department has given instructions that the And those that loved, unloved-who nothing else
Monterrey, capital of Nuevo Leon, will be the could do
location of the factory and it is believed it preparation of the necessary laws to put this But spend their all-O truest lovers of untrue!
will prove successful. portion of the constitution into effect be com And those that have gone mad for deathless beauty's
Construction work has been commenced on pleted as quickly as possible, in order to pre sake,
the railway line connecting the ports of Tam sent the plan to Congress for approval and Who winged her songful praise none later could
pico and Tuxpam, which will greatly assist in awake!
the development of the oil region of Vera We all are gathered here the sad, the glad, the
Cruz and Tamaulipas. The following instructions regarding small
mad ...
A commission has arrived in Mexico City God made a Paradise for Fools and straight forbade
from Japan for the purpose of securing an Its seraph-guarded gates to all His thriftier wise,
adequate exhibit of the various products of But He himself oft walks with us this Paradise.
the Republic for display in Tokio, where it is L'ENVOI
expected to greatly stimulate commerce be
tween the two countries. Princes, or Peasants, this to you I send from far;
Whoe'er ye be, if so some little ancient scar
Official notice has been issued that after the Ye bear in either palm, ye cannot be denied
fiscal year as observed in Government accounts For you, with golden sound, the garden gates swing
and reports shall coincide with the calendar wide. EDITH THOMAS.
year, beginning January 1st and ending De
cember 31st, instead of commencing July 1st Two army officers have invented a machine
and ending June 30th. gun with double barrels , one for seven milli
Commencing with September 15th the ser meter Mauser cartridges and the other for
vice of the Pullman cars was re-established the ordinary 30-30 Winchester ammunition , but
on all lines throughout the Republic. Sleepers which is so light that it can be transported on
will be run directly from Mexico City to San the back of a single soldier. The capacity of
Antonio, Texas, where they will be connected each barrel is twenty shots per minute. The
with the rapid train service from that point to Government has ordered the construction of
St. Louis, Mo. a number of the new weapons, the trials hav
ing proved successful.
A careful investigation of the natural re
sources of the islands of Tres Marias, on the A project is under discussion in the Cham
west coast of Mexico, develops that they are ber of Deputies for the imposition of an
rich in hardwoods , lime, guano, pearl oysters annual tax of one peso per hectare (twenty
and other resources of wealth awaiting ex cents American gold per acre) upon all cul
ploitation. These islands are utilized as a tivable lands that are not utilized by the pro
penal settlement for incorrigibles . prietors thereof. This will either necessitate
A project has been submitted to the largely increased cultivation and production of
Chamber of Deputies by the Secretary of food crops, on the part of the owners, or the
Communications and Public Works for the selling of the land to pay the taxes and its
improvement of the port of San Blas, in the Taken at Midnight by Light of Burning Tank. subsequent sale or allotment to those willing
State of Nayarit, on the west coast. The to cultivate it.
project includes the construction of a com land holders have been issued by the depart
modious wharf and the dredging of the bar ment named : Those who desire lands are to Owing to the increased value of silver
in order to permit deepwater vessels to land. bullion making the subsidiary coinage worth
be allowed to rent property belonging to the much more than its face, many efforts are
A film entitled "Patria Nueva" has been Government in order to cultivate and exploit being made to smuggle it across the border
prepared and is now on exhibition in Mexico the same. Those who are already in posses contrary to the law forbidding such practices.
City showing the present condition of matters Some large seizures have been made- $30,000
in the Republic. There are about two thou sion of lands of this character shall be
in one case and $50,000 in another-all of
sand meters (over six thousand feet) of the allowed to continue holding them. Plots which has been turned into the national
scenes and it is expected that they will be allotted to applicants shall not exceed 25 treasury in accordance with the law.
shown in foreign countries for the enlighten hectares (622 acres) in size to each indiv
ment of the public. General Alvaro Obregon is making a tour
idual, in order to avoid land monopoly. No of the United States and is receiving a warm
A special commission has been appointed by title to any of this property will be given to welcome in every city that he visits. Starting
Secretary Pastor Rouaix of the Department
of Fomento for the purpose of exploring the any applicant. This method of handling pub at Los Angeles, he will go to San Francisco,
flora and fauna of the Territory of Lower lic lands will remain in effect until Congress Ogden, Salt Lake, Omaha, St. Louis, Chicago,
adopts some definite plan in connection and other western points, subsequently coming
California, and also of the States of Chiapas,
Michoacan and Colima. A special investiga therewith. to Washington, which he will reach during the
tion will be made of the submarine growths latter part of October. From there he will go
to New York and other Atlantic coast cities.
of the Pacific coast.
Regarding the temporary prohibition of the
Under instruction of the Department of exportation of certain food articles of prime CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED
Communications two new wireless telegraph necessity until such time as the growing crops THE MEXICAN REVIEW will be pleased to receive
stations have been established in the oil dis are harvested, Sub- Secretary Nieto calls atten communications from whatever source dealing with
trict of the State of Vera Cruz, one at Tux matters of interest to both Mexicans and Americans,
tion to the fact that this prohibition does not and from those who desire to have the truth known
pam and the other at Puerto Lobos. These include coffee, garbanzos (a variety of field about Mexico. It is hoped that all who wish to aid
stations are for the purpose of supplementing pea largely used in the United States and the widespread false impressions
the land wire system what time it is disturbed elsewhere ) , fresh or dried chile, fresh fruits,
concerning that of
the removal country, and in placing it in its
by natural or other conditions. proper light before the world, will assist THE REVIEW
or, when previous permission is asked, cattle. in this important but difficult task.

MEXICO'S PETROLEUM INDUS- since dispatched Engineer Manuel Pasalagua fornia have therefore been refused until the
TRY to make a careful study of the State of Colima, proper investigations shall have been made.
(Continued from page 7) with especial attention to its topography, un
Jeopardy of Tampico." Two of the principal developed resources, etc. He recently reported Federal Zone in the Petroleum Region
mistakes made therein are worthy of notice. to the Department that he had discovered Instructions have been issued for the imme
It is declared : "In June the companies were petroleum deposits of great richness in the diate survey of all lands coming under the
paying a net tax on fuel oil of seventeen cents vicinity of the Hacienda de Santa Rosalia, the designation of "the Federal zone" in the petro
American currency a barrel." surface indications of seepages, etc. , covering leum regions of the Republic. Their bound
The decree which was in force during May many square miles of territory, while the geo aries are to be accurately delineated and
and June distinctly provided that the tax logical formations were similar to those of marked with permanent monuments of ma
should be at the rate of ten per cent ad the developed petroleum regions elsewhere. sonry. This zone consists of a belt of land
valorem on all oil, which was graded in three It is announced that the Government will along all navigable streams ten meters ( 32 4/5
classes, according to density, and ranged from probably at once nationalize the lands con feet) in width and on tidewater frontage of
$5 to $11 per ton-the values stipulated being taining this new oil deposit. 20 meters ( 65 feet) from high-water mark.
$5, $8.50 and $11 . The tax thus varied from The total amount of oil exported from Coming down from the time of the con
50 cents to $1.10 per ton Mexican money, or Tampico and Tuxpam in the first six months quest, under the old Spanish law these zones
practically half that in American currency. of 1917 was 22,140,876 barrels, or nearly nine were set apart as the exclusive property of
Taking the proportions of the various grades million barrels more than for the same period
the Government and absolutely inalienable in
any manner or for any consideration. Permis
sion could be granted for the use of these
lands for long terms upon application and
the payment of proper license fees therefor,
and this was frequently done. In the oil
region, wharves, pipe lines and other necessary
appliances for the proper conduct of the
petroleum industry have of necessity been
frequently located upon the Federal zone, and
in most cases this has been done after appli
cation has been made and permission granted,
with the accompanying payment of adequate
license fees for the privilege. But because of
the lack of definitely surveyed and marked
boundaries, people have entered upon the zone
and made use thereof without such permis
sion and without making any return to the
Government for the privilege.
The purpose of the order for delineating
and marking the boundaries in permanent and
correct form is that those who are thus mak
Vessels Loading Oil at Tampico. ing use of the public lands shall be required.
to make compensation for the privilege, in the
of oil shipped, it is found that the tax is in 1915. More than 75 per cent of the petro
same manner as those who have been legally
practically 8 cents per barrel instead of 17 leum went to the United States, while South
granted permission, and in order that there
cents as alleged. America took two million barrels and the same
shall be no further grounds for question as
Much is also made of the so-called "nation amount was consumed at home. During the
to the exact limits of the national property.
alization" of oil under the new constitution, same six months forty-two new wells were In some cases oil wells have been sunk upon
and it is declared that this means confiscation brought in. During the first four months of
the zone without permission having first been
of the property of those owning land in the the present year the exportations amounted to
secured, but this will all now be regulated.
oil region. 1,226,799 metric tons (2200 pounds ) of crude
The Constitution of Mexico very plainly oil, and 421,780 of refined. It is expected that Oil Taxes and Shipments
and explicitly says, both in the old and the the total production for the year will reach at Under an official circular issued by Sub
new documents : least eight million metric tons, or approxi Secretary Rafael Nieto, of the Treasury De
"Art. 14.- No law shall be given retroactive mately 56,000,000 barrels.
partment, dated August 14, 1914, the oil tax
effect to the prejudice of any person whatso For several months, as previously an for the months of July and August was con
ever." nounced, a careful study has been in progress tinued at the same rate as for the months of
The Constitution further provides : of the entire petroleum industry in all its May and June, namely :
"Art. 126.-This constitution and the laws bearings, for the purpose of drafting a law The valuation of petroleum of a density of
of the United States of Mexico which shall
that should govern the development of the 0.97 , $5 per ton.
be made in pursuance thereof ... shall nation's oil measures and that should be fair The valuation of combustible petroleum of
be the supreme law of the land." a density of 0.91 , $8.50 per ton.
and equitable to all concerned . The repre
Leading owners of oil lands have no fear The valuation of crude petroleum of a
sentatives of the leading oil companies have
whatever regarding the "nationalization" of density of 0.91 , $11 per ton.
been consulted in order that the matter might
petroleum. Furthermore, the Government is Gas oil, $8.50 per ton.
be fully understood. The law not yet being
now making a careful survey of all public The rate of taxation on gasoline is 6 per
ready for submission to Congress, and as there
lands in the petroleum district with the view
have been notable discoveries of new fields, cent ad valorem on the crude and 3 per cent
of drawing up a plan for the exploitation of including those in Lower California and in ad valorem on refined.
the measures thereon under "nationalization ."
the State of Colima, noted above, notice has The Secretary of the Treasury also fur
But the constitutional inhibition as to retro been given that no concessions will be granted nishes some interesting information regarding
active laws fully protects all land owners in except where they relate to lands already the exportation of oil and its products from
whatever locality and under whatever con recognized as actually petroleum bearing. The the Tampico district and of the revenue de
dition. rived therefrom by the Government.
requests that have been made for permission.
Petroleum Discovery and Development to exploit the recently discovered but not ac There were exported during the months of
The Department of Fomento some time. curately delineated oil lands in Lower Cali March and April from the port of Tampico

Petroleum Companies Resume Dividends Discovery of Paraffine

946,000 metric tons of petroleum and its de
rivates, the duties on the exportations amount The feeling of security and confidence in Announcement is made that the first dis
ing to 557,000 pesos , or in the neighborhood the present Government of Mexico by prom covery of a deposit of paraffine on this conti
of $280,000 American gold. From Tuxpam inent American concerns engaged in business nent has been made in the State of Chihuahua ,
in the same period there were sent 446,000 tons there is demonstrated by the resumption on not far from the American boundary line.
of petroleum products which paid a duty of the part of the Mexican Petroleum Company, The bed has been traced for ten kilometers in
257,000 pesos, or about $138,000 American gold, Ltd., of Delaware, of dividends on its com extent and analyses of samples show 93 per
and from the port of Mexico, on the Isthmus mon stock at the rate of 6 per cent per annum, cent of the pure mineral. Petroleum with a
of Tehuantepec, there was shipped 556 tons, which dividend was suspended in August, paraffine base has also been discovered in the
which paid 334 pesos duty, or about $ 165 1913, on account of the conditions then pre same region. The greater portion of the oil
American gold. vailing in the Republic. produced in California, the Southwestern por
During the months of May and June, Tam The Pan-American Petroleum and Trans tion of the United States, and also in Mexico ,
pico exported 809,000 tons , and under the new port Company, another extensive American has an asphalt base. It is that with a paraffine
tariff the Government collected 994,000 pesos, concern also operating in Mexico, and a large base that produces the best illuminating fluid.
or approximately half that amount in Amer part of whose revenues is obtained from its The oil found in Tabasco, which is not being
ican gold. From Tuxpam there went in the holdings of stock in the Mexican Petroleum exploited to any extent, also has a paraffine
two months mentioned 295,000 tons, on which Company, Ltd., as well as from its earnings base and is said by experts to be the best
318,000 pesos, or $159,000 gold, duty was col from its tank steamers trans
lected. The port of Mexico exported 20,000 porting oil to American ports,
tons, collecting 51,000 pesos duty. The re has likewise demonstrated its
ceipts of the Government have been increased confidence in the Carranza
more than 600,000 pesos, or $300,000, by the government in a similar
application of the new tariff since May 1st. manner. The Pan-American.
Company has declared a
Rich Oil Zone on the Island of Angel de la quarterly dividend at the rate
Guarda of 7 per cent per annum.
Recently General Jesus M. Garza informed
Engineer Alberto J. Pani, who is in charge of
the Department of Industry and Commerce,
that lately there was discovered on the Island
of "Angel de la Guarda," in the Gulf of Cali
fornia, a very rich petroleum zone, which, as found in the world. It is
soon as it is exploited , would produce greater expected that these new dis
quantities of oil than in any other part of the coveries in Chihuahua will be
country. exploited immediately upon
The Commission of Engineers sent by the an extensive scale, thereby
State of Sonora in order to explore the Island adding largely to the re
Angel de la Guarda and the coasts of Lower sources of the Republic.
Boat Building by Mexican Mechanics.
with a view to determine
California, with
whether there really were indications of oil, Increased Exportation of Oil
No action on the part of American organi
has just submitted a report to the effect that
zations doing business in Mexico speaks more The Secretary of the Treasury announces
they do exist, and that they are very rich,
positively of the growing feeling of security that the exportations of petroleum for the
and they urge that exploitation be undertaken.
which foreign capitalists have in the stability months of August and September, the com
While making their explorations, the said and fairness of the Mexican Government than plete returns of which have not yet been
Commission of Engineers at once found
this renewal of dividends on the part of the secured, will exceed those for June and July,
"chapopote" at some places, by which they
companies mentioned, leading as they do in which amounted to upward of two million
determined the existence of petroleum meas
the petroleum industry. tons. Notwithstanding the increase in the ex
ures on said island.
This resumption of dividends by two of the port tax on oil, the foreign demand is con
Studies that were made afterwards of these
most prominent companies engaged in this stantly increasing and the receipts therefrom
oil indications showed that, once they are ex important enterprise is sufficient and convinc
ploited, they would render a very considerable by the Government correspondingly augmented.
ing answer to the allegations which have been It is believed that the complete returns of the
yield, which at once gave birth to the thought
given wide circulation and credence that the exportations for August and September will
of their exploitation. petroleum industry was being hampered or
The aforementioned General Jesus M. approximate three million tons, the duties
that foreign capital was being deterred from upon which will augment the metallic reserves
Garza, with Messrs . Francisco Martinez ,
engaging in this or other lines of business . in the National Treasury by a large amount.
Manuel Otalora and Gustavo Muñoz , are the
During all the disorders in Mexico the
ones who have obtained the permit to exploit Privileges Forfeited
Mexican Petroleum Company and the Huas
the very rich indications of oil which are re
teca Petroleum Company have continued at All oil companies are obliged to pay a
ferred to, and already they have proceeded to
work uninterruptedly. During trying and monthly tax of $150 Mexican coin, or $75
organize an important company in order to
critical times they have given continuous em American-an insignificant amount when the
obtain the necessary funds with which to begin ployment to a minimum of 3000 Mexican importance of the business is taken into con
the preliminary works of exploration .
employes and laborers . These companies have sideration. However, some of the companies
Also, on the coast, near the aforementioned
experienced no strikes. On the contrary, all that were organized in order to sell shares
Island of Angel de la Guarda, have been
strikes in the Tampico district have been set rather than to engage in legitimate exploita
found other oil indications, of which the De
tled by the companies subjected to them, tion of the oil measures, have refused or
partment of Industry and Commerce has been
finally paying their help the same rates as neglected to pay this tax, and for that reason
informed . voluntarily established by the two concerns the Minister of Industry and Commerce has
The oil region located between the Island of
that have just declared the dividends noted. applied to them the penalty prescribed by law,
Angel de la Guarda and the nearby coasts is
and has directed their withdrawal from the
considered much richer than those of Tuxpam
During the month of August the custom Registry of Oil Companies, which leaves them
and Tampico , and it is believed that its pro house at Vera Cruz collected nearly two mil without legal standing, and without the power
duction would be far greater than that of the lion dollars national gold in duties and turned
other two put together . it in to the National Treasury. (Concluded on page 13)

Cienegas. It is a long distance chronologically

Seen in a Mexican Plaza from the stirring events of the Crimean war
in the early fifties down to the tenth year of
A Summer's Idyll of an Idle Summer the twentieth century ! Over three score years
BY GEORGE F. WEEKS have passed and what possible connection can
there be?
IV Then, too, there was the famous "Marco We shall see !
THE CRIMEAN WAR AND THE MEXICAN PLAZA Bozzaris," of the Greek revolution, and its I am sitting in my favorite shaded nook, my
ringing : friend and instructor in things Mexican ( Don
"Half a league, half a league, half a league onward,
Into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell, Martin ) by my side. We are idly watching
Rode the Six Hundred!" "Strike till the last armed foe expires!
Strike for your altars and your fires! the people passing in and out of the hotel
Strike for the green graves of your sires,
God and your native land!" on the corner, half a block away. A stranger
Who among us who was a schoolboy fifty
(to me) emerges and comes toward us. He
years and more ago is there who did not on My, how we did love to bring out those last
is a spare, upstanding man, with snow-white.
a Friday afternoon, when the hated and much four lines ! How we did shout them and hair and mustache, face finely wrinkled and
dreaded hour for "speaking pieces" came thrash the air with our arms and our imaginary
tanned by the desert sun till it is a deep
around, recite "The Charge of the Light swords, and waste no pity on the Turk who
umber, but withal he strikes out briskly despite
Brigade"? How we rolled it out ! What a at midnight slept in his guarded tent and the heat, and carries himself like a soldier
pleasure it was to be able to utter in public never dreamed what we were doing to him!
which, indeed, he is, or rather was.
and under the cold official eye a word which, Then came the Civil War and its accom
As he approaches, Don Martin says : "Here
when used privately and in strictly personal panying flood of martial "poetry" and other comes a man whom you have often told me
matters and discussions , brought condign pun wise. We told on the school platform all you would like to meet. He lives in Ocampo,
ishment if overheard by our elders or those
in authority. How we did love to be able to
talk from the platform about people going to
hell, while if we did the same kind of talking,
only not in poetical fashion, on the playground,
we were so sure to catch something of the
same kind. Why, it was almost as good as
being a minister and being able to talk about
hell-fire and damnation right out in public !
We began our youthful "piece speaking"
with :
"Twinkle, twinkle, little star,
How I wonder what you are."
"You'd scarce expect one of my age
To speak in public on the stage,"
Or with :
"How big was Alexander, pa,
That people called him great?"
From that we progressed to :
"The breaking waves dashed high
On a stern and rock-bound coast."
Then came : Clearing the Jungle in Oil Fields
"The boy stood on the burning deck
Whence all but he had fled." about the fight between the Monitor and the away out on the desert, and he is the owner
And lost his life because he had not good, Merrimac. We told how : of those decorations which are in my safe
plain common sense enough to know that his "At anchor in Hampton Roads we lay and which I showed you when you first came
On board of the Cumberland sloop of war." here. I will introduce you. "
father must surely have perished and would
have wished him to leave the burning vessel And how : We arise as he comes nearer, and the intro
with the others . In duty bound, of course, "Then like a kraken, huge and black, duction is given. I shake hands with the
we had to publicly admire the devotion of the She crushed our ribs in her iron grasp." stranger.
lad in waiting for orders from his dead parent, We hadn't the faintest idea what a "kraken" He is Alphonse Martellet, sergeant of the
and incidentally waiting to be blown to was, but it was a fine-sounding word and we fifth battalion of the Forty-third Regiment of
smithereens when all had sought safety else could make the little ones fairly goggle-eyed the line, veteran of the Crimean war, veteran
where. Away down in our own hearts we with our fierceness. under Marshal Bazaine during the French
thought he was a bit of a prig, and we could And then came dear old Barbara Frietchie! invasion of Mexico , proud owner of the Vic
not see anything very noble in throwing one's We had it early and we had it bad in our toria Cross and the decoration of the Legion
life away in that manner. Far better to have little old New Jersey school ! And to this day, of Honor. And withal as quiet and unas
gone with the others and lived to fight another considerably more than fifty years later, I can suming a man as one could ever meet. Born
day. It seemed to us that that would have recite every word of it, from in San Lorenzo, on the Gran Riviere, in the
been the better way to have rendered service "Up from the meadows rich with corn, province of Jura, he entered the army early
to one's country. Anyhow, we did not believe Clear in the cool September morn," in life and did not leave it until the end of
the story. There never was such a boy ! Clear down to : the French occupation of this country.
There couldn't be, except in Sunday School Greetings having been exchanged, we sit
"And ever the stars above look down
books ! On thy stars below at Frederick Town." down and Sergeant Martellet tells us about
A great favorite, too, was "Excelsior"! the Crimean war. He was in all the bloody
How the teacher did struggle with us while But what has all this to do with the shady engagements of the campaign. He saw the
we sing-songed our way through : reserved seat of " El Gringo" under the china charge of the Light Brigade. He was with
"The shades of night were falling fast berry tree in a far-off and lonely Mexican a battery on one of the hills commanding the
As through an Alpine village passed," etc. village? valley down which the gallant Six Hundred
And tried to make us give the proper em It is a far cry from the bloody battlefields rode to their death, and he shakes his head
phasis to each "Excelsior" at the end of a of Sebastopol and Inkermann and Balaklava as he tells of the rashness, the needlessness,
stanza. and Alma to quiet, peaceful little Cuatro the folly of it all-all the result of a mis


understanding between two officers who were MEXICO'S PETROLEUM INDUS- publication that he represents, saying that a
too proud to waste time in explanation. It TRY certain number of German officials had arp
is ancient history, but how interesting and (Concluded from page 11 ) rived here for the purpose of engaging in
thrilling from an eye-witness ! pro- German propaganda and to work in behalf
to undertake any transactions, either financial
Finally I turn the conversation to the two of the government of the Teutonic empire.
notable decorations . or questions arising before the Government.
"For this reason we interviewed yesterday
"Sergeant," I say, with more or less diffi Oil Exportation a high official of the Government, who told
dence, "Don Martin has shown me the deco It is again appropriate to point out that us that the news was absolutely false, for
rations belonging to you which he has in safe there is no limitation whatever to the export such officials had not arrived in Mexico City,
keeping. Will you pardon me if I ask you of oil from Mexico, nor can there be, con and that still less they would not be allowed
to tell us why they were given you ? It surely trary to reports of an opposite character. The to engage in any propaganda of the kind
must have been for some act of bravery much only limit is the availability of vessels for alleged by the correspondent.
out of the ordinary. Will you not tell us the transportation . There are now in storage "The police of the metropolis is well in
story ?" many millions of barrels awaiting shipment. formed as to all persons who enter the coun
The Sergeant gave me a lightning glance. There is no German influence in the oil fields. try, as the greatest vigilance is being exercised
He drew himself up, clicked his heels together, Ninety-nine per cent of the production and at all the ports and frontier cities, and when
saluted, and said : shipment are under American and English a suspicious individual enters the country the
"They were given me for doing my duty, control solely, and these are shipping all that fact is immediately communicated to this
sir !" they can handle, having in reserve immense capital.
And no amount of persuasion could prevail stocks, while their potential and immediately "As great importance has been attached to
upon him to give the slightest hint whatever available production is incalculable. this news (which was sent by an American
of what must have been some extraordinarily They have some enormous wells , for ex correspondent ) in the United States , the
gallant act. ample the Cerro Azul, with a potential capacity necessary steps have already been taken for
As has been said, Sergeant Martellet was of over 260,000 barrels daily, being the largest categorically denying it..
in Bazaine's army and his term of service ex in the world and the property of the Mexican "The official whom we interviewed stated
pired before Napoleon III withdrew his Petroleum Company. Only about ten per cent that the rumor was only a 'yellow canard,'
troops , after having received a gentle hint of this immense flow is now utilized . The worthy of the repudiation of sensible people.
from the Washington Government that their Aguila Company ( Lord Cowdray's ) has sev From the moment when the Government of
continued presence on American soil was not eral wells in the same condition . That the the Republic ordered on various occasions
regarded with favor by the United States. full potential production of wells already in that the most strict neutrality must be ob
Martellet had seen so much of the country existence is not utilized is not the fault of the served in the world war, it is absurd to think
that he had become enamored of it—or rather Mexican Government, which has the greatest that Teutonic agents in Mexico would be
of one of its fair daughters, for his wife, interest in developing the exportation, as allowed to engage in propaganda on behalf
a Mexican, must have been a very handsome shown by its acts in improving the port of of Germany."
woman in her younger days, as one can see Tampico in order to enable vessels of the
readily enough . So he remained, and settled largest size to take on cargoes of oil , which
down in the little village of Ocampo, away out they are doing to-day. The lack of facilities LATEST NEWS ITEMS
in the desert, and lived there many, many for the exportation of the potential production The School of Aviation in Mexico City,
years. When I met him he was 93 years of constitutes a serious loss for the Government under the direction of Colonel Alberto Salinas ,

age, but was as active as many a man 30 or 40 in the great value of the imposts which would has recently completed the construction of
years his junior. I begged him for a photo be collected otherwise. fifty aeroplanes, and work has now been com
menced on a second series of machines of
graph, but he had never had one taken, and different type from the first ones.
as there was no photographer in town and my The railroad between Torreon and Saltillo ,
own camera, was out of commission, I was Frontispiece and Other Illustrations
in the State of Coahuila, has been placed in
obliged to be disappointed. The frontispiece, showing views of natural first-class condition, bridges rebuilt, and other
But we drank a copita together of the best oil springs in the Tampico region , is of pecu repairs made, and is now in regular operation.
French brandy to be obtained, I told him it liar interest and is unique. These are natural This road suffered severely during the Revo
lution, as it was the center of military opera
was one of the greatest honors I had ever exudations of liquid oil and the bubbles are tions for an extended period.
enjoyed, and with a warm grasp of the hand, constantly forming and collapsing as shown.
The small black spots shown on the bubbles A commission of engineers has been ap
another military salute and a few words of pointed to undertake the rehabilitation of the
compliment, he went off down the street en in the lower left-hand corner are reflections
extensive paper factory at San Rafael, near
route to his desert home. of the photographer and his camera, as may Mexico City, in order to supply the numerous
But think of it ! From Balaklava to Cuatro be seen with a powerful magnifying glass. periodicals in the Republic with paper at mod
Cienegas ! From 1854 in the Crimea to 1910 THE REVIEW is indebted to the courtesy of erate prices. At present the cost is much
higher than in the United States .
on the Coahuila desert ! the Huasteca Petroleum Company for these
photographs , the most interesting of which A project is under way for the acquisition
appear for the first time. by the Department of Fine Arts of the notable
palace of Cortez , situated at Coyoacan, one
A project has been inaugurated in the State
of Hidalgo for the establishment of schools of the suburbs of Mexico City, and which for
Denial of German Propaganda years has been used as the offices of the town
wherein soldiers now kept in garrison may be
authorities . It is proposed to devote it to
given the rudiments of an education . One of the leading newspapers of Mexico archaeological purposes .
The permanent commission appointed by the City, El Excelsior, denies emphatically recent
Commercial Congress recently held in Mexico Official reports from the State of Durango
reports telegraphed from that city regarding are to the effect that a large portion of the
City has under consideration the establishment
of commercial schools in all portions of the German propaganda . It does this under the mines have been reopened, that agricultural and
caption , "False Report of an American News industrial conditions generally have greatly
paper Correspondent. His Communication to improved, the railroads are being operated
The new labor law which has been drawn regularly, and in general normal status pre
up in accordance with Article 123 of the new His Paper That Four German Officials Had vails.
Constitution consists of 150 separate pro Arrived in Mexico City is Not True. Nor
visions and will be submitted to Congress in Some time since, under instructions of the
is it true that these would dedicate themselves President, requests were sent to the officials
a short time.
to pro-German propaganda, which they would throughout the Republic that they report the
A commission has been dispatched to the not be allowed to do ." condition of the corn crop. These reports are
southern limits of the Republic for the pur The article is as follows : now coming in and the Director-General of
pose of surveying and marking in permanent Agriculture announces that the production of
manner the boundaries between Mexico and "A correspondent of a New York daily, who
that grain will be greater than for several
the English possession of Belice. resides in this capital, sent a message to the years.


small denominations, many millions would

Popular Loan Subscription be subscribed by those who have hoards of
money, just as was the case in France
Movement Spreading to All Portions of the Republic for when the German indemnity of 1870 was
Extending Financial Aid to the Government met by the people. That there is far more
coin in the country than is generally sup
posed was demonstrated at the beginning
HE movement recently inaugurated in pledged contributions of one and two days' of the present year, when specie payments
ΤΗthe State of Michoacan for a popular salary monthly . were resumed without an effort. The
subscription to the loans authorized by The newspaper reports that have been amount needed is so comparatively small
Congress has gathered great momentum widely published regarding the loans all and the resources of the country so great,
and is rapidly spreading to all portions of betray the same misconception regarding that there is warrant for believing that the
the Republic . It seems to have struck the the difference between Mexican and Amer
people themselves will shoulder the burden
vein of patriotic enthusiasm that domi ican money. Without exception these re of the needed loan for rehabilitating the
nates the people of the country, and the ports state that the Mexican government is country's finances .
plan having once been announced and pre seeking to float a loan of $250,000,000 , the
Regarding the income of the Govern
sented to the public, it is spreading like inference of course being that this means.
wild fire. President Carranza is in daily American gold. ment, it is pointed out officially that it is
receipt of messages from individuals and constantly increasing and the deficit de
The fact is that Congress at first author creasing in proportion . The income from !
organizations of all classes pledging their ized two loans, one for 150,000,000 pesos stamp taxes , which in 1912-13 was $38,Vand
support. Military and civil employes of and one for 100,000,000-250,000,000 pesos in
000,000 annually, or about one-third the
the national government have promised to all , which at the usual rate of exchange total income of the government , will this
contribute, while railroad, mining, agricul means $ 125,000,000 American gold , or ex year be approximately $68,000,000. The
tural and other workers have joined in the actly half the amount as given in the pub new taxes on mines, petroleum , alcoholic
popular movement. Officials and employes lished statements . Subsequently Congress liquors, cigars, etc., add largely to the in-
of State Governments have also notified the authorized another loan of $ 50,000,000 , thus come of the national treasury, and it is de
national authorities of their desire to take adding $25,000,000 American gold to the clared with assurance based on present
part in the patriotic subscription . former, making a total of $ 150,000,000 facts that the deficiency will be entirely
On September 12th a convention was American gold . When it is considered that canceled within a brief period by the
held in Mexico City, called by Governor this means a per capita of less than $ 10 receipts from taxation .
Caesar Lopez de Lara of the Federal Dis American gold to the population of Mexico
trict, which was largely attended and at (variously estimated at from 15,000,000 to NOTE-It should always be borne in mind in dealing
with Mexican financial matters in news and especially
which a committee was appointed to take 17,000,000 ) , while the first Liberty Loan in official dispatches that unless expressly stipulated
charge of the matter and push it vigorously. floated in this country recently was sub to the contrary all sums of money mean Mexican
coin, which at par is practically half the same
番 Representatives of the various labor, com scribed to the extent of $30 per capita and amount as expressed in American money.
mercial and civil organizations. were additional loans now asked will bring it to
present and all testified to the desire of over $ 100, it can readily be seen that there
those for whom they were the spokesmen is nothing very excessive about the modest NOTES OF INTEREST
to aid in the rehabilitation of their loan authorized . And none of these loans
country's finances. is to meet current expenses , which by the A popular subscription is to be opened in
The initial subscription is specifically for way are rapidly nearing the income and all portions of the Republic for the construc
the purpose of covering the loan loan of reducing the deficit from month to month . tion of a modern building for the use of the
Mexican Red Cross Society, an independent
$ 100,000,000 national gold ($50,000,000 The one for 150,000,000 pesos is for the organization which did a vast amount of ex-
American money) authorized for the pur purpose of meeting outstanding obligations , cellent service during the Revolution and is
pose of establishing a bank which shall such as overdue interest on the public continuing its task permanently. +
have sole power to issue paper currency debt ; the one for 100,000,000 pesos is for A special military corps for the protection
and which shall at all times be redeemable the establishment of a bank of issue with of railway traffic is being organized under the
in coin upon demand . sole power to circulate notes redeemable management of Colonel Paulino Fontes, the
on demand in coin, while the one for 50, General Manager of the Constitutionalist lines.
The Governors of several of the States
000,000 pesos is for the rehabilitation of This corps will be distinct from the regular
have already signified their intention to as army and will perform the duties in the direc
sist in the movement, and it is believed that the railroads and placing them in the same tion noted that have heretofore fallen to the
all will join therein. The national conven condition as before the revolution . troops.
tion of railway employes, in session in When one considers the hundreds of milP Because of the damage done to the fishing
Mexico City, has unanimously notified lions, the billions, which the world is now interests of the municipality of Tuxpam, Vera
President Carranza that it will at once Cruz, a tax of three and one-half cents per
dealing in, and which are being raised by
ton Mexican gold has been levied upon each
commence a canvass of all railway taxation and by bonds, it may well be ton of petroleum exported from the port
workers throughout the Republic for the claimed that the amount asked by Mexico named. This equals one and three-quarter
purpose of enlisting their services in the for her rehabilitation is but a trifle by com cents American currency. The tax is to con
cause. parison. tinue for one year.
As heretofore stated , the plan is for The experience of the Government in With the approach of the winter season the
the retirement of the paper currency is a National Health Board is prosecuting with
every person who is willing to pledge a
vigor the measures necessary to prevent a
contribution of one day's pay for each demonstration of the willingness and ability recurrence of typhus and other diseases.
month having thirty days and two days' of the people to assist in this direction . Public baths and wash-houses have been
pay for those having thirty-one days until Many millions of dollars were freely established and cleanliness is being enforced
the required amount shall have been donated outright by all classes to be in every manner possible. Sanitary stations
reached . It is an outright gift, and no sug burned, while gifts of jewelry and other are to be established at the frontier ports
valuables were also made for the same pur where passenger traffic is the largest.
gestion has yet been made of the issuance
to the contributors of bonds covering the pose, thus materially aiding in settling the The East Coast Oil Company has received
permission to continue the sinking of a well
amounts so given. national currency problem. There was no at Potrero del Zacate, State of Vera Cruz ;
President Carranza and his cabinet have question of reimbursing these donations. the "Pen-Mex. Fuel Company" has been
set the example of donating the same pro They were downright gifts to the nation . granted permission to sink a well at Panuco ,
portion of their salaries toward the de It is believed that if the bonds were Vera Cruz ; the Corona Petroleum Company
has given notice that it has brought in a well
sired object, and the members of Congress offered to the common people as were the at Tamboyoche, Vera Cruz, with a flow of
have also joined in the movement and liberty bonds in the United States, in 1000 cubic meters daily.

PRESIDENT CARRANZA'S ferred to , as also the measures taken to studied by the Department of Fomento for
relieve the scarcity of grain in some por the utilization of the waters that belong to
tions of the Republic . the people.
(Concluded from page 3) The operations of the Treasury Depart The establishment of meteorological
June 20th, 1914 was in force, shows an ment were given, with the various steps stations , the surveys of various boundaries
that have been taken for the rehabilitation and other works of similar character are
increase in favor of the Treasury of
538,838.07 pesos for a single bi-monthly of the nation's finances, as well as the work referred to , together with the work under
period . performed by the public mint. From May taken by the Bureau of Archaeology .
"The law of May 19th last doubled the Ist to August 15th there were coined The work of the Department of Industry
tax on tobacco . $ 14,035,000 in gold pieces and $7,600,000 in and Commerce is described, including the
silver. In June and July there were coined establishment of an electro-chemical labora
"By the law of June 5th a special tax was
levied on telephones ; on the same day a $7,700,000 in gold and $7,600,000 in silver. tory, projects for the inauguration of ex
special tax was also levied, payable in The coinage noted is the largest in the his positions of the products of the country at
revenue stamps , on sealed bottles and on tory of the Republic. the various consulates in foreign lands, etc.
posters and advertising matter. The deposits with the Monetary Commis The efforts of the National University
"On June 9th last, Articles 249, 250 and sion on account of former paper emissions and of the Department of Fine Arts are
251 of the law of June 1 , 1906, were modi amounted to $ 53,846,495.65 , of which sum recited, with the general impulse that has
fied, and insofar as relates to Art. 251 the there has been disbursed in gold certificates been given to all branches of education and
Federal Contribution tax was set at 60 per $40,253,491.76, leaving a balance in favor of culture.
cent beginning with July 1st, last, the inname the depositors of $ 13,593,003.89. The Department of Communications ,
crease being made to include the Federal among other important projects has under
Of paper currency issued $547,471,000 has
District and Territories. been burned. taken the construction and repair of high-
"Sections 30 and 44 of the Stamp Tax ways throughout the Republic, the build
The Commission charged with the regu
Law of June 1st, 1906, as well as Arț. 122 ing of various railways needed for the bet
lation of institutions of credit and the
of the same act levying taxes of 2 per cent ter development of the resources of the
liquidation of the banks of issue reports
and 5 per cent, respectively, on bills of country, the construction of port works at
that there were 22 such banks and that their
lading and on transporation by railroad , various points, the inauguration of wireless
condition was as follows :
telegraphic stations , the increase in the
street-car, stage-coach or other convey Metallic reserve ❤ • ·
ances, were amended under date of June $ 41,628,121.70 service of the land wire system , and many
Bills in circulation . 2 • > 183,201,463.25
20th last. In the same month of June Sight deposits • 18.315,412.78 other improvements of great value to the
Other deposits · • 32,698,686.14
changes were introduced into the tariff country.
On June 14th these banks had in their Public health has received adequate at
rates on goods imported through the parcel possession :
post. A consumption tax of 10 per cent on tention and laws are being prepared for
Dollars (at 2 to 1 ) . $3,619,534.32 the better conservation of health and
electric light was levied , and a similar tax National gold • 2,297,840.00
Pesos coins IN • • 13,102,869.00 morals as well, the question of the regu
of 3 per cent on electric motor-power ; the National coin •• 721,023-57
decree of June 5th of the present year was Gold and silver bars . • 4,818,459.76 lation of the production and sale of alco
annulled . Beverages prepared from the TOTAL $24.559,726.65 holic beverages receiving especial atten
juice of the agave plant known as tion .
'pulque' were assessed 25 per cent on the Among other acts of the Government The address was a complete summary of
wholesale price by law of June 27th last. noted by the President was the appoint the present condition of the Republic, which
The corresponding regulations have already ment of a commission to investigate the lack of space prevents publishing in full .
been issued . various contracts made with the Pearsons
"The law of November 17th , 1893 , was and the Tehuantepec Railway .
The progress made in the reorganization JOTTINGS
restored to full force and effect, and in ac
cordance with Art . 22 of the regulations of of the army was described , together with The National Treasury has received one
this law, issued November 28th , 1893 , the the establishment of a Legion of Honor, of million dollars in American gold coin col
tax of 5 per cent on the total amount of the the academy of the general staff, the lected as duties in the city of Monterrey, which
manufacture of arms , ammunition and was sent to the mint and recoined in Mexican
transaction is chargeable to the purchaser . five, ten and twenty peso pieces.
"Rates on gasoline and kerosene were equipment, etc.
The progress made by the School of Because of the large amounts of gold ' that
modified as follows : refined gasoline and are being sent to the national mint for coin
kerosene 3 per cent valorem ; in a crude Aviation was noted, as well as that of the
age, it has been found necessary to limit the
condition 6 per cent. Sanitary Service and the military tribunals . coinage of silver until the surplus shall have
"On July 19th there was assessed a The operations of the forces against been treated .
special stamp tax of 5 per thousand on various bands of rebels are referred to , with The Workingmen's Congress recently held
capitals administered by such private the necessary objects achieved, especially in Vera Cruz petitioned the Government for
charitable institutions as are authorized by in Chihuahua , where General Murguia is the immediate establishment of arbitration
credited with the restoration of complete boards for the settlement of labor disputes
the Law of August 23, 1904. and for other measures designed to carry out
"The following matters have also been order.
the provisions of the new Constitution.
under consideration : Advisability of bet The work of the Department of Fomento
Agricultural colonies have been established
tering the condition of customs agents ; tax is described at length , including the return at Santa Ana, 1 Santa Maria, El Coyotillo , La
collection by the District authorities ; the to the public domain of extensive areas in Arituaba and other points in the State of
incorporation of the Internal Revenue Lower California and elsewhere which had Sonora, and hundreds of former miners and
Bureau into the Government of the Federal been illegally * granted to various persons their families are now busy establishing homes
and cultivating the soil.
District ; the advisability of levying taxes who had not complied with the terms of
similar to those in force in the United their concessions. A total of 13,280,000 Operations in paper currency except the
"infalsificable" have been forbidden under
States. In addition , a study is being made hectares (nearly 36,000,000 acres ) has thus
penalty, those holding such currency being
of income and profits legislation . Cir been added to the public domain. Many required to turn it in for redemption under
cular No. 213 was issued instructing Mexi other cases are under consideration where the regulations issued by the Government
can Consuls to charge a fee for certificates concessionaires have failed to comply with therefor in 1916.
issued to Mexican citizens ." their agreements . Every newspaper received from Mexico
The establishment of colonies on various City carries accounts of the restoration of
Other Matters of Interest community lands or of the allotment of tracts
of the Pacific Coast islands is referred to ,
of varying size for the establishment of new
The assistance given to those citizens de as well as in other portions of the Republic. pueblos where the lands are to be held in
siring to repatriate themselves was re Various projects of irrigation are being common.

2 34


tives of American business houses who are The Treasury Department has requested
seeking opportunities for investment and for that the necessary steps be taken to expel
LATE NEWS NOTES the development of various natural resources from the country or prevent the entry of all
which promise to be of a profitable nature. foreigners who are found smuggling or at
tempting to smuggle articles of any kind
Two mechanics in the employ of the electric whatsoever. There has been much} trouble
The Light and Power Company of the State. railway system of the national capital have along the border recently on this account and
of Puebla has been authorized to construct an recently received rewards of $4000 and $ 1000 drastic measures are necessary to stop it.
electric railway line connecting the cities of each for having invented a novel and very
useful device for the preparation of wiring It is proposed to organize a company upon
Puebla and Tlaxcala. the same lines as the one that so successfully
for the magnets used in the operation of cars.
The Department of Fomento is considering handles the fiber product of the State of
a petition for the establishment of a refinery A tax of 40 per cent upon pulque has been Yucatan, for the purpose of developing the
at Tampico which will be of great benefit to approved by the Chamber of Deputies for the banana business in Tabasco . The growers
the many oil companies operating there. purpose of discouraging traffic in that injuri realize the need of co-operation in handling
While cleaning out a well at the port of ous beverage, and inducing the producers to and marketing the product and steps are being
make other uses of the plant from which it is taken in that direction .
Progreso, Yucatan, recently petroleum was produced, such as the extraction of fiber, the
found seeping into it and it is believed that manufacture of sugar, etc. The Director General of Railways has
valuable deposits will be found by proper ex turned into the National Treasury the sum 4 of
ploitation. The commission appointed to survey the $250,000 national gold as the surplus of re
The collections of customs for the first two route for a railway connecting the cities of ceipts over operating expenses of the Isthmus
weeks in September at the port of Vera Cruz Guadalajara and San Luis Potosi reports that Railway during the month of August ;
were so heavy as to warrant the belief that it has completed its labors and that the ` line $150,000 excess on behalf of the Mexican
the total for the month would be over two will involve an expenditure of $19,000,000 . It Railway (from Mexico City to Vera Cruz) ,
million dollars. will open up a region very rich in mining, and $200,000 excess on behalf of the National
agriculture and natural resources of various lines for the same period.
In the month of August thirty-five new kinds.
mining titles were granted by the Department Careful attention is being given to the
of Industry and Commerce, while forty-three The Department of the Exterior is in con monetary problem of the Republic, caused by
concessions were forfeited for failure to com stant receipt of renunciations filed by Ameri the recent rise in the value of silver, and the
ply with the mining laws. cans and other foreigners, in accordance with consequent changed relation of the silver
Labor congresses have been held recently the new Constitution, that for the purposes of coinage of the country as compared with the
in several of the States of the Republic and the immediate business specified they will not value of foreign coin. With silver worth over
measures discussed for the amelioration of the undertake to appeal to their home govern $1 gold per ounce in the markets of the world,
condition of working men in accordance with ments against the operation of the laws of the silver peso approaches very nearly the
the provisions of the new constitution. Mexico in connection therewith. same value as the American silver dollar, yet
the exchange rate is about half that. The
Reports have been received in Mexico City Improvements projected at the port of suggestion has been made that a solution
from the State of Sonora that large numbers Mazatlan, the most important on the Pacific could be found by decreeing that the peso
of Americans are arriving in that section who coast, under direction of the Department of should be accepted and circulated on a par
are apparently seeking to avoid service in the Communications and Public Works, include a with the dollar.
army. They are said to be well provided with series of parallel wharves, of breakwaters, and
money as a rule. the dredging of a channel for deep-water
Announcement is made in the press of the vessels, thus providing a thoroughly protected The export duty on henequen fiber has been
capital city of the advent of many representa location for vessels against severe storms . established at 5 per cent ad valorem.

The Truth About Sisal

Send a letter or postcard with a request that your name and address
be entered on the permanent mailing list of the Comision Reguladora
del Mercado de Henequen , the largest and most successful co-operative
association of farmers in the world .

If you want to know the truth about binder twine, the reasons for
recent advances in price and the identity of the powerful interests that are
back of the campaign that has been waged against the Yucatan co 2
operative marketing association of sisal producers, the Comision Regu
ladora will take pleasure in mailing you literature from time to time.

If you read Spanish , send $2.50 for a year's subscription to "EL

HENEQUEN ," a semi-monthly magazine issued by the growers ' as
sociation at its home office in Merida, Yucatan .


120 Broadway, New York City.


.M62 DEC11 1917

General Alvaro Obregon LIB


Mexican Review

1( 0





Pyramid of the Sun, San Juan Teotihuacan (Work of Restoration Under Way)

Condition of the Railroads


enmity against us, because, by geographical

General Obregon's Tour situation, our competition is most dangerous.
It is also doubtless true, as General Obregon
Visiting the United States for Health and Pleasure-He Denounces said, and as has been said many times before,
the False Rumors of Pro-German Propaganda that American salesmen have usually failed to
adapt themselves to Mexican habits, desires
ENERAL ALVARO OBREGON, one "It gives me pride to stand here in the or prejudices, but have strenuously urged that
G of the heroes of the Mexican revolu presence of the ladies, who add honor to the they take what we have to offer, and take it
occasion. I will preserve the memories of quick, so that the salesmen could make the
tion, who won the first great fight (that at
Santa Rosa, Sonora, in April, 1913 ) , the this evening which will give me opportunity next town.
"man who never lost a battle," and who in the future to recall the people of Spring The distinguishing traits of the Spanish
did more than any other one person to bring field. It will instill into Mexican hearts a speaking people are courtesy and deliberation.
the revolution to a successful conclusion, is feeling of gratitude. It will do much good It is useless to deny that the distinguishing
trait of American business is lack of both.
now in the United States on a visit com too in binding closely the two nations in
bonds of kindness and love forever." This country is prosperous and rich, doubtless
bining pleasure and health seeking. He
has received hearty and enthusiastic wel as the result of American energy. Mexico is
comes at every place visited and has talked disturbed and unprosperous, doubtless, in part,
owing to Spanish deliberation and content
in a very straightforward and satisfactory
manner about his country. with whatever is. Unquestionably, American
business, which produces, sells, lends and in
In an interview at Los Angeles he said :
vests, has too often expressed itself in a cer
"If necessary, Mexico will solve its own
tain arrogance, well calculated to check trade
financial difficulties by appealing to its own
and promote positive dislike. It appears to
resources, without the help of a single be true that until recently it was unusual for
foreign dollar ; but if help should come from
salesmen visiting Mexico to show to their
the United States in this direction, it
proposed customers even the courtesy of
would be well received."
learning their language. That is being reme
He called attention to the enormous died. It was never true of Germans, and
natural resources which Mexico possesses, rarely true of British or French.
and declared that, if judiciously exploited,
Economic changes have made it highly im
the country would be enabled to meet its portant for the Mexican people to be friendly
own needs without having to continually
with us. Here, if anywhere, they must get the
apply for foreign help. financial help which they need. All that is
When asked whether it was true that
required on our part to make great progress
there was being carried on in Mexico an with that people is really a reform in our
active propaganda in favor of the Germans, manners-which will be good for us, anyhow.
General Obregon answered as follows : -San Francisco Chronicle.
"There is no more German propaganda in
Mexico than there is in any other nation.
We will not allow Germany to use us for WATER
its particular purposes ; however there ex
ists in some circles, sympathy for the Ger A well known geologist, Fernando
mans, but this sympathy is eclipsed by our Urbina, states that oil seepages are found
good desires to keep cordial relations of not only on the land but in the sea as well.
friendship with the American nation. General Alvaro Obregon He claims to have discovered , through re
Mexico will remain neutral, if this task is THE UNITED STATES AND searches made by himself, that the oil dis
humanly possible. I cannot see any pos MEXICO tricts of Tampico, Tuxpam, Tehuantepec,
sibility of Mexico allying itself with the etc., are continued in the Gulf of Mexico
HE travels of General Obregon in this
Germans, and my particular wish is that TH country, if one may judge of the effect and that great deposits exist there ; also
Mexico should keep itself isolated from the of his visit to this city, are likely to be of that they can be exploited in the same
contest, as an absolutely neutral nation ." great value both to his own country and to manner as on land, by drilling. The limits.
At a dinner given to General Obregon by ours. The more Mexicans of his type who of the sub-sea oil area can be determined .
the leading citizens of Springfield, Ill., visit and enlighten us the better for us all. down to a depth of twenty meters (65 feet) ,
which the Mexican leader visited by reason The American people have the most friendly and the deposits are declared to cover a
of its having been the home of President feeling toward Mexico . We desire none of strip of the western littoral of the Atlantic
Lincoln, who is held in such high esteem their territory and do desire that the Mexican , from the island of Marta down to the
in Mexico, he said : people shall be increasingly prosperous. But Orinoco, a distance of more than 33 degrees.
"When I return to my country I will be the masses of the American people do not of latitude. In his judgment the ex
asked concerning the United States and I visit Mexico, and some Americans who have ploitation of the under-sea deposits can be
will say that I have been received with the visited that country and invested there have profitably undertaken in those portions of
greatest consideration and have been the apparently not so conducted themselves as to the gulf that abut on the shores of the
subject of loving attention . make Americans popular. United States as well as of Mexico . In
"The dinner given here by the residents And we have suffered greatly by an un conclusion Mr. Urbina says : "Because of
of Springfield is one of the most delightful ceasing propaganda carried on against us in the great and increasing necessity for
incidents of my trip through the United that country by European competitors for obtaining petroleum, lubricating oil, gaso
States, all of which has been of great in Mexican trade. And we need not lay it all to line, etc., from wherever they can be had.
terest and satisfaction to me. It was a mat "Germans," for British traders have been as the development of the sub-sea deposits
ter of great interest to me to have been desirous as others to create hostility to this would open a new horizon for the Mexican
given an opportunity to visit the tomb of country, not because they were Germans or oil industry, and at the same time would
Abraham Lincoln , that great American, this British or French, but because they desired to bring up interesting questions as to the
afternoon. make it more difficult for us to compete. ownership of oil found in those localities
"Lincoln knew no distinctions of boun However strenuously they might compete with that do not belong to the territorial waters
daries. He illuminated the whole world. each other, they united like brothers to create of any nation, but to the high seas ."
J 3

Facts About Mexican Railways

Rolling Stock of All Kinds Now Equal to Pre-Revolution
Days Official Statements on the Subject

N interesting light is thrown upon state The valuations of crude and combustible Railroad employes in the State of Jalisco
A ments recently made in the Saturday petroleum will be increased or diminished will organize a cooperative association for
Evening Post and also in the Mining and in accordance with its density as stated in the purpose of securing food and other
necessaries at lower rates than are de
Scientific Press of San Francisco concerning the decree of April 13 , 1917 .
manded by dealers .
the condition of the railways in Mexico, which These valuations are in Mexican gold , the
With the approval of President Carranza ,
are far from the truth, as will be shown. Great equivalent in American gold being one-half. the State Government of Michoacan has re
stress is laid upon the alleged wholesale The total amount of the tax on the turned to their rightful Indian owners sev
destruction of engines and cars during the various grades of petroleum is therefore 55 eral large tracts of agricultural land of
Revolution and what is claimed to be a present cents, $I1 and $ 1.30 per ton for the re which they had been deprived illegally.
shortage of rolling stock. spective grades, in Mexican gold, or 27½ A school of art and industry is to be
cents , 50 cents and 65 cents American gold . established in the State of Sonora for the
The last annual report of the National
The oil varies from 6 to 7 barrels to the benefit of orphans , there being upward of a
Railways of Mexico, made in 1916, shows thousand of such children who are without
the following facts : ton, according to density, and the tax is homes and are in need of educational train
In 1913, before there had been any de therefore from about four cents to 93-10 ing.
struction of consequence, there were 435 cents to the barrel. The Governor of the State of Puebla, one
passenger coaches of broad gauge and 118 The tax on gasoline and kerosene on the of the centers of the textile industry, has
of narrow gauge . In 1916 there were 414 basis of four liters to the gallon is : Refined organized a Commission of Conciliation and
Arbitration for the settlement of disputes.
broad gauge and 101 narrow gauge- or a gasoline, 48-10 cents Mexican gold, or that arise between the working people and
net loss of but 21 and 17 respectively. 24-10 American ; crude gasoline , 4½ cents, the employers .
In 1913 there were 16,661 freight cars of or 24 cents American, and on kerosene On the tenth of this month through rail
broad gauge and 1831 of narrow gauge. I 2-10 cents or 6-10 of a cent American gold way traffic between Mexico City and Juarez
In 1916 there were 13,222 of broad gauge per gallon. was resumed, the line having been put in
and 1396 of narrow gauge-a loss of 3439 good condition, bridges rebuilt or repaired ,
PROTECTING THE NATIONAL and all preparations for regular through
of the one and 434 of the other. service completed.
In 1913 there were 635 broad gauge REFINING INDUSTRY
Chambers of Commerce of the border
locomotives and 94 narrow gauge. In 1916 Under date of October 16th , President States of both countries are engaging in a
there were 596 of the broad gauge and 83 of Carranza issued the following decree : movement to secure modifications of the
the narrow- a loss of 83 and 11 respectively. " WHEREAS , for the purpose of pro new regulations in the United States re
Since the date of this report large addi tecting the National industry of refining of garding the exportation of various articles
from that country .
tions have been made to the rolling stock petroleum , it is necessary to establish dif
of all kinds , by repair, construction and ferent quotas for the products in their A National Industrial Congress is to be
held in Mexico City commencing On
purchase. Further additions are constantly native state from those fixed on refined November 5th , at which will be present
being made. products , calculating them in proportion to representatives of the various industries of
General Agent De Hoyos, who repre the total of the tax on their components ; the country who will discuss matters of
as well as to fix a smaller value on crude great interest to all.
sents the Constitutionalist railways in New
York, is responsible for the statement that gasoline leaving kerosenes in the same cir In addition to the extension of educa
within the last six months there have been cumstances . tional facilities in other directions, the
Government of the State of Colima pro
purchased 600 freight cars, 80 passenger "I have seen fit to decree the following : poses to establish a farm and agricultural
cars and sixty locomotives . Three thou "Article First- For the fixing of the school for instruction in the latest methods
sand cars are now under repair in the com special stamp tax on crude petroleum pro of soil cultivation , etc.
pany's own shops, which when completed duced in the country, the Department of Official reports from the State of Gue
will bring the equipment practically to the Finance will fix at the end of each period rrero state that the crops are better than
same point as in 1913- in fact, it is already of two months the value of crude petroleum for the previous year and have been very
abundant. The State is entirely at peace,
larger so far as regards locomotives and so that the tax of ten ( 10% ) per cent which new schools are being established in all
passenger coaches, but a trifle less in re it must pay shall be equal to the total of sections and normal conditions are prac
gard to freight cars. taxes paid by its components, fuel oil, crude tically resumed.
kerosene and crude gasoline. Notice has been given that the capital
BASIS OF PETROLEUM TAXATION "In the same way, to determine the pro of the Territory of Lower California has
Under date of October 16th, Sub- Secre portion of component parts referred to in been transferred from Ensenada, on the
this article the average which crude Pacific coast, to the town of Mexicali, on
tary of the Treasury Nieto gave notice that the line between the United States and
for the months of September and October petroleum refined in the country contains of Mexico. This place has rail communication
the special stamp tax of ten per cent on them, shall be taken as basis. and is more accessible than the former
exports of petroleum would be levied upon "Article Second-The Department of capital .
the following basis of values : Finance will fix at the end of each two The authorities report the recent settle
Combustible petroleum of a density of months period, prices of refined gasoline ment of a large number of foreigners of
various nationalities at Bamori, a remote
6.91 , $ 10 per ton. and kerosene taking the average values in point in the northern portion of the State of
Crude petroleum of a density of 0.91 , $ 13 the City of New York during the foregoing Sonora, who have gone there without
per ton. month ; on the understanding that these authorization or notification . They are
Petroleum of a density greater than 0.97, same prices shall be applied to crude gaso said to be men who are seeking to escape
t $5.50 per ton. the military service in the United States.
line and kerosene, discounting three-fourths
Gas oil, $ 10 per ton. of a centavo from the price of each unit in The Agrarian Commission of the State of
Vera Cruz is prosecuting its labors with
Refined gasoline in bulk or barrels, 12 fixing the price of crude gasoline . vigor and it is announced that within a brief
cents per liter. “Transitory- Article fourth of the De period all the former community lands in
Crude gasoline in bulk or barrels, 11 cree of April 13th of this year and sole that commonwealth will be restored to the
cents per liter. article of Decree of 30th of last June are original and rightful owners , thereby
ameliorating conditions to a great extent,
Kerosene crude or refined, in bulk or hereby rescinded insofar as they are incon as thousands will thus be provided with
barrels, 3 cents per liter. sistent with this decree." small farms .


diminished lakes, its princely capital rising

in still greater glory from its ruins, and its
San Juan Teotihuacan Ruins
rugged hills gathering darkly around it, as
The Wonderful Pyramids Whose Origin was not Known to the in the days of Montezuma .
Natives Even in the Time of Cortez "The summit of this larger mound is said
to have been crowned by a temple, in which
HE work of exploring the famous ruins in that dedicated to the Sun has been un was a colossal statue of its presiding deity,
TH of San Juan Teotihuacan, which had been successful. In the smaller mound, an the Sun, made of one entire block of stone.
suspended throughout the revolutionary period, aperture has been found on the southern and facing the east. Its breast was pro
has been resumed under the direction of the side, at two-thirds of the elevation. It is tected by a plate of burnished gold and
Secretary of Fomento, and it is believed that formed by a narrow gallery, which, after silver, on which the first rays of the rising
some very important and interesting discov penetrating to the distance of several luminary rested . An antiquary, in the early
eries will be made. Recently an excursion yards, terminates in two pits or wells. The part of the last century, speaks of having
was organized to these prehistoric ruins, com largest of these is about fifteen feet deep ; seen some fragments of the statue . It was
posed of the diplomatic corps and high public and the sides are faced with unbaked still standing, according to report, on the
functionaries, to most of the former it being bricks ; but to what purpose it was devoted, invasion of the Spaniards, and was de
an entirely new and novel experience. In nothing is left to show. It may have been molished by the indefatigable Bishop
this connection, the account of these remains to hold the ashes of some powerful chief, Zumarraga, whose hand fell more heavily
of a forgotten race as given in Prescott's like the solitary apartment discovered in than that of Time itself on the Aztec monu
"Conquest of Mexico" is of interest. It should the great Egyptian pyramid. That these ments .
be said, however, that since this account was monuments were dedicated to religious "Around the principal pyramids are
written, the Pyramid of the Sun has been uses there is no doubt; and it would be great number of smaller ones, rarely ex
restored in greater part to its ancient condi only conformable to the practice of an ceeding thirty feet in height, which, ac
tion, and much progress has been made in tiquity in the eastern continent, that they cording to tradition, were dedicated to the
excavating other ruins in the same locality.
THE REVIEW gives herewith illustrations of
the ruins as they were when Prescott wrote,
and also as they are at present.
The great author wrote :
"The monuments of San Juan Teotihuacan
are, with the exception of the temple of
Cholula, the most ancient remains, probably,
on the Mexican soil. They were found by
the Aztecs, according to their traditions, on
their entrance into the country, when Teoti
huacan, the habitation of the gods, now a
paltry village, was a flourishing city, the rival
of Tula, the great Toltec capital. The two
principal pyramids were dedicated to Tonatiuh,
the Sun, and Meztli, the Moon. The former,
which is considerably the larger, is found by
recent measurements to be six hundred and
eighty-two feet long at the base, and one hun
dred and eighty feet high, dimensions not in
ferior to those of some of the kindred monu
ments of Egypt. They were divided into four
stories, of which three are now discernible,
while the vestiges of the intermediate grada Pyramid of the Sun, San Juan Teotihuacan, as Restored
tions are nearly effaced. In fact, so much
displaced by the treacherous vegetation of the should have served for tombs as well as stars, and served as sepulchres for the
tropics, muffling up with its flowery mantle. temples . great men of the nation . They are ar
the ruin which it causes, that it is not easy to "Distinct traces of the latter destination ranged symmetrically in avenues termina
discern, at once, the pyramidal form of the are said to be visible on the summit of the ting at the sides of the great pyramids,
structures. The huge masses bear such re smaller pyramid, consisting of the remains which face the cardinal points . The plain
semblance to the North American mounds, of stone walls, showing a building of con on which they stand was called Micoatl, or
that some have fancied them to be only nat siderable size and strength . There are no " Path of the Dead." The laborer, as he
ural eminences shaped by the hand of man remains on the top of the pyramid of the turns up the ground, still finds there num
into a regular form, and ornamented with the Sun. But the traveler who will take the erous arrow-heads and blades of obsidian,
temples and terraces, the wreck of which still trouble to ascend its bald summit will be attesting the warlike character of its
covers their slopes. But others, seeing no amply compensated by the glorious view it primitive population .
example of a similar elevation in the wide will open to him; towards the south- east "What thoughts must crowd on the mind .
plain in which they stand, infer, with more the hills of Tlascala, surrounded by their of the traveler as he wanders amidst these
probability, that they are wholly of an artifi green plantations and cultivated cornfields, memorials of the past ; as he treads over
cial construction. in the midst of which stands the little vil the ashes of the generations who reared
"The interior is composed of clay mixed lage, once the proud capital of the republic. these colossal fabrics, which take us from
with pebbles, incrusted on the surface with Somewhat further to the south, the eye the present into the very depths of time!
the light porous stone tetzontile, so abun passes across the beautiful plains lying But who were their builders ? Was it the
dant in the neighbouring quarries. Over around the city of Puebla de los Angeles, shadowy Olmecs, whose history, like that
this was a thick coating of stucco, re founded by the old Spaniards, and still of the ancient Titans, is lost in the mists
sembling, in its reddish colour, that found rivaling, in the splendor of its churches , of fable? or as commonly reported, the
in the ruins of Palenque. According to the most brilliant capitals of Europe ; and peaceful and industrious Toltecs , of whom
tradition, the pyramids are hollow, but far in the west he may behold the Valley all that we can glean rests on traditions
hitherto the attempt to discover the cavity of Mexico, spread out like a map, with its hardly more secure? What has become of

"The agricultural employment of the two

hundred soldiers would be for one week, at
Military Agricultural Colonies
the end of which they shall return to their
Project by Which a Large Self-Supporting Army Shall Be at military service, being substituted by two hun
dred of their comrades.
All Times Ready for National Defense
"In this way, and while they are defenders
R. ZEFERINO DOMINGUEZ, well of the distribution of lands be solved, and of the country, they would at the same time
MR .
known as the "corn expert" of Mexico,
Mexico, thus develop the national resources, once that also be elements of progress, because by im
has outlined in a Mexico City newspaper his peace had been assured by the Government. proving agriculture, which is our main source
plan for the establishment of military agri "It could be alleged that the actual economic of riches, Mexico could be placed at the height
cultural colonies, as follows : situation of the Nation might be an obstacle to which she belongs beyond doubt, more so
"In each State of the Republic there could to the realization of this project ; but if we when she has been so prodigiously provided
be established military farms, which could analyze the question down to its bottom, we for by nature.
contribute in a really practical manner to the shall find that whatever amount is invested, "This agrarian-military service would be for
progress of agriculture in our country. even though in so doing would require great three years and obligatory. At the end of
"I have submitted my project to the study sacrifices, it would be greatly compensated and this term, the soldier who has observed good
of divers corporations, and in all the confer would result in great benefits for all social conduct, has faithfully served the Govern
ences that I have held in Mexico and in the classes. ment and done his duties as citizen, shall re
exterior, in which I have dealt upon the "The Nation owns, in all the States, lands ceive, as compensation, a lot of ground of five
matter of creating a National Agrarian that could be used for the purpose indicated hectares ( 12½ acres) , with his house upon it,
Military Army, I have received the approba above ; but even if the lands had to be bought, a team of horses or mules, the necessary im
tion of statisticians and sociologists of world the benefits that would result afterwards plements, and two hundred pesos, which is
wide reputation, of practical agriculturists , would clearly show that those efforts would the amount that is needed for the operation
and of competent soldiers or military men, by be duly repaid. of his property and for putting it in a condi
tion to produce.
"The home and the land that each soldier
shall have won by reason of his courage, his
loyalty and his labor will have the protection
of the State, and will have the guardianship
of a law called 'Free Homestead .'
"In this way the soldier would not only
work out his own future, but would really
be useful to his country. On the other hand,
he will love the land which is so prodigious
and generous, and will be an important factor
in the progress of agriculture in a country
that is eminently agricultural .
"With the system of agrarian-military colo
nies there would be an army of 270,000 faith
ful men, who will fight for one ideal : The
Home. This army would not require great
expense for its maintenance, and besides being
a really respectable and respected institution,
it would be a powerful help towards the de
velopment of the natural resources of the
"Thus, within a short time, there would be
Pyramid of the Sun, San Juan Teotihuacan , Before Restoration formidable army, capable of affording
power, guaranties, order, prestige and great
which I trust that flattering results may be "In each of the Federal entities or States ness to the Mexican Nation.
obtained. there could be established at least ten military "Within three years, once this system has
"It is for this reason that I propose that this agricultural colonies, conveniently distributed been adopted, there would be an immense
idea may be studied by the Government of in the agricultural districts, or wherever they increase to the number of land proprietors
the Republic, which is the only entity that are deemed necessary by military strategy. By with the duty of rendering their services in
could put it in practice, and I have the firm preference they should be located near the case of war or foreign invasion.
conviction that in that way could the problem railways, not only for the protection of the "On the other hand, these proprietors would
latter, but in order to have facilities for the increase the numbers of the ranks of the
the races who built them? Did they re exportation of the agricultural products. middle class, which is really progressive, and
main on the soil, and mingle and become "Each colony would be composed of one with whom are the hopes for the progress of
incorporated with the fierce Aztecs who thousand men, distributed as follows : Two Mexico."
succeeded them? Or did they pass on to hundred soldiers shall do the agricultural
A special commissioner has been sent to
the south, and find a wider field for the work over an extension of land equal to two the various South American countries with
expansion of their civilization, as shown by thousand hectares or more ( 5000 acres ) if films illustrative of present conditions in
the higher character of the architectural possible. The eight hundred remaining sol
Mexico, which will be widely displayed for
remains in the distant regions of Central diers shall be occupied in the military service,
the purpose of removing erroneous impres
America and Yucatan ? It is all a mystery, in the care of the roads and in the protection
sions regarding the country.
over which Time has thrown an impene of the settlements and towns of the zone.
trable veil that no mortal hand may raise. Said soldiers, at the same time that they are The authorities of the city of Juarez have
A nation has passed away, powerful, occupied in the protection of life, shall also begun negotiations with the El Paso
populous, and well advanced in refinement, repair the roads and build new ones, accord officials looking toward the construction of
as attested by their monuments, but it has ing to the needs of each region . Likewise a new bridge across the Rio Grande, the
perished without a name. It has died and they shall be occupied with the works of irri present one being insufficient to accommo
made no sign." gation, building of canals, digging wells, etc. date the constantly growing traffic..

Queretaro last spring moving that the "Gresh

Inexcusable Misstatements am law" be repealed, when that law was
quoted in opposition to certain financial propo
Widely Published Allegations Regarding Railroad Repairs, Also sitions. This canard had its origin in a
Recognition of the Constitutionalist Government Mexico City club frequented by antagonists
of the country at the time the Zapatista
HOSE who are acquainted with the con As to Recognition "Chamber of Deputies" was in session. A
T ditions in Mexico and who have followed Fully as surprising is the statement that the member was said to have moved that the "law
the steady march of events in that coun United States and the Allies have not recog of supply and demand" be repealed or sus
try during the past six or seven years have nized the present government of Mexico as a pended, when that law was advanced in oppo
been surprised at some recent statements ap de jure one, and " that their ambassadors and sition to a price-fixing measure. This incident
pearing in the Saturday Evening Post of Oc ministers are not at this writing (some time never occurred, though it has often been told
tober 6th, by Carl W. Ackerman, regarding in September, from all appearances ) accredited regarding other legislative bodies in other
that country. One is to the effect that : "For to the de jure government. " countries by opponents who sought to cast
seven years practically no repairs have been The Government of Mexico was recognized ridicule upon them. The membership of the
made on any of the railway lines-either those by the United States Government as a de jure Mexican Constitutional Convention was quite
owned by the Government or those owned government in March last and has since that as intelligent, quite as able, and quite as well
abroad and operated by the authorities." date been so regarded. It has been recog informed upon economic questions as their
As a matter of fact, nothing could be fur nized by various other powers of both conti critics, and compared very favorably with
ther from the truth than this assertion. Re nents as a de jure government (namely, Spain, other similar bodies in other countries.
pairs to all the lines in the Republic have been France, Italy, Norway, Austria and Germany) It is a pity that such foolish canards should
prosecuted diligently and zealously even dur for a much longer period. The dates of recog be repeated for no other apparent purpose
ing the worst periods of the revolution, and
it has been unanimously conceded by foreign
ers who have traveled over the various lines ,
Government as well as private ones, that their
condition compares most favorably with those
in the United States- is, indeed, well up to
the standard in such matters. Bridges have
been rebuilt, tracks relaid and reballasted, and
except for the presence of an occasional pile
of bent and twisted rails or of iron work from
burned cars by the side of the track, one
might well believe he were traveling over one
of the best roads in the United States. It is
true, many stations were burned during the
troubles, but as a rule these were of the poorer
class. The fine edifices at Ciudad Juarez,
Chihuahua, Hermosillo, Saltillo, San Luis
Potosi, Queretaro, Guadalajara, Colima, Vera
Cruz, Orizaba, Cordoba, Puebla, one (a stone
structure) at Monterrey, those in Mexico City,
as well as many others-in fact, all the best
ones in the Republic-were not injured in the
least. Most of those that were damaged have
been repaired and constant work in this direc Pyramid of the Sun Partially Restored
tion is being prosecuted. All these facts are
well known to travelers in the Republic and nition as a de jure government are as follows : than to cast ridicule upon a country that is
should have been known to the Post's corre Spain, July 4, 1916 ; France, August 17, 1916 ; struggling for freedom against a handicap and
spondent, as they are apparent to all. Italy, December 29, 1913 ; England, August is striving to maintain friendly relations with
So, too, with the rolling stock. The various 24, 1914 ; Belgium, November 1, 1914 ; Sweden, its next-door and more powerful neighbor
railroad repair shops in all portions of the February 14, 1917 ; Japan, April 12, 1916 ; under conditions that through no fault of
Republic have been busy for over two years China, April 14, 1914 ; Argentina, October 4, theirs frequently do not make for friendliness .
in repairing engines, freight and passenger 1916 ; Salvador, January 10, 1917 ; Chile, Jan
cars, and the amount of work thus accom uary 10, 1917 ; Guatemala, November 6, 1916 ; TAXES PAYABLE ONLY IN GOLD
plished has been remarkable considering the Cuba, March 28, 1913 ; Germany, August 11 , The Treasury Department, by order of the
conditions. The iron work of hundreds if not 1914 ; Austria, February 1 , 1914..
thousands of cars has been utilized in the President of the Republic, in view of the fact
The governments that recognized the de
construction of new ones and the process is facto Government before May 1st last have that, due to the embargo decreed by the
going steadily forward. Locomotives that had ratified their recognition to the Constitution American Government forbidding the expor
been wrecked or temporarily disabled have alist de jure government and their ministers tation of gold, American currency notes circu
been put in commission by the score, and the are in Mexico now. Colombia, Paraguay, lating in Mexico become practically incontro
repair shops at all the railway centers are kept Peru and Bolivia have also recognized the vertible, has provided that from October 1st
fully occupied with the work, as they have de jure government, but the dates are not at inclusive, custom houses, stamp offices, and
been continuously since the restoration of hand. other Federal offices collecting taxes and other
peace and as rapidly as the lines were again In the face of the foregoing facts, it is diffi receipts, shall not receive in payment thereof
controlled by the Government. cult to understand the reason for the mis
such American bills or notes, American silver
The foregoing are well-known facts easily takes noted.
dollars, nor any drafts payable in foreign
susceptible of demonstration by personal ob parts. From the same date and until further
servation, yet the Post correspondent has ap The "Gresham Law" Canard
The same correspondent in a former issue notice, the same offices shall be empowered to
parently preferred to repeat the allegations
of the Post told a silly story about some accept in payment of taxes, unlimitedly, Amer
of antagonists of the Government rather than
seek proof himself at first hand. delegate to the Constitutional Convention in ican gold coins at the rate of one for two.

formal notice, which will be entered in the

respective minutes, will be published in the
Regulating Labor Disputes "Diaro Oficial" (Official Daily or Official
Measure Now Before the Chamber of Deputies Providing Bulletin ) , and in another paper that may be
for the Settlement of All Controversies deemed necessary in the Federal District.
Art. 11. Such decisions can be caused to
be executed and should be duly compiled with,
Article 1. Pending the issuance of the that will be drawn for the purpose. If one
at the instance of any of the interested parties,
Organic Law of Article 123 of the Federal hearing will not suffice, there should be held
according to Article 9 of this Regulation.
Constitution, which relates to the settlement any number that may be deemed necessary,
Art. 12. In order that the proceedings of
of the differences, controversies, or conflicts each of which proceedings will have its corre
that may arise between workers, laborers, sponding minutes. the Conciliatory Jury may be duly effected,
there should be chosen by secret vote, during
domestic employees, artisans and whatever Art. 5. Once the hearings have been ended,
its first meeting and immediately after the
other workers and their employers in the and if in the judgment of the Conciliatory
Federal District, the following rules and regu Jury it is necessary to bring up for revision depositions have been made by all members
any document, record, or the issuance of any thereof, a chairman out of the two repre
lations will be observed :
Art. 2. For the settlement of the indicated writ, it shall so direct, and it shall so advise sentatives in the Jury, and the other shall act
the representatives of each party. as Secretary thereof.
differences or conflicts, every time that such a
case may occur, the Chief of the section of Art. 6. The Conciliatory Jury shall study Art. 13. The representative of the Govern
the Interior Department of the Government the matter and render its decision at the ment shall take part in the proceedings of the
of the District shall urge the complainants to earliest possible moment, which should not be Jury as an intermediary, his vote being neces
appoint a representative, asking the other later than eight days, counting from the day sary in all cases when his intervention is medi
party to do likewise, both of whom and a when the parties had last been summoned for atory and necessary to bring harmony among
the representatives of the interested parties.
Art. 14. When any of the contending par
ties refuse to name a representative to be
incorporated in the Conciliatory Jury so that
the relative question may be solved in accord
ance with this Regulation, the dispositions of
this Regulation should (or shall ) not be ob
served ; but in that case the Government of
the District shall apply Clause XXI of Article
123 of the Constitution.
Art. 15. The fees that shall be due to the
members of the Conciliatory Jury shall be
respectively paid by the parties that appointed
them, and the common expenses shall be
charged to the Government of the District.

Ar Appeal for Fairplay

Apropos to certain malicious and un
called for attacks upon Mexico that have
appeared in the public press, Rev. J. W.
Butler, who has resided in that country
many years, says in part :
Pyramid of the Moon, San Juan Teotihuacan "Now let us suppose a case. Suppose
that some Mexican with a facile pen and
third person, designated by the Government, said decision or from the day of the last
a well-developed imagination should visit
should be incorporated into the Conciliatory hearing.
the United States with his kodak to in
Jury, charged with the settlement of the point Art. 7. The Conciliatory Jury shall base its
in controversy. decision on the facts just as they appear in vestigate and write up such things as our
Art. 3. In order that the personality of the résumé which it should draw up out of the Mormon blot, our sweat- shops , the low
each of the representatives appointed may be minutes of the proceedings, and it shall take dives of some of our Northern cities, the
legally established, the corresponding proceed into consideration the bases contained in Arti lynching scenes, not only in the South but
ings therefor will be opened before the chief cle 123 of the Federal Constitution, in order sometimes in the North, and such riots as
of the aforesaid section of the Government, a to conscientiously decide on whatever is just. recently occurred in East St. Louis. What
record of which should be made, the same to Art. 8. In all the decisions of the Jury dark and disgraceful pictures he could paint
be approved and authorized by all the parties which may be financially against the employers on returning home ! In addition to all this
interested, and three copies made thereof, one there should be stated the time limit within suppose he should so present the case as
for each of the contending parties, and the which said decisions should be complied with. to make the impression that his pictures
third for the archives of the Conciliatory Jury. Art. 9. If that time limit has expired and were the rule rather than the exception in
In said minutes also will be inserted the Con the party against whom the decision had been our country. What kind of indignation
stitutional declaration that should be made by rendered had not given its compliance to the would roll all the way from the Atlantic
the representatives named. decision, the other (the winning party) shall to the Pacific?
Art. 4. As soon as the Conciliatory Jury be entitled to the decision, with the right to "What we are asking for is a fair show
has been incorporated, it shall call to hearing apply to the competent judge with request for or a square deal for Mexico . In other
the representatives appointed by the opposing the execution of the corresponding decision ; words, let our public writers and speakers
parties, who should name and summon to the the judicial authority then should adjust its cultivate the same honest consideration for
hearing the workers and the employers inter proceedings to the laws relating to the execu this country that we should ask of those
ested in the case, in which hearing each party tion of the arbitral decision. who visit our country for the purpose of
shall state his side of the case ; he shall cite Art. 10. The decision that will be pro studying its conditions . A little more fair
the proofs that he may deem necessary, all nounced by the Conciliatory Jury, besides ness would help bring about better inter
of which should be entered into the minutes. making it known to the interested parties by national relations."


The .
Mexican Review So prompt and general has been the re Under a recent decree of the President the
sponse to the movement inaugurated in the following are hereby exempted from the pay
AMERICAN-PEOPLE-IN -RESPECT State of Michoacan for a popular subscription ment of import duties : All kinds of plows,
ACCOMPLISHMENTS to the loan authorized for the establishment and with whatever number of shares ; wheat
-OF -THE of the sole bank of emission in the Republic, threshing machines ; winnowers (grain fans ) ;
that President Carranza has issued instruc harrows ; centrifugal pumps for sprinkling ,
Published Monthly at and any other pump for the extraction of
Washington, D. C. , U. S. A. tions , in accordance with the law of May 8th,
George F. Weeks Editor and Publisher regarding the matter. Persons wishing to water ; scythes ; scrapers for the laying of
613 Riggs Building contribute will deposit such funds with agen ditches, leveling of grounds and other similar
Yearly Subscription $ 1.00 in the United States and
Possessions, Mexico and Canada. cies designated by the Treasury Department processes ; cultivators ; shellers ( of corn and
Elsewhere $1.50
Eastern Representative, 3014 Equitable Bldg., New in all the capital cities and commercial centers. other grains ) ; cotton gins ; ground pulver
York ; Mexican Representative. Avenida Juarez 12 , A banking institution in Mexico City will be izers ; coffee-shelling machines ; silos ; hay
Mexico City . D. F.
designated, which shall issue temporary cer pickers ; hay presses ; fiber-stripping machines
PRO -GERMAN RUMORS FROM OIL tificates for the same, which shall afterwards for henequen, etc.; rakes ; reapers ; sowers ;
REGION DECLARED ABSURD be exchanged for permanent ones with values automobile tractors for the clearing of lands ;
of $20, $100 , $500 and $ 1000 each. No certifi threshers ; electric shearing machines, and in
Excelsior, one of the leading
leading news cates for less than $20 will be issued. Per general all kinds of machinery, apparatus and
papers of Mexico City, decries the reports sons making contributions of less than that their parts and pieces that are to be employed
circulated in that country as well as this amount will be given fractional certificates in the processes of agriculture.
regarding alleged pro - German activities and Likewise, there shall be exempted from the
which will be exchanged when they reach the
intrigues in the oil region , and the likeli minimum amount, but not otherwise. payment of duties all iron piping intended for
hood of the wells beng fired or otherwise purposes of irrigation , provided that every
These certificates will bear interest at the
damaged in order to cause serious inter time that an importation of said tubing is de
national difficulties. These reports , says rate of 5 per cent per annum, beginning two
years after April 1 , 1918, and shall continue sired a permit is previously obtained through
Excelsior, are absurd. the Ministry of Finance from the Ministry of
to do so in case preferred shares are not
A representative of one of the leading Public Improvements and Industry.
issued equal to their amount. The govern
foreign oil companies is quoted as saying : The duty on" the importation of barbed wire
ment of the Federation is in all cases respon
"It would require a great deal of stupidity for fencing, as indicated by clause 218 of the
sible for all amounts contributed for the
and deceitfulness to give even a semblance Tariff of Import Duties, "is hereby reduced to
formation of the bank.
of veracity to the ill-founded rumors that the rate of $ 1.00 per 100 kilos , gross . This
the oil enterprises intend to set their wells The bank will commence operations with a
franchise does not include knit wire or wire
on fire to bring about serious difficulties for minimum of five millions capital, and the
netting, nor any other kind of wires, as re
Mexico and Germany. Everybody is busy National Government will make up the amount
ferred to in the explanatory note No. 101
working honestly without worrying about needed, while it will also add to the capital
of the bank from time to time as such re- that accompanies the said clause 218.
getting Mexico into difficulties, much less The tariff clauses that are affected ( or re
sources as may become available .
with Germany. The big oil companies are vised) by the compliance of the exemption
busy producing and shipping all the oil pos The organization of the institution has been and reduction of duties to which this decree
sible and are receiving good prices . To cut placed in the hands of a commission com refers, and which will serve as bases for their
off production would mean serious and posed as follows : President, Professor Andres execution, are as follows :
irreparable loss . The majority of the oil Osuna ; Secretary, Professor Alfonso Herrera ; Clause 218. Wiring for fencing.
companies are of American origin . There Messrs . Amador Lozano, Jose Morante, Dr. Clause 227. Iron piping up to 15 centime
is only one with English capital and one Lorenzo Sepulveda, Serapio Aguirre and ters diameter.
with Dutch. Of the Mexican companies , Lic. Jose Diego Fernandez. Clause 228. Iron piping of more than 15
their activities are very limited. Do you From the manner in which contributions are centimeters diameter.
think it possible for the Americans to be coming in, it is expected that the necessary Clause 613. Machinery and all kinds of ap
such fools as to set fire to their wells that capital will have been raised by April 1st of paratus, their separate parts and pieces, to be
are yielding them enormous quantities of the coming year. At the outset, it was pro employed in agriculture.
oil, just for the mere pleasure of making posed that the contributions should be re
it appear that the hands of Germans are garded as donations without expectation of Local capitalists in the State of Guana
mixed in it ? When hostilities began be return, but the decree authorizing the issue juato have petitioned the Secretary of
tween Germany and the United States the of interest-bearing certificates changes this Communications for permission to con
managers of the oil companies in the and places the matter on the same basis prac struct a railroad beginning at Queretaro .
Panuco, Topila and Tuxpam districts dis tically as the Liberty Loan subscriptions in where connection is made with the National
missed the Germans who were employed by the United States. lines , and passing through Bajio, Joffre,
them, in order to keep them from doing any The first contribution to the loan came from San Jose Iturbide , San Miguel Allende and
harm to the machinery or the wells. It is the State of Chihuahua and was made by other important agricultural and mining
impossible to suppose that after having military officials and men. It amounted to regions that have been hampered by lack of
taken so many precautions , the same pro nearly twenty-two thousand pesos national transportation facilities .
prietors or employes of the companies gold, and it is calculated that by the end of
would now set fire to the wells ." eight months the entire hundred-million loan
The Postoffice Department of Mexico
These rumors, he said, were undoubtedly authorized will have been taken up. has recently received $94,000 from the
circulated by certain German agents who government of the United States in settle
never lose an opportunity to spread them
Preparations are being made for the ment of outstanding money order dues
abroad in order to cause injury to Mexico .
establishment of a smelter at the important accruing in 1914.
The foregoing is of added interest be mining town of Concepcion del Oro , in the
cause of recent publications in this country State of Zacatecas . This is one of the The corn crops of the State of Oaxaca
of the same character as those criticised by largest producers in the Republic and have been so abundant that large ship
the Mexican press , and which are entirely hitherto the ores have been shipped to ments are being made to Vera Cruz,
without foundation and for the manifest Monterrey for treatment at great expense, Yucatan and other points where grain is
purpose of creating international difficulties. which it is proposed to obviate. needed .


GERMAN PROPAGANDA FAKE PUBLIC INSTRUCTION IN THE stantly increasing number of applicants who
EXPLODED FEDERAL DISTRICT are desirous of securing an aducation .
Statistics of educational matters in the Fed The schools of the Federal District are
Ample corroboration of the position taken
eral District (which corresponds to the Dis under charge of Professor Andres Osuna,
by THE REVIEW regarding the false reports of
trict of Columbia in including the National formerly an instructor in Vanderbilt Univer
German propaganda in Mexico is afforded by
Capital, Mexico City) have just been issued sity, Nashville, Tenn., and an educator of high
a lengthy article in the New York World of
and afford much matter of interest. standing and advanced training.
recent date from its special correspondent in
Mexico City, Mr. R. H. Murray. In his intro During the scholastic year of 1916 there
duction he says : were open in the district 473 schools, with 5448 CONDITIONS IMPROVING IN
"So near as one can judge on the facts professors and attendants and an enrolment
and evidence thus far before the court, nine of 94,234 pupils during the year. Of these
tenths of all that has been written, printed, schools, there were dependent upon the Fed That conditions in Mexico are again be
rumored, reported, alleged or averred within eral Government 16 kindergartens, 285 ele coming normal and that the probability of
recent months concerning German intrigues mentary schools, 51 higher schools, and 39 another interruption of the prosperity of the
and activities in Mexico is hot air- and, for night schools, which makes a total of 391 country is unlikely, is the belief expressed by
the most part, American hot air. This state primary schools. There were also 62 elemen J. H. Goodyear, transportation agent for the
ment goes absolutely, up to date. What may tary and higher private schools supported by Southern Pacific Railway Company of Mexico
develop in the future is another matter. And divers associations and independent of the at Empalme, Sonora, at the Gunter Hotel . Mr.
what the Germans may have done, may be Government. There were also eleven indus and Mrs. Goodyear are spending a few days
doing, or trying to do, is also another matter. trial and five commercial schools . in San Antonio, Mr. Goodyear having come
"This is the point : Until the present no one In the official primary schools there were directly from the Southern Pacific offices at
has been able-unless our State Department enrolled 75,196 pupils, who were attended by Empalme.
has something up its sleeve which it is not 2028 professors and administrative employes . "Railroads, especially those on the west
talking about-to produce proof that the Ger coast, are becoming profitable to their own
mans in Mexico have actually done anything ers," said Mr. Goodyear. "At present, Mexi
to the disadvantage of the United States at can railways are doing much business in
war, excepting to carry on propaganda. They taking the 1917 crop of the garbanzo bean or
are doing that on third speed. pea to market. The beans are bringing $12
"One may argue from this three things gold for a 200-pound sack. Most of the
either that there is nothing to unearth here in supply since the war embargo was established
the line of effective and actual German in is shipped to Cuba."
trigue ; that there is a very real and actual Most people in Mexico are of the opinion
bug under the chip of rumor which diligent that Villa is a "dead issue," according to Mr.
endeavor on the part of persons whose con Goodyear. Railroads are no longer being
cern it is to find out about, not guess at, such worried by bandit attacks on the trains and
conditions has failed to reveal, or that the by the destruction of their property, he said,
same persons haven't dug into the subject as and after heavy losses, which will in time be
deeply as they should. Take you choice. paid for by the Government, are again run
"But the fact remains-always remembering ning regularly and profitably.-San Antonio
that this is written with a time limit which Light.
expires with the date upon which it is set
down that thus far not a single statement
of any importance relating to the anti-Ameri Concessions Forfeited for Non- Compliance
can cachinnations of any representative of the Inquiry into the concession granted to
German Government, or of any German or
Flores Haley & Co., in Lower California,
group of Germans in Mexico, has upon in
and which was recently declared forfeited ,
vestigation stood the acid test. No one has
discloses the following facts :
been able to get the goods on them unless,
as said before, our State Department is hold About the year 1833 when General Carlos
ing out something about which it has up to Pacheco was at the head of the Ministry
the present considered it policy to hold its Professor Andres Osuna of Fomento, the above mentioned enter
peace." prise obtained a concession from the said
Mr. Murray's conclusions are borne out by Ministry, by means of which it secured
In the two normal schools there were enrolled
every one who has real knowledge of condi grants of considerable tracts of land,
1509 pupils, who were attended by 342 pro
tions in Mexico or has investigated the many located near parallel 23, and which covered
fessors and administrative employes. In the
canards that have been circulated in this con an extension of twelve square leagues from
industrial and commercial schools there were
nection, and which unfortunately have found the coast eastward to the corresponding
enrolled 7744 pupils, who were attended by
many believers. District of Lower California.
606 professors and administrative employes.
The 62 private schools were attended by 342 The concessionaires, in exchange for the
For the purpose of protecting the manu
professors and they had an enrolment of 6661 exploitation of the lands and their products ,
facturers of cotton clothing in Mexico , the
pupils. engaged themselves to colonize, within two
duties on imports of that class have been
materially increased . Mexico City had a total population at the years, the said lands, by establishing
last census of less than 500,000, but at present therein at least a minimum of fifteen
There has been a general resumption of foreign families and ten Mexican families .
it is considerably more. The average school
the guayule industry in Northern Mexico In July of the present year, the present
enrolment in the United States is about twenty
and the product of crude rubber will be
per cent of the total population, from which it government having been legally consti
largely augmented in consequence. will be noted that an enrolment of over 94,000 tuted, the Ministry of Fomento examined
General Luis M. Hernandez has been pupils in the capital city of the Republic is the mentioned concession, and when it
appointed provisional Governor of the well up to the standard of this country. Ex found that the company had not fulfilled
State of Tlaxcala, pending the holding of tensive additions are being provided as rapidly the requirements nor complied with the
an election. He will pay especial attention as possible to the school facilities of the obligations under agreement in the con
to economic conditions . city, in order to accommodate the con tract, decreed the expiration of the same.

which will be forwarded to the Ministry of

Public Improvements .
Irrigation Projects Under Way
On its part, the Ministry of War, having in
Important Improvements Being Undertaken in Various Portions consideration the importance of that region ,
of the Republic for the Benefit of Agriculture has commissioned General Fermin Carpio to
undertake the establishment of military agri
NE of the most important phases of the taro, requested the Ministry of Public Im cultural colonies in the neighborhood , which
O work that is being undertaken by the provements to send a technical commission to colonies would contribute towards the im
Ministry of Public Improvements is that which that State for the purpose of studying that provement of the works of irrigation and
relates to the revision of all the concessions region ; he also submitted a project for the canalization ; and it is not idle to state that
granted for the exploitation of water and irrigation of the same. within a short time time that region would
water power that exist in various parts of the The river of San Juan Del Rio, which be one of the most favored in the northern
country, and which comprise either the tor traverses one of the most fertile regions of part of the country.
rential waters, or waters in the rivers and the State of Queretaro and of the Republic in Much has been said recently about the ex
creeks, or the waters that are available for general, on account of the high quality of the tensive projects that are contemplated towards
irrigation purposes from the several lakes that lands, should be completely used in the con the utilization of the magnificent irrigating
exist in the Republic. struction of a good system of irrigation which, system that is presented by the Lake of Cha
The importance that should be attributed at the same time that it would provide water pala, as well as by the waters of the Rio de
to the various water concessions is very great, during all the seasons of the year, it would Santiago or Tololotlan, which has its source
because it is upon them that depends the im also prevent the frequent floods that are so in that lake.
provement of agriculture in the country, in as injurious in those regions regarding the good Besides the works that have been begun with
much as, except in certain determined regions, outcome of the crops. earnestness towards the destruction of the
it is necessary to have a good system of canals
and irrigation, and the building of numerous
dams, as the majority of the rivers do not
have permanent beds (or do not have same
beds throughout the year).
It is known that large extensions of lands
that lie idle in the States bordering the United
States, notwithstanding the fact that they are
on the southern bank of the Rio Bravo, are
completely deserted for lack of cultivation ;
but they really offer a bright prospect to agri
culture, with only one requirement, and that is,
a good system of canals, of which they are
now lacking.
Among the great works that could be cited
in this region is the great dam for the storage
of the waters of the Rio Bravo, called "Ele
phant Butte." It has been some time since
our country entered into an agreement with
the United States in regard to the exploita
tion of the waters of the Rio Bravo, by virtue
of which there belongs to Mexico the use of
seventy-six million cubic meters of water.
When a new impulse was given to the
policy of irrigation in the Republic, the field
works for the exploitation of said waters were
continued and are now ended, and a special
commission was appointed, called the Irriga Dam and Reservoir at San Luis Potosi
tion Commission of Juarez Valley, at whose
head was Engineer Manuel Bancalari. After conscientious studies the Commission water lilies of that region, it should be stated
This Commission, after different activities. that went to Queretaro has submitted its re here that there is at present under consider
in the North, has returned to this Capital, port, in which it states that the only way by ation by the Ministry of Public Improvements
and has been occupied with the organization which this project could be effected would be a great project, proposed by Engineer Manuel
of an extensive project which contemplates by building a storage dam of sufficient capac Cuesta Gallardo, contractor of the works that
the construction of a canal from a place called ity. The plans for the same are now being have been suspended, by means of which
"Azequia Madre de Ciudad Juarez" to San studied. project, if approved, the Government will
Ignacio and Guadalupe. The project asks that The northern part of the Territory of Lower undertake to continue the carrying on of said
negotiations be undertaken with the United California consists of lands of marvelous fer works until they are finished.
States, through the Ministry of Foreign Rela tility, improved by the circumstance of being Also, the decisions on the petitions that have
tions, with a view to obtain an increase in the near the banks of the Colorado River, which been submitted by the inhabitants of the banks.
volume of water that we could dispose of, as is the boundary between that Territory and of the lake, to whom belong the rights of
the extent of the works that are being contem the State of Sonora, and receives at its mouth ownership of the lands that result fromthe
plated would require more water than is now the waters of the tributary called Rio Nuevo drying up of the nearby marshes, are now
available. (New River) , both of which enclose a zone almost complete, and a vigorous impulse will
These studies for immediate irrigation have that could very well be employed for purposes very soon be given to the work of irrigation
been made, not only in the bordering States, of building canals. in those parts.
but all over the Republic, where works of The Section of Water Powers has already
this character have been inaugurated, some sent a commission , presided over by Engineer
times with the help of the authorities. Carlos Gutierrez, which commission is now The Government has decided to purchase
large amounts of corn in the United States
It has been some time since when Mr. engaged in the preparation of an extensive.
and in the Argentine, which will be sold
Perusquia, Governor of the State of Quere report and drafting the respective project, to consumers at cost.

Peones Getting Land
The Fundamental Question at the Basis of the Revolution Sub-Secretary Nieto, of the Treasury De
Leaders Are Keeping Their Promises partment, has issued the following notice :
"On account of the rise in the price of silver
EXICO is returning the land to the "During the latter part of 1916 and the first there have been effected lately contraband ex
months of 1917 Carranza paper went entirely portations of coin, several of which have been
M peones as fast as she can parcel it
out, and the process of regeneration is pro out of circulation and its place was taken by confiscated.
gressing so rapidly that Villa and other gold and silver," he said. "Of national paper "For the information of the public, and in
former chieftains have sunk almost over there is none to-day. The country is on a order to avoid useless requests to the Min
' hard money' basis." istry of Finance, it is hereby announced that
night from the position of great factional
He referred to the export tax on oil made invariably, and without exception, there shall
leaders to an insignificance that brings them
effective by decree of May 1 , 1917, as grossly be applied to those cases the provisions con
not even a single newspaper paragraph
misrepresented outside of Mexico . The tax , tained in the following circular, which is in
tucked away on an inside page.
This was the declaration made to the New he said, was not fixed until after consultation force :
with the great oil operators. It amounts to 40 "In order that the prohibition to export
York Globe by Dr. Alfredo Caturegli, personal
cents (American ) a ton or 5.7 cents (Amer national coins of gold or silver, decreed on
representative of President Carranza, who has
ican) a barrel. the 27th of October, 1914, under the penalty
offices at 120 Broadway. His mission is to
negotiate a loan from American bankers for of confiscation, may not be violated, this Min
Not Confiscatory, He Says istry, by order of the Citizen First Chief of
the Mexican Government.
"No fair-minded man can say that is confis the Constitutionalist Army, encharged with
Land, land, land ! It was the magical pass
word of Mexico. For centuries since the catory," he said. the Executive Power of the Nation, has seen
Spanish conquistadores wrested the country
from the Aztec, the dominant minority held
all the rich acres, and the huge but enslaved
majority was forced to work them for others.
The Church held vast tracts away from the
people. And the land-holding aristocracy's
estates were of such vast proportions that a
round dozen of landlords owned the entire
State of Morelos.
Basis of All Trouble
"The agrarian question was at the bottom
of all Mexican trouble," said Dr. Caturegli.
"The peones wanted the land. That was
there was to it. And they followed whoever
promised it to them. Madero promised, and
they rose at his back in a revolt that overthrew
the long-entrenched regime of Diaz and put
Madero in the President's chair. But Madero
could not keep his promises, and so was lost.
The peones were aroused and bound now T
to have what they sought.
"The sole reason why Zapata rebelled
against Madero," added Dr. Caturegli, "was Excavations Near Pyramid of the Sun, San Juan Teotihuacan
because the poor Morelos Indians whom he
All in all, Dr. Caturegli concluded, Mexico fit to direct that the most strict vigilance be
controlled had believed that the triumph of
is showing to-day that she is on the right road exercised at the frontier custom houses and
the Madero revolution meant the restoration
to regeneration, and that, left to herself, she ports of the Republic, making the expressed
of their lands inside of a dozen days. Finding
that this was not done- could not be done can work out her own salvation. He declared, penalty administratively effective in all cases,
however, that there are interests in this coun and to the extent of the full amount involved ;
they took the lands, dispossessed the dozen
try still actively engaged in an endeavor to that for every violation that may be detected,
or so, mostly non-residents, who had monopo
embroil Mexico and the United States, in the application of the penalty will be entered
lized the entire State, and have cultivated
order to profit by American intervention. in writing, and notice must be sent at once
those lands since and kept out all interlopers.
"These trouble-makers insist America is to this Ministry of the distribution of the
Land Restoration Is Constant morally responsible for Mexico," he said, "and amounts that have been confiscated, which
do not concede that we are getting ahead. distribution is to be made as follows : twenty
"Since the final occupation of Mexico City
in the summer of 1915 by Carranza and the And the Mexican nation regards all this solici per cent to the informer or denouncer, twenty
tude for its civilization, its order, and its per cent to the captors or apprehensors, ten
establishment of a permanent government
morality with a suspicious eye. It believes the per cent to the employees of the custom house
there, the Mexico City newspapers have pub
interventionalist advocates in reality want to or garrison, and fifty per cent to the reve
lished volumes of official reports regarding
the restoration and allotment of lands to the seize the wealth of Mexico, and that if Mex nues. If there be no informer or denouncer,
peons . It is going on all the time. The land ico did not offer such a tempting field for the portion allotted to him will be added to
exploitation there would be no talk of con that which belongs to the captors or appre
is going back to the people, and with the main
cause of dissension thus out of the way, pros sideration for the improvement of its people. " hensors."
perity and peace are developing with remark
able rapidity." Official notice has been received from The Congress of the State of Mexico has
Dr. Caturegli stamped as a lie the wide the Governor of the State of San Luis adopted a provision of the Constitution
spread report that Mexico's main legal tender Potosi that the crops in that portion of the that is under discussion providing that a
is cartridges. Also, he declared that there is country are exceptionally good, not only of Governor shall under no circumstances be
no Carranza paper currency in circulation. grain but of fruit. be eligible for re-election.

The rest of the party, like herself, are "stone

Seen in a Mexican Plaza broke." So the little bankrupt capitalist re
turns the saucer and spoon to the peddler and
The National Trait of Generosity as Illustrated by trudges sturdily off toward the school, not
Little Children Toward Their Companions indicating in any visible act that she felt dis
appointment or regret at having been so ultra
BY GEORGE F. WEEKS generous. Her own enjoyment at witnessing
the enjoyment of her little playmates was
V establishes himself and his cart-supported apparently as great as it would have been had ´
UT in the open it is hot-burning, siz knows who are his best customers, and he she devoured the entire dish of ice cream
O zling, scorching hot! There is no freezer of delicious coolness in the dense herself without outside assistance.
equivocation about it. It is hot as- well, shade of a cluster of great trees at a point So, too, with the boys as well as the girls.
as a furnace ! The thermometer is well above of juncture where troops of children from Many a time, sitting at one side and out of
the hundred mark and the rays of the sun three different thoroughfares converge. Well observation, I have seen the little kiddies
scorch and burn as only they can and do he knows how tempting are his evanescent gather about one of their number who was
in a region for the most part desert in char and, to tell the truth, somewhat doubtful the possessor of some candy, cake, fruit, or
acter. But while the heat is intense-you can wares ( as regards cleanliness and component other delectable morsel. Many a time have I
cook eggs in the sand if you will-and it is parts ) in the tropical, torrid heat of a trop seen the possessor break off pieces and pass
positive cruelty to animals to force your sad ical and torrid mid-afternoon. And well he them around until the whole had been given
knows how to charm the ultimate centavo away and he or she had not a morsel left for
dle horse to wade through it at midday— its
effects upon the human sensibilities do not from the ultimate pocket of the ultimate their own delectation .
compare in any manner as to bodily discom kidlet, be it male or female. It is in truth a pretty sight- a testimonial
fort, mental distress or even danger, with It is interesting to watch the affair. Here of the most convincing character as to the
comes a little ten-year-old girl-pretty as a innate unselfishness of the people. And
what is too often the case in supposedly more
favored regions. The atmosphere is so devoid picture, a great deal prettier than some pic many a time I have said to myself : “I
of humidity, so nearly without appreciable tures-with a bevy of dear friends-pretty wonder how long I would have to wait be
moisture, that the deleterious effects of ex ones - very dear ones, as it proves- dear in fore I saw children of any other nationality
treme heat are far less than are experienced deed ! They have learned in some manner, give such spontaneous exhibitions of gen
in a temperature of twenty degrees less but more or less occult with the occultism of erosity and unselfishness." I wonder ! Or
in a location nearer large bodies of water or childhood, that their fortunate companion has rather, I do not !
with more vegetation. become possessed (how they care not ) in And this beautiful trait is not confined to
Away from the direct rays of the sun- as, some way of the large sum of five or ten the children by any means. Grown-ups are
for example, in the grateful shade of the centavos . The little capitalist-just like a just as generous, not only with luxuries but
chinaberry tree which was "El Gringo's" fa grown-up one has in consequence a super with necessaries as well.
vorite point of observation-it is by compari abundance of friends, though in this case it They will divide their last morsel of food
son cool and comfortable. Not a single ardent is not fair to fancy that it is only the pos with some one who is hungry. While food
ray from the super-ardent sun penetrates the session of comparative wealth that causes the was scarce in Mexico City I saw a small roll
+ less fortunate ones to group themselves
dense shadows. A gentle breeze stirs the handed to a peon who was eyeing a basketful
vegetation of tree, shrub and plant, and brings around her and accompany her schoolward of bread with the expression of a starving
the grateful odor of the plaza flowers to the also ice-cream-ward ! animal. He took it hastily, started to put it
nostrils. It serves also to keep cool the body, Straight to the ice-cream peddler marches to his mouth, then turned to another peon
clad in as few and as flimsy garments as is the little squad of feminine humanity. The equally hungry-looking and said, "Here you
consistent with the ordinary observances of youthful leader makes known her desires, are hungrier than I," at the same time giving
tropical society-no , not society that is tropi which, strangely enough, appear to be in exact him three- fourths of the morsel, and retaining
cal , but a society of the tropics ! The streets accord with the desires of her companions— only a mouthful for himself. A family may
are deserted by man and beast- or, at least, if eyes can express desire. The dealer ladles be seated at a meal which is scanty enough
all those to the manner born. Perchance some out a generous portion- a heaping saucerful for them, but if a hungry person chances by,
stranger- some "tonto" ( fool ) -may be seen of frosty, tempting, appetizing sweetness. The even though he be a total stranger, he will be
venturing into the blaze of the mid-afternoon little ones form a circle about the capitalist, invited in the heartiest manner to share in the
sun ; but those who are wise remain under the light of expectancy in their eyes, and look food .
shelter, either of house, tree or vine. ing for all the world like a nest full of bird If there is any one thing that Mexicans are
It is almost mid-afternoon. The sun is well lings waiting with open mouths the food that not, it is being greedy where food or delica
below the meridian. School "takes in" at they know will be supplied by their parents . cies are concerned.
three o'clock, and from various directions The capitalistic investor in frozen delightful 1
come the little ones thither bound. It is near ness proceeds straightway to apportion the Recent quotations of food articles as
the close of the siesta hour, and the children. delicious morsels-a spoonful at a time. The published in the local press of Mexico City
are as follows : Meat, per pound, 18½ cents
have the streets practically to themselves . first spoonfuls are generous and heaping.
gold ; beans, 6½ cents ; coffee, 16 cents ;
From every point come the boys and the girls Then by reason of the rapid diminution of rice, 4½ cents ; lard, 36 cents ; garbanzas,
-there is but one educational institution in the parent supply they become smaller and 84 cents.
the town, though a spacious one, surrounded smaller. The generous-minded little distribu A number of owners of large haciendas
tor glances at the remaining open-mouthed in the State of Mexico have offered to turn
by experimental gardens where the young
ones, gauges the amount of ice cream that is over their property to the Government for
ideas are taught how to dig as well as to
allotment to those desiring to cultivate it
shoot. They keep closely in the shade of left, and manages to make it go around, just free of charge, the only condition being that
house and tree, and take advantage of every go around, leaving no one unsupplied except no buildings or other improvements shall
shred of protection from the sun's still op her own dear little generous self ! Alas and be injured and the machinery used shall be
alack, when her own turn comes the plate is maintained in good condition.
pressive rays . They are in no hurry. Noth
empty-as empty as that of the fabled Jack The railroad employes centering in San
ing short of a wild animal could persuade Luis Potosi, one of the leading railway
them to move faster than at the proverbial Spratt and his wife. The last melted drop centers, have under way a proposition for
snail's pace-as will be shown in another has disappeared into the mouths of her asso the establishment of a system for supply
pleasing little experience that once befell the ciates, and she has had never a taste ! Just ing them with the necessaries of life at
the proverbial smell is all that falls to her lot! moderate cost. It is proposed to have
gatherers in the plaza . branches in each town where employes of
Here, too, wise in the devices of his occu Her smile is brave, though perhaps a bit the railways reside, and thus to materially
pation, comes the ice-cream peddler. Well he rueful! There is really nothing to be said. reduce the expense of living.


hunger, and why the eagerness with which

the land is accepted ?
Specious Plea for Intervention
The writer is in regular receipt of daily
"The Mexican Problem, " a Book abounding in Misrepresentation newspapers from Mexico City, and since the
and Misstatement Concerning Mexico final occupation of that place in the summer
of 1915 and the permanent establishment of
HE most recent contribution on Mexico lopers. When they shall be assured in the the government there, those papers have pub
THto the book world is entitled "The possession of their lands there will be no lished volumes of official reports regarding
Mexican Problem," written by C. W. Barron, more trouble in that region . the restoration and allotment of lands to the
"Manager of the Wall Street Journal, Boston Whether the land question lies at the foun peones that, as stated, would fill quadruple the
News Bureau and Philadelphia News Bureau." dation of the troubles in other portion of entire printed space of "The Mexican Prob
It is of interest, since it is plainly the work of Mexico or not, it certainly does in Morelos. lem."
a special pleader advancing under thethin When the Constitutionalists began their op A further example of the misleading char
guise of benevolence and humanity, what argu position to the usurper, Huerta, recognizing acter of many of the assertions in this vol
ments can be mustered on behalf of interven the fact that land hunger lay at the basis of ume is the one advanced twice in the preface
tion by the United States in Mexico's social, the nation-wide dissatisfaction and unrest and by Prof. Talcott Williams , and given in the
industrial and political affairs, although this is that Madero had been unable to fulfill his body of the work by the author. This is that
explicitly disclaimed, but is plainly evident promises in this respect, they pledged them "Mexico to-day has cartridges for currency."
when read between the lines. selves to return the community lands which "Cartridges are Mexico's popular legal tender
The author declares that he went to Mexico had been stolen from the peones, and at the to-day." "When the Mexican soldier finds
to study the problems of that country. From first opportunity began to carry out this Carranza money will not buy food he buys
a perusal of 6 the book it is evident that he work. The Revolution was not six months provisions with government cartridges ."
must have devoted several weeks, perhaps a old before community lands in Durango , "Cartridges are currency in Mexico."
month or two at the outside, to the task ; that Tamaulipas, Sinaloa and Sonora had been re It would have been interesting if the one
he visited but a limited portion of the coun turned to their grateful owners at their urgent responsible for these absurd statements had
try-the Tampico region-and returned with request, or without waiting for it, while other given specific instances in support of them.
a store of misinformation to be expected lands had been expropriated and allotted to The writer during his experience of over three
from so casual an "investigation." the poor in Tamaulipas and elsewhere. years with the various Constitutionalist
# The first point worthy of attention is the If the author of "The Mexican Problem" armies as a newspaper correspondent in all
land question, 雞 since the author declares that could have been with the writer when he portions of the country, heard rumors on
as the result of his investigation he discovered interviewed the poor peones to whom com occasion that cartridges were being exchanged
that the popular idea, held by himself as well munity lands were allotted in Durango in for supplies- usually liquor-but careful ob
as by most Americans, was erroneous , and that 1913 ; could have seen the joy in their faces, servation of the market places and other
"the land question is not at the bottom of the the pride with which they pointed to their points of barter never in all that time dis
Mexican trouble." He also says : "The Mexi pitiful huts built of stone, old brick, scraps closed a single such instance. It may have
can peon is not thirsty for land." "All at of sheet iron, bits of second hand lumber and been and doubtless was occasionally true dur
tempts to give land on shares or in fee simple what not ; the crops of corn, beans, chile and ing the stress of the campaign. Many things
to natives who could cultivate it have been other vegetables growing in their gardens, he occur under such conditions which are not true
failures." "Land is cheap in Mexico and to be would have realized something of the land as a rule and which no candid writer will
had almost for the asking." hunger at the hearts of the Mexican peones, hold up as indicative of general conditions.
It would be difficult to compress in a few the happiness with which +1 they regarded the But any one who has been in Mexico during
sentences a greater amount of misinformation bit of land which had been allotted to them the year 1917 or who has knowledge of the
than those quoted. That the agrarian ques by the revolutionists, and the freedom which march of events in that period must know
tion is at the bottom of the Mexican trouble had thus been accorded them from life long full well that there has been no " Carranza
has been demonstrated so often by capable slavery. paper" in circulation within that year. Dur-
investigators who have devoted years to the From that first commencement the work ing the latter part of 1916 and the first months
study of the situation , it is so plain to those went steadily forward. Even while the out of 1917 the Carranza paper went entirely out
who have followed the Revolution , that it is come of the Revolution was in serious doubt of circulation and its place was taken by solid
difficult to understand how any intelligent and while the seat of government was at gold and silver. Around Tampico and in
man can at this late date combat the un Vera Cruz, a comprehensive agrarian plan Mexico City it is true there is some Ameri
doubted fact. was promulgated and put into operation for can paper in circulation , and occasionally one
The prime reason for Madero's phenomenal the purpose of carrying out the prime cause may see a bank note, but of national paper
success, amazing even to his own friends, was of the revolutionary movement started by there has been and is none in circulation
that he promised the peones land reform. Madero- restoration of land to the peon own among the people. Soldiers are paid in coin
The prime reason for his sudden loss of popu ers. From that moment the work went stead and they are the best paid soldiers in the
larity was because he found himself unable ily and energetically forward. At the outset world to- day. Yet the author of "The Mexi
to fulfill his promises- not because of any a National Agrarian Commission was ap can Problem" and his misled sponsor, Prof.
lack of intention or desire on his part, but pointed to handle the land question, but it Talcott Williams, would give people to under
because he was hampered by those who were found itself so overwhelmed with applications. stand that the popular and generally used cur
determined that the pledge should not be that it was necessary to appoint local commis rency in Mexico City to - day- July, 1917, is the
kept. sions in each State. These commissions have date of the book- is rifle cartridges. That is
The sole and only reason why Zapata re worked and are working persistently and ener the plain and only inference to be drawn by
belled against Madero was because the poor getically in this direction , and the mere offiCh the average reader from their assertions in
Morelos Indians whom he controlled had be cial records of what has been done in the way this respect , and which are unqualified in any
lieved that the triumph of the Madero revolu of the restoration of former community lands ; manner.
tion meant the restoration of their lands in petitions for the setting apart of others , with Really this sample misstatement is almost
side of a dozen days, or a month's time at the the orders regarding this work, would fill a too absurd to merit notice , but attention is
outside, after his success. Finding that this volume many times larger than that dealt paid to it- if for no other purpose than to
was not done- could not be done-they sim with here. If the peones are not land hungry emphasize the fact that neither the author nor
ply took the lands, dispossessed a dozen or so, and will not take lands when offered them, his sponsor was apparently willing to tell the
mostly non-residents, who had monopolized then why this volume of petitions, this insist public the truth about the actual currency in
the entire State of Morelos, and have since. ent demand from all parts of the Republic universal use in Mexico to-day-gold and
cultivated those lands and kept out all inter for land ? Why this demonstration of land silver !



Possibly they were not aware of this not passing, however, it might be remarked that the problem of one civilization and one order,
altogether unimportant fact ! If they were the author's charges regarding the alleged one rule and procedure, in contact with an
aware of it, their neglect to refer to it in any suppression of news of affairs in Mexico other civilization, another order, procedure
manner may reasonably be regarded as proof sounds very strange indeed to those who for and morality."
of the character of other statements that are Very well ! By what right does one nation
four years and more have perused the reports
wide of the truth or ignore it altogether, and seek to impose its ideas of civilization , of
from El Paso and other border points, recit
it is assuredly not a flattering testimonial to order, of rule, of procedure upon another
their candidness. ing all sorts of sensational occurrences, the nation, which regards its own civilization, its
greater portion of which had no existence ex own order, its own procedure, its own moral
Still another striking example of the er
cept in the fertile imagination of the space ity as quite equal in many respects, perhaps
roneous character of many of the statements
writing correspondents who passed them off
in the volume is that with regard to the oil indeed superior in some, to those of the an
tax . It is declared that a decree was issued upon a credulous press, apparently all too tagonistic nation, and which are at all events
eager to publish anything discreditable to
from Mexico City "more than doubling taxes satisfactory to itself ?
Mexico and decidedly loath to publish the Just the right of might-that is all !'
on oil." " By a national decree, from May 1 ,
truth even when offered to it. Mr. Barron
1917, all companies must pay about 11 cents That is the way Mexico regards it, and will
recites an example of what he calls suppres always regard it, and will resist the proposed
per barrel export taxes, or nearly 20 per cent.
sion of news in the case of a train that was imposition of another's ideas to the bitter end.
of the gross value of the crude oil as ex
attacked by bandits a few months ago be And the Mexican nation , whether justly or
Before the issuance of the decree referred tween Laredo and Mexico City. Yet if he not, regards all this solicitude for its civiliza
had been well posted, as he should have been tion, its order, its procedure, its morality, with
to, export oil paid a straight tax of practically
before making the charge, he would have a suspicious eye. It regards the incomparable
6 cents per barrel. It was suggested that a
fairer method would be to assess the tax upon known that this very story was sent out broad
and but partially developed wealth of its coun
cast from the border and published all over try as the real consideration, and is firmly
the valuation rather than the quantity, and
the United States.
for this purpose, after consultation with the persuaded that if its country were not so
The author's plea all through the work is wealthy, did not offer such a tempting field
great oil operators, the decree referred to,
for intervention- "benevolent intervention," if
which went into effect May 1 , 1917, assessed for exploitation, so rich a reward , were not so
you please, but intervention all the same! accessible, there would be scant talk of con
the tax at 10 per cent. ad valorem, according
to the density of the oil. The valuation was "The Mexican is simply in need of a strong sideration for the improvement of its people !
helping hand !" he declares. Too well the With good reason Mexicans are suspicious of
taken by an average of sales for a term of
Mexican knows what that "strong helping the much vaunted altruistic motives of would
months and placed at $5, $8.50 and $ 11 per
hand" would mean ! His recollection of that be interventionists under whatever guise they
ton respectively, as to density and quality.
"helping hand" in 1847-that hand that helped appear-whether they are based upon "moral -
The tax thus varied from 50 cents to $ 1.10
per ton Mexican money, or practically half itself to such a large share of the territory responsibility" or plain greed for gain!
of his country- is too vivid to allow him to
that in American currency. Only a small por
place much dependence upon the disinterested
tion of the oil is of the higher value, so while RAILWAY EARNINGS INCREASING
character of the help that he would receive.
the average valuation would be $8.16 per ton
In the preface we read : "The United States Improvement in railroad conditions in MexB
and the tax 81.6 cents, in reality it is much ico is reflected in a statement of earnings
just a half century ago saved Mexico from
less on the bulk of the exportations . But of the Constitutionalist Railways of Mexico
taking the average of 81.6 cents Mexican the foreign invader. To-day Mexico must be
saved from the internal destroyer. One task for the first three weeks of August. These
money on a ton, this would equal a little over earnings show traffic, both freight and
was accomplished without invasion , the other
40 cents American currency. Official statis passenger, increased substantially over the
may be. Accomplished it must be. Moral
tics of exportations give an average of seven July business .
responsibilities know no boundary lines."
barrels to the metric ton of 2,200 pounds, so Total earnings in the first three weeks of
Just so ! But both Mr. Barron and Mr.
that the actual tax per barrel is 5.7 cents August amounted to about $ 1,587,821 , Ameri
American currency instead of the 11 cents al Williams show little enough comprehension of
can money, or $3,195,643 in Mexican gold.
the Mexican character, their pride of country
leged in this volume. Therefore, instead of This compares with July earnings of approxi
and of nationality, their sensitiveness to for
"doubling the tax on oil," as stated, it was
eign interference in any direction, to believe mately $ 1,528,756 American money, or $3,059,
placed at practically the same rate as before, 512 Mexican gold.
that any kind of intervention, whether in the
and instead of a tax of 11 cents per barrel, The statement, as supplied by the Constitu
guise of benevolence or on the score of moral
it is really only a trifle over half of that ; and tionalist Railways , follows :
responsibility (the old "New England con
instead of the tax being 20 per cent. on the 1917. 1917
science" again, that persuades a man to be
value of the oil, it is really only 72 , as can Approximate Approximate
lieve that he has a right to regulate his neigh Aug. 1 to 21., July. Increase
be demonstrated from the author's own fig
bor's affairs according to his own peculiar Freight .$1,482,680 $1,383,761 $98,919
ures. He states that the value of the oil Passenger ► · 954,724 929,725 24,999
ideas and without regard to that neighbor's Express .. • 709,972 699,563 10,409
varies from 60 to 90 cents per barrel in Miscellaneous * 48,267 46,463 1,804
rights ) , would not be met with a unanimous,
Tampico and that the leading concern in oil
a determined, a bloody, perhaps indeed a use Total · · . $3,195,643 $3,059,512 $136,131
exportation sold its entire production in 1916 Figures shown are in Mexican gold, which is
less resistance, or that any 40,000 men would
at "a little over 83 cents per barrel." It is worth about 50 cents, United States currency, on the
suffice to restore order in Mexico, as Mr. dollar.
thus seen that instead of 20 per cent. (which
Barron so fatuously declares.
would be 16.6 cents per barrel ) , being collected The Trainmen's, Conductors ,' Engineers'
Was there ever a nation that set deliberately
on the value of the oil, a little over one-third and Firemen's unions of the city of Puebla
about despoiling a neighbor, or even one on have established a library and reading
is the actual collection. A tax of 5.7 per bar
the opposite side of the world, that did not room in that place.
rel is not 20 per cent. of the valuation of the
find an excuse in "moral responsibility ?" And
oil, neither is it confiscatory nor a grievous The National Board of Health has inM
that responsibility, while some of it advocates
burden, as any fair minded man must concede. augurated measures for preventing typhus
might be in fact sincere enough, was merely
Space forbids further attention in detail to and other ailments that have prevailed from
made to cloak for despoliation and profit. time immemorial in the capital city during
the errors of statement in the volume, some "No man is good enough to govern another the winter months .
of the most glaring having been pointed out man," said the immortal Lincoln, and equally
and refuted. To consider them all as they no nation is good enough to govern another After much study and careful prepara
deserve and present accurate pictures of con nation. That is the opinion held in Mexico , tion the agrarian law in conformity with
the new constitution has been drawn up and
ditions in Mexico would require a volume far at all events . will be submitted to Congress within a
greater than that of Mr. Barron. Just in Mr. Barron says : "The Mexican problem is short time.

of native manufacture, he divulged ma

A Land of Buried Treasure less of the tale that has been told .
But when the manager was approache
Where One Can Surfeit Himself With Tales of Untold denied the whole account as a fabrication
Hidden Wealth, Many Being Well Founded tried to laugh it off. Who would for a
ment believe the story of a drunken na
HEREVER one goes in Mexico - city , very secretive as to their operations and the What nonsense ! There was no word of t
W hamlet, country, mining camp, wilder results achieved, whether successful or not. in it. His position prevented the autho
ness, desert or mountain-there is one subject Such, for example, was the treasure sup from taking any action , or if any was
of universal interest which the traveler can posed and believed to have been found at a jected he was able to head it off, since a
bring up with the certainty that he will at mining camp in the State of Durango only a local officials were subject to his de
once let loose a flood of reminiscence, tradi few years ago . That region , having once been control.
tion , rumor and fact that is as intensely inter the favored haunt of bandits , as a result is After a while and the lapse of a certai
esting as a large portion of it is ill founded. permeated with rumors of treasure , usually tent of time to permit the story to die
Beginning with the famous and by some re ascribed to freebooters. In the case under the supposed treasure discoverer found
garded more or less problematical lost treas discussion , grading was in progress for the self able from the supposed savings of
ure of the Montezumas (though Prescott erection of a building, a sandy hill being re frugal earnings to purchase a fine ranch
accepts the story as true ) , and coming down moved to make way for the foundations . the country, as also a town house, which
to the present day, the whole unwritten history Suddenly the peones employed all abandoned furnished most elegantly and maintained
of the country is replete with stories of hidden their task and hastened to another portion of little regard for expense, what time he
treasure. That this should be so and in such the grounds . Their native foreman reported 1 ceeded to drink himself to death, which
marked degree, that these multifarious stories to the chief, a foreigner, that they had unK managed to do with great success and
should , in not a few cases , be well founded, earthed a coffin, or a portion of one, during siderable speed- not at all a difficult feat
is easily understood . It is only during the their excavation, and were afraid to pursue the way, in Mexico . Especially for a
last few years , comparatively speaking, that their task further, all natives being very super
the possessors of portable property in the way stitious in this connection. The manager re
of jewels, coin, gems and what not, had any plied that he would investigate the matter, (Concluded next month)
secure place for its bestowal when necessary which he did later. Sure enough , projecting
for protection. There were no banks , the from the face of the excavation for a portion
making of strong boxes or safes was in its of its length was a box resembling in shape GROW
infancy, and the only place for safekeeping those designed for sepulture. With a pick
was the ground , the thick adobe or stone wall , this was further uncovered ; then the lid was The American Smelting and Refining
underneath the tile floor, or some recess or pried up, and what was disclosed led the pany announced in its report for the half
cave in the rocks. That large amounts of manager to replace the boards in a hurry. ended June 30th that for the first time in th
valuables were so hidden in the past is indis Glancing around, he discovered the native years profits were coming in from its prope
putable. It has been so in all countries , and foreman watching him , and felt assured from ties in Mexico . Partly due to income from
especially in Mexico. That many hoards have the expression on his countenance that he too Mexican sources, the net earnings from oper
been discovered at one time and another is had seen the contents of the box, which, so ations, amounting to $ 16,931,116, were $5,163 ,
also a fact. That many remain yet to be far from being human remains, were sacks 731 greater than in the same period of 1916 .
unearthed is a third fact. And that there are containing coin and other valuables, as demon Revenue from interest, dividends, rents, etc.,
few foreigners who have visited the byways strated by some of them having become brought the aggregate income up to $18,757,899,
of Mexico who have been able to resist the broken open through decay. Quick decision from which a deduction of $8,555,779 was
glamorous lure of the buried treasure story was necessary on the part of the manager, made by tax reservations, fixed charges, and
is still another fact-the writer being among and he decided to make the best of it, since depreciation.
the majority. there was no method for preserving secrecy. The final net income amounted to $ 10,202 ,
The buried treasure of the Montezumas He told the native foreman to warn the labor 119, a decrease of $943,573 . The recession was
dates back to the time of Cortez, when that ers against approaching the spot or interfering brought about chiefly by extraordinary reser
not at all gentle or Christian-like Christian with the "coffin" ; that it was indeed what they vations for excess profits taxes, and depletion
gentleman, soldier of the Cross and conqueror supposed, and that in accordance with law of ore reserves . The management set aside
permitted the deliberate roasting of Cuauh they were forbidden to touch it until the au $3,889,561 to meet all taxes, an increase of
temoc and one of his companions because thorities in the nearest town could be notified, $3,778,537 , while the depreciation and ore de
they courageously and persistently refused which would not be until the following day. pletion account of $2,396,173 was $1,376,684
to disclose the hiding place of the royal To the native foreman he said : "Keep your larger than in the first half of the preceding
treasure, variously estimated at many mil own counsel. Come with me to -night and I year. After meeting dividends a balance of
lions of dollars in value . That they should will pay you liberally. I will give you more $5,165,070 remained, which was $1,477,888 less
have withstood such suffering in this cause money than you ever had in your life ." than a year before.
seems ample proof of the actuality of the That night the two men went with a mule In respect to the Mexican situation, Presi
treasure itself. cart, emptied the contents of the box into dent Daniel Guggenheim said :
Various and sundry persons have appeared sacks and carried them to the manager's resi "All the mines and smelters in Mexico
from time to time and have claimed knowl dence. The latter kept his promise to the owned by the company are now operating,
edge of the whereabouts of the hoard, and native, gave him several hundred dollars in except those at or adjacent to Chihuahua, and
large sums have been expended in excavation coin- more than he had ever dreamed of those at Velardeña . Work is carried on un
and research , but so far without success . having at one time in his entire life-and der many difficulties and to a limited extent
At various times and in various localities enjoined secrecy if he would keep out of the as yet. The Government of Mexico is most
there have been discoveries of hidden treasure law's hands . This was pledged, but straight anxious to have the company succeed, and
way the suddenly enriched peon proceeded to laborers are more than willing to work. They
which were well authenticated, although, since
expend his mysteriously acquired wealth in are suffering, however, to even a greater ex
the Government is entitled under the law to
riotous living, entertaining his friends with tent, comparatively, than in the United States
one-half of all treasure trove that may be on account of the high cost of living . It is
liquor and scattering the coin broadcast.
recovered, it is believed that there has been When questioned as to the source of his estimated that the cost of necessities in Mex
more than one discovery of the kind which prosperity he at first demurred, but later , ico is at the present time six times greater
was kept zealously from public knowledge. when far gone under the influence of tequila, than during the period preceding the revolu
Indeed, searchers for treasure are as a rule mescal, sotol, and such like delectable liquors tion. This however is being alleviated .


Numerous projects for the construction. Interesting Trade Statistics

of wagon roads in various portions of the
The imports at New York from Mexico
LATE NEWS NOTES Republic are under consideration and will
be carried out . Among others, is a high for the month of August, 1917, were $2,
way connecting the City of Mexico with 830,730, as compared to $ 1,616,464 for the
El Paso, via Torreon , Chihuahua and many same month in 1916.
e first Labor Congress ever held in the of the leading cities in the central portion The estimated production of copper in
of the country .
of Guanajuato met in the city of Leon Mexico for the past four years is as fol
htly. There were represented unions Large quantities of the old banknotes
e various branches of industry and issued by institutions that are in process of lows : 1913 , 58,000 metric tons ; 1914 , 36,
important measures for the ameliora liquidation have been burned by the 000 tons ; 1915 , 31,000 tons ; 1916 , 55,000
of conditions were discussed and de Monetary Commission intrusted with such tons . In 1914 there were imported into
upon . matters . The same disposition has also the United States from Mexico 19,135,072
ructions have been issued that estab been made of many millions of the "infal
sificable" issue , which are received by the pounds of copper ore, valued at $2,312,002 ;
ents employing large numbers of
ing people will not be allowed to close national treasury as a sur-tax on certain 1915 , 12,189,464 pounds, valued at $ 1,482,
doors peremptorily, but must give exports and imports. 998 ; in 1916, 24,181,113 pounds , valued at
y days' notice of such intention, or A party of seventy gypsies who recently $4,166,603 , and in 1917 , 37,440,255 pounds ,
rwise must pay each employe one arrived in Mexico from the United States valued at $9,341,830.
th's wages in lieu of notice . have been apprehended and will be de Of copper pigs and ingots there were
he Government of the State of Oaxaca ported . They claim to belong to Austria
Hungary, and the Minister from that gov imported from Mexico in 1914 , 86,143,237
established schools in all sections
ernment has undertaken to see that they are pounds , valued at $12,145,484 ; in 1915.
rever needed, and has also opened
t schools in the capital city, which are embarked at Tampico for their former 6,488,108 pounds , valued at $836,429 ; in
ended by large numbers of adults of both homes , not being regarded as desirable 1916, 48,007,170 pounds, valued at $9,970,
Es who are occupied during the day with acquisitions in Mexico because of the man 998 ; in 1917, 58,079,235 pounds , valued at
ing a livelihood, ner in which they gain their livelihood , their
practices being contrary to law in many $ 15,084,086.
fficial reports from the State of Nayarit respects.
herly Tepic Territory ) are to the effect
the crops have been abundant and there In order to facilitate the production of
largely increased crops of cotton the gov The government of the State of Tamauli
be a surplus for shipment to other sec pas has notified all proprietors of haciendas ,
}, as in the past . That portion of ernment has recently acquired one hundred
tractors which will be utilized for the culti etc., in all portions of the State that they
co has uniformly good crops of all must comply with the provisions of the law
6. vation of large areas of lands in the Laguna
region of the States of Coahuila and and establish schools for the education of
e Agricultural Congress of the State of Durango, that being the center of pro all children within their vicinage.
to has taken steps to encourage the duction . Much land hitherto uncultivated A special commission has been appointed
rs to increase the acreage of corn for will be brought into use. In many portions to allot to those desiring it lands in the
coming season , in order to meet the of the Republic tractors are being intro State of Sonora of which use is not made
tage caused by the unseasonable frosts. duced at the instance of the Department of by the owners . Each applicant will be
1 will be furnished and instructions Agriculture for the encouragement of allowed twenty-four acres and will be en
ven for the best methods of cultivation . farmers to imitate the examples thus set . titled to the entire product of the tract.

The Truth About Sisal

Send a letter or postcard with a request that your name and address
be entered on the permanent mailing list of the Comision Reguladora
del Mercado de Henequen , the largest and most successful co - operative
association of farmers in the world .

If you want to know the truth about binder twine , the reasons for
recent advances in price and the identity of the powerful interests that are
back of the campaign that has been waged against the Yucatan co
operative marketing association of sisal producers, the Comision Regu
ladora will take pleasure in mailing you literature from time to time .

If you read Spanish , send $ 2.50 for a year's subscription to " EL

HENEQUEN , " a semi-monthly magazine issued by the growers ' as
sociation at its home office in Merida , Yucatan .


120 Broadway, New York City.

VOL . II. No. 6 , M62
MARCH, 1918





Scenes at the Inauguration of Governor Carlos Castro

Morales of the State of Yucatan


[Governor Morales





The Mexican Review

Vol. II WASHINGTON, D. C. , MARCH, 1918 No. 6

WASHINGTON , D. C. President Carranza Refuses Education in the
Increased Salary Federal District
GEORGE F. WEEKS ❤ Editor and Publisher HE nominal salary of the President of HE Statistical Section of the Department
613 RIGGS BUILDING THthe Republic is $50,000 Mexican gold per Tof Public Education of the Federal Dis
annum, or the equivalent of $25,000 American trict has made a preliminary report of the
Yearly Subscription in United States , Mexico and Canada gold. Ever since the installation of President educational work for the year 1917, from
$1.00, Elsewhere $ 1.50 Carranza this has been subjected to a discount which the following facts are taken :
of 25 per cent, and he has been receiving his During the year 1917 there was a total of
The Mexican News Bureau salary at the ratio of $18,751 per annum 435 schools in operation, divided into 285
Accurate News Service by Wire or Mail American money . elemental or primary schools, 62 high schools,
At the recent session of Congress the Presi 52 night schools, 16 kindergartens, 11 indus
dential salary was increased to $54,750 Mexi trial schools, 5 commercial schools , 2 normal
Pacifying the Petroleum can gold , or $27,375 American money. schools and 2 preparatory schools. These
When this increase was tendered him on the are all public institutions, but there are also
first of January, the date when it was ordered a large number of private institutions of
FFICIAL reports have been received from by Congress to take effect, he positively de learning.
OF General Manuel M. Dieguez, commanding clined to accept the extra compensation, upon The total attendance at all the public schools
the forces that are operating against the bandit the ground that it was unconstitutional to during the year was 114,609, divided as fol
Palaez in the petroleum regions of Vera Cruz, increase the salary during an incumbency. lows : Primary, night and kindergarten schools ,
Tamaulipas and San Luis Potosi, to the effect 104,038 ; commercial and industrial schools,
that the troops under General Herminio Al 8659 ; normal schools, 784 ; preparatory schools,
varez have routed the Palaez forces and have Assistance Given to Farmers 1128.
their headquarters at Saladero. By The number of pupils promoted during the
this capture the major portion of the oil region HE of Agriculture and Fo
THE o,, in order to cooperate in the solu
mentto year was 56,702, against 46,414 in 1916, an in
is now under the domination of the Govern
tion of the food problems of the Republic, has crease of 10,288. The educational system still
ment and ample guarantees have been given feels to some extent the disordered conditions
to all the inhabitants against further aggres recently sent instructions to the Governors of
incidental to the revolutionary disturbances,
sions by Palaez, sufficient garrisons and guards all the States and Territories , under authority
but there is a constant amelioration and im
being maintained for that purpose. The sec of the Chief Executive of the Republic, that
tion under General Caballero has also obtained they shall proceed at once to provide lands and provement in all portions of the department .
The amount expended upon the schools for
control of the greater part of the Huasteca tools for planting crops. They are instructed
1917 has not been announced , but some idea of
petroleum fields and established order. The to have the municipal authorities in all locali
its extent can be gathered from the fact that
important centers of Juan Casiano, Tepetate, ties take cognizance of the arable lands that
Platon Sanchez, Gutierrez Zamora and Papan are permitted to remain unutilized by their during 1916 there was expended a total of
tla, as well as many other places, are now in owners and these are to be allotted for tem $6,216,889 for salaries and incidental expenses,
while the inventoried value of the utensils,
possession of the Government forces. Large porary cultivation to those desiring to make
numbers of Palaez's followers surrendered un use thereof . Seed and other assistance will etc., was over two million dollars. This does
not take into account the value of the build
conditionally, and the remainder fled to the be provided by the Government, and it is ex
ditionally, and the remainder fled to the pected in this manner the coming crop will be
Sierra, where they are being energetically abundant for all possible demand and that A great deal of attention was paid to the
hygiene of the pupils, and the reports show
pursued. In the advance and operations of possibly there may be a surplus for exporta
the Government troops especial attention was tion. that assistance was given in many thousands
of cases, with gratifying results. The eyes ,
paid to the prevention of damage of any kind
to the wells or works of the various extensive ears and teeth were especial subjects, while
TABLE OF CONTENTS the services of the educational sanitary corps
petroleum companies operating in that section , Page
and as a result no injury of any consequence Editorial .. I were in many cases extended to the habitations
State of Nayarit . 蠟 of the pupils to a beneficial extent.
has been reported. It is declared that within Tepic City ... • • 3-4-5
a few weeks the entire region will be pacified Governor Ferreira's Report . I 6-7
and the last vestiges of banditry eliminated . Mexico's Monetary System . • 8-9
Sonora Coal Deposits .... 9 The Governors of the border States an
Mexican Music Entrancing . • ►•• & • · • • 10 nounce that they have found employment for
The Director of Public Education of the Seen in a Mexican Plaza . • ་ II-12
Food Situation in Hand . • + 13 many thousands of Mexicans who have re
City of Mexico has undertaken to secure a For the Public Benefit . • • 酆 14 patriated themselves during the past few
suitable tract of good agricultural land in Agricultural Progress .. IS months. Governor Cantu, of Lower Cali
close proximity, which will be divided into Labor Conditions Improving . E 15 fornia, states that there is employment under
small garden plots and cultivated by the Mining and Petroleum . 16
Financial Conditions . + 4 · · • 16 his jurisdiction for over eight thousand men,
school pupils. Two ends will thus be served Misunderstood Mexico .. 17 and Governor Gonzales, of Chihuahua, says
a considerable addition will be made to the Mexican-Japanese Bugaboo . • • 17 that thousands have been employed in the
available food supply, and at the same time Mexico Wants Highways . • • · • • * • 18 mines in that State and Durango, while large
the youth will be instructed in the most advis Evaporating Bananas . aa 19 numbers have been assisted to go to Yucatan,
Along the Sea of Cortez . # • 19
able agricultural methods and stimulated to Facts About Mexico. • • 20-21-24 where the highest wages are paid that are
habits of industry. Proposed Petroleum Law. • .22-23 known in the Republic.


lakes in the interior, and the shore is indented

The State of Nayarit with lagoons connected with the Pacific Ocean.
The coast line of the State measures 500 kilo
Formerly the Territory of Tepic-One of the Most Attractive
meters (311 miles ) .
But Least Known Portions of the Republic The agricultural productions are numerous
and abundant. They are similar in variety and
NE of the least known portions of tant river empties into the Pacific Ocean just number to the productions of the famous agri
the entire Republic of Mexico is the to the north of the port of San Blas. Many cultural States of Vera Cruz, Puebla and
O present State of Nayarit, formerly the smaller streams are found in the State, a Oaxaca. The valley of Jala is famous for its
Territory of Tepic. With the adoption of the number of which could easily be used for irri great productiveness, the fertility of the soil
new constitution in 1917, the of one bushel of corn is said
ancient name of this section
to yield six hundredfold. Be
was revived, and instead of a sides cereals, cotton, tobacco,
territorial form of govern
sugar cane, coffee, beans, and
ment, that of a full-fledged rice grow luxuriantly. Agri
State was conferred upon
culture is the chief industry
the commonwealth.
of Nayarit, and corn and
Nayarit is bounded upon beans are raised in consider
the north by the States of
able quantities all over the
Durango and Sinaloa, on the State. Wheat and other
east and south by the State cereals grow in the districts.
of Jalisco, and on the west of Ahuacatlán and Tepic ; rice
by the Pacific Ocean. Its
in Compostela, Tepic, Ahua
area is 28,371 square kilo catlán, and San Blas ; cotton
meters (10,951 square miles ) . is Acaponeta and Santiago
Its population according to Ixcuintla ; and coffee, to
the census of 1910 is 171,837, bacco, and sugar cane in all
of whom 88,812 are males and the districts of the State.
93,025 are females. The best coffee lands are
The Sierra Madre range
in the district of Compostela,
traverses the State from
in the southern portion of the
southeast to northwest. The
State, and this finds its way
eastern portion is exceed to the markets of Europe
ingly mountainous. Precipi and the United States . Rub
tous cliffs and deep barrancas ber trees are found in their
occur with great frequency.
wild state, and are being
At the bottom of some of
tapped with profit. The soil
these are rapid mountain
streams, many of which is adapted for henequen, and
empty into the Santiago is very suitable for the culti
vation of the olive . Stock
River. The western part of
the State is level and is raising is carried on ex
tensively, and there are some
crossed by numerous small
rivers and creeks . These really large herds of cattle,
streams overflow during the sheep and goats.
rainy season and flood the The State has mineral re
plains through which they sources of considerable ex
pass, enriching the soil and tent, with several well-known
rendering it wonderfully mining camps. The principal
fertile and productive . In of these are Santa Maria del
the southern part of the Oro, with rich gold- silver
State, in the district of veins. In the Acaponeta dis
Ahuacatlán, the country is trict, about 160 kilometers
almost entirely of volcanic ( 112 miles) north of Tepic,
origin. In this part of Naya copper, silver and lead are
rit is found the celebrated found, with some low-grade
volcano Ceboruc. In 1870 gold-silver ores. At Santiago
this volcano was in a state of Ixcuintla, about 60 kilo
great activity and threw out meters (38 miles) northwest
immense quantities of lava of Tepic and at Ixtlan, the
and ashes. Not far from same distance to the south
Ceboruc is the celebrated Provisional Governor J. M. Ferreira, of the State of Nayarit east, are old mines worked
Sanganguey Peak, which with modern methods. At
rises to a height of 2000 meters (6561 feet ) gating the fertile valleys through which they Ahuacatlán, very near Ixtlan, there is gold.
above the level of the sea. pass. The Acaponeta, rising in the mountains About 65 kilometers north of the city of Tepic.
The climate of the lowlands is hot, while in the north, empties, after a course of about is the Yaqui copper prospect, with copper,
that of the higher regions is temperate and 130 kilometers ( 81 miles ) , into the Pacific zinc, gold and silver.
agreeable, some of the high mountain table Ocean at the Boca de Teacapan. The San Manufacturing to a noticeable degree is car
lands and slopes being comparatively cold. Pedro, rising not far from the same place as ried on, especially in the city of Tepic, where
The principal river that runs through the the Acaponeta, flows in a more southerly di there are cotton mills, soap and other factories,
State is the Lerma, or Santiago, which origi rection and empties into the lagoon of Mexcal with modern machinery and appliances.
nates in the tributaries that flow into Lake titlan, an inlet of the Pacific north of the San Blas, just west of the capital, is the
Chapala, in the State of Jalisco . This impor mouth of the Santiago. There are a few small chief seaport. It has a good-sized trade, both

local and foreign, but the harbor facilities are hear a citizen of this place remarkone day above the broken walls of the crater and re
not satisfactory, so that further great develop upon what he called the excessive heat, when sembling almost exactly the peak that was
ment can be expected only when these are a glance at a thermometer showed that it was thrust up in the center of Mount Pelee at the
improved, and when the railways are extended exactly 75 degrees Fahrenheit ! There is time of the disastrous eruption, in Martinique,
into closer touch with the interior. scarcely a moment throughout the day when which destroyed St. Pierre a dozen years ago.
The Southern Pacific Railroad Company of the sea breeze is not felt, while the evenings To the northeast, one can trace the rugged
Mexico enters the State by its main line from are charming to a degree and the nights so lines of the Sierra Madre until lost in the dis
Mazatlan and has been in operation as far as cool that one sleeps comfortably under one and tance, and so too in the south. Nearer the
Tepic. Its plans are to continue through sometimes two blankets the year round. city in the north are low hills, at the foot of
Ixtlan to reach Guadalajara. A line between The morning hours are likewise delightful, which flows the Tepic River, fed by numerous
San Blas and Tepic is proposed. and the early riser can enjoy to the fullest springs that are encountered everywhere in
Cora, Huichol, Otomi and Pepehua are the strolling about the city or going to some of the this favored region. Although it is at the
native languages recognized. many points of vantage from which a view of close of the dry season and there has been no
The State is divided politically into 7 par the town and its surrounding valley may be rain for months, there is a good head of water
tidos, with 16 municipalities, containing 2 cities, had. in the river, some of which is used for the
6 towns, 45 villages, 47 organized estates, and The people of Tepic do not know the mean irrigation of sugar cane and other crops on
1091 hamlets. The partidos are : Tepic, Aca ing of the word frost, so far as any practical the hills and valleys to the north and north
poneta, Ahuacatlán, Compostela, Ixtlan, San experience is concerned, but throughout the west, but much of which goes to waste.
Blas, Santiago Ixcuintla. entire year there is the same evenness of tem On the south side of the city is a low hill
Tepic is the capital and principal city, and perature and lack of even an approach to an or mesa that is reserved for public use and
was founded in 1531 by Nuno de Guzman. It which will doubtless some day be converted
is beautifully situated on a broad plain at the into a public park. From this slight elevation
foot of the volcano of Sanganguey and on the a fine view of the city and surrounding valley
margin of the Tepic River, which empties into can be had, and it is a favorite resort for this
the Santiago. It has fine buildings, both public purpose. The city is so situated that there is
and private ; a handsome theater, a cathedral , scarcely a street which does not present a
banks, and a number of very attractive plazas. beautiful vista in the distance, either of culti
It is about 800 kilometers (500 miles ) from vated field, tree-embowered garden, rounding
Mexico City, and has a population upward of hill or rugged mountain. An artist could find
20,000. subjects for his brush here for a life-time,
without exhausting the field.
Tepic and Its Wonderful Climate
The journey by diligencia from Santiago Cathedral Noteworthy Structure
Ixcuintla to the city of Tepic is from ten to The cathedral is the most noteworthy struc
twelve hours' duration, a halt being made at ture in the city, its tall, graceful towers reach
early morning at the little hamlet of Navarette auto ing far above all other buildings and furnish
for a cup of coffee and a bite of food, though WITH ing a landmark for miles in every direction .
sometimes this is difficult of attainment, de There are several plazas, which are embowered
pending upon the mood of the woman who in flowers- indeed, flowers of all kinds are one
maintains a wayside posada at that place. of the strong points of the attractiveness of
But though the road be long and rough and Tepic-while on the western side of the city
dusty, though one be hungry and weary and is an Alameda of goodly proportions, filled
every bone ache with the jolting and jarring BAMA with shade trees, shrubbery and blossoms of
of the diligencia, it does not take long to all kinds.
remove all sense of discomfort and to become
The great agricultural valley lying between
thoroughly rejuvenated in the cool, invigor the city and mountains to the east is the
ating atmosphere and the delightful tempera source of the Miravalles River at its southern
ture of Tepic. A plunge into one of the end, while at its northern the Tepic River finds
incomparable baths fed with clear, sparkling its head. The wagon road from Tepic to
water from numerous "ojos de agua," a satis Compostela and other points along the coast
Memorial Monument, Tepic
fying meal at either of the two hotels which to the south follows for many miles the
cater to foreigners especially, and then one is
extreme of either cold or heat. The rainy canyon of this river, which at all times carries
ready for a stroll about the streets of beau
season begins in the latter part of June and is a large amount of water that might be, but
tiful Tepic. over by the last of September, and old-timers is not, used for the cultivation of the thou
Lying in a hill-encompassed valley at an declare that it is the pleasantest time of the sands of acres of fine agricultural land that
elevation of some 3000 feet, the waters of the year. But it would assuredly be difficult to are subject to it.
Pacific Ocean only thirty miles or so distant, find pleasanter climatic conditions than prevail The hills are low and rounding and the con
Tepic, with a population of some 20,000, has during the month of May and the early part struction of irrigation canals does not present
a climate that is unsurpassable. The period of June. And it would be well-nigh impossible many obstacles, while the lands that could be
before the rainy season is declared by old to suggest any change that would make for irrigated could be made fourfold more fruit
residents to be the most disagreeable of all the the better. ful than at present if they were supplied with
year, yet the stranger who knows something a moderate amount of water during the dry
of climatic conditions elsewhere will readily, Place of Charming Scenery season.
without making any invidious comparisons, Scenically, Tepic has a situation that is re Some four or five hours' ride from Tepic
concede that while it may seem in some re plete with interest. On three sides it is down the valley of the Miravalles River is an
spects disagreeable to the residents, it assuredly bounded by hills and mountains, while to the interesting old hacienda from which the river
is not so to the visitor who for the first time west a wide valley extends toward the Pacific takes its name. In turn, the hacienda was
enjoys the pleasure of experiencing the invig Ocean. On the southwest is a lofty mountain named from the Condesa de Miravalles, who
orating climate of this city. spur called San Juan, while far to the east, came to this country from Spain over 300
To begin with, it is never hot, as heat is across a great valley comprising thousands of years ago, was taken with its beauty and rich
known in the lowlands and in the dry, arid acres of magnificent agricultural land, towers ness, and built the castle of Miravalles, which,
regions of the interior. Seldom does the tem the old extinct volcano of Sanganguey. A partially ruined but now being restored, still
perature reach or exceed 80 degrees Fahren notable feature of this dead volcano is a single stands as one of the most picturesque struc
heit, and the writer was much surprised to shaft or peak with bell-shaped point towering tures imaginable. Over the doorway is the

coat-of-arms of the Miravalles family, still in manifold attractions of soil , climate and scen declare with the greatest positiveness that the
almost perfect preservation, and at one end of ery that are possessed by this locality, and Golden State has nothing which can equal, let
the building is a chapel, which needs but slight whenever some one with sufficient enterprise alone suprass, the climate of Nayarit. Neither
repair to retain its state for years. There are shall undertake the subdivision and coloniza California nor any other portion of the United
few more interesting spots in the country than tion of some of these large tracts, a great States has soil that can equal that of this
stimulus will be given to growth, foreigners section, and for that matter of the greater
Tepic's Fame Not Widespread will flock in, and incidentally the subdivider share of the West Coast. And if the reader
Because of its difficulty of access, there are will make a fortune from his enterprise and does not credit such a sweeping statement, let
few places of the importance and wealth of foresight. him come and see for himself.







Tepic which are so little known outside of its Land values are not high, as they are re Moderate Prices of Land
immediate vicinity as this. Foreign pleasure garded in California and other sections which
Lands can be bought in this territory for
seekers have not yet sought it out to any make a boast of their climate-a boast, by the
extent, nor have foreign investors yet seemed way, which can be discounted in this State. from $5 to $10 an acre, sometimes for even
When an old Californian will concede that less than $5, which are at least the equal of
to awaken to the golden opportunities that are
here presented in many ways. Lands every any climate can surpass that of his favorite any that are considered cheap at $100 to $300
it known that
where in this section are held in large tracts, State, it is pretty good proof of the excel an acre in California . And be
and it is impossible to buy small farms. lence in that respect of the locality which he on these lands a crop failure is unknown ; that
But people are gradually awakening to the is praising. Yet I have heard old Californians there is in most cases an abundance of water

Government. ernor during the time necessary to call and

In a letter written to Ambassa
available for irrigation at moderate cost, if
dor Bonillas hold a regular constitutional election, he was
of Washington, outlining the
desired ; that any crop of the tropics or sub
condition of only able to carry out the preliminary studies
affairs in the State named, he
tropics and most of those of the temperate
said that the of the various projects of reform and those
chief object during his term of
zone can be successfully grown and profitably
which in his opinion urgently demanded the
marketed ; that one can harvest a crop every attention of the Government and which prom
month in the year if so disposed, and that the
ised to be of inexhaustible benefit to the peo
conditions of a comfortable existence (with
ple. In his work he was greatly aided by
the single exception of a not numerous foreign
several equally enthusiastic and patriotic as
population ) are of the best.
The destiny of this city is to be an all-the
year health and pleasure resort, and for this The financial feature of the government was
the first naturally to receive attention . Its
purpose it is claimed by many that it surpasses
reorganization was difficult, since at the time
far-famed Guadalajara. There is no necessity,
however, for any rivalry, as there is abun when this State, then known as the Territory
of Tepic, was a part of the Federation, the
dance of room in this country for half a dozen
Federal Government was called upon to con
Guadalajaras, where the weary and disease
stricken of all nations may find rest and tribute $500,000 annually to meet the expenses .
seclusion from the cares and worries of life In 1912 the annual expenditure reached
$790,000, but under Provisional Governor
amid surroundings which cannot be surpassed
from whatever standpoint they be considered. Ferreira's efficient management the expense
was reduced to $409,184.50, or almost 50 per
Fine Field for Sportsmen
The next subject to receive attention was
The sportsman as well as the health-seeker
that of public instruction. A very adequate
can find here that for which he is in search.
educational law was adopted and put into
In the mountains are deer, bear, turkey, quail, force and a normal school was inaugurated,
rabbits and other game. In the forests of the
thus providing for competent professors , who
coast and foothill regions are tigers, pumas, will conduct the educational system under the
and many other animals and birds peculiar to
auspices of modern pedagogy.
the tropics. On the rivers and estuaries are One of the greatest wants of the State is
alligators , turtles, ducks, geese, and other adequate railroad facilities, and the Governor's
feathered game in countless swarms . In the report upon this subject is given herewith in
streams are fish of a dozen varieties , while full. The betterment of the Port of San Blas ,
along the coast are oysters in abundance and
the principal seaport of the State, also received
of a quality calculated to make one a coast Chapel in Tepic Cemetery
attention and a report upon this subject was
dweller for at least six months of every year.
The oysters, by the way, have been shipped to office had been the general improvement of made. In concluding the letter referred to,
various portions of the United States and this fabulously rich portion of the national the Governor stated :
territory, which had been more or less neg "These two latter subjects-railways and
enjoy the highest reputation for size and
lected, owing in part to the negligence of its port works- are those which it is most essen
quality. tial to have known outside of the Republic,
The fact is, from whatever standpoint this
where there are numerous and powerful enter
portion of Mexico be considered- that of the
prises which are always seeking for investment
investor, the farmer, the fruit grower, the
for their surplus, although it is to be regretted
stock raiser, the miner, the lumber man, the
that we are obliged to look for foreign capital
health and pleasure seeker, or what not- it with which to promote new enterprise. Ι
will be found, on examination, to possess qual
think that under the principles of the new
ities of the most superlative degree and oppor
tunities of all kinds of the utmost attractive Constitution, there does not exist the danger
which was manifested during the administra
ness and promise. The only wonder is that
such opportunities should, as yet, have been tion of General Diaz, that foreigners will in
jure national interests by interfering in them."
taken advantage of to so small an extent.
In whatever direction one turns, one is con Report to the National Secretary of State
fronted by the most promising channels for
enterprise and investment, with an absolute. "Profoundly touched by the urgent necessi
ties of this State which require the attention
certainty of an adequate and in most cases
abundant reward. However, this will soon be of the National Government, I am convinced
that one of the most important is without
a thing of the past, in large degree. With the
advent of the railroad will come a great doubt that of the improvement of the Port of
MORVOMETON BE MILICA OF San Blas and its economic regulation. San
change, and, when it is too late, a lot of peo
ple will rub their eyes and wonder why they Blas is one of the oldest ports in the Republic
and the Spaniards of Nueva Galicia made it
did not take advantage of some of the numer
ous openings that have been flaunting them the base of their route which they established
for trade with Asiatic countries. At present it
selves in their faces for years.
The entire West Coast of Mexico is a veri does not meet the requirements of local com
table land of opportunities, such as the world merce, owing to the neglected state in which
has seldom presented-opportunities, too, which it has been for many decades. Since the time
may be seized without the hardship of pioneer of Santa Anna, in the year 1854, no other
government has taken any interest in its de
life incidental to the opening up of most " new"
"NATURAL DEVELOPMENT .- It is well known
Monument of Hidalgo
Provisional Governor Ferreira Outlines His beyond a doubt that one of the causes which
Plans inhabitants, but chiefly to the unfavorable prevent merchant vessels of great tonnage
Provisional Governor Ferreira, of the State financial policy of past dictatorial governments. coming into ports of this character is the great
of Nayarit, a short time since made a report Owing to the short time which he held office, difficulty met by such craft in loading and
of his work in that region to the National as he was merely appointed Provisional Gov unloading merchandise. The depth of water

is not great and therefore the commerce is equipped ports, but in the high duties they are regarding the construction of railroads, which
reduced to a feeble coastwise trade, and these, obliged to pay for imports or exports, after
obliged he considered urgently needed :
ports are kept in a stationary position. The paying the very high prices of freighting, as "The construction of three main lines of
former National Government which had en all freight is carried on mule back in this railway is urgently needed in the State. These
gaged in the betterment of some of the ports State. In addition to this , it very often occurs may be divided into two different classes, those
did this with a view to the assistance of pri that foreign vessels of importance refuse to of urgent necessity and those of secondary
vate enterprise, and never with the general take on board passengers or freight bound to importance. First, it is of urgent necessity
purpose of benefiting the country at large. San Blas, basing their negative upon the heavy that branches starting from the cities of Tepic
The Port of San Blas was regarded with dis duties of the customs authorities at this port. and Santiago should reach the Port of San
dain by the directors of the national policy, As a consequence, besides the hindrances met Blas, connecting with each other at a point
and there is documentary evidence that the by the local authorities for the development near the Hacienda of Navarrete. The railroad
Diaz régime viewed with suspicion any proj of their business in such obstacles, they are which will connect the capital city with San
ects initiated here for the introduction of required to become tributary to the market of
railroads, and for this reason this port was Blas would only require the construction of
Mazatlan, which has a fine port and splendid 83 kilometers, while the branch connecting the
entirely abandoned so far as improvement was facilities.. The merchants of Nayarit,
railroad facilities point called La Presa, adjoining Santiago
concerned, and slowly deteriorated until it therefore, will never overcome these obstacles Ixcuintla , with the main line, would only re
reached the lamentable state in which it is at unless this abnormal situation is corrected . quire 16 kilometers of construction . The cost
present, with the result that various foreign These inconveniences could be eliminated if of this work would be insignificant, because
vessels which used to pay monthly visits have the Executive of the Union by the legal means the roadbed built in 1884 by the Central Rail
suspended their calls. Now that in all the at his disposal would grant, as a special favor way could be utilized . This company con
branches of the Government a general and
satisfactory advance is noted ; now that the
country needs to secure great resources in or
der to meet the enormous economic problems
which have sprung up after the sorrowful but
necessary period of civil war, the betterment
of the port in question would enable the pro
motion of commercial movements in this
region and would redound to the benefit of the
National Treasury, while at the same time
involving a comparatively insignificant outlay
by comparison with the important works un
dertaken at other ports of the Republic. In
consequence of this, and in accordance with
the opinions of authorities on the subject, the
necessary work to be done would, in my opin
ion, comprehend the following :
"In the passage of years the currents and
floods from the drainage of adjacent shores
have formed a bar whose removal is neces
sary. The use of a dredging machine for this
purpose is the only feasible solution. The ob
stacles on the bar, as well as in the bay of
San Blas, are formed by sand and alluvial
mud, which makes the work of dredging easy. Plaza in City of Tepic, State of Nayarit
In order to prevent damage to the adjacent
shores it will be necessary to protect them with to San Blas, a reduction of the duties charged structed in good shape 57 kilometers of road
loose stone work. A breakwater of stone at a for customs inspection of ships, as well as the bed, including in the work matters of such
fairly good depth is also necessary, beginning duties upon all kinds of merchandise in their vital importance as filling embankments , cul
from a point at the north of the shore, curving importation and exportation. In this way they verts, cuts, bridges, etc. These works are still
around toward the bar until the depth of five would compensate the excess in the freight. in good condition and with slight repair could
fathoms is reached. The total length would expenses that those engaged in commerce have be put into a state to have the rails laid imme
be some three hundred meters, with a front to pay on account of railroad transportation." diately. The 26 kilometers which must still
of about one hundred and thirty-five cubic Governor Ferreira in concluding his state be built in order to connect with the city of
meters, besides the work necessary to protect ments asked the Secretary of State to give Tepic are in the foothills and would not offer
the shore. The cost of this work, including consideration to these reasons, and as a proof great difficulties for construction . The branch
the tools, portable railways, etc. , three kilo of his judicious sentiments towards the com to Santiago would be a very short one and it
meters in length, would amount to about mon welfare of the State to lend his valuable would not present physical obstacles of any
$350,000. It is calculated that some three hun influence to this proposition, in order that the importance.
dred thousand cubic meters must be removed President of the Republic might consider it "ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE.-The economic im
to a depth of 10 meters, and that the powerful and provide the legal requisites for the per portance of this railroad is evident because
dredge Mexico, now the property of the nation, formance of the above-mentioned improve the zone that it would cross would be that of
could do this in a period of no more than ments, both in the outlay demanded for the Santiago, which is extremely fertile. In this
one hundred days. This would permit the work of improving the port, as well as in the region all the inter-tropical products are raised
access of vessels up to ten thousand tons fiscal regulations of the customs rules, which , and there will be without doubt a large surplus
capacity. At a total expense of one million although they may appear objectionable be for exportation. The principal wealth of this
cause they affect laws which may be of a region is found in the cultivation of corn,
pesos in round numbers this port could be
placed among those of the first class. general order, in the opinion of the Governor which has made a large development. Next in
"ECONOMIC BETTERMENT.-All persons en are indispensable in this case. importance comes tobacco, which is produced
gaged in trading and carrying on business on an extensive scale, the climate being most
transactions in this State have found one of The Railroad Situation
appropriate for it, while the soil is of a sandy
the principal difficulties in the exportation and Governor Ferreira at the same time sub character, very rich in potassium. Cotton is
importation of merchandise. Not only is it mitted to the Department of Communications largely grown and is now one of the raw
met in the unloading and loading in badly and Public Works the following statement materials in greatest demand on the market,

and is extensively produced on this coast. owing to the denseness of their forests and of importance are already found, counting
Beans, rice, garbanzas and other cereals are to their mountainous character, offer shelter among them those of Huicicila and Compos
largely produced. The coquito nut is raised and hiding places to bands of systematic tela. The roads now connecting these centers
with very good results and gives wonderful robbers. are very devious, and owing to this fact agri
harvests on account of the saline atmosphere "SECONDARY ROADS.-Of this character in culture and mining have not properly devel
and the character of the soil upon which it is cluding among roads of the secondary class, oped. The same fact is true with regard to
raised. Salt works, shrimp fisheries, etc. , are I place a branch from Santiago Ixcuintla to the excellent coffee raised on the haciendas of
also a source of great wealth, as well as fine Tuxpam on the coast, and another one which, Malinal, Ixtapa de la Concepcion and La
cabinet woods which are found in abundance starting from San Blas, would run across the Palma, whose products cannot find their way
throughout the forests. Valle Banderas and would terminate at the out by reason of lack of means of transpor
"POLITICAL IMPORTANCE .-The isolation in port of Las Peñas, in the State of Jalisco. tation.
which the people of the principal towns of this "CONSTRUCTION.-The construction of these "POLITICAL IMPORTANCE. -The same reasons
State have always lived has resulted in the branches, as well as those referred to in pre may be cited in support for the construction
political education of the people being of a vious paragraphs, could be carried out with of this branch as for the building of the line
heterogeneous character. The binding of these great economy, since the roads would run from Tepic to San Blas, with the advantage
cities with the capital would co -ordinate the through a region very appropriate to the lay that the latter makes communication possible
political tendencies of each region until their ing of the tracks, and also with very few with the other ports of the Republic.
unification is reached. Furthermore, the inde rivers or broken country to traverse. The "STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE.-The strategic im
pendence given to the municipalities by the rich forests existing in this section would fur portance of the branch to Tuxpam is very
Constitutional Government would isolate them nish the very best of wood necessary for the considerable, but this line, which would unite
two important ports of the Pacific, will con
nect the respective authorities with an exten
sive mountainous region, very large and pro
ductive valleys, and with a large number of
towns and villages which up to the present time
have been isolated from the Government, and
therefore have not yet started in the pathway
of administrative order..

"From what I have already mentioned it is

demonstrated that the lines above described are
of vital importance from any point of view.
Their construction does not demand large ex
penditures of money, while the great benefits
PREDS derived from them would more than compen
sate for the energies and efforts expended in
their building."

State Finances-An Economical Showing

The total expenses of the State for the year
are given by Governor Ferreira as follows :
Congress... $27,375.00
Secretary to Congress . 4,854.50
Government...... 10,329.50
Secretarial Department 26,542.50
Street Scene in Tepic City Director of Taxes . 24,665.00
Expenses of tax collection .. 10,000.00
Expenses of Foreign Office.. 4,836.25
from the capital in such a way that the bonds ties at the very lowest prices, as well as all 8,895.00
State Treasury ....
of solidarity and harmony established by the other material to be used in construction of Public Minister 9,380.50
public law would not remain, because there are stations, bridges, etc. Defense of the Poor.... 1,460.75
very important municipalities which, owing to "ECONOMIC IMPORTANCE.- From an economic Local Agrarian Commission . *** . 6,551.75
Penitentiary..... 10,122.50
the distance from the capital and for lack of point of view both branches would in a very
State Telephone 3,130.00
good roads uniting them therewith, remained short time give satisfactory results . First, Public Printing 4,315.00
a long time without any communication and from the fact that in uniting Tuxpam and Civil Hospital 26,365.75
their political relations with the Government Santiago Ixcuintla they would cross a region Asylum for the Poor.. 11,275.00
therefore offered serious disturbances. The well noted because of the abundance of shell General exp. of the Administration . 57,650.00
School Inspection ... 7,665.00
mail service is either irregular or does not fish, for the good quality of the cattle which Primary Instruction 82,453.50
exist, and in many cases which demand im are raised upon a large scale on these rich Expenses of Instruction.... 22,600.00
mediate solution and for which there is not grazing lands, and for the inexhaustible Supreme Court ..... 7,665.00
any legal proof, they must decide without con amount of cabinet and construction timber Lower Courts .. 32,412.00
Medical Service 5,840.00
sulting beforehand with the Executive of the found in the forests. The second branch- that Expenses of Justice.. 2,800.00
State and must afterwards give an account of is to say, the one extending from San Blas
such happenings, which, in many cases, are and running along the coast until the port of Total ...... $400,184.50
entirely in opposition to the very tendencies of Las Peñas is reached-would be another line
It will be observed that a total of $ 112,718.50
the administration . The construction of this of great economic importance, because in pass was devoted to educational matters, or con
branch would eliminate all these inconveniences ing the foot of the western slopes of San
siderably over one-fourth of the entire amount
for reasons which I consider too obvious to Juan Mountain it offers great advantage to expended in public purposes.
explain. agriculture and mining and would render pos
" STRATEGIC IMPORTANCE.-As the railroad of sible the exploitation of large areas of land The Electric Railway Company, a foreign
whose construction I am now speaking would now unimproved, and which would assure an institution, which controls the entire street
put the capital in contact with a productive enormous production from their fertile soil. car system of Mexico City and its suburbs, has
region par excellence, thus facilitating natu The slopes of this mountain are well calculated filed a petition with the authorities for permis
rally the securing of food in rapid form in for the cultivation of corn, while the heights sion to reduce the rates of passage hitherto in
effect. This is believed to be the first time in
pressing cases, it would assure the dominance afford excellent cabinet and construction the history of such concerns that an applica
of the Government over all those regions that, woods. In this region many mining camps tion of this kind has ever been presented.

in Mexico, of the peso fuerte, fractional silver

Mexico's Monetary System coins, and minor coins of nickel and copper.
Unless the supplies of these coins are strictly
limited and kept within the bounds of trade
Larger Specie Reserve Needed-Also Adequate Provision for the
needs, they will deplete the country's gold re
Redemption of Subsidiary Silver Coinage serve, and denude its circulation of gold coin.
Great care must be taken that fiduciary coins.
ADICAL and far-reaching changes in Gold Standard Principle are not issued in excess. This caution gives
Mexico's monetary system are pro rise to the third requirement of the gold
posed in a report made by E. W. "The principle of the gold standard," says
Professor Kemmerer in his report, "is that the standard, namely, proper regulations to adjust
Kemmerer, professor of economics in Prince the supply of fiduciary coins to trade needs."
value of gold coins as bullion and their value
ton University, who has completed an ex
as money should be the same. Under a strict
haustive study of the financial situation in Reserve Must Be Adequate
that country at the request of that Govern gold standard gold coins should never be ap
ment. preciably more valuable than the gold bullion The fourth requirement for the maintenance
Among other reforms, Professor
they contain, plus a charge merely sufficient to of the parity of Mexican silver coins with gold,
Kemmerer advocates raising the gold unit
cover the actual expenses of coinage ; and they according to Professor Kemmerer, is the
value in Mexico so that it will be substantially
above the bullion value of the silver peso . It should never be appreciably less valuable than establishment of an adequate gold reserve,
the gold bullion they contain, less the expenses which may be called "the gold standard re
is pointed out that as soon as these silver
coins are worth more as money or circulating of melting and converting into bars. These
conditions can only be realized ( 1) when the "A gold standard reserve in a country like
media than as bullion their melting or expor
Mexico," he says, "which has a large circula
tion of fiduciary money, performs two impor
tant functions, the second of which is essen
tially the corollary of the first. They are ( 1 )
the automatic adjustment of the currency
supply to the demands of trade and (2 ) the
creation and maintenance of public confidence
in the fiduciary currency.
"Currency performs its chief function in
serving as the medium for the exchange of
goods and services ; directly, in passing from
hand to hand, and indirectly, in constituting
ITI bank reserves which support bank deposits, the
titles of which pass from hand to hand in the
form of bank checks. In a given state of
banking and credit development, and with a
given amount of business, a country needs a
certain quantity of money for the effecting of
its exchanges at a price level which is in equi
librium with the price levels of competing
XXXXXXX countries.
"If a country, say Mexico, has less money
than is needed, the law of supply and demand
will operate to depress prices below the price
levels of nearby countries, and, temporarily, to
Private Residence in Tepic City
raise short-time interest rates, with the result
that, since money is more valuable in Mexico
tation will cease and one of Mexico's greatest mints are open to the public for free coinage
than, say, in the United States, exchange rates
problems will be solved. of gold, so that any holder of gold bullion.
in Mexico on New York will rise, and gold
Professor Kemmerer makes the point that can have it converted into coin within a rea
will flow toward Mexico (as it is tending to
the most important single problem in the re sonable time, on demand, and (2) when the
do at the present time ) until an equilibrium
organization of Mexico's currency system is exportation of . gold from the country is per
in the price levels of the two countries is again.
that relating to the method which should be mitted. If coinage is not free, the value of
adopted for the maintenance of the parity of gold coins, under pressure of increasing cur
"If, on the other hand, there is too much
the various kinds of coins with the unit of rency demands, tends to become greater than
money in circulation relative to trade needs
75 centigrams of pure gold established by the the value of the bullion which they contain,
and thus the unit of value is raised, and the a condition which may result from an exces
currency law of March, 1905. The present sive issue of money or from a decline or
necessity, growing out of the high price of gold standard is, to that extent, departed from .
depression in business-the law of supply and
silver, of recoining silver coins with a sub If, on the other hand, the exportation of gold
coin is not permitted, the amount of gold in demand again operates and makes the money
stantially lower pure silver content involves
circulation tends to become relatively redun which has become relatively redundant (i. e.,
the whole subject of the proper machinery for redundant as compared with trade needs )
maintaining the parity of silver coins with dant under the influence of declining currency
demands, exchange rates become strongly un cheap. In other words, the law of supply and
gold. The proposed new lighter coins, accord
favorable to the country and the coins depre demand operates to force up prices of sensi
ing to Professor Kemmerer, should not be
ciate in terms of foreign gold (namely, as tive commodities and, temporarily, to depress
introduced into circulation until an adequate
measured by the foreign exchange rates ) , short-time interest rates, with the result that
gold reserve for their redemption is estab
lished. The continuance of the gold standard which means a depreciation in the unit of exchange rates turn against the country and
and the maintenance of the parity with the value. It will probably be wise as soon as the excess money seeks an outlet in exporta
gold peso of all the different kinds of coins monetary conditions in Mexico and abroad tion. Money, like everything else, seeks the
require, first, the free coinage of gold ; second, become normal, to remove the existing prohi- , best market. But fiduciary silver money can
the restricted coinage of fiduciary coins ; third, bition against the exportation of Mexican gold not be exported, for under normal conditions.
the proper regulations to adjust the supply of coin. it has a much higher value at home as money
fiduciary coins to trade needs, and, fourth, an "A second postulate of the gold standard is than it has abroad as silver. To melt it down
adequate gold reserve. the limited coinage of fiduciary coins, namely, for exportation involves loss . Accordingly,

therefore, it is only gold coin or its equivalent,

gold bars-the money of international trade Sonora Coal Deposits
that flows out of the country at times when
the currency in circulation becomes redundant. Leased by an American Company and Development to
If there is not such an outflow of money in Be Undertaken on a Large Scale at Once
times of currency redundancy, the increasing
excess of the currency supply over trade needs before shipping is started. During this time
RECENT dispatch from Tucson says
depresses the value of the monetary unit and
that the Carlos F. Johnson semi preparations for the railway will be made.
ultimately results in the breakdown of the
A anthracite coal land, three miles north The semi-anthracite at El Salto is in a dis
gold standard. It is only through the auto east of Ortiz, Sonora, has been leased for 99
matic adjustment of the currency supply to the trict where there is a folding of the dyke and
years with an option to purchase for cash at
demands of trade that the gold parity can be it is hoped that the drills will show up deposits
the end of five years for $3,000,000, by E. P.
maintained ; for relative excess means depre of bituminous and coking coal, which will add
Spalding, of New York, and associates.
ciation and relative scarcity means apprecia Arrangements will be made for a 30-mile considerably to the assets of the property.
tion." extension of the Southern Pacific of Mexico The contract calls for payments from time
to tap the field, with the result that tonnage to time to the owner. He does not lose title
Advocates 35 Per Cent Reserve
can be sent to the United States through the to his property unless the operators decide to
Mexico's gold reserve, in Professor Kem
merer's opinion, should be sufficient to provide
for the absorption through redemption of any
silver coin in circulation which may be ren

dered excessive by the usual seasonal fluctua
tions in business . It should be large enough
to do this, and, in addition , to afford a rea
sonable margin of safety for extraordinary
emergencies . In a country like Mexico, with
its great variety of natural resources , with its
varied climatic conditions and with a climate EMILYEN30 2011
which nearly everywhere makes possible the AYENC
raising of crops throughout the year, the sea SOREL LAZO MERCANTILE
sonal fluctuations in business activity are not GABRIEL CORTES
so great as in countries less favorably situated .
Therefore , other things being equal, a smaller
gold reserve would be needed in a country like
Mexico than in one like Canada to absorb this
excess circulation. On the other hand, the
fluctuations in trade demands for currency in
Mexico are apparently irregular and less easily
anticipated and measured than are the peri
odical seasonal movements in countries like the
United States and Canada.
"In the light of the experience of other
One of the Principal Streets in Tepic City
countries," Professor Kemmerer continues,
Nogales gateway as well as through Guaymas purchase outright. Under the contract he re
"the experience of Mexico prior to the revo
up to the Pacific Coast and down to the ceives 15 cents per mined ton.
lution, and in the light of the present lack of
confidence in fiduciary money in Mexico aris Panama Canal zone.
The Carlos F. Johnson coal land is well Johnson Owned Forty Years
ing out of the paper money experience of the
known among coal operators of the United The land has been in the possession of
last three years, it would seem to be unsafe
States, but for several reasons it was thought Carlos Johnson for nearly 40 years . For po
to inaugurate the new coinage system with a
impossible to open it. litical reasons the Johnsons finally left Sonora
smaller reserve than 35 per cent, while 40 per
for good and settled in Tucson. Thereafter
cent would be a safer figure. What Workings Show
"It is probable, however, that within a few companies were formed to operate the land,
The veins cover an area of 32 square miles. but met with poor success. The last company
years after confidence has been restored and
There are a number of prospect holes on the was the Carlos F. Johnson Coal Mining and
business and banking have resumed their property which show coal, but only three dis Development Company, composed of George
normal proportions, a reserve of 30 per cent tinct shafts to depth. The most important of Atkinson and others, who planned to sell 40
will be adequate for Mexico ." these is the shaft at El Salto, which is down per cent of the stock locally, but failed.
Professor Kemmerer believes that the 400 feet. There is also included in the records At this point Mr. Spalding entered the bid
largest part of the proposed Mexican reserve secured from Hermosillo officials, the log of a ding and after three months of investigation
should be in the form of gold, and only a bored hole sent down 460 feet at El Salto . and conferences, closed the contract.
small part in silver. He proposes that a por At 80 feet this bore cut a vein six feet thick, Geographically, the land is located three
tion of this reserve be kept in New York or at 271 feet it cut a second vein seven feet miles northeast of Ortiz and 60 miles from
London, to be drawn against or increased by thick, and at 393 feet it cut a vein 22 feet Guaymas.
additional deposits in the settlement of the wide, giving a total indication of 35 feet of
international trade balance. If the balance of coal . How wide the veins are remains to be
trade were running against Mexico, this could proved. Reports from Guanajuato state that under
be settled by drawing on the Mexican gold The test of the coal shows 81.56 free carbon, the administration of Governor Alcocer, the
85 fixed carbons, 10 volatile matter in some mines of that section have resumed operations,
reserve in New York, thus eliminating the thousands of men have found profitable em
places and from 5 to 7 per cent elsewhere.
actual shipment of the gold. In the same way, ployment and conditions generally have been
should the balance of trade be running in greatly ameliorated. Many new schools have
favor of Mexico, the account could be settled Owner Receives Royalty been established, notably several which are
opened at night for the workingmen. A
without the need of gold shipments to The whole field will be subjected to explora school of agriculture has also been established
Mexico . tion with diamond drills for at least one year and many other public improvements made.

ened from a deep slumber by the sweet strains

Mexican Music Entrancing of a guitar and more often by an orchestra.
This custom still prevails.
One of the Leading Factors in Both Ancient and Modern Life It is conceded by the great teachers of the
world that the Mexicans are the best inter
A Nation of Music Lovers and Composers
preters of music, and while Mexico has not
MISS LOUISE RONSTADT, IN "MEFISTOFELES" yet given to the world a great artist on string.
instrument, she has given a singer who was
USIC has always been an important orchestras in every town. In Mexico this has the greatest in all the world, Angela Peralta.
factor in Mexico. In fact the ancient always existed. Some time ago, at a singing contest, where
M Aztecs made music a part of their all the great vocalists were gathered, when
Comparisons are sometimes odious, but I
religious services. At an annual festival a Patti finished her song (so the story goes)
cannot refrain from comparing some of Mex
youth was sacrificed to the Goddess of Music. ico's cultured acquirements and talents with she turned to Peralta and said, "That is the
It is related that their music was full of bar our own. Here the average person does not way they sing in Milan." But when Peralta
baric pomp, and possessed a strange, rhythmic know anything about classical music, and really had finished her song, Patti remarked, "That
style. Instruments of percussion like bells and does not seem to want to know it, strongly is the way they sing in heaven."
rattles were used, accompanied by singing and preferring "ragtime." In Mexico City one Mexico has given to the world composers
dancing . hears the humblest newsboy whistling arias who have created great sensations not only in
Later on the tribes began to use the from " La Bohème," "Traviata," "Rigoletto," their country, but also in Europe- Jose Ca
"marimba," flageolets, wood flutes and pottery and "Carmen," and likewise the vegetable man rrillo, Manuel Ponce (known as the Mexican
whistles of grotesque shapes, with reed instru and the pastry seller. Chopin ) , Ricardo Castro, Fraga, and others
ments of unique form. Some claim that the Our popular music bears no resemblance too numerous to mention here. Jose Carillo,
ancient Mexicans had a scale which can be whatsoever to our classical compositions. In who has been recently leading an orchestra
reproduced on an organ with fixed pipes, but Mexico the style of the popular music is based of note in New York, has revolutionized the
this is not authentic. old system of writing
Their vocal music was in Theory and Compo
sung in unison , and sition . He has proven
though somewhat his solutions are cor
monotonous, was rect and they have been
melancholy in style. accepted by the great
Information regarding writers of today. In
the ancient music is Mexico City is a won
meager, as nearly all derful temple built to
their historical records the Muse of Music,
were destroyed by the "The Conservatory of
neighboring tribes who Music." This institu
conquered them, and tion is supported by the
later by the Spaniards . Government, and
Mexico has not much within these sacred
of what we call folk walls is the one place
music. The ancient in the Republic where
native music was all meet on an equal
chanted or hummed, footing. Caste is not
and was somewhat recognized there-only
monotonous. Genius. When students
After the entrance indicate unusual talent,
of the Spaniards, the they are sent to Europe
music of the natives to finish their studies
began to develop and Plaza in City of Jalisco, State of Nayarit at the expense of the
acquire more scope ; Government. Mexico
native composers were soon in evidence, who on the classical and abounds in beautiful mel supports an opera company all the year around.
wrote the most charming little waltzes, danzas, ody. However, this is perhaps characteristic The Grand Opera Company, which has just
and romanzas, light music abounding in of all Latin races. They love to sing, and into closed a remarkable season in Mexico, had
melody and rhythm, with not much depth, their music, whether it be gay or tragic, they to be changed from the Opera House to the
but through it all ran the sad, sweet strain pour all the intensity of their southern tem "Plaza de Toros ," the crowds were so great.
of the music of their forefathers . The perament. To the Anglo- Saxon (accustomed What do you think of a cast of 600 members
Mexicans are so musical that it is hard to by inheritance to moderation in all things, this accompanied nightly by an orchestra of 150
explain it to those who have not lived there. emotional expression sometimes seems over pieces and singing to an audience nightly of
There is hardly a family, no matter how poor, done ; but in tropical surroundings, with vivid 18,000 and over ? The Mexicans are en
which does not possess a mandolin or a guitar. skies, florid architecture, brilliant flowers and thusiastic in their appreciation of good music.
In the evening, after the peon's work is done, gay-colored clothes, it appears spontaneous They reward artists by throwing flowers ,
he will sit in his little " patio" (yard) and play and appropriate. jewels and money at their feet, but woe to
and sing. The better families all possess a piano To sit in the plaza of some quaint Mexican the one who does not rise to their high con
and one or more string instruments. Every town, on a starry, flower-perfumed evening, ception of what constitutes a good singer or
town, large or small, has its plaza with a pa is to realize the significance of impassioned instrumentalist. Mexico possesses the next to
vilion in the center, and an orchestra plays utterances. One's blood is fired by the en the greatestOpera House in the world, the
there every evening. In some of the larger trancing melodies which float from the orches other being in Paris .
towns this custom is followed during the tra in the central pavilion, and the groups Mexico has no particular school of music,
afternoons also. of gaily dressed people are a delight to the but is fast developing one. Democracy is the
In this respect, Mexico is far more advanced eye. The "serenade" is one of the most mother of free and beautiful expression, and
than our country. For here, it is only since romantic customs in Mexico, and was intro by establishing ideals of democracy, Mexico is
the recent propaganda of community music. duced by the early Spaniards. It is indescrib bound to develop all the characteristics neces
that we have tried to support bands and able, the feeling one experiences to be awak sary to establish an individual type of her own.


Speaking of matches, by the way, it is within

Seen in a Mexican Plaza the memory of people still living that such
things were not known, and the old-fashioned
A Summer's Idyll of an Idle Summer flint and steel were the sole dependence for
starting a fire . The story is told that when
BY GEORGE F. WEEKS matches were first imported an enterprising
IX storekeeper laid in a supply and endeavored
to introduce them to his customers . One
The Interesting Process of Manufacturing tity congealed and remained adhering to the day an old chap from a ranch some 20 or
Candles ▼ wick. After many operations of this kind the 25 miles distant dropped in and the dealer
ETWEEN the house of "El Gringo" tallow began to assume something of the pro produced some of the wonderful novelties.
-that ancient structure in which he portions of a candle, but it required hours He emphasized the ease with which a light
B never went to sleep without picturing of patient toil, and continuous turning and could be obtained in comparison with the slow
in his mind the heroic fight put up in the ladling and pouring, before a candle of proper process of flint and steel, and as an illustra
size was at last produced. These were not tion casually scratched a match on the leg of
very room in which he slept, between four
symmetrical in shape, as when cast in a mold, his trousers, saying : "See how easily you can
brave patriots intrenched therein and upward
but when completed were about the diameter get a light with one of these matches !" But
of 200 enemies, howling on the outside for
of an ordinary lead pencil at the top, gradually the ranchero demurred and could not be per
their blood and his private settee in the shade
increasing in size until at the lower end they suaded. "You say it will save time ? Not so !
of the chinaberry tree, were several places of
were an inch or so in thickness. The melted How could I come to town and have you make
business of one kind and another. Among
tallow being hot when applied at the upper a light on your trousers leg every time I
these was one where the stranger often halted
to watch the industry therein carried on and extremity of the candle, ran rapidly down wanted a fire ? No, no ; I will use my flint
ward, but cooled quickly in the process, thus and steel !"
to exchange a few words of greeting with the
genial, gray-haired man who constituted in causing the candle to become much thicker at
his own person the proprietor, manager, fore the base than at the top. After the candles A Novel but Enjoyable Bath in a Bottom
had attained a sufficient size they were de less Pit
man and entire working force of a candle
manufactory. In his younger days in a pio tached from the hoop, the base was cut off
"Let us go for a bath !"
neer community it had been one of “El squarely with a sharp knife, and then they
To "El Gringo," sitting in the shade of the
Gringo's" "chores" to assist in the preparation were ready for sale in the market. As these
chinaberry tree in the plaza at Cuatro Ciene
of the battery of tin' molds, the tying of the brought a very low price by comparison with
gas, came two friends with this proposal.
wicks to the wooden cross pieces, and the the imported articles made of paraffin or other Now, an invitation of that kind may seem
pouring of the melted tallow, by which slow substances, it was very plain to me that the a trifle odd and mystifying to the stranger.
and laborious process candles were evolved— pathway to wealth followed so earnestly by
Asking an acquaintance to "take a drink" or
the only means of illumination known at that this gray-haired manager-proprietor - foreman "have a smoke" is common enough in any
working force would be a very long one. It
time, which was before the "invention" of portion of the world, but to invite one to take
petroleum as an illuminant. is possible that he may have realized a profit a bath might seem to open the way to some
But this Cuatro Cienegas candle manufac of as much as a dollar daily, but of this I invidious comment, or possibly it might even
have serious doubts, as the entire output of
tory was of a different type. A great empty be resented ! Especially if a bath really were
room , perhaps 20 or 24 feet square, opened the factory for a day could have been easily needed !
off the street with a wide double door. With carried away in a man's arms. Many weary
Not so in Cuatro Cienegas, as will be seen !
hours were required in order to produce a
the exceptions to be described, it was entirely It is getting late in the fall. The torrid
without furniture or appliances of any kind. single batch of candles, but the jolly manu
heat of the summer sun is tempered by the
Into a massive beam overhead at a spot in facturer never seemed to tire of his task, while
delightful breezes that blow up and down the
the exact center of the high ceiling, was fas his friends happened along with regularity and
valley-in one uniform direction by day and
halted for a bit of gossip or to smoke a ciga
tened an iron swivel hook which turned freely in the opposite course after nightfall. The
in any direction. From this hook several rette with him, thus helping the time to pass .
delicious grapes and other fruits produced
heavy cords made of ixtli fiber spread in cone Something About Matches here in abundance are at their best and we
shaped fashion and were attached to a great Of cognate character was a match manu revel in them day after day. Such juicy fruit
wooden hoop that completely filled the room, factory. Mexican-made matches, as most peo of the vine, such luscious figs, such pears and
with the exception , of course, of the corners. ple are perhaps not aware, are an entirely plums and peaches, and what not ! A few
This hoop was suspended in an exactly hori different thing from the ordinary match of the leaves are falling-but only a few. In a land
zontal position at a height of about four feet rest of the world. The average Mexican where comes not either frost or hail or snow,
above the floor, and a single motion of the match is an inch to an inch and a quarter and only on rare occasions any rain- or if it
hand could send it spinning around and around in length . It is made with a cotton cord does it is so gentle as not to be unwelcome
until one became dizzy watching it, if he so coated with melted wax and is about one there are no sharp changes of the seasons.
wished. sixteenth of an inch in diameter. It is doubled They melt into one another so gradually that
At intervals of about six inches apart, headed, that is, has phosphorus at each end, the summer is past and gone, the harvest is
coarsely and loosely spun bits of cotton cord and every match may be used twice. One can over and done, autumn is in full tide, the
age were tied to the hoop, which was of very light a cigarette or a cigar, or start a fire, "winter" even comes, and we only know it by
light material, and hung down some 10 inches then extinguish the flame, return the match the calendar and by the advent of All Souls'
or thereabouts . On a box in one corner of to the box and preserve it for the next time. Day-Mexico's national Decoration Day-and
the room where the curve of the hoop left Being constituted as they are, these matches. by the coming of Noche Buena, or Christmas,
considerable space, the proprietor-manager can be used in the open air with much more later on.
foreman-working force sat. Just in front of assurance than the ordinary imported wooden It is a lovely, genial mid-October forenoon,
him was a brasero with a small charcoal fire match. They can be lighted and will remain and the invitation to a bath comes to willing
supporting an earthen vessel filled with melted burning in the face of a very strong wind, ears.
tallow. Any kind of animal fat answered the which with the other variety of match would But the reader must not be mistaken about
purpose. With a ladle in one hand, the candle be impossible. In the majority of factories it ! A bath here in the United States and one
maker turned the hoop a trifle with the other these matches are made by machines, but in in Cuatro Cienegas are vastly different things
until one of the dependent wicks was exactly small towns everything is done by hand. The from what one might suppose. About the only
over the tallow-filled vessel. Then he filled raw cotton is spun into threads and dozens similarity is that both are wet ! In other
the ladle and poured it on the upper end of of girls and boys are employed in the slow and respects it would be difficult to imagine any
the wick, allowing the liquid to run down into laborious work of molding and tipping the thing at greater variance from the rule in
the vessel, during which process a small quan matches. such matters.

First, we hustle about for towels, then start sents a most entrancing picture. Away down AMBROSE BIERCE
on a little journey of a dozen or so miles out deep in the center, many, many feet below the The friends of Ambrose Bierce, the well
into the barren valley, hiring a "coach" and surface, is a ragged crater-like opening through known American author and correspondent,
a couple of tough little mules for the occa which pours à constant supply of water from are very desirous of securing some definite
sion. "Machines" are an unknown quantity the depths below, whose extent can be gauged information regarding his present wherea
at this time and in this region . by the fact that through an open cut at one bouts, or his fate. Mr. Bierce had lived in
First we drive through the vineyard-covered side a ditch passes which is some six feet in California many years. He was an ardent
outskirts of the town, raising several coveys width and carries a flow two feet deep. sympathizer with the Madero revolution, and
of fat quail as we pass ; but we do not stop The bottom and sides of the pool are, as afterwards with the movement under President
for the tempting shot, as we are intent on stated, snow white in color. The substance Carranza against the traitor Huerta. He went
bathing and not on hunting. Then rapidly of which they are composed is smooth and to El Paso in the latter part of 1913, with the
through a belt of fertile farming land, and greasy to the touch, and upon examination is intention of joining the Constitutionalist forces.
then finally out into the unsettled valley prai found to consist largely of minute spiral shells , The last that was heard from him was in a
ries, where thousands of acres are covered many of microscopic dimensions . In some letter mailed at Chihuahua in October of that
with a snow-white efflorescence interspersed places the deposit has a beautiful light salmon
with "sinks" heavily encrusted with vari color of the most delicate hue. There is not
colored crystallizations. We cross the "Salon a particle of grit and the material may be
de las Brujas" -which, being interpreted, re used instead of soap, possessing remarkable
solves itself into "The Dancing Place of the detergent qualities. One plasters it liberally
Witches"-an appropriate designation, as will upon his entire body, and then plunges into
be explained. It being broad daylight, none of the hot water of the pool, the result being a
the "witches" are in evidence ! It is only after most satisfactory and beneficial bath. There
nightfall that they disport themselves ! Then, is only one drawback : one never knows when
across the solidly encrusted ice-like surface of to quit! The whole sensation is so agreeable
the salon, the brisk wind brings little twisting and so different from anything of the sort
columns of the loose white salts, which flit ever before encountered, that it is with reluc
hither and yon over the rolling valley surface tance you finally, after playing about in the
and require little enough imagination on the water for an hour or more, emerge, don your
part of the superstitious natives to become clothes and regretfully turn Cuatro Cienegas
endowed with supernatural and malicious life. ward.
Especially if the native be returning home While no analysis of this water has ever
after a day spent among the wine cellars or been made, so far at least as the writer knows ,
cantinas of Cuatro Cienegas and many "copi it has been demonstrated to possess curative
tas" have been absorbed of the heady but, it properties of value. The famous General
must be confessed, in many cases appetizingly Escobedo, one of Benito Juarez's most valiant
seductive products of the vineyards. and valuable aids in his revolutionary war,
Beyond the resort of the putative witches sought refuge at one time in this valley and
the road winds endlessly on and on toward the remained there for a considerable period . Be
distant purple hills, which do not seem to be ing afflicted with a severe attack of inflam
come one whit nearer even after an hour matory rheumatism, and hearing the fame
or two of steady jogging travel. Mesquite possessed among the natives by the pool, he
thickets line the road and give shelter to a established a camp on the bank of the basin.
frequent rabbit or a bunch of quail or some A rude stone hut (still standing, by the way, year, in which he stated that he was then
doves, while from some overflowed land in in a ruinous condition ) was thrown up, and sojourning at a point some eight or ten miles
the distance rise swarms of ducks and geese, a channel was excavated from the pool to the from the City of Chihuahua . He did not
which promise "good hunting" when the occa building, in order to conduct the water thither. specify the locality, however. Since that time
sion offers. Then out from the thickets we In the floor of the hut a deep basin was hol nothing has been heard from him, although
pass onto a level plain covered with coarse lowed out in the solid rock, and into this a many efforts have been made to secure some
clumps of sedge grass, through which we constant stream of the hot water passed. The definite information. The accompanying pho
wind our way until the bathing place is sufferer was accustomed to recline in this basin tograph was taken not long before he went to
reached. If it be the first visit of a stranger, for hours at a time, in fact the entire day Mexico and it is published in the hope that
it is an odd enough experience. If, however, being passed in this manner, thus soaking his some one may recognize it and send the infor
he be familiar with the wonderful natural pain-wracked body until it must have been mation which is so much desired by his multi
phenomenon that greets the eye, it still is of completely saturated. The result was that in tude of friends. If any one recognizing the
interest. One never tires of it. a few weeks the military leader was entirely portrait, or knowing anything of Mr. Bierce
Suddenly and without any sort of warning restored to health and was again able to take will communicate with the Mexican News
the coach halts on the brink of as strange and the field. Since that time the pool has been Bureau, 613 Riggs Bldg., Washington, D. C.,
wonderful a pool as can be imagined. All generally known as the "Baths of Escobedo," it will be a very great favor.
and the natives come from far and wide to
around is dry and barren, yet here is a circu
lar basin, some 150 feet in diameter, rounded lave in its waters, as well as to thoroughly President Carranza has directed that cotton
as if laid out by an engineer. The brown. cleanse anything of a textile nature that needs seed imported from the United States for
sedge grass hangs heavy over the brim, and renovation, with the least possibly outlay of planting in Mexico shall be admitted free of
time and labor. duty.
there is a straight drop of three or four feet
to the surface of the water. And that water ! And of such is the bath that "El Gringo"
was invited to enjoy by his friends in Cuatro Fernando Gonzalez Roa Cable Address
Blue it is as the sky! Blue as indigo ! And
Cienegas ! And did enjoy it many times ! B. Carbajal y Rosas "Golecar"
as the wind ruffles across its surface, if it be Adam Leckie
It is well worth traveling hundreds of miles !
a cool day, light clouds of vapor arise and are
borne hither and thither, for the water is hot Gonzalez Roa
-hot as blazes ! At the edges the pool is two THE MEXICAN REVIEW will be pleased to receive
communications from whatever source dealing with Carbajal & Leckie
or three feet in depth, but the bottom slopes ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
matters of interest to both Mexicans and Americans,
with the most perfect regularity at an angle and from those who desire to have the truth known
of about forty-five degrees to the center, and about Mexico. It is hoped that all who wish to aid Mexico, D. F.
in the removal of the widespread false impressions
it is snow white ! A pure dazzling white, concerning that country, and in placing it in its Washington Offices:
proper light before the world, will assist THE REVIEW Southern Building, Suite No. 822-830
which, with the deep blue of the water, pre in this important but difficult task.

have petitioned the authorities for the estab

Food Situation in Hand lishment of a market devoted solely to the
handling of sea products, in place of as at
Abundant Supplies of Corn and Other Products Being Received present being distributed among the various
public markets . Such an establishment would
Organization of the Department of Subsistence
be more sanitary than at present and it is also
expected that prices will be more uniform and
T is officially announced in the press of The Chamber of Agriculture of the Laguna also lower.
Mexico City that abundant supplies of region is securing large supplies of bisulphate
corn have been arranged for in the United of carbon for use in combatting the ravages of Large quantities of sugar are being for
warded from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec to
States and are now being received . Thirty the "gusano rosado," or pink caterpillar, that is
all portions of the Republic where that neces
six carloads crossed the border in one day attacking the cotton plantations. The chemical
sary is not produced , with the result that there
recently, while 140 carloads in addition were will be disposed of at cost to all planters .
Under instructions from the Director Gen has been a material lessening of the price. As
en route. The grain is sent to various locali
ties where it is most needed and is sold at as eral of Agriculture many thousands of vine with many other food articles, the difficulty is
near cost as possible. Additional funds have not so much any shortage of production as of
cuttings have been sent to the Laguna region
restriction of transportation.
been placed at the disposition of the Committee of Coahuila and Durango , and will there be
propagated, as that section is peculiarly Active measures have been taken by the
on Subsistence by the Government in order to
authorities of the State of Michoacan to pre
maintain the supply so long as it shall be adapted to the cultivation of grapes.
needed. serve the supplies of corn now existing, both
The lands reclaimed from Lake Texcoco, in
for food and for planting the new crop. All
The Secretary of Industry and Commerce the vicinity of Mexico City, are being planted
has organized a new bureau to be called the lands that are susceptible of cultivation and
with fruit trees where the soil is available, and
which are allowed to remain idle will be util
Department of Subsistence, which shall in fu with other varieties of growth where the pres
ence of superabundant salt makes the former ized under governmental auspices.
ture take charge of all matters pertaining to
One hundred thousand sacks of coffee have
the food supply. It will have the aid of the impossible of growth.
arrived at Puerto Mexico from the plantations
Chambers of Commerce throughout the Re Many applications have been received by the
of Chiapas and Oaxaca, and will be shipped
public and hopes to be able to equalize sup Secretary of Fomento for the allotment of
free lands in the State of Sonora to persons to the United States for transmission to Eu
plies in the future, and to cope with the
rope for the use of the Allies as soon as the
problem of there being abundant crops and a desiring to cultivate them, and a large addi
necessary vessels can be secured.
surplus in some portions of the Republic, while tion to crops is expected in consequence.
there are short crops and corresponding lack The Government of Cuba is taking steps to A cargo of flour from California has ar
rived at Manzanillo and will be trans-shipped
of grain in others, due to faulty methods of experiment with the cultivation of the guayule
distribution. The cultivation of a greater to points in the Territory of Lower California .
plant in that country, in order that it may
acreage in grain in those States which are best be added to the industries thereof. where it is most needed. It was purchased
adapted thereto is also to be stimulated. by Governor Esteban Cantu of that Territory.
A shipment of one thousand tons of sugar
The Governments of Chile, Colombia and was recently received at Salina Cruz from Large quantities of sugar are being shipped
from Cuba to Vera Cruz at an average cost
Venezuela are taking steps for a freer inter Peru by a foreign company, and has been
change of food supplies between those coun shipped to Mexico City, where there is a of six cents per pound in Cuban gold . Cen
tral American countries are also looking to
tries and Mexico , each producing many articles scarcity of the article.
Cuba for supplies .
that are required in the other. Commencing with February 1st, the expor
tation of various articles of food is prohibited,
such as lard, sugar, flour, pickles, canned
CULTURAL MACHINERY meats, preserves , etc. MEXICO
Ta recent session of the Council of Min Notice has been sent to the Governors of HE American Smelting and Refining
A isters in the City of Mexico, Secretary all the States of the Republic directing the TH Company has completed plans for the re
Alberto J. Pani, of the Department of Industry free transportation of food articles of prime opening of its smelters at Chihuahua and Velar
and Commerce, presented an important project, necessity to whatever section they may be deña, Mexico. Passports have been secured
with which the President has expressed him needed. and employes of the smelting concern are now
self in accord, for the remission of the import Four carloads of tractors for agricultural understood to be close to the Mexican border.
duties upon all classes of machinery for agri purposes recently passed the border at Laredo , The Chihuahua smelter is the largest owned
cultural purposes, with the object of stimu Texas, and were dispatched to Torreon , the by the company. It has been closed down en
lating such enterprises in all portions of the center of the Laguna cotton-growing district. tirely for some time, although three of the
Republic, to the end that sufficient grain and Fifty-seven carloads of corn were recently company's smelters have been in active opera
other food products may always be raised to shipped from the port of Manzanillo , on the tion .
meet the needs of the population. In pre west coast, into the interior of the country Officials of the smelting concern made their
where needed. arrangements with the State Department for
Revolutionary days, as well as at present, it
was necessary nearly every year to import The Municipal Presidents in conjunction resumption of Mexican activities some time
with the Governor of the State of Puebla have ago .
grain, beans , etc. , from abroad to supply the
demand. By allotting lands for cultivation to organized clubs for the provision of cereals , The American Smelting and Refining Com
those applying therefor, by stimulating the and have taken the necessary steps to remedy pany has declared the regular quarterly divi
utilization of idle lands, and by the free im any scarcity of food and also to encourage the dends of 1 % per cent on the common and
portation of machinery it is expected to elimi planting of sufficient acreage to supply the 134 per cent on the preferred stocks. Pre
nate any future necessity for importation of local demand, at the least. An appropriation ferred dividend is payable March 1st to stock
the prime food necessaries of subsistence. has been made of funds for the assistance of of record February 13th. Common dividend
agriculturists who may need aid in order to is payable March 15th to stock of record
Seven hundred and fifty thousand acres of proceed with their farm operations. February 26th.
agricultural land in the municipality of Casas The Government of Lower California pro
Grandes, State of Chihuahua, have been re poses to expend $50,000 in the acquisition of A special commission of engineers has been
turned to the National Government through wheat and flour, which will be sold to the appointed to make a careful and thorough ex
failure of the concessionaires to comply with needy at cost. amination of the railway lines in order to
the terms of their contract through which they The officials of Yucatan have obtained large determine the damage caused by the revolution
had obtained control of the land at a ridicu quantities of sugar which is sold to the public as well as that due to the lapse of time. The
lously inadequate price. It will probably be at prices much lower than those demanded by system of valuation employed in this country
subdivided and allotted to people who wish to the dealers and which are exorbitant. will be followed in determining the value of
cultivate small tracts thereof. The fresh-fish dealers of the city of Mexico the various lines.

under the management of a special represen

For the Public Benefit tative of the Department of Fine Arts and
it is believed will become a notable feature in
this direction .
Many Steps Taken for the Advancement of the
At a recent session of the State Congress
Interests of the People and the Country of Michoacan provision was made for the
establishment and maintenance of a total of
HE Secretary of Industry and Com municipalities have been instructed to install 500 schools, as follows : High schools, 11 ;
merce announces that permanent ex local boards which shall be instructed by the mixed high schools, 4 ; elementary schools,
T hibits of Mexican natural and manu National Board as to the measures to be 482 ; night schools, 6 ; kindergarten, 1 ; re
factured products are to be established by followed by them. gional schools, 6.
his department in the following cities under The National Biological Bureau has under Petitions have been presented to the Na
supervision of the consulates in those places : taken the establishment of laboratories for the tional Agrarian Commission for an allotment
Bordeaux, Barcelona, Tokio, Copenhagen, production of yeast in order to supply bakers of lands upon which to establish military col
Gothenburg, Havana, San Salvador, San with this essential made under proper scientific onies in the State of Chihuahua. One locality
Marcos, Santander, Marseilles, Stockholm, and sanitary regulations. has been chosen a short distance north of the
Hamburg, Santiago de Chile, Cienfuegos, The project for the construction of a wagon city of Chihuahua, and another at Temosachic,
Paris, New York, New Orleans, St. Louis, and automobile road from Mexico City to in the District of Guerrero. The project has
San Francisco . Juarez is being enthusiastically promoted by been received favorably.
The preliminary work has been accomplished every locality affected throughout the entire The Chamber of Commerce of the city of
for securing an elaborate statistical report distance. Puebla has established a commercial academy,
upon the national wealth. All of the indus Owing to the efforts of the National Health in which instruction will be given in accounts,
tries of the country will be represented, and Department the customary prevalence of shorthand and typewriting, as well as in social
every class of data will be secured and pub typhus fever in the winter months has been and political economy, history, geography and
lished that deals with any feature of the reduced to a minimum and but few cases have other branches of importance in the commerKO
question. This is the first determined effort been reported . cial world. Both day and night classes will
for a comprehensive collation of data that has A contract has been let for the cutting of a be conducted .
ever been made. canal connecting the Panuco and Tuxpam There are nearly one hundred and seventy
Employes of the National Artillery shops rivers, in the State of Vera Cruz, for the "jitneys" in service in Mexico City and con
have devised and are now constructing cannon better accommodation of the oil traffic in that necting with various suburban points. Many
new in design and claimed to be superior in region. are of large size and carry from twelve to
many respects to those now in use abroad . twenty passengers each. A tax of 5 per cent
The Governor of the State of Jalisco has
They are said to be lighter in weight, but issued instructions for the rigid enforcement of the total receipts is collected by the Federal
to possess superior range and other essential of the laws governing the sale of alcoholic Government from the proprietors of these
qualities. The details of the invention are of vehicles.
beverages and the collection of the new taxes
course kept secret, but a public trial and imposed. A large amount of valuable church property
demonstration will be made as soon as pos It is officially announced that work will be belonging to the National Government has
sible. been discovered hidden in two railway cars.
commenced within a short time upon the ex
The sum of one hundred thousand pesos which were about to cross the border into the
tension of the railway from Cuatro Cienegas
gold has been appropriated for the reconstruc to Sierra Mojada, in the State of Coahuila. A United States. The property will be deposited
tion of the port works at Manzanillo which in the National Museum and the parties vio
very rich mineral territory will thus be opened
were wantonly damaged by the Huertista lating the law will be prosecuted .
for profitable development, and in which there
forces when they were driven from that place
is a great variety of valuable deposits. A society for the study of biology has been
by the Constitutionalists in 1914. Work will established in the city of Mexico with a num
A petition signed by many prominent citizens
be commenced at once, as the commerce of
has been presented to the City Council of ber of prominent students, much interest being
the port has been greatly injured by the ab
Mexico, asking that the exhibition of moving taken in the matter. It is proposed to inaugu
sence of such facilities.
picture films representing robberies, assaults rate a zoological park and acclimatization
A new regulation has been adopted in
and other crimes be forbidden, on account of garden in the suburbs of the city for the
Mexico City by which vehicles are permitted
their deleterious influence upon public morals. purpose of carrying on experiments.
on certain of the principal streets moving in
It is announced in the Mexico City press Although the Constitutionalist Railways are
one direction only, that being the same one
in which the street cars move. In the center that Roberto V. Pesqueira, the financial agent transporting from 250 to 300 carloads daily of
of the city only one track is allowed on each of the Mexican Government at El Paso, has coal and coke from the coal region of the
recently secured the suppression of a moving State of Coahuila, two to three times as many
street and the cars move in but one direction,
picture film that was libelous of Mexico and can be supplied. The mines are all in full
going to the central point by one thoroughfare
was calculated to provoke discord and ill feel operation and are working day and night. The
and returning by another.
ing between the two countries . The suppres zinc, silver and other mines of that region are
It is announced that the Department of In
sion was ordered through the State Depart also producing largely and require the fullest
dustry and Commerce is proceeding actively
ment of the United States. services of the railways.
with the work of compiling an industrial
census of the Republic, and that a large The Department of Agriculture has been
amount of data has already been received in asked to appoint delegates to the agricultural
congress to be held at Kansas City, Mo., in The exports of petroleum from Tampico
connection with the work. It will be the most
October next, and has given its consent and Tuxpam for two months prior to Novem
complete report of the kind ever published .
thereto . ber 1st, amounted to six millions of barrels,
A Mexican mariner has invented a new type
The representatives of one hundred colored upon which the duties were in round figures
of submarine for use in warfare which is said
half a million dollars in the equivalent of
to possess many novel features. A special families in Texas has petitioned the Depart
American gold.
commission has been appointed to examine it , ment of Fomento for assistance in establishing
and if found feasible the Government will a colony in some portion of the country where
undertake their construction at the arsenal in they can engage in the production of cotton, The Department of Agriculture has shipped
Vera Cruz, where there are all the • facilities corn and other familiar crops . A careful
quantities of seeds of the guayule plant (the
needed for such purposes. study is being made of the proposition. rubber yielding desert growth) to Lower
The health regulation of the entire Republic A museum of natural history was recently California, with the object of making that
has been placed under the control of the opened in the city of Aguascalientes with ap region a center of production, the soil and
National Health Department, and the heads of propriate ceremonies and festivities . It is climate being adapted to the plant.



Agricultural Progress
Many Union Representatives Declare Against
Wholesale Planting of Corn and Other Crops Being Encouraged Participation in Politics- Arbitration
and Conciliation
by the Government-Sinking Artesian Wells
Ta recent meeting of the Boards of
HE special agent in charge of the profitable industry, for which Mexico is well A Directors of the Syndicates, Unions
agencies of agricultural information in adapted in every respect. and labor organizations representing over
TSonora reports that a careful study is The arrival and immediate use of a number 35,000 workingmen,
it was decided to retire
being made by him of the best methods for of tractors and other modern agricultural ma entirely from political effort and to confine
the cultivation of the garbanza or chick pea, chinery is noted in the news reports from their attention exclusively to the reorgan
also combatting the insect enemies of the Torreon, the metropolis of the Laguna district. ization of the unions and other bodies . It is
cotton plant. Under this agent's care, Arbor The sugar growers of Sinaloa have har stated that while paying attention to political
Day was celebrated on February 5th and many vested abundant crops this season and are now matters without result, the real interests of
trees were planted. Assistance is also being seeking to exchange their surplus for other the laboring classes have suffered, and that in
rendered to the farmers in the Mayo region articles not produced so abundantly in that future these will have the first claim upon
to bring their lands again into a productive region. their efforts .
condition after the ravages of the Revolution. The National Agrarian Commission has
A large amount of cotton seed has been sup The School of Engineers , Mechanics and
recommended the return of various commu Electricians in Mexico City is to be reor
plied by the Government to farmers in the nity lands in the States of Campeche, Guana
State of Nuevo Leon in order to encourage ganized upon a practical basis. Heretofore
juato, Hidalgo, and Michoacan. graduates have been provided with theoretical
them in the cultivation of the staple at a dis
A special commission has been appointed knowledge, but none of a practical character ,
tance from those localities, where insect ene under direction of Secretary Rouaix of the
mies of the cotton plant have been committing and this is to be remedied. Both night and
Department of Fomento for the purpose of day sessions will be held and graduates will
ravages. The Nuevo Leon farmers will also investigating various concessions granted
be supplied with other seeds and with tractors not be sent out until they have demonstrated
under the Diaz régime, for the purpose of
for cultivating their farms. their mastery of the especial branch which
ascertaining if their terms have been fulfilled . they have studied.
A company has been formed in the State of If not, the lands will revert to the Govern
Jalisco which will plant seven hundred and A large number of laborers have been em
ment. An especial instance is that of a grant
fifty thousand acres in wheat and corn. The ployed by the Department of Agriculture in
of five thousand hectares (one and a quarter
Chamber of Commerce and the State Govern the exploitation of the resources of the State
million acres ) in the State of Chihuahua for
ment are rendering all aid in their power, and alleged colonization purposes . of Quintana Roo , more especially the rubber,
enough grain will be produced to not only chicle and other gums and resins. Their com
No less than ten different petitions have been
supply the population of the State, but to as pensation has been established at the equiva
presented to the Agrarian Commission of the
sure a large surplus for other less favored State of Puebla for the setting apart of lands lent of $1.50 daily in gold.
regions. for the establishment of pueblos, or communi The Mutual Association of Mercantile Em
An expert in the Department of Biological ties. A large number of similar petitions have ployes of the city of Chihuahua has established
Survey announces the discovery of a plant already been granted in that State, as well as an academy where shorthand, typewriting,
called “Cebadilla," the seeds of which produce the restoration of former community lands to music and other branches will be taught for
asphyxiating gases such as are being used in their rightful owners . the benefit of those desiring to perfect them
the present European war. Analysis shows A project is under consideration by the selves in their vocations.
they contain an alkaloid named "veratrina,'19 Department of Fomento for the appointment A plan for the establishment of Municipal
which has the capacity of crystallization . of competent experts who shall undertake the Arbitration Commissions has been prepared in
There are five varieties of the plant in the instruction of those to whom are allotted un the State of Aguascalientes and presented to
country. used lands for cultivation , and who shall the State Congress for discussion and adop
A systematic effort has been commenced for supply them with the needed facilities for that tion. The mining industry will be the principal
the introduction of the silk industry into the purpose. one affected .
Republic. A shipment of silkworm eggs has Experiments made in the Bajio and in other The Workingmen's Congress of the State of
been received from France and they will be wheat-growing sections of the north with a Yucatan, which has already held several inter
carefully tended until they mature. In this new variety of grain, known as "mountain esting sessions in the city of Merida, was
connection it is reported that an entirely new wheat," and having its origin in Spain, have opened on January 6th and will continue in
source of silk has recently been discovered in shown that no less than three crops thereof session for an extended period .
the State of Puebla. can be harvested in a single year. The first
Under the direction of the Director General The Congress of the State of Mexico has
crop is harvested in March, the second in
of Agriculture machinery will be acquired by August, and the third at the close of the year. approved the law of conciliation and arbitra
tion for the settlement of all labor disputes
the Department for the purpose of sinking While the quality may not be so high as that
artesian wells in various portions of the Re which was offered by Governor Agustin
of some of the better classes of grain, the
public where necessary. This work will be superabundant yield more than compensates Millan some time ago.
done by Government employes, but where it therefor. The employes of the street-car system of
is desired private parties will be permitted to Viticulture upon an extensive scale is to be Mexico City, numbering several thousands,
rent the apparatus at a moderate outlay. established in the State of Hidalgo, in certain have organized a co-operative society for the
The Infantile League of Agriculture is the localities where the soil and climate are purpose of obtaining regular supplies of the
name bestowed upon an extensive organization adapted thereto . Quantities of cuttings are necessaries of life at lower rates than are
of school pupils who propose to devote their being brought from other sections and the demanded by dealers. They have taken up
spare hours and vacation periods to the culti work will be prosecuted under governmental the matter with enthusiasm and it is believed
vation of the soil under competent instructors. auspices. that success will attend the effort.
The parent organization has its headquarters The Botanical Section of the Department of The Governor of the Federal District has
in Mexico City. Agriculture is experimenting with a variety of nominated members of the Commission of
The Director General of Agriculture has new plants from various portions of the world Conciliation and Arbitration from the various
issued a call to all persons interested in the which it is believed will prove of value in commercial and manufacturing houses to act
adoption of sericulture on an extended scale to Mexico by adding to the available food supply in conjunction with representatives of the
join the classes that are to be established for and which are adaptable to the peculiar cli workingmen and the Government in settling
the purpose of giving expert instruction in this matic conditions. I labor disputes .


Mining and Petroleum

Treasury Receipts and Disbursements— Con
Facts Showing Prosperity of Many of the Leading stant Improvement Noted in Many
Concerns Engaged in Business in Mexico
N January 12th the Treasury Depart
NDER the direction of the Secretary Republic and in which operations were con O'N ment issued a statement showing the
of Commerce and Industry a compila ducted with slight interruption throughout the receipts and disbursements of the National
Ution has been made of the data regardC entire Revolution and are still so conducted ) , Treasury during the months of July and
ing the production of gold, silver and lead has opened an establishment for the sale of August last year. On July 1st there was a
throughout the Republic for the thirty- six food and clothing at prices far less than those cash balance in the Treasury of $3,896,644.24.
years from 1877 to 1913 , and will be brought that obtain in the markets. It is stated that The receipts from various sources brought the
down to date as soon as is possible by the they are able to cover the cost of purchase total up to $51,026,882.22 . During the two
bureau entrusted with the gathering of statis and distribution and maintain rates 50 per cent months named the disbursements were $46,
tics concerning all the industries of the nation . lower than those demanded by dealers . The 929,099.01 , while on the 31st of August there
During the thirty- six years under consideration general public as well as the mine employes was a balance of $4,097,783.21 on hand.
there has been a grand total production of the are allowed to take advantage of this enter A great scarcity is noted in financial circles
four classes of metals named of $3,000,000,000. prise. of the three per cent consolidated national
Of gold there has been produced 424,861 A special commission of engineers has been bonds. These bonds are required as deposits
kilograms ( 934,694 pounds ) , of the value of appointed in the Tampico oil region for the in many transactions to which the Government
$556,480,093.42. purpose of devising some plan for the sys is a part, such as granting concessions of vari
Of silver there has been produced 51,713,424 tematic development of the extensive Federal ous characters, and applicants find it increas
kilograms ( 113,769,533 pounds ) , with a value zones in that section that are known to possess ingly difficult to secure the amounts needed
of $2,059,161,134.72 . valuable deposits of petroleum. It is expected by them, holders not caring to part with these
Of copper there has been produced 700,000,- that a large addition will be made to the reve evidences of the nation's debt.
000 kilograms ( 1,540,000,000 pounds ) , with a nue of the National Government through the The work of retiring and incinerating the
value of $284,445,821.54 . leasing of these lands. paper issues of the various banks is progress
Of lead there has been produced 1,574,549,204 That Mexico is entering upon a long period ing rapidly and many millions have been dis
kilograms ( 3,464,008,249 pounds ) , with a value of prosperity is announced by the press, based posed of in this manner. Very little is now
of $84,382,704.98. upon the enormous demand for copper, silver, left of the different national paper issues, all
The lowest production of gold was in 1885 , and other metals produced in that country . but a limited amount having been called in
the total being only 974 kilograms (2143 Mining is undergoing a revival in every direc and destroyed.
pounds ) , with a value of $1,298,988.75 . The tion and properties that had been idle because The transactions recorded in the office of
gold production was the largest in 1911-12, of the small percentage of metal in the ores Public Registration of Property and Com
when it reached 36,415 kilograms ( 80,113 are now being worked at a profit, owing to merce in the city of Mexico for the year just
pounds ) , with a value of some $50,000,000 . the increased prices. closed amounted to a grand total of $ 114,091 ,P
In 1877 silver production only reached Preparations are being made for the estab 603. The collections by the Government upon
607,036 kilograms ( 1,335,279 pounds ) , with a lishment of a permanent Agricultural and these transactions were $ 127,661 for taxes ,
value of about $25,000,000 . In 1911-12 the Mining Congress in the city of Monterrey, searching of titles, certificates , etc.
production reached 2,500,000 kilograms ( 5,500, capital of the State of Nuevo Leon , for the The estimates of the Postoffice Department
000 pounds ) . purpose of handling the many important ques for the year 1918 amount to $6,539,667.20, 7
In 1911-12 copper reached the total of nearly tions affecting those engaged in these indus which is $700,000 more than for the year 1912
60,000,000 kilograms ( 132,000,000 pounds ) , tries in Northern Mexico . 1913. The increase will be devoted to addi
while in 1897-98 the production was only Under the direction of Secretary Pani, of tional compensation for the minor employes
11,298,907 kilograms (24,857,795 pounds ) . the Department of Industry and Commerce, of the department, such as messengers, car
In 1896-97 the production of lead reached it is proposed to develop certain extensive de riers, laborers, etc.
55,000,000 kilograms ( 121,000,000 pounds ) . posits of coal on the Rio Grande in the State For the month of January the Constitution
while in 1909-10 it reached 125,299,318 kilo of Nuevo Leon , the town of Columbia being alist Railways paid into the National Treasury
grams ( 275,658,499 pounds ) . the center thereof. A branch railway will be the sum of $750,000 , the balance after all oper
Taking the average of the thirty-six years. constructed from the main line of the Na ating expenses, salaries, etc., were paid.
for which statistics are given, and there should tional system, and as the quality of the coal Senator Francisco M. Gonzales , who has
be added for the four years 1914-15-16-17, at is high, it is expected there will be an active been occupying the post of National Treas
least $333,333,333, although the total will prob demand therefor and an important industry urer, has recently been appointed to the new f
ably bring the production from 1877 to and be thus created. position of Controller, a special bureau having
including 1917 up to at least $3,500,000,000 . Official reports state that the production of been created for that purpose.
( NOTE. The values as given are in Mexican copper in Lower California has in the last Under the authorization of the Secretary of
gold, the equivalent in American gold being years reached an average of eleven thousand the Treasury and the control of the Monetary
one-half, or a grand total for the forty years tons annually. A large share of it is produced Commission, $6,000,000 in silver coins has been
of at least $ 1,750,000,000. ) at Santa Rosalia, a port on the eastern shore sent to New York for exchange in gold bullion ,
During the month of January seventy new of the peninsula, where there is a population which will be coined into Mexican denomina
mining denunciations were received and titles of between ten and eleven thousand, all en tions.
issued by the Department of Industry and gaged in copper mining for a single concern. Notwithstanding the decrease in oceanic
Commerce. Of these, 38 were for gold and The settlement is provided with all modern traffic at Vera Cruz, owing to the reduction
silver deposits, eight of silver and lead, eight improvements, including electric lights, schools, in the number of steamers calling there
of silver and copper, four of lead and zinc, hospital, etc. monthly, the average amount turned into the
one each of bismuth and antimony, and the The demand for sulphur owing to the war National Treasury for each of the past three
others of various minerals. Half of these lo has been so greatly stimulated that the Gov months has been $1,200,000 .
cations were in the State of Sonora, the others ernment is investigating the various sources of
being in Chihuahua, Zacatecas, Nuevo Leon, supply with a view to their development. The The exportation of petroleum from the
Durango , Nayarit, Sinaloa , Guanajuato, Coa States of San Luis Potosi, Coahuila, Durango , Tampico district for the month of January was
huila and Michoacan. Chiapas and Guerrero , as well as the southern much greater than for the previous months.
Under permission of the State Government, district of Lower California, possess deposits The only limit is the amount of tonnage avail
one of the largest mining companies in of this material which it is believed will repay able, which is not sufficient to meet the de
Pachuca (the leading silver camp of the development. mands of purchasers.

The interventionists flashed over America

Misunderstood Mexico a tale that he was going to Japan to buy arms
and ammunition for Mexico , to sell Clipperton
A Missionary Society Makes a Plea on Behalf of Island, Mexican land, to Japan for a naval
base, and to negotiate offensive and defensive
the Next-Door Neighbor of the United States treaties.
I boarded the Anyo Maru and talked with
EAUTIFUL, wonderful old Mexico , hay stack. "Villa dead or alive" was the Burns. I have known him for years and am
our nearest foreign mission field, which slogan ! Our small missionary army, feeble as confident I got the real story.
B is separated from the United States by we are in Mexico , could eliminate every bandit Juan Burns is going to Japan to act as
nothing but an imaginary line 2000 miles long, in a decade on half the expenditure of money consul general to Kobe or Nagasaki . He is
the Rio Grande, and prejudice. A fascinating and men, and we could take all the bandits on no diplomatic mission. He seeks no mu
country and people under our very noses, but alive too.- Bulletin of Board of Foreign Mis nitions and he will not talk of trading Mex
as little known and understood by the average sions. ican land to Japan.
American as is the country of the Grand Lama Later I verified the story by talking with
( Tibet) . Do you realize that Mexicans are Consul General Ramon de Negri at San Fran
Americans like ourselves, and North Amer MEXICAN-JAPANESE BUGABOO cisco. There had been no time for Burns and
icans at that? de Negri to exchange tips. The consul's story
In order properly to understand Mexico one A Former Officer in the Revolutionary Forces tallied in every way with that of Burns.
must more than cross the imaginary line or And- anybody who knows Mexico knows
Punctures Some Popular Myths Inculcated
the river. Your prejudice will take to its legs few Mexicans would consent to any nation
by the Interventionist Press When resident
when you get into the heart of Mexico and getting a foothold there .
the soul of the Mexican people. But you must BY CAPTAIN JACK T. NEVILLE Japanese sought to enter the Mexican army,
go farther than Tia Juana or New Laredo , their offer was refused by President Carranza.
Nogales or Ciudad Juarez, to see the real HAT about the Mexican -Japanese Clipperton Island, according to the interven
Mexico or the real Mexican. There are too Wbugaboo, always hanging about in the tionists' scare, bears the same strategic relation
many long American race courses, too much offing as menacing as a ghostly submarine to the Panama Canal as Heligoland bears to
bad United States whiskey, too numerous ter and just now out in front, with the wind Keil. Well, as a matter of fact, Clipperton
rible gambling holes and other dens of iniquity, in its teeth and going strong, as the result Island is 2400 miles from the canal. On an
too many vices and too few virtues in the of the report by the American interventionist air line Boston , Mass. , is 75 miles closer. A
border towns to see Mexico or Mexicans at press of a Japanese deal for Clipperton Island, U. S. fleet could start from Hampton Roads
their best. off Panama, as a naval base threatening the at the same time a Japanese fleet started from
Mexico is a huge everything in physical and canal? Clipperton , and the Americans could sail
general characteristics. All kinds of climate, Are Japan and Mexico negotiating secret through the canal and meet the Japanese al
all kinds of products, all kinds of scenery, and treaties ? Is Japan to supply Mexico with most 500 miles from its western mouth.
all kinds of people. These varieties depend munitions ? Is Japan to acquire through Literally, Japan has long been a sort of St.
upon latitude, longitude and altitude. Chilpan Mexico a foothold on our side of the Pacific ? Helena for Mexico . Huerta ordered Felix
cingo and Chihuahua are as different as El In a word- are Mexico and Japan plotting Diaz there when he became too powerful in
Paso and New York. A Guerrero Indian and to sandbag Uncle Sam from the rear while he Mexico . There is little for a Mexican official
a Mexican City gentleman are as much alike has his fists turned toward Germany? to do in Japan, but it keeps him out of mis
as a Bostonian and a Texan cowboy. The If they are, Americans ought to know about chief at home. In the entire history of Mexico ,
Yucatecos and Tabasqueñians are a species by it. And if they are not, then these rumors Japan has been useful to the Mexicans only
themselves, just as native Californians and ought to be chloroformed, because they dis in that way.
Yankees are different. We must not general tract our attention from the main job in hand My conclusions are :
ize in regard to Mexico from too few par -whipping the Kaiser. Perhaps Japan would like a foothold in
ticulars. In probing this condition I investigated for Mexico some day, but she knows better than
Any one who understands the land and the the Daily International : to try for it now.
people at all must confess that Mexico has General Obregon's recent stay in San Fran Uncle Sam would tolerate no Japanese base
been crushed,, oppressed and miserably treated cisco and rumors of frequent conferences on this side of the Pacific, but Clipperton
since the days of Cortez. Spain, France and with Mexican and Japanese officials. would make a poor one.
the United States of America have each given Reports of a coming Cantu republic in Japan is satisfied for the present with the
her a whack in his own brutal way and for his Lower California, which might embroil the Lansing-Ishii pact, which means that we stay
own ungodly gains. Soldiers of fortune of United States and Mexico . away from China and the Japs stay away from
many nations have gone to Mexico to exploit And- most thrilling of all-the so-called the western hemisphere .
her for their own selfish ends, taking all they Burns secret mission to swap Clipperton Island England would not permit Japanese expan
could get, and giving, or leaving, little in re to Japan for war munitions and money. sion in American waters.
turn. They have not even left an impress of And I found- lots of smoke and no fire. We've got just one job now-to beat the
good manners or good morals or pleasant During the recent turbulent years in Mexico Kaiser. If we do that we will not have to
memories . Japan has been the club held over Uncle Sam's fight anybody else. So let's not permit Mexi
Not long ago, Mexico was nearly as large head by Mexican factions and American inter can-Japanese bugaboo to divide our attention
as the United States. Little by little (the ventionists alike. or energies.-Douglas (Ariz. ) International.
Mexicans say poco a poco ) slices have been When a Mexican sails for Japan he is, in
carved off. California and Texas, Colorado the interventionist press, a secret emissary to 4
and Utah, Nevada and Oklahoma, New Mex negotiate secret treaties .
ico and Arizona, and once upon a time, quite Mexico is always just about to sell or lease Preparations are being made to take a cen
a chunk of Wyoming and Kansas belonged to Magdalena Bay to Japan in return for a treaty sus of the population of Mexico during the
Mexico. How very strange that Mexico should of offense and defense against the United coming year . The last one was in the cen
be at all suspicious when the United States States . tennial year of 1910, and showed a total popu
troops crossed the border, though Washington January 12 Juan Burns, former Mexican lation of over fifteen millions. The City of
tried to make it very clear that the expedition consul general to New York, sailed for Japan Mexico then had a total of 450,000 people,
was merely to run down a bandit who had aboard the Japanese liner Anyo Maru. Burns but it is believed that the coming census will
invaded United States territory. Dollars and was arrested some months ago in New York show upward of a million or more, and that
soldiers by the thousand per day were spent to for blocking the draft act. When he went the entire Federal District will have about
hunt for a little needle in a great big Mexican back to Mexico he jumped $ 10,000 bonds. 1,200,000 population against 520,000 in 1910.


pealed to finer natures, and that to bring his

Mexico Wants Highways beloved country up to the high notch to which
he aspired, the international highways must be
The Good Roads Association of Texas Invited to Join the continued into and through Mexico. His chief
Mexicans in the Construction of Connecting Routes ambition, he said, was to expedite the building
} of a creditable highway across Mexico, to
make easy and pleasant the travel of the
tourist and commercial transportation ; a sys
tem of highways and laterals to connect the
S far back as the twelfth century, when to log a route for a highway through Mexico, City of Mexico and all of Mexico with the
the Toltecs came to the country from connecting as it thus would the City of Mexico far-away North .
A the north, or as they said, Tullan, we and the country further south with Canada, It is a project that has been discussed in the
know that Mexico witnessed the materializa for the great international highways, the highway conventions on this side of the " Big
tion of the boosters' dream ; and roads were Meridian Road and the King of Trails, now River," but who ever thought that there was
being constructed , so that is no new condition reach from Winnipeg, Canada, to Laredo , a head with right thought on the other side ;
in Mexico ; so the road booster comes , not fo Texas, a distance of some 2000 miles ; and it who took time to think that there was a heart
"start something," but to rejuvenate the boost has often been the proud boast of our own beating in unison with ours ? In the language
ers of old, and re-create sentiment that never good-roads boosters that one-third of this dis of our kid brother, "What do you think about
should have been permitted to wane and almost tance is within the Texas limits- 628 miles ! that ?" We are going down into Mexico to
disappear. Mexico , land of dreams and teem Away back in boyhood days, when looking organize a series of Mexican Good Roads
ing with a superabundance of all that the across the vast valley of the Rio Grande and Associations , and shortly we will be singing a
tourist holds dear, is better entitled to all the gazing on the turbid waters thereof, we must new song, "When Colp Pulls Mexico Out of
privileges of highway conveniences than any ; freely confess the mind would dwell long and the Mud." For what Colp, the Apostle of
and why not join hands in the most worthy ardently on the myriad mysteries and the ad Good Roads, has done for Texas, he can do
enterprise ? And is there a better or more vantages and the adventures of the country for Mexico ; and who would not be a pioneer,
pleasing way to inaugurate the new and forget over there, at that time known as the refuge especially in the Good Roads game ? It's the
the old than via the modern highway ? Not and haven of the ever-present bad man. For sign of a "better man." For if the ambition
forget it, but remember it as part of the making it was there the bad man who went unhung is there to have good roads, a way will be
of Modern Mexico . Put it all in history- the hastened. But, ah, how times have changed found ; and our motto has ever been, "Good
Toltecs, the Aztecs , the Spaniards, the French, and are changing ! With the return of peace Roads Make Better Men ." And the Good
Montezuma, ་ Cortes, Quetzalcoatl, Grijalva, -sweet peace-Modern Mexico is a new Roads pioneer is already better.
Hidalgo , Calleja, Guerrero, Iturbide, Santa thought and a realization vastly different from The outcome is that if Mexico stays "good,"
Ana, Herrera, Cevallos , Alvarez, Comonfort, the old. The electric light, the telephone, and all indications point that way, the men
Zulvago, Robles, Juarez, Miramon , Almonte, modern hotels, etc., are all there ; and the key who logged the Meridian Road in Texas and
Maximilian, Tejeda, Porfirio Diaz-all people is a high-class highway. Will we go over other roads of note, will start at an early day
and men, who made up the great and glorious into Macedonia ? Surely we will, for the to log a direct highway from the City of
and oft-time bloody story of Mexico . Apostle of the Bible is not now a greater Mexico to Laredo, where they ceased their
Would that we could have room to tell it necessity than the Evangel of Good Roads. labors some time ago. We are going to put
in detail- rebellion and counter rebellion and For now the smile of peace is cast athwart the Meridian Road sign and the King of Trails
revolution. Fain would we pluck a page of the land across the Rio Grande, and who is sign all along the road, so that the denizens
that history and retell the story of Juarez and there that would not enlist in such a righteous of the North can with the more rapidity rush
Maximilian and the beautiful Carlota, whom cause and undertake such a goodly enterprise ? South to bask in a sunshine that nowhere is
the poet has so fittingly framed in song. We Eureka ! Eureka ! We will build a highway so blissful and fascinating as away down in
would even go back later and scan Cortes, and so that the tourists of the North may have Mexico . And there is more than sunshine
then even further back would we peer into the the advantage of the Playground of the and history in Mexico . There are all kinds of
past and see how the so-called primitive Tol World, for that's Mexico . And ever and anon game, big and little ; and the rivers are full
tecs plied their different trades and professions a pessimist whispers in our ear, "There's of fish ; and there's the scenic grandeur that
yonder in the seventh and twelfth centuries, nothing to it." But we strive with ways and is in a class by itself ; and then to the fellow
just as we do now in this day of 1918. Surely means to get there and do our level best ; who mixes business with pleasure, there are
it may be said of them, they builded wiser but again there comes that pessimistic flare unlimited chances- not bubbles and dreams of
than they planned, for the great structures of back, "There's nothing to it." curbstone real estate vendors, but opportuni
stone are there today, to remind us of the The stories of the past, of the great projects ties that are wealth-producing, the description.
brain and brawn of this Toltec age. There evolved and successfully consummated, ring of which would sound as a trifler's dream.
has always and ever been a religious people in our ears. So what is there in the pessi It is all there, and there is enough for you
that lived south of the Rio Grande, and there mistic prattle anyway? We will do the big and for me and the other fellow. That's
fore a matter of no little national pride, as job ! What is there to a bonehead pessimist, Mexico ; and we have not told a little of it,
well as cause for quest, are the numberless anyway? Did the great Luther harken to the for it would take volumes to describe it.
cathedrals to the humble country church voice of the Pest? Did Columbus stop long
houses that dot the face of the country so enough to listen to the Pest ? Did George
thickly as to ever invite undivided interest. Washington permit the Pest to delay the great The Department of Agriculture has secured
Every city in Mexico , just like the country in game of Freedom for the United States ? large supplies of a new species of hard wheat
known as "chiauixtle," which it will distribute
its different localities, is different ; + and so, Pessimist, thou art well named Pest ? Surely, for cultivation. This wheat possesses very
though the same come in long stretches, and surely, the Pest is a bonehead, and his knock large grains and matures in a brief period,
much thereof the table land, the prairie, and is ascribed to ignorance and maybe prejudice. making it especially adapted to the semi-arid
so on, there is a world of itself to be seen For is not much of the material advancement regions where the rainfall is frequently
in Mexico as nowhere else, and the man who even along the line of industrial enterprise
says otherwise is simply not a true witness. due to "local talent” ?
"We want you to come over into Mexico Was not this local talent ? It was just the Señor Zeferino Dominguez, the well known
other day that an official of the Carranza expert in the cultivation of corn, is making a
and lay off a direct highway from Laredo tour of the various States with a series of
to the City of Mexico , and if necessary we Government asked that the Road Loggers of films illustrating the various processes that
will give you a convoy of Carranza soldiers Texas come to Mexico, and it was a sincere should be followed in order to secure the best
to aid you in developing and promoting this and cordial invitation for road blazers to come results. Great interest is taken by the farm
ers in this direction, and the methods
very necessary road." Thus read the invita over. This same gentleman from Mexico said
described by Señor Dominguez will be ex
tion to D. E. Colp and G. A. MacNaughton , he recognized the fact that fine highways apS tensively adopted.

: 19

hoped will be the development of the extensive

resources that exist in this portion of the
Evaporating Bananas for Export Territory. It is therefore of great national
import ance that traffic be initiated and im
How Much of the Crop That Now Goes to Waste Could Be
proved between San Felipe and the west coast
Utilized for the Production of a Valuable Food
of the Mexican Republic . This port ( San
Felipe) offers an acceptable shelter for ship
HE growers of the Tabasco banana sell so difficult and costly to transport. In big ping, and with inexpensive improvements can
the greater part of their crop in bunches business, reduction of the cost of production be made most advantageous. The riches of
is of vital importance, and all circumstances this section could thereby find an easy outlet
Tof the fresh fruit picked from the tree
at a certain period in their ripeness . At this which favor the thing under consideration toward the other portions of the Republic , thus
stage the article is difficult to handle, for it should be taken advantage of. The banana establishing more intimate relations both as
will keep only a short time. Consequently its so prepared will be a hygienic, nutritious and regards material matters , and morally and
commerce is limited to markets a short dis palatable food. By its cheapness it will be socially as well.
within the reach of the humblest classes in "Along the coast of the Gulf of California
tance from its production or where transpor
tation is easy . the world. Tabasco has unlimited potential fish of fine quality abound, which would have
an assured market both in Mexico and in the
The bunches that are not accepted by the production of this precious article.
exporters, because of small size or some de At the end of the day's work the apparatus United States. Near San Felipe there exists
evaporated for steaming might be used for boiling and a salt deposit that is practically inexhaustible,
fect in quality, are prepared in
form . The water which they contain is evap cooking the waste materials. These, so pre while toward the south not far from San
orated by exposing them to the sun. They are pared, make a first-class food for chickens, Felipe is a zone of agricultural land that in
peeled or opened in a certain way and then turkeys, ducks and other domestic fowl, but vites capital and will become one of the fac
left to dry. As one may understand, the especially for fattening swine. The breeding tors of important production in the district.
process of evaporation of the banana by the of pigs might become a source of wealth for "About 35 or 40 kilometers to the northwest
sun has become a considerable home industry, Tabasco, along with the cultivation and prepa of San Felipe is the beautiful valley of the
yielding, however, very small profits. ration of the banana by the proper methods. Providence, with some 55 square kilometers of
The trade, which gathers together the evap Certainly the peel of the ripe fruit may be arable lands , irrigable to a greater part. Be
orated bananas with difficulty, sells at exag counted on cheaply enough for fattening valu tween Mexicali and San Felipe a mine of lead
gerated prices . These could be greatly reduced able animals, the products of which supply and silver is now being worked in the Sierra
if a capitalized company were to take charge a universal demand. of Las Pintas, where the formation shows
of the industry. Few planters have the ovens Thus an established or moving factory, be encouraging signs of extensive mineralization ,
necessary to prepare the evaporated banana . sides producing the exquisite food of the and it is believed other mines of greater im
In most cases the banana is peeled and then evaporated banana, will provide, at scarcely portanc e can be developed .
cut lengthwise several times. In exposing the any cost, materials for the fattening and "It is my belief that it is of great importance
fruit much precaution is necessary for pro breeding of all kinds of animals just as of to construct a railroad between Mexicali and
tecting it in the afternoon from the birds and domestic poultry. San Felipe. Governmental engineers have
insects. Otherwise these will devour the fruit. Tabasco, exploited in its natural productions , nearly completed the reconnoissance for this
A more lamentable condition for this indus will astonish the whole world by its richness railway, which should require some 200 kilo
try is hardly possible. Yet with its quantities and will bring precious prestige to the welfare meters of construction. When the surveys are
of bananas it should be strong, and should of all nations .—“El Universal.” completed I shall have the honor to submit
enrich beyond comprehension the vast regions them to your examination in order to secure
of Tabasco. Exceptionally favorable condi your approval and learn whether the general
tions exist in that State for indeterminate ALONG THE "SEA OF CORTEZ" Government is disposed to lend its valuable aid
production of bananas. Although fresh fruit , to this district by granting a concession that
would be favorable both to the National Gov
difficult to handle, can be transported in good Governor Cantu Reports Regarding a Journey
condition only short distances, the evaporated Down the Gulf of California to a ernment and to that of the Territory."
banana is easy to handle and, like evaporated Remote Section
dates and figs that make one of the great "OVERNOR ESTEBAN CANTU, of MEXICAN PETROLEUM
businesses of the world, last a long time. The COMPANY
GiLower California, recently made a trip
same thing can be accomplished with the evap
down the Colorado River and to a point on HE properties are valued on the general
orated banana.
the eastern shore of the peninsula of the T balance sheet at around $65,000,000—
Up to this time commerce has concerned
Territory several hundred miles from the which unquestionably is a conservative figure
itself with the entire fruit or with the fruit
mouth of the river. In his report to Pres in view of their character and extent. On the
merely halved. Undoubtedly it would be
ident Carranza regarding the journey, the basis of the last published annual report—that
wiser to reduce the fruit when ripe to pulp
Governor said : for the year 1916-the net assets applicable to
by adequate machinery capable of large pro
"I wish to inform you of an important in- the common stock amounted to $56,540,868, or
duction, and after rolling and cutting this
vestigating trip to the port of San Felipe, on $144 per share. The equities have been augk
dough or pulp in rectangles of the desired
the coast of the Sea of Cortez, recently organ mented since that time. The balance sheet
size and thickness again by machinery, which
ized and carried out with success. The expe showed total current assets of $8,496,000, in
already exists for rolling and dividing minutely
dition comprised a number of Federal func cluding $3,758,800 of oil stocks on hand,
a multitude of things in this manner, the evap tionaries, Territorial
employes, and business $600,000 in materials and supplies, $2,874,000
oration might be completed in special ovens. men from the Imperial Valley. Among the in accounts receivable, and $1,195,000 in cash
Thus might be obtained many tons of evapo number were Engineer Manuel Balarezo , chief in bank and on hand. The current liabilities
rated banana, perfectly prepared in tin cans , of the Agrarian Delegation of the Department amounted to only $2,482,000, so that net work
both light and impermeable for transportation of Fomento ; Engineer Heron Cabrera, com ing capital, based upon the difference between
to any part of the world. missioned by the Department of Industry and current assets and current liabilities, amounted
The cleaning and cutting of the banana , Commerce to make an investigation of the to above $6,000,000 .— Industrial and
reducing it to pulp and then cutting, evapo Federal concessions relative to the natural Age.
rating and packing it, might be done in products of this district ; also Colonel B. F.
lighters of various draughts which would navi Fly, editor of the Arizona Sentinel, of Yuma, The Mexico City press of November 3d,
gate the extensive rivers of Tabasco and con Arizona, a sincere sympathizer with Mexico published a lengthy list of places where the
nect with the planters at the moment when community lands had been restored to their
and who has always carried on in his paper
rightful owners, as also where new ones had
the fruit becomes ripe. By such methods an active campaign in favor of our country. been established for the benefit of the poor
might be avoided a waste of the ripe fruit "One of the results of this expedition it is people who had petitioned for such allotment.

Whether cotton, flour or mining "mills"

Facts About Mexico are meant, is not stated. The leading tex
tile mills have not been injured in the *
Refutation of Some of the More Notable Misstatements slightest during the Revolution . All of
them are intact and most are running to
Recently Published by the New York Sun
their full capacity. The States of Vera
Cruz, Puebla, Tlaxcala and the Federal
N a recent issue the New York Sun burned and when the Government had to
District are the centers of manufacturing of
published a lengthy article purport pay out money it paid out gold and silver. this kind, as will be shown by films to be
I ' ing to have been written by a "corres taken under the direction of the Bureau of
"Seized the bullion in the banks and
pondent on the spot," but which con
burned such bills as were found on Public Information of the United States .
tained SO many misstatements that THE
hand." These mills are all in their normal condi
REVIEW has deemed it proper to refute some tion. The same holds true throughout the
of the more notable of the many. The banks of issue, having refused to obey
the laws under which they were organized , Republic, not only of cotton mills, but of
The article commences by deploring the flour mills, mining mills (if they can be
financial condition of the country, and although repeatedly urged to do so, were
called that ) and so on. A few minor flour
speaks of "the empty treasury." finally placed in liquidation , according to
those laws. A portion of their specie was mills may have been destroyed , but they
The deficit at the present time is less are so few as to be negligible.
than one-half million monthly. It has been taken over by the Government as a loan ,
due acknowledgment made, and it will in The statement that the taxes for • the
steadily decreasing ever since the control of Federal District which went into effect on
the Government was secured by the Con due time be paid back. Loans of this sort
are not unknown in time of war, and are not the first of January increased the rate one
stitutionalists and the authorities give as
surance that there will soon be a balance on unknown in other countries at this time! thousand per cent is not worthy of atten
The bills of these banks were retired , as the tion . It is simply false.
the right side. The Treasury statement
published in November showed this. In the law provided , and were destroyed , since the "Private owned trains bring supplies
first two months of the present fiscal year law no longer permits the emission of paper over roads which the National Gov
the total treasury movements reached money by any private organizations . No ernment could not operate."
one profited and no one lost by this. The
$55,564,746.94, while the budget for the enC The National Government is operating
banks themselves refused to redeem their
tire year now opening amounts to $187, trains on every line, with a few minor ex
own paper and persisted in refusing to ac
000,000 national gold, or but $93,500,000 ceptions. The introduction of these pri
American gold. cept it except at a discount of 25 to 50 per
cent upon the face value which they them vately owned trains was due to the de
"General Pablo Gonzales, newly selves had received when it was , issued. struction of rolling stock during the Revo
appointed secretary of Government lution and to the heavy demand by reviving
(Gobernacion.)" "The silver dollars went into the
business. Private parties and mining men
General Gonzales is not and never was a melting pot . . . Government decrees
desiring to ! do so were permitted to bring
member of the cabinet. Señor M. A. Ber to the contrary notwithstanding." in their own rolling stock and it is operated
langa, who has been occupying the post of The Government took the lead in dis in conjunction with the Government owned
sub-secretary of the Department of Gober posing of the silver. dollars at their bullion trains by Government employes. If com
nacion (or Government) , for two years past , value in gold when the price of silver be plete business stagnation existed, as stated
was sworn in as Secretary on January 19th , came almost double the usual rate . Mil by the Sun, why should private trains be
ten days before the Sun article appeared. lions were thus exchanged, to the very operated for freight transmission ?
The newspapers of the following day con great profit of the nation . The terrible picture drawn of climatic
tained full accounts thereof. conditions and of suffering from severe
"Inspired meetings of Government
"The rank and file of the army employes, etc." cold in Mexico City, can be better under
looting, etc." stood when it is said (and this will be borne
Meetings of Government employes were
So far from this being the case, there out by Californians ) that the climate of
held several months ago at which they Mexico City more nearly resembles that of
have been various executions for breaking pledged themselves to contribute one or
San Francisco than any other place on the
the law in this and other respects. One two days' salary a month each for the purA continent. The writer spent one winter in
well-known general and his son, a major in pose of establishing a bank of emission .
the Constitutionalist army, were executed Mexico City, during which time he had no
No such meetings have been held for heat whatever in his room and did not suf
for counterfeiting , and many more instances months. These contributions were volun fer. Another winter followed a long sum
could be cited of severe punishment for in tary and at first were intended as outright
fraction of the law in this and other direc mer spent in the enervating and extra
gifts . However, instructions were after tropical climate of Vera Cruz. Fearing
Itions by members of the forces . The wards issued that in return for these sub
writer saw a soldier executed for breaking that the sudden change in temperature due
scriptions, stock certificates bearing interest to elevation might be detrimental, an elec
into a foreigner's residence and stealing at 5 per cent from the first of April of this
some clothing. For a number of paymasters tric stove was procured at considerable
year should be issued . These meetings price. Two large rooms were occupied as
who have defaulted and fled to the United
bore a very striking resemblance to those a sitting room and bed room , and but twice
States extradition proceedings are now
now being held in the United States for the during the entire winter was it found neces
purpose of persuading people to invest in sary to use this stove. Otherwise the tem
"Nothing but gold and silver in cir
Liberty Bonds, War Stamps, War Certifi perature was never disagreeable.
culation. All paper was retired by the
cates, etc. The assertion that employes
simple process of gathering it and As to the presence of beggars at the rail
were contributing 50 per cent of their pay way stations throughout the Republic, this
burning it."
is absolutely false . As stated, one to two is nothing new or novel. Those who visited
Was it not something of a feat for a
days' salary each month is the amount the country in what are claimed to have
Government that began without a cent and
loaned the Government. Many Govern
fought the Revolution to success with irre been its palmy days had their attention
ment employes receive three-fourths of drawn to the same matter. It was in those
deemable paper only, to resume specie pay
their pay in gold or silver, the balance in
ments with scarcely an effort ? The paper same days that Mexico City earned the un
was taken in for debts due to the Govern Treasury notes redeemable in gold or silver. fortunate fame of being the most beggar
ment, such as taxes, railroad, telegraph, "Most of the mills have been ridden city in the world . Much has been
Post Office , express dues, etc. This was destroyed or shut down ." done to alleviate this, as those know who

were familiar with conditions prior to the facts are readily accessible to any corre These prices will surely bear comparison
Revolution, as well as now, but much re spondent who is really in search of the with those prevailing in Washington or any
mains to be done. truth, yet the Sun writer did not utter a other city in the United States.
"President Carranza occupies a syllable about this feature of the matter. "Railroads in ruinous condition."
magnificent residence, etc." The Sun persists in publishing the utter All the railroads in the Republic are in
It is true that President Carranza occu ances of the pro- German press and wishes to operation except the one running through the
pies a house of the better class on the Paseo convince its readers that such utterances re
State of Morelos, the smallest State in the
de la Reforma. It is one commensurate flect the opinion of the majority, while at Republic, a portion of which is still in a dis
with the dignity of the President of a great the same time not saying one syllable about turbed condition, owing to the operations of
Republic, but it would scarcely be called the attitude of the leading papers, headed by the Zapatistas . On some of the subsidiary
El Universal.
magnificent in this city, or in any other lines travel is irregular, but on the main lines
modern American town . The owner re It also ignores two very potent facts : The connecting all important cities and the
ceives rent for it and there is no reason supplying of arms and ammunition to the American border the trains are running
why it should be criticised. traitor Huerta to be used against the Consti regularly. The beds of all these roads are in
"Obscene Orgies" held by Carranza tutionalists when they were fighting against splendid condition , bridges have been rebuilt,
Generals is a gross libel and really does apparently overwhelming odds, was certainly and it is the surprise of foreigners visiting
not calculated to endear them to the hearts of the country to find such conditions.
not merit attention . These men are quite
the followers of President Carranza. And
the equal of other men of their class any "From Mexico City to Queretaro
where in the world. when the latter finally triumphed and was in
the Mexican Central as it parallels the
a position to capture the arch-traitor and
"Carranza and his generals are Mexican National Railways has ceased
assassin, he was taken out of the country on to exist, nothing remaining but culverts
dominated by German propaganda.” a German man-of-war-thus cheating Justice
This is another statement which no one and the right of way. Ties and rails
of the vengeance that was her due. This , too , have entirely disappeared."
acquainted with President Carranza and his was not calculated to add to any friendly feel
Generals would utter. It is absolutely
It is ing. Indeed, the writer many times heard When the railroads in Mexico were in pri
without foundation . They are not domi the strongest possible execration of the un vate ownership two competing lines traversed
nated by any foreign nation, but are simply the narrow cañon for several miles in both
friendly action of Germany in both these
endeavoring to maintain strict neutrality, cases, expressed by leading Constitutionalists . directions from the City of Queretaro. These
since their country, as is shown in this roads ran side by side , and not more than a
"The Carranza Government is en
stone's throw from each other. When the
article, is only recovering from years of tering upon an era of confiscation of
revolutionary troubles and turmoil and is roads were consolidated under Government
foreign -owned Mexican corporations.” control, it was not necessary to use these
in no position to take sides in any contest. Tổ
This is not true. Whatever the Govern parallel ones. One line was entirely sufficient
Any one in search of the truth regarding
alleged German propaganda in Mexico could ment takes it pays for. The question is too for all travel, even in normal times. When
have learned very readily from a perusal long to go into here, but a study of the there was destruction of tracks through the
decrees and notifications regarding this mat Revolution, and material was needed for re
of the daily press, if from no other source,
ter will show that there has been and will be pair, one of the superfluous lines was utilized
that while active efforts are being made by
no "confiscation." The statement that the in this way. But at both ends of the cañon
the Germans through certain newspapers,
taking over of the Tehuantepec railroad and to the south and to the north, where the lines
there is just as strong an opposition thereto .
ports from the Lord Cowdray interests by separate and pass through different regions
Mr. Felix Palavicini, formerly a member of
the Government is an act of confiscation is in the roads are still in good condition and trains
the cabinet and one of President Car
direct opposition to the truth. The terms by are running regularly. A useless piece of a
ranza's closest advisors since early in the
Revolution, resigned from the cabinet in which this transfer was made have been pub few miles of track has been dispensed with,
lished in full in the Mexico City papers dur- that is all. Trains over the Tampico and San
order to establish the daily newspaper El
ing the past two months. The formal decree Luis Potosi division are confined almost alto
Universal, which soon became the leading gether to those carrying oil. The bulk of
was issued on the 18th of December, and it
paper in the Republic. Ever since the ques
recites that by virtue of the contracts made passenger travel from Tampico to Mexico in
tion of participation by nations on this con
by the Mexican Government with S. Pierson normal times went by way of Monterrey and
tinent in the European war became a live
& Sons of England, in 1902, 1904 and 1906, still continues to do so . Over that line trains
one, Mr. Palavicini has earnestly advocated
these properties were taken over by the Gov are running regularly without interruption.
a declaration in favor of the Allies . On I
ernment after due compensation had been "At Queretaro , where Generals Coss
the 9th of January he published a broadside made to the holders as then agreed upon.
demanding the recall . of Minister Von and Gutierrez recently set up their
There is nothing whatever that savors of con own revolutionary standard.”
Eckardt, which has been republished in fiscation about this transaction, as can be
the American press. This matter has been
readily seen by any one who will take the Nothing of the kind took place at
discussed pro and con in the papers and no trouble to read the terms of the contract and Queretaro, or within 500 miles thereof ! And
one of intelligence who has ever paid a the decree of the date mentioned, which has long before the Sun article was written, the
casual visit to the country could have been published in this country. last vestige of the Coss-Gutierrez "revolt"
escaped noticing it . The fact that Mr. of a couple of hundred men had been dis
"Sugar retails for 55 cents a pound
Palavicini is a very warm and influential sipated.
and flour for 30 cents."
friend of President Carranza has caused his "Oil pays 11 cents tax a barrel.”
newspaper to be regarded as reflecting the Here are the figures of retail prices in
Mexico City, taken from newspapers of even The oil tax varies from 4 to 10 cents, the
sentiments of the Executive. Certainly Mr. average being about 7. Statements of the oil
Palavicini would not have entered upon date with the article in the Sun. ( The figures
are in American gold at the regular rate of tax are issued monthly, published in all the
such a campaign unless he were assured in
exchange. ) newspapers and readily accessible to news
his own mind that he was in harmony with
paper correspondents at any time.
the President's ideas and was seeking to Rice ..• .92 cents to 12 cents per pound
White sugar . 1 " • • 14.95 to 22½ cents per pound "Carranza left the capital after
guide public sentiment. Following the pub Native brown sugar... 13 1/5 to 144 cents per pound
Dried meat . • • .20 cents to 23 cents per pound Christmas day for Queretaro , and it
lication in El Universal, the Special Com Barley . · ► ..37% cents per pound is freely predicted that he does not
mission of the Chamber of Deputies, which Beans . * • 9 to 11 cents per pound
Garbanzos (chick peas ) .. 6.9 to 84 cents per pound intend to return."
acts in an authoritative capacity during the American flour. .6 1/3 cents per pound
recess of Congress, took this matter up , Native flour, • A trifle less than this President Carranza made a trip to some of
Corn .... • 4.9 cents per pound
following the demands of El Universal, and Potatoes . .44 to 54 cents per pound the not distant cities of the Republic at
it is now under consideration . All these Lard .. 48 cents per pound
Coffee (Green) 4 • ...84 to 91/5 cents per pound (Continued on Page 26)


respective deed of adjudication be given him.

This deed shall be signed by the Judge, in
Proposed Petroleum Law
default of the expropriated party, if the latter
does not appear to sign it within the term
Projected Legislation to Be Submitted to the Industrial Congress
judiciously fixed by the Judge.
and to the National Chamber of Deputies
Article 86.- If the judicial sentence shall
modify the terms in which the expropriation
(Continued) immediately informed, and that the deposit of had been authorized by the Department of
guaranty be constituted within the ten fol Industry and Commerce, the owner of the
lowing days of the authorization. petroleum claim shall have the right given him
Rights of Way and Expropriation Article 78.- The resolution to which the by the previous article, as soon as said sen
Articles 76 and 77 refer will be made known tence shall take effect.
Article 71.-The rights of way authorized to the owner of the serving claims, who Article 87.-The resolution of the Depart
by this law shall be regulated by the pro will settle his action in a judicial manner in ment of Industry and Commerce which may
ceedings of the civil code of the Federal the term of thirty days ; but if he does not declare there is no cause for the expropria
District in regard to the rights and obliga take such action the servitude will be consti
tions of the dominating and serving tion may be opposed in court within the term
tuted definitely and the cancellation of the of thirty days.
properties, without • prejudice to the dis guaranty shall be ordered . Article 88.-The regulations shall determine
positions of the following article. Article 79.- In case that the Department of the manner of procedure when the owner of
Article 72.-The right of way shall con Industry and Commerce may resolve that it the superficial land was not known or was
sist not only in the right of transit through is not proper to constitute the servitude or doubtful and the cases in which the expropri
the adjoining properties, but also in that of that it must be constituted in different terms ated property owner may regain possession of
installing in a permanent way, and through to those asked for, the party asking its estab the land expropriated from him.
those same properties, lines of power lishment may demand it in court within the
transmission , telegraphic and telephonic term of thirty days, at the end of which he CHAPTER FOURTH
lines , oleoducts, railroads, or any other will lose his right.
means of transportation authorized by the Article 80.- In authorizing or denying Judgments, Penalties and Other Disposi
regulations , destined exclusively to the the constitution of servitudes, the Depart tions Related Therein
necessities of exploitation of the petroleum ment of Industry and Commerce shall be
claims. The width of the zone through Article 89.-The courts of the Union are
subject to the proceedings of the civil code
which this right shall be exercised cannot authorized to take cognizance of the judg
of the Federal District, if not definitely
be greater than ten meters , unless a con ments relating to the following matters :
expressed in this law or its regulations .
tract be made otherwise. Article 81.- The amplification of servi I. Opposition or denouncement, or issu
Article 73.-The rights shall be con ance or rectification of titles upon petroleum
tudes already constituted shall be adjusted
stituted as follows : claims.
by the rules already prescribed for its
I. By the consent of the owner of the establishment. II. Nullity of titles on petroleum claims.
serving lands, recorded in a public in Article 82.- When in accordance with the III. Expropriation caused by petroleum ex
strument. determinations of this law it is necessary ploitations.
II . By resolution of the Department of IV. Rights of way or servitude.
to proceed to the expropriation in the lack
Industry and Commerce. of an agreement with the owner of the V. Transgressions committed against this
III. By judicial determination . superficial land, the owner of the petroleum
Article 74 - In lack of consent of the VI. Transgressions which may endanger
claim shall apply to the Department of Indet
the lives of workmen or of the inhabitants
owner of the serving claim, the superior dustry and Commerce, asking said expro
of the surroundings.
one shall apply to the Department of In priation . The Department, with the pres
dustry and Commerce, which in the pres Article 90.- In the cases to which the frac
ence of the former, will decide if the re
ence of the other, will decide if the servi tions I, II and IV of the previous article
quest can be granted or not, fixing, in the
tude is to be constituted . In the affirma affirmative case, the extension which must referred, the contents of the case shall be
tive, he will fix the use and the extension , determined in view of the location of the
be expropriated and the indemnization that
the material conditions of its constitution petroleum claim in dispute. In the cases men
must be paid by the owner of the petro
and the indemnization which must be paid tioned in fraction II, if the nullity may be
leum claim, which will be arranged in the
to the owner of the serving claim, in the terms which the regulations may determine. opposed as a demurrer before a judge, the
terms fixed by the regulations. latter is authorized to decide it.
Article 83.-If the owner of the land shall
Article 75.- The decision of the Depart resist the occupation, the owner of the Article 91.- In the judgments regarding ex
ment of Industry and Commerce author petroleum claim may apply to the com propriation the contest shall be determined in
izing the constitution of servitude shall be petent judge in order that an immediate regard to the location of the claim which is
considered definite if no objections be made concession of the land may be accorded in desired to expropriate .
within the term of thirty days . the decision of the same department, and Article 92. In the cases of the two previous
Article 76.-If in this term the owner of full possession of the same be given him. articles, if the claim is subject, for its location,
the serving claim may manifest his non Article 84.- The administrative decision re to more than one , jurisdiction, the cognizant
conformity, the Department shall authorize ferring to the expropriation can be opposed judge shall be chosen at the election of the
the execution of the necessary works for in court by the owner of the superficial lands plaintiff.
the exercise of the servitude, guaranteeing in case that he may declare his non-conformity Article 93. In the judgments of opposition
previously that the damages and prejudice. referred to in fraction I of Article 89, the
to the Department of Industry and Commerce,
that he may receive shall be agreed to by the and he may plead within a term of thirty plaintiff shall always be the claimant, or the
owner of the other claim. days, after which, without fulfilling said re person who asked for the rectification. The
Article 77.-In cases of great urgency, as quirements, the decision of the Department term to present the request shall be that of
those mentioned in Articles 9 and 10, the shall be taken as definitely consented to . thirty days.
Department of Industry and Commerce shall Article 85.-If the owner of the superficial Article 94.- If the term given in the pre
authorize the execution of the indispensable lands has manifested his conformity with the vious article elapses without presenting the
works without previous knowledge of the administrative decision, or had not opposed it claim, the judge shall declare the opposition
owner of the serving claim, and without the in the terms mentioned in the above article, justified, and shall return the administrative
making of a deposit or guaranty referred or if the said resolution was confirmed in proceedings to whom it may concern .
to in the previous article ; but with the express court, the owner of the petroleum claim shall Article 95.-The opponent shall found his
condition that the interested party shall be apply to a competent judge, asking that the exceptions only upon the causes which he may



have expressly adduced in due time in the Article 107.-The cases that may arise due Article 116. The party who without any
administrative proceedings . to the contracts referred to in Article 105 shall right may exploit any of the substances men
Article 96.-In the cases of opposition re be summarized before the competent judges of tioned in Article I of this law, if he does not
ferred to in Article 36, the presumption shall the regular order in accordance with the dis prove to have proceeded through a well
always be in favor of the claimant making positions of the commercial code. founded mistake, shall suffer the following
the opposition . Article 108.- The offices of the Commercial punishments :
Article 97.- There shall be tried in the Registry in the States, Federal District and I. If the exploitation was made in free
courts, subject to the dispositions of the Fed Territories shall keep an especial book in land, the punishment shall be from one to two
eral Code of Civil Procedure, all cases referred which there shall be recorded : years of imprisonment and a fine of from two
to in fractions I, II, and IV of Article 89 ; I. The titles of petroleum concessions . to five thousand pesos.
but the ordinary term for evidence may be II. The deeds in which a promise of alien II. If the exploitation is made on deposits
extended up to 40 days. ation of petroleum deposits is expressed . already denounced or titled, the penalty men
Article 98.- In cases of expropriation , the III . The deeds and the judicial or admin tioned in the previous fraction shall be applied.
judges shall make use of the power of judi istrative decisions which may transfer or affect without the detriment of the indemnization
cial compulsion already established in the the rights of the concessionary in regard to corresponding to the denouncer or conces
Federal Code of Civil Procedure, in order to petroleum concessions, or by which the actual sionary of the deposit.
make effective the rights which in accord rights of others are affected upon the same. III. If the denouncer exploits a deposit
ance with this law pertain to the concession-J IV. The deeds or judicial or administrative before obtaining the respective title, he shall
aries of petroleum claims and to petroleum decisions affecting the exploitation of petro suffer the punishment of imprisonment to the
refineries. leum deposits . greatest extent and a fine of from five hundred
Article 99.- For the punishment of the Article 109.- The registration referred to in to one thousand pesos, and disqualification to
transgressions referred to in fractions V and the previous article shall be made in the cor acquire the title on the same deposit.
VI of Article 89, there shall be observed the responding office in regard to the question of Article 117.- The penalties established in
laws of procedure in force in Federal ques petroleum deposits . If it is located in several Article 497 of the Penal Code shall be applied
tions. jurisdictions, it shall be recorded in all of to those destroying or changing the place of
Article 100.-The questions which the pro them . land marks, marking the limits of the surface
prietor of the land that is to be expropriated Article 110.- The titles constituting the serv of the petroleum deposit.
may advance in opposition to the decisions of itude of the petroleum deposits shall be regis Article 118.—In all transgressions committed
the Department of Industry and Commerce tered in the recording offices to which in against this law and the civil responsibility to
霉 and to those already mentioned in Article 87, accordance with the law correspond the serving which they may give cause not provided in this
shall be heard with prompt justice, observing property. law, they shall be subject to the Penal Code
in regard to the time for presenting the evi Article 111.- The inscription referred to in of the Federal District.
dence the provisions of Article 97. the second section of Article 108 , in regard to Article 119.- When by reason of inheritance
Article 101.—In all judgments referred to in a third party, shall be in effect for the term or by judicial adjudication in payment of a
all the articles preceding this chapter, the pub fixed by the contract, but not exceeding that debt, any foreigner may acquire property or
lic attorney shall be heard, and this official of six months, counting from the date of real rights upon a concession of a petroleum
shall take care that the procedures may not recording, even when the term fixed for the deposit, he shall present within the term of
suffer unjustifiable delays, for which purpose contract is longer. six months, before the Department of Industry
he shall accuse as in default the parties and Article 112.-When the document which is and Commerce, a certificate showing that he
move in accordance with the law. In these to be registered is presented in the office has fulfilled the requirements established in
cases the public attorney will follow the in within thirty days from the date in which the Article 27 of the Federal Constitution.
structions that the Department of Industry date was given or the decision was pro Article 120.-When by reason of inheritance
and Commerce may give him . nounced, the registration shall take effect from or judicial adjudication the property of a con
Article 102.- The term pointed out in this the date of the document. If the same is cession of a petroleum deposit may come into
law and its regulations , in default of anything presented at the thirty days previously stated , the hands of a foreign corporation, the latter
to the contrary, shall begin to count from the the registration shall only take effect from the shall organize itself into a Mexican corpora
day following the day in which the notification date of the presentation of the document. The tion within the term of six months and shall
has been made of the respective judicial pro recording of deeds coming from outside the present within the same term the certificate
ceeding, including therein the day of maturity. Republic shall take effect from the date of referred to in the previous article.
Article 103.- There shall not be included in the testimony of its registration in the corre Article 121.- The judicial authorities in
the computation of the terms Sundays, holi sponding office. charge of the inheritance or adjudicative pro
days or days of national mourning. Article 113.- The Department of Industry ceedings referred to in the two previous Arti
Article 104.-The dispositions of the civic and Commerce shall impose, as a means for cles shall give timely information to the
code of the Federal District in regard to correction, the penalties allowed in Article 21 Department of Industry and Commerce of the
of the Federal Constitution for violations of existence of such cases.
common property are also applicable to the
the regulations of this law, and shall intrust Article 122.-The Executive of the nation
property of the petroleum claim in everything
which is not included in this law. to the competent judge those who may have shall promote through the public attorney the
Article 105.- There shall be considered as to be punished with heavier penalties. securing of the properties and rights possessed
commercial acts, subject to the dispositions of Article 114.- The agent of the Petroleum or acquired in violation of the rules established
the commercial code, in all cases not expressly Division who may commit any falsification in Articles 119 and 120. The property seized
provided in this law, the following : during the discharge of his duties shall be shall become the property of the nation .
I. Petroleum enterprises. suspended and will be disqualified in accord Article 123.- Within the term of three years
ance with the Penal Code, and shall be pun counted from the issuance of the title the
II. Contracts which may have as an object
the delineation, mortgage or exploitation of ished with the penalty of six months to one Department of Industry and Commerce shall
petroleum deposits . year imprisonment. order the nullity of the same if the title was
III. Contracts which may be celebrated in Article 115.-If in a case of falsification acquired through fraud or trickery. The pre
relation to the products of the petroleum de referred to in the previous article there was cepts established in this Article shall not injure
an agreement with the denouncer or with the the right of a third party to declare the nullity
Article 106.- The value which shall be at opponents, the agent shall be punished with of the title.
tributed to a petroleum deposit at the time of the penalty established in the same article, and (To Be Concluded)
the constitution of a petroleum partnership the denouncer or opponent shall suffer a fine
shall be justified through an expert appraise or imprisonment of minor extent. In the On February 24th arbor day was celebrated
in the State of Tamaulipas. The school pupils
ment under the responsibility of an expert cases of bribery, the accumulation precept shall and others took part in the planting displays .
appraiser. be applied. combats of flowers , etc.

FACTS ABOUT MEXICO "General Gonzales has an American

(Concluded from page 22) wife."
To Manufacturers , Exporters and
Christmas and arrived in Mexico City on the General Gonzales ' wife is a Mexican. This
Importers in the United States
17th of January, thirteen days before this concluding misstatement is a type of the
article appeared in the Sun, his arrival being entire article, and shows how much depend Americans living abroad introduce
ence can be placed upon other statements American goods, create a demand and
heavily displayed in the daily papers. This is
made by this correspondent. If he really make a market. They develop the
only a type of the various misstatements made native products and ship to their
in this connection. visited Mexico he could have ascertained the
country. They build railroads, open
truth regarding General Gonzales, regarding
"The pernicious I. W. W." President Carranza's presence in the city, or mines, utilize water powers, develop
This is a bugaboo, pure and simple. oil fields , make plantations , establish
regarding the members of the cabinet, in five factories and construct public works .
"In Yucatan Salvador Alvarado was minutes' time. The truth regarding the They are advance agents for foreign
elected by the vote of the I. W. W." greater portion of his misstatement could also business and they get it. They are trade
have been ascertained quite as readily. missionaries , always at work. They
General Salvador Alvarado was appointed have the spirit of the pioneers who
Governor of Yucatan by President Carranza. The Sun correspondent deprecates the atti made the great West. They should have
tude of a portion of the Mexican press in dis the heartiest support and co- operation
A new Governor ( Carlos Castro Morales ) has
seminating pro-German propaganda, but of their government and people at home.
been elected, and General Alvarado has en
ignores the fact that this very article will be The American residents of Mexico
gaged in other important governmental work. City on November 8, 1917, incorporated
seized upon by that press and spread broad
the American Chamber of Commerce of
cast as a specimen of the malicious falsifica
"The failure of the corn crop." Mexico to promote international trade ,
tion regarding Mexico which the people of and furnish a reliable channel of com
The corn crop, it is true, was a failure in that country are asked to believe is evidence munication. They are trying to meet
the elevated plateau regions of the central por of the antagonistic attitude of the entire German activities here. They are pre
tion of the Republic, but in all the subtropical United States. paring for future expansion . Every
and the coast regions the crop was as it is manufacturer, exporter and importer in
As a typical specimen of pro- German pro the United States should become a
always , abundant. Difficulty of transportation member of this Chamber, in self interest
over the mountain ranges which separate the paganda the Sun article has seldom, if ever, and common interest. It makes for
plateau region from the coast on both sides been equalled . restoration of peace and development of
is one of the reasons why this article of food trade in this naturally rich country.
is scarce in the interior. This, however, is Write for information.
being remedied rapidly by the purchase and Governor Espinosa Mireles of the State of
Coahuila, proposes to establish a school for American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico, S.C.L.
shipment of corn from the United States. The
the instruction of newsboys in the city of Apartado 82 Bis, Mexico City, Mexico
Governor of Texas recently offered to supply Staltillo . Baths and amusements will be pro
all the corn needed to Mexico and the matter vided, as well as classes in various educational January 1 , 1918.
of food is well in hand. branches.

The American & Cuban S. S. Line

Direct FAST FREIGHT Service from NEW YORK to
Weekly Freight Service from New York direct to
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Matanzas, Cardenas, Sagua, Caibatien, Cienfuegos,
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*Cargo for interior points and for Isle of Pines handled on S. S. Santa Isabel S. S. Pinar del Rio
through Bills of Lading via Havana .
***Cargo for Campeche, Laguna , Frontera , Tuxpam and San S. S. Times S. S. Trafalgar
Juan Bautista handled on through Bills of Lading via Vera Cruz,
S. S. Peter H. Crowell

For rates, bookings , etc.

Apply to
Loading Berth, Pier No. 63, North River, N. Y.
General Offices : General Office : 27 WILLIAM ST., NEW YORK
Foot of Wall St. , New York City
Office in Banco Nacional de Cuba
A Monthly Magazine, AGWI STEAMSHIP NEWS, de
scriptive of these Lines and Territory reached, upon application.



Regular trips from Nogales, on the border of the other semi-tropical products is of great interest to all
United States , as far as Nayarit (formerly Tepic) seeking opportunities for profitable investment .
touching the important towns of Magadalena, Her Passing southward many living streams are crossed,
mosillo, Guaymas, San Blas, Culiacan, Mazatlan, having their source in the snow-capped Sierra Madre in
the dim distance, and then the historical city of Culiacan,
Rosario, Acaponeta, etc.
capital of Sinaloa, is reached. A few hours ' ride brings
the traveler to the picturesque and historical port of
This road, in its progress southward, crosses the Mazatlan, where connection can be made with steamers
wealthy regions of the Mayo and Yaqui rivers, which from various California ports down the Pacific coast to
produce the best garbanza in the world. It passes Nava Panama and South America.
joa, the center for this product, and then touches San At Manzanillo, the seaport of Colima, connection is
Blas, in the State of Sinaloa, where it connects with the made with the National Railways of Mexico, affording
Kansas City and Orient Railroad, connecting with the communication with all portions of the interior- Guadagl
city of Fuerte to the east and with the important sugar
lajara, Mexico City, etc.
plantation of Los Mochis in the other, as also the mag Those desiring to send consignments of any variety to
nificent port of Topolobampo . points in Mexico can do so through the Customs Agency
There is a continual panorama of the most delightful of the Southern Pacific Railway of Mexico , maintained
landscapes , while the fact that the region traversed is a in both cities of Nogales-the American and the Mexican .
heavy exporter of mid-winter tomatoes, oranges, and All matters of this kind will receive prompt attention .


Nogales , Sonora , Mexico



National Railway of Tehuantepec 35 Hours Between Mexico City and Nuevo Laredo,

Isthmus Railway Tamaulipas

Vera Cruz and
(Opposite Laredo, Texas)
Vera Cruz and Alvarado Railway
Connecting with the ports of Tampico , Vera Cruz and
Pan-American Railway Manzanillo

Passenger and freight service from Mexico City to the Also with the border ports of Nuevo Laredo , Matamoros ,
Guatemala frontier. Connection at Vera Cruz and Puerto Piedras Negras and Juarez (opposite El Paso )
Mexico with the steamers of the Ward Line and the
Mexican Navigation Company, and at Salina Cruz with DIRECT JOURNEYS IN FAST TRAINS AND WITH
steamers for South America and Japan. Passengers by SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE
the Mexican Railway can secure sleeping- car accommoda
tions by applying on the day before the departure of their
train . The trip is made in fourteen hours from Mexico Daily TIME TABLE Daily
! City to Vera Cruz, and the buffet service of the Pullman 6.30 a.m. (leave ) Mexico City (arrive ) 8.30 a.m.
cars is of the best. The passage is made in absolute 1.30 p.m. Queretaro 1.30 p.m.
security and is the same as in normal times. 2.55 p.m. Gonzalez Junction 12.25 p.m.
The Vera Cruz and Isthmus, the Tehuantepec National 8.35 p.m. San Luis Potosi 6.40 a.m.
and the Pan-American railways transport in both directions 7.40 a.m. Saltillo 7.50 p.m.
without delay or accident fruits of all classes, valuable 11.20 a.m. Monterrey 4.00 p.m.
timber, cereals , sugar, cattle , etc. The extensive zones 1.50 p.m. Villaldama 1.35 p.m.
crossed by these lines as well as by the Vera Cruz and 6.00 p.m. ( arrive ) Nuevo Laredo (leave ) 10.00 a.m.
Alvarado road are the richest in the Republic and the lines
mentioned have sufficient cars and other facilities to satisfy
all requirements that may be asked. The meal service on the sleeping cars is conducted with
strict vigilance
WILL BE ENCHANTED WITH THE SCENERY The custom-house inspection of baggage and its fumiga
tion, without change of cars , and compliance with the
USE THEM IN YOUR BUSINESS , AND YOU WILL BE sanitary requisites of the Immigration Service, is expedited
SATISFIED on the international train from New Laredo , Mexico , to
With the exception of the Vera Cruz and Alvarado line, Laredo, Texas, at less cost and with immeasurably less
the other four are of broad-gauge and are in magnificent delay than by crossing the frontier in any other manner .
F. PENA, R. ZERECERO, General Passenger Agent. Assistant General Passenger
General Freight and Assistant General Agent.
Passenger Agent . Agent. Bolivar Street and Cinco de Mayo Avenue
P. FONTES, General Agent. Mexico City, D. F.

Send a letter or postcard with a request that your name and ad

dress be entered on the permanent mailing list of Comision Regula

dora del Mercado de Henequen , the largest and most successful co

operative association of farmers in the world.

Gathering the Leaves Containing Henequen Fibre

If you want to know the truth about binder twine , the reasons for

recent advances in price and the identity of the powerful interests.

that are back of the campaign that has been waged against the Yuca

tan co-operative marketing association of sisal producers, the Comis

ion Reguladora will take pleasure in mailing you literature from time
to time.

If you read Spanish , send $ 2.50 for a year's subscription to "EL

HENEQUEN ," a semi-monthly magazine issued by the growers' as

sociation at its home office in Merida , Yucatan .

Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen

120 Broadway, New York City


AUG 1 1918



VOL. II. No. 8 WASHINGTON, D. C. MAY, 1918




Thinking !
Mexican Review

Vol. II WASHINGTON, D. C. , MAY, 1918

No. 8

WASHINGTON, D. C. Large Increase in Strict Neutrality
Customs Collections Should Be Maintained
GEORGE F. WEEKS • Editor and Publisher HE Director General of the Department INISTER CANDIDO AGUILAR, of
613 RIGGS BUILDING THE of Customs reports that for the eight M the Department of Foreign Relations,
months commencing May 1st and ending De
recently accorded the representatives of the
Yearly Subscription in United States , Mexico and Canada cember 31 , 1917, the total customs collections ,
$ 1.00, Elsewhere $ 1.50 press an interview, in which he denied with
both import and export dues, were $31,958,
emphasis certain disquieting rumors that had
585.64. The total expense of collection was been circulated regarding the diplomatic rela
The Mexican News Bureau $1,403,834.
Accurate News Service by Wire or Mall tions of Mexico with the other countries, both
At the same average ratio for the remaining belligerents and neutrals. The Minister ex
four months of the year, the total collections
pressed himself as follows :
Educational Progress would amount to $46,937,876.96 . The collec "Diplomatic relations with the United
tions show a large increase over those of
in Sonora States continue friendly, as well as with all
previous years . For example, the total col
the other countries with which Mexico has
ROM the reports filed by Provisional lected for import and export duties in the year
maintained them for a long time. It is true
FR Governor de la Huerta, of the State of 1911-12 was $42,686,356, or considerably less that in certain locations , and as a natural
Sonora, when he turned over his office to than the total for the year just ended. These
consequence of the world war, there have
Governor Calles, it is learned that educational figures are justly regarded as an encouraging occurred incidents not only between Mexico
affairs received much attention during his ad indication of the rapidly improving financial and the United States, but also with others
ministration. Some comparative figures are condition of the country.
of the belligerent countries . But these cases
of interest. Thus, in 1907 there were 178
are similar to those registered between the
schools in the State, while now there are 341 .
same countries and the neutral countries , and
In 1907 there were 10,804 pupils in attendance
on our part we are doing everything feasible
at the public schools, while now there are Invitations for an to solve them in the best manner possible .
24,187. From 342 teachers in 1907, the num "The Mexican Government on its part con
Anti- Alcoholic Congress
ber has increased to 875. In 1907 the total tinues firm in its desire to preserve its neu
amount expended upon schools for the year HE Legislature of the State of Yucatan
THE has sent invitations to. all the States in trality until the termination of the present
was $247,954. In 1912 , $593,785 was expended
the Republic to attend a congress for the pur conflict, because it is firmly believed that this
upon educational matters, while in 1917 the international policy is the best for the interest :
total was $1,483,336.40 . There has been a pose of discussing and adopting laws looking
of the country.
large addition to the number of schoolhouses, toward the total prohibition of the sale of
alcoholic and intoxicating beverages through "It is absolutely anti- patriotic to engage in
while industrial and technical night and day
any demonstration of an international char
schools have also been established and a com out the entire country. A special commission
appointed by the Yucatan Legislature to pro acter which it may be proposed to carry out
pulsory educational decree is also in force. at this present time, not for the significance
Under the auspices of General Calles , mote the movement reports that since the
adoption of prohibition in that State the con of the persons against whom they may be
Governor of the State of Sonora, a school for
dition of the people has been immeasurably inaugurated, but because they do not have any
the orphans of those who lost their lives in practical purpose whatever, and on the other
the Revolution has been opened at Hermosillo , improved and it is strenuously recommended
that the movement be made general. The pro hand may give cause for disagreeable inci
the State capital . A large number of applica dents which no doubt would hamper the activi
tions for admission were presented in advance hibition does not apply to light wines and
ties of this Government. On the other hand,
of the opening of the institution. beer of low alcoholic strength .
the newspapers, decidedly pro -Ally or pro
German, which lately have distinguished them
selves for their intemperance of language in
Concessions Forfeited TABLE OF CONTENTS
treating international questions, would greatly
for Failure to Comply Page and patriotically help the Government and at
SPECIAL commission was some time ago Editorial . 靡 I the same time would facilitate the solution of
Direct Domain Defined . 斷 + ··• 2-3
ap ed to examine into concessions Mexican Women... the great problems which the administration
that have been held by the Bank of London Latest Petroleum News . T A 6 is now facing, if they would only modify their
and Mexico for several years, covering an Payment of Petroleum Taxes · ▼ + • •·■ 7 insulting attacks, and above all abstain them
area of 1,487,200 acres in the Territory of Recent Tariff Changes .•• 8 selves from mutually making discourteous
Land, Crops and Food . ► = 9
Quintana Roo and 154,000 acres in the State Moral Support for Mexico . • ▼ • remarks about the governments and diplomatie
of Yucatan. These lands were granted on the Canadian and Mexican Trade . II representatives accredited before our Govern
condition that they should be colonized . In The Truth About Mexico . · 12 ment from the belligerent countries ."
vestigation has shown that this was never Regarding Foreign Trade . • • • • ► I • • · + 13
Mexican Byways and Highways . * 14-16-24
complied with, but that the exploitation of the Tomatoes on the West Coast . •
chicle and other products was the only use D Railroad Development .... 17
18 The Mexican Red Cross Society has secured
made. Because of such failure, the lands have The United States' Southern Neighbor. · ท 19
Justice for Mexico . ► · contributions of large quantities of tobacco
been forfeited to the National Government, 20
Federal Water Regulation . 6 • 1 • " + 1 • 21-23 and cigarettes, which are being shipped to
and will now be allotted wherever possible to Law of Land Endowment . D • D
those who are desirous to cultivate them. 22-23 Europe for distribution among the Allied
News Brevities .•+ •• 34 troops.

proprietorship which the latter always had over

those substances ?"
"Direct Domain" Defined
In treating of the products of the subsoil ,
the Constitutional Convention desired that the
Interesting Letter From Hon. Pastor Rouaix, Secretary rights of the nation should be still more clearly
of Agriculture and Promotion fixed, and therefore it used the words "direct
domain," thus clearly stating that the nation.
CITY OF MEXICO, March 13, 1918. ownership of them to individuals in order to not only possessed original proprietorship in
constitute private property. From this are this class of wealth absolutely, but also that it
SANTAELLA and A. LANGARICA, Engineers, derived two fundamental principles : The na possesses the private property therein. This
tion possesses original, absolute and complete is clearly expressed in the paragraphs which
City of Mexico:
proprietorship over all its territory and the I transcribe below and in which it is seen that
Very Esteemed Gentlemen and Friends: products thereof. Private property is the grant the dominion of the nation- that is to say,
I have had the pleasure of receiving your which the nation makes only of its right of the full proprietorship which it possesses over
letter of the 4th inst., regarding the correct domain over lands and waters in favor of
those products-is inalienable and imprescrip
and legal definition that should be given to the some person, but without thereby losing the tible, and only by means of concessions and
term "direct domain" used by the framers of prerogatives due it as proprietor. This prin under certain conditions can it grant the use
the Constitution in Article 27 of our present ciple is established in the first part of Article of those resources to individuals. The Con
Fundamental Charter. I now have the pleas 27, which says : stitution says :
ure of answering, one by one, the questions "The proprietorship of the lands and waters "The nation possesses direct domain over all
that you ask me in your letter. embraced within the limits of the national ter minerals or substances found in veins, layers,
At the outset I ought to state that I believe ritory belongs originally to the nation , which masses, or ledges, constituting deposits whose
myself sufficiently qualified to reply to the
nature is distinct from the components of the
inquiries in your above-mentioned letter, be
soil, such as minerals from which are extracted
cause, as must be known to you, I had the
metals and metaloids used in the industries,
satisfaction in the Constitutional Convention
deposits of precious stones, etc.; solid mineral
to be the initiator of the proposed Article 27,
combustibles, petroleum and all solid, liquid or
having made the preliminary study of it in
company with Messrs . José I. Lugo , José N. gaseous carbides of hydrogen."
"The waters of the territorial seas are also
Macias and Andrés Molina Enriquez, all law
the property of the nation."
yers, the draft of which was presented for the
"In the cases to which the two foregoing
consideration of a group of delegates especially paragraphs refer the proprietorship of the
interested in the study of the so-called Agra nation is inalienable and imprescriptible , and
rian question. We, the authors of the project, concessions can only be made by the Federal
took notes during the discussions that were Government to individuals, civil or commercial
held in my lodgings, and in this manner societies constituted in accordance with Mexi
modifications as proposed and approved in the can laws, with the condition that regular work.
meetings of that group were made, until the be established for the development of the ele
plan was completed in the form of a draft to
ments treated of, and the requirements com
which those who had attended the meetings
plied with as provided by law."
subscribed . "Fourth.- Was it or not the intention of the
Subsequently , when referred to the commit
framers of the Constitution to compare the
tee charged with the decision of the matter, 'direct domain' over mineral combustibles,
I also had the satisfaction of discussing with
petroleum and solid, liquid or gaseous car
General Francisco J. Múgica, Attorney Enrique bides of hydrogen, to the ' direct domain'
Colunga, Dr. Alberto Roman, Luis G. Monzón
which the nation has always had over the rest
and Attorney Enrique Recio , members of the of the minerals enunciated in Article 1 , of the
committee , the amendments suggested by that Secretary Pastor Rouaix mining law now in force ?"
body. Yes, that was the intention of the members.
Therefore I believe that the opinion which has had and has the right to transfer the own
ership in them to individuals, constituting of the Convention . In including petroleum
I now give can be taken as the reflection of among minerals, without making any distinc
the judgment and spirit that animated the private property." tion between them, it is clear that it is placed
group of delegates who drafted the proposal , And this is made complete by specifications
in the same class and under the same condi
and I believe that I interpret the idea that of the rights that continue to belong to the
tions, in respect to ownership by the nation, as
guided the committees in writing the final proprietary nation, in providing " that the na
tion shall at all times have the right to impose other minerals.
draft which was approved by the Convention "Fifth.-Was it the understanding of the
upon private property the restrictions that may
with slight changes . Committee that formulated the draft of Article
I will now answer the questions that you be dictated by the public interest, such as that
of regulating the utilization of natural elements 27 of the Constitution that, in declaring that
ask: to the nation belongs the ' direct domain' over
"First.-Did the Committee over which you susceptible of appropriation in order to make
an equitable distribution of the public wealth all solid mineral combustibles, petroleum and
presided, which submitted the proposal for the other carbides of hydrogen, in whatsoever
Article 27 of the Constitution to the Conven and to care for its conservation. "
The foregoing furnishes the answers to the physical state, Article 2 of the present mining
tion at Querétaro , understand that the term
first and second questions in your letter and law was repealed ?"
'direct domain' was equivalent to 'proprietor Undoubtedly. The Constitution being the
ship,' or did it make any distinction between clearly defines what the Constitutional Conven
tion understood by proprietorship , and which supreme and fundamental law, its simple pub
them ? lication repealed the laws inconsistent there
"Second. - In case the terms ' direct domain ' it denominated domain, whether direct, as a
with, even when its effects upon the thing.
and 'proprietorship ' do not possess the same use, or in any other form.
affected can be retarded until laws regulating
ideological significance, will you please tell us "Third. In declaring that the nation pos
sesses ' direct domain' over solid mineral the matter can be passed ; but the principle
the difference."
combustibles , petroleum and all solid, liquid opposed thereto is at once destroyed.
The fundamental idea of Article 27 was to "Sixth .-Was the motive of the Committee,
establish the principle that the lands, waters or gaseous carbides of hydrogen , was it or
not the intention of the framers of the Con so worthily presided over by you, in presenting
and their natural products belonged to the
stitution to reassert in favor of the nation the the draft of Article 27 of the Constitution to
nation, which has had the right to grant the

the Convention at Querétaro, to continue, or which they possess them, and in persons quali- Hydrologic and Mineral
not, conserving the possible rights that indi fied to acquire them .”
Survey of the Republic
viduals may believe they have in the petroleum This principle leaves no room for doubt as
and other hydro -carbides that might exist in to the intention of the King of Spain to con An Important Work Promising Valu
the subsoil of their lands ?" cede only the ownership in use of mines, and able Results in Development
As I said before, the effects that may result it is clearly expressed in the words at the be HE Secretary of Industry, Commerce
from the repeal of the law may be retarded ginning of that Article, and that say : "Without T and Labor, through the National Geo
until the law regulating the same is passed ; separating them from my royal patrimony." logic Institute, is proceeding with the accurate
and hence, in the case of petroleum, the former Among the substances included in the gen hydrologic and mineral mapping of the Mexi
owners of the surface right, at the date of the eral term mines and that may be denounced, can Republic. For the National Hydrographic
proclamation of the Constitution, can retain are the carbides of hydrogen, called in that Survey there has been commenced a study of
possession until the passage of laws defining epoch bitumens, as may be seen in the follow the Mexican lakes and lagoons , for which
the form in which it shall be enforced, and ing paragraph of the same Ordinances, taken geological commissions have gone out to vari
that has occurred up to the present time, as the from Art. 22 of Title VI : ous parts of the Republic . Likewise another
Federal Government has not attempted to alter "I also concede that mines may be dis commission subsidiary to the said Geological
the use of those products in the manner form covered, applied for, registered and denounced, Institute has commenced to make a detailed
erly employed ; but from the moment in which not only of gold and silver, but also of precious economical-geological digest of the Valley of
the Constitution was promulgated, the legal stones, copper, lead, tin, quicksilver, antimony, Mexico . During this study there have been
ownership of petroleum and other hydro- car zinc, bismuth, rock salt and any other fossils , found quarries and beds of rotten stone and
bides was reassumed by the nation . whether perfect or part metallic, bitumens or some construction material such as afford in
"Seventh.- Did the reassertion by the Con the products of the earth, under such provi dications of underground water circulation .
stitution of the rights of the nation over solid sions for their possession, development and Upon the study of hydrology in the Republic
mineral combustibles, over petroleum and over labor as may be necessary." there will follow great advances in agriculture,
the other solid, liquid or gaseous carbides of This was what afterward formed the un since it includes the distribution of national
hydrogen have a retroactive effect ?" assailable right of the nation over those re benefits, the location of springs for irrigation
This question-that is, the argument over sources, which cannot be legally destroyed by in whatsoever form and choice of places , ac
the retroactivity of the Constitution- has been a simple law, because in this case, as well as cording to the special configuration of the
made a subject of fencing by all the enemies in that of lands and waters, it treats of rights territory. Likewise arrangements are made
of the Revolution, who have displayed more that are fundamental in the constitution of na
for similar surveys in the petroleum districts
or less talent, but always through sophistries. tionality, and that form the basis upon which which will be of great interest.
As is known, the sovereign rights, from a were established the succeeding rights of the There have been received , to increase the
judicial point of view, possessed by the nation Mexican governments. Therefore, there is no
extensive collections already existing in the
over the territory and its products, are based retroactivity found in Article 27, as the only
Geological Institute, countless samples of ores
upon the rights of the Spanish Crown over thing it fixes is to recover and reconstitute the
representing every State in the Federation ,
the territory of New Spain, that have been fundamental properties of the nation, which , except Tabasco and Yucatan, from which no
abrogated. The Spanish monarch was invested without any right whatsoever, one of its Gov
sample has yet been received . Within a few
with proprietary rights in the lands, waters, ernors attempted to cede to individuals .
months. these important statistical works will
minerals and substances of the earth, and There would exist retroactivity in case that
be completed, so as to contribute greatly to
therefore was the sole person who was author those who improperly were exploiting the na
the agricultural and mineral betterment of the
ized to grant the usufruct of the wealth and tural products of the subsoil had been re Mexican Republic .
property in the lands to his vassals . This is quired to make indemnity for all the usufruct
the fundamental principle of national propri they had enjoyed previous to the promulgation
etorship . Upon the successful consummation of our Magna Charta, a thing that was not Export Taxes on Metals
of our Independence, the rights of the Spanish done, only that its provisions tend to reassert and Minerals
Crown over the territory of the country, as for the nation that which belonged to it.
Secretary of the Treasury
well as the charge of the same, passed into the With the hope that your questions have been
Issues Rates of Taxation
possession of the nation, as the successor of answered, I am very truly yours,
the Royal Spanish Crown , and consequently the PASTOR ROUAIX. N April 1st , the Secretary of the Treas
nation is the entity which has continued own ONF ury issued the following rates of taxa
ing the lands that have not been granted and Exports from New Orleans tion upon exportations of metals and minerals
giving mineral concessions in the absence of de to Mexican Ports (the figures here given being in American gold
nouncements . Thus, the principle of proprie per pound weight of material ) :
Numerous and Varied Items
torship is rooted , originally and primarily, in Gold- $21.47 ½% per pound.
Shipped to Southern Republic Silver in bars or ingots- 6334 cents.
the kings of Spain, and afterward , in the nation.
Now, referring exclusively to the question URING the month of March the exports Silver in mineral or concentrates -891
of petroleum , it is sufficient to cite the para D from New Orleans to various ports in cents.
graphs that I reproduce below to justify the Mexico were as follows : Copper in bars or ingots- 1.19 cents .'
rights of the nation over those combustibles . Lbs. Value Copper in minerals or concentrates- 1.42
Vera Cruz * " 1.363.390 $180,330.94 cents.
The Royal Mining Ordinances of 1783 , in Tampico • L • • 3,088,096 213,018.96
Article 1 of Title V, say : Progreso • • •• 9,189,264 440,206.82 Lead in bars or ingots- .00155 of a cent.
Frontera • •• 299,552 31.515.00
"The mines belong to my Royal Crown, as Cotzacoalcos • * • 4 1,355.529 24,681.81 Lead in minerals or concentrates- .002139
Manzanillo 1,089 935-84 of one cent.
much on account of their nature and origin,
as well as being attached thereto by the pro Total • 15,296,920 $890,689.96 Zinc in bars or ingots-.005589 of one cent.
visions of Law IV, Title 13, Vol. VI of the The list included groceries, electrical appa Zinc in minerals or concentrates-.007454 of
new Recopilation." ratus and accessories, automobiles and acces one cent.
And Art. 2 of the same Title says : sories, shoes , coal, cereals, rice, cement, drugs Tin in bars or ingots- 2.585 cents .
"Without separating them from my royal and medicines, fruits and vegetables, hard Tin in minerals or concentrates --2.703 cents.
patrimony, I concede them to my vassals in ware, forage, thread and manufactures of Antimony, in bars or ingots - 001343 of one
property and possession , in such manner that cotton, agricultural implements , soap, milk and cent.
they sell, permute, rent, donate, dispose of them its products, cheese, manufactures of wood, Tungsten, in minerals or concentrates- 4.33
in testament by heirship or will or in any machinery, paper, envelopes, etc., alimentary cents.
other manner alienate the right therein that pastes, manufactured clothing, glassware of Manganese ( metallic ) -.001863 of one cent .
may belong to them, in the same terms on various kinds , etc. Mercury-4.784 cents.

Spanish gypsy and a Spanish peasant in stage

Mexican Women as They Are
In reality, Mexican women of the lower
middle and the poor classes, even in the far
Some Popular Misconceptions Regarding Them-What They
interior of Mexico, wear a plain waist and
Really Are in Home and in Relation to Education skirt or a whole dress fairly well cut and that
is of conventional design even if not copied
from late models . True, their holiday gar
ments are often gaudily colored, profusely
AOR a long time there has existed a the people are of a gentle and affectionate
flounced, and adorned with cheap lace and
traditional conception of the Mexican disposition and a courteous behavior ; while it
ribbon. Although these gowns do not always
F woman as a figure that lent itself ad is true that some of them have joined the conform to the most cultivated taste, as a
mirably for thrilling romance, whether the fighting ranks in the wars of their country,
rule they continue to follow the usual lines
romance occurred in a novel, on the stage, or proportionately they form the exceptions and
more or less, and are not unattractive, and
in moving pictures. The public has been fairly not the rule, and when their fighting is done,
many of these amazons are probably almost the well-known, gracefully draped shawl adds
well acquainted with the señorita of the novel,
especially the novel of the older type. She is as gentle as their sisters who stayed at home. to the picturesqueness of the toilette. We are
not at present referring to the Mexican Indian
a bewitching, exotic beauty, usually the daugh For these women fought in battle as soldiers,
ter of a hacendado ; she speaks little English, and not as sneaks bent on private revenge. woman, whose dress resembles somewhat that
of the American Indian. But the variations
but manages to introduce a few words of it Hate and treachery will often appear in Mexi
into the Spanish conversation she carries on can fighting- or any other fighting, for that of Indian dress are very noticeable, almost
with her American adorer, or adorer of some matter-but not all Mexicans are always fight each different portion of Mexico having its
other nationality, who, for his part, often suc ing or wrangling, especially not the women, own national style. People who live on the
ceeds in making him Mexican border, or
self well understood in not very far from it,
spite of his broken are not misled by
Spanish. Many parts imaginary representa
in a tale of this kind tions of Mexican
are doubtless true to scenes and Mexican
life, but not always women. Unless one
can as much be said has traveled exten
of the plot, which al sively through all of
most invariably seethes Mexico, it is difficult to
more than necessary get a good idea of the
with native and foreign various types in their
rivals for the señorita's original state, for, due
favor, and with love, to the foreign influ
hate, intrigue, defeat ences near them on the
and triumph- usually border, these national
triumph for the for types undergo a per
eign lover. Another ceptible modification as
favored plot contains a far as their individual
señorita possessing a originality is concerned .
sinister kind of beauty Unfaithful represen
and an intriguing char tations of Mexican
acter, who has fallen in cenes - including Mex
love with the foreign ican women - should be
hero of the novel ; but done away with both
the hero loves a girl of Group of Mexican Young Ladies. in literature and on the
his own nationality-in stage; they should be
spite of some attentions he might have paid and even hate, treachery and revenge will done away with in spite of the popular
the señorita just after he arrived in Mexico . sometimes yield to softer emotions, unless the Northern taste for unnaturally picturesque
The result is that the disappointed señorita individuals in question are criminals. and malevolently romantic Mexican scenes .
or señora, as the case might be-tries to take But if Mexicans of either sex are depicted Surely there is still sufficient romance left
dire revenge on her victorious rival, but of as criminals so often as to make the repre in Mexico and in the regions not far from
course fails in the attempt. Similar plots are sentations of Mexican criminals beyond all it to satisfy even a public brought up to
utilized on the stage and in moving pictures, true proportion to representations of good believe in the traditional stage pictures of
Mexicans, then these evil doers might just as Mexico .
though it must be admitted that many repre
sentatives of Mexican women there as well as In order to understand better Mexican
well be depicted as criminals pure and simple,
in literature are gradually becoming more true and not as characters supposed to typify the womanhood, its former and present education
to the reality. and attainments, and its further needs, as they
majority of Mexicans. For crime, as we
The Mexican woman of the lower classes actually exist, it is necessary to give a few
know, exists in all nationalities, and there are
often forms one of the central figures around more illustrative examples in various phases
many countries considering themselves far
which the plot moves. This figure is fre of incorrect representations of Mexican
above Mexico in civilization, but which never
quently natural in several respects, but people women, and compare them with the reality.
theless harbor an amount of crime more out
who know the peon women through actual To continue, in respect to stage and moving
of proportion to the good they contain than picture representations, one of the most inter
experience know also that while she stands.
the Mexico which is maligned so frequently. esting, and, in many respects, life-like pictures ,
in need of general improvement, she is not
inclined to take cruel revenge on a sister In connection with this subject, we cannot help is that of the great hacendado, his family and
woman even for a good reason. Neither does but remark on the fantastic representations of surroundings . The señora, his wife, ap
his surroundings.
she sneak around with fierce stealthiness, in the personal appearance of the supposedly pears as a comely woman of proud bearing,
citing her masculine friends to commit mis typical Mexican girl, according to which she but she is not very much in evidence as one
deeds . On the contrary, Mexican women of dresses very much like a cross between a of the central figures in the actions taking

place around her ; she is on the scene only to nothing more of them. Not that the women cians and very often singers possessing voices
welcome some special visitors, and prefers to thus educated lacked the essentials of life, or of extraordinary sweetness . Nevertheless,
hover over her daughter rather than join in that they were poor housekeepers , for Mexi with all these good qualities and attainments,
the general conversation, especially if several they lacked the solid foundation for a sys
men are in the company. The señora lingers tematic and more useful education, and fortu
a little longer while refreshments are being nately they are beginning to get it right in
served, then retires to her own favorite patio their own country, where even admission to
hidden somewhere in her beautiful hacienda the National University in the City of Mexico
home, where attendants and vassals galore has been accorded them.
await her commands. If the daughter is al One of the strongest forces underlying the
lowed to be present during the visit of men, forward movement of Mexican womanhood is
she does not fail to follow her mother duti the "Gran Confederacion Feminil Mexicana"
fully into her private apartments . (Great Mexican Feminine Confederation) ,
So far so good, for such is really the ap established June 20, 1916, after a reunion in
pearance of a wealthy hacendado's family, and the City of Mexico of more than a thousand
such is their manner of life, especially in the women representing Mexican intellectuality
Mexico of former days ; today the real, living and spirit of progressiveness, the majority of
picture has been noticeably modernized. But whom consisted of school directors, teachers
the plot in the above agreeable representation and the alumnae of the best schools. At the
leaves much to be desired as far as truth to head of this association, assisted by her able
reality is concerned- that is, if the picture is staff, is Miss Maria Arias Bernal, director of
presented as being instructive as well as enter the normal school for teachers. One of the
taining. There are too many native and for first acts of this society was to direct a me
eign rivals on the scene, and the villainy of morial to President Carranza, in which were
some among the former is made much more explained the aims and the work of this femi
obvious and exaggerated than is actually the nine confederation, which consists of a higher,
case even among the most jealous rivals be more practical education for the women of
longing to the polite society which surrounds Mexico, including hygiene, first aid to the
the señorita of high social standing. In fact, wounded in war, and the preparation and con
the plot remains the usual thing, overflowing servation of food, as well as the making of
once more with a superabundance of love, clothing. The members of this confederation
hate, defeat and triumph. Some realism is evinced their patriotism by asking permission
often introduced by fighting scenes taking of their Government to visit munition factories
place during the Mexican revolutions. with the object of familiarizing themselves
The picture of the too secluded and retiring with the implements of war, in order to sub
señora and señorita is not entirely true to life Wife of General Obregon stitute the operators in case of necessity. They
in these days of a modernized Mexico, for also requested the work of sewing the National
can women have always devoted themselves to army uniforms in order to save the Govern
during late years women there have been
their homes, and will always remain good ment expense. The confederation has ap
gradually emerging from the seclusion to
wives and mothers along with their progress
which they formerly confined themselves . pealed to all feminine associations, irrespective
There is still a good number of women who of their aims and tendencies , political or re
continue to adhere to a certain extent to the ligious beliefs, to work together without losing
habits which were thought most suitable for their feminine character, for the common good
women of the Mexico of past days, but a great of women and men-and their respective
number of progressing women are waking to countries. Many eminent men, newspapers and
the fact that along with the reorganization of reviews assisted heartily in the propaganda of
Mexico, they must also endeavor to change the Great Mexican Feminine Confederation.
the rather too severe Mexican point of view As early as 1883 a good number of promi
in regard to women in general. Be it said to nent and progressive Mexicans and Mexican
the credit of Mexican men, that while some newspapers and reviews had initiated a cam
among them are still adverse to greater liberty paign against many of the antiquated educa
for women than is compatible with the ideas tional methods in use among instructors of
to which they had been accustomed through the old class, who asserted that the classic
historical tradition, many Mexicans are proud system copied by them from the great foreign
of the new stand women are taking and are institutions of learning was also fitted in every
extending them effectual aid in their en respect to the needs of the Mexican people ;
deavors. Not that the Mexican woman of old but the learned professors probably forgot
lacked charm, intelligence and accomplish that a part of the people had been buried in
ments, of which she always possessed good poverty and ignorance so long that other
measure ; besides, the woman of high social methods than classic were needed to raise the
standing was formerly more aristocratic masses from their ignorance. Or perhaps
perhaps too aristocratic- in her attitude than those pedantic educators did not give a thought
the Mexican society woman of today. But all to educate any classes excepting the better
kinds of Mexican women lacked the "snap" classes of their people. As an education
which most women of the new Mexico have Caesarism prevailed everywhere in Mexico at
acquired, and with the impetus which their the time ; nobody dared oppose the above
advancement is receiving, the question has theory of education . Since the population of
arisen of a higher and at the same time more Mexico consists not only of Mexicans , but
A Sonora Senorita
practical education for them. Their former also of Indians, Indo- Latins and Creoles, it is
education gave them little more than the frills in the great movement for the advancement necessary to use the methods especially adapted
and furbelows of knowledge ; a smattering of of their sex. to them in order to bring out their latent am
literature and French, and a set of ornate But Mexican women, under any form of bition, character and intelligence .
manners well suited to a society which required education, have always been excellent musi (Concluded next month)

Oil Wells Now Being Drilled

Latest Petroleum News
The confidence of foreign petroleum
operators in the stability of conditions in
Total Production of the Republic for 1917- Rates of Taxation the Tampico oil fields is evidenced by the fact
on Exports Companies Must Make Prompt Reports that the sinking of new wells continues with
regularity. The Transcontinental Company is
HE Technical Commission of the De .ecuted ; duration of the contract ; rent, royalty sinking four, one of them now being down
partment of Petroleum under the Sec and other terms of the contract. 1450 feet. The Mexican Gulf Company has
Tretary of Industry and Commerce has All companies or persons who are the actual one well down 960 feet and another 1000 feet.
collected the most recent statistics regarding explorers or the ultimate concessionaires of The East Coast Company has a well down 1500
the production of petroleum in the Republic, the right to exploit the subsoil of the lands feet, while the Huasteca Company has one
and which are of great interest. 2 contracted for, and who do not present their down 1700 feet, in addition to the many that
During the year 1917 a total of 79 wells statements as above and according to the law have been completed . The Aguila Company
were bored in the oil regions of Tamaulipas, noted, will not be permitted to engage in any has also begun drilling a new well. The Inter
San Luis Potosi, Panuco, Topila, Ozualama, class of work and will be obliged to suspend national Company has a new well that makes
Tuxpam and Ichuatlan , of which forty- three any operations in progress on the lands in a promising showing, while the East Coast
are producing. The potential production of question, without prejudice to the penalties Company has one that is down 1688 feet and
these wells is 235,250 barrels daily. authorized by the law in such cases. is now filled with oil, presaging a good flow
With the opening of these new wells , the within a short distance.
Petroleum Taxation For March and April
total in the entire Republic reached 919 , of The English Oil Company has just brought
which 329 are productive, 362 unproductive , Announcement was recently made of the in a petroleum well at a depth of 636 meters
141 are in process of sinking and 77 have been rate of taxation upon petroleum that would be ( 2067 feet ) which has a potential yield of
localized. enforced during the months of March and nearly four thousand five hundred barrels
The potential production of these wells is April, the custom being to fix the rate for daily.
1,337,012 barrels daily. In 1901 Mexico pro periods of two months at a time . The valua The Island Oil Company of Tuxpam now
tions and rates are as follows : has two sea pipe lines for loading petroleum
duced 10,345 barrels of crude oil annually. In
1910 the production had arisen to 3,634,080 Combustible petroleum of a density of 0.91 , on vessels lying outside the bar. They extend
barrels, while in 1917 the total production was valuation $10.50 per ton. for over one mile under water.
the enormous quantity of 55,292,770 barrels . Crude petroleum of a density of 0.91 , valua
tion $ 13.50 per ton. Mexico's Vast Petroleum Possibilities
The Tuxpam region leads in the amount
produced, the total for the year having been Petroleum of a density greater than 0.97, A prominent official of the Department
valuation $5.50 per ton. of Industry and Commerce in a recent
34,500,000 barrels . Tampico produced 20 ,
Gas oil, valuation $ 10.50 per ton. interview declared that at present not one
500,000 barrels and Minititlan yielded 23,500 ,
000 barrels. Gasoline ( refined ) , in bulk or packed, 12½ tenth of the petroleum produced in Mexico
centavos per liter. was utilized- or, rather, that could be pro
The companies established in Mexico and
which produced the largest amount of Gasoline ( crude ) , in bulk or packed , 1134 duced by already existing wells. There are
centavos per liter. many wells that have a capacity of ten, twenty
petroleum during the past year were, first, the Kerosene, crude or refined , in bulk or
Huasteca 1 Petroleum Company, which ex and thirty thousand barrels daily, yet which
packed, 3 centavos per liter. are only utilized to about ten per cent thereof.
tracted from its wells more 1 than 16,000,000 The valuations of crude and combustible
of barrels ; the Aguila Company, which pro This is due to lack of means for conveying
petroleum will be increased or diminished in
duced nearly a like amount. the oil by pipe line, etc., to points of embarka
:S During the year 1917 the exportations of accordance with the degree of density.
tion, as well as to lack of shipping for carrying
The foregoing figures are in Mexican gold ,
oil reached 6,500,000 metric tons of petroleum , it to points of consumption in various portions
and the rate of taxation is ten per cent upon
while the value of the crude and refined of the world . Many of the smaller companies
the valuations given . Reduced to American
products amounted to over $53,000,000 Mexi have as a result been obliged to offer their
gold and the tax on combustible petroleum is
can gold, a notable increase over the figures product for as little as ten, twelve or fifteen
' found to be 52 cents per ton , or in the
for 1916. cents per barrel, when at the same time it
neighborhood of 72 cents per barrel.
was worth in the American market from a
On crude petroleum the tax is 67½ cents
Prompt Reports Required From All per ton, or about 9½ cents per barrel . dollar per barrel upward. Various companies
Petroleum Companies with producing wells have preferred to store
On petroleum of the greatest density the
In order to carry out the provisions of the tax is 27½ cents per ton, or a trifle less than their oil or to shut off production in the hope
decree relative to the collection of taxes on of better prices which will follow better facili
four cents per barrel.
petroleum lands and leases , which went into Gas oil pays the same tax as combustible ties for shipment.
petroleum, or about 7½ cents per barrel. However, this has not deterred the sinking
effect on the 19th of February, notice has been
given by the Secretary of Commerce and of new wells , as shown by the reports con
Petroleum in Lower California
Industry that all companies and persons in stantly received of the bringing in of new
terested in such matters must present in trip A petition has been presented to the Secre ones with heavy production. As an example,
licate at once complete reports covering the tary of Industry and Commerce for permis the International Petroleum Company recently
following data : Name of the company or per sion to exploit the deposits of petroleum said brought in a new well under extraordinary
conditions the yield of which was variously
son ; residence- city, street, and number ; to exist around the Bay of Ensenada, in the
Board of Directors in existence ; representa Territory of Lower California. It is re estimated at 30,000 to 50,000 barrels daily.
tive or person holding power of attorney be ported that a considerable quantity of oil is Many other wells in the Tampico region are
fore the Department of Industry and Com now being taken therefrom. The petitioners being pushed to completion with every promise
merce ; locality designated by name, number of announce their intention to instal adequate of giving heavy flows.
lot, hacienda , municipality, canton , district machinery and appliances for development
and State ; date of the acquisition ; its area, upon a large scale. Their request is now
name of the seller ; price of purchase ; map or under consideration . On the opposite side of Application has been made to the Depart
ment of Fomento by the Indian Oaxaca
description of the boundaries, giving the the isthmus from Ensenada, oil has been dis Mining Company for the allotment of 12,500
names of the adjacent lands and their pro covered upon the island of Angel de la acres of public lands upon which to establish
prietors ; location, name, number of lot, etc. , Guardia and elsewhere along the gulf shore, an agricultural colony for the benefit of the
with the name of the owner of the land and thus indicating the presence of petroleum in employes of the company named. The com
pany promises to construct the necessary
the date when the contractor lease was exmj an extensive area. residences for the colonists .

Companies Producing and

Payment of Petroleum Taxes Exporting Petroleum
Authoritative Information Regarding
Settlement of Those Due on Contracts Made Prior Companies in the Republic
to May 1 , 1917
ECAUSE of many inquiries regarding oil
NDER date of April 10, 1918, Presi Department of Finance, taking as a type the BEcompanies operating in Mexico, THE RE
dent Carranza issued a decree in ac one current during the date in which the con VIEW has secured from authoritative sources
Ucordance with the authority conferred tracts were concluded.
the following list of companies at present
upon him by the Constitution concerning the ART. 6. There shall not be considered for
actually producing as well as those exporting
payment of petroleum taxes upon contracts the effect of the previous article as an express
petroleum from the Republic. This list may
entered into prior to May 1 , 1917 , the date of agreement to pay in metallic money the printed
the operation of the new Constitution. It is blanks used in contracts . be depended upon for accuracy and complete
as follows : ness. None others than these are producing
ART. 7. In regard to the contracts con
ART. 1. There is hereby suspended the cluded during the third period, the rents due or exporting.
moratorium affecting petroleum contracts con as well as future rents shall be paid in metallic From Tuxpam :
cluded prior to May 1 , 1917, which may have money, in accordance with the terms therein Mexican Petroleum Co. , "El Aguila."
as an object the renting of lands for the mentioned. Penn-Mex . Fuel Co.
exploitation of carbures of hydrogen or the ART. 8. The stipulation mentioned in Art.
permits to carry out such exploitation through From Tampico :
5, with regard to foreign money, is also appli
onerous titles. cable to all cases of obligations contracted in Huasteca Petroleum Co.
ART. 2. For the enforcement of this law, said kind of money without regard to the Mexican Petroleum Co., "El Aguila.”
three different periods are hereby established : period in which they were contracted . East Coast Oil Co.
I. The period ending on April 15, 1913 . Freeport and Mexican Fuel Oil Corporation .
ART. 9. In all cases in which it may not
II. The period included between April 16, The Tampico Company.
appear sufficiently clear for the enforcement
1913, and November 30, 1916. Mexican Gulf Company.
of this law, the authority acquainted with the
III. The period included between December
case shall form a file of the proceedings with The Texas Company.
1, 1916, and April 30 , 1917. all the details relating thereto, in copy, and it Interocean Oil Co. (non-producing ; export
ART. 3. All contracts concluded prior to shall be sent with a report to the Department only) .
April 16, 1913, shall be considered as having of Finance, in order that the latter may dic Standard Oil Co. ( non-producing ; export
been made in silver, without regard to the
tate the respective elucidating resolution. only) .
terms used in the wording of the documents
relating thereto, and the rents derived from ART. 10. Any person who may be interested Pierce Oil Corporation (non -producing ; ex
in the enforcement of this law can consult the port only) .
said contracts shall be paid according to the
following terms : Department of Finance, submitting the point Union Oil Co. (non -producing ; export only) .
I. Rents rendered and due up to July 31 , which might have appeared doubtful in regard The following companies are producing, but
1913, shall be paid in silver at par without any to the dispositions of the same.
not exporting :
reductions whatever. ART. 11. In the conflicts arisen among pri
La Petrolera Poblana , S. A.
II. Rents rendered and due during the vate parties caused by the enforcement of this
Veracruz-Mex. Oil Syndicate, Ltd.
period included between August 1 , 1913, and law, the interested parties may apply to the
Topila Petroleum Co.
November 30, 1916, shall be paid in metal in administrative branch ' by sending a memo
Tampacas Petroleum Co.
the amount equivalent to its nominal value, randum to the Department of Finance, in
"Tal Vez" Oil Co.
in accordance to the official table appearing in which they must state all the necessary data,
Article 10, Section I, of the law of December Transcontinental Petroleum Co.
and the latter shall decide the question if they
24th, with the understanding that the equiva Panuco-Boston Oil Co.
have manifested their intention of submitting
lent type shall be the one of the month of National Oil Co.
themselves to its decision , with the under
each maturity. Mexican Petroleum Co.
standing that if they choose for the adminis
III. Rents rendered and due in the period Mexican Oil Co.
trative way to decide the question they cannot
included between December 1 , 1916, and April Cia. Pet. "Monterrey," S. A.
30, 1917, as well as those caused prior to that apply to the judiciary.
Mexican Fuel Co.
Transitory Articles :
date, shall be paid in silver par without reduc "La Corona" Co.
tion whatever . I. The laws and regulations opposing to
this law are hereby derogated. The Mexican Petroleum Company and the
ART. 4. In the contracts concluded during
II. This law shall begin to take effect from Transcontinental have contracts for oil deliv
the second period without the express agree
the date of its publication in the Diario Oficial eries in Mexico, which they are filling.
ment of paying in special kind of money, the
rents due as well as the future rents shall be of the Federation .
paid in metallic coin equivalent to the value Retail Prices in Mexico City
that the paper money had in relation to silver Emigration Discouraged From the latest newspapers received from
at the date on which said contracts were con The Department of State has notified the Mexico City are taken the following retail
cluded, in accordance with the official table
Governors of the States of Chihuahua, Coa prices of various necessaries of life :
appearing in Article 10, Section I , of the law
huila, Tamaulipas, Nuevo Leon and others on Starch-17½ cents American gold per lb.
of December 24, 1917. Rice-9.66 cents.
or near the border to discourage the organi
ART. 5. In the contracts concluded during
zation of parties of workingmen by foreigners Sugar-814 to 12½ cents.
the second period, in which an express agree
for the purpose of seeking employment in Coffee (green ) -834 cents .
ment for paying in a special kind of money
other countries. It declares that the promises Dried Meat-20 cents .
with the exclusion of any other money was
made by the employment agents have not been Beans- 10 cents.
made, the rents shall be paid, if they were
made in silver, in accordance to the agree kept and that numbers of Mexicans have Garbanzas (chick peas ) -94 cents.
ment ; and if the agreement was to pay in found themselves penniless and under distress Flour-6 cents.
bank notes of a certain bank or in foreign ing conditions at border points owing to such Corn-4½ cents . "
money, the payment shall be obligatory to be failure. For this reason the authorities are Lard- 36 cents.
made in metallic national money, in accord requested to oppose this kind of operation in . Potatoes- 4.6 cents.
ance to the rates of exchange approved by the the future. Other food articles at proportionate prices .

duties were placed on iron and steel bars, wire,

ingots, structural shapes, railway material,
Recent Tariff Changes beams, and other forms, which were previ
ously free of duty. At the same time the ex
Presidential Authority to Modify Export and Import Duties portation of iron and steel manufactures,
Without First Submitting the Changes to Congress cables, pipe, and machinery was prohibited, ex
cept with the permission of the Treasury De
ANY changes have recently been of 50 per cent of the duties if containing not partment.
made in the Mexican import and ex- more than 40 threads in the warp and weft in
port tariffs and customs regulations. Export Embargoes
1 square centimeter ( 101.6 threads per square
Frequent recourse has been made to the law inch ) , and of 25 per cent of the duty if the In modification of the export tariff, abso
authorizing the President to modify import and number of threads is from 40 to 60. Ginned lute or conditional embargoes have been placed
export duties without first submitting the pro cotton and cotton thread on spools pay only on the exportation of meats, fresh eggs, and
posed changes to Congress . Of some assist 25 per cent of the corresponding duties, and milk, hog lard , potatoes, and imported goods ,
ance in the construction of the many laws and cotton and wool blankets are admitted free. the exportation of which is regarded by the
orders covering export and import duties and No time limit is fixed for the application of Secretary of the Treasury as prejudicial to the
internal taxes, however, is the budget law for these reductions and exemptions. national interests . Aniline and coal-tar dyes
1918, which specifies the laws which shall be The duty on malt has been increased to 0.08 and natural and synthetic alizarine have also
regarded as still in force, without itself intro peso per kilo, and unconfirmed reports have been placed under embargo.
ducing any changes of importance. The paper been received that the duties on American ma
surtax of 100 per cent of the duty, which is chinery and implements of iron are to be fixed Consular and Customs Regulations
negligible in amount, as also the port surtaxes at 0.05 peso to 2 pesos per 100 kilos, in place A circular issued on January 4, 1918, con
of 12 to 2 per cent of the duty, depending on of 0.02 peso per kilo, or remitted altogether. tains important regulations regarding declara
the port of importation, and certain unim The exemption granted to agricultural ma tions of value. In accordance with the terms
portant special surtaxes, are continued, as are chinery since October 1 , 1917, has already been of this circular, which is a restatement of
the various internal stamp and other taxes and noted in Commerce Reports of October 2, previous regulations, the commercial invoices
charges. 1917.
covering shipments to Mexico must bear at
Power to adopt discriminating tariffs was Export Duties the foot a sworn declaration signed by the
conferred upon the President by a law of manufacturer or vendor to the effect that the
December 25, 1917. Under this law "the The changes in the Mexican export duties values stated therein are correct and be pre
Executive is authorized, while the abnormal and regulations have been especially numerous . sented to the consul, together with the con
conditions arising from the present world war Official values have been fixed for determin
sular invoice. The invoice bearing the declara
continue, to adopt differential rules and tariff ing the export duties on hides and skins and tion is to be retained by the consul, a note to
schedules for the various nations with which henequen, which were placed on an ad valorem that effect being made on all the copies of the
Mexico has commercial relations, in order to basis by a decree of September 22, 1917, while consular invoice. Fraudulent declarations are
favor commerce with such countries as place the duties on green guayule and on rubber and punishable by a fine of from 10 to 100 pesos,
no restrictions of any kind on their commerce guayule gum specified in the same decree have in addition to the amount of the consular fees
with the Mexican Republic." So far no action been reduced to 3 per cent and 2 per cent, avoided. The declaration on the commercial
has been taken under this authorization, but it respectively. invoice is not required of commission agents.
is understood that a differential tariff schedule The schedule of valuation for assessing the and similar representatives, who must, how
is in the course of preparation . export duties on petroleum products during ever, sign the declaration in the consular in
January and February shows an increase of voice.
Import Duties 100 per cent in the valuation of refined gaso
line and of about 33 1-3 per cent for unre
The exemption from import duties for au fined gasoline . It is reported that the taxes on Extensive Use of Autos
tomobiles and other vehicles specified in tariff petroleum properties and petroleum products Statistics regarding the use of auto
items 624, 625, and 627-629 of the Mexican are to be further increased. mobiles in the city of Mexico show that
import tariff has been extended to June 30, in 1910 there were 600 machines in private
1918, as has also that for lard, rice, potatoes, Duties on Ores and Metals ownership for personal use, while in 1918 the
grains, sugar, and flour. The exemption for number had increased to 1283. In 1910 there
automobiles applies also to attachments for Of special interest are the recent changes
were but 15 machines for hire to the public,
converting Ford automobiles into motor in the export duties on ores and metals. On while in 1918 the number is 780. Besides
trucks. December 13, 1917, it was decided to double
these, there are 44 taximeters, 92 motorcycles
Articles on which the duties have recently the export duties on gold and silver, thereby
and 1469 bicycles in use, with 195 motor trucks.
been modified include corsets, cotton and cot making the rates 10 per cent ad valorem on
There are also 822 horse-drawn carriages for
ton fabrics , and malt. In the case of corsets , bullion , and 14 per cent ad valorem on ores
public rental. During the past year upward of
the new rates, which went into effect on Feb and concentrates, but these increases were ap
twelve million liters of gasoline were used in
ruary 1 , 1918, represent an increase of 50 per parently never put in force as the monthly
the city, equal to about three million gallons,
cent over the former rates, the object of the schedule of taxes for February, 1918, shows
the average price paid by consumers being the
increase being to encourage the domestic in about the same level as heretofore. On Jan equivalent of ten cents American gold per liter
dustry. The same reason was assigned for uary 22, 1918, however, a decree was issued re
or forty cents per gallon. The manufacture
the imposition of duty on certain cotton ducing to 1 per cent ad valorem the export
of automobiles, tires and other essentials is
fabrics, which had been free of duty since duty on zinc in the form of ore, concentrates,
now being carried on in the Republic and will
August 1 , 1917. The new duties began to be or bars, the duty on other ores remaining 3
be extensively increased owing to the embargo
applied December 20, 1917, and are 25 per cent per cent ad valorem . More recently the duty
established by the United States upon the ex
of the regular duties specified in the import on graphite has been reduced to 1.3 per cent portation of such articles.
tariff under items 313 and 315, for plain cot ad valorem. The reduction in the duty on
ton fabrics not over 130 centimeters ( 51.18 zinc was found necessary by reason of the
Extensive discoveries of guano are reported
inches ) in width and containing up to 60 decrease in the price in the United States. An from Sonora as having been made by miners
threads in the warp and weft in 1 square cen order had previously been issued to facilitate prospecting in the Sierra Madre. Large caves
timeter ( 152.4 threads per square inch ) . the exportation of zinc before the assay had have been found in which this valuable sub
Dyed, printed or colored cotton fabrics speci been completed . stance has been accumulating for centuries,
and many thousands of tons are available for
fied in items 319 and 320 receive a reduction By a decree of December 14, 1917, export shipment.

The Government now has six extensive

gardens for the propagation of trees of vari
Land , Crops and Food
ous kinds, including many varities of fruit,
Increased Area Cultivated, Crops Promise Abundant and a grand total of over a million and a half
are produced each year for general distribu
Yield, and Food Shortage Remedied
tion . Attention is being paid to the reforesta
borders of Lake Chapala, in the State of tion of extensive areas of land that have been
EPORTS have been received by the
Jalisco, much fertile and productive soil has denuded of their former growth and are not
Department of Agriculture from the
been brought under cultivation, while at the adapted to agricultural purposes .
R chief grain-producing sections of the
same time the sanitary conditions of that The municipal authorities of Torreon report
Republic that the prospects for the coming
region have been greatly improved. that a large portion of the hitherto unutilized
crop are excellent for an unusually large yield.
Weather conditions have been very favorable Reports from Chihuahua and from the La lands in that section have been put under culti
guna region of Coahuila and Durango state vation under its regulation and that as a result,
and the acreage planted is larger than ever
that after two years of short crops, owing to climatic exigencies excepted, the coming crop
before. Material reductions in the price of
unfavorable weather conditions, the prospects will be sufficient to remove all danger of
wheat and flower are therefore predicted.
now are for the best output ever known. The shortage or consequent suffering among the
A special agency has been established at poor.
Laredo under the direction of the Department area under cultivation has been largely in
creased, and the crops have been diversified . Secretary Pastor Rouaix , of the Department
of Agriculture for expediting the importation of Fomento and Agriculture , has been visiting
Two new factories have been established in
of agricultural machinery, seeds, plants, etc., the Laguna region of Coahuila and Durango,
Villahermosa, capital of the State of Tabasco ,
to be used in the Republic. Various State and after inspection says that he is satisfied
for the manufacture of flour from bananas,
governments as well as the National Adminis the wheat crop alone of that locality will
and the extraction and utilization of the rubber
tration are purchasing tractors and other aggregate twenty thousand tons- sufficient to
contained in the skins of the fruit. Several
modern machinery and instructing farmers in
their use . plants are already operating sucessfully. supply all the needs of the adjacent States and
Official reports from the State of Jalisco leave a large surplus for exportation to other
At the colony of Nacimiento, in the State of declare that conditions of all kinds in that portions of the Republic.
Coahuila, lands are being allotted to cultiva In response to the request of the Governor
section have resumed a normal state. Indus
tors in small tracts, according to instructions of the State of Nuevo Leon, the Department
tries of every variety are in full operation,
from the Secretary of Fomento. These lands
agricultural pursuits especially being prosper of Agriculture has sent to that section sup
are very fertile and well watered and are plies of seeds and also a number of tractors
ous, while the coming crops of all kinds will
largely held by Indians of the old Seminole for the use of the poorer farmers. The seed
be larger than ever before.
and Kickapoo tribes, who emigrated to that will be distributed free of charge and the
A plant of the agave family has been dis
region from the United States many years ago. tractors will be ultimately sold on time to
covered in the State of Oaxaca that produces
The municipal officials of all towns in the those making use thereof.
Federal District have taken steps to put into a fiber in every respect equal to that of the
henequen of Yucatan. The Department of Official reports from the State of Durango
cultivation all vacant lands that are not utilized
Agriculture will undertake its exploitation are of the most encouraging character, both
by their owners for productive purposes. Sev upon an extensive scale. as regards social conditions and also as to the
eral thousands of acres will thus be added to
The Department of Agriculture proposes to prospects for the coming grain crop . With a
the crop-producing capacity of that region , slight exception the entire State is free from
establish a plant with the most modern ma
which will materially benefit the markets of banditry and the outlaws remaining in the
chinery for the purpose of extracting oil from
the capital city. mountain fastnesses are being pursued with
the large variety of seeds and fruits produced
A meeting of farmers was held in the Fed vigor.
in the Republic and which possess valuable
eral District on the fifteenth of the present The Government of the United States has
oleaginous properties.
month for the purpose of arranging for the opened an agricultural experimental station at
Reports from Chiapas are that the crop of
cultivation of all the lands belonging to the
corn and other cereals for the present season. Torreon, the principal object of which is to
municipality which were not in use. Lands study the cultivation of cotton and to take
has been larger than for years and that much
belonging to private parties but not cultivated measures to combat the various insect enemies
has been shipped to other sections, while prices
are also included, use to be made for a single of the plant which abound in the Laguna
have been materially decreased as a result.
year only. region.
Six steamers recently discharged at the port
The importation of agricultural machinery of Manzanillo large shipments of corn , beans , A large amount of flour recently received in
of modern type upon a large scale has been the capital city is to be made into bread and
sugar, "sesame," and other food products,
decided upon by Secretary Rouaix, of the De sold at cost to the poor under Governmental
which are being shipped into the interior of
partment of Agriculture and Development, the Republic where crops have been tempo auspices.
and the necessary steps are being taken to rarily short.
introduce such articles free of all duty in
Reports are received from the State of
accordance with the recent declaration of
President Carranza . Nuevo Leon that crops in all sections promise Powerful Wireless Station
to be most abundant. The rainfall has been
Some ten thousand tons of sugar are being A new wireless station has been estab
better than usual, while the area under culti
shipped from various Central American coun lished on the island of Lobos, off the
vation has been largely increased.
tries to west coast ports. Four thousand tons It is estimated that the crop of potatoes that coast of Tampico , largely for the purpose of
have already arrived at Manzanillo , and the will be harvested in the State of Guanajuato affording the various petroleum companies fa
remainder is en route. As rapidly as received in May and June will reach eleven million ilities for communicating with their vessels
it is shipped by rail to other portions of the pounds, which will permit of large shipments while great distances at sea. This station is
Republic where the crop was short. to other portions of the Republic. provided with some of the most powerful ap
It is announced on authority that the sugar
A decree has been prepared permitting the paratus and will be able to communicate with
crop of the State of Sinaloa for the season free importation of the machinery needed in the wireless stations at Mexico City, Tuxpam ,
reached the total of 22,000 tons, while the agricultural and mining development in all Tampico , Vera Cruz, Progreso , Frontera ,
crop of corn has been so large that several portions of the Republic and will shortly be Mazatlan, Santa Rosalia, La Paz, Queretaro ,
States have been supplied with all that was issued and put into effect. Monterrey, Saltillo , Torreon, and by way of
needed because of the temporary and limited The National Agrarian Commission is con Havana with various stations in the United
shortage in the grain crop. sidering the proper means for indemnifying States. It is expected to prove of great value
By the reclamation of large areas of land land owners whose property is necessary for in advancing the commercial interests of the
that have been subject to inundation on the carrying out the work of that body. Republic.

system which has controlled that misunder

Moral Support for Mexico stood country for all these ages !
Branded as Bandits
And yet, when a group of noble, high
A Long Oppressed People Worthy of the Same Consideration
minded, educated men demanded a change in
the United States Accords to Other Liberty Lovers
their economic life, a change that would bring
Mrs. George D. Shadburne, Jr. , in San Francisco "Chronicle" about a more equitable system of caring for
their fellow beings, they were branded as
HEN one hears on all sides expres Reformation," has been appalling and incom bandits, as thieves, as murderers. Of course,
sions of sympathy for those who are prehensible. We are condemning on one side those who were fattening their pocketbooks
Wat present involved in the greatest what we defend on another. at the expense of this downtrodden race
struggle of all history, battling to preserve all joined the Mexicans who formed the ring that
of those ideals that embody the great principles Confusion and Discontent suffocated the populace and caused them to
of democracy ; when one hears and reads the Mexico finds herself in the same condition rise in their might, burst asunder the chains
opinions that express a common understand that the South was after the Civil War. Nat which were strangling the very vitals of
ing, a generous fellow feeling for the Russian urally, confusion and discontent followed their nation and fight to the death for the
heroes and martyrs who are spattering the confusion, owing to the various political emancipation of their people .
pages of Russian history with their noble groups fighting for supremacy, and discontent And now that Victory has crowned their
blood in order to deliver their people from from among the groups of the defeated . Only, efforts, and they are bending every energy to
an excruciating thralldom, and to afford them in Mexico's case the conditions have been firmly establish the great principles for which
the privilege of inhaling the breath of liberty worse. Outside greedy interests have labored they fought, let us extend to them that same
and all that goes with this precious gift—one to keep those groups apart, have labored to fellow feeling, that same understanding, that
wonders why this common understanding, this keep the spark of hatred burning ; they don't same moral support which we are giving to
sympathy, this fellow- feeling is never extended want the people united ; they know that the the other nations who are struggling for what
one foot over the border south of us. One complete union of the Mexican people means Mexico has yearned for and been deprived of
wonders why we, the people of this great the death knell of the exploiter, of the inter all these long, weary years.
American nation, admitted to be the most ferer. But, in spite of all this , Mexico is
generous in the whole world, have withheld succeeding ; the people are uniting, and it will
from our sister Republic what we have ac not be long before they are all bound by the Mormons Returning to
corded to the other struggling nations. ties of a common suffering, and by the ties Chihuahua State
of brotherly love. There are those among the
Story Written in Blood defeated who have nobly admitted the terrible. Facilities for Bringing Their Families
wrong which has existed in that country for to Their Old Homes
Mexico's bitter and tragical story is written
in the blood of thousands of martyrs- mar so many years. HE Secretary of 1 State transmitted under
tyrs and heroes who died so that they might TH a recent date to the Inspectors of the
So- Called Prosperity Under Diaz
bequeath to their children and their children's Immigration Service in the Republic the fol
children that for which we are all fighting Many say that never was the country so lowing circular :
today- Freedom ! Freedom of body, freedom prosperous as during the administration of "This Bureau is informed that certain Mor
of thought, freedom to develop their country, Don Porfirio Diaz, but they forget to add mons who have returned to the State of
freedom to educate their people, freedom to that never were so many foreigners prosper Chihuahua, when they became aware of the
break the mental bondage of the poor, who ous in a foreign country, and never in the situation maintained in the region where they
have been saturated with the lesson of sub history of any nation were a native people lived, returned to the United States for the
mission, humility and obedience for over 400 more neglected and oppressed . purpose of bringing their families to the place
years ! Freedom to let in the blessed light to How long would our laboring classes stand where they had invested in lands, but were
these dumb-driven masses, who have been so for a wage of one-half of a bit a day (64 unable to use, for a second time, the pass
cowed that they were willing to remain cowed ! cents) ? Can the American mind grasp or ports issued them for coming to our country.
Freedom for their laboring classes, from the would it countenance such a condition as this ? "For the purpose of saving trouble for the
stifling peonage under which they have tottered How long would our laboring classes stand Mormons referred to, the Secretary of For
for ages ! Freedom to operate their govern being refused the privilege of the ballot? And eign Affairs has already instructed Mexican
mental affairs according to their own interpre how long would a decent American public Consuls in North America to the effect that
tation of the principles of democracy ! Free endure such treatment of their people ? And they affix a special note to every passport they
dom to develop and manage the great indusA I have heard an ex-General of the Porfirio may issue to persons found in the condition
tries of their country, for the advantage of the Diaz army say that these unfortunates did not mentioned, exempting the Inspector from
Mexican people ! Freedom to enforce the need the vote, that they would not vote if making cancellations required by Circular No.
laws which are incorporated in their great they could, and, furthermore, that they did 1965 of this Bureau, dated the fourteenth of
Constitution ! Freedom to own their country not understand it. He also made the state last September. At the same time permit me
and manage their own affairs , for the Mexi ment that all the women of this class needed to note that every passport issued by foreign
cans and by the Mexicans ! was one dress , one pair of shoes, a little patch authorities for their respective citizens should
around a house (he did not describe that ) , be vised by the Mexican Consul nearest the
Deny Mexico Justice with a few little trees and a few little vege point of departure, without which requisite
And yet, there are those, and plenty of tables , and no theaters and no movies - that the document must not be accepted by our
them, who deny to Mexico what they proclaim they did not care for anything more, even if immigration officers, since there is danger that
in clarion tones is the just right of other offered to them. How long would the daugh some foreigners recognized as enemies of our
nations. They have even attempted to try to ter of one of our laborers stand for that sort Government may enter the country to exploit
make the Mexicans believe they must change of a life ? One dress ! One pair of shoes ! seditious work.
themselves into something else. They must And no movies ! And, furthermore, they were "Communicated to you for your information
not think with a Mexican mind-they must not willing to remain in that state of bondage. and in order that you regulate your conduct
feel with a Mexican soul. The Mexicans are Will the American mind read between the in conformity with the aforesaid,-I repeat to
proud of their ancestry, proud of their intelli lines and grasp the spirit of this statement ? you my attentive consideration .
gence, proud of their talents, proud of their This General, this man presumably well edu "Constitution and Reforms .
inherent sentiments, and wish to remain Mexi cated, really is sincere in his belief ; he thinks "Mexico, February 22, 1918.
cans. The opposition which has been hurled that this is the proper way to take care of the "Office of the Chief Secretary, P. Machorro
against the loyal heroes , defenders of " The masses. He is simply another version of the and Narvez ."

up rapidly, trade and commerce will flourish,

Canadian and Mexican Trade the wonderful crop-growing propensities of
the land will be exploited to the full, and the
ground will be mined more assiduously than
Each Country Has Many Products That the Other Needs ever. I anticipate a very great future for
Water Transportation Facilities the Only Obstacle Mexico ."
Mr. Leveson called special attention to the
AM glad to see Canadians commencing Mexico's adherence to strict neutrality in this improved credit and promised banking facili
to display an interest in Mexican com period of war-when the press of the United ties under the present Mexican Government.
Imercial possibilities," remarked Edward States was hinting at the reverse. Vancouver (B. C. ) Daily Sun.
J. Leveson to a representative of The Sun. "The British Columbia-Mexico Company, in
"There are in that country vast possibilities which I am interested, is developing proper
for the development of a large and lucrative ties, productive of foodstuffs, on the west OIL
trade. Mexico has many things that we want, coast of Mexico , and we hope in the near
and we have many things that she needs. All future to become pioneers in the resuscitation I am older than thou !
that now is required to commence to bring of trade between the two countries, each of Before you were, I was.
some of these commercial benefits to Vancou which is capable of supplying the other's Through countless ages have I been conserved
ver is a coastal connection by ships, preferably wants. We also look forward to the possi by Mother Nature.
1 ships fitted with refrigerator apparatus, so that bility of direct water transportation between I lay inert and unchanging,
the splendid tropical fruits of that country Mexico's west coast and our own here of Yet power within me lay !
can be brought in safely. Of course, the other Victoria and Vancouver. Yes, power to dispel darkness alone at first !
products of the country, the main articles of Then great and mobile heat was developed
commerce, would not require refrigerator pro Canada-Mexico Service from me!
tection." Mr. Leveson stated that in his opinion the I served the housewife midst her labors in the
Though reluctant to be interviewed, Mr. future trade of Canada with Mexico was made kitchen !
Leveson was well informed on economic, com possible by the water route of the Pacific. It Then I leapt to the side of the master I had
mercial and political conditions in Mexico and should be undertaken with regular scheduled made !
willing to explain Mexican conditions. He I drove him first from penury to plutocracy !
sailings, proper supervision , and thorough or
spent many years there before he came to ganization , through which means only a satis Then I drove him winging along his chariots
this city, and he is still actively interested in factory service be established. Every possible of speed ,
Mexican properties, being in addition to other credit should be given to the Mexican Gov And I too am that who has conquered the air !
associations in Mexico a director in the British ernment and to Señor Bravo for their efforts And likewise have I conquered the deeps !
Columbia-Mexico Co. , Ltd., a large develop now being put forth to develop a Canadian Man loves me like a lavish mistress !
ment company on the west coast. trade. The Mexican Government sincerely I need but hint my presence ,
desired the development of trade with this And , lo ! leagues and hemispheres does he
Stable Foundation country, and in such development lay a prom travel in search of me !
"The Mexican Government," he continued, ising future for those who went into it. But For he knows that always am I alluring and
"is on a far more stable foundation now than business negotiations should be carefully con enchanting !
many people realize. President Carranza is sidered before definite action is taken. Even though betimes deceiving and hope
fast getting matters into shape . The Consti The company which Mr. Leveson represents deferring ,
tution of the new Mexican Government is one is developing agricultural properties on the Mistress am I of thousands of masters !
of the most progressive, and in many respects Southern Pacific Railway on the western sea My first smile is as the rainbow !
radical, codes that the world has ever seen. board of Mexico near the towns of Mazatlan And how eagerly grasp they that faintest rain
The notable features of it are the new agra bow hue !
and Acaponeta. The company has full powers
rian and labor laws. It contains the best for trade, shipping, manufacture and develop For its deepening smile lures them down to
points of the constitutions of the United States ment, and has spent a large amount of money me!
and the French republics . in development. To show the fertility of the Down to the depths of earth ,
"We on the west coast of the Dominion soil there, Mr. Leveson gave an estimate of To encourage its alluring charm,
should extend a warm welcome to Señor the 1918 crop production on properties on the I touch them and soon Midas, Croesus and
Eduardo Soriano Bravo, the newly appointed west coast. Tomatoes would produce 320 Monte Cristo of fabled fame are fleshed
consul-general of Mexico to Canada," he said. boxes per acre , beans 1600 pounds to the acre, alive!
"Señor Bravo has for some years repre corn 4800 pounds to the acre. Other agri My vanguard are braver than the crusaders of
sented his country as consul at New Orleans, cultural products grew in proportion . The ex old !
and now he is here in Canada to investigate ports include silver, gold , copper, rubber, hides , My troopers more valiant than Cæsar's
and encourage the many possibilities of trade coffee, hardwood, lumber and dye-woods , legions !
between Mexico and ourselves. vanilla, beans, tobacco, cotton-seed meal and And, perhaps, of greater multitude !
"Through some years of internal trouble and cakes, and tropical fruits. Master have I none ; yet mistress am I of
dissension, disturbing the economic condition armies !
of her territories, Mexico is emerging into a Plenty of Fruit To -day, cupped in my palm, hold I the destiny
period of reconstruction of her social, financial "There is no reason why Mexico should not of dictators !
and commercial conditions ; and we feel sure supply the whole Pacific coast with tropical I add to science's learning !
that you will be glad to hear first hand some fruits," said Mr. Leveson. "In my opinion Distances I destroy !
of the interesting facts in relation thereto that is one of the greatest commercial open Heights I scale !
which her official representative has to tell us. ings to be found in a country which offers Seas I ride, their depths I defy!
more inducement to capital at the present time Industry I encourage !
Friend of President than any part of the Americas. The fruit Adventure I reward!
"It has been a great pleasure to me person could be shipped up the coast from the west Patience I immortalize !
ally to meet Señor Bravo, not only in his of Mexico and landed right here in Vancouver Fickle though am I !
official capacity, but as a personal friend of the in much less time and at much less cost than Sinews and brawn I command!
President of Mexico , Señor Carranza, who tropical fruit is bought to -day. Brain and energy watch my beck!
honored me, through his finance minister, Sr. "With the quieting down of the rebellion Before you were, I was!
Lic. Luis Cabrera, with a message to the Pre there will be the greatest boom in land on this Yet ever at your side find you me!
mier of Canada last year, assuring Canada of continent. The country will, I believe, settle I am oil! -Unknown.
12 May, 1918

people forever. It is believed in Mexico that

The Truth About Mexico it is from these foreigners, and especially from
Americans, that the greater part of the money
has come to maintain banditry. Names are
A Californian Opinion That What That Country Need's
Is to Be Let Entirely Alone freely mentioned, and if our own Government
has any desire to ascertain whether reports of
FTER great tribulation, it has become the public interest by appropriate taxation. American contributions to Mexican banditry
apparent that the Carranza Govern But there are American landowners in are true it can get " clews" from almost any
A ment is an enlightened Government, Mexico, and foreign exploiters of petroleum one on the street.
in possession of ade There are obvious ef
quate power fully to forts to create hostility
restore and maintain to Mexico by reports
order in the country, that the Government in
and all that is neces tends to prohibit the ex
sary to enable it to port of Mexican oil. The
accomplish those pur Mexican Government de
poses is for the gov-1 nies such intention , and
ernments and people of is plainly as willing to
other countries to let
profit by selling to any
Mexico alone. belligerent as we were
There is still some before we entered the
banditry in Mexico , war. And nobody could
which is none of our
be more willing than that.
business, except in so But if Mexico should
far as it may be our prohibit exports it would
duty to ascertain to be as much within its
what extent it is in rights as we are in pro
spired and supported hibiting the export of
by the money of hundreds of things,
Americans, to locate among them gold which
any of our citizens who
is the property of the
are or have been guilty Mexican Government or
of such practices and people incautiously en
inflict suitable punish trusted to our keeping.
ment upon them.
The fundamental If any American does
cause of the troubles 201 not like Mexican insti
tutions, or Mexican cus
which have existed in
Mexico is the attempt toms or people, he should.
to perpetuate in that stay out of Mexico . No
country the ancient body asks him to go
there. If he goes there,
Spanish system , under
he should be prepared to
which the lords were
the owners of all the treat the Mexican people
and institutions with the
lands and the people
who tilled them de same respect which we
expect from Mexicans
pendents. This feeling
was accentuated by a visiting us. And if he
system of taxation adopts Mexico as
which derived public permanent residence he
revenues mainly from should assimilate himself
taxation of personal into the Mexican life
effort, while the great just as we expect immi
land holdings were left grants to be assimilated
untaxed . into American life.
That system ought An American who goes
to be changed, and will into Mexico and puts on
be. To the extent that
airs, pretending superi
the national faith is
involved in respect to ority and exhibiting con
grants and concessions , tempt of those about him
will deserve, and proba
it ought to be and pre
sumably will be kept. bly get, about the same
If land once granted is treatment which a Mexi
expropriated, the owner can would get by ex
should have compensa pressing contempt for
tion based on present America on the streets
income - producing of San Franciso . - San
value, which in most Main Entrance to the Church of Tepozatlan, State of Mexico Francisco Chronicle.
cases would be trifling.
One great exception is in respect to land deposits, who most strenuously object to any
The collections of duties on postal packages
found to contain petroleum. In those cases change of Mexican institutions which will
entering Mexico from the United States
the Government intends rightly to protest impair their power to exploit the Mexican reaches a total of $60,000 annually.

agement here is in the hands of American

Regarding Foreign Trade business men like yourselves . It is strictly
non-political . It is the practical channel for
Mexican Chamber of Commerce Talks to American the work that is to be done here.
Manufacturers, Exporters and Importers Through this membership you will at trifling
expense be brought and kept in close touch
YOU are keeping more foreign trade. The Americans living and doing business in with this field, which is of far greater impor
Mexico is your nearest neighbor. When Mexico are aroused to this crisis . We are tance to your interest than you have realized.
Y the revival comes here it will bring cultivating friendly trade relations in Mexico Yours truly,
great trade activity, and AMERICAN CHAMBER
it is up to Americans to OF COMMERCE OF
to hold their present MEXICO, S. C. L.
lead. Mr. John Barrett S. W. RIDER, President.
estimates that after
Mexico's troubles are
Acting Secretary.
settled her foreign busi
ness will increase near
Reason vs.
fourfold in ten years.
Her oil production has Fanaticism
increased fiftyfold If you were to dis
since 1907. The vast cuss Mexico with many
resources of the country Americans you would
are scarcely touched. find no difficulty in ob

If you are already en taining the prompt ver

gaged in this field the dict that "Mexico is no
American Chamber of good" and that "Mex
Commerce can help ico ought to be abol
you. If you are not, ished." If you were to
you should thus get in discuss it further you
touch with the field would find from these
and so prepare for the persons that "Mexico
future. has been the scourge
Mexico is seventeen of humanity in the
and a half times the Western Hemisphere,"
size of Cuba and infi and that "it never will
nitely greater in re be worth a continental

sources. Cuba's prod until the United States

ucts are limited to shall have seized it and

tropical, chiefly sugar made it a place mod

and tobacco . Mexico eled after the plan of
has all these and also the United States, in

metals, oil , timber, type and kind of gov

corn, wheat, live stock ernment."
-everything-as possi Should you seek fur
ble products. It is ther information from
three times as large as persons rendering these
all of Central America off-hand remedies for
and the West Indies the Mexican Nation
combined. you would find that
The European na they never had seen
tions must get from Mexico ; that they had
abroad raw materials never lived in the coun
for manufacturing af try for which they had
ter the war, and must a remedy, and you fur
seek foreign trade. G ther would learn that
Mexico, with its bound they had never even so
less resources and fa much as read the his
vorable position as to tory of the Mexican
transportation, is espe Nation . In fact, your
cially important. Ger SHE informants would be
man capital even now M persons who could in
is being invested here. form you nothing
The United States has about the industrial,
deep interest in the in military or political
crease of the important history of the country
volume of trade that that has had so much
already exists between trouble within the past
the two countries. This Church Front in City of Puebla ten years. Yet they
will help to solve other would tell Mexico how
problems and will add to the prosperity and with the Mexicans. This is for your good as to manage itself and what is the matter with it.
good relations of both countries, as is shown well as ours. We ask you to support us by If you should read Professor Frederic
so strikingly in the case of Cuba and the becoming members of this Chamber of Com Starr's book telling of his recent 26 years of
United States, under much less favorable nat merce. Its usefulness will depend on the life and study of Mexico, where he spent most
ural conditions and importance. breadth of its support and influence. Its man (Concluded on page 24)

toward the precipitous defile that traverses

Mexican Byways and Highways the mountain range which separates the desert
from the fertile, well-watered valley below.
Scenes and Experiences Away From the Usual Past gardens, vineyards, orchards, alfalfa and
Paths of Travelers and Writers grain fields we drive, all sustained by the
BY GEORGE F. WEEKS water of a brawling torrent which has its
source full -fledged in a spring at the head of
the defile. The road is steep and for three
On the Desert hours we crawl up the cañon with its per
and that untold wealth lay dormant and await
pendicular walls of limestone, cave-filled cliffs ,
HE "lure of the desert" has already ing development in its dry, dreary wastes .
suggestive of wild animals that we know are
been referred to more or less casually Unfortunately he died just as his dreams were hiding therein, its road deep with the dust of
T and merely as an interlude while dis on the point of realization and did not live
countless ore and guayule teams-for this is
cussing another subject. This chapter will be to see the desert literally washed off the map
the only outlet for a vast region rich in min
given up entirely to it, and deservedly so , since in the only manner that washing can be done eral wealth, as are most deserts, all of the
so far as Northern Mexico is concerned, nine -with water.
products of which must perforce be handled
tenths of its area comes properly enough under So, too, with the deserts of Mexico . The over this highway. Some one has said that
this designation as popularly conceived-with traveler by rail through the northern tier of
Nature secreted her greatest wealth on the
reservations that will be noted. Yet the reader States and some of those immediately adjoin
desert, in order to discourage men from this
must ever bear in mind one thing : while his ing on the south can scarcely be blamed for search. It is true as to the marvelous mineral
geographical studies in his youth (if he be fancying that by far the greater portion of wealth of all deserts, almost without excep
past the fifty mark or thereabouts ) included that section is of a hopelessly desert character. tion, but its location " there seems to serve
of course a variety of information about des The vast stretches of uninhabited , uncultivated rather as a stimulus than a deterrent for
erts, alleged and otherwise, they also included territory, with the scattering settlements and human endeavor, and not a few of the most.
a most amazing amount of misinformation , small areas under cultivation, are to him proof
productive mines in the world are located in
insomuch that few who have had no personal positive of the desert character of this region . remote desert regions.
experience actually know what a desert is in The presence of isolated fruitful areas of
Finally the last steep grade is climbed and
reality. In the writer's boyhood, and even limited extent ought, it is true, to show him
we come out into a great open valley, perhaps
later, for example, the "Great American his error, but it has the contrary effect. They
fifteen or twenty miles in width, walled by
Desert" of the geographies , covering a large ought to show him, as his eyes ought to con
lofty mountain ranges on either side, whose
portion of what is now Western Kansas, vince him by observing the character of the
topmost summits are covered with pine and
Oklahoma, Northern Texas , Southern Colo soil and the natural vegetation thereon, with cedar, making a most picturesque effect
rado and contiguous territory, was a reality to enough of the soil clinging to his person to
against the deep blue of the sky, though at this .
the school pupil and to the adult as well. Yet permit of a thorough analysis of its character, distance they look like stunted shrubs instead
now it is one of the most fertile and produc that the only thing lacking in order to change of the lofty trees t that they are in actuality.
tive portions of the country, in great part. It the desert into something more useful is the These soon disappear, however, and the
was to us, however, as the dictionary and the same thing that he lacks for personal comfort mountains to the west are gaunt and almost
geography alike declared, "a sandy, verdure and cleanliness while traveling through this verdureless.
less, waterless waste." And in our childish same desert- water.
Our objective point is Ocampo, over forty
eyes we could see those sandy wastes-resem Wherever a spring is found and tapped , miles away- a long day's journey for any one,
bling to our imagination nothing so much as wherever a mountain stream is led into the no matter how well equipped in the way of
the sandy dunes of Coney Island and Rocka valley, wherever an embankment is thrown up horse or mule flesh, saddle or vehicle. In all
way Beach of the sixties and seventies. and a "tanque" or reservoir formed for the this long stretch there is water at only one
It is true, there are portions of all deserts conservation of the torrential rainfall ( for place "El Oso" (the bear) -a little green
that are of this character, but they are limited though rain falls but seldom on the desert, spot in the dry, dusty valley marking its loca
by comparison with the extensive areas that when it does fall it comes in volume) , there tion. It seems to be but a short distance, but
are not sandy and without vegetation. This is the refreshing contrast of growing crops-of that is one of the peculiarities of the desert
true of the so-called deserts of Mexico , just wheat and corn and alfalfa, of fruit tree and one who is not well acquainted is sure to
as it is true of the deserts of the Southwest vineyard, of melon and the entire wide range underestimate at least half. The road is fully
-the Colorado and the Mojave deserts of of food plants-affords a convincing demon a quarter of a mile in width. At all events an
California, those of Utah and Nevada, of New stration that absence of readily obtainable area of that extent has been cut into ruts and
Mexico and Arizona. The deserts of Cali water is not to be taken as proof positive that beds of dust and gullies by the constant
fornia especially, regarded once, and not so a given region is of the same character as traffic, and there is small choice. The dust is
long since either, as of a hopelessly irredeem the fancied "desert" of schoolboy days of the impalpable, flour like, is from six inches to a
able character, have become one of the most middle of the last century, and even later. foot in depth, and the least impact of foot or
fruitful and productive portions of that won Come with me on a trip a hundred miles wheel brings it in clouds into the traveler's
derfully fruitful and productive common and more into the desert region to the west face. In the morning the breeze comes up the
wealth. One who has never visited the and northwest of Cuatro Cienegas, and see cañon from the warmer valleys of the lower
Imperial Valley of California can realize that what it is really like. level and just serves to keep the clouds of
not so many years ago a man who ventured Camp outfit, food, blankets in abundance choking pulverization with us as we move
into it without adequate provision of water, (for it is cold on the desert at night, no matter slowly along. It is useless to seek to escape.
took his life in his hand, and scores upon what the month) , and, of more importance One wagon track may seem less dusty than
scores have lost their lives because of their than all else water bags, are fastened securely another, but when we try it we wish we had
temerity and their ignorance. Any man who on a light vehicle drawn by a couple of little not. For awhile we are more or less disposed
was so visionary, so reckless , so regardless of but wiry mules-the only animals fit for desert to make ourselves uncomfortable by carping
what was thought to be the truth as to sug travel, except of course their progenitor, the at a condition that is unavoidable, but finally
gest that it held almost unlimited possibilities, burro. Either of the long-eared tribe will when we see that nothing can prevail against
or any possibilities at all, in the way of agri travel day after day and keep in good condi it, we settle down to profound apathy, keep
cultural development, was regarded as little tion on a minimum of food and water, when our mouths shut for two reasons, and travel
short of insane. As indeed was actually re a horse would die under like conditions before in silent misery. The sun soon becomes hot,
garded the man who devoted the best years of the distance was half covered. hotter, hottest ; the perspiration trickles down
his life to the effort to convince Congress that We leave Cuatro Cienegas as soon after our faces, making furrows in the heavy coat
the Colorado "desert" was so only in name sunrise as possible and strike directly west ing of earth. Our lips become parched and

cracked, we make frequent requisition on the mountain spring that has been led down in a bodies, but the gale is so strong that it is well
water bags-though when we become more rivulet, fill our water bags therefrom, and are nigh impossible to strike so much as a match,
thoroughly "desert wise" we refrain from the ready for another day's discomfort. and we crouch shivering and hoping the fuel
use of water except in sparing quantities. We We make a leisurely start, after we have will blaze. Finally comes the mayordomo of
look ahead, as well as the cloud of dust will halted in the midst of breakfast, stepped away the little ranch (they have evidently been
permit, with longing eyes toward the little from the table, chairs in hand, in order to per watching our efforts from a window) , and
cluster of trees at El Oso, the only really mit our mules to be led through the dining tells us that the women, whose especial care
green thing in sight. The desert vegetation is room from the back door and out into the and pride is the chapel, have noted our un
all gray and earth colored, though it may have street through the front one-just a common, comfortable plight, and have sent him to say
been green once upon a time. that if we will not molest the altar or any of
every day occurrence, owing to the peculiar
The long hours drag wearily, as do the the religious objects in the sacred edifice, we
architecture of many houses, especially in the
mules, while it seems. as though instead of are welcome to take shelter there for the
decreasing the distance and coming nearer, country. All day we move slowly, again in a night. They must have had some unpleasant
the oasis keeps getting farther and farther blinding, stifling, suffocating cloud of dust, experiences with foreigners or others in the
away. this time impregnated with alkali of a sort past, or they would not have placed this in
But at last the weary, thirsty animals catch that makes the head ache, the eyes smart and junction upon us as a preliminary, but we
a whiff of the water-they can be depended burn, and the lips cake and crack. In the gladly assure them that we have nothing but
upon to do this . On the desert give a mule afternoon there is a little relief, as the desert sentiments of the utmost respect for their
his head and he will find water if any there be. breeze strikes in our faces and drives the dust holy of holies, and that we would greatly
Cattle too will do this, and so will horses after away momentarily, but as a rule we have it appreciate the privilege of taking shelter
a fashion, but first of all in the possession of with us at all times in quantity. The mules therein. Our manner seemingly pleases the
what may be called "water sense"-the ability can seldom move more rapidly than a walk, women, for after awhile the mayordomo comes
to sense water at an again to the chapel
unbelievable distance bringing an earthen
and when there is no dish filled with a most
outward indication of delectable concoction , a
it to the human eye combination of fresh
or nostril- is the much eggs, cheese and green
despised long - eared peppers cooked to
tribe. A mule or a
gether. It was hot, but
burro will detect it the weather was cold
miles away.
and we were too, and
At El Oso is a "tan
the food went to the
que" (pronounced with
right spot and warmed
two syllables if you
please) , supplied from us thoroughly. If there
was a morsel left it was
a spring in the moun
tains many miles away, surely not my fault.
and brought down in Then we wrapped our
a rock-lined rushing selves in our blankets,
stream in an artificial laid down on our fold
water course. Here ing cots and slept
we halt, let the mules warmly and comfort
drink and rest, the ably until morning.
while we alight, stretch. Nor would these poor
our cramped limbs, eat people accept a single
a lunch liberally sea cent in way of com
soned with dust, wash Among the Pine Forests of Mexico pensation for our en
the earth from our tertainment.
throats, and then resume our journey. The and occasionally we alight and walk a mile or Next day was a repetition of the previous
afternoon is a repetition of the morning, only two to relieve their burden. one. There was the same ever-present blind
more so if possible, and it is dusk as we pull Late in the afternoon the wind increases in ing cloud of alkali-impregnated dust, the same
into the quaint little village of Ocampo, the velocity and strength, and blows harsh and slow progress, the same unavoidable discom
last settlement of size for two hundred miles cold in our faces, as it sweeps on its way to fort. Again it was near sundown when we at
north, west or south, and seek food, shelter the warmer valleys at a lower level, for all this last drove up to the hacienda of La Fortuna,
and rest in the house of a friend. time we are climbing, climbing, imperceptibly our objective point, the center of operations
There still remain sixty miles of desert it is true, but nevertheless it is a constant uphill of the guayule gatherers. It was a forlorn
travel before our objective point is reached, pull . Just before sunset we come to a "tanque" group of dilapidated adobe huts and a great
with water at but two points in the interven of the usual character, where is a cluster of "tanque" of water. We had long since ex
ing space. Travel on the desert is always little adobe buildings belonging to a goat and hausted our water bags and hastened to the
regulated by the water. No other considera cattle herder . On the hillside above stands the pond, though with more or less misgiving
tion enters into the calculation of each day's almost invariable little chapel found at nine when we noted the dozens of mules, horses
journey. Life depends upon it, and those who tenths of the haciendas in the country- for the and cattle that were standing knee deep in the
affect to despise this consideration, as many women refuse resolutely to live in these out water and mud. We dipped some of the
have, seldom survive to tell their folly. of-the-way places unless provision be made fluid up. It was tan colored and odoriferous
So we decide to devote two days to the for their religious faith. The single building to a degree ! It was far from inviting, even
remainder of the journey, as one watering used as a residence is crowded with the family to a thirsty man. But it was wet and we were
place is about thirty miles out. In the morn and their friends who are traveling and seek dry, oh so dry !-also dirty, oh so dirty! So
ing we take time to walk about the town, note shelter from the blast, and we essay to make we gave our scruples a place in the back
the gigantic hedges of naturally spineless camp under a gaunt palma . We gather a little ground, dismissed our prejudices and ideas
cactus that encircle garden and vineyard, brush and try to build a fire, in order to make regarding germs and such like, and drank the
obtain some of the choice fruit that is grown coffee and cook some bacon, as well as to water, washed in it, and made the best of it.
here, drink of the cold, clear water from the warm our benumbed fingers and shivering We then concluded that if it were boiled and


coffee made of it, it might not be necessary intended as a deterrent. But if that were cactus , mariola, and what not-all contribut
to hold our nostrils while imbibing. But we the object they would, as they easily could, ing to the perfume of the atmosphere, to the
soon found that boiling only made it worse. have been made far worse. Purposely the dis charm of the experience, to the lure of the
and more so ! The steam carried all the un comforts and dangers of travel in desert desert.
pleasant odors directly into our nostrils and regions have not been accentuated, not ex The vast vacant spaces, untouched and un
we found it more difficult to drink the coffee aggerated. For much more of the minutiae of spoiled by human kind, are another and not
than the straight water. discomfort might have been cited. Enough the least potent feature of the lure of the
However, the desert is the desert, water is has been given however to demonstrate that desert. There is a charm about being in a
water, and a really thirsty (and dirty ) man desert travel at its best has very little of the spot where no man has trod, no man has
knows no scruples . "picnic" connected therewith. Just enough has defiled the air, that is clean and sweet just as
Next morning we drive out to the guayule been given to demonstrate that there is a vast it left Nature's hand . Places that gave home
camps- that being the real objective of our difference between desert travel in a Pullman to prehistoric races, that have been the centers
journey, in order to disburse several thou and the same kind of travel behind a mule of habitation for centuries, that are filled with
sand dollars among the shrub gatherers. We team . A decided difference ! evidences and remains of human handiwork—
reached the main camp about ten o'clock, paid Perhaps one of the principal lures of the all have their interest, even their charm for
the men for their work, then after lunch desert is the absolute purity and " cleanness" some. But what so charming, so overwhelm
started for another some twenty miles away of the atmosphere. It differs too from the ingly attractive as the great sweeping unin
across country with no road , only a mountain purity and greater or less "cleanness" of rural habited plains and valleys, the hills and moun
peak to guide us. I suggested that some food atmosphere anywhere within the range of tains , that are uncontaminated, that have no
be taken from the headquarters camp, but my human habitation . By comparison with the tradition, no history, no trace of human occu
companion, who was the " boss," overruled me, atmosphere of the city or town, that of the pation ? We are treading the soil for the first
said there was certain to be an abundance of country, it is true , is pure and clean. But by time. The animals, perhaps even the most
food at the stopping place, and so we very un comparison with the air of the desert-well, timid birds, are looking for the first time on
wisely pulled out . It was dark, cold and there is no comparison. To one who has human beings—or if not the first time, at all
dreary, the perpetual desert night wind blow passed his life amid the smoke and dust and events the sight is so rare that they have no
ing a gale, and glad we were when we saw the countless odors and scenes of life in populous fear. They stand and look at you with
glowing camp fires in the distance, after hav centers , there is something inexpressibly curiosity but without fear . They are living
ing lost our way repeatedly during the after charming in a region where the air has never the lives Nature intended them to live ; they
noon. But when we had alighted and brought been contaminated through human agency or have little or no conception of the existence
up the subject of supper, we found there was by human contact. Where it is fresh, pure, of other animals that kill for the very lust of
just one article that might be called food in thesweet and invigorating as it has been from killing-only the human animal does that—or
camp- some bran, as also some tallow ren the foundation of the world. One inhales if they have that conception from some expe
dered from goat's flesh. Not a mouthful of deep draughts of it- life giving drafts-for rience, the appearance of a human being
anything else ! They had been waiting for the there is no other such healer of infected arouses no such sentiment.
paymaster in order to send to Ocampo for a lungs, no such curer of wounds, as well as And this is another of the lures of the
supply of food. But we were hungry. So a ailments of many kinds , as the pure, dry, hot, desert !
lot of bran was stirred in water to the con desiccated and desiccating air of the desert ! And then there is the silence, the unchange
sistency of dough, put into a frying pan with The worst flesh wound heals by "first inten ableness, over it all ! A silence unbroken save
some decidedly odoriferous goat tallow, and tion" without trouble. If there were anything by the voice of Nature since the very founda
cooked on the camp fire. "Coffee" made from prior to "first intention" it would be found on tion of the world itself. While the rest of
roasted bran was also brewed and consumed , the desert. Carcasses of animals exposed to . the world has rocked and reeked with the
and then we went to "rest.'"" it dry and do not decay. One can hang a handiwork of man, has been changed beyond
Two more days were spent in different quarter of fresh beef and it will remain sweet recognition , while nations have risen and
camps , paying off, but at the others there was and appetizing for a week or ten days-until fallen, while cities have been builded and have
food of a kind-mostly tortillas and frijoles. it is consumed. One afflicted with tuber gone to ruin, while countless changes have
An Indian chanced by from the mountains culosis can absolutely and actually sense the taken place, here in the wide desert there has
with the carcass of a fat freshly killed buck healing process, if he be so minded, as he been no change. Nature has gone about her
on his burro, and was glad to accept a dollar opens his mouth and throat and draws into work serene, dignified, undisturbed . Silent,
and a half for it. Then we feasted ! his enfeebled lungs to their utmost capacity noiseless, changeless- the desert has sat here
It was twelve days from the time we had the health of the desert. Literally the desert and seen the world shift and change and
left Cuatro Ciénegas before we again came in winds carry healing on their wings. Many turned upside down . Here all is quiet, calm,
sight of the valley. We struck the stream at and many a consumptive who would long changeless and unchanging. Here all is just
the head of the canyon near the town about since have "gone over the range" had he not as it was when it left the hand of the
noon and halted . It may be possible for sought the desert, has it to thank for a long Creator-aeons in the past.
travelers to get dustier and dirtier than we and useful life. And night on the desert ! Who can
were. But I doubt it. We quickly stripped , And then in the mornings when the dew is describe it ? You make your camp fire, cook
laid down in the shallow water and literally on the vegetation , or after a rainfall when and eat your supper, then wrap yourself in
wallowed in it, thus ridding ourselves of most every growing thing is saturated with mois your blankets and lie down on the warm
of the grime of the long desert journey. But ture, who can describe the exquisite aromatic ground, watching the heavens . Sleep will not
one who has never indulged in such a holiday odors that laden the breeze ? For some reason come, no matter how weary you are. Never
cannot have any idea of what it really was. many if not most of the desert plants are did the azure dome above present so attrac
The reader may perhaps fancy that after intensely charged with such potentialities , tive an appearance. Surely the stars are
such an experience one would say "Never which are liberated and demonstrated most brighter and more numerous, surely the moon .
again." Not so. As soon as the weariness freely when saturated with moisture. The never shone with such serene splendor or
had worn itself off, the desire for another resinous, balsamic odors of the guayule and sailed so majestically through the sky as out
trip desert-ward came back fresh and strong , a dozen other growths are so penetrating, so here away from man and his works and in the
and inside of another six weeks , I took just satisfying, so alluring, that one who has once clean air of the desert. Moon and stars some
another such trip, and am ready to take one sensed them longs to return to the spot where how or other seem nearer-they are nearer.
now ! (At 65 ! ) they can be enjoyed to their fullest. Inhaling They must be in these wild places of the world .
this delicious combination of odors is as inS And while one lies there he becomes con
Not much so far about the "lure of the vigorating as a draught of champagne- far scious of a singular feeling. Away a couple
desert !" more so, since there are no unpleasant after of miles to the east is a lofty range of mounP
On the contrary, the personal experiences effects . tains-gaunt, bare, their flanks exposed for
related might well be supposed to have been Then there is a host of bright-hued bloom— (Concluded on page 24)


ing, agriculture and other industries are being

Tomatoes on the West Coast pursued in peace and with success. Crops
of all kinds promise to be large, the climatic
conditions having been most favorable.
American Consul Chapman Gives Some Interesting Facts
Regarding a Profitable Winter Crop GRIN!

HE present is the fourth year devoted crops from Southern regions of the United If you're up against a bruiser and you're getting
to the production of tomatoes in the States are ready for the market. knocked about
TMazatlan consular district for the ex The crop is moved to the United States over Grin !
port trade. Four years ago an enterprising If you're feeling pretty groggy and you're licked be
the Southern Pacific Railroad of Mexico , which yond a doubt
Mexican woman who has agricultural lands skirts the west coast of Mexico for a distance Grin !
whose soil is suitable for the growth of toma of 828 miles south from Nogales , Ariz ., where Don't let him see you're funking, let him know with
toes conceived the idea of exporting tomatoes it connects at the international boundary line every clout,
Though your face is battered to a pulp, your bloom
to the United States, and planted a trial crop, with the Southern Pacific Railway of the United ing heart is stout ;
which proved to be a success and caused a States and where custom entries are made Just stand upon your pins until the beggar knocks
large number of others to take advantage the allowing the cars to proceed freely to various you out
following year of the ready market in the destinations in the United States. And Grin !
This life's a bally battle, and the same advice holds
United States for all they could produce. Yield, Size and Quality- Methods of true
During the third year, 1917, there were 300 Shipping Of Grin !
cars of tomatoes exported , and this year will If you're up against it badly, then it's only one on
The percentage of yield and the size and you ,
afford about an equal quantity. So Grin!
quality of the tomato produced here compares
favorably with those grown in the United If the future's black as thunder, don't let people see
Losses Due to Inferior Seed you're blue
States, and growers and commission men are Just cultivate a cast-iron smile of joy the whole day
It was hoped by the former producers and now perfecting the packing and handling, so through :
the several new ones who engaged in this that these goods reach the consumer in a good If they call you " Little Sunshine," wish that they'd
enterprise last autumn to have a much larger no troubles, too
state. During the past three years injudicious
crop this year, but unfortunately much of the You may Grin !
selections and less careful handling caused Rise up in the morning with the will that, smooth
seed, all of which was purchased of firms in some losses which experience now enables the or rough,
the United States, was inferior or ill adapted interested parties to overcome. You'll Grin .
to local soil and climatic conditions, resulting Sink to sleep at midnight, and although you're feel
There is a local loss of about 30 per cent ing tough,
in an appreciable loss not only to the growers of the entire crop, leaving only about 70 per Yet Grin !
here, but to the consumers in the United cent available for shipment when selections. There's nothing gained by whining, and you're not
States. are complete. The yield averages about 12,000 that kind of stuff ;
To overcome this loss in the future, the You're a fighter from away back, and you won't
pounds per acre. take a rebuff ;
producers contemplate making more careful The tomatoes are packed in wooden crates. Your trouble is that you don't know when you've
selection of seed, if possible, in the future, or boxes imported from the United States for had enough—
and it is desirable from obvious viewpoints the purpose . Each crate holds about 25 to Don't give in !
If Fate should down you, just get up and take
that American seedsmen supplying Mexican 30 pounds, buyers insisting upon the latter another cuff ;
producers should employ every reasonable weight. These are shipped in refrigerator You may bank on it that there's no philosophy like
means to furnish suitable seed . cars holding 800 to 1000 crates, but it is not bluff,
Some attempt was made last autumn by an And Grin !
necessary to ice the cars until about the first
-From "The Spell of the Yukon," by Robert W.
American distributing house to introduce good of March, the weather being sufficiently cool Service.
seed in order to increase the yield and quality in January and February to keep the tomatoes
of the tomato in this section, which they real from the beginning to the end of the route.
ized would accrue to their advantage owing without ice. EDUCATIONAL NOTES
to the large demand due to early harvest ;
but it appears that most growers had already American Tomato Planter Being Introduced
purchased their stock of seed , The new Normal School for the training of
A local firm handling a general line of teachers has been opened in a suitable edifice
Soil Suitable for Tomato Production American-made farming implements and ma in the City of Mexico, with a large attendance
chinery has on exhibition an American-made of those seeking to engage in educational
Only the river valleys and lowlands, where machine for planting tomato seed , just recently work.
the soil is the most fertile and natural moisture received, which it believes will command a sale An industrial school for young ladies has
is present or irrigation is possible, are now among several of the larger producers on ac been established in the city of Vera Cruz, in
employed in the production of tomatoes. addition to the large number of educational
count of the economy and efficiency which it institutions already in existence in that place.
There remain, however, large areas of land appears will be effected by the use of this The Governor of the State of Queretaro re
of this character not yet in cultivation , but machine. ports extensive additions to the educational
which will no doubt now be taken advantage system and a general condition of prosperity.
of gradually by the Mexican owners who are The coming crops of grain promise to be the
aware of the satisfactory results which others Yaquis Are Being Quelled largest ever harvested . The entire State is in
have obtained. Some irrigation is necessary in order except for a few bands of marauders ,
Gen. Plutarco Elias Calles , Governor of in whose pursuit and extermination aeroplanes
almost all cases, because the seed is not planted the State of Sonora, and who is at the head are being used with good results .
until after the rainy season ends, about No of the forces operating against the "Bronco" Instructions have been issued for the open
vember 1st, and the last of the crop is har Yaquis, reports that the principal portion ing of the agricultural experimental school
vested about the 1st of May- long before the of the rebellious faction of the tribe has which has been established at the Rancho San
rainy season begins, toward the last of June. been broken up, and that only a few small Jacinto, in the valley of Mexico . Alumni
from that school will be sent to various por
bands now remain under arms. These
tions of the Republic for the purpose of giving
A Winter Crop Advantageous to United are in the depths of the mountains, but instruction in the most modern methods.
States are being pursued with energy, and it will The Board of Directors of the Chamber of
The tomato crop in this consular district is be a matter of but a brief period before the Commerce of the city of San Luis Potosi has
really a winter crop, the harvest of which last vestiges of trouble will have disappeared . established a library for the use of its mem
bers and for the dissemination of the latest
begins early in the month of January, quite Except for the remote region referred to , the scientific and commercial information that is
some weeks before the early and larger spring entire State is in a normal condition and min available.

A New Periodical With

Railroad Development
a Laudable Purpose

To Instruct the Immigrant and Promote

Revival of the Durango to Mazatlan Enterprise-Other Plans in
Amicable Relations
Various Portions of the Republic
A DEFENSA" . is the name of a new
IRECTOR GENERAL PESCADOR way employes at Orizaba, in the State of Vera
Τ periodical whose publication has re
of the Constitutionalist Railway lines Cruz, that point being the location of a di
D has under consideration the construc vision headquarters, shops , etc. Lands for cently been undertaken in San Antonio , Texas.
cultivation are to be allotted and houses In its announcement this laudable purpose is
tion of a railway connecting the city of
Durango with the port of Mazatlan , on the erected for the men and their families . given as the mainspring of its existence :
west coast, on the lines of survey made many "La Defensa, a weekly which we now launch
The Constitutionalist Railways have received in the arena of journalism in this section , has
years ago under Collis P. Huntington . Eighty a number of sleeping cars from the United
miles of this line have already been built west for its object to foment a better understanding
States, which will be put on the through and a still better feeling among the large and
from Durango , but the remainder is in a trains, thus remedying the scarcity of such
mountainous region, where some twenty tun constantly increasing Mexican population for
vehicles that has been the rule for some time, their new country .
nels of various lengths and thirty large bridges owing to the unsettled conditions.
will be required. It is estimated that the cost "Our immigrants, in the great majority, be
The railway line from Guadalajara to Man
of the line will be some $ 15,000,000 , but that long to the laboring classes ; and coming from
zanillo is reported to be in perfect condition
the expenditure would be warranted by the a land of special privileges, to a land where
and traffic is uninterrupted and regular. In
opening of a rich agricultural, mining and equal rights to all and special privileges to
one week 120 carloads of foodstuffs were dis
timber region . none prevail, they do not understand their new
patched by this route to various portions of condition and are slow to adapt themselves to
Official announcement is made that with the the Republic.
restoration of order on the west coast and their new situation ; consequently, they are
Orders have been issued for holding strin misunderstood by the enlightened American
the continued operation of trains upon the lines
gent examinations of all classes of railway ship.
of the Southern Pacific Railway from Nogales
employes , especially those intrusted with the,
to the State of Nayarit, it is proposed to re "It is the purpose of La Defensa to show
running of trains , in order to reduce the
sume work on the extension of the line in to the Mexican immigrant the wonderful op
danger of injury to passengers from ignorance
question in order that connection may be portunities existing for them, and to show
or incompetency.
made with Guadalajara and thence with Mex how they can enjoy all the liberties and free
A company with Mexican capital solely has dom and become useful citizens. And the
ico City and other points in the Republic .
been organized for the purpose of construct hope is that we will soon remove all the false
There is a gap between the city of Tepic and
ing a comprehensive system of electric rail ideas given them by the German propaganda
the town of San Marcos, in Jalisco , that is
ways in Villahermosa, the capital city of the and the former autocratic rulers of the
the only missing link, involving a section of
State of Tabasco. Republic.
mountain construction of difficult character,
though of comparatively few miles in extent. It has been found necessary to suspend con "Provided the proper support is given us by
struction work upon the line of railway the American authorities and the Mexican
Work on the new railway line from Canitas
traversing the center of the petroleum region population, it should be an easy task for us
to the city of Durango was completed on the
last day of March, exactly in accordance with of Tamaulipas and Vera Cruz and connecting to show that the United States and the Re
with Tampico, owing to the embargo which public of Mexico should work hand in hand
the plans of the engineers in charge of con
prevents the shipment of the necessary ma and become good neighbors and friends in this
struction. The new line will be opened with
terial from the United States, and which is Universal Fight for Democracy.
appropriate ceremonies under the auspices of
now held at Laredo, Texas . "To the Americans : We are now in the
President Carranza . A very wealthy agricul
tural and mineral section is thus opened to Application has been made to the Depart field and our watchword is : ' Rally to the
development which had been retarded from ment of Communications for permission to Allies.'"
lack of transportation facilities. establish a new line of steamers connecting
the ports of La Paz, in Lower California, and
The Development Company of the South It is proposed to divide the Republic into
Topolobampo, in the State of Sinaloa . Com five military zones with commanders as fol
east, a Yucatan organization which is engaged lows : The North, General Francisco Mur
munication between those places has hitherto
in various important public works, has asked guia ; Eastern and Central, General Manuel
been difficult and development has in conse
permission to construct a line of railway di Dieguez ; West, General Plutarco Elias Cal
quence been retarded .
rectly connecting Mexico City with Merida les ; the South, General Pablo Gonzales ; the
and other points in that State, as well as vari Permission has been given to the company States of Puebla, Vera Cruz and Tlaxcala,
owning the electric railway system in Mexico General Cesario Castro.
ous important places in Campeche, Tabasco
and Vera Cruz. Such a line is greatly needed City and suburbs to reduce the passenger rates
and would command an extensive business. outside of the city limits fifty per cent, a
A project has been advanced for the con
The Vera Cruz and Isthmus and the Pan petition having been presented for this pur struction of business edifices adjacent to the
pose. This is believed to be the first case of Cathedral in the City of Mexico, and refused
American railways continue to transport large after much discussion. Many protests were
the kind that has ever occurred anywhere in
quantities of corn, beans , sugar and other food the world. filed against the enterprise, and the special
articles from Pacific Coast ports into the in commission appointed to consider it refused
An application is pending before the De its approval on various grounds .
terior of the Republic, where they are needed
partment of Communications and Public
to relieve the temporary food shortage. All
Works for the construction of an electric
the railroads in that portion of the country railway connecting Tampico with Mexico City. Experts employed in the Department of
are being operated regularly and satisfactorily. Biological Studies have reported that after
passing through the capitals of the States of careful investigation of the lands reclaimed
The Constitutionalist Railways have recently Vera Cruz, Tlaxcala and Puebla, as well as by the drainage of Lake Texcoco, in the
paid the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Rail many other important towns . vicinity of Mexico City, there have been ren
way the sum of $ 170,000 American gold for It has been decided to construct branches dered available some thirty millions of tons of
mineral salts, including common salt, caustic
rolling stock belonging to that company, but from Mascota and Autlan, to connect with the soda, bicarbonate of soda, etc., for all of which
now in Mexico, and which was needed for new line of railway now being built between there is a large demand in the Republic in
continual use in that country. Much of this Guadalajara and Chamela, a port on the Pa various industries. Under instructions from
was destroyed during the Revolution . Secretary Pastor Rouaix of the Department
cific Ocean. These branches will open up rich of Fomento, works are to be established for
It is proposed to establish a colony for rail mineral and agricultural regions. the purpose of utilizing the deposit.

Mexico and of every character of goods .

Mexico is most in need of mining machinery.
The United States ' Southern Neighbor
Before Mexico's revolution much of her
heavy industrial machinery came from Ger
Interesting Statement Recently Issued by the American
many, and this was true as to agricultural
Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City machinery and implements. Mexico must now
turn to the United States .
NCLE SAM has become a world mer almost twice as much merchandise as England, "The masses of the people of Mexico are
chant. In 1850 the foreign trade of France and Germany together. The United greatly in need of the cheaper grade of cotton
U the United States was $218,000,000 ; in States buys almost four times as much of goods and food products . The middle and
1900 it was $2,244,000,000 and in the fiscal year Mexico's products as the other three com upper classes are liberal buyers, when able,
ending last June it reached $8,953,000,000 . bined. " of various kinds of better grades of goods of
American manufacturers and merchants must Mexico's commerce with the United States foreign manufacture . One of Mexico's in
prepare, however, for strenuous competition increased from $2,588,000 ( U. S. ) in 1850 to dustrial needs is an adequate supply of coke."
when the world war closes. Foreign trade is $169,000,000 in 1913. It doubled between 1903
no longer a luxury with Americans, but a and 1913. Until a few years ago Mexico led The Value of Nationality
necessity. Two great factors are abundant raw all Latin American countries in volume and The following is from an address by G. A.
materials for manufacture, and the market percentage of trade with the United States, O'Reilly, foreign trade representative of the
abroad for goods. and it still is exceeded only by Cuba, Argen Irving National Bank, New York, delivered
tina and, perhaps, Brazil. This showing is due before the National Petroleum Association at
Will Mexico's Resources Be Utilized ? largely to the work of Americans living in Atlantic City, N. J. , in September, 1917.
In this connection Mexico should play a very Mexico . "After the war American trade, foreign and
important part. Humboldt, the noted scientist The railroads of Mexico have generally been domestic, must be prepared to defend itself
and explorer, a century ago, said : "Mexico is built and the mines developed by American against . aggression and competition not less
the great treasure house of the world. It is a capital and energy. With some exceptions the strenuously than before. * * In the mat
beggar sitting on a bag of gold." Mexico , a same is true of the oil wells. All of this ter of business co-operation for foreign trade
few years ago , stood first among all countries makes for American trade. Europe has learned the lesson much better
in silver production , second in copper, third in than we. * ** We make a serious mistake
lead and fourth in gold. It has great iron de Correcting a Wrong Impression when we fail to capitalize our own national
posits . Mexico has produced two -thirds of the Business relations between Americans and tone for commercial purposes . The American
world's stock of silver. The world to -day is Mexicans in Mexico are generally friendly. temperament and characteristics are peculiarly
in dire need of the vast stores of mineral that The American residents do business freely calculated to inspire at least a healthy respect
Mexico could furnish. with Mexicans and have no difficulty in get in the people of other lands .
During 1907 the petroleum production of ting on with their neighbors as a rule. It is a
great error and injustice to think that Ameri The American Way and the German
Mexico was only 1,000,000 barrels. In 1910 it
cans and other foreigners as a whole have Mr. Carl W. Ackerman, in an article on
was 3,000,000 . Last year the exports were
preyed upon Mexico . They have added large Mexico just published in the Saturday Even
36,000,000 barrels and will be this year about
ly to the general prosperity and comfort, and ing Post, says that there is a great difference
50,000,000, in spite of present difficulties, in
they should continue to do so in future. between American and German activities in
cluding lack of tank steamers and pipe lines.
Mexico's trade with all the other Latin Mexico . He describes the plotting, intrigue
The Oil City ( Pennsylvania ) Derrick's Tam
pico correspondent has estimated that 65 wells American countries in a whole year is less than and propaganda carried on by the Germans,
with the United States for two weeks. The then quotes from the statement of this Cham
already drilled in Mexico would, if allowed to
Latin American countries have no invest ber of Commerce as to its plans and purpose.
flow freely, produce 250,000,000 barrels an
ments in Mexico . Such development as Concluding, he says :
nually, or nearly the entire output of the
United States. Mexico has made has nearly all been done with "Instead of being a secret report, as in the
foreign capital, American, European and Ca case of the German Bericht to Berlin, the
The American farmer depends chiefly on
nadian. It is estimated that two fifths of the American report was published and widely
Mexican henequen ( sisal ) fiber for binding
entire American capital invested abroad is in circulated . No mention is made of military
twine. For rubber, coffee and other tropical
Mexico. Intelligent Mexicans realize the im operations , intervention and so on, and the
products Mexico is a very important source of
portance of all this for the country. It has object of the Chamber will be as beneficial to
supply to the United States, but that business is
only a fraction of what it might be. This developed latent wealth, made their property Mexico as to the United States. That is the
country has vast ranges suitable for cattle and more valuable, given extensive employment Great Divide between American enterprise in
sheep. Mexico ought to export wheat and and raised the standard of living, and is to Mexico and German intrigue. The object of
corn instead of importing them. It has more day the hope for the future. Beginnings for the one is to develop honest business ; the Teu
land suitable for sugar cane than Cuba, but its better things have been made. tonic object is to spread propaganda and con
The border line of 1830 miles should be a vince the Mexicans that the German methods
production of sugar has fallen below 100,000
tons yearly while Cuba's production has risen vast exchange counter for the respective prod of conducting the war are right."
to 3,000,000 tons a year. These are examples. ucts of the two countries, raw materials on Americans living abroad introduce Ameri- `
one side and manufactures on the other. No can goods, create a demand and make a mar
What Mexico Could Do other foreign field is potentially more im ket. They develop the native products and
Professor J. L. Lowe, of the United States portant to business men of the United States. ship to their country. They build railroads ,
Department of Agriculture, who visited Mexico T open mines, utilize water powers, develop oil
in 1909 , said : "There is no other country of Mexican Trade Prospects fields , make plantations, establish factories and
the unlimited and diversified resources of Chicago Commerce, the periodical of the construct public works. They are advance
Mexico, and none that promises a greater Chicago Association of Commerce, for No agents for foreign business and they get it.
future." vember 15th, 1917 , says : They are trade missionaries, always at work.
Edwin Chamberlain, a leading banker of "When Mexico again becomes quieted and They are not adventurers or failures . They
San Antonio, Texas , said in 1912 before the her financial condition improves, there will be have not left home under compulsion, but be
American Bankers Association at New an urgent demand for nearly every line of cause they have the spirit of the pioneers who
Orleans : "Mexico has come to be one of the manufacture entering into the life of people of made the Great West. They should have the
definite assets , one of the practical factors in a modern nation. The magnitude of the trade heartiest support and co-operation of their
the development of the world's resources . Few in Mexico that awaits American enterprise is government and people at home, as the Brit
persons know the importance of our trade in great. ish , French and Germans have. All ground
Mexico . The United States sells to Mexico "Even now large importations are entering gained should be held .


and more friendly understanding of each other,

and I assure you, young students of the Uni
Justice Asked for Mexico
versity of California, that your companions in
Mexico will feel satisfied that you do not
An Appeal to the Students of the University
harbor selfish sentiments ; your spirits calmly
of California for Fair Play reject all attempts to instill ungovernable pas
(Written by Julius G. Arce, Editor of "Mefistofelcs,” sion and aversion. Justice-only justice- is
and Translated by Mrs. G. D. Shadburne , Jr.) that the sages and Spanish priests expressed what we crave. This alone will suffice to de
unlimited admiration for the race that had
carved in monuments of marble and stone the stroy all prejudice !
AS it one of the pranks of fate or
was it premeditated calculation which code of their admirable progress and advance
W brought to the gates of one of the ment which enlightened the most advanced NOTE.-The film referred to is the dramati
populace of the free and unexplored part of zation of Herman Whitaker's book "The
most imposing institutions of this country (the
this continent. You know, too , that we sev Planter," written before the Revolution .
University of California ) an exhibition of one
ered the bonds that bound us to the mother
of the numerous calumniating films whose
country. We entered our new life of inde
principal object seems to be to instill prejudice A "Debt of Hospitality"
in the minds of the Americans and to pro pendence with the accompanying confusion and
internal convulsions which have always conAda After the monotony of our day's work
foundly insult and humiliate the Mexican in combating the current flood of lies
frontea newly formed nations . You also know
people ? Just at the moment when the mag about Mexico , dissecting and disproving each
of our leaders , our liberators, of our heroes,
nificent celebration of the " Golden Jubilee" of and every of them, from the merely silly or
of our martyrs, whose memories are revered
the founding of this institution was being held,
throughout the whole boundaries of freed stupid ones arising in ignorance to those
this film was released for the benefit ( appar
America, and you also possess the informa highly wrought and paid for by organized in
ently) of the students and their guests . terests, after such a day it is a relief to meet
tion that scientific and research associations,
It has been proven that this picture was not
academies of art and literary centers have such a Pan-American as S. J. Macfarren, who,
even taken in Mexico- that it is not Mexicans
consecrated to the study of our country, and after years of business life and travel in Mex
who have posed as the various characters, nor ico , speaks out of a full heart and from inti
who convey to you the fruits of their labor.
is it Mexican soil, nor Mexican scenes, nor
And now, my young friends, tell us in all mate and practical knowledge of that country
Mexican customs , manners or characteristics . and people- speaks with broad outlook and
truth and honor if Mexico is a nation of
The plot was evidently conceived by some disinterested sympathy, to pay, as he says, in
savages, a territory fit to be classed with equa
brain unevenly balanced. Each exotic scene is part, "a debt of hospitality."
torial Africa, a nation without culture, without
only a production of mendacity, falsity and
ideals , without standards of greatness and His illustrated extemporaneous "Mexican
without glory ? Is our native land, which we Talks " are a revelation to well-meaning people
What a vivid contrast ! Within your halls
love so dearly, what our enemies represent who know, as Josh Billings said, "too many
of Truth- imposing, severe, magnificent-the things that ain't so" about Mexico, having
it to be, or is it a nation where the inspiring
eloquent discourses of the founders and the
breath of democracy reigns supreme and over-trusted the printed page in their approved
brilliant conferences of the professors pro
where progress and advancement are its chief daily. They constitute real preparedness for
claim love of humanity, reverence for all peace, by means of better mutual under
aim ?
democratic ideals, the veneration of Justice,
We are tranquil ! To you, future leaders , standing.
glorified and illuminated consciences, surely They have been freely given in behalf of
will fall the mission of Justice which Time
inspired by the Divine spirit. And outside,
will place in your hands. And we are sure various good causes, and interested associa
close to these sacred walls, in an insignificant tions should see or write to Mr. Macfarren
that you will never forget that we are a
theater, devoted to the portrayal of cheap art ,
friendly nation and your neighbor ; that we at the Builders' Exchange, 711 Thirteenth
is shown a picture, awkwardly garbed in cheap, are not strangers to this region, with its beau Street, Northwest, Washington , D. C.
glittering tinsel, the dominating tone of which
tiful mountains, valleys and singing waters ;
is passion, inconsistency and hatred-and thus
its enchanted dells and forests, where Nature
the seeds of discard are scattered to the four The residence formerly belonging to Jorge
in all her exuberance has lavished her gifts
winds by the apostles of inequality and by the Huerta, son of the usurper, in one of the
unbounded . All this was ours before your suburbs of Mexico City, has been converted
aggressors of the weak.
"Old Glory" crowned our marvelous edifices. into a foundling asylum and the extensive
Within the august realm of your scientific
and our imposing fortresses. Here the colors surroundings have been laid out as a park and
assemblies is being carried on the labor of a gardens for the little unfortunates.
of our Mexican flag were gently tossed and
closer affiliation, of a mutual understanding,
softly kissed by the perfumed zephyrs of the
of nobility of soul, of love for fellow crea
majestic Pacific . We have something in The arrival of a steamer from China at
tures. In the daubed hut is carried on the
common in our past, young friends-a band Acapulco is reported, with two thousand Chi
work of illicit ambition, of separation and the nese and their families. They are under con
of sympathy that touches the cords of our
engendering of hatred . tract to colonize certain lands in the State of
heart-strings, welding unto eternity souls pos
But no matter ! Young students of this Guerrero , which they will place under cultiva
sessed of the same ideals and principles. It tion at once.
great university, in you we place our confi
will not be intrigue that will blot out the truth
dence ! In you, who cherish only lofty ideals
that illuminates history, nor will it silence for
and whose ears are closed to maliciousness Reports from the State of Sinaloa are
ever the pure sentiments of justice, innate in
and intrigue ! We know well that the infamy to the effect that conditions are normal in
those who begin to live. every respect. Abundant crops are being
and falsehood displayed to you in that somber
Nor does it matter- no - that wicked ambi harvested, the area under cultivation having
hut are contradicted by the convincing words been greatly increased, while the introduc
tion and falsehood rage rampant outside your
that flow from the lips of your professors and tion of modern agricultural machinery has
walls. Supported by your knowledge, by your largely augmented the yield of various farm
by the light of truth which radiates from your sense of reason , your souls are intrenched crops.
volumes of history ! against the onslaught of malice and error,
From them you have learned that our prim You are young, you are noble-you are the
itive race, who also inhabited this territory, The Department of Fomento has been asked
champions of justice-and you will accord each
possessed large knowledge of the sciences and to grant to Benjamin C. Davis, a foreigner,
and every one his just dues ! permission to dredge a canal from Pueblo
of art. They had poets, sublime and uncon Through the columns of this paper, written Viejo to the Panuco River, in the Tampico
querable warriors, and they left a luminous in a foreign language, speaks a teacher of the oil district. The canal would cut through
ray of light and an eternal impression of cul youth of Mexico . In the name of that youth, some large deposits of oyster shells and the
sole consideration asked is the privilege of
ture across the three centuries of Iberian . I appeal to you to establish a more fraternal using the shells for the manufacture of con
domination . From them you have also learned comradeship, thus paving the way for a closer crete blocks. !

special works which may be authorized for

Federal Water Regulation the improvement, regularization and employ
ment of the Federal waters in other uses dif
ferent from those already set forth, shall pay
Law Controlling the Utilization of Water for Purposes special fees , defined in each case by the Fed
of Irrigation- Method of Taxation eral Executive through the Department of
Promotion (Fomento ) .
OLLOWING is the law relating to cessionaires of waters which are Federal
There shall be exempted from all tax Fed
water supply that was promulgated in property must be obliged to contribute , in
eral waters destined to the following uses :
F July, 1917, and is now in operation : accordance with their allotments, to the ex 1. Domestic use of the same waters .
VENUSTIANO CARRANZA, Constitutional pense that the Federal Government may incur 2. Public and private use in the service of
President of the United States of Mexico, in order to obtain the better distribution and the inhabitants of towns or for municipal
to its inhabitants, be it known : use of the public waters. public works .
Now, therefore, I do hereby proclaim the 3. Federal waters destined to the irrigation
That, making use of the extraordinary
power vested upon me by the Honorable Con following Decree : of towns and agricultural colonies, either
gress of the Union, and ARTICLE 1. From the date of this Decree, established by the Federal Government, local
WHEREAS : and in accordance with the provisions therein governments, or by private individuals or
contained, a Federal tax is hereby established companies fulfilling this object.
First. Because of the devotion of the public
upon the use and employment of the waters 4. Federal waters destined to the irrigation
waters of the domain of the Federation to the
subject to the domain of the State ; of forestal nurseries or for the irrigation of
private use of those employing them in the ARTICLE 2. The revenue thus defined shall
improvement of their lands, or in the produc plantations of trees leading to the reforesta
be formed by the amount of the tax that all tion of our forests ; and , lastly,
tion of motive power applied to diverse ser concessionaires of Federal waters shall pay
vices, the employment of this national resource 5. Federal waters destined to the produc
from the time in which the contract of con
results solely in an increase of the value of tion of motive power for industrial use of the
cession is signed, in the terms and in accord same concessionaires , and for a theoretic
the properties so improved by the use of the
ance with the following dispositions : productive capacity up to 100 horse power of
waters, or by the establishing of enterprises
of industrial exploitation with very large 1. The concessionaires of water for irriga 75 kilogrametres .
tion of owned lands shall pay annually, with ARTICLE 3. The fees assessed to the conces
profits, and without the participation therein
out regard to the volume of which they may sionaires in the application of the aforesaid
of the Governinent, whose property is thus
given away for the benefit of private interests . dispose, the sum of $0.05 (five centavos ) for disposition shall be fixed by the Department
each thousand annual cubic metres covered by of Promotion in accordance with the pro
Second. That the proper operation of the
their concession.
Administrative system in regard to waters re visions of transitory Article 2 of this law, and
II. Persons having the sole use of water shall be paid by the persons responsible for
quires from the Government the formation and
for irrigation purposes, diverted to non-owned these fees , in advance, each six months , at the
maintenance of special bodies destined to exer
lands by means of companies or irrigation offices of the Treasury of the Federation , dur
cise vigilance and protection upon the use of
said waters in order to assure the concession societies of any kind, shall pay annually the ing the months of January and July of each
sum of $0.10 ( ten centavos ) for each annual year, receiving from the same office a receipt
aires the full enjoyment of their rights and
thousand cubic metres.
those which might be created, or for the solu which states that the payment has been re
III. The concessionaires of dams or reser
tion in an expeditious and rapid manner of ceived . This receipt shall protect the conces
voirs of water, established at the expense of sionary for the use of the waters mentioned
the vexatious controversies frequently arising
from said uses ; streams of Federal jurisdiction, shall pay the in his contract during the period for which
annual fee given in the previous paragraph in
Third. That, owing to the torrential nature it has been granted. Default in meeting of
regard to owned lands, applied to the entire one of these payments, except in the case of
of the hydrographic system of the country,
storing capacity. superior force duly proved and accepted by
there is required for its effective employment
IV. Persons having the use of waters for the corresponding authority, will be a reason
the construction of storing and regularization
the production of motive power, for sale by for declaring extinct the right and all assets
works, that for their great extent, as well as
for their minor attractiveness as an invest means of companies or societies organized with therein contained, without the prejudice to
this object, shall pay annually : demanding from the causer the financial re
ment, are out of the reach of private activities,
A. From the time in which the concession
it is the duty of the State to help in the sponsibilities which he may have incurred, in
establishment of those works for the sake of is granted until the works are received in con accordance with the laws in force.
the collective interests committed to the said formity by the corresponding authority, they
Government ; shall pay the sum of $0.50 (fifty centavos ) by Transitories
theoretical horse power of production at the
Fourth. That as the program of hydraulic ARTICLE 1. This Decree shall begin its effect
plant, estimated at the rate of 75 kilogrametres.
policy requires for its full development large from the date of its publication , and only for
B. From the time at which the works are
disbursements of money on the part of the this occasion, the tax due in the second
Government, and that said Government could received by the corresponding authority, the
semestre of this year shall be paid within the
annual fee shall be $1.00 (one peso ) for each
not meet this expense from its ordinary reve 15 days following that in which the corre
effective horse power, measured at the gen
nue budget without reducing certain items of sponding modification be made. Future pay
its expenses which are worthy of equal atten erating plant.
ments shall be afterwards made beginning
tion, it is considered of a high national interest V. Persons using waters for the produc
from the first day of January, 1918, in the
to increase the Revenue Budget, by means of tion of motive power, destined to the industrial
terms pointed out in Article 3 of this law.
a new tax, which shall be devoted to the estab service of the concessionaires, shall pay for
100 theoretical horse power and upward, 50 ARTICLE 2. The Department of Promotion
lishment of a special service for the oversight shall receive from this date, up to the 30th of
of the federal waters, as well as to the com per cent of the fees already mentioned.
September, the declarations that the persons
pletion of irrigation works and the establish VI. Persons using the waters for industrial
using the waters may present, specifying the
ing of hydraulic water supplies of general purposes shall pay the same fees already stated volume of water used, or the amount of power
interest, which, owing to their character, are for the water used in irrigation purposes on
which may be derived from their concessions.
destined to transform in a short time the pro lands owned by the concessionaires. or actually produced. Said declarations shall
ducing conditions of the country ; and, lastly, VII . Persons using the waters for fertiliz be verified by the same department and the
Fifth. That in the strict application of ing lands shall pay annually 50 per cent of the decisions shall be notified to the concession
Fractions III and IV of Article 44 of the Law amount fixed for the irrigation of lands which aires and to the Department of Finance for
now in force, in regard to waters, as well as are the property of the concessionaires. their exact application .
for the reasons already set forth, all the con VIII. Drainage contracts and all other
(Concluded on page 23 )

(e) To decide upon the necessity or fitness

Law of Land Endowment of any town, ranch, congregation or com
munity obtaining by gift lands for its economic
Regulations for the Allotment of Community Lands to
(f) To decide upon the quantity of lands
Heads of Families - Details of the Plan
which should be given in each case, in accord
RTICLE 12. The land given to the garding the partition of the land reclaimed or ance with the minimum per head of family
towns is called Commons and will have fixed by this law and upon the location and
obtained . This use will be guarded by the
form of the commons which should be given.
A sufficient area to correspond with the Commission of Utilization of the Common
(g ) To decide upon the incidents which are
needs of the population, the agricultural Lands in accordance with existing laws upon
forests and waters and according to the pro presented by reclamations of previous owners ,
quality of the soil, the topography of the
place , etc. The minimum extent of a gift will visions of this law. who are judged to be affected by the petitions
be seven hectares of land for each head of a ARTICLE 17. In case of restitution of lands for gifts or by provisional resolutions of the
governors of the states or the decisions of the
family. to the towns when these shall have fully
ARTICLE 13. The Commons will be marked federal executive.
proved their right in accordance with the pro
visions of the law, of other towns, farms, con II. To watch by means of a body of in
out in the lands immediately bounding the in
spectors of the National Agrarian Commission
terested towns, keeping in account the follow gregations or communities of origin more
that the Local Agrarian Commissions and
ing provisions : recent than that of the population which ob
tained the restitution, and which are situated Committees proceed with diligence, rectitude
I. If the Commons surround the village the
and patriotism in each matter which is sub
point of departure will be the center of the within the boundary of the reclaimed lands ,
mitted for their study, according to the powers
principal square, or lacking that, the town these will be protected in the possession which
house ; and the Commons will take the form they maintain, if in fact they hold the lands in which this law gives them and in agreement
of a square of area equal to the sum of hec with the provision which the National Agra
Common, until the corresponding authority
rian Commission makes for the better decision
tares of land which corresponds to the popu defines the situation by legalizing it.
ARTICLE 18. All the towns, ranches, congre of Agrarian affairs .
lation at the rate of seven hectares ( 17½
gations , or communities included in lands re III . To obtain the most correct platting, by
acres ) for each head of a family,
stored to other towns, upon obtaining the gift means of technical agents, of the lands re
II. If impossible on account of topography
claimed by the town and of land obtained by
or of great inconvenience for the objects of of land will be exempt from the payment of
the same for correct fixing of the boundaries
the present law, to give the Commons the any indemnity.
and easy subsequent sub-division of the lands.
standard form of a square or to define it sur
Survey of Farm Lands IV . To define the working of the Local
rounding the town, according to the respec
Title 3-Land Authorities Land Commission , of the Private Executive
tive technical report, at the discretion of the
Committees and of the Commissions for the
local land commission in each case, the Com In order to transact all matters relative to
utilization of Commons in accordance with the
mons will be laid out in the fittest place in the gifts and restorations of land and other mat general provisions of this law.
form which the topography of the land im ters immediately and naturally following V. To decide the amounts of the indemni
poses ; but in every case bounding by some these, the following Agrarian authorities will ties which are claimed in consequence of a
way with the village. operate : gift or land, having in view the census value
III. The gift of land to a town will not in I. A National Agrarian Commission .
of the lot, the portion of the same affected,
clude the construction of ranches, factories , II. A Local Agrarian Commission in each the material improvements, and the other cir
acqueducts, or other artificial works of the capital of a state or federal territory and one cumstances justly influencing the value of the
holder of the land affected by the gift, but in the federal district.
farm occupied .
such property will be set off with the necessary III. A Special Executive Committee in each
space for the use of the constructions in the VI. To keep a careful registry of all Agra
municipal center and in each settlement where
rian movement in the country, in which is
usual way and for their communication with the National Agrarian Commission so decides. shown the effect of the sub-division of hold
the near-by roads ; and the area of such a ARTICLE 20. The National Agrarian Commis
ings, the new form of improvement of the
zone will be made up to the town which has sion will have for its special function to de
land and the consequences of sub -division in
the gift, whether by taking it from the same cide ; the Local Commissions to collect the ele
the natural production of the Republic .
tract or from other lands . ments of proof, to report and certify ; and the
ARTICLE 14. The determination and acknowl VII . To decide all questions of legal, tech
Private Executive Committees to execute the
nical or administrative order which the towns
edgement of the protective zone mentioned in provisional or definite judgments in each case .
the former Article will be considered as a or local commissions offer, in accordance with
ARTICLE 21. The National Agrarian Commis
the general constitution, with this law and
part of the transfer of the gift lands, it will sion will consist of nine members, nominated
with those which may be enacted later.
be verified by the local land commission on by the Executive of the Union, and the Secre
request of the holder affected and will be tary of Fomento will be President of it ex
Incompatible Offices
definitely established by the executive of the officio. The National Agrarian Commission .
union upon decree of the gift in question. will have the following powers and duties : ARTICLE 22. Except in regard to the Presi
ARTICLE 15. When the holder of the farm I. To decide in accordance with the parwit dent, the duty of a member of the National
buildings or constructions mentioned in the ticular rule which fixes the distribution of Agrarian Commission is incompatible with any
former article does not appear to claim them work, upon all the cases which the Local Com other official duty and no owner of more than
after previous notice before the authority, dur missions transmit and upon the points which fifty hectares of land can be a member of it,
ing the time of the survey of the corresponding follow : neither the master nor the servant of the tract.
gift and before the final judgment, the respec (a) Whether a town has fully proved its All the members of the National Agrarian
tive civil action will be held as abandoned and right to a restitution of lands. Commission, of the Local Agrarian Commis
the amount of the indemnification which the (b) Whether such restoration affects any sions and of the Private Executive Committees
respective authority fixes as accepted . In this other group of people. in each case will be Mexicans by birth. They
case also the buildings or constructions will (c) Whether the lands reclaimed are in shall not have served the Government of the
remain for the account of the town to which sufficient or excessive for the necessities of Dictators and they will enjoy proper remunera
the lands are given and they will be in the the town which has fully proved its right to tion.
care of the political authority of the place and them . ARTICLE 23. In each capital of a State or
will serve for the common benefit of the town . (d ) Whether a town which has not proven Territory, and in the Federal District there
ARTICLE 16. The streams, the forests, the sufficiently its right to reclaim lands shall have will be a Local Agrarian Commission , com
pastures, comprehended in the Commons will by gift a sufficient quantity for its just neces posed of five individuals, nominated by the
be for common use while there is no law re sities. respective Governors.

ARTICLE 24. The Commission will consist Commission and of the Private Executive FEDERAL WATER REGULATION
of a President, a Secretary, and three voters Committees in each case will be Mexican by (Concluded from page 21 )
chosen by election within the Commission birth, they shall not have served the Govern
itself. Default in the presentation of the necessary
ments of the Dictators, and will enjoy a fitting
ARTICLE 25. No member of the Commission remuneration. declaration in the above given time shall be
punished in the terms fixed in transitory
shall serve in other public employment, nor ARTICLE 30. The Government of the States,
Article 5.
can he be owner of more than fifty hectares Territories, or of the Federal District will
ARTICLE 3. In all those contracts which may
of land nor an employee or master of such. make a note to the Local Agrarian Commission
of the private committees nominated , and of include different uses of the waters granted ,
The members of the National Agrarian Com
the fees shall be calculated applying the one
mission, of the Local Agrarian Commission any changes made in them ; that they may com
corresponding to each method of water usage
and of the Private Executive Committees in municate to the National Agrarian Commis
in accordance with the volume of water to
each case will be Méxican by birth. They shall sion.
‫ܕ‬ which it is devoted.
not have served the Government of the Dic ARTICLE 31. The Private Executive Commit
tators. tees will be subordinate to the Local Agrarian ARTICLE 4. In all regulated streams the fee
shall be paid in advance for the minimum
ARTICLE 26. The Local Agrarian Commis Commissions and the local Governments will
arrange for their payment for work which they provided for in the regulation, and at the end
sions, except in regard * .to
** their nomination or of each six months a settlement shall be made
organization, are subordinate in all their work execute in view of the quantity or quality of
the same . for each canal upon the basis of the total
to the National Agrarian Commission. Their
ARTICLE 32. The functions of the Private volume received during that time. The amount
decisions upon provisional holdings to the town
Executive Committees will be the following : shown by this settlement shall be paid within
are of exclusive competence and they will only
be submitted for revision of the Federal the term of 15 days, counting from its date.
I. To execute the definite judgments de
creed by the Federal Executive and trans Unless this requisite shall be fulfilled , there
Executive through the National Agrarian
shall be applied a coercive penalty for the
Commission after the delivery of the pro mitted by the National Agrarian Commission ,
liquidation of the debt.
visional possession. in their proper terms and in regard to gifts or
restitutions. ARTICLE 5. Persons having the use of waters
ARTICLE 27. The Local Agrarian Commis
without submitting themselves to the princi
sion will have for its object : II. To execute the provisional resolutions
ples of this decree, and who may continue
I. To collect and classify all the necessary in regard to gifts and restitutions dictated by
using waters of Federal jurisdiction, shall be
elements of proof in the suits for gift or resti the Government of the State, and the Federal
District, or of the respective local commis subjected to the civil responsibility that they
tution of lands, set up by the towns, ranches ,
may incur, in accordance with the provisions
congregations and communities in accordance sions. To instruct interested persons regard
of the Penal Code of the Federal District,
with this law. ing the conduct of the Agrarian suits .
III. To make a detailed record of the pro and to the administrative penalties established
II. To make and receive all the reports
ceedings in every action in which it intervenes by the laws in regard to waters .
which may be useful for obtaining full knowl Now, therefore, I order that this decree be
edge concerning the necessity or convenience and to remit it with a report to the respective
local commissions. printed, published , circulated, and given due
of the gift of lands, and concerning the rights observance .
to the restitution solicited, as well as the na IV. To furnish to the corresponding Local
Done at the City of Mexico , in the National
ture, conditions, description , production , etc. , Agrarian Commission all the data which it re
quires, solely upon the facts relative to the Palace of the Executive Power, this sixth day
of the lands in question and the history of the
of July, in the year one thousand nine hundred
title of each region and each place. lands solicited in gifts or restitutions .
and seventeen .
III. To decree the gift or restitution pro
The regulating commission which handles ( Signed ) The Constitutional President of the
visionally of the lands solicited, when suffi the output of henequen fiber in Yucatan, and United States of Mexico :
cient elements exist for granting the petition which includes practically all the growers, V. CARRANZA.
of the interested town. announces that for the year 1917 it has the
IV. To formulate before the Government sum of $24,000,000 Mexican gold ( 12,000,000 The inspector-general of police of the capi
of the respective States and before the Na American ) ready for distribution among the tal city proposes to instal a corps of police
stockholders, and payment of the dividends has with motorcycles, the better to combat the
tional Agrarian Commission , an opinion com already commenced. This amount is in addi violators of the law who use automobiles and
plete and precise in detail, upon the necessity tion to the advances made during the year to
who do not comply with the regulations con
and convenience of the gift sought, or upon each producer upon his output. cerning their use .
the right of restitution solicited, as well as
over the extension of the lands which should A projected law of "the patrimony of the Arrangements are being made to utilize the
family" has been submitted to the State Con waste lands that were reclaimed at Vera Cruz
be given or restored . gress of Durango by instructions from Gov by the construction of the port works and the
V. To be the only channel for the transac ernor Arrieta, which, as its title indicates , filling in of extensive areas heretofore covered
tion of Agrarian affairs of which this law deals with the redemption of the promises of with water. It is proposed to establish a
the Revolution in regard to lands and the modern colony and to dispose of the lands for
treats, before the higher Agrarian authority protection of families in their rights thereto. settlement. Some six millions of dollars will
and the officials of the states, territories , and It was in this State that the first steps were be realized from this sale, it is expected , while
federal districts, as well as between them and taken early in the Revolution to restore the the city itself will be correspondingly benefited
private individuals . community lands to their rightful owners, and beautified.
VI. To watch the work of the respective
committees . In August, 1916, permission to exploit the
national lands for possible sources of petro BOUND VOLUMES OF THE MEXICAN REVIEW
Private Executive Committees leum supply outside of the defined districts A limited number of bound copies of
where such deposits were demonstrated to the first volume of THE MEXICAN
ARTICLE 28. In all the heads of municipali exist, was suspended. This inhibition has REVIEW are ready for distribution .
ties of the country and in all of the towns in now been removed and those so desiring may The price is $2 , postpaid. If accom
extend their prospecting wherever they wish, panied by a subscription for the second
which it may be convenient in the judgment after compliance with the laws governing such volume, the price for both is $2.50 .
of the respective government, there will be matters . Address, The Mexican Review, 613 Riggs Bldg. , Wash. , D.C.
nominated by it a private executive committee
composed of three citizens, a President , a The necessary material has been received for
the construction of the local railway which is LIC . RAMON OBREGON
Secretary and a voter. to connect Lake Chapala, in the State of
ARTICLE 29. No official, employee or owner Jalisco, with the main line for Guadalajara CIVIL , CRIMINAL AND FEDERAL LAW
of more than fifty hectares, or his servant, and other cities. It is proposed to construct 10 A. M. AND 4 P. M.
can be a member of the private executive hotels , bath houses and other appliances for Mexico , D. F. Monte De Piedad
committees. All the members of the National the establishment of a pleasure resort on the
shores of this picturesque lake. A Norwegian P. O. B. No. 598 No. 13
Agrarian Commission, of the Local Agrarian company is carrying out the project.


NEWS BREVITIES (Concluded from page 16) (Concluded from page 13 )
centuries to the torrid afternoon sun and of the time and where he met all of the public.
storing up in their sides, burned black from men and knew all of their history, you would
The customs collections at the port of their normal gray, its intense heat. To the find that his idea of Mexico and its necessities.
west it is desert, always desert, nothing but
Tampico for the month of March reached a were quite different from those glibly ex-
total of $602,247.21 . desert. And as the night grows cool, as it
pressed by your earlier informants. You also
The Governor of the State of Guerrero an always does even in midsummer, one becomes would find that Mexico has a history that
nounces that that section is tranquil, thus con distinctly and physically aware of the stored antedates that of the United States and that
tradicting statements recently published in the heat in the crags on the one side, and as the
foreign press in regard thereto . many of its historical traditions and accom
breeze from the other direction grows cooler
It has been learned that there are ten thou plishments are wonderful. You even will find
and cooler as the hours pass, this heat be
sand traveling street peddlers in the city of a clear explanation of Mexico's present chaotic
Mexico and it is proposed to restrict them to comes grateful . And during the night one
condition and its solution and you will con
certain streets . turns to the mountain for warmth just as he
clude that to take a sane, normal view of
A project is under way at Nuevo Laredo , does to his campfire at other times.
Mexico is better than to take the extravagant
Tamaulipas, for the construction of a race This is another of the lures of the desert
track and park similar to the one at Juarez the desert nights. and radical view that your casual informant
for the amusement of the public. will quickly give you.-Elmira ( N.V. ) Herald.
Then of course there is the golden lure, the
Exports of domestic merchandise from New lure of mineral wealth, which has made a few
York City to Mexican ports during the month Fernando Gonzalez Roa Cable Address
of February, 1918, were $2,055,382 , against wealthy beyond their dreams, but has cost a
hundred, a thousand times as many their hap B. Carbajal y Rosas "Golecar"
$1,317,224 for the same month in 1917. Adam Leckie
The Inspector- General of Police of Mexico piness and their lives. Nature has hidden her
City has issued instructions for the exercise choicest treasures of material wealth in the Gonzalez Roa
of especial vigilance in order to prevent all desert, as though to discourage mankind from
games of chance in the casinos , etc. , they searching for them, or else in contempt at Carbajal & Leckie
having been prohibited . ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
their intrinsic worthlessness . Incidentally, as
The first wireless telephone plant in the
already described, she has hidden some of her Mexico , D. F.
Republic is now being established in the
Tampico petroleum region , the necessary choicest other treasures there as well. But Washington Offices :
Southern Building, Suite No. 822-830
apparatus having been manufactured at home. those who feel the lure of desert gold have
Good results are expected therefrom . little time or inclination for the intangible and
The construction of artificial dunes for the priceless lure . Once felt , the lure of the
reclamation of some of the coast lands is
material fastens its hold upon its victim , and GEORGE WILSON
under way in the vicinity of Vera Cruz . One
that will be five hundred meters in length never can he be anything except what is so
(over 1600 feet ) is now in process of ex aptly described by the habitues of the Mines, Oil Lands
tension . region "a desert rat." Correspondence Solicited
The Congress of the State of Mexico has And now in closing this chapter an apology P. O. Box 1677
imposed a heavy tax upon plantations of Mexico , D. F.
is due an apology to the desert. No mere
maguey, the plant from which pulque is made, man can adequately describe its charm , set
in the hope that lands devoted to that growth
may be utilized for purposes more adapted to forth its lure , picture it as it is . No one has
the best needs of the people. done it at all events, though many have THE SPANISH-AMERICAN DIRECTORY
The National Mint coined during the months attempted . And when one tries to perform
of January and February $ 10,000,000 in gold this impossible task he owes an apology, not AND BUYERS' GUIDE
of various denominations and $240,000 in IN THE UNITED STATES
to his readers, but to the ineffable, the inde
silver. The establishment is operated at its In Spanish, Portuguese, English and French
full capacity, the volume of circulating medium scribable, the majestic, the immutable Spirit
thus receiving constant additions of large of the Desert ! Published since 1907 by Prof.
amounts. Acevedo of the University of Colom
The City Council of Mexico has under con bia, S. A. , now of 2 Rector Street, New
CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED York City, is now in course of prep
sideration a proposal for the establishment of aration .
a Board of Censorship for moving pictures THE MEXICAN REVIEW will be pleased to receive
communications from whatever source dealing with We are successfully serving 300
in order to prevent the exhibition of those
that are deemed contrary to public morals. matters of interest to both Mexicans and Americans, manufacturers, counting among them
A tax upon each film exhibited is also pro and from those who desire to have the truth known some of the leading firms of the
posed in order to still further stimulate the about Mexico. It is hoped that all who wish to aid country, and invite you to share this
use of films of the highest class . in the removal of the widespread false impressions service, after a careful and intelligent
concerning that country, and in placing it in its comparison of all the other advertising
An ingenious invention has been perfected proper light before the world, will assist THE REVIEW mediums for Latin-America.
by an employe of the government arsenal by in this important but difficult task. Our Directory is new to some ad
which the cartridges ejected from rifles dur vertisers here, but it is , not new to
ing use are thrown into a small pocket thousands of the most prominent
attached to the weapon and are thus preserved SPANISH TRANSLATION BY Buyers, Importers, Chambers of
and made available for subsequent use. The TECHNICAL EXPERT Commerce , Contractors, Planters ,
loss of empty cartridges is a serious problem Competent American (Engineer) with foreign Merchants, Engineers , Clubs, Railroad
in warfare. business experience offers limited servicz in
translation. Among his authorized referenc s Companies, Consular Agents , Etc. , of
A company headed by capitalists from St. is the editor of this journal , in care of which Latin-American and other foreign
Louis, Mo., has been organized in Monterrey he may be addressed as "Don Jaime." countries.
for the purpose of engaging in the manufac Since 1907, the principal Export
ture of various lines of hardware upon an Commission Merchants send our
extensive scale. In the past much of the supAR Directory to their customers upon
ply has been obtained from European coun their urgent request .
tries , but it is proposed to supply the market There is absolutely no doubt of the
with home products so far as possible. benefit derived by the American
Work has been renewed upon the improve Edward M. Wilson , M.E. manufacturer to have the article he
ments of the port of Guaymas, in Sonora, in makes, properly and systematically
Technical Petroleum Expert classified in our Directory.
order to accommodate the increasing com-
merce of that port. It is intended to have Geological Reports , Plans & Estimates We are at your command for any in
vessels that now load and discharge at MazatSt formation you may desire, without any
lan, to the great inconvenience of shippers in of Mexican Oil Regions obligation on your part.
the northern portion of the State, make Guay P. O. Box 274 Mexico City SPANISH-AMERICAN direCTORY
mas a port of call as soon as the necessary 2 Rector Street New York City
improvements shall have been completed .

National Railway of Tehuantepec 35 Hours Between Mexico City and Nuevo Laredo,

Vera Cruz and Isthmus Railway Tamaulipas

(Opposite Laredo, Texas)
Vera Cruz and Alvarado Railway
Connecting with the ports of Tampico, Vera Cruz and
Pan-American Railway Manzanillo
Also with the border ports of Nuevo Laredo , Matamoros ,
Passenger and freight service from Mexico City to the Piedras Negras and Juarez ( opposite El Paso )
Guatemala frontier. Connection at Vera Cruz and Puerto
Mexico with the steamers of the Ward Line and the DIRECT JOURNEYS IN FAST TRAINS AND WITH
Mexican Navigation Company, and at Salina Cruz with SLEEPING - CAR SERVICE
steamers for South America and Japan. Passengers by
the Mexican Railway can secure sleeping- car accommoda
tions by applying on the day before the departure of their Daily TIME TABLE Daily
train. The trip is made in fourteen hours from Mexico 6.30 a.m. (leave) Mexico City (arrive) 8.30 a.m.
City to Vera Cruz, and the buffet service of the Pullman 1.30 p.m. Queretaro 1.30 p.m.
cars is of the best. The passage is made in absolute 2.55 p.m. Gonzalez Junction 12.25 p.m.
security and is the same as in normal times. 8.35 p.m. San Luis Potosi 6.40 a.m.
The Vera Cruz and Isthmus, the Tehuantepec National 7.40 a.m. Saltillo 7.50 p.m.
and the Pan-American railways transport in both directions 11.20 a.m. Monterrey 4.00 p.m.
without delay or accident fruits of all classes, valuable 1.50 p.m. Villaldama 1.35 p.m.
timber, cereals , sugar, cattle , etc. The extensive zones 6.00 p.m. (arrive ) Nuevo Laredo (leave) 10.00 a.m.
crossed by these lines as well as by the Vera Cruz and
Alvarado road are the richest in the Republic and the lines
mentioned have sufficient cars and other facilities to satisfy The meal service on the sleeping cars is conducted with
all requirements that may be asked . strict vigilance
USE THESE LINES IN YOUR JOURNEYS AND YOU The custom-house inspection of baggage and its fumiga
tion, without change of cars, and compliance with the
USE THEM IN YOUR BUSINESS , AND YOU WILL BE sanitary requisites of the Immigration Service , is expedited
SATISFIED on the international train from New Laredo , Mexico, to
Laredo, Texas, at less cost and with immeasurably less
With the exception of the Vera Cruz and Alvarado line , delay than by crossing the frontier in any other manner.
the other four are of broad-gauge and are in magnificent
condition . V. M. GUTIERREZ , J. M. CARDENAS ,
F. PENA, R. ZERECERO, General Passenger Agent. Assistant General Passenger
General Freight and Assistant General Agent.
Passenger Agent. Agent.
Bolivar Street and Cinco de Mayo Avenue
P. FONTES, General Agent. Mexico City, D. F.

WARD LINE Where Co - operation Succeeds



N the healthful highlands of Louisiana is
the largest and most successful co -opera
AND Itive colony in the world. It was founded
by 1,000 serious, thoughtful men and women
who believed co-operative ownership and co
operative working more desirable than the cutS
throat competition of ordinary life . On a
splendid tract of 20,000 acres of fertile land ,
ICO and PROGRESO , MEXICO they have proved their theory. Land, indus
tries, machinery, etc. , are owned in common .
NASSAU, N. P. , BAHAMAS Meals are served at the community hotel for
*Cargo for interior points and for Isle of Pines handled on 1212 cents each . A room in the hotel or rental
through Bills of Lading via Havana . of a cottage , as is preferred , is furnished each
**Cargo for Campeche, Laguna , Frontera, Tuxpam and San member free. The fascinating story of this
Juan Bautista handled on Bills of Lading to Vera Cruz. successful experiment in co- operation is told
each month in
For rates, bookings, etc.

NEW YORK AND CUBA MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY " The Most Constructive Radical Magazine in America ''
General Offices:
Published by the Llano Colonists
Foot of Wall St., New York City 20e a Copy No Free Samples $2 a Year


A Monthly Magazine, AGWI STEAMSHIP NEWS, de Leesville , La.
scriptive of these Lines and Territory reached, upon application.

Send a letter or postcard with a request that your name and ad

dress be entered on the permanent mailing list of Comision Regula

dora del Mercado de Henequen , the largest and most successful co

operative association of farmers in the world .

If you want to know the truth about binder twine , the reasons for

recent advances in price and the identity of the powerful interests

that are back of the campaign that has been waged against the Yuca

tan co -operative marketing association of sisal producers, the Comis

ion Reguladora will take pleasure in mailing you literature from time
to time .

If you read Spanish , send $2.50 for a year's subscription to "EL

HENEQUEN , " a semi-monthly magazine issued by the growers ' as

sociation at its home office in Merida , Yucatan .

Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen

120 Broadway, New York City




Regular trips from Nogales , on the border of the other semi-tropical products is of great interest to all
United States , as far as Nayarit (formerly Tepic ) seeking opportunities for profitable investment .
Passing southward many living streams are crossed ,
touching the important towns of Magadalena, Her
having their source in the snow-capped Sierra Madre in
mosillo, Guaymas, San Blas, Culiacan, Mazatlan, the dim distance , and then the historical city of Culiacan,
Rosario, Acaponeta , etc. capital of Sinaloa , is reached . A few hours' ride brings
the traveler to the picturesque and historical port of
This road, in its progress southward, crosses the Mazatlan, where connection can be made with steamers.
wealthy regions of the Mayo and Yaqui rivers , which from various California ports down the Pacific coast to
produce the best garbanza in the world . It passes Nava Panama and South America .
joa, the center for this product , and then touches San At Manzanillo, the seaport of Colima , connection is 1
Blas, in the State of Sinaloa , where it connects with the made with the National Railways of Mexico , affording
Kansas City and Orient Railroad , connecting with the communication with all portions of the interior— Guada
city of Fuerte to the east and with the important sugar lajara, Mexico City, etc.
plantation of Los Mochis in the other, as also the mag- Those desiring to send consignments of any variety to
nificent port of Topolobampo . points in Mexico can do so through the Customs Agency
There is a continual panorama of the most delightful of the Southern Pacific Railway of Mexico , maintained
landscapes , while the fact that the region traversed is a in both cities of Nogales-the American and the Mexican.
heavy exporter of mid-winter tomatoes , oranges , and All matters of this kind will receive prompt attention.

Nogales , Sonora , Mexico


M62 JAN 16 1919



VOL. II . Nos . 12-13 WASHINGTON, D. C. SEPT. - OCT. , 1918




by Miss Fairchild.
Miss Frances Fairchild as the Statue of Liberty
The Mexican Review


Popular Representation Crops Promise
WASHINGTON, D. C. In Congress To Be Abundant
HE membership of the present Congress, HE Chief Officer of the Department of
Yearly Subscription in United States, Mexico and Canada the twenty-eighth of the Republic, is di TH Agriculture and Development announces
$1.00, Elsewhere $1.50 vided as follows : Ten lawyers, twelve doctors that for some time the Secretary of that De
of medicine, ten engineers ( civil) , eighteen partment, Pastor Rouaix, has been devoting a
The Mexican News Bureau professors of public instruction, ten newspaper great deal of personal attention to the stimu
Accurate News Service by Wire or Mall writers, two historians, seven railroad men, lation of agricultural development in all por
fifteen expert office men, fourteen members of tions of the Republic. The Government has
the army, three industrialists, sixteen mer done all in its power for this end and through
The Damage chants, fourteen working men, nine agricul the medium of conferences and assistance has
Claims Commission turists. The remainder are men who are not done much to aid the small farmers in planting
specialists in any of the branches mentioned , and cultivating their crops. The tractors pro
NNOUNCEMENT is made in the press but are engaged in various activities in bank cured by the Government for the use of farm
ANNthatOUthe preliminary work of organizing ing, commerce and industry, as also members ers desiring them have also aided greatly in
the National Damage Claims Commission will of university faculties throughout the Republic. stimulating increased production . Reports
be completed shortly and that body will then received at Department headquarters are to
be prepared to consider the great volume of the effect that all the crops are in a promising
Commerce with
claims that have already been presented . In condition and it is believed sufficient will be
the neighborhood of forty thousand claims British Columbia raised to meet all the needs of the country.
have already been presented, covering the dif T IS announced that the Mexican Consul In the States of Vera Cruz, Jalisco, Zacatecas ,
ferent periods of the Revolution. Between ITin Vancouver, B. C., has arranged with Guanajuato, Colima and Oaxaca, and in the
eight and nine thousand of these are for dam the Gulf Mail Steamship Company for an in Territories of Quintana Roo and Lower Cali
ages claimed to have been suffered in the terchange of products between the west coast fornia the prospects are excellent for a crop
ports of Mexico and British Columbia via San of corn, wheat, beans and other products much
period of the Madero régime and which were
Francisco. From British Columbia will be greater than has been obtained in former
submitted to a commission at that time. Many
brought canned salmon, lumber, coal, paper years.
claims covering the last years of the Revolu
tion are daily filed. It is understood that a and other products that are scarce in Mexico ,
while from this country will be taken coffee, To Encourage
decree will shortly be issued making certain
tobacco, rubbber, henequen and ixtli fiber, rice,
changes and modifications in the manner of Small Manufactories
hard woods, bananas ( fresh and dried ) , cocoa
procedure in presenting and handling these
claims. nuts and other tropical products. HE Department of Industry and Com
THE merce proposes to supply the necessary
data for the establishment of small manufac
TABLE OF CONTENTS tories of metallic and glass receptacles for
Page articles of food, toilet, etc., in order that the
Number of Newspapers and Editorial A I
2 monopoly that has hitherto existed in the pro
Mexico's Independence Day . • + •
Magazines in the Republic In Petroleum Field .……. 6 duction of such articles may be broken up for
HE Postoffice Department has issued a Under Water Oil Deposits . 7 the corresponding benefit of the public as well
Law Regarding Petroleum Lands . • 8 as of those who wish to engage in such indus

THstatement showing that there is a total The World's Petroleum Productions . • IO

12 tries.
of 439 newspapers, magazines and periodicals Solidifying Oil For Export...
Lord Cowdray Discusses Oil. • 13
issued in the entire Republic, and divided Mexico Viewed With Friendly Eyes. 14
among the various States as follows : Aguas Mexico City's Jitney Service . ·· 18 Campaign Against
calientes 9, Campeche 2, Coahuila 15, Colima 9, Ford to Establish a Tractor Factory in Mexico 19 Tuberculosis
The Mexicans' Forefathers . ་ 20
Chihuahua 11 , Chiapas 5, Mexico City 137, With the Mexican Poets . • • 22 HE National Department of Health has
Durango 6, Guanajuato 28, Guerrero 2, Hi The Gold Situation . • • *• THE

24 been conducting experiments in combat

dalgo 4, Jalisco 26, Mexico ( State ) 7, Michoa Mexico and the United States as Friends . • 26
ing tuberculosis by the use of injections of
America's Banking Strength .. 27
can 12, Nayarit 5, Nuevo Leon 16, Oaxaca 5, 28 saccharine and with admirable results. Up
Coffee Growing in Mexico .
Puebla 18, Queretaro 3, San Luis Potosi 9, Great Demand for Cocoanuts . C 30 ward of 1500 separate cases have been treated
Sinaloa 10 , Sonora 10, Tabasco 5, Tamaulipas Cultivation of Guayule . • • 31 with uniformly good results in the majority of
The Shrimp Industry . 33 instances. The President of the Republic has
13, Vera Cruz 27, Yucatan 34, Zacatecas 9, Importance of Peanut Industry . • 34
Baja California 2. Cultivation of Corn ..• . • * • 35 now directed that a campaign be inaugurated
Of the foregoing, 81 are daily papers, 51 How Mexico is Progressing • C 2 • 36 in all portions of the Republic as rapidly as
From a Pullman Window... 37 possible for combating the disease. The treat
are semi-weekly or tri-weekly, 180 are week Wilson Through Mexican Eyes . • · · 4I
Some Mexican Reminiscences . + 42 ments are to be entirely free of cost to the
lies and tri-monthlies, 33 are bi-monthlies , 85
General Resumption of Mining. · • 44 patient. The material used for the injections
are monthlies, and 9 are of various terms of
Mining in Mexico .... 46 is manufactured entirely at the expense of a
publication. Law of Mining Taxation .. 47 wealthy man whose name is kept a secret.

given up to a series of festivities commemo

rative of the centennial anniversary of the
Mexico's Independence Day
uprising under the leadership of the "patriot
Popular Demonstrations Which Have Marked Three Separate priest" Hidalgo, in the little town of Dolores
Hidalgo, in the State of Guanajuato, which
Epochs in the History of the City and of the Republic culminated eleven years later in the expulsion
of the hated Spaniard from the soil which
he had dominated for three hundred long
years. A tablet in the city of Chihuahua
marks the spot where the brave priest faced
a firing squad after having been betrayed by
some of his associates, but his memory, like
that of all martyrs to liberty, proved a rallying
cry and to-day he is the most honored of all
the long roll of Mexicans who have given
D their lives for their beloved country.
The festivities of that memorable September
month of 1910 were undoubtedly the most
splendid and impressive of their kind ever wit
nessed on the Western Hemisphere. And this
is said advisedly. Nothing apparently that
‫الا‬ artistic taste could suggest or that money could
secure was left undone which would contribute
in any manner towards impressing not only
the natives of the country, but the thousands
of foreigners who had flocked here to witness
the great event, or rather series of events, with
an understanding of the marvelous develop
ment achieved under the hand-the iron hand
it is true-of Porfirio Diaz, as well as with
a firm belief in the permanence of the system
which he had built up. The pageantry of the
reception of Cortez by Montezuma, repro
President Carranza, His Cabinet and Officials on the Special Tribune at Base of Independence Monument duced with historic fidelity in all its barbaric.
splendor ; the magnificent exhibition of floats
turbed by such internecine disturbances as had depicting the varied industries of the Repub
MEXICO CITY, September 16, 1918.
lic ; the dedication of numerous public build
BO-DAY- Mexico's Independence Anni been the rule almost from the time Hidalgo
raised his banner of revolt in 1810 down to ings, monuments and other works of art ; the
versary, the Mexican Fourth of July,
it was cele the period in which Diaz had gained and main opening of the great water system, whose
T as many foreigners call
superiority for abundance and purity the world
brated with a popular demonstration and tained his supremacy. It may as well be con
fessed that the writer was included in the scarcely presents ; the thousand and one events
festivities, including a great military parade,
number of those who held to this belief- and that crowded that wonderful month, left last
which was the third event of its kind marking
with apparently good reason. ing impressions upon all so fortunate as to
historical epochs in the history of the capital
The entire month of September, 1910, was witness them. Then too the unbounded en
as well as of the country that it has been the
writer's good fortune to witness.
Just eight years ago to-day President Diaz
was at the (apparent) height of his power.
For upward of thirty-five years he had been
the ruler of the Republic and had worked his
will with little opposition . He and his ad
herents "pointed with pride" to a country res
cued from anarchy, internecine strife and
banditry ; to a network of railways and other
improvements ; to the development of prosper
ous industries of all kinds ; to the opening of
mines that were producing fabulous wealth ;
to the investment of hundreds of millions of
foreign capital ; to a surface prosperity that
was as deceptive as it was apparent and at
tractive . True, there were some things to
which they did not point with pride, but these
were sedulously kept in the background or
minimized, and the superficial observer saw
none of them. There were some Mexicans as
well as foreigners - who claimed to be able to
see the handwriting on the wall, but they were
laughed to scorn or pooh-poohed to silence by
many who were honest enough in their belief
that the years of tranquillity and prosperity
under the rule of President Diaz had taught
the people the benefits of prolonged peace and
that never again would the country be dis The Allied Ministers-Ambassador Fletcher and the Belgian Minister in the Foreground

Part of Independence Day Parade, Mexico City

thusiasm which greeted every public appear city and marched over much the same route revolution commenced by Carranza eighteen
ance of President Diaz, which hung upon his as that taken by the magnificent processions months previously with less than a hundred
every word and motion, which in fact almost of the Centennial . But what a difference ! men, with no money, no arms, no apparent
deified him as did some poets and writers For a year and a half this leader-the General support but the consciousness of a just cause.
(not always natives ones, either) -made it who had won the proud title of one who had The soldiers were ragged, dirty and more or
impossible for the most far- sighted to credit never lost a battle from the beginning to the less hungry. Some were in rags and some
for a moment the occasionally whispered sug end of the Revolution-with his nondescript in jags, but assuredly not one was clad in a
gestion that perhaps things might possibly be army had been fighting their way from the velvet gown. Their horses and mules were
not exactly what they seemed, and that American border at Nogales, Naco, Cananea, gaunt and half starved. Their uniforms could
perhaps ! Agua Prieta and other points, down the West only be called such by courtesy, being the ordi
And in a scant hundred days from the Coast through the States of Sonora, Sinaloa nary khaki, denim or cotton usually worn by
culmination of that centennial celebration on and Jalisco, as well as the Territory of Tepic, the working people. They came up the Paseo
September 16, 1910, Diaz's power was practi capturing Guadalajara and every other point de la Reforma, along the Avenida Juarez and
cally shattered, his bubble of empire was as it was reached, winning many a battle that down Avenida San Francisco, the fashionable
pricked, the star of Madero was in the as never found its way into print at that time, promenade of the city, as motley a throng as
cendant, and it was a matter of but a brief and driving the Huertistas before him without was ever seen or imagined in the guise of an
period before he was to be a fugitive from cessation or check. army. Many had their wives and babies with
the country that had done him such honor as When General Obregon bade President Car them, and when the head of the procession
seldom falls to the lot of a ruler- leastwise ranza farewell at Nogales in February, 1914, reached the National Palace the army halted
in a presumably republican country. prior to commencing the brilliant campaign and remained all day bivouacked on the pave
All these events the writer saw, and they are that ended in the triumph of the Revolution, ment of the entire length of the street last
clear in his memory to-day in every detail it was the design of the latter to join the army named. It had seen many a curious sight in
and stand out among the most interesting ex of the center and move southward on the east its day, but assuredly nothing that could com
periences enjoyed during his almost three erly side of the Sierra Madre, while Obregon pare with this victorious revolutionary army.
score and ten years of life. kept to the west. On parting they shook hands Women there were by the hundred, carrying
and Obregon said : "My Chief, I will wager babies and all the impedimenta of housekeep
Four years passed, and then came the second that I reach Mexico City before you do." ing on the march. Old tin cans, jars and
historical demonstration marking an epoch in And so he did- two days ahead-though they gourds of water, hunks of raw beef, mutton
the history not only of the capital city but of had joined forces at Teoloyucan, twenty or or other meat, poultry, dogs, pieces of fire
the Republic . thirty miles out, and the victorious General wood- any and every thing that they were
Just a month preceding Independence Day entered the city first. wont to burden themselves with on the march
in the year 1914-on August 16th, to be exact It was a strange-looking army that entered through a region where they were obliged to
-the victorious General Obregon and his cam the capital city that wonderful day in August, live off the country and where nothing was
paign-worn Yaqui Indian army entered this 1914, which marked the culmination of a wasted that might possibly be of use.

the second historical epoch that the writer had

the good fortune to witness.

To-day marked the third. Like that of

four years ago, the event of to-day was purely
military, with but negligible exceptions . But
instead of the motley, ragged army of Obre
gon marched regiment after regiment, mile
after mile, of well-uniformed, well -drilled
men, equipped in modern fashion, officered
by men in flashing gold-braided uniforms,
mounted on gaily caparisoned horses, with
bands playing, flags flying, and with flowers
showered upon them from the balconies all
along the line-a contrast marked enough to
the sullen looks that met many of the self
same men four years ago, only under dif
ferent guise. To-day marked the completion
of the evolution of a modern army in every
detail from what was only the army by cour
tesy of hard knocks and victorious fighting of
four years ago.
Gazing at these endless columns of men
marching as well and holding their formation
as regularly as any troops the writer has ever
seen-there came to his mind the recollection
of a conversation that took place during the
Mexican Marines Marching in Parade first months of the Revolution, back in 1913,
when any man (or woman either, for that
They were indeed a strange enough looking wondered and waited in vain ! All their ap matter) was welcomed to the ranks who had
lot of men. Few of them had less than two prehensions came to naught. There was noth a weapon, regardless of its character and re
well-filled cartridge belts, many had four or ing of what they had so needlessly feared, gardless of uniform or other equipment. Said
five or even six. For if there is anything that and of what has become so familiar to the a foreigner to one of the staff of General
the genuine Yaqui is greedy for, it is for world since the savage Huns set out to outdo Carranza with whom we were dining : "But
cartridges. Their rifles all gave evidence of you do not seem to pay much attention to
the savages of all the rest of the world since
usage and of good care-indeed they did ! A organization and drill. I never see any of
history began, and set themselves upon a pin
Yaqui will take almost as good care of his your men being drilled." The officer looked
nacle of devilish pre-eminence from which at the questioner for a moment. "We are
rifle as he does of his baby-perhaps more.
they will never be permitted to descend so doing our fighting first. After that is done,
When not in readiness for immediate use he
long as books are read or memory lasts. it will be time enough to organize and drill
keeps the lock wrapped in an old cloth, and
in his leisure moments may be seen carefully The entry of the conquering forces of Gen our men." And this has proved true enough.
cleaning the weapon inside and out. eral Obregon and their triumphal parade along After the fighting was completed and the
The weapons showed usage, as well they the principal thoroughfares of the city marked Revolutionists had won the control of the
might. They had been in many a battle and
were destined to be used in many more.
The savage faces of the men and of the
women as well were something new in Mexico
City. They were the faces of conquerors, im
pressed with the knowledge of victory. These
Indians had never seen such a city as this,
but while they glanced curiously about they
showed no sign of wonder and but few words
were heard. The onlookers who packed the
sidewalks and whose faces showed plainly
enough their apprehension, had only been ac
customed in the past to the Indians from the
neighboring hills, whom centuries of practical
slavery have endowed with a humility of
manner and a shrinking from contact with
those whom they regard as their rulers which
was in marked contrast with the independent
and unafraid air of the Sonora Indians . These
were as unlike the local Indians as can be
imagined. They were the conquerors, the
rulers, and the people who thronged the side
walks and gazed with very evident fear upon
the fierce Indian faces, found their own timor
ous glances returned with anything but fear,
and wondered how long it might be before
these northern savages would be turned loose
to rape and pillage and destroy. But they Aviation Corps Passing the Alameda on Independence Day
front of the National Palace. The famous
Liberty Bell of Hidalgo, the counterpart of
our own sacred Independence Bell, was rung
by the President, who then in a loud voice
repeated the words :
"Mexicanos :
"Viva la Independencia !
"Viva la Libertad !
"Viva Mexico !"

Prehistoric Human Remains

In the vicinity of Mexico City, at a locality
locally known as the "Pedregal," or lava fields,
some remarkable discoveries of prehistoric
human remains were recently made. Some of
these were found in a cavern which had in
the remote past been almost completely filled
with a flow of lava. Upon removing portions
of this superincumbent deposit, human re
mains were found imbedded in the floor of
the cavern, where they had been preserved for
countless ages. Professor Ramon Mena, a
geologist and student of note, has made a care
ful study of the discoveries and declares his
belief that the remains are the most ancient
of any in America, if not in the entire world.
Crowd at Independence Monument Watching Aeroplane Flights Similar remains discovered in Peru are be
lieved from scientific study to be at least ten
country, then attention was paid to organiza esting features. First the diplomatic repre thousand years old, while these are even older.
tion and drill, and the result was seen to-day sentatives of the Allied Powers were received, The skeletons unearthed are essentially differ
in the thousands of men merching in perfect and American Ambassador Fletcher, as the ent from any of American origin, the skulls in
order, hour after hour, through the streets. Dean of the Corps, made an address of con particular presenting many novel features.
Even the mules and horses have been trained, gratulation, which was responded to by Presi Much interest has been aroused among archae
and the animals of the machine-gun batteries dent Carranza. After they had retired , the ologists and ethnologists by these discoveries
kept in perfect line and walked sedately along ministers of the Central Powers were received and a society of students and professional men
in just as good formation as the men. has been organized for their study.
and congratulations exchanged. This was
The old khaki has disappeared entirely. In
followed by the reception of the representa
stead there are uniforms of dark blue with
tives of the neutral powers, with similar cere During the season at least one train load of
bright red stripes and facings, and with the monies. garbanzos entered the United States from
military cap familiar to all who have studied Sonora, Mexico, at Nogales, Arizona, and on
pictures of the French troops in the present At midnight of Sunday the usual custom of some days several train loads crossed the line.
giving the "Grito" or national salute was ob Wherever it is introduced this article of food
war. Canvas leggings and black shoes, the meets with favor and its consumption is be
knapsack, blanket roll and canteen strapped served with all due form on the balcony in
coming general in many localities.
fast to the back, and cartridges in clips or
boxes attached to the belt, complete the equip
ment, not forgetting of course the all-necessary
rifles, of which there are still three distinct
models in use the Mauser, the Winchester
and the old-time Remington.
There was one exception to the regulation
blue-and-red uniform, and this was a regiment
of reserves which was clad in the old-time
once familiar Confederate gray of the civil
war period, and presented a sharp contrast in
style as well as in color to the rest of the
The procession was headed by the President
and his Cabinet, with a personal escort of
troopers, followed by the diplomatic corps ,
members of the Chamber of Deputies and
other notables. There was no music at the
head of the parade, and this portion of it
moved so rapidly that it had come and gone
before most of the spectators realized its ad
vent and its character.
During the parade a corps of aviators flew
about the city, looping the loop and perform
ing all sorts of feats high in the thin air of
this elevation.
The celebration extended over two days. On
Sunday the President held a reception at the
National Palace which presented certain inter Cadets from National Military School in the Parade

1893 feet, 1507 feet, 2300 feet, 750 feet, 1760

n the Petroleum Field feet, 2400 feet, 1070 feet, etc., as well as of
preparations to begin several new wells.
Latest News From the Mexican Wells- Law Regarding
Claims-Export Taxes-Development Notes
The taxes paid by the heaviest exporters of
petroleum from Mexico are indicated by the
Export Taxes on Petroleum whose density is more than 0.97 is to be valued following returns for the months of March
at $6 per ton . The deduction for the cost and April of this year :
NDER date of September 13th , the
of transportation through pipe lines is estab Interocean Oil Company, $9,914.75 ; the Texas
Secretary of the Treasury has issued a
U circular establishing the valuations of lished at two cents per ton per kilometer. Company of Mexico , $9,432.30 ; New England
petroleum for the purposes of taxation for Fuel Oil Company, $5,025.55 ; Mexican Gulf Oil
the months of July-August and September Forty-eight Petroleum Companies Now in Company, $17,841.65 ; Pierce Oil Company,
Production $23,980.55 ; Freeport and Mexico , $51,297.65 ;
October. The circular recites that : Taking
The Department of Petroleum, under the Penn-Mex Fuel Oil, $231,772.95 ; East Coast
into consideration the new questions that some
Secretaryship of Industry, Commerce and Oil Company, $48,737.95 ; Huasteca Petroleum
of the companies exporting crude petroleum
Labor, has issued a report showing that there Company, $295,816.85 ; Standard Oil Company
and its products have brought before the Sec
are now forty-eight petroleum companies in of New York, $254,197.75 ; Union Oil Com
retary of the Treasury, to reduce the valua
the productive stage. These companies are pany, $60,371.65 ; National Petroleum Com
tions in conformity with Article 4 of the Law
located in the Tampico , Tuxpam and Mina pany, $2,605.45 ; Standard Oil Company of
of April 13 , 1917, and by the decrees of June
30 and October 16 of the same year, for crude titlan districts, and their average monthly New Jersey, $ 119,625.75 ; "El Aguila," S. A.,
production is 214,832,971 ( sic ) tons . The $406,081.55 . Total, $ 1,536,702.25.
and combustible petroleum, it has been thought
order of importance of the various companies
best to order that, leaving without effect the
is said to be : The Corona Company, Chijoles Vast Extent of Mexico's Petroleum
aforementioned Circular No. 30, the following
prices shall be established for the collection Oil, Ltd., East Coast Oil Company, Freeport Measures
and Mexican Corporation , Mexican Oil Com
of imposts upon petroleum for exportation for The Secretary of Industry, Commerce and
pany, Monterrey Company, Mexico and Spain
the bimestral periods of July-August and Labor has compiled statistics regarding the
Company, Mexican Gulf Oil Company. extent of the petroleum measures of Mexico
September-October :
Information has been received by the De
from which it appears that there are more
For combustible petroleum of a density partment that the Mexican Combustibles Com than six hundred thousand kilometers of oil
of 0.91 per ton ... $13.00 pany has brought in a well at Tamboyoche, lands in the Republic, divided as follows : In
For crude petroleum of a density of 0.91 15.50 State of Vera Cruz, which produces 5000 cubic the region of the Gulf of Mexico and the
For petroleum of a density greater than meters , or more than 30,000 barrels, daily. Peninsula of Yucatan , 341,500 kilometers ; in
0.97 6.00 This well is 705 meters, or about 2285 feet, the region of the Pacific Ocean, 191,000 kilo
Gas oil • 13.00 in depth. meters ; in the region of Lower California,
Refined gasoline in bulk or packages , 75,000 kilometers ; total, 607,500 kilometers .
per liter * 122c
Oil Exports Constantly Increasing Of this immense area, the portion now under
Crude gasoline in bulk or packages, The total amount of petroleum exported exploration amounts to but 14,373 kilometers,
per liter 1134c from the Tampico district for the month of while that wherein exploration has been just
Kerosene, crude or refined, in bulk or August was 5,036,140.08 barrels, against 4,770, commenced amounts to 8507 kilometers . Less
packages , per liter.... . 4c
361 barrels in July. The shipments were di than four per cent of the area possessing oil
The rate of taxation is 10 per cent of the vided as follows among the various companies : has therefore as yet been explored .
values given for petroleum and gas oil. The Huasteca, 1,563,759.22 barrels ; Aguila, 709,
amount of the impost would therefore be $1 :30 772.27 ; Penn-Mex, 448,724.22 ; Freeport, 448,
Increased Exportation of Petroleum
per ton on combustible petroleum , $1.55 per 769.65 ; Island, 246,300.00 ; National Petroleum,
56,014.17 ; Mexican Gulf, 258,099.25 ; Texas The most recently published statistics of oil
ton on crude petroleum of 0.91 density, and
60 cents per ton on that of a density of 0.97 Company, 177,866.76 ; East Coast, 331,750.84 ; shipments show that during 1917 there was
or more. On gas oil the rate would be $1.30 Cortez, 309,500.00 ; Standard, 485,583.70 . exported a total of 4,301,743 cubic tons of
2 crude oil and 2,124,292 tons of refined oil, of
per ton. These figures are in terms of Mexi The exports for July showed an increase
of 1,038,109 barrels over the preceding month. a total value of $56,676,126.91 . Of this the
can gold . American gold is worth two to one
in the former, while American paper currency The total shipments for the first six months United States took 5,358,566 tons ; England,
of the present year were 24,885,993 barrels , or 196,118 tons ; Canada, 92,116 tons ; Cuba, 14,593
is exchanged on a basis of $ 1.79 Mexican to
an increase of 2,745,117 barrels over the same tons ; Santo Domingo, 2940 tons ; Guatemala,
$1 of the former. There being an average of
period of the previous year. The greater por 27,380 tons ; Salvador, 1441 tons ; Honduras,
seven barrels to the ton, it is easy to calculate
tion of these shipments was to the United 21,766 tons ; Nicaragua, 86,772 tons ; Costa
the exact amount of the tax per barrel in
American money. The tax rate on refined States . Rica, 29,959 tons ; Ecuador, 791 tons ; Peru,
1146 tons ; Chile, 483,105 tons ; Brazil, 33,824
gasoline is three per cent and on crude gaso
tons ; Uruguay, 46,085 tons ; Argentina, 103,932
line and petroleum it is six per cent. Two Big Wells Brought In
tons ; France, 5000 tons ; other points, 7480
On September 10th the Texas Company re
Regulating Petroleum Values for Taxation ported a new well known as Tepetate No. 2,
In addition , the railroads of Mexico used
A supplementary decree has been issued flowing at the rate of 25,000 barrels daily.
445,690 tons for fuel, of a total value of
( September 17th) regarding the payment of The Transcontinental Company's well known
as Barberena No. 2, which was brought in $2,538,649.69.
taxes upon petroleum rights and contracts,
with especial reference to cases in which these some time ago , has been tested by the Govern
ment technical experts and is reported to have Notes of Petroleum Development
are payable "in kind." The decree specifies
that petroleum with a density of 0.91 and a production of 75,000 barrels daily. This Permission has been granted by the Secre
which is valued at $ 15 per ton , shall be dimin well is the largest producer in that district. tary of Industry and Commerce to the Texas
ished in value 20 cents for each centesimo of Both the above-mentioned wells are south of Oil Company of Mexico to construct a pipe
density greater than the rate specified, and Tampico. line from the Tepetate district to the Gulf of
shall be increased forty cents per each cen The Tampico Tribune of recent date gave Mexico .
tesimo of diminution , including in this rate reports of operations upon twenty-five differ Permission has been granted to the Tepetate
petroleum of a density of 0.97. Petroleum ent wells, of varying depths, such as 1607 feet, Petroleum Company to drill a well in the

municipality of Amatlan, canton of Tuxpam, immediate action and a very large outlay here fields in that same district are exploited and
State of Vera Cruz. to carry out a program of big production and the location of these great accumulations of
A number of foreign companies organized plants for the treatment at this point of petro oil, he believed, and later was able to confirm
for the purpose of engaging in the petroleum leum. his belief, that these accumulations would be
business in Mexico have asked for registra Just how far the Union Oil Company in found in like manner under the sea, suscepti
tion without first having complied with the tends to go is not very clear, but it is under ble of a similar development and of equal
stood that the officials have decided that this commercial value as those below the surface
laws of the country requisite for such pur
poses , especially in regard to the necessity of field will provide for their future expansion , of the earth .
at least having a subsidiary organization in and besides the securing of production , it is Sr. Urbino had the opportunity later to make
the Republic. Without such organization per also likely that the corporation will acquire observations on the coast of Sotaventa, in the
mission to register is uniformly refused . terminals and petroleum treating plants in State of Vera Cruz, where the work of loca
Notice has been issued by the Secretary of which to handle the production at the source ting new fields was in progress , and there he
Industry and Commerce that companies or and ship to a great extent the refined products . found the proof of his convictions and real
persons who are given permission to exploit The Union has been in need of production ized the great importance that would be de
petroleum deposits must commence operations for some time and has sent ships around from rived from the oil industry in general and in
within six months from the date of such per San Francisco to take cargoes of crude from particular for our country.
mission and must complete the preliminary this port. The company is awaiting the re The result of the practical ends that may be
exploration within one year thereafter. A sumption of normal conditions before proceed obtained by the exploitation of mineral oil
period of ninety days is given thereafter ing with its plans . beneath the sea has been demonstrated to the
within which to file an application for renewal The first steps are being taken by Atlantic Mexican geologist by the actual developments
of the original concession. Refinery Company interests and the incorpora that have been carried to success on the coast
Work on the Port Lobos terminal, the new tion of a company to handle their business is of California in the Summerland field, where
shipping point for the Tampico region , is pro said to have practically completed at Mexico the southeastern extremity of an anticlinal is
gressing rapidly and satisfactorily. When City already. In the meantime some prelimi covered by the water of the sea, while its
completed it will be the largest petroleum nary work is being done in the lower country, other extremity is out of the water, and not
transferring station in the world. There will where production is to be secured, a railway withstanding that there the production is one
be six sea loading lines, in berths of two lines laid out and sites acquired for terminals and or two barrels a day per well, the economic
each, made of ten-inch pipe . refinery. The outlay will run to the millions. problem is proven and consequently with more
The Corona Oil Company has received per of dollars it is said. certainty in our country, where the daily pro
mission to construct a pipe line from its wells Plans for the doubling of the capacity of duction is thousands of barrels in many of
in the Panuco district to its shipping point in the Aguila refinery have been practically com the wells.
Tampico. The line will be 58 kilometers in pleted for some time now, but the material Sr. Urbano called the attention of oil men
length and of ten-inch pipe. Its capacity will market has been such that it is unlikely that and those charged with the duty of looking
be 25,000 barrels daily. The company has 27 additions will be made for many months . Just after the interests of the industry to the great
steel storage tanks of a capacity of 55,000 bar as soon, however, as the movement of mate importance of these new fields because of their
rels each, with three pumping stations. The rials is free, this work will go forward. vast extensions and of the equality of these
cost of the pipe line alone will be $3,000,000 Tampico Tribune. deposits in quantity and quality of the oil,
Mexican gold . This company has eight pro as also for the advantages they offer compared
ducing wells , one with a capacity of 35,000 Under-Water Oil Deposits with the continental oil fields. The probability
barrels daily, another of 10,000 and the others The oil industry, which now constitutes a of finding the same extraordinary oil condi
of less yield. powerful factor in the nation's wealth , has tions in that part of the coast plains that are
The first wireless telephone plant in Mexico created a source of incalculable riches that submerged beneath the sea as are found in
is being installed at Port Lobos by the Cortez with proper development will far surpass what the oil fields of Northeastern Mexico with
Oil Company for communication with its plant all other resources have reached by years of its giant gushers is sufficient to awaken an
at Saladero, 25 miles inland . The most ap wise political finance. This development can interest that merits the examination of any
proved system is used and satisfactory results be attained by exploiting the great deposits data for or against this theory.
are confidently predicted. of oil which exist not only beneath the earth, From the long and instructive treatise pre
but also under the bed of the sea. sented to the Department of Industry and
Extensive Development Being Arranged It is only about a year ago that the Excel Commerce by Sr. Urbino we select the fol
Three big developments by very important sior, the only paper to publish an account of lowing :
interests are now planned, as a result of in it, called attention to the discovery that Sr. "The existence of submarine deposits of oil
vestigations made here in the past year, and Urbino after much study had made of the is based on the location in general ; in the
the increase of the importance of this field existence of oil under the sea. Great impor extension under the sea of the coast-oil regions
will be tremendous when all is completed. tance was attached to this discovery in foreign that maintain the same geographical and geo
The interests which have determined to countries and many European and American logical conditions ; in the presence of abundant
enter the Tampico district with developments papers gave it much prominence. At the same evidences of oil on the surface of the water,
on a large scale, and which already have pre time experts in this particular field applied to as on the coast, and in the eruptions of oil
liminary plans being worked out, are : our government for more detailed information from the bottom of the sea, which has been
The John Hays Hammond interests, known on this interesting subject. known for some time.
locally through the corporation International Sr. Urbino, to whom falls the honor of "The possible exploration and development
Petroleum Company. 1 giving to his country the prestige of so sensa of these deposits is based on the extensive
The Atlantic Refinery Company, now being tional a discovery, said in his report that some area lying at little depth under the water,
incorporated to take over the Producers' years ago while engaged in the study of Mexi which is a continuation of the coast regions ;
Terminal and Panuco -Boston properties. can geology he learned by investigations the in the equality of the conditions of these sub
The Union . Oil Company of California, the conditions of some portions of the strata of marine deposits, in the abundance and quality
largest independent on the Pacific Coast. the tertiary terrain that borders the Gulf of of the product and the submarine accumula
The investigation for the Hammond inter Mexico, and that, together with the knowledge tions that by the process of boring may be
ests was made by Patrick Congdon, who made of the formation that constitutes it, was suffi sunk to a depth of twenty meters below the
a report strongly recommending the entrance cient to make clear that its inclination toward water. Last, the oil region on the coast of
of the company in this field. His report will the sea preserved the same character. Asso the Gulf of Mexico is approximately 184,500
doubtless be acted upon as a final determining ciating these observations with others made square kilometers. Of this 55,000 belong to
factor, and it is known that the report favors previously on the manner in which the oil Mexico and the rest to the United States."

ART . 19. So soon as an Agent shall admit a

claim , he shall publish it on his Bulletin Board
Law Regarding Petroleum Lands (Tabla de Avisos ) for a month , and shall further
more cause it to be published three times within this
period in the Official Gazette (Diario Oficial ) and in
Decrees Regarding Denunciation of Petroleum two other journals chosen from among those having
Lands Issued by President Carranza the greatest circulation in the particular locality .
The interested party shall take steps on his own
account to see that the insertions are made .
N August 8, 1918, the following decree nent data necessary to identify the property in ques ART. 20. The following shall constitute for
was issued making certain changes in ART. II . If the applicant be an alien , he shall counter claims (Oposicion which shall suspend action
O the application of Article 14 of the upon the claim :)
attach to his application a certificate of the Depart 1. The total or partial invasion of a petroleum
decree of February 19, 1918, regarding the ment for Foreign Affairs , establishing that he has

property on which patent has been granted, and
denunciation of petroleum lands : complied with the requisites prescribed by Art. 27 of which has not been declared forfeited.
the Federal Constitution . 2. The claim of the whole or a part of a prop
VENUSTIANO CARRANZA, Constitutional President of ART . 12 . The applicant shall file with his claim
the United States of Mexico, to its inhabitants- be erty already denounced, submitted legally and prior
it known : a certificate from the Stamp Office, setting forth that
That I have seen fit to reform the prescriptions to the attempted denouncement.
he has deposited the value of the stamps to be 3. The non-completion of the term within which,
covering the method of application of Art. 14 of the affixed to his patent (titulo ) , according to the area of
Decree of the 19th of February, 1918, reformed on under these regulations, preference is granted to any
the property "denounced . ”
the 31st of July, in the following terms : ART. 13 . If the denouncer is a foreign company individual or corporation with regard to the whole or
ARTICLE 1. Beginning with the 16th of August of a property or a part thereof.
which might have previously made declaration on the ART. 21. A counter claim based on any of the
the present year, petroleum deposits on vacant lands lands they own or on the rights of exploitation of
can be denounced. which they are the concessionaries , the denounce grounds set forth in the preceding article shall be
ART. 2. By petroleum deposits is understood a ment shall be admitted and handling of the same con submitted to the Agent of the Petroleum Bureau
volume of indefinite depth, laterally bounded by the tinued ; but the title shall be issued only to a private within 60 days reckoned from the date on which the
vertical lines which pass through the boundaries of a individual or to a Mexican company organized in claim shall have been published on the Bulletin Board
solid piece of land not less than four hectars in conformity with the laws of the country , to whom of the Agency.
extent, intended for the exploitation of petroleum. ART. 22. The counter claimant shall submit with
the denouncing company may cede their rights.
ART. 3. By petroleum exploitation is understood ART. 14. The petitioner shall present, together his counter claim a certificate of the Chief Stamp
the extraction, the winning or the utilization of the with his denouncement , a certificate from the Stamp Office setting forth that he has deposited the amount
following substances : Department ( Administracion del Timbre ) , in which of the annual rental corresponding to the property in
I. The petroleum which is found in natural beds, is set forth that he has deposited the value of the question, in accordance with Article 47 and 48 of
wells or pools. stamps which should be placed on his title, accord this decree ; no counter claim shall be admitted with
II. The gaseous carburets of hydrogen in the sub ing to the area of the deposit which he solicits . out the presentation of such certificate.
soil, or that which escapes to the surface of the ART. 15. The Agent of the Petroleu Sectio ART. 23. On the submission of the counter claim,
m n the interested parties shall be summoned to a meet
ground. shall receive the denouncement and enter the same in
III. The natural deposits of ozokerite or of his registry , noting thereon and on the original of ing at which every effort shall be made to reach an
asphalt. the denouncement and on the copies, the date and agreement; in this action the procedure set forth in
IV. Every mixture of carburets of hydrogen of hour of the presentation . The party making the the regulations of the mining law at present in force
the different groups, the origin of which is brought denouncement can demand that these notes be made shall be observed. If it be impossible to reach an
about by nature. in his presence. If in the opinion of the Agent the agreement, the interested parties shall forthwith be
ART . 4. Land which has been given title for the denouncement be not sufficiently clear, he shall ask notified that the question of the counter claim may
exploitation of petroleum , or that on which a de be settled either by administrative or judicial pro
the party presenting the same for the necessary ex cedure.
nouncement is pending, shall not be considered planations , and shall set the same forth in the
vacant, original , in the copies and in the book of registry. A89 . 24. If the interested parties fail to choose
ART. 5. Land the declaratio on which might have immediately the administrative procedure, action shall
n Lack of these explanations shall not be reason for
been made by its proprietor to the Department of In omitting to enter the denouncement , The duplicate be suspended and the records transmitted within 48
dustry, Commerce and Labor , in accordance with shall be returned with the respective notation by hours to the judicial authorities for the institution of
Arts. 14, 16 and I Transitory , of the Decree of the judicial proceedings. The counter claimant may only
the person who presented it.
31st of July of the present year, shall not be con ART. 16. Within three days following the presen allege the grounds on which he based his original
sidered vacant ; but the land which , having been counter claim and which expressly appear in the rec
tation of a claim, the Agent shall decide whether it ord transmitted by the administrative authorities to
declared , is not denounced by the party making the is or is not to be admitted . In the former event ,
declaration , or by the party to whom the former the judicial authorities.
he shall dispatch it in accordance with the regular ART. 25. If the interested parties choose the ad
grants his right of preference , within the three procedure ; in the latter event, he shall set down in
months following the 15th of the present month , ministrative procedure for the settlement of their
writing the grounds of his ruling, which shall be differences, the record of the case shall continue its
decree , shall be vacant land . subject to review by the Department of Industry,
ART. 6. Land which might have been contracted usual course, in order that the Department of In
Commerce and Labor, on request submitted by the dustry, Commerce and Labor, after hearing both
for petroleum development and declared before the applicant to the same agent, so soon as the latter
Department of Industry, Commerce and Labor in parties, may render its decision in the case.
accordance with Arts. 14, 17 and I Transitory of the shall notify him of his ruling not to admit the claim ART. 26. When once the interested parties have
or within the ensuing three days. chosen the administrative procedure, they shall not
31st of July of the present year, shall not be con ART. 17. Whenever two or more claims presente
sidered as vacant ; but land which having been d be permitted to resort to judicial proceedings ; but if
declared is not denounced by the party making declar simultaneously and referring to the same tract of they have chosen the latter, they may, pending the
ation, or by the party to whom the former grants his land shall be declared to be admitted , the choice be rendition of the final judicial decree, submit the case
right of preference, within three months following the tween the two claims shall be determined by lot, un to the ruling of the Department of Industry, Com
15th of the present month, shall be vacant, less the preference as to the particular claim to be merce and Labor.
ART. 7. Land which might have been contracte admitted shall be agreed upon between the interested ART. 27. Any ground for counter claim different
d parties . from those laid down in Art. 20 hereof, shall be
for petroleum exploitation and declared before the
Department of Industry , Commerce and Labor, in ART. 18. When there are presented simultaneously submitted to the Agent, who shall not, however, sus
accordance with Arts . 15 and 17 of the decree of the several denouncements on different oil deposits, but pend the regular procedure of the record, The De
31st of July of the present year , shall not be con which all contain a part in common, a raffle shall be partment of Industry, Commerce and Labor, so soon
sidered as vacant ; but land which having been de affected of all the denouncements presented. If the as it receive the case for review, shall decide whether
clared is not denounced by the party making the denouncement favored by luck includes the others the ground alleged shall or shall not be taken into
declaration who obtains the preference referred to in presented, for the fact alone shall the remaining account. In the former event, the case shall be
Art. 15 of the decree mentioned, or by the party to denouncements affected by the raffle be definitely re heard and a ruling handed down, in accordance with
whom the former grants his right of preference , jected ; but if the denouncement so favored does not the provisions of Arts, 23 to 26 hereof. Should the
within the two months following the declaration of comprise but a part of the land denounced, the re Department refuse to admit the counter claim, it shall
preference mentioned in the same Article of said maining part shall be submitted to new raffle act as if no counter claim had been submitted, but
decree , shall be vacant land . among all the denouncers, with the exception of the the rights of the counter claimant shall subsist.
ART. 8. Lands of common use, waste and national one favored in the first raffle. And if after the ART. 28. The Department of Industry, Commerce
lands, town-sites (fundos legales ) and commons second raffle any part of the land should remain in and Labor may take into account during the review
(ejidos) not subdivided shall not be subject to claims. question, in accordance with the same procedure until of the case any counter claim submitted, provided
ART . 9. Each claim shall refer to a single petro one or more raffles shall be effected should it be the counter claimant shall prove that he failed to
leum property. necessary . The raffles shall be held with intervals submit his counter claim to the Petroleum Bureau
ART. 10. Each applicant for a petroleum property of three lawful days in order that the petitioners may Agent through no negligence of his own.
shall submit his claims, in duplicate, to the proper pcsent themselves on each one of them, with their ART. 29. The denouncer of a petroleum deposit
Agent of the Department of Industry, Commerce and denouncements duly drawn up. Those who do not shall be declared as having abandoned his rights
Labor; such claim shall contain the name, age, pro attend the raffle to which they are invited shall lose when he does not make the insertions established by
fession, domicile and nationality of the applicant, as for this reason their rights of primacy acquired on Art. 19, within the terms fixed in said Article, or
well as the location, area, boundaries and other perti taking part in the first raffle. does not make the explanations which are asked from

him in order to dispatch his denouncement within selves. When those present do not claim the title merce and Labor, and the ratification or rectification
the term fixed for same, or does not attend the meet to the petroleum deposits on all the community land , of the patent shall be in conformity with such plat.
ings of agreement when the opposition . to the same it will be granted + to them for the part which they If the concessionary does not comply with this ob
denouncement is presented. Any such failure shall desire and the rest shall be declared vacant land. ligation, the Department of Industry, Commerce and
cause the denouncer to lose the deposit to which Art. ART. 39. At any time may the concessionary of Labor shall impose upon him a fine varying from 50
14 refers . a petroleum deposit petition its reduction. The peti to 1000 pesos, according to the importance of the
ART. 30. The counter claimant who shall fail to tion shall be presented to the Petroleum Agency with deposit and the frequency of the cases of default ,
attend any of the meetings for the purpose of effecting a map of the reduced petroleum deposit and the and he may order this work done for account of the
an agreement shall be deemed to have desisted from his original title. The new title shall cancel the former interested party .
counter claim, except in the case of "Force Majeure." and shall not be subject to the stamp tax for the ART. 51. The interested party shall, within two
ART. 31. Every counter claimant who shall desist granting of the title ; but the concessionry shall be years reckoned from the issue of the patent, submit
from his counter claim, or whose counter claim shall obliged to place the monuments of the reduced de in duplicate to the Petroleum Department the plans
prove to be not well grounded shall forfeit the deposit posit within the term fixed by the Department of In and descriptive data relating to the proposed work
prescribed by Art. 22 hereof, which deposit shall be dustry, Commerce and Labor. Once the reduction for the development of the petroleum property.
applied to the payment of the rental for one year is agreed to , the remaining land shall be declared These plans and data shall follow the requirements
on the property, reckoned from the date of the claim, vacant. fixed by the Department of Industry, Commerce and
ART. 32. Should no final ruling on the claim be ART. 40. The grantee of a property may extract Labor.
handed down within a year, the applicant and the therefrom all substances mentioned in Art. 3 hereof, If the concessionary does not present the docu
counter claimant shall each deposit the amount of without any other limitation than that of not tres ments prescribed in this Article, the Department of
rental for one year in the Chief Stamp Office ; the passing by means of his extraction work on adjoin Industry, Commerce and Labor shall impose upon
same procedure shall be observed each year until a ing properties and that of complying with the pro him a fine varying between 50 and 1,000 pesos, ac
final ruling is given. visions of these regulations and of such other regu cording to the importance of the deposit, and shall
The deposit or deposits of the party in whose lations as may later be enacted on petroleum devel indicate to him a new period of time in which to
favor the final ruling is rendered shall be applied to opment. present them, he being unable to begin the work of
the payment of the rental on the property, and the ART. 41. Operators of a petroleum property may exploitation without having complied with this Te
deposit or deposits of the party against whom the occupy within the boundaries of a property, subject quirement.
decision is rendered shall be applied to the Federal to authorization of the Department of Industry, Com ART. 53. The ratification or rectification mentioned
budget in the form of diverse profits (Aprovech merce and Labor, the surface area necessary for the in Article 50 hereof, may be made at the request of
amientos) ; not being subject to the rights of the work of extraction and for the immediate storage the owner of the property, of interested adjoining
former to make claim against the latter for the corres of the oil extracted, paying in such event to the in owners, or as a matter of course by a ruling of the
ponding indemnization in the cases in question. terested party corresponding indemnification , any ju Department of Industry, Commerce and Labor. In
ART. 33. The Secretary of Industry, Commerce and dicial action instituted thereunder shall not retard this last event, the final ruling of the Department of
Labor may excuse the failure to attend a meeting the carrying out of the work. Industry, Commerce and Labor shall not effect the
of conciliation in case of opposition when the de ART. 42. Operators of a petroleum property shall rights of the owners of the petroleum property nor
nouncer proves, within the term of the procedure or acquire easements of passage and of pipe lines, on of those of the adjoining owners who believe their
interests prejudiced .
during the revision of the papers, that it was caused obtaining permission from the Department of In ART . 54. Grantees of petroleum properties shall
by events which he could not control. dustry, Commerce and Labor ; they may likewise build be bound to furnish the Department of Industry,
ART. 34. If no counter claim which shall cause such pipe lines and pumping stations as the develop Commerce and Labor such technical and economic
the suspension of the regular administrative pro ment of the property requires on payment to the data as it may demand throu the Petroleum
cedure of the case shall be presented within the period interested parties of proper compensation. through
gh the
of 60 days allowed, the Petroleum Bureau Agent shall ART. 43. Operators of a petroleum property shall Bureau ; they shall likewise be bound to admit on
have the right to establish storage tanks and refin their properties pupils from public schools who may
transmit to the Department of Industry, Commerce be sent for a practical study of petroleum industry,
and Labor a record of the case as of that date. eries, subject to the approval of the Department of
and to afford them every facility in their task. The
ART. 35. Patents (Titulos) covering petroleum pro Industry, Commerce and Labor, and to the assent of
the owners of lands it is sought to occupy. In event obligations shall likewise be imposed upon the grantees
perties shall be issued through the Department of of pipe lines, refineries, storage tanks, and loading
Industry, Commerce and Labor, after the Petroleum of failure to obtain such assent, condemnation pro
ceedings of the area necessary for such work shall stations .
Bureau shall have received the records submitted by
the Agent. These patents grant legal possession of be instituted. ART. 55. Patents to petroleum properties shall be
forfeited for the following reasons: Through failure
the respective properties, without the necessity of any ART. 44. Operators of petroleum properties shall
other formality. have the right to build wharves, loading stations and to pay the tax referred to in Articles 47 and 48
ART. 36. Outside of the cases set forth in Art. submarine lines, subject to the approval of the hereof; through failure to comply with the condi
tions laid down in Articles 52 and 54 ; through sus
13, the titles shall be granted without detriment to a Department of Industry, Commerce and Labor, and pending work for a period of six consecutive months
third party in favor of the denouncer. In order that in conformity with the provisions enacted on the sub without cause, after the work of development shall
they may be granted in favor of another party, it ject by the Departments of Finance and Public Credit have begun ; or through any grave infraction of
will be necessary to prove the transfer of the right and of Communications and Public Works.
ART. 45. Only the respective grantees shall have the "Regulations of Development." ( Reglamento de
of the denouncer in favor of this party through the Explotacion.)
proper instrument. The interested party shall prove the right to build storage tanks or refineries on
having paid the corresponding rental on his deposit petroleum properties. ART. 56. Forfeiture shall be declared by the ad
ART. 46. The grantee of a petroleum property may ministrative authorities through the Department of
before receiving the title. Industry, Commerce and Labor, after opportunity
ART. 37. In community lands which have not been enjoy the surface waters for the needs of his opera
tions, in pursuance of the common law on the sub shall have been given to the interested party to be
legally contracted for the exploitation of petroleum , heard in his own defense.
the co-owners alone can denounce petroleum deposits, ject. He may use the sub-soil waters, for the same
and the procedure in connection with the denounce purpose, subject to the approval of the Department ART. 57. In the event of forfeiture through fail
ment shall be suspended until all the co-owners or of Industry, Commerce and Labor, and by means of ure to pay the rental prescribed the corresponding
their representatives meet before the Department of the corresponding compensation to whomsoever may declaration shall be made within four months fol
Industry, Commerce and Labor, called together by be thereto entitled. lowing the period of two months within which the
name, with sufficient previous notice, in order to make ART. 47. The concessionary of a petroleum de failure to make such payment occurred .
a clear and proven declaration of their individual posit on land contracted shall pay the tax established In the case of forfeiture through failure to pay
rights ; and upon agréement, they shall receive a in Arts. 2, 3 and 5 of the decree of the 31st of July the royalty prescribed, the declaration shall be made
title in common to the petroleum deposit, which shall of the present year, making in the cases in which he within the period of two months following that in
cover the subsoil of the land "pro indiviso." In this may proceed, the payment which is established by which the ground for forfeiture occurred.
title the representation of each co-owner shall be set Art. 12 of this same law . ART. 58. In the case of the declaration of for
forth . The notice of meeting to the co-owners shall ART. 48. The concessionary of a petroleum deposit feiture of any petroleums property, patent to which
be posted on the board of notices of the Petroleum on land which has not contracted, shall pay an annual shall have been issued to any assignees, such prop
Agency during a term of sixty days ; it shall be pub rental of five pesos per hectare and a royalty of five erty shall only be subject to claim during the three
lished three times during the same period in the per cent of the production . months following the declaration of forfeiture, by
Official Gazette (Diario Oficial) , and in two papers ART. 49. The rental shall be due and payable from the preceding assignees and by the owner of the sur
of the largest circulation in the locality. The De the date of the claim and shall be paid in periods of face of the property, who, to this end, shall make a
partment of Industry, Commerce and Labor shall have two months each in advance ; payment shall be made declaration in the form prescribed in Article 4 of
the power of appointing a commission charged to during the first fortnight of each period of two the decree of May 18, 18, 1918 , in order that the
take up with whom it may concern the granting of months. Petroleum Agent of the Department of Industry,
the property titles to the co-owners. ART. 50. Within the period of one year from the Commerce and Labor may admit the claim of the
ART. 38. After the lapse of a period of ninety days, date of the issue of a patent covering a petroleum last assignee of the right of development.
counting from the date of the notice of meeting property, the interested party shall build boundary If the property whose patent shall have been de
referred to in the foregoing Article, in which some manks at the vertices and other clearly defined points clared forfeited be operated by a third party through
and such other intermediary boundary marks as are a contract still in force such contract shall subsist,
of the co-owners of the community in question failed
to present themselves, the co-owners who do not necessary to make each boundary mark readily visible the new assignee taking the place of the former
present themselves shall be considered as having from the one next before ; he shall be bound also to assignee for the purposes of said contract .
desisted, and the title to the corresponding deposit ART. 59. The direct operator of a property, off
present in duplicate to the Petroleum Bureau the plat
shall be granted, after the provisions of this law are of the land thus marked out. This plat shall fulfill cially recognized as such, whose patent shall have
complied with, to the co-owners who present them the requirements of the Department of Industry, Com (Concluded on page 11 )

the total world production of 1917 about 500,

The World's Petroleum Production
000,000 barrels.
The United States has been the world's
Yield of the United States as Compared With largest producer of petroleum continuously
That of Other Oil Yielding Countries since the development of petroleum produc
tion, except in the period 1898-1901 , in which
period Russian production slightly exceeded
that of the United States, the product of the
United States in 1898 being 55,000,000 barrels,
Russia 62,000,000 ; in 1899, United States
57,000,000, Russia 66,000,000 ; in 1900, United
States 64,000,000, Russia 76,000,000 ; and in
1901 , United States 69,000,000, Russia 85,000,
000. Beginning with 1902, however, the prod
uct of the United States exceeded that of
Russia by 8,000,000 barrels, and the excess of
our production over that of Russia, our chief
competitor in the world's oil field, has rapidly
1824M increased, so that in 1914 our own output was
nearly four times as much as that of Russia,
the 1914 figures of production being for the
United States 266,000,000 barrels against 67,
000,000 barrels produced by Russia . Russia's
largest production in any year was in 1901,
85,000,000 barrels, falling to 67,000,000 in 1914,
while in the case of the United States the
H product of 1901 was 69,000,000 barrels, having
advanced meantime to 266,000,000 in 1914,
292,000,000 in 1915, and to 300,000,000 barrels
in 1916, and 342,000,000 in 1917, the United
States figures for recent years being those of
"marketed product."
The world's principal mineral oil producers
NO SMOKING and their output in 1916 were : United States,
with a product of 300,000,000 barrels ; Russia,
75,000,000 ; Mexico , 40,000,000 ; Roumania 10,
000,000 ; Dutch East Indies , 13,000,000, and
India, 8,000,000 barrels .
The principal production of the United
States by States was, in 1916 : California,
91,000,000 barrels ; Oklahoma, 107,000,000 ; Illi
nois, 18,000,000 ; Texas , 28,000,000 ; Louisiana,
15,000,000 ; West Virginia, 9,000,000 ; Ohio,
8,000,000, and Pennsylvania , 8,000,000 barrels ,
the figures being in very round terms . The
chief increase in 1917 occurred in the "Okla
homa- Kansas " district, which showed a gain
Underwood & Underwood
of 32,000,000 barrels out of the total gain of
TURNING OUT OIL TO HELP WIN THE WAR 42,000,000 barrels in the United States in 1917.
Loading big tank ships with oil for export. The man in the lower left hand corner of this photo is
operating the loading apparatus. Scene at Port Arthur, Texas, where much Mexican oil is handled The United States, despite the fact that she
is by far the world's largest produced of petro
HE increasing demand for petroleum lons each, against 427,000,000 barrels in 1915 ; leum, is becoming of late a considerable im
and its products, both in the United 328,000,000 in 1910 ; 149,000,000 in 1900 ; 77, porter, the quantity of crude petroleum im
T States and the world at large, lends in 000,000 in 1890 ; 30,000,000 in 1880, 6,000, ported in the fiscal year 1915 being 652,000,000
terest to a compilation by the National City 000 in 1870, and about a half million barrels gallons ; in 1916, 871,000,000, and in 1917,
Bank of New York showing world production in 1860. The world production of 1917 is 1,079,000,000, a very large proportion of this
of petroleum and the share thereof by the estimated at about 500,000,000 barrels. coming from Mexico and seeking a market in
United States from the earliest date of that Our total production of petroleum in 1917 the United States because of her superior fa
industry down to 1917. This compilation was larger than in any earlier year, exceeding cilities for refining the crude product.
shows that the United States in 1917 produced that of 1916 by 42,000,000 barrels. The world
342,000,000 barrels of crude oil, against 300, production in 1916 was larger than in any SUMMARY BY DISTRICTS
000,000 in 1916, 210,000,000 in 1910, and 64, earlier year, exceeding that of 1915 by 34, BBLS.
000,000 in 1900, and that this country now 000,000 barrels. For 1917 there are no com Appalachian.... 23,009,000 $ 56,689,000
produces two-thirds of the oil of the world. plete figures of world production owing to Lima, Indiana 3,905,000 6,117,000
Of the world's output of crude petroleum, the the absence of data on production in Russia Illinois ..... ** 17,714,000
Mid- Continent. 29,237,000
United States supplied 66 per cent in 1916 and Roumania in that year. While presumably 136,934,000 162,817,000
Gulf..... 21,768,000 16,417,000
against 64 per cent in 1910 ; 43 per cent in there was a large fall-off in production in California.. 90,952,000 53,703,000
1900 ; 60 per cent in 1890, and 88 per cent in Russia in 1917, the fact that the United States' Rocky Mountain 6,476,000 5,905,000
1880. The world production of petroleum in output increased about 40,000,000 barrels and Other Districts ..... 8,000 14,000
1916 is stated at 461,000,000 barrels of 42 gal that of Mexico increased 16,000,000 may make TOTAL ........ 300,767,000 330,900,000

Underwood & Underwood
A big oil dock at Port Arthur, Texas. In the foreground are two tank barges used in shipping oil from
Mexican ports to American ports, and the ships are tankers in the import and export trade
Fiscal Gallons Value States Per Cent of LANDS
1900 2,374,000 $ 220,000 Year World Bbls. Bbls. Total (Continued from page 9)
1902 12,148,000 172,000 1860 509,000 500,000 98
1902 been declared forfeited, and not being the grantee
3,235,000 193,000 1865 2,716,000 2,498,000 92 of the property shall enjoy a preferential right of de
1903 3,708,000 227,000 1870 5,799,000 5,261,000 91
1904 nouncement, valid within 30 days following the term
4,654,000 281,000 1875 9,977,000 8,788,000 88 granted in the foregoing Article to the several
1905 10,001,000 494,000 1880 30,018,000 26,286,000 88 assignees of the right of development and to the
1906 15,453,000 779,000 1885 36,765,000 21,859,000 59
1907 45,824,000 60 owner of the surface of the property, provided none
26,136,000 1,306,000 1890 76,633,000 of them shall have made use of these rights.
1908 9,331,000 447,000 1895 103,663.000 52,892,000 51
1909 7,206.000 1900 63,621,000 43 He shall likewise enjoy this preference in the cases
330,000 149,132,000 of forfeiture not included in the foregoing Article,
1910 13,695,000 610,000 1905 215,361,000 134,718,000 63
within the 30 days following the date on which the
1911 38,776,000 2,144,000 1910 327,616,000 209,557,000 64 declaration of forfeiture shall have been affixed on
1912 160,502,000 3,654,000 1911 345,685,000 220,449,000 64 the Bulletin Board of the respective agency.
1913 510,661,000 7,437,000 1912 352,485,000 222,935,000 63
1914 773,052,000 248,446,000 65 ART. 60. Every property comprising leased lands,
11,777,000 1913 384,668,000
1915 653,708,000 1914 265,763,000 66 patent to which shall have been declared forfeited,
8,819,000 400,483,000 shall be deemed to be "free land," onthe expira
1916 869,369,000 12,206,000 1915 426,893,000 281,100,000 66
1917 1,034,591,000 1916 460,639,000 300,767,000 65 tion of the terms fixed in the two foregoing Articles
14,109,000 and of the 30-day period from the date on which the
MARKETED PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM 1917 *503,708,000 342,000,000 68
declaration that the land is subject to claim shall have
BY STATES IN 1916 *Estimated. been affixed on the Bulletin Board of the respective
STATES BBLS VALUE **Marketed Production. agency.
California..... 90,952,000 $ 53,703,000 ART. 61. Every property comprising lands not
197,000 WORLD PRODUCTION OF PETROLEUM leased, title to which shall have been declared for
Colorado.... 217,000
Illinois ..... 17,714,000 29,237,000 Countries 1916 Barrels 1917 Barrels feited, shall be deemed to be "free lands," 30 days
Indiana... 769,000 1,208,000 United States ...... * 300,767,000 *342,000,000 after the declaration of forfeiture shall have been
Kansas.... 8,738,000 10,340,000 Russia.... 72,801,000 65,000,000 affixed to the Bulletin Board of the respective agency.
Kentucky and Tennessee 1,203,000 2,190,000 Mexico.. 39,817,000 55,293,000 Transitory Articles
Louisiana..... 15,248,000 14,670,000 Dutch E. Indies....*** 13,174,000 14 000,000 I. It shall only be permitted to denounce deposits
Montana... 45,000 44,000 Roumania... 10,298.000 6,000,000 in lands, the area of which is less than four hectares,
New York.... 874,000 2,190,000 India ..... 8,229,000 8,500,000 when they exist in the same at the present time wells
Ohio..... 7,745,000 16,155,000 Galicia.... 6,462,000 5,500,000 producing or wells being drilled, the latter covered
Oklahoma... 107,072,000 128,464,000 Japan & Formosa... 2,997,000 2,800,000 by permits previously granted and providing that said
Pennsylvania .... 7,592,000 19,150,000 Peru...... 2,551,000 2,500,000 lands have been declared in accordance with the
Texas- Northern ... 9,303,000 11,835,000 Trinidad . 1,000,000 1,685,000 decree of the 31st of July of the present year.
Texas- Coastal ...... 18,342,000 13,952,000 Germany.. 996,000 900,000 II. The decree of the 8th of July of the present
West Virginia ... 8,731,000 21,914,000 Argentina. 870,000 800,000 year, and all the laws and dispositions wherein they
Wyoming .... 6,234,000 5,644,000 Egypt..... 411,000 500,000 conflict with the present law, are cancelled.
Other States... 8,000 14,000 Given in the Palace of the Executive Power of
Estimated Total ..... 460,639,000 503,708,000 the Union, on the 8th of August, 1918.
TOTAL......... 300,767,000 330,900,000 * Marketed Production . V. CARRANZA.

Excellent Crops are

Solidifying Oil for Export Being Harvested

A Novel Idea Adapted to Mexico Advanced by an English Famous Corn Expert Makes a Tour of
Trade Journal- Easily Adopted the Principal Agricultural Regions
HE privations which Mexicans have suf
HERE is one development of the petro become a keen competitor of liquid fuel if the E
THfered on account of scarcity of corn and
leum industry which is feasible in Latin ordinary means of road or rail transport are other cereals will end as soon as the new
T America and (so far as the present available. It would require too much space crops, which are abundant and sufficient for
writer can judge ) is feasible nowhere else. It to discuss all the industries of Latin America the needs of the country, are harvested ." Thus
depends for success on two conditions : ( 1 ) to which solid oil fuel would come as a boon ; Señor Zeferino Dominguez , who has been
abundance and cheapness of crude oil ; ( 2 ) but reference may be made to the mining called the "Apostle of Corn" and who has for
difficulty of transport. It might be thought industry. You cannot choose the site of a many years worked untiringly to make Mexico
that the second condition would neutralize mine as you would choose the site of, say, a a purely agricultural country, expressed him
the first, as has been the case, for example, steel plant. The site is fixed by nature, and self recently .
in the Mexican oil industry, where an abun you have to work where nature permits. The Señor Dominguez has just returned from a
dant and cheap supply has been handicapped consequence is that many mines are situated trip through the greater part of the States
by a shortage of transport to the coast, and a where transport is difficult, and where the de where, at the suggestion of the Department of
shortage of vessels to convey the oil thence livered cost of liquid fuel would be prohibitive. Fomento and Agriculture , he went to give lec
to the consuming countries. In fact, the pros These mines must, of course, have solid fuel ; tures and demonstrations on the cultivation
pects of any oil field, however good they may but it would be found, if a supply of solid of corn . He traveled by rail more than six
be, can be wrecked by lack of transport, except oil were available, that the latter would prob thousand kilometers in a special car which was
in one particular case. This exception is when ably be cheaper than coal on account of its converted into an agricultural museum for the
the oil can be transported in a solid form. greater efficiency, and also on account of its instruction of the farmers in modern methods
Oil can be made permanently solid with greater economy in space, the rectangular of cultivating the land. :
comparative ease. There are numerous pro blocks leaving no vacant places. Moreover,
Señor Dominguez said that the greater part
cesses-some patented, others supposed to be the solid oil gives practically no ash, so that in of the land under cultivation over which he
secret- for accomplishing this result ; and the transporting this fuel one is not carrying a had traveled in the States of Queretaro,
reason they are not employed is that as a rule large percentage of useless matter. For minSich
Guanajuato, Michoacan, San Luis Potosi,
it is more convenient to have oil in its liquid ing conditions the solid oil would seem to be
Tamaulipas, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Durango,
state. Especially is this so to-day, when oil the most suitable fuel available.
• It may be asked, Why has not some process Chihuahua, Aguascalientes, Hidalgo, Mexico ,
is many times more valuable than it was seven
Jalisco and Colima, are perfectly tilled and
or eight years ago, when most of these pro for the solidification of oil been adopted on
that the prospects are the most flattering.
cesses were talked of. a large scale, if the advantages claimed for According to Señor Dominguez the crops that
By the heating of the oil, and the admixture it are real? In brief, the answer is as follows : are grown will not only be sufficient for these
of a substance well known and very common, At the time when the solidifying processes
States, but will supply other less favored parts
as well as cheap, the oil was quickly converted were worked out, crude oil, in most oil fields, of the country .
into a substance which, when cold, took on was abundant and cheap, and would have re
a solid form. In order that this form should In every place he visited he held confer
paid the cost of a plant to solidify it. Con
ences on the subject of agriculture , showing
be permanent, it was necessary to add, during sequently, large interests such as the Burmah
the latter part of the mixing, a small quantity Oil Company and some of the Mexican com the urgent necessity of cultivating the land
intelligently and of employing modern methods
of another well known and cheap article, panies negotiated with the view of adopting
known as the "binder." If this was properly one or other of these processes. But, to to increase the yield. More than fifty thou
sand farmers were at these meetings and
done, the oil, on cooling, assumed the form obtain the best results the plants erected would
of a permanent solid ; it could be cut into showed themselves greatly interested in all
have to be on a large scale, and the plans for
that Señor Dominguez recommended and
bricks, blocks, or slices, and when burned in these plants, which would have been a great
novelty, required some time to work out. In which he explained in all its details . The
a furnace did not melt, but retained its solid
form until consumed. the meantime, the market value of crude oil, result of the journey will be that the agri
culturists will abandon their crude methods of
All varieties of crude oil, and most prod in almost all parts of the world, began to rise,
ucts, could be so treated . Lamp oil that had and has continued to advance practically with tilling the land and in the future will give
undergone this process, and had been solidi out a break to the present day. This increase attention to fertilization , selection of seeds
fied, could be cut up afterwards into small in price meant that it was better business to and sowing in the proper manner .
slices that were exceedingly handy for lighting retain the oil in its liquid form, and refine it In the rich Laguna district, where modern
fires, boiling a kettle, and other operations to obtain the various products (petrol, lamp methods in farming are followed, employing
for which only a limited amount of flame and oil, lubricating oils, and so on ) than it was machinery for cultivating and harvesting the
heat was required . The large blocks of solid to solidify the crude and sell it as fuel. So crops , the best results have been obtained by
crude oil could be used with advantage as the projects for creating large solidifying these favored farmers.
locomotive or other furnace fuel ; and a test plants came to a stop.
On the journey Señor Dominguez collected
made on a British express train was entirely In the present condition of the oil industry in an album the opinions of many prominent
satisfactory, the journey being accomplished there is only one country, among those pro
men, governors, high military chiefs and men
on this fuel to schedule time with the greatest ducing oil on a large scale, where the solidify of science and agriculturists . The greater
ease. ing process could be carried out with any hope
part of them concur in the opinion that the
It will be seen that, while pipe lines and of commercial success. That country is Mex
true independence of Mexico can only be ob
tank steamships, so useful for transporting ico ; there not being enough transport facilities,
tained when she has become self-supporting
liquid oil, are out of place with the solid fuel, either ashore or afloat, to transport the oil in
its liquid state. By a coincidence, Mexico is from an agricultural point. Others expressed
the latter can be carried by ordinary cargo
the nearest great oil field to Central and South themselves that in our country, unfortunately ,
vessels, railway trucks, road vehicles, and even
by mules or camels or human porters. In America, whose customers peculiarly need oil the farmer is not esteemed for his true worth ,
Latin America there are many industries re fuel in a solidified state. Once a plant is cre and that a man dedicated to the cultivation of
quiring fuel. Liquid fuel would in most cases ated the solidifying process is not a costly one, the ground is superior to a conqueror or a
be preferred if it could be delivered cheaply especially if carried out on a large scale. warrior, taking into account the labor ex
and transported easily ; but solid oil fuel can British and Latin-American Trade Gazette. pended by each of these.

Proposed Permanent Exhibit

Lord Cowdray Discusses Oil
West Coast Products to be Established
He Says That British Production is Vital to Her Maintenance Contiguous to the Boundary Line
of Ocean Power-The American Situation LANS are being considered in Nogales ,
Sonora, for a permanent exhibit of the
DISPATCH from London announcing future as coal has been in the past, I beg the
products and resources of the Mexican West
that Lord Cowdray plans to spend public to realize the importance of the issue Coast, to be located close to the international
A $2,500,000 in drilling for oil in Eng I am raising. My ambition is to see this in boundary line on the Mexican side near
land, but that operations have been held up dustry born and reared, so that the nation Nogales .
awaiting the arrival of machinery ordered may benefit to the full, not only from a new
from the United States last fall, adds interest source of great possible wealth , but from the The project has been placed before the Gov
to the following letter from Lord Cowdray to conservation of a factor vital to its mainte ernors of Sonora, Sinaloa and Tepic, and they
the Westminster Gazette . Lord Cowdray nance as a great Ocean Power. have expressed their approval and signified
says : their willingness to co-operate therein.
"With this object we have made alternative
"In the course of the debate in the House As soon as the chambers of commerce of
offers to the Government, subject to the pass
of Commons on Wednesday last my firm was. the two cities of Nogales have arranged for
ing of the necessary act to safeguard the
mentioned in connection with the development industry, offers which are still open : co -operative work, the plan will be presented
of petroleum in the United Kingdom . I venM "(a) For the period of the war to place at to the two bodies , and it is believed that they
ture, therefore, to draw the attention of your will take active steps to ascertain whether
the disposal of the Government, free of all
sufficient financial and official support can be
readers to the position which exists, and to cost, the services of my firm and geologic
certain views I hold thereon . obtained to make the proposition feasible.
staff, for the purposes of exploration and
"Extensive studies carried out by my scien development. Mr. A. C. Villasenor, among others, has
become interested in the idea, and he is suffi
tific staff during the last three and a half "(b) If the Government does not wish to
years lead me to the conclusion that, notwith ciently impressed with it to be ready to fur
risk public money on what must be deemed a
standing the long-established opinion to the nish a site for the proposed building in which
speculative enterprise, we are prepared to the exhibit would be housed.
contrary, the possibilities of securing a com drill, at our own risk and expense as licensees,
mercial production of oil in Great Britain are Mr. Villasenor owns considerable land bor
subject to certain areas being reserved to us.
of a distinctly promising nature, and we have dering the international boundary line on the
"This offer committed my firm to a probable
from time to time advised the Admiralty to Mexican side. He has suggested a site west
expenditure of £500,000.
this effect. of Nogales, Sonora, opposite the canyon which
"Operating, as the Government now sug
"Experience in America has shown that the winds through Nogales, Arizona.
gests , without legislation and under the De
At that point there is a beautiful level tract
policy of uncontrolled working, and that on fence of the Realm act, the position of the
of some 30 or 40 acres which Mr. Villasenor
small areas, is a national blunder. Moreover, Government is that of a temporarily legalized
believes would be ideal for the purpose, and
this method of working has produced wild trespasser, and after the war the benefit of
speculation, and has resulted in the most de if the proposition should take definite shape
national expenditure will revert to the owner
plorable waste. According to American scien he would be willing to donate a lease for a
of the land. The country will have run the
tific estimates, there is only oil in sight in that long term for the tract mentioned .
risk, others will be entitled to the post-war
great continent for another twenty-nine years. Among other advantages, it has a splendid
gains. Even if the Acquisition of Lands act
This situation is causing serious disquietude spring of water adjacent that would furnish
applies, and I am advised it does not, it means
to the Government of the United States. a source of abundant water supply.
that the nation must acquire in each case the
"This is the position which the United King The plan, as under consideration now, con
land necessary to protect the whole oil pool ,
dom will have to face if unorganized and un templates showing samples of the agricultural
which may even amount to thousands of acres,
controlled drilling be permitted. products of the entire West Coast section ,
not at normal values, but at a price having
samples of its mineral products, and a com
"In June last I was approached by the Ad regard to its being a proved oil property.
miralty with a view to immediate drilling as plete photographic representation of the beau
"More serious, however, than the financial
a war measure. At that time my firm were ties and resources thereof.
losses which working under the Defence of Mr. Turnbull, of Los Angeles, a cinema
negotiating with certain landlords with a view the Realm act will entail is the result that,
to arranging leases. It must be remembered operator, is now engaged in taking moving
presuming drilling be successful and oil
that, dependent on the nature of the strata, pictures throughout the West Coast region,
proved, vested interests will have been created
a well will drain oil for a distance varying and he is incidentally laying the exposition
throughout the country, and, as a consequence,
from a few yards to a few miles. As we were project before the authorities of the different
the legislation essential to the welfare of the States in which he is working .
not in control of anything approaching the industry will then meet with opposition many
Those interested in the plan believe that
areas, requisite to obviate the evils of the times stronger than that with which it is con
small block system, my reply to the Admiralty financial assistance for carrying it out can be
fronted to-day.
secured both in the Mexican States of the
was that I recommended a system of national "My earnest hope is that Parliament, being
drilling licenses as the only sound policy for West Coast region, and also in Nogales, Ari
apprised of the situation , will not allow this
the nation. zona, and possibly from the State authorities
nascent industry to be sacrificed on the altar and from California.
"From the production point of view, I am of indecision merely because those interested It is pointed out that such an exhibit would
not concerned whether royalty shall or shall for and against a royalty are not willing to stimulate development of the West Coast re
not be paid to landlords, but I am concerned come to a compromise."
gion by giving Americans and other visitors
with the preservation of what should become to Nogales a knowledge of the wealth and
a great national industry. So little is known. The company which controls all the electric
street-car lines of Mexico City and suburbs resources of the West Coast region that could
by the public about oil that its interest in the not otherwise be obtained except by tedious
has recently extended its service to the more
question is but lukewarm. No one can say remote outskirts and country villages by estab and expensive journeys into that region. It
for certain whether the United Kingdom will lishing regular automobile bus lines , each ma would stimulate trade in Mexican products .
produce oil or not. This only the drill can chine having a capacity of twenty-five passen
gers. It is stated that not only is better time Many of the influential and wealthy resi
prove. My American expert advisers ( whose made, but the cost of operation is less than dents of the Mexican side have expressed
opinion I value ) tell me that they think that by the rail system . interest in the plan, and it is probable that
oil will be found in commercial quantities. Persons detected in exporting metals whose it will be laid before the chamber of com
"Recognizing as I do that the potential shipment is forbidden are punishable by a fine merce of Nogales, Arizona , and Nogales,
1 wealth of the United Kingdom in oil is as of five times the amount of the ordinary duty.
Formerly the punishment was confiscation of Sonora, at the first joint meeting those bodies
essential for our mercantile marine of the the entire product smuggled. hold.- Nogales (Arizona ) Oasis .


that Texas has- and 25,000 miles of telegraph

Mexico Viewed With Friendly Eyes lines in the country, wagon roads are scarce
and poor-some States not having any-and
A Former United States Diplomatic Official Presents the means of communication difficult. The
Various Aspects of the Life and History of the Republic population is said to comprise 14,000,000
(though I think the figures are exaggerated ),
BY GEN. CHRISTOPHER C. ANDREWS, of which 2,000,000 are pure whites and the
(Formerly U. S. Consul- General at Rio de Janeiro and U. S. Minister at Stockholm. ) balance Indians and mixed bloods. Lack of
education makes many of the people an easy
OUR years ago the President of the to engage in mining, business, agriculture, or prey to falsehood and prejudice. Let us be
United States made a friendly visit to professional callings , a number of whom, thankful that they are as good as they are.
F the President of Mexico . Two years be
is pitiful to believe, have lost both property Imperfect System of Surveys
fore that our Secretary of State, Mr. Root, and life from the lawlessness accompanying
made a friendly visit to the capital of Mexico. An important drawback to the development
frequent political revolutions. Not only on of Mexico's agricultural resources has been
About two years previously our Government their account
, but for the sake of the Mexi the imperfect system of surveys of public
conveyed in one of its ships of war the re
cans themselves, the people of the United lands. In the United States all public lands
mains of a Mexican Ambassador to his coun States are anxious for a just administration
try and requested that our marines who acted of government in that country that were valuable for agriculture or timber
. were by the general Government carefully sur
as escort be allowed to accompany the remains It is harder to govern a large country than veyed into sections only a mile square, and
to their last resting place. Such exceptional a small one, and some allowance should be stakes with letters and figures carved thereon,
acts express better than words American good made our Mexican neighbors for any short
will. showing the number of the section and town
comings in government on that account. A ship in which it was situated, set at each
Four of our largest States, in area- Texas, person leaving El Paso, Texas, by railroad for
New Mexico, Arizona, and California- border Mexico City, and finding that he must travel corner ; also quarter-section stakes set so that
on Mexico, with a frontier about two thou 1224 miles to get there, begins to realize the a settler hunting for land could himself select
sand miles in length. The Rio Grande River, a quarter section of 160 acres, the maximum
extent of the country. In area, Mexico is ten quantity allowed a settler under our home
which forms a great part of the boundary, is and a half times larger than the State of New
fordable most of the time, and affords peculiar York. It is larger than the German Empire, stead and pre-emption laws, double that quan
means for the concealment of lawless incur France, and Spain together. tity, however, being allowed a settler in the
sions. There have been some pillaging excur Pacific States. Not only so, but the settler
It is an elevated plateau , divided by moun could by Government stakes pick a forty-acre
sions from our side into Mexico. For military tain ranges into vast plans and numerous
protection of that border, our Government has valleys. In the 263 miles from Vera Cruz to
incurred considerable expense. There are now Conveniently located in districts about a
Mexico City, the railroad climbs 8330 feet, hundred miles square, is a Government land
five or more railroads running from the Mexico City itself having an altitude of 7400
United States into Mexico , and in recent years office, where, without charge, the settler can
feet. While there are over 15,000 miles of examine township maps, each descriptive of
several thousand Americans have gone there railroa
d-just about the same number of miles thirty-six sections of land, on a scale of two




It is a striking fact that, although Mexico

is seventeen times larger than Cuba in area,
and has, according to her census, a population
seven times greater than Cuba's, her foreign
commerce is only about seven million dollars
more than that of Cuba. Her foreign com
merce for the year 1911 amounted to $243,
458,851 , and that of Cuba $236,319,087.
Mexico's trade with the United States for
the fiscal year ending June 30, 1913, was larger
than in any previous year, her exports to the
United States amounting to $77,500,000, and
her imports from the United States amounting
to $54,500,000. Among the principal articles
of our imports from Mexico were : Copper,
amounting to $17,000,000 ; sisal grass, $15,000,
000 ; crude mineral oils , $7,000,000 ; cattle,
$5,000,000, and coffee, $4,000,000 . Our exports
CA to Mexico, principally manufactures, included
lumber amounting to $2,000,000 ; boots and
shoes, $2,000,000 ; lard, $1,000,000 ; wheat, over
half a million ; and corn, a little less than half
a million dollars.

Lago Alameda, San Luis Potosi, Mexico It is also a striking fact that, although Can
ada's population is only about half that of
inches to the mile. Also there are on file Where capital, enterprise, and intelligence Mexico, her foreign commerce is nearly four
brief field notes, made by the surveyor, show are applied, one will see handsome, up-to-date times as great . The foreign commerce of
ing the character of the land, and copies of and profitable farms. Elsewhere he may see Canada for the fiscal year ending in 1912 was
which can be obtained. No such system of wide and arid prairies covered with scattered $874,637,794. As manual labor becomes more
surveys of public land has obtained in Brazil, cactus plants, sometimes forty feet high, a popular among the Mexicans, they will pro
nor, so far as I know and believe, in any of foot or two in diameter, and without branches. duce more and buy more.
the Spanish-American countries . Running streams are scarce, and there are
The Ambassador who represents the United
It is difficult to obtain clear title. In many cattle ranges where, from the scarcity of herb
States Government in Mexico should be very
instances an individual holds a million acres ; age, fifteen acres are said to be needed for
influential and effective in maintaining good
and there are instances where an individual one head of stock. relations between the two countries . Assisted
holds over five million acres. Imagine fifty In the more southerly and lower situations by three secretaries and a military attaché, he
families owning nine-tenths of the land in a mahogany and ebony trees are numerous conducts on our part the business which the
State as large as Indiana and Ohio together, (amid malaria, however, and tropical jungle) , two Governments have with each other, and
and the situation can be understood.
but generally trees grow only on mountain is expected to keep his Govrenment correctly
Unimproved land in these large estates does
sides, where sometimes may be seen pine and informed in regard to conditions, political and
not bear its just burden of taxation ; and it other trees resembling American forests. otherwise, in Mexico, and the sentiments of
is easy for one to hold a large tract as a
wilderness indefinitely. Often a part of such Mexico has large tracts of yet undeveloped its people towards the United States . To ac
land is used for cattle ranges, but the system fertile soil ; and with the gradual increase of complish this effectually, he should have long
shows some of the obstacles to communication the means of irrigation, acquisition of capital, experience, a thorough acquaintance with the
and application of science and enterprise, country, and friendly social relations, not only
and development. Besides, the unequal taxa
tion- upon a valuation as declared by the should-with peace and security- have a great with the higher officers of the Government,
owner-pertaining to the holding of such large agricultural future. but with leading citizens. He must, therefore,
estates excites discontent. Many small holders
have been dispossessed of land, and the dis
satisfaction arising therefrom is a leading
cause of the present troubles, demanding im
mediate treatment by wise statesmanship.
The Mexicans think that the best time for
tourists to visit their country is in the rainy
season, which is from the latter part of June
till into September. The rest of the year is
dry. "Northers" sometimes prevail for suc
cessive days when, as the dwellings are with
out means for heating, people really suffer
discomfort. Frost and snow sometimes occur
at Mexico City.
While undoubtedly rich in the precious
metals, Mexico produces neither coal nor iron
to much, if any, extent. Of agricultural crops,
cotton, rice, sugar cane, corn, wheat, barley,
and alfalfa are the leading. Generally one
crop a year can be produced without irriga
tion ; but with irrigation, two or three crops
of various products can be raised in one year.
At an elevation of about 4000 feet, coffee plan
tations are successful. Oranges, bananas,
grapes, and other tropical fruits are grown. A Picturesque Aboretum in Mexico

live, not in a pretentious and flashy, but in a was telling me how popular Mr. Motley was of my article " Our Commerce with Cuba,
hospitable and proper, style that will command as American Minister at Vienna, I said, "Mr. Porto Rico, and Mexico," in the July, 1879,
respect and good will. Motley was known as a distinguished his number of the Atlantic Monthly is true to-day
Above all, the Ambassador himself should torian." "Oh," he replied, "it was not on as well as then : "The United States do not
be a man whose wisdom, thorough honesty, account of that-he gave splendid receptions." want an inch more of Mexican territory. All
sincerity, and human sympathy are apparent . Mr. Motley happened to be wealthy, and prob that the United States ask of Mexico is that
It is the wise policy of European governments ably spent three times his salary. It is not she shall align herself with other civilized
to maintain especially well their embassies to receptions alone, however, that can make a nations. They ask that she shall suppress that
their nearest neighboring countries, and we diplomatic representative popular ; he must, as marauding which, on a considerable part of
should do the same in respect to Mexico. has been said, have good traits of his own, their frontier, renders life, to use the words
Every one remembers how immensely valuable as Mr. Motley surely had. There were also of the Secretary of State, ' well-nigh insup
were the services of Charles Francis Adams
accomplished members of his family to assist portable' ; and they wish that, under govern
as our Minister to England during our Civil him in welcoming Austro- Hungarian society. ment justly and humanely administered, she
War, and the right man sent and continued
may enjoy the tranquillity indispensable to
as Ambassador to Mexico would be of great In the Matter of Salary
business enterprise and industry, and which
benefit to both countries. The United States pays its Ambassadors to will enable her to attain the social and material
Owing to our unfortunate practice of using Mexico a salary of $ 17,500 a year, out of prosperity that will make her a good neigh
such offices as rewards for party services, the which, among other things, he is expected to bor."
United States has had six different Ambassa
procure and furnish a house at an average
dors in Mexico in the past twenty years. They expense of about $6,000 a year, pay the wages
General Ignacio Enriquez, the newly ap
were continued scarcely long enough to be of eight or more first-class servants, entertain pointed Governor of the State of Chihuahua,
come acquainted with the country or become liberally with dinner parties and receptions, recently held an amicable conference with
well known to its people. Great Britain pays her Ambassador to Governor Hobby, of Texas, at Juarez, in which
If our Government can find a Benjamin France £ 11,500 ($55,660) per annum, provides many subjects were discussed for the better
ment of relations between the two countries.
Franklin, he is the kind of man who should him with a fine house well furnished, and,
be sent as Ambassador to Mexico, and he The Boy Scout movement is proving very
after he has been in the diplomatic service popular in Mexico . Three battalions have
should be kept there as long as he is useful. fifteen years and has served as Ambassador been organized in Mexico City alone, while
A few years ago, one of our consuls in Mex three years, he can retire with a pension or in most of the centers of population through
ico, in writing to our Government about the retired pay of £1,700 ($8,228) per annum ; the out the Republic there are also groups num
case of an American citizen imprisoned there bering in all several thousands of members.
retired pay being exactly on the same prin They have adopted the name of "Mexican
without legal process, said that in his district ciple as we treat our United States Judges Explorers," and are enthusiasts in all branches
the Mexicans did not respect Americans. If and our army and navy officers . I would sub of the service, which includes cavalry, in
we could keep such an Ambassador in Mexico mit that it would be a truly economical plan, fantry, bridge-builders, etc.
as I have mentioned, I believe this influence, and tend to save military and naval expendi A highway capable of accommodating auto
after a while, would make the Mexican people mobiles as well as all other classes of vehicles
tures, if our people would urge their Senators is being constructed from the city of Pachuca,
like us. It would anyhow show them that we and Representatives in Congress to maintain capital of the State of Hidalgo, to the Vega
respected their country. of Metztitlan, a rich agricultural region from
our embassy in Mexico as liberally as Great
A number of years ago, when a member of Britain maintains her embassy in France. which in the past it has been difficult to trans
the Austro-Hungarian Legation at Stockholm What I ventured to say in the closing part port the large quantities of grain, etc. , that are
produced there.

Fisherman's Paradise on the West Coast




$ 07


as regards city and interurban transportation,

Mexico that led to the introduction of the jitney into
City's Jitney Service
this city, and the success of the novelty from
its very inception led to its development upon
Many Hundreds of These Popular Vehicles a very large scale, there being now not less
Idiosyncrasies of Their Nomenclature than 2500 of these popular vehicles in constant
operation day and night. The street cars, dur
ing the two years following the occupation of
the city by the present government in 1915,
were so overcrowded that they were as dan
gerous as they were uncomfortable. Notwith
standing the fact that the principal lines ran
their cars in couples- first and second class,
the latter charging just half the fare of the
first, though with practically the same accom
modation, since the seats in the one were little
if any softer than those of the other-the
vehicles for the greater portion of the day
were jammed to repletion. During the "rush
hours" of morning, noon and night, passen
gers hung on to the rear of the platform,
clung to the car couplings, crowded the steps ,
jammed the platforms and passage ways,
perched upon the tension rods at the sides and
clung to the open windows, even climbed on
the roofs of the cars. It was no uncommon
sight to see passengers algihting by way of a
window instead of seeking to make their way
through the crowded interior to the platforms.
The crowded cars were the favorite resort for
A Mexico City Jitney pickpockets as well as for the vermin which
are said to be the sole conductors of the virus
MEXICO CITY, September 15. larger competitors . Still others are just plain , of typhus fever, and many a fatal case of that
LTHOUGH the "jitney" business origi ordinary autos, those of the Detroit vintage disease, as well as many a lost pocketbook or
nated in the United States (in exactly being the favorite, and accommodate all that watch, was traced to a journey in an over
A what city there is some conflict of can find seat, foot or toe hold. During the crowded street car.
statement) , those who have had personal ex rush hours every vehicle is crowded to the Naturally under these conditions accidents
perience and have watched its development are limit, and the homeward-bound travelers, of were not infrequent, hangers-on were often
willing to concede that just as Abou-ben every age, of every walk and condition in swept from their perches by passing vehicles ,
Adhem is supposed to have led all his com life, cluster all over them, inside and outside, and numerous deaths were credited to this
peers, it is to this country, singularly enough like a swarm of bees. Indeed, it is a wonder account. The public generally called for re
and surprisingly enough, that one must come how so many people can attach themselves to lief, but none was afforded until some enter
to see this modern solution of the transporta so small a vehicle. prising person who had seen or heard of the
tion problem in its highest stage. Mexico There are many hundreds of these jitneys, wonderful rise and success of the jitney ser
City, if she does not actually lead all the cities or "camiones" as they are called here, and vice in Texas cities along the border intro
on this continent in this respect, still is so they pass in almost endless procession to and duced the idea here and at once found a
close to the head of the procession as to fro along their selected routes at a rate of swarm of imitators. This is now the popular
proudly challenge all possible competitors. speed that is calculated to turn one's hair gray method of locomotion, and seldom are the
Among the many novel features of the every unless he be hardened to such deadly risks. contemned electric cars crowded to an extent
day (and every night as well ) life of this city, The electric car lines of this city have always that one cannot at most time find a seat. To
this is one of the most prominent that attracts been regarded by travelers as offering a most be sure the pickpockets still ply their trade,
the attention of the first-time visitor. And excellent and rapid service, but they are not two of them working in concert having helped
the former resident, who returns, like your to be compared with the jitneys. These trans themselves the other day to your correspond
correspondent, after an absence of a year or port passengers along the same thoroughfare
thoroughfares s ent's bocketbook-happily empty and prepared
so, is filled with surprise at the throng of and to the same suburbs as do the car lines, especially for the benefit of the light-fingered
auto-busses of every conceivable shape, style but make the journey in rather less than half gentry.
and capacity which at top speed traverses all the time consumed by the former. Notwith Up to the time of the introduction of the
but one of the city's principal thoroughfares standing this advantage, with the further one jitney, automobiles were a decided luxury only
and renders access to all the suburban villages of there being a practically continuous stream to be enjoyed by those having money, and the
and "colonies" ready as well as economical. of the jitneys against the fifteen or twenty fortunate auto riders, as they rolled proudly
Many of these vehicles have only the running minutes headway of the electric cars, the fares down the Paseo de la Reforma, were the
gear and framework of their original mechan as regulated by the government are exactly envied of all, and especially of their less for
ism, and have been rebuilt in order to enlarge the same. The average charge for the city tunate countrymen and women. But all this
their passenger-carrying capacity to the ut and nearby suburbs is 10 centavos ( about 6 is changed. Now, any one having 10 or 15
most. The more pretentious have canopy tops cents American gold) , though to some of the centavos can enjoy a trip from the commence
and are arranged with parallel seats like the more remote outlying localities it is higher ment of the avenue at the famous "Iron
much-sneered-at but nevertheless popular and 15 centavos being the limit. Horse," all the way down to Chapultepec
valuable "rubber-neck wagons" of our own Considering the distance traversed, the time said to be one of the most beautiful as it is
large cities. These will accommodate from consumed and the frequency of operation, the one of the most famous pleasure thorough
25 to 30 passengers with seats, and half as rates charged make this about the most com fares in all the world, and can ride neck and
many more on occasion clinging to the run fortable and low-priced traffic of its kind to neck with the proudest official or merchant
ning boards. Others have seats lengthwise and be found anywhere . in his expensive French or American machine.
can carry half or two-thirds as many as their It was the necessities of the situation, so far No more must the lowly peon or mechanic

and his wife watch from the sidewalk the "Hormiga" (the Ant, but why ?-since it is Ford to Establish a Tractor
supercilious auto rider, leaning back against anything but ant-like in its movements ) , Factory in Mexico
the soft cushions. The seats of the jitney may "Mayatito" (the Little Maya ) , "Rio Bravo"
not be so soft and luxurious, but the vehicle (the Rio Grande-which is one of the fastest Profits Will Remain in That Country
runs side by side with those of the aristocracy, of the swarm ) , "Nandito," "Anahuac," "Mari Mexicans Will be Taught
and "gets there just the same," to the manifest anella," "Mitla," "Malintzi," "Monterrey," NNOUNCEMENT is made in the Mex
huge content of the occupants, who for a few "Pretty Baby" (which belies its name) , "El ican press that Henry Ford, the lead
centavos now find themselves enjoying a lux Submarino" (which also does not live up to ing tractor and automobile manufacturer
ury once supposed to belong peculiarly and its cognomen) . Here comes "El 8" (but it is of the United States, has submitted a plan
solely to the wealthy. not an "eight" and carries more than eight to President Carranza, of Mexico, for
When first introduced, the operators of passengers, hence the appropriateness of the the establishment in that country of an exten
these novel conveyances ran them about as name is not apparent) . "Mancito" (the Gentle sive and complete plant for the manufacture
they pleased, passing through any street that One) comes roaring and puffing down the of tractors for agricultural purposes. The
took their fancy, and being a law entirely unto street, and of all things in the world, here plan is to educate Mexican mechanics in the
themselves. But their number increased so comes the "Charlie Chaplin"! My, but Ford plants in this country and then return
rapidly that the District Government soon wouldn't Charlie be proud to see the jitney them to their own land to operate the factory
found itself obliged to take cognizance of to which his name is attached. The " Chaplin" there. The principal object of the Mexican
their activities and adopt regulations for their is closely followed by the "Max Linder," fa factory will be the manufacture of tractors,
control . But in so doing the officials did not vorite film comedian with movie "fans" in which will be sold to farmers practically at
lose sight of the rights and conveniences of this country, and then comes " El Pacholin" cost and also on terms which will allow them
the traveling public. They did not believe, as (Happy Hooligan ) . The "Guillermina" limps to be paid for from the increased crops made
has been the case in many places that might and halts, clashes and clamors on its last possible by the use of the modern machinery.
be mentioned, that the street car companies "wheels" in full imitation of its namesike At present those wishing to buy tractors are
were entitled to a monopoly of the avenues Guillermo of Germany. "Dante" comes rush met by the necessity of paying heavy freight,
over which they had been given franchises ing recklessly along, threatening unless care import and other charges, commissions, etc.
of great value and that any intrusion upon is used to land its passengers where the one All this will be obviated by the manufactory
that monopoly should be prevented. Regular from whom it inherited the name passed so in Mexico and the tractors and other machin
routes of travel were laid out, obliging the much time! Then comes a machine with the ery will be sold for much less than is now
jitney operators to adhere rigidly to certain comforting name of "La Paz" (the Peace ) , possible.
thoroughfares, and under no circumstances to followed by "El Transiberiano" and "Con Mr. Ford declares that his sole purpose is
trespass upon others. All jitneys running, say, sentido" (the Spoiled Child, or the Cuckold, to benefit Mexico and that every cent of profit
to San Rafael must pass down a certain street just as you prefer ) . "España" plainly enough that may be made in this enterprise will re
and return by another, all those to Tacubaya indicates the nativity of its owner, and it is main in that country. Stringent provisions
by another street, and so on. Upon certain of followed by "Don Tancredo," "Lupe" ( favor will be made in this direction in the contracts
the wider thoroughfares they may pass in one ite feminine diminutive ) , " El Centenario" (the that will be drawn up, while after his death
direction upon one side and in the other upon
the opposite, but as a rule they are obliged to
keep to one street in the heart of the city
while going in one direction and to another
when reversing their journey, just as are the
street cars in the center of the town. On the
principal street affected by promenaders and
pleasure traffic (the Avenida Francisco I. Ma LA- C
dero, once the Avenida San Francisco ) , no ZABE
jitneys are allowed under any circumstances , AL R

and there are no street cars on that avenue.
Many of the jitney owners seek to attract
attention by giving their machines more or
less fancy names, sometimes indicative of
their political or other sentiments. Thus, here
comes one denominated the "General Joffre,"
and it is a staunch and well-patronized vehicle,
pushing its way valiantly to the fore despite
all obstacles. Here is another called the
"Hindenburg," and singularly enough it broke
down on the Avenue Juarez on the very same
day that the Hindenburg line was broken by
the Allies in Europe. There was one called
the "Kaiser," so I was told, but it has evi
dently gone out of commission or perhaps has Jitneys in Front of the Mexico City Postoffice
changed its name, for though the writer
watched in vain for several hours on the prin Centennial), "Montserrat," and (be careful his descendants will be required to follow the
cipal thoroughfare, he did not catch a glimpse now) " El Chimalpopoca" and "El Cintapa same policy.
thereof. Perhaps this newly painted one lapa !" "La Favorita" (the Favorite ) proves It is the intention of Mr. Ford to invest
proudly bearing the name "America" is the true to its name and is always crowded, as several millions in this enterprise- whatever
"Kaiser" rechristened ! Here comes "El Vam is "El Recreo" (the Recreation ) , "El Arcon," sum may be necessary to put it upon a suc
pire," whose name is self-explanatory, fol "Laredo," "Zacatecas," "El Triunfo" (the cessful footing from its inception. No idea
lowed by "Fifi, " perhaps the driver's sweet Triumph) , and so on down a long list of has been given as to the probable location of
heart or kidlet. There too is the "Maclovio more or less appropriate names, all of which the mnaufactory, but it will of course be at
Herrera," after the famous Constitutionalist serve to lend interest to the observer and are some point where rail transportation is con
General who lost his life while doing such a source of amusement as well as conjecture. venient, as well as where oil, coal, iron and
good service for his country. "Rosa Blanca" But if you want a good jitney service, by all other essentials may be readily procured.
(the White Rose ) , "La Marina" (the Sailor) , means come to Mexico ! Such places are not difficult to find.

for cultivation of their lands ; wove coarse

The Mexicans ' Forefathers materials with cotton and feathers ; built mud
and stone houses and made excellent pottery.
Their Mental Status and the Reasons for Their They owned the lands in common ; they
dwelled in the houses by family groups ; they
Present Condition- Hope for the Future
prepared only one meal per day, which was
BY ROBERT BRUCE BRINS MADE served first to the men ; they lacked chairs
and tables. The Indians practiced drawing,
and had a marvelous knowledge of astronomy.
HE majority of men do not think, be
Consequently, the Spaniards may refute the
cause they are compelled to spend all
Ttheir energy in the struggle for life, and charge generally made against them, that they
destroyed Aztec civilization, since the latter
they have no time left for thinking. The ma did not exist. Their sins in Mexico have been
jority accept everything that exists as inevi much more sins of omission than of commis
table, natural and current. This is what makes
sion. Considering the Indian as a domestical
so hard the task of the social reformer, and
animal, they taught him the vices and not the
converts his way into a Way of the Cross. virtues of civilization ; their selfish colonial
This is what brings the jeers of the powerful
government is still reflected in the suffering of
and the curses of the rabble on those who
the masses in Mexico. The failure of the
dare to be the first to raise their voice in the
Spaniards lies in not shouldering the task of
defense of a truth.-HENRY GEORGE.
the "white man," that of civilizing the Aztecs,
The basis of national progress is the educa and it can be appreciated by a glance at
tion of the young, since in no other way can history.
we transmit to future generations the knowl
edge inherited and acquired by the present In the times of Christ, the Iberian Peninsula
one. In order to investigate the causes of was one of the civilized countries forming
the backwardness of education in Mexico, we
part of the Roman Empire, with a population
must study the history of the European and of Iberians, Celts and Italians. During the
Indian races which were the ancestors of the
decadence of Rome, after the fourteenth cen
Mexicans, and investigate their intellectual tury, the peninsula was invaded by different
peculiarities. barbarous tribes of Teutons, especially Van
dals and Visigoths. The latter settled in the
northern part of Spain, founding there a
Archaeology has demonstrated that man be kingdom in the year 415, and spread over the
gan his own history on the plans of animals, whole peninsula during the following three
and has made his way from savagery to civili
centuries, although merely in the character of
zation by means of the slow accumulation of
a reigning caste, since the conquered Latins
experimental knowledge. Morgan* estimates formed the bulk of the nation.†

that the period of five thousand years com In the year 711 the Visigoth kingdom was
prised in written history is less than one-fifth overturned by the Mohammedan invader com
per cent of the period during which man, as ing from Africa, who established a Moorish
such, has dwelled on the earth. Every exist empire destined to subsist for about 800 years.
ing nation is the outcome of savage ancestors,
The Visigoth chieftains were not extermi
and the periods of civilization through which nated, but they took refuge in the provinces
every nation has passed in order to reach its of Asturias, Biscayan Galicia, Navarre and
present state may be classed as follows : One of the Old Apache Chiefs Aragon. There they lived isolated, secure in
the mountains, but deprived of all the advan
Order. State. Grade. Knowledge acquired. Example tages of civilization ; and the poor and igno
1 Savage. Low. rant Christians, guided by their fanatical
Vegetable food, articu Man at the ple
late language. ocene ag priests, undertook an incessant and inhuman
2 Savage. Medium. Fish food, use of fire. Polynesians. war against the Moors. The conflict did not
end until the year 1492, when Granada, the
Savage. High. Animal food, use of bows
and arrows. Athabascans. last Moorish bulwark in Spain, was taken by
4 Barbarians. Low. Agriculture, huts, pottery. Iroquois. King Ferdinand V.
5 Barbarians. Medium. Irrigation, domestic animals Aztecs, Incas.
6 Barbarians. When Mexico was conquered in 1521 ,
High Use of metals , temples. Homeric G'ks.
Charles V ruled over Spain, as successor to
7 Civilized . Low. Phonetic alphabet, land Spaniards in 1521
owners. Ferdinand V, and, due to the possessions of
Civilized. Medium . Natural sciences, appli Contemporary the empire in America, a wonderful century
cation of steam. Frenchmen. of material grandeur began for Spain. But it
already nourished at its breast a monster des
The Spanish chroniclers judged the Aztecs deserve credit in what relates to the acts of tined to bring about its ruin-the Inquisition .
as "civilized" due to the ignorance of the the Spaniards, or to the weapons, tools, indus This famous body was instituted in permanent.
former in archaeological matters. Their ob tries, food, etc., of the Indians ; but in what form by Pope Innocent III in the year 1215.
servations were so erroneous that they de relates to the Indian government, social rela At first the Church employed it with the help
scribed the indeterminate Aztec confederation. tions and political economy these chronicles of the government, as an instrument against
of the democratic tribes as an "empire," the are absolutely worthless." heresy.
warrior chief, Montezuma, as a "monarch," At the time of the Conquest the Indians did Its appalling possibilities as a political lever
and his associates, the chiefs of the tribes, as not know the uses of iron ; but they worked were not understood until it became a tool in
"feudal lords. " This error of the Spaniards softer metals, such as copper ; they traded by the hands of the Spanish Crown in 1478..
has been adopted by Prescott in his interesting means of exchange of goods, for money was Under the reigns of Ferdinand V and Charles
histories.** Morgan says : "Spanish chroniclers unknown among them ; they used irrigation V, the Inquisition became the principal means

of support of their autocratic power through by some Spaniards, who point out the numer The law of heredity explains the present
out their vast empire, which comprised almost ous native poets, artists, musicians, painters , condition of Spain. Galtont demonstrated, a
all the world. It helped to unify the primitive novelists ; but this defense fails, because not half century ago, that intellectual faculties are
seven Christian kingdoms of Spain and con all superior people were eliminated by the transmitted in the human family in the same
vert them into a single fanatical State ; it en Inquisitors, but only a certain class of them. manner in which certain peculiarities are in
riched the royal treasury with the properties The principal victims were the intellectuals in herited in the animal species, and that it is
of those it declared heretics, and smothered the scientific realm, who asked : "Why?" just as possible by judicious marriages to pro
political and religious dissensions . For the "Whereof?" as well as all those parties of duce a race of men highly endowed as it is
fulfilment of its decrees recourse was had to independent mind or nonconformists who re feasible to create a notable race of horses or
the most outrageous and sanguinary methods , fused to approve any political or religious acts dogs. Galton, after a careful study of many
and secret torments ended only in public exe unless they were in accordance with morals. eminent Englishmen, arrived at the conclusion.
cution. It is estimated that in Spain alone, By the destruction of scientists, the Inquisition that at least 50 per cent of the mental faculties
in the period from the year 1481 till its aboli made away with that part of humanity which of these men were atavic. Lately, Woods‡‡
tion in 1808, by Napoleon, the Inquisition* had makes discoveries and inventions ; by suppress has investigated the genealogy of 832 members
ordered the burning alive of 31,912 individuals, ing the nonconformists, it put an end to that of royal families in Europe, and he found that
and had inflicted odious punishments on type of men who maintain liberty of con about 90 per cent of their intellectual qualities
291,456. Its short domination in the Low science and who help democratic governments and about 50 per cent of their moral qualities
Countries during the reign of Charles V cost to attain success. were derived from their forefathers.
100,000 lives of "heretics," who perished under
the ax, on the gallows or by fire.††
The reason which led the Spaniards to sup Spain has not yet recovered from the harm During the Colonial epoch, Mexico suffered,
port through three centuries such a diabolical caused by the expulsion of the middle class with other Spanish colonies, the cruelties of
institution, which no other Catholic country and the extermination of the scientists and the Inquisition, established in the City of Mex
would have maintained even for ten years, was ico shortly after the Conquest. The contempt
nonconformists . Its masses carry the weight
that, during a religious war which lasted over of the upper clergy and nobility ; and in the of the feudal warriors for manual labor was
eight centuries, the people had been taught by meantime factories, mines, lands are in the also prevalent in the educated classes of the
their priests that heretics were outside the hands of foreigners, who themselves manage colony, although an exception was made with
pale of humankind. Bound by the friars in these properties . The educated class in Spain respect to mines, which were exploited by
the double chains of superstition and ignor is still too proud to work, and, consequently, Spanish Creoles more as a military adventure
ance, the Spaniards became the abject slaves must live by foul or fair means ; legacies or than on a commercial basis. Although Mexico
of the Church and the King, ready to commit cheating. Many of these individuals, lacking secured its independence in the year 1821 , it
any crime, however frightful. legacies, rush into public office, and the result was not until 1857 that it was freed from the
In the New World also, with savage feroc is prevalent corruption and inefficiency therein. Clericals' yoke by the Laws of Reform, ‡‡‡
ity, they hounded the unbelievers, and the It is only since Spain had the fortune to lose and this freedom lasted only a few years, for
Antilles were depopulated in the period of one its last colonies, in 1899, that it is beginning freedom of thought was quickly repressed
century. The Mexican Indians would have to reform ; but it must go through a long and shortly after the accession of Diaz to power,
disappeared, too, had it not been for the parti arduous apprenticeship in order to reach the in the year 1876.
sans of the virtuous Father Bartolome Las. same degree of culture prevailing in France
Casas, who secured from the Spanish Crown or Northern Italy.
the Law of Commons. The history which I have cited abounds in
The Inquisition, expelling with refined hopes for the mental future of the native
cruelty the Jews and the Moors from Spain races. The Indians of the Communal lands
at the beginning of the sixteenth century, have not degenerated from a previous civilized
occasioned the ruin of Spanish industries. state ; they are still in the same condition of
Those inoffensive people formed the indus barbarism and lack of culture (see table)
trial middle class which, through its artisans merely because they have never been helped
and gardeners, had caused industry and agri by the white man to rise out of that condition.
culture to prosper. Their absence left a
It is true that many of the peones on the farms
vacuum between the nobility and the clergy in and in the cities are degraded by slavery and
the upper class and the laborers below. The alcoholism, but the notable aptitudes they have
privileged classes were too proud to work, and shown for industry and mechanical work indi
the masses too incapable of working produc cate that the natural artistic gift of the Indian
tively without efficient direction. Industry lan can be successfully applied to the modern sys
guished, factories were closed, lands were tem of production .
abandoned. In the meantime, church buildings The fact that a statesman like Benito Juarez
and priests multiplied, and thousands of labor came from a family of pure Indians is a
ers, driven to want, turned into bandits or demonstration that the present intellectual
beggars. state of the Indian is not the result of an
organic inferiority, but of lack of education
Whether one believes that the great men are and culture.
the creators or the creatures of the progres
sive movements of humanity, it is a fact that *"Ancient Sociology," by Daniel Morgan.
they are essential concomitants of such prog ** "Ferdinand and Isabella," 1837 ; "Con
ress , which wou not be possible without quest of Mexico," 1843 ; "Conquest of Peru,"
1847, by W. H. Prescott.
them. Consequen.. the Inquisition, by its +"Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,"
careful elimination, during nine generations , by Gibbon.
of the independent thinkers in the Spanish "Inquisition," in Vol. IV of Johnson's
Dominions at a rate of about 1000 a year, did "Cyclopedia," U. S. A.
"Hereditary Genius," by F. Galton, and
exactly the reverse to what the gardener does "Descent of Man," by Darwin, U. S. A.
when weeding, since that institution made "Mental and Moral Heredity in Royalty,"
away with the fine plants, leaving the weeds. by F. A. Woods, in Popular Science Monthly.
New York, August, 1912.
The destruction of intelligent individuals
# "Codigo de la Reforma," by Blas J.
carried out by the Inquisition has been denied The Old Girl is 106 Alatorre, Mexico, D. F.



Manuel Gutierrez Najera Mexico) Manuel Gutierrez Najera (Mexico) . Por Enrique Gouzalez Martinez
¿Qué cosa más blanca que cándido lirio? What thing than the lily unstanied is more white?
¿Qué cosa más pura que místico cirio? More pure than the mystic wax taper so bright? Sefior, yo soy apenas una roca desnuda
More chaste than the orange-flower, tender and fair? que azota el viento y quema el sol ;
¿Que cosa más casta que tierno azahar? la nube, cuando pasa, de lejos me saluda
Than the light mist more virginal- holier too
¿Que cosa más virgen que leve neblina? Than the stone where the eucharist stands, ever new, y tiende el ala a otra region.
¿Que cosa más santa que el ara divina de gótico altar? In the Lord's House of Prayer?
Soy en la cumbre signo de un esperar eterno,
De blancas palomas el aire se puebla; vuelvo los ojos al zafir
By the flight of white doves all the air now is cloven ; y entre lluvias de agosto y ráfagas de invierno
con túnica blanca, tejida de niebla, A white robe, from strands of the morning mist woven, C
no hay primavera para mí.
se envuelve a lo lejos feudal torreón ; Enwraps in the distance the feudal round tower.
erguida en el huerto la trémula acacia The trembling acacia, most graceful of trees,
Stands up in the orchard and waves in the breeze Ignoro los follajes ; yo nunca de la fuente
al soplo del viento sacude con gracia su níveo pompón. Her soft, snowy flower. tuve la límpida canción,
ni musgos fraternales que brindar a la frente
¿No ves en el monte la nieve que albea? del fatigado viajador.
La torre muy blanca domina la aldea, See you not on the mountain the white of the snow?
las tiernas ovejas triscando se van, The white tower stands high o'er the village below ;
The gentle sheep gambol and play, passing by. Yo soy como un espectro que se alzara insepulto,
de cisnes intactos el lago se llena ; Swans pure and unspotted now cover the lake ; angel proscrito de un edén ;
columpia su copa la enhiesta azucena The straight lily sways as the breezes awake ; en el fondo del alma llevo un afán aculto,
The volcano's huge vase is uplifted on high. en las entrañas, vieja sed.
y su ánfora inmensa levanta el volcán.

Entremos al templo: la hostia fulgura; Tengo mi planta inmóvil hundida en la montaña

Let us enter the church: shines the eucharist there ; y una esperanza en el azur,
de nieve parecen las canas del cura, And of snow seems to be the old pastor's white hair;
In an alb of fine linen his frail form is clad. y me ignoran los hombres, y nadie me acompaña
vestido con alba de lino sutil ; en estas cárceles de luz.
A hundred fair maidens there sit robed in white ;
cien niñas hermosas ocupan los bancos, They offer bouquets of spring flowers, fresh and bright,
y todas vestidas con túnicas blancas The blossoms of April, pure, fragrant and glad. Señor, ya que no tengo ni musgo florecido
en ramos ofrecen las flores de Abril. ni un arroyuelo bullidor,
haz que en mis agbras forjen las águilas su nido
Let us go to the choir; to the novice's prayer y hagan su tálamo de amor.
Y subamos al coro : la virgen propicia Propitiously listens the Virgin so fair;
escuha los rezos de casta novicia The white marble Christ on the crucific dies;
y el cristo de mármol expira en la cruz; And there without stain the wax tapers rise white ; Mas si ha de ser forzoso que me aparte del mundo
And of lace is the curtain so thin and so light, y del concierto universal,
sin mancha se yerguen las velas de cera; hazme símbolo eterno, inmutable y profundo
Which the day-dawn already shines through from the
de encaje es la tenue cortina ligera skies. de la más alta soledad.
que ya transparenta del alba la luz.
Bajemos al campo: tumulto de plumas THE PRAYER OF THE BARREN ROCK
parece el arroyo de blancas espumas Now let us go down to the field. Foaming white, By Enrique Gonzalez Martinez
que quieren, cantando, correr y saltar; The stream seems a tumult of feathers in flight ,
su airosa mantilla de fresca neblina As its waters run, foaming and singing in glee.
In its airy mantilla of mist cool and pale Lord, I am nothing, but barren rock,
terció la montaña , la vela latina The mountain is wrapped; the swift bark's lateen sail, Lashed by the wind , scorched by the sun's fierce might.
de barca ligera se pierde en el mar. Glides out and is lost to our sight on the sea. The passing cloud salutes me from afar,
Then elsewhere bends its flight.
Ya salta del lecho la joven hermosa The lovely young woman now springs from her bed,
I am a sign of everlasting hope,
y el agua refresca sus hombros de diosa, On her goddess-like shoulders fresh water to shed,
On her fair, polished arms and her beautiful neck. Here on the height ; the azure depths I see,
sus brazos ebúrneos, su cuello gentil ; But amid August rains and winter blasts
Now, singing and smiling, she girds on her gown; There is no spring for me.
cantando y risueña se ciñe la enagua, Bright, tremulous drops, from her hair shaken down,
y trémulas brillan las gotas del agua Her comb of Arabian ivory, deck.
en su árabe peine de blanco marfil . I have no greenery of waving leaves,
No fountain's limpid song and silvery stir,
IOh mármol! Oh nieve! 10h inmensa blancura O marble! O snows ! O vast , wonderful whiteness ! No kindly mosses to invite the brow
Your chaste beauty everywhere sheds its pure brightness, Of the tired wayfarer.
que esparces doquiera tu casta hermosura ! O shy, timid vestal, to chastity vowed !
Oh tímida virgen ! ¡ Oh casta vestall In the statue of beauty eternal are you ; Like an unburied spectre I rise up,
Tú estás en la estatua de eterna belleza ; From your soft robe is purity born, ever new; Or angel from an Eden forced to part;
de tu hábito blando nació la pureza, You give angels wings, and give mortals a shroud.
A hidden yearning in my soul I bear,
lal ángel das alas, sudario al mortal ! An old thirst in my heart.
You cover the child to whom life is yet new,
Tú cubres al niño que llega a la vida, Crown the brows of the maiden whose promise is true, My foot is buried , moveless, in the mount;
coronas las sienes de fiel prometida, Clothe the page in rich raiment that shines like a star. My hope is fixed on heaven's azure height.
al paje revistes de rico tisu. How white are your mantles of ermine , O queens ! Men know not, and no one comes with me
IQue blancas son, reinas, los mantos de armiñol The cradle how white, where the fond mother leans! Into this prison bright.
How white, my beloved, how spotless you arel
IQué blanca es loh madres! la cuna del niñio !
¡Que blanca, mi amada, qué blanca eres túl Lord , since I have no softly-flowering moss
In proud dreams of love, I behold with delight Nor singing stream down-leaping from above,
Within my clefts let eagles build thier nest,
En sueños ufanos de amores contemplo The towers of a church rising white in my sight, And make their home of love.
alzarse muy blancas las torres de un templo And a home, hid in lilies, that opens to me;
y oculto entre lirios abrirse un hogar; And a bridal veil hung on your forehead so fair,
Like a filmy cloud, floating down slow through the air, If I must stand apart from all the world
y el velo de novia prenderse a tu frente, Till it rests on your shoulders, a marvel to seel And its vast concert with earth's joy imbued.
cual nube de gasa que cae lentamente Make me the symbol, endless, changless, deep,
y viene en tus hombros su encaje a posar Version by Alice Stone Blackwell Of loftiest solitude!



Ignacio Mariscal 4 Por Jesus E. Valenzuela (México)
By Jesus E. Valenzuela (Mexico), born 1856, died 1911.
En bronce 6 duro mármol esculpido Hands-like, soft blossoming buds Manos-capullos en flor
No admires, no, su refulgente nombre, Of children that search for the breast, De niños buscando el seno
Ni con su pompa funeral te asombre In the calm sea of love's gaze En el piélago sereno
Cradled and sweetly caressed ! De una mirada de amor.
La rica tumba en que le ves dormido . Small hands of Jesus the Christ, En inefable fulgor
Sepulcro más esplendido crigido In glory ineffably bright; Manecitas de Jesús
Á Juárez tiene, de inmortal renombre, Hands like soft blossoming buds, Bañadas en leche y luz...
En el santuario de su pecho el hombre Hands bathed in milk and in light. Manos-capullos en flor.
Que le ama con un pueblo agradecido. Fairy hands, nimble and fair,
Manos ágiles de hada
O'er the piano that stray Que pasan por el piano
¿Buscas el epitafio? En esas leyes Like a vague dream of life, or the void
Contémplalo en que altivro el mexicano A dream from some realm far away! Como un ensueño lejano
The winged expression are ye De la vida o de la nada ;
Su gloria encuentra y su robusta egida. Manos, expresión halada
Of a sigh, or some cry on the air,
Por monumento igual, decidme, loh reyes! De un suspiro o de algun grito
Floating in infinite space, Que flotaba en lo infinito ...
¿La púrpura y el cetro soberano Fairy hands, nimble and fair.
Manos ágiles de hada.
No dierais. · • y también la inútil vida?
Hands of an ivory white,
In the shade of the mantle obscure Manos de ebúrnea blancura
THE TOMB OF JUAREZ Brightening prayer with their gleams Que en la sombra del mantón
By Ignacio Mariscal Gentle and starlike and pure ! Iluminan la oración
Through their whiteness have passed all the woes Con luz sideral y pura,
Do not admire his great name, carved with art That ever humanity knew, Manos entre cuya albura
In bronze or marble; wonder not, to see With the rosary's beads, one by one— La camándula desgrana
O hands of the ivory's huel Toda la desdicha humana ...
The sepulchre's dark pomp and majesty Manos de ebúrnea blancura.
In which he slumbers, smitten by death's dart. Hands full of charity's grace,
He has a nobler tomb within the heart Which to the hungry by night
Carry forth comfort and food, Manos de la Caridad
Of every man who loves him tenderly, Que a la noche del hambriento
Bread of hope's joy, of truth's light!
And in his grateful nation's memory ; Llevan consuelo y sustento,
Noble, mysterious hands,
'Tis built of fame that never shall depart. Of kindness unending, sincere ! Pan de esperanza y verdad ,
Brothers are we, one and all, Manos de eterna bondad,
His epitaph? The statues of our land, Nobles y místicas manos,
Hands full of charity dear!
In which the Mexicans with pride behold ¡Ah! Todos somos hermanos ...
O pale, perished hands of the dead Manos de la Caridad.
Their glory, their defence from wrong and strife.
Monarchs, to earn a monument as grand, For love or as martyrs who died !
Leaves of one lily are ye, Manos pálidas, difuntas
'Would you not give your purple and your gold, Hands that were clasped or spread wide ; En el amor o el martirio,
Your sovereigns seiptre, yea, your worthless life? Hands full of questions, desires, Pétalos del mismo lirio ,
Aspirations and yearnings unsaid Manos abiertas o juntas;
Hands to the heavens outstretched, Manos llenas de preguntas,
LUCES DEL PRISMA De aspiraciones y anhelo,
Agustín F. Cuenca O pale, perished hands of the dead! Manos tendidas al cielo,
Hands with the sword in their grasp , Manos pálidas, difuntas.
Sepulta en horizontes de escarlata That by warfare a sceptre have won,
Su carro de oro el fulgurante día, And fill the whole world with the flood
Y en el tocado de la noche umbría Of rivers of blood that o'errun! Manos que empuñan espada
Hands of the common folk, armed Y un cetro han hecho en la guerra,
Prendes, loh Venus ! tu floron de plata. When quarrels or battles have birth Y que llenaron la tierra
IRica joya del ciell en ti retrata, Hands with the sword in their grasp, Con la sangre derramada ;
Ya su amarga aflicción, ya su alegría, Red hands of the great of the earthl .. Manos de la plebe armada
En la riña o el combate,
Quien duelos llora de la suerte impía, Rojas manos de magnate,
Hands that are bleeding and hard,
Quien dichas debe á la fortuna ingrata. That plough up the stern, arid soil, Manos que empuñan espada. ·
And scarce feel the flight of the hours,
Te ve radiante la inocencia pura, So heavy and cruel the toil ; Manos duras y sangrientas
Hands in the workshop that sweat, Que abren el surco en el suelo
Melancólica y triste el desconsuelo,
That set up the type in all lands, Arido y triste ; que el vuelo
Gloriosamente belle la hermosura, Hands that meet death in the mines No sienten de horas cruentas;
Voluptuosa el amor, fúnebre el duelo ; Hard, rough and blood-spotted hands! Las que mueven las imprentas,
Que, doliente ó feliz, cada criatura Las que el taller estremecen,
Hands that are wonted to toil, Las que en las minas perecen,
Tiene un cristal para mirar el cielo. Strong hands of the brave and the freel Manos duras y sangrientas.
When on the heights, in the depths,
Vibrates o'er land and o'er sea,
PRISMATIC LIGHTS Stirring the world from its roots, Manos hechas al trabajo,
By Augustin F. Cuenca. The anger of justice on fire Fuertes manos de hombre libre,
Hands that are wonted to toil, Cuando en el espacio vibre,
Below the west, that glows all ruddily. You shall that day hold the lyrel Lo mismo arriba que abajo,
Day's car of blazing gold hath sunk from sight. Moviendo al mundo de cuajo,
Version by Alice Stone Blackwell De las justicia la ira... t
Soon, Venus, thy rosette of silver bright Vosotras tendréis la lira,
Upon Night's dusky mantle clasped will be. Manos hechas al trabajo !
Rich jewel of the skies! Alike in thee
The man who mourn's o'er unjust Fortune's slight, RHYME
And he on whom her choicest favors light, RIMA
By S. José M, Pino S. José M. Pino
Their sorrow and their joy reflected see.
What matter that thy madest lips, my dearest one, No importa que tu labio pudoroso
From which a maiden's prayer alone flows free, que sólo brota virginal plegaria,
Pure innocence beholds thee radiant, clear; Say, in their innocent and timid coyness, en su inocente y tímido recato
Beauty perceives thee gloriously fair; Thou hast no love for me? me diga que no amas.
Love sees thee tender: and the heart which sighs
If thy sweet eyes, so beautiful, so lustrous, Si tus ojos, tan bellos, tan hermosos,
Beholds thee mournful. Every creature here
In the soul's language mystical and soft, en el lenguaje mistico del alma,
Possesses, in delight or in despair, Unto my soul of love and hope have spoken han hablado á la mia muchas veces
A crystal glass through which to read the skies. Yes, many a time and oft! de amor y de esperanzas.

Russia and Germany especially had been en

The Gold Situation gaged in an eager competitive scramble for
gold, which resulted in the holdings of their
Argument in Favor of the Government Putting great state institutions expanding rapidly. On
this account, at the outbreak of the war we
a Premium Upon Gold Mining
found them with what was up to that time
the peak of their gold reserves.
O MORE interesting chapter will be The most striking example of profiteering clearly demonstrated the desire of every com
written in economic history than that during that period was the Black Friday Con mercial nation to control and retain its supply
NⓇwhich deals with the problem of the spiracy of September 24, 1864, when a group of gold. As far as the United States is con
proper distribution of the world's gold supply. of speculators bought up large quantities of cerned, other than the necessity of obtaining
Probably there was never greater need than gold-creating an artificial scarcity- and as a Government permission to export gold in coin
now for co-operation of our industrial and result that commodity could only be obtained or bars, its circulation in this country has not
financial elements to devise a workable plan from this clique at ruinous terms. This been restricted-although the efforts of banks
for control of an increased production of that brought about many failures, and to check and individuals alike are directed towards har-
precious metal. gambling in gold and reduce the premium on moniously co-operating with the Government
A great man once said. " Necessity opens our it, the Anti-Gold Law was passed, but as it did in concentrating the nation's supply with the
eyes to the advantage of fresh principles ," and not materially bring the premium on gold to Federal Reserve banks.
as I see it this is now our position. The a lower level, it was very soon repealed . One of the most curious economic features
greatest war that the world has ever known In June, 1862, Congress authorized the use. of the present situation has been the strong
has so altered conditions that new methods of "postage and other stamps of the United light which it has thrown on the fact that it
and customs must necessarily take the place of States" because of the enormous increase in is possible to have too much of a good thing.
the old in order to keep abreast of the times. demand for small currency, notwithstanding even when that thing is gold. This is force
In reality, a very important issue is presented, the circulation of the so-called "shin-plasters," fully demonstrated if we glance at the finan
namely, whether the standard of value of the which were issued in denominations of 5 , 10 , cial position of the Scandinavian countries,
world will in future be gold or become a 20, 25 and 50 cents. where the law has been carried so far as to
combination of silver and gold ; and, if so , In some of the Western States attempts relieve the government banks of the statutory
what effect such changes would have on the were made to maintain specie payments , after obligation to buy gold and coin it for all those
trading powers of nations. It is obvious that they had been given up in the East, but Cali who bring it in. This naturally prevented
if a bi-metallic standard were adopted as fornia alone had the distinction of remaining other countries dealing with Scandinavia from
media, the question of the value between the on a gold basis during the Civil War, and it paying for purchases in gold, and the barter
metals themselves would become one of vital was not until 1876 that gold again sold at par of commodities was the only means open for
issue. Then again, there may be a scarcity throughout the United States. concluding commercial transactions
of gold available as money for the purpose of Since that period the more notable event It has lately been said that the world t is
effecting the sale or purchase of commodities, was the panic of 1893, which was followed divided into two classes of countries : those
or as affecting the position of governments by a depression throughout the nation, with which refuse to accept gold and those which
and banks and the availability of that precious the result that a large amount of gold was refuse to part with it. Sometimes it is asked
metal in proportion to liabilities. drained from this country to Europe. The how any one can possibly refuse to take gold
There are many interesting angles from Treasury's reserve became so low in Novem in payment, but this is easily explained by the
which to view this important subject, but it ber, 1894, that a sale of Government bonds fact that gold in bars or foreign coins is not
may be of general benefit to recount what was resorted to ; in fact, the stock of coin was legal tender anywhere. No person in Scandi
happened in this country during and after our reduced to such an extent that there were navia, for example, could be made to take gold
Civil War, and in Europe since the beginning outstanding more gold notes than coin, leaving bars or American eagles in reimbursement for
of the present hostilities. a part of the certificates represented by bullion goods to meet a required payment in legal
in the form of bars. Again during February tender currency of that country.
As an inevitable result of government policy
which had placed upon the banks a burden too of 1895 , and also in July of the following There are comparatively few who really
heavy for them to carry, the financial institu year, strong syndicates headed by leading understand to what a great extent mere credit
tions in New York and other sections were, bankers in New York accomplished the diffi can be made to do the work of wealth, al
during the Civil War, forced to discontinue cult task of bolstering up the finances of the though the time will come when credit will
United States Government, and it was largely assuredly break down unless it is built upon
specie payments, which subsequently brought
due to their activities that the United States a solid foundation. The issue and circulation
about the suspension of the National Treasury.
remained on a gold basis. The success of of paper credits throughout the leading na
At the beginning of 1862 a bill was intro
duced which had for its purpose the making these combinations had a far-reaching influ tions of the world has been proportionately
ence on business and as soon as it was seen far greater than their holdings of gold and
of government notes legal tender, and al
though that measure was considered unconsti that the gold obtained from abroad was not has naturally resulted in inflation on an alarm
going to be lost at once as in previous bond ing scale.
tutional, it became law in February of the
sales , confidence was again revived and the The thought, however, that Europe may
same year. The issue of greenbacks payable
to bearer, after several amendments of this financial position of the United States im
possibly repudiate part of her war debts for
bill, was authorized up to a maximum of four proved so favorably in the eyes of Europe that the sake of reducing the amount of currency
hundred million dollars . When the green it was possible to float large blocks of Ameri outstanding against government bonds or
can securities abroad.
backs were issued it was expected that they notes is obviously superficial. Finance has
would circulate at par with the gold dollar, In August of 1914 foreign exchange became become an international rather than a national
containing 23.2 grains of pure metal, but a demoralized, and to remedy that situation a question and the monetary history of any one
year after the first Legal Tender Act had been gold pool was again created, when leading country tends to become more and more
passed paper money had an exchange value banks and bankers throughout the country merged in the monetary history of the whole
equal to only 14.5 grains of gold. Its value joined in an agreement to provide for mail civilized world. International credit is firmly
rose in August, 1863, to 18.4 grains, but fell in and telegraphic transfers to Europe in lieu of established on a gold basis and unless the flow
July, 1864, to 9 grains , which was its lowest gold for export, which proved a helpful factor of gold is not too strong in one direction no
point. The premium on gold was then such in restoring order and confidence. country has any interest in upsetting the pres
that a dollar in paper money was not worth For several years prior to the declaration ent standard, although it is contended that
more than 36 cents in gold coin. of war in Europe the countries of France, notwithstanding a great production of new

gold it may not necessarily make universal be an extraordinarily futile means of handling such a move would be almost as far-reaching
gold standardism possible, as it would be a the situation and would only make the con as that of the war.
mere drop in the bucket of our future needs. fusion worse confounded . We are at the dawn of a bigger financial
If the world's credit, therefore, is to be car The principal nations of the world have and commercial tomorrow and while the situ
ried on after the war with gold, every ounce adopted gold as the basis of their currency ation is fraught with a great many difficulties ,
that can possibly be produced will be required. system. The market price for it is everywhere because there are no precedents for us to
The production of gold is a vitally essential the same and everywhere equally certain at follow, we must face conditions as they exist
industry which, for obvious reasons, should the standard price of $20.67 an ounce. It may and through frank and free discussion arrive
be promoted to the fullest extent. It is very be an anomaly that economic civilization at a practical and sound solution.
apparent, however, that with a fixed value for should depend for means of payment on the
Let us hope that our united efforts will
the yellow metal, together with the rapidly supply of a particular metal, but it will take
crystallize into a practical plan for the allevi
increasing cost of material, labor and trans much ingenuity to find a practical substitute
ation of the present critical situation, and that
portation, this particular industry as now de for gold and secure for it the popularity and
in the process of correction we may establish
veloped is seriously affected and it would seem confidence that gold now enjoys. The mere those principles which lie at the base of na
inevitable that unless some form of govern fact that it has been chosen by the most tional welfare.
ment relief-but only as a temporary war enlightened commercial nations is strong proof
* * * *
measure is given to the producing mines, that it is the best single commodity for prac
many of them will be compelled to discontinue tical use as a standard. The following resolutions have been adopted
operations.. The disproportionate distribution of gold by several mining and commercial bodies in
In a letter addressed to the Hon . Charles A. among world nations attracts attention to the various portions of the United States :
Sulzer relating to the present conditions con study of the part that this metal plays and is Whereas, gold production in the United
cerning the production of gold in Alaska, the to play in future in the world's economic af States has declined from one hundred and one
fairs, and the question naturally arises whether million dollars in 1915 to eighty-four million
Secretary of the Treasury clearly voiced the dollars in 1917, with a still greater decrease
attitude of our Government when he stated , the production of gold is keeping pace with
now taking place, the production of California
"I fully appreciate that with the rising cost of the world's expansion of credit. alone having declined three million dollars in
raw material and labor and with a fixed value The vast obligations piled up by the nations the first six months of the present year ; and
for their output, the gold miners are facing at war ; the huge issues of paper currency ; Whereas, this decrease is principally due to
difficult conditions. I should be sorry, how the refunding of debts and resumption of the increased cost and shortage of labor and
material, the price of gold, as our standard of
ever, if for this reason there were any relaxa specie payments after the war, are among the value, being fixed by law at the invariable
tion in the effort to produce gold. At no time most urgent and difficult problems with which figure of $20.6718 per ounce, thus being the
has this country so much required the largest the world will be confronted. This makes it only important product which has not obtained
only too apparent that gold is a necessity for an increased market price due to the present
possible production of gold as at present. war conditions ; and
Next to food and ammunition, gold is one of the credit and financial unity of nations, and
Whereas, under present conditions capital
the most needed war essentials. In order to it is therefore essential that an adequate foun cannot be obtained for gold mining, but is gen
place the enormous amount of Government dation of gold must be created to uphold that erally being withdrawn wherever possible from
bonds required to finance our war expendi system . the said industry ; and
tures, a large credit structure will inevitably One of the first acts of the British Govern Whereas, on account of the increased cost
of production with no increase at all in the
be erected on our gold reserves, and it is ment after England was plunged into war was market price of their product, many mines
necessary that these reserves-which are the to insure that the gold which was being turned have been forced to cease operations in the
foundation of the structure-shall be main- out of the mines should be safeguarded, and last six months and many others are now
tained on the broadest possible basis. * * * steps were taken for the deposit of their new running at a loss and are about to be closed
down or abandoned and from their nature will
The man or the community that maintains or holdings in Canada , South Africa and Austra require years to be re-opened, so that a large
increases its production of gold in the face of lia to the credit of the Bank of England . This portion of the gold mining industry is now
difficulties and discouragement is performing arrangement had many advantages and tended threatened with extinction ; and
a patriotic service which deserves recognition greatly to facilitate the concentration of the Whereas, a war emergency exists, which we
no less than the more obvious but not more metal where it was most needed for the set are advised by our own government necessi
tates the maintenance, and if possible the in
useful services that are more in the public tlement of liabilities and Great Britain has in crease, of gold production of the United States,
eye." this way used her gold unsparingly to meet as of next importance after food and war
obligations to neutral creditors. munitions, being of vital importance as a basis
There are people who argue that if the for our continually expanding credits, which
Government would agree upon a plan to in The United States stands in the unique are increasing both for the financing of the
crease the value of gold from $20.67 to say position of possessing more gold than any na war and for reconstruction after the war ; and
$40 or $50 a fine ounce, it would make a set tion has ever before owned at one time, but Whereas, the gold resources of the United
States are adequate to maintain our former
tlement of obligations possible with only half if we are to perform the part that destiny production , and to afford under proper en
the metallic requirement otherwise necessary seems to have laid out for us as the world's couragement a substantially increased produc
to redeem outstanding paper credits. This banker, it will without doubt be necessary to tion ; now, therefore, be it
course, radical to say the least, would have further increase our gold holdings, and for Resolved, That it is the sense of this meet
a disastrous effect upon all credits and espe this reason encourage to the fullest extent the ing that of all the various measures which
have been suggested, the following will be
cially reflect upon the cost of living which, production of that metal. most effective in maintaining and encouraging
in all probability, would climb to limits be The end of the war will find the old world the production of gold in the United States ;
yond the reach of the average citizen. In namely :
not only disorganized industrially, but with a
creasing the value of gold or giving it a Relief by the United States to the gold
volume-just how large no one can foretell producers of this country to correspond with
premium does not necessarily give it a higher of paper currency that can only be compared the increased cost of production , the extent
purchasing power, but, on the other hand, in with our own greenbacks in the years immedi of such relief to be fixed from time to time
the final adjustment seriously disrupts the ately following the contest between the North to meet changing conditions.
basis of international credit. That nothing contained in these resolutions.
and the South. "The problem of the world's as passed is to be construed as meaning and
When peace comes all the world will be currency after the war," says a great econo intending to alter the amount of gold in the
faced with a period of great financial and mist, "is not of course decipherable at this dollar, nor to place a premium upon gold.
industrial uncertainty and to pass through it time. It involves the question, 'When will the
successfully will be a task that will need all war end ? " There is little fear, however, that
the statesmanship civilization can muster. To Europe will demonetize gold and carry out an A grand total of 82,459 alumnos have
increase this uncertainty by tampering with registered in the school of the Federal Dis
economic revolution in changing the present trict for the season. The number last year
the standard of international payment would standard, as it is evident that the effect of was 7287 less than for this .


It has been well said that "God made Mex

Mexico and the United States as Friends ico and the Untied States next-door neigh
bors, and only the devil can make them
Nature Having Made the Two Countries Next-Door enemies." And those who seek in any man
ner to foment distrust and enmity between
Neighbors Complete Amity Should Always Exist
the two countries can only be actuated by the
most unfriendly not to say devilish motives.
HE necessity for the constant encour the example of a ruthless pursuit of wealth
agement and permanent maintenance of regardless of the rights or feelings of the
Tnot only merely friendly but the most owners of the land which they invaded. American Tomato Seed
cordial relations between Mexico and the But there is a natural need on both sides, Some time ago THE REVIEW republished a
United States is so obviously apparent as each for the other, which should result in the Consular report on tomato production in
almost to require no argument or explanation . most cordial reciprocity and friendliness . The Mazatlan, in which reference was made to
But because many do not recognize this neces United States needs the silver and gold, the losses due to inferior seed. As there is yet
sity, a few observations upon this important copper, the oil and other minerals ; the sugar, time for American seedmen to collect good
and vital topic may not be out of place or the coffee, the fiber, the tobacco, the hides, seed for export to this section of Mexico, it is
prove uninteresting or unworthy of careful the hard woods, the thousand and one other desired to draw attention to the fact that
consideration . mineral and agricultural products which she tomato growers are becoming interested in the 4
Nature has made the two countries next either does not produce herself, or if at all, purchase of suitable seed for the approaching
door neighbors . Only an easily crossed river not in sufficient quantity to supply the demands planting season, which begins the 1st of
for a large portion of the upwards of three of her people for consumption. Mexico , on November.
thousands miles of boundary and an imaginary the other hand, needs supplies of food , of The local manager of a large house inter
line for the remainder separate the two coun clothing, of machinery, of manufactured arti ested in exporting tomatoes to the United
tries . There are no natural barriers to inter cles covering the widest possible range and States is planning to make a special trip thither
rupt intercourse of the freest possible char which are not or cannot be produced within to procure the best tomato seed possible for
acter. But even if there were such obstacles her boundaries. The needs of each nation are the planters whose tomatoes his house handles .
a complement to those of the other, and under He states it as his purpose to visit a few
as are provided by lofty and not readily pass
normal conditions there should be and indeed American seed houses and lay his needs be
able mountain ranges, or by great rivers or
other bodies of water, that would not obviate is no hindrance to the freest possible inter fore them while there is yet opportunity to col
the necessity for unvarying friendliness . Both change of commodities. Under the dominant lect good seed from tomatoes produced in the
countries have a community of interest, and pre-eminent stress and necessity of war United States this summer, so that he may be
whether industrially or politically, that should such interchange must unavoidably be regu assured of an adequate fresh supply of seeds.
bind them together with hooks of steel-hooks lated and checked, to the manifest incon It is estimated that some 700 hectares ( 1,730
of copper and silver and gold, of food and venience of both sides. But since self-protec acres ) of land were devoted to tomato produc
clothing, of machinery and supplies, of the tion is the imperative law of nature for nations tion last year ; and that, owing to the success
thousand and one manufactured or unmanu as well as individuals, temporary interruptions of that and the three prior crops which were
factured products that are essential to the of this character are unavoidable and their raised for export to the United States, the
well-being and development of both countries necessity should be recognized by those who area will be doubted this year. Manifestly it
will be in the interest of American seedmen
alike. under other conditions might feel that they
and of consumers in the United States of the
From a purely material standpoint each had just cause for complaint. But such occa
sions are only of temporary duration , and Mexican west coast tomato crop-not only in
country needs the other. Mexico , that incom
have little if any bearing upon what should the present but in future years to take steps
parably endowed storehouse of the world,
be the general policy and sentiment of the two to collect good seed for export to this district.
needs the capital and the enterprise of her A trade in seed can be established this year
nearest neighbor for the development of her countries toward each other. Not too strongly
can it be urged that from purely material con which will be reasonably permanent and of
minerals, her forests, her agricultural re increasing importance, and advantage should
sources and her vast array of latent wealth. siderations alone there should be only the
be taken of the opportunity which now offers
While it is natural perhaps that there should utmost friendship and co-operation between
for this business.
be some sensitiveness on this score, still the two neighboring countries.
The American consul at Mazatlan , Sinaloa,
scarcely any one will deny the fact that such It is not necessary to go into the question
Mexico , will take pleasure in supplying any
development as has already taken place has of a community of political interest and all
interested American exporters of seed with a
been largely at the instigation and through the that it involves . It is so perfectly obvious that
list of tomato growers in his district upon reK
initiative and enterprise of those not native Mexico must look to her necessarily more
quest ; but in his replies to their inquiries will,
to the soil. This is not the only instance in powerful neighbor on the north to prevent any in every case, insist upon good seed being
the world's history of the kind. That such attempted foreign interference, such as that of
furnished where orders are secured as a re
should be the case, it is no disparagement to the French of the middle of the last century,
sult of his efforts.
say, is due to inherent and inherited natural for example, not only as a protection to MexC
causes and qualities and should therefore be ico herself, but also to safeguard her own
no reason for resentment or unfriendliness. interests from similar aggression, that there Lectures on Mexico
Nature, in her inscrutable designs, has given . can be no well-founded refusal to recognize Mr. Manuel Carpio, the well-known Mexi
one race qualities which she has denied to the necessity for the most friendly underSON can student and lecturer, has recently re
others, and it is only by uniting and giving standing and co-operation between the two turned from a tour of investigation of
those qualities full play that the results are countries that occupy so dominating a position Yucatan and other portions of his country,
reached that are most conducive to the wel and influence on the North American conti where he has made a careful study of con
fare and best development of all. nent. Whoever seeks to prevent or destroy ditions and the wonderful development
that understanding and that co-operation in accomplished as a result of the Revolution .
On the part of many who have been en
any manner is an enemy to his own as well He proposes to address American audiences
gaged in the development referred to there
as to the other country. It is not too much upon this question and promises a fund of
has been a real and earnest desire to encour
to say that the sovereignty of Mexico and her valuable and intensely interesting informa
age and benefit their neighbors . Not every
one has deserved to be classed as a mere inviolability and integrity as a nation depend tion regarding labor, social, industrial, edu
"dollar seeker," though it is lamentably true to a great extent if not entirely upon her rela cational and other matters in the neighbor
enough that many of all nationalities have tions with the United States . There is no ing Republic. He may be addressed through
alternative, as all intelligent and far-sighted the office of the Mexican News Bureau, 613
placed themselves in that category. As a mat
ter of fact, the Conquistadores themselves set men readily must concede. Riggs Building, Washington , D. C.


concerns organized under the name of savings

banks are. Almost all the savings deposits in
America's Banking Strength
Chicago, for example, are held by loan and
Tremendous Increase in Its Financial Strength trust companies and State or national banks .
The aggregate is well over eight billion dollars .
New Methods Caused by the War
Of the 30,525 banks in 1916 only 7,579 were
BY WILL PAYNE national banks, and the latter held about one
HAT the financial institutions of the immediately, at any time, rediscount good third of the aggregate deposits . Being under
United States have been able not only commercial paper having not more than ninety the supervision of the Comptroller of the Cur
Tto meet the tremendous strain placed days to run and endorsed by the bank which rency, however, the national banks are re
upon them by the expenditure of untold bil originally discounted it—either issuing circu ported upon more fully than other banks . In
lions for war purposes , but actually to flourish lating notes therefor or giving the discounting 1910 there were 7,690,468 deposits, or deposit
under this strain, is due chiefly to the flexi bank reserve credit. In short, a bank can at accounts, in national banks and 27,979,542 de
bility of the Federal Bank System, established once turn its sound assets into cash and from positors, or deposit accounts, in all banks . In
early in President Wilson's first administra having had, in 1909, the most unliquid banking 1916 the number of depositors in national
tion. system in the world we now have one of the banks had increased to 14,288,059 —nearly a
About ten years ago the Monetary Commis most liquid-and one that no longer hangs hundred per cent. That ratio would not apply
sion, appointed by the United States Senate, upon the big Wall Street institutions.
to all other banks- as to which there are no
made a voluminous report on which reforma So the figures given above tell only the comprehensive reports under that head in re
tion of the American banking system was smaller part of the story as to the actual in cent years- but there are certainly forty
largely based. crease in American banking power. In 1909
million bank accounts in the country.
At that time- 1909-there were 25,512 banks a crisis might at any time have paralyzed that
This credit strength is now organized, mo
in the United States. Their deposits, exclud nineteen billion dollars of bank assets-jellied
it, so to speak. In fact, substantially that had bile and free from its former dependency on
ing the deposits of one bank with another Wall Street.
bank, were somewhat over fourteen billion happened only two years before in the panic
dollars. Adding capital, surplus and circu of 1907. Now, thanks to the Federal Reserve
lating notes outstanding, their total power of system , paralysis of lending power is impos
extending credit was just short of nineteen sible. Knowledge of that fact gives a confi Petroleum Development
billion dollars. dence to the banking system and to its de A Pennsylvania corporation has been en
positors which was not present before. For
At the last report before the United States gaged in prospecting the territory covered by
example, banks everywhere lend with the
declared war on Germany the number of banks an important concession in the interior of
greatest freedom to Liberty Bond subscribers
had increased to 30,525 ; their deposits to Colombia in what appear to be oil-bearing
twenty-three billion dollars, and their total and still meet legitimate commercial demands
lands during the past two years and early in
power of extending credit to twenty-nine without hesitation. They know that as long
as they hold good paper they cannot be tied April of this year brought in a well that gives
billions. promise of being a good producer, tapping the
up. While there are still many banks which
In 1909 each bank was a completely separate are not members of the Reserve System , its oil-bearing strata at about 1,500 feet. Oil-bear
unit. There was no legal organism by which ing sands were also passed through at 500
benefits practically extend to all.
even two banks could act together, except as and 1,200 foot depths. This well, unfinished as
the more important banks in cities voluntarily Banking power of the United States, mean
ing aggregate of capital, surplus, deposits and it stands, is said to be good for from 1,000 to
joined in clearing-house associations whose
circulating notes- in short, of lendable funds 2,000 barrels per day of light, asphalt-base oil .
normal purpose was simply to facilitate the
-was twenty-nine billion dollars in 1916. In This company is operating on the Colorado
daily clearing of checks .
his report for 1908 the Comptroller of the River, about 35 miles east of the Magdalena
The typical situation was this : Banks
Currency calculated the banking power of the River at Barranca Bermeja, or about 420 miles
throughout the State of Nebraska, say, kept world, exclusive of the United States, at a from the mouth of the Magdalena. The com
the larger part of their reserve funds on de
little over twenty-eight billion dollars. Mul pany has also a second well drilling and it has
posits with the leading banks of Omaha, and
hall, in 1890, calculated the banking power of reached a depth of about 740 feet and is re
the Omaha banks kept the larger part of their the world at a trifle under sixteen billion ported to be in a very promising formation.
reserves with the big banks of Chicago .and
dollars, of which the United States' share was Several efforts have been made at various
New York. Michigan banks deposited their
five billions. times to develop oil in Colombia in commercial
reserves in Detroit, and Detroit deposited its
reserve in New York. The large central cities Diffusion of the wealth represented by bank quantities, but without previous success. Var
deposits is another important item. Aggregate ious wells have been drilled near Puerto
of the interior, headed by Chicago, kept an
important part of their reserves on deposit bank deposits in 1909 included $3,713,405,710 Colombia by a Canadian and, later, an Amer
with big , New York banks. of savings deposits, credited to 8,831,863 de ican company ; south of Barranquilla by a
positors . In 1916 the numbers of depositors California promotor ; and in the valley of the
Thus at any decided stringency in money—
had increased to 11,148,392 and the amount to Sinu River by an American company, but none
especially of a panicky sort-a tremendous pull
their credit to $5,088,587,294. have proven producers.
from the whole country centered on the big
Wall Street banks, each of which stood alone. This, however, includes only the returns of A New York company is now drilling near
Those banks had nowhere to turn . There was those institutions which are organized distinc Mariquita, along the La Dorada Extension
no legal method by which they could liquidate tively as savings banks . In the United States Railway, 200 miles to the south of the Tropical
their assets rapidly to meet an emergency. a great many banks not distinctively so organ
Oil Co.'s workings. Various other American
Besides cash, they held notes, payable on de ized have savings departments in which de
companies have done superficial exploration
mand and secured by Stock Exchange col posits are received on the same terms as in
work in Colombia and some have secured ex
lateral. But in a pinch, if they began throwing savings banks and from the same class of
tensive optional leases on lands supposed to be
this collateral on the market in order to realize depositors. Thus in 1916 national banks held
oil bearing, but only those mentioned have
cash, the Stock Exchange went into a panic over a billion dollars of deposits subject to
done any active mechanical work.
and the market for the collateral disappeared. thirty days' notice which were mainly in fact
After the termination of the war it is ex
Now a great part of the bank reserves of savings deposits. Banking institutions organ
pected the oil fields of Colombia will meet with
the whole country are held by the Federal ized as loan and trust companies held $1,214,M
090,179 of savings deposits and State banks considerable development at the hands of
Reserve Banks, managed by a board appointed
by the President of the United States and held $961,693,954. These are savings deposits American and other foreign interests.
acting as a unit. These reserve banks will in exactly the same way that deposits held by -Consular and Trade Reports.

enemy of all, especially in the blooming sea

Coffee Growing In Mexico son, and they also help to maintain a certain
amount of moisture in the lower atmospheric
Something About One of the Principal Corps layers, producing a faint light suitable to the
of the Tropical Portion of the Country vegetations. But not all trees are suitable for
the purpose. Those with the highest crown
and whose roots will not intermingle with
those of the coffee trees should be selected ;
HIS plant is indigenous to Abyssinia This last bed should be protected from the they should also be of long life and resistance
and the southern parts of Arabia and scorching sun, either with some kind of ele to strong winds.
Tand was introduced to tropical Mexico by vated bower or by planting shade trees, as the It is advisable to plant shrubs of short life
the Spaniards. It belongs to the family of banana, castor bean, etc. In every coffee
in order to protect the new plants, and also
Rubiaceae genus coffeas. Several varieties are plantation there should always be a bed of trees of long life to protect the plants when
known. The common coffee shrub is an ever this kind to replace clear spots with trees of grown up. Among the first we have the castor
green plant, which under favorable conditions the same age. When the trees are from 30 bean and the banana in its different varieties .
grows to the height of from ten to twenty to 40 centimeters high, which will be in about This last one especially is the most suitable,
feet. The fruit is a fleshy berry, and as it six months, they will be ready for definite as once the coffee trees are grown up it is
ripens it assumes a dark-red color, containing planting in the field . The most vigorous ones easy to cut down the banana trees, leaving only
one, two or three seeds. A coffee plantation should be selected and all the weak ones dis the trees of long life, which should be planted
at maturity presents a very attractive appear carded. Some planters recommend not to from 12 to 15 meters apart.
ance, the glossy green leaves affording a pic transplant the seedlings to the field until they One of the operations demanding practical
turesque background for the brilliantly glow are a year and a half or two years old, these experience is the pruning of coffee trees. A
ing fruit. being called forked seedlings . But the younger pruning knife in unskilled hands will mean the
The soil best suited to this crop is a sandy the seedlings are the less will be the disturb ruin of a coffee plantation. This operation
clay loam, rich in humus, deep and with good ance in transplanting and the results are more should be carried out at least every two years,
drainage, as the plant has a tap root pene satisfactory. after the crop is harvested. By so doing the
trating more than three feet into the ground. The best time for transplanting is in the trees grow in better shape. The trees when
An impervious soil should not be used, as the months of May and June. The distance at pruned strengthen and thicken their stems and
tree suffers severely in damp localities. Cal which the plants should be set in the fields their system of branches, these later being the
careous soils are also undesirable for this crop. cannot be determined in a general way, de organism for fruit bearing. All suckers and
However, lime should be present in the soil pending, in the first place, on the kind of soil . shoots should be taken off. When they the
in small quantities . The silicious- ferruginous In rich soils the distance should be greater tender this can be easily done by hand.
soils are desirable, as in such leaf blight is not than in poor ones or on hillsides, as first men The fertilizer preferred by this plant is phos
so destructive. tioned. The planting is generally done in phate, but other elements should also be ap
The lands on the lower mountain slopes squares of three by three meters. If trees plied if there is a deficiency of them in the
produce berries with larger seeds , though ac are planted too close they are liable to soil. The amount of each element must be
cording to some authorities with less aroma Cryptogamous disease . Besides growing slen determined according to the nature and com
than the coffee grown on the highlands. Coffee der, they become too high, on account of the position of the soil.
should never be planted near the sea unless tendency of all vegetables to seek the light. Green manures, if grown between the rows,
good wind-breaks are provided. The strong On the other hand, if there is not sufficient will serve a double purpose, providing humus
sea breeze blows away many flowers and con light and air the crop will be deficient. and maintaining the soil moisture .
sequently the yield is decreased. During the first two years the centers of The first picking begins in September and
From two to three seedlings are planted in the rows can be used for some other crop keeps on till January. As the picking is done
each hole, dropping some earth and giving a without resulting in any damage to the coffee according to the ripening of the berries, it is
little jerk to the plants so that the roots will trees. Such crops as pineapples , etc. , and necessary to make two or three pickings, the 1
not be bent. The hole is then filled to the especially some legume such as cow peas which second one being the most important. A short
top, rounding up enough earth to the trunk furnish to the soil a great amount of vegetable time after the flowers have appeared the fruit
so that when the soil settles down there will matter can be profitably grown. After this starts to set, and when ripe the picking begins.
be no hollow space where the water can settle. the field should be exclusively dedicated to The berries should be picked one by one,
The seed selected for planting should not be coffee, taking good care to destroy all weeds never "squeezing” or “milking," as in this way
kept for over a year, as it soon loses its and furnishing the necessary moisture, but it the undeveloped blossoms are injured and
germinating power. It always should be must be borne in mind that an excess of water some unripe berries are gathered . The berries
picked and kept during the four or five months is harmful, especially in fruiting time, because should not be kept to ripen too much, as in
between harvesting and the planting season. irrigation causes the coffee to lose its aroma this condition any light shower will bring
The soil for seedbeds should be prepared and quality. It is a good practice to deeply them down. Rains are always harmful after
with the utmost care. Beds seven feet wide plow the soil every four or five years, taking the fruit ripens, and for this reason the ground
by any length desired should be prepared, with care not to injure the roots , and also to fertil under the trees should always be kept clean.
furrows two to three centimeters apart, drop ize if it is necessary. It is also very important Some planters harvest the fruit by spreading
ping the seeds at a distance of from ten to to clear the trees if they are growing too close blankets or other suitable material under the
fifteen centimeters in the furrows. They are and keep the planting free from injurious ani trees, shaking them so that the berries will
afterwards covered with finely pulverized soil mals like mices, which destroy the seed drop ; this practice is not commendable by any
and protected from the intense sun. Some covering . means ; by shaking the trees not only the ripe
planters spread over the seedbeds banana Some planters affirm that coffee trees grow but also the unripe berries will drop. If the
leaves or leaves from the guano or the royal ing in the open yield the same as if shaded, branches are high they should be carefully bent
palm, in order to preserve sufficient moisture but I am not of the same opinion. Coffee so that they will not break, though they are
for germination. The germination starts a trees under shade last longer ; besides, the quite flexible.
month or a month and a half after the seed trees used for shade are beneficial in many For the drying operation there are also ap
is planted and when the seedlings have at respects, provided they are properly situated , propriate machines where the berries receive
tained the necessary height they are trans for if they are too close the coffee trees will a current of hot air, which makes them lose
planted to another bed, where they are set grow too slender and are exposed to fungus their moisture in a few minutes, while by the
at a distance of from 25 to 30 centimeters attacks . Shade trees help to retain the mois old method it takes several days. Once the
until they are sufficiently strong and vigorous ture in the soil. They protect the planting coffee is hulled and dried the grading can be
to be transferred to the field. against strong winds, this being the worst done with sieves of different gauges or the


Taxes on Metal Exports Water for Irrigation The Proposed International

The Secretary of the Treasury has issued Purposes Labor Conference
the following rates of taxation on metals for The Rights of Irrigators and Other Ta recent meeting of the Federation of
export during the month of October-the Users of Water Defined by Law ATLabor Unions of the Federal District, the
figures being in Mexican gold per kilo ( 21/5 GRICULTURISTS who seek concessions following propositions were adopted and will
lbs.) in weight, the value of the Mexican dol be submitted to the American Federation of
AGfor the use and benefit of water for
lar being in the neighborhood of 55 cents Labor concerning the proposed international
American gold : irrigation, have, under the law of December
conference to be held at Laredo in November
10, 1910, declared in force by a recent ruling
Gold in bars or ingots—$93.33. İn minerals of this year :
of the Secretary of Agriculture and Fomento,
or concentrates , $106.67. First-Immediately upon the opening of the
轉 preference over those who ask it to produce
Silver in bars or ingots-$4.561 . In minerals conference, a commission will be appointed
power, motor force or for other industries,
or concentrates, $5.213 . which shall ask of President Wilson and
Copper in bars or ingots- 5.732 cents. In and also for the agricultural purpose of cover
President Carranza the freedom of those
ing the land with silt.
minerals or concentrates, 6.878 cents. In bars, workingmen who have any relations with the
Of those who ask water for irrigation the
matte or concentrates, containing more than world movement for the alleviation of their
right is given first to proprietors of farms
50 per cent of copper and less than 300 grams condition and other social conditions.
of silver and 5 grams of gold per ton, 2.866 bordering on streams and among these the
Second- The establishment of a Pan-Amer
cents. preference is given to those who lawfully are
ican Federation of Labor, represented by a
Lead in bars or ingots- 0.798 of one cent. In already in possession of a concession. Among
several such claimants the right is given to committee nominated by a plurality of votes
minerals or concentrates, 1.064 cents. of five members-two from the American
Zinc in bars or ingots-0.296 of one cent. In the one who has held possession longest.
Those who are not owners of lands are not Federation of Labor, two from the Federation
minerals or concentartes , 0.395 of one cent. of Labor Unions of the Federal District and
able to obtain concessions for water for ir
Tin, in bars or ingots-3.538 cents. In min the Rural Federation of Mexican Working
erals or concentrates, 4.246 cents. rigation except under the following restric
tions : men, and one from groups having no affilia
Antimony, in bars or ingots-0.443 of one tion with either of those bodies .
The use and benefit of water for domestic
cent. In minerals or concentrates , 0.615 of one Third- It is mutually pledged among the
cent. purposes must be for the inhabitants of towns,
groups represented that they shall lend their
whether situated or not on water courses, and
Tungsten in minerals or concentrates-19.048 mutual aid toward facilitating the passage of
cents. the rights of other consumers under former
concessions who are in lawful possession . laboring men individually from one country
Molybdenite in minerals-22.090 cents. to the other, in the unions, with due consider
The quotations given are net, and are based A concession may only be contested when
ation for their economic condition , and col
upon the total value in accordance with the the opposition is founded on a priority claim
or the rights that the contestor may have over lectively to guard the integrity of the groups ,
decree of April 26, 1918 . their development and furthermore to guar
the applicant, in which case his opposition
antee and make sure their respect.
must be accompanied by a document establish
machinery separating three grades, as follows : Fourth- To utilize all the measures possible
ing his claim to the concession .
First, small contorted and bluish berries, for the protection of the rights and interests.
The time for contesting a claim for the use
called in Spanish "caracotillo" and of superior of the two nations , especially those pertaining
and benefit of water is seventy days, counted
quality. to emigration .
from the last publication in the Official Federal
Second, small and somewhat roundish Fifth- The exclusion from all points of
paper and in the Official paper of the state
grains. where the concession is asked. undesirable immigrants ; the exercise of what
Third, large and light grains, which are the ever influence they have for the intensification
The Government can grant to the conces
inferior quality . sionaire under this law the following exemp of the European war ; the breaking of the
In order to keep it for a long time the neutrality of Mexico with reference thereto ;
tions Land taxes for five years, except stamp
moisture must be driven out, otherwise the the mingling in local politics in both countries,
taxes, import duties on machinery, tool, fix
grain will get mouldy. and when they can be regulated by their own
tures, hydraulic material for generation, trans
Besides the direct yield from the coffee trees officials in any other manner than by resort
portation and accumulation of power.
we have the fruits and timber of the other to arms.
The Government can also grant right of
trees which have been planted. An apiary can
way through private properties for examina
also be established from which good returns A New Fibre Discovered
tion, for making maps and formation of plans
can be expected . for profiting by the concession, sewers along A very important discovery has been made
A coffee tree may yield from three to five the canals, telegraph and telephone lines and in the State of Jalisco, Mexico , which consists
pounds of coffee and even more, and if it is lines for the transmission of force, the right in obtaining a magnificent fibre, which has
well attended may be kept yielding for nearly to occupy unappropriated and public lands with been found to be very resistent and of many
100 years . the works of the concession and the construc applications in industries, and is produced by
Among the several enemies of the crop there tion of telephone and telegraph wires for the a tree called "cuázuma" or "cuahulote." This
is the slug, which causes an injury that breaks use of the concessionaire. tree grows abundantly in different sections of
the young trees at the foot. Spraying with The concessionaire is obliged to observe the the state named,
arsenate of lead or distributing poisoned baits following : The times fixed for the surveys and The travelling Botanist appointed by the
through the fields is recommended . making the maps of the locations of the works , Department of Agriculture to make various
The coffee-leaf miner is a small flying insect their presentation to the Department of Ag scientific researches in the aforementioned
which attacks the plants in the evening, stain riculture and Fomento for approval, to begin State , has already sent several samples of
ing the leaves a brown color, which later be and complete the works, and the order in which this fibre, which has been chemically analyzed
comes dark. Against this insect the best he must execute them. The maximum rates and found to be of the finest quality. The
remedy is to take off the infected leaves and must also be submitted to this same department fibre can be obtained, utilizing at the same
burn them. and a deposit of a certain sum in national notes time the bark of the tree that produces it.
A form of scale is combated by spraying the is required as a guarantee of good faith that which is sometimes from 20 to 30 centimetres
plants with a solution of iron sulphate in the he will fulfill his contract. He is prohibited to in diameter, by means of maceration, and it is
proportion of one grain of sulphate for every transfer the concession independent of the procured at a very low cost.
litre of water. works and he must construct the necessary The Bureau of Biological Studies is now
ነ The mouse that eats the berry covering works in a manner so as not to interrupt lines carrying on an active propaganda in order that
should be destroyed by every means at dis of communication, nor to interfere with other the planting and exploitation of these trees be
posal. works or properties . extended in the State of Jalisco .

Great Demand for Cocoanuts

The United States Consumes Immense Quantities-
A Promising Field for Mexican Growers

HE announcement from Washington of nut in the United States is apparently due, in A largely attended conference was held re
the cancellation of the order of June some degree at least, to the decrease in the cently at Saltillo, capital of the State of
28th, by which the importation of copra supply of meats, fats, and dairy products avail Coahuila, between workingmen and those in
terested in sociological progress, at which
into the United States was suspended, calls able for the use of our own people. The num many measures were discussed looking to the
attention to a remarkable increase in the use ber of food animals in the country in 1918 is advancement of the people in general. It is
of the cocoanut and its products in the United about the same in proportion to population as only since the triumph of the Revolution that
States in recent years. in 1914, but as we are compelled under the matters of this sort have been possible.
"Copra" as is well known is the trade name exigencies of the war to greatly increase our The head tax of $8 American gold collected
for the dried meat of the cocoanut. A compila- exports of meats and dairy products, the sup by the United States Government from all
immigrants coming from Mexico into this
tion by The National City Bank of New York ply remaining for our own people has neces country has been suspended so far as agri
shows that the quantity of copra brought into sarily decreased . The quantity of meat ex cultural laborers are concerned, but is still in
the United States in the fiscal year 1918 just ported in the fiscal year 1918 is approximately force as to immigrants of other classes. This
ended was approximately ten times as much as 2,000,000,000 pounds including that sent on is the statement made by the American immi
in the year before the war. From a modest gration officials.
Government vessels, against about 450,000,000
A proposition has been made by the chief
56,000,000 pounds in the fiscal year 1914, all pounds in the year preceding the war ; and the
of the mercantile pilot service in Vera Cruz
of which preceded the war, the figures grew to quantity of dairy products including butter, to supply the city of Mexico with abundance
90,000,000 pounds in 1915 ; 110,000,000 in 1916 ; cheese and condensed milk has increased from of fresh fish at a rate which will enable it to
247,000,000 in 1917 and about 550,000,000 22,000,000 pounds in 1914 to 590,000,000 pounds be sold at an average of a little over ten cents
per pound American gold. This is much less
pounds in 1918. The tropical sections of the in 1918. The total exports of meats, fats and than the usual prices that are demanded .
whole world are being ransacked for the cocoa dairy products increased from a little over 1,
Many refugees have recently arrived in the
nut, and the imports into the United States are 000,000,000 pounds in 1914 to about 3,000,000 , southern portion of the Republic from Guate
drawn from more than 30 countries and islands 000 in 1918. As a result of these conditions, mala, whence they have been driven by the
people of the United States are greatly increas earthquakes which have been so destructive.
representing every grand division of the globe.
ing their use of vegetable oils, especially that Under instructions of the President they have
Oceania is by far the largest contributor and been given free passage to whatever portion
our own Philippine Islands supplied nearly from the cocoanut. A part of the oil thus re of the Republic was their former home.
one-half of the approximately 550,000,000 tained is utilized in the manufacture of marga On March 26th the fifth anniversary of the
pounds entering the United States in the fiscal rine and substituted for butter, and other parts adoption of the Plan of Guadalupe was cele
year 1918. The recent orders of the GovernG for cooking fats, while large quantities are also brated with appropriate ceremonies by Presi
used in the production of glycerine required dent Carranza and his associates. Many of
ment upon this subject again permit the im the original signers of that declaration were
portation of all copra except that classed as for war purposes and the residue utilized in present, although many lost their lives in
"shredded, desiccated or prepared," which has the manufacture of soap and candles. bringing about its final triumph.
formed in the past but an extremely small Most of the copra and cocoanut oil imported The exportation of pearl shell from all the
proportion of the copra imported into the comes from the Philippine Islands, Australia, west coast ports of Mexico has been prohibited
Dutch East Indies, and other islands of the for a period beginning with April 1st and to
United States. The quantity imported in 1918 and including the month of September. This
of this class which is still excluded was but Pacific, while most of the cocoanuts imported has been done in order to prevent the de
about 20,000,000 pounds out of a grand total come from Panama, Honduras, and the West struction of the pearl oyster beds of the Gulf
of 550,000,000 pounds imported. Indian islands ; the average price of the cocoa of California and adjacent waters.
Even this tremendous increase in the im nuts imported being about 3 cents each in the The Government has recently purchased in
Chile a steamer of ten thousand tons capacity,
portation of copra tells only a part of the story country of production . which will be utilized for traffic on the west
of the increased demand for the product of the coast of Mexico and South America. The
cocoanut. The quantity of cocoanut oil im The foregoing is of interest to Mexico , since vessel will bring as its first cargo a large
ported has also rapidly increased, from 74, the cocoanut grows in abundance in many sec amount of grain and food, as well as a ship
tions and could be cultivated upon an almost ment of nitrate.
000,000 pounds in 1914 to about 250,000,000
unlimited scale with profit. On the first of the present month the issue
pounds in 1918, and of this our Philippine of international postal money orders was re
Islands also contributed more than one-half. sumed between the United States and Mexico.
The United States apparently consumed in Preparations are being made to largely in American dollars will be received and dis
crease the output of the mines (mostly copper ) bursed at the option of the holder or appli
the fiscal year 1918 the product of over 2,000, in the Cananea section of the State of Sonora. cant, and Mexican gold will be also received
000,000 cocoanuts . Accepted authorities indi Many carloads of railway material have re and paid on the basis of the rate of exchange
cate that one pound of copra represents the cently been shipped thither from the United established at Nuevo Laredo, State of
States, to be used in the betterment of the Tamaulipas.
meat of three averaged-sized cocoanut ; and transportation facilities. All the mines are
as the importation of copra for the year is An attempt to smuggle $300,000 in 50-cent
increasing their forces as well as their ma pieces into the United States was recently
about 550,000,000 pounds and of oil about 250, chinery, and a period of unexampled activity frustrated at Laredo , and one-half of the
000,000, the total number of nuts represented has been inaugurated. amount was declared forfeited to the National
by these two importations would be ap Among the articles largely imported into the Government under the law forbidding such
United States from the West Coast of Mexico exportation . The high bullion value of the
proximately 2,400,000,000 cocoanuts, while the are many hundreds of tons of dyewood, for coins was the reason for the attempt.
number of nuts imported in the natural state which there is an increasing demand in New The Oriental Steamship Company "Toyo
from foreign countries and our own islands York for manufacturing purposes, to take the Kishem -Kaisha," a Japanese organization, has
during the year amounted to about 100,000,000, place of dyes formerly imported from Europe. decided to resume its bi-monthly service be
The supply of these woods is practically inex tween west coast Mexican and Central Amer
bringing the total of the nuts represented by haustible and affords a lucrative occupation ican ports and San Francisco, Cal. It had
these three classes of imports up to approx for hundreds of natives. been suspended for some time. The first trips.
imately 2½ billions against about 500,000,000 The Cabinet Ministry has under discussion will be made in October.
in 1914. The value of the cocoanuts, copra the adoption of an income tax law, which will The production of vegetable oils from vari
and cocoanut oil imported in 1918 is about $60, be presented to the present session of Con- ous sources has received a great impetus_in
gress. It is expected to remedy in this manner Mexico since the outbreak of the war in Eu
000,000 , against approximately $ 12,000,000 in certain difficulties connected with the internal rope. Coquito or palm nuts, peanuts, castor
1914. revenue stamp law which are no longer beans and other oil-bearing growths are in
This great increase in the use of the cocoa adapted to modern commercial conditions . demand for this purpose .

of operations was transferred to the United

Cultivation States.
of Guayule
The present plantation is in an upland desert,
at an altitude of 2,500 feet. Of the 9,000 acres,
Propagation of This Valuable Rubber Producing Shrub
some 1,500 are already planted to seedlings.
in a Scientific Manner and With Good Results
The plantation possess a huge cement irrigation
system, the pipes for which are made on the
HE guayule shrub (Parthenium argen On days when the sun is not strong and the grounds. It has a laboratory, greenhouses for
tatum ) was formerly grown with more slips have begun to bud, they must be uncov seed experiments, bungalows for the officers,
Tor less success by means of seed. It ered to the light, so that the plants may be excellent quarters for the help, planting and
would seem that this method would be the strengthened. In thirty or forty days the cov cultavating machines, tractors , etc. The indus
most economical, but in practice it has often erings may be permanently removed. The try has a possible future of such importance
failed . The Central Agricultural Station has plants should be watered daily with tepid that a brief view of the whole undertaking is
occupied itself with this subject and has turned water. given.
the study of its production over to the Horti The herbaceous slip is made from the tender
cultural Division. parts of the branches, cutting it 10 centimeters
This division took advantage of the seed long, stripping off the leaves and leaving the The Beginning of Cultivation Experiments
furnished by the Secretary of Fomento to terminal bud and the eyes. In the lower ex
One must go back at least 10 years for the
study cultivation in this manner, with the re tremity cut immediately below a joint.
These slips are planted in beds, the earth of beginning of cultivation experiments. Of all
sult that few of the plants reached maturity,
the companies operating in Mexico, one was
owing to the fact that fertile seed are scarce. which has been prepared beforehand and cov
preeminent in product, processes, and in vast
While Professor Calvino was making these ered with a layer of sand two centimeters
holdings of land. It was an American organi
experiments a writer on agriculture, Salvador thick. Place in rows 5 centimeters apart at a
zation with ample capital and unusual admin
Creel, announced that several years ago he had depth of from 6 to 7 centimeters. Keep well
istrative talent. To those in charge it was
succeeded in growing guayule by slips or cut covered . This must be strictly observed, as
perfectly apparent that the time would come
tings. This idea was approved by Professor the risks are always great.
Calvino, and he took the necessary steps to when the wild guayule fields would be ex
During the next rainy season , that is to say
hausted and the business stop entirely or shut
perfect the planting by means of herbaceous in July, the plants may be transferred to their
down until new plants matured . Whether re
cuttings, because it is by these means that the permanent place or they may await the follow
growth could be induced or the shrub be raised
anthemis and the chrysanthemum, which are ing rainy season. For the last planting it is
from seed or cuttings none knew. Most of
of the same family, are multiplied. better to prepare the holes in which the shoots
those who were asked concerning this were
Through Mr. Lorenzo Gonzales Trevino the are to be placed some months beforehand. In
positive in their declarations that it could not
Central Agricultural Station obtained cuttings this way the soil will be more fertile.
profitably be cultivated . The actual head of
of the guayule shrub with the leaves cut and The planting done, the ground around the the company, a man of broad vision, believed
fastened in potatoes, that they might retain plants must be covered with a thick layer of that with sufficient effort cultivation could be
their freshness. These F arrived the first of dried leaves or grass and the plants with large made successful, and under his direction the
last September. Woody, semi-woody and leaves or paper.
work was begun.
herbaceous cuttings were planted in open The daily rains water the plants, but in case
boxes, and in cold frames under glass. The of a drouth water should be applied by hand,
herbaceous and semi-herbaceous slips germi a liter of water being sufficient for each one. Preliminary Work of Mexico
nated in ten days, the woody in fifteen in the The layer of leaves or other covering prevents
cold frame, and those in open boxes in twenty the soil from drying, thereby helping the The first step was the selection of a corps
days. plants to take root. of chemists, botanists, plant physiologists, and
The system of growing guayule by means experts in desert plants. The company drew
The woody cuttings are made in spring from
men from agricultural colleges, desert labora
pieces of branches which are cut from 15 to of cuttings is much more sure than by seed.
The advantage of the former is in the selec tories, and experiment stations, arranging to
30 centimeters, burying them in the ground to
send their notes and conclusions to these seats
a depth of from 12 to 25 centimeters. tion and propagation of the kinds of guayule
richest in rubber. of botanical learning, receiving from them
The semi-woody cuttings are made in the
spring from the points of the branches and It is known that the first sugar beets con knowledge in return. This body of men, which
was was added to from time to time, embraced
wood two or three years old. These cuttings tained only 8 per cent of sugar, while by selec
tion they have obtained beets that yield 16 to such well-known names as Dr. Francis E.
are made from 15 to 25 centimeters long.
If there is a herbaceous point on the upper 18 per cent. The same has been done with the Lloyd, Dr. Theodore Whittlesey, Dr. J. E.
part, it may be cut off, the leaves removed, potato for the production of starch, and a like Kirkwood, Prof. C. I. Hare, Prof. J. P. C.
result may be obtained for guayule. Southall, Dr. W. R. McCallum , and half a
leaving the eyes only on the slip . On the
score of others .
lower extremity a little fragment with the Studies of this nature on the selection of
wood that has this bud may be left, or it can guayule has been commenced at the Central These scientists took up the following sub
be cut off entirely. As the slips have many Agricultural College. jects and exploited them thoroughly : Geogra
joints close together, there is no need to look The experiments, however, were not success phical and alitudinal distribution ; climate, air,
for a suitable place to cut it at the lower ful ; the seed sown in the Botanical Garden of and soil temperatures ; rainfall, soil, moisture,
extremity, because the cut always remains Berlin sprouted but “could not stand the hot, and relative humidity ; analysis of soils and
under any joint. moist air of the greenhouse." The German plants under all conditions ; diseases ; effects of
The slips thus prepared are planted at a East African Society wrote concerning the drought, rain, and irrigation. Seeds, leaves,
distance of 5 centimeters apart in rows 6 growth of guayule plants raised from seed flowers stems , and roots were subjected to the
centimeters from each other. The plants are furnished by the Colonial Economic Commit closest scrutiny under a multiplicity of condi
buried from 12 to 21 centimeters in the bed, tee : "The growth is slow ; do not know tions and the results tabulated. In time their
which is prepared beforehand, well sifted and whether the damp climate or the soil is wrong ; work begun in Mexico was transferred to the
mixed with sand and manure . plants have three or four leaves, but look United States, notably to California and
As soon as the slips are planted they must sickly." Arizona. Here were established laboratories
be covered with mats of rushes or with cloth, The story of the American experiments is and experimental plants and work on a com
that the sun may not dry the plants before they very different. The guayule cultivation ex mercial scale commenced. Prior to the actual
take root. The covering serves also to pro periments in Mexico were abandoned, not spe planting for the commercial product however,
tect from the changes in the temperature that cifically because of failure, but because of un the shrub was practically remade to meet the
are always harmful at this stage of growth . settled conditions in that country, and the field necessities in the case.

Difficulties in Obtaining Supply of Vital argentatum , which is the rubber producer, and considerable amount seems impossible. With
Seed the mariola, or Parthenium icanum, which the cultivation and the collection of guayule
much resembles it, but contains no rubber. rubber, however, machinery takes the place of
The seed of the guayule is very minute, and men in almost every part of the work. The
From the beginning the botanists began to
efforts to obtain it from the desert plant were
segregate the rubber-producing species into preparation of the fields is done by disk harK
very unsatisfactory. In the heads that should rows, drawn by tractors. The planting is
types. Dr. McCallum, in whose desert labora
hold good seeds there will actually be found done by specially built machines, similar to
tory the most of this work was done, published
half-developed dried husks of seeds and very
a statement in Science, long ago, that he had tobacco planters, that plow four furrows, set
few good ones . As vital seed and plenty of it found 125 different varieties. He told the the plants at the proper intervals , cover them,
is essential, the guayule trainers planted the writer that his records now show more than and pack the earth about the roots. One ma
shrub under varying conditions, fed, watered,
900 types, and that the list is still growing. chine plants 18 acres a day. The cultivating
starved, and petted it, until they learned pos
is also done by machinery. For gathering
itively just what conditions were necessary to Quantity and Quality of the Rubber Content
there are two systems : One consists in cutting
full seed pods. In time the barren seed vessels From the beginning of the experiments the rows down by a harvesting machine ; the
became full ones and the treatment necessary much care was taken in the analysis of the other in plowing the plant out root and all as
to get this result became a matter of record . shrubs in order to learn as much as possible in the harvesting of sugar beets. The ex
It may not be generally known, but the seeds concerning the rubber content. First, the por traction of rubber is wholly mechanical . If
of some plants, seeds that are vital and that tions of the plant containing the rubber were the rubber is deresinated, that also is done by
should germinate without difficulty, refuse to catalogued. This was important in determin a mechanical process .
do so . This seems particularly true of desert ing whether it was wiser to uproot the plant Guayule growing on a large plantation in
plants. For example, there is a certain cactus, for the sake of the rubber in the roots , or to volves a laboratory for examining and testing
distributed very generally throughout the cut it off above the roots , leaving them to pro plant and product, a small greenhouse for seed
southwest, that bears seeds in abundance . So duce new growths . With cultivation in sight, experiment and hybridization, seed beds pro
far, however, no one has been able to get these however, there was much more to be learned tected by wind breaks, an irrigation system ,
seeds to germinate. It was not thought that than the portion of the plant richest in rubber planting and harvesting machinery, and an ex
guayule was of this class ; it promised so many —that was, whether the 10 per cent of rubber, traction plant ; but above all, it requires a
other disabilities that it did not seem possible the rough estimate of the whole rubber content, knowledge of the plant and plenty of capital.
that it had this also . Nevertheless, when the was at all variable. The analyses gave results
first bushel of seeds were carefully sown, not so astounding that they were repeated several
one germinated . And so it was with the suc times. The investigations showed that there Huertistas Refused Entrance
ceeding lots. There was nothing to do but were wide differences in the amount of rub to Chamber of Deputies
sow smaller lots under every condition that ber in the different shrubs . This ran from 1
could be thought of and learn just what was per cent to 20 per cent and in rare cases to 27 Y AN overwhelming majority, the Na
BYtional Chamber of Deputies adopted a
required . For a long time only failure re per cent. Plants of the poorer quality were
sulted. Then an accident pointed the way and thrown out and plants that were big rubber resolution excluding from possible member
this problem was solved . producers were selected as seed bearers for ship in that body the following classes who
the future cultivated shrubs. took part in the "Huerta treason" against
Speeding Up the Growth Constitutional Government and which culmi
Guayule rubber has not been considered of
The problem of speeding up the growth of nated in the deposition and assassination of
the highest grade. When it first came upon the
the plant was one of the most interesting and President Madero and Vice-President Pino
market, the resin content was so high and it
vexing of all. Left to itself in its desert home was so soft that it was accepted with reluct Suarez :
under normal conditions a guayule seeding ance. Certain importers for years refused to Secretaries, sub-secretaries or chief officers
takes some 15 years to arrive at maturity ; that allow that it was rubber at all and scornfully of any of the national departments of gov
is , to attain a size suitable for rubber extrac ernment.
dubbed it a substitute. In time, however, by
tion. It grows only a little at a favorable new methods of extraction and by deresination , Governors of States, the Federal District,
season each year. The rest of the time it re it was recognized as a valuable crude rubber or their private secretaries.
mains dormant. Now, it is exceedingly diffi Secretaries of State Governments or of the
and was used by the million pounds .
cult to get a tree, shrub, or plant to do any Federal District.
The searchers of guayule secrets , when they
thing that its forebears have not previously began to test the quality of the rubber in the Deputies and Senators elected during the
done. It may be said that they are hidebound different plants, learned some more surprising period of usurpation.
in their prejudices, rockribbed as to their truths. Some of the shrubs gave a black The Attorney General of the Republic and
habits ; they have no ambition to speed up, to agents of the Public Federal Ministries.
resinous paste that contained not enough rub
be efficient, and to be different. These plant ber for extraction ; others contained rubber Magistrates of the Supreme Court and
prejudices and habits may be broken up by Judges of the First Instance in the States .
with about 20 per cent of resin- the type that
coaxing, cajoling, and fooling. For example, the whole trade was familiar with ; a few District Judges and other judicial authori
the guayule habit of a slight growth in the ties.
yielded a firm hard product, low in resin, and
spring once a year was noted by a plant phy showing in a remarkable degree the "nerve" Generals, colonels and naval commanders.
siologist, who took advantage of it in this way : that is characteristic of the best crude rubber. Jefe Politicos.
He furnished a simulated spring and the guay Officials of whatever character who partici
As a result of this study, the best producers
ule responded ; then before it settled back for were selected as seed bearers for cultivated pated in the military mutinies of Vera Cruz
its months of rest, another spring was sim and of the Citadel in Mexico City.
rubber. Nor was that all. By hybridization—
ulated. Again and again was this done, and The Director General of Police of the Fed
that is, the crossing of the big producers with
the plant attained a lusty growth in record eral District and of the States.
the best producers- plants were obtained that
time. By this method the development that The Directors of the Postoffice and of the
had the good qualities of each. Therefore,
under natural conditions had taken 15 years Telegraph service.
with the big producing and best producing seed
was accomplished in 4 years . This , by the way, The administrators of custom houses and
stock the real cultivation of guayule was well
beats first-crop Hevea by two years . of stamp-tax offices.
on the way to success .
The directors , proprietors and managers of
Study and Classification of Varieties of Solving the Labor Problem the semi-official publications of the usurpation
Shrub In an age when almost everything is done period.
One of the most interesting preliminaries by machinery, the growing of india rubber, And all others who committed acts of any
in guayule cultivation was the study of the particularly the tapping and the gathering, is kind which showed their co-operation with
varieties . To the average guayule expert there handiwork entirely. Without large gangs of those guilty of the military mutiny and the
are but two types of plants, the Parthenium coolies the production of india rubber in any usurpation.

The Shrimp Industry

How It is Carried on in the State of Mazatlan
Capable of Large Extension

HERE are some 40 or 50 shrimp fisher Arrangements are being made for reopening
trade, namely : ( a ) Mexican shrimp which the old mint at Culiacan, capital of the State
ies along the Pacific shore line within is salt-dried and so called because it is pro of Sinaloa, which has been closed for some
Tthis consular district, with the trading duced principally by Mexican fishermen and time. Mints are also being established at
center of the industry at Mazatlan. Most of the used almost exclusively in the Mexican trade. Hermosillo, capital of the State of Sonora,
and at Mazatlan , in Sinaloa . A large amount
shrimp are collected during the rainy season→→ It is packed in mat bags with the head and of bullion is produced in that section, but the
from July to November- in numerous shallow shell on and is first in importance among the distance and the difficulty of transportation
lagoons along the seashore. They are brought three products. ( b ) China shrimp, which is prevent it from being coined in the mint lo
in from the adjacent waters of the Pacific cooked with a little salt and then dried with cated in the National Capital.
Ocean by the currents. It often happens that the head and shell removed. It was so named It is expected that important results will
follow the development of the petroleum de
there are large areas of the sea literally filled because it is produced by the Chinese to some posits known to exist beneath the waters of
with them. extent and is prepared for the use of the the Gulf of Mexico in the Tuxpam and Panuco
Chinese in Mexico , the United States, and even region, but work for their exploitation by pri
How the Shrimp are Caught vate parties has been suspended until such time
· All lagoons utilized in catching the shrimp in China. China shrimp is second in import
as the Government can complete the necessary
are traversed at the inlet by a dam with two ance. ( c) Canned shrimp, which is prepared preliminary surveys and examinations.
for the market in the United States at a few Steps are being taken for the return to the
rows of light piling about 4 feet apart filled
small canneries located at points adjacent to private company owning them of the electric
in with enough fine brush to prevent the railway system of Mexico City and its suburbs,
the fisheries. All of the canning factories are
shrimp passing through. Depending upon the which has been operated by the Government
operated by Americans.
length of the dam , one or more traps of the for an extended period. It is expected the
One American concern that has been in the lines will be transferred by the first of the
ordinary style of lobster trap are located at
shrimp-canning business during the past three coming year.
convenient intervals for allowing the shrimp
or four years, having a plant with a daily A large shipment of tractors and other agri
to enter the lagoon and at the same time for cultural machinery purchased by Secretary
catching them when the fishermen are ready capacity of 5,000 cans, is taking steps to re
Rouaix, of the Department of Fomento, dur
to take them from the water. When they organize for the purpose of increasing its ing his recent visit to the United States, is
output to about 20,000 cans daily. It will in expected to reach here shortly. The machines.
first enter the lagoons from the sea they are will be distributed in those sections where the
stall can-closing machinery. The closing of
usually small, although in some seasons they most advantageous use can be made of them.
shrimp cans in the past has been done by hand.
are large enough for immediate use.
A new petroleum well with a capacity of
The lagoons produce a weed or grass that Difficulties Attending the Business 30,000 barrels daily is reported to have been
grows from the bottom and is known locally The shrimp industry in this district, however, brought in at Tantoyucan, in the State of Vera
as paiste. Immediately upon entering the is not carried on without some difficulties. Cruz. It is believed the well will show an
increased yield when fully developed. The
lagoons the shrimp begin feeding upon this The foreigner can not succeed unless he has oil is said to be of superior quality and to
weed so that in seasonable years the average a good command of the Spanish language, a possess a paraffin base instead of the usual
length of the shrimp increases to about 4½ good knowledge of local conditions affecting one of asphalt.
inches. the business, and plenty of capital with which A wireless telegraph station was recently
Unlike the ordinary species of fish, shrimp to work. Catches will be lost if exposed to opened at Pungarabato , in the State of
move with the currents of water in which they Guerrero, and communication thus opened
heavy rains during the process of drying in the with the stations at Chapultepec, Acapulco and
are found. Therefore the fishermen watch case of Mexican or China shrimp, or before other remote points in the Republic which are
for the rising of the tide to open the entrances the canned shrimp are put up unless some difficult of access in any other manner.
through the dams and the falling of the same method of covering is employed at a heavy The Chancellery of the Department of For
to close them. cost. Another difficulty is the matter of gaug eign Relations, in reply to numerous queries
When the shrimp have reached full growth ing the number of laborers necessary to the upon the subject, has issued notice that for
eigners who are members of any society or
in the lagoons the fishermen set their traps and success of the season or of the particular catch, company of Mexican organization , are exempt
again utilize the force of the tide, this time the as several thousand dollars may be lost in from the provision of the constitution requir
outgoing one, in making the catch. At each shrimp over night due to insufficient help . ing all foreigners desiring to become possessed
trap, if there are men enough, one man uses a of real property in the Republic to renounce
The shrimp industry appears to be in its any right of appeal to their home government
sort of basket fastened to the end of a pole infancy, and is conducted on a small scale in so far as that particular property is concerned .
with which to dip the shrimp from the trap this section of Mexico, handling only about 10 Announcement is made that the market
and deposit them in a canoe. Generally several per cent of the available supply. price of petroleum has increased 150 per cent
canoe loads are taken to camp by each man at within a brief period and that Tuxpam oil is
each tide, making it possible for a few men to Work on the new railway connecting now worth $9 American gold per ton ( seven
barrels ) owing to the unprecedented demand.
gather several tons in a day. Morelia, capital of the State of Michoacan,
with Pugarabato and other remote portions of It is expected that the price will go even higher
Many of the smaller operators in the shrimp than present figures.
the State, is well under way, and communi
industry catch with nets ranging from 100 to cation will shortly be opened. Michoacan is A course of industrial instruction for adult
400 feet in length, either in the lagoons or a rich agricultural and timber region and the working women has been opened in the Com
in shallow water along the open seashore. construction of this road will open new dis mercial School of this city under the direction
tricts to development. of the director of the University.
When the shrimp season is good, as is The Governor of the State of Zacatecas has
usually the case, it is not uncommon for 10 Carlos Castro Morales, recently elected
Governor of Yucatan, will take office on Feb reported to the national authorities that he has
men to catch 20 tons of shrimp in a period of ruary 1 , 1918, He has been closely asso subdivided and allotted to applicants forty
eight hours, using the hand nets . Of course ciated with General Alvarado, and will con thousand acres of land situated in the district
tinue the policies inaugurated by that official, of San Marcos . The total amount of munici
this success can be attained only on such oc
and which have done so much to ameliorate pal lands in that district is 144,375 acres.
casional days as the shrimp happen to drift
the condition of the working classes of that It is estimated that the States of Vera Cruz.
within the scope of operations. State. Tamaulipas, Aguascalientes and Chiapas pro
Different Methods of Preserving- American duced a total summer crop of corn approxi
A large amount of machinery has been mating 300,000,000 pounds in weight . The
Plant to Increase Its Output purchased by the Government for the manu introduction of much of this into Mexico City
facture of clothes and military supplies of all

The shrimp industry in this district provides has resulted in the reduction of its retail price
kinds. It will be installed in the national fac.
three forms of the preserved product for the tories as soon as received. from about 7 1/3 cents per pound in American
gold to less than half as much .

Deposits of Rock Crystal

Importance of the Peanut Industry By the merest chance rich deposits of rock
crystal have been discovered in the mountains
A Crop Which Could Be Produced Upon of Escalerillo, situated to the west of San
An Equally Large Scale in Mexico Luis Potosi . Some freighters who were bring
ing charcoal to the city in passing this mount
that promise a greatly increased demand for ain found stones which shone with surprising
OT only as a farm crop throughout
this purpose . brilliancy in the rays of the run. They picked
the immense territory of southern
N ° up several pieces with the intention of taking
United States, but also as a food for The ground nuts produce an excellent flour them as curiosities to San Luis.
human beings , a feed for livestock, and a for human consumption, and various grades
source of an industrial material adapted to a of meal which may or may not contain the In passing through Morales, where the re
hulls, all of which make a rich and efficient duction plant of the Compania Metalurgica
wide variety of uses especially now during war
times, the peanut is the subject of one of the cattle and hog feed. Because of the compact Mexicana, a branch of the American smelting
most remarkable tales of increased popularity ness and versatile usefulness of peanut butter, and Refining Company, is situated, one of the
and importance that can be found in the history this is one of the most popular forms in which American assayers learned that these men had
some rare stones, and wishing to know what
of American agriculture. the nut is used ; of the crop of 1917 probably
they were, hunted them up and for a few
As late as 1909 the total area planted to this 4,000,000 bushels of the best nuts were ground
to produce some 7,000,000 pounds of butter. pesos bought them. After carefully analyzing
crop was less than 900,000 acres. In 1916, it
them he was convinced that they were rock
had increased to approximately 1,000,000 acres ; Even the hulls themselves, dicarded in the
crystal of an excellent quality and of great
the following year recorded the addition of a making of the more refined products, are
value. Without loss of time he went in search
full million acres more ; and indications at turned to account. Often they are ground to
of the freighters to learn where they had found
this time make it appear certain that fully 4,ww make hog feed ; and in other cases they are
these samples and by offering a small sum of
000,000 acres will be harvested this fall and specially prepared and used in polishing tin
money he not only got the desired information
yield a crop worth not less than $ 150,000,000. plate ; if unavailable even for this, they are
turned into fertilizer or some form of fuel. but persuaded them to guide him to the spot
For the real beginnings of the peanut in where they had discovered the deposit. After
dustry of the United States, one must go back This was formerly also the fate of the pressed a careful examination the assayer was con
to the years following the Civil War ( or be cake remaining when the oil is extracted , but vinced that the rock crystal existed in great
tween 1865 and 1870 ) when a merchant of the at present this material, rich in food value abundance and was of inestimable value.
state of Virginia perceived the foundation of although greatly reduced in fat content, is Greatly pleased to have found such a rich
a new and profitable business hidden behind either ground and bolted to serve as flour prospect he proposed to some of his friends
the retail sale of the pleasantly flavored but substitute, or fed unchanged to live-stock. to form a company for the purpose of obtain
little known nut. From this simple beginning Peanut hay is one of the most nutritious and ing a concession to exploit these deposits. The
the crop has risen to a position of nation wide inexpensive of forages and this year will reach first steps have been taken and as soon as the
and even world wide importance based on at concession is granted they will begin their
the people and the armies of this nation and
least seven different uses to which it is now
the allied nations in the form of thousands of work of exploration and development.
hog and cattle carcasses . The estimated yield
These are the uses of the roasted nuts by
in 1917 was 1,333,000 tons with a value of
themselves and in various confections ; the In order to set at rest certain rumors, it has
approximately $20,000,000. With the develop been officially announced that the entire rail
use of flour made from them, the use of oil
ment of new, labor saving machines and im way system of the Republic is abundantly
obtained from them, the use of the cake or proved, efficient, economical methods for supplied with both coal and oil for the opera
by-product obtained in extracting the oil, the tion of all trains and shops, and that sufficient
handling the crops , many of which are just
use of the crushed nuts as butter, the use of is on hand to supply all demands for many
emerging from the experimental stage into months to come.
the combined nuts and green parts of the
plant as hog feed, the use of the plants them that of practical usefulness, its yield, its use,
The National Department of Health has
selves cured as hay for cattle or other stock, and the definite benefits accruing to the farm issued stringent orders that all remedies or
and, finally, the use of the crop as a soil ers of this country and the peoples in whose concoctions of a medical character sold in
interests they are working, are all expected to bottles or boxes must contain on their outside
builder this quality hinging upon the fact that the complete formula of their constituents. It
the peanut is one of that group of nitrogen undergo still greater andand more significant has also been ordered that all bottles contain
gathering plants called legumes. growth . ing beverages for human consumption must be
With a good yield averaging about 60 bushels provided with metallic capsules as coverings
in place of cork or other substances.
of nuts and from 1 to 1½ tons of hay per acre,
the crop of the United States in 1917 was The newly constructed railway between Owing to the increased and constant demand
practically 60,000,000 bushels of nuts with Canitas, on the old Mexican Central line in the for rubber because of the European war, the
State of Zacatecas, and the city of Durango, companies engaged in the production of
shells, or 20,000,000 bushels of shelled nuts. guayule rubber in Mexico have resumed oper
has been completed and turned over to the
However the peanut oil yield of 26,000 gallons Government. A special commission has been ations . These concerns are located in North
used slightly more than one third of these, appointed to receive it and it will be opened ern Mexico, where the plant which yields this
although it was insufficient to meet the needs for the use of the public with appropriate kind of rubber is solely found, and they give
ceremonies. It is confidently expected that employment to thousands, both in the factories
of the country as the import figures of k, the section traversed by the new line will and in the desert regions where the shrub is
474,123 gallons in 1916 and 3,026,188 gallons in enter upon a period of substantial development, gathered and baled for transportation to the
1917 prove. The best grades of this oil are as the resources . it possesses are varied and reduction establishments.
somewhat better for table use and cooking extensive. As to conditions in Sonora, Mexico , the
The local officials of the city of Puebla are Oasis, of Nogales, Arizona , declares that con
than cottonseed oil, and not quite as good as taking active steps for the maintenance of the trary to many false reports that find circula
olive oil, but in view of the present shortages good reputation of that. place as the cleanest tion, business of all kinds is going on as usual
of and demands for oils and fats, they are of city in the Republic. Merida, the capital of in all portions of the State, mines long sus
the utmost importance. Not only is this Yucatan, is proud of its reputation as a pended have resumed operations, large areas
"Spotless Town," but Puebla long since gained of land are being brought under cultivation,
product used in the making of cosmetics , soap, her present repute in this respect and is de great crops of all kinds are being harvested
medical emulsions, kid gloves, silks, oilcloth , termined to maintain it against all comers. and moved, hundreds of carloads of garbanzos,
paint bases, artificial leather and other in For the first ten days of the month of April tomatoes and other products are being brought
the Constitutionalist Railways turned over to into the United States, money in large amounts
dustrial materials, but also it has recently been the National Treasury over $200,000, the sur< is taken into the country and carried from
utilized by the Government in making high plus after salaries and other costs of operation place to place without hold-ups, robberies or
explosives to an extent, and with a success, were defrayed . violence.

Rabbits Becoming Valuable

Cultivation of Corn A ten acre farm from which 700 rabbits are
marketed each month, is a good illustration of
Interesting Facts About the Great Cereal and the increased interest being taken in the rais
the Development of Its Use by Mankind ing of these domesticate animals as a source of
; meat.
BY PROFESSOR ZEFERINO DOMINGUEZ This monthly production is the increase from
about 1,000 head of Flemish and New Zealand
ROPICAL AMERICA was the cradle. The human body and mind have an intimate stock, and is sold at an average price of 15
T of corn, where it had been cultivated relation with food . In many places in Mexico cents a pound at the farm . The rabbits are
extensively for many years at the time the inhabitants live on tortillas alone. If the marketed at an average weight of 31/2 pounds.
of the discovery of the New World. It prob corn is poor in quality, lacking in oil, protein About the only cost outlay involved is a dol
ably took its name from a forage plant called and carbohydrates, it has little food value and lar a day per each 1,000 rabbits fed , for grain.
by the Mexicans "Teozini.” the consequences are debility and degeneration All the green food required-and this furn
On his return to Spain, Columbus carried of the race. Tuberculosis and other sicknesses ishes the bulk of their ration- is provided by
with him some of the seed, which was planted make ravages among a people who subsist on a 5-acre field of alfalfa, and the space between
the following year. From Spain it was car food lacking nutritive value. This is the the trees of a small orchard that occupies the
ried into France and Italy, and from Italy to cause of lack of nourishment and energy of space not given up to buildings , etc.
Switzerland, Austria-Hungary and Portugal. our people. The wild rabbit of the United States is
From this country it was sent to Asia. About two million inhabitants of Mexico also being utilized in greatly increased numC
In the year 1650 about 600 bushels were live on corn. Allowing, as the least quantity bers , both for its meat and for its fur which
exported to Europe, and in 1770 the quantity of food to sustain life, one kilo per day, we is used by hat manufacturers . It is estimated
exported increased to about 13,500 bushels. have this result : That Mexico needs three that 200,000,000 rabbits are trapped or shot in
From this date its development was rapid, million hectoliters to support its population, the United States each year, and supply ap
reaching in 1880 more than two million without counting the many industries that use proximately 250,000 tons of valuable food.
bushels. this cereal as their base. The production of The game commission of the state of Penn
The population and riches of the United corn is in normal times only thirty million sylvania estimates that three and a half million
States have increased to such an extent that hectoliters, and from this arises the necessity rabbits were killed there during the 45 day
this important cereal has been introduced for importing enormous quantities yearly to open hunting season of 1917. In Kansas, a
throughout the entire country, so that today meet the national consumption. This is the firm reports that during the winter of 1917
there are 108,771,000 acres given over to its root of our economical distress.
it dressed and shipped 157,000 rabbits or 275
cultivation, with a production of 2,772,376,000 The wealth of a nation is reckoned by what tons of meat, and saved and marketed every
bushels. its soil produces . A nation that buys grain skin .
If this branch of agriculture, representing from a foreign country to feed its people is From a fur standpoint, the larger Jack rab
so great a part of the national wealth , has such far from enjoying economical advantages ; in bit is worth from 18 to 20 cents ; the pelt of
significance for the United States, how much other words , it is bankrupt. But if the pro the smaller native cottontail is worth 10 to
greater is it for Mexico , since it constitutes duction exceeds internal consumption , this ex 12 cents. On this basis the total value of the
the food of 90 per cent of the people. cess is the guarantee for the money that fur
pelts of the annual rabbit catch of the country
All the problems of Mexico depend on this nishes the government revenue. The key of
is about $20,000,000.
crop-political, economical and moral. If the the situation is in the hands of the farmer
crops are good the farmer is in condition to and not in the Government offices.
meet his obligations , to pay off the mortgage, The most important problem that the Gov Several applications have been received
or better to put money in bank and to buy all ernment has to solve is the agricultural one. from young ladies to be permitted to receive
the necessities for his farm and cotton cloth instruction in aviation at the National School
Allied with it is an enduring peace which will
of Aeronautics conducted under the auspices
for his laborers. As is well known, the manu give us prosperity and independence. Because of the War Department. They have, however,
facture of cotton cloth is an industry that gives of the agricultural problem being intimately been refused.
employment to thousands of workmen and linked with the production of corn is the rea Under the direction of the Bureau of
represents millions of dollars. The railroads son I have given such importance to its culti Climatology and Geography, a new and com
profit by increased traffic, wages are higher vation. plete map is being made of the Republic of
and taxes more easily paid . Moreover, corn The potential capacity of Mexico to produce Mexico, which will shortly be available for
this cereal is enormous if modern and ade distribution . Such a map is very greatly
has another important influence. The peones
needed, in order that conditions may be
of the tropics and semi-tropics have in it their quate methods are employed. In my trips of brought down to date.
necessary food, and thus it is that the produc inspection across the Republic I have seen Instruction in modern agricultural methods
tion of sugar, coffee, tobacco, rubber and jute, States so fertile that one alone of these could is being given throughout the country by
as well as wheat, barley, pulque, fruits and produce sufficient corn for the maintenance of means of moving-picture films and much good
the raising of cattle, are entirely subordinate the nation. is being done in this manner.
to corn production. Under the supervision of Governor Pascual
The value of corn used in making tortillas Ortiz Rubio , of the State of Michoacan, fif
teen new schools have recently been opened
is $160,000,000 annually, and the number of An American company which is interested in various localities, several of which are for
women employed in this industry is about one in the development of agricultural lands in adults of both sexes. An agricultural school
the State of Sonora has submitted a proposi has also been established with modern equip
million. At 50 cents as a minimum daily wage tion to the Department of Fomento for the ment.
for each of these women, the manufacture of construction of a dam and reservoir in the
tortillas costs $ 182,000,000 . Uniting these two Yaqui River valley with a capacity of two The Department of Communications and
billions of liters of water, which will be de Public Works has commenced work upon the
items, the cost of the national food is the reconstruction of the wharves at Puerto Car
voted to the irrigation of a tract of some five
respectable sum of $342,500,000, approximately million acres of fertile land in that section . men, in the State of Campeche, which had
a million pesos daily. If the project is approved, construction will fallen into disrepair during the Revolution. A
The scarcity of corn is one of the causes , commence at once. large amount of commerce is transacted at
if not the only one, of the present conflict A careful census of the Chinese population that point and it will be materially increased
in lower California and the States of Sinaloa by the improved shipping facilities:
in Mexico . When the crops fail, the Govern
and Sonora has been directed, in order that The police of Mexico City have commenced
ment is obliged to import corn to feed the the information may be utilized in drawing an active campaign against the introduction
people, for it is well known that hunger is up a new immigration law that is now under and use of opium and numerous arrests have
one of the incentives for revolutions and consideration. The localities named are the been made. The Chinese are the most active
general disturbances. centers of Mongolian immigration in the in this illegal traffic and quantities of the drug
Republic. have been seized.


International Labor Conference

How Mexico is Progressing The Governors of the States on both sides
of the line between the two countries have
Notes of Interest Regarding Finance, Commerce signified their intention to take part in the
international labor conference proposed by
and Internal Improvement
Samuel Gompers, President of the American
Federation of Labor, to be held at Laredo ,
RESIDENT CARRANZA'S message to at different points . It is believed that the cities Texas, on November 13th prox. Governor
PRCongre ss upon its upon, September 1st, of Monterrey and Durango will be the two Cantu, of the Territory of Lower California,
gave the following summary of the financial first selected and that the third will be at some has also accepted an invitation to participate
resources of the National Government for the point in either Michoacan or Jalisco. In the in the meeting. It had been hoped that the
nine months from September 1 , 1917, to May first-named city all the essentials are to be Presidents of the two Republics might meet at
31. 1918 :
found in the way of railway communication . the same time and place, and this question is
Custom -house : coal, oil, labor supply, etc. After making a still in abeyance. Great efforts are being made
Import taxes $22,600,000 thorough study of the various points sug to bring about such a meeting.
Export taxes 7,800,000 gested, the visiting engineers will return to
Other sources
3,000,000 Detroit and report to Mr. Ford before any Internal Revenue From Various Sources
Stamp Taxes :
Petroleum .. further steps are taken . The report of the internal revenue or stamp
Metals... 8,900.000
7,500,000 tax office shows that during the year from
Other sources Some Retail Food Prices July 1 , 1917, to June 30, 1918, there was a
Collected by Consuls .. " 3,200,000 Retail food prices in Mexico City, according total of $75,496,360.75 collected from various
Postoffice surplus 3,000,000 to the market reports published in the press ,
Telegraph surplus sources. Included in this amount was $2,203 ,
National property and inter 2,000,000 are as follows for various of the prime neces 353.90 from general mining taxes , $10,003,225.52
ventions .. sities. The figures given are in American gold from metals exported, $4,047,532.27 from alco
Receipts from various other at the equivalent of $2 Mexican gold for $1 hol and liquors, $2,304,050.17 from textile fab
sources ...
690.000 American gold , the actual exchange rate, how rics and threads , $2,330,584.53 from imported
ever, being less : Rice, 122 cents per pound ; wines, beer and other alcoholic beverages,
Total for 9 months ......$ 102,590,000
granulated sugar, 18 2/3 cents ; coffee ( green ) , $800,743.34 from electric light and power,
At the same ratio the receipts for the year 12 cents ; dried meat, 24 cents ; fresh meat, $201,055.51 from telephones, $900,164.93 from
would amount to $ 137,000,000 . The receipts 1334 to 16 cents ; beans. 834 cents ; garbanzas, sealed bottles containing various liquids, $286,
from the various ayuntamientos of the Federal 8½ cents ; flour , 12 2/3 cents ; corn, 9 9/10 842.98 from matches, $93,638.42 from tax on
District are estimated at $ 12,000,000 , bringing cents ; lard, 44 cents ; potatoes, 3½ cents ; advertising, $479,295.75 from pulque, $7,955,
the total annual income to $ 149,000,000 , as brown loaf sugar, 1334 cents. 113.85 from petroleum , $23,449.10 from patents ,
compared with $ 105,000,000 for the fiscal year
trade marks , etc.; $357,577.51 from inheritance
Proposed Church Tax taxes, $92,301.50 from loans, $27,545,389.92
According to the expenses for the month of The tax law that has been introduced into from Federal contributions, and $ 14,376,216.84
July, the total for the year will be $ 155,000,000 , the Chamber of Deputies calls for an annual from taxes on documents, etc.
but this includes the sum of $ 12,000,000 due taxation of 2 per cent of the value of all
employes on salary account . An economy of churches used for religious purposes. It is
One Year's Receipts
$30,000,000 has also been effected in the esti expected that more than three million dollars
mates allowed by Congress for the year . The total receipts of the Constitutionalist
will be raised annually from this source, while Railways, as the National Railways of Mexico
the tax is not regarded as onerous. Official
Yaquis Offer to Surrender have been known during and since the Revo
estimates show that in the Federal District 65
Information has been received from Sonora lution, for the year between September 1 ,
per cent of the total population are Catholics,
that that portion of the Yaqui tribe known as 1917, and September 1 , 1918, were $72,000,000 .
10 per cent belong to various other religious
"Broncos" and which has engaged in desultory These receipts do not represent solely commer
sects, and the remaining 25 per cent are in
hostilities at various times, while the greater cial business, but include military traffic and
portion of the tribe has either been in the army commissions on behalf of the Government.
But even with this deduction there is a con
or occupied with peaceful pursuits, has at last Closely Guarding the Frontier
concluded to follow the example of their fel siderable margin in favor of the lines.
Aurelio Cardenas, Chief Administrator of
lows and lay down their arms. In recent Orders have been issued by the President
Customs for the section tributary to Juarez,
encounters with the Government troops the that hereafter no special trains shall be run
Chihuahua, has completely reorganized the for any person, no matter what his official,
"Broncos" have suffered severely and are now border guard, with the view of suppressing
willing to make peace . Chief Matus , one of military or other status. Other regulations
the traffic in arms, munitions, and other con
their principal leaders, lost his life in the last have also been promulgated for increasing the
traband articles, which has been going on in
battle, and this had not a little to do with their efficiency of the lines.
certain localities . At the same time, greater
discouragement. The only terms that will be Requests have been received from many
vigilance will be exercised to put an end to
accepted by the Government are unconditional the traffic în stolen stock from both side of the portions of the Republic for increased railway
surrender, it is announced. line. service to meet the demands of the resumption
of industrial activity.
Henry Ford's Factory Plans Paper Produced in Mexico
A corps of expert engineers who have been El Universal, a prominent daily paper of Railway Improvements
intrusted with the preliminary investigation Mexico City, states that the average consump The equipment of the Constitutionalist Rail
needed for carrying out the offer of Henry tion of paper by the various periodicals pub ways has recently been increased by the addiJ
Ford to establish various tractor manufactories lished there is 250 tons per month, most of it tion of several Pullman cars, which were pur
at several points in the Republic is now in chased in the United States at a cost of
in rolls for rotary presses. There are three
this country. Included in the party are several paper factories now in operation in the Re $20,000 Mexican gold each .
engineers who have been employed in this public, as follows : San Rafael, producing a Three sleeping cars of the Pullman type
country and who have knowledge of the re maximum of 150 tons per month ; Loreto , 125 were recently completed in the railway shops
sources and capabilities of the points that have tons per month ; Peña Pobre, 100 tons per in Mexico City and have been added to the
number now in use.
been suggested . At the present time it is month. This production includes all classes
understood that Mr. Ford will confine his of paper, and not solely that used for news The construction of the new railway line
operations to the establishment of three plants papers. (Continued on page 39)

story buildings, no elevated railways, no sub

From a Pullman Window ways. Even the stores have something-I
know not what-that is familiar. The auto
Impressions of a Journey Through the United States mobiles slide silently over the asphaltum along
the wooded avenues . You may imagine that
A Vision of Washington
(Translated from the "Universal Ilustrado " of Mexico City . ) even the tramways only allow themselves a
discreet noise of a diminished , agreeable tone.
T WAS about noon when before our eyes formity that prevail mainly in the parks. You It seems as though the thought of the
note it, as is natural, because of the absence founder of the city was to surround the resi
appeared the gigantic dome of the Capitol.
IAt first we thought we saw it at the end of flowers. dent government with an atmosphere of si
Let us not talk here of flowers. I have seen lence, of quietness , propitious to good govern
of a street. Afterward it appeared immedi
them ! And the handsomest, you may be sure ! ment, to the equilibrial elaboration of the laws.
ately over a group of buildings. There was
And in this country, where the government
a moment when we believed we had it so near But they were in the show windows- elegant,
seems to count for the utmost, and which
that it could be reached by extending the hand. almost sumptuous- exhibited as a jeweler ex
accomplishes everything and develops and
Oh, illusion- only illusion ! It happens with hibits the rarest diamonds, the most blood-red
completes all the private initiation , the capital
this kind of Cyclopic construction that they rubies, iris-like pearls, topazes, amethysts.
The flowers here are a product of the green of the great republic, as I understand it, is
not only make the character of the cities they
house and conservatory. Those roses-Amer not and never will be for the mob ( mass ) .
are in, but they also dominate over them,
This city is one of those favorites, like Paris
crush them, absorb them, and are somewhat ican Beauties ; those gladioluses, those chry
to the Parisians, like Mexico to ourselves, like
akin to a Bluebeard-always on guard, jealous santhemums, and those myosotis that my eyes
New York for the same Americans . A New
of the slave. The Capitol was everywhere admired behind the glass in a florist's store
and nowhere ! York gentleman ( if not by birth, by senti
on Pennsylvania Avenue shall not go to per
ment) at the end of my Washington trip said
The train enters into a subway. Minutes fume the little parlor of a poor married couple,
to me, with a kind of tediousness and of pro
after it stops . We are in the Union Station. nor will they adorn the ivory-like bust of a
found weariness evident in his voice : "Oh,
We jump to the sidewalk. And here I stand, modest bride through the affection and love
here in Washington everything is official
pen in hand. It is a question of putting in of any subordinate clerk richer in sensibility
than in yellow or white metal. They will everything official." I can explain these words
brief terms and in a short chapter the im and the tone of the voice in men like this,
pressions received by me in my four days at instead be taken by the "smart set." They cost
many dollars ! Just imagine how many-— who, without the ostentation of Dantons or
Washington ; of giving you in a few dozens
Marats, are sincere lovers of democracy and
of lines the entire vision of a city- to give the remembering that the embassies in Washing
expect nothing from the State, individually
essence and only the essence, the number of ton have assigned to them annually amazingly
large amounts of money for merely social ask for nothing, and systematically reject the
notes taken from nature- now in a garden,
affairs in the way of floral decorations alone. extravagant centralization and "State -ism" of
now on the porch of a palace, then from the
Latin peoples .
step of an automobile, or at the corner of a But if there are no cheap flowers, there are
in compensation many children and flocks of Washington is a city of functionaries, of
street where an enigmatic, unknown crowd
diplomats, of employes, and of millionaires.
passes by. birds. Children are the kings of the parks.
Everything there is for them. They rule over The former personages by obligation, the lat
Let us try it !
all, and you may see them, as I did, in Rock ter by pleasure, establish here their homes.
Washington is not a city- it is a beautiful
Just on that account it will be understood
garden. In cities all is walls, houses and Creek Park, with their naked legs wading in
more houses. But here the trees are the the many small streams and shouting charm that in such a small metropolis there could be
found monuments of such splendor and value
whole. It may be said that in foliage are ingly while splashing the crystal of the water.
dissolved the walls and houses. The trees Notwithstanding they are smaller than the as the Capitol, the State Department, the
Obelisk, the Pan-American Union, the Library
cover with their green color all the perspec children, the birds are little kings as well.
tives. Between the trees the monuments dis of Congress, and others. Statues are abun
Little kings that are respected not only in
dant. You find them at the corner of almost
close themselves. The trees are found on the air but on the ground. Sparrows I have
any street. Some of them are dedicated to
every hand. They are treated with care-are found even on the sidewalks among the hurry
coaxed , loved in such a manner that to the ing throngs of people, jumping and hopping great civilians, prominent in the history of
about. the United States, but a good many of them,
foreigner at first sight all avenues are but
notwithstanding, were erected to the memory
one-umbrageous, repeated infinitely, all in Let us recognize this : The poetry of the
of soldiers. The soldiers ! When we think
symmetric order. American character is shown in four devo
that they have not lost and will not lose their
Now and then the trees appear as if they tions- to women, to children, to trees, and
had separated themselves from the streets and to birds. These men, whom many people un primacy, even among a people the most indus
trious and peaceful of the earth !
formed a vast mass. They indulge in an ex justly suppose to the rude ; these men , who
tended dialogue and boast of their fortunate make millions ; these men, who maintain the The great monuments, the isolated cyclopic
condition. So it is at Rock Creek, the ample rails through immense deserts ; who build up constructions, do not disharmonize , as it might
park outlined and made possible through the formidable industries, have in their spirit these be supposed, with the general buildings inhab
initiative of Roosevelt. One evening I went four devotions, which honor them vastly and ited by the common people. And such a
there and can synthesize in simple formula the which not a few of us Latins would like to miracle of harmony is due (who doubts it ? )
reiterated impressions that the trees of the have for the better honor and embellishment to the fact, on the one hand, that the best
innumerable woods gave me that were seen of our common existence. portion of the residences are embassies or
in the South while going from New Orleans Washington is quiet and adorable, as an belong to potentates of power and of money.
to Washington and which were like the trees adorable and quiet provincial city. It gives us and the remainder dissemble their modesty
of this very city. And the formula is this P confidence. It gives us a pleasant sedative. by the abundance of foliage and also ( how
the uniform soft green. Do not search here If it were not for the official elegance ruling could I say it ?) to a general comfort and col
in springtime for the plentifulness, the rich here, we should imagine that unexpectedly lective accommodation reflected even in the
ness, the joyfulness of the different tints of from one of these houses, pleasingly shaded careful cleaning of the streets and in their
green that are seen in Mexico . It is a tender by the trees, would emerge a gentleman in perfect pavementation . During the daytime
green, transparent, one that extends and pro shirtwaist and slippers. It can be assured that the animation , without being excessive , seems ,
longs and that at first sight seduces like the here the Yankee character, according to the without being hyperesthetic , let us say not per
eyes of the Naiads of which Bergner tells us illustrations thereof commonly known, is not ceptible but almost extreme. For you have
-that unforgettable poet- in the years of his to be found. The ostentatious life of bustle to remember that in this place, where so many
adolescence. At the end it brings a sort of and noise is not apparent in Washington, in sinners' feet stand, resides one of the strongest
fatigue, by reason of the intensity and uni any portion of the city. There are no forty and most powerful governments of the earth,

most stupendous impression that can be felt

not counting the now disintegrated and chaotic trated on the spacious and attractive Pennsyl
of the means there taken for the elevation of
Russia, and counting even England with the vania Avenue, at the restaurants, in the
cinematographs and theaters, and above all in human genius in the effort to give knowledge
vast dominion of her colonies.
and intelligence by perfect mechanical means,
At the doors of the ministries, around the the hotels.
"The hotels of the United States," a friend I traversed the great walk that extends in
White House, at the embassies, a multitude
has told me who is connected with the Mexi front of the Capitol. It was a Sunday and
of people pass constantly. I think of the in
can Embassy, "are centers of sociability as every rumor had ceased in the city. The mar
numerable telegraph wires vibrating every mo ble giant was asleep. There it was, immensely
ment with the voice of Washin gton. I think well as of business-places of amusement and
white in the blue night, erected in the midst
of the number of fates, fortunes, adversities of rest." And this I confirm, going and com
of circuits of light spread into torrents by the
and enterprises which are settled here. I ing out by the spacious halls of the renowned
New Willard, or by the not less splendid electric globes. Its arrogant dome broke the
think of this great country that, not counting
Raleigh. A crowd, still more compact than sky. The gallant colonnades of the lateral
the prodigious historic casualt ies, owes its
the one that I saw in the New Orleans hotels pavilions were obscured by the distance . It
greatness to its not less prodigious spirit of
on my way here , is always found therein. You gave me, in the enormousness of the monu
organization and discipline, and to some sort
feel the vertigo of the elevators . You listen ment, the painful consciousness of my own
of formidable yet docile energy in reference
ns their instruments. Beau insignificance. Suddenly my spirit went out
to the national future and the inspiration of to the musicia with
tiful and elegantly clad women pass in and out of me and instinctively I raised myself to that
the guiding power that resides in the Garden
hastily. No dining room is empty. Numbers manner of contemplation in which the abstract
City. thought is higher than the great things-up to
I must say, and all Mexicans must know, of gentlemen, sitting down or standing, talk
or smoke. There is dancing in the different the very highest. The fate of war was tortur
that here on United States territory such is
nt parlors. For you must know that dancing here ing me of the present war, that is. Nothing
the general sentime of a moral uplift on less than the moral breakdown of a civiliza
account of the war that every citizen works is a daily practice-it is something like an
institution . Even the patriotic airs, including tion, which built up all the ideals here ; of the
for his country-from the poor newsboy who
"Joan of Arc," "Over There," etc., can be present war, where two principles fight, of
only in the hours left free from school pur which one or the other shall decide the desti
sues his modest task, and from his minute danced ! And little old men I have seen, with
white hair, with many years over their heads, nies of the world.
earnings invests no small portion in buying
who in dancing can compete with any fifteen And the dome of the Capitol, in the peaceful
War Savings Stamps which represent a loan
June night, stood like a fantastic interrogation !
from him to the Government, to the great year-old boy.
Living, even as a temporary sojourner, in -CARLOS GONZALES PEÑA.
industrials and magnates of wealth ; to the
small farmers and merchants, who for instance one of these caravansaries, you feel the sensa
as in New Orleans increased the potato pro tion of the perpetual jollity. Where is the
war ? we ask ourselves. Where is the war?
duction, raising it fifty per cent, and then had Development of Petroleum
to increase, with personal loss to themselves, Suddenly in a hall we lift up our eyes. We
It has just been announced that the New
the standard price to the producers on these see a flag-an immense flag-striped with red
Zealand Government has paid one company the
goods, so necessary for food for the army. on a white background, over which are at
tached innumerable blue stars. "The war is sum of $48,665 for the production of the first
But let us continue the interrupted thread
there," we answer to ourselves. Each of these million gallons of petroleum, and was pre
of our thought. The noise and bustle increase
in the city at noon-the lunch time-and at stars represents a man, an employe or servant pared to assist further in the development of
six o'clock in the evening, the end of all labor of the hotel , who has marched to the battle the oil fields of this Dominion .
It has been estimated that one field on the
though not of trouble. Then the spring-like field. west coast of the South Island contains not
avenues are full of people. In the gardens Meanwhile those who stay here await their
and parks these are surely the wives of am turn quietly, and meanwhile they enjoy them less than 38,000,000 gallons of crude petroleum
bassadors or of their first secretaries, with selves. Not even in this beautiful city, nor in that might be extracted from the shale of that
any of the other places which I have visited, part of the country.
such haughty air! They are the stenographer Indications make it clear that there are other
or typewriter, smiling and coquettish ; the does the thought of sacrifice and of death
perturb for a momen t the suprem e harmon y deposits that have not yet been investigated to
clerk-the drygoods- store clerk ; the employes,
of life. any great extent, and the Government proposes
who pass by in a haste when the sun is hot,
quietly and peacefully when the shades of eve Coming out one night from the famous to assist in this as soon as conditions become
Congressional Library, in which I received the normal -Consular Reports.
ning fall. At these last hours life is concen

‫זווד‬ ‫עור‬ Tu Ke T

cent school structure of which an illustration under the administration of Secretary of State
A Splendid Specimen of is given in this issue of THE REVIEW. This is Berlanga. Despite the straitened financial
Berlanga. Despite
School Architecture known as the "Constitution School" and is condition of the Government, the edifice was
well built of stone. It covers a superficial area completed and on Independence Day ( Septem
City of Guadalajara Opens Magnificent of 4660 square meters and is provided with ber 16th ) was formally dedicated to public use
Structure for Public Education with appropriate ceremonies .
all modern educational as well as sanitary ap
pliances . The corner stone was laid in Sep A glance at the illustration demonstrates
HERE was recently opened with appro that this building is one of which any city in
priate ceremonies in the city of Guadala tember, 1914, by General Manuel Dieguez, but
TH the world might well be proud.
jara, capital of the State of Jalisco, a magnifi active construction dates from October, 1916,

HOW MEXICO IS PROGRESSING men under General Lopez de Lara to suppress found necessary to obtain additional passen
the banditry in the petroleum region . The ger coaches to accommodate it. Director Gen
(Continued from page 36)
first advance was made against the "Juan eral Pescador is taking steps to secure forty
from Guadalajara, capital of the State of cars from the United States, for which advan
Casiano" well, producing 250,000 barrels of
Jalisco, to Chamela, a port on the Pacific coast, tageous offers have been made. Two more
has been resumed with activity, work having oil daily, and which is the largest in the world.
This was taken possession of without difficulty, Pullmans of the "observation" type have been
been suspended for several months. It is in secured and will soon be put into service.
tended to push it to early completion, thereby and the Government troops next moved to
ward the "Potrero del Llano" well, with a
opening a rich agricultural and mineral region
to better development. capacity of 130,000 barrels daily. This was
also recovered without difficulty. The " Cerro
Azul," with a capacity of 110,000 barrels , was Food Send to Mexico
Modern Agricultural Machinery
the next objective point, and this, like the The following reports show the amount of
Secretary Pastor Rouaix, of the Department
others, was taken possession of without trou corn and other food products sent from the
of Agriculture and Development, has organized
ble of a serious character. After this Palaez, United States into Mexico during the periods.
a new bureau for the especial purpose of
the bandit leader, retired to "Las Amarillas," specified :
supplying the farmers of the Republic with
a region where there are a few small wells
agricultural machinery of the most modern Domestic Exports for Mexico
and where it was announced he would make
pattern at cost in order to avoid speculation August 1 , 10, 1918 .
a last and determined stand. It was given out Barley. bus. 51
and the heavy expense of importation which that he had six thousand men well armed, two Bran & Middlings . • ton 15
formerly prevailed and which caused such ar Bread & Biscuit . • lbs. 2,171
batteries of cannon and thirty machine guns, Corn ..... bus. 92,146
ticles to be very scarce. Besides providing Cornmeal . bbls. 865
with fortifications therefor. The Federal Oats .. bus. 4.074
machinery at cost, permanent exhibitions are Oatmeal . • • lbs. 3,729
troops advanced with care, but found that Rice .. lbs. 9,357
to be maintained for the purpose of instruct Palaez had only a few hundred poorly organ Wheat Flour. • bbls. 382
ing the farmers in the use of the new devices, Cocoa & Chocolate .. • • Value 3,943
ized men, with neither cannon nor machine Coffee, Green .. • lbs. 330
as also to demonstrate the results of such Coffee, Prepared.. lbs. 3,348
guns, and that the fortifications consisted of Cod . Haddock, Etc... lbs. 3,816
application. During his recent visit to the - Herring, Dried, all other. 4 lbs. 3,600
a trench less than two feet deep and two hun Salmon Canned . • Iba. 748
United States, Secretary Rouaix purchased a dred yards in length . In two hours the entire Dried Apples . • lbs. 1.460
large quantity of the desired apparatus, and Apricots.. lbs. 275.
force was put to flight and Palaez, who was Cattle . ་ no. 26.
it will be ready for distribution early in Nov Horses .. no. 1
wounded, took refuge on a small sail boat and Fresh Fish .. lbs. 4
ember. Various points have been selected for went to New Orleans for treatment. After Peaches, Dried . • • lbs. 976
the purpose and competent persons will be Prunes, Dried . • Ibs. 9,560
his departure from the country his followers Glucose . lbs. 613
stationed there to give instrustions in their use. broke up into small bands, and not a single Hay . • · ► tons 121
Motors, tractors and artesian well tools will Canned Beef • • • lbs. 2,848
well now remains in their power. Trains are Fresh Beef... lbs. 940.
be provided, as also all the machinery for Pickled Beef.. · C lbs. 72
now operating regularly between Tampico and Oleomargarine . • a Ibs. 200
plowing, planting, cultivating, harvesting and San Luis Potosi without escort and in perfect Bacon . • • lbs. 2,988
Hams & Shoulders lbs.. lbs. 6,886
threshing grain and other crops. safety, according to the official quoted in the Lard .. ་ lds. 584,862
Canned Pork . lbs. 42
foregoing. Fresh Pork ……. lbs 51
Steamship Service to be Augmented Lard Compound ► ► • lbs. 123,838 .
Mutton ... • · lbs. 4
The mercantile and traveling public has been Sausage, Total.. • • lbs. 11.375
Moss as a Substitute for Absorbent Cotton Butter . • • lbs. 7,174
gratified to learn that within a short time the lbs. 17,027
Cheese . · •
steamship service to gulf ports will be greatly The Director of Biological Investigation of Condense,dMilk 2 lbs. 125,770
Lard Oil.. gal. 300
increased. In addition to the two vessels the Department of Agriculture and Develop All other animal oil .. · ► gal. 2,507
operated by the principal line connecting with ment has received a number of communica Linseed Oil . gal. 2.436.
All other vegetable oil . D gal . 383
New York, six others are to be put on the tions from the State of Puebla regarding the Molasses . gal . 2
feasibility of exploiting a species of tree moss Sirup . · gal. 3.
route between Progreso, Vera Cruz, Tampico, Refined Sugar. • lbs. 26,647
Havana and New York. In various American that is found in abundance in that region and Beans & Dried Peas . • • bus. 5,353
Onions . + bus. 1,345
ports there are several thousand tons of freight from which a product is made that takes the Potatoes .. bus. 9,409
Canned Vetetables . • Value 3,029
destined to Mexico that had accumulated dur place of absorbent cotton, now so largely used
ing the embargo but which have been released in the European war for the treatment of the
wounded. Moss of a similar variety is now Report of Commodities going Freely to Mexico August
and will now be forwarded to its destination. 1st. to 31st inclusive.
Return cargoes of henequen and other Mexi used to the extent of upward of four million STATE LARD MILK PORK CORN
can products are promised to be abundant. treatments each month, and it is believed that (Pounds) (Pounds) (Pounds) (Bushels)
the local product can be utilized to great ad Mexican Food Commission , Mexico City, · • 200,000
vantage. Constitutionalist Rys. of Mexico , N, Laredo, Tams. 10,000
Will Export Fifty Thousand Tons of Aguascalientes . 6,320 .
Cotton Campeche. ▼
Chiapas. • ·• 94 •
Announcement is made in the Mexico City From Chicago to Tampico by Auto Chihuahua .. 475,120 34,845 68,907 149,990
Coahuila . · A 4 1,924,670 38,530 9,680 186,839
daily press that under permission granted by There recently passed through the city of Colima. 4 240 104 600
the Treasury Department some 50,000 bales of Durango. 78,200 • > MA 20,800 ·
Monterrey, capital of the State of Nuevo Federal District 3,495,245 258,246 67,611 131,233
cotton will be exported from this country to Leon, a party of three prominent oil promoters Guanajuato .. · • 15,000
Guerrero . • + C • 210 • ❤ •
the United States, Japan and South America, who had made the entire journey to that point Hidalgo . • · 14,800 • • 1.120
where advantageous contracts have been made Jalisco . • 35,000 27,750 64 5,000
from Chicago in an automobile. The recorded LowerCalifornia 21,500 6,977 133 703
therefor. The price in this country is $32 distance traversed was 2200 miles and the time Mexcio ... • 2,000 .
Michoacan . ❤ • 60,000 9,800
gold per 100 pounds, while in the foreign consumed was three weeks. They only trav Morelos . .
market it is worth four or five dollars more. Nuevo Leon . • 1 2,026,150 154.600 42.889 126,900
eled by day and frequently made extended Oaxaca . → 1,300 16,788 4.790
stops for rest and recreation. They met with Puebla . 99,400 10,000
Queretaro . 4
In the Tampico Oil Region no obstruction or delay after entering Mexico Quintana Roo . 8,620 2,525 125
San Luis Potosi 570,000 27 10,009 115,464
One of the chiefs of brigade under General and expected to reach Tampico within two Sinaloa... 75,188 26,608 12,731
Sonora . 1 · • • 1,328,710 943,542 58,000 2,680
Lopez de Lara, who has been in charge of the days after passing through Monterrey. Tabasco ... " 7.480 16,355 140 ** · •
campaign against Palaez in the Tampico-Vera Tamaulipas . • 1,260,010 277,045 70,470 127,603
Tepic .. 3,000
Cruz petroleum region, has made the follow Tlaxcala . • • .. • •
To Buy More Passenger Cars Vera Cruz . 1,582,665 606,022 112,594 67,935
ing statement in the press of Mexico City : Yucatan. 79
It is now nearly three months since the Gov Owing to the increase of traffic between Zacatecas... 40,000 3.400
ernment dispatched a force of four thousand Mexico City and border points, it has been 13,104,058 2,403,310 453,341 1,193,387

being given in the public schools in such mat etc. , in Mexico , for the purpose of enlightening
ters. An arbor day was recently celebrated, the American public as to actual conditions in
during which a large number of trees were the neighboring Republic and removing many
LATE NEWS BREVITIES planted by the pupils. A rural school has also of the widely held misapprehensions in rela
been established at the Hacienda Rosales, tion thereto .
where permanent classes will be maintained in The Department of Labor under control of
agriculture . the Secretary of Industry and Commerce has
The Department of Industry and Commerce A movement is under way to export paper prepared and will present to the National Con
has prepared an alphabetical index of all the pulp from British Columbia to Mexico for the gress laws regarding compensation for acci
industries actually in operation in the Federal use of the three paper factories located there. dents , the formation of unions and mutual
District. This is the result of careful and A Norwegian steamship company has been associations , social reforms, weekly rest of one
minute investigation , and great pains has been engaged to handle the product. day, strikes, contracts of labor, etc. The pro
taken to make it accurate and complete. It is Permission has been given to export ten posed laws are all favorable to the interests
the work of special inspectors appointed by the thousand bales of cotton to Spain, on condition of the working people and have been drawn
Department. It is divided into four sections, that the exporters pay an impost of ten cents up after careful study and discussion with the
as follows : Food, textiles, metals, and diverse per kilo, instead of the regular rate of three parties interested .
industries. It will shortly be issued for public cents. General Plutarco Elias Calles, Constitutional
distribution . Governor of the State of Sonora, who was
The city officials of Vera Cruz are taking
Under instructions of the Department of steps to secure title to the extensive areas that some time since granted leave of absence from
Agriculture special agents have been appointed have recently been reclaimed from overflow his civil post in order to lead the campaign
in various portions of the Republic for the in that port, with the design to subdivide them for the pacification of the "Broncho" Yaquis .
purpose of stimulating the cultivation of idle among the poor classes for purposes of habita has now resumed his position at the head of
lands and introducing modern methods of tion. the State Government. The rebellious Indians
agriculture. It is intended to extend this work . have been subdued and allotted lands, and it
Several of the large smelting companies
to all portions of the country as rapidly as is not believed there will be much further
possible. operating in Mexico have petitioned the Sec trouble on this account.
retary of the Treasury for permission to im
In order to protect the pearl fisheries of the port ores of various kinds from Central and Many thousands of acres of level lands in
Gulf of California it has been determined to South America in order to refine them, in the the State of Vera Cruz are being cultivated
divide the entire region where such deposits absence of the necessary plants for such pur by the use of modern tractors . Five of these
exist into two zones, which will be worked poses at the places of production. It is asked machines were at first used, and it was found
at intervals of two years respectively, thus that the ores so treated be exported free of that they could make three round trips daily
preventing the exhaustion of the oysters which duty. The matter is now under consideration , over a strip sixteen kilometers in length-over
is threatened under indiscriminate exploitation . with the prospect that the request will be nine miles. As a result twenty-five additional
The eighth anniversary of the foundation of granted . tractors have been ordered and a very exten
the National University was celebrated with The jitney service has proved so successful sive area will be planted in cereals.
appropriate ceremonies on Sunday, September in Mexico City, where many hundreds of such Extensive works are in progress for the
22d. vehicles are operated greatly to the accommo improvement of the vicinity of Tampico by
Concessions to exploit petroleum measures dation of the public, that it is being extended filling in large areas of swamp and overflowed
beneath the waters of bays and rivers and to other centers of population. The city of land adjacent to the city and devoting the re
along the maritime zone belonging to the gov San Luis Potosi is to have such an innovation, claimed tracts to residential and commercial
ernment have been nullified until the proper which will connect it with many outlying sub purposes. This improvement will also add to
steps can be taken by the government for the urbs with which communication at present is the salubrity of the place, the swamp lands
regulation of such matters. difficult. having been conducive to malarial and other
Reports from the State of Chihuahua are fevers.
The work of dredging the harbor at Puerto
that the crops of corn and beans in that sec Mexico, under the direction of the Department A petition has been presented to the Depart
tion are abundant and prices are correspond of Communications and Public Works, has ment of Communications and Public Works
ingly low. been completed and the machinery has been for permission to construct a line of railway
It is stated that the heavy demand for hene removed to Frontera, in the State of Tabasco , from the city of Campeche, capital of the
quen has caused an increase in the price of where similar improvement will be carried out. State of the same name, into the interior in
that fiber on the west coast, due to its use All the ports on both coasts are being bene order to provide a region known as "Los
in the explosive factories in the United States fited in like manner as rapidly as the necessary Chines" with transportation. This region is
and in Europe in place of cotton, the price of machinery can be utilized. populated by an indigenous tribe which is very
which is higher than for many years. Large The Mexican Railway has sent 140 cars to industrious and peaceable, but which has been
quantities of the fiber are being exported. Salina Cruz, on the West Coast, to transport retarded by lack of communication.
A permanent biological exhibition has been a large amount of sugar that has arrived at The establishment of a series of agricultural
opened in the city of Mexico under the direc that port from Peru to other portions of the colonies has been undertaken in the State of
tion of Professor Alfonso Herrera, who has Republic where it is needed. Two vessels are Nayarit ( formerly Tepic) under the auspices
charge of biological investigation under the also due to arrive from Japan with similar of the Department of Agriculture. Irrigation
National Government. The pupils of the pub cargoes. canals and dikes will be constructed and the
lic schools will be afforded opportunities to Specimens of bread made from flour pro settlers will be aided in every way to make
study plant and animal life through the me duced from the nopal cactus have been sub their holdings productive .
dium of this institution. mitted to the National Board of Health for Permission has been asked by the Southern
Announcement is made that train service test in order to determine its suitability as food Pacific Railway of Mexico for the construction
between Mexico City and the city of CuernaNE for human beings. The novel product is said of a branch from some point on the main line
vaca, capital of the State of Morelos , will be to be appetizing in appearance and taste, and of that road in Arizona to the vicinity of
regularly resumed . The Federal forces are in as there is an unlimited supply of the fruit Lechnel, Sonora, in order to aid in the de
permanent occupancy of the city, and General available the originators of the new article velopment of the mineral and agricultural re
Fortunato Zuazua has been appointed Pro of food are hopeful of its introduction upon sources of that region .
visional Governor of the State. a large scale. The National Agrarian Commission has or
A plan is under way for the inauguration of A corps of four hundred mounted police dered the restoration of several pueblos or
local expositions of the varied products of the has been organized and will be detailed for community lands in the States of Vera Cruz
country, whether natural or artificial, and the the purpose of guarding the outstkirts of the and Sinaloa.
first one was opened on September 15th at city, especially at night. The rapid growth of General Francisco Murguia, the military
Tehuacan, State of Puebla. the suburbs in various directions has made it commander in the State of Chihuahua, having
necessary to afford other protection than is met with great success in the establishment
In compliance with a recent decree of the
President of the Republic, a course of study possible by the usual police in the more of a colony for small farmers from among
sparsely settled suburbs. his forces in the vicinity of Chihuahua City,
in agricultural mechanics has been inaugurated
in the Agricultural School in this city. Prac The route of the Ward Line steamers con has now undertaken to establish one at La
tical as well as theoretical instruction will be necting various Mexican ports with New York guna, on the line to Juarez, and will also
given in the most modern agricultural methods, has been changed . Vessels now touch first at establish others as the occasion permits . The
while shops and machinery will be provided Vera Cruz, thence going to Tampico , thence best results in the maintenance of peace and
for the purpose , to Galveston, thence to Havana, thence to the prevention of banditry are expected to
Progreso, Yucatan, and thence directly to New follow this movement .
It is proposed to establish a wireless tele York. Formerly the steamers called at Pro The National Board of Health has issued
graph station at La Paz, Lower California , greso first, then Vera Cruz, then Tampico, instructions that in all restaurants, hotels , etc.,
owing to the difficulties in the way of the after which they returned to Vera Cruz,
transmission of important news and commer where sugar is served for the use of custom
Progreso, Havana and New York. ers, it must be kept in receptacles which close
cial messages in any other manner. A movement has been inaugurated for send automatically, or in those so constructed that
Under the management of an agent of the ing to the United States films representing the contents cannot be contaminated by flies.
Department of Agriculture instructions are various scenes, industrial, educational, social, In no case must it be exposed to the air.

Wilson Through Mexican Eyes

A Visiting Newspaper Man Gives His Impressions
of the Great War President

(The following description of an interview with mighty ship of state, carrying thousands upon
President Wilson was written by J. de J. Nunezy The Governor of the State of Queretaro has
Dominguez, in Excelsior, a newspaper published in thousands of free citizens. taken steps for the establishment of a school
Mexico City. The interview described is presumably of arts and sciences in the capital city of that
that in which President Wilson made his famous Now the President is speaking, and our
speech to the Mexican editors proposing a new doc commonwealth for the benefit of the working
trine of Inter-Americanism to take the place of the spirits strain with attention, like tense cords people of both sexes.
Monroe Doctrine. The article is interesting not only on which the slightest breath might play. His
because of the impressive picture it paints of the A Congress of the Owners of Petroleum
President in these war days, but because it is written voice is clear and firm, the voice of a man Lands throughout the Republic was recently
by a neutral, and especially by a Mexican. ) accustomed to face audiences of free voters. organized in Mexico City, and has held sev
His manner and accent are moderate at first. eral sessions. Many millions of dollars are
N aide-de-camp points out to us with
Finger and thumb pressed together seem represented in the new society.
quiet but friendly gesture the places
meant to add emphasis, to underscore, as it The Legislature of the State of Jalisco has
Α we are to occupy in order to have our authorized the construction of a railway line
interview with President Wilson. We are in were, his opening sentences. Then his voice connecting Guadalajara with the famous Falls
the "Blue Room" of the White House, where becomes vibrant and individual. It warms of Juanacatlan, in order to make that resort
we have arrived after passing through the especially as he begins to speak of those high more accessible to the common people.
lawns which lie between the street and the ideals which are his special doctrine. His The period for the importation of articles
presidential dwelling. It is a severe room. right arm is lifted apostolically, and his hand of food free of tariff has been extended until
Almost down to the floor the walls are painted opens as he dwells on the liberation of peo the 31st of December of the present year.
ples and the rights of humanity. Turning The articles so exempted include : Lard, sugar,
a dark blue, made darker by the heavy cur rice, potatoes, corn, wheat, barley, garbanzo,
tains which hang at the windows. Two then to words of welcome for us and of good lentils, beans, oats and flour of all classes.
chandeliers, suspended from the ceiling, flaunt wishes, a smile plays over his face. The commission appointed by President
their prismatic crystals in the afternoon glow. There were moments while he was speaking Carranza to inquire into and determine the
We are silent, expectant . Running my eyes when, good college man that I am, I fancied claims for damages on account of the Revo
over the faces of my companions , I see signs myself a student on a recitation bench in lution has established its headquarters in the
of emotion. In their countenances I can trace Central Bank Building, in Mexico City, and
Princeton University, faced by a wise and will receive all such claims and adjudicate
the nervous tension ; their eyes are fixed . It genial professor. It was as though the Presi them .
is a solemn moment. dent were speaking in some sacred hall of Professor Agustin Boone, of the Educa
There is a stir among the attendants. Ready learning, which gave all the more weight to tional Department of the State of Coahuila,
hands sweep back the curtains, and framed in those wise words which make him a preacher announces that there have been established
the luminous square of the door stands Mr. of progress. Then when I came to him in schools in every village and hamlet or haci
Wilson. A hearty round of applause greets enda where there are fifteen or more children,
line, to take his hand, when I heard from his and the claim is made that under the stimulus
him, and the great man smiles. Then, while lips the courteous words, "I am very glad to given to such matters by Governor Mireles,
one of our number makes a brief address, I know you !" I pressed with genuine reverence of Coahuila, that State outranks all others in
look him over at my leisure. There are the those fingers which were created to transcribe the Republic in the number of schools of all
eye-glasses , the same I have seen pictured a grades.
words of incalculable significance for the
thousand times ; that thin face is the one which world. A contract has recently been closed between
the Rosita Coal Mining Company, in the State
photographs and engravings have carried to And with the emotion of that moment still of Coahuila, and Governor Espinosa Mireles ,
the ends of the earth ; from that mouth, with upon me, when my good star brought me into for the employment of a large force of men
its strong-looking teeth, has gone forth the the presence of one of the leading men of at a minimum wage of $1.50 per day national
new evangel of the nations. these stupendous times, I have hastened to set gold, which is a considerable increase over the
The President listens attentively. His hair, average heretofore. A newly organized for
down these lines that I might imprison in them eign company will open new coal mines upon
though gray, is not yet white. His clean one of the most indelible recollections of my an extensive scale in the same State, and will
shaven, angular face reveals by its clear skin. life as a journalist. employ upward of six thousand men.
and high color perfect physical condition , and An offer has been received by the Govern
his form, neither short nor tall- short rather ment from a well-known impresario to com
than tall-is erect and firm. He is dressed plete the National Theater at his own expense
simply, in summer wear, a blue serge sack New Mining Claims Filed in return for a concession for the exclusive
During the month from January 17 to Feb use of the building for theatrical purposes for
coat, from the left lapel of which a small two years after completion. He offers to de
chain descends into the outside pocket, white ruary 17, the Department of the Treasury
forfeited 228 mining claims for failure to posit a guaranty fund of $400,000 that the
trousers and white low shoes. As he turns comply with the laws governing such matters. work will be done in accordance with the plans
toward the speaker his characteristic glasses In the same period the Secretary of Industry of the original architect. The structure has
been under way for some twenty years. (
and his thoughtful head are lighted up by rays and Commerce granted 52 new claims, the
from without which glitter fascinatingly upon greater portion being in the State of Sonora, A special commission from the Department
while Nuevo Leon, Chihuahua, San Luis of Fomento was dispatched some time ago to
the marble columns behind him. Potosi and Sinaloa came next in order. The investigate certain land grants in the State of
The thing that chiefly impresses me is his claims covered a wide range of minerals, in Yucatan and the Territory of Quintana Roo ,
democratic simplicity ; it promptly puts at their cluding : Gold, 1 ; silver, 1 ; copper, 7 ; anti the holders of which had not in any manner
ease even those who, like ourselves, have come mony, 1 ; gold and silver, 13 ; gold, silver and complied with the terms of their concessions
lead, 3 ; gold, silver and copper, 6 ; gold, silver, as to improvement, settlement, cultivation, etc.
from distant and foreign lands thus into his copper and lead, 1 ; silver, copper and iron, 1 ; As a result of the investigation a total of
presence. This First Citizen of the United silver, copper, lead and zinc, 1 ; lead and zinc, 1,765,000 acres of land has been returned to
States is in appearance merely a reputable 1 ; lead, copper and zinc, 1 ; molybdenum , 1 ; the Government, and it will now be surveyed
lead and zinc, with traces of silver, 2. and allotted to those who will make use
inhabitant of any one of the country's cities,
Colonel Alberto Salinas, the chief of the thereof.
a circumstance which at once gets in motion
Department of Aviation, has commenced the Governor Espinosa Mireles , of the State of
a wholesome train of thought. One reflects manufacture of armored aeroplanes in the Coahuila, has issued instructions to all mu-
that, after all, a government of the people by well equipped shops of that branch of the nicipal authorities under his jurisdiction to
the people has no need of pedigreed beings service. Various improvements have been organize Agricultural Commissions in their
after the manner of princes, but simply of adopted which have been invented by Mexican respective localities for the purpose of carry
mechanics, and it is believed the new machines ing out the necessary measures for the stimu
plain men like this, who, for all of his mod will equal anything in the world if not surhandy lation of all forms of agriculture and horti
esty, is guiding over the sea of politics a pass them. culture.

the peones had any money saved up, or more

Some Mexican Reminicences than a day's supply of food in their cabins,
while those who had been eating at the board
Where the Cost of Living Was Far From High-Dried Oysters— ing house had their supplies cut off at once.
There were four windows to the room
Tourists Who Ordered Some Fried Babies
wherein we Americans ate, and at meal time
each window was packed with hungry-eyed
IN THE course of my travels in Mexico had to eat, while payment was absolutely re natives , gazing at each mouthful we swal
I enjoyed many interesting experiences, fused. I have had families insist upon giving
I' showing the kindly and courteous character lowed as if they were starving-which they
up their sleeping apartment, the only one they probably were. For one, I know that I felt
of the natives. For example : One cold, rainy had, for my accommodation, and have had guilty to be sitting there eating in the pres
day in December my exceptionally stupid mozo courtesy of every kind bestowed upon me ence of so much hunger. Finally, we con
lost his way-we were following some little freely and gladly. I always found some way cluded that all the food put on the table was
used trails along the mountain ridges of the of recompensing my free-hearted hosts, either our own property to do with as we pleased,
western slope of the Sierra Madre, having with gifts of coffee, most highly prized indeed and we began passing out bread, meat and
been driven from the regular route in a canyon by them, or with presents of coin to the chil what not, leaving the dishes bare to a crumb.
by high water. 1 At last the trails, which were dren or the women folks . In the more remote The Chinaman found this out after a while,
mere cattle tracks, gave out, and Hilario, the regions of the mountains coffee is indeed a and arming himself with a club, chased the
mozo, was obliged to confess himself lost. We luxury to the natives, both from its high price peones away time and again, but was never
were away up on a narrow, rocky ridge, the and from the difficulty of obtaining it. Al able to stop the practice . He was afraid to
rain coming down in torrents, and I had no ways when camping near a native's house, I say anything to us, as we were his best-paying
protection except a heavy Durango blanket would make a big pot of coffee and invite customers, and as soon as he had given over
wrapped around the body. The obvious thing the men to sit by the fire and share in the chasing the poor devils away we would again
to do was to get down off the mountain top beverage. Then the coffee was passed along pass out the food. Often while he was chas
into some canyon as soon as possible, and this to the women and children, and we would ing one gang away another would run to the
we did, sliding and slipping and jumping our hear them far into the night enjoying them window, grab what we held out, and then hike
animals over places which seemed impassable, selves over it, adding hot water from time for the brush, devouring the food like wild
but which perforce had to be negotiated. Fi to time until the last drop of the essence of animals. Happily the shut down did not last
nally, we struck a dim trail and late in the the berry had been extracted and but a mere long, much to our relief, for hungry men,
afternoon picked up a peon who offered to flavor of coffee remained. The coffee pot was women and children are not at all conducive
guide us to a ranch. always a sure passport to the good graces of to one's own appetite.
We reached the place about dark, as lonely these people, and they tried in every way to I afterwards learned that this Chinaman was
and forbidding a spot as one ever saw, away show their gratitude for the unusual treat. conducting a sort of school for his fellow
down deep in a narrow canyon, with just An odd experience in another direction was countrymen, instructing them in the proper
enough space to accommodate a small adobe in connection with the Chinese proprietor of a answers to the questions that were apt to be
house and a corral for animals. There were sort of restaurant operated for the employes propounded by the immigration inspectors in
several men and women there-afterwards I of a coal-mining camp in the State of Coa the States . After graduation from this school ,
learned that it was a notorious resort for huila. The company with which I was then the candidate would, upon advance payment
bandidos and "sin verguenzas" of that ilk, and connected had taken a contract to construct of $400 , be put across the Rio Grande River
when I afterwards told people that I had a new railroad bridge across a river close to some dark night. There was a constant suc
passed a night at Las Ventanas, they were the mine, and I went in advance to see what cession of strange Chinese coming and going
amazed and could scarcely credit it. However, arrangements could be made with regard to from this place, and some one certainly reaped
nothing transpired during our stay to show food for the five or six Americans who were a good harvest from the per capita. [ At the
this, and we were treated by all with great to have charge of the work, the rank and file present time the rate is from $1500 to $2000
consideration. I asked the woman who ap of the employes being Mexicans. I found that per head. ]
parently headed the household if we could get the only place where food could be obtained I was present at one meal when I most
something to eat, and some feed for our mules. was the mine boarding house, and accordingly emphatically refused to partake of the prof
She said yes, and before long a good meal addressed myself to the proprietor, a jolly, fered viands . I had gone out along the line
for all three of us was ready, consisting of good-natured Mongolian who spoke a little of the railroad to inspect progress on a bridge
fresh eggs (three for each person ) , tortillas , English. When I asked him if he could board being put in in a remote spot, and had taken
frijoles, cheese of the country and coffee a half-dozen Americans he said : "Yes , but I a light lunch with me. At noon the native
the latter supplied by ourselves . Our mules think you not like it . This glub here pletty workmen built a fire and were soon busy
were also fed, and we passed the night on cots damn bum . This glub only for peones." I cooking something, what I did not exactly
furnished by the landlady, in the portal of the asked him how much he charged per month make out. If there had been water near by,
house, the mozo keeping a fire going all night, and he replied that his price was $20 Mex ., I would have thought they had caught some
as it was quite cold and damp. In the morn $10 gold ! Naturally, one could not expect large fish and were frying it after cutting it
ing we took merely a cup of coffee, as we much for such a price, so I asked him if he into pieces . When the cooking was finished
desired to make an early start, and getting an could not arrange to give us better food than I was asked if I would partake. "What is
early breakfast not being one of the usual that supplied the miners, telling him we were it ?" I asked. "Vivaro de kaskabel- nada
habits in this country. When ready to leave willing to pay what it was worth. He asked : mas," was the reply. But inasmuch as my
I asked the landlady how much I owed her. "How much you pay ? You pay $30 month ?" education in the gastatory line had failed to
After hesitating a moment, as if in fear of I told him yes, we were willing to pay so include rattlesnake chops in the bill of fare,
making an overcharge, she replied in a diffi much as that—$15 gold per month ! For this I begged to be excused. But the peones did
dent manner : "Quince centavos , Señor" (fif large sum he agreed to provide a separate not leave a morsel of the delectable mess.
teen cents Mexican, or 7½ cents gold ) . I room for us, to give us chicken three times a Truth to tell, however, the meat was white
handed her a 50-cent piece, which threw her week at least, with turkey on Sunday ; to give and far from unappetizing in appearance, but
into a panic. She had no change ; there was us pie twice a day (think of it-twice a day ! ) , no snake in mine, if you please, no matter
no money in the house ; could I not give her and he even served it for breakfast several how hungry I. might be. Over 釁 on the west
the exact amount? I told her there was no times when asked, and to supply plenty of coast the natives eat the iguana, a great lizard
change needed, and we departed followed by fresh vegetables and fruit. So the bargain of most repulsive appearance. The flesh, how
a volley of "Mil graciases !" and "Adioses !" was made and for five or six months we ate ever, like that of the rattlesnake, is white and
More than once I was accommodated by the "pletty damn bum glub." Then came a not at all unappetizing in appearance . A
natives in lonely places with the best they had shut-down of the mine. Of course, none of friend of mine stopped at a native hut one

to the island. We found it nothing but a solid pect to find such conveniences , not to say
day and asked for something to eat. It being
bed of oyster shells and live oysters, and as necessities. It is a trifling disconcerting to sit
the family's meal time, he was handed a dish
down at table and find the food served with
of stew which he soon devoured, finding it the tide was low, had no difficulty in gather
very toothsome and tender. After he had fin ing up several hundred fine, large specimens out these aids to its consumption. However,
in a few minutes. There was some driftwood if the stranger be of an observant turn, he
ished his meal, he asked what he had been
will have long since taken note of the deft
eating, and was told "Carne de iguana." No on the island, and we straightway proceeded
to roast oysters and to open and eat them manner in which the native , using portions of
emetic could have acted quicker than did this
raw until filled to repletion. On a part of the a tortilla in each hand, will convey the food
information , and the traveler passed on, emp
island where some sand and earth had gath to his mouth neatly, cleanly and expeditiously.
tier but wiser, and with a determination never
ered were bushes with limbs that hung in the After a trial or two it will be found compara
again to eat any native dish without inquiring
water at high tide, and these were covered tively easy. Tearing a tortilla into quarters ,
its nature beforehand.
with small oysters which we found of most one piece is folded into a sort of trough be
One of my queerest experiences was down
delicious flavor, but when we subsequently told tween the thumb and forefinger of the left
at Culiacan, on the west coast, the capital city
of finding oysters growing on trees, ready at hand, while with the other portion in the right
of the State of Sinaloa. I am very fond of
hand for gathering , we were met with such hand, the beans or what not are deftly shoved
oysters and fish, and while traveling through
scoffing incredulity that I quit telling about it into the fold, which in turn is conveyed to the
the mountains of Western Durango I had fre
until now. The oysters on the gulf coast and mouth , where as much of the tortilla as con
quently seen fine strings of trout offered on
farther south are very large, fat and white in tains the other food is bitten off with it and
the streets of remote villages at half a cent
color, and as fine as any I ever ate in New masticated. The process is repeated until tor
or a cent each. I was told that when I
reached Culiacan I would find an abundance York years ago . In the towns along the coast tilla and beans are entirely consumed. A few
of salt-water fish and oysters from the Gulf and for miles back within reach of pack trains, experiments in this direction will make one
oysters are sold all the year round, there being an adept at the process , which has its advan
of California, the supply being brought from
no closed season there during the R'less
the port of Altata, about 40 miles from the tages in the way of simplifying the labors of
capital city, which is an inland town . When months, as with us. The average price is two the housewife and reducing the table furniture
I finally reached the place I learned that the for one cent Mex., or one-quarter of a cent
and equipment to a minimum.
each in gold. An expenditure of eight or ten
trains bringing the oysters and fish only came cents thus secures about all an able-bodied Just one little anecdote and I will shut off :
up three times a week, and that if I wished Attention, you prune-joke writers ! Did you
to obtain any of the delicacies I would have man with a good appetite can consume at a
know that there is a country at your very
to be on hand in the market by five in the door where prunes are a luxury, only to be
Speaking of oysters reminds me of a funny
morning, as the demand was so great that indulged in by the well to do ? It is a fact
the supply was always quickly exhausted . As little story of the experience of some Ameri
nevertheless . Down in Mexico City they sell
I did not care to get up so early, on the eve can turistas in the city of Monterrey. There
was quite a party of the strangers, included the smallest dried prunes , small as marbles ,
ning before I gave my mozo 75 cents and on the street at three for a cent ! And no one
in the number being a young lady armed with
explicit directions to take a casuela, or dish, ma
a Spanish-English dictionary, who took upon thinks of using them as they are used through
go to the market early in the morning and
herself the management of affairs . Seeing a out the United States. There is a wealthy
invest the amount in fresh oysters, but as we
sign of "Oysters" in a resaurant window, they railroad corporation in this country which
had no means of opening them, he was to have
concluded they would indulge in a light lunch, once upon a time kept several gangs of Amer
the dealer remove the shells. When I arose
but upon entering the place were disappointed icans in the field, and for convenience boarded
next morning, I asked the moso if he had
to find that the English-speaking attendant them at the corporation's expense . The fore
bought the oysters . "Si, Señor," was the reply.
had just stepped out. "Oh , never mind," said man of one of these gangs sent in his regular
"Where are they ?" "In my maral" (a sort of
saddle bag made of fiber ) . My heart misgave the confident young lady ; "I can manage it . monthly requisition for supplies once upon a
We will have a small fry each. Let's see" time, and included therein what he considered
me at this information , as I did not exactly
(turning the pages of the dictionary. “Um a reasonable amount of prunes, for it is an
see what fresh oysters could be doing in such
a receptacle. I directed the moso to bring me um-small-small-Oh, yes, ' chiquita' ; that means old proverb among frontiersmen, miners and
the oysters , whereupon the intelligent youth small. Now fry-fry- here it is, 'frita.' That's the like that there is no such peace-maker and
drew a dirty paper parcel out of the bag and it-chiquita frita-small fry." So , calling a peace-keeper as regular rations of prunes .
opening it displayed to my astonished vision waiter, with the utmost confidence the young Fact ! But back came a letter from the chief
a couple of hundred dried oysters! They linguist informed him that the party required supply man, asking how many prunes it was
were about the most unappetizing, ill-smelling, a chiquita frita for each. But the waiter customary to allow each man at a meal. The
dirty-looking objects that one can conceive. stared in amazement, not to say horror. "No ,
foreman replied that he put no limit on the
They were not actually dried , but had been no, no !" was all they could understand of the
number, but that each one helped himself to
heavily salted, and then spread in the sun until torrent of Spanish that he poured forth, the as many as he wanted . Then came a circular
most of the moisture was evaporated. Of while he gesticulated violently and seemed
letter to each chief of a gang : "Hereafter, the
course, I could do nothing with the mass, but overcome with wonder or some other feeling.
cook of each gang will serve the prunes in
I learned subsequently that if I had soaked But the young woman persisted that nothing
separate dishes to each man, and under no
them over night, then parboiled them, and but a chiquita frita would do , and so a dead
circumstances shall any man be given more
then cooked them in a soup, I could have lock seemed imminent, when a gentleman at
an adjoining table addressed the party and than three prunes at any one meal." Such a
eaten them. Doubtless after this process they
offered his services in straightening out the notice is surely calculated to make a California
would have been fully as palatable as so many
tangle. Thereupon , he ordered the desired prune grower, glad to get four or five cents
bits of boiled leather.
dishes as requested, but after doing so asked a pound for his fruit, sit up and take notice .
But I was destined not long after to have
a feast of oysters such as had never before the visitors if they knew what they had really "EL GRINGO."
fallen to my lot. Visiting La Prosperidad , told the waiter they wanted . Of course, they
an American colony about 50 miles south of were in blissful ignorance, which changed to
Culiacan , on the newly constructed Southern amazement when the gentleman informed
them that they had really asked the attendant LIC . RAMON OBREGON
Pacific line from Guaymas to Guadalajara , I
was told that oysters were abundant on an islet to bring each of them a fried baby ! CIVIL, CRIMINAL AND FEDERAL LAW
An experience which is apt to puzzle the 10 A. M. AND 4 P. M.
off the coast a few miles. So a party of
us went thither at the first opportunity. We stranger for a little while is the frequent ab Mexico , D. F. Monte De Piedad
found some Indian fishermen with dugouts , sence of knives and forks from the table in P. O. B. No. 598 No. 13
and for a consideration they paddled us off many places where one would naturally ex

quicklime packed in the holes and moistened,

General Resumption were the humble though efficient substitutes
of Mining
for the use of modern machine drills and
Great Demand for Silver and Its Increased Price Causes dynamite.
As a result of these conditions, work was
Renewal of Activity in Mexico
limited in depth for lack of pumping ma
chinery, and in thoroughness by imperfect
HE world's total production of silver silver and copper occur in remarkable abun methods of extraction. The "arrastre" could
is at present running about 130,000,000 dance, and, under modern management, many be erected and worked without capital other
Tounces a year, of which 80,000,000 ounces have developed great commercial importance, than that needful to command the services of
is yielded by American silver mines or mines while hundreds have remained unworked since a cheap mule or burro, and since the slowness
carrying the metal as a by-product. In normal their abandonment during the revolution of the process was unimportant and little or
times Mexico's output is 70,000,000 ounces, or against Spain, from 1810 to 1821. Long before no value was assigned to the labor of man or
close to the American total. the Spaniard came, in 1519, the natives had beast, it was effective on free-milling gold ore,
This stabilizing of the market for silver at developed primitive methods of mining and even of very low grade, but useless for the
a highly profitable price, coming as it does metallurgy which gave them large quantities extraction of gold from sulphides. One,
upon the heels of the re-establishment of stable of precious metal and of copper and bronze therefore, usually finds that an "antigua" mine
government in the Mexican State of Sonora implements. has not been exhausted in depth, unless the
and the inception of renewed mining activity Sonora is pitted and honeycombed with orebody was very shallow and that in the old
on an unprecedented scale in that section, will abandoned shafts, open cuts and underground workings, and below them, there often is rich
be of the greatest assistance in extending oper workings which are now called "antiguas," ore unfit for the "arrastre" but available for
ations in Mexican mining properties on which the term applying to all of the ancient work modern metallurgy. Further, there may be
work has been suspended partially or entirely ings operated before the revolt against Spain waste dumps rich enough for treatment by
during the long period of disorder and internal in 1810. In the clear atmosphere, on the tree modern methods. At one time substantial re
strife in the southern Republic. less hills and mountains, the traveler sees turns were gained by a company which sent
Before the outbreak of the recent Mexican everywhere openings of old workings that out a portable cyanide plant to treat the dumps
revolution that country led the world in the record the mining industry of the early days . of old " arrastre" tailings.
production of silver, with a yield of upwards In this climate of small rainfall and rapid The ancient mine workings or "antiguas"
of 70,000,000 ounces yearly. In consequence erosion, the gradual decay of ledges and im of Sonora are of much interest, for many of
of the restoration of order in Sonora, guaran pregnated rocks, wherever exposed, resulted them have become richly productive in the
tee of protection by the Mexican authorities in surface accumulations of precious metal, hands of people with capital and up-to-date
and phenomenal improvement in business especially near the exposures of gold-bearing methods. Whenever the ancient miners
conditions generally, practically all of the veins. In these detrital deposits, or " placers," worked extensively, it may be inferred that
important mining companies have resumed the first miners reaped a rich and easy har they found ore profitable for treatment by
work, while the growing interest in mining vest. Later, under Spanish rule, the introduc their methods. That these old mines were
operations in that portion of the neighboring tion of the "arrastre," the use of quicksilver rarely worked out is due to several reasons :
Republic makes it probable that within a very and various technical devices, gave the miner First, the lack of means of handling large
short time it will lead the entire country in control of a large field of action and new re volumes of water, since many "antiguas" show
the production of all metals. This is only sources of profits. Practically no machinery, rich ore when unwatered.
natural, since Sonora is not only fortunate in however, was used in mining, and the notched Second, the fact that the old miners knew
being one of the Mexican States immediately log or "chicken ladder," with the rawhide nothing of the geology of ore deposits and
adjoining the United States, but has vastly bucket on the back of the "peon," was the did not appreciate that an orebody might be
superior railroad facilities. primitive substitute for present-day hoisting expected to pinch out or be cut off by faults
Sonora has an area of 77,000 square miles, and pumping machinery. So , also, the slow and that a new orebody, or the continuation
admittedly one of the most highly mineralized hand boring of shallow holes and the breaking of the first, might be found by exploration.
portions of the entire globe. Deposits of gold, down of the ore by the Spanish method, of The old Mexican miner only followed the
ore and knew nothing of systematic develop
Third, the early miners only sought for ore
which could be worked in the "arrastre" or
reduced in their simple "adobe" furnaces. Any
gold ore not free milling, or any silver ore
from which the metals could not be recovered
by their simple treatment, was useless. Cop
per was of little interest to them, and it is
not known that any mine was actively worked
for copper. The Aztecs, however, used some
copper tools and a small quantity of this metal
was used by the Spaniards for church bells .
"Antigua" mines differ very much in ap
pearance from mines of present day because
the following of the ore was the only purpose
in view, and little, if any, waste rock was
taken out. The underground workings are,
therefore, of very variable dimensions and
extremely irregular in direction. Where the
roof needed support this was more often
supplied by pillars than by timbering, and in
later years "gambusinos" (prospectors ) and
others have robbed the pillars and allowed the
ground to cave.
Although its mineral wealth was known of
Grinding Gold Ore in an Arastra, Sonora, Mexico, Mine. Crudest but Effective Method of
Separating Free Gold From Quartz old, Sonora was practically closed to the miner

for nearly half a century after the end of

the revolution against Spain. This was due
to the depredations of the Apache Indians,
who, after the Mexican troops retired, rav
ished this southwestern country. It has, in
deed, been truly remarked that for a long time
Sonora was under the Apache government
rather than that of Mexico. After the pur
chase by the United States in 1853, under the
Gadsden treaty, of the territory south of the
Gila, southern Arizona was somewhat pro
tected by soldiers until the beginning of the
Civil War, when, on the withdrawal of these
troops, savages overran many of the white e
settlements . The region remained subject to
their depredations and largely closed to com
merce until after the completion of the South
ern Pacific Railway. This greatly facilitated
transportation of troops and the final capture
of Geromino soon followed in 1886. From
that time dates the opening of Sonora to the
modern miner.
The copper zone of Sonora is the southward
continuation of that of Arizona and extends
for nearly the whole of the State. Deposits
of this metal occur rather frequently in all the
districts. As in Arizona, so in Sonora, the Native Miners in Sonora, Mexico
principal copper orebodies are in limestone or
associated with it, and, in turn, are in close many of the largest and most productive ore sion of the types of Sonora ore deposits. It
relation to masses or dikes of eruptive rock, bodies contain very little quartz. Most of may, however, be stated that the predomi
which contains copper or has stimulated the the large veins carry copper, lead, gold and nating type is the impregnated shear zone.
flow of a copper-bearing medium. While the silver. There are few mines of silver free This is a zone of shattered rock of greater
presence of green stains on quartz, indicating from copper. Gold occurs in nearly all the or lesser width, where fractured ore faulting
the existence of carbonates and silicates of copper ores, so that the copper mines are usu has occurred in a series of parallel fissures
copper, has led in many places to the expendi ally producers of gold. A notable exception very close together. Through this fragmental
ture of much time and money in the attempt is the Pilares at Nacozari. Gold also occurs material, a metallizing solution has flowed,
to make copper mines, it seems established, to some extent in quartz veins . These latter saturating the fragments to a variable extent
after many trials, that no one has yet suc occurrences are chiefly in the Altar district. with lead, silver, gold, copper or other metal,
ceeded in developing a substantial copper mine Iron pyrite and copper sulphides carry gold but not carrying sufficient silica to form a
on a quartz vein in Sonora. In some of the and yield, by their decomposition, oxides, sili distinct vein-stone. Sometimes local deposits
silver mines, tetrahedrite occurs in quartz, and cates and carbonates, which give up their gold of quartz are formed in the shear zone and
from this copper comes as a by-product with to amalgamation in the "arrastre." these, when exposed at the surface, resemble
the silver, but the large copper producers are The zone of oxidation in Sonora is gen true vein outcrops, but do not continue far in
all on or near lime-porphyry contacts. Many erally, except on steep mountain slopes, quite length or depth, although there may be im
large quartz veins are barren, although de deep. So few of the mines have been worked portant bodies of ore beneath them. As might
posits of commercial importance are often far into the zone of unaltered sulphides that be expected, the metallizing solution appears
found in the country beside the vein. Further, it is too early to undertake a general discus usually to have taken a wandering course.
The ore bodies are the record of a flow that
has often divided, in passing, the less porous
rock masses, so that "horses" are formed, both
along the vein and sometimes in its width.
These "horses" are not entirely barren, but
carry low-grade ore. The formation of large
"horses" along the shear zone gives the effect
of shoots or chimneys of ore that unite at
depth. A peculiar condition sometimes no
ticed is the offsetting of the ore through the
constriction of the zone of flow and its di
vision in a lateral direction to be succeeded
after a distance by a widening again and the
AXPAY resumption of ore along the general course.
The result of this is a displacement similar to
that which might result from the faulting of
a fissure-vein. In the shear zone, however,
there is no marked fissure to guide the miner
in determining geometrically the position of
the displaced orebody. Exploration work
alone will find it.

The free importation of autos, wagons , carts

and other vehicles has been extended until
December 31, 1918. Trucks, tractors and other
Haunted Mining Shaft Into Which Over 100 Bodies of Murdered Natives and Foreigners Were Thrown forms of vehicles of this class are also in
in the Time of the French Invasion cluded.
"A considerable amount of Eastern capital
Mining in Mexico has been invested in city lots in Guaymas and
in landed property near this magnificent port.
As Depicted by an Author Over Fifty Years Ago-The The foundries of this city ( San Francisco )
Observations of Lieutenant Mowry are turning out engines, mills and costly ma
chinery for the several mines owned in part
here. The steamship line established between
IEUT. SYLVESTER MOWRY, who in his speaking, have only been scratched, and are
San Francisco and Guaymas is not only a
day was one of the foremost mining certain to yield under development great re
L and civil engineers identified with the permanent institution , but the communication
wards to their present owners.
will soon be greatly facilitated by the addition
State of Arizona and northwestern Mexico , in In chapter 5 of his book Lieutenant Mowry of another steamer to the route. The last
1864 wrote a book on the geography, history says in part :
and resources of that region . Lieutenant "The prospects of Sonora have much im steamer went full to her guards with freight
and passengers, and this is but the beginning.
Mowry was a graduate of the United States proved since 1859. The constitutional power
I am drawing no fancy picture. The reader
Military Academy at West Point, and was of the State has been boldly asserted , and
can inquire for himself. I repeat, with a sin
associated with Generals Sherman, McClellan maintained with courage and ability by Gov
cere conviction of their truth, the words of
and Dodge and other equally famous military ernor Pesqueira ; the disturbances caused by
Ward in his able work on Mexico .
engineers in making a reconnaissance survey the Yaqui Indians suppressed with a firm
"I am aware that many of the statements
from 1840 to 1861 for the construction of a hand, revolutions nipped in the bud, and pro
in this and preceding books, respecting the
transcontinental railroad across the United found peace maintained for a long time past.
mineral riches of the north of New Spain
States. He also at one time occupied the posi A new port, La Libertad, on the Gulf of
( Sonora, Arizona, Chihuahua and Durango )
tion of United States Boundary Commissioner California, above Guaymas, has been opened,
will be thought exaggerated . They are not so .
in Arizona . In his various capacities he gained giving an immediate out let to the valuable
district of Altar and Northeastern Sonora, and They will be confirmed by every future report ;
an intimate knowledge of Sonora and Arizona
and in after years the public, familiarized with
and accumulated vast mining holdings in both to Arizona. A liberal grant has been made
facts-which are questioned only because they
States . During the Civil War he was arrested by the Legislature of Sonora to an Eastern
company, ably represented by General Angel are new—will wonder at its present incredulity,
on a charge of supplying the Confederates with
lead for bullets from his mines on the inter Trias, for the right-of-way of a railroad from and regret the loss of advantages which may
not always be within its reach.
national boundary line, which he afterward Guaymas to El Paso , to connect with the
lost and which are now known as the famous "I submit the descriptions contained in the
Southern Pacific Railroad.
following chapters of various mines in Sonora
Mowry mines. He was tried and acquitted "This road, which would now have been in
an advanced state had it not been for the to the attentive consideration of the public.
of the charge, it having been proved that it
Detailed notices of La Cananea, Cieneguita
was impossible for him to ship lead from his Civil War in the United States, must some
and others are given, not to show that they
mines to the Southern States by the primitive day be built. The extension of the Opelousas
are the only good mines, but as types of dif
means of transportation in sufficient quantities Railroad from New Orleans, with the Mem-
ferent classes of mines which are found in
to give aid to the Secessionists. phis branch to San Antonio, Texas, and El
Paso, then to Guaymas, will surely be built the State. The question of labor is one to
In his book Lieutena
nt Mowry gives a before any other road when wise counsel shall commend itself to the attention of the capi
graphic description of the mineral resources
talist ; cheap, and under proper management,
of Sonora which makes highly interesting take the place of the madness of the hour,
and peace again shed her benignant smile over efficient and permanent. My own experience
reading today in view of the renewed and has taught me that the lower class of Mexi
growing activity there as a result of the resto our happy country. European capital, with
cans, with the Opata and Yaqui Indians, are
ration of peace , after years of internal strife , the valuable grants in aid of constructing the
road, was secured to a sufficient amount to docile, faithful, good servants, capable of
as well as the fact that the opportunitie await
s strong attachment when firmly and kindly
ing capital in Sonora are just as great today insure its rapid completion. The calculations
treated. They have been peones ( servants )
as they were at the time he wrote the book. on which this foreign aid was procured re
main valid, and the development of Sonora for generations. They will always remain so,
Considerable space in the book is devoted to
and Arizona will increase their value. The as it is their natural condition . The master,
the San Javier district, in which the properties if he consults his own interest, and is a proper
of the Internationa Mines Developmen Com great valley of the Mississippi will be placed
l t in easy communication with the Pacific- a person to carry on extensive works, is ( in
pany , the LaDura mine of the Mines Company
communication most devoutly to be wished . their own language ) their ' amo y patron'
of America and other properties now attract
An immense item-never yet noted , I believe, " guide , philosopher and friend .”
ing attention are located . Among the prop
in the trade of such a road-will be the freight' "I can firmly assert that, although having
erties in the district named to which Lieu
large pecuniary interests in both Arizona and
tenant Mowry made special reference are the of unnumbered tons of ores, not sufficiently
rich to bear the present costly transportation. Sonora, I have not exaggerated the advan
Los Bronces and Las Animas . The Los tages or palliated the drawbacks to the invest
Bronces mine was adjacent to the present La As a friend, who is more poetical than pious,
remarked to me : ' God never intended these ment of capital and personal enterprises in
Dura mine , already referred to, one of the
ores, worth $10 or $20 a ton, to remain useless these States. They are a part of the Pacific
properties of the Mines Company of America ,
forever.' I see no reason to change, in any Empire, in which I claim a citizenship of more
and enjoys as eminent a position among Mexi than ten years. In these pages I have but one
can mines today as it did when it was known degree, my opinion of the great superiority of
the Southern route along the thirty-second desire ; to state things as they are, and, in the
by its former name . The Las Animas mine
parallel for the Overland Mail and Pacific spirit of an honorable ambition, to connect
is of great present - day importance , and is my name in a permanent and useful way with
owned by the Laughlin Mining Company . At Railroad.
"The temporary and partial success during her magnificent progress to a place among the
the time revolutionar movements in that sec powers of the world."
y the very mild winter of 1862 and 1863 of the
tion compelled suspension of operations there
the mine had blocked out silver-lead ore re Northern Overland Mail is no decided proof
in its favor. 'One swallow does not make
serves of a value of over $ 1,000,000 . Practi The Permanent Commission of the National
summer.' The change of climate- and vastly
cally all of the other mines in the San Javier Congress, a body which deals with legislative
less cost is indisputably with the Southern matters during the recess of the Chambers of
district referred to by Lieutenant Mowry in
route. I have therefore reproduced, in a sub Deputies and the Senate, has considered the
his book are known to present -day mining proposition of the Legislature of Yucatan, for
sequent chapter, an abstract from the speech
men , but under somewhat different names , as bidding the manufacture and sale of all bever
of Senator Davis and my own brief remarks.
great properties and with only one or two ages of an alcoholic character except beer and
exceptions have not been developed to greater I stand by them, and am willing to risk what light wines, and has referred the question to the
depth than 500 feet . These mines , figuratively reputation I may have on their accuracy. regular session of Congress.

Taxation of Coinage
Law of Mining Taxation Gold and silver presented at the mine for
coinage will pay seven per cent. Money pre
Regulations Under Which the Exploitation of All sented for recoinage will not be taxed.
Classes of Minerals May be Carried Out The mint will receive gold without restric
tions, but an order from the Department of
N order to correct errors and omissions in Hacienda must accompany silver when it is
more than 250 grams per ton the exporter
presented for coinage.
the first law, the Federal Government has must reimport into Mexico within the same
I decreed a new law, that of April 26th of time in bars of gold ready for coinage, Mexi For pure gold the mint will pay at the rate
this year, and although in Article 1 it declares can gold coin or foreign coin of such per cent of $ 1,333,133 per kilogram, or the equivalent
gold, silver and the industrial metals that are as the Secretary of Hacienda shall periodically in Mexican money at the New York price on
produced in the Republic or which proceed or in each case place on the value of the the day of presentation , deducting cost of
from foreign countries are subject to taxes, exported silver. No duties are imposed on freight and insurance from Mexico to New
neither the production nor the importation of the reimportations. York, and with the limitations that the Secre
them is burdened, but only the exportation of tary of Hacienda may fix when this price
The exporter will furnish to the custom
the first and mining property. Quoting from exceeds seventy-six and one-half cents ounce
house where the exportation is made or at the
this declaration, in order that it may be more Troy.
mint or assay office a bond which will be a
intelligible, the following extracts are chosen :
guarantee of these reimportations or their ( NOTE.- Another mining law is under dis
Eight per cent of the value of gold and silver equivalents, which will be forfeited after
exported in ore or concentrates, cyanides or cussion, but at this date- September 16- it had
twenty days in case of failure to comply with not been issued. )
sulphides, or allied in any form with non the law.
metallic substances.
Seven per cent if exported as bullion and The gold will be delivered to the mint for
with the alloy only of other metals, whatever coinage within thirty days of its reimporta Mexico Offers Supply
may be the assay value of the product. tion. On the contrary, the forfeiture will be
come effective as in the case of non - importa of Majahua Fiber
For the exportation of copper, six per cent
tion. The mint will advise the custom house A vegetable fiber which is produced in con
on the raw product or in concentrates with
an assay value of less than fifty per cent value of the presentation of gold and the custom siderable quantities in the "costa chica" district
in New York of 20 cents or more per pound house likewise will inform the mint of the of the State of Guerrero, Mexico, is taken
of electrolytic copper ; five per cent when it reimportation. Pending these advices the bond. from a low and rapidly growing tree known
is worth less or the same if it is exported in will not be cancelled.
locally as "majahua." The fiber comes from
bars, matte and concentrates with fifty per the inner surface of the bark, and is retted and
cent of copper, three hundred grams silver and Taxes on Mining Properties dried in the sun, then turned into cordage.
five grams of gold per ton ; four per cent when First-Whatever minerals the mine may Samples are forwarded.
only the copper contents are greater and the produce, a tax of $10 in stamps must be paid
gold and silver less, whatever the price of on the title to the property.
copper. In any case the gold and silver con Second-Six dollars per pertenencia must be Mr. Lyster H. Dewey, botanist in charge of
tents in it pay the corresponding duty on these paid annually on mines of one to five or six fiber investigations, Bureau of Plant Industry,
metals. The duty on lead, tungsten , molibdeno, pertenencias, or $2 each four months. United States Department of 4 Agriculture ,
manganese, graphite, antimony and other Third- Nine dollars per pertenencia on states that a specimen taken from the samples
metals, minerals and substances that contain properties of from fifty to one hundred mentioned, which was examined by him, is
them not specified in this law, one per cent of
pertenencias, or $3 each four months. much more promising than most of the numer
their value.
Fourth-Twelve dollars per pertenencia on ous of majahua , also called majagua and
properties of from fifty to one hundred emajagua, received from various parts of the
Exemptions to Exportation
pertenencias , or $4 each four months. tropics in both hemispheres. He also makes
The tax is not levied on the exportation of
Fifth-Eighteen dollars per pertenencia, or the following statement regarding its produc
gold and silver in the above forms when the
$4 for each third of a year, for properties of tion and use :
contents of gold do not exceed 2 grams per
ton and that of silver 250 grams ; or when one hundred or more pertenencias, if belong "There are probably very few fibers so
ing to one owner or if they are situated in widely and extensively used in the tropics of
imported as bullion or partly extracted and
the same district. both hemispheres as this one obtained from
when they are exported within four months
of their importation after having been em the bark of Paritium tiliaccum . In nearly all
ployed in metallurgical work. Exemptions from Mining Taxes cases , however, it is produced in a kind of
The duty does not apply to the exportation The States may not tax mining properties, ribbonlike form, which can not be spun suc
of copper the contents of which may be less the labor and production, with more than one cessfully by machinery.
than three per cent ; that of lead of eight per tax, which shall never exceed two per cent "If the fiber could be prepared without too
cent and of zinc of fifteen per cent, nor sam of their value without deduction of costs (the
much loss so as to be in the form of single
ples of these minerals in their natural state law does not specify for what period, whether strands instead of flat ribbons , it might be
weighing not more than ten kilograms, and annually or in periods of two or more months ) .
Therefore all taxes except the stamp tax, used in the same manner as jute, and with
with an intrinsic value of $10. Iron in min
erals pays no export duty. whatever may be its denomination , on extrac jute at present prices there would undoubtedly
be a very good demand for it. It is fully as
tion, production of the mines, invested capital,
Conditions of Exportation shares and mining titles, transference of strong as the medium grades of India jute,
For mixed bars with whatever contents of ownership, denouncements, possessions, organ but it is harsher, stiffer, and would not spin
ization of companies, expediting the titles and as readily, and therefore would not command
gold and for minerals or concentrates with
procedures necessary for this purpose, are a price equal to that now paid for jute.
gold contents greater than two grams per ton,
the exporter is required to reimport it within prohibited . "So far as is known at this office, this fiber
twenty days in gold bars ready for coinage States may not impose a tax exceeding five has never been produced on a commercial
or in gold money of foreign coinage equivalent pesos per thousand on the value of reduction scale or in quantities sufficient for export , but
in value to the gold exported . For refined plants , metallurgical offices, including coke it is very largely used for twisting by hand
silver or silver allied with other metals and furnaces when in operation and on the ma into cords and twines for domestic use."
of minerals or concentrates with contents of chinery. Consular Reports.
48 T ME R EV

The Labor Congress of the State of Zaca

tecas some time since petitioned the National BOUND VOLUMES OF THE MEXICAN REVIEW
Agrarian Commission to secure and allot lands
MARCH OF PROGRESS for such laboring people as desired to culti A limited number of bound copies of
the first volume of THE MEXICAN
vate them. This request has been favorably
REVIEW are ready for distribution.
acted upon and a commission appointed to
carry out the project, which will greatly alle The price is $2, postpaid. If accom
viate the condition of the working classes. panied by a subscription for the second
A concession has been granted by the Sec volume, the price for both is $2.50.
retary of Industry and Commerce for the ex The Secretary of the Department of Gober Address, The Mexican Review, 613 Riggs Bldg., Wash., D. C.
ploitation of a deposit of gold, uranium and nacion, Sr. Manuel Aguirre Berlanga, has sent
radium at Guadalupe, in the mountains of the communications to the Governors of all the
State of Chihuahua . All the machinery neces States in the Republic, requesting them to
sary for thorough and extensive operation will urge and assist the farmers to increase the
be introduced. The Government will receive area devoted to the production of beans , in Cable Address
order that not only may the home demand Fernando Gonzalez Roa
five per cent of the gross output in return for B. Carbajal y Rosas "Golecar"
the permission granted . This is the only de be met, but that there may be a surplus for Adam Leckie
posit of these minerals so far discovered in exportation. The demand for this product is
the Republic. urgent and prices are such that the producers Gonzalez Roa
are sure of satisfactory returns .
A technical and engineering office has been
The crop of garbanzos , or chick peas, which Carbajal & Leckie
opened in Cananea, State of Sonora, by ex is produced mostly on the West Coast of
perts under the direction of the Departments ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW
Mexico, is larger this year than ever before
of Fomento and Industry and Commerce, known and many hundreds of carloads have Mexico , D. F.
which will devote itself to a careful study of already crossed the border into the United
the national lands, forests, waters, etc. , as well States. This is a novel food article for this Washington Offices:
as to the unused lands held in private owner Southern Building, Suite No. 822-830
country, but it is being received with favor
ship, with especial reference to the encourage wherever introduced, as it is both nutritious
ment of mineral development. The agrarian and appetizing to a degree.
problem will receive particular attention .
The Department of Industry and Commerce
has given notice to the national mining agents
in all portions of the Republic to permit the GEORGE WILSON
denouncement of deposits of graphite, which Red Cross Christmas Mines, Oil Lands
had been forbidden by a decree of 1912. It is
expected that activity will result in the de Correspondence Solicited
velopment of this much-needed mineral, which Roll Call
is found in various localities in abundance. P. O. Box 1677 Mexico, D. F.
Investigations made under instruction from Make Your Christmas
the Department of Fomento have disclosed the
presence in Sonora of extensive deposits of Happier by Joining
sulphate of molybdenum and also of tungsten,
which are of great value in the manufacture
of steel, as also of incandescent lamp films.
These deposits, it is announced, will be de
veloped upon an extensive scale.
A Good Book for
A discovery has been made in the moun STAMP EXCHANGE
tains near Tampico of a deposit of onyx that Foreign stamps wanted Vacation Reading
is said to be of superior quality and to be
equal to the famous quarries of the same ma for exchange or cash.
terial in the State of Puebla, whose product CLARK & MAHONEY
has been utilized extensively in the embellish
ment of many public and private structures 613 Riggs Bldg.
throughout the Republic and elsewhere. The "SEEN IN A
new discovery will be developed at once on a
large scale.
On the first day of March an entertainment CONTRIBUTIONS REQUESTED
was given in one of the leading theaters of THE MEXICAN REVIEW will be pleased to receive
Mexico City for the purpose of raising funds communications from whatever source dealing with
matters of interest to both Mexicans and Americans,
to be donated to the Allied forces in Europe. and from those who desire to have the truth known "A Summer's Idyll of an
It was given under the auspices of the Lyric about Mexico. It is hoped that all who wish to aid
Club and a large sum was realized, which was in the removal of the widespread false impressions Idle Summer"
concerning that country, and in placing it in its
distributed as follows : Thirty per cent each proper light before the world, will assist THE REVIEW
to the American and British forces, twenty in this important but difficult task.
per cent to the French, and ten per cent each By GEO . F. WEEKS
to the Italian and Belgian.
A school for elementary instruction has been
opened in the penitentiary in Mexico for the SPANISH TRANSLATION BY Price $ 1 , postage paid. With one year's
betterment of the inmates who lack the rudi subscription to the Mexican Review $ 1.75.
ments of education . Competent American (Engineer) with foreign
A laboratory with modern appliances is to business experience offers limited service in
translation. Among his authorized references
be established by the National Government at is the editor of this journal, in care of which
Tampico for the purpose of making the neces he may be addressed as "Don Jaime."
sary analyses of the petroleum exported from Published by the Fleming H. Revell
that section , in order to facilitate the collection Company, New York, Chicago, London
of the export taxes, which are based upon the and Edinburgh.
constituents of the product.

NEWS BREVITIES Edward M. Wilson , M.E.

Send check or money order to
Technical Petroleum Expert THE MEXICAN REVIEW
A commission of Japanese bankers and com Geological Reports , Plans & Estimates 613 Riggs Building
mercial representatives has recently visited of Mexican Oil Regions WASHINGTON, D. C.
Mexico with the view of establishing a line
of steamers on the West Coast and thus P. O. Box 274 Mexico City
stimulating traffic between Mexico, Japan and
other portions of the Orient.



National Railway of Tehuantepec 35 Hours Between Mexico City and Nuevo Laredo,
Vera Cruz and Isthmus Railway Tamaulipas
(Opposite Laredo, Texas)
Vera Cruz and Alvarado Railway
Connecting with the ports of Tampico, Vera Cruz and
Pan-American Railway Manzanillo

Passenger and freight service from Mexico City to the Also with the border ports of Nuevo Laredo, Matamoros,
Guatemala frontier. Connection at Vera Cruz and Puerto Piedras Negras and Juarez (opposite El Paso )
Mexico with the steamers of the Ward Line and the DIRECT JOURNEYS IN FAST TRAINS AND WITH
Mexican Navigation Company, and at Salina Cruz with SLEEPING-CAR SERVICE
steamers for South America and Japan. Passengers by
the Mexican Railway can secure sleeping- car accommoda
tions by applying on the day before the departure of their Daily TIME TABLE Daily
train. The trip is made in fourteen hours from Mexico
6.30 a.m. (leave) Mexico City (arrive ) 8.30 a.m.
City to Vera Cruz, and the buffet service of the Pullman 1.30 p.m. Queretaro
cars is of the best. The passage is made in absolute 1.30 p.m.
2.55 p.m. Gonzalez Junction 12.25 p.m.
security and is the same as in normal times. 8.35 p.m. San Luis Potosi 6.40 a.m.
The Vera Cruz and Isthmus, the Tehuantepec National 7.40 a.m. Saltillo 7.50 p.m.
and the Pan-American railways transport in both directions 11.20 a.m. Monterrey 4.00 p.m.
without delay or accident fruits of all classes , valuable 1.50 p.m. Villaldama 1.35 p.m.
timber, cereals , sugar, cattle, etc. The extensive zones 6.00 p.m. (arrive ) Nuevo Laredo (leave) 10.00 a.m.
crossed by these lines as well as by the Vera Cruz and
Alvarado road are the richest in the Republic and the lines
mentioned have sufficient cars and other facilities to satisfy The meal service on the sleeping cars is conducted with
all requirements that may be asked. strict vigilance
WILL BE ENCHANTED WITH THE SCENERY The custom-house inspection of baggage and its fumiga
tion, without change of cars, and compliance with the
USE THEM IN YOUR BUSINESS , AND YOU WILL BE sanitary requisites of the Immigration Service , is expedited
SATISFIED on the international train from New Laredo, Mexico, to
With the exception of the Vera Cruz and Alvarado line, Laredo , Texas, at less cost and with immeasurably less
the other four are of broad -gauge and are in magnificent delay than by crossing the frontier in any other manner.
condition .
F. PENA, R. ZERECERO , General Passenger Agent. Assistant General Passenger
General Freight and Assistant General Agent.
Passenger Agent Agent (ad Interim ) Bolivar Street and Cinco de Mayo Avenue
P. FONTES , General Agent (ad Interim ) Mexico City, D. F.

WARD LINE Where Co -operation Succeeds



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ion Reguladora will take pleasure in mailing you literature from time
to time .

If you read Spanish , send $2.50 for a year's subscription to "EL

HENEQUEN , " a semi-monthly magazine issued by the growers ' as

sociation at its home office in Merida , Yucatan .

Comision Reguladora del Mercado de Henequen
120 Broadway, New York City



Regular trips from Nogales, on the border of the other semi-tropical products is of great interest to all
United States, as far as Nayarit (formerly Tepic) seeking opportunities for profitable investment .
touching the important towns of Magadalena, Her Passing southward many living streams are crossed ,
having their source in the snow-capped Sierra Madre in
mosillo, Guaymas, San Blas , Culiacan, Mazatlan,
the dim distance, and then the historical city of Culiacan ,
Rosario, Acaponeta, etc. capital of Sinaloa , is reached. A few hours' ride brings
the traveler to the picturesque and historical port of
This road, in its progress southward, crosses the Mazatlan, where connection can be made with steamers
wealthy regions of the Mayo and Yaqui rivers , which from various California ports down the Pacific coast to
produce the best garbanza in the world. It passes Nava Panama and South America.
joa, the center for this product, and then touches San At Manzanillo, the seaport of Colima, connection is
Blas , in the State of Sinaloa, where it connects with the made with the National Railways of Mexico, affording
Kansas City and Orient Railroad, connecting with the communication with all portions of the interior- Guada
city of Fuerte to the east and with the important sugar lajara, Mexico City, etc.
plantation of Los Mochis in the other, as also the mag Those desiring to send consignments of any variety to
nificent port of Topolobampo . points in Mexico can do so through the Customs Agency
There is a continual panorama of the most delightful of the Southern Pacific Railway of Mexico , maintained
landscapes, while the fact that the region traversed is a in both cities of Nogales-the American and the Mexican.
heavy exporter of mid-winter tomatoes , oranges, and All matters of this kind will receive prompt attention.

{ 1
Nogales, Sonora , Mexico






Zecktia 合


, AVGVST. 1919. No.5 .

Ambassador Ambassador
Ing. Ignacio Bonillas. Henry P.Fletcher

20c. American . The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English. 40c . Oro Nal.

Treaty of Guadalupe Tratado de Guadulupe

Hidalgo Hidalgo

The United States and Mexico Los Estados Unidos y México se

Pledged to Arbitrate all Obligaron a Someter Todas las

Disagreements . Dificultades al Arbitraje .

Article 21 of the Treaty of peace and El artículo 21 de los Tratados de Paz,

amity concluded between the United States amistad y límites de 2 de febrero de 1848,
and Mexico on February 2, 1848, is as entre los Estados Unidos Mexicanos y los
follows : Estados Unidos de Norte América, dice tex
"If unhappily any disagreement should tualmente :
hereafter arise between the governments "Si desgraciadamente en el tiempo fu
of the two republics, whether with respect turo se suscitase algún punto de desacuerC
to the interpretation of any stipulation in do entre los gobiernos de las dos Repú
this treaty, or with respect to any other blicas, bien sea sobre la inteligencia de al
particular concerning the political or com guna estipulación de este tratado, bien sea
mercial relations of the two nations , the
sobre cualquiera otra materia de las rela
said governments, in the name of these
ciones políticas o comerciales de las dos na
nations, do promise to each other that they
will endeaver, in the most sincere and ciones, los mismos Gobiernos, a nombre de
earnest manner, to settle the differences ellas, se comprometen a procurar de la
so arising, and to preserve the state of manera más sincera y empeñosa a allanar
好きさん peace and friendship in which the two las diferencias que se presenten y conser
countries are now placing themselves ; var el estado de paz y amistad en que ahora
using, for this end, mutual representations se ponen los dos países usando al efecto
and pacific negotiations . And if, by these de representaciones mutuas y de negocia
means, they should not be enabled to come ciones pacíficas. Y si por estos medios no
to an agreement, a resort, on this account, logran todavía ponerse de acuerdo, no por
shall not be had to reprisals, aggression, or
eso se apelará a represalia, agresión ni hos
hostility of any kind, by the one republic
tilidad de ningún género de una República
against the other, until the government of
contra la otra, hasta que el Gobierno de la
that which deems itself aggrieved shall
que se crea agraviada haya considerado ma
have maturely considered, in the spirit of
peace and good neighborship, whether it duramente, en el espíritu de paz y buena ve
would not be better that such difference cindad, si no sería mejor que la diferencia
should be settle by the arbitrations of se terminase por un arbitramiento de comi
commissioners appointed on each side, or by sarios nombrados por ambas partes o de una
that of a friendly nation. And should such nación amiga. Y si tal medio fuese pro
course be proposed by either party, it puesto por cualquiera de las dos partes, LA
SHALL BE OTRA ACCEDERA A EL , a no ser que lo
OTHER, unless deemed by it altogether juzgue absolutamente incompatible con la
incompatible with the nature of the dif naturaleza y circunstancias del caso."
ference or circumstances of the case."

No parece posible que los Estados

It does not seem possible that the
United Unidos , después de haber gastado mi
States, after having spent
billions of dollars and hundreds of les de millones dólares y cente
nares de miles de vidas para sostener
thousands of lives to uphold the prin -
el principio de que los tratados con

ciple that treaties between strong and

certados entre las nacion es s
fuerte y
weak nations are not to be regarded
débiles no deben ser mirados como
as mere "scraps of paper" at the will
simples "pedazos de papel", al antojo
J.A of the stronger, should intend to
del más fuerte , intentasen cegarse
stultify herself to theextent of an
hasta el grado de lanzar una invasión
armed invasion of Mexico , as deman
armada en México , como lo piden los
ded by the interventionists , without
intervencionistas , sin haber agotado
having exhausted all peaceable means
de antemano todos los medios pacíficos
of coming to an understanding.
para llegar a un arreglo .
THE REVIEW most emphatically LA REVISTA MEXICANA, de la
refuses to believe that any such course manera más enfática, se niega a creer
will be followed ! que se adopten tales procedimientos .

The Mexican VV


Vol. III . MEXICO CITY, AUGUST, 1919 No. 5

THE MEXICAN REVIEW Coming to Mexico to Much Opium Used in
Published Monthly at Mexico City .
Keep Cool in Summer. The United States.
Geo . F. Weeks .. +2 Editor WAY
Edmundo Melero .. to the
Business Mgr. A the down here, more deal
or less near to INVESTIGATION with regard
equator, a great nearer than growing use of opium and other narcotics
Registered as Second-Class Matter in the Mexico City New York anyhow, one reads with sympathy in the United States discloses the astonish
Postoffice , April 14, 1919. the accounts from the Atlantic coast of ing fact that from ten to sixty times as
high temperatures and deaths from the ex much of that drug is used there as in
Yearly subscription in United States and Canada, cessive heat. Those who have never ex Austria, Italy, Germany, Portugal, France .
$2 gold. Elsewhere , $2.50.
In Mexico , $ Mexican coin. perienced the wonderful climate of Mexico or Holland. A grand total of 470,000 pounds
City have no idea of the comfort enjoyed is consumed annually in the United States ,
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU during that portion of the year which two against from two to seventeen thousand
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important mat thousand miles farther north is SO pro in each of the other countries named. It
ters . Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared is claimed that the use of opium has in
by competent writers. Photographs furnished when ductive of discomfort and fatality. It
desidered . Questions answered . Special Inquiries un creased extraordinarily in those States where
seems an anomaly that one should be able
dertaken. prohibition has been in force the longest.
to enjoy a cooler climate by going nearer
This is set forth in the report of a special
Mexico City Office: Nuevo Mexico 6, Room 601. P. O. the equator, but this is so. The summer
committee appointed by the Treasury Dé
Box 70 Bis. Tel . Ericsson 61-33 . Cable address: Mex climate of Mexico City is incomparable-and
neb. Washington office: 1821 Jackson St. , N. E. partment to make an investigation of this
this is said advisedly . matter.
E. H. Talbot, Traveling Representative in U. S. ·
Poverty Prevails Elsewhere
Workingmen's Wages in }
Than in Mexico .
Cause for Congratulation Various Countries .
EXICO is not the only country where
Both the United States and Mexico correspondent of the New M dire poverty prevail
A London s. A poverty
are to be congratulated upon having York Evening Post discusses the ques stricken young woman of eighteen in New
tion of the " large earnings " of work York has just been forced by stress of in
such fearless, capable and statesman ingmen in England and cites as a typical digence to apply to the courts for relief,
like representatives in their respect example that of " compositors and printers which she declares is urgently needed . For
ive countries as Ambassador Fletcher on newspapers who. before the war received several years she has been obliged to eke
and Ambassador Bonillas . Both have wages of 35 to 38 shillings weekly, but now out a meager existence upon an income of
are seldom paid less than £ 3.10 per week. " a mere trifle of fifteen thousand dollars a
performed an inestimable service to
That is the equivalent of about $ 17.50 Amer year ( dollars, mind you- not pesos) , and
the cause of Truth and Justice by their has suffered to such an extend that it is
ican gold, or $35 in Mexican money. The
conduct of the situation that has pre absolutely necessary that she should have
American newspaper printer who does not
vailed for some time. receive twice this amount, and the Mexican " a raise" to $ 20,000. As such suffering as
It is devoutly to be hoped that both hers is not to be tolerated if a remedy
compositor on a newspaper who does not
will retain their responsible positions receive from twenty-five to fifty per cent can be found, it is altogether likely that
7 indefinitely. No better selections more, would think himself very hardly used, she will be given the additional trifle of
and a strike would be in order very quick $5,000 a year . Wonder if this poor suf
could be made.
} ferer ever read a sentence in an old, old
ly-and they would win the strike too !
book, beginning " Inasmuch as ye did it
Increase in the Number After all, high wages are a question of lon
not, " and so on.
gitude and latitude, to some extent at least.
Of American Passports Issued .
HE large increase in the number of Shutting Car Windows to
T pass Chinese in Mexico Not
ports issued and countersigned for Keep Out the Bullets !
persons wishing to visit Mexico is an Cause for Apprehension.
indication of the return to normal condi N operatic singer who recently visited
HE apprehension that Mexico is threat ANthis country has been unburdening her
tions that cannot be disputed. And when T ened with
being overrun by Chinese soul to a New York periodical regarding her
it is known that passports are not issued scarcely scens to be borne out by the
to any except those coming here on busi " perfectly terrible experiences " in Mexico.
facts, according to statements made by Among these was the necessity of tightly
ness , the indication becomes all the strong the Chinese Minister to this country. He
er. A goodly percentage of those arriving closing the windows on the Pullman cars
says that all told there are only between -for what, do you suppose ? Why, to keep
do so with the intention of remaining, and
20,000 and 21,000 of his fellow-countrymen out the showers of bullets fired at the cars
the number of new agencies and offices in the Republic . Of these ten thousand
by bandits ! Fact ! Being armed only with
being opened not only in Mexico City but more or less are in the States of Sonora
in other business centers augurs well for popguns, of course the " bullets " were flat
and Sinaloa and are engaged in commerce
the future . tened against the glass and the opera sing
and agriculture. There are some four thou er's life was saved ! The same veracious
sand in Lower California and the re
chronicler records that in Mexico City "all
Alleged Desecration! mainder are scattered throughout the in the houses and gardens are surrounded by
OME supersensitive critical soul has found terior. Since the commencement of the
high walls, " and that " all doors are cover
S fault with the recent renditions of grand present year exactly 1043 Chinese have
ed with curtains of steel, which are kept
opera in the old bullring, on the ground landed in Mexico , while 793 have left the
that it was a desecration . A desecration closed night and day. " Those of us who
country, making a net gain of only 250.
of what-the bullring? True, it was a con have the good fortune to live here have
The popular idea with regard to the num
trast to the former performances there, but ber of foreigners in the Republic has al seen quite some few very beautiful houses
it gave thousands of poor music lovers an ways been exaggerated , no less with the and gardens which are not surrounded by
p opportunity to enjoy high-class music under Chinese than with all the other nation high (or low) walls, as also a moderate
surroundings and conditions not equaled by alities. Certainly, there is little to be sprinkling of doors that are not kept cur
any auditorium in the city and by but few feared from SO small a number as that tained in steel both night and day. Oh
in the world. Desecration ! Nonsense ! stated. L well, it is to laugh!


La Revista Mexicana

! La mat
Tomo III. MEXICO, D. F. , AGOSTO, 1919 . No. 5

LÀ ‫ مود‬REVISTA MEXICANA La Expedición de Pasaportes La Cuestión de los Salarios en

Se publica mensualmente en la Ciudad de México . Distintos Países.
A Ha Aumentado Notablemente.
Geo. F. Weeks.·· · ... Editor N corresponsal en Londres del " New
Edmundo Melero.. Administrador gran aumento en el número de
ELpasaportes que se expiden UNYork Evening Post,'' tratando la cues
y refrendan
Registrada como artículo de Segunda Clase en la tión de los altos salarios ' que los obre
Administración Local de Correos de México, D. F. a las personas que desean visitar México ,
t el día 14 de abril de 1919. es un indicio · claro del retorno a las con ros ingleses están percibiendo, cita como un
diciones normales, que no puede ser discu ejemplo típico el de los " compositores e
1 A Suscripciones por un año:
tido . Y cuando se sabe que esos pasaportes impresores " de periódicos diarios, que antes
En la República Mexicana .. ...$4 Oro Nacional. de la guerra recibían sueldos de 35 a 38
‫ރ‬ En los Estados Unidos y Canadá ,, 2 Oro Americano no se expiden sino a aquéllas que vienen
En cualqiera otra parte........ 71 2,50 "I al país en viaje de negocios, la p、 teba se chelines semanarios, y que en la actualidad
Precio del ejemplar 40c . Oro Nal.-20c. Oro Am. robustece más. La mayor parte de las per cobran un salario muy raras veces inferior
TJ " ' 50c . JF " en el interior a £3.10 por semana. El equivalente de esa
de la República . sonas que cruzan la frontera lo hacen con
la intención de radicarse aquí ; y el número cantidad en oro americano es de $17.50, 0
} AGENCIA DE NOTICIAS DE MEXICO sean $35.00 en moneda mexicana . El impre
de agencias y nuevas oficinas que constan
Noticias exactas porTATtelégrafo y correo de todos los temente se abren, no sólo en la ciudad de sor americano empleado en la prensa que
asuntos de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cual no percibiese el doble de esa cantidad, o
quier tópico mexicano confeccionados por escritores México, sino en otros centros comerciales
competentes. Se proporcionan fotografías a solicitud. de la República, auguran un futuro de pros el compositor de periódicos mexicano que
Se contestan preguntas . Se toman a cargo investiga peridad. cobrase del veinticinco al cincuenta por
ciones especiales . ciento más , se consideraría tratado muy
Oficinas en la Ciudad de México: Nuevo México Núme mezquinamente , y la huelga se vendría co
( La Inmigración China en México
ro 6, Despacho 601. Apartado Postal 70 Bis. Teléfono mo un resultado inmediato-y la ganarían
Ericsson 61-33. Dirección Cablegráfica: Mexneb. Ofici No Infunde Temor. también ! Después de todo , la cuestión de
nas en Washington, E. U. A., 1821 Jackson St. N. E. los altos salarios es de latitud y longitud,
L temor de que México se hallaba ame
E. H. Talbot, Representante Viajero en los E nazado por una invasión China, parece hasta cierto punto, cuando menos.
Estados Unidos de América.
no tener ningún fundamento, según las de
claraciones hechas por el Ministro de China En Todas Partes
Congratulaciones ep este país. Dice que a pesar de todo, cuan
se Cuecen Habas.
to se ha dicho respecto al número de sus
Tanto los Estados Unidos como Mé EXICO no es el único país que re
conciudadanos, en la República sólo hay de
xico deben congratularse de tener re 20,000 a 25,000 hijos del ex-Celeste Impe M encuentra asolado por el terrible pau
rio. Diez mil de ellos, más o menos, se en perismo. En Nueva York, una joven de
presentantes tan impertérritos , tan
cuentran radicados en los Estados de Sina dieciocho años se vió forzada, por la extre
idóneos, y estadistas de tal talla en ma miseria, a recurrir a los tribunales en
loa y Sonora, y se dedican al comercio y la
sus respectivos países, como los seño agricultura. Hay aproximadamente cuatro demanda de socorro , que ella dijo necesitar
res Embajadores Fletcher y Bonillas. mil en la Baja California, y los restantes urgentemente. Durante algunos años tuvo
Ambos han prestado un inestimable se encuentran dispersos en el interior. Du que arrastrar una existencia de vigilia , d's
servicio a la causa de la Verdad y de rante el corriente año, 1043 chinos han arri frutando tan sólo la friolera de $ 15,000
anuales , ( dollars, no pesos ) , y ha sufrido a
la Justicia por su acertada dirección bado a las playas mexicanas, al mismo tiem
tal extremo, que es absolutamente indis
y sus gestiones en la situación que ha po que 793 han abandonado el país, suman
do 250, únicamente, el exceso habido en los pensable que se le aumente la renta a
prevalecido por algún tiempo $20,000. Un padecimiento como el de ella
meses que corren. La idea general, en lo no debe tolerarse si se encuentra el reme
que se refiere al número de extranjeros re dio, y, según parece, se le dará la fruslería
Las Terribles Aventuras
sidentes en la República siempre es exage Desearíamos
de una Diva. adicional de $5,000 anuales.
rada, y sucede con los chinos lo mismo que saber si esta pobre víctima conoce Und
NA con individuos de cualesquier otra nacio máxima que se halla escrita en ‫ ונון‬libro
U cantante de ópera que visitó este
país recientemente, ha estado descar nalidad. En verdad, poco debe temerse de muy antiguo , que dice así : " Puesto que
gando su alma en un periódico de Nueva un número tan reducido como el indicado. tú no " ... etc.
York, refiriendo todas las " perfectamente
terribles experiencias " que tuvo que sopor
tar en México. Entre otras, la necesidad de El Incomparable Clima de México Es Alarmante la Cantidad de
cerrar herméticamente las ventanillas de los en el Verano.
Opio que se Consume en
coches Pullman ¿ con qué los Estados Unidos.
ra evitar que entrase la objeto Pues
lluvia? de pa-
balas EN esta meridional Ciudad de los Pala
cios, más o menos distante del ecua
disparada por los bandidos ! Hallándose és AS investigaciones sobre el aumento del
tos armados con cerbatanas de carrizo , por dor, pero mucho más cerca que Nueva York. L uso del opio y otros narcóticos en los
de cualquier manera, puede uno leer con
supuesto que sus " balas " se aplastaban Estados Unidos, han venido a revelar el es
simpatía las noticias que llegan de la costa
contra los cristales, y la vida de la can tupendo hecho que las drogas de esa natu
del Altántico , de las altas temperaturas y
tante se hallaba a salvo. La misma in raleza se usan en una proporción de diez a
las muertes causadas por el calor excesivo
formante dice que en la ciudad de México setenta veces más que en Austria, Italia,
que reina en aquella región. Las personas Alemania, Portugal, Francia u Holanda. Un
" todas las casas y los jardines están ro
que nunca han disfrutado del maravilloso gran total de 470,000 libras se consume
deados de altas paredes, " y que todas las
clima de la ciudad de México, no tienen
puertas se encuentran cubiertas con corti anualmente en los Estados Unidos, contra
idea del bienestar que se goza en esa épo una cantidad que varía de dos a siete mil
nas de acero y permanecen cerradas de día
ca del año, que dos mil millas al Norte, es

y de noche. " Los que tenemos la buena libras en los países mencionados. Se dice
tan fecunda en desgracias y malestares. que el uso del opio y sus derivados ha au
suerte de vivir aquí, hemos visto innume
rables casas y bellos jardines que no están Parece una anomalía que se pueda disfrutar mentado extraordinariamente en aquellos
rodeados por altas (ni bajas ) paredes, así de un clima más fresco en un punto más Estados donde la prohibición alcohólicà ha
como también un buen número de puertas próximo al ecuador, pero así es. El clima estado en vigor más tiempo . Se menciona
y ventanas que no están cubiertas con cor de México, en el verano, es sencillamente en el informe que el Departamento del Te
tinas de acero ni de día ni de noche. Bue incomparable- puede tomarse como consejo soro designará un comité especial para que
no, es para reirse, nada más. esta recomendación. haga las investigaciones del caso.
1 ✔


this country during civil war must expect

" Carranza Makes Trouble " the vicissitudes of such warfare. Secretary
Bayard said in this connection : " It gay"at a is
A Rectification of Many of the Errors Made by Mr. George the duty of foreigners to withdraw from
such risks, and if they do not, or if they
Creel in a Recent Article - What the Records Disclose
voluntarily expose themselves to such risks2 ,
HEN an honest man falls into error they must take the consequences . '
by the Revolutionists were either captured
or is misled thereto, it is the part Nothwithstanding this well defined prin
from the Huertistas or smuggled across the
W ciple, Carranza was so overwhelmed with
of a friend , if the matter is of suf border from the United States, while in
ficient importance and its non -refutation is two notable instances the Huertistas were protests and claims from foreigners for real *
liable to produce results of the most seri or fancied damage that it became a by. 1 1
permitted openly to import such articles
word that no foreigner could lose an orange f
ous character, to point out to him his mis from that country, and that it has only
takes , privately and as considerately as been during the past year that arms and from a tree, a chicken from a roost or a
possible . But when this error is spread ammunition held up at American ports were horse or mule from a pasture without Car
broadcast in print, and millions of persons, permitted to be forwarded to their destina ranza being straightway presented with a
having • the utmost trust in the good faith tion . diplomatic protest, as if it were some real
and accuracy of the one responsible for Merely pausing to remark that Mr. Creel's ly grave and important international mat
ter. One foreign minister found himself
it, believe every detail in the most im reference to " Carranza's fulsome birthday
plicit manner and base their opinions upon telegram to the Kaiser '' is misleading, very summarily escorted out of the country
it , it is the part of a friend not only of for his insolent and insulting language in
since the very same kind of telegram, in
connection with the taking for military
the person in fault, but of truth and jus the same sort of phraseology, was sent as
purposes of a horse belonging to a fellow
tice, to give the widest possible circulation a mere matter of routine by the subordin
to a rectification ▼ thereof. Especially is ate official whose duty it is to attend to
this the case where considerations of in such matters to every ruler of every country Those familiar with history will recollect
that President Lincoln, when urged to per
ternational amity are at stake, and where with which Mexico is at peace-including
the United States- as such messages are mit the presentation of trivial claims and
the statements made, if permitted to remain
uncontradicted, are prone to result in the always sent on national occasions and birth protests through diplomatic channels at a
most serious consequences . time when Mexico was torn with civil war
days of rulers, and that the language used
Such an instance is that of an article by Latins and Latin-Americans being as and outside intervention, positively refused
which appeared recently in the Saturday is well known of a somewhat more florid to permit it to be done, saying that it
Evening Post under the title of " Carranza nature than our own coldly formal expres would be time enough to present damage
claims when the Mexican government had
Makes Trouble, " and which bears the sig sions ; also that the reference to the non
nature of Mr. George Creel, the well known recognition of the black-list in Mexico is reached such a stage of freedom from the
writer. Mr. Creel has a host of friends all somewhat unfortunate in view of the fact troubles that encircled it as to permit of a
over the world, of whom the writer is discussion of such matters. It is also of
that there was a decidedly strong sentiment
interest to note that when these claims
proud to call himself one, who believe in in the United States before that country
his sincerity and would not under any cir were finally presented in due form, less than
went into the war, in the same direction
cumstances call it in question. Unfortun as the sentiment of Mexico-that neutrals one per cent of them were allowed by the
arbitration commission, in which the British
ately in the present case it would seem should recognize no such restrictions-and
that he has permitted himself to be misled if memory, serves, that there were even Minister to Washington had the final voice.
by that intangible and frequently not well First Chief Carranza was constantly made
some diplomatic expressions upon this mat
supported or accurate thing known as ter ; the writer will relate a couple of in the target for these unimportant protests
cidents which will throw some light upon and claims, most of them of the most
" public sentiment, " while at the same time
also being manifestly misled by plausible the real attitude of President Carranza to trivial character, until finally, on one oc
ward the United States . casion when the writer was paying his reg
ex parte statements regarding certain mat
ters of which the record that will be cited When Vera Cruz was the seat of gov ular daily visit to the headquarters of the
government in quest of news, he was
furnishes the absolute proof of their mis ernment in 1915, the writer was stationed
taken character. there as the representative of a news ushered into the presence of the revolution
It is with no feeling of pleasure that the gathering association . Mr. John R. Silliman ary leader, who thereupon addressed him
writer undertakes this task, but with a. after this fashion :
was there as the Special Representative of
sense of obligation toward Mr. Creel to see " I have come to the conclusion, " said
the American Government, a position which
that he is undeceived , as also that the he filled with marked ability and good the Chief, " that it is time the world knew
truth should be made known to as wide a of the manner in which I have been treated
judgment. Carranza was at that time in
eircle of readers as is possible. and am being treated by foreign gov
one of the most critical stages of his career
ernments. The world should know what
Writing from Mexico, it scarcely seems: and his time and attention were fully oc
becoming on the part of a foreigner to language has been used toward } me, the
cupied in managing affairs of the highest
take up in detail that portion of the article importance to his country. It was a time leader of the revolutionary forces-the only
which SO undeservedly attacks President of war- of civil war-the worst kind of ruler in Mexico that is in any manner re
Carranza. It may merely be remarked by warfare there is. It was a time of such cognized by foreign powers. I want the
world to see for itself how I have been
the way that in the opening paragraphs. warfare as the United States once passed
this statement occurs : used, They would not dare to use such
through, and which appealed to the sym
" Were we to give Diaz, or Villa, or even pathy of every lover of liberty. It was language to any other government. I have
Pelaez the same measure of material help a time of such war as is referred to in therefore given orders that all the diplo
in guns and cartridges that we gave to Borchard's Compendium of International matic correspondence that has been address
Carranza, when he was in the field against Law regarding diplomatic intervention in ed to me since the commencement of the
Huerta, his position would speedily be cases of loss , wherein the principle is enun Revolution, together with my replies, shall
come as untenable as did that of Madero's ciated as having been more fully observed be collated, translated and given to the
+ murderer. " by the United States than by European press through you. "
That sentence alone betrays such a lack countries that " The effect of a continuous I notified my superiors of what had been
of understanding of the situation, of the residence by aliens in the territory rent by promised and that a most interesting piece
men named, of their characters and of the civil war is to place them for practically of news was to be expected. Several times
sentiments of the Mexican people, that it all purposes in the same legal position as at appropriate intervals I asked the private
is indeed lamentable. secretary of the First Chief whether the
nationals. By remaining, they assume the
Mr. Creel is apparently oblivious to the risk of injury within the limitations pre expected copies of the correspondence were
fact that during the greater part of the scribed by the rules of war. Aliens coming ready, as promised, and received a negative
strenuous period of the revolution there was to and settling in a country must normally reply. At length, after nearly two weeks
a strict embargo against the shipment of share its fortunes and have no claim to had elapsed , I was told one day that Car
arms and munitions from the United States: better treatment than nationals . ' In other ranza wished to see me.
to Mexico ; that the bulk of the arms used words, foreigners who elected to remain in " I am sorry, "' ' he said, " to have to dis

A 1 5

observado más plenamente por los Estados

Unidos que por los países europeos, que :
"Carranza Constituye la Dificultad
" El efecto de la continua residencia de
'દ Una Rectificación a los Muchos Errores en que Incurre George los extranjeros en el territorio desgarrado
Creel en un Artículo Reciente - Lo que los Archivos Revelan por la guerra civil consiste en colocarlos ,
кунотоки prácticamente en todos sentidos , en la mis
UANDO un hombre honrado incurre en hecho de que durante . la mayor parte del ma posición legal que los nacionales. Per
error £ o se halla engañado, corresponde maneciendo, asumen el riesgo de ser per
período activo de la revolución, existió un
C judicados, dentro de los límites prescritos
al amigo, si el asunto es de bastante estricto embargo sobre el embarque de ar
importancia y si la falta de refutación pue mas y municiones de los Estados Unidos por las reglas de la guerra. Los extranje
de producir resultados del más grave carác para México ; que la mayor parte de las ar ros que vienen y se establecen en un país,
ter, mostrarle sus yerros reservadamente y mas usadas por los revolucionarios fue, o deben normalmente compartir su suerte y
con la mayor consideración posible. Mas capturada a los huertistas, o introducida de no reclamar un tratamiento mejor que los
cuando este error se difunde extensamente nacionales. "' En otras palabras, los extran
contrabando por la frontera de los Estados
por la prensa, y millones de personas, tenien Unidos, en tanto que en dos notables casos jeros que decidieron permanecer en este
do la más absoluta confianza en la buena país durante la guerra civil, deben esperar
se permitió a los huertistas , abiertamente,
fe y exactitud del signatario creen en to las vicisitudes de tal lucha. El Secretario
importar tales artículos de ese país, y de
Bayard dijo a este respecto : " Es deber
Ja dos los pormenores de la manera más im que sólo 'durante el año próximo pasado fue
plícita y basan sus opiniones en él, corres cuando se permitió expedir a su destino de los extranjeros apartarse de tales peli
pónde al amigo, no solamente de la persona las armas y municiones detenidas en los gros, y si no lo hacen así, o si voluntaria
equivocada, sino de la verdad y la justi puertos americanos . mente se exponen a ellos , deben asumir las
cia, dar la más amplia circulación posible consecuencias. ''
Unicamente hago una pausa para hacer
a la rectificación del error . Con especiali notar que la referencia de Mr. Creel al A pesar de este bien definido principio ,
dad, es este el caso donde las considera " repugnante telegrama de Carranza al Carranza fue tan abrumado con protestas y
ciones de amistad internacional se encuen reclamaciones de extranjeros, por perjuicios
Kaiser el día de su cumpleaños " es erró
tran en peligro y 1, en donde las declaracio reales o imaginarios, que llegó a ser dicho
nea, puesto que la misma clase de telegra
nes hechas, si se permite que queden sin trillado el que ningún extranjero podía per
mas, en el mismo género de fraseología, era
by. cóntradicción, pueden acarrear resultados de der una naranja de un árbol, un pollo de
enviado, como mera materia de rutina, por
las más serias consecuencias . el funcionario subordinado cuyo deber con un gallinero o un caballo o mula del campo ,
Tal es el caso de un artículo que apare siste en atender a tales asuntos respecto a sin que se presentase a Carranza inmedia
ció recientemente en el periódico " Saturday cada uno de los gobernantes de los países tamente una protesta diplomática, como si
→ Evening Post " bajo el título de " Carranza con quienes México está en paz_incluso se tratara realmente de un grave asunto
Constituye la Dificultad" (Carranza Makes los Estados Unidos , puesto de importancia internacional. Un ministro
que tales
Trouble) , y que lleva la firma de Mr. George mensajes son enviados siempre, en ocasio extranjero se vió expulsado del país, suma
ཝཱ Creel, el bien conocido escritor. Mr. Creel nes nacionales y cumpleaños de los gober riamente, por su insolente e injurioso len
tiene multitud de amigos en todo el mun nantes, y que el lenguaje usado por los guaje, empleado con relación a la confisca
do, y de los cuales tiene el orgullo de lla latinos y latino-americanos, es, como se sabe ción, hecha con fines militares, de un ca
marse uno el que esto escribe, que creen bien, de naturaleza un poco más florida que ballo que pertenecía a uno de sus conna
en su sinceridad y que en ninguna circuns nuestras frías y formales expresiones ; y
tancia la pondrían en duda. Desgraciada también, que la referencia al no reconoci Los que están familiarizados con la His
mente, en el presente caso, parecería que miento de las " Listas Negras " en México toria recordarán que el Presidente Lincoln,
ha permitido ser engañado por esa intan es un poco desgraciada, en vista del hecho cuando fue urgido a permitir la presen
gible cosa, con frecuencia no bien fundada de que existía en los Estados Unidos un tación de reclamaciones y protestas tri
ni exacta, conocida bajo el nombre de " sen sentimiento decidido y fuerte, en el mismo viales por medio de conductos diplomáti
timiento público ; "' mientras que, al mismo sentido que el de México , antes de que cos, en una época en que México estaba
tiempo, ha sido manifiestamente engañado aquel país entrase en la guerra que los desgarrado por la guerra civil y por la in
por plausibles declaraciones de una de las neutrales no reconocerían tales restriccio tervención exterior, se negó rotundamente
partes respecto a ciertos asuntos, de cuyo nes-, y, si mi memoria es fiel, que hubie a permitir que se hiciera tal cosa, dicien
erróneo carácter darán una prueba absoluta ron aún algunas declaraciones y expresio do que habría tiempo suficiente para pre
los datos que se citarán . sentar las reclamaciones por perjuicios, cuan
nes diplomáticas sobre la materia; el que
Es sin ningún sentimiento de placer como, csto escribe relatará un par de incidentes do el Gobierno Mexicano hubiese llegado a
el que esto escribe, emprende la tarea, poro que arrojará alguna luz sobre la verdadera un período tal de libertad de las dificulta
con un sentimiento de obligación hacia Mr. actitud del Presidente Carranza hacia los des que le circuían, que le permitiera la dis
cusión de tales asuntos. Es también inte
George Creel, para ver que él se desegañe Estados Unidos.
resante notar que cuando esas reclamacio
y también para que la verdad sea hecha del Cuando Vera Cruz era el asiento del Go nos fueron presentadas en la forma debida ,
conocimiento de un círculo de lectores tan bierno, en 1915, el que esto escribe se en menos del uno por ciento de ellas fue apro
amplio como sea posible. contraba radicado allí como representante bado por la Comisión de Arbitraje, sobre la
Escribiendo desde México , casi no parece de una Asociación de Información. cual tenía el voto decisivo el Ministro Bri
corresponder a un extranjero el considerar Mr. John Silliman se hallaba en el puerto tánico en Washington. El Primer Jefe Ca
en detalle esa parte del artículo que tan como Representante Especial del Gobierno rranza, constantemente era el blanco de
inmerecidamente ataca al Presidente Ca Americano, puesto que desempeñaba con no
esas inoportunas protestas y reclamaciones,
rranza . Puede sólo ser notado , de paso ,
table habilidad y buen juicio. Carranza se la mayor parte de las cuales eran del carác
que on los párrafos iniciales se encuentra encontraba en esa época en uno de los más ter más trivial, hasta que, finalmente , en
esta declaración : críticos períodos de su carrera, y su tiempo una ocasión en que el que esto escribe , ha
tr Si prestáramos
" a Díaz, a Villa, o aún a y atención estaban ocupados enteramente en cía su diaria y regular visita a la resi
Peláez, el mismo grado de ayuda material la dirección de los negocios de la mayor dencia del Gobierno, en busca de noticias,
en cañones y cartuchos, que រ dimos a Ca importancia para su país. Era un tiempo fue introducido ante la presencia del jefe
rranza cuando se encontraba en el campo de guerra de guerra civil- , la peor clase revolucionario , quien, sobre esto , se dirigió
rebelado contra Huerta, su posición se ha a él en la siguiente forma :
de guerra que existe. Era una época de la
ría rápidamente tan insostonible como lo misma clase de guerra que los Estados " He llegado a la conclusión , "> dijo el
fue la del asesino de Madero . " Unidos atravesaron una voz y que apela a jefe, “ que ya es tiempo de que el mundo
Este solo párrafo revela tal falta de in la simpatía de los amantes de la libertad . conozca la manera cómo he sido tratado y
teligencia do la situación, de los hombres Era una época de esa guerra que es aludida estoy siendo tratado por los Gobiernos ex
mencionados, de sus caracteres . y de los en el " Compendio de Loy Internacional ” tranjeros . El mundo debe saber qué len
sentimientos del pueblo mexicano , que cs ,
de Borchard, rospecto a la intervención di guaje se ha usado para conmigo, el jefe de
mi ciertamente, lamentable. las fuerzas revolucionarias- el único gober
plomática en casos de perjuicios , donde so
Mr. Creel, aparentemente, se olvida del enuncia este principio, como habiendo sido nante en México que, en cierto modo, es re

↓ >

We Ha 192
Lov 12 N
appoint you, but when I told you that I had without first obtaining permission from the When Madero took +J the Presidency,
#4 government and paying the necessary taxes established an export tax on oil of 50 cents
ordered all the diplomatic corresponden ce
to be given out for publication by you, I and dues-stamp taxes, and otherwise . And per ton. Huerta increased this to 75 cents,
was aggravated by an unsually uncalledA in the enumeration of the properties of the and Carranza reduced it to 60. This was
for and discourteous communication , and I Crown in the sub-surface deposits of min not found to operate satisfactorily, and a
concluded to take the action that I com erals , " bitumen " was expressly mentioned, new method was devised . The selling price

municated to you . Since then I have given that being the only term then used for oil of the oil at the point of discharge in the
the matter careful consideration, and have bearing deposits , and from the Spanish United States was ascertained, and from
come to the conclusion that it would only Crown this ownership descended to the Gov this the cost of shipment was deducted. ་ On
tend to create further ill feeling and to ernment of Mexico . But under the inhibi the balance remaining a tax of ten per cent
accentuate that which already exists , if the tion of retroactive laws, and the repeated was levied. Those values are determined
correspondence were published, and I have assurances of officials , it would not appear every two months and public notice given
therefore countermanded the order. "
that those holding " vested rights ' need thereof through the press. For July and ‫ܡܐ‬
Another instance : August the announcement was made on the
entertain any undue apprehension. No one
Soon after the capture of Mexico City 1st of the first named month. It is as fol *
has yet made an international question of 2
by General Gonzalez in the summer of 1915,
there were discovered in the archives of the Government's ownership of other min lows : Upon combustible petroleum of a
eral deposits. density of 0.91 , the valuation is fixed at $13
the National Treasury Department certain re
But to get down to facts . Mr. Creel Mexican gold per ton ; upon crude petroleum
ceipts for considerable sums of money paid
say s: of a density of 0.91 , the valuation is $15.50 '
out by the Huerta government and signed
by foreigners, for " services rendered . " per ton ; upon petroleum the density of which
" To finish the story properly there
These documents were sent to Vera Cruz are several purely American misunder is more than 0.97, the valuation is $6 per

and were there shown the writer by the standings that must be cleared up-the ton ; upon gas oil the density of which is
Secretary of Foreign Affairs in whose hands accusation of tax dodging for instance . more than 0.91 , the valuation is $ 13 per
The question of taxes was never at
they were. He promised to have photo issue and is not now at issue. Taxes ton . The various amounts required are, in
graphs made of them for transmission to have always been paid, and are being the order of valuation , 60 cents , $1.30 and
the United States for publication, where paid today, and published statements $1.55 Mexican gold . In American gold, which
they would assuredly have created a sen prove conclusively that the money is worth two to one of the Mexican, the tax
flowing into the Mexican treasury from
nation. But after waiting several days, I the oil fields developed by foreign cap equals 30 cents, 65 cents and 77 1 |2 cents
received almost the same reply that Car ital is not the least source of income per ton. The average number of barrels to
by any means.. There is, first of all , the ton is 6 14, so that the tax levied on
ranza had given me : an export tax of ten per cent, but
" We have reconsidered the matter (the exportations varies from between four and
owing to the high valuation assessed by
First Chief and the Secretary) , and as the the Mexican authorities this is in real five cents per barrel for the lowest priced I
publication of those receipts would only ity a tax of 33 1-3 per cent. There are
oil to between 12 and 13 cents for the high
tend to create further ill feeling, we havo also bar dues, stamp duties and dredg
ing taxes, all resulting in an annual est priced . Mexican oil is quoted at 70 cents
concluded not to have it done. "
income to Mexico of more than eight to $1 per barrel delivered at Gulf ports in
But those receipts were surely " mighty million dollars from oil alone, constitut
interesting reading, " and might have been the United States.
ing the highest tax on petroleum pro
productive of some awkward explanations. duction in the world, and netting Mex There is a tax of $ 150 Mexican gold per
ico a sum far in excess of the total month for inspection, while there are harbor
That they would have been productive of return to capital paid to foreign in
ill feeling, there is not the slightest1 doubt. vestors in the form of dividends . It dues , and the usual stamp taxes on legal and .
• But enough of this . It seems to me that is not a case of tax dodging, but plain financial documents. The writer has of
these two incidents throw a strong light resistance to confiscation in the form course no means of knowin g the exact amount
upon the real sentiments of the President of rentals and royalties that are in ad
paid in these directions.
dition to the regular taxes and apart
toward the United States . When the time from them. " But there is an official record of the
comes to tell the complete story of Car amount of oil shipped by each company , of
" Taxes have always been paid and are
ranza's relations with foreign governments, "} its value and of the export taxes paid there 1
absolute proof can be afforded that he has being paid today. '
They have not always been paid and are on. For 1918 it was as follows :
had good reason for sensitiveness and that
the only wonder is that he has not ex NAME OF COMPANY Value of Shipments Duties Paid
hibited it more strenuously. That he has $2,203,814.71
Huasteca Petroleum Co. $21,612,789.54 ·
made mistakes his best friends will con 31,740,224.02 1,887,510.05
Aguila Co. ( Lord Cowdray ) .
cede. But so have others ! There never Standard Oil of New York . 28,528,486.72 1,740,327.39
‫مجھے‬ was but one man who never made mistakes! 16,014, 984.14 1,203,3 56.00
Standard Qil of New Jersey .
Penn .A Mex . Fuel Co. ·· 14,878,536.23 1,487,853.60
The greater portion of Mr. Creel's article 4,324,198.16 432,419.80
is devoted to the oil question . First he Cortez Oil Corporation . •
Freeport & Mex. Fuel Oil Co. · 3,844,894.65 355,179.39
deals with certain decrees and projected 3,811,926.33 282,729.76
Pierce Oil Corporation . •
East Coast Oil Co. 3,317,630.22 305,154.86
laws as if they were already accomplished 356,084.38
Metropolitan Pipe Line Co. 3,560,843,94
facts, when as a matter of actuality those 3,285,980.25 328,598.37
Union Oil Co. of California .
to which such strenuous objection is raised Mexican Gulf Oil Co. 2,890,780.28 279,943.17
are not enforced , and have not even been The Texas Co. of Mexico . • 1,473,225.44 139,966.81
enacted into statutes . The entire matter National Petroleum Corp. · 522,275.28 49,306.92
Interoc ean Oil Co. J 491,073 .59 43,863.20
of an organic petrol eum law is to be con 9,213.28
Tal Vez Petroleum Co. 92,132.80
sidered by the present special session of T1 166,571.61 15,076.21
New England Fuel Oil Co.
Congress, and it is somewhat premature to
Totals . $140,557,553.20 $11,120,397.90
discuss those matters as though they were •
facts. There is one fact howeve r that
only paid today by at least one leading In American gold these values are respec
should not be lost sight of and that is that
company under protest and with a distinct tively: Value of shipments, $70,278,775,60 ;
the constitution expressly provides against
intention to secure their refunding through total duties paid, $ 5,560,198.95. As stated,
the enactment of any retroactive laws , which
at ones remove much of the critici sm from pressure of some sort ! Under the Diaz those duties are paid under protest by the
the realm of discussion . Another fact that administration there were no taxes paid on very concern from which it is reasonably cer
should not be lost sight of, is that no for the oil. If any were paid on lands, they tain Mr. Creel received the information that
eigner or native has ever operate d a mine were so slight as not to be worth mention " taxes have always been paid and are being
in Mexico in which the ownership of the
ing. The Aguila Company under its conSE being paid today, " as well as others.
mineral was not acknowledged to be in the Mr. Creel says that the total amount of
cessions was granted exemption from taxa
Government and not in the possessor of the * taxes paid is $ 8,000,000 , and that this is " far
surface. No land owner, native or for tion for fifty years and the Huasteca Com
in excess of the total return of capital paid
eign, can open a mine on his own land pany for ten years.
* ,*
盎 7
conocido por W las potencias extranjeras. De cederán . Pero lo mismo han hecho otros ! ma de dividendos. Este no es un caso
seo que el mundo vea por sí mismo cómo Jamás existió hombre alguno que nunca hu de evasión de las contribuciones, sino
franca resistencia a la confiscación en
he sido tratado. No osarían usar tal len biese errado !
} la forma de rentas y regalías que f se
guaje hacia ningún , otro gobierno . Por con La mayor parte del artículo de Mr. Creel sobreañaden a las contribuciones regula
*& he * dado órdenes de que toda la está dedicado al asunto del petróleo. Pri res y que están separadas de ellas. "
correspondencia diplomática que me ha sido " Las contribuciones han sido paga
meramente, trata de ciertos decretos y leyes das siempre, y están siendo pagadas
dirigida desde el principio de la revolución, actualmente."
proyectados como si fueran hechos consu
juntamente con mis respuestas, sea coleccio
mados, cuando que, como asunto de actuali No han sido pagadas siempre, y son pa
14 nada, traducida y entregada a la prensa
por conducto de usted.' > dad, esas leyes contra las cuales se le gadas ahora solamente, cuando menos por
овать под
vantan tan vigorosas objeciones , no están una Compañía principal, bajo protesta y
* Notifiqué a ✰✰mis superiores de lo que so
había prometido y de que debía esperarse en vigor y no han sido codificados en Esta con la distinta intención de asegurar su res
Ꮵ **
un B conjunto más interesante de noticias. tutos. titución por medio de una presión de cual
{ quier género ! Bajo la Administración de
fF Varias veces, y con intervalos debidos , pre Todo el asunto de una ley orgánica del
gunté al Secretario del Primer Jefe si las petróleo debe ser considerado en el presente Díaz, no se pagaban impuestos sobre el pe
copias prometidas de la correspondencia es , - período de sesiones del Congreso, y es algo tróleo. Si se pagaban algunos por las tie
taban listas, como era lo prometido, y re prematuro discutir estas cuestiones como si rras, eran tan pequeños, que no valen la
cibí una respuesta negativa. Finalmente , fuesen hechos. Existe una circunstancia , pena de ser citados. La Compañía “ El
después de que habían transcurrido cerca Aguila, " por virtud de sus concesiones, fue
sin embargo, que no debiera perderse de
ན་ de dos semanas, se me dijo que Carranza vista y es que la Constitución expresamen agraciada con una exención de contribucio
deseaba verme . nes por espacio de cincuenta años, y la
"L te provee contra la expedición de cuales
"Siento, " dijo, tener que contrariar a Huasteca Petroleum Co., por diez años .
quiera leyes retroactivas , lo que elimina gran
usted ; mas cuando le participé que había Cuando Madero ocupó la presidencia, esta
ordenado que toda la correspondencia di parte de las críticas del dominio de la dis
cusión. Otro hecho que no debiera perderse bleció un derecho de exportación de cin
plomática fuese dada a la publicidad por cuenta centavos por tonelada. Huerta au
medio de usted, estaba exasperado por upa de vista, es que ningún extranjero o na
mentó éste a setenta y cinco centavos, y
'comunicación insólitamente inmerecida y tivo ha operado nunca una mina en Mé .
Carranza lo redujo a sesenta. Se encontró
น descortés, y concluí por resolverme a la ac xico, en que la propiedad del mineral no
↓ que éste no funcionaba satisfactoriamente y
ción que le comuniqué. Desde entonces, he fuera reconocida en el Gobierno y no en
se ideó otro método . Se cercioraron del
prestado al asunto una detenida atención y el poseedor de la superficie. Ningún pro
precio de venta del petróleo en el punto de
he llegado a la conclusión de que sólo sc pietario de tierra, nacional o extranjero,
descarga de los Estados Unidos, y de éste
‫ ܕ‬tendería a crear más mal sentimiento y a puede abrir una mina en su propio terre
se dedujo el costo del embarque. Sobre el
acentuar el que existe ya, si la correspon no sin obtener primero permiso del Go
resto del saldo se impuso una contribución
dencia fuese publicada ; y, por consiguiente, bierno y pagar las contribuciones y los tri del diez por ciento. Estos avalúos son de
1 he revocado la orden . " butos necesarios-impuesto del Timbre y terminados cada dos meses y se da de ello
Otro caso : otros más. Y en la enumeración de las
noticia al público por medio de la prensa .
Inmediatamente después de la captura de propiedades de la Corona, en los depósitos Para los meses de julio y agosto se pu
la ciudad de México por el general Gonzá minerales subyacentes a la superficie, se blicó el aviso el día primero del presente
lez, en el verano de 1915, fueron descubier mencionaba expresamente el " betún, " sien mes. Es como sigue :
tos, en la Secretaría de Hacienda, ciertos do éste el único término empleado enton }
Sobre petróleo combustible, de densidad
recibos, por considerables sumas, pagados ces para los depósitos que contenían petró le 0.91 , la valuación es de $ 13.00 oro mc
por el Gobierno de Huerta y firmados por leo ; y de la Corona Española, esta propie xicano por tonelada ; sobre petróleo crudo 4
extranjeros, y por concepto de " servicios dad descendió al Gobierno Mexicano . de densidad de 0.91 , el avalúo es de $15.50
prestados. Estos documentos fueron en Mas bajo la prohibición de expedir leyes por tonelada ; sobre petróleo cuya densidad
viados a Vera Cruz y fueron mostrados al retroactivas y por las repetidas seguridades es mayor de 0.97, la valuación es de $ 6.00
que esto escribe por el Secretario de Rela de los funcionarios, no parecería que los por tonelada ; sobre gas oil, cuya densidad
ciones Exteriores, en cuyas manos estaban. que poseen " " derechos consagrados '' nece es mayor de 0.91 , la valuación es de $ 13.00
El Secretario prometió sacar fotografías de sitaran abrigar ninguna aprehensión inde por tonelada. Las distintas sumas requeri
ellos para enviarlas a los Estados Unidos bida. Ninguno ha hecho todavía una cues das, en el orden de valuación, son : sesenta
para su publicación, donde seguramente hu tión internacional de la propiedad del Go centavos, un peso treinta centavos y un.
biesen provocado sensación. Mas después bierno sobre otros depósitos minerales. peso eincuenta y cinco centavos en oro
de esperar por varios días, recibí la misma Poro para ir a los hechos : dice Mr. Crecl : mexicano. En oro americano, que vale dos
respuesta casi que me había dado Ca " Para aclarar debidamente el rela por uno respecto al mexicano, los impuestos
Tranza : to , existen muchas malas inteligencias, equivalen a treinta centavos, sesenta y cin
" Hemos reconsiderado el asunto ( el Pri puramente americanas, que deben ser co centavos y setenta y siete centavos y
mer Jefe y el Ministro ) , y como la publi aclaradas- la acusación de evadir las medio por tonelada. El promedio de ba
contribuciones, por ejemplo. La cues
cación de los recibos sólo tendería a crear tión de las contribuciones no estuvo ja rriles por tonelada es seis un cuarto, de
más mal sentimiento, hemos resuelto no más en disputa, y ahora lo está. Las modo que el impuesto decretado sobre las
hacerla. }}
' contribuciones han sido pagadas siem importaciones varía entre cuatro y cinco
Pero estos recibos eran seguramente " lec pro, y están siendo pagadas actualmen
te, y los informes publicados prueban centavos por barril, para el petróleo de más
tura de poderoso interés " y pudieron haber terminantemente que el dinero que en bajo precio, a doce y trece centavos para
sido causantes de explicaciones delicadas. tra al Tesoro Mexicano por los campos el de mayor valor. El petróleo mexicano
de petróleo desarrollados por el capi
De que hubiesen provocado sentimiento ad20 tal extranjero no es, de ningún modo,
se cotiza de setenta centavos a un peso
verso, no existe la menor duda. la menor fuente de ingresos. Existe, por barril, entregado en los puertos de Es
Pero basta do esto . Me pareco que estos ante todo, un impuesto de exportación tados Unidos que se encuentran sobre el
del diez por ciento ; mas debido a la Golfo.
dos incidentes arrojan una intensa luz 90
alta valuación asignada por las autori
bre los reales sentimientos del Presidente dades mexicanas , es, on realidad, de Existe un impuesto de ciento cincuenta
hacia los Estados Unidos. Cuando llegue el treinta y tros un tercio por ciento . pesos, oro mexicano, por mes, por inspección ,
Existen también derechos , de barra, im
tiempo do relatar la historia completa de cu tanto que hay derechos de puerto y el
puesto del Timbre y derechos do dra
las relaciones de Carranza con los Gobier gado , convirtiéndose todos en un ingre impuesto del Timbre de costumbre on los
nos extranjeros, podrá proporcionarse la so anual para México de más de ocho documentos legales y financieros. Natu
prueba 嘴 absoluta de que ha tenido buena millones de dólares, dol petróleo sola ralmente que el que esto escribe no tiene
mente, constituyendo el mayor impues
razón para obrar con délicadeza y que la to sobre la producción del aceite mine medios de conocer el monto exacto de lo
única maravilla consiste en que no haya ral en el mundo y produciendo a Mé que se paga por estos conceptos.
exhibido osto más vigorosamente. Que ha xico una suma superior en exceso a las Mas existe un registro especial de la can
ganancias totales del capital pagado a
cometido errores ; sus mejores amigos lo conV los inversores extranjeros bajo la for tidad de petróleo embarcado por cada Com

1 Ap

to foreign investors in the shape of divi to the land owners ) a tax of ten per cent Consequently, when a small owner needs
dends. ' on that amount- which is equal to $1 per money (and he\\always needs it) he is oblig
Here are the facts : acre in American money valuation, the tax ed to go to one of the monopolistic concerns
In the annual report of the Aguila Com being therefore exactly ten cents per acre. and accept just exactly what they are willing SIM
pany as published in the London Financial Where the rentals run from $5 to $10 per to pay, and not being in business in Mexico
Times, it appears that the net profits of hectare ( $ 1 to $2 per acre American money) , from any altruistic motives, though they
that company from the year 1911 to the end ten per cent on the first dollar and 20 per seek to persuade people that they are, they
of the year 1918 (the revolutionary and "C con cent on the balance. pay the + unfortunate small owner just what
fiscatory " period ) were as follows : Where the rents are over $10 per hectare they please- a few cents per barrel. And
To re then they assert that this represents the value
Year ended Divideds Carried
June 30 Net Profit pald serve Forward of the oil at the well!
Just at the close of the article, Mr. Creèl
1911. £89,602 £69,700 £4,479 £4,300
• 7,165 remarks :
1912. 437,156 69,700 64,759
1913 . 872,098 69,700 23,653 444,494 " Even today, when Great Britain,
1914. · 1,073,449 410,000 23,653 444,494
France and Italy, angered beyond for-་
1915. 還 1,237,930 410,000 30,499 494,277
47,501 bearance are refusing to receive the ac
1916. 1,763,081 820,000 576,812 credited representatives of Carranza,
1917. • 2,036,742 1,025,000 109,923 666,600 the Ambassador of Mexico holds his
1918. 2,894,134 1,300,601 661,740 227,452 place of honor in Washington. '
The percentage of the dividends declared ($2 per acre American money) the tax is This was printed on June 14th, and at
has been as follows : ten per cent for the first five pesos, and fif that time Minister Pani had been received
Year Preferred Common ty per cent beyond that. Fifty per cent of by the French Government over one month
the royalties paid to the land owner is also previously (the 13th of May to be exact) ,
1911 . 8% collected by the government . while Minister Hay was received by the
1912 . 8%
1913 . · 8% The foregoing taxes fall on the land owner King of Italy on the 17th of May. ļ
1914 . • 8% 8% and not on the lessee. This article is quite lengthy enough, but
1915 . 8% 8% Where lands are held under contract but the writer feels that he has set forth unim
1916 . 16% 16% without the payment of rent, the tax is $1 peachable facts enough in contradiction of
1917 . 20% 20%
25% (50 cents gold) per acre annually, and five Mr. Creel's statements to convince him that
1918 . 25%
per cent of the output. he has been wofully misled, and to acknow
From this it is learned that a single com Where the oil land is owned outright, the ledge that he has been too hasty in placing
pany has made a net profit of over fifty mil owner pays an annual tax equivalent to $1 implicit confidence in those who had an ulshah
lion dollars (American gold ) in the past an acre American money, and also a royalty terior purpose to serve in securing his al
eight years. And it has paid over twenty on the oil produced of five per cent of its liance.
millions in dividends. value. Less than ten per cent of the oil land In conclusion, it may be added that there
The original capital of the Aguila Compa is so held. are certain earmarks about that portion of
ny, according to the London papers, was In connection with the matter of rentals the article devoted to the oil question that
$60,000,000 Mexican money, or $30,000,000 and royalties , some figures have been pub indicate clearly the source of Mr. Creel's
American gold. So that it is shown that in lished in the local press that are of interest. mis-information to those who are familiar
eight years it has recouped its investment In the State of Oklahoma, for example, un with the interventionist propaganda that is
twice over, has a balance of ten million dol der direction of the United States govern now going on openly in the United States,
lars to the good, and is the owner of prop ment, and on behalf of the Indian owners of but which for a long time was kept sub rosa
erty worth several times its actual cost. the oil lands, the cost of the right to develop so far as possible. And to use a phrase which
But this is far from the entire case. From oil upon a quarter-section (160 acres ) for a is now becoming familiar and is very ex
the same newspaper that gives the Aguila period of fourteen years, was put at $225,000. pressive, " it smells of oil " -strongly and
Company's earning, it is learned that the Besides this,? the holder of the right was unmistakably. And it is quite certain that
Dutch Shell Company paid dividends last obligated to pay the Indian owners from one when Mr. Creel learns how he was imposed
year of 48 per cent en preferred stock and fifth to one -sixth of the total amount of oil
37 per cent on ordinary shares. The total is upon, he will be of a like opinion.
produced. Three per cent in addition went
not given, but it certainly could not have to the Government of the State of Oklahoma.
been less than the amount paid by the Agui The total amount of the royalties is from 16 It is stated that by the introduction of
la, although a portion of its profits were de to 23 per cent of the production. A similar improved machinery and the adoption of
rived from its business in other countries area in Mexico would cost the lessee only the latest methods for making coke, the
besides Mexico. $320 annually, or $4160 for the same period. production of the Coahuila coal fields in
From the financial columns of New York In Texas the lessees pay $ 2 an acre annual that direction is of a quality superior to
papers, it is learned that the Pan-American ly, or two and one-half times the rate in
the imported and it is now being used by
Petroleum and Transport Company (under Mexico. In California producing land is as smelting concerns that had heretofore
stood to be a branch of one of the large pro sessed at an average valuation of $1000 an favored the imported article. The removal
ducing companies) paid quarterly dividends acre, according to an authority on oil in that
State. At an auction sale of oil rights re of the embargo on the shipment of silver
at the rate of 28 per cent per annum. bullion and the increase in the price
It is a fair conclusion that Mr. Creel was cently held in Texas nearly four hundred
acting under a decided misapprehension when thereof has greatly stimulated the develop
dollars an acre was bid for an untried tract,
he declared with so much positiveness that in addition to which a royalty is paid on the ment of silver mines in all portions of
the annual collection of taxes in 1918 was production. the Republic .
more than all that had been returned to the One thing more : The companies that have
foreign investors in the way of dividends. protested against what they are pleased to Preliminary steps have been taken for
Dividends ranging from 25 to 48 per cent call " confiscatory '' taxation, but which nev the construction of a strategical railroad
in a single year are quite fair returns. ertheless pay their taxes (under protest and encircling the valley of Mexico in its en
But still further as to the tax matter , with a distinct design to recover such pay tirety. It will include Las Cruces, San
which Mr. Creel declares to be " confisca ments through intervention or otherwise) , Juan Teotihuacan, Nochistongo, El Peñon
tion disguised in the form of rentals and make much of the " value of the oil at the and other outlying places . The natural .
royalties that are in addition to the regular wells, '' sometimes claiming that the taxation defenses of the valley will thus be placed
taxes and apart from them. " ‫ވ‬ is equal to that value. But they do not ex within easy communication of each other,
No such taxes are being paid, but here is plain how they arrive at such a valuation . rendering artificial fortifications unneces
the rate that it was proposed to collect, but This is the explanation : Many small well own sary.
which was suspended pending action by Con ers have oil which they cannot transport to
1 For commercial and industrial informa
gress. tidewater nor could they ship it, if it were
Where rentals are $5 per hectare or less there. All the means of transportation and tion, read The Review and then send it to
(that is, the rentals paid by the operators shipment belong to a few large companies. the States.

1 1 затори

h LA N A 9

pania, de su valor y de los derechos de ex-" millones en el haber y que es poseedora de Donde las rentas varían de cinco a diez
portación pagados por él. Para el año de una propiedad que vale varias veces su &
A fue # como sigue : pesos por hectara (de $ 1 a $2 por acre,
1918, éste
51 prečio primitivo.
a*t hey H en moneda americana) , el impuesto es del
→ ‫يمه‬ j
NOMBRE DE LA COMPAÑIA Valor de los Embarques Derechos Pagado diez por ciento sobre el primer dólar y de'
veinte por ciento sobre el resto.
Huasteca **** Petroleum Co. .$ 21,612,789.54 $ 2,203,814.71 Donde las rentas son de más de $10 por
Aguila Co. (Lord Cowdray) 31,740,224.02 1,887,510.05
Standard Oil Co. de Nueva York hectara ($2 por acre en moneda americana ) ,
28,528,486.72 1,740,327,39
Standard Oil, de Nueva Jersey D 16,014,984.14 la contribución es de diez por ciento sobre
Penn-Mex. Fuel Co. • 1,203,356.00
L L 14,878,536.23 1,487,853,60 los primeros cinco pesos, de veinte por
Cortez Oil Corporation 4,324,198.16 432,419.80 ciento sobre los segundos cinco pesos y de
Freeport & Mexico Fuel * Oil Co. 3,844,894.65 355,179.39
Pierce Oil A Corporation 3,811,926.33 cincuenta por ciento sobre el excedente.
Fast Coast Oil Co. 3,317,680.22 305,154.86 El cincuenta por ciento de las regalías
17 Metropolitan Pipe Line Co. 3,560,843.94 356,084.38 pagadas al propietario de la tierra es tam
Union Oil Co. de Californią. 3,285,980.25 328,598.37 bién recaudado por el Gobierno.
Mexican ‫ اسه‬Gulf * Oil Co. 2,890,780.28 279,943.17
La Texas Co. de México T Las anteriores contribuciones recaen SO
1,473,225.44 139,966.81
National Petroleum Corporation 522,275.28 bre el propietario de la tierra y no sobre
49,306.92 el arrendatario.
Interocean Oil Co. 491,073.59 43,863.20
Tal + Vez Petroleum Co. 92,132,80 9,213.28 Allí donde las tierras están contratadas,
እ пчела
New England Fuel Oil Co. 166,571.61 15,076.21 pero sin el pago de rentas, la contribución
r Totales • . $ 140,557,553.20 es $1 (cincuenta centavos oro) por acre,
‫میرےہو‬ anualmente, más el cinco por ciento de la
En oro americano esos valores You son, res Pero esto está lejos de ser el caso en[ producción total.
pectivamente: valor de los embarques .... tero. Por el mismo periódico que publica Allí donde las tierras petrolíferas son po
$ 70,278,775.60.
♡I ~ Total de los derechos pa las ganancias de la Compañía " El Agui seídas directamente , el propietario paga una
gados, $5,560,198.95 . Como se ha decla la, " se sabe que la Dutch Shell Company contribución anual equivalente a $ 1 por acre.
rado ya, esos derechos son pagados bajo pagó en dividendos, el año pasado, el cua en moneda americana y también una re
protesta por la misma empresa, de la cual renta y ocho por ciento sobre las accio galía sobre el petróleo producido , del cinco
L Vfoty es そのパター razonablemente seguro que recibió Mr. nes de preferencia y el treinta y siete por por ciento de su valor. Menos del diez
ľ 梦 篇 Creel el informe de que, " las contribucio ciento sobre las ordinarias. No se publica
* Энер por ciento de la tierra petrolífera se en
прива nes han sido 2 pagadas siempre y están sien J el total, pero ciertamente que puede no cuentra en estas condiciones.
do pagadas actualmente," así como algu haber sido menor que el monto pagado por
** To th nosposte otros informes. En relación con el asunto de las rentas
" El Aguila , " aunque una parte de sus y regalías, se han publicado en la prensa
tm F Mr. Creel dice que el monto total de las ganancias se derivara de sus negocios en local algunos datos numéricos que tienen
Je1f .S contribuciones pagadas es de $ 8,000,000 y otros países, además de México. importancia. En el Estado de Oklahoma,
20 7 , que esto es " superior en exceso a la gaME
•S Por las columnas financieras de los pe
por ejemplo, bajo la dirección del Gobierno
mancia total del capital pagado a los in riódicos M de Nueva York, se sabe que la
de los Estados Unidos y en apoyo de los
versores extranjeros en la forma de divi Pan-American Petroleum and Transport
риват зна N dendos." propietarios indígenas de las tierras petro
"" Company ( considerada como una rama de
4.1 líferas, el precio del derecho para extraer
He aquí los hechos : las grandes compañías productoras ) , pagó
se Enfor 4 informe cada tres meses dividendos en la propor
petróleo en un cuarto de milla cuadrada
el anual de la Compañía " El
Aguila;" tal como fue publicado en ` el (160 acres ) , por un período de catorce años ,
ción de veintiocho por ciento anual. fue fijado en $ 225,000 . Además de esto , el
" London Financial Times, " aparece que las Es pues, una exacta conclusión la de que poseedor del derecho fue obligado a pagar
utilidades líquidas de esa Compañía, desde Mr. Creel obró bajo la influencia de un
los propietarios indios, de un quinto a
el año de 1911 hasta fines de 1918 (el pe decidido error cuando declaró con tanta cer
un sexto del monto total del petróleo pro
ríodo revolucionario y confiscatorio " ) fue teza que la recaudación anual de contribu ducido. El tres por ciento , por añadiduta ,
ron como sigue : ciones , en 1918, fue mayor que la suma que
se aplicó al Gobierno del Estado de Okla
Año terminado Ganancia Dividendos Fondos de homa. El monto total de la regalía es de
el30 de junio líquida En Depósito
pagados reserva 16 a 23 por ciento de la reducción. Una
1911 área similar en México costaría al arren
£89,602 £ 69,700 £ 4,479 £ 4,300
1912 437,156 69,700 datario sólo $ 320 anuales , o sean $160 por
1913 7,165 69,759
872,098 69,700 23,653 444,494 el mismo período de catorce años. En
1914 • # 1,073,449 410,000 427,262
26,065 Texas los arrenda tarios pagan dos dólares
*1915 1,237,930 410,000 30,499
1916 494,277
1,763,081 820,000 47,501 576,812 por acre, o sea dos veces y media la cuota
1917 2,036,742 1,025,000 de México . En California, la tierra pro
1918 109,923 666,600
2,894,134 1,300,601 661,740 227,452 ductora es fijada en un costo medio de
El porcentaje de los dividendos maui se había pagado a los inversores cxtranjeros $1,000 por acre, de acuerdo con una autori
festados ha sido como sigue : en calidad de dividendos. Los dividendos , dad del petróleo en ese Estado . En una
que fluctúan entre el veinticinco y el cua almoneda de derechos petroleros celebrada
Año Preferencia Ordinario
S renta y ocho por ciento en un solo año , recientemente en Texas , se pidieron cerca
1911 . 8% de . cuatrocientos dólares por cada acre de
son réditos demasiado equitativos .
1912 8% un terreno no ensayado, y sobreañadido a
1913 8% Pero hay aún más respecto al asunto de
lo cual se paga una regalía sobre la pro
The+ 1914 8% 8% las contribuciones, que Mr. Creel declara
1915 8% 8% son una " confiscación disfrazada en la for ducción.
_1916 16% 16% ma de rentas y regalías que están sobre . Una cosa más : Las Compañías que han
1917 S 20% 20% añadidas a los derechos regulares y separa protestado contra lo que gustan Hamar
1918 • 25% 25%
das de ellos. "' " taxativa confiscatoria, " pero que , sin em
Por esto se sabe que una sola compañía Tales contribuciones no están siendo pa bargo, pagan sus contribuciones (bajo pro
ha realizado una utilidad líquida de cerca gadas, y aquí está ìa proporción que se testa y con el definido propósito de recu
de cincuenta millones de dólares ( oro ame ha propuesto cobrar, pero que fue sus perar tales pagos por medio de la inter
ricano ) , en los ocho últimos años. Y ha pendida, pendiente de la resolución del Con vención o de cualquier otra manera ) , ba
pagado sobre veinte millones en dividendos. greso . Donde las rentas son de cinco pesos blan mucho del ¿ valor del petróleo en los
El capital original de la Compañía " El por hectara o menos (eso es, las rentas pa pozos, '' sosteniendo algunas veces que la
But Aguila, '' de "Y acuerdo con los periódicos de gadas por los operadores a los propietarios tributación es igual a
ese valor. Pero no
• Londres, era de $60,000,000, en moneda me de la tierra ) se .propone una contribución explican cómo llegaron a tal avalúo . Esta
xicana, o ṣeau $ 30,000,000 en oro ameri del diez por ciento sobre esa suma- que es es la explicación : Muchos pequeños pro
cano. De modo que se demuestra que, en igual a $1 por aero, valuada en moneda pietarios de pozos petrolíferos poseen pe
ocho años, hạ recuperado su inversión cerca americana, siendo la contribución, por con tróleo que no pueden transportar al litoral
siguiente , do diez contavos por acre , exac
de dos veces, que tiene un balance de diez ni podrían embarcar si lo tuvieran allí.
↑* tamente!
(Sigue en la página 13)


of Tampico, Tuxpan and Lobos for various

Six Hundred Millions in Petroleum portions of the world, carrying in the
neighborhood of eight million barrels of
Latest Estimate of the Technical Bureau- Many New Companies oil. One of the largest companies in the
Coming In Despite Antagonistic Reports field, the Corona, for some reason made no
exportations during the month, or other
N estimate has recently been made been forbidden to pursue their develop wise the total would have been close to
by the Technical Bureau of the Pe ment work, such as the sinking of wells, nine million barrels. The principal export
troleum Department of the total which is an act of absolute justice, since ers and their respective shipments were as
amount invested in the oil industry in this they have put themselves beyond the law. follows :
country, including pipe lines, machinery . The Aguila Company (and others as well ) Barrels
tanks, buildings , refineries , vessels, etc has made the regular manifestation of its
The total is nearly six hundred millions properties that is required, accompanied by Aguila ( Lord Cowdray) . " 1,088,335.00
Standard .. . 1,086,173.87
Mexican gold, equivalent to three hundred the documents showing its ownership of the Huasteca 1,048,025.04
millions in American gold, and the detail lands which it possesses, but although it Penn . -Mex. 928,045.38
ed estimate is as follows : has not paid a cent of the taxes imposed, Cortez M 651,578.00
Island 275,456.31
Wells in exploitation with a capacity of 1,500,000 barrels daily . $300,000,000 Texas
1,200 kilometers (780 miles) pipelines . 546,065,46
50,000,000 Mexican Gulf
Tanks with capacity of 26,000,000 barrels 366,543.32
Refineries 55,000,000 East Coast 312,602.37
Lands . 50,000,000 Pierce 94,753.00
Railway lines, buildings and machinery 30,000,000 New England 22,567.33
Vessels for transportation, of which the Aguila Company owns Freeport . 354,222.21
one-third part, with a capacity of 250,000 tons . . 50,000,000 Other companies . 300,055.48
Total . $595,000,000 Total. .. 7,074,422.77
Within the past few months there has
been a great stimulation in investments in Mexican Officials and Foreign Diplomats at the Fourth of July Celebration in Mexico City
the oil regions and several very large for
eign companies have acquired lands and are
proceeding with their development. One
of these, called the Petroleum Corporation
of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific, has a
capital of $40,000,000 and has acquired a
fleet of tank vessels for the purpose of
transporting the oil to all portions of the
world. Other new concerns engaging in
the business are the Atlantic, Gulf and
West Indies, the New York and Porto Rico,
the Mallory and Clyde, as also a Norwegian
Company, an Italian one and one made up
of French capital, the latter of which pro
mises to be one of the largest in the field .
It will establish refineries and maintain
its own transportation system, as well as
developing its Own petroleum deposits
which it has acquired.
Why Permission is Refused to Certain Oil
Companies to Sink Wells.
The Secretary of Commerce and In
dustry, under whose charge is the develop
ment of the petroleum deposits of the coun
try, has issued an official statement in
connection with the complaint of the " Pa
nuco Boston Company, " that " President Funcionarios Mexicanos y Diplomáticos Extranjeros en la Celebración del Cuatro de Julio
Carranza has issued an order forbidding en la Ciudad de México
foreign companies from continuing to sink
oil wells : "" permission to sink new wells has not been Taking into account the number of ves
denied it, nor to exploit those already in sels due to arrive in time to load in the
" All petroleum enterprises operating in
Mexico are compelled by law to file a production. It can be seen that it is the present month, it is believed the total
palpable desire of the petroleum companies exportations for July will reach upward of
statement of the properties which they pos
that refuse to make the manifestation re ten millions of barrels.
sess, with the object of assessing the
amount of taxes which they ought to pay quired to falsify the acts and requirements The first shipment of 300,000 barrels has
thereon, in accordance with the decree upon in order to create a bad impression against been made to Argentine and many con
this subject promulgated by the Secretary the Mexican government, and hence they tracts for large amounts have been closed
of the Treasury. The companies which unjustly accuse it of inaugurating the with other South American countries.
work of confiscation of the lands of the
claim that the tax in question is confiscatory Powerful French-American Company Goes
have refused absolutely to file these state foreign companies . Into the Oil Fields
ments alluded to, and which would also " All of the companies which comply
It is only a short time since a company
serve to effectively prove the possession with the orders of the Government enjoy,
of Norwegian capitalists with several mil
of the lands which figure in their contracts as is natural, all the privileges which they
lions of dollars went into the Tampico oil
It is believed that the probable cause for may ask, but this does not apply to those
this refusal is that many of these lands which demonstrate hostility. " fields and at once engaged not only in the
have not been legally acquired and the sinking of wells, but in also preparing to erect
Large Increase in Oil Exports for June
companies fear they may be dispossessed tanks, refineries, and other appliances neces
of them on this account. The companies The exportations of oil for the month sary for the transaction of a large business,
that have not respected the directions of of June show a sudden and large increase including the construction of pipelines, rail
the Secretary of Industry are operating over any preceding month. During that roads, etc., and the inauguration of agricul
irregularly and for that reason they have month over 150 tank boats left the ports tural colonies for its employes .

cinco centavos por barril, para el aceite

Seiscientos Millones en Petróleo
de más baja graduación, y de 12 a 13
centavos para el de clase superior. El va
El Ultimo Estado de la Sección Técnica - Muchas Compañías Están lor del aceite mexicano no ha tenido fluc
Desarrollándose a Despecho de los Informes Antagónicos tuaciones durante algún tiempo en los pun
tos de desembarque , permaneciendo la coti
A Sección Técnica del Departamento Petróleo combustible, cuya densidad sea zación entre 79 centavos y $ 1 por barril.
del Petróleo, últimamente presentó un de 0.91, tonelada, $13.00. entregado en los puertos del Golfo de los
estado calculando el capital inverti Petróleo crudo, cuya densidad sea de 0.91 , Estados Unidos.
do en la industria petrolera de este país, tonelada , $ 15.50.
incluyendo oleoductos, maquinaria, tanques , Petróleo en la Baja California
Petróleo cuya densidad sea mayor de 0.97,
edificios, refinerías, barcos, etc. El total Tanto en la prensa local como en la ex
tonelada , $ 6.00 .
suma aproximadamente seiscientos millones Gas Oil, cuya densidad sea mayor de 0.91 , tranjera, se ha dado gran importancia a la
de pesos , oro nacional, equivalente a tres tonelada, $13.00. cuestión del Territorio de la Baja Cali
cientos millones en moneda americana ; cl Gasolina refinada, suelta o en envases , fornia, referente a la proposición formulada
cálculo detallado es como sigue :
litro, $ 0.12 12. en ciertos círculos para que la citada re
Pozos en explotación, con una capaci lad gión sea " comprada " a México, siendo este
diarios . de 1,500,000 barriles
..$ 300,000,000 uno de los temas de discusión . A propósito
Oleoductos, 1,200 kilómetros ( 900 millas)
50,000,000 de esto, la prensa local publica algunos da
Tanques con capacidad de 26,000,000 barriles
Refinerías 60,000,000 tos interesantes sobre las riquezas latentes
Tierras.. 55,000,000 de lo que se ha mirado con desprecio, como
Líneas de ferrocarril, edificios y maquinaria 50,000,000
si fuese una comarca montañosa y yerma,
Barcos para el trasporte, de los que la Compañía del Aguila posee 30,000,000
y casi sin ningún valor. El Territorio de
una tercera parte, con una capacidal de 250,000 toneladas
50,000,000 la Baja California ofrece todas las trazas
Total.. de llegar a ser, en un futuro no lejano ,
$ 595,000,000
Durante los últimos meses pasados , ha
Cosmopolitan Gathering at the American Fourth of July Celebration in Mexico City
habido un gran estímulo de las inversiones
en las regione s petrole ras, y algunas grandes
compañías extranjeras han adquirido tierras
y están procediendo a su explotación. Una
de éstas, denominada la Petroleum Corpo
ration of the Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific
tiene un capital de $ 40,000,000, y ha ad
quirido una flota de barcos tanques con el
propósito de transportar el aceite a todas
partes del mundo. Otras negociaciones
nuevas que han emprendido el negocio, son
la Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies, la
Nueva York y Puerto Rico, la Mallority
and Clyde, así como una Compañía Noruega,
una Italiana y una formada con capital
francés, prometiendo esta última ser una
de las más grandes en el campo. Estable
cerá refinerías y mantendrá un servicio de
transportes propio, así como el desarrollo
de los depósitos petroleros que ha adqui
rido .
Se han hecho importantes descubrimientos
de petróleo en el Estado de Coahuila, y se
cree que la franja petrolera se extiende
completamente a través del Norte de Mé
xico, conectando los depósitos de Texas con
los de Tamaulipas, San Luis Potosí y Ve
racruz. Este petróleo se dice que tiene
base de parafina en lugar de asfalto , y ser Concurrencia Cosmopolita en la Fiesta Americana del Cuatro de Julio en la Ciudad de Méx.
de magnífica calidad. El Gobernador del
Gasolina cruda, suelta o en envases , li- una de las más grandes fuentes de riqueza
Estado, señor Espinosa Mireles, se halla
tro, $ 0.11 3/4.
profundamente interesado en el desarrollo en la producción petrolera de la República.
Kerosena cruda o refinada, suelta o en Un geólogo que practicó una exploración
de esta nueva riqueza , y, a la vez, ha to
mado las debidas precauciones para que los envases, litro, $0.06 12 . superficial de la citada región , dice que los
Los precios del petróleo crudo, combus depósitos petroleros
nuevos campos no caigan en manos de mo de la Baja California,
tible y gas oil, se aumentan o disminuyen ,
nopolistas, en vastas áreas, como ha suce son evidentemente una prolongación de los
según su densidad, de conformidad con lo yacimientos de aceite
dido en otras partes. del Estado de Ca.
prevenido en el inciso A del artículo 1o.
lifornia, o la " Alta " California, como зe
Cuotas que Pagará el Petróleo en Julio y de la citada Ley y del acuerdo de esta Se denominaba antes de su anexión
a los Es
Agosto cretaría de fecha 17 del mes de mayo úl
tados Unidos . Estos depósitos son incom
La Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Pú timo. " parablemente más vastos que los del Es
blico, fija en la siguiente circular, las cuo Conforme se ha dicho, la tarifa de taxa tado de Texas . Se opina
Se opina que cuando se
tas que pagará en julio y agosto el petró ción es el diez por ciento sobre estos ava llegue
a hacer una exploración perfecta, se
leo de exportación : lúos. Las distintas cantidades que se re encont
rará que los yacimientos de la Baja
" De conformidad con lo prevenido por caudan se hallan, por lo tanto, en razón California son tan grandes como los de
el artículo 40. de la Ley de 13 de abril de directa del avalúo, 60 centavos, $ 1.30 y
los Estados de Tamaulipas y Veracruz .
1917 y por los decretos de 30 de junio y $1.55 oro nacional, o sean 30 centavos, 65 El petróleo se halla a una profundidad
16 de octubre del mismo año, esta Secre centavos y 77 1/2 centavos por tonelada, en considerable y en cantidades suficientes pa
taría ha tenido a bien disponer que para el oro americano, a razón de dos por uno- la ra desterrar el temor de un agotamiento
cobro del impuesto especial del Timbre so cuota legal. El número de barriles que por prematuro. En Texas, el aceite se en
bre petróleo de exportación en el bimestre término medio tiene una tonelada es de cuentra a muy escasas profundidades, y los
de julio-agosto del corriente año, se fijen los 6.26 ; por lo tanto, la contribución impuesta pozos se agotan en un período de veinte a
precios siguientes : sobre las exportaciones varía de cuatro a treinta años. Se cree que los depósitos de

The information is now given out by the Combustible petroleum of a density of 0.91 , ciety of Mexico , a Free Petroleum School
Department of Industry and Commerce that $13 (Mex. ) per ton. has been established, with headquarters in
another extensive organization composed of Crude petroleum of a density of 0.97, $ 15.50 Tampico, that being the center of the oil in
French and American capitalists has com per ton. dustry. An initial appropriation of $500,000
pleted its organization, and will devote its Petroleum whose density is more than 0.97, has been made and the projectors are en
enterprise solely to the development of the . $6 per ton. thusiastic in carrying out their plans. It is
petroleum deposite of the Canton of Papan Gas oil whose density is more than 0.91, considered essential , since the petroleum
tla, in the State of Vera Cruz, some forty to $ 13 per ton. measures of the Republic are among its most
fifty miles south of Tuxpan. Not much de As stated, the rate of taxation is ten per valuable possessions, that native students
velopment has yet taken place in that region, cent upon these valuations. The various should be given an opportunity to learn what
but examination by experts resulted in a amounts collected are therefore in the ratio ever technical and practical instruction can
firm belief of the existence of oil in large impart in this direction . There promises to
of valuation, 60 cents, $1.30 and $ 1.55 Mex
quantities. As a result the company will, be a large attendance at the school.
ican gold, or 30 cents, 65 cents and 77 12
it is stated, acquire by purchase or rental A petroleum expert has invented a new
cents per ton in American gold at two to
some 125,000 acres of land upon which de style of pipe for transporting oil for which
velopment will be undertaken. Ten million one- the legal rate. The average number of many advantages are claimed . It is made
barrels to the ton is 6.26, so that the tax
dollars have already been subscribed and it of many strips of paper, chemically treated,
is expected that fifty millions will be invested levied on exportations varies from between
and wound on a mandril in spiral form, with
within a brief period. four and five cents per barrel for the lowest re-enforcement of wire. It is otherwise
The necessary machinery for well drilling grade oil to between 12 and 13 cents for the
prepared to withstand usage and it is claimed
and other purposes, is now on the way from highest priced. The value of Mexican oil has that it is superior in every way to the present
New York, and as soon as a well is brought not fluctuated to . any extent for some time system, while costing less.
in, pipelines will be constructed to convey at points of disembarkation, the quotation Two new petroleum companies have recent
Fourth of July Reception at the American Embassy in Mexico ly been registered, making 350 in all now
in operation. The last two that have secur
ed legal permission for their operations are
the Union Terminal Company and the Union
Oil Company, bearing the numbers 357 and
358 respectively .

As to " Untruthful Stories "

About Señor Francisco Villa.

A very well who

of Villa, knownis party by the
now and for name
some time has been more or less in the
public eye, has recently issued a statement
in which he seeks to refute some of the
" untruthful and scandalous ' stories circu
lated regarding him. Among other of his
statements is one that he has never
tolerated the use of liquor in any form by
any of the men over whom he has had com
mand. " Can this be the same Villa that
a party of newspaper men accompanied on
one of his campaigns? And if it is, what
then became of the baggage car of booze
that was a part of his entourage ? It is
true he himself is very abstemious so far
as the correspondents saw, but- well, what
did become of that carload of alcoholic
beverages, comprising almost everything
Recepción del Cuatro de Julio en la Embajada Americana en la Ciudad de México
from beer to champagne ? The Review ed
the oil to a shipping point. The necessary remaining at from 70 cents to $1 per barrel itor knows it was there-he had some of it!
railways will also be constructed and it is delivered at Gulf ports in the United States. And in the stress of the campaign it was
believed by those familiar with the region, literally a " life-saver."
that the Canton of Papantla will in no great The Secretary of Industry and Commerce
time become one of the leading petroleum In connection with the commercial
has granted permission to the Mexican Gulf
producing sections in the Republic. Oil Company to construct a pipeline from museum maintained by the Department of
The investments noted would seem to in Industry and Commerce in Mexico City, a
Boca de Cajeta, in the municipalty of Pa
dicate complete confidence in the government nuco, to the refinery of the Pierce Oil Com bureau has been established to which all
of Mexico, and willingness to comply with pany at Arbol Grande, near the city of Tam persens are invited to send samples of
the laws of the country regarding the petro mineral or vegetable products in their
leum industry. natural state and of whose use they may
Important discoveries of petroleum have
not be aware. The bureau will make the
Oil Valuations For Taxation. been made in the State of Coahuila, and it
is believed the oil belt extends entirely across proper investigation and then inform the
The valuations of oil for purposes of levy sender as to the nature and value of the
ing the export tax for the months of July Northern Mexico, connecting the deposits in
Texas and those in Tamaulipas, San Luis samples, their uses and the best markets
and August were issued on July 1st. There
Potosi and Vera Cruz. This oil is said to for the same.
is no change from previous valuations, but
as many readers will see this for the first have a paraffine base instead of asphaltum,
and to be of high quality. Governor Espi Two steamers that arrived at Vera Cruz
time, the rates are given herewith. It should
be stated that they are arrived at by taking nosa Mireles of the State named, is actively on the same day recently unloaded over
the market price of the oil at the American interesting himself in the developing of the seven thousand tons of freight, made up
new measures, as also in taking proper pre of food, textile manufactures and articles
ports where it is discharged, deducting the
cost of transportation thereto, and levying a cautions that the new fields do not fall into of luxury.
tax of ten per cent on the balance as being the hands of monopolists in vast areas as
the real value. The different qualities of oil has been the case elsewhere. Have Review mailed free of postage by
are valued as follows : Under the auspices of the Geological So calling at this office.

la Baja California, por el contrario, ten " CARRANZA CONSTITUYE mente en los Estados Unidos, pero que por
drán una vida de producción más larga. LA DIFICULTAD" mucho tiempo se mantuvo oculta, en tanto
Estas son las razones para creer que los (Sigue de la página 9) que fue posible. Y para usar de una frase
yacimientos de Texas se prolongan a los Todos los medios de transporte y embarque que se está haciendo ahora familiar y que
Estados de Chihuahua y Durango, en donde es muy expresiva, " esto huele a petróleo "
acaban de hacerse descubrimientos en lo pertenecen a unas cuantas grandes compa
ñías. Por consecuencia, cuando un peque -decidida e inequívocamente. Y es com
calidades más o menos distantes unas de
ño propietario necesita dinero (y siempre pletamente cierto que cuando Mr. Creel sepa
lo necesita ) , es obligado a dirigirse a una cómo fue informado, será de la misma opi
Se considera indispensable que el Secre nión.
tario de Industria y Comercio designe una de las empresas monopolizadoras y acepta
comisión de geólogos para que visite, no precisamente lo que desean pagarle, y co CRECE LA OPOSICION CONTRA LA
solamente la Baja California, sino también mo esas empresas no se encuentran nego INMIGRACION CHINA
ciando en México por motivos altruistas ,
Durango y Chihuahua, y lleve a efecto ex
por más que traten de persuadir al pueblo movimiento iniciado en Sonora y Si
ploraciones concienzudas, con la certeza de EL
de que están por esto, pagan al desdichado naloa contra la futura inmigración chi
obtener magníficos resultados en la adqui na al por mayor, se está extendiendo a otros
sición de esas vastas fuentes de riqueza pequeño propietario lo que quieren- unos
cuantos centavos por barril. Y entonces Estados. En Chiapas se están dando los
nacional, con que la naturaleza ha dotado
a México. aseguran que esto representa el valor del pasos necesarios para obligar a los mongo
petróleo en el pozo ! les, que suman alrededor de dos mil, a aban
Los yacimientos petroleros de la Baja
California se encuentran localizados en tie Precisamente al final del artículo, Mr. donar el país y que se refugien en Gua
rras de la propiedad del Gobierno, el cual Creel hace notar : temala. Los chinos, en ese Estado, han es
especificará exactamente bajo qué condi " Aun hoy, cuando la Gran Bretaña, Fran tablecido campamentos y ofrecen sus ser
ciones pueden ser explotadas por las per cia e Italia, irritadas después de la tole vicios en la agricultura y en otros ramos,
sonas interesadas en ello . Los derechos de rancia, se están negando a recibir a los re a precios tan bajos, que los nativos no
la nación, en consecuencia, quedarán pro presentantes acreditados de Carranza ..." pueden sostenerse con esa remuneración.
tegidos cuidadosa y debidamente. Algunos Esto fue impreso el catorce de junio, y, La Comisión Permanente, integrada por
extranjeros, de distintas nacionalidades, han Attendance at Base-ball Game in Mexico City on July 14th.
procurado sacar ventajas de estos nuevos
descubrimientos y obtener concesiones para
trabajarlos ; pero hasta el presente han ha
llado muy poco estímulo, debido a la pro
mulgación de una ley amplia que regule el
negocio petrolero en su totalidad.
Un experto petrolero ha inventado un nue
vo modelo de tubos para transportar el
aceite, y que dice tiene muchas ventajas .
Está hecho de muchas tiras de papel , quí
micamente tratado, y enrollado en un man
dril en forma de espiral, con un refuerzo
de alambre. Se halla, por otra parte, pre
parado para soportar el uso, y se pretende
que es superior en todos sentidos al pre
sente sistema, a la vez que cuesta menos.
Bajo los auspicios de la Sociedad Geoló
gica de México, se ha establecido una Es
cuela - de Petróleo Gratuita, con residencia
en Tampico, por ser esta ciudad el centro de
la industria petrolera. Se votó un crédito
inicial de $500,000 , y los promotores de la
idea se hallan entusiasmados en el des
arrollo de sus planes. Se considera como
esencial, en vista de que los yacimientos
petroleros de la República son una de las
principales fuentes de riqueza nacional, por
Concurrencia al Juego de Base-ball el 14 de Julio, México, D. F.
cuya razón los estudiantes nativos deben
tener oportunidad de aprender, tanto la en ese tiempo, el Ministro Pani había sido miembros de las Cámaras de Diputados y
instrucción práctica como la teórica que se ya recibido por el Gobierno Francés, preci Senadores, que tiene a su cargo las cues
les pueda impartir sobre la materia. Esta samente un mes antes, (el 13 de Mayo, para tiones públicas durante el período de re
escuela promete ser muy concurrida. mayor exactitud) como había sido el Minis ceso del Congreso, ha aconsejado al Presi
Dos nuevas compañías petroleras han si tro Hay formalmente bien recibido por el dente de la República que presente la cues
do registradas, haciendo un total de 358 Rey de Italia el día 17 de Mayo. tión ante el Congreso, convocando un pe
las que se hallan en operación. Las dos Este artículo es bastante largo, mas el ríodo extraordinario de sesiones, con el fin
últimas que han obtenido permiso legal pa autor siente que ha sentado suficientes he de que se tome alguna determinación para
ra sus operaciones, son la Compañía Ter chos intachables en contradicción de las de afrontar las necesidades del caso. Algunas
minal Unión , y la Compañía Petrolera claraciones de Mr. Creel para convencerlo organizaciones de los Estados de Sonora y
Unión, correspondiéndoles los números de de que ha sido dolorosamente engañado, y Sinaloa están también tomando activamen
registro 357 y 358, respectivamente. para confesar que se ha mostrado muy apre te los pasos necesarios para la protección
La Secretaría de Industria y Comercio de los obreros nativos contra la competen
surado al poner una confianza implícita en
ha concedido permiso a la Mexican Gulf cia asiática.
aquéllos que tienen un propósito ulterior de
Oil Company para construir un oleoducto servirle conquistando su alianza. Se están efectuando negociaciones de
de Boca de Cajeta, Municipalidad de Pá En conclusión, puede agregarse que hay parte del Gobierno de Coahuila para la
nuco, a la refinería de la Pierce Oil Cor ciertas observaciones acerca de la parte del construcción de un ferrocarril que una a
poration, en Arbol Grande, cerca de Tam artículo dedicado a la cuestión del petróleo, Allende, en la parte norte de esa entidad,
pico. que indican claramente la fuente de las con Villa Acuña. Tal línea abrirá una rica
Si desea usted estar al tanto del des falsedades de Mr. Creel a los que están fa región agrícola, cuyo desarrollo ha sido im
arrollo de la riqueza natural del país, lea miliarizados con la propaganda intervencio pedido por la falta de facilidades para el
La Revista. nista que se lleva a cabo ahora abierta transporte.

Great Bolivar- undertook to redeem our

countries by dragging them out of the
Empiricism of Latin- American
state of numbness in which they lay and
to avoid the inveterate uneasiness they
Governments suffer. Most unfortunately the results
have been little or not satisfactory. We
And the Empiricism of Their Relations With the United States go on living always so frail, so disorientat
ed, decading and pauper, whereas the
By Manuel Gamio, Director of the Anthropological Board. United States grows each day more power
HIS article was written for the or superiority of such or such races in re ful, healthier, richer and happier.
Twentieth Congress of Americanists gard to others have already been discarded, The Latin-American countries have almost
T always shown a visible sentiment of dis
which should have been held at Rio and therefore , we reject them at once to
Janeiro, Brazil, during the month of June, explain the above question. Nor can the trust and a more or less veiled animosity
1919, but which on account of various remarkable contrast alluded to be attributed toward the United States. Well justified
reasons was deferred for the year 1920. to a difference of physical strength or reasons of the past explain such feelings
The larger part of the Latin-American power of endurance between the peoples of in some of the southern countries, as Mex
peoples have never been able to constitute the North and those of the South, because ico, Colombia, Nicaragua and others for
real nations ; a deficient exploitation of the physical conditions of the southern instance ; but there are some other reasons
their natural resources, a marked back population, the indigenous race very special entirely unjust which in a large part give
wardness of their culture, economic dis ly, are not comparatively inferior to those birth to such sentiments. One of them
turbances, long suffered despotic govern of the northern people. A good lot has consists in the natural, human, unavoidable
ments or constant domestic strifes, these been said of the cultural decadence of our disgust which are produced in a poor, weak
and other unfavorable phenomena which European ancestry as an explanation of our and worried man by seeing his neighbor
are a hindrance to the development of the actual state of inferiority, but such argu strong, rich and happy. We Latin-Amer
population have succeded one another with ment is very questionable, since all the icans are the weak man. The North-Amer
out interruption for various centuries, and foreign elements which founded our hybrid icans are the strong man. Another not less
consequently the creation of social pros population of today came from a nation important reason, perhaps even more, is
the following : If we Latin-Americans do not
Crowds Honor July 14th at the Tivoli in Mexico City
know ourselves, if we do not know our own
necessities and the means to meet them, if
we cannot find our way to Damascus, why
should we expect that the North Americans
know us better and find the adequate means
to make us as rich and happy as they are,
to draw us together, to create a mutual
understanding and love between us? Now
then, insofar as there is no sincere com
prehension and a positive convergence of
ideals and interests of the Latin and the
Saxon- Americans, it may be easy and most
probable that the ill-feelings shall grow
A either visibly or in secret, until there shall
be no human power able to prevent their
explosion in a disastrous conflict. The
sound judgment and just endeavors of Pre
sident Wilson have done much during the
last six years of activity to prevent the
possibility of a conflict, and perhaps such
conflict may become impossible in the
future, thanks to the League of Nations.
However, since it is certain that the said
League will ignore the very peculiar con
ditions of the character and the existence
of the Latin- American countries, for even
in the Pan-American Congress such condi
La Muchedumbre Glorificando al 14 de Julio en el Tívoli de la Ciudad de México.
tions have been totally ignored, it seems
which at that time was in the highest to be momentous that new orientations be
perity and the formation of nationality have
been impossible. On the other hand, up degree of cultural grandeur, wealth and adopted tending to make the Latin- Amer
North, in the United States, just the op power, and these advantageous conditions ican peoples know themselves and make
posite was recorded, for although the colo reflected upon some of its colonial pos the United States know them better.
nization of the territory was even more sessions, as New Spain for instance, which If the means resorted to by the Latin
slow than in the southern countries, the soon became the first educational center of Americans for over one century to know
Nation was soon made and the fatherland America. Furthermore, it should not be themselves better and to redeem their po
formed, and the general prosperity was forgotten that the majority of the popula pulation have been a failure up to the
very rapidly won. No despotic govern tion in the countries we refer to in these
present ; if no real and tangible success
ments have ever got hold of the northern lines is of the Indigenous race, and such has been achieved by the means used by
people, and they had just one civil war, argument could not, therefore, be applied
the United States to create a profitable
which instead of producing the long periods to them even though it were true. The
natural wealth of the United States is not and sincere understanding between North
of turmoil as are wonted to disturb us, and South Americans on account of the
brought about more liberty and created enough either to explain the dominating
total lack of mutual knowledge, why not
prosperity. What is the cause of such and marvelous development of the Anglo
Saxon population, for the soil of America walk in different paths and adopt new
failure on the part of the peoples of Span
ish, Portuguese and Indian origin of Amer is providentially rich and production from
Alaska down to Patagonia. In our opinion a large part of the great
ica, and what the reason for the contrast
For these and other reasons and opinions development actually obtained by the
ing victorius achievements of the Anglo
Saxon of the same Continent? rather prolix to enumerate, well-meaning United States is originally due to their
governments-the first being that of the racial homogeneity and to the unity of their
The prejudices of intellectual inferiority

acerquemos, nos comprendamos y estimemos ?

Ahora bien, en tanto que no haya una sin
El Empirismo de los Gobiernos
cera comprensión y una positiva convergen
Latino -Americanos cia de ideales e intereses entre latino y
norteamericanos, será fácil y muy probable
que los sentimientos de animadversión se
Y el Empirismo de sus Relaciones con los Estados Unidos desarrollen ostentosa u ocultamente hasta
Por Manuel Gamio, Director del Departamento de Antropología, Sría. de Agri que no exista fuerza humana que evite ex
ploten en un conflicto desastroso . La justa
cultura y Fomento. México.
y sensata gestión del Presidente Wilson hs
STE artículo fue escrito para el XX orientaciones y conceptos que sería largo disminuído mucho, en seis años de actividad
Congreso de Americanistas que debe enumerar, se ha procurado por gobiernos los peligros de un conflicto que quizá lo
ría efectuarse en Río Janeiro, Bra bien intencionados , comenzando por el del haga imposible para el futuro, merced a la
sil, durante el mes de junio de 1919 ; pero gran Bolívar, redimir a nuestros países, Liga de Naciones. Sin embargo, como es
que por diversos motivos se transfirió para arrancarlos del entorpecimiento que los pa seguro que en la Liga de Naciones se ig
el próximo año de 1920. raliza, remover el crónico malestar en que noren las peculiarísimas condiciones que
La mayor parte de los pueblos de la se debaten. Desgraciadamente los resulta presiden el modo de ser de los países latino
América Latina, nunca han podido cons dos han sido poco o nada satisfactorios .
tituir verdaderas naciones : deficiente explo americanos, ya que hasta en los Congresos
Seguimos viviendo débiles, desorientados ,
tación de recursos naturales , atraso cultural, Panamericanos han quedado ignoradas di
decadentes y pobres, en tanto que los Es
malestar económico , prolongados gobiernos chas condiciones, precisa que cuanto antes
tados Unidos son cada vez más vigorosos,
despóticos o constantes revoluciones intes sanos, ricos y felices. se adopten nuevas orientaciones que con
tinas, esos y otros fenómenos desfavorables duzcan al auto-conocimiento de las pobla
Los países latino-americanos han abri
al desarrollo de la población se han suce ciones latino- americanas y al conocimiento
gado casi siempre visible desconfianza, y
dido sin interrupción desde hace siglos , ha más o menos velada animadversión hacia de ellas por los Estados Unidos.
ciéndose por consecuencia imposible el es los Estados Unidos. Muy justificadas causas Si los procedimientos que los latino- ame
tablecimiento del bienestar social y la for pretéritas explican esos sentimientos con ricanos hemos empleado, desde hace un siglo,
mación de la nacionalidad . En cambio, ha respecto a algunos países del Sur, como para conocer y redimir a nuestras poblacio
cia el Norte, en los Estados Unidos, sucedió
precisamente lo contrario, pues aun cuando Scene at the French Hospital in Mexico City on July 14th
la colonización del territorio fue más tardía
que en los países del Sur, pronto se hizo la
Nación y se formó la Patria, y muy pronto
se alcanzó el bienestar general. Allí nunca
se han entronizado gobiernos despóticos y
sólo hubo una gran guerra civil, la cual,
en vez de producir los prolongados trastor
nos que suelen perdurar entre nosotros, trajo
consigo más libertades y mayor bienestar.
¿A qué se debe el fracaso de los pueblos
de origen indo-hispano-lusitano de América ,
y a qué el contrastante desarrollo triunfal
de los anglo- sajones?
Ya han sido autorizada y definitivamente
rechazados los prejuicios que hacían atri
buir inferioridad o superioridad intelectual
a unas razas con respecto a otras, así que
excluimos desde luego este punto de vista.
Tampoco puede atribuirse tan saliente con
traste a una diferencia de vigor y resis
tencia física entre las agrupaciones huma
nas del Sur y las del Norte, pues las dotes
físicas de la población del Sur, principal
mente de la indígena, no son, comparati
vamente, inferiores a las que presenta la
población del Norte. Mucho se ha dicho
que la decadencia cultural de la población
europea, que fue nuestra antecesora, explica
nuestro actual estado, pero tal argumento Escena en el Hospital Francés de la Ciudad de México el 14 de Julio
es muy discutible ya que los elementos ex México, Colombia, Nicaragua, etc., etc., pero nes han fracasado hasta hoy ; si todavía no
tranjeros fundadores de nuestro mestizaje hay otros motivos injustos que en buena suministran éxito real y tangible, los me-
venían de una nación que entonces estaba parte originan dichos sentimientos. Uno de dios usados por los Estados Unidos para
en el apogeo de su cultura, de su riqueza ellos consiste en la desazón natural, huma producir una benéfica y sincera inteligencia
y poderío, dotes estas que en parte se re na, inevitable, que produce a un hombre entre norte y sud-americanos por falta de
flejaron en algunas de sus colonias, como la pobre, débil y triste, contemplar a su ve mutuo conocimiento, ¿por qué no caminar
Nueva España, que llegó a ser el primer cino, vigoroso, rico y feliz ; " el hombre por nuevos senderos y adoptar otras ideas ?
centro cultural americano ; además, no debe débil " somos los latino-americanos , " el En nuestra opinion, buena parte del gran
olvidarse que la mayoría de la población hombre fuerte " los norteamericanos. Otra dioso desarrollo alcanzado por los Estados
de los países a que nos referimos en estas causa no menos importante o quizá más, Unidos, se debe originalmente a la homo
líneas es indígena, no pudiéndosele aplicar es la siguiente : Si nosotros mismos, los geneidad racial, a la comunidad de manifes
dicho razonamiento, aun cuando fuese ve latino-americanos, nos desconocemos, si ig taciones culturales de ideas, de hábitos y
rídico. La riqueza territorial de los Esta noramos nuestras propias necesidades y los de costumbres y a la unificación linguística
dos Unidos, tampoco basta para explicar medios de satisfacerlas, si no podemos en de su población. En efecto, los norteame
el preponderante y maravilloso desarrollo contrar nuestro camino de Damasco, ¿ cómo ricanos están ligados entre sí por afinida
de su población, ya que el suelo de Amé es posible esperar que los norteamericanos des étnicas fundadas en la común ascen
rica es providencialmente rico y productivo, nos conozcan y atinen con los medios ade dencia caucásica de los habitantes que pue
desde Alaska hasta la Patagonia. cuados para hacer que ellos y nosotros sea blan su territorio. Los indios, insignificantes
De acuerdo con las anteriores y otras mos paralelamente ricos y felices, que nos en número, y los negros, que suman varios
jam Itam -veTTraVw g h
culture, their ideas, habits, customs and In the book entitled " Forjando Patria ' mental system which has prevailed for a YearBig" e l et is
language. The North Americans are bound published by the undersigned in 1917, (2) long time. 3 Fik 好
to one another by ethnical affinities found as well as in the articles entitled " Revisió) S
"Our extensive territory - does not of
ed in their common Caucasian origin. The de las Constituciones Latino-Americanas '' fer the regular geographical, biological and
Indians, insignificant in number, and the American Conati
(" Revising the Latin American climatic conditions which inother coun
colored people which amount to several mil tutions '') and " El Instituto Antropo tries have existed and helped tothe forma
lions, are fatally condemned to be absorbed lógico Central de México " (" The Central tion of populations which are ethnically, a
by the white population. As to culture Anthropological Institute of Mexico " ) (3) , culturally and linguistically homogeneous,
that is, as to ethic, aesthetic and religious T
written for the second Pan-American but on the contrary, many and very dif
ideas, to ambitions, ideals and national in Scientific Congress at Washington, he ferent regional conditions contribute very.
stituti、 ns, to customs and usages, etc.—a submitted to the consideration of the strongly to give a great variety to + the
surprising cohesion and uniformity are ob Congress several arguments on this topic. Mexican population .
served. In fact he who has lived in the Later on, in 1918, he gave a concrete form, " Our people are not indeed homogeneous,
gigantic New York and in the meanest within a strict method, to various proposi but heterogeneous and dissimilar, since their
town of Texas, can detect, here and there, tions in the " Program of the Anthropol various elements differ among themselves in
and everywhere hardly hidden under super ogical Institute " (formerly known as historical antecedents, racial characteristics,
ficial differences , the same American spirit, Bureau of Archeologic and Ethnographic the aspects of their material and intellec
unmistakable , unique, typical. The unani Studies '') (4) . Distinguished Americanists , tual culture and even in the expression
mous, admirable and powerful effort of all Messrs. Frederick Starr and Philip Ains each element makes of its ideas by means
the American social groups hastening to worth Means among them, designed to ap of several dialects and languages:
give their share during the recent war " In short, it may be stated, with all
prove and give their enthusiastic support
offers a most eloquent testimony of the to this new conception of Americanism , and justice, that the Mexican population is an
unity of national feeling. we might quote their articles " The Mexican aggregate of regional peoples, little known,
Finally, the exchange of views among Situation-Manuel Gamio's Program, " writ abnormally developed, and more or less dif
Americans is made through the English ten by the former, and " Race Appreciation ferent to each other, this depending on the
language, more or less characterized by its in Latin America, '' " Race Appreciation and degree of difference and divergence of
phonetics and grammatical peculiarities in Democracy, " and " Race Society in the their innate actual characteristics, on the
each region of the country, but always com Andean Countries, " (5) written by the lat geographical, climatic and geological condi
prehensible and utilizable for the whole ter. The Latin and the North American tions of the regions where they live, and
population. on their racial, cultural and linguistic an
press also accepted the new conception with
Well then, such national unity of 80 lively interest ( 6) . tecedents.
many facets undoubtedly constitutes the Once these antecedents have been dis " In view of the above considerations, it
main principle, the fundamental basis of closed let us make a concrete statement of has seemed convenient to concrete as trans
the American success . cendental tendencies of the Bureau, the
the two propositions constituting the con
On the other hand, the failure of our clusive part of our thesis. following : First : The gradual acquisition
Latin - American countries is explained by of knowledge referring to the racial char
The Acquaintance of the Latin-American acteristics, the manifestations of material +
the heterogeneity of race which implies an
ethnical strangeness of the white inhabit Countries With Themselves. and intellectual culture, the dialects and
ants in regard to the natives ; the re It is a pressing necessity to undertake languages, the economic situation and the
luctance dividing them is positive, undeni the study of our population and to in physical and biologic conditions of the
able, and can be detected under any dis vestigate the practical means to have our actual and future regional peoples of the
guise ; we all know how carefully one must governments remedy the necessities and Republic. Second.-The investigation of the
use the word " Indian " when applying it satisfy the ambitions of our several peoples, adequate methods * to promote the actual
to a Latin - American, white or mixed, for and endeavor to unify them, This has to economic, physical and intellectual develop
he usually takes great offense at it. be done in accordance with the social ment of said peoples. Third . To prepare
In regard to ideas, customs, ambitions, sciences, the application of which has been the racial approximation, the cultural union,
etc., there is such a great divergence among the unity of language and the economic
always disregarded by our statesmen and
the various groups forming the population rulers. Only then shall our peoples possess equilibrium of such peoples, since only by
of these countries, that when the inhabitants such means can they be led to form a co
the prosperity they are entitled to and shall
of a region move to another within the herent and well defined nationality and a
be authorizedly governed, while armed force
same country they find such a diversity of and governmental I empiricism shall be true country.
customs and ways of living that they feel "What program shall be followed in the *
automatically abolished the only laws which
as though they were in a foreign coun study of our regional peoples according to
unfortunately have ruled - for a long time such tendencies ? The ethnical, ▼ cultural,
try. ( 1 ) . The language does also constitute
a serious hindrance for social approximation , the destinies of Latin America. linguistic and historical diversity offered
because the coexistence of Spanish and Mexico took already the first steps to by such peoples as well as the great dif
Portuguese with numberless Indian dialects that end, as proven by the fact that the ference there is in the geographic and
and languages makes difficult, if not im President of the Republic and the Secre biologic conditions of the regions they in
possible, the communication among the tary of Agriculture and Promotion (Fo habit forbid us to establish a unique pro
diverse communities forming each country . mento ) have approved and given their offi gram to be used in studying them all, and
May the public welfare be achieved , the cial support to the realization of the " Pro therefore it seems more logical to form
nationality be formed and the common gram of the Antropological Bureau , '" form several program, one corresponding to each
fatherland be constituted in countries ed by the undersigned and already develop type of the said regional peoples.
lacking national unity ? Undoubtedly no. ed in almost all its parts as regards the " The first regional people this Bureau
Now then, if we are to try the difficult inhabitants of the Valley of Teotihua has undertaken to study is formed by 10,
and slow task of the ethnical- linguistic can. (7) 000 inhabitants of the Valley of Teotihua
cultural unification of our populations, it is Considering that it may be timely to can, and it may be considered as a repre
indispensable , as I said before, to previ make known the essential part of said pro sentative type of the regional peoples of
ously get acquainted with them, but not gram , let us insert it herein : the Central Plateau. The plan for the } in
merely to get an indirect, superficial and " Our population, especially that of the vestigations effected is as follows:
empirical knowledge of them, but to study indigenous race, has remained unknown up " The Geographic Environment.
them scientifically and by personal ex to the present time in its most transcen " The Biological Environment.
periences. On the other hand, by getting dental aspects, and therefore it has been " The Pre-Hispanic Population.
acquainted with the Latin-American peoples deficiently ruled, for one cannot govern " The Colonial Population .
the North Americans shall be able to de logically what one does not know, and of " The Population of the XIX Century.
vise the only and true means they must course the development of the population " Biological, * Social, Ethnical, Cultural,
resort to in order to attain a sincere and is necessarily defective and abnormal as a Liguistic and Economic conditions of the
equitable Pan-American understanding . logical consequence of the empirical govern actual population, *



{ 若

MaCkhi {
millones, están, fatalmente destinados a ser Pan-Americano en Washington (3) , presentó cultura material e intelectual y en la ex
absorbidos ‫ کسی‬por la población blanca. En a la consideración de los americanistas di presión que de sus ideas hace por medio de
* cuanto a cultura, es decir, a ideas éticas, numerosos idiomas y dialectos.
versos razonamientos sobre este tópico . Mas
estéticas y religiosas, a aspiraciones, a idea tarde, en 1918, concretó metódicamente di "'En resumen, puede justificadamente
les, a instituciones nacionales, a usos y versas proposiciones en el " Programa de la asentarse que la población mexicana es un
J #
costumbres, etc., etc., se nota cohesión y Dirección de Antropología " (anteriormente conjunto de poblaciones regionales, poco co
convergencia sorprendentes. En efecto , Dirección de Estudios Arqueológicos y Etno nocidas, anormalmente desarrolladas y más
quien ha vivido en la gigantesca New York gráficos ) . (4) Distinguidos americanistas, 0 menos diferentes entre sí, según es el
We do th y en el último poblacho de Texas, siente entre ellos los señores Frederick Starr y grado de diferenciación y divergencia de sus
Zap palpitar, mal oculto por diferencias super > Philip Ainsworth Means, se dignaron apro características innatas actuales, de las con
ficiales, el mismo espíritu americano in bar y apoyar entusiastamente este nuevo diciones geográficas, climatéricas y biológi

confundible, único, típico. El unánime, ad cas de las regiones que habitan y de sus


concepto americanista, pudiéndose citar sus

mirable y vigoroso esfuerzo con que las artículos " The Mexican Situation : Manuel antecedentes raciales, culturales y linguís
agrupaciones sociales americanas se apresu Gamio's Program, '' del primero , y " Race ticos .
rarón a contribuir con motivo de la re Appreciation in Latin America , " Race " En vista de las anteriores considera
ciente guerra, ofrece testimonio elocuente Appreciation and Democracy " y " Race and ciones, ha parecido conveniente concretar ,
✓ *de unificado criterio nacional. Society in the Andean Countries, " (5 ) del como tendencias trascendentales de la Di
* -9 Por último, el cambio de ideas se hace segundo. La prensa latino y norteamerica rección, las siguientes : 1o.-Adquisición gra
L por medio del idioma inglés, más o menos na la acogió también con interés. ( 6 ) dual de conocimientos referentes a las ca
diferenciado en su fonética y en su gramá Expuestos los anteriores antecedentes, va racterísticas raciales, a las manifestaciones
地 tica de acuerdo con la diversidad de re mos a concretar las dos proposiciones que de cultura material e intelectual, a los
孬 す
gionės ; pero comprensible y utilizable pa constituyen la parte concluyente de nuestra idiomas y dialectos, a la situación económi
ra la totalidad de la población. tesis : ca y a las condiciones de ambiente físico
Pues bien, esa, unidad nacional de múi y biológico de las poblaciones regionales
El Conocimiento de los Países Latino
tiples facetas, constituye a no dudar, el actuales y pretéritas de la República. 20.M
L principio, la base fundamental del éxito Americanos por Sí Mismos
Investigación de los medios adecuados para
americano. Es urgente emprender el estudio de nues fomentar el actual desarrollo económico ,
En cambio, el fracaso de nuestros países tras poblaciones e investigar los medios físico e intelectual de dichas poblaciones .
адна 3
latino-americanos se explica por la hetero prácticos para que los gobiernos remedien 30.-Preparación del acercamiento racial, de
> geneidad de raza que trae consigo el aleja y satisfagan sus necesidades y aspiraciones la fusión cultural, de la unificación lingüis
miento étnico de los pobladores blancos con y procuren su unificación . Esto tiene que tica y del equilibrio económico de dichas
respecto a los aborígenes ; esta repugnancia hacerse inspirándose en las ciencias sociales agrupaciones, las que sólo así formarán una
es positiva, innegable por más que se trate cuya aplicación ha sido tan desdeñada por nacionalidad coherente y definida y una
2 de disfrazarla ; todos sabemos con cuantas políticos y gobernantes. Nuestros pueblos verdadera patria.
reservas debe usarse la palabra " indio '' al poseerán entonces el bienestar a que tienen ¿ Qué programa debe presidir al estudio de
aplicarse a un latino-americano, blanco 0 derecho y serán autorizadamente gobernados nuestras poblaciones regionales, de acuerdo
mestizo, pues generalmente se considera quedando automáticamente abolidas la fuer con estas tendencias ? La diversidad étnica ,
grandemente 2 ofendido . za armada y el empirismo gubernamental, cultural, lingüística e histórica que presen
Con respecto a ideas, costumbres, aspira leyes únicas que desgraciadamente han re tan dichas poblaciones así como la diferen
ciones; etc., etc., hay tan gran divergen gido por largo tiempo los destinos de la cia de condiciones geográficas y biológicas
cia entre las agrupaciones que forman la América Latina. de las regiones que habitan, vedan el es
población, que cuando habitantes de una México dió ya los primeros pasos en tal tablecimiento de un programa único adap
región se dirigen a otra del mismo país, sentido, como lo demuestra el hecho de que table al estudio de. todas ellas, por lo que
encuentran tal diversidad de costumbres y el Presidente de la República y el Secre parece más lógico formular programas que
modos de vida, que les parece hallarse en tario de Agricultura y Fomento han apro correspondan a cada tipo de población re
suelo extranjero. ( 1 ) El idioma constituye bado y apoyado oficialmente la realización gional.
también un obstáculo serio para el acerca del " Programa de la Dirección de Antro "La primera población regional cuyo es
miento social, pues la coexistencia del es pología, " formulado por el suscrito y des tudio ha emprendido esta Dirección, suma
pañol o el portugués con numerosas lenguas arrollado ya en casi todas sus partes con 10,000 habitantes y es la que habita el Va
y dialectos indígenas, imposibilita la amplia referencia a la población del Valle de Teo lle de Teotihuacán, pudiendo considerársele
y fácil comunicación entre las diversas agru tihuacán . (7) como tipo representativo de poblaciones re
paciones de que consta la población. Como puede ser oportuno hacer conocer gionales de la Mesa Central. En seguida se
¿ Puede establecerse el bienestar público, en estas líneas la parte esencial de dicho expone el plan de investigaciones efectua
formarse la nacionalidad y constituirse la programa, la transcribimos en seguida : das :
patria, en países que carecen de unidad " Hasta la fecha, nuestra población, es 'Ambiente geográfico.
nacional ? Indudablemente que no. pecialmente la de origen indígena, ha per " Ambiente biológico.
Ahora bien, parà intentar la difícil y lar manecido desconocida en sus aspectos más " La población colonial .
guísima tarea que entraña la unificación trascendentales, y por lo tanto, ha sido de " La población en el Siglo XIX.
étnico-lingüística-cultural de nuestras pobla ficientemente gobernada, pues no puede go Condiciones biológicas, sociales , étnicas,
ciones, es indispensable, como antes dije, el bernarse lógicamente lo que se desconoce, y culturales, lingüísticas y económicas de la
conocimiento previo de las mismas, pero no claro es que el desarrollo de la población población actual. "
el conocimiento indirecto, superficial, ´em es forzosamente defectuoso y anormal, como Medios Autorizados para Fomentar el Con
pírico, sino el científico y experimental. consecuencia lógica del empírico sistema gu
Por medio del auto- conocimiento de Sus bernamental que la ha regido desde remotos veniente Desarrollo Económico Físico e
poblaciones podrán los latino -americanos Intelectual de la Población Actual.
iniciar con éxito la formación de sus futu " Nuestro extenso territorio no ofrece las Una de las principales dificultades con que
ras nacionalidades. En cambio, el conoci se ha tropezado al hacer las citadas inves
regulares condiciones geográficas, biológicas
miento de las poblaciones latino-americanas tigaciones, consiste en que, hoy por hoy,
y climatéricas que en otros países han pre
por parte de los norteamericanos, permitirá contamos en nuestros países con reducido
me sidido a la formación de poblaciones étnicas,
a éstos deducir los verdaderos y únicos número de especialistas : sociólogos, antro
cultural y linguísticamente homogéneas, sino
dios que deban emplearse para conseguir una pologistas, etnógrafos, lingüistas, etc. , ete.,
por el contrario, múltiples y distintas con
sincera y equitativa inteligencia pan-ame y es casi imposible impartir esas enseñan
ricana. diciones regionales influyeron poderosamente zas especiales, pues son muy pocos los pro
En el libro " Forjando Patria " que pu en la diferenciación de la población mexi fesores aptos , deficiencia explicable, ya que
blicó el suscrito en 1917 ( 2 ) , así como en cana. nunca se les han dado facilidades de vida,
los artículos titulados : " Revisión de las " En efecto, nuestra población no es ho viéndose forzados a dedicar muy secunda
Constituciones Latinoamericanas ' '' y El mogénea sino hoterogénoa y disímbola, ya rias actividades a investigaciones especialis
Instituto Antropológico Central de México , '' que difiere en antecedentes históricos ; en tas, para encauzar sus esfuerzos en laboros
quo escribió para el II Congreso 虞 Científico características raciales, en modalidades de más remunerativas . Estos obstáculos pueden

Means authorized to promote the con
MINISTER BONILLAS the American troops crossing the line at
venient economic, physical and intellec
RETURNS TO WASHINGTON Juarez, and that further diplomatic discus
tual development of the actual sion regarding the incident is wholly un
population. necessary.
No Reason for Friction Between the Two
One of the main difficulties met in The Mexican diplomat laid particular
Countries-Educational Ties the Best
making these investigations is that at pre emphasis on the proposed establishment of
sent we have in our country a very small Means of Friendship. exchanges between the National University
number of specialists , sociologists, anthropo MBASSADOR Bonillas, who has for of Mexico and American colleges.
logists, ethnographists, linguists, etc., etc., several years represented this coun " Educational ties are the strongest, " he
and it is almost impossible to give special A try at Washington with great ability said. " I know that from my own
courses on such matters because there are and satisfaction to both Governments, perience. The movement which has been
very few efficient teachers. This deficiency visited Mexico City early in July for the started for the exchange of Mexican and
American students between the universities
is easily explained, for we have never given purpose of consulting with the President
of the two countries is one calculated for
any means of livelihood to such specialists as well as for a vacation from the arduous
and therefore they have been compelled to duties at his post. On his return he was much good and is one that is going to
devote only secondary activities to investiga entertained at a breakfast given him by grow. Every inducement will be offered
tions in order to devote their main efforts prominent citizens of San Antonio, in the American students by my government to
to more profitable undertakings . These course of which he made some interesting encourage their attendance at our univer
obstacles may be met by sending young remarks . sities.
Latin-Americans to European and North " President Carranza wishes you to know " I say educational ties are ties that
American scientific centers where they shall that he is a lover of American traditions last, for by that means the best and most
take up with great profit. the special studies and has a very kind feeling for the Amer intimate knowledge of the institutions of
alluded to, if they are properly prepared ican people, " said Mr. Bonillas. a country may be learned. Friendships are
for it, in three or four years . (8)
In accordance with these views the Mex Celebrating July 14th at the Tivoli in Mexico City
ican Government endeavors to perform an

effectual task in various national scientific

institutions such as the National University ,

the National Museum and the Anthropolo
gical Bureau, even though it is fully rea
lized that the special courses of such educa
tional centers are partly deficient. In Ri
order to obtain still better results the
Government has started sending a few Mex
ican students to foreign Universities , the
Harvard University having been the first
one to receive a Mexican boy who is
actually making ethnographic and archeolo
gical studies. It is something remarkable
regarding this student that half the tuition
is disbursed by the Mexican Government
while the said University disburses the
other half.
The United States and Their Knowledge of 13

The foreign diplomatic legations in the

countries organized like Latin-America have
never, or seldom, got acquainted with the
peoples of such countries. They only know
a very small group of the leading class,
specially the rulers and the politicians . Celebrando el 14 de Julio en el Tívoli México, D. F.
But the enormous remainder of the anony
mous masses, difficult to understand even to " He asked me to state that when cir formed which are never forgotten. I count
their own leaders, remains hidden to the cumstances permit he intends to make a the years of my attendance at an Amer
eyes of the foreign diplomatist, hidden and visit to the United States. President Car ican university among the most pleasant
inert, meaningless despite being the quiet ranza, is not a stranger to the American of my life. "
seed-bed where originally germinate the people. He remembers with pleasure his As a result of his better understanding
fundamental activities and the great motions previous visits to the United States. " of the American people through his Ameri
of the peoples . Ambassador Bonillas said that friendly can college training, the Ambassador point
relations between his government and that ed out that he had been instrumental in
The investment of money in the exploita
of the United States were one of the chief correcting many wrong opinions among his
tion of an enterprise in any country does.
not necessarily imply the acquaintance of desires of his heart. " Circumstances may countrymen, as well as at the embassy in
the foreign investor with such country, and seem bad at times, " he said, " but these Washington.
much less his knewledge of the people of things can be adjusted, and will be, I Dr. Oviedo Mota, rector of the Univer
think." sity of Michoacan at Morelia, Mexico, is
that country. At most, he may know the
Ambassador Bonillas would not discuss accompanying the Ambassador to Washing
economic aspect of the country as regards
the message which he was bearing from ton. He is making a study of the methods
similar enterprises to the one in which he is
President Carranza to President Wilson, but of American colleges and universities, es
to invest his money, as well as the small it is understood to be in the nature of in pecially those of the East, and will use
group of the population connected with
formation showing the stability of the Mex these in advancing the interests of his
such enterprise. ican government and the possibility of own institution.
The religious missionaries sent by foreign establishing the best of relations between
churches to our countries know only of the the two republics without the necessity A public reading and lecture room has
religious aspect of the individuals they of military intervention on the part of the been opened adjacent to the library of
come in touch with, and of course they United States in Mexico. It is known to the Department of Industry and Commerce.
apply the special criterion necessarily de be the belief of the Ambassador that not Periodicals of all kinds both native and
rived from their religious creed. even the slightest friction has resulted foreign will be kept on file for the use
between the two countries on account of of visitors.
(Continued on Page 38)

Balvarse enviando jóvenes latino-americanos EL MINISTRO BONILLAS de los Estados Unidos, y que la política
a centros científicos europeos y norteameri del señor Carranza tiende hacia un cordial
canos en los que, si están previamente pre Se refirió el ingeniero Bo
acercamiento .
parados, cursarán con fruto los antes aludi
No hay Motivos de Fricción Entre los Dos nillas, con gran entusiasmo, al proyectado
dos estudios especiales, en tres o cuatro
Países-Los Lazos Culturales y Educati canje de estudiantes entre los que perte
años . ( 8) necen a la Universidad Nacional de Méxi
Consecuente con estas ideas, el Gobierno vos Son Los Más Fuertes.
co y los de distintas Universidades de los
de México procura hacer labor efectiva
L señor ingeniero Bonillas, que duran Estados Unidos.
en varios centros científicos nacionales , co te algunos años ha estado represen
E " Los lazos culturales y educativos son
mo son la Universidad Nacional, el Museo
tando a este país en Washington, con los más fuertes, dijo el Embajador mexi
Nacional y la Dirección de Antropología ,
gran beneplácito de los dos Gobiernos, vino cano,-lo digo por propia experiencia. El
por mas que comprende las deficiencias que a la ciudad de México a principios de ju intercambio de estudiantes entre los dos
indefectiblemente presenta la enseñanza es lio con el objeto de conferenciar con el países, producirá, más que otra cosa, un
pecial en dichos centros. Para contrarres señor Presidente , y a la vez, para disfrutar verdadero acercamiento entre ambas na
tar esto se ha iniciado el envío gradual de de una bien merecida vacación de las ar ciones . Toda suerte de facilidades, así co
Universidades extranjeras , co
jóvenes a Universidades duas labores de su puesto. A su regreso mo un cordial recibimiento, tendrán los es
menzando por la Universidad de Harward, fue obsequiado en San Antonio con un ban tudiantes americanos de parte del Gobier
en la que actualmente cursa estudios et quete, en el que hizo interesantes decla no de México . "
nográficos y arqueológicos, un joven mexi raciones : "Este procedimiento será tanto más efi
cano, siendo notable la circunstancia de que " El Presidente Carranza desea que los caz cuanto que los estudiantes estarán en
la mitad de la beca de que goza es ex americanos sepan que es un devoto de las condiciones de entender en toda su signi
pensada por el Gobierno Mexicano y la tradiciones americanas y siente gran sim ficación las leyes y costumbres del país que
otra mitad por la Universidad mencionada. patía por el pueblo de los Estados Unidos. " visitan, así como de sembrar amistades ver
El Conocimiento de los Países Latino-Ame Estas o parecidas palabras fueron las que daderas, que serán un medio para que am
ricanos por los Estados Unidos
Library and Reading-Room of the Department of Agriculture and Development
Las delegaciones diplomáticas extranjeras Mexico City
en los países de índole de los latino- ameri
canos, nunca o casi nunca han conocido a
sus poblaciones ni cuantitativa ni cualita
tivamente. Sólo conocen a la reducidísima
parte compuesta por las clases directoras ,
especialmente a los gobernantes y políti
COS. Pero el gran resto, la enorme masa
anónima, incomprendida aún para dichas
clases, queda a los ojos de los diplomáticos
extranjeros, oculta, inerte, sin significación,
no obstante que es el semillero silencioso
donde originalmente germinan las activida
des fundamentales y los grandes movi
mientos de los pueblos .
El invertir capital en explotación de una
empresa en cualquier país, no connota pre
cisamente el conocimiento de ese, país por el
capitalista extranjero, ni menos el conoci
miento de su población ; a lo sumo se cono
cerá el aspecto económico del país en lo
referente a empresas análogas a aquella en
que se invirtió el capital, así como el in
significante sumando de población relacio
nada con dicha empresa .
Los propagandistas religiosos enviados por
iglesias extranjeras a nuestro país, sólo co
nocen el aspecto religioso de los individuos
con quienes viven en contacto, y eso con
Biblioteca y Salón de Lectura del Departamento de Agricultura y Fomento,
el criterio especial que forzosamente imprime
en ellos su fe religiosa. México, D. F.
Investigadores científicos, como por ejem pronunció el Embajador de México en los bos pueblos se compenetren mejor del es
plo, geógrafos, naturalistas , geólogos , y Estados Unidos, según el " San Antonio píritu de cada uno. "
otros más, apenas tienen oportunidad de Express " del 12 de julio, durante un ban El señor profesor Oviedo Mota, rector de
conocer a reducido número de habitantes . quete que le fue ofrecido ayer en esta ciu la Universidad de Michoacán, que acompa
Los maestros y pedagogos sólo llegan a dad, antes de su salida para Washington. ña al Embajador Bonillas, siguió con él
compenetrarse del modo de ser de los niños El viernes tuvo efecto esta convivialidad , su viaje hasta Washington, habiendo de
a quienes educan, los cuales forman muy a la que asistieron, además de prominen clarado a los periodistas, que va con el
reducido número en proporción con el que tes personas de la ciudad, el coronel Al propósito de estudiar el sistema de las
suma la población. berto Salinas, director de las Fábricas Mi grandes Universidades americanas, para
Hay dos grupos de extranjeros cuyas ac litares de México , el doctor Oviedo Mota, procurar tomar de ellas lo que tengan de
tividades debieran de ser de gran trascen rector de la Universidad de Michoacán, el avanzado.
dencia en lo que respecta al conocimiento colegio más antiguo de la América Latina ; Se consagrará a estudiar principalmente
de nuestras poblaciones : el primero com Antonio Prieto, miembro mexicano de la co las instituciones pedagógicas que se
prende a los especialistas en ciencias socia misión de límites internacionales ; Ernesto euentran en los Estados del Este. Este
les : psicólogos, sociólogos, antropologistas, Pérez Rebolledo , vice-cónsul de México en paso dado por el Gobierno del Estado le
etnógrafos y lingüistas ; el segundo a los San Antonio ; José Serrano, secretario par Michoacán , México, se toma como una de
periodistas, principalmente a los correspon ticular del Embajador Bonillas, y algunas mostración evidente de que en México se
sales de grandes revistas y diarios. Los
otras personas más. El banquete se cele generaliza la idea de buscar un estrecha
primeros son indudablemente quienes más bró en las azoteas del Hotel Anthony. miento verdadero de las relaciones entre
y mejor conocen a la población ; pero des El Embajador expresó su idea de que no México y los Estados Unidos, procurando la
graciadamente , su conocimiento nada o ca existe en la actualidad ningún motivo de mutua comprensión del espíritu y la ten
(Continúa en la Página 39) fricción entre el Gobierno de México y el dencia de cada pueblo.

great festivals or of national civic acts,

Mexican Educational Films such as the elections, the President of the
Republic is seen with his official retinue,
or in his daily life, or going to cast his
The Foreign Public to Be Given an Opportunity to See Mexico vote as a citizen . A film was also made
as It Really Is and Not as Usually Pictured of his recent trip to Jalisco on account of
the inauguration of the Chamela Railroad,
HE Mexican Government has lately had the physical training of the boys in the
Internado Nacional- an educational estab a line of great importance for the rich
the splendid idea of making several
T zone it traverses.
films in various portions of the coun lishment of the first order of esthetic
It is plainly seen in this picture that
try, showing the industries, commercial dances and physical training at the Normal
the President of the Republic enjoys a great
activities, natural wealth, scenes of local School for Girls, of aspects of the main popularity among the Mexican masses, as
customs and ways, and in general, all such streets of the city ; of several flights made proven by the demonstrations made in his
aspects of the national life as may help by Mr. Jiménez, a student of the Aviation honor at the railroad stations of Huicha
to form an exact idea of the true nature School ; of some scenes of the student de
pam, Querétaro, Irapuato, etc., and the
and conditions of Mexico and its progress monstration held in the celebration of the main features of the trip are also re
since 1917. The making of such films is Festival of the Race, on the 12th of Oc corded, as for instance the opening of the
unquestionably useful, not only from an tober, 1917 ; and automobile races with all Constitutionalist School of Guadalajara.
educational point of view within our boun details , etc. Among other prominent citizens, are seen
daries, considering that their exhibition is Pictures were also taken of the " Toreo "
those of Governor Castellanos Tapia and
bound to diffuse all over the country a bull-fighting ring during the performance the Mayor of the Capital City of Jalisco.
better knowledge of our own resources, organized by a Grand Opera Company when The beautiful buildings of Guadalajara, such
but also to spread abroad a better under " Carmen " of Bizet was sung; of a sham as the State Capitol, the Asylum, the Degol
standing of our economical and social con battle in which the boys of the primary lado Theater, the Penitentiary, the Water
ditions. This idea of reproducing in films schools took part ; of swimming contests, Plant, etc., were also taken. Shortly after
the national activities will undoubtedly be at the Alberca Pane ; of the surroundings wards another film was made of the city
Scene in the Library and Reading Room of the Department of Agriculture and Develop and its surrounding, including scenes of the
visit made to Guadalajara by the repre
ment, Mexico City. sentatives of the San Antonio Chamber
of Commerce, and various buildings of im
portance . There are to be seen the Santa
Monica Church, the Convent of Santa Ma
ría de la Gracia-the first one erected in
Guadalajara, -the " Cuauhtemoc ' Theater
with its splendid Nahoa ornamentations ;
several bird's- eye views of the town; auto
mobile and motorcycle races ; bull riding
the small town of San Pedro Tlaltepaque,
a place where pottery is wonderfully work
ed, made famous by primitive but greatly
talented sculptors such as Pantaleon Pan
duro. The Lake of Chapala also appears
in that film.
Yucatan has been the subject of this pro
paganda work, and pictures were taken of
its industrial life. Monterrey offered a
good subject too with its brewing plants
and its smelters and foundries. Pictures
were made of the surroundings of Hermo
sillo and the process of cultivation of the
chick-peas ; in Culiacan the sugar-cane in
dustry gave a splendid subject ; in Maza
tlan bird's eye views were made of the
port and its surrounding ranges of moun
tains, all capped by forests of fine woods,
and also various aspects of the Carnival
Sección Alta de la Biblioteca y Salón de Lectura del Departamento de Agricultura y feasts annually held in the city. Other
Fomento. points of interest which have been filmed
are Cholula and its marvelous shrines ; the
of great advantage to the country, and the of Mexico City; of Xochimilco, La Viga Rio Blanco factories ; Necaxa and its Light
Department of the Interior which origin and the gathering of " mosquitoes " in the and Power Plant ; Pachuca and its sur
Lake of Texcoco, with the several in
ated and fostered it deserves hearty con roundings, including scenes of the mining
gratulations . dustries and entertainments of the indigen plants and works ; Real del Monte and its
During the last few months several copies ous race, including the manufacturing of famous mines ; the bathing resort at Cuyu
of the films obtained have sent to the palm and twine products, pottery, the
tlan ; the Maltrata hights, etc., etc.
United States and the Latin-American re making of adobe and brick by native This propaganda campaign, which has no
publics through the available consular and methods ; the manufacture of saddles, the precedent in the history of the country,
diplomatic officers, and free exhibitions extraction of "pulque " from the maguey is really useful and deserves all praise, for
were arranged with success which sur and the planting and development of that it cannot be surpassed in its accuracy,
passed all expectations. growth ; various scenes of farm life, the
completeness and efficacy.
Besides certain of the main buildings of most important of them, without missing The Government intends to continue it
the city of Mexico, as for instance the the very typical ones, as for instance horse and enlarge its scope, and for this pur
Chapultepec Castle with the surrounding riding and bull breaking. pose new films are now being made.
Scenes have also been taken from the
park, the military quarters known as the It is only by such methods as this that the
" Ciudadela; " the Museum and its treasures, life of our professional men, of several
factories , of the aviation shops, of flights foreign public can be given an adequate idea
the National Theater, the Mining Palace, of the real Mexico, as distinguished from
part of the Reforma promenade, the Con in airplanes , and a magnificent bird's eye
the false one that is inculcated by the usual
stitution Square, and some historic relics view of Mexico City from a height of one
movie film. There is no other educational
such as the Pyramids of Teotihuacan, thousand meters.
In some of the films made on account of method of such value as this.
graphic information has been produced of

sidiendo ceremonias, en sus costumbres co

Películas Mexicanas Instructivas tidianas o asistiendo a las urnas electorales
para depositar en ellas su voto como sim
El Público Extranjero Tendrá Oportunidad de Ver a México ple ciudadano mexicano. También se tomó
Como Realmente Es y No como Comunmente lo Pintan una película de su reciente viaje a Jalisco
con motivo de la inauguración del Ferro
ON loable acierto, el Gobierno ha or Teotihuacán, han sido grabados en las cin carril de Chamela, que será de gran im
denado que se tomen películas cinema tas, informaciones gráficas de la educa portancia para la rica región que atravie
C sa.
tográficas en distintas zonas del país, ción física que se imparte en el Interna
de las industrias, comercio, riquezas natu do Nacional, bailes estéticos y ejercicios Se ven allí detalles gráficos e irrebatibles
rales, escenas de costumbres, etc., y en ge físicos por señoritas de la Escuela Nor de las manifestaciones de simpatía reci
neral, de todos aquellos aspectos de la vida mal de Profesoras, aspectos de las princi bidas por el Primer Magistrado de la Na
ción en las estaciones de tránsito , como
nacional que puedan dar una idea exacta pales calles de la ciudad, vuelos por el
de las verdaderas condiciones y carácter alumno de aviación, señor Jiménez, mani Huichapan, Querétaro, Irapuato, etc., y los
del país y de su progreso desde 1917. Es festaciones escolares celebradas con motivo principales sucesos de la jira, como la
to, como se comprenderá, no sólo es útil de la conmemoración de la Fiesta de la inauguración del Colegio Constitucionalista
desde el punto de vista didáctico para las Raza, el doce de octubre de 1917, carreras en Guadalajara. Se miran, en esta cinta,
diferentes zonas de la República, por cuan de automóviles con sus detalles, etc. entre otros personajes, al Gobernador Cas
to que lleva a unas el conocimiento de aque Se han tomado fotografías de una re tellanos Tapia y al Presidente Municipal
llas fuentes de riqueza que existen en otras, presentación de "Carmen " en el " Toreo, " de la capital tapatía. Los soberbios edifi
sino que, además, sirve para que el ex de un simulacro de combate en la Condesa, cios tapatíos, tales como el Palacio, el
tranjero se forme un juicio perfecto de por niños de las escuelas, de concursos de Hospicio, el Teatro Degollado, la Peniten
nuestras circunstancias económicas y mo natación en la Alberca Pane, de los alre ciaría, la Planta de Aguas, etc., fueron
rales. A todas luces, pues, este procedi dedores de la capital, de Xochimilco, la también fotografiados . Poco después se to
miento de registrar por el cinematógrafo Viga, de la recolección del " mosco " en el mó otra película de Guadalajara y alrede
dores, comprendiendo escenas de la visita he
Dedication of Monument to French Soldiers at Their National Cementery in Mexico City, cha a esa ciudad por la Comisión de la Cá
July 14th. mara de Comercio de San Antonio , Texas,
y varios edificios de importancia . Se mi
ran, en efecto, el templo de Santa Mónica,
el Convento de Santa María de la Gracia,
que fue el primero erigido en Guada
lajara, el cine " Cuauhtémoc," decorado al
estilo nahoa, vistas panorámicas de la po
blación, carreras de automóviles y moto
ciclos, jaripeos, el pueblo de San Pedro
Tlaquepaque, lugar de un notable y autóc
tono arte de cerámica que asombra y que

ha sido hecho célebre por primitivos pero

célebres y vigorosos escultores no culti
vados, tales como Pantaleón Panduro. El
Lago de Chapala aparece también en la
A Yucatán le ha tocado su turno, regis
trándose en las películas los principales as
pectos de su vida industrial. Otro tanto ha
sucedido a Monterrey, donde se han foto
grafiado detalles de sus industrias cervece
ra y fundidora. En los alrededores de Her
mosillo se han tomado vistas de los dife
rentes procesos del cultivo del garbanzo : en
Culiacán, de la fabricación del azúcar ; en
Mazatlán, vistas panorámicas, aspectos del
Carnaval y las sierras vecinas, donde se
miran los grandes bosques de maderas fi
Ante el Monumento Erigido en Honor de los Héroes Franceses Muertos en la Gran Gue
nas. Cholula y sus soberbios templos, las
rra, en el Cementerio Francés de la Ciudad de México, el 14 de Julio. fábricas de Río Blanco ; Necaxa y sus
las actividades nacionales de todo género, Lago de Texcoco y de las diferentes in plantas de energía eléctrica ; Pachuca y sus
patrocinado e iniciado por la Secretaría de dustrias y entretenimientos de la raza in alrededores, con detalles del beneficio de
Gobernación, es favorable y ventajoso. dígena, comprendiendo la elaboración de los metales ; el Real del Monte y sus mi
Por los conductos consulares y diplomá artículos de palma y jarcia, alfarería, cons nas, el balneario de Cuyutlán, las cumbres
ticos aprovechables, desde hace tiempo se trucción de adobes, ladrillo, sillas de mon de Maltrata,, etc., etc., han sido también
han estado enviando a los Estados Unidos tar, la extracción del pulque y la planta fotografiados fielmente.
y a los países latino- americanos, copias de ción y laborio del maguey, detalles de la Esta campaña de propaganda informati
las cintas cinematográficas obtenidas, que vida en las haciendas, con los principales va, que por su carácter de gráfica, minu
han sido exhibidas gratuitamente, con aspectos, sin olvidar aquellos típicos, como ciosa y precisa no tiene precedente en el
sultados que superaron a cuantas esperan son la equitación y los jaripeos. país, es realmente útil y digna de encomios.
zas se habían abrigado en un principio. Se han tomado escenas de la vida de El Gobierno abriga la resolución de con
Además de ciertos edificios de la ciudadtoda clase de profesionistas, de las fábri tinuarla, intensificándola, estando impri
de México, -los principales, entre los
cas diversas, de los talleres de aviación , miéndose ya otras nuevas películas.
cuales se cuentan el Castillo de Chapulte de vuelos en aeroplano, y un magnífico pa
pec, al cual se anexa el bosque del mismo norama de la ciudad de México, fotogra Adyacente a la biblioteca del Departa
nombre, la Ciudadela, el Museo y sus teso fiado desde una altura de mil metros. mento de Industria y Comercio, se ha abier
ros, el Teatro Nacional, el Palacio de Mi En varias cintas tomadas con motivo de to un salón de lectura pública. Toda clase
nería, y lugares como el Paseo de la Re grandes festividades o de actos cívicos na de periódicos, tanto nacionales como ex
forma, la Plaza de la Constitución, y reli cionales, tales como el de las elecciones, tranjeros serán conservados en colecciones
quias históricas, como las Pirámides de se ve al Presidente de la República pre para el uso de los visitantes.
N Admiralty official confirmed today :
Are Legalized A the recent report that the Government.
have purchased the Earl of Cowdray's and
The Law Regulating Labor Matters Now Before Congress - Careful the Dutch Shell Oil Interest in Mexico,
Stipulations for the Protection of All Concerned without waiting for the Mexican Govern
ment to settle the question of what have
HERE has been so much misapprehen pect for the findings of the Central Council been termed the " confiscatory "? features
sion regarding that portion of the of Conciliation, or for the salary scale fixed of their various oil decrees . The purchase
T by Special Commissions. means, I am told, that the Government do
labor law dealing with the organiza
tion of unions and the right to strike on III .— When no attention is paid to the pe not intend that the property in Mexico ,
the part of employes, as well as that of titions of the workingmen, based upon the acquired by British subjects in good faith
locking out their hands by employers , that guarantees and rights conceded by this law. and under the existing laws of the country,
The Review gives - herewith a translation Art. 130. —When the employers bring about shall be " confiscated. ” The purchase is
of that portion of the measure : a legal temporary suspension of work, they also part of the policy of the Government
shall be obliged to pay their employes half to secure oil-producing lands throughout the
Proposed Law Regulating Strikes and Suspen
salaries during the continuance of the same, world, in order to ensure a sufficient supply
sions of Work and when work is resumed allowances not of cheap fuel for the Navy and merchant
Chapter 10. exceeding twenty per cent of the amount they marine. With the new acreage secured
earn. about a month ago, the British holdings in
Article 124.- The right is recognized of Art. 131. The administrative authorities Mexico are about 20 per cent. of the pro
both laborers and employers to strike and of the municipalties where these matters ducing property M of the country. The re
to cease work (lock-outs. ) occur, are charged with the enforcement of maining 80 per cent. is almost exclusively
Art. 125.- Strikes, or the union of working P
the preceding articles. American. This country received 207,983'
men , or societies and syndicates of working Art. 132 - The conflicts originating from barrels of Mexican oil last month, the
men, to defend the collective interests of Suez Canal ports, 42,504 barrels, and West
strikes and suspensions of labor will be sub
their occupation, by means of the abandon mitted to the Councils of Conciliation and Suez Canal ports 42,504 barrels, • and West
ment of their labor, will be considered as Arbitration, but work must be resumed the wells for the month was 5,420,305 bar
legal when they have for their object the while they are resolving the matter. rels . Yorkshire Post. "'
counterbalance of the different factors of
Art. 133. The employers, while the Coun
production, harmonizing the rights of labor cils of Conciliation and Arbitration have not
with those of capital. Don't Approve of Sunday
announced their determination, and in cases
Art. 126.- The stopping of work (lock - where the workingmen refuse to resume Baseball and Movies.
out) shall be considered for the purpose of
their labor while the matter is being decided , T a recent convention held in the
this law provisional and definitive : shall1 not have power to frustrate the effects
the effects resolutions
to frustrate A United States strong
I. The temporary suspension of labor by of a strike, to accept other workingmen, nor against " Sunday desecration " were adopted
a manufacturing concern shall be legal only to organize groups of them in order to re and the passage of laws was urged to pre
when the proprietors can establish its jus place the strikers .
tice before the Central Councils of ConciliaP vent such "" crimes ''' as playing baseball,
Art. 134.-If after thirty days from the going to the movies, and similar innocuous
tion and Arbitration, on the ground the they finding and judgment of the Councils of Con amusements on the first day of the week.
production , presenting
havo an excess of production, ciliation and Arbitration, the workingmen Sunday newspapers also came in for con14
such evidence fifteen days before the sus
refuse to resume their labors, the employers demnation , although it has been pointed!
pension. shall have power to substitute others in their out ten thousand times that the work on
II. The conclusive suspension of opera places, without obligation to indemnify in the Sunday papers is not performed (to
tions will only take place on account of se any manner the damages that the working any extent ) on Sunday, but on Saturday.
rious causes, which will be judged by the men may claim to have suffered. The Monday paper, on the other hand, is
Councils of Conciliation and Arbitration .
Art. 135. - The striking workingmen, or the product solely of Sunday labor, as any
The justification of a measure of such im whoever shall be proven to have committed weary editor, reporter or printer can confirm .
portance must be proven in the terms of the individually or collectively any penal infrac And if the toiling masses who are forced
preceding fraction, unless it is the result of tions or concerted delinquencies, are respon to labor six 1 days in the week in order to
the cause of superior force. sible therefor the same as the authors and 1
gain a bare livelihood, are not to have
Art. 127. In public services, when they shall be consigned to the judicial authority some recreat ion, when can they have it
depend upon private enterprises, it is obliga for judgment. except on Sunday ? And it need not inter
t ?
tory upon the workingmen that they give fere with their religious duties either. The
notice ten days in advance of the date deter THE GOVERNMENT ENCOURAGING stronge st denoun cers of Sunday recreat ion,
mined upon for the suspension of their labor it will be noted , are as a rule those who
to the Central Council of Conciliation and VINE GROWING AND WINE MAKING
have abundant opportunity throughout the
Arbitration. SPECIAL commission of exports has week for their own relaxation and enjoy
Art . 128.—Strikes will be unlawful when : A
A been dispatched to California under ment.
I. When the strikers commit acts of vio instructions from the Secretary of Agricul
An organization of Italians capitalists is
lence against persons or property. ture and Development, for the purpose of
making a study of the cultivation of the preparing to invest several million dol
II. In case of war when they deal with
workingmen who are employed in establish vine, the making of wine of all kinds, and lars in various enterprises in this country,
also of the conservation of fruits . Upon most notably in the petroleum fields, where
ments in the service of the government ; and
their return the results of their observations they have secured upward of 2,500 acres
III.-At all times when the workingmen
are employed in establishments for making will be embodied in a program that will of oil land and will proceed with the sink
be formulated for the systematic develop ing of wells, the construction of pipe lines,
military supplies for the government of the ment of those industries. The laboratories refineries, etc. They will also establish a
Republic, because they shall be considered
of the Department of Agriculture will pro direct line of steamers between Mexican'
as assimilated.
ceed with the making of wine from grapes and Italian ports and will enter actively
Art. 129.- The suspension of work (lock of the varieties produced in the State of into various branches of commercial enter
outs) shall be unlawful : Coahuila, in order that the pupils may
I.-When they have for their object the obtain practical instruction and be pre prise and development.
unjustifiable dismissal from employment of pared to inaugurate the industry upon a
any workingmen or representative of the large scale, with the intention of making Financial and commercial statistics
it one of the most important in the Re regarding Mexico are a special ty of The
associations of workingmen.
II.- When they have in conclusion no res public. Review.


La Legalización de las Uniones DE LA DUTCH SHELL

UN oficial del Almirantazgo confirmó hoy

y las Huelgas los rumores que recientemente corrían ,
de que el Gobierno había comprado los
El Proyecto de Ley Reglamentando las Cuestiones del Trabajo intereses petroleros de Lord Cowdray y de
ha Sido Sometido al Congreso - Cuidadosas Estipulaciones la Dutch Shell, sin esperarse a que el Go
para la Protección de Todos los Interesados bierno Mexicano arreglase la cuestión que
se ha dado en llamar de carácter " confis
III. Cuando sea para no atender las pe 1)
A habido tanto concepto erróneo sobre catorio, por razón de sus distintos decre
aquella parte de la ley del trabajo que ticiones de los trabajadores, fundadas en tos lanzados sobre el petróleo . La compra
trata de la organización de uniones las garantías y derechos que les concede esta quiere decir, según se me dijo, que el Go
y del derecho de huelga por parte de los em ley. bierno no intenta que la propiedad de
pleados, así como en la que se refiere al Artículo 130. Cuando los patronos efec México, adquirida por súbditos británicos,
derecho de paros, que La Revista cree con túen un paro temporal lícito están obli en buena fe y bajo las leyes existentes del
veniente dar a conocer a continuación el ca gados a pasarles medio salario a sus tra país, sea " confiscada. '' La adquisición for
pítulo que se ocupa del asunto. bajadores, mientras dura éste, el cual les ma también parte de la política del Go
será reintegrado al reanudarse el trabajo , bierno de obtener tierras productoras de
Proyecto de Ley Reglamentando las Huelgas
por abonos que no excedan del veinte por petróleo en todas partes del mundo , con
3 y los Paros ciento de lo que ganan . el fin de asegurar la provisión suficiente
CAPITULO X Artículo 131. Las autoridades adminis de combustible barato para la marina de
trativas de los Municipios en que estos ca guerra y mercante. Con los nuevos terre .
De las huelgas y paros
sos sucedan, son las encargadas de hacer nos adquiridos hace como un mes, las pro
Artículo 124. Se reconoce como un derecho cumplir los dos artículos anteriores. piedades británicas en México vienen a ser
de trabajadores y patronos las huelgas y los Artículo 132. Los conflictos originados aproximadamente el 20 por ciento de la
paros. por las huelgas y paros, se someterán a las propiedad productora del país . El 80 por
Artículo 125. Las huelgas, o sea la coa Juntas de Conciliación y Arbitraje , pu ciento restante es casi exclusivamente de
lición de los trabajadores o sociedades y sin diéndose reanudar el trabajo mientras re americanos. Este país recibió 207,933 ba
dicatos de trabajadores, para defender los suelven éstas. rriles de México el pasado mes, los puer
intereses colectivos de la profesión, me Artículo 133. Los patronos, mientras no tos del Canal de Suez, 42,504 barriles , y
dicten sus resoluciones las Juntas de Conci los puertos de las Indias Occidentales ,
* diante el abandono del trabajo , se consi
derarán como lícitas siempre que tengan por liación y Arbitrajc, y en los casos en que 153,983. La producción total de los pozos
objeto, + el equilibrio entre los diversos fac los trabajadores se nieguen a reanudar el petroleros durante el mes fue 5,420,305 ba
rriles. Del Yorkshire Post. '
tores de la producción , armonizando los de-, trabajo mientras éstas deciden, no podrán ,
rechos del trabajo con los del capital . para frustrar los efectos de una huelga,
Artículo 126. Los paros, para los efectos aceptar a otros trabajadores, ni organizar Los Místicos Pretenden que
de esta ley, se considerarán como temporales grupos de éstos que substituyan a los huel
y definitivos : Nadie se Divierta en Domingo .
I. Los paros temporales de una industria Artículo 134. Si después de treinta días N una convención de iglesias que tuvo
serán lícitos únicamente cuando los patro de dictado el fallo de las Juntas de Con E lugar hace poco en los Estados Unidos ,
nos justifiquen ante las Juntas Centrales de ciliación y Arbitraje, los obreros se rehu se tomó un acuerdo terminante contra la
Conciliación y Arbitraje , que tienen exceso saren a reanudar sus labores, los patronos " profanación dominical, "‫ ܕ‬y se aprobó que
de producción , debiendo comprobarlo quince podrán substituirlos sin que tengan obliga se urgiese el trámite para la implantación
días antes de la fecha fijada para efec ción alguna de indemnizar los perjuicios que de leyes a fin de evitar crímenes tan ho
tuarlos ; y pudieran alegar los trabajadores. rrendos como jugar al base-ball, ir al cine,
II, Los paros definitivos sólo podrán te Artículo 135.- Los trabajadores huelguis y otras diversiones inocentes en el primer
ner lugar por causas graves que calificarán tas a quienes se justifique su participación día de la semana . Los periódicos dominica
las Juntas de Conciliación y Arbitraje . La individual en un delito colectivo, o que co les también fueron condenados, aun cuando
justificación de una medida de esta trascen metieren infracciones penales fucra del de ya se ha dicho y repetido más de diez mil
dencia se hará valer en los términos de la
lito concertado, serán responsables do ellos veces, que el trabajo de las ediciones de los
fracción anterior, a menos que el caso sea domingos no se hace ese día, sino la vís
como autores y por lo tanto serán consig
efecto de causas de fuerza mayor . pera, los sábados. En cambio , los periódi
nados a la autoridad judicial para que los
Artículo 127. En los servicios públicos, cos de los lunes, son el producto de las la
cuando éstos dependan de empresas parti bores desempeñadas precisamente el domin
culares, es obligación de los trabajadores dar EL GOBIERNO ESTIMULA EL CULTIVO
go, como cualquier editor, reportero o im
aviso a la Junta Central con diez días de DE LA VID Y LA ELABORACION presor puede confirmarlo. Las masas tra
anticipación de la fecha señalada para la bajadoras que se ven obligadas a trabajar
suspensión de sus labores. los seis días consecutivos de la semana para
Artículo 128. Las huelgas serán ilícitas : NA comisión especial de peritos ha si ganar su sustento, muy justo es que dis
I. Cuando los huelguistas ejercieren actos U do despachada a California, bajo ins fruten dede algún
algún esparcimiento . ¿ Cuándo
violentos contra las personas o las propie trucciones del Secretario de Agricultura y pueden disfrutarlo , si no el domingo ? Y
dades ; Fomento, con el objeto de hacer un estudio eso no tiene ingerencia alguna con SUB
II. En caso de guerra, cuando se trate del cultivo de la vid, la olaboración de to obligaciones religiosas. Los más fuertes
de obreros que trabajen en establecimientos da clase de vinos, y también de la conser enemigos que tiene el recreo dominical, se
al servicio del Gobierno ; y vación de las frutas. A su regreso, los gún se ve, son generalmente los individuos
III. En todo tiempo , las de obreros que resultados de sus observaciones serán en que gozan de toda clase de oportunidades
trabajen en establecimientos fabriles milita glosados en un programa que será formu durante la semana para darse gusto y hol
res del Gobierno de la República, pues debe lado para el sistemático desarrollo de esas gar a su sabor.
considerárseles como asimilados. industrias. Los laboratorios del Departa
Artículo 129. Los paros serán ilícitos : mento de Agricultura procederán a hacer Por órdenes del Presidente de la Repú
I. Cuando tengan por objeto destituir in el vino con las uvas de las varicdades pro blica , debe llevarse un registro cuidadoso
justificadamente a algún trabajador o re ducidas en el Estado de Coahuila, para que de los cartuchos entregados a los soldados,
presentante de asociaciones de trabajadores ; los discípulos puodan obtener instrucción y cuando se encuentre que faltan tales ear
II. Cuando tengan por fin no acatar el práctica y se encuentren preparados para tuchos sin explicación satisfactoria , se im •
laudo de la Junta Central de Conciliación inaugurar la industria en gran escala, con pondrá a los soldados una multa de se
y Arbitraje, o las listas de salario , fijadas la intención de hacer de ella una de las tenta y cinco centavos por cartucho. Has
por las Comisiones Especiales ; y más importantes de la República. ta ahora, la multa ha sido de doce centavos.


been familiar to residents and visitors alike

Immense Audience at for all the time of their stay here, and
the streets centering at the " Toreo " are
thronged with pedestrians as well as with
Open - Air Opera passenger-carrying vehicles. Dozens of re
freshment stands, vending all sorts of
Over Twenty Thousand People Gather at the Old Bullring liquid and solid beverages and comestibles ,
to Listen to a High- Class Performance are gathered in the open space about the
entrance and are liberally patronized.
Geo F. Weeks in San Antonio Express. We approach the gateway and casually
glance up at the boarding on which it is
T is a warm, sunny Sunday afternoon without mentioning names, but merely as
in June- such an afternoon as sees customary to make the announcements of
I Mexico an interesting example of the intense pop the details of the
at its best. The bullfighting event. "
ular interest aroused by the circus! But But what is this ? Instead of the fa
season is under way. And as it has been to resume. miliar sign " Six valiant bulls of the famous
in Latin-European and Latin-American coun So, being Sunday, and it also being the Zarca breed, all to be killed by the fam
tries more or less for all time, is now in bullfighting season, Mexico City having the Segura, " or
ous matadors Silveti and
most of them, and will be forever (perhaps) largest bullring in the country-one of the whoever, we find this in great letterings :
in some of them-so Sunday afternoon is largest in the world, in fact, seating and
set apart by common consent to be de standing from 35,000 to 40,000 people- and " PLAZA " EL TOREO"
voted to this delectable " sport " -that is, Gran Compañía de Opera Italiana.
since a traveler ought to see at least once Temporada de Primavera de 1919
delectable or otherwise according to your an example of this all too popular racial Domingo 8 de Junio de 1919, a las 4 p. m.
viewpoint. It may be that in some places sport, we will take a car marked " Toreo " en punto. Novena Matinée de Opera
they have week-day bullfights, but so far al aire libre
and ride to the immense steel-and-concrete
Despedida en la Plaza " El Toreo " del
as the writer is concerned, he never saw structure in the outskirts of the city, close eminente barítono
one in Mexico nor ever heard of one either. to the heart of the Colonia Roma-the TITTA RUFO
But on Sunday- ah, that is a different choicest residence section-which is devoted El Acontecimiento Culminante de la Tem
thing. It is " the " day for entertainments to the purpose in question. porada.
of this kind, and he must be poor indeed As is customary, thousands of others are Por única vez, la hermosísima ópera
en cuatro actos de G. Verdi :
who cannot muster the necessary coin for of the same mind, apparently, their faces UN BAILE DE MASCARAS !!
admission. A peon will mortgage his pay all being turned toward the building and Por
A Typical Mexican Audience at the Open-Air Opera in Mexico City And so forth and so on.
All of which being translated into United
States is an announcement to the effect
FITNE that at the bullring the " Italian Grand
Opera Company will celebrate the spring
season by giving on Sunday, June 8th, at
four o'clock sharp, its ninth matinee in
the open air, upon which occasion will be
given the farewell appearance of the emi
nent baritone Titta Ruffo, the culminating
event of the season. For the only time.
will be given that most beautiful opera in
four acts by G. Verdi " The Masked Ball,"
by Rosa Raisa and Titto Ruffo, " with a
long list of assistants, and with a grand
orchestra composed of one hundred profes
sors, under the direction of Master Eduar
do Vigil y Robles. "
That is to say, instead of a bullfight
in which " six brave bulls '' are to be tortured
to death, with various and sundry horses
and perhaps a man or two gored painfully
and sometimes fatally, there is to be an
CASAEDLA open-air performance of one of Verdi's
TOYOON popular compositions.
REF CHILE Very well! It may be a disappointment
to some, but not so to the trio of whom
the writer was one- a cultured Mexican
Aspecto Típico del Público Mexicano Que Asistió a la Opera al Aire Libre en México
gentleman and his wife being the other
a week ahead or more in order to enable the cars being crowded with passengers two. Being wise to the requirements of
him to take himself and his family, from all bent on an enjoyable afternoon's en the occasion, a location had been selected
oldest to youngest, to the Plaza de Toros tertainment. Electric cars, " camiones " 28 beforehand- half-way up the great tiers of
on a Sunday afternoon . Which reminds the jitneys are called here, of every imaginable seats surrounding the ring and directly op
writer of the farmer in California, many type and size ; private automobiles, horse posite the stage. We climb up the long
years ago, upon the advent of the first or mule drawn equipages (some of the lat flights of concrete stairs, and although it
circus that had ever visited that remote ter being of elegant appearance and equip is only three o'clock and the entertainment
portion of the State where he and his wife ment, to say nothing of the fashionable is announced to commence at four sharp
and their six children lived, who hauled apparel of the occupants) , are all headed (which it does) , there are already thous
his cookstove into town and sold it for in the same direction, and all are crowded ands present seeking suitable points of
enough cash to pay the way of the entire to the limit. Manifestly, a great event is vantage for both seeing and hearing. Since
party into the tent- and then contentedly about to be witnessed. And it was! No it is a bright and sunny afternoon, with
resorted to the primitive method of cooking one was disappointed ! The popular an a well nigh cloudless sky, it is one of
in the fireplace until harvest time had ticipation was not thwarted, as will be seen Nature's unavoidable attributes , coupled of
brought him the wherewithal to purchase a only with a slight difference as to the course with architectural features alike un
new stove. And wanted to shoot the character of the " sport. " avoidable, that half of the seats should be
writer, then a reporter on a local news Arriving at the main entrance of the in the shade and the other half in the
paper, who had " written up " the incident. ring, the same crowds are seen that have sun. There is no difference otherwise.

muertos por los famosos Matadores Silva

ti y Serio, " o cualesquiera otros, nos en
Inmensa Audición de Opera al
contramos con estos grandes letreros :
Aire Libre
Gran Compañía de Opera Italiana.-Tem
porada de Primavera de 1919.
Cerca de Veinte Mil Personas se Reunieron en la Antigua Plaza Domingo ocho de Junio de 1919, a las 4
de Toros para Asistir a una Audición de Música Selecta p. m. en punto.
Novena Matinée de Opera al Aire Libre.
Por Geo. F. Weeks, para el San Antonio Express. Despedida de la Plaza "El Toreo " del
eminente barítono
S una tarde cálida, llena de sol, de llenos de pasajeros resueltos a pasar una TITTA RUFFO.
deliciosa tarde de divertimiento. Los tran
E domingo de junio, una tarde como El acontecimiento culminante de la
las mejores que ve México. La tem vías, camiones, como se llama a los auto temporada.
porada de las corridas de toros está en móbiles ómnibus, de todos los tipos y ta Por única vez, la hermosísima ópera en cua
curso. Y como ha sido en los países latino maños imaginables ; automóviles particula tro actos, de G. Verdi :
europeos y latino-americanos, más o menos res, carruajes tirados por caballos o mulas UN BAILE DE MASCARAS !!
en todos los tiempos, y sucede ahora en la (siendo algunos de los últimos de elegante Por
mayor parte de ellos, y sucederá siempre apariencia y compostura, por no decir na ROSA RAISA Y TITTA RUFFO.
(quizás ) en algunos- la tarde del domingo da de la elegante indumentaria de los
etc., etc. "
es elegida, por consentimiento común, para ocupantes) se dirigen todos en la misma
ser dedicada a este delicioso " sport," es Todo lo cual, traducido a la manera de
dirección y se apretujan hasta el límite.
to es, delicioso o como lo juzguéis, según Manifiestamente va a ser presenciado un los Estados Unidos, es un anuncio que avi
vuestro propio punto de vista. Puede ser gran acontecimiento. Y así fue! sa que en la Plaza de Toros, la " Gran
fue ! Ninguno
Compañía de Opera Italiana, " celebrará la
que en ciertos lugares haya corridas de resultó chasqueado ! La ansiedad popular no
toros en cualquier día de la semana, mas fue frustrada, como se verá, sino por una li Primavera dando el domingo 8 de junio, a
por lo que toca al que esto escribe, debe gera diferencia relativa al carácter del las cuatro de la tarde en punto, su novena
" sport. " matinée al aire libre, con cuya ocasión
decir que jamás vió una en México, ni oyó
decir que hubiera en otro día, por cierto. Open-Air Opera in the Old Bullring in Mexico City
Pero el domingo, ah!, es cosa diferente.
Este es el día " para las diversiones de
este género, y debe ser ciertamente muy wacie TEXSEJAS BUCHER B
pobre aquel que no pueda reunir el dinero
necesario para pagar la entrada. Un peón
pignorará su paga de una semana o más EST
a fin de poder ir, junto con su familia, de 33
mayor a menor, a la Plaza de Toros la tar
de del domingo. Lo cual recuerda al que
esto escribe a aquel agricultor de Califor
nia, hace muchos años, a la llegada del
primer circo que visitaba la remota región Mayer y Huerta S
del Estado en que vivían el propio agri
cultor, con su mujer y sus hijos, que llevó
su estufa de cocina a la población y la
vendió en el precio suficiente para pagar
la entrada de todo el grupo en la tienda
del circo y que después, tranquilamente,
recurrió al método primitivo de cocinar en
el brasero hasta que la época de la cose
cha les hubo traído el dinero suficiente
para comprar una nueva estufa, y que lue
go quiso dar de balazos al que esto es
cribe, que era entonces repórter de un pe 625
riódico local , quien había publicado el in
cidente, sin mencionar nombres, únicamen AVREILEA MEXICIDY
te como un interesante ejemplo del enorme
interés popular producido por el circo ! Pe Opera al Aire Libre en la Plaza de Toros de México
ro reanudemos el relato.
En llegando a la entrada principal de será la presentación de despedida del emi
Así, pues, siendo domingo y siendo tam
bién la época de las corridas de toros y la Plaza, son vistas las mismas muchedum nente barítono Titta Ruffo , que consti
teniendo México la mayor plaza de toros bres que son familiares a los residentes tuirá el suceso culminante de la tempo
del país- una de las más grandes del mundo, lo mismo que a los visitantes durante todo rada. Por única vez, será cantada la her
de hecho, pues, contiene, sentadas y de pie, el tiempo de su permanencia aquí, y las mosísima ópera en cuatro actos, de G.
de treinta y cinco mil a cuarenta mil calles que desembocan en " El Toreo " es Verdi " Un Baile de Máscaras, " por Rosa
Raisa y Titta Ruffo, con una larga lista
personas y puesto que un viajero debe ver tán congestionadas de peatones, lo mismo
cuando menos una vez este muy popular de auxiliares y con una gran orquesta
que de vehículos que cargan pasajeros. Do
sport racial, tomaremos un tranvía con esta compuesta de cien profesores, bajo la di
cenas de " puestos " de refrescos, que ven
rección del maestro Eduardo Vigil y Ro
guía " Toreo, " y nos dirigiremos a la in den toda clase de bebidas y comestibles bles."
mensa construcción de acero y cemento, en sólidos y líquidos se concentran alrededor
las afueras de la ciudad, cerca del cora Es decir, que en lugar de una corrida
de la entrada y se ven concurridos libe
zón de la Colonia Roma-el barrio de las ralmente. de toros en la que " serán torturados has
ta ser muertos, seis bravos toros con
residencias selectas, que está dedicado al Nos aproximamos a la puerta, y por ca rios y diversos caballos y quizá uno 0
objeto en cuestión, es decir, a las corridas sualidad miramos el cuadro en que es cos dos hombres , corneados dolorosa y a veces
de toros. tumbre fijar los anuncios de los detalles fatalmente, va a haber la ejecución al aire
Como es de costumbre, millares de per del "acontecimiento . " libre, de una de las populares composiciones
sonas tienen el mismo pensamiento, apa Pero ¿ qué es esto? En lugar del le de Verdi.
rentemente, estando vueltos todos sus roз trero familiar " Seis valientes toros de la Muy bien! Esto puede ser una contra
tros hacia el edificio y yendo los tranvías famosa ganadería de Atenco, que serán riedad para algunos, mas no para el trío

Except as to price ! In the " Sombra " or and finding their way to their seats . They THE LEGAL GENESIS OF THE
thade the seats vary from $5 to $ 10 each, are of every quality and condition from CONSTITUTIONALIST
while in the " Sol " they are only from $2 the highest, the middle class and even
to $3-a difference well worth considering. goodly representation away off up there
All the seats around the amphitheater are toward the skyline on the sunny side of most interesting volume has recently
of the same construction-all with smooth pelados, with their high crowned hats. A been issued under the title " Revolution
ement surface and all are equally hard Every last man, woman and child (and and Reforma The Legal Genesis of the Consti
and wearisome. To be sure, a popular de there any number of the latter) is " dress tutionalist Revolution. " The author of the
vice is to spread several sheets of news ed in his best Sunday clothes, " and the work (which will be in several volumes ---
paper on the concrete, but that does not re scene is a decidedly interesting one. A the first now being in circulation ) is Lie.
lieve the hardness of the surface, however peculiarly pathetic sight is that of a good Manuel Aguirre Berlanga, who took an active
much it may save my lady's light sum sized party of inmates from the blind part in the inauguration of the movement,
mer gown from being soiled. There are asylum-men, women and children . They kept a record of the various step , and now
boys passing about among the audience of come in, each squad headed by a guide bas committed them to print in order that
fering cushions for rental, but no real he with his eyesight unimpaired, each of the they may be preserved. There have been
man wants to seem so effeminate, and they unfortunates resting his right hand upon so many misstatements of fact, so many char
are taken mostly by the aged and infirm the left shoulder of the one in front. They ges and countercharges, that those who are
-among which number the writer, though are guided carefully to good seats, many in search of the truth will welcome this com
close to three-score and ten, is most em a friendly hand is stretched out by spec pact volume. Each step is recounted, from
phatically not listed . So we compose our tators in aid of the difficult task of climb the receipt of the first news of the treason,
selves as best we can, for it will be four ing the steep shelves, until all are safely the immediate defiance of Huerta and his
hours later and even more before the per ensconced in favorable positions. It is a co-conspirators by Carranza, down to the
formance will have been concluded . There
are no backs to these seats, nothing but How the People Attended a " Boxing Exhibition" at the Old Bullring.-A Great Portion
a series of stone shelves rising one above Were Foreigners
the other, from the ground half way to
the zenith That portion of the shelf
allotted to sitting is elevated a couple of
inches and there is a sort of gutter back
of that in which the person sitting behind
the occupant puts his feet, there being
just enough space to accommodate those
feet and their accompanying legs and knees
without hitting the back or neck of the
person in front.
But these are trifling inconveniences and
after the performance begins one forgets
such personal discomforts so interested docs
he become in the singing and the music.
Over on the sunny side several thousand
people have already gathered before we
enter, and as they are for the most part
provided with umbrellas (it is the rainy
season ) all that one can see from his
elevated seat is a bewildering array of
thousands on thousands of black umbrella
Down in the pit, or orchestra, or old
many " valiant bulls " and
ring where so many
horses and some men have given up their
lives for the delectation of the multitude ,
a floor has been laid and this is covered
with thousands of folding chairs only a El Público que Patrocinó la " Exhibición de Box " en la Plaza de Toros
trifle if any less hard than the stone ones.
Over on the side where the bulls were sight that appeals to one's deepest sym final occupation of Mexico City. The various
paties to watch the poor afflicted ones as decrees issued by Carranza as the movement
wont to enter to their death an ample
they lean forward just as though they could progressed are given andtheir perusal will
stage has been built out about a quarter
of the distance across the circle. It is see what was going on upon the stage, and set at rest many mistaken ideas and many
roomy enough for the largest company and listening intently to the music and the unfounded charges that have been made by
singing. The expressions upon their coun the enemies of the Revolution . This is the
most elaborate performance that is imagin
tenances denote their deep interest and un first clear-cut compendium of the principal
able, but it seems so far from the major
derstanding, and are clear proof that af revolutionary facts that has been issued .
portion of the audience- those on the con
flicted as they are, they are still capable It is not lengthened by discussions of this and
crete shelves about the ring- 300 feet or
of intense enjoyment. One learns that the that point, but is a brief, concise and most
more-that it seems impossible that voices
Ayuntamiento, or City Council, has seats re interesting recital of facts, accompanied by
and music should carry so far in the open
served at all the theaters in the city-ex documentary proof. It is also, by the way,
air as to be as distinguishable as such
cept of course the moving picture estab embellished with a series of most intensely
things should be for thorough enjoyment. lishments and that the blind are taken
There is of course no roof- not even the interesting illustrations of the early events
regularly to such places for an afternoon of the Revolution . The author has done his
cloth shelter that was a notable feature of
or evening's enjoyment. This may be done work well, and is deserving of congratula
the ancient Roman amphitheaters of which
this structure is more or less an imitation. in foreign cities, but if so it never came tions for the little volume.
under the writer's observation.
No sound-carrying devices have been pro
vided, and at first glance it seems somewhat (To be Continued) The management of the National Railway
doubtful as to whether one will be able to lines has found it possible to obtain rail
hear and enjoy the music and singing. But Announcement is made that plans are way ties in the United States to greater
all doubt on this score is quickly removed under way for the construction of a large advantage than in this country, and a ship
as soon as the performance commences. modern hotel in the central portion of Mex ment of 75,000 has recently been made from
It is a treat to watch the audience pour ico City. The present influx of foreigners Texas for use on the lines running south
has made such an institution a necessity. from Juarez .
ing in from the dozen or twenty entrances

del cual el que esto escribe formaba parte, bagatela de menos duras que los asientos tidos domingueros, " y la escena es deci
y del que un culto caballero mexicano y de piedra, si es que eran menos duras. En didamente una escena interesante. Un
su esposa formaban los dos restantes miem el lado donde se acostumbraba introducir a espectáculo peculiarmente patético es el de
bros. Estando advertidos de las exigencias los toros para su muerte, ha sido cons un grupo de regular número de internos
de la ocasión, se había escogido una lo truído un amplio escenario, extendiéndose a del asilo de ciegos, hombres, mujeres y ni
calidad de antemano, a la mitad de las la cuarta parte de la amplitud del círculo . ños. Entran, yendo cada escuadra encabe
filas de asientos que rodean la plaza y que Este escenario es lo suficientemente amplio zada por un guía que tiene sus ojos in
están directamente opuestas al escenario. para contener la mayor compañía y la más tactos ; cada uno de esos desdichados des
Subimos los largos tramos de las escaleras elaborada función imaginable ; pero se ve cansa su mano derecha sobre el hombro
de concreto, y aunque son solamente las tres tan lejos de la mayor parte del auditorio izquierdo del que va delante. Son guiados.
de la tarde y el espectáculo está anun -los que están en los asientos de concreto cuidadosamente hacia buenos asientos y
ciado para principiar a las cuatro en punto en torno del redondel quedan a trescientos muchas veces es extendida por los expec
(lo que sucedió) , hay ya miles de perso pies de distancia o más,-que parece im tadores una mano amiga para ayudar a los
nas presentes buscando puntos apropiados posible que las voces y la música puedan ciegos en la difícil tarea de trepar por las
y ventajosos , tanto para ver como para llegar tan lejos en el aire libre para ser empinadas gradas, hasta que todos están
escuchar. Como hace una tarde brillante percibidas, como tales cosas deben serlo, seguramente acomodados en posiciones favo
y de sol, con un cielo sin nubes, resulta para ser gozadas completamente. Natural rables. Es una escena que apela a las
que es uno de los atributos inevitables de mente que no hay techo ninguno- ni aun más profundas simpatías de uno el observar
la Naturaleza, unido, naturalmente, con los la cubierta de tela que constituía un no a los pobres afligidos, cómo se inclinan
aspectos arquitectónicos, también inevitables, table aspecto de los antiguos anfiteatros hacia adelante, como si pudieran ver lo que
que la mitad de los asientos estén en la romanos, de los cuales esta construcción está sucediendo en el escenario, y escu
sombra y los otros en el sol . No hay di
ferencia de otra categoría. Excepto en el Sales Department Rochester Photo House, Av. 16 de Septiembre No. 5.
precio ! En Sombra, los asientos varían
desde $5.00 a $10.00 cada uno, mientras
que en Sol, sólo cuestan de $2.00 a $3.00,
lo que constituye una diferencia de consi
deración. Todos los asientos que están al
rededor del anfiteatro, son de la misma
construcción --todos tienen una tersa super
ficie de cemento y son igualmente duros
y molestos. Sin duda, hay un recurso
popular que consiste en extender muchas
hojas de papel sobre el concreto ; pero esto
no libra de la dureza de la superficie ; sin
embargo, puede salvar de ser ensuciado el
ligero vestido de verano de una dama. Hay
muchachos que caminan entre los especta
dores ofreciendo cojines de alquiler, pero
ningún hombre verdadero quiere aparecer
como afeminado, y los almohadones son
tomados en su mayor parte, por los ancia
nos y enfermizos, entre cuyo número , el
que esto escribe, aunque está próximo a los
70 años, no está alistado decididamente.
Así, nos acomodamos lo mejor que po
demos, puesto que pasarán cuatro horas o
quizá más, antes de que haya terminado el
espectáculo. No tienen respaldos tales
asientos ; no hay sino series de gradas, ele
vándose la una sobre la otra, desde el
suelo hasta medio camino del zenit. La
porción de la grada destinada para asien
tos, está elevada un par de pulgadas, y
existe una especie de canalón por detrás,
y en el que la persona que se sienta detrás
del ocupante coloca los pies, habiendo el
suficiente espacio para acomodar esos pies
Departamento de Despacho al Público
y sus piernas y rodillas acompañantes, sin
rozar la espalda o el cuello de la persona la plaza de Toros, es una imitación, más chando atentamente la música y el canto.
situada abajo. o menos. No se han preparado ningunos Las expresiones de sus fisonomías denotan
Pero estos son inconvenientes insignifi artificios para llevar el sonido, y a pri su profundo interés e inteligencia, y son
cantes, y después de que comienza la fun mera vista parece algo dudoso el que uno una clara prueba de que, aun afligidos co
ción, olvida uno tales incomodidades per pueda escuchar y gozar la música y el mo son, son aún capa es de intensos re
sonales por lo interesado que llega a estar canto. Pero toda duda a este respecto gocijos. Se sabe que el Ayuntamiento o
en el canto y la música. En el lado de queda prontamente suprimida cuando co Concejo de la ciudad, tiene reservado cier
sol, muchos miles de gentes estaban ya mienza la función. to número de asientos en todos los teatros
reunidas antes de que entrásemos, y como Es un solaz ver a la concurrencia des de la capital- exceptuando, por supuesto,
en su mayor parte están provistas de pa parramarse por la docena o veintena de a los cinematógrafos, y que los ciegos son
raguas (es la estación de las lluvias) , todo entradas y encontrar su camino hasta sus llevados regularmente a tales sitios para
lo que uno puede ver desde su elevado asientos. Los concurrentes son de todas las pasar una tarde o noche de solaz. Esto
asiento es un conjunto de millares de mi clases y condiciones, desde la más alta ; puede hacerse en las ciudades extranjeras ;
llares de bóvedas de paraguas, que aturden. la clase media y aun una representación mas si es así, jamás cayó bajo la observa
En la liza, o luneta, o antigua plaza, algo numerosa de aquella, que va a la fila ción del que esto escribe.
donde tantos valientes toros " y caballos del cielo, en el lado de sol, de la gente (Continuará)
y algunos hombres han dado sus vidas pa humilde con sus sombreros de alta copa.
ra diversión de la muchedumbre, se ha ten Cada uno de los últimos hombres, mujeres Si desea usted estar al tanto del des
dido un entarimado, y éste está cubierto y niños (y hay cierto número de los úl arrollo de la riqueza natural del país, lea
con millares de sillas plegadizas, sólo una timos) está " vestido con sus mejores ves La Revista.
is the allotment of lands, and it is going on
Some "News " and Otherwise constantly day by day. It is surprising to
find a paper of the Jstanding of the American
Interesting Statements That Find Circulation and Doubtless Belief make such an unqualified statement and one
so entirely without foundation .
in Foreign Lands - Lamentable Ignorance Exhibited

HE editor of The Review finds an inter this is as improbable as it would be fool The Springfield (Mass. ) Republican, anoth
esting means for passing a more or less. ish if not criminal. The Monroe Doc er paper which like the one just quoted is
T trine never contemplated making Ameri as rule well informed and not prone to error,
idle hour in the perusal of the batch of
can republics alter their domestic policies. takes a whack at Mexico after this fashion,
newspaper clippings that comes with regularity Mexico must set her own house in order,
from New York-from the Luce Press Clip but we will be prepared to help with in an editorial headed " Why Not a Tariff on
ping Bureau, to give a very excellent insti our capital and enterprise the moment Zinc ?''
tution the note that it deserves. Why this it is clear that both are welcome. "
"Nobody is taking any profits out of
perusal is interesting, not to say at times the mining of zinc in this country today.
The reason is that American produced
amusing, can be gathered from what follows. The Pittsburg ( Pa ) Post comments upon zinc is compelled to compete with Mex
For example : the recent sending of a party of newspaper ican produced zinc, the latter on the
Here is the Cheyenne (Wyoming) Leader, men to the north to see for themselves that starvation wage basis. "
with this remarkable bit of presumable " in conditions are not so bad as they had stated, There is an import tariff in the United
formation ' -editorial at that : to this effect : States on zinc of 15 per cent ad valorem in
" Mexico is now the lowest and most blocks, pigs or sheet and on zinc ores of 10%
" But, regrettable though it is to re ad valorem on the metal therein . There is
unhappy country on the continent, with cord the fact, it must be admitted that
no market for the farmer, no industries there are editors, just as there are per an export tax from Mexico of both the metal
to pay wages, no credit to rebuild the sons in every other vocation, who, even and the ore, of a comsiderable amount.
country, and with millions of people after being given ocular proof, will con Furthermore, the zinc exports of Mexico
dying by inches of hunger and loath tinue to make statements contrary to the
some diseases. '' truth . You can lead a horse to water, cut a very small figure. The total zinc pro
the proverb is, but you cannot make him duction of the United States for the year
Merely remarking in passing that this drink. If the Mexican editors are of the 1918 was valued at $ 119,258,000 . The total
affords a remarkable instance of ""' uncon same temperament as a few exceptional zinc exportations from Mexico for 1917 were
scious cerebration , " since the very same ar American editors, they may, in addition $4,289,958 , while for 1918 from the three
ticle with few and if any but slight chan to having to be shown, have to be co
erced into telling the truth . '' leading ports of Piedras Negras, Chihuahua
ges appears in a number of newspapers at and Nogales, only $338,437 was exported. In
the same time, The Review pauses long enough In the concluding sentence, the Post evin 1917 the total amount of zinc and zinc ore
to remark that in the last and the present ces a through appreciation of the situation imported into the United States from all sour
issues it gave official figures showing that in its own country! ces was only $7,596,930 . From which it is
the foreign commerce of the Republic was difficult to understand why the " starvation
larger last year than ever before in its his In an editorial on Mexico, the St. Louis wage basis " (another error by the way) of
tory- remarkable if there is one word of Mexico should threaten the great zinc in
truth in the Leader's assertions-which there (Mo. ) Globe-Democrat shows its grasp of
the situation by the following : dustry of the United States with destruction .
is not. And the death rate of Mexico City,
notoriously for all time one of the worst " All the stories of his ( Carranza's)
trying to aid Germany proved false. The
places in the world in that respect, is now
lower than it has been for two or three de very existence of his government depen
ded upon continued operation of the oil
cades. wells at Tampico, for the oil tax was its
chief source of support. The Globe
Democrat, all throught the war, denied
Then here comes the old reliable Brooklyn credence to the rumors because it relied
Eagle, with this choice editorial statement : on Carranza's intelligent self-interest.
There was nothing Germany could do for Due
" Far more significant is the news from Mexico, and every interest, government
Mexico City that rioting is going on as well as business, lay in maintenance JUENO,
there ; and that only by stationing ma of friendly relations with the United
chine guns where they would intimidate States and its war associates. Nor can
the people has Carranza held his own ; the rumors of Carranza's assaults on the
also that General Obregon has refused Monroe doctrine and his threat to aid
to lead the army against Villa. ' Costa Rica in its trouble with Nicaragua,
be accepted without concrete evidence.'i
With the exception of the facts that there
has been nothing worthy to be called rioting s
in this city, that no machine guns have been The Baltimore American, known as a con NDY
used to intimidate people, and that Obregon servative and usually well informed news DULCES AMERICA
did not refuse to lead the army against paper, says :
Villa, the foregoing may be taken for what " Carranza has absolutely failed to do
it is work. The editor of The Review sought the one thing that would effect justice 1
in vain during the recent teachers ' strike and reform for Mexico . He has failed The Only
for any sign of street rioting ; he could not to make promised land apportionments. ''
find any machine or other guns (and he Before the revolution was six months old,
knows them when he sees them) mounted so land distribution was commenced in Tamau
as to "' intimidate " any one, and it is a fact lipas and in Durango. One of the first steps
that Obregon was not asked to lead the army taken by Carranza was the appointment of in
against Villa-all of which any one could a National Agrarian Commission, which in
verify without trouble had he sought 80 MEXIGO
turn appointed local branches, and under
to do. whom hundreds of thousands of acres of land
have been apportioned to applicants. In WHOLESALE AND RETAIL
For a clear and comprehensive view of many localities where lands were not im
the " Mexican situation, " we turn to the San mediately available for this purpose, idle 2a . del 5 de Febrero No. 30.
Francisco Chronicle, which thus concludes an tracts whose owners refrained from cultivat
editorial upon " Mexico's Opportunity: ' ing them were apportioned free of cost to
" Mention is made of " a secret and those desiring to raise crops, the area so
unwritten agreement " at Paris for the utilized reaching also into the hundreds of MEXIGO GITY, MEX .
purpose of employing force " to bring thousands of acres. It there is any one thing
Mexico into a condition where industrial
that has been done by the revolutionists, it
development will again be possible, " but

* ☺

‫ܝܢ ܚܢ‬

Antes de que la revolución llevase seis

meses, se principió a hacer la distribución de
Algunas Noticias o lo que Sean
tierras en Tamaulipas y Durango. Una de
'. }} las primeras medidas adoptadas por Carran
> Interesantes Informes que Tienen Circulación, y que
za fué el nombramiento de una Comisión Na
*** Sin Duda Son Creídos en Otros Países
cional 'Agraria, la cual, a su vez, nombró su
L editor de La Revista halla un buen prensiva de la " Situación Mexicana, " nos cursales locales, por medio de las cuales han
sido repartidos a los peticionarios centenares
medio para pasar una hora más o me dirigimos al San Francisco Chronicle, que
₹ de miles de acres de tierra. En muchas loca
J E nos ociosa en la lectura de un montón concluye así un editorial sobre " La Oportu
nidad de México . ” lidades existían tierras que no eran aprove
de recortes de periódicos que vienen con re
chables inmediatamente , para ese objeto ; las
gularidad de Nueva York, procedentes de la
" Se ha hecho mención de "un pacto tierras ociosas cuyos propietarios se abste
Oficina Luce de Recortes de Prensa, para
secreto, no escrito, '' celebrado en París, nían de cultivarlas fueron repartidas, libres
dar a esta excelente institución la importan-
! con el objeto de emplear la fuerza " pa de costo, a los que deseaban producir cose
cia que merece. La razón de por qué es ra poner a México en condiciones de que chas, comprendiéndose la superficie así uti
interesante esta lectura, por no decir chisto sea posible nuevamente su desarrollo in lizada en los centenares de miles de acres.
sa, puede deducirse de lo que sigue ; por dustrial, '' mas esto es tan improbable,
puesto que sería insensato, si no fuese Si hay una cosa que hayan hecho los revo
criminal. La Doctrina Monroe jamás lucionarios, ha sido la repartición de tierras,
He aquí el " Cheyenne Leaders, " de Wyo
proyectó obligar a las Repúblicas ameri y esta repartición continúa constantemente
ming, con un trozo de información editorial Y canas a alterar su política. México de día con día. Es sorprendente ver que un pe
"presuntuosa como el siguiente : be poner su propia casa, en orden, mas
nosotros debemos estar preparados pa riódico de la reputación del American, haga
" Actualmente, México es el país que ra ayudarle con nuestro capital y empre tan incalificable declaración, desprovista por
está colocado más abajo, y el más infeliz sa en el momento en que sea indudable entero de fundamento.
del continente ; sin mercados para sus que ambos sean bien recibidos. ''
agricultores, sin industrias para pagar
salarios, sin crédito para reconstruir el El " Springfield Republican, " de Massa
El "Pittsburgh Post, " de Pensilvania, ha
país, y con millones de personas que mue chusettes, otro periódico, que como el anterior
ren a pausas por el hambre y por repug ce comentarios acerca del reciente envío de
nantes enfermedades. ' mente citado, es por regla general, bien inLa
un grupo de periodistas al norte para que formado y no propenso a error, vapulea a
Haciendo notar sólo de paso que ésto pro viesen por sus propios ojos que la situación México de la siguiente manera, en un edito
porciona un notable ejemplo de " cerebración no es tan mala como ellos han asegurado ; al
rial titulado " ¿ Por qué no hay una tarifa
inconsciente, '' puesto que el mismo artículo, efecto , dice así:
para el zinc ?: "
con pocas alteraciones, por cierto insignifican "Mas, por lamentable que sea recor " Nadie obtiene untilidades de la in
tes, àparece en cierto número de periódicos dar el hecho, debe admitirse que hay edi
tores, precisamente como existen perso dustria del zinc en este país actualmente .
al mismo tiempo. La Revista hace una pau La razón es que el zinc americano pro
nas de toda vocación, que, aún después
sa suficiente para hacer observar que en s'i de haber obtenido pruebas oculares, con ducido, se ve obligado a competir con el
última edición y en la presente, publicó da tinuarán proporcionando informes contra zinc mexicano, descansando este último
tos y cifras oficiales que demuestran que el rios a la verdad. Se puede llevar un ca sobre la base de salarios miserables. ''
comercio exterior de la República fué mayor ballo al agua, dice el proverbio, pero no Existe en los Estados Unidos una tarifa
el año pasado que en ninguna otra época de se le puede hacer beberla. Si los edito de importación para el zinc, del 10 por ciento,
res mexicanos son del mismo carácter
su historia-lo que es notable si existiera una que unos cuantos excepcionales editores sobre el valor, en bloques, lingotes u hojas.
sola palabra de verdad en las aseveraciones americanos, puede, además de mostrárse Existe en México una tarifa de exportación
del Leader-, lo que no sucede ! Y la morta les la verdadera situación, obligárseles así del metal como de su mineral, que tiene
lidad en la ciudad de México , que, notoria a que digan la verdad. '' un monto considerable.
mente, fué en todos los tiempos uno de los En la frase final el Post evidencia una Además, las exportaciones de zinc de Mé
peores lugares del mundo a este respecto, es perfecta apreciación de la situación en su xico representan una cifra muy corta. La
actualmente menor que de lo que ha sido en propio país! producción total de zinc de los Estados Uni
dos o tres décadas. dos, durante el año de 1918, fué valuada en
En un editorial relativo a México, el St. $119,258,000 . Las exportaciones totales de
Después viene el "Broocklyn Eagle, " el Louis Globe Democrat, de Missouri, revela zine de México, durante 1917, fueron de
de reconocida honorabilidad, con esta esco su inteligencia de la situación por el siguien $4,289,958, en tanto que en 1918, por las tres
gida declaración editorial : te párrafo : aduanas principales , Piedras Negras, Chihua
"r Todos los relatos que aseguran que hua y Nogales , sólo fueron exportados .....
" Mucho más significativa es la noticia
procedente de la ciudad de México, que Carranza trató de ayudar a Alemania, $338,437. En 1917, el monto total del zinc
asegura que se están desarrollando en ella han resultado falsos. La real existencia y del mineral de zinc importados en los Esta
tumultos ; y que sólo emplazando ame de su Gobierno depende de la continua dos Unidos, de todas partes, fué tan solo de
tralladoras en los lugares donde puedan explotación de los pozos petroleros de
intimidar al pueblo, se ha sostenido Ca $7,596,930. Por lo cual, es difícil entender
Tampico, puesto que el impuesto del pe
rranza ; y también que el general Obregón tróleo constituye la principal fuente del porqué, " la base de salarios miserables ''
se ha negado a comandar al ejército que sostenimiento de ese Gobierno . El Globe (otro error por el estilo) de México , podría
marchará contra Villa. " Democrat, durante toda la guerra negó amenazar con la destrucción a la gran indus
crédito a todos esos rumores, porque con tria del zinc en los Estados Unidos.
Exceptuando a los hechos, a saber que no se
fiaba en que Carranza procuraría favo
ha registrado en esta ciudad nada digno de recer inteligentemente su propio interés.
ser llamado motín, que no se han empleado No había nada que Alemania pudiese
ametralladoras para intimidar al pueblo, que
' hacer en ayuda de México, y todo el in
terés de este país, tanto gubernamental ,
Obregón no se ha rehusado a comandar al como de los negocios, consistía en man
ejército contra Villa, puede tomarse la ase tener amistosas relaciones con los Estados Charlotte
veración anterior en su verdadero valor. El Unidos y sus aliados en la Guerra. Los
editor de La Revista buscó vanamente, du rumores acerca de los ataques de Carran
za a la Doctrina Monroe y de su ame BeautyShop
rante la reciente huelga de maestros, algún
naza de ayudar a Costa Rica en su con Gante No. 7
signo de tumulto callejero ; pero no puedo ver flicto con Nicaragua, no pueden ser acep
ningunas ametralladoras o cualquiera otra tados sin tener de ellos una evidencia TEL. ERICSSON 99-18 MEXICO, D. F
concreta . '' Smart hair dressing Peinados estilos
clase de armas de fuego- y el propio editor
las reconoce cuando las mira-emplazadas de for different occa elegantes para to
El Baltimore American, conocido como pe sions. da clase de cere
modo de intimidar a cualquiera; es también Specialist in monias.
un hecho que Obregón no fué solicitado para riódico conservador, y de ordinario, bien in Especialista para
face and scalp
comandar al ejército que va contra Villa, to formado, dice : treatment. el tratamiento fa
do lo cual podria verificar sin dificultad al ¿ cial y del cabello.
" Carranza, en lo absoluto, ha dejado Shampooing, Ma
guna, si se hubiera tratado de ello . de ejecutar lo que podría realizarse pa nicuring. Shampoo y Ma
nicure .
ra México : Justicia y Reforma. No ha Every Tollet Preparation Tenemos las Mejores Pre
cumplido con la prometida repartición For Ladles Use
Para obtener una opinión clara y com de tierras. '' paraciones para las Damas


"Multum in Parvo " (Continued fron Page 28)
The Topeka (Kan.) Journal certainly does
Condensed News Notes of Interest From
not pay much attention to facts that any
All Portions ofthe Republic
one may acquire with ease regarding this
The transactions of the Public Registry country- such for example as the reports
NE of the largest pulp and paper estab
lishments in British Columbia is seek issued by the United States government on
of Property in the city of Mexico for the
ing to establish commercial relations month of May amounted to $14,789,677.20, foreign commerce. It says :
with this country for the purpose of shipping being half a million larger than for any " In view of the fact that conditions
supplies of pulp to be made into to be made previous month of the year. For the first in that benighted country have not im
into paper here. five months of the current year the total proved, but rather have grown steadily
worse during the time we have been
Latest reports from the State of Sonora was $56,837,363.58. engaged abroad ..... The net result has
are that there is a renewal of activity in A renewal of mining activity is reported been much bloodshed and the complete
the copper mines and that it is hoped be from Zacatecas, and when the preparations disruption of the industries of the coun
try ... It is said that more Americans
fore long that the usual number of hands. now under way shall have been completed,
have lost their lives by violence in Mex
would be employed in mining and smelting. practically all of the leading mines in that ico than perished on the Lusitania. ''
The agricultural outlook is said to be of State will be in operation. Several
An so on in the familiar1 vein. For a coun
the best. thousand men have been employed, most
try whose industries have been " completely
Within six days there arrived at the of them being those who have returned ‫ܕ‬
port of Manzanillo eight merchant ves recently from the United States. disrupted " Mexico is certainly doing remark
sels from foreign ports, including Japan. It is announced that the National City ably well to transact foreign commerce last
Large shipments of beans and other food Bank of New York will soon open a branch year to a much greater extent than ever
products were brought from the latter coun in this city and one in Vera Cruz. The city before in her history. And as to the com
try. A large number of freight cars were of Merida in the State of Yucatan will parison of loss of life in this country with
required for the transportation of these also be favored with a similar institution that on the Lusitania, this has been so com
shipments into the interior of the country. and it is regarded as probably that others pletely exploded on the showing made by
Negotiations are under way on the part will be opened in important interior cities. the most rabid enemy of Mexico that it is a
of the Government of the State of Coahui The commercial world welcomes this infor wonder it should find repetition among reput
la for the construction of a railway con mation. able papers .
necting Allende , in the northern part of The Department of Agriculture and De
that State, with Villa Acuña . Such a line velopment has appropriated funds for the
The St. Louis Republic however seems to
will open up a rich agricultural region construction of three canals that will divert
appreciate the situation, as the following
whose development has been hindered by water from the Yaqui river, in the State
of Sonora, and which will be used for the demonstrates :
lack of transportation facilities.
The Director General of the Postoffice irrigation of the lands of five Indian settle " Just whom do the American interests
Department, by orders of the President of ments to which have been allotted tracts now criticising Carranza want to put in
for cultivation . It is expected that this power? The old autocracy of Diaz, the
the Republic , has secured ten postal cars autocracy of 10 or 15 years ago that
of the latest model from builders in the will result in the complete pacification of was based upon the great haciendas, or
United States, which will be utilized for the State named. have they some new and untried candi
It is reported that the consumption of date to handle affairs south of the Rio
the accommodation of the postal service be
Grande del Norte ?
tween the border and this city, which has dried bananas in the United States is in
F " Someone has been unkind enough to
increased to far greater proportions than creasing rapidly and it is estimated that remark that it is in the power of the
ever before. more than ten million people on the Atlan new Republican Congress to go ahead
and have that little war with Mexico
Reports from the State of Sinaloa are tic coast are regular users of this com
that certain Republicans have been crav
that all the industries in that section are paratively new article of food. The retail ing ever sinèe the Taft administration.
now operating under normal conditions price varies from 16 to 20 cents per pound What is back of the sudden and inimical
mining, agricultural and industrial. Great in America money, and at these rates the interest that is assailing the Carran
za Government ? Does relative peace
impetus has been given to the production producers realize handsome profits . The across the border interfere with the
of tomatoes, both for shipment fresh to variety used almost exclusively for this plans and ambitions of certain Ameri
the United Statos, as well as for canning. cans ?"
purpose is known as the " Roatan, " from
The fact that this crop ripens in the late
Tabasco, and is of superior quality.
winter and early spring months assures it
Work is progressing steadily upon the
a regular market at good prices.
extension of the railway line from the city
The Ayuntamiento , or authorities of Mex
ico City, have approved a project for the of Durango westward toward the port of LA OPERA
establishment at once of two open-air Mazatlan. Regular trains are running so
5 de Mayo No. 10.- Mexico City.
schools in the outskirts of the city, and far as the road has been completed and a
it is expected that others will follow. A great impulse has been given to the agri TEA ROOM
study has been made of such institutions cultural, mineral and timber development of THE BEST IN TOWN
in the United States, and it was decided the district traversed. The people of both
that they were eminently suitable for the Sinaloa and Durango are looking forward PASTRY
climate and other advantages possessed by to a period of prosperity as soon as the BON - BONS
this section . extension of the line shall have opened
A project has been submitted to the Sec commercial relations between those States,
retary of Communications and Public Works which are separated by the Sierra Madre. CHOCOLATERIA FRANCESA
for the establishment of a regular line of Nineteen Spaniards and two Germans |+1|44|4 | }«»ÕÌÒ«Q«Ü«*
steamers between Progreso, in Yucatan, and were recently deported from this country
various ports in that State and the Ter under Article 33 of the National Constitu
ritory of Quintana Roo. Calls will be
tion, which provides for the summary ex
made at Xcalak, Payo Obispo, Cozumel and THE UNITED METAL CO.
pulsion, without recourse and on the order
Isla de Mujeres. The service will be estab 2a. Motolinia, 18.
of the Chief Executive, of " any foreigner
lished within six months arcter permission APARTADO , 1684. MEXICO.
shall have been secured. whose presence he may deem inexpedient. "
The dealers in pulque have made a de . The same article also provides that " No
Compramos o Tomamos en
finite offer to the city authorities to con foreigner shall meddle in any way what
Comisión para su Venta.
tribute $60,000 annually toward the main soever in the political affairs of the coun
tenance of the public schools, paying it try. " The men who were expelled are
said to have violated the latter provision. DEPARTAMENTO DE ENSAYE
at the rate of $5000 per month.

Y SU TRAGICO FIN. (Continúa de la página 29)
IL inesperado y trágico fin de la lama El Topeka Journal, " de Kansas, no pres
AJO este título ha sido últimamente edi ELda " revolución "
BAJ O un tomo del más interesante ma
tado de Blanquet, a la ta mucha atención a los hechos relativos a
que tanto espacio se le dedicó en esa este país , que se pueden conocer fácilmen
terial histórico documentado. El autor del
trabajo que será desarrollado en varios vo
porción de la prensa americana que es anta te tales, por ejemplo, como los informes ex
lúmenes, estando en circulación el primero , gónica a México , sugiere la pregunta si pedidos por el Gobierno de los Estados Uni
guiente : ' dos respecto al comercio extranjero . Dice
es el señor licenciado Manuel Aguirre Ber
langa, quien tomó parte activa en el movi Si tan pronto debía acabar, así el periódico :
miento revolucionario y llevó un registro mi ¿ Para qué diablos comenzó ?
" En vista del hecho de que las condi
nucioso de los diferentes sucesos, habiéndolo ciones de ese descarriado país no han me
Tomamos del " Revolutionary Age, " de
entregado a la imprenta con el objeto de que jorado, sino que más bien han empeorado
Boston, Mass ., el siguiente párrafo que tiene rápidamente durante el tiempo que hemos
los hechos sean conocidos.
especial interés, aunque no contiene nada estado comprometidos en el exterior.
Ha habido tanta relación equivocada de " ... El único resultado ha sido un
que no sea bien conocido- en este país, cuan
los acontecimientos , tantos cargos y recrimi do menos : abundante derramamiento de sangre y
naciones, que los que se hallan en busca de el completo aniquilamiento de las indus
verdad, recibirán con plácemes este compac Se ha organizado en México una " re trias de ese país ... Se dice que han per
volución " contra el Gobierno de Carran dido sus vidas por la violencia, más ame
to volúmen. za. No es una revolución de las masas, ricanos en México que los que murieron
Cada paso es detallado desde que Carranza sino una conspiración de los intereses en el Lusitania ."
recibió las primeras noticias del cuartelazo, monetarios extranjeros y los elementos de Y se sigue así en la forma de costumbre.
la inmediata traición e insubordinación de de los regímenes de Díaz y Huerta, para
1 obtener el control económico de México. Para ser un país cuyos industrias han sido
Huerta y sus asociados en la conspiración, El General Blanquet, Jefe de la expe " completamente aniquiladas, " ciertamente
hasta } la ocupación final de la ciudad de Mé dición militar, anuncia que uno de los
xico. actos de su " gobierno será nulificar que México se ha manejado admirablemente
Los diferentes decretos , expedidos por Ca los decretos " confiscatorios ' del actual bien para aumentar su comercio exterior du
gobierno mexicano . Estos decretos " con rante el año pasado hasta un grado muy su
rranza, conforme el movimiento progresaba, fiscatorios " afectan al capital extranjero ,
han sido recopilados textualmente, y su lec pèrior a cuanto se había visto en su historia .
y el gobierno tiene el propósito de rom
tura, vendrá a destruir muchas ideas erró per la influencia que el capital extran Y por lo que toca a la comparación de la pér
neas y muchos cargos infundados que han jero tiene en los recursos de México. dida de vidas en este país con la habida en
Estos decretos afectan particularmente el Lusitania, ha sido tan completamente ex
sido lanzados por los enemigos de la{ Revo a los intereses petroleros ingleses y ame
lución. ricanos en México ; y el " golpe " militar plotada en las demostraciones hechas por los
Este es el primer compendio específico de que se está preparando, " huele a petró más rabiosos enemigos de México , que sor
los principales hechos revolucionarios, que leo. "
prende pueda ser repetida entre los periódi
se ha editado. Su lenguaje es fácil, florido , El golpe fué preparado en la ciudad
de Nueva York, y está apoyado financie cos de reputación .
no se alarga en discusiones sobre tal o cual ramente por bandidos imperialistas. El
punto, sino que es breve, conciso y cautiva Gobierno Americano protestó contra es
tos decretos legítimos, por ser " confis El periódico St. Louis Republic , '' sin em
dor en el relato de los más interesantes su
catorios, " pero no obra contra los bandi bargo, parece aquilatar bien la situación , co
cesos que aparecen acompañados de pruebas
documentadas. dos imperialistas. ¡ Y la conferencia de mo lo demuestra lo siguiente :
paz está organizando una Liga de Na
También se haya embellecido con series ciones! " A quién quieren poner en el Poder
de curiosas ilustraciones de los principales los intereses americanos que critican ac
ha en tualmente a Carranza ? ¿ A la vieja auto
acontecimientos de la Revolución y diferen- UN alma crítica supersensible, cracia de Díaz, la autocracia de hace 10
tes mapas de distintas secciones del país. contrado impropias las últimas audi
ó 15 años, y que estaba basada en las
La impresión es correctísima ; fué hecha en ciones de gran ópera en la antigua plaza de grandes haciendas, o tienen algún nuevo
los talleres tipográficos de la Imprenta Na toros, apoyándose en que eran una profa y no probado candidato para dirigir los
nación. ¿ Una profanación de qué ? ¿ de la negocios en el sur del Río Grande del
cional, S. A. , en donde se imprime esta Re Norte?
vista. plaza de toros ? En verdad , eran un gran
} "Alguien ha sido lo suficientemente
El autor ha hecho un buen trabajo, y me dísimo contraste comparadas con las ante severo para advertir que está dentro de
rece, por todos conceptos, las más sinceras riores fiestas presenciadas en ese lugar ; pe las facultades del nuevo Congreso Repu
felicitaciones por su primer volumen. ro, sin embargo, se proporcionó a miles de blicano ir adelante y sostener contra
personas amantes de la música, una opor México esa pequeña guerra que ciertos
El Presidente ha expedido instrucciones tunidad de gozar de la música clásica a republicanos han anhelado siempre desde
al Administración de Taft.
para no conceder más concesiones para el precios al alcance de todas las fortunas, y " ¿ Qué hay detrás del repentino y hos
desecamiento de lagos, a fin de reclamar bajo un circumambiente y condiciones no til interés que está atacando al Gobierno
los terrenos cubiertos por el agua, puesto igualadas por ninguna otra sala de la ciu de Carranza ? ¿ Es que la paz relativa
del otro lado de la frontera obstruye los
que hay vastas superficies de otras tierras dad, y por muy pocas en el mundo. ¡ Pro planes y ambiciones de ciertos ameri
que son apropiadas para el cultivo . fanación !, ¡ qué insensatez ! canos ?''

1848# [24] [+ 8+ Du Haßesße


Montada y dirigida científicamente, gastando sólo material de primera calidad. Despacha

mos recetas con el mayor escrúpulo y con absoluta garantía de exactitud . Todo lo mejor del
ramo a precios equitativos.
Ponemos a su disposición a un óptico de vastos conocimientos y extensísima práctica.
La casa tiene fama nacional y es conocida y recomendada por los más eminentes ocu
listas y médicos del país.

A задачени за да I
was the next question. At first glance, the
spot where I stood seemed to be the ter
Mexican Byways and Highways minus of the trail. But the mozo "
मैं and the
mules, with a greater appetite for a square
Scenes and Experiences Away From the
meal than for scenery, could be heard
Usual Paths of Travelers and Writers
clattering over the rocks far below and ་ I
By Geo. F. Weeks . looked to see how they were to be followed .
At a sharp angle with the course of the trail
was a narrow shelf of rock whose worn sur
CHAPTER V.- Continued. to keep a sharp outlook for the first glimpse face showed that it had been traveled by
of the place. I knew in a general way countless thousands of feet. Little more
From Tepehuanes to Topia.
from what I had been told that the town
(By an unfortunate transposition of the than a foot in width, apparently , with a
copy ." Chapter VI was given in the July to which I was bound lay in a deep canyon
precipice on one side and a rocky walk on
issue, instead of the continuation of Chap and that it could be seen for some time
ter V, which is here presented.) the other, it was very far from inviting
before reaching it, but I had not in any
UT to resume the journey from this way been prepared for the actuality . To as a safe pathway for mule or man. Besides
digression- a pardonable one , since being narrow and slippery, it was steep as
ward ten o'clock we had been for some
B one of the salient experiences of all well, and after a glance at it I concluded
time traveling along the bed of a creek ,
that walking was to be preferred to riding
travelers in the byways of Mexico is the but finally crossed it for the last time and
over any such perilous looking trails, s
abundant hospitality of even the poorest struck up a rather steep incline that ter
dismounted, and taking the reata in my
of the natives . minated in a jagged crest with high, sharp
Again we get an early start the next hand, hugging the rocky wall closely, and
cliffs on either side, towering above the
keeping as far from the edge as possiblc ,
morning, though it was very cold and wind . trail. The mozo and pack mules were in
started down the mountain side, nor did
The rising sun did not mend matters, and front, and as we neared this crest they I remount until the ‫ که‬comparatively level
there was ice all day long by the road suddenly disappeared around a rocky corner. surface of the valley was reached, an hour
gide wherever there was moisture enough Without the faintest idea of what was
and a half later and about 4000 feet
to freeze . I was wearing the heaviest before me I rode my mule to the creat, deeper .
fleece lined underwear , woolen shirt, two and then
vests, three coats , woolen trousers and The sight that greeted me was one to I was told a story of a party of Amer
icans who were on their way to Topia, one
khaki over them, yet was cold and shiverel strike the observer literally dumb with
amazement and admiration. I stood on the of whom, on reaching the spot in the trail
all day. We were at an elevation of 9000
that I have described, at once dismounted,
to 10,000 feet, and the temperature could brink of a cliff down whose sheer sides
and falling to the ground, hugged the side
not have gone above the freezing point I scarcely dared cast more than a momeut
of the cliff as closely as he could get to
at any time. Of course this would not ary glance. And that fleeting glance made
it and absolutely refused to move or try
seem very cold to one from the Atlantic me dizzy and faint. Down, down, down .
to walk down the trail. He was so panic
coast or the Middle West, but to an old almost perpendicularly, fell the cliff into
stricken at the sight of the tremendous
Californian , with over thirty years in that the abyss below. A single step in ad
precipice that he could not move, and his
genial climate added to several in Mex vance- well, death could scarcely be more
companions were forced to tie him with a
ico, the temperature was quite sufficien¹13 sudden than yawned at my very feet. The
rugged cliffs swung around in a great rope, so that any involuntary movement on
low and made one wish to get as soon as his part would not endanger their lives, and
possible into a more genial climate. amphitheater miles in diameter, and away
An hour before sunset we reached Llano down in their depths, thousands of feet
Grande, a large clearing with a cluster of below, cradled in verdure and seattered over
farm buildings, all of the same primitive the low hills at the bottom of the valley,
type as those heretofore encountered . Herc were the white walls, red tiled roofs and
we found the lowest depths of poverty so gleaming church towers of the ancient old
far as food was concerned , that I had yet pueblo of Topia. Off to the west were Po
seen. Upon asking if they had any cggs other chiffs and crags and lofty mountain
for sale, " No, Señor, " was the reply. summits, piled one on the other, rugged

" Anv

"Any tortillas ? '' " No, Señor. " beyond description, fading away in the dis

" No
frijoles ? " " No , , Señor. " " What have tance in a wilderness of, rock, tree and
you to eat ? " " Nothing but potatoes, Sc mist, and away beyond, more than a hun
miles away, where the
ñor. '' And so it proved. The corn crop dred and fifty
had been a failure, and the bean crop like . mountains sank into the plain, beyond that
wise. The potatoes had well nigh failed , even, what was that faint silvery line
but a lot had been harvested none of which It did not seem possible that it could be
exceeded a very small English walnut in the Pacific Ocean, yet inquiry subsequently CALIDAD EXACTITUD
size, and this was the sole diet of the proved that it was indeed so and that i PRONTITUD
seven or eight people whom we found living had chanced upon one of those rare mo
here on the bleak mountain top. When [ ments when the waters of the sea were
made coffee I brewed sufficient to pass visible, even though so faintly, from these
around, and told the mozo to keep the pot lofty summits. I have seen the Sierra of
going at the fire all night, and give them California from old Shasta to the summit
Independencia, 2. Facing the Cable Office.
more when they wanted it. The gusto of Grayback and of San Bernardino- from
with which they drank the unwonted bever one end of the Golden State to the other
showed what a treat it was to them I have traveled repeatedly and am familiar The Optical House of Mexico .
At this place we could not obtain any with the grandeur of her mountains. But
feed for the mules at any price , with the nowhere in all the length and breadth of
exception of a little " rastrojo , " and even the Sierra Nevada have I ever seen such a We make lenses in all styles and colors
with this the proprietor was loath to part. picture as held me breathless and opecchles from any prescription.
Topia was now but half a day distant, this morning on the brink of the Topia
chasm. I wish I had the ability to describe Headquarters for Invisible Bifocals
and it needed no urging for me to be up
before . daylight and assist in having every . the scene adequately, but it is impossible. We give you the best and quickest service
thing in readiness to start as soon as the It is one of those scenes of grandeur, of We have many Exclusive Agencies for
trail was visible. The route led through sublimity, that remain indelibly impressed
the Best Optical Goods, including the Best
heavy timber and over frozen ground. upon the sensitive plate of the memory so
long as life shall last, and which words Ear Phones for the deaf.
crossing streams fringed and even covered A
with ice, and climbing still higher and are all too feeble to depict.
higher. About nine o'clock the mozo said How to get down into the depths of the Call on us or write.
" Soon you will see Topia, " and I began valley, where a warm welcome awaited me,

** L

сто будет три проти
--Sierra de California, desde la antigua Shas
ta hasta el vértice de Grayback y de San
Por Caminos y Veredas de México . Bernardino ; -he viajado de uno al otro ex·
Fo ** tremo del Estado del oro, repetidas veces,
Ame Escenas y Aventuras en Caminos y Parajes Poco
She y estoy familiarizado con la grandeza de
Frecuentados por Viajeros y Escritores sus montañas. Pero en ninguna otra parte
a todo lo largo y ancho de la Sierra Ne
bars Por Geo. F. Weeks. vada había yo visto nunca un cuadro como
=== для на el que me tenía mudo y sin aliento esa
CAPITULO V.- Continuación. de distancia y no se necesitó apremiarme mañana, al borde de la quebrada de To
para que estuviera levantado antes de que pia. Desearía tener la habilidad suficiente
~ *** De Tepehuanes a Topia.
alumbrara la luz del día y ayudara a te para describir la escena debidamente ; mas
(Por una desgraciada trasposición de los
originales, el Capítulo VI fue publicado en la ner todo dispuesto para partir tan pronto esto es imposible. Esta es una de esas
edición de julio, en lugar de la continua como el sendero se hiciera visible . La ruti
ción del Capítulo VIque se inserta aquí.) escenas de grande za , de sublimidad , que
conducía a través de espesos bosques , y permanecen indeleblemente impresas en la
ERO debo seguir la relación del viaje sobre un terreno helado, cruzando arroyos
desde esta digresión- una digresión placa sensible de la memoria en tanto que
P orlados y aun cubiertos de hielo, y ascen dura la vida y que las palabras son de
-perdonable, puesto que una de las diendo cada vez más y más. Cerca de las
masiado pálidas para describir.
Jet principales experiencias de todos los viaje. nueve de la mañana, el mozo me dijo :
ros en las veredas de México consiste en Cómo llegar al fondo del valle, donde me
+ " Pronto divisará usted Topia, " y comencé
la pródiga hospitalidad de los nativos, aun esperaba una calurosa acogida, era el pro
a dirigir miradas indagadoras para echar blema inmediato . A primera vista, el lu
de los más pobres de ellos. ‫ܚܐ‬ la primera ojeada sobre la plaza. Sabía,
wdy& Nuevamente, a la mañana siguiente, par gar donde estaba yo parecía ser el término
de una manera general, por lo que se había de la senda. Mas el mozo y las mulas ,
fo ds timos muy temprano, aunque hacía mucho referido, que la población a la cual me di
frío y viento. El naciente sol no mejoró atraídas más por el deseo de un justo ali
rigía, se asentaba en un profundo cañón y mento, que por contemplar el espectáculo ,
las cosas y hubo hielo durante todo el día , que podía ser vista durante algún tiempo
a lo largo de la ruta, en dondequiera que se habían adelantado , pudiéndoseles oír
раздни antes de llegar a ella ; pero no había sido haciendo ruido entre las rocas, mucho más
Exa -babía suficiente humedad para congelarse.
preparado de ningún modo para el presen abajo ; y entonces miré en torno mío para
Yo llevaba encima la ropa interior más pe te caso. Hacia las diez de la mañana,
sada y forrada de lana, camisa de lo mismo, ver de qué modo debía seguirlos. Formando
habíamos caminado durante algún tiempo
un ángulo agudo con el sendero, se encon
S dos
Mary chalecos, tres sacos, pantalones de lana por el lecho de un arroyo, mas finalmente
And wes ý unos de kakhi sobre ellos, y aun todavía traba una estrecha grada de roca cuya des
I lo cruzamos por la última vez y tomamos
tuve frío y temblé todo el día. Nos gastada superficie indicaba que había sido
* un empinado declive que terminaba en una
encontrábamos a una altura de nueve o recorrida por incontables millares de pies
cresta dentada con altos y agudos riscos de
Teniendo poco más de un pie de anchura,

буми ипро
#* * diez mil pies yзадать la temperatura no podía cada lado, que descollaba sobre la vereda.
whe✰ haber ascendido del punto de congelación aparentemente , con un precipicio a un lado
El mozo y las mulas de carga marchaban
ên ningún momento. Naturalmente que esto y un muro de rocas en el otro , estaba muy
adelante y cuando nos acercábamos a esa
no parecería muy frío a un nativo de la cresta, desaparecieron súbitamente detrás de lejos de convidar a pasar sobre él como
costa del * Atlántico o del Oeste medio , mas un ángulo de roca. Sin tener más ligera si fuera un camino para hombres o mulas.
para un viejo californiano , que había vi; idea de lo que estaba adelante de mí, di Además de ser estrecho y resbaladizo , eran
vido sobre treinta años en el confortable rigí mi mula hacia la cresta y entonces : también empinado , y después de haberlo
clima de California y varios más en Méxi El espectáculo con que me encontré era mirado, concluí que debía preferirse mar
co, la temperatura era demasiado baja, y para dejar al observador materialmente mu char a pie que sobre montura en sendas
lo hacía desear a uno encontrarse lo más do de admiración y asombro. Encontrá de tan peligroso aspecto , y así, desmontado
pronto que fuera posible en un clima más Aut bame de pie en el borde de
un acantilado, y tomando la reata con la mano, ceñido es
debajo de cuyos flancos cortados a pico , no trechamente al muro de rocas y mantenién
Una hora antes de la puesta del sol, lle me atreví a echar sino una mirada instan
dome tan alejado del borde como era po
gamos a Llano Grande, un gran espacio tánea. Y la fugaz mirada que arrojó me
sible, eché a andar montaña abajo, y nɔ
abierto con un grupo de construcciones cam dejó desvanecido y acobardado. Bajo , aba remonté sobre mi montura sino cuando ha
pesinas, todas del mismo estilo primitivo jo, más abajo, casi perpendicularmente , ol •
5 bíamos llegado al nivel relativo de la su
que las encontradas antes. Aquí encontra risco caía en el abismo que coronaba. Un
mos los más bajos fondos de la pobreza perficie del valle , una hora y media des
solo paso más hacia adelante y mi muerte
que había yo visto, en lo que se refería a pudo haber sido más instantánea que si ya pués, a cuatro mil pies más abajo.
los alimentos. Al preguntar si tenían al Me contaron entonces de una partida de
ciera a mis pies. Los escarpados riscos se
gunos huevos de venta, la respuesta fue : extendían alrededor formando un gran anfi americanos que estaban en camino de To
“ No, señor. ' ' " Algunas tortillas ?" " No, teatro de varias millas de diámetro , y pia, y uno de los cuales , al llegar al sitio
при señor. '' " Algunos frijoles !" " No, se4 { muy lejos,
en su fondo, a millares de pies
ñor. " "¿ Qué tienen pues, para comer? ' más abajo, rodeados de verdura y disemi
" Nada más patatas, señor. '' Y así suce
nados sobre las bajas colinas del fondo del
dió. La cosecha del maíz había constituído valle se encontraban los blancos muros, los GUERRERO
un fracaso, y la del haba, lo mismo. Las rojos tejados y las brillantes torres de la
patatas habían estado a punto de faltar. iglesia del
antiquísimo pueblo de Topia . Fine American Tailoring
pero se había recogido un lote , de ellas Hacia el oeste había otros acantilados y des
que por su tamaño no excedía ninguna a peñaderos y altísimos vértices de montañas, Imported Woolens
una nuez inglesa pequeña, y este era el hacinados los unos sobre los otros, escar
único alimento de las siete u ocho perso ENGLISH SPOKEN
pados más allá de toda ponderación, esfu
nas que encontramos viviendo allí, en la mándose, a la distancia, en un yermo de 24
desabrigada cúspide de la montaña. Cuando roca, árboles y niebla, y más allá todavía Avenida Juárez 14.
preparé café, mezclé el suficiente para servir -a más de ciento cincuenta millas de dis
a todos y ordené al mozo que conservara tancia, allí donde las montañas parecían
la olla en el fuego durante toda la noche hundirse en la llanura-más allá de cual
y que les diera más si querían . El gusto quier cosa, ¿ qué era esa línea argentina Taquigrafía por Correspondencia
con que bébieron la inacostumbrada bebi que se observaba? No parecía posible que en Inglés y Español, por la
da mostró que placer constituía para ellos . pudiese ser el Océano Pacífico , aunque una
En este lugar no pudimos obtener ningún investigación ulterior me probó que en SEÑORA A. M. L. COLESON
alimento para las mulas, a ningún precio, efecto lo era y de que había yo tenido la
con excepción de un poco de " rastrojo, ” suerte de observarlo en uno de esos raros La Mejor Profesora de Taquigrafía
y aun tratándose de esto, el propietario no momentos en que las aguas del mar eran en México .
estaba dispuesto a separarse de él. visibles , aunquo muy esfumadas, desde Gante, 9. México, D. F.
Ahora, Topia se encontraba a medio día aquellos altísimos vértices. He visto la



then carry him bodily down the trail to a he be ? " I immediately told the mozo io THE BLANQUET "REVOLUTION, "
place where it widened out and was safer. resaddle the mules, and said that we would ITS REAL BACKING AND
I must confess that I could readily sym- start on the back trail at once, to search ITS TRAGIC ENDING.
pathize with him, and could well imagine for the missing one. This was demurred
IN view of the sudden and tragic ending of
what an effect the sudden sight of this awe to , and after considerable argument and the recent so-called Blanquet " revolut
inspiring scenery might have upon any weak insistence I was prevailed upon to wait ion, '' which was given so much space in that
nerved person . for a good meal, and also to feed the mules portion of the American press that is antago
Founded in 1582 by those hardy Conquis at the same time, in order to freshen all nistic to Mexico , and which inspires the ques
tadores who have left their impress all over hands for the unexpected journey . Over tion . 1
Mexico, Topia may well boast of her an an hour was passed in this manner, while If it was so soon to be done for
tiquity. Earlier by a generation than the I anxiously looked back toward the cliff What in thunder was it begun for ?
coming of the Pilgrims, older than any city which we had just descended and wondered The following from the Revolutionary Age
in the United States (with a single ex and worried about the possible fate of the of Boston, Mass., is of especial interest ,
ception- St. Augustine ) , Topia was a town missing one. When the meal was concluded
although it contains nothing that is not well
of respectable age when the country east I again instructed the mozo to saddle up ,
known-in this country at all events.
of the Mississippi River was an unsettled and then came the surprise. " Oh, Señor ,
" There is a 'revolution " being or
wilderness. Yet with all its antiquity, wilh it is not necessary for you to go in search ganized in Mexico , against the Carranza
all its hoary years, the paved streets of of your son. As soon as it was found that government. It is not a revolution of the
Topia never felt the turning of the wheels he was not with you and was lost, his masses, but a conspiracy of foreign mo
of¹ any sort of vehicle, and generations of compadre, Don Plutarco Almeida, was told, ney interests together with the elements
and within ten minutes he and an ex of the Diaz and Huerta regimes to secure
people have been born, brought up, lived economic control of Mexico . General
and died in this town without ever having perienced guide who knows all the moun Blanquet, the leader of the military ex

seen a wheeled vehicle of any kind. AI tain trails, had saddled up and left town pedition, announces that one of the acts
though the Pacific coast of the United States without telling you. They will find him of his " government '' will be to nullify
and you may rest content after your long the " confiscatory ' decrees of the pre
has many large and thriving cities which " sent Mexican government. These " con
were originally in situations far more diffi journey. " fiscatory " decrees affect foreign capi
cult of access that this, but are now pro Sure enough, some time after dark the tal, the purpose of the government being
vided not only with wagon roads but with party returned with the missing man. Iu to break the grip which foreign capital
has upon Mexico's resources. These
lines of rail as well, and although thers the darkness of the night before he had decrees affect particularly British and
are no actually insurmountable engineering wandered off the trail, had become com American oil interests in Mexico ; and
obstacles in the way of road construction , pletely lost, and all day long had wander the " military coup " being organized
ed in the wilderness of the rugged moun " smells of oil. " The coup was prepared
still the old pueblo has managed to exist in New York City, and is financed by
and thrive for nearly 340 years with no tain fastnesses until met by the two search imperialistic brigands. The American
other means of communication or transporta ers . government protested against these legi
tion than are afforded by a pack trail, and A compadre is one for whose child you timate decrees as " confiscatory, " but it
have acted as godfather or who has acted acts not against the imperialistic brig
it seems altogether probable that she wil! ands. And the Peace Conference is or
continue to so exist for generations yet to in that capacity for your own offspring
ganizing a League of Nations ! '
come, though it is true that a number of The tie is regarded as highly sacred, and as
years ago a survey for a railroad was made calling for every service and every sacri
Heavy storms washed out all the railway
connecting Topia with Culiacan, the object fice which are supposed to be a brother's lines to the border and caused the mails
being to afford an outlet for the low grade duty, and which are always freely ren
dered. from the United States to be delayed for
ores of its mines, which are too poor lu upwards of a week during the last of July.
stand the heavy cost of pack train trans (To be Continued )
portation , and at the same time to open Have Review mailed free of postage by
up the vast timber resources of the region THE STATE OF SONORA STILL
calling at this office .
round about. Doubtless such a road may be REMAINS IN THE " DRY COLUMN '
built sometime, the fact that the Southern SHORT time since it was announced
Pacific railroad has required large interests Α ' publicly that the State of Sonora had
in the Topia quebrada, less than a day's

reversed its “ dry '' policy and had declared

ride from the town, pointing to the pos


in favor of a "wet " regime. It was said

sibility of a movoment in that direction
that there was a flocking of foreign liquor CHICAGO
what time the construction of the line to Comm
dealers to border towns like Nogales, Naco , EL
Guadalajara from Mazatlan shall have been
Agua Prieta, etc. , for the purpose of open

completed. ing saloons in order to slake the thirst SPAN



One could fill a volume with the tales and A

of the dry people of the adjacent dry State D


traditions that he can pick up around an O

of Arizona. But it seems this was an error .
ancient place like this . Once upon a time General Plutarco Elias Calles , under whose ****
the fear of Indian depredations made the regime Sonora was made dry and kept dry ,
lives of the people a burden to them. arrived in his State a short time since and '
Twice was the town sacked and burned by
almost immediately thereafter the news was
the savages from the north, and there are sent to this city that Sonora was still dry REPRESENTANTES EXCLUSIVOS
still standing old buildings which are pierced and would in all probability remain so ! EN
with loopholes from which the marauding MEXICO.
savages were shot. The Governor of the State of Chihuahua
By the way, my initial experience was has issued a decree closing all the gambling EDIFICIO GORE 204
unexpected and novel, but typical of some houses of whatever character in the city CALLE DE NUEVO MEXICO Nº 6.
of the pleasantest Mexican customs. We
of Juarez after July 30th . It was his
arrived at my son's house about 2:30 p. m. , intention to have them closed sooner, but
weary, travel stained and hungry . After Hacendados
it was found that some of them had paid
the first warm greeting from the mother considerable sums to the city government Industriales
of my grandchildren, she looked around and for licenses , and it was decided to allow
finally asked in surprise " But where is them to operate until the end of the time Comerciantes
Walter?" " Walter? I do not know. He for which they had paid. Much trouble
is here, is he not ? " " Why no ; he left yes has been caused by the visits of throngs USTEDES NECESITAN A
terday to meet you and guide you over the of strangers from the " dry" territory on
trail. Have you not seen him ? " " Why the northern bank of the Rio Grande to
Precios de Fábrica
no! I have seen nothing of him. " " Oh, the "wet " region on the south bank, and
he must be lost in the mountains ! Or he the State Governor finally took the step
may have fallen over a cliff. Where can mentioned in order to remedy the evil.


de la vereda que he descrito, se desmontó La población ha sido dos veces saqueada e
inmediatamente, y echándose de bruces en incendiada por los salvajes del norte, y aún TRA TODAVIA EN LA " LISTA DE
el sueló, abrazó el borde del acantilado tan 80 conservan en pie viejas construcciones LOS SECOS '
estrechamente como pudo, y se negó en que están perforadas con troneras, desde
lo absoluto a moverse de allí para conti donde eran cazados los salvajes merodeap OCO ciado públicdespués
amente de quequeel fuese anun
Estado de
nuar su camino por aquel paso. Se había dores.
De paso relataré mi experiencia inicial Sonora había abolido su política " seca " y
apoderado de él tal pánico a la vista del - declarádose en favor del régimen " húme
tremendo precipicio , que no se pudo mover, aquí, que fue tan inesperada como nove
habiéndose visto obligados sus compañeros dosa, pero característica de alguna de las do , " se dijo que había una bandada de
a atarlo con una $ soga, de manera que nin costumbres mexicanas más agradables. Arri cantineros extranjeros en las poblaciones
gún movimiento involuntario de su parte bamos a la casa de mi hijo cerca de las de la línea divisoria, como Nogales, Naco,
dos y media de la tarde, aburridos y fati Agua Prieta, etc., con el propósito de abrir
pusiera sus vidas en peligro, y llevarlo en
gados del viaje y hambrientos. Pasada la cantinas para extinguir la sed de la gente
tonces en peso por la vereda hasta un sitio
donde ésta se ensanchaba y ofrecía mayores calurosa bienvenida que me dispensó la del Estado " seco " adyacente de Arizona.
W Debo confesar que pude ha madre de mi nieto, miró en torno y final Pero según parece esto fue un error. EI
General Plutarco Elías Calles , bajo cuyo
ber simpatizado inmediatamente con él y mente preguntó, con sorpresa : " Mas dónde
que me imaginé el efecto que podía produ está Walter ? " " Walter, no sé ? '' " ¿Es régimen Sonora se volvió " seco , " y se con
cir la súbita visión de esta escena, que ins tá él aquí, o no ? " " Qué no- salió ayer serva "seco, " llegó a su Estado al poco
piraba pavor, en cualquiera persona de dé para encontrarlo a usted y guiarlo por el tiempo, y casi inmediatamente después se
camino .M No le ha visto usted ? " a esta ciudad, que So
bil constitución nerviosa. " Qué enviaron noticias
Fundada en el año de 1582 por esos fé no ! -No le he visto para nada. ' " Oh, de nora se seguía " seco " todavía y que proba
be haberse perdido en las montañas! O ha blemente continuará en tal estado !
rreos Conquistadores que han dejado sus
huellas ❤ en todo México, Topia puede muy brá caído en algún despeñadoreo. ¿Dónde
bien vanagloriarse de su antiguedad. AnC podrá estar? '' Inmediatamente ordené al Se ha inaugurado una empresa privada
terior en una generación a la venida de mozo que reensillara las mulas e indiqué para la construcción de habitaciones para
los peregrinos, y más vieja que cualquiera que marcharíamos al camino desde luego uso de los maestros de escuela en los te
ciudad de los Estados Unidos (con una sola para buscar al desaparecido . Esta resolu rrenos situados en las afueras de la ciu
excepción San Agustín) , Topia era una ción mía fue objetada, y después de larga dad, que actualmente están inutilizados, o,
ciudad de edad respetable cuando el país argumentación e insistencia, fuí disuadido dicho en otras palabras, para el estableci
que queda al este del río Mississippi era a esperar un buen almuerzo y también pa miento de una colonia para esos profesio
un páramo inhabitado. Y aun con toda su ra alimentar a las mulas al mismo tiempo, nistas. Las casas serán vendidas al costo
T antigiiedad
y sus luengos años, las empe a fin de que todos estuvieran dispuestos a los que las deseen, y en abonos menores
dradas calles de Topia no han sentido nun y descansados para emprender el inesperado que la renta mensual de costumbre exi
ca el rodar de las ruedas de ninguna clase viaje. Pasó cerca de una hora de este gida por otras que ofrecen menores ven
de vehículos , y en ella han nacido , cre modo, mientras que yo miraba retrospecti tajas de situación, etc.
cido, vivido y muerto muchas generaciones, vamente la escarpadura que acabábamos de
sin haber visto jamás ningún vehículo de bajar y que discurría y me angustiaba me
ruedas. A pesar de que la costa del Pací ditando en la posible suerte del desapareci ، ، ‫ ܬ‬Gerencia de los Ferrocarriles Nacio
fico de los Estados Unidos contiene muchas do. Cuando concluyó el almuerzo di nue nales ha encontrado la posibilidad de ob
the euer durmientes de ferrocarril en los Es
y prósperas ciudades que estuvieron primi vamente instrucciones al mozo para ensi
tivamente en condiciones de tan difícil ac llar, pero entonces se produjo una sorpre tados Unidos con mayores ventajas que en
ceso como Topia, pero que están provistas sa. " Oh, señor, no es necesario que vaya este país ; recientemente se hizo un embar
ahora no solamente con caminos carreteros usted en busca de su hijo. Tan pronto co que de sesenta y cinco mil durmientes , de
sino también con líneas de ferrocarril, y mo se vió que no regresaba con usted y que Texas, para el uso de las líneas que corren
a pesar de que no existen actualmente obs estaba perdido, su compadre, don Plutarco hacia el Sur, desde Ciudad Juárez.
táculos insuperables de ingeniería en lo que Almeida fue enterado de lo acaecido, y a
respecta a la construcción de rutas, aun ese los diez minutos de esto, él y un experto
pueblo ha existido y desarrolládose por un guía que conoce todas las veredas de la
espacio de cerca de trescientos cuarenta montaña, habían ensillado y partieron de la
años sin otros medios de comunicación 0 población sin comunicárselo a usted. Lo
transporte que los que proporciona una encontrarán, y usted descansará tranquila
simple vereda para animaels de carga, y mente después de su largo viaje. "'
aun parece también probable que continuará Ciertamente, un poco después de que ha
viviendo así durante las generaciones que bía descendido la oscuridad regresó la par
han de venir, por más que es verdad que tida con el que se había perdido. En la
hace algunos años se hizo una visita de oscuridad de K la noche anterior, se había
inspección por allí para la construcción de 000
apartado de la senda y se había extravia
un ferrocarril que uniera a Topia con Cu do completamente, y había vagado todo el
liacán, teniendo por mira el proporcionar día en el yermo de la áspera montaña , de
una salida a los minerales de baja ley de prisa, hasta que fue encontrado por los dos
sus minas, que son demasiado pobres para que le buscaban.
soportar el alto costo del transporte en re Un compadre es una persona de cuyo
# cuas, y, al mismo tiempo, para abrir las hijo se ha actuado como padrino o que ha
grandes riquezas de maderas de la región actuado del mismo modo respecto a vuestra
circunvecina. Sin duda alguna que tal fe propia descendencia. El vínculo de unión
rrocarril será construído en algún tiempo, es considerado como altamente sagrado , y
señalando la posibilidad de una iniciativa obliga a toda clase de servicios y sacrifi
en tal sentido, cuando haya terminado la cios, que se supone son deberes de herma
construcción de la línea de Guadalajara a nos, y que siempre son prestados liberal Cuartos y Departamentos de lujo con baño
Mazatlán, el hecho de que el Ferrocarril mente. la. y 2a. Categoria
del Pacífico del Sur ha adquirido vastos (Continuará) * Teléfonos: Eric. 1254. -Mex. 791 Neri.
intereses en la Quebrada de Topia, a menos RESTAURANT
de una jornada de esa población. Varios millones de dólares que se han
Plan Europeo, Servicio smerado con
Podría uno llenar un volumen con los acumulado en la ciudad de Nueva York Garantla para los Señores Pasajeros .
cuentos y tradiciones que se puede recoger a cargo del Agente Financiero de México , Plaanse Departamentos Telegráficamente
en torno de un lugar tan antiguo como éste. Caturegli, durante el embargo sobre la
1a . Uruguay 30
En cierta ocasión, el temor a las depreda exportación de oro y plata de los Estados MEXICO , D F. $
ciones de los indios, hizo de la vida de los Unidos, serán enviados al Tesoro Nacional, 2
habitantes una verdadera - carga para ellos. ahora que la prohibición se ha levantado

Z น **}
‫علیشاه‬ ****
in the pacification of the country, is , the
existence of certain small groups, ephemeral
Diplomatic Notes Interchanged remains of the larger bands.
" The government of Mexico has been
United States Demands Protection for Citizens - In Reply, and continues to be animated by the
highest T aims of eliminating all those dif
Americans Are Advised to Remain in Populated Centers ficulties which might embarrass its
relations with the United States, and thus
OTES have been exchanged between the within the territory of the Republic cannot it has shown itself on A repeated occasions.
be ascribed to the unwillingness of the If the government of the United States
United States and the Mexican govern wishes its citizens to enjoy greater protec
N ments regarding the protection of government to give protection.
' On the other hand, if we interpret tion, the government of Mexico , desiring
"} as always a good understanding between
Americans in this country, and were made rigidly the term " protection of human life ,
public recently. The American Note is as taking it to mean that in every case, and the two governments, would suggest that
wherever a citizen of the United States American citizens remain in populated
follows : centers, where they will be granted complete
may go within Mexican territory, he should
July 22 , 1919 . enjoy a special and effective protection, so guarantees and when it is necessary for
" The Honorable Mr. Salvador Diego Fernán that his life may never be put in danger, such citizens to cross danger zones , that
dez, Chargé of the Foreign Relations then the government of Mexico finds itself they request guards suffiicent for safety,
Office-Sir : unable to grant such protection, for SO which will be furnished by the Mexican T
perfect a state of security does not exist authorities.
" With reference to the note sent from anywhere. In this connection it is necessary " In the Tampico district, escorts have
this Embassy on July 16, 1919, relative to to take into consideration the large ter been offered to the paymasters of the
the murder of Peter Catrón, near Valles, ritorial extension of the Republic, its sparse oil companies to assure them of safe conduct
San Luis Potosí, which occurred on the population , and thethe unsettled conditions and have been refused by the companies,
7th of July or thereabouts , I have the on the pretext that the presence of guards
which prevail after a long civil war.
honor to inform you that I have received " The government of Mexico has always would provoke attack, or that guards would
telegraphic instructions from my govern tried as far as was possible to give complete not conduct themselves properly, statements
ment to urge the Mexican government to security to the lives of foreigners as well which are unfounded. Furthermore the
capture and punish those responsible for this as of citiziens ; but the truth of the matter relation which has existed between certain
murder and adopt adequate measures to oil companies and the rebels is notorious ;
is that the former, through ignorance, or
prevent the recurrence of assassinations of imprudence, or desire for gain, venture to and there are rumors to the effect that the
American citiziens . remain or to travel across dangerous regions, paymasters worked in conjunction with the
" I am also instructed to inform you thus laying themselves open to attack and supposed assailants. The Mexican govern
that if the lives of American citizens con even expecting to be free from them ment, in order once more to show its in
tinue insecure, and if the assassinations because of their nationality. tention of granting complete protection,
continue because of the unwillingness or " Furthermore , it is well to remember that has formally promised to reimburse the
the inability of the Mexican government to the Government of Mexico whenever it has companies for the sums taken from the
furnish adequate protection, my government heard of an attack, has pursued those who paymasters in spite of the presence of Примерни a
may be obliged to adopt a radical change were presumably responsible for it. Pursuit guard, and if the companies do not accept
in (6policy with respect to Mexico . in this case is certainly not the same as the services of a guard, they are the only
Accept, Sir, the repeated assurances of that which ordinarily takes place in cities ones to blame.
my high consideration. in the case of ordinary criminals ; for " I believe I have explained the real
situation and the Mexican government's
" Signed) GEORGE T. SUMMERLIN, circumstances are different in a populated
Charge D'Affaires. '' place, in such a case it is relatively easy ability to give day by day, as previously,
to identify the guilty person, while in an increased protection to life and property,
unsettled district the band which made and its undeniable desire to give all kinds
THE REPLY OF MEXICO . the attack is pointed out, pursued, and as of guarantees within the territory of the
many of its members as is possible are nation. In view of these facts the govern
The Mexican government sent the following killed, without it being possible . as a ment is surprised at the threat included in
answer to the above note : general thing to identify the really guilty your note, and especially when it is con
party. In fact it is even impossible for the sidered that in unpopulated districts human
July 28, 1919 . group of evildoers themselves to say just life is better protected than in the largest
which one fired the fatal shot. The recent cities of more advanced countries, where
" Mr. George T. Summerlin : Chargé d'Af Correll case shows that the Government of attacks occur without the governments
faires ad-interim of the United States of Mexico, following this course of action concerned being the object of severe cen
America-Sir : sure.
which is the only one possible, displayed
" The note of the 22d inst. which you the greatest activity, for immediately upon " I take this opportunity to repeat to you
me of Sir, the assurances of my respectfully
communicated to me informed receiving the news of this murder, troops consideration .
instructions you had received to notify this started out in pursuit of the band and
department that if the lives of American killed four bandits. (Signed )
citizens in Mexico continued in a state SALVADOR DIEGO FERNANDEZ.
" The government of Mexico has constantly
of insecurity, and if the murders continued worked for the pacification of the Republic
because of the unwillingness or inability of and as a first step has put down the chief MEXICO'S REPLY TO A
the Mexican government to give due rebel bands, and has rendered incapable of
protection, the government of the United fighting the most important leaders , as
States would be forced to adopt a radical shown by the recent defeat of the Vil No fair minded and unprejudiced person
change of policy toward Mexico. listas, the death of Zapata, of Blanquet,
can read the straightforward reply of Acting
" In answer, I have the honor to point and of Inés Dávila, to say nothing of the
out to you that the fact that attacks upon operations against less important groups. Secretary Fernández to the American Note
the lives of American citizens have occurred As a necessary consequence of this progress (Continued on Page 42)


Av. F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box. 131 Bis. México , D. F.

Geo. J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zandt, Jr., F. Peltier, Fco. Coudurier, G. A. Moran,
President. Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager. Cashier. Assistant Cashier.





Current Checking Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Invited.
Buy Lo k *

nes que recibiera para notificar a esta Se

cretaría que si las vidas de los ciuda
Notas Diplomáticas Intercambiadas danos de los Estados Unidos en México con
tinuasen en estado de inseguridad y se re
Los Estados Unidos Piden Protección para sus Ciudadanos -En Respuesta pitiesen asesinatos a causa de la falta de
voluntad o incapacidad del Gobierno de
se Aconseja que los Americanos Permanezcan en los Centros Poblados México para dar debida protección, el Go
bierno de los Estados Unidos se vería for
N la Secretaría de Relaciones Exterio cuadas para prevenir la nueva ocurrencia zado a adoptar un cambio radical en su
de asesinatos de ciudadanos de los Estados política con relación a México .
Eres se nos proporcionó copia de la no Unidos. " En contestación, tengo la honra de ma
tà diplomática dirigida por el Gobier " He recibido también instrucciones pa nifestaros, que no puede notoriamente im
thea 44
de los Estados Unidos al de México , ra expresar que si las vidas de los ciuda putarse a falta de voluntad de dar pro
con fecha 22 de julio, relativa al ase danos americanos continúan inseguras , y tección el que hayan ocurrido en el terri
los asesinatos continúan a causa de la falta torio de la República atentados contra la
sinato del señor Peter Catron, cerca de Va de voluntad o incapacidad del Gobierno vida de ciudadanos de los Estados Uni
B les, San Luis Potosí, y en la que se pide Mexicano para impartir adecuada protec dos. La buena voluntad de otorgar esa pro
la →W captura y castigo ** de los responsables ción, mi Gobierno puede verse obligado a tección ha sido expresada reiteradamente y
‫ ތ‬de dicho homicidio. adoptar un cambio radical en su política no deben confundirse las dificultades ma
con respecto a México . teriales para cumplir una promesa, supo
Al solicitar el * representante diplomático niendo que no se cumpliese, con la falta
' Aceptad, señor, las reiteradas seguri
americanò se dicten las , disposiciones ten dades de mi alta consideración. ' de voluntad para ello, tanto más cuanto
3 dentes a evitar nuevos 4 atentados en la que esa voluntad se ha demostrado con
(Firmado ) , GEORGE T. SUMMERLIN, hechos.
República contra sus conciudadanos, infor Encargado de Negocios.
Kyn ma también que el Gobierno de la Casa Por otra parte , si entendemos en tér
Al Honorable Salvador Diego Fernández , minos absolutos la protección a la vida hu
Blanca, < de no otorgarse las garantías que Oficial Mayor, Encargado del Despacho de mana, es decir, que en todo caso y donde
solicita, adoptará un cambio radical de su Relaciones Exteriores.-Presente. quiera que se encuentre un ciudadano de los
política hacia México. Estados Unidos dentro del territorio mexi
201 La nota de referencia está concebida en cano, deba gozar de una especial y efectiva
RESPUESTA DEL GOBIERNO protección, de tal suerte que su vida nun
los siguientes términos : ca sea puesta en peligro , el Gobierno de
MEXICANO México se ve imposibilitado para ello, pues
Embajada de los Estados Unidos de Amé
rica. México .- No . 1212. El Gobierno Mexicano, en contestación un estado de seguridad tan perfecta en nin
Прива L
Manger,forthe guna parte existe, con mayor razón tenien
Bow Bars México, julio 22 de 1919. do en cuenta la grande extensión territo
a la nota americana entregó el 28 de ju
x Señor : lio la respuesta siguiente : rial de la República , su escasa población y
無 las difíciles circunstancias que prevalecen
'Con referencia a la nota de la Em
A su Señoría George T. Summerlin, Encar después de una larga guerra civil.
bajada, número 1198, fechada el 16 de ju gado de Negocios de los Estados Unidos. CC El Gobier no de México , siempre ha pro
lio de 1919 , relativa al asesinato de Pater
Catron, cerca de Valles, San Luis Potosí, Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores .- Re curado en la medida de lo posible, dar a la
acaecida el 7 de julio último, o aproxima pública Mexicana.- No. 2310 . vida de los extranjeros, como a la de los na
→ → damente en esa fecha, tengo la honra de cionales plena seguridad ; pero es el caso
México, 28 de julio de 1919.
informar a usted que he recibido instrucM que los primeros, por ingnorancia, falta de
ciones telegráficas de mi Gobierno para ur Señor Encargado de Negocios : prudencia o por un temerario afán de luero ,
gir al Gobierno de México que se capture " La nota número 1212 , que con fecha se aventuran a permanecer o transitar en re
y se castigue a los responsables de este 22 de los corientes se sirvió dirigirme Vues giones peligrosas, dando con ello ocasión a
asesinato 2 y se adopten las medidas ade tra Señoría, me impuso de las instruccio (Continúa en la Página 13)

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EMPIRICISM OF LATIN AMERICAN This new orientation and the happy circum- damentally act and re-act the social acti
GOVERNMENTS. stance of having an honorable, sagacious vities. -
(Continued from Page 18) and highly cultured Ambassador, have de Private Reports.-Among private reports

Scientific investigators , as for instance termined the late reports to be wholly de the most important ones are those of T the ·
geographers, naturalists, geologists and void of the influence of • illegitimate in capitalists, especially so when the profits of
others, hardly have any opportunity to get terests. Whoever may examine in Mexico the capital invested decrease or come to
acquainted except with very few inhabit or at Washington the difference of the naught, because if the economic situation is
ants . diplomatic dealings of Henry Prather good then the investors have nothing to
Teachers and pedagogues go only so far Fletcher and Henry Lane Wilson will readily report to, Washington. It seems useless to
as knowing the children they educate, which understand the lofty spirit of justice and say that these reports being inspired- with
is a very small number in comparison with wisdom presiding over the new tendencies very few honorable exceptions- by naturally
the total population . of President Wilson's policies. Therefore , egotistic interosts, cannot help the Amer
There are two groups of foreigners whose the diplomatic reports actually received by ican official mind to grasp a true know
activities should be of great transcendance the American Government in regard to ledge of the Mexican people.
in regard to the knowledge of our peoples : Mexico are honest, just and dispassionate ; Other private informations have weighed
The first includes the special students of but such reports are still one-sided, limited , very little in the judgment of the State
social sciences : psychologists, sociologists, incomplete, for as I said before, they refer Department.
anthropologists, ethnographers and linguists ; to a minimum part of the population- the Now then, can be relations between man the
the second one includes the newspapermen , leading one- without paying any attention United States and Mexico be considered
to the majority, and if they ever happen as logical, judicious, just and cordial when
mainly the correspondents of large dailies
and reviews. The former are undoubtedly to refer to such majority of the Mexican they are based on the informations we refer
the ones who know more and better the people, they do so in an empirical man to ? We do not think so.
population , but most unfortunately their ner, because not only the Embassy but President Wilson, with a wise and clear
knowledge exerts little or no influence in even the Mexican leading classes themselves vision of things and wonderfully humani
do not know the true nature, the necessities tarian feelings, from the moment he reached
the relations of our countries, as we shall
demonstrate afterwards. The knowledge and the ambitions of that majority. the Presidency has endeavored to amplify
Consular Reports.- The Consular reports and intensify his informations - in various
obtained by the newspapermen is much
are reduced of course to matters of interest ways , and this effort of the American
reduced , but it might be larger if they were
not-with a few exceptions counted between both countries, so that little or President has given splendid fruits to the
nothing do they contain in regard to the American Democracy. However, even
moulded and identified with the criterion
complex social problems of Mexico. though such informations offer remarkable
of the editors they represent, who naturally
do not know the Latin- Americans. Press Information.- The North American characteristics of honesty and altruism , they
Let us consider a concrete case , taking press unfriendly to Mexico has always tried do not attain the sufficient integral am
for instance the United States as one of to create trouble between both peoples for plitude on account of the above given ‫رام‬
reasons, and therefore it is useful for the
those foreign countries we speak of, say the immediate purpose of conquest and ul
terior purpose of graft and despoil. The United States, and desirable and convenient
Mexico for instance . On what ground has
the United States Government based its of for Mexico and the other Latin-American
friendly press has a great deal to say re
countries, to establish a new orientation to
ficial relations and its national feelings to garding the prodigious natural resources of
ward Mexico? Besides universal principles the reports that Washington receives re
Mexico, her artistic beauties and splendid
garding the countries to the South, since
of international legislation , the State De opportunities as a summer or winter resort,
such reports are intended to be the basis
partment at Washington has taken in con and the virtue of her rulers, and all there
sideration for its decisions four sources of and the ulterior explanation of the char
is in the country that is charming and allur acter assumed by the relations between
information : First , the diplomatic reports ; thing, of the most
ing, but of the main thing, Anglo -Saxons and Latin-Americans . By
second, the consular reports ; third, press important one, although the most difficult what means are we going to secure such
information , and fourth, private reports . to sce, the press never says a word- for new sources of information as we consider
Let us analyze these four sources of in
it could not say anything, since although desirable ?
formation :
the editors may have the necessary psycho Transcendental Reports. We said before
Diplomatic Reports.- President Wilson's
logical, anthropological and sociological pre that a select group of American intellectuals
arrival to the Presidency of the United
paration needed to appreciate the situation knows practically and scientifically various
States brought about a radical change in
the orientation of these reports, which pre such as it is, they cannot apply integrally aggregations which are representative of
viously were inspired by the exclusive con and pertinently their knowledge of such the majority of our indigenous and mixed
venience of the United States , whereas matters on account of lacking the much population ; we refer to the specialists in
later on they have had in view the mutual needed direct observation of the great social sciences and particularly to anthro
advantage of that country and Mexico . anonymous masses în whose bosom fun pologists who have carried out certain in




Economía de 25% de tiempo : el trabajo de una hora y cuarto, EN UNA HORA ! ...




Av. 5 de Mayo 6 B. Apartado 1423. México , D. F. Eric. 100-33 . Méx . 9-26 Neri.

EL EMPIRISMO DE LOS GOBIERNOS una reducida parte de la población, que es conocimientos, pues les falta la observación
la dirigente, sin ocuparse de la mayoría, y directa de la gran masa de población anó
cuando lo hacen es de una manera empí nima en cuyo seno accionan y reaccionan
(Continúa de la página 19).
fundamentalmente las actividades sociales.
si nada ha influído en las relaciones de rica, pues no sólo la Embajada sino aun
Informes Particulares.-Entre las infor
ambos países, según demostraremos después. dichas clases dirigentes ignoran, el modo de
ser, las necesidades y aspiraciones de esa maciones privadas o particulares, las más
El conocimiento de los periodistas es mucho
mayoría. importantes corresponden a los capitalistas ,
más reducido, pero pudiera ser mayor si
Informes Consulares.-Las informaciones principalmente cuando la producción de los
no estuvieran, con raras excepciones, mol
deados e identificados con el criterio de los consulares están reducidas, por razón natu capitales impuestos disminuye o se parali
ral, a cuestiones de intereses entre ambos za, pues si es bonancible, los capitalistas
editores a quienes representan, los cuales,
naturalmente, no conocen a los latino-ame países, así es que nada o casi nada pre nada tienen que informar a Washington.
sentan sobre los hondos problemas sociales Huelga decir que esos informes inspirados,
Consideraremos concretamente el caso de de México . con muy honrosas excepciones, en intereses
Informes de la Prensa. - La prensa norte naturalmente egoístas, no pueden ilustrar el
uno de esos países extranjeros, por ejemplo,
criterio oficial americano en lo relativo al
los Estados Unidos, con respecto a uno de americana, enemiga de México, ha procura
los países latino-americanos ; supongamos verdadero conocimiento de la población me
do en todo tiempo, enemistar a ambos pue
México: ¿ En qué se ha fundado siempre xicana.
blos con fines inmediatos de conquista y
el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos para Las demás informaciones particulares poco
regular sus relaciones oficiales y sus senti han pesado en el criterio del Departamento
mientos nacionales con respecto a México ? de Estado.
Además de principios universales de legis Ahora bien, pueden considerarse como
lación internacional, el Departamento de Es lógicas, sensatas, justas y cordiales las re
tado de Washington ha tomado en cuenta laciones entre los Estados Unidos y México ,
para sus decisiones, cuatro fuentes de in fundadas en las informaciones a que antes
formación : Primero, Los informes diplo hicimos referencia ? Creemos que no.
máticos. Segundo, Los informes consula El Presidente Wilson, con sabia clari
res. Tercero, Los informes de la prensa, videncia y laudable humanitarismo, procuró
y Cuarto, Los informes particulares o pri desde su elevación a la primera magistra
vados. tura, ampliar e intensificar sus informacio
Examinemos estas cuatro fuentes infor nes por diversos medios, procedimiento que
mativas : trajo consigo hermosos frutos para la de
Informes Diplomáticos.- El advenimiento mocracia americana. Sin embargo, aun
del Presidente Wilson a la Presidencia de los cuando esas informaciones hayan presentado
Estados Unidos, trajo consigo un cambio notables características de honradez y al
radical en la orientación de dichas infor truísmo, no ofrecen suficiente amplitud in
maciones, las que antes tenían como ten tegral por las causas ya expuestas, así que
dencia la conveniencia exclusiva de los Es es útil para los Estados Unidos y deseable
tados Unidos, en tanto que después han y conveniente para México y los demás
tenido por mira la mutua conveniencia de países latino- americanos, el establecimiento
ese país y de México . Esto y la circunstan Señor Manuel Gamio, de una nueva orientación en las informacio
cia de contar con un Embajador honrado, Autor del Presente Estudio. nes que con respecto a los países del Sur se
culto y sagaz, hace que las actuales infor reciben en Washington, ya que éstas fundan
miras posteriores de lucro y despojo. La
maciones diplomáticas no estén influenciadas y explican ulteriormente el carácter de las
prensa amiga habla de los prodigiosos re
por intereses bastardos. Quien examine en relaciones anglo- sajonas y latino-americanas.
cursos materiales de México, de sus bellezas
México o en Washington la diversidad de artísticas y grandes condiciones como lugar ¿ Por qué medios puede asegurarse esto?
actuaciones de Henry Pratter Fletcher y de de tourismo, de las dotes y virtudes de sus Los Informes Trascendentales.-Antes di
Henry Lane Wilson, comprenderá la alta gobernantes, de todo lo agradable, risueño jimos que un selecto grupo de intelectuales
justicia y la sabiduría que preside a las y brillante que en resumen presenta el país ; americanos, conoce práctica y científicamen
nuevas orientaciones impuestas por el Pre pero de lo principal, de lo profundamente te, a agrupaciones representativas de la
sidente Wilson. Son pues honradas, justas importante, aunque difícilmente visible, de mayoría de la población indígena y mes
tiza ; nos referimos a los especialistas en
y ecuánimes las informaciones diplomáticas eso no dice nada ni podría decirlo, pues
que recibe el Gobierno Americano con res aun cuando sus redactores tengan la pre ciencias sociales, en particular a los antro
pecto a México, pero por desgracia siguen paración psicológica, antropológica y socio pologistas que han efectuado investigaciones
siendo unilaterales , limitadas, incompletas, lógica, que es menester para ello, no pue en México. Estos hombres, no han venido
pues como ya se dijo antes, se refieren a den aplicar integral y atinadamente esos a México, buscande riquezas materiales ni


Candy and Pastry Store

Corner 16 Septiembre Ave. and

Bolívar. EL FENIX A
Open Until After Theaters Close

The new proprietors will attend you ALTO TO

carefully and promptly . The Best
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Dishes to Order a Specialty


vestigations in Mexico. These men have ranchers, miners, traders, tourists and other (4 ) Program of the Board of Arch
not come to Mexico in search of material Americans who also resided among them, eological and Ethnographic Studies, "
wealth or official decorations. Their scien you will see that the Indians do not re Department of Agriculture and " Fo
tific apostleship of a humanitarian nature member them at all, or if they do, it is mento." Mexico , 1917.
has consisted in analyzing by the light of with all indifference.
(5) The Mexican Situation : Manuel
the truth the life conditions, the sentiments, Well, then, the very worthy informations Gamio's Program. " Frederick Starr.
the ambitions and tendencies of the humble of such investigators regarding social groups The American Journal of Sociology.
anonymous Mexican- Indians and mixed which are representative of an enormous Vol . XXIV.-No. 2.- Sept. 8th. N. Y.
who have been neglected for centuries by majority of the whole nation, where are " Race Appreciation in Latin America.
former regimes and by the ruling classes, they? What is the official advantage de " Philip Ainsworth Means. Science ,
and who live in idleness merely waiting rived therefrom despite their importance ? new Series. Vol. XLVII. Friday, Sept.
for their long expected redemption. This Have they contributed to improve the re 13th, 1918. " Race Appreciation and De
kind of foreigners (who not only do speak lations between both countries ? It is sad mocracy. " The same author. Reprinted
Spanish but even try to acquire a full dening to say no. The brilliant studies made from the Journal of Race Development.
knowledge of the Indian dialects ; who lived by those distinguished scientists in regard Vol. 9. Num. 2. October, 1918. " Race
for months or years in comfortless huts and to the Mexican population were printed in and Society in the Andean Countries. ""
ate the tortilla " and pepper of the
specialist publications destined to be kept The same author. Reprinted from " The
humble ; who studied and respected the In in libraries, museums and other educational Hispanic American Historical Review. "
dians ' creed and superstitions and estimated centers, and they have given splendid scien Vol. I. Num. 4. November, 1918.
in their full value the typical usages and tific fruits in what concerns the abstract (6) " Revista Jurídica y de Ciencias
customs) , are the ones who leave a deep conception of human evolution in our coun Sociales. " Buenos Aires, Argentina. " El
and grateful remembrance in the popular tries and, in general, all over the Continents ; Magisterio Ecuatoriano. " Año I, Num.
soul, for such men have lived among the but they have exerted little, if any, in 12.-Feb. 1918. Vol . 34. " La Revista
poor in terms of disinterested friendship, of fluence in a practical manner in the policies del Mundo . " New York, August, 1916.
true fraternity, of real humility. You may of the White House concerning the Latin July to Sept. 1918.
ask the Zapoteca Indians, or the Taras American peoples, notwithstanding the fact (7) This article was finished and will
cans, the Huicholes, the Mayas, etc., as well that such wise reports contain the most be published in the course of the pre
as the " mestizos " of a great number of solid and trascendental bases upon which sent year.
places, about Starr, Hardlicka, Boas, Lum such policies should be built. (8 ) The author of this article made
holtz, Tozzer and many others and you shali If the State Department at Washington his anthropological studies in the Colum
see how a spontaneous and grateful re takes in consideration the conclusions ar bia University, N. Y.
membrance is in bloom in all the Indians' rived at in the works of those sincere in
hearts. vestigators, and if in the future the reports "SCOTCH TEA" SOLD BY TORREON
But if you ask the same people about of old are accompanied by those furnished RESTAURANT KEEPERS.
by the anthropologists, the sociologists, the N the statement made by Villa, referred
ethnographers and other specialists who I
to elsewhere, he says that as soon as he
study the population of the Latin-American
captured Torreon he issued an order forbid
countries, the United States policies in its
Pan-American relations shall cease to be ding the selling of liquor under any
empirical and one-sided. circumstances, with a death penalty attach
MANUEL GAMIO, ment. True as gospel- he did indeed issue
that order ! The restaurant and cantina
Director of the Anthropological Board.
keepers were hard put to in meeting the
México, March, 1919.
demands of their customers until one began
(1) In Mexico, for instance, going the sale of a very fine brand of " Scotch
from Tlaxcala to Yucatán ; in Ecuador tea," which he served in teapot, cups and
going from Imbabura to Esmeraldas ; in saucers, greatly to the edification and re
Colombia from Cauca to Cartagena.
freshment of many officers as well as civil
UGARTECHEA (2) " Forjando Patria, " Pro-Nation
ians. No one was shot for selling this new
Promotor of Athletic Exibitions , alism ; M. Gamio, Mexico , 1916.
kind of " tea, " though it must be confess
manager and promoter of Jack Johnson. (3) " Proceedings of the II Pan
Champion of the World. American Scientific Congress. " Wash ed some were half-shot in buying it! It
Calle de Tacuba Núm. 15. Méx., D. F. ington, 1917.-Pages 374 and 375.- Sec was not the " Lipton " brand, but that of
tion I.-Anthropology.-Col. I. a gentleman named Walker !


4a. Calle Bolívar, 36. México, D. F.




M 辮
Always on hand a com Siempre completo y va
ALHAJAS de la Fuente S.Grelly 25 MUEBLES
plete and varied stock of riado surtido en Alhajas
Fine Jewelry, Eyeglasses, Finas, Muebles, Anteojos,
Paintings , Safes, and all Cajas Fuertes, Pinturas y
classes of objects of Art toda clase de Artículos de
and Luxury. Arte y Lujo.
ΓΑ 41

gloria oficial. Su apostolado científico-hu fomentar favorablemente las relaciones en (2) " Forjando Patria. " Pro-nacio
manitario ha consistido en hurgar a la luz tre ambos países ? Es sensible tener que nalismo. M. Gamio. México, 1916.
de la verdad las condiciones de vida, los decir que no. Los brillantes estudios que (3 ) " Proceedings of the II Pan
sentimientos, las aspiraciones y tendencias esas distinguidas personalidades han efec American Scientific Congress. " Wash
de los humildes anónimos mexicanos, indios tuado con respecto a la población mexicana, ington, 1917. Págs. 374 y 375. Section
ỳ mestizos, que desdeñados desde hace si fueron impresos en publicaciones especialis I. Anthropology. Vol. I.
glos por los gobiernos pretéritos y por la tas destinadas a bibliotecas, museos y otros (4) " Programa de la Dirección de
población dirigente, vegetan esperando re centros culturales y han suministrado Estudios Arqueológicos y Etnológicos. "
dención. Esta clase de extranjeros (que no grandes frutos científicos en cuanto
! al con Secretaría de Agricultura y Fomento .
sólo hablan el idioma español sino procuran cepto abstracto de la evolución humana en México , 1917.
conocer las lenguas indígenas, que viven nuestros países y en la América en gene (5) " The Mexican Situation : Ma
durante meses , o años , en pobres chozas y ral, pero nada o casi nada han influído de nuel Gamio's Program . >> Frederick
} comen la tortilla y el chile de los humil modo práctico en el criterio político de Starr. M " The American Jornal of So
des, que estudian y respetan sus creencias Washington con referencia a los pueblos ciology. " Vol. XXIV. Num. 2. Sept. 8.
y supersticiones y aprecian en su valor los latino -americanos, no obstante que en bue N. Y. " Race Appreciation in Latin
usos y costumbres típicas) , es la única que America. " Philip Ainsworth Means .
na parte A contienen las bases más profun
deja profundo y grato recuerdo en el alma Science New Series. Vol. XLVIII.
das y trascendentales sobre las que de
popular, pues ha convivido con ella en Friday, September 13, 1918. " Race Ap
biera elaborarse dicho criterio .
términos de desinterés, de fraternidad y de preciations and Democracy. ” Mismo
verdadera humildad. Preguntad en cual Si el Departamento de Washington tiene
en consideración las conclusiones de la obra autor. Reprinted from " The Journal of
quier momento por Starr, Hardlicka, Boas, Race Development . '' Vol. 9. Num. 2.
que han hecho esos sinceros investigadores
por Lumholtz, Tozzer, por otros muchos, a October 1918. " Race and Society in the
los indios zapotecas, a los tarascos, a los y si en el futuro se acompañan a las in Andeans Countries. '' Mismo autor. Re
ม huicholes, a los mayas, etc. etc., así como formaciones acostumbradas anteriormente ,
printed from " The Hispanish Amer
a los mestizos de numerosos lugares, y ve las que suministren antropologistas, soció ican Historical Review. " Vol. I. Num.
1 > réis florecer en todos los corazones un es logos, etnógrafos y otros especialistas que 4. November, 1918.
pontáneo y grato recuerdo. estudien a la población de los países latino (6) " Revista Jurídica y de Cien
Si aludís, en cambio, a hacendados, mi americanos, el concepto que presida a las cias Sociales ." Buenos Aires , Argenti
neros, comerciantes, touristas, y otros ame relaciones pan-americanas dejará de ser
na. " El Magisterio Ecuatoriano . " Año
ricanos que también residieron entre ellos, empírico y unilateral. I. Num. 12. Febrero, 1918. Vol. 34. " La
no los recordarán o si acaso con indife
México, marzo de 1919 . Revista del Mundo. '' New York,
El Director de Antropología , Agosto de 1916. Jul. a Sept. de 1918 .
Pues bien, las valiosas informaciones de
MANUEL GAMIO. (7) Este estudio está terminado y
£ estos investigadores sobre grupos sociales,
Y que son representativos de una abrumadora (1) En México , por ejemplo, de será publicado en el curso de este año.
mayoría de la población, ¿ dónde están? ¿ qué Tlaxcala a Yucatán ; en Ecuador, de (8) El autor de estas líneas hizo
utilidad oficial producen y han producido Imbabura a Esmeraldas ; en Colombia, estudios antropológicos en Columbia
dada su importancia? & han contribuído a de Cauca a Cartagena. University, N. Y.






5a. Bolívar, 42.








DIPLOMATIC NOTES tions are still harassed by bandits-bandits ciacion de Ingenieros and Arquitectos de
INTERCHANGED too who largely owe their power to the Mexico, of the Societé des Ingenieurs Ci
material support given them from residents viles de France, the American Society of
of the very country that is now criticising Civil Engineers of New York, the Instituto
(Continued fron Page 36)
the occasional inefficacy of the measures ta de Ingenieros Civiles de Chile, and an
without being impressed with the spirit of honorary member of the Sociedad de Geo
ken against them.
friendliness and desire for simple justice The Mexican note is straight to the grafia y Estadistica de Mexico. From
that pervades it and characterizes its every point. It carries conviction with it, and which it will be seen that he is thoroughly
sentiment. That it is impossible to afford it should be read and studied by every one well equipped both by education and ex
greater protection to foreigners than to its desirous of obtaining an adequate and ac perience to fill in the best possible manner
own nationals in sparsely settled regions that the position of great responsibility to which
curate idea of the present situation .
are infested by bandits, is well known to he has been called. The Review congratu
be true, and it is not reasonable to expect lates both Mr. Peimbert and the National
LATER. Since the foregoing was written,
it. When the former venture into such re lines upon the promotion.
news has been received that seven bandits,
gions for whatever reason they cannot expect
including those who recently attacked a
to be immune because of their nationality. boatload of sailors from the American ONLY FACTORY OF ITS
While the charge has been made that the KIND IN MEXICO
warship Cheyenne, have been killed by the
government has not pursued bandits making
Federal troops near Tampico . These bandits HE only
THE factory in
only factory in Mexico which pro
such attacks, this is repelled and the Correll are believed to have been some of those duces the steel door and window cur
case is pointed to as an instance in kind.
who have been attacking foreigners in that tains which are used so extensively in this
Pursuit was immediate and four of the country is that of Riba & Amigo, located at
region, as much booty of American origin
bandits were killed. That the government was found in their hidden camp. try is that of Riba & Amigo, located at
has earnestly sought to do what it could 8a. Cipres, No. 242. This factory was estab
to protect the paymasters of foreign com AN APPOINTMENT WHICH lished in 1910, and at once began the de
panies in the Tampico region is shown by velopment of an important business , as
the fact that it has tendered armed escorts ASSURES SATISFACTORY RESULTS
before that time it had been necessary to
in all such cases, but the offer was declined. MONG recent changes in the official import such products from abroad. Prac
It has also offered to reimburse the A
staff of the National Railway lines tically all the recently constructed business
companies that have been robbed, but no is the appointment of Ing. Angel Peim buildings in this city have been equipped
mention of this or of the escort offer seems bert as Chief Engineer of the system. Se from this establishment and the excellenco
to have reached the United States. The ñor Peimbert is a comparatively young
of its products is recognized by all.
recomendation that Americans should man, having been born in 1872. He was
remain in populated districts and not venture educated in this city and is a graduated
The National Norwegian Company, a new
into those known to be the resort of bandits, engineer of the National School of En
concern with large capital which has recent
is well founded. It is founded on that well gineers of Mexico . He has had a wide
ly engaged in extensive operations in the
established principle of international law experience in railway and other construction
petroleum region about Tampico, has se
that foreigners venturing into or remaining cured a concession from the Government
in regions which are known to be unsafe for the construction of an electric railway
owing to revolutionary disorders, do so line connecting Tampico and Tuxpan, and
at their own peril. That the government with branches to various important places
is animated by a desire to afford proper that section. It is said that the new line.
protection to the lives and property of
foreigners as well as of its own people, is
so plain that it scarcely needs reiteration.
But it finds itself in the same situation ADAM LECKIE
that the United States found itself for Attorney and Counselor at Law
Gante 1, Suite 211-212 . Mexico City, D. .F.
several years after the civil war, as also
on the western frontier. Although it has Corporation Practice a Specialty
the best of intention, it is a physical
impossibility to do this and it is not just
or fair to ask it to do the manifestly
impossible. Even the government of the
United States recently found itself unable
to afford protection to the lives of a large KOLYNOS .
number of negroes and white men in two
of its largest cities ! How much less then
in a country still subject to a degree of Una Crema Dental Científica ,
revolutionary strife, and whose remote sec
Ing. Angel Peimbert. Deliciosa.

work, as a brief glance at his record will Limpia la Dentadura.

show. From 1896 to 1899 he was superin Esteriliza la Boca
EL tendent of construction of the Quito Rail
way; from 1899 to 1901 , sub-director of the La recomiendan los principales Dentistas
Legislative Palace works in this city; 1901 De venta en las Principales Droguerías,
to 1904, technical and commissary inspector Boticas y Perfumerías.
of the Tehuantepec National Railway ; 1904
to 1910, resident engineer for S. Pearson & THE KOLYNOS CO.
sans (Ltd. ) ; 1910 to 1915, chief engineer
for the same concern ; 1915 to 1917, chief New Haven, Conn., U. S. A.
engineer and general representative for the Agentes Exclusivos :
Av. República same concern at the Valparaíso (Chile)
El Salvador 197 Harbor works ; 1917 to 1918, manager San THE CHIRINO DENTAL
Salvador drainage and paving works ;
CARLOS HERNANDEZ 1919, consulting engineer of the Mexican
E HIJOS Eagle Oil Company, and now, as stated, 1a. Motolinía Número 6.
appointed chief engineer of the Mexican México, D. F.
México, D. F. National Railways.
MARCA IND. REG. NO. 16882 Mr. Peimbert is a member of the Aso

NOTAS DIPLOMATICAS Vr empresas han rehusado, pretextando que la lidad. Aunque se ha hecho el cargo al
presencia de la escolta precipita el ataque de Gobierno de que no ha perseguido a los
INTERCAMBIADAS los rebeldes o que los individuos de ella no
hip &

se conducen debidamente, aseveraciones in bandidos que cometen tales ataques, esta im

fundadas. Además, es notoria la relación putación es rechazada, señalándose el caso
(Continúa de la Página 37) . que ha existido entre algunas compañías pe de Correll como un ejemplo de esta clase.
troleras y los rebeldes sospechándose tam La persecución en esta ocasión se hizo in
ser víctimas de atentados y hasta fían en bién que pueda haber habido casos en que
verse librados de ellos sólo por su calidad de los pagadores estuviesen de acuerdo con los mediatamente, y durante ella fueron muer
extranjeros. supuestos asaltantes. El Gobierno de Méxi tos cuatro de los bandidos. Que el Go
" Es de recordar, además, que siempre que co, a fin de demostrar una vez más la bue
el Gobierno de México ha tenido conoci bierno se ha empeñado seriamente en hacer
na voluntad que tiene de otorgar cumplida lo que podía para proteger a los pagadores
miento de un atentado, ha perseguido a los protección, ha prometido ya formalmente
presuntos culpables. La persecución en este reembolsar las sumas que fuesen arrebatadas de las compañías extranjeras en la zona
caso no es la misma ciertamente que la que a los pagadores, no obstante la presencia de Tampico, es demostrado por el hecho
de ordinario se efectúa en las ciudades para de la escolta, y si este último ofrecimien de que ha ofrecido escoltas armadas en to
los crímenes del orden común, pues son di to no se acepta, las consecuencias serán cul
ferentes las circunstancias en un centro po dos los casos ; pero su oferta ha sido rehu
pa exclusiva de los mismos interesados. sada. Ha ofrecido también reembolsar a las
blado : en éste resulta fácil relativamente " Creo haber dejado expuesta la verdade
individualizar al culpable, mientras que en. ra situación y la posibildad del Gobierno Me compañías lo que se les ha robado, más
despoblado se señala y persigue a la gavilla xicano de dar, aumentándolas día a día, co ninguna mención de ésto , ni del ofrecimien
que cometió el atentado, se le dá alcance mo palpablemente lo ha hecho, medidas de to de la escolta, parece haber llegado a los
y se le causan las bajas que es dable hacer, protección a vidas y propiedades y su inne
sin que por lo general se pueda individua Estados Unidos. La recomendación de que
gable deseo de procurar todo género de ga
lizar al verdadero culpable, toda vez que ni rantías dentro del territorio nacional. En los americanos deben permanecer en los dis
en el grupo mismo de los malhechores se vista de estos hechos ha causado sorpresa tritos poblados y no aventurarse en aque
puede, como es de suponer, precisar qué al Gobierno de México la amenaza que en llos reconocidos como dominados por los
proyectil de una descarga colectiva, ocasionó cierra la nota de Vuestra Señoría, tanto más
un homicidio. + El reciente caso de Correll cuanto que parece extraña la exigencia de
bandidos , está bien fundada. Se basa en
demuestra que el Gobierno de México, usan que aún en regiones despobladas se pro el bien establecido principio de las leyes in
do de este procedimiento, que es el único po teja la vida humana de una manera más 4 ternacionales de que los extranjeros que se
sible, despliega la mayor actividad pues in perfecta que en las ciudades más populosas aventuran o permanecen en las regiones que
mediatamente que se tuvo noticia de ese ho de los países cultos donde suelen ocurrir de
micidio, salieron fuerzas en persecución de litos de sangre sin que por ello los gobier se sabe son inseguras, debido a desórdenes
la gavilla y dieron muerte à cautro fora nos respectivos sean objeto de severas apre revolucionarios , lo hacen bajo su propia cuen
gidos. I ciaciones . ta y riesgo. Que el Gobierno está animado
( El Gobierno de México se ha preocupado (C del deseo de impartir la debida protección
constantemente en pacificar la República y Aprovecho la oportunidad para reiterar
a Vuestra Señoría las seguridades de mi muy a las vidas y propiedades de los extran
como primer paso ha aniquilado a los prin atenta consideración.
cipales núcleos rebeldes y puesto fuera de jeros , lo mismo que a sus propios Goberna
combate a los más connotados cabecillas, se (Firmado) , SALVADOR DIEGO FERNAN dos es tan claro, que apenas necesita reite
gún lo demuestra el fin del reciente movi DEZ." rarse. Pero se encuentra en la misma si
miento villista, la muerte de Zapata, la de A su Señoría tuación en que se encontraron los Estados
Blanquet y la de Inés Dávila, sin mencionar ť
George T. Summerlin Encargado de Ne Unidos durante varios años, después de la
ya las operaciones contra grupos de menor
importancia. Consecuencia necesaria de es gocios ad-interim de los Estados Unidos de guerra civil, como también en la frontera
te progreso en el terreno de la pacificación América.-Presente.
occidental. Aunque tiene las mejores inten
es la existencia de algunas gavillas, restos ciones, es físicamente imposible hacer esto,
efímeros de los grandes núcleos.
" El Gobierno de México ha estado y LA RESPUESTA DE MEXICO A LA y no es justo ni honrado pedir que haga
continúa animado de los mejores propósi aquello que es manifiestamente imposible .
tos para eliminar todas aquellas dificultades ¡ Aun el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, re
que pudiesen entorpecer sus buenas relacio INGUNA persona de buen juicio y cientemente , se encontró incapacitado para
nes con el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos
de América y así lo tiene acreditado en re N y exenta de prejuicios puede leer la impartir protección a las vidas de un gran
petidas ocasiones. Si el Gobierno de los Es respuesta anterior del Secretario de número de blancos y negros en dos de sus
tados Unidos desea que sus ciudadanos go Relaciones Exteriores en funciones , licencia
cen de mayor protección, el Gobierno de Mé (Continúa en la Página 45).
do Fernández , a la Nota Americana , sin ser
xico , anhelando como siempre un buen enP
tendimiento entre ambos gobiernos , sugiere impresionada por la amistad y deseo de
la conveniencia de que los ciudadanos de los simple justicia que campea en ella y que ca
Estados Unidos se reconcentren en los luga Sastrería ,
racteriza sus verdaderos sentimientos . Que
res poblados, donde se les otorgan completas es imposible impartir mayor protección a los GABR IEL FLORES
garantías, y cuando esos ciudadanos se vie
ren en la necesidad de trasladarse a las zo extranjeros que a los propios nacionales, en
Cortador para Señoras y Caballeros .
nas de peligro, que soliciten fuerzas bastan lejanas y apartadas regiones que se hallan Práctica en los Estados Unidos .
tes para su seguridad, las que serán propor infestadas de bandidos, es cosa bien sabida,
cionadas por las autoridades de México .
" En la región vecina a Tampico, se ha y no sería razonable esperarlo. Cuando los
ofrecido dar a los pagadores de las com extranjeros se aventuran en tales regiones la. Capuchinas, 14. Tel. Ericsson, 70-31 .
pañías petroleras, escolta que los acompañe por cualquier razón, no pueden esperar que
México, D. F.
para la segura conducción de fondos y las dar inmunes por la sola causa de su naciona







· P. O. BOX 70 BIS.



Ambassador Bonillas Tells Facts BUILT FOR MEXICAN TRADE
RITISH enterprise in the petroleum in
Reviews the Situation and Refutes Many Unfounded BRdustry was again in evidence this week,
Statements Made Regarding Mexico when the official trials of the " San Flor
entino " were carried out. This enormous
ESPITE the operation of a few ban try is in sight, is interpreted in my country vessel, which has been built on the Tyne
dits in some districts, Mexico has a as the last effort of expatriates, members of and was launched last December, carries
stable government, and foreigners. the old regime of Mexico and their powerful over 18,000 tons of oil, and is going into
are accorded every protection, Ambassador confederates and politicians in Europe and the Mexican trade . She was designed by
Bonillas declared in a public statement on the this country, to precipitate armed interven and built for Lord Cowdray's interests,
situation in the Southern republic, addressed tion, as they feel that when the complete which also made the previous great step
to the American people soon after his recent pacification, the rehabilitation of the indus in oil-tanker shipbuilding six years ago,
return to Washington. tries now in suspense, the intensification of when they initiated a class of vessel to
The Ambassador's statement said : commercial relations and the general develop carry about 15,500 tons each- a quantity
" Mexico today has a stable government. ment of the wonderful resources of the coun much larger than any tank-steamship had
True there are some districts in which a few try are accomplished facts, their dream of the then carried . The " San Florentino " is one
return of an obsolete, despotic system of gov of a group of five new vessels of similar
bandits are at large. Mexico is in the after
math of a civil war and the conditions in ernment, and the embroilment of two nations size and capacity, and will be used in
these few areas are such as have followed in armed conflict will be a thing of the past. bringing oil from the Mexican fields. It is
such struggles in all lands. In your own understood that she proceeds to Hull this
South it was many years after Appomattox week to take on sufficient oil fuel to carry
INFORMATION WANTED her to Tampico, in Mexico, where she will
before conditions were restored to normal and
your central government was occupied a long load with a cargo of oil products for this
time in the work of pacification in a few Who Knows Anything About These Persons? country, subsequently proceeding to Tux
of the remoter districts . Yet because the -Joseph S. Johnson or Señora pan to take on oil fuel for the homeward
Carmen P. de Andrade. voyage.-London " Financier Bullionist ."
James boys, the Apache Kid, Geronimo and
other bandits in the Southwest continued their
HE photograph given herewith is that
depredations after the civil war, no one would TH OPPOSITION GROWING TO FURTHER
of Joseph S. Johnson, of New Orleans . He
have urged that the American government sailed from Mobile several months ago on IMMIGRATION OF CHINESE
was unstable.
the tanker " Tuscan " for some port in Mex HE movement inaugurated in Sonora
" Your army was kept busy for two gener
ations by the Indians and bandits of the ico, since which time his wife and family and Sinaloa against the further whole
of four children have had no word from him. sale immigration of Chinese is spreading to
West . Within my own memory the border
districst of Mexico were raided almost con other States. In Chiapas a project is under
way to force some two thousand of the
stantly by Indians escaping from reservations
Mongolians to leave the country and take
on your own side of the border. Co-operation
refuge in Guatemala. They have established
of the two governments (treaty of 1882 ) in
camps in the State named and offer their
the matter of pursuit of bandits and cattle
services to farmers and others at such low
thieves across the international line resulted
rates that the natives are unable to sup
in the suppression of most of these disorders
port themselves on like remuneration .
in the early eighties , culminating in the cap
The Permanent Commission, made up of
ture of the Apache Geronimo and his band of
members of the Chamber of Deputies and
Chirahua Indians by the forces of Gen : Miles
Senators and which acts in regard to public
in 1886. affairs during the Congressional recess, has
" We are now trying to arrange for a re recommended to the President of the Re
newal of the former system. Foreigners in public that he lay the matter before the
Mexico today are accorded every protection . extra session of Congress, with the view
In the few disturbed areas they are occa that some action be taken to meet the ne
sionally made the victims of bandits, but in cessities of the case. Various organizations
every case the government is devoting the in the States of Sonora and Sinaloa are also
utmost energy to the pursuit and punishment taking active steps for the protection of the
of the criminals . In such areas the foreigner native workers against the competition of
undergoes a risk that he assumes when he the Chinese .
enters such an area, and his peril is not great
er than the danger to Mexicans . NOTABLE DECREASE
" The Mexican government today is spend IN MORTALITY.
ing two-thirds of its national income on the
pursuit and punishment of bandits. It has an HE statistics of the Department of Health
THEfor the first six months of the present
army of over 50,000 men engaged in this Joseph S. Johnson .
work and troops are ever on the heels of these year show a most remarkable decrease in mor
bands. The whole business is in process of tality, are beyond any question to the energetic
Any one having any knowledge of his where
being wound up at this time. Zapata and measures of that body and to its earnest care
abouts will be conferring a favor by sending
many other bandit chiefs have been tracked to measures of that body and to its earnst care
such information to the office of The Mexican
their lairs and killed. of the public health . Following are the
" Mexico has never repudiated any of her figures for the first six months of 1918 and
Friends of Señora Carmen P. Andrade, who
international obligations and will meet every 1919:
at one time lived at Calle Colima, 145, and
debt which is due. She has the resources to Month. 1918 . 1919
whose brother, Francisco R. Pradillo , lost his
discharge every obligation and she will meet 1,491 1,230
life during the revolution, are anxious to January ..
her obligations . In the oil regions there has February . 1,219 1,104
learn her present whereabouts, as they have 1,112
not been one instance of confiscation , nor March.. 1,452
some information of advantage for her. Any 1,987 1,927
are the companies paying royalties. In 1918 April..
one having such information will confer a May . 2,339 1,123
they produced 64,000,000 barrels of oil out 1,707 1,055
favor by sending it to the office of The Re June ..
of a potential capacity of their wells of over
view. 7,551
580,000,000 barrels. Their own published Totals ... 10,195
balance sheets show their property and profits. For commercial and industrial informa
A decrease of almost one-third is not
" The very intense press propaganda of tion, read The Review and then send it to
bad showing.
these days when the pacification of the coun the States.

El Fomento de la Agricultura INTERCAMBIADAS

La Maquinaria Agrícola Moderna es un Factor de Economía

* (Continúa de la Página 43).
De la Fábrica al Consumidor Directamente
} mayores ciudades ! Cuánto menos, pues, en
NMEDIATAMENTE después de que prin debajo del tren una bomba conectada con un país que está aún sujeto a cierto grado
cipió la gran guerra, en 1914, se produjo una batería eléctrica, explotó entre el ténder de lucha revolucionaria y cuyas remotas re
I giones están todavía siendo castigadas por
una enorme actividad de parte de los de la máquina y el primer carro, y que sólo
financieros de los Estados Unidos para satis cortó el tubo del aire . Esta conmoción apli los bandidos que deben la mayor de su
facer las demandas de artículos del propio có los frenos e impidió al maquinista del fuerza al apoyo material que les es propor
país hechas por las naciones europeas. En tren proseguir su avance. La tripula cionado por los residentes del mismo país
tre las muchas Casas Exportadoras importan } ción fué obligada a abandonar el tren y que ahora critica la ocasional ineficacia de
tes que se establecieron entonces, para satisfa a internarse en los bosques, cuando los bandi las medidas tomadas contra los bandoleros.
་་ La nota mexicana va` directamente al
cer las demandas de la guerra, se contaba una dos, en número de cien, se aproximaron para
llamada Gaston, Williams y Wigmore. Esta pegar fuego al convoy. Los atacantes no punto. Lleva consigo la convicción y de
firma tuvo un ascenso muy rápido, y al ter tomaron ninguna precaución, y no sabiendo be ser leída y estudiada por todo aquél que
minar el primer año de establecida, se halla A
McCormick Self-Binder and Reaper
ba bien experimentada en negocios de impor
tación y exportación, que abarcaban todo el
mundo. En el mes de noviembre de 1915, H.
T. Oliver propuso a los miembros de dicha fir
ma entrar en negocios con México, juntamen
te con él, e inmediatamente vino a la Repú
blica para tratar de realizar su proyecto .
Después de un mes, descubrió el señor Oliver F
que existían pocas esperanzas de realizar ne
gocios con México en grande escala, a menos
que se tuvieran propios medios de transporte,
a fin de poder entregar los productos ameri
canos en el interior de México con violencia,
y de enviar los productos mexicanos a los
Estados Unidos. Por consiguiente, consiguió
dos locomotoras e inmediatamente principió
el bien conocido negocio de que ahora dis
fruta. Hace dos años, H. T. Oliver adquirió
los intereses de Gaston, Williams y Wigmore. Segadora y Agavilladora Mecánica McCormick.
La Oliver American Trading Company fué la
que el tren contenía dinamita, su ignorancia . deseè obtener una idea exacta y amplia so
primera en comprender la conveniencia de
les resultó desastrosa, cuando un carro carga bre la actual situación.
allegarse necesarios medios de transporte para
do con 1,230 cajas del explosivo, explotó y
usò de su departamento de ventas y de sus mató a veintiuno de ellos . A ULTIMA HORA.- Después de que fue
numerosos compradores. Desde esa época se escrito lo anterior se recibió la noticia de
La Oliver American Trading Company com
han formado varias organizaciones similares, que siete bandidos, incluyendo los que últi
pra y vende desde un alfiler hasta una loco
y se han desanimado ; pero los trenes de la mamente atacaron una lancha tripulada por
motora, y no sólo hace esto, sino que puede marinos del barco de guerra americano
Oliver continúan operando en una vasta es
garantizar la entrega de mercancías acarrea << Cheyenne, " fueron muertos por las tro
cala. La base para el funcionamiento de esos w
trenes consiste en un contrato celebrado con das en sus propios trenes, plenamente asegu pas federales cerca de Tampico. Se cree que
radas contra cualquier riesgo posible.
las Líneas Nacionales de México, y por virtud estos bandidos pertenecen a la partida que
Por razón del record de buen éxito alcan
del cual la Oliver American Trading Compa ha estado atacando a los extranjeros en
zado en el transporte de mercancías que aca esa región, pues en el botín que se les re
ny paga a la Compañía de los Ferrocarriles rrea
con seguridad y prontitud, la Oliver
los mismos fletes que pagan otras empresas ; cogió en su campo se hallaron muchas pie
American Trading Company ha podido obte zas de procedencia americana.
mas gracias al hecho de que cuenta con sus
ner una póliza de seguros contra cualquier
propios medios de locomoción, esta compañía
riesgo posible, que ampara a todas las mer SE NECESITAN INFORMES
puede hacer entrega de mercancías, en el pla
cancías que son transportadas en sus trenes.
zo de cuatro a cinco días , desde la frontera
hasta la ciudad de México . Las relaciones Esta compañía vende explosivos de la E. I. De Joseph S. Johnson y de la Señora Carman
Du Ponts De Nemours Company, y probable P. de Andrade.
mantenidas entre la Oliver American Trading
mente vende y maneja mayores cantidades A fotografía que aparece en la página
Company y los Ferrocarriles Constituciona
que cualquiera otra empresa de México. Ꮮ opuesta, es el retrato de Joseph S. Johnson
listas de México, han sido hasta aquí muy
La Oliver American Trading Company tie de Nueva Orleans. Se embarcó en Mobile hace
cordiales y muy satisfactorias para ambas ne la
representación exclusiva de la Inter varios meses, en el buque tanque " Tuscan, "
1 Durante la Guerra, los Estados Unidos se national Harvester Company, manufacturera para algún puerto de México, y desde ese tiem
de implementos agrícolas bien conocidos en po, su esposa y su familia, compuesta de cua
..mostraron muy estrictos en la expedición de
el mundo. La propia Oliver está realizando tro niños, no han tenido noticias de él. Si al
licencias de exportación , particularmente en
una activa campaña de introducción de ma guien sabe algo acerca del lugar de su parade
lo tocante a explosivos para el uso de las mi
quinaria agrícola de todas clases a los más ro, hará un gran favor enviando los informes
nas de México. Solamente se podía dar per
poderosos hacendados, lo mismo que a los que posea a la Oficina de " La Revista Mexi
miso a una mina para obtener de los Estados >>
Unidos la suficiente dinamita para el gasto agricultores más humildes. cana.
de un mes. Por consecuencia, era necesario La Compañía principió sus operaciones en Los amigos de la señora Carmen P. Andra
fuese entre 1915 en el Edificio de la Mutua , en un pequeño de, quien en alguna época vivió en la calle
que cualquier envío de dinamita
cuarto, y ahora posee un hermoso almacén de de Colima número 145, de esta ciudad, y cuyo
gado a las compañías mineras, desde la fron
exposición situado en el Paseo de la Reforma, hermano, Francisco R. Pradillo, perdió la vida
téra, en el menor plazo de tiempo posible y
lo mismo que oficinas en la ciudad de Nueva durante la Revolución, están ansiosos por sa
con la mayor seguridad .
ber su actual paradero, pues tienen que par
Como resultado de cuatro años de operacio York e Eagle Pass, sucursales en otras ciu
ticiparle algo que le interesa mucho. Cual
nes continuadas en esos trenes, la Oliver Ame dades de la República de México. La Oliver
rican Trading Company no ha sufrido sino "/ ha establecido una reputación " haciendo las quiera que esté en posesión de algunos infor
}} mes sobre el particular, hará un gran servi
un accidente serio, que ocurrió en octubre de cosas ; y las está procediendo con buen éxito ,
cio enviándolos a la Oficina de " La Revista
1917 , cuando una partida de bandidos colocó con seguridad y honradez. Mexicana.'

Are to All
News comes from Lower California that
Prospective Citizens of Whatever Nationality and of
Good Character Will Be Welcomed and Aided an agricultural colony composed of Mexicans
who have been employed in the State of
EXICO will hold open the door to California has been established in the Val
by the petroleum interests, which he said,
nationals of all countries who can ley of Palms, in the northeastern portion
M are distorting the facts. The President con
show that they possess wholesome tinued : of the Territory, and is making good pro
ideas of citizenship and will not prove a dis gress. On September 16th next, the Mex 1
" The petroleum companies have set out to
turbing element in the nation, President Ve ican National Holiday, another colony of
engender ill-feeling between Mexico and the
nustiano Carranza told the correspondent of United States. They are doing this through the same character will be inaugurated in
the Associated Press in a recent interview the Valley of Guadalupe, and following that
the medium of some sections of the American
during which the chief executive commented others will be established successively on
press which are distorting facts to suit their
lands that are suitable for cultivation, of
at length on various phases of Mexico's prob own ends.
lems. which there is a large area in that portion
" Mexico is not opposed to the petroleum
The President's statement of the govern of the Territory.
companies or to any other foreign investors.
ment's attitude toward immigration was in We merely require that if such companies are
Dr. Sieg's German Tablets
response to an inquiry concerning declara to operate in the republic, they abide by our
tions in the press of the City of Mexico that laws. What the new oil law will be, I can IS the name of an extraordinarily effective
large numbers of colonists were leaving medicine in all cases of suffering derived
not say, for I have expressed my beliefs and from kidney diseases, the different stone for
their European or Asiatic homes because of ideas in my initiative of last November. The mations , bladder and uretha ailments . This
disrupted conditions due to the World War. passing of a new oil law is now in the hands wonderful medicine is not advertised to
President Carranza gave assurances that of Congress. ' induce you to try it, but to urge upon you
Mexico would place no barriers against not to delay its prompt use for you own be
President Carranza refused to venture a nefit. Thousands of suffers have recovered
proper immigration , and in fact would ex prediction as to action of Congress. The their perfect health by the use of Riñonina,
tend all possible aid to such prospective attitude of the petroleum commission , which after having uselessly spent their time and
colonists . That such material aid is in con money with all and every other medicine
mill be a determining factor in the settlement advertised for Kidney diseases. We onlyмон
templation is evidenced by the fact that the
of the present difficulties , he also declared wish you to keep in mind what a famous
President recently appointed a commission problematical. The spécial ocmmission physician said not long ago :. " There is the
to investigate all phases of the colonization life of a man in each tablet of Riñionina. " If
appointed by the Mexican Senate to investi your druggist hasn't got Riñonina, write for
problem. Senor Luis Ludert y Rul, president
of the commission , has announced that com gate condition in the Tampico region has it at once. Apartado 1272 , México, D. F.
munications have been received from England, information to Congress. This report is pri
France, Canada, Germany and Russia in vate and is for informative purposes only.
regard to the feasibility of colonies in the In conclusion, President Carranza gave
republic, and in each instance the answer renewed assurances of his personal wishes
Representantes exclusivos en la Repú
has been that Mexico welcomes all dependable and those of the government, that cordial blica Mexicana de
colonists. relations between Mexico and the United
Señor Carranza was asked whether the States be maintained . NICHOLAS POWER CO. NEW YORK, N. Y.
Mexican government had any policy concern Bureau of Commercial Economics
ing Latin-America which might be construed Washington, D. C.
as indicating that the solidity of such coun MRS . A. M. L. COLESON 2a. Nuevo Mexico , 38.
México, D. F.
tries was more to be desidered by Mexico
Teaches Shorthand in English PELICULAS Educativas, Agrícolas, In
than alliances with any foreign nation . He dustriales, Científicas, Comerciales.
and Spanish by Mail APARATOS POWER Camararágrafos
replied that to date the Mexican government
was considering no such project of union, The Best Teacher of Shorthand Máquinas de Proyección,
Pantallas, Carbones, Lámparas, Piezas
and until such a proposition presents itself in Mexico . de Refacción
he refused to define a possible government Equipos Excelite, Lentes.
Gante, 9. México, D. F.
Touching on the petroleum question, Pre

sident Carranza asserted that the legislation CAMISETAS PANTALONES

he presented to Congress last November, RESTAURANT GIACOMINI


which was in effect an amendment to Article


3a. Bolívar, 23. (Bajos del Hotel S. Carlos . ) Aurelio T. Hernández

27 of the constitution , probably will be con

sidered by that body soon. He was emphatic

Meals at Moderate Prices DE ARTICULOS DE SPORT
in the declaration that the public press of
Good Service
the United States is being grossly influenced DE PREFERENCIA EL UNIFORME
The Best the Market Affords que exige la Asociación Cristia
CARLOS GIACOMINI PROP. na de Jóvenes para hacer uso
México , D. F. (Phone Ericcson, 52-55. ) del Departamento Físico
Avenida Independencia, 16-A.
PALUDISMO Apdo. Postal, 1575


no debe tratarse con QUININA que
daña el corazón y el estómago .
y pronto se curará . COMERCIANTE TORRES
De venta: Droguería del Ele
fante, Av. Isabel la Católica 6 LOS MAS ACREDITADOS
SIEGS y en las principales Droguerías LOS MAS ECONOMICOS LOS MAS OUŘADEROS
✓ Boticas. Depósito general : I SIEMPRE LOS MEJORES ! )
Apartado 1272. México , D. F.


LA ROCHESTER algunos datos, le enviarán un cuestionario,

N vista del creciente desarrollo de la fo que servirá para hacer la adaptación co
rrecta. Si usted es aficionado a la fotogra

tografía en México, se hizo una necesi

fía o pretende serlo, escriba a esa Casa y

dad la fundación de una casa seria que en

le darán todo género de detalles, fórmu

existencia constante tuviese artículos del

las y explicaciones. Si es usted Fotógrafo

ramo, para evitar odiosos monopolios y re

profesional, esa es la casa que debe sur
ducir los precios exagerados que reinaban
tirlo, porque cuidará sus intereses como si
antes de que esta casa abriese sus puer se tratara de ella misma.
tas. El año de 1904 se constituyó una so
Estas son las ventajas que obtienen sus
ciedad denominada " The Rochester Photo
consumidores : Mercancía inmejorable, aten ALHAJAS
Stock House, S. A. , '' con capital de $50,000,
ción inmediata y los más bajos precios .
siendo sus miras favorecer al público, tanto DE OCASION
Pida Lista de Precios.
en la equidad de sus precios, como en la PRECIOS BARATISIMOS
calidad óptima de sus materiales fotográ COMPRAMOS ALHAJAS
ficos. Desde luego instaló sus oficinas y
despacho en la Avenida 16 de Septiembre SALON TOKIO DE MEXICO
No. 5, de esta ciudad, y desde entonces ha AVE. URUGUAY 23 .
gozado del favor del público. The best restaurant in Mexico. LA PRINCESA
Después de algunos años se anexó el De Meals a la carte and table d'hote.
Good service and moderate prices. BOLIVAR9
partamento de Optica, que es en la actua Music every day. Meal tickets at
lidad uno de los mejores de la República, reduced prices.
por contar con maquinaria moderna, mate
rial de primera clase y personal que es ab
soluta garantía de los trabajos que ejecuta.
La importación de sus artículos se hace
de casas extranjeras de reconocida fama,
tanto en el ramo de Fotografía como en
el de Optica, no habiendo en el mercado
marcas que superen en calidad. En foto
grafía renueva constantemente sus existen
cias de materiales sensibles, pidiendo men
sualmente cantidades proporcionadas a su
consumo, a las acreditadas fábricas ameri
canas de Eastman Kodak Co., Hammer Dry
Plate Co. , Cramer Dry Plate Co. y Burke
& James, de cuyas casas son distribuidores.
Su despacho de pedidos foráneos es ob
jeto de especial cuidado y presteza, asegu
rando al consumidor todos los beneficios que
es dable proporcionar.
Si usted necesita anteojos o lentes, dando

Technical Petroleum Expert
Geological Reports, Plans & Esti
mates of Mexican Oil Regions.
P. O. Box, 844. Mexico City.
(MEX- 5-09
8 CIPRES N° 242. MEXICO. D. F.


66 99
Toda clase de
Muebles y Ar
Curan las enfer URETRA .
tículos de Viaje, medades de los Expulsan el
Ocurra Usted a la RIÑONES tan peligroso

Mueblería y Pe HIGADO Acido úrico


"Riñonina" cura los COLICOS de los RIÑONES y del HIGADO,

calmando inmediatamente los terribles dolores al orinar.
B. ISOBA Y HNO. De venta en las principales Droguerias y Boticas.
1A. FACTOR NUM 3 Y 5 Depósito General: Apartado 1272. México, D. F.

LA ROCHESTER algunos datos, le enviarán un cuestionario,
N vista del creciente desarrollo de la fo que servirá para hacer la adaptación co
EN rrecta. Si usted es aficionado a la fotogra

tografía en México, se hizo una necesi

fía o pretende serlo, escriba a esa Casa y

ཝཱཙཱdad la fundación de una casa seria que en

le darán todo género de detalles, fórmu


* constante tuviese artículos del

las y explicaciones. Si es usted Fotógrafo


ramo, para evitar odiosos monopolios y re profesional, esa es la casa que debe sur
ducir los precios exagerados que reinaban tirlo, porque cuidará sus intereses como și
antes de que esta casa abriese sus puer se tratara de ella misma.
tas. El año de 1904 se constituyó una so Estas son las ventajas que obtienen sus
ciedad denominada " The Rochester Photo
consumidores : Mercancía inmejorable , aten ALHAJAS
Stock House, S. A. , '' con capital de $50,000,
ción inmediata y los más bajos precios .
siendo sus miras favorecer al público , tanto DE OCASION
Pida Lista de Precios.
en la equidad de sus precios, como en la PRECIOS BARATISIMOS
calidad óptima de sus materiales fotográ COMPRAMOS ALHAJAS
ficos. Desde luego instaló sus oficinas y A LOS MEJORES PRECIOS
despacho en la Avenida 16 de Septiembre . SALON TOKIO DE MEXICO
No. 5, de esta ciudad, y desde entonces ha AVE. URUGUAY 23 .
gozado del favor del público . The best restaurant in Mexico. LA PRINCESA
Después de algunos años se anexó el De Meals a la carte and table d'hote.
Good service and moderate prices . BOLIVAR
partamento de Optica, que es en la actua Music every day. Meal tickets at
lidad uno de los mejores de la República, reduced prices .
por contar con maquinaria moderna, mate
rial de primera clase y personal que es ab
soluta garantía de los trabajos que ejecuta.
La importación de sus artículos se hace
de casas extranjeras de reconocida fama,
tanto en el ramo de Fotografía como en
el de Optica, no habiendo en el mercado I
marcas que superen en calidad . En foto
grafía renueva constantemente sus existen
cias de materiales sensibles, pidiendo men
sualmente cantidades proporcionadas a su
consumo, a las acreditadas fábricas ameri
canas de Eastman Kodak Co., Hammer Dry
Plate Co. , Cramer Dry Plate Co. y Burke
& James, de cuyas casas son distribuidores.
Su despacho de pedidos foráneos es ob
jeto de especial cuidado y presteza, asegu
rando al consumidor todos los beneficios que
es dable proporcionar .
Si usted necesita anteojos o lentes, dando •

Technical Petroleum Expert
Geological Reports, Plans & Esti
mates of Mexican Oil Regions.
P. O. Box, 844. Mexico City.
APARTADO 46-15. TELEFONDS ƒ( ERIC -18 · 12
MEX - 5-09
T H )B A
& CIPRES Nº 242. MEXICO. D. F.


Toda clase de
Muebles Ꭹ Ar
Curan las enfer- URETRA .
tículos de Viaje, medades de los Expulsan el
Ocurra Usted a la RIÑONES tan peligroso

Mueblería y Pe Acido úrico


“Riñonina” cura los COLICOS de los RIÑONES y del HIGADO,

calmando inmediatamente los terribles dolores al orinar.
B. ISOBA Y HNO. De venta en las principales Droguerías y Boticas.
1A. FACTOR NUM " 3 Y ត Depósito General : Apartado 1272 . México, D. F.



ALFONSINA Casa Establecida en 1854




Great Dry Goods and

Novelties Store


3a. de las Delicias No. 51

Apartado 88
. S. EN C. Tel. Mex. 2-26 Neri. Tel. Eric. 2-26


Apdo. 2163. Tel . 8294 Eric . TRUCCION Y REPARACION DE TODA CLA
MEXICO, D. F. Especialidad en Maquinaria para Azúcar.


Trading Co. Ltd.

Ave. 5 de Mayo No. 1.-Apartado No. 241. TELEFONOS : MEXICANA 314 NERI . ERICSSON
S 7460
Mechas Inglesas de Seguridad para Minas, Marca
"CORONA" de la Fábrica BENNETT
Bandas de Transmisión de Pelo de Camello NERI
"Gripoly" y "Landt" y de CUERO de la Fábrica 23. 7460

Para la República tenemos la representación exclusiva de CARM
las Fábricas citadas y atentamente les suplicamos a los Seño
res Industriales y Mineros, se sirvan enviarnos sus solicitu
des de precios. Casa Establecida en 1913
Prontitud garantizada en la entrega de cualquier mer
cancía. Traslado Cadáveres y Restos a Todas Partes
de la República y del Extranjero, Exhumaciones ,
Compramos : Traslaciones, Embalsamamientos, etc., etc.
Minerales y Metales, Barras de Plata y Oro.



Direct line to Mexico City from all points in the United States via Laredo,
also via El Paso, Eagle Pass and Brownsville.

Sleeping Cars on all Lines.

Connections with Tampico, Vera Cruz and Manzanillo, Durango, Saltillo ,

Torreón, San Luis Potosi, Queretaro, Guadalajara and all
Importants Cities in the Republic.





Passenger and freight service from Mexico City to the Guatemala frontier .
Connection at Vera Cruz and Puerto Mexico with the steamers of the Ward Line
and the Mexican Navigation Company, and at Salina Cruz with steamers for South
America and Japan .
General Passenger Agent. Director General. Assistant General Passenger Agent.




"THE FIRST NATIONAL" La casa tan bien conocida durante generaciones por todos los Agri
cultores y Maquinistas, acaba de establecer una sucursal on la Ciudad de
México , en el Edificio Oliver, Avenida 16 de Septiembre , con un buen núme
ro de peritos mecánicos, con el objeto de ayudar al Gobierno , y a sus
Annuary of Commerce, Industry , Agentes Distribuidores , y ver que la Maquinaria CASE mantenga su Supe
Agriculture, Communications ,

Mines and Finances of the

Republic of Mexico.
Will be out next December. Send your
77 años de expe Un Capital de cua
orders for copies to. renta millones de
riencia en la manu
dollars .
factura de maqui ¿Pueden necesitarse
naria agrícola. ny mejores recomenda
Pelam ciones?
"IMPRENTA NACIONAL , S. A. " Una fábrica que
cubreV un espacio de THRESJELCAS
Uruguay 41 .
terreno de 140 acres. INCORPORATED, .CO RUEDAS .
Mexico City .- Mex . U.S.A
พ ‫رین‬

We are yet in time to accept orders SU MARCA DE FABRICA ES

for advertising in this book. WRITE

A ONCE before it is too late . "EL AGUILA


p 4.




Negociación en la que participan todos

los productores de la Fibra Yucateca .

Buques especiales

destinados para la Exportación .

Expedición de Giros sobre el Extranjero .


Manuel Zapata Cázares




S. A.


Estamos llevando a cabo la exploración de nuestro suelo , en busca de yacimientos de

petróleo, para beneficio y engrandecimiento de la riqueza de este Estado . Somos los prin

cipales accionistas de los Ferrocarriles Unidos de Yucatán, S. A. Contamos con una línea

directa de vapores de carga y pasajeros entre Progreso y New Orleans . Tenemos un Depar
tamento Mercantil, surtido con todos los artículos del ramo de " Materiales de Construc

ción, " " Ferretería , " " Granos y Abarrotes en General," y se encarga al mismo tiempo de

hacer pedidos " Cuenta Ajena ," cobrando solo una módica comisión . En resumen : esta Com

pañía tiene por única misión el engrandecimiento del Estado .


Gerente General: Manuel T. Castella ,

Oficinas : CALLE 59 , NUM , 519 . MERIDA, YUCATAN


Vol . III.
Mexico City, January, 1920 . No. 10.









20c. American. The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English. 40c . Oro Nal.



:- : LAREDO , TEXAS . :-:



25257 7252525










A — JĘ

OFFICERS Assistant Cashiers :

525252 1252525


A. M. BRUNI , Vice-President . P. W. BUTTRON.

G. P. FARIAS, Cashier. H. S. CLUCK.



- voted



ha sido, es y será, el sitio obligado pa

ra el despacho escrupuloso de una re

ceta, para comprar lo más "CHIC" en

artículos de novedades, y, en fin, para

tomar el más delicioso "LUNCH" o el

insuperable refresco.






El Mimeógrafo " Edison"

Elías Granja


Avenida Morelos No. 70.

Teléfonos : Mexicana, 4-20 Juárez.
Ericsson, 67-97.



Fierro Comercial. Viguetas y Canales .

Angulos y Tees. Acero para Minas, Ace
Es el aparato más perfeccionado y económico para ro para Herramientas. Acero para Mue
reproducir, copias exactas en cualquier cantidad, lles. Cable y Alambre. Tornillos y Tuer
cas. Remaches y Rondanas. Clavos y
de escritos en máquina, manuscritos y dibujos. Tornillos para Via. Rieles y Planchue
las. Lingote para Fundición. Fundición
El papel sin cera "Dermatipe" que se emplea para de Fierro y Acero. Láminas y Tubos.
hacer los originales, garantiza un trabajo limpio y
rápido en cualquier clima. I WIL HANDLE ALL KINDS OF
PRECIO, DESDE $ 180.00 A $560.00. IMPLEMENTS.



AVE. 5 DE MAYO 19-21 MEXICO, D. F.


The Mexican Review

Vol. III. MEXICO CITY, JANUARY , 1920 No. 10.

THE MEXICAN REVIEW for 1919 show an increase of over thirty per year and will be a still further demonstration $
Published Monthly at Mexico City . cent, the amount for 1918 having been 63, of the wonderful recuperative power and in
Geo . F. Weeks ….. ... Editor 828,836 barrels, against (approximately ) 82, herent wealth of the country.
Edmundo Melero ·· Business Mgr 954,858 barrels for 1919. For the year just Mexico enters upon the last year of the
Registered as Second-Class Matter in the Mexico City commencing the ratio of increase will be first century of her national independence
Postoffice , April 14, 1919. yond doubt be still greater, since the only under most favorable auspices, and unless
Yearly subscription in United States and Canada . obstacle is the lack of shipping, caused by hampered by undue interference with her
$2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50. the war and its attendant results. There domestic concerns will beyond doubt record
In Mexico , $4 Mexican coin. is sufficient oil now in sight (that is, in wells one of the most prosperous periods of her
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU already in production ) to increase the ex
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important mat portation ten times over the present amount. Interventionist Propaganda Decreasing.
ters. Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared New discoveries of petroleum deposits have THE influences behind the interventionist
by competent writers . Photographs furnished when been made in various portions of the Re propaganda seem to have " shot their
desired . Questions answered. Special inquiries un public and steps are under way for their
dertaken . bolt, '
' and there has of late been a marked
proper development. diminution in the flood of attacks on this
Mexico City Office: Nuevo Mexico 6. P. O. Box 70 Bis
Tel. Ericsson 61-33. Cable address: Mexneb . All the principal railway lines have either country. A contributing cause, beyond any
Washington office: 1821 Jackson St., N. E. been restored to their normal condition or doubt, has been the publication of the vast
are rapidly approaching such restoration.
E. H. Talbot, Representative in U. S. profits attending oil development in the face }
Millions have been and are being expended of the complaints made by the profiteers.
in this work, as also in the acquisition of new Common sense tells the intelligent public that
** The Outlook for 1920. rolling stock to take the place of that des concerns which even in the troublous times
NOT ssince ince the commencement of the troyed during the revolution. These millions, we have been going through pay from 12 to
Ν struggle for emancipation nearly ten it should he especially noted, have been taken 48 per cent dividends in a single year, which
years ago has the outlook for Mexico's future from the net earnings of the lines, not a single put millions into their reserve funds, which ex
been so bright and so encouraging as now. dollar of outside capital having been devoted tend their operations by the expenditure of
Glance in what direction one may, within the to these objects . In due time the entire sys other millions, have not much cause to com
boundaries of the country, and the prospect tem controlled by the government will have plain of taxation or to talk about oppressive
presented is found by every intelligent and been rehabilitated from the earnings.
legal regulations . The public is just be
unprejudiced observer to be of the most hope Through passenger and Pullman traffic has ginning to realize, apparently , that it has
ful kind. One by one these who had remain been inaugurated between Mexico City ond been grievously misled by unfounded com
ed in opposition to the present government El Paso , while that with other border points plaints and exaggerated reports.
have either been eliminated by force of arms, has not been seriously interrupted at any
J or, recognizing the hopelessness not to say time. Through Pullman service between this A Senator With Correct Ideas.
futility of longer opposing the establishment city and St. Louis, which was so popular be
of a stable government, have given in their fore the revolutionary period, is now in pro- THE Mexican Consul in New York has sent
adhesion . Little remains to be done in this cess of re-establishment. Direct passenger a report to the Minister of Foreign Re
direction, and the coming year beyond any and Pullman service has also been established lations of the declarations made by Senator
Johnson, before the Senate Sub-Committee
doubt will see the complete pacification of by the Southern Pacific Railway between
even the most remote portions of the coun Nogales and Mazatlan. Much new railway on Mexican Affairs , recently. Senator John
son stated that in his opinion there should
try . construction has been carried out during the
The constant increase in the value of silver be no intervention in Mexico. The American
past year and will be continued during the
bullion has stimulated the resumption of work new one. New stations superior to any be people, he claimed, 1 were tired of war, and
upon many mines that had been wholly or fore known have been built, bridges replaced , before adopting such drastic measures a min
partially idle for years , though it is a mistake ute investigation should be made of conditions
tracks put in order, and in a word nothing
to suppose that there was any complete sus has been neglected that would tend to put as they really exist in this country.
pension of operations in that direction , as the entire railway system of the Republic in
E. some of the largest mines in the Republic have even better condition than before the re San Antonio Friends of Mexico.
continued their work with scarcely any in volution.
terruption , and that only for a few days at a Commerce, agriculture , education, manufac- SENOR Gonzalo de la Mata, Mexican Con
sul in San Antonio, has notified the
time. Many new developments are also be turing have all been stimulated and the pre
Secretary of Foreign Relations of the for1
ing undertaken in various directions, the high sent year will see the development of many mation of a club in that city to promote a
value of the white metal making it profitable plans in these directions.
better understanding between the United
to undertake the operation of deposits of ore The crops for 1919 were abundant and for
States and Mexico . The Club is called " The
that are of too low grade to permit this being 1920 the present outlook is most encouraging. Two Republics . } Members will endeavor to
done in former years. The production and It is the universal testimony of those who
develop commercial relations with Mexico and
exportation of silver show a constant increase. have investigated or who have had experience offset any propaganda of the interventionists
The latest available statistics show that for that the cost of living in Mexico during the by publishing facts of conditions in this coun
the month of October there was exported past year and at present is far lower than in
try .
from Mexico to the United States $ 6,060,765 any other part of the world. Food articles
in silver bullion, against $5,185,554, for the of prime necessity, clothing, etc., are cheaper Forbearance Asked.
same month in 1918 , while for the ten months here than in the United States, and undoubt HE kind forbearance of the readers of
ending October 1919, the exportations were edly will continue to be so. The Review is asked should they consider
$51,233,802, as against $43,471,809 for the Mexico still maintains the proud and unique that this or the previous issue of this maga
preceding year. The coming year will beyond pre-eminence of being the only country on zine are or were lacking in any respect. The
any doubt show an even greater increase. the face of the globe which has a purely specie long-continued illness of the editor has in
The petroleum regions show steady pro circulating medium, no paper of any kind capacitated him from devoting any attention
the gress , both in development and shipments. being current. The constantly increasing to his duties , and the entire load has fallen
Many new companies with large capital volume of business, both domestic and foreign, in consequence upon the already amply bur
have come into the country during the past is an abundant testimonial of her ability in dened shoulders of his associate. It is hoped
year, and from inquiries that are being made this and other directions of a financial char that normal conditions will have been restor
the new year will see an even greater ad acter. The resumption of interest payments ed in time for the February issue.- Editor
vance in that direction . Exportations of oil on the national debt is assured for the new Review.


a ana
La Mexic

Tomo III. MEXICO, D. F., ENERO, 1920 No. 10

LA REVISTA MEXICANA greso, tanto en lo que se refiere a explotación artículos de primera necesidad, la ropa, etc.,
Se publica mensualmente en la Ciudad de México como a exportación. Han venido al país, du son mucho más baratos aquí que en los Es
Geo . F. Weeks... ... ...Edito rante el año pasado, muchas nuevas compa tados Unidos , y sin duda alguna que conti
Edmundo Melero . • Administrador ñías con grandes capitales. Debe decirse que nuarán siéndolo por algún tiempo .
Registrada como artículo de Segunda Clase en la se supone, por las investigaciones hechas so México sigue manteniendo el orgullo y la
Administración Local de Correos de México , D. F. bre el particular, que el año nuevo verá un prominencia única de ser el solo país, opuesto
el día 14 de abril de 1919. progreso mucho mayor en este sentido . Las al resto del mundo, que posee un medio cir
Suscripciones por un año: exportaciones de petróleo en 1919 , muestran culante de especie, puramente, sin que circulen
En la República Mexicana.......$ 4 Oro Nacional. un aumento de más del treinta por ciento so billetes de ninguna clase. El constante au
En los Estados Unidos y Canadá ,, 2 Oro Americano mento de los negocios, tanto en el interior co
2.50 .. bre el año anterior, ya que en este fueron de
En cualquiera otra parte………….
Precio del ejemplar 40c . Oro Nal. - 20c . Oro Am. -63,828,836 de barriles contra 82,954,858 de mo con el extranjero, es un buen testimonio
" 11 50c . " " en el interior barriles en 1919 , aproximadamente. En el año de la capacidad de México a este respecto, lo
? de la República.. que principia, la proporción del aumento sin mismo que en otros de carácter financiero .
AGENCIA DE NOTICIAS DE MEXICO duda alguna que será mucho mayor, puesto Se asegura para el año que principia, la re
Noticias exactas por telégrafo y correo de todos los que el único obstáculo para la exportación, es anudación de los pagos de la deuda nacional ,
asuntos de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cual la falta de buques, derivada de la guerra y lo que constituirá otra prueba más del mara
quier tópico mexicano confeccionados por escritores villoso poder recuperativo del país y de su
competentes. Se proporcionan fotografías a solicitud. de sus resultados inherentes. Hay suficiente
petróleo en perspectiva ( esto es, en pozos que inherente riqueza .
Se contestan preguntas. Se toman a cargo investiga
clones especiales. están ya en producción, ) para aumentar la México entra en el último año del primer
Oficinas en la Ciudad de México: Nuevo México Núme exportación a diez tantos de la cantidad ac siglo de la consumación de su independencia,
ro 6. Apartado Postal 70 Bis. Teléfono Ericsson 61-33 tual. Se han hecho varios descubrimientos bajo los auspicios más favorables, y, a menos
Dirección Cablegráfica: Mexneb. Oficinas en Wash de depósitos de petróleo en diferentes regio que sea perjudicado por intervenciones in
ington, E. U. A. , 1821 Jackson St. N. E. debidas en sus asuntos domésticos, sin duda
nes de la República y se están dando los de
E. H. Talbot , Representante en E. U. de A. bidos pasos para su explotación. que registrará uno de los períodos más prós
Las principales líneas ferrocarrileras han peros de su historia.
La Perspectiva para 1920. sido restauradas en sus condiciones normales,
o se están acercando rápidamente a una res Los Amigos de México
JAMAS, desde el principio de la lucha por tauración completa. Se han gastado en esta
la emancipación, hace cerca de diez años,
en San Antonio .
había sido tan brillante y alentadora la pers obra, millones de pesos, como también en la
pectiva del futuro de México como ahora. adquisición de nuevo material rodante para L señor Gonzalo de la Mata, cónsul de
EL México en San Antonio , ha participado
Mirando en la dirección que se quiera, dentro substituir al que fue destruído durante la Re
de las fronteras del país , se encontrará que volución. Debe notarse especialmente , que al Secretario de Relaciones Exteriores, la for
las perspectivas que observan los más inteli estos millones han sido tomados de las utili mación de un club en esa ciudad , para pro
gentes y exentos de prejuicios son del género dades líquidas de los ferrocarriles , sin que se mover una buena inteligencia entre los Esta
más prometedor. Uno por uno, han sido eli haya dedicado al efecto, ni un solo . peso de dos Unidos y México. Este club es llamado
minados los oponentes al Gobierno actual, ya capital extraño. A su debido tiempo queda " Las Dos Repúblicas. Sus miembros se
rá rehabilitado, con las ganancias obtenidas, esforzarán por fomentar las relaciones co
sea por la fuerza de las armas o porque re
conociendo lo inútil, por no decir fútil de se todo el sistema controlado por el Gobierno. merciales con México y por contrarrestar la
guir ofreciendo una prolongada oposición al Se ha inaugurado el tráfico de pasajeros y de propaganda de los intervencionistas, publi
carros dormitorios entre las ciudades de Mé cando hechos relativos a las condiciones que
establecimiento de un Gobierno permanente, +
se han adherido a éste. Muy poco queda por xico y El Paso, en tanto que no se han inte prevalecen en este país.
hacer en este sentido y está fuera de toda rrumpido gravemente los de otros puntos de
la frontera norte, en ninguna época. El ser Un Senador que Abriga
duda, que el año que principia, verá la com
pleta pacificación aun de las regiones más re vicio de carros dormitorios entre esta ciudad Ideas Correctas.
motas del país. y St. Louis, que fue tan popular antes del pe L cónsul de México en Nueva York, ha
El constante aumento del valor de la plata ríodo revolucionario , se halla ahora en pro ELenviado un informe a la Secretaría de
ha estimulado la reanudación del trabajo en ceso de restablecimiento . Se establecerá el Relaciones Exteriores, acerca de las declara
muchas minas que han estado inactivas, total tráfico directo de carros de pasajeros y de ca * ciones emitidas recientemente por el senador
o parcialmente durante varios años , aunque rros dormitorios en la línea del Ferrocarril Hiram Johnson ante el Subcomité de Relacio
es un error suponer que hubo una suspensión del Pacífico del Sur, entre Nogales y Maza nes Extranjeras del Senado que investiga los
completa de las labores de esta industria, pues tlán . asuntos mexicanos. El senador Johnson de
algunas de las minas más grandes de la Re Durante el año pasado se llevaron a cabo claró que en su opinión , no debía haber in
pública, han continuado su trabajo con pocas numerosas construcciones ferrocarrileras, que tervención en México. El pueblo norteame
interrupciones apenas, y eso, sólo por períodos se continuarán en el año en curso. Se han ricano, según afirmó, está cansado de la gue
de tiempo de pocos días. Se están empren construído nuevas estaciones, superiores a las rra y antes de adoptar medidas drásticas co
diendo también nuevas explotaciones, puesto conocidas hasta ahora ; hanse reconstruído mo se aconsejan, debe hacerse una minucio
que el alza del metal + blanco convierte en varios puentes, se han reparado varias vías sa investigación acerca de las condiciones por
remuneradora la explotación de depósitos de y, en una palabra, no se ha descuidado na que atraviesa en realidad este país.
mineral que era de muy baja ley para permi da que tendiese a poner todo el sistema fe
tir que se le explotara en años anteriores. La rrocarrilero de la República aun en mejores Pedimos Indulgencia.
producción y exportación de la plata ofrece condiciones que antes de la Revolución .
un aumento constante. Las últimas estadís El comercio, la agricultura, la educación , PEDIMOS indulgencia a los lectores de La
Revista Mexicana, si es que juzgan que
ticas que se tienen a mano, muestran que en la manufactura, han sido estimulados ; el año esta edición de nuestra Revista o la anterior,
el mes de octubre fueron exportados de Mé on curso verá el desarrollo de muchos planes fueron defectuosas en cualquier respecto. La
xico para los Estados Unidos, $6.060,765 de que se refieren a estas actividades. larga enfermedad que ha padecido el Director
plata en barras, contra $5.185,554, que se ex Las cosechas de 1919 fueron abundantes, de La Revista Mexicana, lo ha incapacitado
portaron en el mismo mes de 1918 , en tanto siendo de lo más alentadoras y halagüeñas las para dedicar su atención a sus deberes, ba
que por los diez meses que terminaron en oc perspectivas para el de 1920. Declaran uná biendo recaído toda la carga de la publica
tubre de 1919 , la exportación fue de nimente los que han investigado el asunto ción , en consecuencia, sobre su colaborador,
$51,233,802, contra $43.471,809 en el año pre o que tienen experiencia personal del hecho, el Administrador de La Revista. Esperamos
cedente. El año que principia, ofrecerá sin que el costo de la vida en México durante el que so restablecerán las condiciones normales
duda alguna, un aumento mucho mayor. año pasado y en el presente, es mucho menor de nuestro periódico para la edición de febre
Las zonas petroleras muestran un firme pro que en cualquiera otra parte del mundo. Los ro próximo.-La Dirección.

In the Petroleum Field Huasteca Company. 1,301,751
Cortez. 975,185
Aguila. 907,400
Alleged Disregard of Petroleum Property Rights Penn. Mex.. 2 846,299
Positively Denied - Drilling of New Wells Texas Oil..***** 601,851
Metropolitan. . 569,929
Standard. 445,682
Freeport... ww 321,333
East Coast. A 346,487
"Neither the Department of Industry, Commerce and Mexican Gulf. 358,450
Tal Vez... 138,182
Labor nor the General Government of the country have 61,422
Pierce Navigation .
created any obstacles to the development of the petroleum Interoceanic... 34,482
Terminal Union. . *** 33,242
industry in the country." New England. ** 29,000
Corona... 59,950

Total...... .. 7,040,645
N such manner the above mentioned De points are all filled. Their capacity is several The total shipments for the year are as fol
times the total amount shipped in the months lows, the figures for December being averaged,
partment made its official statement when
I the representatives of the press convened showing the largest exportation. while those for October, November and De
The unofficial figures for October show cember are subject to revision when the of
to obtain the Department's declarations
upon the statements of the Associated Press exportation of 8,561,002 barrels, and for ficial returns are given out, though those
on that matter and which have been published November of 7,040,645 barrels. given herewith may be taken as approximate
in the Press of this capital, saying that the scar The shipments by companies for September, ly correct : Barrels.
city of mineral oil in the United States is due October and November, were divided as fol 5,279,120
to the restrictions placed on the exploitation lows: SEPTEMBER. Barrels. February. .. 6,928,020
1,340,265 March. . 6,651,150
and exportation of that product by the Gov Huasteca. 6,254,572
ernment of President Carranza. Aguila.. 1,071,292 April.
912,772 May. . .. ** 6,897,962
The Department of Petroleum and Engineer Cortés.... 7,074,422
Standard. 774,658 June..
Sr. Salinas, Assistant Secretary of Industry, 596,413 July... 6,085,438
Commerce and Labor, have already made Mexican Gulf. 560,896 August. 7,988,519
September .. 7,194,008
declarations to this effect, when the press of Stone Carvings of the Entrance to the 8,561,002
the United States was publishing notices Tepozotlan Convent. 7,040,645
similar in character to those referred to, deny December (estimated ) average .. 7,000.000
ing that they have refused to recognize proper
ty rights and demonstrating by means of Total.... 82,954,858
statistical data which have already been This is an increase of 19,126,022 barrels.
published that the producing wells in the over the shipments for the year 1918.
Gulf Zone have not been exploited even to The exports for the past ten years have

a tenth part of their potential production, been as follows : Barrels.

the sole limitation to exportation being lack 3,332,807
1910 ...
of shipping facilities, with which this govern 1911... .. *** 14,051,643
ment has nothing whatever to do. 1912... 16,558,215
On asking if any had been denied permis 1913... *** . 25,696,291
1914... 26,235,403
sion to exploit petroleum, the Chief of the
1915. . 32,910,508
Department of Petroleum stated that " In Jose
1916... ** . 40,440,468
the cases in which the exploiters have not 55,292,770
complied with the existing laws upon the ** 63.828.836
matter, the borings have not been made. "' ... 82,954,858
1919. (Aproximately) ...
Finally he declared that the Department For the year 1918 the value of the oil ex
would like to know of just a single case in ported was $140,557,553 Mexican gold, or $70,
which the Government had not respected a
278,776 American money, and the total amount
petroleum property right, which goes to prove.
that the stories circulated in the United States of duties paid by the exporters to the Mex
are entirely without foundation. ican government was $ 11,120,397 or $ 5,560,
It may be added, that there have been ab 198 American money. The total value of the
solutely no changes in any of the laws or re shipments for 1919 cannot now be given, but
gulations concerning the production or ship Convento de Tepozotlán. the duties will approximate $ 14,800,000 or $7,
ment of petroleum for over a year, and that Texas. 531,125 400,000 American money..
the same rate of taxation and the same rules Freeport & Mexican . 410,341
prevail that have been in force for much East Cost......
Penn, Mex. 385,916 TO SALT WATER.
more than that period , and during which time 85,808
the industry has made such tremendous strides Interoceanic. Salt water has appeared in several of the
Pierce Navigation. . .. 63,260
and paid such large profits, as shown by the National.. 31,371 wells in the Tepetate camp. The wells af
reports of the companies themselves . Tal Vez.. 21,323 fected are the Texas Company of Mexico's
wells on lots 2 and 3, having a pro
duction of 75,000 and 5,000 barrels of
FOR THE PAST YEAR. OCTOBER petroleum daily; the Mexican Gulf Com
Reports from Tampico are to the effect The complete figures by companies for Oc pany's well on lot 163 , Chinampa , rated at
that while development work is going on with tober are not at hand, but the following in 40,000 barrels daily capacity , and the same.
out cessation in any respect, the usual com clude the leading shipments : company's well on lot 8, Tepetate , which is
plement of men being employed and all man Barrels. rated at 60,000 barrels. About the middle
ner of construction being pushed, the ex Metropolitan. A 511,823 of November the salt water made its appear
portation of petroleum for November shows Mexican Gulf. . .. 332,318
45,324 ance in the wells and within a week all of the
a falling off as compared with that Texas Company .. 758,281 wells had gone salt.
for the month of October of upward Huasteca.. . 1,577,042 There may be some hope for the Texas
of a million and a half barrels. This is due Cortez.. . ** 1,398,820
Standard . 4 223,296 Company's wells, but it is a slim one. They
entirely to the shortage of of vessels for 1,398,820 showed 4 per cent B. S. and water and were
transportation and to nothing else, as the Aguila. B 9 87,396
Tal Vez. AMV closed in and are still shut down.
storage tanks at Tampico and other shipping East Coast.. 413,821

Corona. 45,324
Texas Company 758,281
En el Campo Petrolero Huasteca. . . 1,577,042
Cortez.. . ... 1,398,820
Standard . " 223,296
La Incautación de las Propiedades Petroleras 1,398,820
Aguila. .
-Perforación de Nuevos Pozos Tal Vez. 87,396
East Coast. . 413,821
" Ni la Secretaría de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo, ni Huasteca Company. 1,301,751
Cortez.. 975,185
el Gobierno General de la República, han puesto trabas para 907,400
Penn. Mex. . ** 846,299
el desarrollo de la industria petrolera en el país." Texas Oil. 601,851
Metropolitan . 569,929
Standard . " . 445,682
Freeport.. 321,333
East Coast. ww 346,487
SI lo manifestó oficialmente la citada nos de petróleo. La capacidad de dichos tan Mexican Gulf. 358,450
Secretaría, a donde ocurrieron los re ques, es varias veces superior al total de las Tal Vez..... 138,182
A Pierce Navigation . 61,422
presentantes de la piensa para obte exportaciones que se hayan hecho en el mes 34,482
Interoceanic . . . .
ner declaraciones sobre lo asentado en el men en que fueron ellas más abundantes . Terminal Union. 33,242
saje transmitido por la Prensa Asociada y pu Las cifras relativas, que fueron obtenidas New England . . 29,000
blicado en la prensa de esta capital, que dice en fuentes privadas, indican que la exporta Corona.. 59,950
que la escasez de aceite mineral en los Esta ción fue de 8,561,002 barriles en octubre. y de 7,040,645
dos Unidos , se debe a restricciones puestas 7,040,645 en noviembre.
Las exportaciones totales por el año, serán
para la explotación y exportación de ese pro Los embarques de petróleo hechos por las
ducto por el Gobierno del señor Carranza. las siguientes, en la inteligencia de que las
diversas compañías durante los meses de sep correspondientes a diciembre, han sido caleu
" El Departamento del Petróleo y el Inge tiembre, octubre y noviembre, fueron como ladas, basándose en el término medio de los
niero Salinas, Subsecretario de Industria, Co sigue : meses restantes, y que los datos concernien
mércio y Trabajo, han hecho ya declaracio
nes sobre este asunto, cuando han sido puoi1 Altar of the Kings, in the Mexico City tes a octubre, noviembre y al mismo diciem
Cathedral. bre, están sujetos a rectificación, cuando se
cadas en la prensa norteamericana afirmacio
nes semejantes, negando que se haya incauta publique el informe oficial, aunque pueden
do dicha propiedad y demostrando por me aceptarse los presentes como aproximadamen
dio de datos estadísticos, que La Revista te correctos :
Mexicana ha publicado, que los pozos en Barriles.
producción de la zona del Golfo, no son ex Enero... 5,279,120
plotados ni una décima parte de su produc Febrero. • . 6,928,020
Marzo. 6,651,150
ción potencial . Abril. 6,254,572
Al preguntar si habían sido negados los Mayo . . 6,897,962
permisos para la explotación del petróleo , el Junio.. 7,074,422
Jefe del Departamento del Petróleo manifes Julio... 6,085,438
Agosto.. 7,988,519
tó que en los casos que los explotadores no 7,194,008
han cumplido con las leyes vigentes sobre la Octubre... 8,561,002
materia, no se ha permitido hacer perforacio Noviembre. 7,040,645
nes. " Diciembre (cálculo aprox.) . 7,000,000
Por último, declaró que la Secretaría de Total..... 82,954,858
searía conocer un solo caso en que el Gobier Este total muestra un aumento de
no se hubiese incautado de una sola propie
19,126,022 de barriles de petróleo sobre las
dad petrolífera, lo que prueba que las especies
exportaciones del año de 1918 .
propaladas en el vecino país, son enteramente
infundadas. Las exportaciones de aceite mineral en los
diez años anteriores, fue como sigue :
Puede añadirse que no ha habido cambio
ninguno en las leyes relativas a la producción
y exportación de petróleo durante el año, y 1910... 3,332,807
1911.. 14,051,643
que han estado en vigor las mismas contribu 16,558,215
Catedral de México.-Altar de los Reyes. 1912...
ciones y los mismos reglamentos que han regi 1913... .25,696,291
do por un período mucho mayor que éste, y SEPTIEMBRE. 1914... 26,235,403
durante el cual ha hecho la industria tan gran Barriles. 1915.. .32,910,508
1916.. A .. 40,440,468
des progresos y ha pagado tan fuertes divi Huasteca. . 1,340,265 1917.. 55,292,770
dendos, como lo demuestran los informes de Aguila. 1,071,292 1918. . ...63,828,836
las mismas compañías interesadas. Standard. N 774,658 1919. ( Aproximadamente ) . ..82,954,858
Cortés... 912,772
LA PRODUCCION DE PETROLEO Island. ... 596,413 El valor del petróleo exportado en 1918,
DURANTE EL AÑO PASADO. Mexican Gulf, 560,896 fue de $ 140,557,553, en oro mexicano, o sean
Texas...w 531,125 $70,278,776 en americano. El total de los
Los informes de Tampico, que se han re Freeport & Mexican .. 410,341
East Cost. 408,596 derechos pagados por los exportadores, en ca
cibido recientemente en esta capital, indican Penn. Mex... 385,916 calidad de derechos de exportación, al Gobier
que al mismo tiempo que continúan los tra Interoceanic. 85,808 no mexicano, fue de $ 11,120,397, o sean, ***
bajos de explotación de la zona petrolífera Pierce Navigation . . ** 63,260 $5,560,198 en americano. El valor total de
sin cesar, que se emplea al número habitual National... 31,371
Tal Vez.. 21,323 las exportaciones hechas en el presente año
de trabajadores y que se realizan como de de 1919, no puede ser dado a conocer aún, pe
costumbre, todos los trabajos de construccio Total ..... .. 7,194,008 ro es probable que los derechos de exportación
nes, las exportaciones de petróleo hechas du OCTUBRE .
pagados por ellas, asciendan a $14,800,000, o
rante el mes de noviembre, fueron inferiores Aún no está terminado el cómputo de las sean, $7,400,000 en oro americano.
en más de millón y medio de barriles a las exportaciones hechas por las compañías en VARIOS POZOS EMPIEZAN
de octubre. Esta disminución fue debida a octubre, pero damos a continuación los datos
la escasez de buques para el transporte del A ARROJAR AGUA SALADA.
referentes a las principales :
aceite mineral y no a ninguna otra causa, pues Barriles. Varios pozos petroleros del campo de Tepe
los tanques de almacenamiento de Tampico 511,823 tate, han empezado a arrojar agua salada.
y de otros puertos, están perfectamente lle Mexican Gulf. 332,318 Los pozos que han ofrecido este fenómeno,

The Tepetate field is one of the oldest light oil daily. The company's loop line will be mentioned pipe is of the largest diameter that
oil producers in Mexico, work having begun finished by the last of the month. has been used up to now in this region.
there in the early summer of 1910 and con
The Island Oil and Transportation Cor At the present time Tampico is the world's
tinued steadily since that time. Is round
numbers more than 100,000,000 barrels of poration is at present boring a well in the most active petroleum port.
lot in the section of Comates, Hacienda of FIFTY MILLION BARRELS
petroleum have been taken from this pool.
Tampaca, of the Municipality of Tantoyuca.
The appearance of salt water is a severe OF PETROLEUM WANTED.
The engineers inform us that the boring is
blow, but it is nothing more than that. It is
not fatal and is not unmixed with good in nearly completed, and that all evidence in In the Department of Commerce and In
dicate that the yield of the new well will dustry we were informed that the great rail
that it will stimulate exploration and develop
exceed the one in Cerro Azul and that it will road combine in the United States had ad
ment of other locations and will, undoubtedly,
produce more than two hundred thousand dressed themselves to the Mexican Petroleum
result in greater activity in the lower fields ;
barrels daily. Companies, ordering for their use the enor
the drilling of more wells to replace these
that have turned to salt, and the consequent MORE VESSELS FOR OIL CARRYING mous quantity of fifty million barrels of crude
discovery of other big gushers and other im Thirty huge vessels of armored cement petroleum each month, as American petroleum
portant oil deposits. have weighed anchor in Liverpool on their is not sufficient to satisfy the demandsof
way to the Mexican Coast ; they will carry exportation and national consumption.
petroleum for France, England and Belgium. In this year there will be exported from
As an offset to the wells that went salt Likewise and with the permission of the Eng Mexico a total of eighty million barrels,
in the Tepetate camp reecntly, the Aguila lish Admiralty there have left German ports which makes it evident that companies will
Dil Company drilled in another big well, be five vessels, to carry mineral oil. The early reply that at this time it will be impossible
arrival of South American vessels is also ex
ing the second well they have discovered that to furnish that enormous quantity of petro
wil make 30,000 or 40,000 barrels of petro pected. This is the most important commercial leum monthly to the United States ; but within
leum, or more, daily, within two weeks. movement in the branch of petroleum that has four or five months it is believed that such
The new well is their Los Naranjos No. 5 been observed up to-day.
exportation will become feasible, it being un
on lot 111 , Chinampa, and it was drilled in derstood that the American railroads shall
National Preparatory School,
November 10, the day before Armistice Day, at Mexico City. furnish the necessary facilities for.transpor
12.45 p. m. tation, and that the remitting of petroleum
All preparations had been made for the be made little by little during the whole
advent of the new producer in the Aguila month in regular quantities until the fifty
group of wells and it was closed in securely million barrels has been shipped.
in the record time of seven minutes from the
This enormous order has caused a great
time the pay was struck until the well was sensation in Tampico and has resulted in that
shut in and it was a completed job.
the principal companies interested in filling
Naturally no accurate estimate could be
the order have hastened to complete new
made of the well's capacity in that time, but
borings and have planned larger pipes to
every indication points to its being a big well, carry off the oil, so that within five months
one of the big wells in that section , and it
is conservatively estimated to be not less than it is possible that Mexico will have to supply
30,000 barrels, with no calculations on how fuel to the entire system of railroads in the
much more it may run. United States.
The well is located about 800 meters from MILITARY SITUATION IN THE
the company's Los Naranjos No. 10 well that PETROLEUM ZONE IMPROVING.
was drilled in a few weeks ago with a daily
capacity estimated at more or less the same Since Brigadier General Pablo Gonzalez
as the one just obtained. Closing in the latter had organized his forces to combat the rebels
well beat the record on No. 10 by just one that were marauding in the neighborhood of
minute. various of the most important oil companies
Official notices have been received by the of Tampico, the rebels have been making for
Department of Commerce and Industry, an cover as fast as possible, as their attackers
nouncing that the following oil wells have Fachada Norte de la Escuela Nacional have begun to pursue very actively.
been bored : Preparatoria, México, D. F. Notices received from prominent oil men of
That of Cruz y Amoravieta, number 3, that this capital, make it evident that already
yielded approximately four thousand barrels As soon as the thirty-two English vessels the region of the well of " Juan Casiano " and
daily; number 2 of the " Compañía Arrenda arrive at the Gulf of Mexico, they will be others in the vicinity have been rid com
dora de México, " with a production of two divided into two parts ; one will go to the pletely of rebels and that the last encounter
thousand barrels ; that of the " El Espino " Puerto de Lobos where many companies have had taken place in the point called " Bajos
the terimnals of their pipe lines for petroleum,
Company, number 1 of Salvasuchi, with a de Ensenada, " which resulted in the complete
and the other will touch at Panuco to tank
yield of fifteen hundred barrels ; number 9 defeat and pursuit of the gang under Vicente
up there with petroleum.
of Los Naranjos, of the Aguila Oil Company Likewise the fleet of tank vessels belong Reyes, one of the most aggressive rebels that
which is the most important of all those that have caused many of the assaults committed
ing to the " Bowie " Company and which
have recently been tapped, for its yield in those places.
were placed in American ports in service in
amounts to fifty thousand barrels.
the first two weeks of December, will arrive
These maximum yields are really of actual at Tampico to load petroleum destined to LATER. Since the foregoing was put into
importance and the wells which have been Russia. type the figures of exportation for the month
recently bored produce enough to compensate As there is expected an active movement of December have been received, showing
for the exhaustion of the region of Tepetate. shipments of 6,134,817 barrels. This places the
of exportation of Mexican petroleum to the
The Mexican Gulf Oil Company is building principal European industrial centers, nearly total for the year at 82,089,675 barrels.
an extension of its pipe line from Tepetate all the companies have commenced to con
to lot 251 , Amatlan, the property recently ac struct double pipe-lines from their holdings Announcement has been made that the
quired from the International Petroleum Cor the terminals in Puerto Lobos for the National Government will protect all Chinese
poration. The distance is nine and one exportation of mineral oil. in this country, extending to them the guaran
quarter kilometers. The labor of construction of tanks in these tees of the treaty with China. The Anti
Since the installation of the big new pump holdings has been most active. Lately there Chinese movement is confined to the West
by the Island Oil & Transport Corporation, arrived a merchant vessel from the " Bowie" Coast States, where many thousands have
at its lower country pumping station they are Company carrying pipes of twenty inches in settled and have monopolized certain lines of
enabled to pump more than 25,000 barrels of diameter for a new pipe-line. This above business and industry.

pertenecen a los lotes números 2 y 3 de la ducción de dos mil barriles ; el de la Compa mercantes inglesas lleguen al Golfo de México,
Compañía Texas, de México, que tienen una ñía "El Espino, " número 1 de Salvasuchi, se dividirán en dos partes : una irá a Puerto
capacidad de 75,000 y 5,000 barriles de pe con producción de mil quinientos barriles ; el de Lobos, donde muchas compañías tienen
tróleo diariamente ; el pozo de la Mexican número 9 de "Los Naranjos, " de la Compa sus estaciones terminales de oleoductos, y la
Gulf Company en el lote 163, en Chinampa, ñía de Petróleo " El Aguila, " que es el más otra entrará en el Pánuco para cargar allí
con una capacidad productiva de 40,000 ba importante de todos los que han brotado últi aceite.
rriles diarios, y el que tiene la misma compa mamente, pues su producción es de 50,000 Asimismo la flotilla de barcos-tanques per
ñía en el lote número 8, de Tepetate, que pro barriles. tenecientes a la Compañía " Bowie " y que
duce 60,000 barriles diarios. El agua salada El auge petrolero es, pues, de verdadera fueron puestos en puertos americanos al ser
comenzó a brotar de los pozos a mediados de importancia y los pozos últimamente perfora vicio en la primera quincena de diciembre,
noviembre, y en el plazo de una semana, to dos, producen lo bastante para compensar el arribaron a Tampico para cargar petróleo con
dos los pozos se habían salado. agotamiento de la región de Tepetate. destino a Rusia.
Hay alguna esperanza para los pozos de la Como se avecina un intenso movimiento
La Compañía " Island Oil and Transport
Compañía Texas, pero pequeña. Ofrecen cua ation Corporation, " está perforando actual de exportación de petróleo mexicano a los
tro por ciento B. S., y agua, y fueron cega mente un pozo en el lote del campamento de principales centros industriales europeos, casi
dos, permaneciendo todavía en esta condi Comates, Hacienda de Tampaca, del Munici todas las compañías han comenzado a cons
ción. truir dobles cañerías de sus campamentos has
pio de Tantoyuca. Informan los ingenieros
El campo de Tepetate es uno de los más que están llevando a cabo la perforación, que ta las terminales en puerto de Lobos, para
antiguos productores de petróleo de alumbra la exportación del aceite mineral.
todos los indicios que hay hasta ahora, se
do en México, habiéndose comenzado a tra ñalan para el nuevo pozo una producción que Los trabajos de construcción de tanques
bajar en él a principios del verano de 1910 y será mayor que la de otro que existe en Ce en los campamentos, son activísimos. Ulti
continuado firmemente hasta la fecha. Se han rro Azul y que produce más de doscientos mil mamente llegó un vapor mercante de la " Bo
extraído de los pozos de esta zona, en nume barriles diarios. wie, " cargando tubería de veinte pulgadas
ros redondos, cien millones de barriles de pe para un nuevo oleoducto. La tubería mencio
La Compañía Mexicana de Petróleo del
tróleo. nada es de capacidad mayor que se ha pre
La aparición del agua salada constituye un Superior Primary School in Mexico City. hasta ahora en esta región. Inmediatamente
serio revés, pero no es más que eso. No es comenzó a descargar las conecciones que pre
funesto y tiene algo de bueno, puesto que via revisión arancelaria, serán enviadas des
estimulará la exploración y explotación de de luego en chalanes a los campamentos pe
otras localidades, dando por resultado, indu troleros.
dablemente, que se produzca una actividad Ahora Tampico es el puerto que tiene ma
mayor en los campos bajos ; producirá tam yor movimiento petrolero en todo el mundo.
bién, la perforación de nuevos pozos pura SE NECESITAN 50 MILLONES DE
substituir a los que han dado agua salada, y BARRILES DE PETROLEO.
el descubrimiento consiguiente de pozos y de
En la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio,
pósitos más grandes y más importantes.
fuimos informados de que la Gran Liga de
Ferrocarriles Norteamericanos se ha dirigido
NUEVOS POZOS. a las compañías petroleras mexicanas, pidién
Como compensación de los pozos que han doles que les faciliten a sus empresas la enor
arrojado agua salada en el campo de Tepetate, me cantidad de cincuenta millones de barri
la Compañía "El Aguila, " perforó uno enor les de petróleo crudo cada mes, pues el petró
me, que es el segundo que se ha descubierto leo americano no basta para la exportación
y que producirá de 30,000 a 40,000 barriles y el consumo nacional .
de petróleo, o más, diariamente, dentro de dos En este año se exportarán de México, por
semanas. total, ochenta millones de barriles, por lo que
El nuevo pozo es el de Los Naranjos núme se comprenderá que desde luego las compa
ro 5, en el lote 111, Chinampa, y fue perfora ñías contestaron que en estos momentos sería
do el 10 de noviembre, la víspera del Día del imposible facilitar esa enorme cantidad de pe
Armisticio, a las 12.45 p. m. tróleo mensualmente a los Estados Unidos ; pe
Se han hecho todos los preparativos para ro que dentro de cuatro o cinco meses, creen
Escuela Primaria Superior " León Guzmán,"
la explotación del nuevo pozo productor del México, D. F. que será muy factible hacer esta exportación,
grupo de " El Aguila. " Este pozo fue ce siempre que los ferrocarriles americanos faci
rrado en el plazo asombroso de siete minutos, Golfo, está construyendo una extensión de su liten los transportes necesarios, y que el en
desde que se removió la última capa y se ter oleoducto de Tepetate al lote número 251 , en vío del petróleo se haga paulatinamente du
minó la obra enteramente. Amatlán, la propiedad que adquirió reciente rante todo el mes, en cantidades regulares has
Naturalmente que no se pudo hacer ningún mente de la Corporación Internacional de Pe ta completar los cincuenta milones de barri
cálculo de la producción del pozo en esos mo tróleo.
les .
mentos ; pero todos los indicios son de un po La distancia que recorre el oleoducto, Este enorme pedido ha causado en Tampi
zo enorme, uno de los más grandes de la re es nueve kilómetros, doscientos cincuenta me
co gran sensación y ha hecho que las princi
gión, cuya producción, según se calcula, ser
pales compañías interesadas en servirlo , se
de 30,000 barriles diarios, sin que se haya cal Desde que la Island Oil and Transport Cor
apresuren a efectuar nuevos trabajos de per
culado todo lo que puede producir. poration instaló su enorme bomba en su esta
foración y proyecten oleoductos más amplios
Este pozo está situado a cerca de ochocien ción de la tierra baja, ha podido extraer de
tos metros de distancia del número 10, " Los sus pozos, más de veinticinco mil barriles de para estar preparados para dentro de cinco
Naranjos, " de la misma compañía, que fue petróleo diariamente. La nueva línea del meses en que, probablemente México tendrá
oleoducto de la compañía mencionada, será que surtir de combustible a toda la red ferro
perforado hace unos cuantas semanas, y que
tiene una capacidad productora que se calcu terminada a fines del mes de enero. viaria norteamericana .
la más o menos en la misma cantidad del que Han zarpado de Liverpool rumbo a costas MEJORA LA SITUACION MILITAR
se acaba de perforar. La cerradura de este mexicanas, treinta y dos grandes barcos de ce
último, se hizo en un minuto menos que la del EN LA ZONA PETROLERA.
mento armado, que cargarán petróleo para
número 10. Francia, Inglaterra y Bélgica. Asimismo y Desde que organizó sus fuerzas el general
En la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, con permiso del Almirantazgo inglés, han sa de brigada Pablo González, para batir a los
se han recibido noticias oficiales que anun lido de puertos alemanes cinco embarcacio alzados que merodeaban por las inmediacio
cian la terminación de las perforaciones de nes más para llevar aceite mineral ; se noticia nes de varias de las más importantes compa
los siguientes pozos petroleros : también el próximo arribo de barcos sud ñías petroleras de Tampico, los rebeldes fue
El de Cruz y Amorevieta, número 3 , que americanos. Este es el movimiento comercial
ron poniendo tierra de por medio, dado que
brotó con una producción aproximada de cua más importante, en el ramo de petróleo, que la batida que se les empezó a hacer, fue muy
tro mil barriles diarios ; el número 2 de la se ha registrado hasta hoy. activa.
Compañía Arrendadora de México, con pro Tan luego como las treinta y dos unidades.

to look after the general interests of civiliz

The Carranza Doctrine ation and the establishment of universal
An Exact Report of the Declaration of the " The leading ideas informing actual policies
President on International Diplomacy of an international character are on the verge
of being modified because they have proven
HE First Chief of the Constitutionalist ideas directing our international policies are to be insufficient to prevent international wars
Army, Venustiano Carranza, sketched few, clear and simple. They are reduced to and put an end in a short term to the world
T conflict. Mexico tried to help the reform
his ideas regarding international rights proclaim the following:
in a speech he made in the city of Matamoros, " That all countries are equal to one an ation of the old principles, and we have al
on the 29th of November , 1915 . other, and they all must mutually and scrupul ready expressed on several occasions that
Later on, at a banquet offered him by the Mexico is ready to lend its good offices to
ously respect their institutions, their laws and
merchants , bakers, farmers, landholders and their sovereignty. ward any settlement. Today we entertain
intellectual people of the city of San Luis " That no country must intervene in any the hope the conclusion of the war shall be
Potosi, on September 26th of the same year, form and for any reason whatever in the the dawn of a new era for Humanity, and
Mr. Carranza extended his opinions, which domestic affairs of another. All must strictly that the day when the private interests be
have been fundamentally applied, with all and without exception submit to the univer not the motive power of international policies
timeliness , to all cases dealt with in the dip sal principle of non-intervention . a great number of causes for war and con
lomatic correspondence addressed to several " That no individual must pretend to enjoy flicts between the peoples shall disappear.
countries. a better situation than the citizens of the " In short, equality, mutual respect to each
" The international policy of Mexico has country where he goes to reside, nor makeof country's institutions and laws, and the firm
and persevering willingness not to intervene
National Normal School for Men, Mexico City.-Exterior View. at all, under any excuse, in the domestic af
fairs of other countries, have been the fun
damentals of the international policy adopted
by the Executive under my charge, always
trying at the same time to obtain for Mexico
a treatment like the one she gives ; that is,
that Mexico be considered as a sovereign
nation equal to the other peoples on earth ;
that its laws and institutions be respected,
and that no one intervenes in any form in her
domestic affairs."

Guanajuato State Prospering.

OVERNOR Federico Montes of the State
G of Guanajuato states that the economical
situation in that State has improved consider
ably during the past few months. The State
Treasury he said had a reserve of fifty thou
sand pesos on hand and the building of a
state road between the ancient city of Dolores
Hidalgo and the State capital was under way
Many other important public improvements
were being considered by the legislature.
Rebel movements in the State had ceased en
tirely the Governor said and only small bands
of bandits were still active, but the majority
of the inhabitants desired to work undis
As to the State of Sonora.
SHORT time since The Review referred
A to a map published in the foreign press
in which it was alleged a correct showing
Escuela Normal para Varones, México, D. F. was made of the small portion of Mexico that
was under actual control by the present gov
been characterized by the firmness with which his foreign citizenship a title for special pro ernment . That map depicted the major por
the principles upon which such policy is laid tection or privilege. Nationals and foreigners tion of the State of Sonora as being rebellious .
have developed themselves. The results must be equal under the sovereignty of the Reports have just been received showing that
achieved are sufficiently satisfactory, and country where they live ; and finally : during the past year the total exports from
therefore the Executive has always had the " That the legislation of all the world must that State alone amounted to over eighty-one
common backing of the people in all inter be uniform and equal as far as possible, with million pesos in value! For a region sup
national questions arising during the year I out establishing distinctions based on nation posedly in rebellion and turmoil , may not this
refer to in this report. Wishing that the ality, except in matters exclusively pertain be called a somewhat fair showing without
same practices adopted by Mexico be follow ing to the national sovereignty. stretching the truth ?
ed by all the countries and all the legislative " Out of this group of principles a new con
bodies over the world, and particularly those ception of diplomacy has been derived, which The force of civil guards that has been
of Latin-America, so much like ourselves in modified radically the old one. Diplomacy organized in the State of Chihuahua is report
their political phenomena, these principles I must not be any longer a means of protecting ed to be doing good work in conjunction with
allude to have acquired the nature of a very private interests, and it should not place at
significant doctrine, specially so if considered the Federal troops in preserving order in that
the command of such interests the force and section. These guards are employed in their
that they were expressed by the speaker as
First Chief of the Constitutionalist Army, in power of the Nations. Neither should Diplo usual vocations and are only called on when
macy be used to exert pressure upon the gov needed.
charge of the Executive Power of the Union,
ernments of weak countries for the purpose It is stated that the fares on the electric
during the revolutionary struggle, as also
of obtaining the amendment of laws which street railway system of Mexico City and
that they were made public for the purpose
of informing the whole world on the ideas of do not agree with the interests of citizens of connecting with the surrounding towns are
the Revolution and our wishes for universal powerful countries. to be reduced shortly to correspond with
peace and Latin-American brotherhood. The " Diplomacy must have for its only scope those that prevailed before the revolution.

es, que México sea considerado como una na

La Doctrina Carranza
ción soberana igual a los restantes pueblos
de la Tierra ; que sus leyes e instituciones sean
Informe Exacto de las Declaraciones del Señor respetadas y que ningún Estado intervenga,
Presidente Sobre Politica Internacional en ninguna forma, en sus asuntos internos.''

L Primer Jefe del Ejército Constitucio y poderío de las naciones. Ni tampoco debe Decae la Propaganda Intervencionista .
nalista, Venustiano Carranza, esbozó
E ser empleada Gobiern
diplomacia para ejercer pre- LAS influencias que se ocultan detrás de la
sus ideas respecto a Derecho Interna sión sobre los la os de los países débiles, propaganda intervencionista parece que
cional, en un discurso que pronunció en la con el objeto de obtener la reforma de las le han quemado su último cartucho, pues a últi
ciudad de Matamoros, el día 29 de noviembre yes que no convienen a los intereses de los
del año de 1915 . mas fechas ha habido una marcada disminu
ciudadanos de las naciones poderosas.
ción del cúmulo de ataques lanzados contra
Posteriormente y en un banquete que le fue " La diplomacia debe tener por única fina México. Sin género de duda que una de las
ofrecido en San Luis Potosí el día 26 de sep
lidad, el velar por los intereses generales de causas que han contribuído a producir estos
timbre del mismo año, por los comerciantes, la civilización y por el establecimiento de la resultados , ha sido la publicación de las enor
banqueros, hacendados, terratenientes e inte fraternidad universal.
mes ganancias derivadas de la explotación del
lectuales de esa población, el señor Carranza " Las ideas principales que informan a las petróleo, en oposición a las quejas que han
amplió sus opiniones, que habían sido funda actuales políticas de carácter internacional, formulado los explotadores . El sentido co
mentalmente aplicadas, con toda oportunidad, están a punto de ser modificadas a causa de mún indica al público inteligente, que las em
en los casos que había tratado en las notas que han resultado ser insuficientes para evi presas que han pagado dividendos del 12 al
diplomáticas dirigidas a varios países.
" La política internacional de México se ha Interior Courtyard of Normal School for Men, Mexico City .
caracterizado por la firmeza con que se han
desarrollado los principios sobre los que des
cansa la misma política. Los resultados que
se han obtenido, son suficientemente satisfac
torios, y, por consecuencia, siempre ha con
tado el Ejecutivo con el apoyo popular en to
das las cuestiones internacionales que se han
presentado durante el año a que me refiero.
en esta relación. Deseando que las mismas
prácticas adoptadas por México sean seguidas
por todos los países y Cuerpos Legislativos
del mundo, particularmente por los de la Amé
rica Latina, tanto como nosotros mismos, en
sus fenómenos políticos, los principios a que
aludo, y que han adquirido la naturaleza de
una doctrina muy significativa, y especialmen
te si se considera que fueron expresados por
el que habla, en su carácter de Primer Jefe
del Ejército Constitucionalista Encargado del
Poder Ejecutivo de la Unión, durante la lu
cha revolucionaria, como también que fueron
publicados con el propósito de informar a to
do el mundo acerca de las ideas de la Revo
lución y de nuestro anhelo de paz universal y
de fraternidad latino-americana . Las ideas 1000
que presiden sobre nuestra política interna
cional son poco claras y simples. Se reducen
a proclamar lo siguiente :
" Que todos los países son iguales entre sí
y que todos deben respetar recíproca y escru
pulosamente sus instituciones , sus leyes y su Patio de la Escuela Normal para Varones, México, D. F.
" Que ningún país debe intervenir en nin tar las guerras entre las naciones y para po 48 por ciento en un solo año, aun en las épo
guna forma ni por ningún motivo en los asun ner término en corto plazo al conflicto mun cas de perturbación por que hemos atravesa
tos interiores de otro. Que todos deben so dial. México trató de apoyar esta reforma do, que han aumentado millones de dólares
meterse estrictamente y sin excepción al prin de los viejos principios, y hemos expresado en sus fondos de reserva y que ensancharon
cipio universal de no intervención . ya en varias ocasiones, que nuestro país es sus operaciones por el empleo de otros millo
" Que ningún individuo debe pretender go tá dispuesto a prestar sus buenos servicios nes, no tienen mucha razón para quejarse de
zar de mejores condiciones que los ciudadanos para cualquier convenio de esta especie. En las contribuciones o para hablar de decretos
del país donde va a residir, ni hacer de su la actualidad, abrigamos la esperanza de que legales opresivos. Parece que el público ha
ciudadanía extranjera un título para reclamar la conclusión de la guerra será al aurora de comenzado a advertir que ha sido gravemen
protección o privilegios especiales. Los na una nueva era para la Humanidad y de que te engañado por quejas infundadas e informes
cionales y extranjeros deben ser iguales bajo el día en que los intereses particulares no exagerados.
la soberanía del país en que viven, y, final constituyan el motivo de acción de la política La última Navidad se celebró en todo el
mente :
internacional, desaparecerá un gran número país con más entusiasmo y en mayor grado
" Que la legislación del mundo debe ser uni de causas de guerra y conflictos entre los pue que en los ocho o nueve años pasados. Esto
forme e igual en cuanto sea posible, sin esta blos . se notó especialmente en la capital , lo cual de
blecer distinciones basadas sobre la naciona " En resumen : la igualdad, el mutuo res muestra el restablecimiento de las condicio
lidad, excepto en aquellas cuestiones que per peto hacia las instituciones y leyes de los de nes normales y la existencia de una prosperi
tenezcan exclusivamente a la soberanía na más pueblos, y la firme y perseverante vo dad general en el país.
cional. luntad de no intervenir en los asuntos inte
" De este grupo de principios se ha deriva riores de otras naciones , bajo ningún pretexto,
Se ha aumentado la potencia de la estación
do una nueva concepción de la diplomacia, han sido los fundamentos de la política inter
de telegrafía inalámbrica de Chapultepec,
que modifica radicalmente a la antigua. La nacional adoptada por el Ejecutivo a mi car hasta el punto de que se ha obtenido comu
Diplomacia no debe ser ya un medio de pro go, tratando siempre, al mismo tiempo , de nicación con varias ciudades de la América
teger a los intereses privados ni deben po obtener para México un tratamiento como el del Sur, extremadamente alejadas de Méxi
nerse al servicio de tales intereses la fuerza que ella concede a los demás pueblos : esto

GENERAL CALLES TALKS OF ing an absolute imperialism in Mexican pe see that every branch works with all activity,
troleum, they can easily extinguish the smaller striving for the ends for which they were
companies of the United States by lowering
the price of petroleum and its derivates until LATER. Since the foregoing was written
Some Emphatic Opinions of the
the smaller companies are in such a position conditions have been radically changed, and
Secretary of Commerce and In that they can no longer operate their wells, under the direction of Secretary Calles and
dustry . obliging them to dispose of them at any Governor De la Huerta the mines of Sonora
price. have been generally reopened and prosperity
Plutarco Elías
recently appointed Calles,
Secretary ofwho
the was
De " It is for that reason that the petroleum again prevails.
partment of Industry, Commerce and Labor, law which is being discussed has its best
has returned from an extended visit to the defenders among the American petroleum NONSENSE STORIES
State of Sonora, where he has for several operators. FROM MEXICO.
years filled the positions of military com " Petroleum is the best source of riches
which Mexico has and it would be an absurd (From The New York Evening Post, Nov. 29)
mander and also Provisional Governor. It
was he who so successfully resisted and final inconsistency without name to give it up for ROMPT and positive denial of the report
ly defeated the Villista forces under Mayto a puerile apprehension. " PRO ed armed clash between Carranza and
rena and who afterwards pacified the State Referring to the mining industry, General Obregon should serve to promote able -bodied
and restored normal conditions. Calles said: " It makes one sad to see some skepticism about Mexican news. This ap
Upon his arrival in this city he gave out mining centers which were of enormous im plies especially to stories from border towns.
an interview embodying his ideas upon the pe portance, sunk in a desolate quietness and The press agencies are not to be blamed for
troleum question, in the course of which he completely abandoned . A commission of sending on the rumors that circulate there ,
said: miners has claimed that sixty per cent but these should be plainly stamped for just.
President Carranza Voting at the Municipal Election in Mexico City. what they are. Travellers and refugees keep
on arriving from the interior of Mexico , and
naturally cleanse their stuffed bosoms of all
that they have been told or imagined. But
their output ought to he distinctly labelled as
gossip. A less charitable view must, how
ever, be taken of the special correspondents
who have apparently been sent to El Paso
and other places with instructions to invent
news, if they cannot find it. Everybody
remembers how the border rumor-factories
worked nights and Sundays, in 1913 and 1914,
when we were on or over the verge of war
with Mexico. They were mostly shut down
during the Great War, but now are visibly
firing up again ready for operation. Surely,
the well-advised will demand verification of
their products of tales, before creditingthem.
The Mexican complication is serious enough
on the basis of ascertained fact, without
making it worse by credulous or malicious
purveyors of romance from the border. The
State Department is displaying a commend
able purpose to investigate before acting. It
is better to be sure than sorry.

A Specimen of Accurate " News. "

El Presidente de la República, Sr. Carranza, Votando en la Elección Municipal
de la Ciudad de México. MBASSADOR Bonillas recently made a
of the mines are paralyzed for fault A trip to this country in order to confer
" The large petroleum companies have no
reason to ask unmerited concessions from the of guarantees , communication and the with President Carranza while on his tour in
Mexican government which would prove ruin req uisite labor . As for the protection guar the north. Just before the Ambassador re
ant ees , I am disposed to give them to the turned to his post a dispatch from Washing
ous to the country. These large companies
com panies as amply as they wish , as I believe ton was published broadcast throughout the
seek for the absolute monopoly of all the
leading petroleum wells in order to secure tha t Mex ico sho uld tak e adv ant age of thi s county saying:
a commercial monopoly of that product, form opportunity which has no precedent in the " Washington.- Mexican Am
t us riches bassador Bonillas, who is returning to
ing a trust which would be fatal in its con price of silver , to exploi the enormo
which she has below the surface . Washington after a conference with
sequences for the petroleum industry, because President Carranza at Venegas, will pre
" The United States has agreed to deliver sent protests to the State Department
the smaller companies would have a tendency
to England three hundred million ounces of against American aviators flying over
to disappear.
" It is for that reason, although it may ap silver which the latter country requires for Mexican territory. "
pear contrary, that the greater part of the her colonies in India. It is clear that Mexico, Ambassador Bonillas did nothing of the
which has always been one of the princip al kind . Neither was he placed at the head of
petroleum operators in the State of California
are making colossal efforts to have a petrole producers of the white metal, is obliged to the Department of Foreign Relations, as an
serve indirec tly such an import ant requir e nounced in another dispatch. The trouble
um law adopted by the American government
similar to that which is now being discussed ment, to which follow many others from about such false reports is that the millions.
in the Mexican Senate. China and the rest of Asia. It is then neces who see the falsehood seldom if ever see its
" The reason for these efforts, which have sary that the mining industry should enter refutation .
upon a period of activity, and for that effect A project for the creation of an agrarian
greatly changed public opinion in the United
States, is that the wells of California barely I shall see that the mines are supplied with debt of one hundred million pesos is to be
have a potential production of ten or twelve the forces which they may need for their se submitted to the Senate by one of its mem
thousand barrels daily, at the most, while on curity; that the communications are bettered , bers . The debt will be in the shape of cer
the other hand the Mexican wells are world and they do not lack explosives or machinery
tificates payable to bearer in denominations
famous for their enormous production, as for their operation. of one to five hundred pesos. They will be
there are wells which produce more than two " For the rest, I have many projects, barely interest bearing and are to be devoted to the
outlined , which I cannot yet mention, but
hundred thousand barrels daily. In such con
when I take charge of the Department I will extension of agriculture.
ditions, and with the large companies exercis

HABLA SOBRE EL PETROLEO Y seguridad; que las comunicaciones mejoren, y echan fuera de sus atiborradas mentes todo
LA MINERIA EL GRAL . CALLES . que no falten explosivos ni maquinaria para lo que se les ha relatado o han imaginado.
la explotación . Pero sus declaraciones deben ser tildadas ex
Opiniones Enfáticas del Secreta "Por lo demás, tengo muchos proyectos,
presamente de habladurías. Se debe abrigar
apenas esbozados, a los cuales aun no doy for una opinión menos caritativa, sin embargo,
rio de Comercio e Industria.
ma; pero cuando ya esté al frente de la Se
AS grandes empresas petroleras- dice el cretaría, procuraré que todos sus departamen de los corresponsales especiales que han sido
LAgeneral enviados a El Paso y otras ciudades con ins
Calles , -no tienen razón al pre tos funcionen con toda actividad, llenando
tender del Gobierno mexicano concesiones in trucciones de inventar noticias, si es que no
ampliamente los fines para los que fueron
merecidas, que resultarían ruinosas para el creados. pueden conseguirlas. Todos recuerdan cómo
país. " Todo el personal de la Secretaría es abso trabajaron día y noche, durante los años de
" Pretenden las grandes empresas el aca lutamente apto-siguió diciendo el general 1913 y 1914, las fábricas de rumores de la
paramiento absoluto de todos los grandes po Calles, y tengo absoluta confianza en su ap frontera, cuando estábamos orillados a sos
zos petrolíferos, para ejercer el monopolio co titud, por lo cual ni uno solo de los emplea tener una guerra con México . Esas fábricas
mercial de ese producto, formando un trust dos ni jefes de departamento , será removido ; fueron suprimidas en su mayor parte en el
que sería de funestas consecuencias para la por lo que hace al Subsecretario, ha demos transcurso de la guerra, pero ahora se les ve
industria petrolera, puesto que la pequeña in trado hasta la evidencia ser apto y conscien encendiendo de nuevo sus calderas, dispuestas
dustria tendería a desaparecer. te en su gestión, y con todo gusto le conser para las operaciones. Seguramente que las
" Es por ello que, aunque parezca un con varé a mi lado, seguro de que será un colabo personas advertidas, exigirán la verificación.
trasentido, la mayor parte de los petroleros rador inteligente y valioso . "' de las producciones de relatos de esas fábri
del Estado de California están haciendo es
fuerzos colosales para conseguir que el Go Election Scene in Mexico City.
bierno americano adopte una ley del petróleo
en todo semejante a la que se está discutien
do en el Senado Mexicano.
" Y la razón de estos trabajos , que han ve
nido a cambiar en gran manera la opinión pú
blica en Estados Unidos , es que los pozos de
California apenas si tienen una producción
potencial de diez o doce mil barriles diarios ,
los más eficientes ; en cambio , los pozos me
xicanos son de fama mundial, por la enormi
dad de su producción, pues los hay que pro
ducen más de doscientos mil barriles diarios.
En tales condiciones, y ejerciendo las empre
sas petroleras un imperialismo absoluto en el
petróleo mexicano, fácilmente acabarían con
la pequeña industria de los Estados Unidos,
pues abaratarían el petróleo y sus derivados,
hasta poner a las pequeñas empresas en si
tuación de no poder explotar sus pozos, obli
gándolas después a cedérselos por cualquier
" Es por ello que la ley del petróleo que es
tá discutiéndose, tiene en los mismos petrole
ros americanos sus mejores defensores.
" El petróleo es la mayor fuente de rique
za que tiene México, y sería una inconsecuen
cia absurda y sin nombre cederla por un te
mor pueril. Escena Durante las Elecciones Municipales, México, D. F.
" Da tristeza - dice, refiriéndose a la mine
ría, el general Calles, ver algunos centros NOTA.- Las condiciones han cambiado de cas antes de darles crédito. La complicación
mineros que tuvieron enorme importancia, su una manera radical, después de haber sido mexicana es demasiado seria en sí misma y
midos en el marasmo de una quietud desola escrito el artículo anterior, y bajo la dirección. por los hechos evidentes, para que la quieran
dora y completamente abandonados ...... '' del Secretario señor Calles y el Gobernador
empeorar los crédulos o maliciosos proveedo
-Una comisión de mineros- confirmó el de la Huerta, las minas del Estado de Sonora
res de fantasías que residen en la frontera.
reportero, ha expresado que el sesenta por han entrado en un período de actividad y El Departamento de Estado se propone inves
ciento de las minas está paralizado, debido a prosperidad nuevamente, habiendo reanudado
tigar los hechos antes de obrar. Es mejor es
la falta de garantías, de comunicaciones y de sus labores casi todas.
tar seguro que apesadumbrado por la incerti
personal apropiado.. dumbre.
" Por lo que hace a garantí as, yo estoy RELATOS DISPARATADOS
Se ha anunciado que el Gobierno Federal
dispuesto a otorgarlas a las empresas, tan SOBRE MEXICO.
protegerá a todos los chinos residentes en el
amplias como las deseen, pues estimo que Mé país, impartiéndoles las garantías estipuladas
(Tomado de " The New York Evening Post, "
xico debe aprovechar esta oportunidad sin pre
29 de noviembre .) en el Tratado firmado con la República Chi
cedente en el precio de la plata, para explotar
na. El movimiento anti-chino se ha locali
la enorme riqueza que tiene en su subsuelo. L mentís categórico y diligente de la no zado en ciertos Estados de la Costa Occiden
" Los Estados Unidos se han comprometido ticia del choque armado que se dijo había
tal , donde muchos millares de esos individuos
a entregar a Inglaterra trescientos millones ocurrido entre Carranza y Obregón, debió ha
se han establecido , monopolizando ciertos ra
de onzas de plata, que este país necesita pa ber servido para provocar un eficaz escepti
mos de los negocios y de la industria.
ra sus colonias de la India. Es claro que Mé cismo acerca de las noticias de México . Es
xico , que siempre ha sido uno de los princi to se aplica especialmente a los relatos que
pales productores de metal blanco, está avo se envían desde las ciudades de la frontera. Se comunica que la fuerza de guardias ci
cado para servir indirectamente tan impor No se debe censurar a las Agencias de pren viles que se ha organizado en el Estado de
tante pedido, al que seguirán otros muchos, de sa, por transmitir a sus matrices los rumo Chihuahua, ha prestado buenos servicios,
China y del resto de Asia. res que circulan en esas ciudades, pero los de juntamente con las tropas federales, para
" Es, pues, necesario que la minería entre bían incluir en sus mensajes con el carácter preservar el orden en este Estado . Los guar
en un período de plena actividad , y al efecto, que tienen. dias mencionados siguen dedicados a sus ocu
conseguiré que las minas cuenten con las Los viajeros y refugiados se guardan al paciones particuulares, siendo llamados al
guarniciones que estimen necesarias para su llegar del interior de México y naturalmente servicio solamente cuando es necesario.

From W. L. Saunders, President of the

Call For a Trade Conference Manufacturers ' Export Association and
Chairman of the Board of the Ingersoll-Rand
For The Betterment of Commerce and Harmony Company :
Between the United States and Mexico New York, December 2, 1919 .- (By cable. )
American Chamber of Commerce of Mex
HE American Chamber of Commerce of UNITED STATES-MEXICO TRADE
ico, Mexico City:
Mexico has just called a conference of CONFERENCE. I hope that there will be a large attendance
Tmanufacturers , exporters and importers
Application for Passport Should Be Made to the United States-Mexico Trade Con
of Mexico and of the United States, interest ference to meet in the City of Mexico Feb
the Bureau of Citizenship, Department
ed in the trade between the two countries, to ruary 11 , 12 and 13. The program is careful
meet in the rooms of the Chamber in the City of State, Washington, D. C.
ly thought out and the discussions of the
of Mexico, February 11, 12 and 13. President In making applications state whether ap
matters affecting trade between the two
Herbert P. Lewis has appointed as a general plicant is a native-born or a naturalized
countries should be very useful to manufac
Committee to manage the conference Bruno citizen, and proper blank with instructions for
turers , exporters and importers in this field .
Newman, Chairman, E. G. Wuerpel and Ralph filling out will be sent by the Bureau. Ap
plications for passports should be made at the I hape that there will be a large attendance
Cabañas. The call, which has been sent to
earliest possible moment. If applicant is to of the serious exporters of the United States.
all the principal exporters and importers of
the two countries, and to the Chambers of be accompanied by wife, passport will be re at the Conference.-W. L. Saunders.
Commerce in the principal cities, is as fol quired for her as well, and marriage certificate
lows : must accompany application as explained in From John Barrett, Director General of the
To All Manufacturers, Bankers, Exporters instructions which will be received from the Pan-American Union in Washington :
Bureau. Application must be sworn to be Washington , D. C. December 5, 1919 .- (By
and Importers, and Merchants Interested
fore Clerk of District Court, or before Clerk
in Trade Between the United cable.)
of a State Court. American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico,
States and Mexico.
Independence Monument, Mexico City. Mexico City :
The commerce between the United States Referring to the circular call of November
and Mexico is increasing . In 1918, it amount 6 for the United States-Mexico Trade Con
ed to $ 245,613,991 , and this year it will be ference to be held February 11, 12 and 13,
much greater. As this commerce grows, trade I think the plan is an excellent one and de
problems arise, the practical and immediate. serving of the hearty co- operation of those
solution of which is of vital importance if the in both Mexico and the United States anx
United States is to hold its present trade ad ious to promote commerce and good relations
vantage in Mexico. between the two countries . I will gladly co
In order that these questions may be dis operate in any way possible for the success
cussed and clarified by experts, this Chamber of the Conference .- John Barrett.
of Commerce is calling a Conference of all
the Exporters and Importers, Manufacturers , Tobacco Next to Be Attacked .
Bankers and Merchants concerned with trade
between the United States and Mexico, to AVING won the fight for a constitutional
meet in the rooms of this Chamber in Mexico amendment prohibiting the manufacture
City, Wednesday morning, February 11th, or sale of alcoholic beverages in the United
1920, and to last three days, ending with the States , the same organizations are now seek
ing to secure the adoption of a similar
evening of Friday, February 13th.
This will be the first conference of this measure prohibiting the growth , sale and use
kind that has ever been held in Mexico. of tobacco in that country . As a result, it has
Two sessions will be held each day. The seemed worth while for tobacco growers,
manufacturers and dealers to organize in op
subjects to be discussed will be:
1. Mexican sales methods and distribution . position to this movement. Some day, it is
1010 safe to say, there will be a large emigration
2. Mexican agencies and representations. from the United States to free countries like
3. Mexican banking facilities . Monumento de la Independencia,
México, D. F. Mexico , where the regulation of what a man
4. Mexican credits. eats, what he shall drink or wherewithal shall
5. Financing the exports of Mexico. After securing passport, and previous to he be clothed , is not subject to the intoler
6. Shipping and Packing merchandise for starting for Mexico, it must be presented to ance of a lot of fanatics . The Review editor
Mexico . nearest Mexican Consul in the United States
is not a tobacco user, but he objects with
7. Trade marks in Mexico . to be vised.
The proceedings will be in English, but the all his power to the attempt of any one to
In answer to the question as to what parts
say that he shall not use the "filthy weed"
report of the Conference will be printed in of Mexico the applicant intends to visit, it
(vide the Sunday School story of little Rob
both English and Spanish. would be well to say Mexico City only. er how long
This Chamber earnestly hopes that every It will also be necessary for applicants to bie Reed) , if he so elect. Wond
bring with them some proof that their income a people that boasts of being free and in
bank and commercial and manufacturing
dependent will submit to having its personal
house in the United States, trading with Mex tax for the year 1918 has been paid.
ico or intending to go into this field, will send Six photographs of each applicant are re rights interfered with by a lot of busy
one if its officers or the Manager of its Ex quired. bodies .
port Department to this Conference. The The conference is exciting great interest There was a more general celebration of
Mexico representatives of the American houses in the exporting centers of the United States, the recent Christmas holidays througout the
will be of course invited to the Conference, and the Chamber is getting many letters from country than at any time for the past eight
but they see the problems from the point of exporters who are planning to come. In New or nine years. Especially was this the case
view of the Mexico office, and we must have York, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston and San is the Capital City, thus demonstrating the
the point of view of the office in the United Francisco the members of the Chamber are resumption of normal conditions and the
organized into groups, each with a Chairman,
States also presented. existance of general prosperity .
This Chamber asks that houses in the and these groups will hold meetings shortly
United States who intend to send representa and arrange for the coming of those who want The shortage of small coins continues to be
tives to this Conference will write to the to attend this conference. felt throughout the Republic , owning to the
Secretary at once for further details as to the The Chamber has received the following
constant increase in the value of silver bul
cordial cablegrams from distinguished men in
arrangements. lion which has reached a point higher than
A slip is enclosed in each letter, giving the United States, expressing hearty approval
ever before known .
passport directions as follows : of the idea of the conference :

los Estados Unidos, habiendo recibido la Cá

Conferencia Comercial Convocada mara de Comercio muchas cartas de exporta
dores que desean venir al país. En Nueva
Con el Fin de Ensanchar el Comercio y las Relaciones York, Chicago, St. Louis, Boston y San
Francisco, los miembros de las Cámaras de
Amistosas Entre México y los Estados Unidos
Comercio se están organizando en grupos, con
A Cámara Americana de Comercio de Suplica esta Cámara a las empresas de los un Presidente cada uno, a fin de celebrar al
México, acaba de convocar a todos los Estados Unidos, que deseen enviar sus repre gunas juntas y arreglar los preparativos in
L dispensables para que vengan al país los que
manufactureros, exportadores e impor sentantes, que escriban inmediatamente al Se
tadores de México y de los Estados Unidos, deseen asistir a la Conferencia.
cretario de la Conferencia, pidiendo detalles
que se interesen en el comercio entre los dos sobre los arreglos para la misma. La Cámara de Comercio ha recibido los si
países, a una conferencia que se celebrará en En cada carta está incluída una nota que guientes cordiales cablegramas de distinguidas
el local de la misma Cámara, en la ciudad de da instrucciones para recabar pasaportes, y personas de los Estados Unidos, las que expre
México, durante los días 11, 12 y 13 de fe que dice lo que sigue: san su calurosa aprobación a la idea de la
brero próximo. El Presidente de la Cámara, Conferencia :
Herbert P. Lewis, ha designado un Comité PRINCIPALES REPRESENTANTES DEL
General para conducir las conferencias, inte COMERCIO DEL EXTERIOR.
grado por Bruno Newman, Presidente, E. G. Las Solicitudes de Pasaportes Deben Hacerse
W. L. Saunders y John Barrett Cooperan con
Wuerpel y Ralph Cabañas. La invitación, que a la Oficina de Ciudadanía, Departamento
la Conferencia Comercial de México
ha sido enviada a los principales exportadores de Estado, Washington, D. C.
e importadores de los dos países y a las Cá y los Estados Unidos.
Al hacer solicitudes para pasaportes , declá
maras de Comercio de las principales ciuda De W. L. Saunders, Presidente de la Aso
rese si el solicitante es ciudadano nacido en
des, dice así : ciación de Manufactureros Exportadores y Di
A todos los Manufactureros, Banqueros, Ex el país, o naturalizado. Dichas solicitudes
deben hacerse con toda anticipación posible. rector de la Junta de la Compañía Ingersoll
portadores e Importadores y Comerciantes Si el solicitante desea viajar con su esposa, Rand:
Interesados en el Comercio Entre
Monument to the Patriot Woman Josefa Nueva York, 2 de diciembre de 1919 .-( Por
México y los Estados Unidos. cable. )
Ortiz de Domínguez, Querétaro .
El comercio entre los Estados Unidos y Cámara Americana de Comercio de México,
México, se está desarrollando. En 1918, im Ciudad de México .
portó $ 245,613,991 , y en este año será mucho Con gran placer me he enterado de que
mayor. En tanto que crece este comercio, habéis convocado una Conferencia Comercial
surgen numerosos problemas comerciales, cu entre México y los Estados Unidos, que se
ya resolución inmediata y práctica, es de vi reunirán en la ciudad de México durante los
tal importancia para los Estados Unidos, si días 11 , 12 y 13 de febrero. El programa está
es que desean conservar sus ventajas en el cuidadosamente preparado ; las discusiones
comercio con México. sobre los asuntos que afectan al Comercio en
A fin de que estas cuestiones puedan ser tre los dos países, serán muy útiles a los ma
discutidas y aclaradas por expertos, esta Cá nufactureros, exportadores e importadores en
mara de Comercio convoca a una conferencia este ramo. Espero que la Conferencia se vea
a todos los exportadores e importadores , ma muy concurrida por los exportadores más
nufactureros, banqueros y comerciantes inte prestigiados de los Estados Unidos.-W. L.
resados en el comercio entre México y los Saunders.
Estados Unidos, conferencia que deberá cele De John Barrett, Director General de la
brarse en el local de la misma Cámara, en es Unión Pan-Americana, en Washington :
ta ciudad, en la mañana del miércoles 11 de
Washington, D. C., 5 de diciembre de 1919.
febrero de 1920 y que durará tres días, ter
- (Por cable. )
minando, por consecuencia, en la tarde del Cámara Americana de Comercio de Méxi
jueves 13 del mismo mes. co. Ciudad de México .
Esta será la primera conferencia en su Refiriéndome a vuestra invitación circular
género que se celebrará en México.
Cada día habrá dos sesiones. Los asuntos del seis de noviembre, para una Conferencia
Monumento a la Corregidora Ortiz de Comercial, de México y los Estados Unidos,
que se pondrán a discusión, serán los siguien
tes: Domínguez, Querétaro . que deberá celebrarse los días 11, 12 y 13 de
1. Métodos mexicanos de ventas y distri febrero, creo que el plan es excelente y mere
pedirá también pasaporte para ella, debiendo cedor de la cordial cooperación de los que
adjuntar a la solicitud el certificado de ma están ansiosos, tanto en los Estados Unidos
2. Agencias y representaciones mexicanas. trimonio, como se explica en las instrucciones
3. Facilidades bancarias mexicanas. como en México, de fomentar el desarrollo
que le enviarán de aquella oficina. Las so del comercio y de las buenas relaciones entre
4. Créditos mexicanos. licitudes deben ser certificadas por un juez los dos países. Con gusto cooperarán todo lo
5. Manejo financiero de las exportaciones de la Corte del Distrito o por uno de la Corte
de México. posible para el buen éxito de la Conferencia.
del Estado. John Barret .
6. Empaque y embarque de mercancías pa Después de conseguir el pasaporte y antes
ra México.
de partir para México, el viajero deberá pre Se han dado instrucciones a la Casa Na
7. Marcas industriales en México.. sentarse al cónsul mexicano que esté más cional de moneda para que dedique preferente
Las actas se escribirán en inglés, pero el próximo al lugar de su residencia , a fin de
informe de los resultados de la Conferencia atención a la acuñación de las piezas de oro de
que éste vise el documento. $2.50, a fin de aliviar en algo la escasez de mo
se imprimirá en inglés y español. En la respuesta que dé a la pregunta de neda de plata, causada como se sabe, por el
Esta Cámara espera que todas las casas ban qué partes de México pretende visitar, será alza del valor de ese metal en barras. Se
carias, comerciales y manufactureras de los conveniente decir que sólo a la ciudad de está llevando a cabo una cuidadosa vigilan
Estados Unidos, que trafiquen con México o México . cia en la frontera, para impedir la ilícita
que intenten hacerlo, enviarán a alguno de Será necesario que los solicitantes traigan exportación de la moneda de plata.
sus miembros o al gerente de su departamen consigo alguna prueba de que han pagado las
to de exportación a esta Conferencia. Los contribuciones sobre capital por el año de Entre los expatriados que han regresado al
representantes mexicanos de las casas ame 1918. país por permiso del Gobierno, se encuentran
ricanas, serán también invitados a la Confe
Se exige a cada solicitante que adjunte seis las familias Lascuráin, Braniff y Araoz. Es
rencia, pero como ellos ven los problemas des retratos a su solicitud. tán regresando también otras muchas , perte
de el punto de vista mexicano, deseamos co necientes a los elementos enemigos del pasa
nocer el punto de vista de las oficinas de las La proyectada conferencia está provocando
empresas en los Estados Unidos. do, o bien lo han hecho ya sin haber sido
gran interés en los centros exportadores de molestadas.

until between the years 1880 and 1890 more

than a million immigrants annually landed
Mexico's Agricultural Possibilities on the soil of the United States from Euro
pean nations, most of whom established their
Address of Mr. Delbert J. Haff Before the American Chamber homesteads on the western plains and became
successful agriculturists .
of Commerce of Mexico City, December 2 , 1919 The colonization of the country required
the construction of railroads, necessitating
HE most promising country today com sources of Mexico and none that promises a vast investments of European capital , and
mercially and industrially in the West greater future, " and after twenty-five years this was the first American industry in which
T ern Hemisphere, if not in the world, is of acquaintance with this Republic, during foreign capital was employed. Agriculture
the Republic of Mexico. This is a fact which time I have carefully studied its re was the mother of American commerce and
which is not generally appreciated, or certain sources and observed its development, I am during the last half of the nineteenth century
ly has not been in the past, either by the convinced that Mexico is destined to become the United States was feeding one-half of
civilized world outside of Mexico or by the one of the greatest and richest nations in the Europe and was also furnishing the wool and
inhabitants of Mexico, whether native or world. cotton to clothe it. Agriculture has made
foreign; and this is not surprising when we With an area of 767,000 square miles, equal the United States self-supporting. No block
and distinguished Mexican historians, like to that of all Europe, excluding Russia, and ade could destroy her. A wall could be built
Francisco Bulnes, wholly blind as to the agri with a coast line of 6,000 miles, it has a pre around the country and it would, nevertheless ,
cultural possibilities of the country, the latter sent population of 15,000,000 people, while support 200,000,000 people on its own resources
having declared in a recent work published the same extent of territory in Europe sus and the basis of this economic independence
in the United States that the agricultural tains a population of 215,000,000 people, and is agriculture.
capacity of Mexico was scarcely equal to the making all due allowance for the topography The future of Mexico lies in the same direc
support of her present population of only fif of the country, as well as the difference in tion . Mexico needs but two things to put
teen million souls and that periodic famines soil and rainfall, the statement that Mexico her on the road to unlimited commercial and
were inevitable. If the agricultural pos will easily sustain a population of 100,000,000 industrial properity and national greatness.
Moco have been so badly under souls may be considered conservative. The first is that there should be a better un
stood by its own citizens, it is not strange The basis of the real commercial stability derstanding and more cordial and friendly
relations with her sister republic of the north.
Interior of the Royal Chapel at Cholula, Puebla, This can and will be brought about by the
friends of both countries and especially by
such organizations as this Chamber of Com
merce. The next and most important agency
of Mexican national greatness and progress
will be the development of her agricultural
resources, heretofore neglected and as yet al
most untouched . Progress in this field will
depend, for the most part, on the efforts of
the Mexican government. Private initiative
and great amounts of capital will be required,
but the desired results will not be accomplish
ed by private effort alone. This must be
supplemented by favorable legislation and by
government aid, because successful agricul
ture in Mexico is, to a great extent, a problem
of irrigation . Colonization enterprises in Mex
ico, if they are to be successful, must be
planned with great care. They must be con
ducted under expert and careful supervision.
The conditions of the climate and the quality
and capacity of the various soils of the dif
ferent districts must be carefully studied and
the nature and variety of the products that
can be grown thereon, must be proved by ex
periment. All this will require the powerful
aid of the government extended through the
agency of the Department of Agriculture.
With proper scientific education and manage
ment the agricultural possibilities of Mex
ico startle belief, and I am pleased to know
that the present government of Mexico has an
intelligent comprehension of the problem and
is making great efforts to establish this here
tofore neglected industry upon an intelligent
and successful basis, and I predict that by
Interior de la Capilla Real de Cholula, Puebla. the year 1950 Mexico will be one of the first
countries of the world in the volume of its
that foreigners should have been misled and and greatness of any nation must be agricul agricultural products, and in variety of pro
that immigration of a beneficial character ture, which is but the expression of the pos ducts will surpass all other countries .
should have been retarded. The foreign sibilities and desirability of its territory as No other country in the world has such a
visitor coming into Mexico at certain seasons a human dwelling place. This is true even variety of soil and climate and within its
of the year over its railroad lines, obtains a of England, because what this snug little territory can be found or grown every pro
wholly wrong and unfavorable impression of island lacks in arable lands is abundantly sup duct useful to man. Every one of its thirty
the country, especially in travelling through plied by its rich and extensive colonies. The states and territories from the Rio Bravo to
the table lands. economic power and grandeur of the United the Suchiate is highly productive and needs
Mexico has been considered in the past by States today is founded upon agriculture. For only the application of scientific agriculture
the whole world too much as simply a mining two centuries it was the principal pursuit and to become one of the most productive coun
camp. I believe it was Humboldt who said absorbing thought of its inhabitants and the tries in the world.
that there could be no greater misfortune for object that attracted immigrants to its shores. The State of Chihuahua, three times the
the progress of a country like Mexico than The Atlantic slope and the great valleys of the size of the State of New York and surpassed
to have its bowels filled with precious met Ohio, Mississippi and Misouri Rivers and the in area only by California and Texas, has a
als. plains surrounding the Great Lakes of the population of only one and one - half persons
During the past twenty- five years I have north, comprisinig a vast extent of compara per square kilometer. Four- fifths of its area
become personally acquainted with fourteen tively level and unbroken virgin land, easy of is plain and it is watered by at least seven
States of this Republic and with Lower Cali subdivision and blessed with an ample an great rivers and can be further irrigated at
fornia and I have become positively convinced nual rainfall evenly distributed throughout almost any point by wells. It produces wheat,
and I am absolutely certain that the agricul the year, making irrigation unnecessary and corn, barley, beans, garbanzos, lentils, pea
tural resources of Mexico, when fully develop cultivation by individual proprietors easy, nuts, apples, apricots, pomegranates, potatoes,
ed, will support in comfort and prosperity a with only sufficient capital to provide them melons and other varieties of fruits and
population of at least one hundred million selves with seeds, animals and tools, attracted garden products, cotton, which is indigenous,
people, and in this opinion I am supported by millions of sturdy immigrants from the most live stock of every kind, and has vast forests
experts who have made a study of this ques industrious classes of Europe who easily be of trees and is one of the richest mineral
tion. Professor J. L. Lowe of the United came independent rural proprietors and who states of the world.
States Department of Agriculture, after a reared families to become future citizens and Sonora, the second largest State of the Re
painstaking tour of the entire Mexican Re rulers of that great Republic. Prior to the public, with an area of approximately 200,
public and a careful inspection of its fauna year 1850, the United States was practically 000 square kilometers, with a present popu
and flora, its topography and soils and irri a nation of farmers and its commerce was lation of less than two per square kilometer,
gable resources, declared " There is no other based upon agriculture, and during the last is watered by at least eight important rivers
country of the unlimited and diversified re half of that century immigration increased and has large alluvial fields and fertile soil,

tre 1880 y 1890, más de un millón de inmi

grantes anualmente desembarcaban en los
Posibilidad Agrícola de México puertos de los Estados Unidos, procedentes
de los países europeos, y después, la mayor
Discurso Pronunciado por el Sr. Delbert J. Haff Ante la Cámara Americana parte de ellos, fueron a fincar y a fundar sus
hogares en las tierras fértiles de los llanos
de Comercio, en la Ciudad de México, el día 2 de Diciembre de 1919 occidentales, y pronto lograron el mejor éxito
como agricultores.
OY día, el país de las más grandes es gado el proclamar que México muy fácilmen La colonización del país requería la cons
peranzas, y él que más promete comer te podrá sostener una población de 100,000,000 trucción de muchas vías férreas, y por consi
H cial e industrialmente hablando, en el de almas, y que este cálculo puede conside guiente, hubo necesidad de las grandes inver
hemisferio occidental, o quizás en el rarse enteramente razonable. siones de capital europeo, y ésta fue la pri
mundo entero, es sin duda, la República de En efecto, la verdadera base de la estabi mera industria americana en que fueron em
México. Este aserto es rigurosamente exac lidad comercial y grandeza de cualquiera na pleados capitales extranjeros. La agricultu
to, aunque no ha sido generalmente reconoci ción, tiene que radicarse precisamente en sus ra ha sido la madre del comercio americano,
do todavía; sobre todo, nunca fue considera producciones agrícolas, pues la agricultura y durante la segunda mitad del siglo diecinue
do así en los tiempos pasados, ni por los pue viene siendo la mejor expresión de las posi ve, los Estados Unidos ya estaban alimentan
blos del mundo civilizado exteriores a Méxi bilidades y de lo deseable de su territorio pa do a la mitad de Europa y a la vez suminis
co, o por los habitantes de este mismo país, ra fundar un agradable hogar humano. Lo trando toda la lana y algodón que necesitaban
ya nativos o extranjeros ; y en efecto, esto dicho, es aún la verdad, tratándose de Ingla para la fabricación de su ropa. La agricul
no es de llamar mucho la atención cuando ve terra, porque lo que esta pequeña y simpática tura ha hecho que los Estados Unidos pueden
mos que distinguidos historiadores mexicanos , isla no tuviere en tierras labrantías, le so sostenerse por sí mismos. Ningún bloqueo
como Francisco Bulnes, se encuentran comple bran abundantemente en sus ricas y extensas de sus costas por escuadras enemigas podría
tamente ciegos, por decirlo así, ante las gran colonias. La potencia económica y la gran vencerlos. Aunque una muralla fuese coloca
des e incomparables posibilidades de la pro deza de los Estados Unidos hoy día, consiste da en derredor del país, eso no importaría,
ducción agrícola de este país, pues en un li precisamente en la riqueza de su agricultura. pues seguirían sosteniéndose fácilmente ....
bro recientemente publicado en los Estados Durante dos siglos, la agricultura ha sido la 200,000,000 de habitantes con sus propios re
Unidos, el escritor antes mencionado, ha de ocupación principal y pensamiento que más cursos, y la base de esta incomparable inde
clarado que la capacidad agrícola de México, absorbía las actividades de sus habitantes, y pendencia económica, es la agricultura.
apenas bastaría para la mantención de su po fue el objeto que más atraía a los inmigrantes El futuro poderío de México quedará ase
blación actual, que no pasa de quince millones hacia las playas americanas. La vertiente gurado de la misma manera . México nada
de almas, y que, además, terribles épocas de Patio of the Convent of San Gabriel, Cholula, Puebla.
carestía vendrían sucediéndose periódicamente.
y serían inevitables. Así es que si las posibi
lidades agrícolas de la República de México
han sido tan erróneamente comprendidas por
eus propios ciudadanos, no es nada raro que
los extranjeros en general hayan sido mal in
formados, y que una inmigración sana y pro
vechosa haya sido retardada en llegar a estas
playas, por las razones expuestas. El visi
tante extranjero que llega a México durante
ciertas épocas del año, viajando por las vías
férreas, obtiene una impresión enteramente
errónea y muy desfavorable a veces respecto
al país, sobre todo al caminar a través de las
llanuras y tierras planicies.
México siempre ha sido considerado en el
pasado más bien como un campamento mine
ro que otra cosa, por todo el mundo . Creo
que fue Humboldt quien dijo que no puede
haber mayor desgracia para entorpecer el pro
greso de un país como México, que la de te
ner sus entrañas llenas de metales precio
Durante los últimos veinticinco años trans
curridos, yo he recorrido catorce entidades
federativas de esta nación, lo mismo que el
Territorio de la Baja California, y he
quedado positivamente convencido, y estoy
absolutamente seguro sin temor de equivo
carme, de que los recursos agrícolas de la Re
pública de México , una vez desarrollados y
aprovechados, bastarán muy bien para mante
ner próspera y felizmente, cuando menos
Cien Millones de almas, y me es grato decir
que en esta opinión estoy apoyado por inves
tigadores que han hecho un estudio de esta
Cholela Convento de S Gabriel 191
cuestión. El señor Profesor J. L. Lowe, del
Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Convento de San Gabriel, Cholula, Puebla.
Unidos, después de haber recorrido minuciosa
mente toda la República Mexicana, e inspec del Atlántico y los inmensos valles atravesa más necesita os cosas para poderse adelan
cionado cuidadosamente su fauna y flora dos por los ríos Ohio, Mississippi y Missouri, tar rápidamente por los senderos del progreso
lo mismo que la topografía, calidad de tie y los llanos rodeando los Grandes Lagos del hacia la grandeza nacional, y la prosperidad
rras, y recursos aprovechables para el riego, Norte, abarcando una vasta extensión de te comercial e industrial ilimitada. La prime
ha dicho: " Que no hay otro país en el mundo rrenos vírgenes comparativamente planos y ra consideración , indudablemente, consiste en
que tenga tantos y tan diversos recursos, y sin sin cultivo, fáciles para su fraccionamiento, que debe haber un acercamiento bien enten
limites, como México, y que tampoco hay con bendiciones derramadas por el cielo, en dido, y relaciones mucho más cordiales y amis
nación alguna que prometa más para un gran forma de lluvias abundantes durante el año tosas, cultivadas con la vecina República del
porvenir, "-de modo que yo mismo después y distribuídas igualmente, para no necesitar Norte. Este feliz acontecimiento, será una
de haber conocido a México durante veinti el riego, y haciendo muy fácil el cultivo de realidad y será asegurado por los amigos de
cinco años, y después de haber estudiado cui los terrenos por los propietarios individuales , ambos países, y especialmente por institucio
dadosamente todos sus recursos naturales y con nada más el capital suficiente con que nes como esta Cámara de Comercio. En se
observado su desarrollo, estoy plenamente proveerse de las semillas, animales y herra guida, el factor más importante para la gran
convencido que México se halla predestinado mienta necesarios, todo esto sirvió para deza nacional de México y su marcha siem
a ser una de las naciones más grandes y ricas atraer millones de fuertes y vigorosos inmi pre adelante, consistirá en el desarrollo de
del mundo entero. grantes procedentes de las clases más indus sus recursos agrícolas que hasta ahora han
Con un área de 767,000 millas cuadradas, triosas de Europa, y muy pronto después sin sido descuidados, y en efecto, casi intactos
igual a la de toda Europa, sin incluir a Rusia, grandes esfuerzos, resultaron ser propietarios en estos momentos . En este ramo, el progre
y con litorales por las costas de 6,000 millas, rurales independientes, y progenitores de so que se alcanza, dependerá en gran parte
la República Mexicana tiene actualmente ... aquellas familias cuyos miembros iban siendo de las actividades desplegadas por el Gobier
15,000,000 de habitantes, mientras que es de los futuros ciudadanos y gobernantes de no mexicano. La iniciativa individual y
fijarse en que esa misma extensión de terri aquella Gran República. Antes del año de grandes inversiones de capital serán necesa
torio en Europa sostiene una población de .. 1850, los Estados Unidos eran prácticamente rias, pero los resultados apetecidos no pueden
215,000,000 de gentes, y aun concediendo una nación de puros agricultores, y su comer lograrse por el esfuerzo individual únicamen
bastante para igualar ciertas deficiencias cio estaba basado sobre la agricultura, y du te. Esto deberá ser suplementado por una
tratándose de la topografía del país y de la rante el transcurso de la segunda mitad de legislación favorable y con la ayuda del Go
diferencia que existe respecto a la calidad de ese siglo la corriente inmigradora se aumentó bierno, porque sucede que para lograr un
tierras y caída de lluvias, no es nada arries a tal grado, que en los años comprendidos en buen éxito en el ramo de la agricultura en

all very productive under irrigation. Its to be developed and the possibilities are al
principal products are cattle, corn, wheat, bar ed with the progress of Mexico and because
most unlimited . I wish to call to the attention of this Cham
ley, sugar cane, garbanzos, cotton, vegetables The States of Jalisco and Puebla are, per ber the work that is being done by the Mex
and fruits common both to the temperate and haps, the most advanced of the Republic in ican Government at the present time through
tropic zones. In minerals it is one of the rich agriculture. The former is called the " gran
est states in the entire world, producig gold, its Department of Agriculture in the pro
ary of Mexico " and "the Mexican Anda motion and development of this important
silver, copper, lead, antimony, cinnabar, gra lucia. " It produces sugar cane, coffee, industry. I recently made a somewhat
phite and other minerals. A cinematographic vanilla, rice, tobacco, every variety of grain thorough inspection of the School of Agricul
film showing the industries of Sonora which and fruits and is rich in live stock. It has ture, the nurseries and experimental stations
is now being exhibited in this city, should 500 kilometers of coast line and is well water maintained by the Department of Agriculture
be seen by all members of this Chamber. ed by rivers and rainfall. It has many large in the Federal District, and I have been amaz
Coahuila, the third largest State of the Re and beautiful lakes. Both the government
public, has sixty varieties of trees and forty ed at the extent and quality of work that
and private individuals have projected some is being done by this important Department
of fine fruits, including apples, oranges, pears, of the most important irrigation enterprises under the direction of the Minister of Agricul
mulberries, and grapes of a quality superior there. Its minerals include all varieties and
to those of California and equal to any ture, Ing. Pastor Rouaix, and his able lieu
it is celebrated for its delicious fruits. It is tenants, Ing. Jose Duvallon, Director of
of Spain. As a matter of fact, nearly allof capable of being made a varitable para
the table lands of Mexico can rival Italy and Agriculture, and Ing. Ignacio Bancalari, Di
dise. rector of Irrigation. It is not an exaggeration
Spain in grape culture and the production The State of Puebla, with over a million
of silk is also destined to become one of the to say that more has been done by this Depart
population, has over thirty, sugar mills and ment under their direction duringthe past
most important industries of Mexico, since the its products include all varieties of both the three years for the advancement of scientific
mulberry is indigenous and the propagation temperate and tropic zones. Other important
of the silkworm easy. In the flora of Coa agriculture in the Mexican Republic than has
agricultural States are Durango, Michoacan, been done before that time in the entire four
huila are fifteen textile plants, thirteen tan Aguascalientes, Morelos and Nuevo Leon. In centuries of its history. It is difficult to un
ning, ten dye, thirteen forage, seventy me fact, scarcely any of the States and Territories derstand how so much could be done in so
dicinal, ten oleaginous and twelve gums and of the Republic can be omitted from this list. short a time. The work includes the estab
A Typical Colonial Residence in Querétaro. lishment of departments of teaching, ex
perimental studies, cootecnia, agronomy, hor
ticulture, including parasitology, bacteriology,
rural engineering, forestry, agricultural chem
istry and agricultural hydraulics. In the
schools are taught the manufacture of all milk
products, packing and canning of fruits and
vegetables, refrigeration, disinfection, pre
servation, conservation, veterinary science
and the management of all agricultural im
plements and machinery. Experimental
stations have been established in eleven States
where the Mexican farmer is taught the most
advanced methods of agriculture and is
furnished with the best seeds and most ap
proved agricultural implements and is taught
how to use them. Every species of practical
information is furnished gratis by numerous
pamphlets and bulletins and by travelling
expositions in the form of special railroad
trains carrying samples of the most approved
agricultural implements and machinery and
seeds and these trains are manned by ex
ports to explain the use and management of
the implements and machinery. Schools and
experimental stations are in charge of able
and enthusiastic young men who have been
educated in the best foreign universities and
a department of propaganda is maintained
throughout the entire Republic in charge of
some twelve hundred agents of influence and
standing in each community. The Depart
ment also maintains a permanent exposition
of the most improved agricultural machinery,
in Mexico City.
Te Department has undertaken not only to
improve the agricultural methods that have
Casa de Villar del Aguila, Querétaro. been followed throughout the country, in
resins. Cotton is indigenous and perennial. Mexico is destined to become one of the most troducing the most improved scientific tools,
It requires replanting but once in ten years. important countries in the world in the pro but also to raise the quality of the products,
and to this end it maintains nurseries, grows
The culture of cotton is as profitable here as duction of cattle and other live stock, to and furnishes seeds and has also undertaken
in any other region of the world, there being which its vast grazing plains are peculiarly
already under cultivation 1,100,000 acres and adapted. to improve the quality of the live stock and
an annual production of 80,000,000 kilograms. The various States of the Tierra Caliente , fowls and has expended thousands of dollars
in acquiring thoroughbred animals and fowls
Cotton was grown by the Toltecas and Aztecs Vera Cruz , Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Cam of every kind from which it furnishes breed
and Cortez found the natives clothed with peche and Yucatan, are all noted for their ing stock at low prices to the farmer and
cotton garments. Additional agricultural wonderful forests of precious woods and every
products of Coahuila are corn, wheat, barley, stockgrower. I hold in my hand a bulletin
known variety of tropical products, this which is issued by the Department of Fomen
beans and sugar cane and the guayule rubber region being the first in the world in the
to and Agriculture setting forth the work of
plant, the growing of which has become an production of textile fibers and comprising that Department, which should be read by
important industry. The mineral products the second largest and most productive pe every member of this Chamber. From it will
are gold, silver, lead, copper, zine, coal and troleum fields, the individual wells of which
probably petroleum. In some sections the surpass all others in the world in volume of be seen that great progress has been made
rainfall is plentiful . production. in the advancement of scientific agriculture.
in Mexico which is destined to be of the
The State of Sinaloa , with an area of 87,231 Among its tropical products the tobacco, highest importance to the country. It is the
square kilometers and a coast line of 510 sugar cane and coffee of Mexico are equal
duty of this Chamber of Commerce to co
kilometers, is one of the most important states in quality to those of any country of the operate with the Department of Fomento and
of the Republic in agricultural possibilities. world. The coffee grown in Oaxaca and
Chiapas is equal to the finest of Arabia and Agriculture in disseminating information of
Fourteen large rivers, each with numerous
this industry and to invite capital and im
branches, cross the State, cutting the great the East Indies. All these wonderful re migration for the purpose of developing it,
alluvial plain, which extends along the entire sources have heretofore been practically un
coast, at regular intervals and at almost right touched and undeveloped. because upon this industry more than upon
angles, making hundreds of thousands of any other, depends the future progress and
What are the commercial possibilities of a greatness of Mexico.
acres of rich deep soil capable of easy and country destined to be perhaps first in the
inexpensive irrigation. In this soil is pro production of petroleum and silver, second in
duced every variety of grain and fruit, and copper, among the first in production of cat Mexico has made greater progress in agri
sugar cane equal to that of the Island of tle and other live stock and perhaps the first cultural methods since the revolution than
Cuba. It is one of the most important sugar in variety and among the first in the volume during any period in the country's entire his
producing States of the Republic, and, I be of its agricultural products ?
lieve, second in the production of garbanzos. I have chosen this subject today because tory. Modern machinery is no longer o novel
Its agricultural resources have scarcely begun I considered it the most important one relat ty, but is widely used.

México, es cuestión, en alto grado, de resol llamar la atención de todos a que en casi to bilidades a donde pueden llegar, serán ilimi
ver problemas de irrigación. Para que las das las planicies de la República, el cultivo tadas .
empresas colonizadoras, operando en México , de las uvas puede rivalizar ventajosamente Es muy probable que los Estados de Jalisco
tengan el mejor éxito, es necesario que sean con el de Italia y España, y también es de fi y Puebla, sean los más adelantados de la Re
organizadas con sumo cuidado sobre buenas jarse en que la producción de la seda será en pública Mexicana, en el ramo de la agricul
bases. Deberán ser regenteadas por directo día no lejano, una de las industrias mexica tura. El primer Estado mencionado ha sido
res competentes y ser sujetas constantemente nas más importantes, pues la morera es in llamado el granero de México, " y también
a una vigilancia especial . Hay que estudiar dígena del país y la cría de gusanos de seda, lo nombran a veces " la Andalucía mexica
debidamente las condiciones del clima, y a la es, por consiguiente, muy fácil. Entre la na. " Sus producciones son: caña de azúcar,
vez, la calidad y capacidad de las tierras en flora del Estado de Coahuila, hay como quin café, vainilla, arroz, tabaco, y todas las va
los diferentes distritos, y la naturaleza y va ce plantas textiles, trece que se emplean en riedades de cereales y frutas, y su ganado es
riedad de las producciones propias para el lu las curtidurías, diez con substancias de tinte, muy numeroso, con un valor crecido. Su li
gar, deberá ser determinado, después de hacer trece que se emplean como forraje para el toral por el Pacífico, es de 500 kilómetros y
experimentos conducentes. Todo esto nece ganado, setenta con propiedades medicinales, queda muy bien regado por sus ríos y abun
sitará la poderosa ayuda del Gobierno, facili diez son oleaginosas, y doce conteniendo subs dantes lluvias. Tiene varios grandes lagos
tada por conducto del Departamento de tancias gomosas y resinosas. El algodón es que son de los más hermosos. Varias empre
Agricultura. Aquí diré, que con una indígena y perenne. Nada más tiene que ser sas irrigadoras de gran importancia, ya han
buena educación científica y un buen manejo sembrado de nuevo una vez en diez años. El sido proyectadas, tanto por su supremo Go
en el ramo mencionado, las posibilidades agri cultivo del algodón es tan ventajoso y lucra bierno, como por particulares en esta Enti
colas de México asombrarán al mundo, y me tivo, como puede serlo en cualquier otra re dad Federativa. Sus minerales son de todas
es grato decir que me complace saber que el gión del mundo, y actualmente se cultivan clases, y las frutas deliciosas, son la fama de
actual Gobierno de la República Mexicana, 1,200,000 66 acres," que dan un rendimiento Jalisco. Este hermoso pedazo del territorio
goza de una comprensión inteligente del pro anual de 80,000,000 de kilogramos. Las anti mexicano, puede ser convertido fácilmente en
blema en cuestión, y que está haciendo muy guas razas de esta tierra privilegiada, como un verdadero paraíso.
grandes esfuerzos por establecer esta indus los Toltecas y Aztecas, cultivaban el algodón El Estado de Puebla, con más de un millón
tria abandonada por tanto tiempo, sobre ba provechosamente, y cuando Hernán Cortés lle de habitantes, tiene más de treinta ingenios
ses inteligentes y de seguros resultados ; y ade
más, me cabe la seguridad de poder predecir Patio and Swimming Pool of the National Boarding-School, Mexico, D. F.
que para el año de 1950, este país de México ,
será uno de los primeros del mundo, con mo
tivo del gran volumen de sus producciones
agrícolas, y en lo referente a la variedad de
ellas, no habrá nación que le sobresalga. En
ningún otro país de este mundo, puede encon
trarse tanta variedad de tierras y climas, y
dentro de su territorio, puede hallarse y culti
varse cualquier producto que se conoce y que
es útil para el hombre.-Cada uno de sus
treinta Estados y Territorios, desde el Río
Bravo hasta el Suchiate, son muy feraces,
amenos y productivos en alto grado, y así se
comprende que México nada más necesita
aplicar las reglas científicas a su ramo de
agricultura, para quedarse en muy poco tiem
po, como uno de los países más productivos
de este planeta.
El Estado de Chihuahua, con tres veces el
área del Estado de New York, y segundo úni
camente en área a los Estados de California
y Texas, está poblado solamente a razón de
una persona y media por cada kilómetro cua
drado. Cuatro quintas partes de su superfi
cie se componen de extensos llanos que son
regados por las aguas de siete grandes ríos,
cuando menos y estas tierras pueden ser aun
regadas más si se desea, pues en casi cual
quier punto del Estado pueden perforarse po
zos artesianos para surtir de líquido a las
obras irrigadoras. Este Estado produce tri
go, maíz, cebada, frijoles, garbanzos, lentejas,
cacahuates, manzanas, duraznos, chavacanos,
granadas, uvas, papas, melones, y una infi
nidad de otras variedades de frutas y pro Patio y Alberca del Internado Nacional, Mexico, D. F.
ducciones hortenses ; el algodón, que es indí
gena de la zona, ganado de todas clases, e in gó a México, encontró a los nativos del país de azúcar, y también las producciones en es
mensos bosques de árboles, además de ser con vestiduras hechas de algodón. Otras pro te Estado, incluyen todas las variedades pro
uno de los distritos minerales más ricos del ducciones agrícolas del Estado de Coahuila, pias de las zonas templadas y tropicales .
mundo. son: maíz, trigo, cebada, frijoles, caña de Otros Estados de mucha importancia en el
Sonora es el segundo Estado de la Repúbli azúcar, y la planta hulera guayule (Parthen sentido indicado, son Durango, Michoacán,
ca, en cuanto a superficie, pues tiene aproxi ium argentatum) que actualmente se cultiva Aguascalientes, Morelos y Nuevo León. En
madamente una extensión de 200,000 kilóme en gran escala y es ahora una de las indus verdad, no sería conveniente omitir ninguno
tros cuadrados, y actualmente está poblado trias más importantes. Los productos mine de los Estados y Territorios de la República,
a razón de apenas dos personas por cada kiló rales, son : el oro, plata , plomo, cobre, carbón de esta lista. No cabe duda que México es
metro cuadrado ; es regado cuando menos, por y probablemente hay petróleo en su subsuelo. tá predestinado para ser uno de los países del
ocho ríos de importancia, y tiene grandes En algunas zonas del Estado, las lluvias son mundo más importantes, tratándose de la pro
campos terreros con suelo fértil, y muy fe abundantes. ducción de ganado vacuno, lo mismo como de
,cundos, bajo la acción de las obras irrigado El Estado de Sinaloa con un área de 87,231 las demás clases, pues por donde quiera, a
ras. Sus principales productos, son : ganado , kilómetros cuadrados y un litoral de 510 ki través de sus inmensas llanuras, se encuen
maíz, trigo, cebada, caña de azúcar, garban lómetros, es ciertamente uno de los Estados tran los más ricos pastos tan especialmente
zos, algodón, legumbres y frutas de todas cla más importantes de la República, con gran adaptados para esta industria.
ses, igualmente cultivables en las zonas tem des posibilidades y alcances en el ramo de la Los varios Estados de la Tierra Caliente,
pladas y tropicales. Respecto de sus depósi
agricultura. Catorce ríos bastante grandes , Veracruz, Oaxaca, Chiapas, Tabasco, Campe
tos de metales preciosos, puede decirse que y cada uno con numerosos afluentes, atravie che y Yucatán, todos son ya afamados por
es uno de los distritos más ricos del mundo
entero, pues sus minas producen oro, plata, san el Estado, penetrando por el gran llano sus maravillosos bosques tan llenos de ma
cobre, plomo, antimonio, vermellón , grafito terrero que se extiende a lo largo de toda la deras preciosas y todas las variedades cono
y otros minerales. Actualmente se está ex costa, y cortándolo a ciertas distancias, en cidas de los productos tropicales ; y esta re
hibiendo en esta ciudad, una película cine forma de ángulos rectos casi , de modo que gión viene siendo la primera del mundo en la
matográfica que reproduce vistas de las in resultan centenares de miles de " acres '' con producción de fibras textiles, y tratándose de
dustrias de Sonora, y es de recomendarse que teniendo las más ricas tierras muy propias los campos petrolíferos mayores y más pro
todos los miembros de esta Cámara, vayan a para obras de irrigación de las más fáciles y ductivos de la República, ocupa el segundo lu
verlas. económicas. En este suelo fértil, se producen gar, y cuyos pozos individuales sobresalen a
Coahuila es el tercer Estado de la Repúbli todas las variedades de cereales y frutas, y su todos los demás del mundo, en cuanto al vo
ca en el sentido indicado, y privilegiado con caña de azúcar es igual a la de la Isla de Cu lumen de sus rendimientos.
sesenta distintas variedades de árboles, y cua ba. Este Estado es una de los más importan Entre sus productos tropicales, hay que ha
renta variedades entre las exquisitas frutas, tes de la República en la producción de azú cer constar que el tabaco, caña de azúcar y el
incluyendo manzanas, naranjas, peras, moras, car, y creo que Sinaloa ocupa el segundo lu café de México, igualan, en calidad, a los
y uvas de calidad muy superior a las de Ca gar en la producción de garbanzos . Sus re de cualquier país del mundo. El café que
lifornia, e igualando a cualquiera de España. cursos agrícolas apenas han sido tocados y se produce en los Estados de Oaxaca y Chia
Como un hecho rigurosamente exacto, es de una vez que comience su desarrollo, las posi pas, es igual al mejor de la tierra árabe o de

Eres acaso el juez ? El impecable !
WITH THE POETS ¿ Tú la justicia y la piedad reúnes
Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera. ¿ Quién no es un fugitivo responsable
De alguno o muchos crímenes impunes ?
Speak not a word of wild, blaspheming grief! ¿ Quién no ha mentido amor y ha profanado
Be proud, be brave, though fallen in the De una alma virgen el sagrario augusto ?
To feel forevermore the tenderness
strife! ¿ Quién está cierto de no haber matado ?
That warmed our youthful bosoms with its ¿ Quién puede ser el justiciero, el justò ?
And gaze , O poet, with supreme disdain flame,
On all the dark injustices of life ! Receiving happiness, if it should come, Lástima y perdón para los vivos !
Thou shalt not seek for constancy in love , Like a glad visit from some beauteous dame ; Y así, de amor y mansedumbre llenos, ዲ
Seremos cariñosos, compasivos ....
Nor aught eternal from frail mortals ask ; To hold still hidden that which most we love ¡Y alguna vez, acaso, acaso buenos !
To rear sepulchral monuments on high t
Smiling forgiveness on our lips to keep 1
From all thy griefs, O artist, be thy task ! Until at last, O earth ! we come to thee ¿ Padeces ? Busca a la gentil amante,
In the complete abandonment of sleep : A la impasible e inmortal belleza,
Chisel thy statues out of marble white, Y ve apoyado, como Lear errante,
Forms chaste of mien, though naked to the This ought to be the life of him who thinks En tu joven Cordelia : la tristeza.
air ; *
How transient all things are that meet his Mira : se aleja perezoso el día ..... ←
And let speech slumber on their sculptured eyes, ¡ Qué bueno es descansar ! El bosque obscuro
lips ; And, wisely, stops before the vast expanse Nos arrulla con lánguida armonía.... •
Let them stand deeply sad, yet silent there . Of falsehood's ocean that around him lies.
El agua es virgen. El ambiente es puro. *
A name ! A sounding echo on the air, Gather the flowers, while there are flowers to La luz, cansada, sus pupilas cierra ;
Fleeting and frail , its life a moment's span ! pluck ; Se escuchan melancólicos rumores,
A dreamer's foolish idol ! Name and fame! Forgive the roses for their thorny guise ! Y la noche, al bajar, dice a la tierra :
This is the last sad vanity of man. Our sorrows also pass away and fly, ¡Vamos ... Ya está ... ya duérmete ... no
Flitting like swarms of dark-winged butter llores !
Why should we justice ask, or clemency, flies. ↓·
If our own comrades here deny our plea
From the indifference , mute and icy-cold , Recordar ... Perdonar ... Haber amado ....
Love and forgive ! Resist with courage strong
Of unknown men, to live days to be ? The wicked , the unjust, the cowardly. Ser dichoso un instante, haber creído ...
The silent evening, when it settles down Y luego, ... reclinarse fatigado
Tardy compassion why should we implore En el hombro de nieve del olvido .
From strangers hid in shadow one and all ? Pensive and sad, is beautiful to see !
The echoes sleep within the darksome wood , Sentir eternamente la ternura >
When sorrow dims my spirit, on the heights Que en nuestras fechas jóvenes palpita,
And no one , no one answers to our call. I seek for calmness and for shining light.
Y recibir, si llega, la ventura,
The only consolation in this life, Upon the frozen summits of my soul Como a hermosa que viene de visita.
Is to remember happy hours and fair, Infinite pity spreads its hue of white.
And lift our eyes on high to view the skies Siempre escondido lo que más amamos ;
-Version by Alice Stone Blackwell. Siempre en los labios el perdón risueño ;
When skies are blue or stars are shining there ;
Hasta que al fin, ¡ oh tierra! a tí vayamos
To flee the sea, and on the sleeping lake PAX ANIMAE. Con la invencible laxitud del sueño !
Enjoy the water's calm, the peaceful time ;
To sleep- to dream- our wizard strong, the Esa ha de ser la vida del que piensa {
Manuel Gutiérrez Nájera. En lo fugaz de todo lo que mira,
Dream, Y se detiene, sabio , ante la inmensa
Is a deceiver holy and sublime! Extensión de tus mares, ¡ oh Mentira!
Ni una palabra de dolor blasfemo!
'Tis true , alas ! that in the honest breast
Sé altivo , sé gallardo en la caída, Coje las flores, mientras haya flores ,
The fresh wound calls for vengeance and for ¡ Y ve, poeta, con desdén supremo Perdona las espinas a las rosas ....
strife ; Todas las injusticias de la vida! También se van y vuelan los dolores
But yet- forgive the evil they have done !
Como turbas de negras mariposas !
All suffer from the malady of life. No busques la constancia en los amores , Ama y perdona. Con valor resiste
The very men who crown themselves wth No pidas nada eterno a los mortales,
Y haz, artista, con todos tus dolores , Lo injusto, lo villano , lo cobarde .....
flowers Hermosamente pensativa y triste
Are born to sorrow, and to perish, too. Excelsos monumentos sepulcrales. Está al caer la silenciosa tarde!
If those you love the most betray your trust,
Forgive them, for they know not what they En mármol blanco tus estatuas labra,
do. Castas en la actitud, aunque desnudas, Cuando el dolor mi espíritu sombrea
Y que duerma en sus labios la palabra .. a Busco en las cimas claridad y calma,
Perhaps those instincts they inherited , Y se muestren muy tristes ... ¡ pero mudas ! Y una infinita compasión albea
And they avenge unknowingly to-day En las heladas cumbres de mi alma!
Races that gathered on their hapless heads ¡ El nombre ! .... Débil vibración sonora
All griefs and hatreds are they passed away. Que dura apenas un instante ! ¡ El nombre ! ... EVOCATION
Art thou perchance the judge Map the sinless Idolo torpe que el iluso adora!
one? Ultima y triste vanidad del hombre ! Amado Nervo .
Do justice and sweet mercy meet in thee ?
Ah, who is not a fugitive, that bears A qué pedir justicia ni clemencia
-Si las niegan los propios compañeros From the deep mystery of the past I called
The weight of crimes unpunished, guiltily ? A la glacial y muda indiferencia her,
Who has not feigned to love- dared with false De los desconocidos venideros ? Where now a ghost among the ghosts is she,
VOWS A shade mid shades-and I at my call she
Into a maiden's holy soul to steal? ¿ A qué pedir la compasión tardía hastened,
Who* can be sure that he has never killed ? De los extraños que la sombra esconde ? Putting the centuries aside for me.
Who is the just man, that may justice deal ? IDuermen los ecos en la selva umbría
The Laws of Time, astounded , followed after ;
Y nadie, nadie a nuestra , voz responde !
Pity and pardon for all those that live ! The Spirit of the Graves, with mournful cry,
En esta vida el único consuelo Called to her, " Stay ! " Like unseen hooks,
So , fl of love , in mild and gentle mood , the Epochs
We shall be tender and compassionate, Es acordarse de las horas bellas, Grasped her rich, faded robes when she went
And haply, haply, some time shall be good! Y alzar los ojos para ver el cielo ....
Cuando el cielo está azul o tiene estrellas. by.
Friend, dost thou suffer ? Seek thy sweetheart But all in vain ! She came, with red hair float
fair Huir del mar y en el dormido lago ing,
In deathless beauty, free from pain and fear Dirfrutar de las ondas el reposo .. • That red hair fragrant of eternity ;
Live leaning on thy sadness, as of old Dormir ... soñar.... el Sueño, nuestro mago . With wings loose hanging, clad like a chimera,
On young Cordelia leaned the wandering Lear. Es un sublime santo mentiroso ! That strange queen, following my will, drew
See far and farther ebbs the dying day ! nigh.
¡Ay ! Es verdad que en el honrado pe I said to her , " Do you recall your promise
How good it is to rest ! In shade obscure cho
The woodland lulls us with a music soft ; Made in the year One Thousand, to my
Pide venganza la reciente herida ..... bliss!''
Virgin the waters, the air is pure. Pero .... perdona el mal que te hayan hecho !
¡ Todos están enfermos de la vida! " Remember, I am but a shade ! '' •
Weary, her eyes the light is closing now ; " I know it. "
Sad murmurs sound, and many a mournful
Los mismos que de flores se coronan " And I was mad. "
sigh, " You promised me a kiss ! "'
The night, descending, to the earth says , Para el dolor, para la muerte nacen ....
( Come! Si los que tú más amas te traicionan " My kiss has by the chill of death been
frozen ;
'Tis over. Go to sleep, and do not cry ! " ¡ Perdóñalos , no saben lo que hacen
Long has my life been lost in Time's eclipse. "
To recollect- forgive-have loved, believed, Acaso esos instintos heredaron, Queen do not break the word they once
And had brief happiness our hearts to bless , Y son los inconscientes vengadores have given!"
And soon, grown weary, to recline against De razas o de estirpes que pasaron Thus I made answer. And she kissed my lips.
The snowy shoulder of forgetfulness ! Acumulando todos . los rencores. -Version by Alice Stone Blackwell .

L (


POSIBILIDAD AGRICOLA EN MEXICO cultura científica en la República Mexicana, to de propaganda en toda la República Mexi
que se hizo antes de este tiempo durante los cana, a cargo de unos mil doscientos agentes
las Indias Orientales. Todos estos recursos,
cuatro siglos enteros que cuenta su historia. de influencia y categoría en cada comunidad.
verdaderamente maravillosos , se han queda Realmente es difícil comprender cómo se han El Departamento también mantiene una ex
do hasta ahora, prácticamente, sin haber sido podido hacer tantos trabajos notables en tan posición permanente de maquinaria moder
tocados, y, por consiguiente, se hallan aún poco tiempo . Los trabajos a que me refiero , na para la agricultura, en la Ciudad de Mé
casi en su estado virgen. abarcan el establecimiento de los departa xico.
¿ Cuáles serán, pues, las posibilidades co mentos de enseñanza , estudios experimenta El Departamento no sólo se ha propuesto
merciales de un país que indudablemente está les, zootecnia ( la cría científica de los anima modernizar los sistemas agrícolas que se em
llamado para ser el primero en la producción les domésticos, ) agronomía, horticultura, e pleaban en todo el país anteriormente , por
de petróleo y de plata ; el segundo en la pro incluyendo parasitología, bacteriología , inge medio de los mejores implementos científicos ,
ducción de cobre ; ocupando un prominente niería rural, el cultivo de bosques, química sino también ha procurado mejorar la cali
lugar entre los países que más producen el ga agrícola y obras hidráulicas en su aplicación dad de los productos, y por lo tanto , con es
nado vacuno y demás clases ; -y por último , a la agricultura. En las escuelas se enseña te fin, está manteniendo semilleros ; cultiva
es de creerse que México probablemente va a todo lo relativo a la fabricación de productos y suministra semillas ; se ha consagrado a me
figurar como el primer país en cuanto a la lácteos, empaque y envase de frutas y legum jorar la calidad de los ganados y toda clase
variedad de sus producciones agrícolas, y en bres, refrigeración , desinfección , confitación , de aves, y desembolsado muchos miles de pe
tre los primeros con referencia al volumen de conservación , ciencia veterinaria y el manejo sos en la adquisición de animales y aves de
ellas. científico de toda la maquinaria e implemen pura sangre de distintas razas, a fin de po
Yo he querido hablar sobre este asunto hoy, der abastecer a los agricultores y ganaderos
tos que se emplean en la agricultura moderna.
porque lo he considerado el más importante Estaciones experimentales han sido estableci con buenos animales de cría, a precios bajos.
con relación al progreso de México , y debido yas ya en once Estados , donde el agricultor Yo tengo en mi mano un boletín publicado
a que yo deseaba llamar la atención de esta mexicano puede instruirse debidamente , res por la Secretaría de Fomento y Agricultura ,
Cámara de Comercio sobre las actividades que pecto a los sistemas más modernos que se dando una relación de todos los trabajos lle
actualmente el Gobierno mexicano está des usan en la agricultura , y a la vez se le pro vados a cabo por el mismo Departamento que
plegando por conducto de su Departamento porcionan las mejores semillas y los imple debiera ser leído por todos los miembros de es
de Agricultura, con el fin de fomentar y lle mentos agrícolas más renombrados y le ense ta Cámara . Por él se verá que muy grandes
var a cabo satisfactoriamente el desarrollo ñan cómo debe manejarlos . Toda especie de in éxitos han sido alcanzados tratándose de los
de tan importante industria. Recientemente formación práctica se suministra gratuitamen sistemas empleados en la agricultura cientí
hice una inspección bastante minuciosa de la te, por medio de numerosos folletos y boleti fica en esta República, que, como ya he dicho
Escuela de Agricultura, los semilleros y esta nes, y también se han inaugurado exposicio Ada
ciones de ensayo mantenidos por el Departa repetidas veces, tiene que ser de la más al
nes ambulantes en forma de trenes especia ta importancia para su porvenir. Es el de
mento de Agricultura en el Distrito Federal, les que corren por todas las vías férreas de ber de esta Cámara de Comercio cooperar
y verdaderamente me he quedado asombrado la República, llevando muestras de los imple- con el Departamento de Fomento y Agricul
de ver los grandes trabajos y la calidad de mentos agrícolas de utilidad más reconocida , tura en la diseminación de toda clase de in
ellos que se llevan a cabo en este Departa juntamente con maquinaria y semillas, y estos formes respecto de esta industria, y a fomen
mento, que se halla bajo la digna dirección trenes están a cargo de los peritos más re tar la inversión de capitales y la inmigración
del señor Ministro de Agricultura , Ing. Pas nombrados , quienes se encargan de explicar con objeto de desarrollarla, porque de esta
tor Rouaix, y sus ayudantes competentes , que detenidamente el uso y el manejo a que debe industria, más que de cualquier otra, dependen
son el Ing. José Duvallón, Director de Agri rán estar sujetos los implementos y maqui- el futuro desarrollo y grandeza de esta amada
cultura, y el Ing. Ignacio Bancalari , Director naria agrícola. Las escuelas y estaciones ex nación .
del ramo de Irrigación . No es una exagera perimentales, se hallan bajo la dirección de Delbert J. Haff.
ción, por mi parte, el decir que más se ha he jóvenes muy competentes y entusiastas , quie
cho en este Departamento bajo la dirección de nes han recibido su educación en las mejores
los mencionados funcionarios durante los úl universidades extranjeras , y además , es de Si necesita usted un buen anuncio, no olvi
timos tres años para hacer adelantar la agri mencionarse que se mantiene un Departamen de La Revista Mexicana .





Hey va




nomical point of view as well as for greater

Work of Petroleum Bureau security.
The Drawing Section has continued work
ing in the formation of maps of the oil belts
Report of Ing. J. Vazquez Schiaffino Upon the Work of the Republic. The " Map of the Oil Belt
of Northern Veracruz and adjacent regions "
Performed by That Department for the Year is being printed, and all data of that zone
that could be gathered are inserted in it as
(Concluded. ) the Executive to the Congress of the Union. taken from the most authoritative sources
VII -TECHNICAL AND ADMINISTRA The work carried out by the Statistical within the reach of the Department.
TIVE WORKS. Section of the Bureau is very interesting and The maps of the oil belts in Tabasco , Cam
1.-General Views. every day is improved to the extent that it peche and Chiapas are almost ready and
may be said that it is now possible to answer will be finished by the end of this year.
URING the period referred to in this
report the Oil Bureau has developed a any questions asked regarding statistical All the drawings needed to illustrate the
data connected with the oil industry. technical stories and articles of other kinds
D large and elaborate technical and ad
ministrative plan, and the works per sonnel The statistical reports formed by the per published in the Oil Bulletin are made by
formed to comply with the new decrees on in charge of this section have deserved the personnel of the Department, and the
taxes to oil fields and oil contracts originated the unanimous approval of the oil companies public has approved of the works inserted ,
strenuous efforts of its technical as well as and have succeeded in winning a good rep which are neat and proper.
its administrative personnel. utation for their accuracy, their completeness The section in charge of preparing the
and precision. " Oil Bulletin " and of studying some other
2.-Technical Commission. The statistical report of 1918 published by projects has been performing with all dili
The Technical Commission of the Bureau an American newspaper won hearty praise gence and efficiency its duties. The " Oil
has co-operated in a very active and ef from similar publications of the United Bulletin is still being published without
fectual manner to the general works charged States and was welcomed among the foreign interruption although somewhat irregularly,
to the Bureau, and especially concerning oil producers. which is due not to deficiency of the per
legislation . Said Commission studied very The Census Department of the above men sonnel of the section, but to the extraor
dinary amount of work accumulated in the
Avenida Juárez and Paseo de la Reforma, México, D. F. Government printing plant. The reading
matter for the bulletin is delivered very
timely to the said printing office, and were
it not for the above given reason the num
bers of that publication would have appear
ed regularly .
Besides the Bulletin the section is charged
with forming and publishing some pamphlets ,
as for instance, " The Submarine Oil beds,'
by Mr. Fernando Urbina ; "The Oil Indus
try of Mexico , " by the head of the Tech
nical Commission, Mr. Joaquin Santaella ;
ww The Pipe-lines in California, " translated
by J. Vázquez Schiaffino, and the compilation
of laws and decrees regarding the oil indus
The same Section is now engaged in print
ing the special pamphlet which will contain
all the historical antecedents relating to the
oil legislation of Mexico, which is bound to
TAMPAN creat quite a sensation, for it will banish
many doubts and refute many objections op
posed to the project of the nationalization of
oil, made by people interested in avoiding such
project from materializing.
3. The Oil Agencies.
The Oil Agencies depending from the
Bureau and established at Tampico, Tuxpan
and Minatitlán, have followed very faith
fully the endeavors of the Bureau and co
operated with it in the realization of its pur
The personnel of the agencies, despite the
difficulties and risks they have to meet and
run on account of the insecurity of certain
Avenida Juárez y Principio del Paseo de la Reforma, México, D. F. regions (more insecure still for Government
tioned Commission has developed a long and clerks) , have performed their duties with suf
carefully the decree on taxation and the Bill ferance, energy and enthusiasm.
regulating Art. 27 of the Constitution in re complicated task while studying, comparing
and recording with all exactness the state Besides the inspection of the works carried
gard to the oil properties. It has also taken on in well-drilling, laying of pipes lines, con
up the various questions arising in regard ments presented by the companies and in
struction of tanks and refineries and other
to said decrees and the Bill, and furnished the dividuals in compliance with Circular No. 11
as well as with the decrees on taxes. This annex constructions, the agencies have had
greater part of the reports rendered on ac to attend the office transactions in regard to
count of the incidents provoked by the is census work takes time, but the achieve
suance of the decrees and the discussion of denouncements made by companies and in
ments surpass our expectations and it is dividuals according to the provisions of the
the Bill alluded to. easy at present to identify any parcel of oil
decrees in force. Furthermore, on account
In the legal report furnished on account land, to know whom it belongs to, where
of the " amparo " (appeal ) proceedings of the rebelliousness of certain foreign oil
is it located, what is its area, whether it is concerns, especially the American ones, which
started by the oil companies, the Technical owner by the exploiter or just leased, etc. refuse to comply with the laws in force, the
Commission took an active and important The Exploitation department has been in Oil Agencies have had to make their watch
part as well as in the development of the charge of the studying of plans and descrip
conferences held by the Department of In closer and more constant, trying by all pos
tive reports sent over by the companies ac sible means to enforce such decrees.
dustry with Messrs. Garfie.d and Rhodes on
account of the taxes created. cording to the stipulations of the respective In order to make still more efficient the
concessions. It has furnished reports on all task of the agencies, they were provided with
The newspaper campaign carried on by
those points of a technical nature submitted swift means of transportation , so that they
the head of that commission in reply to may in a moment visit the oil fields and see
numerous charges made to the legislation we to it, and it has had to consult for that pur
are trying to establish, has been constant pose books and publications referring to the any accidents that may occur in the encamp
ments and watch all the works carried on by
and strong, and it has produced splendid re matter; it has made translations and studies
sults considering the few elements that could on books dealing with subjects of interest the oil companies.
The agencies of Tampico and Tuxpan have
be disposed of for that purpose. for the development of the oil industry and been recently provided with "Ford " ma
A pamphlet has been lately prepared con for the best preservation and good use of chines, and these vehicles together with the
taining all the historical antecedents relating the products derived from the oil beds. motocycles and gasoline boats each agency
to the oil legislation of Mexico, the publi has, will help a good deal to make their in
cation of which will be of considerable im On several occasions hints have been given
to the oil companies as to certain convenient spection more effectual.
portance and at the same time it will surely The oil agencies have not only confined
exert influence over the public mind to changes they should make to their instal
lations, which would help them from an eco their works to perform acts of an administra
win support for the Bill submitted by the

meración de trabajo que ha tenido la impren

ta del Gobierno . El material necesario pa
El Departamento de Petróleo ra los boletines, ha sido entregado oportuna
mente, y a no ser por la razón antes indi
Informe del Ing. J. Vázquez Schiaffino Sobre el Trabajo Desarrollado cada, los números de esta publicación, se
por Ese Departamento Durante el Año Pasado habrían impreso y visto la luz oportuna
Además del Boletín, " la Sección se ha
(Concluye. ) cado, decir su extensión superficial, si es pro encargado de la formación y publicación de
piedad o arrendamiento , etc. , etc. algunos folletos, entre los cuales pueden ci
VII. LABOR TECNICA Y ADMINISTRA La Sección de Explotación ha tenido a su tarse " Los yacimientos petrolíferos subma
cargo el estudio de todos los planos y me
TIVA. rinos " por el señor Fernando Urbina ; " La
morias descriptivas que remiten las compa
1.-Generalidades. ñías en cumplimiento de lo estipulado en las industria petrolera en México, " por el jefe
concesiones relativas. Ha rendido dictáme de la Comisión Técnica, ingeniero Joaquín
Santaella ; "El oleoducto en California, "
L Departamento de Petróleo durante el nes sobre todos aquellos puntos de carácter
período de tiempo a que se refiere es técnico, para lo que ha sido necesario estu traducido por el subscripto, y la colección de
Leyes y Decretos relativos a la Industria
E te informe, ha desarrollado una inten diar y consultar los libros y las publicaciones
sa labor técnica y administrativa, pues que se refieren a la cuestión ; ha hecho tra
los proyectos que ha desarrollado y la trami ducciones y estudios sobre todos aquellos Actualmente se ocupa esta Sección de la
tación necesaria para dar cumplimiento a los puntos de gran interés para el desarrollo de impresión del folleto especial que contendrá
nuevos decretos de impuestos a los terrenos la industria y para la mejor conservación y todos los antecedentes históricos relativos a
petrolíferos y a los contratos petroleros, han aprovechamiento de los productos extraídos la legislación petrolera en México, folleto
originado un esfuerzo tenaz colectivo de par
de los yacimientos petrolíferos. que indudablemente será de gran interés , di
te de su personal, tanto en la parte técnica En numerosas ocasiones se han hecho in sipará muchas dudas y refutará muchas ob
como en la administrativa. jeciones que contra el proyecto de naciona
dicaciones a las compañías petroleras res
2.-Comisión Técnica. pecto a ciertas reformas en sus instalaciones , lización del petróleo se han hecho por los in
que podrían serles beneficiosas, desde un pun teresados en que no se lleve a feliz término.
La Comisión Técnica ha cooperado de una tal proyecto.
to de vista económico o de mayor seguridad.
manera activa y eficaz en las labores gene
rales encomendadas al Departamento y muy Ixtaccihuatl As Seen From the Town of Amecameca.
especialmente en la parte legislativa. En la
citada Comisión se estudiaron principalmen
te los decretos de impuestos y el Proyecto o
Iniciativa de Ley Reglamentaria del Artícu
lo 27 Constitucional, en lo relativo al Petró
leo . Ella ha estudiado las diversas consultas
acerca de dichos decretos y del Proyecto de
Ley y ha producido la mayor parte de los
informes que ha sido necesario rendir con
motivo de todos los incidentes surgidos a
causa de la expedición de los decretos y de
la discusión del citado Proyecto de Ley.
En el informe con justificación rendido con
motivo de los amparos interpuestos por las
compañías petroleras, la Comisión Técnica
de este Departamento tomó parte activa e
importante, e igualmente en el desarrollo de
las conferencias que con los señores Garfield
y Rhoades tuvo esta Secretaría , con motivo.
de la expedición de los decretos de impuestos.
La campaña periodística desarollada por
el jefe de la citada Comisión, contestando
numerosos ataques hechos a la legislación
que se trata de implantar, ha sido activa y
vigorosa y ha producido un resultado de im
portancia, dados los pocos elementos de que
se ha dispuesto para el caso.
Actualmente se ha formado un folleto con
teniendo todos los antecedentes históricos re
lativos a la legislación petrolera en México ,
cuya publicación será importantísima y que
sin duda influirá considerablemente para
que sea comprendida y aprobada la Iniciati
va de Ley enviada por el Ejecutivo al Con El Ixtaccihuatl Visto Desde Amecameca.
greso de la Unión.
La labor de la Sección de Estadística ha La Sección de Dibujo ha continuado traba 3.- Agencias de Petróleo.
de las cartas de las
sido muy interesante y cada día se perfeccio jando en la formación Las Agencias de Petróleo dependientes de
na más y más, al grado de que puede decirse regiones petrolíferas de la República. Se
es posible contestar cual ha terminado y actualmente se está impri este
Departamento, establecidas en Tampico,
y Minatitlán, han secundado eficaz
que actualmente miendo la Carta de la Zona Petrolera del
quier consulta en que sea necesaria la sumi mente su labor y han cooperado en la realiza
nistración de datos estadísticos relacionados Norte de Veracruz y regiones colindantes, "
en la cual se han concentrado todos los da ción de los fines que persigue.
con la industria petrolera. tos que sobre dicha región se ha logrado El personal de las agencias, no obstante
Las estadísticas formadas por el personal obtener, tomándolos de las diversas fuentes las dificultades y peligros que han tenido que
encargado de esta Sección, han merecido la vencer y arrostrar, a causa de la inseguri
que han estado al alcance del Departamento .
aprobación unánime de las compañías petro La formación de la carta de las regiones dad, (especialmente para los empleados del
leras y ha logrado conquistar en este asunto Gobierno) que prevalece en las zonas petrole
petrolíferas de los Estados de Tabasco, Cam
una bien merecida reputación de exactitud, peche y Chiapas, se encuentra ya bastante ras, ha desempeñado sus trabajos con abne
seriedad y precisión . adelantada y se terminará probablemente en gación, energía y entusiasmo.
La estadística relativa al año de 1918, pu el año en curso . Todos los dibujos que son Además del trabajo de inspección de las
blicada en un periódico americano, mereció necesarios para ilustrar los artículos técnicos obras, que con relación a pozos, oleoductos ,
elogios de parte de la prensa petrolera ame o de otra naturaleza, publicados en el " Bo tanques de almacenamiento, refinerías y obras
ricana y tuvo muy buena acogida entre el letín del Petróleo, '' son ejecutados por la conexas, ejecutan las compañías, las agencias
gremio de industriales extranjeros. Sección de Dibujo, y tanto éstos como los han tenido que atender, durante el período
La Sección de Catastro de la citada Comi
planos han merecido la aprobación general de tiempo a que se refiere este informe, el
sión, ha desarrollado una labor difícil y di del público por su limpieza y buena presen trabajo exigido por la tramitación de los de
latada al estudiar, comparar y registrar cui tación. nuncios de fundos petroliferos que han hecho
dadosamente las manifestaciones presentadas La Sección encargada de la formación del algunas compañías y particulares, en acata
por las compañías y particulares, tanto en Boletin del Petróleo, " y de otros proyec miento de lo dispuesto en los decretos rela
cumplimiento de la circular número 11 , co tos, ha desempeñado activa y cuidadosamente tivos. Además, dada la rebeldía de muchas
mo de los decretos sobre impuestos. Este su cometido. El Boletín del Petróleo " se compañías extranjeras, especialmente norte
trabajo catastral es dilatado, pero se ha lo ha seguido publicando sin interrupción, aun americanas, para cumplir con las disposicio
grado avanzar bastante, y al presente, ya es cuando con algún atraso, el que no se ha de nes vigentes, las agencias de Petróleo han
posible identificar cualquier lote de terreno, bido, de ninguna manera, a deficiencia de la tenido que intensificar su labor de inspec
saber a quién pertenece, en dónde está ubi Sección, sino el retardo causado por la aglo ción, procurando por medios prudentes y ati

tive character which fall mainly to them, but VIII -END. heartily the present administration of Mex
they have also helped very efficaciously, with ico, and we favor using moral force and
their reports and suggestions, to complete In short, the Oil Bureau depending from
the technical and legislative works performed the Department of Industry, Commerce and ethical methods in trying to bring about a
by the Bureau. Labor is following a programme containing better understanding in the United States of
Many studies, reports and suggestions pre the following fundamental points : the real conditions in Mexico. We also favor
sented by the inspectors and the expert as 1st. To obtain the nationalization of the the United States of America lending Mexico
sistants of the agenies have been published oil beds and other hydrocarbures existing on
in the " Oil Bulletin, " and referring to these the soil and in the subsoil of the national ter money, provided she makes a request for
works it is pertinent to mention in particular ritory, as this measure is considered one of the same, to enable her to establish normal
the report furnished by Mr. Salvador Casillas the loftiest and most patriotic revolutionary conditions in Mexico, being confident that
y Cruz, an Engineer, formerly in charge of ideals , as fortunately it has been already under the guidance of the present head of
the oil ogency at Minatitlán, on account of established in the Constitution of the Republic, the Mexican government, a thoroughly de
the tour of inspection he made to the oil which all Mexicans must respect ;
fields of Tabasco and Chiapas. The Compañía 2d. To see to the development of the mocratic and great human power, all disturb
de Fomento del Sureste de México has made national oil industry by giving great facilities ing elements will soon be united and the rule
a good installation in the port of Progreso, consistent with our laws and the guarantee of equity will reign. "'
Yucatán, to supply with fuel the industries and protection due to the general interests
and the railroads of the península. of the Mexican people ; Copies of these resolutions were sent to
3d. To see to the preservation of the President Wilson, President Carranza, and
4. Despatch of Applications.
natural resources of our soil, preventing their to the press of the United States and of
The transaction of applications and pe waste and endeavoring to have them properly Mexico.
titions made to the Bureau increased con made use of, especially as concerns to the
siderably during the period alluded to in this natural beds of oil and gases which, being Huge Machine Shops
report, as a result of the legislative system exhaustible and of impossible restitution ,
Will Be Constructed .
Theater " Degollado, " Guadalajara, Jal. N order that the Department of Agriculture
may rely upon perfectly equipped shops
that admit of the execution of important
operations in the branch of agricultural ma
chinery, the installation of machine shops,
blacksmith, plumbing, pattern, foundry and
carpenter shops, in the edifice occupied by
the Agricultural Department has been under
In this manner, in the future can be made.
all kinds of repairs to agriculture machinery,
supply missing parts, and even be constructed
some agricultural machinery; more especially
it is proposed to aid the national inventors,
that they may find in those shops the means
most adequate to materialize their ideas.
Bringing Back One ' Youth .
FRENCH surgeon is said to have dis
A covered a method by which youth may
be restored to the aged, and claims to have
accomplished this in the case of a man of
eighty. But who in the name of common
sense who has gone through the eighty years
(or less as the case may be ) of hell that this
world affords to the average person, could
over want to go through with it again? If
some surgeon or other could only devise some
means of giving a youth at the outset of life
Teatro Degollado, Guadalajara, Jal. the wisdom that he acquires by the time old
age is reached, so that he might order his
we are trying to establish, and also on ac once extinguished, would deprive the coun conduct thereby, that would indeed be a boon
count of the activities of the oil concerns try of elements indispensable for its future worth having. But the restoration of mere
matters referring to transportation and stor development and economical independence ; bodily youth- never !
ing of crude oil and its by-products. and,
The number of communications received by 4th. To carry on a work of propaganda of
all the data concerning the oil industry in As to the Value of Oil Lands.
the Bureau this year was 6,000 and the notes order to draw to it the attention of Mexican
sent out amounted to 5,324. investors and Mexican industrial people, pro- THE State of Texas has recently brought
An increase is likewise recorded in the suit to recover possession of certain oil
this Bureau has to favor and facilitate all fessional and workmen, for they must take
an active and important part in its develop lands which it claims are its rightful proper
number of applications for laying of pipe ment so as to make of the oil industry esen
lines and construction of tanks, which were ty, those who are holding them for oil develop
cially and genuinely Mexican.
speedily dispatched in view of the intention. ment not having a just title thereto. The
once the European war is over. value of these lands is put at $250,000. And
The increase of the correspondence receiv Mexico, August 9, 1919. their area is just exactly seven and one- half
ed, the augment of the applications for per
mits to build pipe lines and tanks, and the acres ! It would be interesting to know what
transaction of statements and denouncements San Franciscans Declare would be the result if the Mexican govern
of oil claims have increased enormously the Against Intervention . ment were to put such a valuation upon oil
stenographic work of the Bureau, as other lands either for taxation or any other pur
works were done besides the correspondence AT a regular meeting of the Argus League pose !
described. of San Francisco held recently at 172
The classification and filing of the cor Golden Gate avenue, after hearing a most. DISPATCH from Washington states that
respondence is done at the Bureau according A an average of five thousand Bolshevikis
splendid talk on Mexico by Sue Greenleaf, a
to the decimal system, so that every paper is monthly enter the United States from Mexico .
resolution was unanimously passed declaring
in good order and may be found at any mo It is difficult to understand the conservative
ment without difficulty. " against any kind of intervention in Mexico
Although some of the concessions granted by the United States, being convinced by the ness of this estimate . The one responsible
under the condition that the concessionaries speaker of the evening that the Mexican therefore might just as well have put the
would be exempted of import duties were people are quite capable of settling their own number at five hundred thousand. One figure
made void, for the remeining concessions the internal difficulties. " The resolution con would have been just as accurate as the
qualification of the respective orders is still other.
made. tinued : " We go on record, also, as indorsing

nados, el cumplimiento de esas disposicio VII. CONCLUSION. En San Francisco se Declaran

nes. En resumen, el Departamento de Petróleo Contra la Intervención .
A fin de hacer más eficiente la labor de
dependiente de esta Secretaría de Industria,
esas agencias, se las ha dotado de medios rá N una junta ordinaria celebrada hace po
Comercio y Trabajo, a su digno cargo, ahora,
pidos de transporte, con objeto de que los ins como anteriormente, ha tratado de desarro ENco tiempo en el número 172 de la Ave
pectores puedan violentamente transladarse a
llar un programa de labores que contiene los nida Golden Gate, por la Liga Argus, de San
los campos petrolíferos y atender cualquier puntos fundamentales siguientes : Francisco, y después de escuchar una esplén
accidente que se produzca en campamentos y 10.-Lograr la nacionalización de los yaci
vigilar de una manera activa, los trabajos de dida alocución relativa a México, que fue
mientos de petróleo y otros hidrocarburos,
las compañías petroleras. existentes en el suelo y subsuelo del territorio. pronunciada por Sue Greenleaft, se aprobó
Ultimamente y con el fin señalado, se ha nacional, tratando de realizar ese alto ideal unánimemente una resolución por la cual di
dotado de automóviles " Ford " a las agen revolucionario, eminentemente previsor y pa cha Liga se declara " contra cualquiera clase
cias de Tampico y Tuxpan, este nuevo ele triótico, y el cual, afortunadamente, ya fue de intervención de los Estados Unidos en Mé
mento de transporte, sumado a las lanchas consignado en la ley fundamental de la Re
de que disponen las tres agencias y a las mo pública, que todos los mexicanos tenemos el xico, pues se convenció, por los argumentos
tocicletas, que tienen dos de ellas, facilita deber de cumplir ; alegados por el orador que habló en la noche,
rá los trabajos que les están encomendados. 20.-Procurar el desarrollo de la industria de que el pueblo mexicano es absolutamente
Las agencias de Petróleo no solamente se petrolera nacional, dándole las mayores faci capaz de arreglar por sí solo sus conflictos in
han limitado a cumplir con la labor de ca lidades, compatibles con el respeto y atención
que se deben prestar a nuestras leyes y cón teriores. " La resolución sigue diciendo :
rácter administrativo que principalmente les
compete, sino que han ayudado eficazmente, la garantía y protección que merecen los inte " Apoyamos también cordialmente a la ac
con sus informes e iniciativas, al trabajo téc reses generales del pueblo mexicano ; tual Administración de México y favorece
30.-Procurar la conservación de los recur
nico y legislativo que ha desarrollado el De mos el empleo de fuerzas morales y métodos
sos naturales de nuestro suelo, evitando su
partamento. éticos para tratar de producir en los Esta
Boletín del Petróleo " se han pu desperdicio y procurando su mejor utilización,
En el
blicado muchos de los estudios, informes e Birds-eye View of Cholula, Puebla.
iniciativas presentados por los inspectores y
ayudantes técnicos de las agencias, y hago
especial mención al referirme a estos traba
jos, del informe rendido por el ingeniero Sal
vador Casillas y Cruz, ex-jefe de la Agen
cia de Petróleo en Minatitlán, con motivo de
su viaje de inspección a los campos petrolí
feros de Tabasco y Chiapas, y a las instala
ciones que la Compañía de Fomento del Sur
este de México, ha llevado a cabo en el puer
to de Progreso, para abastecer de combustible
a las industrias y a los ferrocarriles de la
península yucateca.
La tramitación de ocursos y solicitudes en
el Departamento, ha aumentado considera
blemente durante el período de tiempo a que
se refiere este informe, como consecuencia del
nuevo régimen legislativo que se trata de im
plantar, y como resultado, también, del au
mento de actividad de las compañías petrole
ras, en vista de la terminación de la guerra
El número de piezas de correspondencia que
han entrado hasta la fecha, es aproximada
mente de 6,000, y las que han salido del De
partamento, 5,324.
Se ha notado un aumento en el número de
peticiones relativas a oleoductos y tanques
de almacenamiento, peticiones que se han tra
mitado violentamente, en vista del firme pro
pósito que, como se dijo antes, tiene este De
partamento de favorecer y facilitar todo lo
Vista Panorámica de Cholula, Puebla.
que se refiere al transporte y almacenamiento
del petróleo crudo y sus derivados. especialmente tratándose de los depósitos na dos Unidos una buena comprensión de las
El incremento de correspondencia recibida, turales del petróleo y gases que, siendo ago verdaderas condiciones de México. También
el aumento de peticiones de permisos para tables y de imposible restitución, al extinguir
construir oleoductos, estaciones de almace se, privarían al país de elementos indispensa somos partidarios de que los Estados Unidos
namiento de petróleo y la tramitación de las bles para su desarrollo e independencia eco presten dinero a México, siempre que este
manifestaciones y denuncios de fundos pe nómica futuros , y país lo pida, a fin de capacitarlo para que
trolíferos presentados, han aumentado consi 40.-Hacer una labor de vulgarización y di restablezca las condiciones normales, confian
derablemente el trabajo de mecanografía en fusión de todos los datos que con la industria
el Departamento, de lo cual da idea el núme petrolera se relacionen, a fin de interesar en do en que bajo la dirección del Jefe del Go
ro de piezas de correspondencia que han sali ella al capital nacional y llamar la atención bierno Mexicano, personaje completamente
do, aun cuando éstas no representan todo el de los industriales, profesionistas y obreros democrático , pronto se unirán todos los ele
trabajo de escritura verificado. mexicanos, con objeto de que tomen parte ac mentos perturbadores y reinará en el país la
La clasificación y archivo de la correspon tiva e importante en su desarrollo y llegue a
ser pronto una industria esencial y genuina ley de la equidad.
dencia, se ha seguido haciendo conforme al mente mexicana. Se enviaron copias de esta resolución al
sistema decimal, de tal suerte, que todos los Presidente Wilson, al Presidente Carranza
documentos se encuentran perfectamente cla México, agosto 9 de 1919.
sificados, al grado de que inmediatamente se Respetuosamente : y a la Prensa de los Estados Unidos y Mé
encuentra un expediente y los demás que con El Jefe del Departamento , xico.
él se relacionen. J. VASQUEZ SCHIAFFINO.
Esta científica clasificación de documen O que se ha informado acerca de los
tos, ha facilitado mucho el trabajo de tra L restos fosilizados de un ser humano de
Uno de los miembros del Senado va a so
mitación del Departamento y ha influído gigantesca estatura, que han sido descubier
grandemente en la eficiencia de sus traba meter a la consideración de esa Alta Cámara,
un proyecto para la creación de una deuda tos recientemente en Nanacamilpa , remoto cen
jos .
Aun cuando han terminado o se han decla tro indígena del Estado de Veracruz. Los
rado caducas la mayor parte de las concesio agraria por valor de cien millones de pesos.
La deuda se reconocerá en forma de certifica restos forman un conjunto que tiene más de
nes en que se estipuló exención de los dere
chos de importación, sin embargo, aun conti dos pagaderos al portador en títulos de cien treinta piés de estatura, siendo mirado por
núan haciéndose, para las concesiones restan a quinientos pesos. Dichos certificados ga algunos indígenas como un dios. Varios ex
tes, la calificación de los pedimentos respec narán cierto interés, y el capital será dedi pertos harán una investigación sobre el par
tivos, trabajo que ha sido desempeñado sa cado a fomentar el desarrollo de la agricul
tisfactoriamente por los empleados encarga ticular, para determinar la verdadera natu
dos de él. tura. raleza de dichos restos.

A NOTABLE TRANSLATOR sity. Miss Blackwell, who at that time knew Among the many compliments that her
no Spanish, asked Señorita Palacios to make English versions of Mexican poems have re
Whose Work With Mexican her acquainted with some of the poetry of ceived, she says that none ever gave her so
Poetry Is Well Known to Read Mexico. Señorita Palacios translated a num much pleasure as a comment made by the
ber of Mexican poems into English prose, and editor of the Stratford Journal of Boston,
ers of THE REVIEW.
Miss Blackwell rendered the English prose Massachusetts. In the autumn of 1916 he
ISS Alice Stone Blackwell, whose trans
M lations of Mexican poetry have ap into English verse. This was the method she published an article on Luis G. Urbina, and
ap had pursued with the Armenian, Russian, said editorially in the same issue :
peared in our columns, comes of a family and Yiddish poets. She was delighted with " The other night I was present at a ga
distinguished in the United States for their the Mexican poetry, and so were other Amer thering in which the inevitable Mexican
good deeds. Her parents, Henry B. Black icans who now made its acquaintance for the question popped up. The people discussed
well and Lucy Stone, were both of them ac Hearst, the American troops at El Paso , etc.
first time. Mr. Ainsworth R. Spofford, who
tive workers for the abolition of Negro sla was for forty years Librarian of the United One of the company remarked that the Mex
very, and in behalf of equal rights for States Congress, and was considered an ex icans are a savage race or reptiles who have
cellent judge of literature, was especially im no fine thoughts and feelings. A friend of
Alice was born in Orange, New Jersey, pressed by Gutiérrez Nájera's " Ondas Muer mine had just happened to read some ex
September 14, 1857. About 1869 she removed. tas." quisite poetry by Urbina. He began to tell
with her parents to Boston, Massachusetts. After Señorita Palacios returned to Mex us about it ; and by the time he got through,
She was educated at a large private school ico, Miss Blackwell received some help from we knew of a different Mexico -a country of
attended by several hundred boys and about other Spanish-speaking friends ; but, by dint men who loved, who aspired to better things,
twenty girls. Here she took the highest of persistently digging out the meaning of who saw beauty in all things, and the spirit
prize for English composition, and a special Spanish poems with a dictionary, she finally of God even in the hearts of their enemies .
prize for knowledge of Shakespeare. She That man had taken the blindness away from
entered the College of Liberal Arts of Boston our eyes. He knew and loved and read about
University in a class consisting of twenty people other than those who lived in the
six young men and two girls. At the end buildings surrounding his own back yard. "
of the first year she was elected president
of the class.
Later she was chosen president of the col " Let Mexico Alone !"
lege literary and debating society. She was
Says Dr. Henry Allen Tupper.
graduated with honors in 1881 .
She assisted her parents for many years MR . Henry Allen Tupper, who is well known
in this country for the part he took in
in the work of the Woman Suffrage As
telling the truth about the Constitutionalist
sociation, and in the editing of their paper,
revolution in its early days, and who has at
the Woman's Journal, and continued to car all times shown himself an ardent friend of
ry on both lines of work after their death . Mexico, had this to say recently to the church
She has held various offices in the Suffrage
over which he presides in the city of Wash
Association, the Woman's Christian Temper ington:
ance Union, the Friends of Armenia , and the " There are three methods by which to deal
Friends of Russian Freedom. She is now with Mexico .
President of the Massachusets Woman Suf
" First, ignore Mexico entirely ! Let the
frage Association and one of the editors of agencies there bear the result of their work
the Woman Citizen of New York City. She
independently of any influence from outside.
is also a member of the New England Wo " Invasion and intervention on the part of
man's Press Association, and a contributor United States by force of arms and other
to various magazines and papers.
drastic measures and the punishment of the
Miss Blackwell has always loved poetry, Mexicans who have caused us to sustain losses
and in her girlhood wrote many verses. She Miss Alice Stone Blackwell. of lives and property, by conquering and
says that their merit was slight, and that
occupying the territory, is the second measure.
she has never thought of collecting them. learned to read the language, and she now " The third measure, is to recognize their
In later life, her time has been largely taken makes her translations direct from the origi nationality and independence and sovereignty
up with controversial writing on the woman nal. and to continue our patient dealings with them
question ; but for many years her favorite She has put into English verse about 90 and, by tactful leadership, commerical reci
amusement in her spare moments has been Mexican poems, by 24 different authors, be procity, and by intelligent appreciation of
rendering foreign poetry into English verse. sides many poems of Rubén Darío, José San their character and position, and by Christian
She says, " I do it for recreation, as other tos Chocano, and other Spanish American education, in its broadest sense, we should
people play cards or make embroidery. ' ""
writers. Justo Sierra , Minister of Education
Brought up in a home that was full of the attempt to brighten and bless the land of
under President Diaz, was preparing to pub wonderful dormant possibilities. ""
spirit of the Crusaders, it was natural that Miss.
lish her Mexican translations in a volume, " Much depends on the attitude and recep
Blackwell, in her poetical work, should try
to serve as an interpreter for nations that with the Spanish and English on opposite tivity of Mexicans, as all true Americans wish
are oppressed and persecuted, or for those pages, when the fall of the Diaz government to help, not to hurt them. "'
that are little known in the United States, put an end to the project.
and are consequently misunderstood. She Mrs. Bertha S. Papazian, in the Woman Service of Motor Trucks Between
thought that it might be a helpful contri Citizen of May 18, 1918, spoke of " the grace
bution to the cause of human brotherhood to ful and exquisite world opened by Miss Black Ciudad Victoria and Tula .
make their beautiful poetry better known well's translations from the poets of Mexico, HE Governor of Tamaulipas inaugurat
to her countrymen. In 1896 she brought out Nicaragua, Chile, Argentina, and Peru- a THE
ed on the first day of December, motor
a volume of "Armenian Poems " which has world so romantic, so languorous, so tropical, truck service between Victoria and Tula, as
gone through three editions, and in 1908 and yet, oddly, so American. "' Mrs. Papaz
the highway joining them has just been com
" Songs of Russia. " Later appeared " Songs ian said she had been interested to learn that
of Grief and Gladness," made up of English the main reason for making these translations This new line of communication is most
renderings from the Yiddish and Hebrew; had been " the desirability of bringing our
also a study of the Hungarian poet Petoffi. Southern neighbors to public attention not as important, for the region about Tula pro
About eleven years ago Miss Blackwell made markets but as souls.'' duces in a large scale articles for export.
the acquaintance of Señorita Juana Palacios, Miss Blackwell has always been indignant. A further prolongation of the Victoria
who had been sent to the United States by with the efforts to stir up ill feeling against Tula highway is projected as far as the
the Mexican Government to investigate cer Mexico in the United States. Naturally, she Cerritos of the State of San Luis Potosi, in
tain educational subjects, and who was tak has been much interested in the Mexican order to give an outlet to various products
ing a postgraduate course at Boston Univer Review, and has been glad to write for it.. of the same region.

UNA NOTABLE TRADUCTORA ciones ; y en 1908, los " Cantos de Rusia." La señora Berta S. Papazian, habla en el
Más tarde, aparecieron los " Cantos de Dolor número correspondiente al 18 de mayo de
y Alegría, " traducidos al inglés de los judíos 1918, de la Mujer Ciudadano, del agraciado
Cuyos Trabajos de Traducción de
y hebreos ; también publicó un estudio sobre y exquisito mundo abierto por las traduccio
la Poesía Mexicana Son Bien Co nes hechas por la señorita Blackwell de los
el poeta húngaro Petoffi.
nocidos por los Lectores de Esta Hace once años, aproximadamente, trabó poetas de México , Nicaragua, Chile, Argenti
Revista. conocimiento la señorita Blackwell con la se na y Perú-un mundo tan romántico, tan lán
ñorita Juana Palacios, quien había sido en guido, tan tropical, y, singularmente, tan ame
A señorita Alicia Stone Blackwell, cuyas
viada a los Estados Unidos por el Gobierno ricano. " La señora Papazian ha dicho que
traducciones de poesías mexicanas han mexicano, para estudiar ciertos métodos edu se ha interesado mucho al saber que la prin
aparecido con frecuencia en las columnas de cativos, y que estaba siguiendo un curso adi cipal razón que hubo para hacer esas traduc
La Revista Mexicana, desciende de una fami
cional en la Universidad de Boston. La se ciones, fue el deseo de exponer a nuestros
lia de los Estados Unidos, que es distingui
ñorita Blackwell, que no conocía el castella vecinos del sur, a la atención pública, no co
da por sus buenas acciones. Sus padres, Hen no en aquella época, pidió a la señorita Pa mo mercados, sino como almas."
ry B. Blackwell y Lucy Stone, trabajaron ac
lacios que le diera a conocer algo de la poe La señorita Blackwell se ha indignado siem
tivamente por la abolición de la esclavitud de sía de México . La señorita Palacios tradujo pre contra los esfuerzos que tienden a promo
los negros y en apoyo de la concesión de de cierto número de poemas mexicanos en prosa ver sentimientos adversos a México en los
rechos a las mujeres, en igualdad con los hom
bres. inglesa, y la señorita Blackwell vertió la pro Estados Unidos. Naturalmente que le ha in
sa en verso inglés. Este fue el método que teresado mucho La Revista Mexicana y que
Alicia nació en Orange, Nueva Jersey, el
siguió con los poetas armenios, rusos y ju se ha regocijado en escribir para ella.
catorce de septiembre de mil ochocientos cin díos.
cuenta y siete. Hacia el año de 1869 , se Entre los muchos elogios que han recibido
Se encantó con la poesía mexicana, como
transladó con sus padres a Boston, Massachu las versiones inglesas que ha hecho de poe
setts. Se educó allí en un gran colegio par sucedió a otros americanos que la conocieron mas mexicanos, dice que ninguno le agradó
entonces por vez primera. Mr. Ainsworth R.
ticular, al que concurrían varios centenares tanto como el comentario que hizo el Director
de niños y cerca de veinte niñas. Ganó allí del " Stratford Journal " de Boston, Masachu
el primer premio en Composición inglesa, y Bank of London and Mexico Building. ssets . En el otoño de 1916, publicó un ar
un premio especial por su conocimiento de tículo de Luis G. Urbina y se expresó así en
las obras de Shakespeare. Ingresó posterior las columnas editoriales de la misma edi
mente en el Colegio de Artes Liberales de la ción :
Universidad de Boston, en una clase compues " La otra noche me encontraba en una ter
ta de veintiséis jóvenes y de dos señoritas. tulia en la que se ofreció hablar de la inevi
Al terminar el primer año, Alicia fue nom table cuestión mexicana. Los concurrentes
brada " Presidente " de la clase. Más tarde, discutían sobre Hearst, sobre las tropas ame
fue electa para el mismo grado en el colegio ricanas que hay en El Paso, etc. Uno de los
literario y en la sociedad de debates. En 1881 presentes observó que los mexicanos forman
se graduó, con honores. una raza de víboras, que no abriga buenos
Ayudó a sus padres durante muchos años, pensamientos y sentimientos. Uno de mis
en el trabajo de la Asociación para el Sufra amigos acaba de leer precisamente algunas
gio de la Mujer y en la publicación de su exquisitas poesías de Urbina, y comenzó a ha
periódico, " El Diario de la Mujer, " habien blarnos de ellas ; y mientras proseguía hablan
do continuado ambos trabajos después de la do, comprendimos a un México diferente, lo
muerte de sus progenitores. Ha desempeña D vimos como a un país de hombres que ama
do varios puestos en la Asociación Sufragista, ban y aspiraban a cosas mejores, que veían
en la Unión de Temperancia de las Mujeres , la belleza en todas las cosas y que miraban el
en la sociedad " Los Amigos de Armenia " y espíritu de Dios aun en el corazón de sus ene
en la de Amigos de la Libertad de Rusia. " migos. Ese hombre había quitado la venda
En la actualidad, es Presidenta de la Asocia de nuestros ojos. Conocía, leía y amaba a un
ción del Sufragio de la Mujer, de Massachu pueblo distinto del que vive en los edificios
setts," y se cuenta entre los editores de " La que rodean su traspatio. "
Mujer Ciudadano " de la Ciudad de Nueva Edificio del Banco de Londres y México.
York. Es miembro de la Asociación de Pren
sa de las Mujeres de Nueva Inglaterra, y Serán Reparados los Muelles
Spofford,, quien fue durante cuarenta años
colaboradora de varios magazines y periódi De Todos los Puertos.
bibliotecario del Congreso de los Estados Uni
COS. dos y que era considerado como un excelente DIENE en estudio la Secretaría de Comu
Miss Blackwell ha amado siempre la poesía
juez en literatura, fue impresionado honda y nicaciones y Obras Públicas la reposición
y escribió en su juventud muchos versos. Di especialmente por el poema de Gutiérrez Ná de la mayoría de los muelles y demás embar
ce que el mérito de éstos es corto y que ja jera intitulado " Ondas Muertas. " caderos de los diversos puertos de la Repú
más ha pensado en coleccionarlos. Posterior Después de que la señorita Palacios hubo blica, algunos de los cuales, como el de Sa
mente, las controversias sobre el problema regresado a México, Miss Blackwell fue ayu lina Cruz y varios de la Baja California, ado
femenino han absorbido casi todo su tiempo ; lecen de ciertos defectos. Para llevar a ca
dada por otros de sus amigos que hablaban
pero durante muchos años ha sido su entre castellano ; mas a fuerza de buscar el signifi bo tan interesante medida, será propuesta una
tenimiento favorito, en sus momentos ociosos, cado de los poemas españoles, con la ayuda de cantidad que no baje de cuatrocientos mil pe
el verter poesías extranjeras en verso inglés. un diccionario, acabó por aprender este idio sos. El puerto de Salina Cruz será el primero
Dice a este respecto : " Hago ésto por re
ma, finalmente. En la actualidad, hace sus entre los que quedarán listos.
creación, como otras gentes juegan a las car traducciones directamente del original.
tas o bordan." Uno de los ingenieros dependientes de esa
Ha vertido en verso inglés, alrededor de Secretaría, emprenderá en breve un viaje de
Habiendo nacido en un hogar saturado del noventa poemas mexicanos, de veinticuatro inspección a los puertos de la República, con
espíritu de los cruzados, era natural que la autores diferentes, además de muchos otros
señorita Blackwell, en sus trabajos poéti objeto de informar acerca del estado de los
de Rubén Darío, José Santos Chocano y otros muelles.
cos, hubiera tratado de servir de intérprete
poetas de habla española. Justo Sierra, quien
a las naciones oprimidas y perseguidas, o de Una compañía compuesta de capitalistas del
fue Ministro de Instrucción Pública en el ré Estado de Jalisco, se dedica a la exploración
las que son poco conocidas, y, por consecuen
cia, mal comprendidas en los Estados Unidos. gimen de Díaz, se estaba preparando para de depósitos petroleros que se cree existen en
Pensó que constituiría una poderosa contri publicar las traducciones de poesías mexica algunas de las islas del Lago de Chapala. Se
bución a la causa de la fraternidad humana, nas, hechas por Miss Blackwell, en un libro dice que los indicios encontrados, demuestran
el hacer que fuese mejor conocida por sus que llevara los originales castellanos y las la presencia de extensos depósitos de petróleo,
compatriotas la bella poesía de aquellos pue traducciones inglesas en páginas opuestas, haciéndose por esto, la exploración en grande
blos. En 1896, publicó un volumen de los cuando puso fin a sus designios la caída del escala. Se cree que son también petroliferas
" Poemas Armenios, " que ha tenido tres edi Gobierno de Porfirio Díaz. las tierras que forman la orilla del lago .

deposits, mines, agricultural lands, cattle, etc. ,

which they have acquired for ridiculous prices,
Opportunities Offered by Mexico
obtaining results exceedingly greater than
From an Interview Wilh Consul- General De Negri in the those gotten in other countries through the
New York Press -Favorable Conditions Here same investments ; adding to it, they have
enjoyed concessions contrary to the order and
ONSUL- GENERAL R. P. De Negri, the form prescribed by the laws, granted them by
ers will go to my country in large groups to
representative of the Mexican Govern former governments who did not think of
C partake of the welfare to which we are all
ment in New York City, recently gave entitled. Mexico receives with open arms all the future of Mexico , and probably for the
an interview to the press from which the fol honest foreigners who respect our laws and latter's personal benefit. The damages that
lowing is taken. Incidentally it may be re those capitalists have sustained during our
go there to take advantage of our immense
marked that Señor De Negri is one of the troubles are insignificant.
natural riches, which have caused such ter
best foreign agents of this country and in rible ambitions. " I strongly believe, and say with sincerity,
the various positions held by him has done " Our reforming movement is not alone. that it would be a sign of intelligence on the
much to establish friendly relations between All the people of the globe actually strive part of those great interests, now facing a
the two countries. He said in part: to the same end, and everywhere is noted a world-wide reform movement, to sacrifice
" Mexico, as never before, is now under desire to conquer rights that the masses have seventy-five per cent of their ambitions, and
exceptionally encouraging conditions for never had, to establish a permanent social keep the twenty-five remaining, to avoid
small capital to employ its force there, pro and economic equilibrium. greater misfortunes. The peoples of the earth
ducing results that could be obtained in no " President Carranza, notwithstanidng the have arrived at such a state of consciousness
other country on earth. There is the special bitter attacks directed against him, is a great that there is no human power to stop them
circumstance that in Mexico, in spite of nine reformer ; a men serene and capable to carry in their progress, as their tendencies are to
attain a balance whose results would be the
Legislative Palace, State of Querétaro. common welfare.
" We do not discourage big capital. It may
go to Mexico to develop our industries and
natural resources, with the only condition
that they have an absolute respect for our
laws. That is all we ask.
" I do not think that the American people
participate in the interventionists ' idea,
which only radicates in certain elements per
fectly well known, and naturally the efforts
to gain American public opinion have been
initiated throughout the United States in an
immeasurable manner ; but I am confident
that justice, so longed for by us and the
good American people, will triumph at last,
until we make out of the two nations a real
" We ask for nothing. We only desire a
good understanding and a mutual respect, as
it is the sole way to reach a ocmplete state of
peace among the races of the whole world.
" For example, the declarations of Dr. Bar
rows of San Francisco, California, saying that
'intervention in Mexico is inevitable ; " that
we need a " strong hand, " gring at once be
fore the public sight the most profound ig
norance and the most absolute lack of prin
ciples. Dr. Barrows undoubtedly does not
522 understand our problems ; and if he does un
derstand them, he has acted with the utmost
Palacio Legislativo de Querétaro. bad faith, trying to influence American public
opinion, in which I trust he will not succeed.
years of strife to conquer social reforms of his people to a definitive victory. It is He has placed himself on the level of the
the most transcendental importance, no heavy natural that men of his size, as all leaders regular demagogue. A person who, like Dr.
taxes weigh upon our people, as is the case that sustain high ideals, should meet with Barrows, is in charge of the education of
almost everywhere. Taxes in Mexico are re the formidable attacks of the retrogressive youth in a University, is dangerous, as he
latively low; and if they are high to a certain element.
guides their opinions in an erroneous man
extent and in some instances it is accidentally " There is at this epoch in Mexico the most
while our economic crisis is in solution. A ample liberty of press and speech, and the " You ask my opinion about the statements
proof of the vitality of the country is that Government is constantly criticised by the made in this city by Mr. George A. Chamber
Mexico is the only nation, without procedent element above said and by those who despair lain, lately Consul General of the United
in the history of the world, having a metallic, of rapid reforms without taking the pains States in my country; and I must answer you
monetary basis. There is no paper money in to aid in bringing them about. solely that it is incredible that there can be
Mexico. All transactions and payments are " You ask me if I believe in intervention so crude a morality as that of representing
made in gold and silver, and we are very near in Mexico. I do not admit by any means, the diplomatically a country in another with
to equalizing our budget. Banking laws have right of intervention of any country in the which relations of friendship are maintained,
not yet been reformed, because we want to affairs of any other nation. It is a transgres only to return to one's native land to libel
legislate in such a way that all mistakes com sion that admits of no explanation-to carry and attack the First Magistrate of a nation
mitted by former governments may disappear, armed forces into to a foreign country or mix that honored that one with admittance to
establishing just and even laws. in any way in its affairs for the sake of the ruler's country, and where the former has
" The revolution initiated in Mexico in pretending to protect private interests. been shown all hospitality, courtesy and at
1910, is unique in its kind, as it has had a " It is logical that in Mexico the great tentions. That is all I have to say, because
social and reforming character. With great foreign capitalists should have suffered some Mr. Chamberlain, before the opinion of the
sacrifices we have gained our sacred rights during our social revolution. Everybody has wise American people, has answered himself.
and are near a final triumph, and no one can suffered . Those capitalists have amassed All those who act in a similar manner deserve
doubt that under these circumstances foreign huge fortunes, especially in our enormous oil the same considerations."

librio cuyo resultado sea el bienestar co

Oportunidades que Ofrece México
" No desalentamos a los grandes capitales.
Pueden ir a México para desarrollar nuestras
Tomado de una Entrevista Concedida a la Prensa de Nueva York por el
industrias y explotar nuestros recursos natu
Cónsul General De Negri - Condiciones Favorables de la República rales, con la sola condición de que concedan
un respeto absoluto a nuestras leyes. Esto es
L Cónsul General de México en Nueva amplia libertad de imprenta y de libre emi
sión de las ideas, siendo el Gobierno constan todo lo que pedimos.
E York, señor Ramón P. De Negri, conce " No creo que el pueblo norteamericano to
dió una entrevista a la prensa de esa temente atacado por el elemento ya indica me parte en el proyecto de los intervencio
ciudad, de la cual tomamos los siguientes do, y también por los que se desesperan de
nistas, que radica solamente en ciertos ele
párrafos. De advertirse es, de paso, que el las reformas radicales, sin tomarse la pena de Natural
mentos perfectamente conocidos.
Sr. Denegri es uno de los mejores Agentes colaborar para que sean realizadas esas refor
mente que estos elementos han hecho esfuer
Consulares de México. En los distintos pues mas.
" Me preguntan ustedes si creo en la inter zos poderosos en todo el país, para conquis
tos que ha desempeñado, ha laborado eficaz
tar la opinión pública; pero confío en que la
mente por establecer relaciones amistosas en vención norteamericana en México. No admi
tre México y los Estados Unidos. Dicho Cón to, por ningún motivo, el derecho de un pue Justicia, tan anhelada por nosotros y por el
blo a intervenir en los asuntos de otra na buen pueblo norteamericano , triunfará al fin,
sul declaró lo siguiente, en parte :
cuando hayamos establecido una verdadera
" Actualmente se encuentra México en con ción. Constituye una transgresión a las leyes,
fraternidad entre las dos naciones.
diciones excepcionalmente alentadoras para que no puede ser explicada, el enviar tropas
que el pequeño capital sea empleado y pro extranjeras a un país, o intervenir en cual " No pedimos nada. Sólo deseamos que ha
quiera forma en él para proteger los intereses ya una buena inteligencia y un respeto mu
duzca utilidades que no podrían ser obtenidas
tuo ; pues es este el único medio de llegar a
en otros países del mundo. Existe en México particulares.
un perfecto estado de armonía entre las razas
una circunstancia especial y que consiste en " Es lógico que los grandes capitalistas ex
que, a pesar de nueve años de lucha intensa del mundo entero.
tranjeros residentes en México, hayan debi
para conquistar reformas sociales de la mayor do sufrir algo durante nuestra revolución so " Por ejemplo : las declaraciones del doctor
trascendencia, no gravitan sobre el pueblo im cial. Todos han sufrido. Dichos capitalistas Barrows, de San Francisco, California, indi
puestos gravosos, como es el caso en la ma han reunido grandes fortunas, especialmente cando que " es inevitable la intervención en
yoría de los países extranjeros. uts
Las contribuciones son en México relati National Academy, the " West Point" of Mexico.
vamente bajas. Y si son elevadas en cierto
grado y en algunos casos, esto es accidental
mente y sólo mientras no sea resuelta nuestra
crisis económica. Una prueba de la vitalidad
de nuestro país, consiste en que México es la
única nación que ofrece un ejemplo sin pre
cedente en la Historia ; el de contar con una
base monetaria metálica. En México, en efec
to, no existe el papel moneda. Todos los pa
gos y transacciones se hacen en oro y plata.
Además, estamos próximos a nivelar nuestros
presupuestos. No se han reformado aún las
leyes bancarias, pues necesitamos legislar a es
te respecto de tal modo, que desaparezcan
los errores cometidos por los Gobiernos ante
riores, y que se establezcan leyes justas y
" La Revolución iniciada en México en 1910,
es única en su género, pues ha tenido un ca
rácter social y reformador. Merced a gran
des sacrificios, hemos conquistado nuestros
sagrados derechos y estamos próximos a la
victoria final , sin que pueda dudar ninguno
de que bajo estas circunstancias, puedan ir Academia de Estado Mayor, México, D. F.
los extranjeros a mi Patria, en grandes gru en nuestros enormes depósitos de petróleo, en México ; " que necesitamos una " mano de
pos, para compartir con nosotros el bienestar
las minas, tierras laborables y para la cría hierro, " revela inmediatamente a la opinión
a que estamos llamados. México recibe con
de ganado, etc., que han adquirido a precios pública, la más profunda ignorancia y la más
los brazso abiertos a todos los extranjeros
ridículos, obteniendo utilidades excesivamen absoluta falta de principios morales en la
honrados que respeten nuestras leyes y que
te más grandes que las obtenidas en otros paí mente del declarante. Sin duda que el doc
lleguen al país para sacar provecho de nues ses y en los mismos ramos ; debe añadirse o
tras inmensas riquezas naturales, las que han tor Barrows no comprende, ha obrado con la
esto, que han disfrutado de concesiones con mayor mala fe, tratando de influenciar a la
provocado tan terribles ambiciones en el ex
terior. trarias al orden y a la forma prescrita por
opinión pública norteamericana, la cual, se
" Nuestro movimiento reformista no es ais las leyes, y que les fueron otorgadas por Go gún espero, no conquistará él. Se ha coloca
lado. Todos los pueblos del mundo luchan en biernos anteriores que no pensaron en el fu do, por este solo hecho, a la altura de los de
la actualidad con el mismo fin, observándose turo de México, y probablemente, para su be
magogos. Una persona que, como el doctor
en todas partes un vivo deseo de conquistar neficio particular. Los daños que han sufri
Barrows tiene a su cargo la educación de la
los derechos de que jamás han gozado las ma do esos capitalistas durante nuestras pertur
juventud universitaria, es peligrosa, pues guía
sas populares y para establecer un equilibrio baciones, son inisignificantes.
la opinión de los jóvenes de un modo erró
permanente, social y económico. " Creo firmemente, y lo declaro sinceramen
" El Presidente Carranza es un gran refor te, que demostrarían inteligencia esos gran
des intereses, que se encuentran ahora ante " Me piden ustedes mi opinión sobre las de
mador, a pesar de que digan lo contrario los
acres ataques que se le dirigen; es un hom un movimiento de reforma mundial, al sa claraciones hechas en esta ciudad, por Mr.
crificar el setenta y cinco por ciento de sus George A. Chamberlain, ex-cónsul general de
bre sereno y capaz de conducir a su pueblo
al triunfo final. Es natural que un hombre ambiciones y conservar el veinticinco por los Estados Unidos en mi país, y debo con
de este carácter, como sucede con todos los ciento restante, a fin de evitar grandes des testar, únicamente, que apenas es creíble que
que defienden ideales elevados, sufra muchos gracias. Los pueblos de la Tierra, han lle sean capaces de representar diplomáticamen
ataques de parte de los elementos retrógra gado a tal grado de comprensión, que no exis te a un país en otro, con el cual se mantienen
dos . te poder humano que detenga su progreso, relaciones amistosas, con el exclusivo fin de
" Existe en México actualmente, la más pues su tendencia consiste en llegar a un equi (Continúa en la Página 41.)

event, I told him I wanted two or three dozen,

Mexican Byways and but in no case was he to expend more than
six reales (75 cents. ) He was to have the
Scenes and Experiences Away Fromthe dealer open the shells and remove the oysters ,
as I had no shell opening apparatus at the
Usual Paths of Travelers and Writers
inn. I repeated my instructions until Hilario.
By Geo. F. Weeks. had them letter perfect. Then with an
tipations of a treat for breakfast, I went to
dripping down her cheeks, plodded through
Across the Sierra Again. the rain and mud on her way to the Campo When I arose the first question asked was:
Santo, carrying the tiny pitiful little coffin " Well, Hilario, did you get the oysters ? "
EACHED Culiacán at midnight, just as " Si, Señor. " " How many did you buy ?"
in her own arms!
the rain began to pour down-a very un " Quien sabe, Señor . " " Where are they? ''
I Hours were passed also in looking at the
usual occurrence at this season, (Califor " In my morral. " ( morral is a small bag of
numbers of the houses across the way. In
nians who have had to explain " unusual fiber that is universally used by the natives
weather" will appreciate this. ) Acting on the consecutive order these numbers ran : 17, 47,
in place of a basket. )
advice of friends who were supposed to know 33 and 51 , and though I puzzled over it a good
I felt a slight misgiving when he said he
the country, I had not provided myself with deal and asked questions of many, no soultion had the oysters in his morral, as that seemed
waterproof clothing when I left Torreon, so other than the universal " Quien sabe ? " was scarcely an appropriate receptacle for them,
found myself in a dilema . I had no fuerther vouchsafed, and I left Culiacan with the and I had told the mozo to take a pan or a
business in the place and was anxious to be mystery unsolved. Had I been a " policy " plate in which to carry his purchase. I told
on the road, so I hunted the stores of the city gambler I might have taken these numbers him to produce the oysters, and he did so.
high and low in search of a slicker or some as a " hunch " and made a winning! But was He drew a bulky newspaper parcel out of the
form of rubber garment, but could find not!
morral and proceeded to emty it into a four
nothing except a fancy poncho of French One experience I had however which is a quart tin pan that was part of my camping
make for which a high price was asked . I fair illustration of the stupidity of the aver outfit. The oysters filled the pan and were
declined to invest and concluded that a Du age mozo. Before going to Culiacan I had heaped up so that not another one could be
rango blanket wrapped around me after the been told that oysters of an exceptionally put on the pyramid. There were at least 200
native fashion would answer the purpose of good quality could be obtained there and of them, and they were altogether the worst
looking and vilest smelling collection of un
Facade of the National Boarding-School.
appetizing objects that ever masqueraded as
anything eatable. It seems that at Altata
they have a delectable practice of opening
the oysters, patrially drying them in the sun,
after first rolling them in salt, and, a flabby,
discolored, evil smelling mess, they are
shipped to Culiacan and strangely enough
find ready sale. Many oysters are also ship
ped in the shell and arrive in the best con
dition, but no person in his right mind could
ever be persuaded to eat a half dried oyster.
After a lot of them had been washed, rolled
in cracker dust and fried in lard, I managed
to eat just one, but it was an ill tasting dose.
And so ended my oyster experiment in Culia
About 9 o'clock the rain having ceased and
the clouds lightening a little, I told Hilario
to pack up, saddle the mules, and we would
take the road. But he apparently had other
plans. It was Sunday and it seemed he had
found 'some friends from the mountains and
I suspect intended to " make a day of it"
with them. For as soon as I told him to get
ready to march he began to raise objections.
It was too late to start that day : it was going
Fachada del Internado Nacional. to rain more, the roads were too muddy, one
of the mules was very weary, '' another had
keeping out the moisture-a conclusion which that I would do well to feast myself on them. a sore back, and so on. When he had com
the event justified . The first day in town I visited a native res
taurant and called for some fried oysters. pleted his list of objections I looked at my
All next day and night the rain poured,
watch and merely told him that we would
and all day I paced the cheerless tile-paved They were served, but they were not cooked
start in one hour. Sulkily enough he then
room of the inn. In this " tropical " climate, after the usual American style, though suf
proceeded to make the necessary arrange
as was once the case in California, no ficient of the natural flavor was not disguis ments. To be sure he took two hours to get
provision is made for so wasteful and un ed by native condiments to disclose the fact
ready, whereas half an hour would have been
necessary a thing as a fire for mere heating that they had originally been of very fine
amply sufficient, but ready he finally was
purposes, consequently, though I wore an quality. On inquiry I learned that fresh
and we rode off down the street toward the.
overcoat and kept a blanket wrapped around oysters were brought from Altata, the port
open plains, our objective point being San
me, I passed a throughly cheerless and un for Culiacan, some 40 miles distant, thrice
Ignacio, two or three days ' journey to the
comfortable day. All I could do was to stare a week by train. I was advised that Sunday
at the infrequent passers-by, among whom I morning was the best time to find them in the south. But we soon had to change the route.
noted the sorrowful spectacle of a mother market and that one should be on hand very Hilario was quite right when he said the roads.
carrying the corps of her little baby in a pink early, say about 5 o'clock. This was a trifle were very muddy. They were indeed. But
coffin to its grave, accompanied by but one too early for me, but bent on having a good we were fortunate in starting when we did,
female friend. The burial laws of the coun treat of the delicacy, even if I had to cook as it rained for a straight week after we left.
try are very insistent and are rigidly en them myself, I gave Hilario, the mozo, ex Culiacan, and had we waited another day it
forced- a body must be interred within 24 plicit instructions. I told him that I suppos would doubtless have been ten days before
hours after death, and there can be no delay ed fresh oysters would cost perhaps two we could have navigated the slough of de
from bad weather or any other cause what reales (25 cents) per dozen-I had paid 50 spond into which the unusual downpour con
soever. So this poor drenched mother, tears cents for a plate of ten fried ones. In any verted the entire plains region.

un plato o cacerola para traer la compra. Le

pedí que me enseñara las ostras, y así lo hì
Por Caminos y Veredas de México ZO. Sacó un voluminoso envoltorio de papel
de su morral y procedió a desenvolverlo y a
Escenas y Aventuras en Caminos y Parajes Poco
vaciarlo en un vaso de zine de cuatro cuartos
Frecuentados por Viajeros y Escritores que formaba parte de mis alforjas. Las os
Por Geo. F. Weeks. tras llenaron el vaso y se amontonaron tanto,
que no se podía añadir una más a la pirámi
CAPITULO IX pero no estaban aderezadas al estilo america de. Había cuando menos, doscientas, ofre
no, aunque es verdad que el condimento no ciendo todas la colección de objetos de peor
A Través de la Sierra Nuevamente.
les quitaba un buen sabor que indicaba su aspecto y olor, y sin ningún atractivo, que
LEGUE a Culiacán a media noche, pre disfrazó jamás a cualquier comestible. Pare
buena calidad. Al preguntar, se me dijo que
cisamente cuando empezaba a llover, ce que en Altata observan la deliciosa prác
L se traían de Altata, tres veces a la semana,
lo cual era un acontecimiento inusitado tica de abrir parcialmente las ostras para
las ostras de cuarenta millas de distancia de
en esta estación . (Los californianos que han la ciudad. Se me dijo que la mañana del secarlas al sol después de haberlas envuelto
tenido que explicar esto de tiempo inusita en sal, y en seguida, ya reblandecidas, des
domingo era la más adecuada para encontrar
do " apreciarán lo anterior. ) Por consejo de buenas ostras en el mercado, pero a hora tem coloridas y constituyendo un bocado de un
ciertos amigos que suponía yo conocían el prana, a las cinco . Esto era un poco tem olor endiablado, son colocadas en sus conchas
país, no me había provisto de impermeable prano para mí, pero decidido a disfrutar de y enviadas a Culiacán, donde, lo que es muy
cuando salí de Torreón, de manera que me extraño, se venden prontamente. Muchas os
la delicadeza de las ostras, aunque tuviera
encontré ante una disyuntiva. No tenía más tras son embarcadas en la concha y llegan a
que prepararlas yo mismo, dí a Hilario, mi
negocios en la ciudad y estaba deseoso de es Culiacán en el mejor estado, pero ninguna
mozo, explícitas instrucciones para comprar
tar en el camino, de manera que recorrí las persona que tenga juicio, puede ser persuadi
me algunas. Le indiqué que suponía habría
tiendas de arriba a abajo en busca de un im de costarle la docena de ostras frescas, dos da a comer una ostra semi -seca. Después
permeable o de cosa parecida, pero sin poder
encontrar nada, excepto un vistoso poncho A Section of the Queretaro Aqueduct.
francés, por el cual me pidieron un precio muy
elevado . Me rehusé a comprarlo y concluí por
pensar que una frazada de Durango, envuel
ta a la manera de los nativos, me guardaría
de la humedad, creencia que justificaron los
Durante todo el día y la noche siguientes,
siguió cayendo la lluvia, y durante ese tiem
po recorrí de un lado a otro el triste enladri
llado de la posada. En este clima " tropi
cal, ' como es el caso en California, no se
preocupan de tener una cosa tan innecesaria
como un fuego para calentar, de suerte que,
en consecuencia, conservé envueltos un sobre
todo y una frazada y pasé un día triste e in
cómodo. Todo lo que pude hacer fue observar
a los transeuntes que acertaban a pasar cer
ca de la posada, y entre los cuales contemplé
el triste espectáculo de una madre que lle
vaba el cadáver de su niño en un ataúd rosa,
rumbo al cementerio y que iba acompañada de
una mujer.
Las leyes de entierros del país son enér
gicas a este respecto y se observan estricta
mente ; todo cadáver debe ser enterrado den
tro de las veinticuatro horas consecutivas a la
muerte, sin que pueda tolerarse ninguna de
mora por causa del mal tiempo o por cual
quier otro motivo. Así, esta pobre madre,
calada por el agua y cuyas lágrimas descen Arquería del Acueducto de Querétaro.
dían por sus mejillas, avanzaba penosamente
bajo la lluvia y en el lodo, rumbo al Campo reales, (25 centavos, ) puesto que había paga de que fueron lavadas algunas de ellas, en
santo, llevando el pequeño ataúd en sus bra do cincuenta centavos por un plato de ostras vueltas en polvo de galleta y fritas en man
zos ! Pasé también varias horas en mirar fritas. En todo caso, le dije, que necesita teca, quise comer una, pero tenía un sabor
los números de las casas fronteras. Por su ba yo dos o tres docenas, pero que no gastara muy desagradable. Y así terminó mi experi
más de seis reales, (setenta y cinco centavos . ) mento con las ostras en Culiacán .
orden, estos números eran : 17, 47, 33 y 51, y
aunque me devané los sesos buscando la razón Debería pedir al vendedor que abriera las Cerca de las nueve, habiendo cesado la llu
de este orden y que hice muchas preguntas, ostras, pues no tenía yo con que sacarlas en la via y aclarándose un poco el cielo, ordené a
sin encontrar otra solución que el universal posada . Y después, pensando en la perspec Hilario, que cargara y ensillara las mu
"Quién sabe ! " cuando partí de Culiacán aun tiva de darme un banquete en el desayuno, las para que emprendiésemos la mar
me fuí a la cama. cha. Pero, aparentemente, el mozo te
subsistía para mí el misterio. Si hubiese yo
sido un policía aficionado, habría anotado Cuando me levanté, la primera pregunta que nía otros planes. Era domingo y parece que
esos números y habría obtenido alguna ven hice, fue: " Bien, Hilario, compraste las os había encontrado a algunos amigos de las
taja. Pero no lo era! tras?" " Sí, señor. " " Cuántas compras montañas, y según sospeché, intentaba " so
te ?" " Quién sabe, señor . '' " ¿Dónde es lemnizar el día " con ellos. Pues tan pronto
Hé aquí una experiencia que tuve y que
muestra la estupidez de la generalidad de los tán ? " " En mi morral (un morral es una como le indiqué que debía alistarse para la
mozos o criados . Antes de partir para Cu bolsa pequeña hecha de fibra y usada gene marcha, empezó a hacer objeciones. Era
liacán, había sido informado de que se po ralmente por los nativos en lugar de ces muy tarde para partir por la mañana ; iba
dían obtener en esta ciudad ostras de calidad ta.) a llover más ; los caminos estaban llenos de
excepcionalmente buena, y de que haría yo Me contrarié un poco, cuando me dijo és lodo ; una de las mulas estaba "muy cansa
bien en regalarme con ellas. El primer día to, pues me parecía que el morral era un re da, " otra tenía una llaga en el lomo, etc., etc.
que estuve en la población, entré en un res cipiente muy poco adecuado para el caso y Cuando hubo terminado la lista de sus ob
taurant y pedí ostras fritas. Se me sirvieron, que había yo ordenado al mozo que llevara jeciones, consulté mi reloj y le dije solamen

I have seen mud in California-the old and debris being carried toward the sea. A night had worked a considerable change. The
fashioned red and black adobe mud- but single glance showed that further progress stream was as wide as before, but the " white
never had I seen such mud as we now en was impossible, so there was nothing to do ex horses '' in mid-current had disappeared and
countered. It was black as coal, thick and cept to wait. there were no more floating trees. A couple
viscid. The feet and legs of the mules sank A mile or• more back we had passed a clear of natives had got hold of a crazy log canoe,
into it almost to their knees, and when a ing in the jungle with a couple of palm full of holes which had been patched up with
foot was withdrawn it came out with dif thatched huts, and as it still threatened rain pieces of the ubiquitous oil can, and were
ficulty, the mud clinging tenaciously to I decided to return and ask for shelter. We now on hand, seeking to earn a few reales
it and giving way with a " klooping " received the same warm welcome that was from people willing to take chances in cross
sound like the exaggerated noise of the ex extended everywhere, and were told to make ing the river. After watching the craft make
traction of a cork from a bottle. It did not ourselves at home in the portal of one of the one trip I concluded that where natives went
require more than half an hour of this sort huts, which we proceeded to do , without California could follow, so sent back for the
of work, with the sight of numerous ox carts further ceremony, making firm friends of the pack mule and mozo . In due time he came
abandoned in the road, their wheels an in family by presenting them with a cupful of down and we prepared to cross. The pack
distinguishable mass of mud, to convince me ground coffee-evidently a great luxury to and my saddle were placed in the bottom of
that it was useless to endeavor to travel any them . The next hut was about 100 yards the canoe . One native in the stern wielded
distance in the plains, so I decided to make distant, and there seemed to be many people a paddle, while the other in the bow took, the
straight for the foothills , half a day's ride there who were in a state of great hilarity reata that was around the neck of my saddle
distant. It was a hard task for the mules , all evening. A number of freight packers mule and led the animal into the stream. My '
but I went in advance and set a slow pace, were also here waiting for the river to go duty was to sit in the bottom of the cranky
giving the animals all the time they needed down. It was a lonely place , and as I sat by vessel (there were no thwarts ) and keep it
and not urging them, so that in due time we the camp fire under the roof of the portal, trimmed against the agitation of the current.
reached the hills and the soft black soil of listened to the sounds of jollity from the (To be continued . )
the plains was left behind . Here, because neighboring hut, and looked at the not reas
of the gravelly character of the soil and suring faces of the travelers who were also
Have Review mailed free of postage by
large areas of outcropping rock, the strata sharing our shelter, I would not be telling
calling at this office .
lying almost level , travel was comparatively the truth if the thought did not occasionally
easy and I was congratulating myself on the present itself " How easy it would be for [**@++Ü«» ējas
good progress we were makng when we met these people to put the lone gringo out of the
way, and how could any trace of him be PELUQUERIA " ROMA "
a man on horseback who asked where we were
found ?'' URUGUAY, 5.
going. I told him my objective point, and
he said that we could not go there. The river After further experience of traveling alone Antiguo Local del Restaurant Roma.
a few miles ahead was high and absolutely in out-of-the-way places, however, I got en !
impassable, and we would either have to go tirely over any apprehensions of this kind Higiene Absoluta.- Servicio Esmerado.
back to Culiacan and cross the stream on the and learned that I was as safe among the Establecimiento de Primera Clase.
bridge, taking a very roundabout course to Indians and natives as in any part of the
the mountains, or else camp several days on supposedly more civilized world-much more
the banks and wait for the water to go so , in fact, than in some localities. Rasurar • $ 0.30
down. After a while however the merriment in the Corte de Pelo.. ·· 4 2 1 • + ·$ 0.40
Being of a disposition that requires " to adjacent hut ceased and I heard the monoto Massage Eléctrico . + •→• · 龠 •$ 0.60
nous sound of a voice evidently reciting or Loción. • D$ 0.40
be shown, " and not caring to take any per
son's mere say-so under such circumstances, reading something, with other voices in oc Manicure. • .$ 1.00
I concluded to keep on and take a look at the casional response. Listening carefully, I final
First-Class Hair Cutting, Shampooing,
river myself. Just before sundown we rode ly caught what it was. It was the voice of a
man reciting the evening service of the church Electric Massage, Manicuring, etc.
down off the hill into the valley and came
to the bank of the river. When we had in Latin, and the others were giving the res JESUS PLASCENCIA.
crossed it on our way to Culiacan, it was per ponses in the proper places ! To be sure, the
haps 100 feet in width and our mules may pos Latin was literally " murdered , " but that
sibly have moistened their legs half way to did not alter the character of the perform
their knees, the water not being over fetlock ance nor did it prevent me from having a GUERRERO
deep. Now it was a raging torrent at least feeling of security that could have come in
half a mile wide . Long before we came in no other way. I wrapped myself in my blan
sight of the stream the roaring of the water kets and slept under the palm leaf shed in Fine American Tailoring
had convinced us that we had been told the open air as peacefully and with a feeling Imported Woolens
aright. Out in the middle of the stream the of as great security as I had in the most
water was piled up in a mad current, with civilized and well guarded city in which I had ENGLISH SPOKEN
great " white horses ' chasing each other ever lived.
with the speed of a railroad train , while the When morning came I rode down to the Avenida Juárez 14 .
entire surface was broken with trees , logs river again and found that the hours of the





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te que partiríamos dentro de una hora. Con durante varios días en la ribera para esperar cualquiera parte de los países que se supó
I que el agua descendiera. nen más civilizados del muundo, mucho más,
mucho enojo procedió entonces a hacer los
preparativos necesarios . Con seguridad que Encontrándome en ese estado de ánimo en de hecho, que en algunas otras localidades.
--se tomó dos horas para hacerlo, siendo así que ' quiere uno que le demuestren lo que se Poco después de que había cesado el rego
que le habría bastado media hora, pero fi afirma, y no queriendo tomar el dicho de cijo en la cabaña vecina, escuché el monóto
nalmente estuvo listo y cabalgamos por las cualquiera como una verdad, resolví seguir no sonado de una voz que seguramente leía
calles rumbo a la llanura, siendo nuestro el camino y ver el río por mí mismo. Poco o recitaba algo, y de otras voces que le res
objetivo San Ignacio, que se encontraba a antes de la puesta del sol, descendimos de pondían de vez en cuando . Escuchando con
dos o tres jornadas más al sur. Pero pronto la colina al valle y llegamos a la margen todo cuidado , me dí cuenta finalmente de lo
tuvimos que cambiar de camino. Hilario ha del río . Cuando lo cruzamos antes de llegar que era aquello . Era la voz de un hombre
x* bía dicho bien cuando indicó que los cami a Culiacán, tenía como cien pies de ancho que hacía los servicios de la iglesia en latín
nos estaban llenos de lodo. ' Ciertamente que quizá ; nuestras muulas se mojaron las patas y de los otros que le daban respuesta opor
-lo estaban. Pero fuímos afortunados en par quizá, hasta media altura de la rodilla, pues tunamente. Ciertamente que el latín era ma
tir cuando lo hicimos, pues llovió después una el agua no era muy profunda. Ahora, era el terialmente ، ، asesinado , " pero esto no al
។ semana en Culiacán, y que si hubiésemos es río un rabioso torrente que tenía una milla teraba el carácter de la función religiosa ni
perado otro día, seguramente que habrían pa de anchura, cuando menos. Mucho antes de me impedía abrigar una confianza que no me
sado diez antes . . . de que hubiésemos podido na que hubiésemos avistádolo, el ruído de las hubiera ganado de otra suerte. Me envolví
<+ vegar en el desesperante lodazal en que con aguas nos indicó que nos habían informado entonces en mis frazadas y me dormí bajo
virtieron a toda la región plana los insólitos verídicamente. En medio de la corriente se el cobertizo de hojas de palma , al aire libre,
aguaceros. amontonaba el agua, corriendo furiosamente, tan pacíficamente y con un sentimiento tan
Yo había visto lodo en California. El vie con grandes oleadas blancas que se apiñaban grande de seguridad , como no lo había teni
* jo lodo rojo y negro de adobe, pero jamás unas sobre otros , con la velociadd de un tren do nunca en la ciudad más civilizada y segu
había visto uno como el que encontramos. de ferrocarril , en tanto que la superficie ra de todas cuantas he conocido .
‫ܣܢܬܳܐ‬ Era negro como carbón, espeso y viscoso. arrastraba árboles desgajados, leños y restos Cuando amaneció, me dirigí al río, y me
Los cascos y patas de los animales se hun qeu eran llevados haca el mar. Una sola mi encontré con que las horas transcurridas ha
dían en él casi hasta las rodillas, y cuandorada me demostró que era imposible seguir bían operado un cambio considerable. La co
se sacaba un pie del atascadero, se hacía con
avanzando , y de que no había que hacer otra rriente era tan ancha como la víspera, pero
gran dificultad, pues el lodo se adhería a él ,
cosa sino esperar . habían desaparecido las olas del centro y no
despegándose solamente con un sonido seme Una milla o más atrás , habíamos pasado había ya troncos flotantes. Una pareja de
jante, al que produce el descorchamiento de nativos se había apoderado de una débil ca
por un claro del pantano , donde había un
una botella. No se necesitó más de una me noa de madera , llena de agujeros, que habían
dia hora, con * el espectáculo de numerosos par de cabañas de techo de paja, y como la
remendado con pedazos de envases de petró
lluvia amenazaba, resolví regresar para en
carros tirados por bueyes, abandonados en contrar refugio en esas cabañas. Nos reci leo, y que estaban ahora manos a la obra,
el camino, pues sus ruedas eran ya unas ma con el fin de ganarse unos cuantos reales con
bieron cordialmente , como en todas partes,
sas identificables de lodo , para convencerme la gente que quiera arriesgarse a cruzar el
y se nos exhortó a estar como en nuestra ca
de que era inútil esforzarse en caminar cual río . Cuando ví que la canoa hizo el primer
sa, en el portal de una de las cabañas, lo
quier trecho en la llanura , de modo que me viaje, concluí que donde iban los nativos , po
decidí 'a dirigirme directamente al pie de que procedimos a hacer sin ceremonias, tra
dían seguirlos los californianos, de manera
las colinas, que se encontraban a medio día bando buena y firme amistad con la familia,
al ofrecerle una taza de café, lo cual, evi que hice llamar al mozo y a la mula de carga .
de distancia. La caminata constituía una Llegaron oportunamente y nos preparamos
dentemente , era un lujo para ellos . La cabaña
dura tarea para las mulas, pero yo me ade para cruzar el río. La carga y mi silla fue
próxima estaba a unas cien yardas de dis
lanté para caminar a paso reposado, dando ron colocadas en el fondo de la canoa. Un
a los animales todo el tiempo que necesita tancia, y parecía que en ella había gente
que hallábase en estado de hilaridad . Tam nativo colocado en la popa, manejaba un re
ban, sin apremiarlos, de modo que llegamos mo, en tanto que el otro, sentado en la proa ,
oportunamente a las colinas y dejamos de bién había aquí cierto número de arrieros es
perando que bajaran las aguas del río . Era sujetaba la reata que se enrollaba en el cue
trás el blando suelo de la llanura. Aquí, a
este un sitio aislado, y mientras me sentaba llo de mi mula y conducía al animal en la
causa de que el suelo era da grava y que corriente. Mi deber era sentarme en el fon
había grandes eflorescencias de roca , pues cerca del fuego, bajo el techo del portal y es
cuchaba los rumores regocijados de la caba do de la canoa (no había bancos ) y preser
los estratos estaban casi a flor de tierra,
ña vecina y miraba los no tranquilizadores var la embarcación de la agitación de la co
el viaje fue relativamente más fácil, y ya rriente.
me congratulaba yo de los progresos que ha rostros de los viajeros que compartían nuestro
cíamos, cuando nos encontramos a un hom techo , no diría la verdad si dijera que no se
bre a caballo, quien nos preguntó a dónde había presentado en mi mente el pensamiento
nos dirigíamos. Le dije mi objetivo y él me de " cómo no sería fácil para esta gente ha DR. H. W. STAHL
manifestó que no podríamos llegar. A unas
cer desaparecer a este gringo solo, sin que pu DENTISTA
diera ser encontrada huella de él. "
cuantas millas más adelante, el río era muy { TELEFONOS :
profundo y absolutamente invadeable, de ma Después de haber viajado mucho en luga ERIC. 7679 . MEX ,7679 NEGRO.
nera que tendríamos que regresar a Culia res apatrados , he perdido toda aprensión de AV. 16 DE SEPTIEMBRE NO. 12 .
cán y cruzar la corriente por el puente, dan este género y he aprendido a considerarme
do un rodeo a las montañas, o que acampar seguuro entre los indios y nativos, como en



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acts- one passed in 1817 and the other in

The Monroe Doctrine 1819-it is admitted that the Belize is not
within the British dominions . In these acts
How And When it Was Crucified Without provision is made for the punishment of
crimes committed at Belize which otherwise.
Objection - Some Very Interesting History
could not be punished by any existing law,
HE most remarkable political event the throughout the world as the " Monroe Doc because Belize, as expressly alleged, was not
TH nineteenth century recorded in the his trine, " and has received the public and of a British dominion. Mr. Marcy to Mr.
tory of this New World was the un ficial santion of subsequent Presidents, as Buchanan, Department of State, Washington ,
protested abolition of the Monroe Doctrine by well as of a very large majority of the Amer July 2, 1853.
Great Britain. ican people.- Statement for the Earl of Clar -4
In the year 1862, at a time when two fam endon, London, January 6, 1854. The United States, while they concede that
ous Presidents were ruling over Washington's —3—
land of the free and home of the brave-in Great Britain has rights in the Belize, posi
Great Britain for a long period has had tively deny that the Belize is a British prov
the North Abraham Lincoln, in the South
Jefferson Davis-haughty and challenging possession of a district of country on the ince, or any part of the British dominion, and
England, forever disregarding the policy of shores of the Bay of Honduras, called " The in maintaining the policy referred to, they
the United States, erected the Belice settle Belize . " The right she has to hold it is are bound to resist any attempt to convert
ment (adjoning the extreme southeastern derived from a grant of Spain and this right it into a British colony.-Mr. Marcy to Mr.
coasts of Mexico and Guatemala, ) into a is limited to a single purpose, with an express Buchanan, Department of State, Washington ,
daring colony, leaving thenceforth the Amer prohibition against using it for any other. A July 2, 1853.
ican continents again subject to future colo possession so restricted as to its use could —5—
nization by any European Powers. never be considered a British colony. While
This government is not aware that Great
Britain claims to have full sovereignty over
Interior of Hotel Iturbide, México, D. F.
it (Belize ; ) but if she does, the United States
would contest that claim, and regard the
assertion of it as an infringement of the
Monroe Doctrine -a Doctrine which it is the
policy of the President to maintain. Mr.
Marcy to Mr. Buchanan, Department of State,
Washington, September 12 , 1853.
With regard to the Doctrine laid down by
Mr. President Monroe, 1823, concerning the
future colonization of the American continent
by European States, it can only be viewed
as the dictum of the distinguished personage
who delivered it ; but Her Majesty's govern
ment cannot admit that Doctrine as an inter
national axiom which ought to regulate the
conduct of European States.-Statement for
Mr. Buchanan, Foreign Office , May 2, 1854.
Clarendon ,
But you will resist the British pretension
to extend it (Belize ) to any part of Central
America, or beyond the limits fixed to it in
the Spanish treaty of 1786. You will also
resist the British pretension to regard that
KANLA territory as one of her colonies. She acquir
ed no sovereign right in Belize under her
Interior del Hotel Iturbide, México , D. F. treaties with Spain. Her treaty with Mexico ,
in 1826, only continued the limited right she
OFFICIAL DOCUMENTS. she confines herself to the boundaries specified had from Spain, and the very fact of treat
I in the treaties with Spain, in 1783 and 1786,
ing with Mexico for the continuation of her
and uses the district of country described
Mr. Canning, on the part of the British usufruct of Belize, was a clear acknowledg
only for the purpose stipulated therein, we
Cabinet, stated : have no right to complain that she is infring ment that the sovereignty over it was in Mex
That the British Government absolutely dis ing our policy, but when she extends her oc ico at that time- Mr. Marcy to Mr. Buchanan,
claimed not only any desire of appropriating cupancy by encroachments far beyond the Department of State, Washington, June 12,
to itself any portion of the Spanish colonies, prescribed bounds, and changes its tenure by 1854.
but any intention of forming any political con exercising over it civil authority, a very dif -8
nection with them, beyond that of amity and ferent character is given to this settlement. It was not until 1862 that the decisive step.
commercial intercourse.- (Extract of a memo It then becomes a new colony on this con was taken whereby the " settlement " of Brit
randum of a conference between the Prince tinent. ish woodcutters in the Belize was erected into
de Polignac and Mr. Canning, held October 9, Since the acquisition of California, Great a colony. The step was taken, it will be ob
1823. Britain has manifested a more mature design
-2 served, at a time when our government, over
to change Spanish license to cut dyewood and
whelmed by the anxieties and burdens of a
Mr. Monroe, one of our wisest and most mahogany at the Belize into a British dom
tremendous civil war, could not be expected
discreet Presidents ; announced in a public inion. The object of such change cannot be
misunderstood nor will be desregarded by this to heed, or if heeding, to protest against an
message to Congress on December 2, 1823 ,
government. The character of the British infringement of treaty obligations in a matter
that the American continents, by the free
settlement at the Belize is explicitly shown by which, however important in itself, must then
and independent conditions which they have
assumed and maintained, are henceforth not an authority which will not be controverted. have seemed insignificant compared with the
or questioned by the government of Great threatened existence of the nation. - M. W.
to be considered subject to future colonization
Britain. This authority is no other than the Hazeltine, " The North American Review,"
by any European Powers. "'
This declaration has since been known Parliament of the United Kingdom. In two New York, October, 1897.

La Doctrina Monroe
Este Gobierno no ha sido advertido de que
la Gran Bretaña alegue tener plena sobera
Cuando y Cómo Fué Crucificada sin Objeciones nía sobre ese territorio (Belice) ; pero si ha
-Una Historia Interesante ce tal, los Estados Unidos tendrían que dis
putar esa afirmación y la considerarían co
L acontecimiento político más notable civil, se dará un carácter muy diferente a es mo una violación a la Doctrina Monroe- una
E que registra la Historia del Nuevo Mun te Establecimiento, el cual se transformará doctrina que está dentro de la política del
do, en el siglo diecinueve, fue la abo entonces en una nueva colonia en el Conti Presidente el mantener incólume. -Mr. Mar
lición de la Doctrina Monroe por la Gran Bre nente. cy a Mr. Buchanan, Departamento de Esta
taña, abolición que no provocó protestas por Desde la época de la adquisición de Cali do, Washington, 12 de septiembre de 1853.
parte de la Potencia lesionada. fornia, la Gran Bretaña ha manifestado un -6
En el año de 1862, cuando gobernaban en designio más maduro de transformar esta li
la tierra de Washington y de la libertad y en cencia que le fue concedida por España pa Respecto a la doctrina enunciada por el
la patria de los bravos, los famosos Presiden ra cortar maderas de tinte y caoba en Belice, Presidente Monroe en 1823, respecto a la fu
tes-Abraham Lincoln en el Norte y Jeffer en un Dominio Británico . El objeto de tal tura colonización del Continente Americano,
son Davis en el Sur- Inglaterra, altanera y transformación, no puede ser mal entendido por parte de los Estados Europeos, debo de
desafiadora, desconociendo para siempre la ni será descuidado por este Gobierno. El ca cir que se la puede considerar únicamente
política de los Estados Unidos, erigió el Es rácter del Establecimiento Británico de Beli como la opinión del distinguido personaje que
tablecimiento de Belice (adyacente a la por ce, es enunciado explícitamente por una au la enunció ; pero el Gobierno de Su Majestad
ción extrema sudoriental de las costas de toridad que no puede ser discutida ni contro no puede admitir a esa Doctrina como a un
México y Guatemala, ) en una Colonia, dejan vertida por el Gobierno de la Gran Bretaña. axioma internacional que deba reglamentar
do desde entonces sujeto a la colonización, Esta autoridad no es otra que el Parlamento la conducta de los Estados Europeos. - Nota
por parte de cualquiera potencia europea, al
Continente Americano. Antique Table from Vestry of Parish of Apam, State of Hidalgo.
Mr. Canning, a nombre del Gabinete inglés,
declaró lo siguiente :
" Que el Gobierno Británico negaba en lo
absoluto que existiera el deseo, de parte de la
Gran Bretaña, de apropiarse cualquiera por
ción de las Colonias Españolas, o cualquiera
intención de establecer relaciones políticas Ebbies
con ellas, fuera de la amistad, y del inter
cambio comercial. (Extracto del memorán
dum de la conferencia celebrada entre el
Príncipe de Polignac y Mr. Canning el 9 de
octubre de 1823. )
" Mr. Monroe, uno de nuestros más juicio
sos y discretos Presidentes, anunció en su
mensaje presentado al Congreso el 2 de di
ciembre de 1823, que " el Continente Ameri
cano, por virtud de las condiciones de liber

tad e independencia que había asumido y

mantenido, no debía considerarse en lo suce
sivo como sujeto a futura colonización por
ninguna de las potencias europeas. "
Esta declaración ha sido conocida desde en
tonces bajo el nombre de la " Doctrina Mon Ho in Parroquia
roe " y ha recibido la sanción pública y ofi
cial de los Presidentes posteriores, lo mismo Mesa de la Secretaría de la Parroquia de Apam, Estado de Hidalgo.
que de la de una gran mayoría del pueblo
norteamericano . Informe para el Conde de del Reino Unido. En dos decretos-aproba- para Mr. Buchanan, Oficina de Negocios Ex
Clarendón, Londres, 6 , de enero de 1854. do uno en el año de 1817 y el otro en 1819- tranjeros, 2 de mayo de 1854. -Clarendon.
-3 se admite que Belice no está incluído en los -7
dominios británicos. En estos decretos se le
La Gran Bretaña ha estado en posesión,
Pero vos resistiréis a la pretensión britá
por mucho tiempo, de una zona de la costa gisla para el castigo de los crímenes que se nica de extender este Establecimiento (Beli
de la Bahía de Honduras, llamada " Belice. " cometan en Belice y que de otra suerte, no
ce) a cualquiera parte de la América Central
El derecho que posee se deriva de una con podrían ser castigados por ninguna ley, a
causa de que dicho territorio, como se declara o más allá de los límites que le fueron fija
cesión que le hizo España, estando limitado
ba expresamente, no era un Dominio Británi dos por el Tratado firmado con España en el
a un propósito único, con expresa prohibición
co.-Mr. Marcy a Mr. Buchenan, Departa año de 1786. También resistiréis a la pre
de emplear el territorio con otro fin. Una
tensión británica de considerar a ese territo
posesión cuyo aprovechamiento está tan res mento de Estado, Washington, 2 de julio de
1853. rio como a una de sus colonias. Inglaterra
tringido, no podría ser considerada nunca co
-4 como la opinión del distinguido personaje que
mo una colonia británica. Mientras Inglate
rra se mantenga dentro de los límites especi Aunque los Estados Unidos conceden que no adquirió derechos de soberanía por los
ficados en los Tratados firmados con España la Gran Bretaña posee derechos sobre Belice, Tratados firmados con España. El Tratado
en los años de 1783 y 1786 y aproveche la niega terminantemente que este territorio sea que firmó con México en el año de 1826 y el
zona indicada en la única manera estipulada una provincia inglesa o parte de un Dominio cual continúa concediendo los limitados dere
en los documentos, no tendremos derecho pa Británico, y al sostener la política aludida, chos que obtuvo la Gran Bretaña de España,
ra quejarnos de que viola nuestra política, se ven obligados a resistir a cualquier inten y el hecho de negociar con México para con
pero cuando extienda la zona de ocupación to que se hiciera para convertir a Belice en tinuar gozando de Belice en usufructo, fueron
por medio de invasiones que salgan de los lí una Colonia inglesa.-Mr. Marcy a Mr. Bu un reconocimiento claro, de que la soberanía
mites prescritos y cambie la naturaleza de su chanan, Departamento de Estado, Washing sobre este territorio competía a México en esa
dependencia al ejercer sobre ella jurisdicción ton, 2 de julio de 1853 . época.-Mr. Marcy a Mr. Buchanan, Departa

-9- -12 El Paso is the largest city along 2,000

In 1861 it was finally determined to place This is the recapitulation of the steps by miles of Mexico and isthe gateway to Mex
the settlement in every respect on the foot which the tolerated settlement of woodcutters ico .
ing of a colony, though subordinate to the was gradually transformed into a Crown All this region in the United States is
government of Jamaica, from which it is Colony, over which the exercise of British grouped in the 11th Regional Bank District,
distant about 660 miles. sovereignty became open and absolute. In the Government thus recognizing the solidari
other words, it constitutes precisely the enter ty of El Paso Southwest.
British Honduras, writes an English histori
ing wedge which might carry the British colo El Paso is the natural concentrating point
an, was a settlement until by letters patent
under the Great Seal ofthe United Kingdom nist with his project of annexation into for all passenger travel as well as for trade
the heart of Central America, and which it and industrial traffic.
of Great Britain and Ireland, bearing date
the 12th of February, 1862, it was declared was one object of the Clayton- Bulwer treaty Her transportation facilities are most com
that thereafter it should be designated the to remove? plete, her trade relations with her vast em
NOT THE CLAYTON-BULWER TREATY pire are secure, her manufactures are exten
" Colony of British Honduras, " and the Cap
sive, and the city takes toll from heavy
tain- General and Governor-in -Chief of the BUT THE MONROE DOCTRINE, WAS tourist traffic across the continent and with
island of Jamaica, or the officer for the time ABOLISHED BY GREAT BRITAIN IN Mexico.
being administering the government of the 1862. The Chamber of Commerce of El Paso has
said island, should be Governor and Com
Mr. Frelinghuysen founded an ingenious Mr. Fournier in the Mexican Trade Bureau,
mander-in- Chief over the said colony, or in argument upon the fact that the British " set who speaks Spanish and understands fully the
his absence a Lieutenant-Governor or other tlement " of Honduras had been made a " colo Mexican customs commercially and otherwise ,
person as may be appointed. ny." and will always take great pleasure to put
The only protest lodged was one by the Lord Granville replied : " Inasmuch, then,
American Consul, bribed, says a British himself at the disposition of the visitors to
as British Honduras was expressly excluded El Paso from Mexico, either for commercial
purposes or for visiting El Paso .
Patio of the Convent of Tepozotlan, State of Mexico.
Wish to Invest Four Hundred
Thousand Dollars in Lower California .
R. William R. Morris, representative of
M the Mormon colony "Star Line " locat
ed in the State of Texas, is in this capital
to confer with the Secretary of Agriculture.
about the desire of those colonists to locate
on the lands of Lower California in order to
devote themselves to the cultivation of the
grape on a large scale.
The capital that the Mormons wish to in
vest in this country amounts to four hundred
thousand dollars, as they plan to bring suf
ficient machinery to manufacture wines , in
the customary manner of the principal Cali
fornian vineyards.

HE parcel post traffic between Mexico

and foreign countries increases daily. It
is officially announced by the Postoffice De
partment that during the past six months
over 200,000 packages were received in this
city from abroad, mostly from the United
States. This is an increase of 135,000 pack
ages over the same period in 1912. In the
same period postal money orders issued in the
United States have been paid in this city to
the amount of $4,712,536. Quite recently
it was found necessary to dispatch a special
Patio del Convento de Tepozotlán, Estado de México . train from Laredo to this city carrying
nothing but mail from the United States that
author, to make his country look ridiculous, altogether from the arrangement which was
was crowded from the regular trains.
or imbued with the spirit of the Monroe Doc entered into between the two governments in
trine and anxious to shine before his little 1850 .... Her Majesty's government cannot
see with what justice it can be said that the THE government has taken up the matter
world. of the equitable distribution of the wa
change of title of that possession of Her
-10 ters of the Colorado river in accordance with
Majesty from that of a " settlement " to a
In 1919, the Legislative Assembly, writes "colony," can be appealed to as a violation the treaty of 1848. Recently irrigation works
an English historian, petitioned that British of the arrangement of 1850.-Lord Granville. have been inaugurated in the State of Califor
Honduras, like Jamaica, whose constitution to Mr. West, August 17, 1883. nia which have deprived the settlers in the
was altered after the disastrous events of How could an English diplomatist ignore Territory of Lower California of sufficient
1865, should be made a Crown colony, and in the difference between a settlement and a water for the irrigation of their lands, and
1870 their petition was granted and British colony? there has been much complaint in consequence.
Honduras became a Crown colony. (By Prof. Francisco Rivas, of the National The commission that have had this matter in
Preparatory School, Mexico City) . hand have not come to a satisfactory con
clusion and new negotiations will therefore be
By letters patent bearing date the 2d of El Paso Chamber of undertaken between the two governments.
October, 1884, and read and proclaimed at Commerce Makes Good Move.
the sam
e monChamber, Belize,
th, the offi onnist
the- rin
31st of Arrangements are now under way for the
the cer admi g the THE Chamber of Commerce of El Paso has
made a move for better relations with early resumption of through Pullman service
government was appointed Governor and Mexico which will be without doubt of great between Mexico City and St. Louis, as before
Commander-in- Chief of the Colony of British benefit for El Paso as well as for Mexico , the revolution. This service was very popular
specially to all the border States in the Re and it is believed it will be well patronized
Honduras, thus severing the relationship
which had formerly existed with Jamaica . public of Mexico. again.

lonos británicos, con sus proyectos de ane está agrupada en el Segundo Distrito Regio
mento de Estado, Washington, 2 de junio de
1854. xión, hasta el corazón de la América Central, nal Bancario, reconociendo de esta manera
-8 y cuya evasión fue uno de los objetos que el Gobierno, la solidaridad de todo el Suroes
persiguió el Tratado Clayton - Bulwer. te de El Paso.
No fue sino en 1862 cuando se dió el paso El Paso, es punto natural de concentra
decisivo, gracias al cual fue erigido en colonia NO FUE ABOLIDO POR LA GRAN BRE
ción , tanto para viajeros como para el trá
el " Establecimiento " de explotadores británi TAÑA, EN 1862, EL TRATADO CLAYTON fico comercial e industrial.
cos de madera en Belice. Se dió este paso , co
BULWER, SINO LA DOCTRINA MONROE. Sus facilidades de transportación, son las
mo debe observarse, en una época en que nues más completas; sus relaciones comerciales
tro Gobierno, abrumado por las cargas y an Mr. Frelinghuysen fundó un ingenioso ar
que dominan una gran extensión, están segu
siedades de la tremenda guerra civil, no po gumento sobre el hecho de la conversión del
ras ; el número de sus manufactureros es vas
día prestar atención al caso, o si atendía, no " establecimiento " británico de Honduras en
to, y la ciudad toma gran actividad con el
podía protestar contra una violación de las una " colonia." importante tráfico de turistas a través del
obligaciones de los Tratados, en una cuestión, Lord Granville replicó : " En vista de que
que, aunque importante en sí, debió haber pa continente y hacia México.
fue expresamente excluída como Honduras
recido entonces como insignificante en compa Todas las casas comerciales al por mayor,
Británicas de los convenios celebrados entre así como los dueños de establecimientos co
ración con la amenazada existencia del país. los dos Gobiernos en 1850 .... el Gobierno de
M. W. Hazeltine, "The North American Re merciales al por menor, tienen a empleados
Su Majestad no puede comprender con que mexicanos que hablan perfectamente el In
view, " Nueva York, octubre de 1897.
justicia se diría que el cambio de título de glés, y por tanto, pueden atender debidamen
-9 esa posesión de Su Majestad, de " estableci te a todos los mexicanos que vengan a El Pa
En 1861 se resolvió definitivamente erigir miento " al de " colonia, " podría ser procla so, con objeto de transar operaciones mercan
ese establecimiento sobre la base de colonia, mado como una violación del convenio de tiles.
en todos respectos, aunque subordinada al Go
bierno de Jamaica, de la cual distaba alrede Grammar School " Horacio Mann, " Mexico, D. F.
dor de seiscientas sesenta millas.
Las Honduras Británicas, escribe un histo
riador inglés, formaron un establecimiento
hasta que, por virtud de decretos sellados con
el Gran Sello del Reino Unido de la Gran Bre
taña e Irlanda, que llevan fecha del 12 de fe
brero de 1862, se declaró que en lo sucesivo
deberían ser designadas con el nombre de la
" Colonia de Honduras Británicas " y que el
Capitán General o Gobernador en Jefe de la
Isla de Jamaica, o el funcionario que admi
nistrara en esa época el Gobierno de la men
cionada isla, debía ser Gobernador y Coman
dante en Jefe de la referida Colonia, o.
su defecto, un Teniente Gobernador o cual
quier otro funcionario que pudiera ser nom
brado para el caso.
La única protesta que se registró fue del
Cónsul Americano, quien, según dice un autor
inglés, fue cohechado para hacer aparecer ri
dículo a su país o imbuído con el espíritu de
la Doctrina Monroe y deseoso de brillar ante MLENME
su pequeño mundo.
En el año de 1869 , la Asamblea Legislati
va, escribe un historiador inglés, pidió que
las Honduras Británicas, como Jamaica, cu
ya Constitución fue reformada después de los
desastrosos acontecimientos de 1865 , fuesen
convertidas en una Colonia de la Corona, ha Escuela Superior Horacio Mann, " Ciudad de México.
biendo sido aceptada su solicitud y satisfe
1850.-Lord Granville a Mr. West, 17 de agos La Cámara de Comercio de El Paso tiene
cha, en 1870 por el Gobierno, de suerte que
to de 1883. al frente del Departamento de Comercio con
la dicha posesión se convirtió en ese año en
Colonia de la Corona británica. ¿ Cómo podía un diplomático inglés ignorar México, al señor Fournier, quien habla espa
-11 la diferencia que existe entre un estableci ñol y está enterado de las costumbres comer
miento y una colonia? ciales mexicanas y quien, asimismo, tendrá
Por decretos que llevan la fecha del 2 de (Por el Prof. Francisco Rivas, de la Escue gran placer en ponerse a disposición de los
octubre de 1884, y que fueron leídos y procla la Nacional Preparatoria de México ) . visitantes a El Paso, que vengan, ya sea con
mados el día 31 del mismo mes, en la Cámara
propósitos comerciales o de visitar la ciu
del Consejo de Belice, se nombró Goberna dad.
Buenas Gestiones de la
dor y Comandante en Jefe de la Colonia de Se anuncia que dentro de poco tiempo se
Cámara de Comercio de El Paso.
Honduras Británicas, al funcionario que ad reducirán los pasajes en los tranvías que co
ministraba el Gobierno, cortando así las rela A Cámara de Comercio de El Paso, ha
iniciado gestiones de acercamiento y munican a esta capital con las Municipalida
ciones que habían existido anteriormente con des vecinas, de manera que dichos pasajes co
Jamaica. mejores relaciones comerciales con México ,
-12 lo que sin duda beneficiará grandemente tan rrespondan a los que prevalecían antes de la
to a El Paso como a México, y especialmen Revolución .
Esta es la recapitulación de los pasos por te a todos los Estados Mexicanos a lo largo
virtud de los cuales, el tolerado estableci de la frontera con los Estados Unidos de Continúa sintiéndose en toda la República
miento de aserradores de madera fue conver América. la escasez de moneda fraccionaria, debido al
tido gradualmente en una Colonia de la Co El Paso es la ciudad más grande en una alza del valor de la plata, que ha llegado a
rona, sobre la cual se hizo absoluta y abierta extensión de 2,000 millas a lo largo de la lí un extremo que nunca se había visto .
mente el ejercicio de la soberanía británica. nea divisoria con México, siendo el punto
En otras palabras, constituyen precisamente principal de entrada hacia esa República. La Revista Mexicana saldrá el día primero
la cuña penetrante que puede llevar a los co Toda esta región, en los Estados Unidos, de cada mes.

Circulation in December, Tiro del Número de Diciembre ,

25,000 Copies 25,000 Ejemplares

Certificado Notarial en que Consta la Cantidad de Papel que
Notarial Certificate Showing Actual Count of Paper Used
se Utilizó en la Edición de LA REVISTA MEXICANA
in the December Issue of THE MEXICAN REVIEW. del Mes de Diciembre Próximo Pasado.
El licenciado Adalberto Saldaña , notario público de la ca
pital , encargado de la Notería número siete ,
Certifico : que a pedimento del señor Luis Malgarejo Randolf, di
rector y gerente de la " Imprenta Nacional S.A. " levanté en mi
protocolo , con esta fecha , el acta número siete mil novecientos
cincuenta y cuatro , la que contiene , ontre otras cosas , las que en

seguida se copian : ..pasé el dia de hoy al despacho y


talleres de la misma , situados en la case número cuarenta y'uno ,


de la Avenida del Uruguay , de osta ciudad , con el objeto de con


tar el número de ejemplares tirados en esos talleres , respecto

dol número nuevo , del volumen tercero , del periódico denominado
" Revista Mexicana " (Mexican Review ) , editado por los señores Geo:
F.Weeks y Fdmundo Melero , que está escrito en español y en in
glés . que una vez constituido en los respectivos departamentos ,
procedí a contar los tres pliegos de que se compondré dicho e
jemplar , además de sus carátulas a colores , que representan un
Paisaje de la municipalidad de Xochimilco , y encontré pura cada
pliego cincuenta volúmenes , conteniendo cada uno de ellos qui
nientos ejemplares que , en junto , ascienden a setenta y cinco mi )
pliegosyo sean veinticinco mil ejemplares del periódico , de tres 1

pliegos cada uno , exclusives las carátulas .

I a pedimento del interesado señor Luis Melgarejo Randolf,
expido la presente en México , el mismo dia, que es el nueve de di
01embre , de mil novecientos diecinueve .






OO 7 C

Note.-Those desiring to inspect the originals of these certificates Nota. Los originales de estos certificados se hallan a la disposición
de las personas que deseen inspeccionarlos en las Oficinas de LA RE
may do so by calling at the Office of THE REVIEW. VISTA MEXICANA.

port of San Felipe, on the Gulf of California. visit to Mexico or desire to emigrate to
The National Railways Are
An important agricultural region will be that country. While inquiring whether or
Being Put in First-Class Condition. traversed, and several towns will be given not newspapers were printed in Mexico we
[NDER instructions from the President, railway communication . It is expected that naturally knew that there were a number of
UNDER the line will be completed within a year. publications of all kinds in the republic, but
the receipts of the National Railway
lines are being devoted to restoring them to it appears that there is not a great amount of
→ normal conditions. The recent heavy rains An Appreciation of The Review. trouble taken by the Mexicans to obtain cir
in the north caused much damage and very culation for them in the United States. The
HE Times-Union recently remarked that
heavy loss, while several branch lines are THE Review is the first Mexican publication to be
it had never seen a Mexican newspaper
still in poor condition owing to the damage and within a day or two afterwards a com received in this office within many years and
it is welcome and will be read with interest. *
caused to them during the revolution. An munication was received from the Mexican
abundant supply of ties has been secured. consul at Jacksonville, giving us the infor -Jacksonville (Fla. ) Times -Union. ?
while the Monterrey Steel Works are furnish 1
mation that there were many fine publications NE of the leading elements in re-establish
ing all the rails necessary. Large forces of in Mexico. Later a a copy of The
copy of Mexican
The Mexi can O ing normal commercial conditions in this
men have been put to work and it is expected Review, published in English and Spanish, at country is the excellent work done by the
that within a few months the entire damage Mexico City, was received. The Review is a American Chamber of Commerce of this city.
will have been repaired and the system will
monthly magazine, attractively gotten up and A Trade Conference will be held in this city
be in even better shape than formerly.
is more than a year old. The Review is filled next month under the auspices of the body
A project has been approved by the De
with interesting information, current comment mentioned, which will beyond question go far
partment of Comunications and Public Works
and excellent pictures, and should be a great to remove many widespread misconceptions
for the construction of a railway from Mex
icali, on the California boundary line, to the help to those who may be contemplating a regarding Mexico. 4: +

THE MOST DISTINGUISHED PUBLIC OF sons than it is for children, and it is compos tanto de la prensa extranjera, como local, ha
MEXICO LEARN ENGLISH WITH IN ed of short simple lessons that are learned solucionado el problema de dominar el apren
during the hours of the class without fatigue dizaje del inglés y el español por medio de
TEREST, JUST AS IN THE UNITED un sistema de conversación directa que elimi
STATES THERE IS GREAT EN nor effort on the part of the pupils. That the
system employed in teaching these classes is na la necesidad de libros, claves, gramáticas,
THUSIASM FOR LEARNING SPAN effective, logical and practical is fully de traducciones o estudios forzados, cada lección
ISH. monstrated as the press of New York, Chicago , según su sistema que es llamado " Modo Na
San Francisco, California, and to-day of Mex tural," se aprende en la clase misma de don
OR some time past, we have been noting ico, bears witness. The Mexican Review has de se deduce que el alumno no tiene que aban
FOR a great enthusiasm for learning Spanish, donar sus ocupaciones diarias, ni sacrificar
entered into a compact with Professor Galeno
which is becoming more necessary every day, sus horas de descanso a un estudio más o
not only in commercial interchange with the to facilitate the learning of Spanish by its
readers. menos tedioso y árido, no siempre coronado
countries of the south, but also from a social por el éxito.
point of view. En tal virtud, pueden recibir clases para
There are numerous academies and edu DO YOU WANT TO STUDY SPANISH? el aprendizaje del inglés y español en la Aca
cational institutions existing where the teach demia del Profesor Galeno, aun las personas
ing of Spanish is in preference, but none has Send one year's subscription to The Mex que no podrían hacerlo, tratándose de proce
reached the record of the Academy of Profes ican Review, with $1 additional, $3 in all, dimientos anticuados, que, como todo el mun
sor Oscar Galeno, that, by the success obtain do sabe, implica una notable pérdida de tiem
ed as well as by the great number of pupils and you will receive this magazine for one po.
enrolled, has demonstrated that it is the most year, together with a book of instruction in El sistema del referido Profesor se adapta
practical and rational known up to the present the Spanish language the regular price of mucho mejor que a la de los niños, a la ense
time. ñanza de personas mayores, y se compone de
which is $5.
Professor Galeno, whose unquestionable lecciones cortas y sencillas, que se aprenden
Professor Galeno's English Class in " Festival Palace " (Teatro
Ideal) One of the Three Sessions, Mexico City . Professor Galeno's Spanish Class in Carnegie Chamber Music Hall,
One of the Five Sessions, New York.

11 1111 0 0 10 0 14

Clase del Profesor Galeno en el Salón Cámara de Música de

Clase del Profesor Galeno en el Festival Palace " (Teatro Ideal. ) Carnegie, " Una de las Cinco Sesiones. Nueva York.
Una de las Tres Sesiones. México, D. F.
success has been published both in the foreign PUBLICO MUY DISTINGUIDO DE MEXI durante las horas de la clase, sin fatiga ni es
and local press, has found the solution to the CO APRENDE CON INTERES EL IN fuerzo por parte de los alumnos, lo efectivo ,
problem of acquiring the English and Span GLES, ASI COMO EN LOS ESTADOS lo lógico y lo práctico del sistema de ense
ish languages by means of a system of direct UNIDOS HAY GRAN ENTUSIASMO ñanza que en dichas clases se emplean, está
conversation that eliminates the necessity of demostrado de una manera palpable, como lo
books, grammars, translations or forced study. ha atestiguado la prensa de Nueva York, Chi
Each lesson in his system, which is called HACE tiempo que se viene notando un gran cago, San Francisco de California, y hoy en
" Natural Methods " is learned during the entusiasmo por el aprendizaje del idio México. La Revista Mexicana ha celebrado
class, from which it may be seen that the ma inglés, que se hace cada día más necesario un convenio con el Profesor Galeno, para fa
pupil does not have to abandon his daily oc tanto en el intercambio comercial con los paí cilitar a sus lectores el aprendizaje del inglés.
Galeno's academy who could not afford the ses del Norte, como en el punto de vista social.
cupations nor sacrifice his hours of rest to a Numerosas son las academias y planteles
de educación que existen en nuestra capital, ¿QUIERE USTED APRENDER INGLES?
more or less tedious and arid study which is
not always crowned with success. en las que enseña con preferencia el inglés , Envíe usted a La Revista Mexicana el pre
Thus, many persons can attend the classes pero ninguno ha batido el record como la Aca
demia del Profesor Oscar Galeno, que tanto cio de la subscripción por un año , más $2 adi
for learning Spanish in Professor Galeno's
academy who could not afford the time to do por el éxito obtenido, como por el gran número cional, lo que hace un total de $6 oro na
so with any of the antiquated methods which de los adeptos inscritos, ha demostrado que
es el más práctico y racional de los conocidos cional, y recibirá nuestro magazine durante
were notably slow and tiresome. hasta hoy.
The system of the Professor referred to , doce meses, lo mismo que un libro de Inglés,
El Profesor Galeno de cuyo indiscutible
is much better adapted to teaching older per éxito han publicado caracterizados órganos, cuyo precio corriente es de $5 .


Av. F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box. 131 Bis. México , D. F.

Geo. J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zandt, Jr., F. Peltier, Fco. Coudurier, G. A. Moran,
President. Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager. Cashier. Assistant Cashier.

Current Checking Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Invited.


when we wish to go towards the right, seven

street-cars will pass by in a left-handed direc
"The Time They Lose in Spain " tion, whereas if our intention should be to
travel towards the left, these seven street
The Humorous Closing Chapter of the Popular Book " The Route
cars will run toward the right. But Dr. Dek
of Don Quijote " by the Noted Spanish Writer Azorin
ker's philosophy does not hinder him from
taking out his small note-book and jotting
Translation by Joel Quiñones . down: " Eighteen minutes. "'
What foreigner is so lucky as to have
OCTOR DEKKER is in our midst Dr. idea of the whole matter. I have understood
nothing to straighten out in our offices,
Dekker is, first of all, an F. R. C. S. , at once. Dr. Dekker is delighted with Spain. ministries, or political centers ? Dr. Dekker
D Dr. Dekker raves upon Madrid. "The best
that is, Fellow of the Royal College of wends his way toward a Ministry ; the Min
Surgeons ; after that Dr. Dekker is a philolo in the world! " he exclaims at every moment istry clerks-this is traditional, please read
gist, pholosopher, geographer, psychologist, teeming with enthusiasm. Larra on this point- never know anything
botanist, numismatist, archaeologist. A genial And pray, why does the respectable Dr. about anything. If they knew anything,
letter from Dr. Paul Smith, known to the Dekker go into ecstasies in this way? " Ah! " would they be employees in a Ministry ? Dr.
young Spanish literati- through his having says he, " Spain is the country where the Dekker walks through long corridors, winds
associated on terms of friendship with them longest waiting is done. " In the morning about, crosses pavilions, opens and shuts
years ago has put me in touch with the il Dr. Dekker arises and confidently directs his doors, questions door-keepers, doffs his hat
lustrious member of the Royal College of Sur steps toward his wash-bowl ; however, the re before first, second, third, fourth and fifth
geons of London . Dr. Dekker does not lodge nowned member of the R. C. of S. of London, officers, who gaze upon him amazedly, while
in a fine hotel of the capital ; not Sr. Cap is destined to experience a slight disappoint they leave " El Imparcial" or " El Liberal"
devielle, nor Sr. Baena, nor Sr. Ibarra can ment: the wash-bowl contains not a single on the table At one office they tell him
boast the honor of having his name register drop of water. Dr. Dekker calls the maid ; the that is not the place where he should seek
ed on their books. Could Dr. Dekker write maid has just gone out this instant ; never his information ; at another that they know
nothing about the matter ; at a third that
Scene at a Polling Place at the Recent Mexico City Election. they are probably posted at some other of
fice; at a fourth that " to-day, off hand,
they can say nothing. " All these goings and
comings, greetings, questions, astonishments,
exclamations , delays, subterfuges, shifts ,
evasions, are as a hidden path which lead Dr.
Dekker to the discovery of the supreme truth,
the national synthesis, id est, that it is neces
sary to return to-morrow. And here, the learn
ed Doctor cries out with greater enthusiasm
than ever: " The best in the world ! " where
upon he immediately gets hold of his note
book and makes this entry: " Two hours."'
Can a stranger who is a philosopher, philol
ogist , numismatist and archaeologist, go
through Madrid without visiting our National
Library ?
Dr. Dekker receives from the hands of a
door-keeper a pair of strange and mysterious
pincers ; then notes down on a blank form
the work he requests, the language in which
he desires it, the requisite volume, the number
on the pincers, his own name and address ;
after all of which he waits a long while in
front of a small railing. Is the illustrious
Doctor sure the work he has requested bears
the title which he has written down ? Per
haps it is this other one, the title of which
a librarian reads to him from a memorandum
Escena en una de las Casillas Electorales Durante las Ultimas Elecciones Municipales,
Ciudad de México. which he holds in his hand ? Or may be the
book he desires is being bound and conse
quently is not yet included in the indices ? Or
his grand work if he were rooming in the theless, the landlady herself will wait upon in all probability the blanks have been
Hotel de la Paz, or the Paris, or the English him ; but the landlady is combing her hair changed, and it would be better to look for
Hotels ? No ; Dr. Dekker has taken lodgings this very moment, and in any event it is ne the name of the translator instead of insist
cessary to wait seven minutes. Dr. Dekker
at a very modest private house of our middle. ing on looking for that of the author ? The
class ; on the dining- room table there is an brings out his small note-book and his pencil,
librarian who looks and looks again for the
oil-cloth covering-somewhat faded; the backs and writes: " Seven minutes. " Are they
description of this book has a vague idea.
aware in this house as to when a stranger Dr. Dekker also has a vague idea and writes
of the reception chairs show some grease
should breakfast ? Most assuredly a stranger
spots. " The best in the world ! " Dr. Dekker down : "Thirty minutes. "'
does not breakfast at the same hour that a
has enthusiastically exclaimed upon beholding However, it is impossible to stop for further
native does ; when Dr. Dekker orders his cho
the spectacle, with his thoughts centered on inquiry ; a friend has made an appointment
colate, he is apprised of the necessity of mak
the country of Spain, which is absolutely the with Dr. Dekker, and the illustrious Doctor
ing it ; in Spain all things are made when they
best in the world. departs hastily for the meeting place. The
ought to have been ready. The illustrious
And forthwith Dr. Dekker has pulled out Doctor waits fifteen minutes ; and he writes. distinguished member of the R. C. of S. of
his pencil. Marching with this pencil sen down in his tiny book: " Fifteen minutes."' London is unacquainted with another fun
tinel fashion from one end to the other, as a The eminent Doctor goes out. damental truth in our life, another small
rifle-man with his firing piece, Dr. Dekker has Of course all the street-cars will not go national synthesis : which is, that in Madrid
begun to heap the materials for his terrible by just when it is our will that they should : a discreet man should never show up at any
book. And what book is this ? I have al there is a secret and unyielding destiny which appointment , and on top of not appearing,
ready stated it : " The time they lose in takes things and street- cars in ways and should reproach the person with whom he
Spain. " The illustrious Doctor has with two directions which we fail to understand . But had his appointment for his lack of attend
words explained to me the plan. method and Dr Dakker is a philosopher and knows that with the certainty of receiving this

nunca: The best in the world ! y luego echa

mano de su cuaderno y apunta : Dos horas.
"El Tiempo Que Pierden en España " ¿Podrá un extranjero que es filósofo, filó
logo, numismático, arqueólogo, pasar por Ma
El Humorístico Capítulo Final del Simpático Libro drid sin visitar nuestra Biblioteca Nacional?
de Azorín "La Ruta de Don Quijote" El doctor Dekker recibe de manos de un
portero, unas misteriosas y extrañas pinzas ;
Traducido al Inglés por Joel Quiñones.
luego apunta en una papeleta la obra que pi
L Dotcor Dekker se encuentra entre nos recciones que nosotros no comprendemos. Pe de, el idioma en que la quiere, el tomo que
desea, el número de las pinzas, su propio nom
otros : el doctor Dekker, es, ante todo, ro el doctor Dekker es filósofo y sabe que
Eof bre y apellidos, las señas de su casa ; después
F. R. C. S.; es decir, fellow of the Royal cuando queremos ir a la derecha, pasan siete
College of Surgeons ; después el doctor Dekker tranvías en dirección a la izquierda, y que espera un largo rato delante de una pequeña
cuando es nuestro ánimo dirigirnos por la barandilla. Está seguro el ilustre doctor de
es filólogo, filósofo , geógrafo, psicólogo, bo
izquierda, los siete tranvías que corren van que la obra que ha pedido, se titula como él lo
tánico, numismático, arqueólogo . Una sen
cilla carta del Dr. Pablo Smith, conocido de hacia la derecha. Pero esta filosofía del doc ha escrito? No se tratará, acaso, de esta
la juventud literaria española-por haber tor Dekker no es óbice para que él saque un otra, cuyo título le lee un bibliotecario en una
amigado años atrás con ella-, me ha puesto pequeño cuaderno y escriba : Diez y ocho mi papeleta que trae en la mano? O es que tal vez
en relaciones con el ilustre miembro del Real nutos. el libro que él desea, están encuadernándolo
Colegio de Cirujanos de Londres. El doctor ¿ Qué extranjero será tan afortunado, que y no se ha puesto aún en el índice ? O quizá
Dekker no habita en ningún célebre hotel de no tenga algo que dirimir en nuestras oficinas, no sucederá que las papeletas estén cambia
la capital ; ni el Sr. Capdevielle, ni el señor ministerios o centros políticos ? El doctor das o que hay que mirar por el nombre del
Baena, ni el señor Ibarra, tienen el honor de Dekker se dirige a un ministerio ; los emplea traductor en vez de empeñarse en buscar por
llevarle apuntado en sus libros. ¿ Podría es
cribir el doctor Dekker su magna obra si vi Mexico's Geological Institute.
viera en el Hotel de la Paz, o en el de París ,
o en el Inglés ? No ; el doctor Dekker tiene
su asiento en una modestísima casa particular
de nuestra clase media : en la mesa del co
medor hay mantel de hule- un poco blanco- ;
la sillería del recibimiento muesta manchas
grasientas en su respaldo. The best in the
world!-ha exclamado con entusiasmo el doc
tor Dekker al contemplar este espectáculo , B
puesto el pensamiento en el país de España,
que es el mejor del mundo.
Y en seguida el doctor Dekker ha sacado
su lápiz. Con este lápiz, caminando avizor de
una parte a otra, como un rifle-man con su
escopeta, el doctor Dekker ha comenzado ya
a amontonar los materiales de su libro terri
ble.. Y, ¿ qué libro es éste? Ya lo he dicho :
" The time they lose in Spain." El ilustre
doctor me ha explicado en dos palabras, mé
todo y concepto de la materia : yo lo he en
tendido al punto. El doctor Dekker está en
cantado de España ; pero el doctor Dekker
delira por Madrid The best in the world !
grita a cada momento entusiasmado.
Y, ¿por qué se entusiasma de este modo el
respetable doctor ? ¡Ah ! -dice 61-España
es el país donde se espera más. " Por la ma
ñana, el doctor Dekker se levanta y se dirige
confiado a su lavabo ; sin embargo, el ilustre
miembro del Real Colegio de Cirujanos de Instituto Geológico de México.
Londres, sufre un ligero desencanto : en el
lavabo no hay ni una gota de agua. El doc dos de los ministerios-ya es tradicional, leed el del autor? El bibliotecario que busca y
tor Dekker llama a la criada ; la criada ha sa a Larra- no saben nunca nada de nada. Si rebusca las señas de este libro , tiene una va
lido precisamente en este instante ; sin em supieran alguna cosa , estarían empleados en ga idea..... El doctor Dekker también tiene
bargo, va a servirle a la dueña de la casa, pe un ministerio ? El doctor Dekker camina por otra vaga idea, y escribe : Treinta minutos.
ro la dueña de la casa se está peinando en Pero es imposible detenerse en más averi
pasillos largos, da vueltas, cruza patios, abre
este momento , y hay que esperar de todos guaciones ; un amigo ha citado para tal hora
modos siete minutos. El doctor Dekker saca y cierra puertas, hace preguntas a los porte
al doctor Dekker, y el ilustre doctor sale pre
su pequeño cuaderno y su lápiz, y escribe : ros, se quita el sombrero ante oficiales prime
cipitadamente para el punto. El insigne
Siete minutos. Saben en esta casa cuándo ros, segundos, terceros, cuartos y quintos que
miembro del Real Colegio de Cirujanos de
se quedan mirándole, estupefactos, mientras
ha de desayunarse un extranjero ? Segura Londres, ignora otra verdad fundamental de
mente que un extranjero no se desayuna a la dejan " El Imparcial " o " El Liberal" sobre
nuestra vida , otra pequeña síntesis nacional :
misma hora que un indígena ; cuando el doctor la mesa. En una parte le dicen que allí no
y es que en Madrid un hombre discreto, no
Dekker demanda el chocolate, le advierten que es donde ha de enterarse ; en otra que desco debe acudir nunca a ninguna cita, y sobre.
es preciso confeccionarlo. Otra pequeñaob nocen el asunto ; en una tercera que acaso
no acudir, debe reprochar, además, su no asis
servación : en España todas las cosas hay que lo sabrán en el negociado tal ; en una cuarta tencia a la persona que le ha citado, seguro
hacerlas cuando deben estar hechas. El ilus que hoy precisamente así al pronto, no pue de que esta persona le dará sus corteses ex
tre doctor torna a esperar quince minutos ; y den decir nada. " Todas estas idas y venidas,
cusas, puesto que ella no ha acudido tam
escribe en su diminuto cuaderno : Quince mi saludos, preguntas, asombros, exclamaciones, poco.
nutos. dilaciones, subterfugios, cabildeos, evasivas, El doctor Dekker, al enterarse de este de
El ilustre doctor sale de casa. son como una senda escondida que conduce al talle trascendental , ha gritado de nuevo, hen
Claro está que todos los tranvías no pasan doctor Dekker al descubrimiento de la supre chido de emoción : The best in the world! y al
cuando nuestra voluntad quiere que pasen ; ma verdad, de la síntesis nacional, esto es, momento ha consignado en su cuaderno : Cua
hay un destino secreto e inexorable que lle de que hay que volver mañana. Y entonces renta minutos. Habrá que decir también que
vn las cosas y los tranvías en formas v di al ilustre doctor grita con más entusiasmo que al egregin doctor ha tenido que esperar a que

person's courteous apologies, inasmuch as he last time, stentoriously and jovially, thinking sowing of that textile, so advantageously
kewise failed to appear. Dr. Dekker, upon of this country, without peer on the globe : known.
Alighting on this overwhelming piece of truth, " The best in the world ! '' The Secretary of Agriculture has made an
exclaims anew, brimming full of emotion : The famous economist Novicow has in important order for the seeds of various kinds
" The best in the world!" And without a vestigated in his book " The Wastefulness of of cotton grown in the United States, among
moment's loss he adds in his note-book: Modern Societies, " the infinite lapses of time which are the so-called " Lone Star " and
"Forty minutes." Is it at all necessary to which in the present era we waste in gram " Mebane Triumph. " The houses that will
state that the egregious Doctor, upon return matical forms, useless letters, printed and fill the order are the Fergusson Seed Farm
ing to his house for lunch, has had to wait handwritten (according to the author, these and Allbright and Caldwell. This order was
for his soup, and he has likewise written in useless characters cost the English and the made to fill the many requests for these seeds.
his booklet " Fifteen minutes?'' French 195 million franes a year) , in cour that the Mexcan farmers are making.
There is nothing more in order after lunch tesies, in tiresome complications of weights ,
eon than to go to a café. To cross the Puerta measures and currencies. Dr. Dekker, a sin
del Sol is quite an enterprise. One must edge gular humorist and sagacious sociologist , shall
his way through compact groups where social inaugurate, by the application of this method
revolution is being discussed, and avoid pass to the concrete cases of daily life, a series ¡ GRATIS!
ers-by who go from one side to the other with of highly interesting studies. With this end
slow and crooked step, incline to the left, or in view he has come to Spain and marches Para todo Agricultor,
lean to the right, avoid a collision, and often from one part to another with tilted pencil
all day long. We will soon be able to enjoy Hacendado, Comerciante
times await for an opening to sift through.
"A man who is coming behind me, " wrote the first of his books in project. It is entitled o persona que se interese
Montesquieu, in speaking of this modern " The Time They Lose in Spain; that is, " El
Tiempo que se Pierde en España." en la lectura de asuntos
bustle, " makes me turn right about face,
while another who crosses before me, sudden agrícolas e industriales.
ly puts me back in the same place the first The Wharves of All the
had got me out of. I have not gone a hundred Ports to Be Repaired. UN EJEMPLAR DE MUESTRA
steps and I am as tired as if I had made a HE Secretary of Communications and
T Public Works has under consideration the DE LA REVISTA
six-league trip. "
Montesquieu did not know our Puerta del restoration of the majority of the wharves
Sol , but the illustrious Dr. Dekker has crossed and other landing points throughout the "LA HACIENDA"
and recrossed it time and again. From the Republic, some of which like that of Salina
corner of Preciados to the entrance to Alcalá Cruz and various ones in Lower California que contiene, además de
street, with free right of way he could spend suffer from various defects. To complete
texto interesante y muy
at an easy gait, about two minutes ; now it such an interesting project, a sum of not less
takes him six to do it. Dr. Dekker painfully than four hundred thousand pesos will be instructivo, magníficos
wedges through the crowd of job-hunters, appropriated.
wild-schemers, pick- pockets, demagogues , The port of Salina Cruz will be the first grabados, cubierta a co
priests, panders, policemen, venders, and to be ready.
writes in his notes : " Four minutes.'' And lores, etc., y ofrece un
One of the engineers dependent on that
once in the café, a servant delays some min Department will set out in a short time on a servicio gratis para sus
utes in investigating his wishes ; other min voyage of inspection to the ports of the Re
public, having as his object to obtain in lectores .
utes go by before the same servant brings
the things appertaining to the beverage, and formation in regard to the condition of the
still many more minutes are wasted before wharves. Una tarjeta postal, es su
the waiter finally realizes that he must ful Jute Is to Be Grown in Vera Cruz . ficiente para pedir un
fil his duty. Dr. Dekker feels moved.
Twelve minutes" he transcribes in his book ARIOUS agriculturists of Ori número de muestra.
zaba and Córdoba, of the State of Vera
and then goes out into the street.
Cruz, have recently requested the Department DIRECCION:
Shall we relate one by one all the con
tingencies which befall him? of Agriculture to send them some of the LA HACIENDA COMPANY
In a store existing pamphlets concerning the most SAMPLE COPY DEP. , 40.
where he has given a five-duro bill to pay for BUFFALO, N. Y., E. U. A..
modern methods of cultivating jute, for they
his purchase, they delay ten minutes in giving
wish to dedicate a part of their land to the
him back his change, because the boy-an
every day occurrence- has had to go out to
get the bill changed.
In the theater, in order to see the show
which is billed for 8:30, he must wait until
9:15; if, meanwhile, he takes up a newspaper
to read on a certain subject, the incongruity,
disorder and lack of proportion with which
our daily sheets are gotten up, make him lose RINONINA
a great while. Dr. Dekker fairly bubbles over
with inward satisfaction. Can you appreciate
the joy of the astronomer who confirms his SIEG'S PASTILLAS ALEMANAS
remote intuitions, or of the paleontologist
who has just reconstructed from a single bone LOK DR. SIEG"
the frame of a milenary monster, or of the 52525 2525
epigraphist who has hit upon a great enigma . Para las ENFERMEDADES de los
engraved on a rock almost worn away by the RIÑONES , HIGADO , VEJIGA, URETRA.
centuries ? Dr. Dekker has verified at last,
radiant with pleasure, the calculations which Disuelven el tan peligroso ACIDO URICO
he ventured through mere presumption in his causa directa del REUMATISMO, GOTA etc
office on Fish-Street Hill.
And when upon his return to his humble De venta en las principales DROGUERIAS Y BOTICAS
DEPOSITO GRAL . Apartado 1272 MEXICO, D.F.
Madrid lodging, about midnight , the watch
man makes him wait a half hour before ad
mitting him at the door, the eximious fellow
of the R. C. of S. of London reaches the
acme of his enthusiasm , and exclaims for the

person's courteous apologies, inasmuch as he last time, stentoriously and jovially, thinking sowing of that textile, so advantageously
kewise failed to appear. Dr. Dekker, upon - known.
of this country, without peer on the globe :
lighting on this overwhelming piece of truth , " The best in the world ! "' The Secretary of Agriculture has made an
exclaims anew, brimming full of emotion : The famous economist Novicow has in important order for the seeds of various kinds
" The best in the world ! '' And without a vestigated in his book " The Wastefulness of of cotton grown in the United States , among
moment's loss he adds in his note-book : Modern Societies , '' the infinite lapses of time which are the so-called " Lone Star ' and
" Forty minutes.'' Is it at all necessary to which in the present era we waste in gram "Mebane Triumph. " The houses that will
state that the egregious Doctor, upon return matical forms, useless letters, printed and fill the order are the Fergusson Seed Farm
ing to his house for lunch, has had to wait handwritten ( according to the author, these and Allbright and Caldwell. This order was
for his soup, and he has likewise written in useless characters cost the English and the made to fill the many requests for these seeds
his booklet " Fifteen minutes?'' French 195 million francs a year) , in cour that the Mexcan farmers are making.
There is nothing more in order after lunch tesies, in tiresome complications of weights,
eon than to go to a café. To cross the Puerta measures and currencies. Dr. Dekker , a sin
del Sol is quite an enterprise. One must edge gular humorist and sagacious sociologist, shall
his way through compact groups where social inaugurate, by the application of this method
revolution is being discussed, and avoid pass to the concrete cases of daily life, a series GRATIS !
ers-by who go from one side to the other with of highly interesting studies. With this end
slow and crooked step, incline to the left, or in view he has come to Spain and marches Para todo Agricultor,
lean to the right, avoid a collision , and often from one part to another with tilted pencil
Hacendado, Comerciante
times await for an opening to sift through. all day long. We will soon be able to enjoy
" A man who is coming behind me, " ‫ ܕ‬wrote the first of his books in project. It is entitled o persona que se interese
Montesquieu, in speaking of this modern " The Time They Lose in Spain ;? ' that is, " El
Tiempo que se Pierde en España. '' en la lectura de asuntos
bustle, " makes me turn right about face,
while another who crosses before me, sudden agrícolas e industriales .
ly puts me back in the same place the first The Wharves of All the
had got me out of. I have not gone a hundred Ports to Be Repaired. UN EJEMPLAR DE MUESTRA
steps and I am as tired as if I had made a HE Secretary of Communications and
"" 1 Public Works has under consideration the DE LA REVISTA
six-league trip. ·
Montesquieu did not know our Puerta del restoration of the majority of the wharves
Sol , but the illustrious Dr. Dekker has crossed and other landing points throughout the "LA HACIENDA”
and recrossed it time and again. From the Republic, some of which like that of Salina
corner of Preciados to the entrance to Alcalá Cruz and various ones in Lower California que contiene, además de
street, with free right of way he could spend suffer from various defects . To complete
texto interesante y muy
at an easy gait, about two minutes ; now it such an interesting project, a sum of not less
takes him six to do it. Dr. Dekker painfully than four hundred thousand pesos will be instructivo, magníficos
wedges through the crowd of job-hunters, appropriated.
wild-schemers, pick-pockets , demagogues , The port of Salina Cruz will be the first grabados, cubierta a co
priests, panders, policemen , venders, and to be ready.
lores, etc., y ofrece un
writes in his notes : " Four minutes. '' And One of the engineers dependent on that
once in the café, a servant delays some min Department will set out in a short time on a servicio gratis para sus
utes in investigating his wishes ; other min voyage of inspection to the ports of the Re
public , having as his object to obtain in lectores.
utes go by before the same servant brings
the things appertaining to the beverage, and formation in regard to the condition of the
still many more minutes are wasted before wharves. Una tarjeta postal, es su
the waiter finally realizes that he must ful Jute Is to Be Grown in Vera Cruz. ficiente para pedir un
fil his duty. Dr. Dekker feels moved.
" Twelve minutes " he be transcribes in his book VARIOUS prominent agriculturists of Ori número de muestra.
zaba and Córdoba, of the State of Vera
and then goes out into the street .
Cruz, have recently requested the Department DIRECCION:
Shall we relate one by one all the con
In a store of Agriculture to send them some of the LA HACIENDA COMPANY
tingencies which befall him? existing pamphlets concerning the most SAMPLE COPY DEP. , 10,
where he has given a five-duro bill to pay for BUFFALO, N. Y. , E. U. A.
modern methods of cultivating jute , for they
his purchase, they delay ten minutes in giving
wish to dedicate a part of their land to the
him back his change, because the boy-an
every day occurrence- has had to go out to
get the bill changed .
In the theater, in order to see the show
which is billed for 8:30, he must wait until
9:15 ; if, meanwhile, he takes up a newspaper
to read on a certain subject, the incongruity,
disorder and lack of proportion with which
our daily sheets are gotten up, make him lose RINONINA
a great while. Dr. Dekker fairly bubbles over
with inward satisfaction . Can you appreciate
the joy of the astronomer who confirms his DR. PASTILLAS ALEMANAS DR.
remote intuitions, or of the paleontologist
" DR. SIEG " O
who has just reconstructed from a single bone OK
the frame of a milenary monster, or of the 52525
Para las ENFERMEDADES de los
epigraphist who has hit upon a great enigma
engraved on a rock almost worn away by the Riñones , Higado , Vejiga, URETRA.
centuries ? Dr. Dekker has verified at last ,
radiant with pleasure, the calculations which Disuelven el tan peligroso ACIDO URICO
he ventured through mere presumption in his causa directa del REUMATISMO , GOTA etc
office on Fish-Street Hill.
And when upon his return to his humble De venta en las principales DROGUERIAS y BOTICAS
Madrid lodging, about midnight, the watch DEPOSITO GRAL . Apartado 1272 – MEXICO , D.F.
man makes him wait a half hour before ad
mitting him at the door, the eximious fellow
of the R. C. of S. of London reaches the
aeme of his enthusiasm , and exclaims for the


pusieran la sopa, cuando ha regresado a su cálculos que él hiciera por puras presuncio lución Constitucionalista, en los comienzos de
casa en demanda de su yantar y que también nes, en su despacho de Fish- street-Hill. ésta, y que se ha mostrado siempre como ar
ha escrito en su librillo : Quince minutos? Y cuando de regreso a su modesto aloja diente partidario de México, declaró reciente
Nada más natural después de comer, que ir miento, ya de madrugada, el sereno le hace mente, en el templo que dirige en Washington,
a un café. Atravesar la Puerta del Sol es aguardar media hora antes de franquearle la lo que sigue :
una gran empresa. Es preciso hendir grupos puerta, el eximio socio del Real Colegio de " Antes que todo, hay que no ocuparse
compactos en que se habla de la revolución Cirujanos de Londres, llega al colmo de su en de México para nada ! Dejad que los es
social , sortear paseantes lentos que van de tusiasmo y grita por última vez, estentoria fuerzos que se hacen en ese país alcancen
un lado para otro, con paso sinuoso, echar a y jovialmente, pensando en este país, sin par sus resultados, independientemente de toda
la izquierda, ladearse a la derecha, evitar un en el planeta : The best in the world! influencia extraña.
encontronazo, hacer largas esperas para po El famoso economista Novicow, ha estu " La segunda medida consistirá en la no
derse colar al fin por un resquicio... diado, en su libro, " Los Despilfarros de las invasión e intervención armada por parte de
" Un hombre que viene detrás de mí - decía Sociedades Modernas, " los infinitos lapsos los Estados Unidos y la no adopción de otras
Montesquieu hablando de estos modernos trá de tiempo que en la época presente malgas medidas drásticas para el castigo de los me
fagos- me hace dar una media vuelta, y otro tamos en fórmulas gramaticales, en letras inú xicanos que nos han obligado a resentir pér
que cruza luego por delante, me coloca de re tiles y escritas (195 millones de francos al didas de vidas y haciendas, por la conquista
pente en el mismo sitio de donde el primero año, dice el autor que cuestan estas letras y ocupación de su territorio.
me había sacado. Yo no he caminado cien a los ingleses y franceses,) en cortesías, en " La tercera medida consiste en reconocer
pasos, y ya estoy más rendido que si hubiera complicaciones engorrosas de pesos, medidas su nacioanlidad, independencia y soberanía
hecho un viaje de seis leguas. " y monedas. y continuar nuestras pacientes relaciones con
Montesquieu no conoció nuestra Puerta del los mexicanos, por medio de una dirección lle
Sol, pero el ilustre Dr. Dekker la ha cruzado na de tacto, de una reciprocidad comercial
y recruzado múltiples veces. Desde la esquina y por la inteligente apreciación de su carác
de Preciados hasta la entrada de la calle de
ter y condiciones, lo mismo que por la educa
Alcalá, estando libre el tránsito, podría tar ción cristiana, en su sentido más amplio, es
darse con andar sosegado, dos minutos ; aho como debiéramos bendecir y dar brillo a la
ra se tarda seis. El doctor Dekker hiende per tierra de las maravillosas posibilidades ale
sonalmente la turba de cesantes, arbitristas,
targadas. "
randas, demagogos, curas, chulos, policías, " Gran parte de la obra depende de la ac
vendedores y escribe en sus apuntes : Cuatro
titud y la receptividad de los mexicanos,
minutos. Y luego en el café, ya sentado ante
puesto que todos los americanos desean ayu
la blanca mesa, un mozo tarda unos minutos
darlos, no perjudicarlos. ''
en lleguar a inquirir sus deseos ; otros minutos
pasan antes de que el mismo mozo aporte los Concerniente al Valor de las
apechusques del brevaje, y muchos otros mi
nutos transcurren también antes de que el Tierras Petroleras.
echador se percate de que ha de cumplir con L Estado de Texas, inició hace poco un
EL juicio para recobrar ciertas tierras patro
la digna representación que ostenta . El doc
tor Dekker se siente conmovido. Doce mi leras que alega son de su legítima propiedad,
nutos, consigna en su cartera y sale a la calle. puesto que sus actuales poseedores, quienes
Relataremos, punto por punto, todos los las desean explotar, no tienen títulos legales
lances que le acontecen ? En una tienda donde para retenerlas en su poder. Se ha fijado el
ha dado un billete de cinco duros para que valor de esas tierras en la suma de $250,000.
cobrasen lo comprado, tardan en entregarle Y su área es precisamente de siete acres y
la veulta diez minutos, porque el chico- cosa medio! Sería interesante saber lo que resul
corriente ha tenido que salir con el billete taría, en caso de que el Gobierno Mexicano
a cambiarlo. valuara en esa proporción , las tierras petro
Señor Joel Quiñones.
En un teatro, para ver la función anunciada leras con objeto de imponer contribuciones o
a las ocho y media en punto, ha de esperar El doctor Dekker, original humorista y, a la con cualquier otro fin!
vez, penetrante sociólogo, va a inaugurar, apli
hasta las nueve y cuarto ; si mientras tanto
cando este método a los casos concretos de OPORTUNIDADES QUE OFRECE MEXICO
coge un periódico con objeto de enterarse de
la vida diaria, una serie de interesantísimos [Continúa de la Página 27.1
determinado asunto, la incongruencia, el des
orden y la falta absoluta de proporciones con estudios. Con este objeto, ha llegado a Es
regresar a su patria para atacar y difamar
paña, y marcha de una parte a otra todo el al Primer Magistrado de una nación que hon
que nuestras hojas diarias están urdidas, le
hacen perder un largo rato. El doctor Dek día con el lápiz en ristre. Pronto podremos ró al difamador, admitiéndolo en su país don
ker desborda de satisfacción íntima. Os per leer el primero de sus libros en proyecto . Se
de encontró hospitalidad, cortesía y muchas
catáis de la alegría del astrónomo que ve con titula " The time they lose in Spain ; " es de atenciones . Esto es todo lo que tengo que
firmadas sus intuiciones remotas o del palen cir, " El tiempo que se pierde en España. "' decir, pues ya Mr. Chamberlain, con sus de
teólogo que acaba de reconstruir con solo un claraciones, ha contestado a la opinión del
hueso el armazón de un monstruo milenario , "¡ Dejad Solo a México ! " juicioso pueblo norteamericano. Todos los que
o del epigrafista que ha dado con un terrible Dice el Dr. Henry Allen Tupper. obran en forma semejante, merecen las mis
mas consideraciones. "'
tada porgrabado en ?unaElpiedra
los siglos medio
doctor desgas
Dekker ha ELconocido
Dr.Henryen Allen por la quien
MéxicoTupper, quebien
parte es to
comprobado, al fin, radiante de placer, los mó en divulgar la verdad acerca de la Revo

EAGLE "MIKADO" PENCIL No.174 SI USTED SUFRE- Ocurra a la Botica o
Droguería más próxima, y pida una lata de
"CONCENTRADO SOURDAL" que vale $ 2.50.
Este nuevo remedio produce un alivio casi
NEW inmediato. y realiza prontamente una curación
radical Se introduce hasta el sitio mismo del
Regular Length, 7 inches mal, y ha curado copletamente muchos casos
considerados como desesperados. Si su boti
For Sale at your Dealer, 5c Each. Made in five grades cario todavía no tiene en existencia el " SOUR
Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use. DAL" , no acepte ningún substituto, mande di
rectamente un giro postal a la " SOURDAL
vuelta de correo se le enviará un paquete
conteniendo las instrucciones detalladas pa
ra usarlo,


Condition of the Only State of Mexico, 44-45 cents ; Bank of Guer holiday season,, even thought it was in a " dry 営 1
Remaining Paper Currency. rero, 30-35 cents ; Bank of Guanajuato, 15-16 town. "
cents ; Bank of Hidalgo , 40-45 cents ; Bank Double Tracking the
THE Treasury Department has issued a of Jalisco, 28-30 cents ; Bank of Morelos , 23
statement of the status of the only re Isthmus Railroad.
24 cents ; Mercantile Bank of Monterrey, 69
maining paper currency, known as the " in
falsificable, " which was issued in 1916 at a 70 cents ;; Mercantile
70 cents Bank of
Mercantile Bank Vera Cruz,
of Vera Cruz , 50
50 IN view of the increased traffic on the
cents ; Bank of Chihuahua, 18-19 Isthmus of Tehuantepec railroad , officials
par value of twenty cents Mex. or ten cents of the National Line are contemplating buildW
cents ; Bank of Nuevo Leon, 65 cents ; Oc
gold per dollar. This paper or any other has cidental Bank, 75-80 cents ; Oriental Bank, ing a double track railway across the isth
not been in circulation since specie payments mus. During the last few months numerous
15-16 cents ; Peninsular Bank, 33-35 cents ;
were resumed in the winter of 1916-17, since Bank steamers from Japan, Norway, Sweden and
of Queretaro , 15-16 cents ; Bank of
which time nothing but gold, silver and cop Sonora, 59-60 Holland have arrived with cargoes destined
cents ; Bank of Tamaulipas, 34
per coins have been in use. In order to re cents ; Bank of Tabasco, 29-35 cents ; Bank for South American countries and the pre
tire the paper entirely the Treasury Depart of Zacatecas , 32-34 cents. sent facilities for transporting this merchan
ment decreed a sur-tax in the paper named During the revolutionary period the banks dise across the isthmus have proven inade
on all imports. That is, those paying duties refused to accept their own paper except at
in Mexican gold were also obliged to pay the a heavy discount, this being one of the rea
same amount in " infalsificable. " At the time sons why the Government finally forced them
this tax was decreed the paper was worth prac into liquidation. It has always been claimed
Schools, Tutors, Governesses.
tically nothing, and for a long time could be that the banks of emission possessed abund
bought in the market at a fraction of a cent ance of assets to have enabled them in time Persons can obtain reliable infor
on the dollar. As fast as the paper was re to redeem their paper at par. mation respecting SCHOOLS, TUTORS
ceived by the government it was destroyed & EDUCATIONAL HOMES for boys
and as a result the price began to rise, until and girls, by sending full particulars
Major Gaston de Prida of their requirements (age of pupils,
now it is quoted at 7 1-2 to nearly 8 cents on locality preferred, &. ) to R. J. Fenn, late ኔ

the dollar. Not Executed By Villa professor English in Mexican University
and Normal School, Manager Orellana
The status of this paper, as regards the Major
HE Gasfriends
many ton de Pri will be glad of
anddaacquaintances to & Co. University and School Agency, 10
amount issued , the amount destroyed, and T Blenheim St. Bond St. London W. 1.
the total outstanding is given by the Treasury learn that the report of his recent execution Established over 60 years.
Department as follows : by Villa in Chihuahua was a gross exag
Printed by the American Bank geration. The Major is very much alive and
Note Company in New York.... $ 450,000,000 enjoyed a Merry Christmas in the city of
Bills of $1 and $ 2 printed here .. 65,000,000
Total amount issued . New York. Several weeks ago an account
Burned by the Monetary Com of his alleged execution was sent out broad PALMETAS
mission up to June 30, 1919 ... 348,944,163 cast from a border point that is notorious for
Burned since July 1, 1919.. de la
48,175,130 the inaccuracy of about twelve-tenths of its
Total amount outstanding.. · FABRICA
117,880,702 so-called Mexican news. He and several સન
There has, naturally, been a large amount de
of this paper that has been destroyed in one others were alleged to have been captured DULCES
way or another, and it is to be doubted if so and shot because of their complicity in a plot у
much as a hundred millions is still in exis to secuure the mythical reward of $ 50,000 for CHOCOLATES
tence. Various efforts have been made to Villa " Dead or alive. " Prida's family and
induce the government to abolish the sur-tax friends have been mourning his untimely and L R IU
tragic end, but those familiar with the me E T
in paper, but without success, as it is desired
to retire the entire issue and this seems the thods of the border " news factories " gave
only reasible method. Practically all of the no credence to the report and endeavored to
holders of the paper obtained it for only a persuade his family that the chances were
small fraction of its present value. altogether favorable to the falsity of the re Av. Rep. del
While there are no bank bills in circulation, port. Their belief has now been verified . Salvador, 197.
there are occasional dealings in them on the The editor of The Mexican Review is in re México, D. F.
exchange, the quotations being as follows : ceipt of a letter from New York, from a
Banco Nacional, 63-64 cents ; Bank of Lon gentleman who knows the Major very well , Aprobadas por
don, 31-32 cents ; Bank of Aguascalientes, 21 saying that the latter was in that city on the el C. S. de Sa
22 cents ; Bank of Coahuila, 19-22 cents ; 21st hale and hearty, not at all dead, and ap lubridad. MARCA IND. REG. NO. 18668
Bank of Durango, 22-23 cents ; Bank of the parently in the anticipation of a pleasant


Diamonds , DANIEL INCLAN Watches ,

3a. BOLIVAR No. 23.
Pearls, Jewelry of
Precious 23 GLE OCASION 23
JAS D Every
Stones DANIELING + Descrip

of Every

Variety Everything in this estab

lishment is of the most
Residents and tourists
modern and artistic
should remember that
precious stones and jew design. Visitors are
elry are always cheap welcomed whether
er in Mexico than in
any other country. purchasers or not.


Regulations Governing Oil tion must be made for the preservation of gas More Bronze Coins.
before drilling in a well.
Development in Texas. 18. If oil well is making gas, trap must be To relieve the acute shortage of change in
the capital, Lic. Luis Cabrera has issued
HE oil and gas department of the Texas used. orders to the National Mint to start im
THE Railroad Commission has given out the 19. All gas wells must be restrained to 50 mediately the minting of bronze 20 centavos
following partial summary of the laws and the per cent of their potential capacity.
rules of the commission on conservation, to pieces on a large scale. It will be possible
20. Pipe line companies are prohibited from to put over ten thousand worth of pesos in
gether with the number of the commission's making permanent connection with any oil
form to be used : circulation daily and the monetary situation
or gas well until the owner or operator has will be somewhat relieved until the govern
1. Keep an accurate set of books. a certificate from the Railroad Commission ment is able to resume the minting of silver
2. File organization report on Form 7. that he has complied with the conservation
3. Do not drill nearer than 150 feet of any bullion.
property line or nearer than 300 feet of any The wireless station at Chapultepec has
Penalty for Wasting Gas been increased in power until now communi
other well without a permit from the com
mission. In the United States. cation is had with various distant South Amer
4. Give the Railroad Commission notice of ican points.
HOW owners of wells producing gas in the
intention to drill, deepen, plug or shoot on United States instead of the oil for
Form 1. which they were bored, are penalized for
5. Keep drilling records at all wells while permitting the former to escape without con EDWARD M. WILSON, M. E.
drilling, re-drilling or deepening; said re trolling it, is shown by the following extract
cords to show all formations, casings used, Technical Petroleum Expert,
from a telegraphic dispatch from Austin,
etc. Texas: of Mexican Oil Regions.
6. Plug every abandoned well, give notice " An Eastland County gas well making 75,
to the commission on Form 1, so that said no Geological Reports, Plans & Estimates
000,000 cubic feet of gas per day was per
tice will reach the commission at least 24 Mexico City.
mitted to run wild for 40 days and today P. O. Box. 844.
hours before the time you wish to plug.
Dr. George C. Butte, chief supervisor of the
7. Before plugging any well, in addition to oil and gas department of the Railroad Com
notifying the commission, notify all adjoining mission, advised the owner that the facts will
property or lease owners so that they may wit
be presented to the County or District Attor
ness the plugging if they so desire.
8. File plugging record on Form 4. ney of Estland County for prosecution. Dr.
9. Upon completion of any well, file with Butte also refused to issue the applicant a THE GRAND LEADER
the commission a log of said well immediately permit showing that he had complied with
on Form 2. the oil and gas conservation law of the State. OTAL BROS.
10. Make report on all gas wells on Form 3. The penalty, according to Dr. Butte's notice,
11. File a narrative report of the result on is $5,000 per day for each day the well wasted
every well shot-no form prescribed. gas. "'
12. As soon as you have production, make Artillery to Be Made .
application for pipe line certificate on Form HE War Department announces that the
THE Mexican Government is planning to build
13. Do not allow oil and gas to escape
a modern artillery factory where guns of
through leaks.
large caliber will be constructed . Every ef SOMBREROS, CRISTALERIA .
14. Report immediately all fires and leaks
causing material loss, giving location and fort is being made to obtain the necessary
cause. machinery and the country's best chemists are
15. Make all sketches on a scale of 400 feet working on a formula of a steel composition
to one inch, except where tracts are less than which will surpass the best that is used by PRECIOS SIN COMPETENCIA
two acres, then on a scale of 40 feet to one foreign manufacturers.
Five Pullman carloads of Japanese sailors 1011-1013 ITURBIDE STREET.
16. Lay proper anchorage before drilling
is begun, unless it is in a field where it is from a man-of- war now visiting the West LAREDO, TEXAS .
known high pressure does not exist. Coast recently visited Mexico City and were
17. In proven gas fields adequate prepara entertained officially as well as otherwise.



4a. Calle Bolivar, 36.- México, D. F.




plete and varied stock of Twente Bustie ‫الات‬ MUEBLES do surtido en Alhajas Fi
Fine Jewelry, Eyeglasses, nas, Muebles, Anteojos , Ca
Paintings, Safes and all jas Fuertes, Pinturas y toda

classes of Objects of Art clase de Artículos de Arte y

and Luxury. Lujo.

252 25.525 52525

đang đ
Reglamentación que Rige la W trate de un terreno donde se sabe
de que se Un Ejemplo de " Noticia " Exacta.
que no existe una presión elevada.
Explotación de 17. En los terrenos donde se haya demostra- EL Embajador Bonillas hizo recientemente
Y ! Petróleo en Texas. un viaje a México, a fin de conferenciar
E Departamento de Petróleo y Gas de la do que hay gases, se adoptarán las debidas pre con el Presidente Carranza, cuando éste se
Comisión del Ferrocarril de Texas, ha cauciones para evitar el escape de éstos, antes hallaba en el norte del país. Precisamente
públicado el siguiente resumen parcial de las de perforar . - antes de que el Embajador regresara a Wash
leyes y reglas de la misma, respecto a la con 18. Si un pozo hace gas, debe aplicarse una ington a hacerse cargo de sus funciones , se
servación de esos productos, juntamente con válvula.
dió amplia publicidad en todo el país a un
algunas formas en blanco de la comisión pa 19. Todos los pozos de gas deben ser restrin despacho de Washington que dice así :
ra el uso de los propietarios : gidos al cincuenta por ciento de su capacı
1 Llévese una contabilidad exacta, en li dad. " Washington.- El Embaja
dor de México, señor Bonillas, quien
bros . 20. Se prohibe a todas las compañías de regresa a Washington después de haber
2 Presentese el informe de organización en oleoductos el establecer concesiones permanen celebrado una conferencia con el Presi
la forma numero 7. tes con cualquier pozo de petróleo o de gas, dente Carranza en Venegas, protestará an
3. No se Inperfore a menos de ciento cin mientras no tenga el propietario un certificado te el Departamento de Estado contra los •
cuenta píes de distancia del lindero de cual aviadores norteamericanos que realizan
de la Comisión del Ferrocarril , demostrando vuelos sobre el territorio mexicano . "
quier propiedad; o a menos de trescientos que ha cumplido con lo prescrito en la ley de
pies de otro pozo, sin permiso de la Comi El Embajador Bonillas no hizo nada pare
conservación . :
cido. Ni tampoco fue puesto al frente de la
sión Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores, como se
4. Comuníquese a la Comisión del Ferro Penas para los que Desperdicien
el Gas en los Estados Unidos . anunció en otro despacho . Lo grave de estos
carril laY intención de perforar , profundizar,
obturar, en la forma número 1 . falsos informes, consiste en que los millones
EN el siguiente extracto, tomado de un
E de personas que los leen , casi nunca leen las
$ 5 5. Consérvense los registros de perforación despacho telegráfico procedente de Aus
jor rectificaciones.
en todos los pozos cuando se perfore, reper tín, Texas, se verá cómo son penados en Esta
fore * o profundice, para mostrar todas las dos Unidos los propietarios de pozos que arro
formaciones y cubiertas pasadas. jen gas en lugar de petróleo, para lo cual fue (Continúa de la Página 7.)
6. Obtúrese todo pozo abandonado , dando ron perforados , si dejan que se escape dicho
"sa3 aviso a la Comisión en la forma número 1, de Noticias recibidas por prominentes petrole
**55-12 gas sin contenerlo :
manera, que este aviso llegue cuando menos, ros de esta capital, hacen constar que desde
" Se permitió que durante cuarenta días se luego la región del pozo de " Juan Casiano "
Itw horas antes del momento en que se piense - desprendiera libremente el gas de un pozo del y otras inmediatas, han quedado completa
*~ obturar. Condado de Eastland que produce bien unos
7. Antes de obturar cualquier pozó , además** mente libres de rebeldes y que el último en
75,000,000 de metros cúbicos de fluído dia
de comunicarlo a la Comisión, notifíquese a cuentro habido , se efectuó en el punto llama
riamente ; pero hoy notificó al propietario de do " Bajos de Ensenada, " en el que salió
los propietarios o arrendadores de las propie dicho pozo , el doctor George C. Butte, Inspec
dades vecinas, a fin de que puedan presenciar completamente derrotada y perseguida la ga
tor en Jefe del Departamento de Gas de la villa de Vicente Reyes, uno de los secuaces
la operación si lo desean .
Comisión del Ferrocarril, que se comunicarían pelaecistas que más atropellos han cometido
8. Anótese el registro del taponamiento en los hechos al Procurador de Distrito del Con
la forma número 4. A por aquellos lugares.
dado de Eastland, para que abriera una ave
9. Al terminarse un pozo, envíese a - la Co
riguación y persiguiera al culpable. El doctor A ULTIMA HORA.-Hallándose ya listo pa
misión un informe detallado en la forma nú
Butte se negó a entregar al propietario un per ra entrar a la prensa el artículo anterior, se re
mero 2.
miso, certificando que había cumplido con la cibieron las cifras exactas de la exportación
10. ያንInfórmese de los pozos de gas, en la for
ma número 3 . ley conservadora de petróleo y gas del Estado . habida durante el mes de diciembre, que su
La pena aplicable, en opinión del doctor But ma 6.134,817 barriles. Esta cantidad hace que
! 11. Preséntese un informe narrativo de to
te, es de $ 5,000 por cada día que el pozo haya el total general por el año , se eleve a
do pozo brotado : No se requiere forma espe
I desperdiciado gas. " 82,089,675 barriles .
cial. *
12. Tan pronto como está asegurada la pro
Se Fabricarán Cañones .
ducción, elévese una solicitud para el certifi AVES DE PELEA
cado de oleoductos, en la forma número 12. NFORMA la Secretaría de Guerra, que el DE SUPREMA CALIDAD
13. No se permite que escape el gas de los Gobierno mexicano proyecta construir una
pozos por las rendijas. fábrica moderna de cañones donde puedan Gallos de ataque rá
14. Informe inmediatamente de todos los construirse piezas de grueso calibre. Se es pido y seguros hasta
la muerte .
incendios y derrames que ocasionen pérdidas tán haciendo todos los esfuerzos posibles pa
No los hay mejores
-IG materiales, diciendo la localidad y la causa. ra obtener la necesaria maquinaria, estando en el mundo . Pida Ca
15. Háganse todos los planos según una trabajando los mejores químicos del país on tálogo Ilustrado Gra
tuito, a
escala de 400 pies por una pulgada, excepto el descubrimiento de una fórmula de alguna ALFRED F. GRAHAM.
en los terrenos que tengan menos de dos acres, clase de acero que supere a las mejores que CAMERON, N. C.-E. U. A.
en los que se adoptará una escala de cuarenta usan los constructores extranjeros.
Puedo también proporcionar Sabuesos Ingle
pies por pulgada. ses y Perros de Caza, educados para todos los
5 16. Establézcase la adecuada obturación an La Revista Mexicana saldrá el día primero usos a que se destinan los Perros de caza.
tes de que comiencè la perforación , a menos de. cada mes.

1757 525
} D
Printing and publishing

77777777527 Unicos Impresores

Hacemos con perfec of every description.
wift Y
Imprenta NACIONAL , ción toda clase de impre Books and magazines a DE PRESTIGIO
S. A. speciality. This number G
En materia de revis
tas ilustradas , el presen THE LEADING
} of "The Mexican Review"
te número de "La Revis HOUSE
AVE . URUGUAY 41 . is a sample of its work.
ta Mexicana," es una IN ITS LINE
muestra de nuestro tra
D. F. bajo.

HEAVY SILVER OUTPUT to admit liquors for storage upon receipt of constitutional practice which might elad to
FOR THE YEAR 1919. fifty per cent of the duty thereon . Whenever very great confusion regarding the guidance
they shall be removed for shipment to other of our foreign affairs. Confident that I am
points, the balance of the duty must be paid. supported by a very competent constitutional
Figures That Show the Prosperity
This ruling applies to the States of Nuevo authority in the statement that the initiative
Of Mexico's White Metal
Leon, Tamaulipas, Coahuila and Chihuahua . in directing the relations of our government
The State of Sonora does not allow the im with foreign governments is assigned by the
HE constitution to the executive and executive
TH E Department of Industry, Commerce portation of liquors.
and Labor announces that the total silver only.
production for the year 1919 amounts to more Mexico's Increased " The senate is only associated with the pre
than 1,949,662 kilogram-2 1-5 pounds avoir sident by the constitution in an advisory
Foreign Commerce.
dupois to the kilogram. The market price of capacity and the advice of the senate is
silver bullion in this city today (January 3d) FFICIAL figures of the foreign commerce provided for only when sought by the execu
OFof this country have been published,
is $84 (Mex. ) per kilo, or $42 American gold. tive in regard to explicit agreements with
The total value of the product at the rate showing that for the first six months of 1919 foreign governments and the appointment of
given would be $163,771,608 (Mex. ) , or $ 81 , the total importations amounted to $96,431 , diplomatic representatives of the United
885,804 (American.) The actual value is of 981 (American) . For October the amount of States to foreign capitals. The only safe
course less, as the price of silver increased imports was $9,942,552, or twenty per cent course, I am confident is adherence to the
greatly since the first of the year 1919. greater than for the same month of 1918. prescribed method of the constitution. We
The approximate figures of silver produc The total of exportations for the first ten might go very far afield if we departed
tion for the ten years prior to the revolution months of 1919, was $296,000,000 (Mex. ) , or from it.
were as follows in Mexican money: $148,000,000 (American) . " I am very much obliged to you four giv
ing me this opportunity to express this opin
General View of the Factory of the " Cervecería Central, " México City. ion."
When the president's latter was received
Senator Lodge had a conference with Fall
and Brandegee, latter announcing that no
further action the Mexican situation
S CAV would be taken by the Foreign Relations Com
AI mittee.
BOB Lodge said: " We wanted to help but now
CALIDEMILDTO the entire Mexican situation goes to the pre
sident. The responsibility is on his should
C ers. Let it rest there. The investigation of
N I the whole Mexican situation by the Foreign
E Relations Subcommittee will be continued , ac
A N cording to Fall, who expects to leave soon for
L *C I
R the border, where he will resume hearing.
Another Laudable Organization .
N association to develop and maintain
cordial relations between the United
States and Latin-American countries has been
formed in New York. The association has sent
a circular to the Secretary of Foreign Re
lations in which they assure the Mexican
Vista Panorámica de la Fábrica y Almacenes de la Cervecería Central, México, D. F. Government of their faith in the Mexican
people and their right to solve their own
1902... .$ 70,000,000 From the port of New Orleans alone the problems. The association will direct its ac
1903. . 78,000,000 exports to Mexico amounted to $36,000,000
1904. 65,000,000 tivities, the circular read, to counteracting
1905.. 103,000,000 (Mex.) , upon which dues were collected to the the false reports published about Mexico.
1906. . . 115,000,000 amount of $ 1,340,000.
1907... 104,000,000
1908.. 75,000,000 The Department of Industry, Commerce and
1909. . 75,000,000 PRESIDENT WILSON AGAINST Labor has been informed that an American
1910... 78,000,000 geologist has discovered a method of locating
1911... deposits of petroleum by the use of an elec
RESIDENT Wilson wrote a letter dated
For the ten months ending October, 1919, trical appliance, thus obviating the contin
the exportations of silver from Mexico to the December 8, to Senator Fall regarding gency of sinking dry wells.
United States amounted to $102,467,604 the latter's resolution requesting the Pre
(Mex. ) , or $51,233,802 American ) , while for sident to sever diplomatic relations with the
the ten months ending October 1918, the silver President Carranza government of Mexico,
exportations were $ 86,913,618 (Mex. ) , or $ 43, saying:
" I thank you very much for your kind BLAND BROS
471,809 (American.)
promptness in complying with my request
that you send me a copy of a memorandum
Importing American PRINTERS
report of the Subcommittee on Mexican Af
Whiskey and Wine. fairs of the Committee of Foreign Relations. APARTADO (P. O. BOX)
NUMBER of dealers in whiskey, wine I shall examine it with greatest interest, and
A and other alcoholic beverages in the care. What you told me of the investigation 1426.
United States, who have large stocks of such on Friday prepares me to find in it matter
liquors on hand which will become valueless of the greatest importance. You ask and in
Telephone Ericsson, 14-28
under the enforcement of the prohibition dication of my desires regarding the pending
amendment to the constitution, have applied resolution to which you and Senator Hitch
1a. CALLE LOPEZ No. 10
to the Mexican treasury department for a cock called attention on Friday and I am glad.
relaxation of the rules governing import taxes to reply with the utmost frankness that I
on such goods. Their application has been should be gravely concerns to see any such CITY OF MEXICO.
favorably considered, and the collectors of resolution pass congress.
customs at border points have been instructed " It would constitute a reversal of our

+} =" 8) manag
RICA PRODUCTION El Acrescentado Comercio
Importación de Whiskey
DE PLATA EN 1919 . Y Vino Americanos. Exterior de México .
IERTO número de traficantes en whiskey, E han publicado datos oficiales acerca del
Cifras Que Muestran la Prospe C vino y otras bebidas alcohólicas de los S comercio exterior del país, demostrando
ridad de las Minas Mexicanas Estados Unidos, que poseen grandes reservas que en + los primeros meses de 1919, las im
De Metal Blanco . de tales licores, los que perderán su valor por portaciones totales ascedieron a la suma de
virtud de la vigilancia de la enmienda prohi $96,431,981 ( oro americano ) . En octubre de
NFORMA la Secretaría de Industria, Co
bicionista a la Constitución norteamericana, 1919, las importaciones fueron de $ 9,942,552,
mercio y Trabajo, que la producción to han pedido a la Secretaría de Hacienda de o sea un veinte por ciento más que las del
tal de la plata durante el año de 1919 , ascen
México, que se suavicen los reglamentos sobre mismo mes de 1918.
dió a más de 1,949,662 kilogramos-2 115 li
la importación de tales artículos. Su solici El total de las exportaciones por los pri
bras equivalen a un kilogramo. El precio de
tud ha sido considerada favorablemente, pues meros diez meses de 1919 , fue $296,000,000
la plata en barras en el mercado, en esta ciu
se han dado instrucciones a los recaudadores
dad, fue hoy (3 de enero ) , de $4 oro nacio ( oro nacional ) , o sean $ 148,000,000 ( en oro
nal) por kilo, o sean $42 en oro americano. de las aduanas de ciertas plazas fronterizas, americano.)
El valor total del producto, a este precio , se para que admitan los licores en los almace-· Sólo del puerto de Nueva Orleans, las ex
ría de $ 163,771,608 ( oro nacional) , u nes al recibir el cincuenta por ciento de los portaciones para México , importaron
$81,885,804 ( oro americano ) . El valor real derechos respectivos . Cuando dichos licores $36,000,000 ( oro nacional) , sobre las que se
naturalmente que es menor, pues el precio deban ser transladados a otros puntos del in recaudaron derechos por valor de $ 1,340,000 .
de la plata ha aumentado considerablemente terior, se pagará el resto de las contribucio
Nuevo León, Tamaulipas, Coahuila y Chihua
desde el primero de enero de 1919. nes. Esta regla se aplica a los Estados de hua. El Estado de Sonora no permite la im
Las cifras aproximadas que representan la oro americano, en tanto que por los diez me portación de licores.
producción de plata durante los diez años an- ses que terminaron en octubre de 1918, as
teriores a la revolución, son como sigue, en cendieron a $ 86,943,618 ( oro nacional ) , o sean La Revista Mexicana saldrá el día primero
moneda mexicana : $13,471,809 oro americano. de cada mes.
1902. . • ·· → $ 70,000,000
1903 .. 78,000,000
1904 . 65,000,000
1905. • 103,000,000
1906. • • 115,000,000 LOS SOMBREROS
1907.. • · · 104,000,000
1908. • · I B · • 75,000,000 TORRES 2a. Motolinia, 18.
1909. • * 75,000,000 SON APARTADO , 1684. MEXICO.
1910. 78,000,000 BARRAS DE ORO Y PLATA
1911..• 86,000,000 LOS MAS ACREDITADOS ,
Durante los diez meses que terminaron en Comisión para su Venta.
octubre de 1919 , la exportación de plata de || SIEMPRE LOS MEJORES ||
México a los Estados Unidos, ascendió a • LOUVRE
$102,467,604 ( oro nacional) , o sean $ 51,233,802

¿ Quiere Usted Estar en Constante Comunicación Con el Desarrollo De Los Acontecimientos Mas Notables de América?



Todos sus artículos en Inglés y Español, son de atracción general y mérito indiscutible.
Su información gráfica proporciona verdadera satisfacción al lector, por la finura de los grabados y buena calidad de papel. Tiene un
departamento especial para atender todas las preguntas sobre cualesquier cosa y en cualquier idioma y tantas veces como el subs
criptor desee, sin costo absolutamente, y todas las preguntas e informaciones serán atendidas eficazmente, de una manera privada
por medio del magazine, quedando esto al deseo del subscriptor.
El departamento extranjero está en comunicación constante con manufactureros y productores de toda clase de artículos y puede
poner al subscriptor en comunicación inmediata con estos comerciantes, pudiendo el subscriptor tener la seguridad de un éxito com
pleto, ya que la seriedad de esta publicación , así lo garantiza por ser el órgano oficial de la gran “ ASOCIACION DEL VALLE DEL



Syndicate Trust Bldg. , St. Louis , Mo. , U. S. A.

Sírvanse Uds . insertar mi nombre como subscriptor de su periódico por
el término de un año, y hacerme acreedor a su servicio que mencionan,
durante el mismo tiempo que yo sea su subscriptor.
Sírvanse encontrar adjunta la suma de tres Dollares, y me repito de
Uds. attos., y S. S.

Calle y número .
Población y Estado ..
País .

NOTA.— Se aceptan estampillas de correos siempre que éstas vengan en carta certificada.

American Capitalists Invest

EUROPEAN nationsfrom the borrowed
which FROM Philadelphia American news that
billions of dollars ten
United States a commission of ," comes the Friends of
Heavily in Mexican Coal Mines.
will not be able to pay any interest thereon Mexico " is about to visit this country for
MERICAN capitalists are reported to for the next three years. That interest, to
A have invested heavily in mining proper the purpose of ascertaining the truth regard
gether with various charges, it is stated ing conditions here. This or any other com
ty in the northern part of the republic, the amounts to half a billion dollars annually. mission having a like object will be wel
largest single deal having been made by the These tremendous figures make the debt of comed. It is the truth that the people and
American Smelting and Refining Company Mexico seem trifling by comparison. the friends of Mexico desire to have made
for a controlling interest in the Rosita coal
known to the world. That truth is as far
mines in Coahuila, for which a million and
one-half pesos were paid. The Rosita fields removed from the popular conception abroad,
in the past have furnished the greater part based upon misleading statements, as day
of the coal supply of the country and the new light is from darkness.
owners are said to contemplate enlarging
the field and placing Coahuila coal on the A petition has been presented by a large.
United States market. POR MAYOR Y MENOR number of prominent residents of the State
of Morelos asking for the restoration of civil
rule, the pacification of that region making
Have Review mailed free of postage by J. M. RAMOS PROP. martial law no longer necessary .
calling at this office .

Se atienden todos los Pedidos

Escuelas, Tutores, Institutrices.
por Mayor y Menor con pron
titud y eficacia. Todas las personas que deseen obte
ner informes fidedignos sobre Escuelas,
NATHALINA Tutores, y Planteles de Educación pa
DROGAS , ra niños y niñas, pueden conseguirlos,
dando completos detalles de sus deseos

Para devolverle el color al cabe (tales como edad de los discípulos , lo
} PATENTE calidad en que preferirían que fuesen
llo, ya sea rubio , castaño o negro. educados , etc. , ) a R. J. Fenn, ex-profesor
No mancha, no contiene nitrato
de Lengua Inglesa de la Universidad
de plata. No es nociva a la salud Nacional de México y de la Escuela
y es fácil de usarla. ARTICULOS
Normal para Maestros , Administrador
De venta en las Droguerías y DE ESCRITORIO de la Orellana & Co. University y de la
Boticas. Por mayor, con descuen Agencia de Escuelas, a esta dirección :
Y PERFUMERIA. 10 Blenheim St. Bond St. London W. 1.

to, según cantidad,

Establecido desde hace sesenta años.
Dirigirse a

'. ULE

1a. de López, Núm. 11. México.



Aurelio T. Hernández 5 de Mayo No. 10.- Mexico City.
que exige la Asociación Cristiana
de Jóvenes, para hacer uso del BON - BONS .
回 米 Departamento Físico . CHOCOLATES .
Avenida Independencia, 16-A. A CHOCOLATERIA FRANCESA.
Apartado Postal, 1576.


} OO
OCTAVIO A. Manager.

Independencia, 2. Facing the Cable Office. Ricardo M. González y Cia .

Agentes Aduanales .
Actividad, Economía y Eficacia . Cam HOTEL HAMILTON
The Optical House of Mexico
bios, Comisiones, Ventas de Giros sobre
We make glasses in all styles and México. Importadores y Exportadores.
Cuotizamos a solicitud, los Mejores Pre
colors from any prescription.
Headquarters for Invisible Bifocals. cios sobre productos mexicanos.
Laredo, Texas, U. S. A.
We give you the best and quickest ser
vice. OFICINAS : European Plan, $1.00 up.
We have many Exclusive Agencies for FIRST CLASS CAFE
Laredo, Texas, Av. Convento 414.
the Best Optical Goods, including the
Apartado , 87. IN CONNECTION
Best Ear Phones for the Deaf.
N. Laredo, Mex., Lafragua, 78. HEADQUARTERS FOR TRAV
Call on us or write. Apartado, 8. ELERS TO AND FROM MEXICO






Apartado 88.
Tel. Mex., 2-26 Neri.
Tel. Eric., 2-26.







Imitelos !



Annuary of Commerce, Industry, Agriculture,

Communications, Mines and Finances of the
Republic of Mexico.

Send your orders for copies to

Las Cajas de Chocolates

Imprenta Nacional , S. A.

Uruguay 41 , Mexico City, Mex.


hacen milagros ! Will be out Next Month.

$ 150 $ 3- $6- $ 1350laaja

Libre de Porte. We are yet in time to accept orders for

Apartado 753. 5 de Febrero 30. advertising in this book. WRITE AT ONCE

before it is too late.
National Railways of Mexico and Operated Lines

Sea Ports :
Border Gateways:


Laredo, El Paso , Eagle Pass and Brownsville

Daily through trains with sleeping cars between

Mexico City and Nuevo Laredo , Torreon and Guadalajara

"The Laredo Route "

is the shortest between the United States border and Mexico City.
Trains leave daily from New Laredo at 10.00 a. m., Mexican time, 36 minutes slower than Central time.

There being a great demand for sleeping car accommodations, prospective passengers from the United States should
apply in advance by letter or telegram to Mr. Fausto Treviño, Assistant Station Agent at New Laredo, care of International & Great
Northern Ry. Passenger Station, Laredo, Tex.
The General Passenger Department in Mexico City will be pleased to supply at any time information relative to any con
templated trips over these lines and to assist passengers in every possible way.

General Freight and Passenger Agent. Asst. General Passenger Agent.

El conocido camión " INTERNATIO

NAL ", de capacidad de 2 toneladas, re

molcando un " MIAMI " Trailer (carro

remolque) de capacidad de 3 toneladas de

carga. El presente grabado representa

estos equipos cargados con una caldera

que pesa 8 toneladas.

El conocido camión " INTERNATIONAL" tiene un costo económico debido a su enorme producción. Su calidad es reconocida por el solo hecho de que
la fábrica que lo manufactura es una de las más poderosas del mundo, y es construido en su totalidad por la citada fel rica. Se corserva siempre a ran
altura a causa de que todas y cada una de sus partes importantes son manufacturadas y adaptadas a la más alta eficiencia. En esta fábrica se trabaja
bajo una vigilancia centralizada y perfecta. por lo que los camiones " INTERNATIONAL" han llegado a ser conocidos en todas partes del mundo.
Los carros remolques denominados Miami Trailers " se construyen en una de las fábricas más grandes de los Estados Unidos, manufacturera de esta
clase de equipos : los remolques de carga se fabrican en varias capacidades desde 50 kilos basta 6,000 kilos.
En la fabricación de estos carros se emplean exclusivamente materiales de a mejor calidad, tales como los conocidos ejes " Timkem" , los que se neAD
en las mejores marcas de automóviles. Estos ejes contienen el mejor acero que se pueda fabricar para tal obeto llevando en sus ligas el cinco por ciento
de níquel. Estos carros se fabrican en cuatro y dos ruedas, conocidos estos últimos bajo la denominación de " Semi- Trailers. "
Tendremos gusto en proporcionar lista de precios y especificaciones completas de nuestros equipos; el camión " INTERNATIONAL" y el camión "Duplex
4 Wheel Drive " y los carros-remolques " MIAMI TRAILERS , " a todos aquellos que lo soliciten.






Provisional President of Mexico Candidate for President of Mexico


The Purpose of the " Review"

IN making the change of the place of publication

Ι industry , should breed international friendship
Mexican it seems proper as well.
again to call attention to the objects of the maga "The Mexican Review' will have no political or
zine as set forth in the "Foreword" to the initial sectarian bias . The relations between Mexico and
number, issued in October, 1916. In part that the United States find their basis in physical geog
Foreword said : raphy, and physical geography is a non-partisan
"The Mexican Review' is the proponent of but science . Whether it is the docile donkey or the
a single policy- Neighborliness. Its editor real ponderous pachyderm that grazes the White
izes that throughout the century and more that House lawns, the course of the Rio Grande can
has elapsed since Mexico shook free from the be deflected by neither, and in building anew the
restrictions of alien rule-since 1810-the spirit international friendship with both the United
of neighborliness States and the
has been the Mexican Repub
rarest and most lic, partisan poli
faintly discerni tics can find no
ble factor in the place.
Mexican - Amer "Through the
ican relation columns of "The

ship . Mexican Review'

"The absence the truth about
of neighborliness Mexico will be
is responsible to brought to light.
a far greater de It is the inspira
gree than are wa tion of its pro
differences of.. ducers that
race or creed or only through
language for the complete, unre
development of stricted publicity
the spirit of can the value of
strife and dis Mexico's friend
cord which ship to her great
characterized the northern neigh
Mexican - Amer bor be made
ican relationship clear."

in recent years.
It is with the
earnest hope It is in no

that the careful, spirit of vain

truthful and at glory that "The
the same time Review" points,
persistent state to the commen
Mexican Ambassador and High Commissioner to Washington
ment of Mexi dation that it has

co's hopes and ambitions , her intentions and her received during the past four years from thousands
accomplishments , will bring home to the people of of subscribers and readers . Over and over again
the United States that the Mexicans are worthy of has "The Review" been told that it has been the
that friendship and confidence which the great means of conveying to intelligent and well - educated
Republic of the North stands ready so willingly to people more of the truth about Mexico than they
extend, that this publication is undertaken . had gained during a lifetime. "The Review" pro
"Propinquity breeds friendship as between indi poses to merit this commendation even more in the
viduals . It is the more natural expectation that future than in the past.

a propinquity which combines physical contact Its sole and only purpose is to promote friend
along an international boundary line of more than ship between the nations whom the Creator has
2,000 miles with the most intimate relationship placed side by side and to encourage them to live
and interdependence in commerce, finance and in amity and good will .



El Objeto De " La Revista"

L hacer el cambio de lugar de la publicación largo de una línea divisoria internacional de más
de " La Revista Mexicana," nos parece propio de 2,000 millas, con las más íntimas relaciones y
otro vez llamar la atención sobre los propósitos del mutua dependencia en el comercio , la finanza y la
periódico como se asentó en el "Prólogo" del nú industria, debiera engendrar también amistad
mero inicial, publicado en Octubre de 1916. Decía internacional .
en parte el citado Prólogo : " "La Revista Mexicana ' no tendrá fines políticos

" La Revista Mexicana ' es la propuesta de una ni sectarios . Las relaciones entre México y los
sola política Buena Vecindad . Su editor com Estados Unidos tienen su base en la geografía
prende que a través del siglo o más que ha física, y la geografía física no es unaciencie de
transcurrido desde que México se libertó de las partidos . Ya sea el dócil mono o el pesado paqui
restricciones del régimen extranjero- en 1810-el dermo el que apacente en los prados de la Casa
espíritu de buena vecindad ha sido el factor más Blanca, el curso del Río Grande no será desviado
raro y más dé
por ninguno de
bilmente per los dos , y al
ceptible en las volver a edificar
relaciones Mé la amistad inter
xico - America nacional entre
nas . los Estados
"La ausencia Unidos y la Re
de buena vecin pública Me
dad es mucho xicana , la políti
más responsable ca de partidos no
que las diferen puede encontrar
cias de razas , cabida.
credos o idiomas , "A través de
del desarrollo las columnas de
del espíritu de 'La Revista Me

guerra y desa xicana' la verdad


cuerdo que ha acerca de Mé

caracterizado las xico saldrá a luz.

relaciones Mé La inspiración
xico - America de sus autores es
nas en los recien que solamente
tes años . por medio de una

"Es con la más completa publi

ardiente espe cidad sin restri
cciones, se acla
ranza de que la
rará el valor de
exposición cui
la amistad de
dadosa, verda DON RAMON P. DE NEGRI
Mexican Consul-General in New York la República de
dera y al mismo México hacia su
tiempo persistente de las esperanzas y ambiciones gran vecino del Norte."
de México, sus intenciones y sus obras, ponga de Sin intención de vanagloria, " La Revista" llama
manifiesto en los hogares del pueblo de los Estados la atención hacia las alabanzas que ha recibido de
Unidos, que los mexicanos son dignos de la amistad miles de subscriptores y lectores, durante los últi
y confianza que la gran República del Norte está mos cuatros años. Mucho se ha repetido a "La
pronta a extender con tan buena voluntad, para lo Revista " que ella ha servido de medio para llevar
que se ha emprendido esta publicación . a las personas inteligentes e ilustradas, más verdad
"La proximidad engendra amistad como entre acerca de México que la que hubiesen obtenido
los individuos . Es lo más natural esperar que una durante toda su vida. " La Revista" se propone ser
proximidad que combina el contacto físico a lo más digna aún de estas alabanzas en el futuro.
The Mexican Review


The Elimination of Villa Resignation of Director General

The Mexican Review
HE elimination of Pancho Villa without Barrett of the Pan-American Union
Published Monthly at Washington, D. C. TH further bloodshed, removes the last leader ROFOUND ND regret has been caused
any serious PROFOU
- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR of any moment who presented any serious throughout Latin-America by the announce
obstacle to the complete pacification of the ment in the last issue of the Bulletin of the
Yearly subscription in the United States, Canada and country. While there are still, and perhaps Pan-American Union of the resignation by Mr.
Mexico , $2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50 . will be for years, sporadic instances of ban John Barrett of his post as director general
ditry, groups of greater or less size who prefer of that institution . For upward of twenty
Office- Rooms 501-502 , 817 Fourteenth Street
Washington, D. C. a life of pillage and risk to their own freedom years he has been an enthusiastic worker in the
or existence, to one of peace and industry, cause of Pan-Americanism, and for fourteen
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU their number is not now large nor does it seem years has filled the position at its head which
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important matters . likely to be. The present condition of Mexico he has just resigned . It is not too much to say
Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared by com in this respect very much resembles that which that in the minds of the great body of residents
petent writers. Photographs furnished when desired .
prevailed during the reconstruction days fol of the Latin-American countries the Pan
Questions answered . Special inquiries undertaken.
lowing the Civil War in the United States. American Union and Mr. Barrett are synony
There were numerous scattered parties of mous. While he has been ably seconded by his
Greeting to "Review" bandits who persisted in their outlawry and corps of assistants, it is no exaggeration to
Readers in following murderous methods, but who at say that the success of the organization has
HE MEXICAN REVIEW again greets its no time afforded a serious menace to the gen been due to his personal efforts more than to
T readers from Washington, and hopes to eral welfare. Villa, of course, will be on his any other one factor. That he may meet with .
good behavior, and report has it that a careful like success in whatever walk of life he may
be able to deliver its message of good will
watch will be maintained over his incomings tread in the future is the hearty wish of his
and better understanding between the two
leading American Republics without inter and outgoings until he has demonstrated his innumerable friends. The success that he has
ruption in the future. good faith by a long period of proper behavior. already achieved is a guaranty in this direction.
A word of personal explanation is appro Personal acquaintance with the ex-bandit war
rants the statement that he "will bear watch
priate in this connection. The repeated and A Friend in Need
long continued illness of the editor of THE ing." Those who are well acquainted with him
are ready to believe that he has wearied of a HE old proverb has it that "a friend in
REVIEW finally resulted in sentence of banish TH need is a friend indeed." No better illus
life so strenuous as that which he has followed
ment from the great altitude of Mexico City, tration of the truth of this saying was ever
ever since his overwhelming series of defeats
issued by his medical advisers in that place given than the action of the American Red
and confirmed by others in New York, while at the hands of his successful opponent, Gen
eral Obregon, and that he will be content to Cross in so freely and spontaneously coming
being repeated with emphasis. With reluctance to the assistance of the authorities of the port
pass the remainder of his life in accordance
this advice was at length followed, as all can of Vera Cruz during the recent visitation of
with the terms of the arrangement which he
understand whose good fortune it has ever the bubonic plague. "I was sick and in prison
been to have resided for any length of time has entered into with the government. At all
events, it is to be hoped that he will . The and ye visited me," or words to that effect,
in the Aztec capital. Few foreigners who have was the utterance of One who bestowed the
manner in which the elimination of Villa has
enjoyed even a brief residence in that city have
been accomplished is subject for congratulation highest commendation upon aid so given. That
relinquished it without feelings of keen regret ; was the case under the circumstances referred
feelings shared to the fullest by THE REVIEW'S toward those responsible for it.
to, and that the assistance extended in so
editor. timely and generous fashion was highly appre
There are compensations , however, in a Border Gambling Resorts Closed
ciated was demonstrated by the utterances of
sojourn in the most beautiful city in the great RESIDENT DE LA HUERTA has the press at the time. THE REVIEW takes the
North American Republic, and in the very ES orders that all gambling resorts in
first opportunity at its command to assure the
center of international activities . the border States shall be closed , especial refer Red Cross of the high estimation in which its
ence being had to those situated in towns that timely assistance is held by the Mexican people.
are either directly on the line or immediately It is pleasant to note that the people of Vera
Cable Censorship across the Rio Grande from American cities.
Cruz have bestowed a suitably inscribed gold
Abolished The leaders of the present Government have medal upon Dr. Carl Michel, of the American
NE of the first steps taken by the present some very decided ideas upon such matters, as Public Health Service, under whose efficient
O government of Mexico was the abolition illustrated by their action in the past. It is management the steps were taken which led
A very well remembered that when Arizona
of the censorship on cable dispatches, a regu to the eradication of the plague.
lation which had existed throughout the revo "went dry" in 1915, saloon keepers in the
lutionary years as is customary in time of war American border towns fancied that all they
Forbearance of Readers Asked
among all nations. Nothing could so well had to do was to move their stocks across
demonstrate the present condition of affairs the line into Mexico , where they would be able HE removal of a publication office from
as the recognition that such a regulation is no to accommodate their regular patrons. But to TMexico City to Washington, especially
longer necessary. It bore heavily upon foreign their huge disgust they were met by a decree. when such removal was not contemplated until
correspondents, and was the indirect means instituting the death penalty against all liquor recently, is a matter involving so many con
of causing the very condition that it was dealers an infringement of what they sup tingencies that the issuance of the first number
intended to prevent- the sending out of sen posed to be their "rights" which caused them is unavoidably accompanied with much diffi
sational and ill- founded reports which went by to file some very strenuous but entirely futile. culty. The forbearance of the readers of THE
other channels than the cable. Happily this is protests . To be sure, no executions ever took REVIEW is asked, with the assurance that
now ended, and the good results of this action place under the decree mentioned-but it had future numbers will, it is hoped, be fully up to
became apparent almost at once. the desired effect nevertheless. the mark .

La Revista Mexicana

No. 2

Resinacion del Director General Bar

La Revista Mexicana La Eliminacion de Villa
A eliminación de Pancho Villa sin más rett de la Union Pan-Americana
Publicacion mensual en la Ciudad deWashington L derrame de sangre, ha quitado al último A CAUSADO una profunda pena en
jefe que presentaba obstáculos sérios para la H toda la América Latina cuado se supo,
GEO. F. WEEKS P EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO pacificación completa de este país . Mientras por medio del Boletín de la Unión Pan-Ameri
que todavía existen, y tal vez por algunos cana, que el Señor John Barrett había hecho
Suscripciones por un Año , en los Estados Unidos, Canada años existan, recurrencias espasmódicas de su resignación como Director General de esa
y México, $2 oro. En qualquiera otra parte, $2.50. bandidos, grupos de mayor o menor número, institución . Por más de veinte años él ha sido
que prefieren una existencia de rapiña y un trabajador entusiasta en la causa del Pan
Oficiana-Cuartos 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street, riesgo de perder su libertad o existencia a una americanismo , y por catorce años ha llenado el
Washington, D. C. questo como jefe de esa oficina , de la cual hoy
da paz e industria, este número no es ahora
grande y no parece que aumentara . La ha hecho su resignación . No es mucho el decir
presente condición de México en este respecto que el en gran grupo de residentes de los países
Noticias exactas por telegrafo y correo de todos los asuntos
de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cualquier tópico se parece a la que existió durante los días de Latino -Americanos se considera a la Unión
Mexicano hechos por escritores competentes. Se propor reconstrucción que siguieron a la guerra civil Pan-Americana y al Señor Barrett como
cionan fotografías a solicitud. Se contestan preguntas. en los Estados Unidos. Existieron un gran sinónimos. Aunque él ha sido bien ayudado
Se toma a cargo investigaciones especiales .
número de grupos de bandidos desimenados, por su hábil grupo de asistentes, no es exage
quienes presistian en su conducta ilegal y ración el decir que el suceso de la organiza
Saludos a los Lectores de la Revista
seguían métodos de asesinos, pero quienes ción ha sido debida a sus esfuerzos personales
! A REVISTA Mexicana otra vez saluda a núnca fueron una amenaza al bienestar gen más que a ninguna otra cosa. Que él
LA sus lectores desde Washington , y y espera eral. Villa se conducirá bien, pero se dice que encucentre suceso en cualquera otra ocupación
poder entregar el mesaje de buena voluntad se mantendra una vigilacian extricta sobre su en que entre, es el desco vehemente de sus
y mejor relaciones entre las dos primeras proceder hasta que haya demostrado su sin amigos innumerables.
Repúblicas Americanas en el futuro . Una ceridad por bastante tiempo. Conocimiento
explanación personal es necesaria en esta personal del ex-bandido garantiza el decir que Un Amigo en necesidad
conección. La repetida y continua mala salud "sera necessario vigilarlo." Las personas que
del editor de la Revista resultó finalmente en L ADAGIO viejo dice que "Un amigo en
le conocen están listas a creer que Villa está E necesidad es amigo en verdad ." Nunca
la sentencia de destierro de la gran altiud de cansado de la vida fatigosa qua ha llevado se demostró mejor la verdad de ésto sino
la Ciudad de México promulgada por el desde las séries de pérdidas que ha sufrido a
médico de aquella ciudad, y confirmada port cuando la Cruz Roja Americana vino expon
manos de su oponente, el General Obregon ,
tanea y libremente a dar ayuda a las autori
otros en New York, la cual fué reptida con y el estará contento de pasar el resto de su dades del puerto de Vera Cruz en la reciente
én facis. Con mucho desagrado siguió este vida en acuerdo con los términos del contracto
epidemia de la plaga bubónica . "Yo estuve
consejo, como puden comprender todos los que que ha hecho con el Gobierno . Se espera que
hayan tenido la suerte de residir por mucho enfermo y preso y tu me visitastes," o palabras
él haga esto . a este efecto , fueron dichas por uno quien dió
tiempo en la capital Aztec. Pocos extranjeros La manera como se consiguió la eliminación
que han gozado de una breve recidencia en esa el más alto encomio por tal ayuda. Este fué
de Villa es digno de congratulaciones para el caso bajo las circumstancias referidas y la
ciudad han salido sin sentir pena, cuyo sen aquellos que son responsables de ésto .
timiento es también del editor de la Revista. asistencia que a tiempo y de una manera tan
generosa hizo la Cruz Roja y que fué
Hay compensación, sin embargo, en la
Clausura de Lugares de apreciada muy altamente, y fué demonstrado
estancia en la más bella ciudad de la gran
Juego en la Frontera asi por los escritos de la prensa. La Re
República de Norte América y en el centro de
L PRESIDENTE DE LA HUERTA ha vista toma esta primera oportunidad para
actividades internacionales.
1 asegurar a la Cruz Roja de ia alta estimación
E emitido una orden para clausurar todos
los lugares de juego en la frontera, referencia que el pueblo Mexicano le tiene por su pronta
• especial es hecha de las ciudades que están asistencia. Es un gran placer el notar que el
Abolicion de la Censura
directamente o en línea inmediata a ciudades. pueblo de Vera Cruz confirió, con inscripción
del Cable americanas al otor ladol del Rio Grande. Los apropiada, una medalla de oro al Dr. Carl
NO DE LOS primeros pasos tomados jefes del presente Govierno tienen opiniones Michel, bajo cuyo eficiente manejo se tomaron
UNO por el presente Govierno de México fué los pasos necesarios para la eradicación de
decididas sobre este asunto, como se puede ver
lo abolición de la censura de los mensajes de por sus acciones en el pasado . la plaga.
cable, regulación que existió durante los años Es de recordar que cuando Arizona “went Pedimos la Indulgencia de
de revolución como es costumbre en tiempo de dry" (tuvo efecto la prohibición ) in 1915, Nuestor Lectores
guerra en otras naciones. Nada puede todos los dueños de tiendas de licores en las L CAMBIO de la oficina de la publicación
demonstrar mejor el estado actual como el ciudades americanas de la frontera tenían la Ε ' de esta publicación de la ciudad de
reconocimiento de que aquella ley no es ya idea de que lo único que tenían que hacer era México a Washington , especialmente cuando
necesaria. Esta cayó muy pesada sobre los el remover sus mercancías al otro lado de la este cambio no fué contemplado sino recien
coresponsales extranjeros y fué el medio frontera , en México, donde ellos podrían temente, es una cosa que tiene tantas conti
inderecto de hacer lo que se tratava de pre servir a su clientela, pero tuvieron una gran gencias que la emisión del primer número
venir, el mandar reportes sensacionales y mal sorpresa cuando supieron que el decreto está acompañado de inumerable dificultades.
fundados, los cuales eran mandados por otros imponía la pena de muerte a los traficantes en Pedimos la indulugencia de los lectores de la
medios que del cable. Felizmente 鲲 ésto ha licores-infringimiento que ellos suponían de Revista con el aseguro que los números
concluido y los buenos resultados de ésto su derecho, lo cual causó vehementes pero siguientes, se espera, sean completamente
apareció al momento . futiles protestas . satisfactorios.

6 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

countrymen are for the revolutionists and their

Mexican Investments Safe and S ound
Sound aspirations.
"There is only one party now in this coun
try," he said, "and it has only one aim to
New Government Promises Protection for Every Legitimate Interest
restore credit and end militarism by reducing
of Own People and Foreign Alike the army to 50,000 . We want to get all the
BY GENERAL ALVARO OBREGON children in school.
"Deeds , not . words, must show the sincerity
E OF MEXICO are today a poor paid on its merits. I desire to restore Mexico of our intentions," he continued . "I want to
people, although the country is po in the eyes of the world. Our treatment of make emphatic that Mexico wants, needs , and
* WⓇ
tentially enormously rich. We are cases in which other nationals are concerned will seek all means in its power to secure and
not buried under a load of debt, as many will be precisely as fair as that of the United deserve the friendship and close cooperation .
peoples are after the World War. It is not States or any continental country. of America and all other countries." He then
much more than $20 per capita , which is ridic Our army will be cut in two. It will be gave a brief resume of the last revolution .
ulously small as debts are counted now. Our reduced to one-half its present size , or 50,000 The people, not the army, had made it possi
hope for the future is in economy and indus men, and will be well paid, clothed, equipped , ble, he said.
try and friendship with our neighbors and and modernized . The 50,000 men retired will "I promise that if by tomorrow some men
what foreign capitalists who can aid to de be aided to go to work on farms. We are now now holding public office in the new order of
velop our resources. We want less war and trying to discharge men in regions where work things should prove unworthy of their trust,
more work. is plentiful and well paid. These men will some one will quickly start a new revolution
First, we will take care of Mexico's foreign remain in the reserve, subject to call. and punish the faithless." He concluded :
obligations . We do not yet know how much I shall propose to congress that the gen "Mexico has found herself at last and will
we owe. New claims are coming in and some erals be paid the lump sum in lieu of retirement tolerate nothing but good government."
of the old claims are being thrown out . No pay that will enable them to buy homes or go !
bills will be paid unless we owe the money, into business and increase production . If they Mexican Railway Returned
but we will try to pay just bills as nearly on were on half pay they would eat what they
After an extended period, during which
the nail as we can. After satisfying our in were paid, and the country would be no better
the Mexican Railway was operated by the
ternal needs, we will attack the foreign debt. off. I want to make our surplus generals pro
National Government, it has been turned
The principal will be paid in full as it comes ducers instead of consumers . I shall try to
back to the original owners-a British concern .
due, of course , if we can possibly pay ; other reduce the number of clerks in government
The former management is now in complete
wise we will make arrangements for extension employ too, and do away with sinecures.
charge. The present officers are : General
which will satisfy our creditors . As for in This is my desire, I might say my ideal . I
know the difficulties, but every man in my manager, B. E. Holloway ; resident engineer
terest overdue, we will do what good busi
and assistant manager, W. T. Pogram ; audi
ness men would naturally do-we will try to party knows that I mean business. The public
tor, M. Merino ; cashier, J. W. Hunter ; gen 2
reach a satisfactory compromise. in Mexico has suffered more and is far more
eral passenger and freight agent, E. G. Wuer
I do not think the debt contracted by Huerta disgusted that is the public in the United
pel ; superintendent of motive power, C. H.
is legal, but is being looked into by men in States.
Burk ; superintendent of Pullman service, H. R.
whom I have confidence. If they find that it I do not know how far the government will
Bradbury ; legal department, Lic. Rafael Pardo..
is legally binding on Mexico , I will see that it be successful in recovering the money taken The question of indemnity has not, it is
is paid. by former Carranza office holders. Only five
understood, been taken up, as that matter is
When that is done we will talk about bor or six million pesos have been regained so far.
amply cared for in the concession contract
rowing more money for the rehabilitation of I have no idea how many different graft
between the railway and the Government.
our railroads and the building of our ports games have been worked.
During the operation of the railway, which
and other public works which have been al A political miracle has been worked at con extends from Mexico City to Vera Cruz, and
lowed to go to pieces . In other words , we version of the Bronco Yaquis. They are all which was the first line built in the Republic,
propose to establish a credit in just the same contented now and confident of the sincerity. stone block houses were constructed by which
way that the individual merchant establishes of the revolutionary leaders. At one time it the entire road was protected from the assaults.
a credit and that is by paying our debts. had not been thought possible they would ever of bandits . 1
Then we can borrow all the money we want make peace. Now they are the trusted guards
anywhere in the world without talk of guar of the national palace . A satisfactory arrange
ment will be made with them about their lands . Mexico to Exhibit at
antees or compromises or concessions .
Texas Fair
Whatever money we borrow will be devoted The country is at peace, even the followers
to public works only. That guarantee I will of Zapata and Palaez are coming in. Villa was HE Department of Industry and Com
personally give . Not one penny of borrowed a great problem at a time when we had many THE merce of Mexico is preparing to make a
money will be spent for the current expenses problems , but this seems now happily settled . great exhibit at the Texas state fair at Dallas !
of the Government. I hope this harmony will spread beyond the this fall. To this end it has sent notices
Absolute protection and every facility will border. There is to be no punishment of throughout the Republic inviting farmers,
be afforded capital. We need more money political offenses, but those who have broken miners, manufacturers, and the women, to
and more work here and we are going to in the law cannot hope to escape retribution submit samples of their products for inspec
duce capitalists to come by convincing them merely because they have been Obregon's ene tion, that the best may be chosen for exhibition
that they will be given only fair treatment. mies. Magnanimity cannot be stretched to and something of the immense resources of
There are technical questions relating to the make a cloak for law breakers . Mexico shown to the thousands who visit the
oil industry into which I have not examined . exposition each year.
I believe the mining industry as a whole has In a recent interview General Obregon de Exhibits are to be sorted into five great
no quarrel with Mexico , although individuals clined to answer some inquiries as to his opin classes and will be forwarded to Dallas and
have suffered . The differences with oil men ion of the present Presidential campaign in returned, so far as may be, to the owners ,
will be placed in the hands of a fair com- > the United States. He said that anti- Ameri at government expense. The Chamber of
mission and worked out to solution. canism was a dead issue in Mexico henceforth. Commerce of Queretero has announced that it
I know nothing in detail of the claims for The strength of feeling opposing hatred of will organzie a great excursion to Dallas and
reparation made on their governments by Americans was evinced by the fact that within extends an invitation to join to the business.
Americans and other foreigners . Each case three weeks after the revolution 90 per cent. men and merchants of the Republic generally
will be given a hearing on its merits before an of the Mexicans were with his cause, he said . through the Confederation of Chambers . of
impartial commission , and damages will be He now estimates that 98 per cent. of his Commerce of Mexico,

Septiembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 7

En una entrevista resiete el General Obre

Las Investiduras Mexicanas Son Seguras gon rehusó responder algunas preguntas que
se le hiso sobre la situación de la campaña
El nuevo Gobierno promete protección a todo interes légitimo presidencial en los Estados Unidos. Dijo que
el anti- americanismo era una cosa del pasado.
de nuestro pueblo y de los extranjeros El sentimiento grade que existe en contra de
aqullos que tienen odio a los americanos va
POR EL GENERAL ALVARADO OBREGON manos de una comisión para que encuentre
aumentando , esto es evidenciado por el hecho
OSOTROS los de México somos un una solución justa.
que en las últimas tres semanas después de la
No sé nada en detalle sobre los reclamos
pueblo pobre, aunque el país es po revolución 90 por ciento del pueblo mexicano
N tencialmente riquísimo. Nosotros no hechos al Gobierno Americano y a otros
estaban en su favor . Dice que cree que 98 por
estamos enterrados bajo una carga enorme de Gobiernos extranjeros . Cada caso sera oído
ciento de sus compatriotas están en favor de
deuda como se encuetran otras naciones ante un tribunal imparcial y los daños serán
los revolucionarios y sus aspiraciones.
después de la guerra europea. La deuda pagados según su mérito . Deseo poner a
"Hay un solo partido en este país ahora,"
no sube a mas de $20 por cabeza, la cual es México como una nación justa ante el mundo K
dice él, "y éste tiene un solo objeto en vista
entero. El tramiento de los casos en que
ridiculamente pequeña comparada con otras. la restauración del crédito nacional y poner
Nuestra esperanza en el futuro es en la nuestro nacionales tienen interés tendrán el
fin al militarismo reduciendo el ejército a
economía e industria, el desarrollo de nues mismo tratamiento que los casos de las per
50,000 hombres. Queremos mandar a todo los
tros recursos naturales , relaciones cordiales sonas de los Estados Unidos o de otos países.
niños a la escuela.
con nuestros vecinos y el empleo de capital Nuestro ejército será reducido a la mitad o
"Acciones y no palabras tienen que demos
extranjero. Lo que queremos + es menos constará de 50,000 hombres, y será bien pagado, trar la sinceridad de nuestras intenciones, "
guerras y más trabajo . bien vestido, y equipado a la moderna. Los
continuó él . "Yo quiero manifestar enfatica
Pimero, cuidaremos de las obligacines 50,000 hombres que se retiraran se las ayudará
mente que México quiere, necesita , y buscará
extranjeras de México . Todavía no sabemos para que trabajen en la agricultura . Estamos
por todos los medios en su poder conseguir y
cuanto debemos. Nuevos reclamos están demitiendo hombres en las regiones donde el merecer la amistad y las relaciones íntimas
· trabajo es abundante y el pago bueno. Estos
viniendo y reclamos antiguos se están recha de América y de los otros países." El dió
zando . No pageremos ninguna cuenta sino hombres quedan en la reserva, sujetos a entónces un resumen de la última revolución
debemos aquella, pero trataremos de pagar las llamada.
y dijo que el pueblo y no el cjército hizo ésta
cuentas justas tan pronto como podamos. Propondré al Congreso que se pague a los
Después de haber satisfecho nuestras necesi generales una suma definida en lugar de paga "Prometo que si manaña se encuentra alguno
dades internas, tomaremos la dueda extranjera. de retiro para que sean capaces de comprar que tiene un empleo en el nuevo gobierno y
un domicilio O entrar en negocios para
El principal lo pagaremos en completo si nos no se maneja bien y es falso en su desempeño
! es posible hacerlo , sino es posible ésto haremos aumentar la producción . Si se les pagasen alguien hara una revolución para castigarlo .
arreglos para una extensión para satisfacer a solamente la mitad se comerian lo que se les México está bien establecido y no tolerara
nuestros creditores . Con el interés que está pagase y el país no mejoraría. Quiro hacer que ninguana otra casa sino un buen gobierno ."
vensido haremos lo que hacen los buenos los generales sobrantes sean productors y no
negociantes-trataremos de hacer un com consumidores. Trataré de reducir le número
promiso satisfactorio . de empleados en el Gobierno, también, y quitar Son Devueltos Los Ferrocarriles
No creo que la deuda contraída por Huerta las gagas . Mexicanos
is ilegal, pero se está haciendo una investi Este es mi deseo, mejor diria , mi ideal .
ESPUÉS de un largo período , durante el
gación por personas en quien tengo la mayor Conozco las dificultades que existen, pero todos D cual el Ferrocarril Mexicano fué mane
confianza. Si estos encuentran que esta deuda. los de mi partido saben que soy sincero en jado por el Gobierno Nacional, ha sido de
es legítima, será pagada. ésto . El pueblo mexicano ha sufrido más y
vuelto a sus dueños originales-una compañía
Cuando esto se haya hecho hablaremos esta más disgustado que el pueblo de los inglesa. Los oficiales presentes son : Manejo
sobre el hacer une empréstito para la rehabi Estados Unidos .
general, B. E. Holloway ; ingeniero residente y
litación de los ferrocarriles y la mejora de No se que suceso tendrá el Gobierno para
asistente del manejo , W. T. Morgan ; auditor,
nuestros puertos y¿ la erección de otras obras recobrar el dinero que los oficiales del gobierno M. Merino ; cajero, J. W. Hunter ; agente
públicas que se han permitodo ser arruinadas. de Caraza se llevaron. Solamente cinco o
general de pasajeros y carga, E. G. Wuerpel ;
De otro modo, proponemos establecer un seis millones de pesos se han recobrado hasta superintendente de fuerza motriz, C. H. Burk ;
crédito de la misma manera que un comer el presente. superintendente del servicio de Pullman, H. R.
No tengo ninguna idea de los medios de
ciante lo establese, pagando nuestras deudas. Bradbury ; departamento legal, Lic . Rafael
que se valieron para sacar este dinero. Pardo .
Entónces podemos pedir préstamos de todo el
dinero que necesitamos en cualquier parte del Un gran milagro político se ha hecho en la La cuestión de indemnización entendemos no
con reforma del Bronco Yaquis. Todos están
mundo sin garantías o compromisos o se ha considerado por que esto está provista
cesiones. contentos y tienen confianza en la sinceridad de
en la concesión entre el ferrocarril y el
Cualquier dinero que pidamos emprestado los jefes de la revolución . A veces creimos Gobierno.
será puesto en obras públicas solamente. Esto que no sería posible que ellos hiciesen la paz.
Durante la operación de este ferrocarril, el
lo garantizo personalmente, ni un centavo del Ahora ellos son la guardia fiel del palacio cual se extiende desde la Ciudad de México
empréstito se gastará en los gastos corrientes nacional. So hará un arreglo satisfactorio a hasta Vera Cruz y la cual fué la primera
del Gobierno. cerca de sus terrenos .
linea en la República, se construyeron garitos
Se dará absoluta protección y todas las El país esta pacificado , hasta los que seguían de manpostería los cuales protegían toda la
facilidades que se puedan dar al capital. a Zapata y Palaez están viniendo al apoyo del linea de los asaltos de los bandidos .
Necesitamos más dinero y más trabajo, y presente gobierno . Villa fué un gran problema
vamos ha inducir a los capitalistas para que en el tiempo que teniamos muchos problemas ,
vengan y les convenceremos que les daremos pero ésto parece felizmente se ha concluido . Los diarios de la Ciudad de México han
Tengo la esperanza que esta armonía se subido el precio de los periódicos de seis a
un tramiento justo . diez centavos, equivalente a tres y cinco cen
Hay cuestiones técnicas con respecto de la extienda hasta el otro lado de la frontera. No tavos americanos .
industria del petroleo las cuales todavía no las habrá castigo por ofensas políticas , pero aqullos
he examinado . Creo que la industria minera que han transgresido la ley no pueden esperar Las importaciones mexicanas por los
en el todo no tiene quejas contra México , salir libres solamente por que fueron enemigos primeros cuatro meses de este año subieron a
aunque algunos individuos han sufrido. Las 92,000,000 de pesos. demonstrando un gran
de Obregon. La magnanimidad no puede
aumento comparado con los años precedentes.
diferencias que existen entre las personas extenderse para hacer un manto para cubrir Las cifras por los primeros seis meses de 1918
interesadas en el petroleo serán puestas en a los que hayan infringido la ley. fueron 164,470,378.38 .
THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

true and responsible government. Regarding

Statement by General Alvarado Candidate Obregon, I may say that the Mex
ican people are perfectly aware of his char
acter as a man of integrity and as the pos
Program of Reconstruction Undertaken by the New
Government-Important Reforms Projected sessor of progressive tendencies . On the
one hand, then, the weariness of the Mexican
ENERAL SALVADOR ALVARADO , either directly or indirectly influenced in order people after ten years of strife, and on the
Secretary of the Treasury of the to accommodate their decisions to any sort of other its legitimate hopes of a prompt better
G Mexican Government, has furnished expediency. ment, concur to make it now impossible that
THE MEXICAN REVIEW with the following "When I was in Washington last April I new upheavals should succeed ; and this has
statement regarding the recent revolution and predicted categorically that Carranza's Gov been plainly substantiated by the utter failure
the numerous reforms which are projected by ernment would fall before 90 days, and I of the recent uprisings caused by four or five
the present leaders : made this statement on my knowledge of Mex military chiefs. These uprisings were sup
"The large majority of the men of influence ican politics. It is precisely on account of my pressed in less than two weeks without almost.
belonging to the party who brought Carranza close observation of such conditions that I any bloodshed or any fighting, for the soldiers
into power wished that he would end his term now affirm that the De la Huerta Government decided to abandon their rebellious com
of office in spite of the very serious errors can be considered among the strongest gov manders and reported to their higher authori
which he made during his administration, es ernments that have existed in Mexico, not ties.
pecially at the last stages of the same. The excepting that of Porfirio Diaz. I will say "The present Mexican Government is de
country in general was willing to wait for
Mr. Carranza to step out until the last day
which according to law he should stay.
"Not only the prominent persons of the
party but the whole Nation were anxious that
the change of office should take place peace
fully, because they realized the tremendous
evils that the downfall of a Government by
force would bring.
"But the peril of the continuity in power of
the clique of politicians and bureaucrats cre
ated by Carranza and in view of the continu
ation of a disorganized administrative regime ,
the whole country made a great effort and
threw down in a few days a Government that
seemed to be very strong, due to the material
resources that it had.
"It has been the purpose of some interested
parties to present this movement as a military
coup, and there is nothing so unjust and base
less . The Government fell because it did not
have the moral force and the public opinion
was against it.
"Regarding Mr. Carranza's death, I can say.
as I have a good knowledge of the facts in
the case, that this incident has been of the
greatest concern for all of us, since we have
been Carranza's opponents but never wished
any personal injury to him. We wanted at
most that he should either leave the country
or cease to be outright a factor in our internal
politics. So, we did all in our power to save
Mr. Carranza from personal injury. "Salvos
Conductos" (safe conducts) were issued in his
favor and the terminant orders were given to
all military commanders to the effect that Mr.
Carranza's life should be strictly protected in
GENERAL SALVADOR ALVARADO, Secretary of the Treasury
case he fell a prisoner.
"I wish most solemnly and emphatically to now what are the reasons that substantiate veloping a vast program for rebuilding the
state that General Alvaro Obregon has not this belief : country, so they could well advance before the
the least connection with Mr. Carranza's "1. The Mexican people today are tired of new President gets into power. I shall de
death, since Obregon as well as all of us who turmoil and are anxious to live within law and scribe as briefly as possible what these plans.
collaborated with him in the movement against order. It aspires to start at once reconstruc are and how they affect the preservation and
Carranza's Government are opposed to such tive work, and it will not support any move utilization of our resources, material as well
methods of criminal politics ; and we expressly ment nor will it follow any banner that may as human. We are doing this, calling into
repudiate anything that is contrary to the nor retard the Mexican people's entrance into a action all competent men no matter what their
mal standards of morality. normal mode of life. views, political or religious, might be. Our
"President De la Huerta has placed in the "2. The present Mexican Government is idea is to have our Government managed on
hands of the courts the case I refer to ; and nothing more than the preparation of a sound the standard of private enterprise. We are
I wish to state that there is a positive inde administrative policy set up with all possible working on the reduction of the army, so that
pendence in the conduct of the Mexican judi care, so that the incoming President of Mex it may not be greater than 40,000 and 50,000
ciary, whose members were duly elected dur ico may be able to find the way clear and the soldiers, well equipped and modernly trained.
ing Carranza's time and who could not be difficulties minimized for the initiation of a "A law is being studied for the reorganiza
Septiembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 9

y cuyos preliminares está llevando a cabo el

Cual Declara El General Alvarado gobierno del señor de la Huerta son muy
vastos y a grandes rasgos pueden describirse
El Actual Gobierono Mejicano Tiene en Proyecto in Vasto Programa por la conservación y utilización de la mayor
suma posible de recursos naturales y la con
de Reconstruccion - Importantes Reformas Proyectadas
servación y mejoramiento de los recursos de
AL GENERAL OBREGÓN tiene abso- ha tenido Méjico sin exceptuar al del general Méjico.
lutamente segura su elección a la Pre- Díaz. Las razones en que me apoyo son : En primer lugar se está luchando por
Esidencia de Méjico, dijo el general organizar la administración sobre bases de
1. Que el pueblo mejicano de hoy está
Salvador Alvarado, Secretario de Hacienda cansado de los desórdenes y ansía paz, trabajo eficiencia y economía aprovechando todo ele
del Gobierno mejicano, al Redactor de La y reconstrucción por lo que no apoyará ningún mento útil sin tener en cuenta su color políti
Revista Mexicana recientemente. movimiento ni seguirá ninguna bandería que co si no más bien su capacidad de trabajo y
Y luego continuo : retarde el advenimiento de la normalización producción .
La inmensa mayoría de los hombres de de su vida. Se trata acercarse lo más posible a la admi
influencia del partido que elevó a Carranza al 2. Porque este gobierno no es más que la nistración de un próspero negocio privado. Se
poder deseaba que éste concluyera su período. iniciación del del Gral . Obregón que sin duda está procediendo a reducir el ejército hasta
alguna será elegido en las elecciones de setiem que sólo haya de 40,000 a 50,000 soldados
El país en general estaba resignado a esperar
que el señor Carranza gobernara hasta el bre próximo y como la nación tiene todas sus instruidos y bien equipados.
último día que legalmente le correspondia. esperanzas basadas en los antecedentes de inte Se está terminando la ley para restablecer
Tanto las personas prominentes del partido
como la nación ansiaban que la transmisión
del poder fuera pacífica porque comprendían
todos los graves males que acarrea el de
rrocamiento de un gobierno por la violencia.
Pero ante la amenaza de la continuación en
el poder del grupo de políticos y burócratas
creado por Carranza, ante la perspectiva de la
continución de un régimen de desorganiza
ción administrativa y de corrupción, el
país entero hizo un esfuerzo y echó por tierra
en unos cuantos días al gobierno que parecía
tan fuerte por los recursos materiales con que
Se ha querido hacer aparecer ese movi
miento como un cuartelazo y no hay nada Fi
más inexacto ni más injusto. Aquel gobierno
cayó porque no contaba con la fuerza moral y
la opinión pública le era adversa y hostil.
En cuanto a la muerte del señor Carranza
puedo decir con perfecto conocimiento de
causa que su suerte y seguridad constituyó la
más seria preocupación de todos nosotros, pues
lo único que se deseaba era que saliera del
país y se hizo cuanto se pudo por salvarlo ya
enviándole salvoconductos, va reiterando las
órdenes más terminantes para que se respetara
su vida si caía prisionero.
Puedo asegurar de la manera más enfática
y solemne qué el general Obregón es absoluta
mente ajeno a la muerte del señor Carranza y
que tanto él como todos nosotros comprendi
mos y comprendemos en toda su significación
las consecuencias de un precedente como éste.
El señor Presidente de la Huerta ha
consignado los hechos a las autoridades judi
ciales, cuya real y positiva independencia
actual nadie puede poner en duda, y no hay
gridad y espíritu de progreso de los señores el sistema bancario y se han celebrado juntas
razón por qué no se haga plena luz en este
asunto ya que todos los miembros del poder de la Huerta y Obregón, espera una era de con los banqueros para ajustar toda depen
libertad, de justicia y de bienestar bajo su dencia entre bancos y gobierno.
judicial fueron electos y nombrados durante
administración. Así es que por una parte el Antes de noventa días podrán funcionar
la administración del mismo señor Carranza.
cansancio traído por diez años de luchas y todos los bancos.
Hablando de la seguridad del señor de la
por otra la esperanza bien fundada de una Se está procurando arreglar la cuestión del
Huerta dice el general Alvarado :
En abril de este año, cuando estuve en gran mejoría, hacen que ya no sean posibles petróleo y con el espíritu de cordialidad y
nuevos trastornos del orden, como se acaba justicia que inspira los actos del gobierno se
Washington, asegueré de una manera cate de demonstrar con los últimos levantamientos espera fundadamente que en unos cuantos
górica que el gobierno del señor Carranza
de 4 a 5 jefes de fuerzas que concluyeron en meses quede zanjada esta cuestión a satisfac
caería antes de 90 días ; esta afirmación la menos de dos semanas, sin que casi hubiera ción de todos .
hice gracias al profundo conocimiento que necesidad de combatir, pues los soldados Se estudia con empeño la reorganización de
tengo de la historia y las condiciones del abandonaron a los jefes y se presentaron a las las líneas ferrocarrileras y la terminación de
pueblo mejicano ; pues bien, con el mismo con autoridades. algunas de ellas así como el completar el sis
vencimiento afirmo hoy qué el gobierno del El general Alvarado manifiesta que los tema construyendo los ramales alimentadores.
señor de la Huerta es de los más firmes que planes de reconstrucción del general Obregón Se está estudiando la manera de crear una

10 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

tion of our banking system. Meetings have istration school , so that all public offices should of foreign capitalists to Mexico with all pos
been held with the bankers in order to adjust be filled by men properly trained and not sible legitimate opportunities. We shall see to
all differences that there are between the banks through political influence , as up to now. it that foreign investors in Mexico shall be
and the Government. Before 90 days from Following this system, the Nation will save secured and honestly protected. We shall see
now I feel confident Mexico's bank will be in a good many millions of dollars in its annual to it that the foreign capitalists come to help
full activity. budget and there will be in all public offices. us in the development of our natural resources
"We are trying to settle the petroleum ques experts and trained men. The labor problem and to create the prosperity to which we all
tion in the spirit of cordiality and justice is easier to be solved in Mexico than it seems. are entitled .”
which inspires all the acts of the Government, The Government is now taking some measures "The talk of bad feeling existing between
and it is firmly hoped that in a few months which will greatly abbreviate this work, and the people of Mexico and the United States
this question will be settled satisfactorily for it will finally be successfully settled by the has been the subject of many pages written
all concerned. undertaking of the works that are soon to be and given to the public in both countries.
"We are studying plans for the restoration started . There have been lately some strikes This is a subject that cannot be ignored by
to normal of our railroad system, the com in Mexico which some persons have attributed any man in public life, .either here or there.
pletion of some of them and the building of to some organizzed radical movement. This But at the same time it must be said that this
feeding lines . is not based on facts . Those strikes have whole subject is mainly a question of words .
"We are studying the creation of a mer been caused mainly by unemployment and high "I believe as much in business as I am
chant marine in proportion to our resources, cost of living. Most naturally , as these disappointed in professional politics . And
and shortly a call will be made to steamship troubles have been going on for about ten everybody knows today that professional poli
companies for the establishment of steamship years , business has greatly suffered , especially tics is mainly a question of words. The
service for freight and passenger and rapid agriculture, mining and transportation . The doctrine of deeds means more to me than the
transit lines of express and mail attracted by ultimate and greatest damage have been, of doctrine of words. I am not a preacher and
generous subsidies. course, sustained by the working class , there my people know me above all as a doer. So
"A call also will be made for the construc being today some expensive regions where the whenever I hear this continuous rattle of good
tion of 15,000 miles of railroad lines and for working man does not earn wages sufficient and bad feelings between Mexicans and Amer
the harbor works in · Progreso, Frontera, enough to feed himself properly. There are icans, it seems to me that the thing can be
Mazatlan, Guaymas and other Mexican ports. still places where salaries do not go above 30 briefly described as follows : There are some
We also propose to enter into contracts for cents and 40 cents American gold per day. people, both in Mexico and the United States,
irrigation works, roads , oil pipe lines, city Considering that all merchandise and com who play upon each other's nerves by thinking
paving, drainage, water service, lighting, etc., modities have gone up during the past five they should be all the time abusing each other.
in more than one hundred cities . years in a proportion from 200 to 500 per That is the source of that feeling ; and bad
"We are directing all our efforts to create cent, it is easily understood what the position feeling expresses itself with the help of pub
an agricultural banking system and refaction of the Mexican working man is today. Some licity, with the help of the movies, with the
ary banks , to help our agricultural production. of the strikes of late have been in a way pro help of gossip and with all the little plays
"A sanitary campaign is now on throughout moted agitators , but I can assure that these upon emotion which mediocrity acts on the
the Republic. are isolated examples and cannot by any lower impulses of people. Bad feeling of this
"Agricultural laws are under study and im means determine -J the general situation. The international kind is foolish, as it is always
portant bills are to be passed affecting indus radical propaganda is liable to occur at the based on prejudice and arbitrary opinions.
try, mining, commerce, transport by land and time of elections by politicians who are en "Good feeling between Mexico and the
water. These bills tend to clean up our legis deavoring to win the favor of the working United States, on the other hand, is not a
lation from all obsolete rut methods and useless men's vote by means of pleasing promises. thing of emotion or of nerves. It is and must
red tape . This reform will also affect the "I have been accused by some people (and be the result of good practices toward each
Civil Code, the commercial laws, the Custom so have some other members of the recent other, which we all, Mexicans and Americans,
House ordinances, and sanitation of the ports, Government ) to be a man of radical tenden should all the time encourage. Now, we of
as well as the tariffs . cies. This charge is a merely rhetorical one, Mexico, who are the head of the new order of
"Our tax system will also undergo a wide The fact is that I and those who partake of things in that country, believe that those who
and deep improvement that will purge it of my views have labored, have fought for and have thriven and prospered on the commotion
all antiquated and clumsy practices, which at are anxious to see that there is an improve of bad feeling should be put out of business .
present embarrass and retard business tarns ment in the condition of our people ; we did And as soon as the right kind of business
actions. not hesitate to go against prejudices and vacil takes a lead in our countries in everything that
"Plans for an educational campaign are lations ; we thought that a brave work was affects their mutual relations, there will not
almost completed . Included in this plan is the needed and we did it ; we thought that it was be any more of this idle talk of bad feeling
arrangement of a drive in favor of an integral necessary to pass upon anything that hindered between Mexicans and Americans ."
education of the people, mainly on practical , us from mobilizing our natural resources , so
technical and agricultural lines, with the aim as to put them in the shape of production , and
in view of banishing forever from our midst we did it ; we want to increase business in our Appreciation of Courtesies
the old outgrown education of superficial country in order to promote prosperity and The REVIEW extends its sincere thanks to
memorizing and encyclopedic university daub well-being and we know that we need for this the American Chamber of Commerce of
ing of scholarships, which is deceiving and purpose the cooperation of foreign capital and Mexico City for much of the news matter
impractical. the cooperation of foreign people, mainly of given in the present issue, as also to the Pan
"We have among those who form a part of the American people, and there are reasons. American Union of this city for the use of
the present Government the majority of young for it. It is not only the fact that we are engravings of various scenes in Mexico. The
men, progressive and enthusiastic, and some neighbors which prompt us to seek this co timely aid of the organizations named has very
of them have been educated in this country operation ; it is the fact that we buy from 84 considerably lessened the labor of publishing
and were in business and enterprises before to 90 per cent of all imports from this country the first number here.
they joined the Revolution ; but none of them and in the same proportion we sell to this
was a professional politician. This group is country our production . It would be a folly The Mexican Government has approved a
exerting a powerful influence, so that the most and it would be a crime against our own well schedule for commercial wireless cables be
rigid morality should be at once established being to promote agitation in Mexico against tween that country and foreign parts . The
in all the branches of the public administra foreign investments of capital . We need them, press service will be served free to the dailies
tion. Having this in mind, the Civil Service we shall use them in solving our most imJ of the capital . The Chamber of Commerce
has also appointed a special committee to take
Commission will soon be established and there mediate problems and we shall see to it that up the question of night messages between
will be in the University of Mexico an admin our laws shall not interfere with the access Mexico and the United States.
Septiembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA

marina mercante y al efecto en breve se con mucho, especialmente la agricultura, la minería Regulaciones Concernientes
vocará a los navieros y capitalistas para el y los transportes, a eso se debe que la clase a Los Pasaportes
establecimiento de líneas de navegación y trabajadora haya sufrido y esté sufriendo mu L cónsul americano ha prevenido a los
servicios regulares de carga y pasajeros así cho, pues hay extensas zonas donde el trabaja E ciudadanos americanos que no hagan caso
como de líneas rápidas de expreso y correos dor no gana lo suficiente para alimentarse,
de lo publicado en la presan y en otras partes
con subsidios y primas halagadoras . pues sus salarios son de 30 a 40 centavos oro
de que ya no se necesitan pasaporte esto no es
La misma convocatoria se hará para cons americano diarios, y si se tiene en cuenta que verdad, solo es un consejo malo y exagerado, lo
truir como 15,000 millas de ferrocarriles, las las mercaderías han subido de hace cinco cual está causado confusión la cual se desea
obras en los puertos de Progreso, Frontera, años a esta parte un 200 a 300 por ciento se
prevenir. Ningún ciudadano americano puede
Mazatlán, Guaymas y otros puertos más. comprende la situación desesperada de los
cruzar la frontera sin pasaporte.
También se contratarán obras de irrigación, trabajadores. Los pasaportes de emergencia y los regulares
carreteras, oleoductos y para pavimentación , El general concluye con las siguientes pala
valen diez pesos.
drenaje, provisión de agua y alumbrado de bras :
más de cien ciudades. -Se ha dicho que yo y otros miembros del Los pasaportes regulares son validos por dos
Se hará un esfuerzo para crear cuanto antes gobierno actual tenemos tendencias radicales años, con tal que sean renovados al terminar
el crédito agrícola estableciendo bancos agrí y lo que es cierto es que todos nosotros hemos el año, y se pueden renovar otra vez al fin de
colas y refaccionarios para intensificar la pro luchado y estamos ansiosos de mejorar la los siguientes seis meses sin ningun cargo .
ducción agrícola . situación de nuestro pueblo y para esto com No hay ningun cargo por la emisión de tar
Se va a empezar una intensa campaña sani prendemos que la única manera de lograrlo es jetas de identificación .
taria en todo el país.
Se están estudiando con gran actividad las
reformas a todas las leyes relacionadas con la
agricultura, la industria, la minería, el comer
cio, los transportes terrestres y la navegación,
para limpiar esas leyes de todo formulismo
inútil y librar a los negocios de toda traba y
obstáculo. Al efecto se reformará el Código
Civil, el de comercio, la ordenanza de aduanas,
de sanidad y de puertos y las tarifas arancela
rias, así como las de los ferrocarriles. Se
está haciendo un minucioso estudio de las
leyes de impuestos para purgarlas de lo anti
cuado y complicado, a fin de dar a los negocios
una protección amplia y decidida .
Los planes para una campaña de educa
ción, están terminándose para emprender el
más vigoroso empuje (drive ) para dar al
pueblo una educación integral, armónica y es
pecialmente técnica, agrícola e industrial,
desterrando para siempre la educación me
morista, enciclopédica y universitaria que
La mayoría de los hombres prominentes del
partido que está en el poder son jóvenes y pro poner en producción los recursos naturales del No es necesario la verificación por el consul
gresistas, algunos educados en este país y la país y fomentar los negocios para que haya americano de las tarjetas de identificación.
mayoría antes de entrar a la revolución eran prosperidad y bienestar. Y sabemos bien que Cuando se desea un pasaporte de emergencia
hombres de empresa y de trabajo y no políticos para desarrollar esos negocios necesitamos para visitar lugares en el interior de Mexico,
professionales. del capital y de la cooperación de los extranje el dueño de la tarjeta de identifición tiene que
Este grupo de hombres está ejerciendo una ros y especialmente de los capitales de este hacer una solicitación al Departamento de
vigorosa influencia para establecer la más país, por razones de vecinidad y de que aquí es Estado por un pasaporte como un prerequisito
rígida moralilad en todos los ramos de la donde compramos el 84 a 90 por ciento de lo del endoso de la tarjeta de identificación
administración y al efecto pronto se establecerá que importamos y vendemos nuestro pro permitiéndose el viaje de emergencia.
el servicio civil y la universidad con escuelas ductos en la misma proporción. Cuando un permiso de emergencia es deseado
de administración para que los empleos públi Sería una locura y un suicidio hacer agita por un ciudadano americano-quien no posee
cos se cubran por oposición y a base de com ciones contra las inversiones extranjeras cuan ni pasaporte valido de los Estados Unidos ni
petencia y no por favor político como hasta tarjeta de identificación- el tendrá que hacer,
do lo que necesitamos para resolver pronto.
hoy. Con esto sólo la nación ahorrará muchos nuestros más urgentes problemas son esas in como un prerequisito de la emisión del permiso
millones de pesos al año y los servicios pú versiones y por lo cual, como ya dije, estamos de emergencia, una aplicación a la propia corte
blicos se atenderán por expertos. quitando de nuestras leyes y reglamentos todo por un pasaporte, el cua será dado, si la dicha
El señor general Alvarado, hablando del cuanto pueda estorbar el desarrollo de los emergencia lo permite y si las circumstancias
problema del trabajo dice que este es muy negocios para que las inversiones que se hagan y los hechos lo justifican.
fácil de resolver en Méjico y que de hecho en Méjico sean seguras y productivas, para
quedará resuelto con algunas medidas que el inducir a los capitalists a ayudarnos a desar
gobierno está tomando y sobre todo con la rollar nuestros recursos y a crear la prosperi Tampico tendrá una estación de ferrocarril
iniciación de las obras que se empezarán muy probablemente la mejor de la República.
dad que necesitamos y que podemos tener da
pronto. Ultimamente ha habido algunas huel dos nuestros inmensos recursos naturales.
gas y no ha faltado quien crea que se deben a El periódico Británico Overseas Journal
un movimiento organizado de radicalismo. El Gobierno está comprando grandes canti dice que los sembadores de algodón de Laguna,
México, están en comunicación con compra
Nada es más falso que ésto. Esas huelgas se dades de plata y cobre y el cuño de monedas
está trabajando en toda su capacidad en la dores ingleses de algódon con el objeto de
han debido en su inmensa mayoría a la falta
acuñación de monedas de oro, plata, y cobre. poner todo el algodón sobrante en el mercado
de trabajo y al alto costo de la vida. A causa británico . Esto será posible en vista de la
de los trastornos ocurridos durante estos La mejora ya se ve de la falta de cambio
peqeuño que existía. Monedas de plata están legislación antagonista americana contra el
últimos diez años los negocios han sufrido en circulacion abundante. algodón mexicano.
12 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

construction. He is now here on a mission

that has to do with the increasing of trade re
Proposes Pitiless Publicity
lations between the United States and Mexico.
His object will not be to negotiate a loan,
President De la Huerta Says Days of Secret Policies, Internal
but to make plans for the exchange of goods.
or External, Are Past President de la Huerta sees the need for
From Interview with ADOLFO DE LA HUERTA settling the agrarian question. He wants to
but it would seem that we are on the road
see an effective distribution of labor on the
President of the Republic of Mexico to progress.
farms and to prevent a great migration of
Regarding oil affairs, the constitution of our workers to the United States. He is also
OVERNMENT is the people's busi
1917 will prevail, as it is the legal constitution ,
ness and every phase of its conduct desirous of reducing the army to from 40,000
but Article 27 will not be retroactive. Present
G should be made open to the public to 60,000 men. We now have an army of
holders of property will have an opportunity
that it may be subjected to the closest scrutiny. 200,000, and steps toward reducing this num
to improve their holdings and will have
This is equally true of internal affairs and ber have already been taken by General Calles,
preference. Minister of War
dealings with other governments. The day of
We will go half way, and I am sure that the
secrecy as to political policies, whether at American business interests will come the Illiteracy is another point of attack by Presi
home or abroad, is done, I believe, though not dent de la Huerta, and the new government.
other half. The new constitution means new
all statesmen, perhaps, are yet fully sensible of We want every one in Mexico to know the
ideas which we will carry out, but we are
the truth of this statement. three R's. As a beginning in this direction a
unable under Mexican laws to make other laws
One of the first necessities for Mexico , if campaign is under way whereby every educated
which will be retroactive.
she is to attain the uttermost of progress and person, teacher, government employe or other
We hope that the era of misunderstanding
advancement, is to establish friendly relations is past and that in its endeavor, to establish wise, will give a pledge to teach reading, writ
with other nations . Of all nations, the most ing and arithmetic to 100 persons. A special
good relations with our neighbors and carry
important to us is our great neighbor to the diploma will be granted by the University of
out our own reconstruction program this Gov
north, the United States of America . There Mexico City to each of these volunteers. The
ernment may have the sympathy and good
is absolutely no reason why these two nations campaign is under the direction of José Vas
will not only of all our own people, but of all
should not be on the most friendly terms, who come among us for business or other concelos, head of the university, and employes
supporting each other in all policies for mutual of the Treasury Department all over the coun
benefit and the betterment of the Americas. try have already made pledges to do this work.
The foregoing is taken from an interview
Misunderstandings there have been, some of I think the peaceful condition in Mexico
which President de la Huerta gave to a group
them natural and more created by the activities today shows what we have been fighting for.
of newspaper men recently, in pursuance of We who want Mexican reconstruction to suc
of unofficial but powerful intersets on both
sides of the border. That these should the his policy of holding such meetings regularly,
ceed and desire friendly relations between
and at which topics of all kinds are discussed
sooner be cleared up I have chosen as Mex the two countries, are opposed by crooks
freely and openly.
ico's representative in Washington a highly and politicians and selfish intriguers of both
educated gentleman, an experienced diplomat countries who take advantage of troubled con
and a man strongly friendly to the United Mexico on Path ditions to keep alive turmoil and mistrust and
States in the person of Iglesias Calderon. I To Progress 4 give opportunities to writers and propagandists
intend hereafter to appoint only the highest and mercenary people to go on feeding the
type of Mexicans to consular posts there. People Everywhere Express Willingness people of the United States with the impres
Such consideration is due to and from both to Follow Government's New Plans for sion that Mexico is a savage country.
countries. Had this practice always been fol We want to show the United States that we
lowed, irrespective of political considerations, BY MANUEL CARPIO are an able nation, that we have been thrown
many of the difficulties which have arisen in Editor Heraldo de Mexico into disturbances not exactly by our incapacity
the past would have been avoided. EXICO is at the parting of the ways, for government, but because of the interests
As a further means of improving our rela and her people have chosen the path that would possess our wealth.
tions Judge Gonzalez of the Mexican Supreme M® that leads to reconstruction. I made I hope that the oil interests will appreciate
Court has been commissioned to visit the a tour recently through all the States of the liberal spirit of the new order of things
United States and make a first-hand study of Mexico and found nowhere among those who in Mexico and will come to an agreement
your judicial system. We hope thereby to represented the vital forces of the country an with us. I don't think an agreement is im
achieve a better understanding of the differ unwillingness to help President Adolfo de la possible and in fact I am hopeful one will be
ences between the two legal systems and be Huerta. arrived at. Some of the foreign oil repre
better prepared to smooth out such troubles sentatives give the impression that they want
I have been very much surprised to read
as arise because of basal divergencies between that Julia Carranza, daughter of the late to rule in Mexico . They want Article 27 of
the Latin and Anglo- Saxon legalisms. the new Constitution to be abolished and to
president, had asserted that General Obregon
But there is an enormous work to be done was responsible for the death of her father restore the Constitution of 1857.
at home. First, we wish to discharge the and that she had documents to prove it. While As to foreign loans, my private opinion is
excess soldiers, keeping an army of 50,000 to deploring the death of Carranza, I see that that after careful consideration of the subject
70,000 men, who will be well armed with the such statements as those of his daughter, with the Government should seek a loan on the basis
latest weapons, well clothed and well paid. out production of proof, would merely mean of converting the present debt and not to give
Do not think that the discharge of a number the circulation of scandal and would prevent scandalous promises that small countries are
of soldiers will endanger the peace of the Re Mexico from showing her peaceful condition so apt to give. I have in mind what hap
public . In fact, I am confident that we will to the world . pened to Persia and China, and I don't want
Mexico to be another Persia or China.
gain by this measure, as the remaining army We all deplore the death of Carranza, and
is loyal to the Government. They will not be we want to see the murderers punished. He
personal followers, but will be as other was a fine character, surrounded by incom A German colonizing concern is preparing
armies are. petents. to bring over soon 100 families to be located
I think the economic situation will soon be in the State of Michoacan. The colonists are
President de la Huerta is impressed with the being chosen with great care and with a view
better, as I have noted a better atmosphere necessity for a far-sighted policy of recon to their experience as farmers as well as per
among bankers and business men, although struction. He wants to reorganize the public sons of good character and some financial
means. The new colony will be in the market
the men in power are the last to know the true finances and to establish banks . General
for a large quantity of American farming ma
conditions. I may be fooled by this feeling, Alvarado has already begun the financial re chinery of all kinds.

Septiembre , 1920

Hacienda Pública y el establecimiento be

bancos. El General Alvarado ha principiado
Se Propone Dar Publicidad Sin Limites ya la reconstrucción financiara . El vine con
una misión para aumentar las relaciones co
El Presidente de la Huerta dice que los días de secretos en asuntos merciales entre los Estados Unidos y México .
políticos internacionales y estranjeros ya se han concl ido Su objecto no es el negociar un empréstito ,
sino el de hacer planes para el intercambio de
Presid nte de la República de México El Presidente de la Huerta ve la necesidad
de arreglar la question agriaria. Desea ver
A CONDUCTA del Gobierno es asunto los banqueros y los comerciantes, aún que los una distribución efectiva de la labor en las
del pueblo y cada face de su conducta hombres de poder son los últimos quienes
saben las verdaderas condiciones. haciendas y prevenir la gran emigración de
Ldebe ser pública para que este sujeta trabajadores a los Estados Unidos . El también
al mayor escrutinio . Esto es igual Talvez me engaño en este sentimiento, pero
creo que nos encontramos en el camino del desea reducir el ejército a 40,000 o 60,000
mente verdadero en nuestros asuntos internos
hombres. Tenemos ahora un ejército de 200,
como también en nuestro intercuso con otros progreso. 000 y el general Cailes, Ministro de Guerra,
gobiernos . Los días de secretos en asuntos Con respecto a los asuntos del petroleo , la está tomando medidas para este fín. La
políticos tanto del país como del estrangero constitución de 1917 estará en vigor como con
iliteratura es otro punto de ataque del Presi
han pasado ; creo, aún que no parece que todos stitución legal, pero el artículo 27 no sera
dente de la Huerta y del nuevo Gobierno.
los hombres de estado talvez estén de acuerdo retroactivo. Los actuales dueños de pro
Deseamos que todos los Mexicanos conozcan
con la verda de este principio: piedades tendrán la oportunidad de mejorar
sus R's. Como principio en estra dirección va
Una de las primeras necesidades de sus propidades y tendrán la preferencia .
Iremos la mitad del camino y no me quda a inegurar un proyecto de que toda persona
México, si ella quier alcanzar el progresso y
educada , maestro , empleado de Gobierno o
adelanto más alto, es establesser relacines duda que los intereses americanos vendrán a la
amistosas con las otras nacines. De todas las otra mitad. La nueva costitución significa cualquiera otro persona dé una promesa de
enseñar a leer, escribir, y aristmética a 100
naciones, la más importante para nosotros es nuevas ideas, las cuales las llevaremos a cabo,
personas. Un diploma especial será dado por
nuestra vecina del norte, los Estados Unidos. pero somos impotentes bajo las leyes mexicanas
la Universidad de México a cada una de estos
No hay ninguna razón absoluta por que estas poder hacer otras leyes que sean retroactivas.
voluntarios. La campaña de instrución está
doc nacines no pueden tenner relacines más Tengo esperanzas que la era de equivo
al cargo del Señor José Basconcelos, jefe de
estrechas para llevar a cabo todos los beneficios casiones haya pasado y que el esfuerzo para
establecer relaciones más cordiales con la Universidad ; empleados del Departamento
mutúos y par el mejoramiento de las Américas.
del Tesoro, en todo el país han dada ya pro
Han habido equivocasiones , algunas de ellas nuestros vecinos y llevar el programa de
mesas de hacer ésto .
naturales, otras causadas por las actividades reconstrucción este Gobierno tenga la simpatía
Creo que la condición pacífica de México
de intereses poderosos en ambos lados de la y buena voluntad no solamente de nuestro demuestra el porque estuvimos peleando .
frontera. Estos serán arreglados pronto, y he pueblo pero de todos aquellos vienen aquí
Nosotros los que deseamos que la reconstruc
nombrado como representante de México a pornegocios o por otras causas .
ción Mexicana sea un suceso y los que desea
un caballero de buena educación, un diplomata mos las relaciones amistodas entre los dos
de experienza, un hombre que tiene sentimien Mexico en la via países, la cual esta opuesta por pillos y políti
tos de amistad hacia los Estados Unidos , en
del Progreso COS e intrigantes egoistas de ambos países,
la persona del Señor Iglesias Calderón. Intento
• en el futuro solo nombrar a hombres de con quienes han tomado la opurtunidad del estado
En todas partes se espresa la voluntad turbuleto del país para tener siempre agitado
ducta irreprochable para los puestos de con de seguir al Gobierno en sus nuevos el disturbio y la desconfianza y dar oportuni
sules en ese país . Esta consideración es debida
planes para la reconstrucción dades a los escritores y propagandistas y per
ambos países ; si esta práctica se hubiese sonas mercernarias para seguir dando al
seguido, irrespectivamente de consideraciones POR MANUEL CARPIO
pueblo de los Estados Unidos la impresión
políticcas, muchas de las dificultades que se han Editor del Heraldo Mexicano
que México es un país salvaje.
encontrado en el pasado se hubiesen podido
ÉXICO ha llegado a la separación Queremos demonstrar a los Estados Unidos
de los caminos , y su pueblo ha que semos una nacion capaz, de que nos en
Como un medio de mejorar más nuestra M
escojido la vía que conduce a la contramos en medio de disturvios políticos no
relaciones amistosas, el Juez Gonzales de la
reconstrucción . He hecho un viaje por exactmente por nuestra ineptitud de saber go
Corte Suprema de México ha sido comisionado
todos los Estados de México y no he en bernarnos sino causada por los intereses que
para que haga una visita a los Estados Unidos
contrada en ninguna parte, entre aquellos querían poseer nuestra riqueza.
y haga un estudio personal del sistema jurídico
que representan las fuerzas vitales del país, Espero que los interesados en el aceite apre
de ese país. Esperamos por este medio tener
ninguno que no desease ayudar al Presidente cien el espiritu liberal del nuevo orden de cosas
mejor conocimiento de las diferencias de los
Adolfo de la Huerta. en México y que lleguemos a un convenio
dos sistemas jurídicos, ye asi estar preparados
Me ha sorprendido muchísimo que la Se mutuo. No creo que un arreglo sea imposible,
para allenar los desavenimientos que existan y espero que lo concluiremos.
causados por las divergencias basales de ñorita Julia Carranza, hija del fallecido presi
dente, que diga que el General Obregon fué Algunos de los operadores de petroles dan
legalismo entre el sistema Latino y el Anglo
responsable de la muerte de su padre, y que la impresión de que ellos quieren gobernar a
Sajon. México .
tiene pruebas documentales de ésto .
Pero antes de ésto tenemos mucho que
Mientras que deploramos la muerte de Ca Quieren que el artículo 27 de la nueva cons
hacer acquí en el país . Pimero, deseamos
rranza, veo que estas aserciones de su hija, sin titución sea abrogado y que la constitición
reducir el ejército a 50,000 or 70,000 hombres, de 1857 se ponga en vigor.
producir prueba, simplemente sirven poner en
quienes serán equipados con las últimas armas
circulación un escándalo que prevendrá a Respecto de empréstitos extranjeros, mi
modernas, bien vestidos y bien pagados. No
México el demonstrar al mundo su condición opinion privida es, que después de una cui
se debe creer que la dimision de este gran
pacífica. dadosa consideración de este asunto, el Go
número de soldados sea un peligro para la
paz de la República. Tengo gran confianza Todos deploramos la muerte de Carranza y bierno debía buscar un empréstito para con
deseamos que sus asesinos sean castigados. vertir la presente deuda nacional, y no dar
que ganaremos al tomar esta medida, porque
el ejército que queda es fiel al Gobierno. El fué una gran persona, pero estaba rodeado promesas escandalosas como algunos de los
Estos no son personas que siguen a otros, pero de incompetentes . países pequeños son aptos de hacer. Tengo en
es como culquier otro ejército . El Presidente de la Huerta está imbuído con el presente lo que le pasó a Persia y a la
Creo que la situación económica mejoara un programa bien adelantado para la recons China, y no deseo que México sea otro Persia
pronto, he notado una mejor atmósfera entre trucción . El desea la reorganización de la o China.

14 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

That is incontrovertible, pessimists and propa

Mexico Wants Oil Developed gandists to the contrary. From a basis of
sound data it is easily demonstrated that the
Mexican oil fields will yield an unprecedented
Ready to Negotiate Liberal Terms with Producers Whose
total of 140,000,000 barrels as against 88,000,000
Greatest Handicap Now is Lack of Transportation
barrels in 1919 and more than twice the totals.
BY ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA for 1918 or 1917.
Financial Agent of Mexican Government Only one country, the United States, will
produce a greater quantity of petroleum than
DO not know by what rare intuition the pecially held out to heads of American com Mexico this year ; all other countries com
petroleum operators in Mexico foresaw panies who have refrained for one reason or bined will produce less. The two leading pro
that the Revolution might curtail many another from entering the Mexican field of ducing companies in Mexico, the El Aguila
of their privileges -without doubt some-be activity, but who, I am sure, after obtaining a and the Huasteca, one British, the other Amer
cause the Government of Señor Madero per correct understanding of the situation (and of ican, will alone produce more oil than all
ceived clearly the orientation that actuated the the country) will be eager to establish them Russia will actually produce and as much as
Revolutionary Party. I recall clearly that in selves in this country. Rumania, India and Galicia put together. In
1913, in the beginning of our Constitutionalist Mexico is second to the United States among deed, one well of the Huasteca Company
Revolution , the chief and most active enemies the petroleum-producing , countries of the might of itself, if adequately piped to the
that we had then in the United States, were world, and the first in the exportation of that coast, produce as much petroleum as all Rus
the petroleum men, led by Mr. E. L. Doheny, commodity. Does Mexico get the share of sia in 1919.
and Mr. Harold Walker, his attorney. The production of petroleum in Mexico, this
this wealth which justly belongs to her ? That
Mr. Walker knows quite well that I am is what we are going to find out. year, would without doubt equal one-third of
familiar in every detail with their attitude and
their activities as well as their objective. Mr.
Walker also knows that my attitude has
always been frankly friendly towards Amer
icans and that I have labored determinedly to
bring about a better understanding and closer
relations between the two countries.
I am infinitely pleased that these gentlemen,
after carrying on a tremendous campaign
against Mexico, in which they have spent so
many millions in presenting us before the
world as a people barbarous and without re
demption, have at last come to Mexico to dis
cuss their difficulties with us. Accordingly, I
wish to extend a frank invitation to the oil
men to abandon once for all their campaign
of mendacity and misrepresentation. Their
great outlay of money has filled the American
newspapers with lies. It has distributed miles
of outrageous moving-picture films, picturing
us in the most disastrous circumstances.
Now, let these gentlemen come together with
us to discuss things clearly and honorably, for
the purpose of arriving at a practicable and
equitable solution.
During the past year a number of inde
pendent oil operators have come into Mexico
with the praiseworthy idea of investigating the
situation for themselves, rather than accept
the views of others who were perhaps con
cerned in keeping competition away from Mex
ico . The independent oil men have found that
conditions were not at all as so often repre
sented in the United States, but on the con
trary, were quite fair and favorable to the
industry and that the acquisition and develop
ment of properties in Mexico could be under
taken with comparative simplicity of procedure, ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA, Financial Agent of the Mexican Government in New York
indeed, with much less difficulty than in many Bearing in mind that the demand for petro the production for the entire world, providing
other countries endowed with petroleum de leum in the markets of the world at the pres there were adequate facilities for taking the
posits. The example of these newcomers is ent time is much greater than the available oil away from our shores-if there were
worth following. supply, a circumstance that explains the rapid enough tankers- if the transportation facili
I am certain that I speak the sentiments of rise in price everywhere of petroleum and its ties were keeping pace with the production.
all officials of the present Government of
products, it is pertinent that we ask ourselves The oil is here, of course. As everybody
Mexico and, for that matter, of Mexicans gen what is the present and future importance to knows, Mexico is the world's largest oil field
erally, in extending at this time a friendly and Mexico and its people- and to the world, for contains the largest known deposits of pe
sincere invitatio: to presidents of companies that matter-of our great deposits of pe troleum of any country on earth.
already operating in Mexico and to all others troleum ? Let it be stated very emphatically that the
who may desire to operate in Mexico to come A few figures tell the story. only present limiting factor of any importance
to Mexico City to discuss the situation and Mexico will produce this year more than to a production of petroleum in Mexico equal
their problems with us. The invitation is es one-fifth of the world's outnut of petroleum. ing or surpassing that of any other country,
Septiembre, 1920
Estoy seguro que yo expreso los deseos
de todos los oficiales del Gobierno Mexicano y
México Quiere El Desarrollo Del Petroleo
también el de su pueblo en general, en dar
ahora una invitación amistosa a los presi
Esta listo para negociar términos generosos con los productores, su
dentes de compañías de petroleo que están
mayor desventaja es falta de transportes.
operando en México, así como también a
POR ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA tados los que desean operar en México,
Agente del Gobierno Mexicano para que vengan a la Ciudad de México a

invitación a las personas intersadas en el discutir con nosotros la situación y sus

O sé por que rara intuición los Esta invitación es hecha a los
petroleo para que abandonen inmediatamente problemas .
operadores del petroleo previeron que
su campaña de falsedad y malas represen jefes de las compañías que se han retraído
N la revolución les habría de quitar
taciones . El gran espendio de dinero que han por una o otra razón a entrar en el campo
muchos de sus privilegios-sin duda alguna
pero el gobierno del General Madero percivio hecho llenó de mentiras los periódicos de actividades mexicanas , pero quienes,
claramente la orientación que autó al partido americanos . Han distribuído centenares de estoy seguro , despues de haber obtenido
películas de sinomatógrafo representandonos una correcta opinión de la situación (y del
revolucionairio. Me acuerdo bien que en 1913,
al principio de la revolución constitucional los en circunstancias las más desastrosas . país ) ansiaran establecerse en este país .
jefes y enemigos más activos que teniamos Dejemos ahora que estos caballeros se México es el segundo , después de los
entonces en los Estados Unidos eran las reunan y vengan a discutír estos asuntos Estados Unidos, de los países productores
clara y honradamente , con el objeto de de petroleo y el primero del mundo en la
personas interesadas en el petroleo, el prin




llegar a una solución equitable y práctica. exportación de este producto . Recibe

cipal de éstos fué Mr. E. L. Doheny, y Mr.
Harold Walker, su abogado . Durante el año pasado un gran número México su parte de la riqueza que justa
de operadores independientes de petroleo mente le corresponde ? Estos es lo que
Mr. Walker bien sabe que yo tengo todos
los detalles y actitudes así como su objetiva. han venido a México con la idea laudable vamos a averiguar. Teniendo presente la
Mr. Walker sabe muy bien que mi actitud de investigar la situación existence ; ellos , gran demanda que existe en los mercados
siempre ha sido de amistad franca hacia los en lugar de aceptar las , opiniones de otros , del mundo por petroleo al presente, esta
americanos, y que he trabajado muchísimo quines tal vez tenían motivos para prevenir demanda es más grande que la producción,
para conseguir un mejor conocimiento y tener la competición en México . Estos opera razón que explica la subida rápida de los
relaciones más íntimas entre los dos países. dores independientes han encontrado que la precios del petroleo y sus productos en todas
Estoy sumamente satisfecho de que estos situación no era como tantas veces se partes, es pertinente que nos hagamos esta
caballeros, después de haber hecho una cam había representado en los Estados Unidos, pregunta, ¿ cual es la presente y futura im
paña tremenda contra México, en la cual han por el contrario era más favorable para la portancia para México y su pueblo y para
gastado muchos millones de pesos, que nos industria y la adquisición de propiedades el mundo también- de nuestros depósitos de
pusieron ante el mundo como un pueblo bár para el desarrollo del petroleo y se podía petroleo?
baro y sin redempción, hayan al fin venido llevar a cabo con simplicidad de procedi Unos pocos números pondrá esto en
a México a discutir sus dificultades con miento, en verdad con menos dificultades claro :
nosotros . que en otros países . Este ejemplo es digno México producirá este año más de la
De acuerdo, deseo extender una franca de imitar. quinta parte de todo el producto del mundo.
September, 1920
the United States not excepted, is primarily which will be producecd in Mexico this year
insufficient transportation . There are neither export of petroleum from Mexico, there exists
and certainly should be produced-approxi
enough tank-steamers nor pipe-lines. Just now at the present time in the United States, in
mately 90 per cent will be exported, and of Europe, in South America and, in fact, nearly
there are pipe-line faciilties for moving 220, that quantity fully 80 per cent will be exported
000,000 barrels annually and enough tank every other part of the world except in Mex
to the United States. That is the customary ico, a great shortage of the commodity. That
steamers in trade with Mexico for taking rate of distribution of Mexican oil, and there
away about 150,000,000 barrels annually. is to say, in spite of the circumstance that the
is every reason for being certain that it will production of petroleum is greater than ever,
As a matter of fact, more than one-fifth of tend to increase rather than to decrease, albeit
all the tankers in the world are operating in there isn't enough of it to go around ; the mar
there is a growing call for our oil from South keted supply is insufficient to meet the demand.
and out of Mexican ports, but if the combined America particularly and from Europe . It is It is authoritatively reported that there is an
tank- steamers of the various maritime coun quite within the scope of probabilities that con especially acute shortage of fuel oil in the
tries were placed at the service of the Mexican siderable quantities of Mexican oil will pres
oil fields, the productive capacity of those United States, owing to the transformation
ently be shipped to points as far away as Asia.
of industries from a coal-burning basis , and
fields, supplemented by some additional pipe There are still great untapped markets for the
lines, would be easily equal to the demand to the enormous fuel-oil requirements of the
cheapest and most abundant of all petroleum.
upon them. A few additional pipe lines would new American Merchant Marine.
Our petroleum has now come to constitute Consequently the spectacle is presented of
ensure full cargoes for the tankers 365 days the chief export of Mexico, and Mexico has
of the year. an amazing rise in the price of petroleum in
come to be the greatest oil- exporting country
The above declaration may at first glance the United States. Within six months the
in the world. To date, this year, the exports
appear startling and perhaps boastful, but the price of fuel oil in the United States has in
admirably equipped and organized Department
of Petroleum in the Mexican Government
that which there is no better in any country
has ample authoritative data on the potential
capacity of our already exploited petroleum lai
fields for substantiating every word of it con mar 93329
clusively and fully. In other words, the

already developed oil areas of Mexico can 6
N 0


produce upwards of 500,000,000 barrels an 5

nually, and that is a greater quantity of oil

than all the tanker fleets in the world today


can move to market.

One factor alone in the petroleum situation

is certain to bring about a phenomenal expan

sion of the oil industry in Mexico- the rapidly

expanding American market. The United
States is, of course, the chief petroleum-pro
ducing country. Time was when the United 4


States produced enough and to spare, but that 2

day has passed, and probably passed forever. e LE05
JAH 400

It is to Mexico beyond all argument that the
United States must turn, and is turning, for
its supplementary supply of petroleum, and
industries and commerce.
A recent compilation of data from the
United States Geological Survey indicates that
the total production of petroleum in that
country, this year, will rise close to 400,000,000 Courtesy Pan-American Union
barrels. But the curve of consumption ascends THE FAMOUS AZTEC CALENDAR STONE
from 7,000,000 to 10,000,000 barrels a month
above that of production, unequalled as the have attained an unprecedented total of nearly creased more than 150 per cent. A year or
latter is. And the curve of consumption is 60,000,000 barrels, a figure approximating the so ago the price of fuel oil in the United
constantly widening the distance between itself entire production of Mexico in 1918 and nearly States was around $1.50. Today it has risen
and that of production, notwithstanding the four times the output which took place in any to $3 and it is evidently bound to rise to $4
tremendous efforts underway in the United year prior to the war. In the six months ' before the end of the present year. But fuel
States to open up new petroleum regions. It period just closing Tampico has become the oil at $3 or thereabouts a barrel is still so
is evident to all geological authorities that the second port in the Western Hemisphere and much cheaper and serviceable than coal-of
United States has virtually reached the peak today stands second only to New York among which there is an even greater shortage-that
of petroleum production. the American ports. It is, of course, the the demand for it continues to exceed the
And all over the world the demand for greatest oil port in the world . marketed supply, and the consumer is glad to
petroleum is increasing by leaps and bounds. The monthly shipments of petroleum from get it even at rising prices.
The war made it clearly evident that when Mexico are now over 11,000,000 barrels. They Conservatively figured, therefore, the 1920
things are reduced to their ultimate analysis, have already increased nearly 40 per cent since production of Mexican petroleum will cost the
the first of all commodities next to food, per January, this year, and of about 80 per cent consumers approximately 800,000,000 Mexican
haps, is fuel. So that there are two kinds of over the exports of a year ago. Taking into pesos- will sell for that amount in the markets.
countries in the world today which are posi consideration the productive capacity of the
of the world. What will it yield to Mexico,
tively assured of prosperity : those that pro already driven wells, the pipe-line facilities
the country which produced it ? After all, that
duce food and those that produce fuel. This existing and under construction and the avail
is the question which concerns Mexico to in
is specially the age of petroleum and happily able tankers, constantly increasing in number,
it is certain that the average monthly exports vestigate.
Mexico has more of it than any other coun
try, and should, accordingly, become one of of petroleum from Mexico for the remainder
the most prosperous countries in the world. of 1920 will not be less than 12,000,000 barrels. The recent suspension of tariff on iron pipes
and rubber tires has been reconsidered and the
Of the 150,000,000 barrels of petroleum And despite this great and unprecedented old tariff is in force.
Septiembre, 1920

Esto es incontrovertible, no obstante Un hecho solo tiene que traer una expanA entre los puertos americanos. Este es el
sión fenomenal a la industria aceitera mexi mejor puerto para el embarque de aceite
pesimistas y propagandistas .
Sobre bases del datos irrefutables es fácil cana- el ensanche del mercado americano . del mundo .
demonstrar que los · campos mexicanos de Los Estados Unidos es el principal pro Los embarques mensuales de petroleo de
ductor de petroleo . Hubo una epoca en México suben a más de 11,000,000 de bar
petroleo producirán un total de 140,000,000
que los Estados Unidos producian suficiente riles . Esta cantidad ha aumentado un 40
de barriles de petroleo , comparados con la
cantidad para su consumo y había un por ciento más desde Enero del presente
producción de 1919 que fueron de 88,000,000 ,
dos veces más que los totales de 1918 o 1917. restante, pero eso ya ha pasado . año, de cerca de 80 por ciento de las expor
Solo hay un país-los Estados Unidos Sin argumento alguno, es a México a donde taciones del año pasado.
cantida d de tienen los Estados Unidos que venir para Tomándose en consideración la capacidad
el cual producirá mayor
petroleo que México . Las dos compañías conseguir petroleo que le hace falta para sus productora de los pozos que están abietros , las
petroleras de México , el Aguila y la industrias y comercio. • facilidades de las líneas de cañerías que
Huasteca, una inglesa y la otra americana , Una compilación de fecha reciente de la existen, y las que se están construyendo, y
producirán más petroleo que toda la Rusia Agrimensura Geológica de los Estados los vapores aceiteros que hay, cuyo
tanto como la Unidos indica que la producción de petroleo número está aumentando constantemente ,
actualmente produce , y
Rumania, la India y Galicia juntas . En en ese país este año subira a cerca de 400, es indudable que el pormedio de las expor
verdad un solo pozo de la Compañía 000,000 de barriles , pero la curva del con taciones de petroleo de México por el resto
Huasteca puede, si la canalización a la costa sumo asciende de 7,000,000 a 10,000,000 bar del año 1920 no bajará de 12,000,000 de ba
fuese adecuada , producir tanto petroleo riles mensuales más que la producción, y la rriles.
como produjo la Rusia en 1919. curva de consumo esta constantemente Sin embargo de la exportación sin pre
México producirá este año , sin duda aumentandose si embargo de los tremendos cedente de petroleo de México , existe al
alguna, la tercera parte del producto total esfuerzos que se están haciendo en los presente en los Estados Unidos , en Europa ,
del mundo , si hubiesen facilidades adecu PRINTERNATION Estados Unidos para encontrar nuevos en la América del Sur, y en verdad en casi
adas para llevar el aceite a nuestros puertos , campos de petroleo. Es evidente a todas todas las partes del mundo , una escaces
si huiesen vastantes "tankers" (vapores de las autoridades geológicas que los Estados enorme de esta comodidad . Aunque la
cargar aceite ) , si las facilidades de transpor Unidos ha llegado al zenit de producción . producción es mayor hoy sin embargo no
tación estuviesen tan adelantadas como la La proximidad de México resue ve el pro hay suficiente cantidad para hacer frente
producción . Aquí existe el aceite . Todo el blema de suplir el resto del petroleo que al pedido. Se dice de una manera autora
mundo sabe que México es el campo más necesita los Estados Unidos. tiva que hay gran escases de petroleo en
grande de petroleo - contienen los depósitors. En todo el mundo la demanda por petroleo los Estados Unidos debido a la transfor
más grandes que se conocen en el mundo . está aumentando enormemente. La guerra mación de las industrias que cosumían
Decimos enfáticamente que lo único que europea ha demonstrado claramente que carbón y que hoy consumen petroleo y los
limita la producción de petroleo en México , cuando se reducen las cosas. a un análises requirimientos enormes de la nueva marina
que igualaría a la producción de cualquier último, la primera de las necesidades de la mercante americana .
a los Estado s vida, después de los alimentos, es el com En consequencia de esto se presenta
otro país , sin exceptuar
primeramente la
Unidos, es primer la insufic iente bustible. Así es que hoy existen dos clases la espantosa subida del precio del petoleo
A transportación . No hay vastantes vapores de países cuya prosperidad es segura, y son en los Estados Unidos . Durante los últimos
ni líneas de cañerías para el transporte de aqullos que producen alimentos y los países seis meses el precio del petroleo en los
o te productores de combustibles. Esta es la Estados Unidos ha subido a más de un 150
petrole . Solo existe en México al presen
una sola línea de caños que puede trans edad del petroleo y felizmente México posee por ciento. Hace como un año el precio del
portar 220,000,000 de barriles anuales y solo más petroleo que ningun otro país, y vendrá petroleo en los Estados Unidos era $ 1.50
hay vapores de carga para transportar a ser el país más próspero del mundo. por barril hoy esta a $3 y es probable que
✔ suba a $4 antes de concluirse el año
solamente 150,000,000 de barriles anual De los 150,000,000 de barriles de petroleo
mente. que se producirán en México este año-y presente. Pero aceite a $3 el barril es más
Es un hecho que más de la quinta parte que ciertamente tiene que producirlos-90 barato y más servicial que el carbón-del
de los vapores aceiteros del mundo entran por ciento seran exportados, y de esta can cual hay gran escases-la demanda por el
y salen de los puertos mexicanos , pero si se tidad más de 80 por ciento se exportarán a petroleo continúa en exceso de la cantidad
los Estados Unidos. Esto es el pormedio que hay en el mercado y el consumidor
hiciese una combinación de todos los
acustumbrado de la distribución del petroleo , está contento en conseguirlo aún que sea a
vapores aceiteros de todos los países marí
hay probabilidades que su aumento sea precios más altos.
timos y estuviesen en el servicio de la trans
mayor, sinembargo de que hay demanda Cálculos conservativos dicen que la pro
portación del petroleo mexicano, la capacidad
creciente de la América del Sur y de ducción de petroleo mexicano costará a
productora de los campos de petroleo , los consumidores de este artículo más de
Europa. Hay probabilidades razonables de
ayudada por cañerías adicionales, podría creer que grandes cantidades de petroleo 800,000,000 de pesos mexicanos-se venderá
suplir carga de petroleo a todos esos vapores. mexicano sean exportados a países tan por esta suma en los mercados del mundo .
Unas líneas de cañerías aseguraría la carga lejanos como la Asia. Existen mercados 20 Cuanto obtendrá México de ésto, el país
para los vapores petroleros 365 días al año . que aún no han sido explotados para los productor? Después de todo , ésta es la
Esta declaración parece a la primera vista productos más baratos y comunes de pregunta que más le concierne a México ,
exagerada y ostentosa, pero el admirable petroleo. y de la csual ben hacerse una investigación ,
mente equipado Departamento de Petroleo El petroleo ha llegado a ser la primera
del Gobierno Mexicano , el cual no lo hay materia principal de exportación , y México
ha venido a ser el mayor exportador de No obstante la situación financial grave
mejor en el mundo, tien data autoratativa que existe, trabajo en la extensión del ferro
de la capacida potencial de la producción de petroleo del mundo . Hasta la fecha la ex carril de Durango a Mazatlan se continua en
portación ha subido a un total sin precedente ambos extremos de la linea. La parte desde
nuestro campos de petroleo aunque ya ex
de 60,000,000 de barriles en este año , una Durango ya ha pasado la division media. El
plotados , para sustanciar todo lo que hemos camino, cuado esté completo, abrira al tráfico
suma que se aproxima a la producción
dicho conclusiva y plenamente . En otras un campo muy rico.
total del año de 1918, y cerca de cuatro
palabras, los campos que ya están trabajan veces más qu la producción durante la
dose queden producir más de 500,000,000 de guerra. Durante el período de los seis Uno de los últimos proyectos del Depart
barriles anuales, y ésta es una cantidad meses que van a terminarse Tampico amento de Haciehda es el establecimiento de
mayor de la que los vapores aceiteros son ha venido a ser el segundo puerto del tres puertos libres, Guaymas y Salina Cruz en
capaces de transportar a los mercados del la costa del Pacifico, y Puerto México en el
hemisferio americano, y hoy está como Golfo. Hay discusión considerable sobre las
mundo. segundo, después del puerto de New York, ventajas de este programa.
September, 1920

on the basis of a production of three hundred

Richest Mines in the World millions and one hundred million respectively,
it is believed that these vast amounts by no
Wonderful Mineral Wealth of the State of Guanajuato - Hundreds means represent their actual production, since
in all the history of mankind from ancient
of Millions of Dollars That Have Been Produced times down to the present day those who are
whose hundreds of millions of silver and gold called upon to contribute to their rulers or
Valenciana went to enrich the world within the space of governments in the form of taxation have
$350,000,000.00 never been noted for any readiness to disclose.
Maravillas 50,000,000.00 no more than a generation, and which inciden
Cata ... the full extent of their income, especially when
50,000,000.00 tally at the same time contributed to the
Mellado derived from actual mining operations
100,000,000.00 poverty and misery of tens of thousands of
Sirena 50,000,000.00 At the point of discovery of the Guana
victims of professional mining stock manip
Tepeyac 100,000,000.00 ulators and gamblers. But not so with the juato deposits the rich ores were found .
El Porvenir 11,000,000.00 outcropping for a distance of some hundred
El Secho ... mines of Guanajuato !
100,000,000.00 feet in width, and were mined with success.
The Mother Lode deposit upon which the
El Rayas Group . 300,000,000.00 The familiar saying regarding some mines
Numerous others ... 439,000,000.00 city is founded is contained in a gigantic fissure
in the earth's crust, extending to what depth that "they paid from the grass roots down"
Total $1,550,000,000.00 can only be conjectured, but hundreds of feet was amply exemplified in this case. The
in width and completely filled with rich silver original vein, however, had such a sharp pitch
and gold bearing ore mingled with other that in the adjacent Mellado mine pay ore
OREGOING are the approximate metals and minerals. The discovery of this was not struck until a depth of over 600 feet
figures of the production of the leading treasure house dates back to the middle of the had been reached. It is worthy of note, in
F silver mines of the Guanajuato group, sixteenth century and some forty years after passing, that the famous and often-condemned
perhaps the most famous deposits of their kind the advent of Cortez and his handful of con "law of the apex," as enforced in the United


Courtesy Pan- American Union VIEW OF THE CITY OF GUANAJUATO

in the entire world. Professor Percy F. Mar querors in the city of the Aztecs. In another States, is unknown in Mexico , and therefore
tin, F. R. G. S., author of "Mexico's Treasure article it is proposed to relate the romantic the discoverers of a vein at any depth possess
House, Guanajuato," and foreign correspond story of the first discovery of these fabulously the right to develop it, no matter if it may
ent of the London Financial Times over a term rich depostts of precious metals, surpassing as be at a lower level than on the adjacent prop
of twenty years, is authority for the state it does almost everything in that direction, erty.
ment that : "The Guanajuato mining district, replete as has been the history of mining with No one can come in after the discovery of
six by twelve miles, has furnished over three scarcely believable incidents. It was in 1558 a vein and by uncovering the same lode higher
fifths of the world's total silver production that the first work was done in the Guanajuato or at its apex, deprive the original discoverer
for the past three hundred years, along with region, with the commencement of the shaft of his property, as can be done under the
hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of of the Rayas mine, with more than three American law.
gold." hundreds of millions of dollars' output to its To come down to the situation today in
The picturesque city of Guanajuato, in the credit. The same year work was commenced the Guanajuato mining region, conditions are
State of the same name, is literally built upon. on the Mellado property, with phenomenal suc now and for an extended period have been
a foundation of silver and gold- in this respect cess as well. absolutely peaceable and ideal for securing the
not being unlike its later counterpart of Vir While these two great silver mines are on most satisfactory profits, with silver at the
ginia City, that famous Nevada mining camp record as having paid taxes to the Government. highest price known in a century. Labor is
Septiembre, 1920

mina de Mellado, con el mismo y monstruoso

buen éxito .
"Guanajuato , la Casa del Tesoro de Mexico "
Aunque se han inscrito esas dos grandes
minas en el registro con la indicación de haber
Maravillosa Riqueza Mineral del Estado de Guanajuato - Los Cente pagado sus contribuciones al Gobier no sobre
nares de Millones de Dólares que ha Producido la base de una producción de trescientos mi
llones de dólares y ciento cincuenta millones ,
Valenciana $350,000,000.00 enriquecer al mundo en el espacio de no más
respectivamente , se cree que estas colosales
Maravillas 50,000,000.00 de una generación yy que que,, incidentalmente ,
Cata ... 50,000,000.00 cifras no representan por ningún motivo su
contribuyeron al mismo tiempo a provocar la verdadera
Mellado 100,000,000.00 producción puesto que en la historia
pobreza y miseria de decenas de millares de
Sirena 50,000,000.00 entera de la humanidad, desde los tiempos más
Tepeyac 100,000,000.00 victimas de especuladores profesionales de remotos hasta nuestros
días, todos aquellos
El Porvenir . 11,000,000.00 acciones de minas y de jugadores . ¡ Mas no
El Secho .... 100,000,000.00 que son requeridos para contribuir en pro
sucedió así con las minas de Guanajuato ! El
El Grupo de las Rayas 300,000,000.00 vecho de sus gobernantes o gobiernos en la
Otras Muchas 439,000,000.00 depésito de la Veta Madre sobre la que está
forma de tributos jamás se han revelado por
construída la ciudad, está contenido en una
Total ..... $1,550,000,000.00 su disposición de manifestar el total íntegro
gigantesca grieta de la costra terrestre que se
de sus ganancias, especialmente cuando éstas
prolonga hasta una profundidad que sólo pue
N EL cuadro anterior se indican las de conjecturarse, pero que tiene varios cen provienen de expoltaciones mineras .
En el punto en que se descubrieron los
Exif cifras aproxi madas de la producc ión de tenares de pies de ancha y que está com
pletame nte llena de ricos mineral es de plata depósitos de Guanajuato encontráronse ricos
las principales minas de plata del Estado de




Guanajuato, que son quizás los más famosos y oro mezelados con otros minerales y metales. minerales a flor de tierra en un espacio de
depósitos minerales del mundo entero. El El descubrimiento de este tesoro doméstico es varios centenares de pies de ancho y fueron
remonta a mediados del siglo dieciséis, unos explotados con buen éxito . El dicho familiar
profesor Percy F. Martín, F. R. G. S., autor
de los libros y corresponsal extranjero cuarenta años después de la llegada de Cortés que se refiere a ciertas minas y que dice que
que fué por espacio de veinte años del London y del puñado de conquistadores a la capital " produjeron de las raíces del pasto abajo,"
Financial Times, es una autoridad que hace de los aztecas. Nos proponemos relatar en se justificó perfectamente en el presente caso.
la declaración de que : "La zona minera de otro articulo la romántica historia del primer No obstante, tenía una inclinación tan aguda
Guanajuato, de seis millas de ancha por doce la veta, que en la Mina de Mellado, que estaba
descubrimiento de estos yacimientos de metales
de larga, ha producido más de tres quintos de adyacente, no se obtuvo mineral apreciable sino
preciosos fabulosamente ricos, que supera a
la producción total de plata del mundo, en los despues de haber perforado hasta una pro
todos los relatos semejantes, por llenas que fundidad de más de seiscientos pies. Es digno
trescientos años últimos, juntamente con cen estén las historias de las minas con incidentes
tenares de millones de dólares en oro." de mencionarse, de paso, que la famosa "lev
La pintoresca ciudad de Guanajuato, del que apenas son creíbles. Fue en el año de del ápice," a menudo condenada, tal como
Estado del mismo nombre , está materialmente 1558 cuando se emprendieron los primeros tra está en vigor en los Estados Unidos, es
edificada sobre una base de plata y oro no bajos en la zona de Guanajuato con el co desconocida en México, y que, por conse
siendo distinta en este sentido de su imagen, mienzo de la perforación del tiro de la mina cuencia, los descubridores de una veta a
la Ciudad de Virginia, ese famoso campo de Las Rayas, que se acredita una producción cualquiera profundidad poseen el derecho de
minero de Nevada cuyos centenares de mi de más de trescientos millones de dólares . En explotarla sin importar que pueda quedar a
llones de dólares en oro y plata fueron a el mismo año se comenzó a trabajar en la un nivel inferior que en la propiedad adya
20 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920 ·

cheap and efficient. It varies around $1 per geologist, says : "In the Guanajuato mining Mexico Knows the Art of Life
day and as against $6 in many other countries district the developed mines have without an NTERVENTION will give a different cast
and in mines with ore not nearly so rich. exception proven that the values extend as IN to Mexican development and life, which
Strikes and labor troubles are practically un deep as it has been possible to mine them." for its rags, filth, poverty, ignorance and
known, the working people being happy and bloodshed, is to me something more lovable
contented , with regular employment , steady pay and serene than the mad, helter- skelter,
and reasonable prices for food staples. The squirrel-cage twitching that is America's idea
ores of the Guanajuato deposits are so clean High Profits from Mining
of life.
that they can be treated at an exceptionally HE National Banker publishes some
To my mind the social revolution should do
low cost, approximating $ 1.50 per ton , with TCanadian official figures showing the
a recovery of 93 per cent of the silver and returns on invested capital in that country, as more than install the workers in charge of the
follows : factories , and place the farmers firmly on
gold content. Another advantage of this
their land. I conceive of the revolution as an
region is that the character of the formation Railroads 3%
containing the rich veins is such that little or National Banks 614 % attack on all that we have named western
no timbering is needed, and while there is suffi Insurance " A 11 % civilization—its great, nervous cities, the gray
Lumbering • • • * 14% commercialism and shallow, eager competi
cient water for all mining and milling pur Manufacturing 14%
poses, there is not enough to hinder operation Mining 182% tiveness that marks its every feature-even its
art and science and so-called culture.
or make it unduly expensive . The vein systems In addition to the foregoing, Bradstreet's
are traversed , also , by high voltage power The social revolution will, I hope, give a
and Dun's Commercial Agencies supply the
electric lines, furnishing cheap and efficient different tempo and direction to our western
interesting addenda that but 36 per cent of all
service, by which enormous bodies of low life. I want to see a more serene, a less ambi
legitimate mining investments fail, as against
grade ores, which would be of no value what 54 per cent in commercial lines. tious, a slower, more patient and nature-loving
ever in other districts not so advantageously race come forth. The skyscrapers must be
It is safe to say that in the famous Guana
situated , are here an extra and enormous asset. leveled, with all they are monuments to .
juato mining district, whose production has
Although strictly speaking Guanajuato is In Mexico City there are no skyscrapers, and
formed so large a part of the total world out
an agricultural and mining State, the very put, there has been more than a thousand the people move slowly about the streets, and
foremost in the Republic , it is also a great dollars actually yielded for every dollar in there is always a faint fragrance of flowers in
cattle raising country, surpassed only by the the air. We have more time to know one
vested in legitimate mining.
States of Jalisco and Chihuahua , respectively. another here. The food is simpler, the
There are also numerous indutsrial establish houses simpler and more beautiful, the people,
ments of great magnitude , including many except for their flashes of childish violence,
American "Manners" Are the
woolen and cotton mills using principally elec are sunnier and sweeter and unconsciously
tric power, as well as linseed mills, hat, saddle Cause of Much Trouble comradely. In the United States I found in
and harness factories of great extent, potteries, MERICA has brought Mexican prejudice the radical movement many Socialists, but few
distilleries, tanneries, foundries , etc. From AM upon herself because she has insulted the comrades. You have no time, for even your
this it will be seen that if the mining industry finer sensibilities of her neighbor, in the opin own souls have conceived ineradicable marks
were eliminated altogether , Guanajuato would ion of Colonel L. M. Maus, who is making of the fever and rush and impatient super
still remain one of the most important portions a sociological and educational survey of the ficiality of the American life . There is some-.
of the Republic . The State is divided into five Mexican situation in Texas, New Mexico, thing different here, and though I cannot quite
departments and the population is something Arizona and California under the auspices of analyze what it is, I know it is nearer that .
over a million, about 85 per cent of whom are the International Reform Bureau of Wash manly love of comrades on which the new
peones, the laboring class ; the rest are mainly ington, D. C. world is to be built. It is nearer to the
an enlightened and educated people, perhaps "I am convinced, after a careful investi quieter, more natural and contented life of
fully as capable of governing their own affairs gation of the Mexican situation in the border the future. Intervention would change it all,
in an intelligent manner as the educated and States, that the only way to obliterate the and inoculate this healthy, sweet Mexico of

civilized in other lands. prejudice between the American and the the Indian Pueblos and ranches with the
In the book "Mexico's Treasure House, Mexicans in the border country is by a 'right horrible germ of our western disease.-Irwin
Guanajuato," is included the following state about face' change in our own ethics," said Granich in The Liberator.
ment : "Nature has been quite bountiful in Colonel Maus.
its dealings with this State. It is one of, if not The lesson which we have never learned,
the most, favored districts in the world as to and which Americans have had ample oppor New School at
climate and mineral riches. Its immense de tunity to have assimilated through our experi Orizaba
posits of gold and silver are known the world ence in the Philippines and elsewhere, is that
EOPLE of the United States who have
over and have been for hundreds of years. the suave manner and polite deportment of the OPnL persuaded by propaganda that
Its fertile lands, populous cities, thriving in Latin is outraged by the aggressive, direct in
Mexico religion is taboo, the churches robbed
habitants, superb climate, well equipped and method of the Anglo- Saxon in his dealings and churchmen persecuted, are evidently not
modern railroads, telephone and telegraph sys with the Latin race."
tems , cheap and efficient electric power and an joined in this opinion by Bishop Guizar Va
Colonel Maus says the American's egotism lencia, of Orizaba . Word comes from that far
abundant water supply, along with innnumer makes him a poor neighbor for a warm
able other resources beyond mention, make southern city that the bishop has just founded
hearted, demonstrative. people like the Mex there a new school for the education of his
Guanajuato the choicest of the twenty- seven icans.
States constituting the United States of youthful parishioners . To this end Bishop
Colonel Maus's ideas, as set forth in the fore Valencia himself contributed 5,000 pesos and
Mexico ."
going, will be corroborated by every sensible. the business men of the city subscribed another
The Encyclopedia Britannica, Vol. XI , page 10,000 pesos . Besides the ordinary primary
206, says : “Guanajuato, founded in 1554 A. traveler who has visited Mexico and has con
ducted himself in a sensible and sympathetic and preparatory studies of schools in the
1 D. , owes its existence and prosperity to the United States, and the music course universal
fact that it is the center of the greatest mining manner. THE REVIEW hopes , by the way, to be
in Mexican schools, the Orizaba institution will
district in the world." able shortly to publish the report of Colonel
offer to advanced students courses in business
John Hays Hammond, one of the best known Maus in a great part or in its entirety. The
practice and telegraphy.
mining engineers of the age, declares : "The sample quoted is an indication of the char
district of Guanajuato is the most thoroughly acter of the whole.
Ing. Joaquin Pedrero Cordova has been
mineralized zone for gold and silver in the elected President of the National Railway
known world ." Tampico is to have a new railway depot, Lines of Mexico and Mr. Lorenzo Perez
Robert T. Hill, United States Government probably the finest in the Republic. Castro, vice-president.
Septiembre , 1920

el mundo y han sido por centenares de años, Nueva Escuela en Orizba

cente. Nadie puede presentarse después del
sus fertiles terrenos , sus ciudades populosas , AS PERSONAS en los Estados Unidos
descubrimiento de una veta y privar al
sus habitantes industriosos , su clima superbo LAS que hayan sido persuadidos que la religion
descubridor primitivo de su propiedad , como
sus modernos y bien equipados ferrocarriles , en México es prohibida y que han robado las
se puede hacer de acuerdo con la ley norte
su sistema de teléfonos y de telégrafos , su iglesias y han perseguido a sus eclesiásticos , es
americana, por la sola causa de descubrir la
barato y eficientes fuerza eléctrica , y su gran evidente de que esta no es la opinión del Obispo
misma veta a un nival superior o en su ápice.
abundancia de agua, en conjunto de otros innu de Orizaba. Recibimos
Pero, trataremos de la situación que reina Guizar Valencia de
merables recursos que nos es imposible men
en la actualidad en la zona minera de Guana noticias de aquella lejana ciudad del sur que
cinar, hace que Guanajuato sea el Estado
juato. Las condiciones son y han sido por el Obispo acaba de instalar una nueva escuela
escogdo entre los veinte siete Estados que com
un largo periodo de tiempo absolutamente para educar a sus jóvenes feligreces. Para
ponen los Estados Unidos de México."
pacificas e ideales para obtener las ganancias'
más satisfactorias con la plata, al precio más
alto del siglo. El trabajo es barato y eficiente .
Varía alrededor de $1 , contra $6, que se pagan
en otros países por día y en minas que cuyo
mineral no es tan rico como el de Guanajuato .
Las huelgas y los conflictos del trabajos son
prácticamente desconocidos , puespues lala clase
trabajadora está feliz y contenta con tener un
empleo regular, recibir un pago que no falte
y con que prevalezcan precios razonables de
los artículos alimenticias . Son tan limpios los
minerales de los yacimientos de Guanajuato
que pueden ser tratados a un costo excep
cionalmente bajo, aproximadamente $1.50 por
tonelada , con un rendimiento del noventa y
tres por ciento del contenido en oro y plata.
Otra ventaja de esta región minera consiste
en que es tal el carácter de la formación que
contiene la rica vena, que se necesita ademas

muy poco con madera, y aunque hay agua

abundante para las minas y fábricas no es
tanta que obstruya las explotaciones o las haga
haga muy costosas . El sistema de vetas son
atravesadas por lineas eléctricas de gran volt
age potencial , las cuales dan un barato y
eficiente servicio, por medio del cual se puede
extraer los minerales de grado mas bajo, lo
cual no se puede hacer en otros distritos que
no estan situados tan ventajosamente como
estem, los cuales dan una buena entrada.
Aunque, extrictamente hablando , Guana
juato es un Estado agrícola y minero, el mejor
de la República , también es uno de gran cria
de ganado, sobrepasado solo por los Estados
de Jalisco y Chihuahua , respectivamente .
También hay numeros os establicimientos in
dustriales de gran magnitud , incluyendo 147
muchas fábricas de tejidos de lana y algodón
que usan principalmente potencia eléctrica ,
también hay molinos de linaza ; fábricas de
sombreros ; de monturas y arneses de gran
extención ; alfarerias ; alamibiques ; curtiem
bres ; fundiciones ; etc. De esto se puede ber
que si es eliminase la industria minera de THE OLD JESUIT CHURCH AT GUANAJUATO, MEXICO
Guanajuato éste seria todavía uno de los más
importantes lugares de la República . El Estado La Enciclopedia Británica, Vol. XI , página conseguir este fin el Obispo Valencia contri
buyó 5,000 pesos y los comerciantes de la
esta dividido en cinco departamentos y su 206, dice : "Guanajuato, fundado en 1554,
debe su existencia y prosperidad al hecho de ciudad contribuyeron 10,000 pesos. Además
población es de más de un millon, de la cual
que es el centro del distrito minero más grande de los estudios promarios y preparatorios de
85 por ciento son peones (clase trabajadora ) ;
del mundo." las escuelas de los Estados Unidos, se dá un
el resto es compuesta de personas educadas e
John Hays Hammond, uno de los más bien curso de música, tan universal en las escuelas
instruidas tan capaces de manejar sus nego
conocidos ingenieros de esta época declara : Mexicanas, el institute de Orizaba ofrece a los
cios de manera tan inteligente como las clases
"El distrito de Guanajuato es una de las estudiantes avanzados , un curso mercantil y
educadas y civilizadas de otros lugares.
mejores zonas de minerales de oro y plata que de telegrafía.
En el libro " Mexico's Treasure House ,
Guanajuato," se encuentra lo siguiente "La existe en el mundo." El Ferrcarril Nacional tiene un proyecto
naturaleza ha sido muy generosa en sus dá Robert T. Hill, geólogo del Gobierno de los bajo consideración de despachar trenes de
divas a este Estado . Es una de los, sino el Estados Unidos, dice : "En el distrito minero Laredo a la Ciudad de México a las 7.30 p. m.,
de Guanajuato se han desarrollado minas , que en lugar de la salida por la mañana temprano.
más, favorecidos districtos del mundo por su Este cambio proporcionará que los pasajeros
clima y por sus ricos minerales. Sus inmensos sin excepción ninguna, se extienden a tanta crucen el Rio Grande la misma tarde de su
depósitos de oro y plata son conocidos en todo profundidad como ha sido posible trabajarlas." llegadaa la frontera-una gran convenencia.
September, 1920

$1,500,000 Mex. , or $ 750,000 American money.

In the Field of Petroleum The total amount received and levied by the
government for three years does not reach
Official Report of Conditions and Development as Seen in the $50,000,000 Mex . , or $25,000,000 American
money, while a single company has obtained
First Half of the Current Year
greater profits than that.
HE Department of Petroleum made the These have a total capacity of 7,812,957
following statement of conditions as re cubic meters, or more than fifty million bar
gards development in the oil fields dur- rels. Official Investigation of
ing the early part of the year 1920, and which Value of the Industry-The present value of Petroleum Deposits in Chihuahua
is of interest at the present juncture : the industry and its various branches is esti HE EXPLORATIONS which have been
Pipelines-There are at the present time mated as follows : TH made in the northern portion of the State
1,420,920 meters of pipeline in use ( 4.078,450 Wells ... of Chihuahua for some years past have led
feet-over 770 miles. ) These lines have a $37,000,000
Pipelines 60,000.000 to the well founded belief that extensive de
daily capacity for transporting 382,016 cubic Storage tanks . 60,000,000 posits of petroleum exist in that region, and
meters of oil, or more than two millions of Vessels 90,000,000
Refineries as a result the Department of Industry, Com
barrels. They are able, therefore, to transport 50,000,000
Accessories 33,000,000 merce and Labor has appointed a special com
to the various ports of embarkation all the oil mission of experts to make a careful investi
that the wells produce. It must be taken into Total $330,000,000 gation in this direction . The town of Ojinaga
account that a great part of the producing To this sum should be added the value of will be taken as the basis from which to carry
wells are not connected with the pipelines , so the lands possessed by the oil companies, and on the explorations, as oil is known to exist in
that some companies can carry more oil than which are in the neighborhood of 300,000 that section. According to old miners familiar
they produce, while others that have no means hectares (750,000) acres ) , and worth at the with the country, deposits of chapopote or
of transportation are obliged to sell at very rate of $100 (Mex. ) per hectare, a total of asphalt are to be seen not far from the Con
low prices their products to the companies $300,000,000, making a grand total of $650, chos river near its junction with the Rio
owning the pipelines, or store it in tanks. 000,000 ($325,000,000 American money) , in Bravo. Coal has also been found in the
The total daily production capable of being rested in the petroleum industry. (Note- No same neighborhood ..

Courtesy Pan-American Union

transported is two millions of barrels and it account is taken of the area of land under The belief in the existence of petroleum
is believed this will be reached actually in
lease, and which is several times that in actual on the Mexican side of the river has within
the present year. ownership of the companies ) . a few months caused many Americans to ap
Number of Wells- There are now in the The value of the wells is put at a sufficiently
ply to the Mexican consul at Presidio for per
peroleum zones a total of 1,103 wells : low figure because of their possible ephemeral mission to exploit the same, and a number of
Number located . 147 character. One well alone, the Cerro Azul , such concessions have been granted. This has
Number drilling... 123 can produce $350,000 daily, or $ 126,000,000
Number in production.. actuated the Department in question to dis
305 annually.
Not paying... 35 patch special expert commissions to make a
Producing ' water . Exportation of Petroleum- The exportation
65 thorough examination.
Unproductive 428 of petroleum in 1918 was 52,000,000 barrels,
More than 12 years ago reports were that
and in 1919 approximately 80,000,000 barrels.
Total 1.103 The export duties collected for three years the well-known Hearst estate in drilling wells
The wells in full production, as will be seen, have amounted to $22,224,515.45, as follows : for water for stock use on its immense prop
are many, and they afford a complete demon 1917 $6854,537.42 erties in northeastern Chihuahua, had struck
stration of their ability to yield more than the 1918 10,135,991.21 oil, but that the wells had been capped over
thousands of wells now in existence in the 1919 15,203,986.82 and the matter kept a profound secret, being
United States. It is well known that Mexico Total only known to the well drillers and to the
has the largest well in the world, the Cerro The total collection for the three years were owners of the estate. It was the former who
Azul No. 7, which produces 370,000 barrels disclosed to a few the information of the oil
equivalent to only $16,112,257.72 in American
daily. discovery.
Storage Tanks and Their Capacity- In order
The total amount of royalties levied by the
to store petroleum destined for immediate ex
government for the past two years is about Notwithstanding financial straits, work on
portation, there are 902 tanks, as follows :
$9,000,000 Mex., $4,500,000 American money, the extension of the railway from Durango to
Steel tanks .. .. 882
Concrete tanks . but they have not been collected from the com Mazatlan is being continued from both ends.
Earthern tanks . 16 panies on account of their complaint that such The work from Durango has already passed
tax is confiscatory. The bar tax at Tampico the main divide. The road, completed, opens.
Total . 902 has yielded in the last three years a total of a very rich country to traffic.

Septiembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 23

El Govierno ha demonstrado desde el prin

cipio una disposición de pedir solamente lo que
En los Campos Petroleros
es justo en conección con la questión del
petroleo, y es de sentir mucho que aquellos
Informe Oficial Rendido al Gobierno del Estado
que tienen interes en el desarrallo y el esta
Actual De la Industria Petrolera blicimiento de paz en México no muestren
voluntad para hacerlo .
L GOBIERNO de la República pidió táreas , que calculadas, a razón de cien pesos
hace algún tiempo , a la Secretaría de cada una, dan un total de trescientos millones,
E Industria y Comercio, un informe que sumados a los trescientos treinta que va
Mexico Conoce el Arte de la Vida
permenorizado de las industrias carbonifera y len los pozos , oleoductos, etc., dan un valor
petrolera de To México y el Departamento total aproximado de seiscientes treinta mi A INTERVENCION dará un aspecto di
Técnico del Petróleo, sabiamente dirigido por llones de pesos, invertidos en la industria pe L ferente al desarrollo y 1a la vida mexica
el señor ingeniero Joaquin Santaella, acaba de trolera. nos, que, a pesar de sus harapos, su desaseo,
formular el informe solicitado . Hay que tener en cuenta que los pozos han su pobreza y derramamiento de sangre, es
La red de oleoductos basta para dar sali sido calculados a un precio bastante bajo y para mí más amable y serena que el desorde
da hacia los puertos de embarque a todo el en el supuesto de que tuvieran vida efímera, nado, agitado movimiento hecho a troche
petróleo que los pozos pueden producir, pero pues sólo el Cerro Azul puede producir tres moche, que constituye la idea norteamerica
hay que tener en cuenta que una gran parte cientos cincuenta mil pesos diarios, o sea cien na de la vida.
de los pozos no están aún unidos a los oleo to veintiscis millones al año, dado el caso de Para mí, la révolución social debe hacer al
ductos, por lo cual, mientras algunas empre que soportara una explotación uniforme por go más que instalar a los trabajadores al fren
sas pueden dar salidad a más petróleo del que toda su producción potencia. te de las fábricas y asegurar las tierras fir
queden producir, otras no tienen medios de Los datos relativos a este asunto, son ya am memente en manos de los agricultores. Con
conducción y se ven obligadas a malbaratar pliamente conocidos y sólo los mencionamos, cibo la revolución como un ataque a lo que
sus productos a las empresas que tienen eleo para recordarlos a los lectores, México expor llamaron todos la civilización occidental- sus
ductos o a almacenar el petróleo que sus po tó en 1918 , cincuenta y dos millones de ba ciudades enormes y nerviosas, el gris mercan
zos producen. rriles, aproximadamente , y en 1919, ochenta tilismo y la frivolidad, la ávida competencia
México produce o puede producir, alrededor millones. que marca cada uno de sus aspectos - aun el
de dos millones de barriles diariamente, y Los impuestos percibidos por el Gobierno, arte y la ciencia de su llamada cultra.
quizás en el presente año esa sea su produc en los tres últimos años, son como sigue : La revolución social, lo espero, dará un
ción. tiempo y un sentido diferentes a nuestra vida
En 1917 · $ 6,854,537.42
En al actualidad hay en las zonas petrole En 1918 10,135,991.21 occidental. Quiero ver venir a una raza más
ras los siguientes pozos : En 1919 15,203,986.82 serena, menos ambiciosa, más lenta , más pacien
Localizados » • · ■ 147 te, más amante de la naturaleza . Los "rasca
Total D $32,224,515.45
En Perforación " 123 cielos" deben ser derribados con todo lo que
En Producción · 305 Hay, además, el impuesto de regalías que representan . En la ciudad de México no hay
Incosteables • 35 debió producir al Gobierno cerca de nueve "rascacielos" y la gente camina más lenta
Agotados • A 珈D D 65 millones en los diez últimos años, pero que no
Improductivos W• 428 mente en las calles, y hay siempre una débil
ha sido pagado por las empresas, que lo con fragancia de flores en el ambiente. Se tiene
Total de pozos . → 1,103 sideran confiscatorio. más tiempo para conocerse mutuamente aquí.
Los pozos en plena producción , como se ve, Y hay, por último, el impuesto de Barra que Los alimentos son más simples ; las casas,
son muchos, y ello es precisamente la mejor ha producido alrededor de un millón y medio más sencillas y hermosas ; el pueblo , fuera de
demonstración de su bondad, puesto que pue de pesos en los tres últimos años . En total , el sus relámpagos de violencia infantil es más
impuesto percibido por el Gobierno, como se alegre , dulce y amistoso . En el movimiento
den superar en producción potencial a los
ve, no llega ni a cincuenta millones de pesos, radical de los Estados Unidos, encuentro
millares de pozos perforados en los Estados
Unidos . a pesar de que una sola de las empresas ha muchos socialistas, pero pocos camaradas. No
Ya es sabido que en México está el pozo obtenido mayores utilidades. se cuenta con ningún tiempo, pues aun nues
más grande del mundo , Cerro Azul número tras propias almas han recibido la indeleble
siete, que produce trescientos setenta mil ba La Situacion del Petroleo marca de la fiebre la impetuosidad y la super
rrilles diarios. ficialidad de la vida americana. Aqui las cosas
'N AVISO reciente de la Ciudad de
Para almacenar el petróleo destinado a la son distintas, y aunque no puedo analizar en
U México dice que algunos de los inte
exportación inmediata, las empresas petrole qué consiste la diferencia, sé que se aproxima
resados en el petroleo han rechazado el más al carin viril de los camaradas, sobre el
ras cuentan con los siguientes depósitos :
convenio de pagar los impuestos que se debían que deberá construírse el nuevo mundo . Se
Tanques de acero • · · * 882 en consideración de una suspensión temporaria
Tanques de concreto • 4 aproxima a la vida más quieta, más natural y
del decreto de Carranza sobre el petroleo contenta del futuro . La intervención cambiaría
Tanques de tierra J 16
hasta que el Congreso pase una nueva ley, ha todo ésto e inocularía a este México dulce y
Total • 902 resultado en una demora hasta que la Corte saludable de los pueblos indios y de los
Con capacidad para 7,812,957 metros cúbi Suprema dé la decisión en los casos pendientes . ranchos primitivos, con el horrible germen da
cos, o sea más de cincuenta millones de barri El General Jacinto B. Trevino, Ministro de nuestra enfermedad occidental.- Irwin Granich
les. Industria, Comercio y Labor, declara en esta en "The Liberator."
conección :
Veamos ahora lo que vale la industria petro
"Con un supremo egoismo, " dice referiendose Se están dando pasos que en toda probabili
lifera :
a compañías que no quieren obedecer la ley, dad traeran la favorable solución de la devo
Pozos $ 37,000,000 "ellas quieren estar sin ley o obligaciones .
Oleoductos • 60,000,000 lución después de muchos años de la Linia de
Después de muchas conferencias vanas con el
Almacenamientos 60,000,000 Expresos de Wells -Fargo , la cual fué confis
T • ►• Govierno Mexicano representates de los inte
Buques 90,000,000 cada y operada por los varios gobiernos mexi
Refinerías 50,000,000 reses del petroleo convinieron pagar los im canos que han existido. El Presidente de la
Accesorios 33,000,000 puestos que debían, pero ahora dicen que sus Huerta ha expresado publicamente su apruebo
compañías no ratificaran el convenio. Nustra sobre este paso .
Total 2 $330,000,000 intención es el ejecutar firmente el decreto El Ing. Joaquin Pedrero Cordova ha sido
A la suma anterior hay que agregar el va de le Corte Suprema . Tenmos fé en la
elegido presidente de las lineas de Ferrocarril
lor de los terrenos poseídos por las empresas justicia y tenemos valor para hacer respetar Nacional de México y el Señor Lorenzo
petroleras y que son unas trescientas mil hec sus decretos." Perez Castro vicepresidente .
September, 1920

luck I could bring him up quickly, while I

Mexican Byways and Highways kept my foot loose in the stirrup on the down
precipice side, ready to throw myself against
Interesting Scenes and Experiences Away from the Usual the wall in the opposite direction should occa
sion demand. Over and over again I repented
Paths of Travelers and Writers
not having made a "dry camp" on the summit.
CHAPTER X-(Continued . ) was left until we attempted to ford it on our of the mountain, but there was no opportunity
San Andrés, Otaez and Bacis. mules a few days later and gave it up as a bad to stop once we had started, so we kept on and
EVERAL DAYS' ride to the southwest job. on and on, and down and down and down,
of Topia, the trail following the crest What should we do ? was the question and still downward we went, hour after hour.
S of the range, is the mining town of It seemed as though we surely must have
asked . Camp or go down ? There was no
Bacis, located in the bottom of the quebrada missed the right trail and gone off in the op
feed for the mules, no water for either them
of the same name, and on the banks of a or us on the barren, naked summit. So the posite direction from the town. But at last
river likewise called the Bacis. The day we saw lights in the distance, then came to
decision was quickly made. We will go down.
before we arrived at Bacis we became It was, as stated, just as sunset, about six them, then rode into the single main street,
thoroughly lost among the dense pine forests o'clock in this region, and I fancied that per halted in front of the police station, there
and sought in vain for a settlement of any haps an hour and a half at the most would being no hotel, and asked where we could find
kind at which to obtain information. suffice for the trip . I ought to have known accommodations, only to learn that it was a
Up to this time we had always managed to better, but I was not "mountain wise" at this feast day, the town was crowded with visitors



Courtesy Pan-American Union


obtain the necessary instructions from trav time, though I became more or less so later. and no accommodations of any kind could be
elers or at the infrequent little ranches en So we started, with the "guide" in the lead, had. At last a man who overheard the con
countered, but on this occasion we were in an the pack mule next, and myself bringing up versation stepped up and told me that if I
unsettled wilderness and the travelers were not the rear. We went down and down. And cared to put up with the accommodations of a
to be found. So we were forced to proceed in then we kept on going down and down. And sitting room opening off his bakery, I was
hit-or-miss fashion until, just at sunset, we when we thought we must surely be down, we welcome to its use. Anything with a roof
came out on the edge of a lofty cliff, and, still kept on going farther down and down. looked good and I at once accompanied my
looking downward into the depths of a tre The sun was just sinking as we started on volunteer host to his residence and place of
mendous abyss a mile and more in width, saw the downward trail and before long it was business.
what we had reason to believe, as indeed dark. The farther we went down the trail the When we halted I had looked at my watch.
proved to be the case, the red tiled roofs and darker it became, until I could not see even It was ten o'clock ! We had taken over four
white walls of the ancient pueblo of Bacis the pack mule in front of me. The angle of hours to make a trip which I had regarded as
(accent on the last syllable and a soft "c.") descent was so steep that I lay back in my requiring only an hour and a half at the out
Away down in the bottom of the quebrada saddle until my body almost touched that of side. And I came to a decision right then and
was a narrow snow white ribbon- resembling my mule, while my feet were in the vicinity there, and one that I have adhered to ever
nothing so much as a piece of common cotton of his ears and nose. I made no attempt to since-never to try mountain travel after dark.
thread thrown carelessly on the ground guide the animal, as is proper in the moun
It does not pay ! Better a dry camp and a
among the sand and rocks and boulders. We tains. A self-respecting mule knows better dry supper or no supper at all.
knew of course that it was a stream, but from than his master where to step, and can see in Next day we went down the canyon to a
our commanding position up here in the sky the darkest night. I merely held my bridle foreign owned mine that had been my objec
could form little or no idea of its size. That rein so that if the beast stumbled by any ill tive, receiving a warm welcome. After de
Septiembre, 1920
la marcha y hacía mucho tiempo que había
descendido la oscuridad de la noche. Entre
Por Caminos y Veredas de Mexico más descendíamos, más densa se hacía la
oscuridad hasta el grado de que no podía yo
Escenas y Aventuras en Caminos y Parajes Poco ver a la mula de carga que caminaba delante
Frecuentados por Viajeros y Escritores de mí. Era tan pronunciado el ángulo de
descenso que caminaba yo echando para atrás,
Por GEO. F. WEEKS apoyando casi mis espaldas en el cuerpo de mi
en el suelo, descuidadamente , entre las rocas y cabalgadura, en tanto que mantenía mis piés
cerca de sus orejas y de su nariz. No intenté
ARIAS jornadas al sudoeste de Topia, piedras. Naturalmente que comprendimos se
trataba de un riachuelo, pero desde nuestra guiar al animal, como es lo debido en las mon
por un camino que corre por la cresta tañas. Una mula que se respeta a si misma
posición dominante, próxima del cielo, no
V de la cordillera, encuentráse la pobla sabe mejor que su amo donde debe poner las
ción minera de Bacis, situada en el fondo de podíamos formarnos sino una ligera idea o ni
aún eso, de sus dimensiones. Dejamos la patas y pueba ver aún en la noche más oscura.
la quebrada del mismo nombre, y sobre las Me conformé, pues, con sujetar la rienda de
riberas de un río llamada igualmente el identificación de su tamaño para unos cuantos
manera que si tropezara la mula por desgracia,
Bacis . La víspera de mi llegada a la población días después, cuando tuvimos que cruzar el
río con nuestras mulas y nos encontramos con pudiera yo levantarla rápidamente . Además ,
nos perdimos completamente en medio de los
que el vado fué una ardua tarea. llevaba los piés libres en los estribos, del lado
espesos bosques de pinos y buscamos envano
fué la pregunta que opuesto del precipicio de madera que pudiera
algún lugar habitado para informarnos sobre ¿Qué debíamos hacer ?



el verdadero camino . Hasta entonces, nos formulamos ? ¿Acampar o seguir adelante ? dejarme caer sobre el muro rocoso si la ocasión
habíamos conducido de modo de obtener los No había pastura para las mulas ni agua lo exigía. Me arrepentí una y otra vez de
informes necesarios para nuestro viaje, de los para nosotros ni para ellas en el desierto y no haber aceptado pernoctar "en seco" en
desabrigado vértice de la montaña. Así, pues, el vértice de la montaña, pero no había modo
viajeros o de los pocos ranchos que encon
tránbamos al paso, en esta ocasión, hallándonos tomamos pronto una resolución. Bajaríamos . de detenerse después de que partimos, de
en un páramo deshabitado no podíamos encon Era la hora de la puesta del sol, hacia las seis modo que continuamos adelante, abajo, más
trar ningún caminante. Así puese, nos vimos de la tarde en esa región y época, y me abajo y más abajo, y aún descendimos así hora
obligados a proceder por propia iniciativa, imaginé que bastaría una hora y media tras hora. Me parecía como si hubiese perdido
acertada o erróneamente hasta que, preci cuando más para el viaje. Debí haber el camino y hubiese tomado una dirección
calculado mejor, pero en esa época no era yo opuesta a la ciudad. Pero al fin, divisé sus
samente a la puesta del sol, llegamos al borde
"conocedor de montañas" aunque es verdad. luces a distancia, llegué a ella entré en la
de un elevado risco, y mirando hacia abajo,
en la profundidad de un tremendo abismo de que lo vine a ser más o menos bien posterior única calle principal que posee y me detuve
más de una milla de ancho divisamos lo que En consecuencia, emprendimos la frente a la oficina de la policía, pues no había
supusimos con razón como lo comprobamos marcha, con el " guía" a la cabeza, la mula de hotel en el pueblo, y pregunté donde podía
más tarde, los techos de teja roja y los muros carga enseguida, y yo en la cola. Bajamos y encontrar albergue, para saber solamente que
bajamos . Y seguimos bajando y bajando. Y era día de fiesta, que la población estaba llena
blancos del viejo pueblo de Bacis (acento en la
última silaba y "c" suave.") cuando creíamos que con toda seguridad nos de forasteros y que no se podía conseguir alo
Abajo, en el fondo de la quebrada, mirá encontrábamos abajo, aun seguíamos descen jamiento. Por fin, un hombre que había es
base una estrecha cinta de nieve, que se aseme diendo más y más. El sol se hundía precisa cuchado la conversación, detúvose y me in
jaba bastante a un hilo de algodón tendido mente en los momentos en que rompimos dicó que si me tonformaba con un cuarto
26 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

scribing my journey of the night before, the protected settlement, without warning of any ishment the church was to be dismantled and
engineer to whom I was talking asked me kind, and the entire population was put to abandoned, and that they would be left to their
whether I had any idea of the distance I had death. Then came a cloudburst which own devices under the leadership of the devil,
traveled, that is, in a perpendicular direction . washed out the narrow trail that gave access who had instigated the slaughter of the ser
I told him I thought I had surely descended to the canyon, and so changed the face of vant of God. And dismantled and abandoned
fully three or four thousand feet. "You are nature that the locality became entirely inac it was, nor was a church ever again main
away off," he replied . "It is nearer seven cessible. But the orange trees were not de tained on this spot. At Bacis, however, is an
thousand. My measurements with instru stroyed, for every year at high water quanti ancient church, perhaps three hundred years
ments show that it is six thousand seven ties of ripe fruit come floating down the old or more, and boasting a holy water font
hundred feet from the cliff at the summit to Bacis river from some unknown source, popu carved from an immense stone, of great size
the point where you are standing." Here I larly believed to be the Lost City of Naranjal. and antiquity, and much venerated by the
met the superintendent, Mr. Wm. MacNeill, Many efforts have been made to solve the people. It was one of the most interesting
and his associates, and received a hearty invi secret of the Lost City, but without avail. of the many "antiguas" that I say in all my
tation to send up to the pueblo for my camp A resident of Topia spent an entire season in journeying.
outfit and make my headquarters at the com search, and returning home after a long ab As the limit of time set for my journey had
pany mess. The employes of the company sence, claimed to have made his way down nearly expired, I decided to go directly from
included representatives of Scotland, England, the canyon , where he found the half-ruined Bacis to Santiago Papasquiaro, which was the
Germany, the United States and California , houses, church, etc., jungles of orange and nearest railroad point. The trail in this direc
and a pleasanter and more congenial associa other trees, and best of all piles of rich ore tion is not nearly so precipitous nor dangerous
tion it was never my fortune to meet. (This from the mines which had been the original as the one from Otaez, which I had followed
was before August, 1914 ! ) I was made to cause of the building of the town. In proof in reaching Bacis, as it is used regularly by
feel completely at home and the three days he showed specimens of valuable ore which he pack trains and travelers, and is kept in fair
that I passed here will always remain a bright claimed to have found. He succeeded in in condition by the labor of prisoners and others.
spot in my memory. teresting a merchant of Topia in his story, I had been told that it was a very perilous and
While here I was able to vertify two stories and agreed with him that he would give him fearsome road, but did not find it so. Indeed,
about this region which I had picked up on a half interest in his discovery if the mer it turned out to be the best kept and most easily
the road. One was told me by a guide who chant would defray the expense necessary to followed of the hundreds of miles of moun
had been with me on the first part of my cut and blast a trail into the canyon and tain trail over which I had passed.
journey through the timber region west of open the mines. While the discoverer was Again and for the last time I went
Santiago Papasquiaro . It was to the effect getting together the necessary outfit for the through the experience of passing from the
that in a remote canyon tributary to the proposed work, he was attacked with sudden tropics to the semi- frigid zone with all the
great Bacis quebrada were a large number of illness and died, without having disclosed to intermediate gradations of temperature , in
cliff dwellings of most interesting character. any one the route taken by him in reaching little more than three hours . The first night
According to this guide, but few people knew the Lost City. So the secret perished with out from Bacis was the most uncomfortable
of the loction of these remains of a prehistoric him. of any that I had passed .
race, and so far as he knew he was the only At Bacis I found implicit believers in the We were unable to find a ranch that we
man who had ever visited them. It was a very truth of the tradition . One American had had been told of as a good place to pass the
difficult and dangerous trip, but he had been spent his spare time for years in the search, night, and darkness overtook us in a wild and
successful after many efforts, and he offered and was firm in the belief that he had located lonely spot. Finding it impossible to go far
to guide me to the spot for a consideration , of the canyon in which was hidden the Lost City, ther, we camped by the roadside . Fortunately,
course. According to his account, the dwell but though on one trip he had almost starved wood was abundant, as the night was bitter
ings were in a perfect state of preservation , to death, he had so far been unable to obtain cold and a piercing wind blew down the can
the walls being built of stone and cement or access thereto . I found him enthusiastic in yon. For once I followed the native example
mortar, and the houses divided into rooms by this belief, and it did not require much talk and did not remove my clothes, but crawled
partitions , also of stone and cement. The on his part to lead me to promise to accom into my blankets fully clad- a wise precaution,
openings for doors and windows were just pany him on the next trip he took-no date, as I had to get up no less than four times in
as their builders left them and in all respects however, being fixed for the expedition . the course of the night to attend to the fire,
the structures were in practically perfect con One of the most interesting things I saw at while the mozo snoozed quietly and never
dition . Bacis was the ruins of a church known to be lifted a hand all through the freezing
Upon inquiry among the foreigners at Bacis 370 years old. It had been a structure of large watches. In the morning he had the assurance
I found full corroboration of the story, which size, as shown by the debris of the old walls, to grin and remark : "You had to get up
I had until this time been disposed to regard but now nothing is left save a portion of one many times in the night to fix the fire, did you
as more or less apocryphal. Subsequently I of the towers and the better part of the wall not ?"
was afforded an opportunity to see the struc at the opposite end, where was located the high Five minutes after leaving this camp. we
tures. I learned that at various times parties altar. The carved stone of this altar still re rounded a turn in the canyon and came to
had sought to find a trail to these cliff dwell mains in place, and I succeeded in getting a the comfortable log cabin which should have
ings, but had so far been unsuccessful. The fairly good picture of it. It is related that this been our stopping place. For at least once I
dwellings had been seen by many in their was once a prosperous community and the was speechless !
lofty and apparently inaccessible location, but church was well attended. There were some Two days later I rode up to the door of
all efforts to reach them had been unavailing. warring factions, however, in the community, the hotel in Santiago Papasquiaro , whence I
Another story which had all along seemed and the enmity was so bitter that on one had started very nearly two months before,
even more apocryphal than the one about the occasion an open dispute followed by a fight and very glad indeed was I when I caugh *
cliff dwellings was the tradition of the "Lost took place in the very house of God itself. sight of the steel rails of the Ferrocarril In
City of Naranjal," which I had heard several The priest descended from the altar, went ternacional and realized that for a while at
times. According to the current legend, soon among the people and tried to put a stop to the least I could exchange the saddle and the
after the conquest rich mines were discovered sacrilege, but the blood of the combatants was mule for the cushions of a Pullman. It was a
in a rugged and precipitous canyon tributary hot and the peacemaker was killed even while heartfelt "Gracias a Dios" that I uttered when
to the Bacis quebrada . A town sprang up here, exhorting his murderers to respect the holy I dismounted and was able again to seek some
buildings of stone were erected , a church was place. When news of the deed was carried of the comforts of civilization- such as a
of course built, orange and other trees were to the Archbishop, a messenger was sent back bath, a barber shop, etc., not to mention a
planted, and the place was in the full tide of who told the people that for their sin in civilized table and the enjoyable company of
prosperity. But one day a band of savage murdering the priest their black souls were all friends .
Indians from the north swept down on the un consigned to the depths of hell ; that as a pun (To be continued.)


Septiembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 27

exterior que daba acceso a su panadería, sería tas y ventanas encontrábanse exactamente Encontré en Bacis quienes creían en la
yo bien recibido en él. Como me parecía en como las había dejado los constructores y tradición . Cierto norteamericano había em
esos momentos cualquiera cosa que tuviese un las estructuras se hallaban prácticamente en pleado sus ratos de ocio, durante muchos
techo, accepté la oferta de mi expontáneo buen estado , en todos respectos. años, en hacer la investigación y abrigaba la
huésped y lo acompañé a su residencia y centro Una investigación que hice entre los exS firme creencia de haber localizado el cañón
de negocios . tranjeros residentes en Bacis me confirmó donde se ocultaba la Ciudad Perdida, pero
Cuando nos detuvimos frente a la oficina plenamente el relato, que hasta entonces, como en su último viaje había sufrido
de la policía, habia yo consultado mi reloj . había estado inclinado a considerar como privaciones enormes y había estado a punto
¡ Eran las diez de la noche ! Habíamos em más o menos apócrifo. Posteriormente se de parecer de inanición no había podido
pleado más de cuatro horas para hacer un me presentó una oportunidad para ver esas obtener acceso al sitio buscado. Lo ví en
viaje que calculé lleviaría una hora y media construcciones . Supe que en distintas oca tusiasmado con su convicción , no habiéndose
cuando más. Y entónces me formé esta reso siones, ciertas partidas de curiosos habían necesitado mucha insistencia de su parte para
lución, a la que me he adherido siempre, desde tratado de encontrar un camino para llegar prometerle acompañarlo en su próximo viaje—
entónces-jamás intentar ningún viaje en las al sitio , pero sin obtener buen éxito. Mu aunque es cierto que no fijamos fecha para
montañas después de que ha descendido la chas personas habían visto las casas en su hacer la expedición.
oscuridad de la noche. ¡ No resulta ! Es pre altísimo y al parecer inaccessible asiento , (Continuara ) •
ferible aceptar un campo y una cena " secos" pero todos los esfuerzos hechos para llegar
o nada de cena allegado el caso ! a ellas habían resultado inútiles. Sin duda
Alta Estimacion par los
Al día siguiente marchamos, por el cañón, alguna que esperan interesantes descrubri
a una mina de propiedad extranjera, que mientos a la persona que dedique el tiem Poetas, Artistas, y Otros
había sido mi objetivo y donde disfruté de po y las fatigas suficientes a obtener acceso A ALTA estimación que tiene México por
una calurosa acogida. Después de relatar mi a esas ruinas de alguna raza antigua. LA los poetas, artistas, y otros de semejante
viaje de la víspera al ingeniero con quien Otro relato que me pareció aun más fal carácter, se demuestra en la reciente acción de
hablaba, me preguntó él si tenía yo una idea so que el de las casas de los acantilados , fué la Asociación de Periodistas de la Ciudad de
de la distancia que había recorrido- esto la tradición de "La Ciudad Perdida," que México quienes trataron de pedir clemencia
es, en sentido prependícular, dijele que creía había yo escuchado varias veces. Según dice para Fabio Fallio , patriota bien conocido en
haber descendido bien unos tres o cuatro mil la leyenda vulgar, inmediatamente después de Santo Domingo, quien fué juzgado por consejo
piés . "Está usted muy lejos de la verdad," la Conquista se descubrieron ricas minas en de guerra que tuvo efecto bajo las autoridades
replicó. "Son casi siete mil." Las mediciones • una cañón áspero y lleno de precipicios, militares Americanas en ese país. La estima
que he hecho con instrumentos adecuados de tributairio de la quebrada de Bacis. Levan general que se tiene para esta clase está en
muestran que hay una distancia de seis mil tóse en él una ciudad, se construyeron edificios, evidencia constante en la prensa . Las capciones
setecientos piés desde el risco del vértice hasta se edificó una iglesia, se plantaron naranjos y en la primera página siempre dan noticias de
el punto en que se encuentra usted en estos bien pronto llegó la villa al máximo de pros éstos , mientras que otras materias , como
momentos." Fué en este lugar donde encontré peridad. Pero cierto día hizo errupción en el política , crímenes, etc., se encuentran en una
al superintendente de la empresa proprietaria desarmado establecimiento una banda salvaje posición subordinada- en buen contraste de los
de la mina, Mr. Wm . MacNeill, y sus socios , de indios del norte, y toda la población fué métodos de otros países. Los lectores de la
quienes me invitaron cordialmente a enviar al pasada a cuchillo. En seguida se desató una Revista recordarán el relato del soldado
pueblo por mi equipaje y albergarme en la casa tormenta que borró el camino que conducía fugitivo que salvo su vido cuando dijo al
de la compañía. Los empleados de ésta al cañón y cambió de tal modo la natura enemigo que le perseguia que era poeta ; y es
incluían representantés de Escocia, Inglaterra, leza del terreno que se hizo inaccessible la de espera que el mismo alegato sirva en el
Alemania, los Estados Unidos y California, villa. Pero los naranjos no fueron destruí presento caso.
formando el grupo más placentero que quiso dos , pues año con año , en la época de las
mi buena fortuna que encontrase. ¡ Esto grandes crecientes, bajan flotando en las
acaecía antes del més de agosto de 1914 ! aguas del río Bacis, frutos maduros, de pro Camara de Comercio Americana
Se me hizo obrar como si estuviese en mi pro cedencia desconocida y que la imaginación En La Ciudad de Mexico
pia casa, por lo cual recuerdo con alegría popular cree que son de la Ciudad Perdida
N la junta de los directores de la Câmara
los tres días que pasé en el lugar. de Naranjal. E de Comercio Americana de la Ciudad de
Estando en él, pude verificar dos relatos Se han hecho inútilmente muchos, esfuer México los sigiuentes oficiales fueron elegidos
que recogí en el camino. Uno de ellos me zos para aclarar el misterio de la Ciudad
para el año entrante : Presidente, H. P. Lewis
fué referido por el guía que me acompañó Perdida. Un vecino de Topia empleó una
(reelegido ) ; vicepresidentes, Arnol Shanklin
en la primera parte de mi viaje, a través estación entera en hacer una investigación
y M. V. Steward ; tesorero, J. R. French ;
de la zona boscosa que se encuentra al oc y regresó a su casa después de una larga secretario, William T. Saunders. George T.
cidente de Santiago Papasquiaro. Referíase ausencia, pretendiendo que había llegado
Summerlin, encargodo de negocios de la
a que existía en un remoto cañón , tributario hasta el cañón , donde encontró casas semi
embajada americana, y John Barrett de Wash
de la gran quebrada de Bacis, un gran nú derruídas, una iglesia, etc., setos tupidos de ington, fueron también elegidos vicepresi
mero de construciones en los acantilados, naranjos y otros árboles , y, sobre todo , dentes honorarios . Los asuntos financiarios
alojamientos que eran del carácter más inHa montones de rico mineral precedente de las de la cámara están en una condición altamente
teresante. Según dijo mi guía sólo unas minas que habían sido la causa de la fundación satisfactiorias . Esta organización es una de
cuantas gentes conocían el lugar en que se de la Ciudad Perdida. Como prueba de las más activas en la promoción para tener
encontraban esos vestigios de una raza pre sus asertos , mostró algunos ejemplares de relaciones más cordiales entre los dos países,
histórica y que, por lo que había podido valioso mineral que dijo haber encontrado. y ha hecho un gran servicio en esa dirección.
saber, era el único hombre que las había Logró interesar con su relato a un comerciante
El personal de sus miembros y sus oficiales es
vistado . El camino para llegar a ellas era de Topia y convino con él en que partirían las
una garantía del buen trabajo que hace y el
difícil y peligroso, pero él lo había hecho, ganancias del descubrimiento si dicho comer
tras muchos esfuerzos y ofrecía conducirme ciantè sufragaba los gastos para construir un cual continuará indefinitivamente.
al célebre sitio-mediante una equitativa camino que condujera al cañón y para abrir
recompensa , naturalmente. Según su relato las minas. Mientras el descubridor reunía
El Gobierno Mexicano ha aprovado un
encontrábanse aquellas moradas en buen todos los elementos necesarios para la tarea reglamento para los cables inalambricos comer
estado de conservación , pues los muros ha que se proponía, fué atacado por súbita ciales entre ese país y el extrangero. Lo
bían sido construídos con piedra y cemen enfermedad y falleció, sin haber revelado a periódicos diarios de la capital tendrán el ser
to de mezcla y las casas estaban divididas
vicio franco . La Cámara del Comercio
ninguno el camino que había seguido para también ha nomrado un comité espesial para
en cuartos por particiones de piedra y ce llegar a la Ciudad Perdida. De esta suerte arreglar la cuestión de los mensajes de la
mento también . Las aberturas de las puer perecí con él el secreto . noche entre México y los Estados Unidos.
September, 1920

of misinformation from the gossip of a bunch

Pearls Produced by Cultivation
of jokers whose greatest delight was that fa
vorite pastime of the frontier known as "stuff
Lower California the Possessor of the Only Enterprise of the ing a tenderfoot."
Kind in the World-A Remarkable Achievement The legends of lost ships and hidden trea
sures and Golconda-like mines are familiar
OR SOME time Congress, a certain sun," at least when applied to purely material
enough to the few who have ever ventured
portion of the press, and various self things . But here is one. into this remote and forbidden region. The
F constituted bodies of persons whose Lower California is a little known country pearl fisheries of the Gulf of California have
dominant desire appears to be to " regulate"
and always has been. To the greater portion given wealth to not a few from the time of the
the affairs of the world to conform
of the world it is still as misty and hazy as it Conquistadores down to the present day, and
with their own oftentimes narrow ideas, was when to its limits was ascribed the famous the wonderful and extensive copper mines at
based upon ignorance or misinformatio n,
Kingdom ( or rather Queendom) of the Ama Santa Rosalia have poured wealth into the lap
have been wasting their time in dis zons, which was one of the traditions handed of the corporation that has jealously kept out
cussing what they choose to call the "ques down to and by the Conquistadores, along with siders from visiting the remote camp and ob
tion" of the purchase by the United States the Seven Cities of Cibola and the Golden
taining first hand information regarding the
from Mexico of the Territory of Lower Cali Towns of the far northwest. Those who have bonanza which they have so long enjoyed.
fornia. This calls to mind, from its similarity, skirted the Pacific coast on the long and But how many have ever heard, even among
the old story of the backwoodsman who, after tedious voyage from Panama to San Fran
those who are reasonably familiar with this
studying a circus poster depicting a giraffe cisco are familiar to repletion with the barren,
strange and out-of-the-way corner of the
for half an hour or more, at last delivered his verdureless hills and mountains that form the
world, that Lower California possesses one
judgment : "Huh ! There ain't no such a shore line, with their jagged summits and
animile !" So, too, with the so-called "ques thing that is distinctly unique ? The world
precipitous sides. Not a particle of vegeta has nothing else like it and its relation sounds
tion" of the purchase of Lower California. tion is there to relieve the monotony of the
"There ain't no such a question !" almost like a fairy tale.
ash-gray slopes and one turns his eyes for Who is there among the readers of this
Any one with the slightest knowledge of
Mexico and the Mexican character knows
without argument or discussion that
might as well talk of the purchase of a portion
of the moon, as to fancy for one moment that
there is the slightest possibility of persuading
Mexico to part with an inch of her territory
through any other method than that of over
whelming force and violence . Every person
possessed of the most ordinary powers of ob
servation who has lived in Mexico no more
than a few months ; every person who has
read history and knows what happened to the
man who was responsible for the cession of
upwards of one-third part of the then Mexi
can territory to the United States as a seque!
of the war of 1846-47 ; every one who knows
in what detestation the memory of that man is
held knows that the mere suggestion of the
segregation of any further portion of Mexican
soil (or water) , whether to the United States,
Japan or what ever other power, is sufficient to
arouse the deepest antagonism of any Mexican,
whether peon, merchant, official or what not. Courtesy Pan-American Union
The time and space devoted to the discussion CANALS IN WHICH YOUNG OYSTERS ARE RAISED
of this figment of the imagination are worse
than wasted, since their only result is to relief to the swelling surges of the ocean, and article who ever heard of the great pearl
arouse ill feeling and antagonism at a time does not let them return for a moment to the
oyster cultivating plant on the coast of Lower
when exactly the opposite course should be barren, eye-wearying desert character of the California-the only one of the kind in the
pursued. In fact, there is more or less reason shore line. A few there are who are ac world? True, there are many portions of
for the belief that this indeed is the object of quainted with the eastern shore of the penin both Europe and of this continent where the
those agitating the matter, since they know full sula, abutting on the Gulf of California. edible oyster is "cultivated," but not another
well (or at least the leaders do ) the truth of They know something either from experience establishment exists where pearl oysters are
what has just been said.. or hearsay about the wonderful "tidal bore" the subject of artificial propagation and care.
of the mouth of the Colorado river, with some Away off down there ( look at your map) on
But enough of this . It is of certain features,
or rather a single feature, of Lower California, of the tragedies that have thereby befallen the southeastern portion of the Gulf coast of
that tierra incognita to most of the world, that ignorant and unsuspicious travelers. They the Territory, you note an islet a short dis
this article proposes to deal, and it is a fea have heard enough about the Seri Indians and tance off the shore marked "Isla del Espiritu
ture too that is absolutely unique. It is to be their habitat, Tiburon Island, with their purely Santo," or the Island of the Holy Ghost. It is
doubted whether the most ardent advocate of supposititious cannibalistic tendencies and pro some fifteen miles north of La Paz, the only
trouble through the promulgation of the ab clivities, to persuade them to remain at a re settlement of any size or importance in the re
surdity referred to at the outset knows any spectful distance therefrom . The well-known gion, and is in the center of the natural pearl
thing whatever regarding the subject to which journal ist who wrote a thrilling account of his oyster beds which are found for a distance of
the reader's attention is invited for a brief alleged experiences among these Indians knew hundreds of miles up and down that coast.
space. There are not many things, in these enough, or rather thought he did, about them . Between the island and the nearest mainland is
days of rapid communication, by air, land and not to set foot on the island, but to do his the "Canal of San Lorenzo," and the San
sea, that are new or novel. It can well be "investigation" from the deck of a vessel at a Gabriel Cove, and here it is that the business
said that "there is nothing new under the safe distance off shore, and derived his fund of " cultivating" the pearl oyster and encour
Septiembre, 1920
a una respetuoso distancia de dicha isla . El
Se Producen Perlas Por Medio Del Cultivo periodista bien conocido que escribió un sen
sacional relato sobre sus supuetas experiencias
entre dichos indios sabía, o mejor dicho ,
La Baja California es Poseedora de la Unica Empresa de Este
pensaba que sabía, mucho sobre ellos, para no
Género en el Mundo - Una Obra Notable
poner ni un pié en la isla sino que hizo su
"investigación" desde el puente de un navio
URANTE algún tiempo, el Congreso, al principio, sepa alguna cosa al sujeto
sepa alguna anclado a cierta distancia de la costa y fundó
la prenas y varias agrupaciones par sobre el cual llamamos la atención del lector
en las falsedades y charlatanerías de un
D ticulares de individuos, cuyo deseo por un momento . En estos días de rápida
puñado de bromistas cuvo mayor placer con
dominante parece ser el " arreglar" los asun comunicación por el aire, la tierra y el mar no sistía en el pasatiempo favorito conocido de la
tos del mundo hasta conformarlos con sus, hay muchas cosas que sean nuevas . Puede
frontera bajo el nombre de "engañar a un
a menudo, estrechas ideas, basadas, en la decirse con justicia que "no hay nada nuevo
ignorancia o falsa información, han perdido bajo el sol" cuando se habla de cosas pura
Las leyendas de los buques perdidos, de los
su tiempo en discutir lo que han dado en mente materiales. Pero he aquí una verda
tesoros ocultos y de las minas como las de
llamar la "cuestión" de la compra del Terri deramente nueva. Golconda, son bastante familiares a los pocos
torio de la Baja California por los Estados La Baja California es y ha sido siempre viajeros que se han aventurado en esta remota
Unidos a México . Esto recuerda, por su un país muy poco conocido. Para la ma
yor parte del mundo es aun tan nebuloso y prohibida región. Las pesquerías de perlas
semejanza, la vieja historia de aquel habitante del Golfo de California han enriquecido a no
de un remoto y rústico país quien, después como lo era cuando se colocaba cerca de
pocos desde la éspoca de los conquistadores
de haber estado contemplando un cartel anun sus confines el famoso reino (o mejor di
hasta nuestros días ; las maravillosa y extensas
ciador de un circo, que representaba una cho, Reino de las Mujeres ) de las Ama
minas de cobre de Santa Rosalía han derra
girafa, formuló el siguiente jucio al cabo de zonas que fué una de las tradiciones re
cogidas y transmitidas por los conquistadores, mado riquezas en los cofres de la Corpora
hora y media : " Hum !" No existe tal animal !"
Así sucede con la amada "cuestión" de la juntamente con las Siete Ciudades de Cibola ción que con gran celo, ha impedido a los
compra de la Baja California : "No hay tal
cuestión !"
Cualquiera que posea un ligero conoci
mientó de México y del carácter mexicano
sabe, sin que haya lugar a duda, que daría
lo mismo hablar de comprar una parte de
la luna que imaginarse por un momento
que existe la más pequeña posibilidad de
inducir a México a deshacerse de una pul
gada de su territorio por cualquier medio.
que no fuera el empleo de la violencia y
le fuerza arrolladoras. Todo aquel que po
see la facultad ordinaria de observación y
que haya vivido en México unos cuantos
meses, todos los que hayan leído la his
toria del país y que sepan lo que sucedió
al responsable de la cesión de más de un
tercio de la superficie de México a los Es
tados Unidos, como consecuencia de la guerra
de 1846-47 ; todos los que saben cómo se
detesta la memoria de ese hombre, comprenden
que la simple sugestión de segregar otra parte
del terreno mexicano (o de sus aguas terri PUTTING THE CRATES OF YOUNG OYSTERS BACK INTO THE WATER
toriales) , y sea para cederlo a los Estados
Unidos, al Japón o a cualquiera otra potencia, y las Ciudades de Oro del lejano noroeste . forasteros que visiten sus remotos campos y
basta para provocar un profundo antagonismo Los que han bordeado la costa del Pacífico en obtengan en ellos informes sobre la bonanza de
de todos los mexicanos, peones, comerciantes, el largo y tedioso viaje de Panamá a San que han disfrutado tanto tiempo.
funcionarios o lo que sean. El tiempo y el Francisco están familiarizados hasta la hartura ¿Pero cuántos han sabido, aún entre los que
espacio que se dediquen a la discusión de esta con las colimas y montañas peladas y despro conocen medianamente a este extraño y
ficción son peores que perididos, ya que el úni vistas de vegetación que forman la línea de la remoto rincón del mundo, que la Baja Cali
so resultado que se produce es el provocar senti costa, con sus vértices dentados y sus faldas fornia posée algo que es distintamente único ?
mientos de hostilidad y antagonismo en una llenas de precipicios . No existe ni una partícula El mundo no tiene cosa parecida, y el relato de
época en que se debe perseguir precisamente de vegetación que rompa la monotonía de las lo que es se parece más bien a un cuento de
el objeto contrario . En verdad que existen faldas cenicientas y el viajero se ve obligado hadas.
más o menos motivos para creer que tal es el a volver sus miradas, en busea de tregua para ¿ Quién de los que lean este artículo ha oído
objeto que persiguen los que tratan de agitar su tédio, a las hinchadas olas del oceáno y no hablar de la gran planta cultivadora de concha
el asunto, ya que conocen perfectamente bien. las deja tornar ni por un momento al desnudo perla que se encuentra en la costa de la Baja
(o cuando menos sus jefes ) la verdad que se y fatigoso desierto del litoral . Pocas personas California-la única de su género en el mundo ?
ha expresado anteriormetne. conocen la costa oriental de la península, sobre Es verdad que existen en muchas partes de
Pero basta de ésto. Es a ciertos aspec el Golfo de California. Saben algo, ya sea Europa y de este Continente establecimientos
tos o mejor dicho a un aspecto único de por propia experiencia o por lo que han oído, donde se "cultiva" la ostra comestible, pero no
la Baja California, esa tierra que es aún sobre la maravillosa marea del Río Colorado existe ningún otro donde la concha perla sea
incógnita para la mayor parte del mundo y de algunas de las desgracias que han su sometida a la propagación artificial y un
al que trata de referirse este artículo y cedido en ellas a los viajeros ignorantes y atento cuidado. Abajo de él (consúltese el
es un aspecto verdaderamente singular. Debe confiados. Han oído lo bastante sobre los mapa) en la porción sudoriental de la costa
dudarse de que el abogado más ardiente Indios Seri y su país, la Isla Tiburón, de del Golfo, so verá una isleta, situada a cor
defensor de la provocación de dificultades las propensiones y tendencias caníbales que ta distancia del litoral y que está marcada
por medio del asunto a que nos referimos se les atribuyen falsamente, para mantenerse con este nombre : Isla del Espíritu Santo.
September, 1920
aging it to do its best for the behoof of gem until they are mature, from three to four years prepared for market, bringing as high as $500
lovers and wearers is carried on upon an being required to reach full maturity so far
per ton.
extensive and important as well as decidedly as the shell is concerned . After four years
lucrative scale. The accepted theory of the origin of pearls,
the shells are subject to deterioration from a according to the originator of this plant, Mr.
The Gulf of California itself at this point variety of causes. The pearls are most fre Gaston Vives, is that they are formed in the
and for a long distance in either direction quently secreted in the young oysters and in
fleshy part of the oyster as the result of the
abounds in natural deposits of the pearl oys crease in size with time. But after three years intrusion of a cestode parasite, around which
ter, which have been exploited ever since the few are secreted. There is danger of loss as the oyster secretes a layer of epithelial tissue,
discovery of that body of water by the Con well from accidents to the oyster which permit
within which the pearl is eventually formed.
quistadores which is now known as the Gulf the pearl to drop from its home. Most of the Prior to the revolution several crops of
of California, but was called by them the Sea pearls are found in the flesh of the oyster, shell had been secured and the industry
of Cortez, as indeed it is still known to some but occasionally they are attached to the shell . promised to be highly remunerative. Unfortu
extent and can be found so designated on cer Some beautiful specimens have been shown nately bandits destroyed a portion of the
tain maps . In their natural condition and
the writer, one noteworthy from there being plant located on shore- the buildings, shelters,
when unprotected these oysters are the prey two snow-white pearls of exactly the same
etc. -and at present efforts are under way to
of a variety of submarine animal life, while size and attached to the shell firmly, but so as restore the establishment and put it again into
the scattered nature of the beds makes their to leave all but the small point of contact free full working order. Enough was accomplished
exploitation anything but a certain source of and exposed . By cutting these twin pearls
in the years prior to the revolution, however,
revenue, though ample returns not infrequently from the shell and leaving sufficient of the to demonstrate that the idea had been entirely
reward the pearl fishers. Nevertheless it may latter to hold them together as arranged by removed from the domain of chance, and that
well be called a game of chance, though at
tracting many, as it is a "gamble" with all the
lure of the gambling table, though in this case
the "stakes" are not even in sight and the
player has to "go it blind." After long expe
rience in this enticing game of chance, and
perhaps encouraged by the success that is
known to attend the cultivation of the edible
oyster, an enterprising individual decided that
it might be feasible to apply those methods or
something like them to the systematic produc
tion of pearls by protecting the parent oyster
from the ravages of its enemies and even to
encourage them to make the secretions that
form the pearls, as also to increase the pro
duction of the shells, which form not the least
important source of revenue for the pearl
A plan was decided upon after much
thought in order to provide against all possible
contingencies, and it is sufficient to say that
it has been carried through to success and the
business of cultivating the pearl oyster has
been put upon a successful and remunerative.
basis. A technical description of the plant
would interest no one except a technical ex
pert or student. For the average newspaper Courtesy Pan-American Union
reader it is sufficient to say that a section of OPENING PEARL OYSTERS ON BOARD VESSEL
the bay was walled off by a substantial ma
sonry pier or dike, reaching well above high nature, a decidedly novel and handsome orna- it is as nearly a practical business proposition
water mark. Openings in this pier admit the ment could be made. Other interesting speci- with a certainty of adequate return as can be
free passage of the sea water, but are pro mens were two shells into which small fish found.
tected by heavy wire screens that prevent any had swum when opened for feeding. The In this connection, it is interesting to note
intruders were at once killed and their bodies that the writer
injurious animal life from entering. A large of this article is at present in
part of the bottom of this segregated area was covered with the secretion which forms the communication with a resident of the Puget
cleared of all growth and paved with rock pearls. They are clearly outlined on the Sound country who claims to have developed
polished inside surface of the shell and pre and demonstrated a process by which it is
brought from the mainland and laid by men
sent a most interesting example of the capa possible to so treat or "inoculate" the pearl
in diving dress.
The oyster "spat" or seed at certain seasons bility of the oyster in protecting itself from oyster, with some substance and in some man
outside attack. ner which is his personal secret, that great
are found floating in the water, having been
propagated from the " wild" oysters. Wire When the oysters have attained the proper numbers of pearls can be obtained with
trays provided with short pieces of lath are age for marketing, the crates containing the certainty.
used for collecting the seed, the young oysters shells are hauled by windlass up the runways
from the bottom of the bay and the contents The British Overseas Journal states that the
attaching themselves to the wood. Large oys
Laguna cotton growers of Mexico are in com
ters of both sexes (they are male and female) are spread out for examination. As in the munication with prominent British cotton
are also placed in these trays in order to make diamond mines of South Africa, every pre buyers with a view of placing the entire sur
sure of a supply of spat. When sufficient have caution has to be taken to prevent the cupidity plus cotton output this year in the British
been gathered, the trays are placed in ma of the shell openers from making way with market. This is quite possible in view of
the valuable contents when found. antagonistic American legislation against Mex
One ican
sonry channels inside of the protected area, cotton.
and are left several months until sufficiently watcher is assigned to each two openers, and
grown. They are then transferred to large the movements of their hands are carefully The daily newspapers of Mexico City have
crates which are placed on paved runways in advanced the price of their papers from six to
watched while the work is going on. The ten cents, equal
to three and five cents Ameri
the protected region of the bay, and there left shells themselves are afterwards cleaned and can gold."
Septiembre , 1920

de alambre provistos de cortos pedazos de Se vigilan con extremo cuidado todos los mo
Encuéntrase a quince millas al norte de La vimientos de sus manos mientras se practica
Paz, el único establecimiento de importancia. lámina. Las ostras jóvenes se adhieren
de la región, y en el centro de los yacimientos expontáneamente a la madera. Las mayores la operación. Posteriormente se limpian y
de ambos sexos (hay machos y hembras) preparan las conchas para el mercado, ven
naturales de concha perla que se encuentran diéndose al precio de quinientos pesos la
en una extensión de centenares de millas hacia se disponen también en grandes bandejas a fin
de contar con una provisi ón suficien te de tonelad a.
el norte y sur, a lo largo de la costa . Entre la
huevas. Cuándo se han recogido bastante se La teoría aceptada sobre el origen de las
isla y la vecina zona de la tierra firme se halla
el Canal de San Lorenzo y la ensenada de colocan las bandejas en canales de mampos perlas, según dice el fundador de esta planta,
San Gabriel, siendo aquí donde se desarrolla tería, dentro de la zona protegida y se dejan el señor Gastón Vices, es la que afirma que se
allí por varios meses hasta que han crecido lo forman en la parte carnosa de la ostra, como
en una extensa, importante y lucrativa escala, resultado de la introducción de ciertos
suficiente. Se trasladan entonces a unos cestos
la industria de "cultivar" la concha perla y parásitos en torno de los cuales secerta la
grandes que se colocan en canales pavimenta
de favorecerla para que rinda lo más que se ostra una capa de tejido epitelial, dentro de la
dos en la misma zona protegi da de la bahía,
pueda en provecho de los amantes y portadores
donde quedan para madurar, requiriéndose cual se forma la perla a veces.
de perlas. Antes de que estallara la revolución se
En este punto y en considerable distancia, para ésto de tres a cuatro años, por lo que
toca a la maduración de la concha. Pasado habían recogido varias cosechas de conchas y
abunda el Golfo de California en depósitos
naturales de concha perla que han sido explo ese plazo las conchas quedan expuestas a la industria prometía resultar remuneradora
en alto grado . Desgraciadamente los bandidos
tados desde el descubrimiento por los conquis deteriorarse por muchas causas.
Con más frecuencia se secretan las perlas destruyeron una parte de la planta- situada
tadores, de esa parte del mar que se conoce
en las ostras jóvenes y aumentan de tamaño en la costa- edificios cobertizos, etc. -y en la
bajo el nombre de Golfo de California pero
que ellos llamaron Golfo de Cortés , como aún con el tiempo. Pero después de tres años se actualidad se hacen grandes esfuerzos para
producen pocas . Existe el peligro de pérdidas reconstruir el establecimiento y ponerlo nue
se le nombra y se denomina en ciertos mapas.
En su estado natural y cuando carecen de
protección esas ostras son presa de una
variedad de peces. Por otra parte, lo disperso
de esos depósitos hace su expoltación algo
distinto de una buena fuente de ingresos ,
por más que no con poca frecuencia
obtienen buenas ganancias los pescadores
de perlas. Sin embargo , puede muy bien ser
considerada dicha explotación como un juego
de azar aunque atrae a muchos, y es un "jue 20
go" con todo el cebo del tapete verde por más
que en este caso no estén las apuestas a la
vista y tenga el jugador que "marchar a
tientas." Tras una larga experiencia en este FLEET OF PEARLING VESSELS IN THE GULF OF CALIFORNIA
incitante juego de azar y quizás alentado por
el éxito que se sabe obtiene el cultivo de la por diversos motivos, lo mismo que por la vamente en aptitud de funcionar perfecta
ostra comestible, un individuo de iniciativa propria ostra, que deja desprenderse la perla mente. Se había logrado mucho en los años
pensó que sería posible aplicar los métodos de la concha. La mayor parte de las gemas se anteriores a la revolución, no obstante, para
usados con ese fin, o algunos parecidos , para encuentran en la carne de las ostras, pero demostrar que se había sacado, enteramente la
lograr la sistemática producción de perlas, incidentalmente se las encuentra adheridas a idea del terreno de las probabilidades y que
protegiendo a los padres contra los ataques de la concha. Se han mostrado al que esto escribe constituía una oferta práctica de negocio con
sus enemigos marinos y aun estimulándolos a algunos bellos ejemplares, uno de ellos muy la certeza de obtener buenas utilidades.
desprender las secreciones que forman las per notable, consistente en dos perlas de blanco de Es interesante observar a este respecto que
las, como tambien aumentando la producción nieve, de igual tamaño, adheridas firmemente el que esto escribe se encuentra en communic
de las conchas, que no forman la menor fuente a la concha de manera que tienen libre toda su ción con un residente de Punget Sound, quien
de granancias para el pescador de perlas . superficie, excepto su pequeña zona de con pretende haber desarrollado y demonstrado
Después de mucho meditar formó un plan tacto . Cotando esas perlas gemelas de la un proceso por el cual es posible tratar de
para ponerse a salvo de todas las contingencias, concha, pero respetando la parte de ésta a que "inocular" la concha perla con cierta sustancia,
siendo suficiente decir que dicho plan se ha están adheridas tal como lo hizo la naturaleza. según cierto modo que es el secreto del des
realizado con buen éxito y que se ha estable se obtendría un bello y novedoso adorno. Otros cubridor, y con lo cual se obtiene con seguridad
cido la industria de cultivar la concha perla dos ejemplares interesantes fueron dos conchas de una producciós mucho mayor de perlas.
sobre una base ventajesa y remuneradora. No en que se encontraron pequeños peces
interesaría a nadie, excepto a un experto o a cuando, se abrieron. Los intrusos fueron
Estimacion Popular del
un estudiante de estos asuntos, una descrip muertos inmediatamente, siendo cubiertos sus Presente Gobierno
ción técnica de la planta cultivadora. Para lacuerpos con la secreción que forma las perlas.
L Boletín de la Cámara de Comercio es la
media de los lectores bastará decir que se ha Los cadáveres se delinean claramente en el
áislado una parte de la bahía por medio de brillante interior de la concha y constituyen E autoridad de lo siguiente respecto de
un ejemplo ilustrativo de la capacidad de la las condiciones actuales del país bajo el
la erección de un sólido muro de mampostería,
o dique, que sube más que el nivel de la ma octra para defenderse contra los ataques Gobierno presente :
rea alta. Ciertas aberturas que tiene el dique
extraños. "Por la primera vez en ocho años México
permitea el paso del agua, pero están provistos Cuando las ostras han alcanzado la edad está realmente pacificado. Los trenes salen
de telas de fuerte alambre que cerran la suficiente para ser puesta en el mercado, se sin escolta militar y el brigandage ha desa
entrada a cualquier dañino habitante del mar. trasladan los cestos que las contienen por parecido. Todas las fuerzas revolucionarias
Gran parte del fondo de esta parte así aislada medio de calabrotes, de las canales, desde el que presistieron luchar con el régimen de Ca
rranza han dado una bienvenida al nuevo
fué limpiada de toda clase de vegetación sub fondo de la bahía y se saca su contenido para
marina y pavimentada con rocas traídas de ser examinado. Como pasa en las minas de Gobierno y están trabajando con voluntad por
tierra firme y colocadas por buzos . diamantes del Africa del Sur, se adoptan toda su consolidación. Comentarios de la prensa
Las huevas o semillas de la ostra, se en clase de precauciones para evitar que la americana indican que el nuevo Gobierno está
cuentran flotando sobre las aguas en ciertas codicia de los operarios encargadas de abrirlas reciviendo en el extranjero una bienvenida
ocasiones, derivándose de las ostras incultas. los lleve a robarse el precioso contenido. Se grata, y generalmente se cree que México ha
dejado atras sus principales sufrimientos. "
Se emplean para recoger dicha semilla cestos destina un vigilante a cada dos trabajadores.

32 THE MEXICAN REVIEW September, 1920

Headquarters for

100,000 acres of hardwood timber

រ and OIL lands , in


HE MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU has established

offices at Rooms 501-502 , Pope Building, 817 Details furnished to

Fourteenth Street, Washington, D. C. , and is pre serious buyers
pared to furnish the latest and most reliable information
regarding affairs in the Republic of Mexico .

Bulletins of important news will be supplied to
those desiring them, while special inquiries will be un GEORGE WILSON
dertaken and accurate reports secured promptly wher
Apartado (P. O. Box) , 1677
ever possible.

The "Mexican Review" will be issued monthly, in @T

English and Spanish, the same articles appearing in both

languages, making it invaluable to students of either
tongue, as well as affording the only means for obtaining
up-to-date information regarding the topics discussed. A Good Book for Vacation Reading

Those associated in the enterprise are qualified by

long residence in Mexico and thorough familiarity with
political, social and industrial conditions, to speak in MEXICAN PLAZA ”

telligently and with authority thereon. "A Summer's Idyll

of an Idle Summer ”
Telephonic, personal and mail inquiries will re
ceive prompt and careful attention .
Price $1 , postage paid. With one year's sub
scription to the Mexican Review $2.75.
Published by the Fleming H. Revell Company
GEO . F. WEEKS , Manager. New York, Chicago, London and Edinburgh.

Rooms 501-502, Pope Building,

Send check or money order to
817 Fourteenth Street,
Washington, D. C.
Telephone Main 4953 817 Fourteenth St. , Rooms 501-506


Av . F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box, 131 Bis . Mexico , D. F.

F. Peltier, Fco. Coudurier, G. A. Moran,

Geo . J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zant, Jr. , Cashier. Assistant Cashier.
President . Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager.



Current Checking Accounts of Merchants , Manufacturers and Individuals Invited






From President de la Huerta's Recent Address at the

Opening of the Mexican Congress


Its Philosophy and Economic Bases



By E. M. WILSON, C. E.


Report by COL. L. ERVIN MAUS , U.S. A. (retired)

Poetry, Live Interpretative News Features and Editorials

p666aaaaaa S

15c . American. The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English. 30c. Oro Nal .
Mexicans Pay Honor to the American Independence Day

Celebration in Nogales, Arizona


from reviewing stand

on Mexican soil ,
reviews Independence
Day parade ín
Nogales , Arizona

American and Mexican

Consuls on his right ,
Mayors of Nogales,
Arizona, and Nogales,
Mexico on his left .



The presidents of the

Nogales Chambers of
Commerce, A.C.Villesenor
of Nogales, Sonora on
left of Obregon; Bracey
Curtis, Nogales , Arizona
on right.



Courtesy Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Arizona




www ទំហំ ទង់ខាង



191 M

$3 ****




The Liberty Bell in front of the National Palace,

which is always rung in memory of Indepen Veterans of the War of 1847 commemorating the Chapultepec Cadets who fell in defense of the Castle
dence Day, September 16, 1810
The Mexican Review


"The Finances of Mexico "

The Mexican Review Redemption of Paper Money
HE REVIEW is in receipt of a copy of
N accordance with the statements pub. T
Published Monthly at Washington, D. C. INlished heretofore in THE REVIEW, the The Financial Review of Reviews, of Lon
Monetary Commission, under whose direct don, which contains one of a series of articles
GEO. F. WEEKS J - EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR charge was placed the issue of the so - called bearing the foregoing title, and written by Pro
"vales" or paper currency several months fessor Percy F. Martin, author of several
Yearly subscription in the United States , Canada and ago in order to relieve the fractional cur works on Mexico and Latin-American coun
Mexico , $2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50. rency stringency due to the high price of tries. Mr. Martin takes a sane and sensible
silver bullion and the consequent disap view of the situation in Mexico and his re
Office-Rooms 501-502 , 817 Fourteenth Street pearance of subsidiary coin, has redeemed marks are worthy of consideration by every
Washington , D. C. one who wishes to learn the truth about the
at par in gold coin all outstanding bills that
have been presented . Upward of a quarter "Mexican situation" as distinguished from the
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU flood of untruth and misrepresentation of the
of a million remains unredeemed , and this
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important matters. greater portion of the press. Besides dealing
Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared by com amount is believed to represent bills that
petent writers. Photographs furnished when desired . were worn out, burned or otherwise acci with the financial situation, the author takes
Questions answered . Special inquiries undertaken . dentally destroyed. Every pledge made cccasion to point out the manner in which the
when the paper was issued has thus been public is misled by erroneous reports of occur
kept. The lowering of the market value of rences or by reports that are without any
More Commendable Pacification foundation whatever. He selects the case of
silver bullion and the increased activity of
HE policy of the present Mexican Gov the mint has supplied all currency require Mr. Cummings, British Charge d'Affairs, as
THernment in carrying out its work of ments, and once more Mexico occupies the one in point. That gentleman was reported
pacifying the country by peaceable rather proud position of being the only country in throughout the world as having been expelled
than by violent measures received an apt from Mexico, yet nothing could be further
the world where the sole circulating medium
from the truth . Yet millions still believe the
exemplification in the case of Villa. An is gold and silver.
other notable instance is now added to the report simply because those who first circulated
it have not had the candor to give the facts
history of the administration in the manner
contradictory of their sensational original state
in which the Lower California situation has Not an Unfavorable Showing
ments . The entire article is replete with in
been handled . Despite the alarming and NEWSPAPER correspondent whose
formation of the most valuable character and
sensational newspaper reports, the entire A personal knowledge of Mexican matters
stamps its author as one of the exceptional
affair has been settled in an amicable and is confined to a visit of a few short weeks
few who first make sure of their facts and
bloodless fashion . Governor Cantu has re and one of whose chief sources for "infor
then give them , regardless of consequences .
mation" is the gossip of the foreign clubs
tired voluntarily and gracefully, having rec
and hotel lobbies , writes an article that has
ognized to the fullest the authority of the
been published under the heading in black
central government, and his successor has A Proud Enough Record
type, "Crimes Increase in Mexico City ." In
taken office without firing a shot or spilling the course of the article it is declared that ILLIAM J. BRYAN, a gentleman not
a drop of blood . The approbation of "good "on one day five crimes against person and Wunknown to fame, says in his paper, The
work well done" is being well earned in this property were reported, and on the day Commoner: "What has become of the cock
direction as well as in many other of the following seven similar offenses were re sure financial authorities who in 1896 prated
activities of the government on behalf of ported." Inasmuch as the population of about the unchangeable value of gold and the
the country . Mexico City is in the vicinity of a million , sufficiency of the gold standard ?" What in
one may be pardoned for asking if this is deed ? Mr. Bryan has championed three great
not a decidedly favorable showing? Will it reforms in behalf of mankind- woman suf
Oil Values and Taxation frage, prohibition and the double standard of
not compare with foreign cities on both
LSEWHERE THE REVIEW gives the latest continents to the advantage of Mexico ? gold and silver. He was ridiculed and opposed
decree of the Government with regard for years, but has lived to see two of these
to the taxes levied upon petroleum and its reforms written into the Federal Constitution .
products for exportation . There is a wide
More Ignorance About Mexico Who shall dare predict that he will not live
spread misunderstanding regarding this
WASHINGTON dispatch of recent date to see the remonetization of silver ? To few
matter, and some very erroneous ideas
A says that the Mexican government has just men in the world's history has it been given
have been inculcated . As will be seen , the
given the first intimation that it proposes to to win such victories as have fallen to the
valuations placed upon the products referred
recognize any part of the so-called "Huerta Nebraska leader. It may well be that other
to are not excessive, and neither are the
rates of taxation . When it is remembered loans." The author of that dispatch is woefully victories will yet be his .
that the total collections of such taxes in ignorant of Mexican history. Such "intimation
the three last years amounted to a trifle was made several years ago and has been
A Washington dispatch declared that " de
over thirty-two million dollars American repeated on various occasions. When it comes
spite the injunction of the Federal courts, the
gold, or an average of about eleven million to dealing with Mexican news, too many cor employes of the Southern Pacific Railroad of
dollars annually, while under the present respondents and writers seem to proceed on Mexico operating the line south from Nogales
valuations the increase will not be exces the theory that facts are not worthy of attenW still remain on strike." THE REVIEW rises to a
sive, it can be seen how little ground there tion. Their motto appears to be : "If the facts question of information : Since when did the
is for complaint on the part of fair-minded will not fit your ' story' or your editorial , so writs of the United States courts run south
much the worse for the facts !" of the Rio Grande?

La Revista Mexicana


Mexicana "Las Finanzas de Mexico ."

La Revista El Petroleo : Su Valor
y los Impuestos A recibido LA REVISTA MEXICANA un ejem
Publicacion mensual en la Ciudad deWashington N otra parte de La Revista publicannos el HAplar de The Financial Review of Reviews
EN último decreto del Gobierno sobre los de Londres, que contiene un artículo de la serie
GEO. F. WEEKS F - EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO impuestos del petróleo y sus productos para que lleva el título anterior y que fue escrita por
la exportación . Existe una grandísimo error con el profesor Percy F. Martin , autor de varias
Suscripciones por un Año, en los Estados Unidos, Canada referencia a este asunto y se han inculcado obras sobre México y los países latino-ameri
y México, $2 oro. En qualquiera otra parte, $2.50. algunas ideas erróneas. Como se verá, la canos. El señor Martin adopta un juicio sano y
valuación puesta a los productos referidos no es sensato sobre la situación de este país y sus
Oficiana- Cuartos 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street,
Washington, D. C. excesiva, ni tampoco son excesivos los impuestos. observaciones son dignas de ser tomadas en
Si tenemos presente que la recaudación total de consideración por todos los que deseen conocer
AGENCIAS DE NOTICIAS DE MEXICO . estos impuestos durante los últimos tres años la verdad sobre la " situación mexicana " en
Noticias exactas por telegrafo y correo de todos los asuntos subió a poco poco más de $32,000,000 , oro contraposición con el cúmulo de mentiras y
de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cualquier tópico americano, o un promedio de cerca de $ 11,000,000 falsedades de la mayor parte de la prensa .
Mexicano hechos por escritores competentes. Se propor anuales, mientras que bajo la presente valuación Además de tratar de la situación financiera
cionan fotografías a solicitud. Se contestan preguntas. el aumento no es excesivo , se verá pues que los
Se toma a cargo investigaciones especiales. aprovecha el autor la ocasión para indicar la
exportadores justos no tienen por que quejarse. forma en que es engañado el público por falsos
einformes de sucesos imaginarios o por nuevas qu
Pacificación más carecen de todo fundamento. Elige el caso de
Esta Proporción no es
Recomendable Desfavorable Mr. Cummings, el Encargado de Negocios de la
Gran Bretaña, como ejemplo . Se dijo en todo
OS métodos del actual gobierno mexicano N corresponsal periodista, cuyo conoci el mundo que este caballero había sido expulsado
Los para la pacificación del país por medios UN miento de los asuntos mexicanos lo obtuvo
de México, a pesar de que no hay nada que esté
conciliadores en vez de tomar medidas violentas, durante una visita de unas cuantas semanas, y
!! más lejos de la verdad que esta afirmación .
han sido demostrados con el caso de Villa. Otro que tuvo por fuente principal de " información Sin embargo, aun creen la noticia milliones de
notable ejemplo que ha dado la administración la chismografía de los casinos extranjeros y de personas simplemente porque los que la hicieron
a la historia es la manera como se manejó la los corredores de los hoteles, esscribe un artículo circular primeramente no tuvieron el candor
situación de la Baja California. A pesar de los que se ha publicado a letras grandes bajo el suficiente para publicar los hechos que desmen
artículos alarmantes y sensacionales que aparecen título de "Los Crimenes Aumentan en la Ciudad
en la prensa, este asunto fué solucionado de una tían su original y sensacional informe. Todo el
de México ." En el curso del artículo dice “que en artículo de Mr. Martin está lleno de información
manera amistosa y sin derrame de sangre. El un día se reportaron cinco crímenes en contra de del género más valioso y presenta a su autor
Gobernador Cantú se ha retirado voluntaria la persona y de la propiedad, y que al día si como uno de los excepcionalmente pocos que se
mente habiendo reconocido plenamente la guiente fueron reportados siete más de igual cercioran primero de los hechos y que los pre
autoridad del Gobierno del Centro y su sucesor naturaleza ." Como la población de la Ciudad sentan después sin temor a las consecuencias .
ha asumido el poder sin disparar un solo tiro o de México es alrededor de un millón de habitan
derramar una gota de sangre. La aprobación tes, se me perdonará si pregunto si esto no es una
de "una obra bien hecha " es bien merecida en proporción favorable? Un Testimonio Verdaderamente
este caso como en muchas otras de las actividades
No compara favorablemente para México esta Enorgullecedor
del Gobierno en beneficio del país. ciudad con ciudades de ambos continentes?
ILLIAM J. BRYAN , caballero no descon
WILLIA ocido para la fama dice en su periódico
El Papel Moneda Más Ignorancia Sobre México The Commoner! 44 Qué ha sucedido con las
Redimido N despacho de Washington de fecha confiadas autoridades financieras que hablaron
UNreciente dice que el Gobierno Mexicano mucho en 1896 sobre el valor invariable del oro
E acuerdo con lo publicado anteriormente
acaba de hacer la primera indicación de que no y la suficiencia del tipo de oro?" Qué sucedió
DEen LA REVISTA la Comisión Monetaria,
se propone reconocer nada de los llamados con ellas, en efecto? Mr. Bryan ha patrocinado
bajo cuyo cargo se hizo la emisión de los llamados
" "empréstitos de Huerta." El autor de este tres grandes reformas en pro de la humanidad : el
vales " o papel moneda hace algunos meses
despacho desgraciadamente no conoce nada de sufragio femenino, el prohibicionismo y la doble
con el fin de mejorar la situación crítica de la
historia mexicana. Tal " indicación " fue hecha base de oro y plata . Fue ridiculizado y hostili
moneda fraccionaria debida al alto precio de la
hace varios años y ha sido reiterada en diversas zado durante muchos años, pero ha vivido lo
plata y a la desaparición de la moneda subsi
ocasiones. Cuando se trata de noticias mexica bastante para ver inscritas dos de esas reformas
diaria, ha redimido en moneda de oro todos los
nas muchos corresponsales y escritores parecen en la Constitución Federal. Quién se atreverá a
billetes que se le han presentado . Más de un
obrar de acuerdo con la teoría de que no son decir que no vivirá lo suficiente para ver la remo
cuarto de un millon de pesos quedan todavía por netización de la plata? A pocos hombres en la
dignos de atención los hechos . Su divisa parece
redimirse, y se cree que esta suma representa historia del mundo les ha sido dado ganar victo
billetes que se han quemado o han sido destruidos ser: " Si no se compadecen los hechos de vues
tros "relatos " o editoriales , tanto peor para rias como las que han tocado al político de
accidentalmente o por el uso constante. Todas
ellos ! " Nebraska . Puede ser que le toquen aún otras
las garantías dadas cuando se puso en circulación victorias.
dicho papel moneda se han cumplido .
La baja del precio de la plata y el aumento en El Departamento de Hacienda está haciendo
las actividades de la Casa de Moneda han per un estudio de una tarifa especial para dar un El nuevo impuesto sobre la exportación de
mitido suplir toda la moneda necesaria, y estímulo a las manufacturas mexicanas. Se pieles es el siguiente : humedos, 15 centavos
México ocupa otra vez el lugar de preferencia darán concesiones para la importación de ma por kilo ; secos, 26 cenvatos ; pieles de cabra,
como el único país del mundo donde la circulación terias primas, así como también para la expor 40 centavos ; de cabrito, 20 centavos ; de
de moneda es solamente en oro y plata . tación de artículos manufacturados en el país.
país. venado, 30 centavos.
October, 1920

undone that the amplest and most effective

President De la Huerta's Message to Congress
ongress guarantees may be given. The solicitude and
efforts of the Executive have not been at all
Interesting Utterances Regarding Foreign Relations- unproductive, and the measures he has taken
The Petroleum Situation Discussed at Length up to the present time have given good results .
It may not be amiss to reiterate that the line of
N Wednesday, September 1 , the Con American airplanes flying over Mexican terri conduct of the Executive will always be to
gress of Mexico met and received Pro tory, the authorities of that country have on offer ample guarantees to the foreigners who
visional President De la Huerta's mes several occasions given strict orders with a come to our shores, and in accord with , this

sage. It discussed conditions generally through view to preventing the repetition of disagree purpose, the Government has not failed to ap
out the Republic, but the portions most inter able incidents . The instructions given by the preciate the great and serious responsibilities
esting to foreigners, and especially Americans, Navy Department of the United States in this contracted by former administrations, especially
were those devoted to foreign relations and to connection have been productive of good results, during the revolutionary period .
the petroleum question . Under the first head as is evidenced by the fact that the incursions. "Therefore, the Government has had to study,
ing, the President said in part : of airplanes over our territory have become and is still studying , its responsibilities on ac
"Upon the successful termination, last May, more rare. count of damages done to foreign citizens and
of the political and social movement initiated "For some time past there has been a cur foreign property in Mexico ; of damages re
in Sonora, there was naturally produced that rent of Chinese immigrants flowing to some of sulting from the disposition of funds not be
change in our international relations which you the States in our Pacific Coast, specially to longing to the National Treasury ; and on ac
have all felt. The establishment of cordial re Lower California, Sonora and Sinaloa. The enT count of loans matured and the non-payment of
lations with the majority of nations and the trance of this class of immigrants to the coun interest. With the spirit of rectitude in which
tightening of existing bonds was the main ob try has taken place under the protection of our his acts have been inspired, the Executive is
ject of the Executive. Accordingly, the ef fundamental laws and subject to the Treaty of confident that all of the problems intimately
forts of the Government were directed to in connected with international life will be solved
Amity, Commerce and Navigation existing be
spire the rest of the countries with the assur tween China and Mexico . The conflict which in time through the elements at our disposal
ance that Mexico is fully capable of fulfilling took place in the State of Sonora recently was and through the friendly relations that bind us
her international obligations and animated by not originated by race prejudice. It was sim to the countries interested in their solution.
the sincere desire of fulfilling them in a spirit ply a labor question in which it was desired to
The Petroleum Situation
of cordiality and harmony. To this end, spe protect the interests of our own workers. Be
cial attention has been given to matters left lieving it to be his duty to find a satisfactory "The state of pacification of the Republic is
unfinished by the government of Señor Car solution to these difficulties, the Executive has reflected in the two principal branches of the
ranza, as well as to the settlement of the new taken the necessary steps toward that end, and Department of Industry, Commerce and Labor.
ones that have arisen in the course of our re is confident that the question will in a short There have been filed with the department
lations with the governments of the other peo time be amicably settled through the Chinese 4.084 mining claims embracing a total area of
ples of the world . Legation, which in view of the resistence enA 42,525 hectares. Besides issuing 714 mining
"Prompted by his ideals of justice, the Exec countered by Chinese citizens to enter into the titles, the department has issued 89 permits for
utive has endeavored to bring about a better Territory of Lower California, used its good exploration and 21 for exploitation purposes
understanding and friendship with the other offices before our Government at the request in claims previously filed but not titled. Six
countries in order to obtain and grant, as the of American and Japanese shipowners. This hundred and fifty-nine mining titles have been
annulled. There are in existence at present
case may be, the delivery of fugitives who have incident was settled subject to our laws and
transgressed the law in Mexico and found with no further limitations than those pre 3,876 mining claims and 359 metallurgical
refuge abroad, and vice versa, thus contribut scribed by our sanitary and immigration reg plants.
ing to the achievement of universal justice. ulations. "Following the sharp decrease in the price
Among these cases mention can be made of "With a desire to give ample and due pro of silver the mining companies in the country
that of Carlos Carmelo Garcia, a former pay tection to Mexican citizens residing in foreign were shaken to a considerable degree, especially
master accused of theft, and the fugitive from countries, the Executive has omitted no effort, those who lacked capital reserves and those
justice, Luis E. Velez, accused of embezzle nor cost, to the end that our nationals may en that, prompted by the high price reached by
ment, for both of whom extradition papers joy the guarantees and considerations to which silver, devoted their efforts to the exploitation
were granted to Mexico by the United States they are entitled in foreign countries. To ob of low grade ores. However, all of the mines.
Government. tain this end, the Executive has appointed com that were working before the decrease in the
"There are other extradition cases pending of petent lawyers whose duty it will be to devote price of silver have continued their operations,
action with references to fugitives from Mexi all of their activities in defense of the interests and as the fluctuations in the silver market
can law, and it is well to take note of the fact and the lives of Mexican citizens living abroad. show a tendency to a higher quotation it is very
that the extradition papers granted by the The Government is firmly decided to continue probable that actual operations may be con
United States are the first obtained by Mexico its efforts along these lines, and these efforts tinued without interruption, thus making it pos
from that country during the last ten years, will serve, undoubtedly, to prevent the repe sible for the country to give a production equal
which speaks well of the better administration tition of deplorable incidents that at times to that of former years .
of justice. have taken place in which our nationals have "As a result of the activities shown in the
"Mexico, on the other hand, has been asked been the victims of abuses on the part of the petroleum industry, the Petroleum Bureau has
to grant the extradition of Ernesto Muñoz authorities of other countries. developed greatly of late, and steps have now
Villar to Cuba, and of Alvaro Peña and Jacobo been taken toward the elaboration of regula
"Apart from the activities of our Consular
Lubán to the United States . The first two and Diplomatic Corps in behalf of Mexican tions governing the exploration and exploita
named having appealed, their cases are pend citizens who are imprisoned in other nations, tion of this industry which will facilitate the
ing of action awaiting the decision of the courts , the Executive has given special attention to the handling of all matters connected with it.
while the extradition of the latter named was indemnization to which our nationals are en "The activities of those interested in the oil
granted. titled for injury while at work and other industry, heretofore confined mainly to the
"The Jenkins case, which occupied so much causes, and is justified in believing that favor northern part of the State of Veracruz, and in
of the attention of the press of our neighbor able results will be obtained . lesser proportions to Minanitlán County, in the
country and ours, toward the end of the for "Notwithstanding the many difficulties that same State, are now being extended to other
mer Administration, is now in the hands of the have to be met with, the Executive has been regions of the Republic in a search of new }
courts having the jurisdiction, and in a short greatly and intensely engrossed with the mat fields for the investment of capital in the ex
time they will pronounce a definite decision. ter of giving protection to the lives and the in ploration and exploitation of oil.
"As a result of representations made to the terests of foreigners residing in our country, "Five concessions have been granted, there
United States Government with reference to and with this purpose in view, nothing is left being pending of action : two in the Territory

nuestros nacionales tienen derecho por accidentes

de trabajos y otras causas, y espera, con funda
El Mensaje del Presidente De la
mento, obtener resultado favorable en su gestión .
No obstante las dificultades que para lograrlo
Huerta al Congreso ha tenido que vencer el Ejecutivo , se ha preocu
pado intensa y grandemente por la defensa de
Importantes Declaraciones Sobre las Relaciones Exteriores - La Legislación la vida e intereses de los extranjeros que residen
Petrolera Examinada Ampliamente en nuestro país, y con tal propósito no desper
dicia esfuerzo alguno para que esas garantias
L día Primero de septiembre el Congreso dentro de breve plazo, pronunciarán su definitiva sean lo más amplias y efectivas . Su alán y
de México se reunió y recibió el mensaje resolución . empeño no han sido estériles y las providencias
del Presidente Provisional De la Huerta . Como consecuencia de las representacioncs tomadas hasta el presente, han producido bue
El mensaje relata en lo general las condiciones hechas ante el Gobierno de Washington , para nos resultados ; no estará por demás reiterar que
que existen a través de la República, pero la impedir los vuelos de aviones de los Estados la norma de conducta del Ejecutivo será siempre
parte que interesa más a los estranjeros, y en Unidos sobre territorio Nacional, las autoridades la de procurar que los extranjeros que pisen el
particular a los americanos, es la dedicada al de ese país, en diferentes ocasiones, han dado suelo mexicano encuentren en él todo género de
estado de las relaciones exteriores y a la cuestión órdenes estrictas a fin de evitar la repetición de garantías y, consecuente con este fin , el Gobierno
del petróleo . Sobre el primero de estos temas, incidentes desagradables . no ha dejado de pesar las grandes y serias res
el Presidente dijo en parte : Las instrucciones que el Departamento de ponsabilidades contraidas por las anteriores
Al triunfar en mayo último el movimiento Guerra del Gobierno Americano envió a las Administraciones , sobre todo en el curso del
político social iniciado en Sonora , se produjo * autoridades respectivas, con ese objeto, han dado movimiento revolucionario.
como era natural , el cambio que todos vosotros buenos resultados, como lo demuestra el hecho Asi pues , ha tenido que estudiar, y lo seguirá
conocéis en nuestras relaciones internacionales ; de que cada vez han sido más raras las incursiones haciendo , las responsabilidades por daños
que México continuará cultivándolas cordial de aeroplanos sobre nuestro territorio . ocasionados a personas e intereses extranjeros
mente con la mayoría de las naciones y estrechará Desde hace bastante tiempo existe una fuerte residentes en México ; por perjuicios sufridos con
los vínculos existentes, fué el principal propósito corriente de immigración de ciudadanos chinos, motivo de la disposición de fondos que no
que guió al Ejecutivo. En tal virtud, los que se dirigen a algunos Estados de nuestra formaban parte del Tesoro Nacional ; por créditos
esfuerzos del Gobierno tendieron a infundir a costa del Pacífico, especialmente al territorio de vencidos y por falta de pago de intereses. El
los demás países la seguridad de que México se la Baja California, y a los Estados de Sonora y Ejecutivo espera , siempre dentro del espíritu de
halla plenamente capacitado para llenar las Sinaloa. El ingreso al país de los immigrantes moralidad que ha inspirado su gestión, que
obligaciones internacionales que le incumben, y mencionados se ha efectuado siempre al amparo todos esos problemas íntimamente relacionados
animado del sincero deseo de cumplir con ellas de nuestras leyes fundamentales, con sujeción con la vida internacional, se resolverán a medida
dentro de un espíritu de cordialidad y armonía. al Tratado de Amistad, Comercio y Navega de nuestras fuerzas, con los elementos con que
Con este fin, se ha dedicado especial atención a ción que existe entre China y México , y los nos ligan con los países interesados en su reso
todos los asuntos que dejó pendientes el régimen conflictos que se originaron recientemente en lución .
del señor Carranza , y al arreglo de los nuevos , el primero de dichos Estados, no fueron conflictos El estado de pacificación de la República está
que se han presentado en el curso de nuestras de raza, sino simplemente de lucha y de trabajo, reflejado en las dos ramas principales que forman
relaciones con los Gobiernos de los demás pueblos para dar la debida protección a los intereses de la Secretaría de Industria , Comercio y Trabajo.
de la tierra . nuestros trabajadores y obreros . El Ejecutivo , Se han presentado 4,084 denuncios de fundos
Inspirado el Ejecutivo en amplios ideales de considerando de su deber buscar una solución mineros, con una extensión de 42,525 hictáreas,
justicia, ha procurado mejorar sus relaciones de satisfactoria a esa dificultades ha dado los pasos habiéndose expedido 714 títulos. Se otorgaron ,
amistad y cortesía con los demás países, para necesarios para lograrlo y, confiadamente, espera además, 89 permisos para exploración y 21 para
obtener y conceder, respectivamente , la entrega que muy pronto será resuelto amigablemente explotación, previa de fundos denunciados y
de los prófugos que delinquen en México , refu este asunto con la Legación de China, la cual con aun no titulados declarándose la caducidad de
giándose en el Extranjero, y viceversa ; contri motivo de la resistencia que encontrara cierto 659 títulos. Existen en la actualidad 3,876
buyendo así a la mejor satisfacción de la justicia número de ciudadanos chinos para penetrar fundos y 359 plantas metalúrgicas .
mundial. Entre algunos casos pueden mencio a la Baja California, empleó sus buenos oficios Con motivo del fuerte descenso en el valor
narse los del ex-pagador Carlos Carmelo García , ante la de nuestro país, a solicitud de algunos de la plata, las compañías mineras del país ,
presunto responsable del delito de peculado, y navieros japoneses y norteamericanos . Este sufrieron el desequilibrio consiguiente, pero de
el del prófugo de la justicia mexicana Luis E. incidente quedó arreglado con sujeción a las un modo principal aquellas que carecían de
Vélez, acusado del delito de abuso de confianza , leyes, sin más limitaciones que las establecidas reservas de capital y las que con el estímulo que
extradiciones que han sido concedidas por el por los preceptos vigentes en materia de sanidad les dió el alza en el precio de la plata , se dedicaron
Gobierno de Washington al de México . e inmigración. a la explotación de minerales de baja ley .
Están actualmente corriendo sus trámites Deseoso el Ejecutivo de proteger debidamente Sin embargo, todas las minas existentes en
otras demandas de extradición de prófugos de la a los mexicanos que residen en el extranjero, no explotación antes de la baja en el precio de la
justicia mexicana, y debe hacerse notar que las ha omitido esfuerzos ni gasto alguno para que plata, han continuado sus labores y como las
extradiciones concedidas por los Estados Unidos nuestros nacionales disfruten en todos los países fluctuaciones en el valor de ese metal marcan una
son las primeras que México obtiene de aquel de las garantías y consideraciones a que justa tendencia al alza, es muy probable que los
País, en el último período de diez años, lo que es mente tienen derecho y para lograr ese fin , ha trabajos actuales puedan continuarse sin inte
un buen antecedente para la mejor Adminis ordenado el nombramiento de Abogados com rrupción, lográndose, así, que el conjunto de la
tración de Justicia. petentes que dediquen toda su actividad a la producción del país, sea igual por lo menos a la
A México en cambio se le han pedido, entre defensa de los intereses y vidas de mexicanos en de los años anteriores .
otras, las extradiciones de Ernesto Muñoz Villar, el extranjero . Tal esfuerzo , en que el Gobierno El Departamento del Petróleo ha desarrollado
por la República de Cuba y las de Alvaro Peña está decidido firmemente a perseverar, servirá, durante el último período, una labor intensa
y Jacobo Lubán, por el Gobierno de los Estados sin duda alguna, para que no se repitan los como resultado del impulso que de día en día
Unidos, Las dos primeras están pendientes del lamentables casos que alguna vez han ocurrido , toma la industria petrolera, y se ha iniciado la
fallo que se dicte en el recurso de amparo que de que nuestros nacionales sean víctimas de formación de un reglamento para la formación
interpusieron los quejosos y la última fué vejaciones por parte de las autoridades de otros de un reglamento para la exploración y explota
concedida . países. ción con lo que se facilitará la tramitación de
El caso Jenkins, de que tan extensamente se A parte de las gestiones reiteradas que hacen estos negocios.
ocupó la prensa de la Nación vecina y la de nuestros Cónsules y Diplomáticos para aliviar La actividad de los interesados en la industria
nuestro país, en las postrimerías de la anterior la suerte de algunos mexicanos en las cárceles de petrolera, que se desarrolla casi exclusivamente
Administración , se halla en la actualidad sujeto otras naciones , el Ejecutivo ha dedicado prefer en la parte norte del Estado de Veracruz, y
al fallo de los Tribunales correspondientes que , ente atención a las indemnizaciones a que en proporción menor, en el Canton de Minati


8 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

of Lower California ; two in the State of So more. The total capacity of existing refineries "O That Mine Enemy Would
nora ; two in the State of Sinaloa ; one in the is 50,000 cubic meters. Twenty-two per cent Write a Book !"
State of Colima which extends to two districts. of the petroleum exports consists of refinery OT that the Honorable Albert B. Fall,
in the State of Michoacan ; one that comprises products.
two districts in the State of Jalisco ; one com N United States Senator from New
"It is of public notoriety that there is in ex Mexico, is anybody's enemy. Far be it
prising three districts in the State of Guerrero ; istence an association of oil interests that is
from such. To hear him tell it, he is a near
one in the State of Chiapas ; two in the State actually an organized block to place all kinds
disciple of Kipling's Kim, a "little friend of
of Campeche ; one in the Territory of Quintna of obstacles in the way of the existing oil legis
Roo and two in the northern part of the State all the world," and especially of Mexico.
lation derived from our Constitution. During
But, until recently, those who have had
of Tamaulipas. Furthermore, there have been the first days of the present Administration ,
occasion to take the opposite side of any
filed with the department oil claims from the this association tried to obtain the derrogation
States of Chihuahua, Coahuila and Durango . question with Senator Fall have accounted
of those decrees which they deem prejudicial
"It is noteworthy that the new interests that him an opponent worthy of their steel.
to their interests, but its efforts were unsuc
Now the Senator has written a book ; at
are being created under our laws are offsetting cessful.
least, what amounts to the same thing ; he
the opposition of the oil operators dissatisfied "The interests to which reference is made,
with the principle of nationalization of the sub has signed a 96-page report of the Senate
have also been opposed to the issuance of con
soil. sub-committee on Mexican relations.
cessions for the extraction of oil in the federal
"The notable difference since 1918 between zones. And apropos , in accordance with the On page 16 of this report he publishes a
the number of claims filed and the number of estimates of the Bureau of Concessions it can table purporting to show the ownership of
titles issued is due to the fact that an effort Mexican wealth ( in 1911 , at the beginning
be said, without fear of being mistaken, that
of the revolution. This table shows Mex
has been made to give attention to the protests upon the completion of the majority of the +
of the oil companies which filed their claims in ico's total wealth as $2,434,241,422, of which
wells located in the federal zones, the Govern amount Americans are credited with the
accordance with the decree of August 12 , 1918 , ment will receive, under the caption of reve
the object being to postpone the issuance of ownership of $1,057,770,000 ; the British with
nues, a sum of money so large that it will suf
titles until the passage of the new oil laws. $321,302,800 ; the French with $ 143,446,000 ;
fice to cover nearly all of its expenses." other foreigners with $ 118,535,380 ; the Mex
"Of the wells drilled in the federal zones
under the concessions given, Well No. 1 , of the icans themselves with but $ 792,187,242 . In
Mexican Petroleum Company (Compañia Pe other words , the Mexican people owned less
"The Brass Check"
trolera Mexicana) , has produced 5,000 barrels than one-third of their own natural wealth,
a day, of which 750 barrels, or 15 per cent of HE foregoing (to those who have had Americans one-half, and other nationals the
the misfortune to become familiar balance. Just picture it.
the production belongs to the Nation, this being
the royalty agreed to in this class of conces through observation as police reporters or Most common, every-day Americans will
sions. otherwise with one of the worst phases of accept such a condition as full justification
"The concession given to the Tampico Com human life ) is the suggestive title of a book for the Mexican revolution, whatever its
pany under date of October 11 , 1916, to con recently issued by the well-known writer, attendant evils, and will unhesitatingly
struct a pipe line for private use in the north Upton Sinclair. It is of absorbing interest commend any Mexican government for at
ern part of the State of Veracruz, was annulied from the first word to the last, and is worthy tempting by legislation , however drastic, to
for non-compliance with the conditions stipu of being read with care by every lover of the recover for its people some portion of the
lated . wealth dissipated under the Diaz regime.
truth. It is a convincing demonstration of the
"The present state of the oil industry is as Take the figures in the table at their face.
manner in which truth is poisoned at its
follows : Wells drilled , 1,123 ; wells localized, value and it is bad enough. But Senator
source, and the public misled by great news
147 ; producing wells, 313 ; wells now being Fall goes farther.
papers and news-gathering associations . Mr.
drilled, 123 ; abandoned wells, 540 ; furthermore, In accompanying explanatory notes, Sen
39 permits for drilling wells have been issued Sinclair goes into the details of certain ex ator Fall declares that these are minimum
during the period to which this report refers. periences in his own career, and shows in the figures and that from evidence submitted
"Since the month of May, 1920, the potential clearest manner the existence of a tacit con before his committee he believes Americans
daily production has been increased by 33.005 spiracy not only of silence but of downright owned $ 1,500,000,000 and the British $800,JA
cubic meters, which added to the April produc misrepresenta tion and falsehood on the part 000,000 of Mexico's wealth . On this basis,
tion totals 2,177,781 barrels. If it were pos of the greater portion of those whose mission foreigners would be accredited with the
sible to report it all, the yearly production it is to "give the news"-for a consideration. ownership of $ 2,561,981,380 of the wealth of
would amount to 794,890,065 barrels, or more Mexico. But Mexico's total wealth is
There are many who, like Sinclair, have had
than twice the total production of the United placed by Senator Fall at $2,434,241,422.
occasion to acquire similar knowledge with
States which has been the greatest oil producer The Mexican people, then, not only
himself of the existence of this tacit conspiracy
in the world. would own nothing of their own resources,
or understanding. No one who has had per
"Following the activity displayed in the drill but would be mortgaged to the tune of
ing of oil wells, petitions are being filed for the sonal experience in news gathering and in the
effort to get the truth before the public will $ 127,739,958 more than the total value of all
construction of pipe lines, especially in the the property in Mexico .
northern part of the State of Veracruz. deny the accuracy of Mr. Sinclair's charges.
O piffle !
"The Executive has made every effort possi After reading the personal experiences of the
ble for the establishment of oil refineries in our author in certain purely personal matters, one
Oil Taxes in Texas
country, for he believes that the petroleum in can only wonder that he had not in a moment
dustry proper is the refining of the oil . With of exasperation over some particularly flagrant GOOD idea of the manner in which oil
this end in view, the following privileges have falsehood taken an appeal to the court of A companies are called on to contribute to
been granted ; the right of expropriation of the Judge Colt that tribunal of last resort which the government is afforded by the report just
land necessary for the installation ; free access in times not so long since gone had a more issued by the State of Texas , which shows that
to national or uncultivated lands ; the right of or less salutary effect upon the conduct of last year a total of $2,215,118 was derived
way for pipe lines, railroads, highways, and individuals, newspaper men and others who from the gross production tax alone. Besides
other means of transportation across private were not disposed to recognize the personal this, other taxes are collected from oil comg
property ; and import tax exemption for all rights of others. Any fair-minded person who panies. The entire collections from oil taxes
machinery and other materials intended for the wishes to know how he is misled in the pres in Mexico for the year 1918 were $5,560,000,
refineries, etc. entation of the news today, and how deliber while for 1919 the amount was in the neigh
"At present there are ten refineries under ately people and causes are misrepresented, borhood of $10,000,000, Comment would
operation, and work will begin soon in four should read "The Brass Check." seem to be superfluous.

' tlán, del mismo Estado, se ha ido extendiendo derecho de paso para tuberías, ferrocarriles, caoba, guayule, y otros productos tropicales ,
poco a poco por otras regiones de la República , caminos y otros senderos a través de terrenos de como $500,000 de cada uno .
buscando nuevos horizontes para la inversión de propiedad particular, y la exención de derechos Lo que exportamos a México consiste en su
capitales en la exploración y explotación. de importación, para maquinaria, materiales des mayor parte de manufacturas, incluyendo ;
tinados a las refinerías, etc. caños de hierro, más de $ 7,000,000 ; telas de
Se han otorgado cinco concesiones y están por
otorgarse: dos más en el Territorio de la Baja Actualmente trabajan diez refinerías y en algodón , $6,500,000 ; harina , $5,600,000 ; azúcar ,
California, dos en el Estado de Sonora, dos en breve, se inaugurarán cuatro plantas más. $2,500,000 ; automobiles , $2,350,000 ; manteca ,
La capacidad total de las plantas de refinación $2,200,000 ; calzado , $2,000,000 ; madera , $ 1 ,→
el de Sinaloa, una en el de Colima y dos Distritos
instaladas es de 50,000 metros cúbicos y el 22% 200,000 ; llantas para automobiles , como $ 1 ,
de Michoacán ; otra que comprende dos distritos del volumen total del petróleo exportado corres 000,000 ; huevos, $787,000 ; materiales coloran
del Estado de Jalisco, una en tres Distritos del tes, $ 715,000 ; salmon en latas, $703,000 ; tejidos
ponde a productos refinados.
Estado de Guerrero ; una para el de Chiapas ; dos
Es de pública notoriedad que existe una de algodón, $675,000 ; papel , $568,000 ; parafina,
en Campeche ; una en el Territorio de Quintana
agrupación de petroleros, que forma un verdadero $504,000 ; carros de ferrocarril , $497,000 ; ce
Roo y dos en la parte norte del Estado de Tamau
bloque para oponer toda clase de obstáculos a mento, $495,000 ; arados, $481,000 ; hierro gal
lipas, y además, se han presentado denuncios de vanizado, $464,000 ; rieles de acero , $461,000 ;
la legislación petrolera vigente, derivada de
fundos petrolíferos en los Estados de Chihuahua,
nuestra Carta Fundamental. Esta agrupación máquinas de escribir, $422,000 ; y hierro para
Coahuila y Durango. construcciones , $401,000, mientras que con los
en los primeros días del establecimiento del
Es digno de observarse que todos los intereses
gobierno actual, pretendió sin éxito, que se cientos de artículos exportados en cantidades
nuevos que se van creando al amparo de nuestras
derogaran en su provecho, los decretos que menores que las arriba indicadas, el total de
leyes, están contrarrestando la oposición que han nuestras exportaciones a México en 1919, a cuyo
juzgan perjudiciales a sus intereses.
hecho los petroleros inconformes con el principio Las Compañías aludidas se han opuesto año corresponden las anteriores cifras, sumó
de nacionalización del subsuelo.
también a la expedición de concesiones para la $ 131,452,000 . Compárese esta suma con la de
La notable diferencia que se advierte desde
1918 , entre el número de los fundos solicitados extracción de petróleo en las zonas federales . $97,789,000 que corresponde al año de 1918.
A propósito , y según los antecedentes que obran Es natural que estando tan cerca de México ,
y el de los titulados, es debida a que se ha pro los Estados Unidos suministran a ese país una
en la Sección de Concesiones se puede afirmar,
curado atender las protestas de las empresas proporción muy grande de lo que importa , y a
petroleras que en numerosos casos , han fundado sin temor de equivocarse, que cuando esté
perforada la mayor parte de los pozos ubicados la vez recibe una proporción correspondiente de
en el Decreto de 12 de agosto de aquel año, sin
en la zona federal , percibirá el Gobierno una sus exportaciones. Aun antes de la guerra
otro fin que el de aplazar el otorgamiento de los suministrábamos a México con la mitad de lo
cantidad tan considerable, a título de ingresos,
títulos, para cuando se expida la nueva ley del
que le permitirá cubrir casi todo su presupuesto . que importaba ; Europa suministraba la otra
Petróleo . mitad. Como uno de los resultados de la
De los pozos perforados en las zonas federales
a virtud de las concesiones respectivas, el número guerra, la facilidad con que Europa suministraba
El Comercio Entre Los Estados a México de la clase de mercancías que requiere,
uno de la Compañia Petrolera Mexicana , ha
Unidos y México Aumenta sufrió menoscabo, y por lo consiguiente, los
tenido una producción de 5,000 barriles diarios , Estados Unidos ahora suministran a México un
de los cuales 750 corresponden al Gobierno de la Considerablemente
85% de lo que importa, mientras que por otra
Nación, o sea , el quince por ciento de la produc L COMERCIO de los Estados Unidos con parte tomamos un 90% de sus exportaciones .
ción, que es la regalía pactada en esta clase de Ε México está por llegar a la suma de Otra de las razones que existen para que
concesiones. $300,000,000 durante el año fiscal de 1920. Aún aumente el comercio entre México y los Estados
La concesión que se otorgó a la Tampico durante el período que siguió a la renuncia del Unidos es que el clima de México es tropical,
Company, con fecha 11 de octubre de 1916 , Presidente Díaz en 1911 , nuestro comercio con mientras que el de los Estados Unidos es tem
para construir un oleoducto de uso particular en México ha aumentado considerablemente . Según plado . Como resultado de esto hay un cambio
el norte del Estado de Veracruz , se declaró declaraciones del Banco Nacional de la Ciudad de productos tropicales por productos de un
caduca, por no haber cumplido con las condi de New York, en 1910 llegó a sumar $ 115,000,000 ; clima templado , consistiendo los últimos , en
ciones estipuladas. en 1915 bajó a $ 110,000,000 , pero desde esa su mayor parte, de artículos manufacturados .
El estado actual de la industria petrolera, es fecha, y a pesar de los disturbios habidos, subió Los Estados Unidos ahora importan anual
como sigue ; pozos perforados, 1,123 ; pozos a $191,000,000 en 1917 , a $245,000,000 en 1918 , mente más de $ 2,000,000,000 de artículos tropi .
localizados , 147 ; pozos productivos , 313 ; pozos y a $278,000,000 en 1919. Las últimas cifras cales y semi-tropicales, comparado con $350 ,
en perforación 123 ; pozos abandonados, 540; proporcionadas, correspondientes al mes de 000,000 que importó en 1900, y el hecho de que
y, además, se han concedido 39 permisos de marzo del presente año , indican que el total México puede suministrar esta clase de materia
perforación en el período que comprende este llegará a $300,000,000 para fines del año fiscal , les, tales como guayule , fibras, café, cacao ,
informe. en junio de 1920. algodón, tabaco , azúcar y aceites vegetales , hace
Desde el mes de mayo del presente año, la No puede predecirse si los recientes aconteci
producción potencial diaria ha aumentado en que los mercados de los Estados Unidos sean
mientos en México evitarán que el comercio
especialmente atractivos para los productores de
33,005 metros cúbicos, la que, agregada a la alcance a la suma de $300,000,000 durante el
que habia en el mes de abril , da un total de México . Por otra parte, el hecho de que la
año fiscal en curso, pero es un hecho , sin embargo ,
2,177,781 bârriles que si pudieran exportarse se que las ventas de los Estados Unidos a nuestros mayor parte de lo que importa México son
obtendrían 794,890,065 barriles o sea más del quince millones de vecinos en México durante artículos manufacturados, hace a este país más
doble de la producción actual de los Estados el año de 1919 fueron mayores que las ventas atractivo para los importadores por la razón de
Unidos del Norte, que ha sido el mayor productor hechas a los 300,000,000 de habitantes de India que pueden obtener las mercancías en los Es
del mundo . o a los 400,000,000 de China. Lo que importa tados Unidos en un tiempo más corto que el que
Como consecuencia de la actividad desarro ™ . mos de México durante el año de 1919 llegó a la se requiere para importarlas de Europa .
llada para la perforación de pozos petroleros, se contidad de $ 148,926,000, y lo que exportamos Probablemente otra de las razones para que
están presentando solicitudes para la construcción sumó $131,452,000. ۲۰ haya aumentado nuestro comercio con México
de oleoductos, especialmente en la parte notre Cuáles son los artículos que vienen a formar es el capital americano invertido en ese país, el
del Estado de Veracruz. el grande y creciente comercio con nuestros cual es considerable y crece constantemente .
El Ejecutivo ha hecho todos los esfuerzos vecinos del Sur que están separados de los Antes de la guerra se calculaba que ascendía a
posibles para que se establezcan refinerías de Estados Unidos solo por una línea imaginaria o mil millones de dólares, y recientemente el
petróleo en nuestro país, pues considera que la a lo mejor por una faja de agua comparativa Senador Fall del Estado de Nuevo México
refinación es propiamente, la industria petrolera . mente angosta? declaró en el Senado de los Estados Unidos que
Con ese fin, se han concedido las siguientes. Las importaciones consisten de henequén , ascendía a dos mil millones de dólares , cantidad
franquicias: el derecho de expropiar los terrenos $40,000,000 ; petróleo crudo, $26,000,000 ; cobre, mucho mayor que la invertida por americanos
necesarios para las instalaciones ; la ocupación $20,000,000 ; algodón crudo, $ 10,000,000 ; pieles , en cualquier otro país.- From Pan-Pacific for
gratuita de terrenos baldíos o nacionales ; el $ 10,000,000 ; café, $5,500,000 ; plomo , $5,000,000 ; September .
10 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

establish a just government, serving equitably

My Ideas of the Mexican Revolution , Its all within her borders,
It will be strong enough to put aside its own
fears and prejudices, founded or unfounded ,
Causes and Ultimate Objec tives
and to ignore the poisonous criticisms. of

foreign imperialism . The producing peoples of

Deficiencies, Mistakes and Failures of the Past Are Not Significant Mexico, as of all the world, have yet to shake
of Lack in Natural Capacity of People off their shoulders the injustices of a systém
under which they have been burdened for cen
BY R. P. DE NEGRI at home and to compel abroad that respect turies. The day is coming when peoples
Mexican Consul General in New York which largely is denied them because of mis peacefully will adjust their differences, internal
HERE is no occasion for surprise at representations by those powerful in the world and external. This only can be when mutual
of high finance. respect and confidence have been attained by
the deficiencies , mistakes and failures
of the various administrations function Capital has always a definite objective, to ab wider acquaintance and better understanding
sorb wealth and wring therefrom the maximum between the peoples themselves.
ing or striving to function in Mexico during the
past few decades. The legacy of inequitable of profits for a minimum of service to the It is time that ideas , the rational truths
collective social entity. Attempts by the work evolved from common needs and emotions, be
legislation and mal-administration left by the
men of hand and brain, the creators of the given real effect ; that the proclamation of the
Spanish colonial regime was too heavy to be
comforts of life, to obtain for themselves a sanctity of right and justice be made into some
lightly discarded and, in fact, persisted largely
more equitable distribution of the usufruct of thing more substantial than a mere formula
throughout the reign of Iturbide and of the
wealth, possessed boundlessly by the privileged of counding words. Popular logic is irrefu
later rapidly succeeding presidents .
capitalist , must be fought and, if possible, table and inescapable. Ofttimes lacking ex
True it is that, having attained her inde
crushed ruthlessly. Privileged capital always pression, it yet translates itself ultimately into
pendence from Spain, the form of a republic
was established in Mexico . But of what im is most active in the political and administra concrete results. Given definition by science
portance is a change in the mere form of gov tive problems of government. Unfortunately or necessity, the logic of the populace quickly
the leaders of past insurrections in Mexico , passes through the deductive process to a
ernment, taken as a simple incident in the materialization of its inevitable conclusions.
once in power, have generally been misled into
occupation of governing, when those charged
similar activities instead of applying them The principles of justice dawned in the early
with administration of a nation's affairs over
selves to the solution of the economic, educa ages of the Romans. Proclaimed too soon,
look or ignore the basic problems of economic ,
tional and social problems which, festering perhaps, by the jurisconsults, they were yet
intellectual and moral development necessary received gladly by King people who soon
always, havė aroused the people into action.
of solution for the advancement of a people's
It should be taken as most significant of forced their inscription in the Twelve Tables
welfare ?
the fundamental stability of the Mexican of the Praetor's Edict. The transfusion of
For the people of Mexico , impoverished, en I
slaved and debased by centuries of colonial people-as sufficient proof, in fact, of their new ideas into the immense and drowsy
organism of the old world necessarily was
mis -government, intellectual and moral ad persistent will to achieve liberty and self-gov slow. No such lethargic process is possible
ernment, that they have arisen time and again ,
vancement could follow surely only upon eco in this vitally active modern world of ours.
nomic betterment. Some measure of material at infinite travail and suffering to themselves
and the risk of misunderstanding by their The seed of new thoughts germinates more
satisfaction to relieve the misery of the masses quickly and matures with wonderful rapidity.
was a vital necessity before they could be ex neighbors, to rebuke and overthrow the suc The ideas which reason discover and are ex
cession of leaders who through incapacity or
pected to respond with any enthusiasm to in
tellectual or spiritual urge . The most fruitful worse have failed to obey their mandate. Many plained by science, that controversy examine
seed of domestic , social and political discord Mexicans, entrenched in privilege, have joined , closely, purify and expand , are the steam that
inexcusably, with foreign interests in bitterly propels and the electricity that re-animates and
lies in the misery of peoples. fortifies us in our continuous social pilgrimage
Out of our mental anguish , largely unknown condemning cach successive movement of the which, despite all hindrances, is always onward
because never paraded before strangers ; from people to regain for themselves something of
their native resources and to free their nation and upward. Mexico proposes to be of the
the darkness of ignorance in which was sub
merged the mind of man, the emptiness of his from the humiliation of foreign financial leaders in this march of progress, and, because
domination. of her immense natural resources and the
pockets and the chill of his very bones, there undaunted spirit of her people, hopes soon to
emerged Juarez . He saw in the Church, with Material progress in Mexico must be based
its vast accumulations of wealth which defi on justice , for all, native and foreign alike . make of herself a nation upon which her
To all elements of the population must be neighbors on the American continent and the
nitely aligned it as the most powerful ally of
assured such measures of the productive peoples of all the world can look with legiti
landlordism and other privileged interests , his
first object of attack if he was to recover to wealth of the country as is justified by their mate pride.
in labor and efforts. Until some degree of equity
the people anything of their lost material Oil Found in Salvador
heritance. He natioualized its lands, secular is restored the rumblings of revolution will
continue, awaiting only propitious times to MPORTANT petroleum discoveries have
ized marriage and burials and brought within
control of the State all civil administration break forth in new and bloody efforts of the I been made recently in Salvador, according
which customarily had been performed by the people to achieve the conquest of their own to official advices received in Washington .
well-being. A new law has been enacted providing for
Church. In these measures Juarez was fifty
years in advance of France and Italy and he The people are no longer to be interested in Government ownership of all petroleum de
was not frightened or long deterred by Zulagoa the fancies and abstractions of political parties. posits. The President of the republic
or Miramon , who attempted to set up govern They live in an age of grim reality and are powered under certain conditions to grant con
demanding just, rational and tangible remedies cessions for oil development and to approve
ments in Mexico City and Guadalajara- not
for the problems confronting them. It is no the transfer of concessions from one party to
even by the Emperor Maximilian, backed
longer enough that a government shall digni another. The owner of the surface land has
though he was by French troops.
With Juarez, the masses of the people stood fiedly confine its activities to the maintenance the first right for concessions on his property.
firm and conquered . This should of itself of the status quo. It must search out and
establish, though other object lessons are not lead in those movements which will promote A new rapid train service has been put on
the continued economic betterment of the ma between the City of Mexico and Manzanillo .
lacking, that the Mexican people are of prime
material upon which to build a free govern jority of the people. Those who for their own Time, 24 hours .
ment. One objective attained , the people have cgotistic advantage stand in the way of such
held it against all assaults for two generations . achievement have yet to learn from the lessons The drop in foreign cotton quotations has
They need but competent and disinterested of sad experience writ large in the recent his caused some perplexity among Mexican grow
leadership to achieve for themselves happiness tory of the world. Mexico will ultimately ers and dealers.
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 11

una tierra que prodigue la felicidad que es

debida a todo ser humano. México y todos
Mis Ideas Sobre La Revolucion Mexicana ,
los pueblos oprimidos del mundo, tienen que
sacudir definitivamente el peso que sobre sus
Sus Origenes y Sus Objetos Primarios espaldas ha gravitado por siglos. Llegará el
día en que los pueblos ajusten sus diferencias
Las deficiencias, Errores y Fracasos Pasados no Significan Faltas interiores o internacionales, dentro de la más
en la Capacidad Verdadera de su Población completa paz, y ésto sólo se alcanzará cuando,
por resultado del esfuerzo de cada uno, existan
POR R. P. DE NEGRI Es prueba evidente de nuestro espíritu turbu el mutuo respeto y confianza. México amplí
Consul General en Nuevo York lento cuando se atropellan nuestros derechos, simamente se basta a si mismo. Sus riquezas
la serie de revoluciones que durante toda naturales son tan grandes que, logrados los
hay motivo de sorpresa en los
nuestra vida independiente, se han sucedido en deseos de sus hijos, necesitará muy pocos años
errores, deficiencias y fracasos que
México . Los miembros de una insurrección para ser motivo de legítimo orgullo del conti
NⓇ han acompañado a todo gobierno y
hecha ya poder gubernamental, olvidan las nente americano.
movimiento con tendencias a ser el poder
promesas que hicieron públicas en el curso del Tiempo es ya de que las ideas, las verdades
gubernativo en México, porque la herencia
movimiento armado ; se preocupan por la solu racionales, por muchos invocadas, encuentren
administrativa española no cambió, natural
ción de problemas políticos, administrativos o verdadero culto ; que las proclamaciones de la
mente, ni con el imperio de Iturbide, ni con
de cualquier otro orden, y abandonan los prin sagrada idea del derecho y la justicia, expresen
la rápida sucesión de presidentes. Con la inde
cipales o básicos : económico , social y educativo , un ardiente y hondo amor, una mística adora
pendencia de España, México estableció la
porque en éstos descansan o con ellos se ligan ción. Porque las negaciones de la razón han
República, ¿ pero de qué sirve la forma de
intimamente todos los demás que forman el producido sus naturales efectos ; los dicterios
Gobierno si es mera forma, se acoge como
complicado total de la vida. contra la libre especulación humana han fruc
simple incidente en la ocupación de gobernar
Muchos extranjeros prominentes y mexi tificado .
y se desatienden los problemas que han sido
canos contrarios a la idea de igualdad econó La lógica popular es férrea. Dadle el prin
siempre, son y serán principales : el desonvolvi
miento económico, el intelectual y el moral del mica por el esfuerzo individual y el colectivo, cipio negando la realidad suprema , y por lo
critican acremente y condenan el empeño del tanto, superior de las ideas, y si no las deduce ,
pueblo ?
pueblo de México en implantar un estado de ejecutará las consecuencias. que es una forma
Primordial, ineludible, vital, imperioso en más clara de deducción.
éstos, es el relativo a la satisfacción material cosas que satisfaga a la mayoría, libre a la
nación de cualquier protectorado , preponde Una vez definida la idea por la ciencia o
que demandan las masas . La miseria de los
rancia o humillación por causas económicas por la necesidad, vista su razón , conocido su
pueblos constituye la semilla más fructífera de
dificultades en los órdenes doméstico , social y de procedencia extranjera. Con igualdad de fundamento y aceptada su verdad, pasa a ser
derechos y oportunidades para el desarrollo la eterna musa que inspira nuestras palabras
de sus facultades, el nacional y el extranjero y nuestras acciones . Sin saberlo, inconsciente
De entre nuestra angustia nacional, de esa
han de gozar en México de un campo abierto. mente, bajo esta nueva norma, se transfigura
ignorada porque no es ostensible, de esa que
es oscuridad en el cerebro del hombre, vacío Mientras el progreso material no esté basado nuestra inteligencia, múdase nuestra conciencia,
en la absoluta justicia para los elementos que se cambia nuestra conducta y nos transfor
en el bolsillo y frío en los huesos, surgió
han entrado en su obtenimiento ; mientras no mamos en una viva encarnación de la idea,
Juárez. El sabía que era necesario atacar ante
se disfrute con equidad la riqueza amasada que por ser verdad se enseñoreó de nosotros.
todo la fortuna del clero , porque éste, subyu
por el conjunto social, el gérmen de los Y este fenómeno que en la vida individual
gando el alma con la ignorancia absoluta, era
sacudimientos revolucionarios vive en el todos hemos sentido, cúmplese de igual manera
el arma más poderosa de los capitalistas, y
declaró la nacionalización de los bienes de organismo de una nación y espera sólo el en la vida colectiva .
momento propicio para revelarse y hacer que Un principio de justicia alborea en las
manos muertas, separó la Iglesia del Estado,
el pueblo dé un nuevo paso sangriento hacia primeras edades del pueblo romano, y muy
secularizó los cementerios y dijo que el matri
monio y los demás actos del estado civil de la conquista de su bienestar. luego , los jurisconsultos lo proclaman y las
Para los gobiernos y partidos políticos, ante sacras leyes y las más veneradas y seculares
las personas están sometidos exclusivamente a
el ojo escrutador de los pueblos, ha pasado instituciones del pueblo Rey, recibieron sus
la jurisdicción de la autoridad civil. Juárez
en la práctica de sus ideas liberales, se delantó ya la historia del período de las fantasías y nuevas enseñanzas hasta convertirlas en leyes ,
de las abstracciones. Se anuncia, y ávidamente en las Doce Tablas del Edicto del Pretor.
cincuenta años a Francia e Italia, y no lo Lenta fué esta transfusión de la nueva sangre
se espera, la edad de la realidad, de lo tangible,
amedrentaron Zuloaga, que en la ciudad de
de lo racional y justo. Que la vida, y princi en el • inmenso y adormecido organismo del
México se proclamó Presidente ; Miramón que
palmente la vida política, se vista con la digni mundo antiguo, pero en la edad moderna, la
en Guadalajara también se decía la primera
dad severa, pero a la par benévola, bien inten vitalidad es universal y abraza a la sociedad
autoridad de la República , ni el Imperio de
cionada y tendente a un fin exclusivo : el no entera. Que el sendero es largo, se dice, y
Maximiliano sostenido por las bayonetas fran
cesas. interrumpido progreso económico de la mayo tan largo añado yo, que es infinito . La hu
ría. Que lleve esa vida la gravedad y la manidad está condenada a perseguir lo absoluto
Queda pues, perfectamente establecido , que
mesura del que obra conforme a la razón y y lo perfecto que no son de este mundo , pero
el pueblo mexicano es materia prima para el
sostén de las libertades y que sólo necesita un a la justicia. Es tiempo ya de que los hombres a cada paso que da en esta eterna espiral de
grupo director competente, desinteresado y que buscan acumular tesoros para su propia la vida, se siente y se reconoce mejor y más
dispuesto a ir de acuerdo con el progreso conservación egoísta, se den cuenta de las perfecta que ayer, al abandonar la última estaGa
amargas experiencias que han tenido sus ción. Símbolo , y símbolo expresivo de esta
creciente de la humanidad, que se impone, para
formar su felicidad interior y ocupar el puesto correligionarios en las diversas etapas de la creencia, es la teoría matemática de los limites.
peregrinación humana hacia una vida mejor, y Enseña la ciencia exacta por excelencia, que
que la calumnia de los poderosos del mundo le
ha arrebatado. se adelanten a las exigencias de los pueblos, existen ciertas magnitudes las cuales jamás se
El capital tiene siempre una idea fija : ab sacrificando (si cabe el término ) una gran alcanzan, así como existen siempre cantidades
parte de su insaciable ambición . menores que toda cantidad dada. Indefinida
sorber diquezas, gozar del máximum de gananSt
cias por el mínimum de compensación a la México adoptará para sí, un Gobierno que mente podemos aumentar y crecer e indefinidaYork
colectividad productora y aplastar con todas sea capaz y suficientemente fuerte para hacer mente podemos disminuir, sin llegar nunca ni
las maquinaciones imaginables, cualquiera ac a un lado prejuicios y temores ( fundados o a la magnitud imaginada , ni a fijar la cantidad
ción que establezca un balance entre el creador infundados ) , pasar inadvertida la crítica menor que concebimos, fraccionando la dada,
de las comodidades de la vida, que se llama venenosa del imperialismo y de hacer para los por mínima que sea. Así se desarrolla ante la
obrero y el usufructuario sin medida, o privi mexicanos y todos aquellos hombres ajenos de inteligencia la infinita jerarquía de la vida
legiado, que se llama capitalista. buena voluntad que se cobijen bajo su bandera, (Concluido en Pagina 13 )
ME REV Octob
, 1920

empaneled from men who do not understand a

Social Survey of the Mexican Border word of English. Necessarily the entire pro
ceedings of such courts are transacted in the
Report of Colonel Maus Upon the Results of His Recent Investigation Spanish language .
"Within the past few years Texas has
on Behalf of the International Reform Bureau passed a compulsory school law requiring at
OME time since Colonel L. M. Maus "I understood that a discrimination has been least 100 school days for every child. As a
(retired) , of the American Army, was result of this law conditions are much better
made in certain sections of the large cities,
S detailed by the International Reform and many of the Mexican children throughout
not altogether on racial lines . (It must be
Bureau to make an investigation of the socio remembered that many of the Mexican people, the State are beginning to speak English.
logical, industrial and educational conditions "I find the Mexican pupil deeply in earnest,
the peon class, are desperately poor and ignor
existing along the Mexican border, with es anxious to learn and making excellent prog
ant, live in poor homes, with dirt floors, and
pecial reference to those of that nationality have few opportunities for keeping themselves Unfortunately, so many of them have
who are residing in the United States. The clean or in sanitary condition. ) I think this to leave in the lower grades in order to assist
REVIEW has been favored with a copy of the in part accounts for separate schools for Mex in supporting the family. The large majority
report of Colonel Maus, which has never been leave before completing the sixth grade in the
ican children where they exist.
published, and is glad to give it space in its "A study of the schools of San Antonio and public schools. As a rule, the Mexican child
columns. Colonel Maus says : Bexar County, of which San Antonio is the is bright, intelligent and measures up with
"In order to assist the national movement of the American child quite well. During my
county seat, will give a fair estimate of the
Americanization, I was sent to the Mexican American and Mexican population, and this recent visit to the Laredo High School I found
border States by the International Reform the honor scholar of the senior and sophomore
holds true throughout the State south of the
Bureau to make a sociological , educational and Southern Pacific Railroad. Forty-two per classes Mexican girls, the latter the daughter
industrial survey of the Spanish-American of a washerwoman . The Mexican is naturally
cent of the pupils in the public schools of San artistic and methodical and usually surpasses
people within our border (the so-called Mex Antonio were of Mexican parentage and 52
ican citizen) and to submit such recommenda per cent in the county. A large number of the in music, drawing and penmanship his Amer
tions as I deemed necessary. ican colleague.
"It has been said that there are no two coun
"I was selected for this work by the direc
tries in the world so close together geographi
torate of the Bureau, partly because I had
cally but so far apart in understanding one an
served as an army officer for nearly fifteen
other. I believe the American people under
years in the border States, Texas, New Mex
ico, Arizona and California, and from personal stand the Chinese far better than they do the
Mexican, and the same way may be said of the
contact was well acquainted with the Mexican
latter's understanding of Americans. The
element which constitutes a large portion of
Mexican, who is Latin to all intents and pur
the native and foreign population. Besides, I
poses, is gentle, courteous and timid, and by
have made many trips through the Mexican nature not able to cope with the brusque and
Republic, know the conditions and character
hard-driving Anglo- Saxon.
istics of the Mexican people, and speak the
"Wherever Spain colonized she has left the
Spanish language fairly well. same conditions, even in the far away Philip
"As is well known, for the past century the
pines. I remember that the finer sensibilities
millions of foreigners from every nation in of the Filipinos were insulted to such an ex
the world who entered our shores have become tent that before we had been there a year our
lost in the great melting pot of American people were despised by them, although we
amalgamation, with few exceptions. This ex had come on a great errand of mercy. The
ception has not only been well marked among prejudice which exists on the Mexican border
that large portion of the Mexican population is largely due to the brusqueness of the Amer
absorbed with the territory acquired as a re ican people here and their eternal lack of con
sult of the Mexican War, but also holds true sideration for the Mexican. Therefore, in
with the hundreds of thousands of Mexicans order to Americanize the Mexican portion of
who since 1848 have emigrated to the United our population we must humanize the Amer
States and become identified with America. icans .
"From a careful study in Texas, where over "In conclusion I will briefly state that the
500,000 of the Spanish-American people live, crying need along the border States is better
I find but a small percentage among the adults educational facilities, especially along voca
who speak English, although many of such tional and industrial lines. The old slogan of
families have lived in Texas for generations. COL. L. M. MAUS, U. S. A. ( Retired) the Roman Empire should be reversed, and
Not only is this true, but there are thousands instead of amusing. the Indian and keeping him
of such native-born Mexicans who are still Mexican children attend parochial schools, ignorant, we should educate the Mexican, who
celebrating the national holidays of Mexico probably 3,000, which would increase the num is largely Indian.
and regarding the flag of that republic as ber of Mexican school children in the city to "Yours very truly,
theirs. about 50 per cent. Thus in San Antonio we "L. MERVIN MAUS,
"In my efforts to secure a correct estimate have a Mexican population of about 75,000 "Colonel United States Army (Retired)."
of the Mexican population in Texas, I was souls, or about 50 per cent of the city popu
beset with many difficulties. Nor do I believe lation. This percentage holds true in El Paso, To Discuss Oil
that the correct figures will even be secured while in Brownsville, Laredo and other Texas XECUTIVE OFFICERS of several
after the publication of the recent census enu- towns the Mexican population often reaches 75 E American petroleum companies are to
meration. The Mexicans in the border States per cent. confer with Provisional President de la Huerta
are classed with the white population and "There are hundreds of small towns scat relative to a settlement of the petroleum con
allowed by law the same privileges of voting, tered throughout Texas where the population troversy, according to a statement issued by
schooling, riding in the cars, entering hotels, is almost entirely Mexican, where English is Manuel Padres, Under Secretary of the
theaters and public places. Generally speaking, rarely spoken. Indeed in some of the towns Treasury. Plans for a gradual introduction
Mexican children attend the public schools along the Rio Grande all of the county officials of a direct Federal tax beginning with imposts.
with American children without class discrim are Mexican and Spanish is necessarily the on large estates owned by individuals, are being
ination. official language in these towns, and juries are considered by the Government.
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 13

México y los Estados Unidos. Creo que el

Examen Social De la Frontera Mexicana pueblo americano conoce mejor al chino que
al mexicano , y lo mismo se puede decir de
estos últimos en su conocimiento de los ameri
Relato del Coronel Maus Sobre los Resultados de su Investigación
canos. El mexicano, que as latino de hecho
Reciente Hecha para la Oficina de Reformas Internacionales
derecho, suave, cortés y tímido , no es capaz,
por naturaleza, de competir con la brusquedad
ACE algun tiempo que el Coronel L. M. Mexicana, los peones, son sumamente pobres
y arrogancia del anglo-sajón.
Maus (retirado ) del Ejército ameri e ignorantes, y viven en casas pobres que
"Dondequiera que España ha colonizado ha
Η cano fue comisionado por la Oficina de tienen los pisos sucios y tienen muy pocas
dejado las mismas condiciones, así también
Reforma Internacional para hacer una investi oportunidades para el aseo personal o para
condiciones sanitarias. Creo que ésta es una sucede en las lejanas Filipinas. Recuerdo que
gación sociológica, industrial y de educa cuando las sentimientos más finos de los Fili
ción de las condiciones existentes en la fron de las causas por que hay escuelas separadas
pinos fueron ultrajados hasta cierto punto, no
tera mexicana, con referencia especial a los para niños mexicanos en los puntos donde
habíamos estado allí un año aún, cuando
Mexicanos que residen en los Estados Unidos. existe esta distinción .
nuestra gente era despreciada por ellos , aún
LA REVISTA ha sido obsequiada con una copia "Un estudio de las escueas de San Antonio ,
que habíamos ido a las Filipinas en una gran
del informe del Coronel Maus, la cual no ha en el condado de Bexar, del cual San Antonio
misión de misericordia . El prejuicio que hoy
sido publicada aún, y se complace en publicarla es la capital, dará una idea clara del número
existe en la frontera de México en contra de
en estas columnas. Dice el Coronel Maus : de americanos y mexicanos en esa ciudad y en los americanos es debido en su mayor parte
"Relato de la Campaña de Americanización todo el Estado al sur el "Southern Pacific Rail
a la manera brusca del pueblo americano y a
de la Frontera Mexicana. Por el Coronel L. road." Cuarenta y dos por ciento de los dis
su eterna falta de consideración por el mexi
Mervin Maus, Representante de la Oficina de cípulos en las escuelas públicas de San Antonio cano . Así es que para poder americanizar a
Reformas Internacionales . son de orígen mexicano y cincuenta y dos por
la porción mexicana de nuestra población es
"Con el fin de cooperar en la campaña na ciento en el condado. Un gran número de
menester que humanicemos a los americanos.
cional de americanización fuí enviado a los niños mexicanos van a las escuelas parro
"En conclusión, diré brevemente, que lo que
Estados fronterizos por la Oficina de Re quiales, probablemente 3,000, lo cual aumenta necesitamos más en los Estados fronterizos
formas Internacionales para hacer un exámen el número de niños mexicanos en esta ciudad
es mejores facilidades de educación, especial
sociológico, industrial y educacional de las a más del cincuenta por ciento . Así es que mente en los ramos industriales y de vocación.
personas hispano-americanas que residen en en San Antonio tenemos una población mexi El dicho antiguo del Imperio Romano se debía
nuestros confines (los así-llamados ciudadanos cana de cerca de 75,000 almas , o cerca de
cambiar, y en vez de divertir al indio y con
Mexicanos ) y que sometiese las recomenda cincuenta por ciento del total de la población
servarlo en la ignorancia, debíamos de educar
ciones que juzgare necesarias . de la ciudad. Este por ciento es el mismo en a los mexicanos, que en la mayoria son indios.
"Fuí elegido para hacer este trabajo por el El Paso, mientras que en Brownsville, Laredo , "Cordialmente suyo ,
director de la oficina, en parte por que había y otras ciudades de Texas la población mexi "L. MERVIN MAUS,
servido como oficial del ejército por cerca de cana sube al setenta y cinco por ciento.
"Coronel del Ejército Americano (Retirado ) ."
15 años en los Estados de la frontera, Texas, "Hay centenares de ciudades pequeñas espar
New Mexico, Arizona y California, y por cidas en el Estado de Texas en donde la
contacto personal tenía conocimiento íntimo población es casi toda mexicana, donde el Los Americanos Tuvieron
del elemento mexicano, el cual constituye la idioma inglés se habla muy raramente. En
que Renunciar
mayor parte de la población nativa y extran verdad, en algunas de las ciudades a lo largo
del Rio Grande todos las oficiales públicos E acuerdo
Dejo Privado erno Orden
condellaGobi del, "Con
Británico nin
jera. Ademas de ésto, he hecho varios viajes
a la República Mexicana, conozco las condi del condado son + mexicanos, y el idioma
guna persona que no sea súbdito británico resi
ciones y el carácter del pueblo mexicano, y español es el idioma oficial en esas ciudades,
hablo el idioma castellano bastante bien. y los jurados se componen de personas que no dente dentro de los límites de esta Orden puede
"Después de un estudio cuidadoso hecho en entienden una palabra de inglés . Necesaria fungir como Director Gerente o en cualquiera otro
mente los procedimientos en las cortes son puesto semejante al de Director Gerente , o ejer
Texas , donde viven más de 500,000 personas cer control general o substancial en los negocios
de orígen hispano-americanó, encuentro que hechos en el idioma español .
"En los últimos años el Estado de Texas de una compania cnina. Como resultado de
sólo un número muy reducido de los adultos
esta orden se han visto obligados a renunciar
hablan el idioma inglés, aunque muchas de ha pasado una ley obligatoria que requiere que
todos los niños asistan a las escuelas a lo en favor de súbditos británicos , todos los gerentes
estas familias han vivido en Texas por genera
menos 100 días al año . Como resultado de americanos de compañías americanas organiza
ciones. No sólo es esto verdad, sino que hay
das, por conveniencia , bajo las Leyes británicas
millares de estos nativos, nacidos en México , esta ley las condiciones han mejorado muchí
de Incorporación para China .
que todavía celebrán los dias de fiesta naciona simo, y muchos de los niños mexicanos estan
Suponed ahora que el Gobierno mexicano
les de México y considerán le bandera de principiando a hablar inglés.
adoptara una accion semeiante respecto a las
aquella República como la de ellos . "Encuentro que los discípulos mexicanos
compañías extranjeras que operan en México !
"En mis esfuerzos para hacer un cálculo tienen muchos deseos de aprender y progresan
Pero el incidente relatado arriba no paréce
exacto de la población Mexicana de Texas , me rápidamente. Desafortunadamente muchos de
haber provocado ni un murmullo de comentario.
encontré rodeado de muchas dificultades. No estos niños tienen que dejar la escuela prema
creo que so obtenga el número exacto de estos Ciertemente que no se han presentado por su
túramente para poder ayudar a mantener a causa protestas diplomáticas !
habitantes por medio del censo últimamente sus familias. La mayoría dejan la escuela
tomado. Los mexicanos en los Estados fron antes de completar el sexto grado. Por regla
terizos están clasificados con la población general el niño mexicano es activo, inteligente Consul General De Negri
blanca y la ley les dá los mismos privilegios y es igual que el niño americano en inteli
(Concluido desde Pagina 11 )
de sufragio , de educación, de ir en los tranvias, gencia. Durante mi visita reciente a la escuela
espiritual. Piérdense los orígenes en el último
de entrar a los teatros, hoteles y demás edifi superior de Laredo encontré que los discípulos
fondo de los grados inferiores y el límite
cios públicos como a los nativos. General más distinguidos en el primero y segundo año
eran niñas mexicanas ; una de ellas era hija último se pierde en las regiones siempre más
mente, los niños mexicanos van a las escuelas
de una lavandera. El mexicano es por natu altas de una perfección inaccesible. Las ideas
públicas con los niños americanos sin distin que la razón descubre, que la ciencia explica,
raleza artístico y metódico, y generalmente
ción de clase ninguna. que la controversia quilata, purifica y extiende,
sobresale en música , dibujo y caligrafía a sus
"Entiendo que se han hecho ciertas distin son el vapor que impulsa y la electricidad que
colegas americanos.
ciones en algunos puntos de las grandes reanima y fortalece esta incesante peregrina
"Se ha dicho que no existen dos países en
ciudades, pero no por cuestion de raza. Es ción de las sociedades humanas : y a pesar de
el mundo tan contiguos geográficamente, pero
necesario recordar que mucha de la gente tan apartados en relaciones mútuas como todo , ellas siempre marchan hacia arriba .
14 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

can justly claim their . protection. Mexico

Would Settle Oil Controversy wants and needs foreign capital for develop
ment not only of her oil but of all her im
mense resources, but it must come there sub
Justice to All Is Mexico's Objective , but Clear Understanding
ject to fair regulations such as it must submit
of Actual Conditions by Americans Is First Necessity to in other civilized countries.
BY ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA Mexico's problem will be how best to elevate
Financial Agent of the Mexican Government her national standards.
Acquisition of Real Estate
There are two or three points at issue, and
NE of my first objectives as financial one of them is recognition by the United States by Foreigners
agent of the Mexican Government in -an absolute recognition of the government to HE REVIEW is frequently asked re
O New York is to bring about some satis
be headed by Alvaro Obregon . Another is the Tarding the regulations concerning the
factory adjustment of the controversies be oil question. The Mexican Government is acquisition of real property in Mexico by
tween the American oil companies and my gov
more than ready and willing to meet the oil foreigners. There has been a very general
ernment. I hope through friendly conferences interests more than half way, to play fair with misunderstanding in other countries regarding
here with representatives of all the principal them, and there is no outstanding difficulty be
companies soon to arrive at a fair conclusion this important question, and the explanation of
tween the United States and Mexico which can
of all our difficulties . I do not come to the the question made by Mr. G. E. Towle before
not be settled with neatness and dispatch by a
United States as a stranger . the recent Commercial Congress in Mexico
mutual recognition of the respect due to each
I have been studying American conditions. City is therefore of interest. He said in part :
other's sovereign independence.
for years . I know your New York, having
Americans doing business in Mexico must "There is no obstacle to foreigners acquiring
lived here for two years myself, and I have conform their practices to Mexican laws, just and owning real property in Mexico, outside
traveled all over the United States . I am a the proscribed frontier and more recently es
as Mexicans in the United States must obey
great friend of the United States. And from tablished costal zones . That is to say, 100
your laws. They cannot expect, either, to claim kilometers from a national boundary or 50
this knowledge I say : kilometers from a coast line.
protection of Mexican law unless they have
We seek to convince you people either that conformed to its requirements. Thus with re "Although it is generally believed that the
you must clean up Mexico and the whole of new Mexican Constitution imposes special in
gard to the latest protests of the oil producers hibitions upon foreigners, the clauses in which
South America or obey the laws and expect the to your State Department. These concern a they are directly required to waive their rights
same privileges and treatment that a native dispute properly between contesting groups of to such in so far as relates to the property
might enjoy ; to quit this highbrow" method Americans rather than with the Mexican gov which they may acquire dates as far back at
of having your representative in Mexico ernment. least as 1856, in a decree of President Comon
threaten the Government. fort. At that time also foreign property own
In Mexico, as in the United States,-indeed , ers were liable to military service if needed
Representatives of the United States have copied largely after your own laws- there is in for the protection of the town or district in
been a menace to their own country because force, since 1884, a law requiring that all land which they resided . This is not at present
they have been trying to get things for the in contracts be recorded. In either country a pur true, as they are not allowed to bear arms in
terests . They have mixed business with diplo chaser who fails to record his title properly any military strife.
macy. Be careful whom you appoint to Mexico. "Foreigners, then, may acquire land and own
does so at his own peril . I understand that this the following :
I can talk in this way because I am a friend of law in the United States is sometimes, though "(1 ) Property acquired from private own
the United States. My father was a medal very infrequently, temporarily evaded. In ers.
man in one of your universities . Mexico compliance with the law is almost uni "(2) Government land open to denounce
The oil people have never been trusted in versal except by some of the American oil ment and purchased direct from the Depart
Mexico ; they have never told the truth about ment of Fomento and Colonization.
conditions. The mining interests, on the other "(3 ) Properties sold at auction for non
These, for reasons best known to themselves , payment of taxes in which the competent au
hand, have been working, paying their taxes, failed to record many of their titles and leases, thority directly authorizes the issuance of the
and the country has trusted them. trusting rather for security to an agreement deed.
I'll cite an example. United States investors among themselves not to encroach on each "In each and every instance, however, the
had large interests in Sonora-the Phelps other's preserves. This worked well enough, title must be drawn up and issued through a
Dodge mines at Cananea, Nacozari, and other notary, for although modified from time to
though with occasional friction and misunder
points . To show that the hate of the Mexican time in practice, but not in principle, the early
standings, so long as the old companies had the Spanish Notarial System for the transfer of
people was not a fundamental one at the time field to themselves. But when independent in real property exists today in full force, and
the Pershing expedition was sent into Mexico , vestors came in there was trouble. The inde while slow and voluminous, it is in its "" opera
I relate this incident : The United States or pendents did as they would do in the United tion eminently satisfactory and secure .
dered all of its citizens to leave the states States.
through which the trail of the bandit Villa Americans Had to Resign
Wherever they found land unrecorded they
might lead, through fear that their lives would hunted up the original owners as shown by the NDER the terms of a recent order of the
be in danger. Thousands of American mining records, bought quit-claims or, in many in U Privy Council of the British Government,
men took their leave, but before they went stances, straight deeds and promptly recorded "no person other than a British subject resident
Mexican families, who had been their friends their titles as provided for under the law. within the limits of this order, shall act as
during their stay there, came to bid them good Technically, at least these newcomers were well managing director or in any position similar
bye. within their rights, as they would be in the to that of managing director, or shall other
The mines were left in the hands of Mexi United States in similar circumstances . Their wise exercise general or substantial control of
cans to be operated . The mines were operated titles must stand as valid in Mexico , as they the business of a China company." As a re
and well, and when the Americans returned would stand in the United States, subject to re
they found things as they left them. Although sult, all American managers of American . com
view by the courts , and the old companies , if
the Mexicans they had left behind were ready panies organized, for convenience, under the
they can prove they have been mulcted , can
to fight, they were white enough to carry on British incorporation laws for China, have
have recourse only in suits against those indi
the work of the Americans and take care of viduals from whom they claim originally to been forced to resign their places in favor of
their property. have purchased . British subjects.
Why? Because the mining interests did not It is only through a proper understanding Just suppose the Mexican government were
play politics. of such things as these by the American peo to take similar action regarding foreign com
Mexico is at last entering upon an era of ple that just agreements between our two gov panies operating in Mexico ! But the incident
great material development which this country ernments can be reached. It is only by ac recited above does not appear to have caused
to a vast extent will share, a solid government knowledgment of the facts and a strict compli even a ripple of comment. Certainly no diplo
has been established there and from now on ance with equitable laws that foreign investors matic protests have been filed !
2 1

Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 15

personas de quienes según ellos dice compraron

esos terrenos .
Se Desea Arreglas el Asunto del Petroleo
Es solamente por medio de un conocimiento
claro de asuntos como éste por el pueblo Ameri
Mexico Desea Hacer justicia a Todo Mundo , Pero lo Mâs Esencial es un
cano, que pueden llevarse a cabo arreglos justos
Entendimiento Claro por los Americanos de las Actuales Condiciones entre nuestros dos Gobiernos ; es solamente por
POR ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA reconocimiento de los hechos y un cumplimiento
gran desarrollo material del cual los Estados
extricto con las leyes equitativas que los intereses
Agente Financiero del Gobierno Mexicano Unidos también participarán ; se ha establecido
extranjeros pueden demandar la debida pro
NO de mis primeros objetivos como un gobierno J estable en México , y desde hoy el tección . México quiere y necesita capital
agente financiero del Gobierno Mexicano problema de México será el de ver el mejor
medio de levantar su norma de vida . extranjero para el desarrollo , no solamente de su
Uen New York es el de llegar a un arreglo petróleo , sino de todos sus inmensos recursos,
satisfactorio de las disputas que existen entre las Hay dos o tres puntos en discusión , y uno de
pero al ir allí los capitalistas deben sujetarse
compañías petroleros americanas y mi Gobierno. ellos es el reconocimiento por los Estados a regulaciones justas como deben someterse en
Espero por medio de conferencias amistosas con Unidos-un reconocimiento completo del Go
otros países civilizados .
representantes de todas las compañías princi bierno que presidirá Alvaro Obregón . Otro es
pales , llegar, muy pronto a una conlusión justa la cuestión del petróleo . El Gobierno Mexicano
de todas nuestras dificultades . No vengo a los lestá más que dispuesto para recibir a los repre
sentantes de los intereses petroleros y ser justo “O , Que Mi Enemigo
Estados Unidos como un entraño .
He estudiado por muchos años a los Estados con ellos ; no existen dificultades entre los Escribiese un libro !"
Unidos. Yo conozco New York, haviendo Estados Unidos y México que no pueden arreg
vivido aqui por dos años, y he viajado por todos larse con prontitud , y eficcacia, por medio de un es porque el Honorable Albert B Fall ,
los Estados Unidos. Soy un gran amigo de los reconocimiento mutuó del respeto que se debe N Senador de los Estados Unidos por el
Estados Unidos . Y basado en estos conoci a la independencia y soberanía de ambas Estado de Nuevo México, sea enemigo de nadie.
mientos, diré lo sigmiente: naciones. Muy lejos está él de serlo. Al oirle hablar, el
Nosotros tratamos de convencer a vuestro Los americanos que tienen negocios en México casi es un discípulo de la novela de Kipling,
pueblo de que o intervienen en México y en todo deben sujetarse a las costumbres y leyes Mexi titulada " Kim " ; es un " amiguito de todo el
Sur América, o obedecén las leyes y aceptan los canas, como los mexicanos en los Estados mundo , " y especialmente de México .
mismos privilegios y el mismo tratamiento de Unidos deben obedecer sus leyes. Ellos no Pero hasta últimas fechas aquellos que han
que gozan los nativos. Abandonen ese método pueden esperar, ni pedir la protección de las tomado el lado opuesto en cualesquiera cuestión
arrogante de que vuestros representantes en leyes mexicanas, a menos que hayan cumplido con el Senador Fall, dicen que es un adversario
México amenazen al Gobierno . Los represen con sus requisistos con referencia a las últimas digno de ellos . Ahora el Senador Fall ha escrito
tantes de los Estados Unidos han sido una protestas de los intereses petroleros a su Depart un libro, o lo que es lo mismo, ha firmado un ,
ámenaza para su propio país, por que han estado amento de Estado , ésta es una disputa que informe de 96 páginas del subcomité de Rela
tratando de conseguir previlegios para los existe entre grupos contensiosas americanos más ciones Mexicanas del Senado de los Estados
intereses. Ellos han mezclado los negocios con bien que en contra del Gobierno Mexicano . Unidos.
la diplomacia. Tengan cindado al elegir los En México , como en los Estados Unidos, y en En la página 16 de este informe publica un
representantes que mandan a México . Yo puedo verdad, copiada en su major parte de sus propias cuadro en el cual pretende demostrar el valor
expresarme en esta forma porque soy amigo de leyes-existe en vigor, desde 1884, una ley que total de propiedades adquiridas en México hasta
los Estados Unidos. Mi padre se distinguió en requiere que todos los contratos de terreno sean 1911 , al principio de la revolución . Este cuadro
una de vuestras universidades. registrados . En cualquier país si un comprador demuestra que la sumá total, montaba.a $2,434,-
México nuñca ha tenido confianza en los no registra el título de propiedad legalmente, lo 241,422 , de cuya suma a los americanos perte
intereses petroleros, ellos nunca han dicho la hace a su propio riesgo . Comprendo que esta necen, $ 1,057,770,000 ; a los ingleses , $321,302,800 ;
verdad acerca de la situación , por otra parte, los ley en los Estados Unidos es algunas veces, a los franceses, $ 143,466,000 ; y a otros extran
intereses nineros han estado trabajando sus aunque no muy frecuente, evadida temporae jeros, $ 118,535,380 ; y a los mexicanos' solamente ,
propiedades y han pagado sus impuestos , y el mente. En México el cumplimiento de esta ley $792,187,242 . En otras palabras, el pueblo
país ha confiado en ellos. es casi universal , con excepción de algunas com Mexicano posee menos de la tercera parte de la
Pondré un ejemplo ! Los capitalistas de los pañias petroleras americanas. riqueza nacional, los americanos la mitad , y
Estados Unidos tienen grandes intereses en Estas compañias por razones que solo ellas otras nacionalidades el resto . Imagínese ésto !
Sonora, las minas de Phelps- Dodge en Cananea , conocen, dejaron de registrar muchos de sus Americanos de sentido común aceptarán esta.
Nacozari, y otros puntos. Para demo strar que títulos y contratos, confiando más en la seguridad
condición como una justificación plena de la
el odio del pucblo Mexicano no era fundamental de un convenio entre ellos de nó apoderarse de
revolución mexicana, con todos los daños que
cuando la expedición de Pershing fué despachada las propiedades de unos o de otros. El plan
funcionó bien, aunque con dificultades y malos trae consigo , sin vacilar elogiarán a cualquier
a México , cito este acontecimiento : Los Estados
entendimientos de vez en cuando, mientras que Gobierno Mexicano que atente, por medio de
Unidos dieron órden que todos sus ciudadanos
salieran de los Estados por donde la persecución laz compañías viejas tuvieron el campo libre legislación, aunque fuese drsática, recobrar para
del bandido Villa pudiera Tener lugar, por temor para sí solas. Pero cuando empresás inde su pueblo parte de la riqueza disipada bajo el
de que sus vidas estuviesen en peligro. Miles pendientes empezaron a llegar entónces princi regimen de Díaz. Tómense las cifras de ese
de mineros americanos salieron , pero antes de piaron las dificultades. Los compañits inde cuadro en lo que valen, y resultan malas, pero el
que salieran, a las familias mexicanas, de los pendientes hicieron lo que hubieran hecho en Senador Fall va más lejos todavía .
alrededores, conquienes habian en relaciones los Estados Unidos . En la nota explanatoria que la acompaña
amistosas durante su estacnia alli, vinieron a Por donde quiera que encontraron terrenos que declara el Senador Fall que éstas son las cifras
despedirse de ellos. no extaban registrados, buscaron a los dueños mínimas, y segun la evidencia sometida ante el
Las minas quedaron en manos de los mexicanos originales compraron los titulos, y los registraron comité él cree que los americanos poseían
para que las siguieran trabajando . Las minas en seguida como lo estipulaba la ley . Técnica $ 1,500,000,000 y los ingleses $800,000,000 de la
fueron trabajadas bien, y cuando los americanos mente, por lo menos, estas nuevas empresas riqueza mexicana. Basándonos en estas cifras,
regresaron encontraron todas las cosas tal como obraban conforme a sus derechos, como lo
i los extranjeros son dueños de $2,561,981,380 de
las habián dejado . No obstante que los mexi hubieran hecho en los Estados Unidos en
canos que habián dejado detrás estaban listos la riqueza de México , pero la riqueza total de
iguales circunstancias. Sus títulos son tan México la pone el Senador Fall en $2,434,241,422 .
para ir a pelear, fueron suficiente leales para
llevar a cabo el trabajo que los americanos les válidos en México , como lo serían en los Estados El pueblo de México, entónces, no solamente
habián confiado , y para cuidar sus propiedades . Unidos, sujetos a revisión por los tribunales, y no posee nada de sus recursos, sino que están
Por que? Porque los compañias mineras no las compañías viejas, ysi pueden probar que han hipotecados en $127,739,958 más que el valor
se mexlaron en la política. sido victimas de una injusticia, el unico recurso total de la propiedad de México ,
Por fin México está entrando en una era de que les queda es entablar demandas contra los O, la palabrería '
16 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920
The above words were spoken by Mr. de la
Peña, a lawyer and the Chief of the Juridical
Taxation on Exports of Petroleum Branch of the Department of Industry, in
answer to the attacks made upon the above
Valuations Established by the Mexican Government and mentioned officials by American oil operators
How They Are Arrived At
who are trying to bring about a modification
of Mexican oil legislation to suit their interests.
T was officially announced in August that The valuation of refined gasoline during the "The Costitutional clause that gives to the
the Treasury Department of Mexico had same period was placed at 122 cents (64 Nation the domain over petroleum is commonly
Ifixed for the purpose of export taxation cents gold ) per liter ; of crude gasoline at
regarded as legislation destructive of property,"
at Mexican gulf ports the following prices on 1134 cents, and of either crude or refined added Mr. De la Peña, "and that is why public
petroleum and petroleum products : kerosene at 62 cents per liter. opinion generally regards the owners of the
According to the decree governing the taxa surface of the land as the victims of the ignor
Mexican American
money money tion upon exports of oil , the valuation for
ance or malice of uneducated legislators who
Crude oil of 0.965 specific such purposes is established by taking the mar
gravity, per ton.. $13.00 $6.50 wrested from them rights sanctioned by justice
Fuel oil of 0.97 gravity .. 13.00 6.50 ket quotations at American ports and deduct
Crude oil of 0.91 gravity . 21.67 10.832 and proclaimed by the former Constitutions
Crude oil of 0.91 gravity . 16.62 8.312 ing the cost of transportation therefrom, the of Mexico.
Gas oil of 0.91 gravity .. 16.62 8.31
Refined gasoline, per liter. 0.16 0.08 balance being taken as justly the value of the "The result is that those who participate in
Crude gasoline, per liter .. 0.154 0.0734 oil in Mexico at the point of shipment, regard these prejudicial opinions are ill-disposed
Kerosene, per liter ..→ 0.09 % 0.0434
less of what may be paid at the well for the toward all persons who would discuss the mat
Resolved into American measures and money product, and which is dependent upon the ter free from any prejudice whatsoever. They
the above figures would represent prices of $1 necessities of the producer who has no ship pass a severe and unjust judgment on the
per barrel for ordinary crude and fuel oils of ping or pipe-line facilities of his own. For legislators of 1917, and regard the supporters
high density such as are used overthe grates some reason the market quotations of petro of the principle of the Nation's domain over
in firing ships and locomotives, and under the leum seldom refer to the Mexican product and the subsoil resources as emulators or followers
boilers in manufacturing plants in this country. it is difficult to obtain such figures. of the Carranza policy.
The United States Shipping Board and the A standard authority upon such matters re "It is commonly asserted that the Constitu
United States Navy have been compelled to pay cently quoted the awarding of a contract by tion of '57 protected the rights now claimed by
$1.75 to upwards of $2 and more per barrel for the U. S. Shipping Board to the Standard the surface owners over certain minerals, in
these grades of oil to American companies. Oil Company of New Jersey for 9,300,000 bar cluding coal and hydrocarbons, but it is an easy
At the price of 16 centavos per liter set for J matter to demonstrate how far this assertion
rels of fuel oil at $2.30 delivered at the com
refined gasoline, the assessment valuation for pany's terminal at Bayonne, N. J. , or $2.40 in is from the truth .
Mexican taxation is almost exactly 30 cents barges at ship side in New York harbor. "To do this we will produce the irrefutable
per gallon . Motorists who are compelled to A recent quotation was given by the Mex testimony of witnesses who cannot be regarded
pay upward of 34 cents per gallon for gasoline ican paper, El Universal, as $2.18 per barrel, as contaminated with the influences attributed
in the United States will scarcely believe that minus freight. Another paper (an American to us. From the testimony of the President
the oil companies are warranted in their pro publication ) recently quoted Mexican crude at of the Committee on the Mining Code of 1900 ,
test against the Mexican assessment. The tax Texas points at $3.25 to $3.75 per barrel. we will quote the words he pronounced in
levied on gasoline, as on all other petroleum Fuel oil ( origin unstated ) is quoted in defense of the Code that destroyed the Nation's
products, is 3 per cent, or 0.09 cents per gallon, sellers' tanks at Bayonne, N. J., at 1234 cents right over the domain of the subsoil, but before
which would still leave the Mexican gasoline 3 per gallon, which would be equivalent to $4.08 quoting them we must establish this scientific
cents lower than the price charged here . per barrel. fact : All inorganic substances extracted from
Country people who are still dependent on The United States navy recently com the subsoil, whether metalliferous or com
kerosene for light will join with motorists in mandeered fuel oil on the Pacific coast at $1.72 bustible, are called minerals, therefore, the
accepting 18 cents per gallon as a reasonable per barrel, but finally arrangement was reached Constitution of 1917 properly classified pe
price as compared with that charged for coal troleum as a mineral.
for a three-months' supply at $2 per barrel .
oil in the United States . The tax on kerosene "Having established the fact that petroleum
An average valuation of $4.68 per barrel is
is 6 per cent, or a fraction over 1 cent per shown by recent shipments from New Orleans. is a mineral, let us now quote the words of
gallon, and on high density crude oil it is 10 Señor Calero with reference to this matter in
A contract was recently made in Mexico for
cents per barrel. On the best grades of crude 1909 : 'According to our juridical traditions in
several million barrels "at the well," at $1.25
oil, high in gasoline content, the tax runs as mining matters, all the mineral deposits and
per barrel. From all of which it can be seen
inorganic substances of the country's subsoil
high as 16½ cents per barrel. that the valuations established by the Mexi
first belonged to the Spanish Kingdom . W
For purposes of comparison, the figures of can, government for taxation purposes are not
The system was perpetuated during our in
former valuations for export taxation are excessive, and that the amount of tax per
dependent period and the Mining Code of 1884
given . In April of this year, the then govern barrel is insignificant when compared with the is the first Mexican legislation that brought
ment established the following basis of valua- market valuation thereof.
about really important innovations
tion : THE REVIEW is taking steps to secure full
Mexican American which were expressly forbidden by Article 72
reports of oil quotations , both at the well and of the Constitution of the Republic .
money money
Fuel oil of 0.91 density .... $23.00 $11.50 at ship side in Mexico, as also the quotations "If all Mexican legislation proclaimed the
Crude oil of 0.91 density .. 30.00 15.00 from the same in various American ports.
Crude oil of more than Nation's domain, as Mr. Calero says, and if
0.965 density · 18.00 9.00 Such reports will assist materially in gaining according to Article 72 of the Constitution
Fuel oil of more than 0.97 an adequate idea of the situation.
density - . 18.00 9.00 that right was inviolate, the owners of the sur
face have no constitutional right over the sub
During the years 1918 and 1919 there was 4
soil. Therefore, the Constitution of 1917, in
little fluctuation in the market value of Mexi Nothing New In National
stead of reforming the Constitution of 1857,
Ownership of Petroleum
can oil, and for the greater portion of that when it proclaimed the Nation's domain over
time the valuations were as follows : HE officials in the Department of Industry the minerals and hydrocarbons, merely pre
Twho have been sustaining the existing oil served the rights of the Nation in the same
Mexican American legislation in Mexico are not sustaining any
money manner in which they were safeguarded by the
$6.50 thing new or novel created by the Government Constitution of 1857.
Fuel oil of 0.91 density ... $ 13.00
Crude oil of 0.91 density . 15.50 7.75 of Señor Carranza, as some persons believe . "It is proper to state that immense riches ,
Crude oil of more than 0.91 We are in fact sustaining one of the classics the extraction of which is demanded by the
Fuel oil of 0.91 density. • $23.00 $ 11.50
Gas oil of more than 0.91 of our judicial traditions." public interest and the welfare of the Nation ,
density 13.00 6.50
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 17

lugar de producción como en los muelles de

los puertos mexicanos, como también los
Impuestos Sobre la Exportacion de
precios en varios puertos americanos. Estas
Petroleo cotizaciones serán una ayuda material para dar
una idea adecuada de la situación existente.

Valuación Establecida por el Gobierno Mexicano, Se Descubrió Petróleo

y Como se Llegó a Ella en el Salvador
E han hecho importantes descubrimientos
UE oficialmente ananciado en Agosto del petróleo mexicano, y en la mayor parte de STde petróleo en la República del Salvador,
que el Departamento de Hacienda de ese período las valuaciones fueron las sigui según informes de fuentes oficiales que se han
F México había fijado el impuesto de la entes :
recibido en Washington.
exportación del petróleo y sus productos en los Moneda Moneda
Mexicana Americana De acuerdo con una nueva ley que ha sido
puertos mexicanos del Golfo a los precios Petróleo para combustible, de
densidad de 0.91 . D · • ⇓ M $13.00 $6.50 decretada, todos los depósitos de petróleo
siguientes : Petróleo crudo , de densidad de perteneceráan al Gobierno. El Presidente de la
Moneda Moneda 0.91 ... 15.50 7.75
Mexicana Americana Petróleo crudo , de densidad de República está autorizado , bajo ciertas condi
Petróleo crudo de 0.965 grave más de 0.91 . 2 6.00 3.00
dad especifica, por tonelada .. $ 13.00 Petróleo para gas , de densidad ciones, para dar concesiones para el desarrolo
$6.50 de más 0.91 ..
Petróleo combustible de 0.97 13.00 6.50 del petróleo y para aprobar el cambio de con
gravedad ... 13.00 6.50
Petróleo crudo de 0.91 gravedad 21.67 10.822 cesiones de una persona a otra. El propietario
Petróleo para gas de 0.91 grave La valuación de la gasolina refinada durante
dad 10 • 16.62 8.31 de la superficie en los terrenos petrolíferos
Gasolina refinada, por litro . • · • 0.16 0.08 ese mismo período estaba a 12½ centavos
tendrá la preferencia para la adquisición de
Gasolina cruda, por litro . • • • · 0.154 0.0734 (64 centavos , oro) por litro ; gasolina cruda concesiones en su propiedad.
Kerosina, por litro .. 0.09 % 0.0434 a 1134 centavos, y de kerosina cruda o refinada
Convertidos a medidas y dinero americano a 6½ centavos el litro.
Conferencia Sobre el Petróleo
estas cifras representarían precios de un peso Según el decreto que gobierna los impuestos
por barril de petróleo crudo ordinario, y de del petróleo, la valuación para ese fin es hecha OS directores de varias de las compañias
petróleo para combustible de densidad grave sobre las cotizaciones del mercado en los Lospetroleras americanas de más importancia
como el que se usa en los calderos de los puertos americanos y descontando el costo de conferenciarán con el Presidente Provisional
buques y locomotoras, y en los calderos de las transportación. El resto se considera como el De la Huerta con referencia a un arreglo de
plantas manufactureras de este país. La valor justo del petróleo mexicano en el puerto la controversia petrolera, según declaraciones
"United States Shipping Board" y el Gobierno de embarque, sin tomarse en cuenta el precio hechas por Manuel Padres, Sub- Secretario de
de los Estados Unidos se han visto obligados pagado en el pozo por el producto, el cual está Hacienda. El Gobierno tiene bajo su estudio
a pagar desde $1.75 hasta más de $2 por barril sujeto a las necesidades del productor que no un proyecto para la introducción de un im
por esta clase de petróleo a compañías ameri posee oleoductos o facilidades de transporta puesto federal directo, empezando por fijar
canas. Al precio de 16 centavos por litro ción. Por alguna razón las cotizaciones del impuestos a los grandes terratenientes.
de gasolina refinada, la valuación mexicana mercado de petróleo muy pocas veces se
para el impuesto es casi exactamente 30 cen refieren al producto mexicano, y es difícil Utilidades Petroleras
tavos por galón. Los automobilistas que se obtenerlas. OS directores de la "Mexican Petroleum
ven obligados a pagar más de 34 centavos por En el contrato que se otorgó a la " Standard LosCompany, Ltd.," han aumentado los divi
galón de gasolina en los Estados Unidos, no Oil Company" de New Jersey, por la "United dendos de las acciones ordinarias de 10 a 12
creerán muy bien que las compañías petróleras States Shipping Board," por 9,300,000 barriles por ciento al año, para lo cual distribuirán
tienen razón en su protesta contra el impuesto de petróleo para combustible, un perito en esta dividendos de 3 por ciento , trimestral, a los
mexicano . El impuesto sobre gasolina, como materia cotizó a $2.30 el barril entregado a la poseedores de esa clase de acciones. Los
sobre todos los otros productos del petróleo es compañía en Bayonne, New Jersey, o a $2.40 en directores también han declarado un dividendc
de tres por ciento o .09 centavos por galón, el los muelles del puerto de New York. regular trimestral de $2 por acción sobre
cual es tres centavos más barato que el precio Una cotización reciente fue publicada por el acciones de preferencia ( preferred stock) , el
que se impone aqui. periódico mexicano El Universal a $2.18 por cual será pagado el primero de octubre . El
La población campestre que todavía necesita barril menos flete. Otro periódico (una dividendo sobre las acciones ordinarias será
la kerosina para el alumbrado, al igual que publicación americana ) últimanente cotizó el pagado el 11 del mismo mes.
los automobilistas acepta el precio de 18 cen petróleo crudo mexicano puesto en lugares de
tavos por galón como precio razonable com Texas a $3.25 y $3.75 por barril. Dividendos de las Compañias
parado con el precio que se impone en los El petróleo para combustible es cotizado, en Petroleros
Estados Unidos por el aceite de carbón. El tanques del vendedor, en Bayonne, New Jersey,
impuesto sobre la kerosina es de 6 por ciento, AS siguientes compañias petroleras han
a 1234 centavos el galón , lo . que equivale a
LAS declarado dividendos durante la semana pa
o un poco más de un centavo por galón , y el $4.08 por barril. Se ignora la fuente de esta
de petróleo crudo de densidad grave es de cotización. sada : Pan-American Petroleum & Transport
10 centavos por barril. Sobre el petróleo crudo Los Estados Unidos recientemente confisca Company, trimestralmente, $ 1.50 sobre acciones
de mejor calidad, que contiene una gran canti ordinarias de clase A y B, pagadero el 11 de
ron petróleo para combustible en la costa del
dad de gasolina, el impuesto sube hasta 16% octubre ; California Petroleum Company, tri
Pacífico a $ 1.72 por barril, pero finalmente se
centavos por barril. mestralmente, $1.75 sobre acciones de pre
llegó un arreglo por medio del cual pagaría
Con el objeto de hacer una comparación, ferencia, a pagarse el primero de octubre ;
$2 por barril durante tres meses. Los últimos
insertamos las cifras de la valuación del im embarques de New Orleans muestran un pro Pure Oil Company, trimestralmente, $1.25
puesto que había antes. En Abril de este año, sobre acciones de preferencia del 54 por
medio de $4.68 por barril. Recientemente se
el gobierno de aquella época estableció las ciento , $1.50 sobre las de 6 por ciento y $2
hizo un contrato en México por millones de
siguientes bases de valuación : barriles "en el pozo" al precio de $1.25 por sobre las de 8 por ciento, todas pagaderas el
Moneda Moneda primero de octubre ; Seamans Oil Co. , tri
Mexicana Americana barril. De todo esto de puede ver que no es
Petróleo para combustible, de excesiva la valuación establecida por el mestral , 5 por ciento a pagarse el 30 de sep
densidad de 0.91 ... $23.00 $11.50 tiembre ; Big Heart Producing and Refining
Petróleo crudo de densidad de Gobierno Mexicano para fijar los impuestos,
0.91 ··· • • 30.00 15.00 Company, trimestral, 2½ por ciento pagadero
Petróleo crudo . de densidad de y que la cantidad del impuesto por barril es
más de 0.965 .. • ·· 18.00 9.00 el primero de octubre ; y la Imperial Oil Cor
Petróleo pára combustible, de insignificante cuando es comparada con el
densidad de más de 0.97.. 18.00 9.00 poration, mensualmente, 1 por ciento sobre
precio que se obtiene en el mercado. acciones ordinarias, y trimestralmente 3 por
Durante los años de 1918 y 1919 hubo muy LA REVISTA está tomando medidas para ob ciento sobre acciones de preferencia , a pagarse ,
poca fluctuación en el mercado en los precios tener las cotizaciones de petróleo, tanto en el ambas, el 15 de octubre.
18 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920 .

would remain unearthed if the Nation's domain Mexico it is levied only on such oil as is Mistaken Reports Refuted
over minerals is not recognized. exported from the country. Officially
"For this reason, the Department of Industry Alien oil lessees in Colombia, as is pro
EPORTS have been published in the
in coming to the defense of the integral posed in Mexico , are compelled to sign
REPO press stating that the American Govern
domain of the Nation over all minerals, is com waivers subjecting themselves, so far as
ment, in conferences held at the State Depart
ing also to the defense of the public interest property interests are concerned, entirely to
the courts and laws of that country . ment with Mexican representatives, has made
and of the regard which is due to our juridical
traditions. It is defending a constitutional it plain that the American Government will
Aliens in the United States subject them
principle sanctioned by all our constitutions. selves to the courts and laws of the coun insist on three main points before recognition
To fulfill this duty we have no need of fol will be extended , namely, life and property of
try in such matters without question, as to
lowing in the footsteps of Cabrera ( former do otherwise would make them ridiculous. Americans in Mexico must be protected ;
Minister of Foreign Relations ) . We have claims of Americans for life and property
and would be of no avail . It is only when
only to remember that all the officials in the foreigners go to weaker countries , like destroyed in Mexico in recent years must be
Administration are bound under oath to safe Colombia and Mexico, that they have the promptly and fairly adjusted, and alleged conTag
guard the Constitution and all the laws assurance to defy the local laws and demand fiscatory laws passed by the Mexican Con
emanating from it." extra privileges because of their nationality. gress under the Carranza régime must be
repealed . The report adds that the Mexican
representatives have agreed to all of these
Nationalization of Petroleum points . While it is true that several confer
The Petroleum
Deposits Situation ences have been held between Mexican repre
N AN editorial deprecating the action sentatives and State Department officials , the
RECENT dispatch from Mexico City
INof the United States Senate in refusing éstates that the refusal of some of the
Mexican Embassy categorically denies that
to ratify the Colombian treaty at its last A such points were ever presented and agreed
petroleum interests to abide by the agreement
session because of objections to Colombia's to pay their back taxes in consideration of a to by Mexican representatives, as reported in
new petroleum legislation, the Engineering the press .
temporary suspension of the Carranza petro
and Mining Journal of May 22, one of the The Mexican Embassy has received specific.
leum decrecs until Congress passes a new law,
most conservative and powerful profes instructions from President de la Huerta to
necessitates a delay until the Supreme Court
sional publications in the country, declares : hands down a decision on pending cases. emphatically deny the reports published in
"We have had made a translation of certain American newspapers to the effect that
General Jacinto B. Trevino, Secretary of In it was his intention to continue in the Presi
Law 120, enacted December 30, 1919, dustry, Commerce and Labor, declares in this
and presented an abstract of the salient dency and to postpone the date of the Presi
connection :
features of it in this issue . The law is dential election . President de la Huerta's
"With supreme selfishness , " he asserted, re
based upon the fundamental principles strong determination is that the election be
ferring to companies which would not obey
that the subsoil rights to petroleum the law, "they want to be without law or obli held on the first Sunday of next September
and its related compounds belong to gation. After several fruitless conferences as provided by law and to surrender the
the state, and exploitation by private with the Mexican Government, representatives Presidency to the person elected by the people.
parties must consequently be by per of petroleum interests agreed to pay the back to succeed him. Furthermore, it is the Presi
mission of the state , under the control taxes, but now they say their companies will dent's keen desire to leave his office, as he is
of the state, and that such exploita not ratify the agreement. We intend firmly anxious to turn over the affairs of the Nation
tion should contribute a suitable reve to enforce the supreme court's decision. We to his legally elected successor.
nue to the state . These principles do have faith in justice, and we have the courage
not differ from those in our own reN to make it respected ."
cently enacted legislation embodied in The Government has shown a disposition Petroleum Bank to be Established
the Oil-Land Leasing Bill." from the outset to ask only what is fair and TEPS are reported to be under way for
The Engineering and Mining Journal se right in connection with the petroleum question , STEE the organization of the Bank of Pe
cured the Spanish text of the law com as indeed with all other matters of public con troleum for the purpose primarily of aiding
mented upon above, had it translated and cern, and it is to be regretted that its willing-J the oil companies which are hampered by the
digested by Judge J. W. Thompson, who as ness in this respect should not be seconded lack of banking facilities in the Republic. It
legal advisor of the Bureau of Mines at by all who are interested in the development of is said that the new bank will commence with
Washington drafted the Oil-Leasing law reKl Mexico and the establishment of a permanent a capital of $ 1,000,000 , which will be increased
cently passed by the United States Congress peace. as the demand grows. Ex-Secretary of the
after a hard fight. The Oil Leasing bill Treasury McAdoo is reported to be one of the
was opposed both in and out of Congress leaders in the enterprise.
Japanese Oil Company With
and has been denounced by many states
men and economists as surrendering im Large Capital
y e
mensel valuabl resourc es to private par T is announced that a Japanese company Buys Locomotives and
ties at a tithe of their true value . IT with a capital of fifty million yen ( equiva Freight Cars
The Engineering and Mining Journal lent to $25,000,000 American money ) has been
RRANGEMENTS have been completed
comment should be interesting to the peo organized with the intention of entering upon
ple of the United States because of its fa the exploitation of any petroleum deposits that A in New York by General Alvarado ,
vorable comparison of the Colombian petro may be discovered upon the west coast of secretary of the Mexican treasury, for the
leum law with the Oil Leasing bill . Also Mexico. A commission of geologists is inJa purchase of several high-powered locomotives
it should interest them as well as the people vestigating the matter and it is said that nu and a number of freight cars for the Mexican
of Mexico because of the great similarity of merous springs of • chapopote or liquid asphal National railroads. Payment for this equip
ment is to be made in convenient instalments,
the Colombian legislation to that now being + tum have been discovered in the district
considered by the Mexican Congress and between Mazatlan and Rosario, in the State of secured by notes offered by Alvarado and
bitterly opposed by most of the American Sinaloa. satisfactory to the companies selling the ma
companies having interests in Mexico . In terial.
the matter of taxation the Mexican law is General Alvarado has also visited Boston
Mexican imports for the first four months
particularly lenient as compared with either and Philadelphia, where he bought.other ma
of this year are stated to be 92,000,000 pesos ,
the Colombian law or the Oil Leasing bill. showing a marked increase over the immediate terial and has under discussion with shipping
In both of the latter the tax is levied on the preceding years . The figures for the first six interests the establishment of steamer lines in
entire production at the wells, while in months of 1918 were 164,470,378.38. the Mexican coastwise trade.

Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 19

El Domiñio del Estado la Constitución de 1917 , lejos de reformar la indulgente que la ley colombiana o la de los
Constitución de 1857 al proclamar el dominio del Estados Unidos. En las dos últimas los im
Sobre Petróleo No Es Nuevo
Estado sobre los minerales e hidrocarburos, con puestos estan basados sobre la producción total
OS funcionarios de la Secretaría de Industria servó los derechos del Estado en la forma que de los pozos , mientras que en México sólo están
" LOSque han venido sosteniendo la actual
los resguardaba la Constitución 57.. sobre el petróleo que se exporta del país. A los
legislación petrolera de México, no sostienen en "
'No es fuera de ocasión manifestar que si no extranjeros que tienen concesiones petroleras en
verdad principios nuevos y que alguien considera se reconoce el dominio del Estado sobre los Colombia, como también se propone hacer en
surgidos como una novedad de la Administra México, se les obliga a firmar un documento
minerales, quedarían sepultadas infinitas rique
ción del señor Carranza ; defendemos, en reali zas cuya extracción reclama el interés general y sugetándose por completo a las cortes y leyes
dad, una tradición clásica de nuestras tradi la riqueza nacional . del pais en todo aquello que se refiera a sus
ciones jurídicas . " "' Al defender, pues, la Secretaría de Industria
intereses y propiedades. Los extranjeros en los
En tal forma comenzó a hablarnos el licen el dominio integral de la Nación sobre los mine Estados Unidos están sujetos a las cortes y leyes
ciado M. de la Peña , jefe del Departamento rales todos, brega a la vez que por el interés del país con referencia a estos asuntos sin protesta
Jurídico de la Secretaría de Industria, a propó general, por el respeto que es debido a nuestras alguna, pues de lo contrario se pondrian en
sito de los ataques de que han sido objeto los tradiciones jurídicas , porque se guarde un ridículo y no conseguirían nada. Es solamente
referidos funcionarios por los petroleros norte principio constitucional sancionado por todas cuando los extranjeros van a países más débiles,
americanos, que tratan de que sea modificada la nuestras constituciones. Para cumplir ese deber como Colombia y México, que creen tener el
legislación petrolera de México , según convenga no necesita seguir los moldes cabrerianos, sino derecho de oponerse a las leyes locales y de pedir
a sus intereses. recordar el que todo funcionario se impone al privilegios extraordinarios solamente por Su
' Communmente se juzga como legislación aceptar un puesto en la Administración , el de nacionalidad .
destructora de la propiedad el precepto constitu guardar y hacer guardar la Constitución y leyes
cional que atribuyó al Estado el dominio del que de ella emanen.”
petróleo- agregó nuestro interlocutor- y de allí Compañia Petrolera Japonesa Con
viene que la simpatía pública juzga a los dueños Fuerte Capital
de la superficie del terreno como víctimas de la Nacionalización de los
ignorancia o la malicia de legisladores indoctos, Depósitos de Petróleo ANUNCIASE que con
pañia japonesa se ha
capital de una com
que les arrancaron derechos que sanciona la
N un editorial en que deplora la acción del millones de yens (equivalente a $25,000,000 en
justicia y que proclamaban las anteriores con oro americano ) con la intención de invertirlos en
stituciones de México. ESenado de los Estados Unidos , por haber
rehusado en la última sesión la ratificación del la explotación de depósitos de petróleo que puedan
De este prejuicio resulta que quienes tales ser descubiertos en la costa occidental de México .
preocupaciones abriguen vean con prevención tratado con Colombia, por objeciones hechas a
Está investigando el asunto una comisión de
a los que se yerguen contra esos prejuicios y las leyes de aquel país concernientes al petróleo ,
el Engineering and Mining Journal, del 21 de geólogos y se dice que se han descubierto nume
juzgan a los constituyentes de 1917 con severidad
Mayo, una de las publicaciones profesionales de rosas fuentes de chapopote o asfalto líquido en
injusta y a los sostenedoores del principio del. la zona que se encuentra entre Mazatlán y Ro
dominio del Estado sobre todas las riquezas del este país más conservadoras y de más influencia,
sales, en el Estado de Sinaloa.
subsuelo, como émulos y continuadores de la declara :
política carrancista: "Hemos hecho una traducción de la Ley 120 ,
Comunmente se dice que la Constitución adoptada el 30 de Diciembre de 1919 , y presen
tamos en este núnero un abstracto de los puntos La Actividad de los Mineros
de 57 resguardaba los derechos que aducen los
más sobresalientes . La ley esta basada sobre los de Chihuahua
superficiarios sobre algunas especies minerales
y entre ellas el carbón de piedra y los hidrocar principios fundamentales de que los derechos del L recibo de la noticia del retiro de Villa, el
buros, pero esa afirmación es contraria a la subsuelo al petróleo y sus derivados le perte A Departamento de Industria y Comercio
verdad, como es muy fácil demostrarlo . necen al Estado y la explotación por individuos declaró que había recibido un sin número de
" Para ello acudiremos al testimonio de testigos particulares debe ser por permisos concedidos por solicitudes pidiendo permiso para volver a tra
irrefutables y que no pueden juzgarse contamina el Estado y sujeto a su autoridad , y que ésta bajar las minas que se habían cerrado hacia largo
dos de la influencia que se nos atribuye. Ele explotación debía contribuír ingresos razonables tiempo por motivo del bandidaje , y para la
giremos el testimonio del Presidente de la para el Estado. Estos principios no difieren de exploración de nuevos campos que aún no estaban
Comisión dictaminadora del Código de Minería nuestra ley recientemente promulgada para el explotados. Se calcula que más de 400 minas
de 1900 , refiriéndonos a sus palabras pronun para el arrendamente de terrenos petrolíefros . han reanudado sus trabajos en el Estado de
ciadas en defensa del Código que mutiló ese El Engineering and Mining Journal con Chihuahua durante el último mes.
derecho del Estado. siguió el texto español de la ley sobre la cual hace
" Pero antes, debemos fijar un hecho científico : el anterior comentario, la hizo traducir , y la
Llámanse minerales las substancias inorgánicas sometió a un estudio por el juez J. W. Thompson, Exhibición de Productos
metalíferas o combustibles que se extraen del quien como consejero legal de la Oficina de Minas
de Sonora
subsuelo, y por eso es que con toda propiedad la de Washington, hizo la redacción de la ley
Constitución de 1917 clasifica entre los minerales recientemente decretada por el Congreso de los L gobierno del Estado de Sonora ha hecho
Estados Unidos. La ley que decreta el arrenda E arreglos para mantener en Nogales, para
el "petróleo.
Una vez que queda demostrado que el miento de terrenos petrolíferos tuvo mucha el beneficio de visitantes de la frontera , un salón
petróleo es un mineral, veamos lo que sobre esa oposición en el Congreso y ha sido censurada por espacioso donde se exhibirán permanentemente
materia sostenía el señor Calero en 1909. Dijo :, muchos estadistas y economistas quienes alegan muestras de los productos de ese progresista
'Conforme a nuestras tradiciones jurídicas en que se entregan valiosísimas propiedades a Estado . Se ha mandado una circular a los
materia de minería, todos los criaderos minerales inviduos particulares por una pequeñez de su manufactureros, mineros, agricultores, a los
y substancias inorgánicas del subsuelo del país, verdadero valor. cultivadores de frutas, a los criadores de ganado
pertenecieron primero a la Corona Española . El comentario del Engineering and Mining y al público en general pidiéndoles que faciliten
El sistema se perpetuó durante nuestra época Journal debe ser interesante para el pueblo de artículos adecuados de producto local para esta
independiente y el Código de 1884 es la primera los Estados Unidos porque compara favorable exhibición .
legislación mexicana que trajo innovaciones ver mente la ley del petróleo de Colombia con la ley
daderamente importantess · que según el con \ para el arrendamento de terrenos petrolíferos de
cepto expreso del artículo 72 de la Constitución Entendemos que la Cámara de Comercio
este país . También debía interesarles tanto a
Confederada ha recomendado que las varias
de la República no podía tocar esas substancias. éstos como al pueblo de México por la semejanza
"Si , como dice Calero , toda la legislación de la legislación colombiana con el proyecto de compañías de vapores, tanto nacionales como
mexicana proclamó el dominio del Estado , si ley que el Congreso Mexicano está considerando extranjeras, que hacen uso de las aguas mexi
según el art. 72 Constitucional no podía tocar y al cual se oponen la mayoría de las compañías canas, se organicen para la defensa en contra
esas riquezas, constitucionalmente ningún dere americanas que tienen intereses en México. En de la unión de marineros, la cual está haciendo
cho tenían los superficiarios sobre ellas, y por eso cuanto a los impuestos, la ley mexicana es más frecuentes e injustas huelgas.

20 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

which knows how to acquire the most sym money coming from the United States . But
pathy among the other nations of the earth . nominally, at least, the best Mexicans seem
"Since the latest political movement in our to be tired of incessant factional fighting and
People and Officials of Arizona Extend a own country, which has restored to us all our of strife with foreign powers.
Hearty Welcome to the Mexican General rights, we too are minded to guide our people General Obregon has proved his military ca
along new paths, which run parallel to our na pacity. What he will decide to do as a civilian
HE Border peoples know each other.
tional aspirations and to the newly manifested administrator is on the hither side of fact, and
TH Arizonans were quick to sense the fact
tendencies of humanity. is still prophecy. His utterances, while wait
that the recent change in the Mexican govern
"Without the shadow of a doubt, it is to ing for the verdict of the voters, have been
ment would make for betterment in the re
morality and to culture that the world of the friendly and sensible. If to a firm will he
lations existing between the United States and
future will look for guidance and direction. unites wisdom and good will, and if he is a
Mexico. To them, General Alvaro Obregon, statesman, as well as a soldier, he has a chance
the champion of the new regime, was an old And we, in harmony with this new tendency,
will gladly throw open our frontiers and fra to make Mexico rise in the scale of nations and
and respected neighbor. They were quick to
ternally stretch out our arms to all men of take the place she deserves among the republics
do him honor. of the two continents. She has much to learn
Scarcely had the smoke of conflict cleared good will who bear with them these two ele
away when the Chamber of Commerce of ments of progress and come to cooperate with from the best of her neighbors to the south
us for the advancement of our country. as well as from us. Of late years she has
Nogales , Arizona, extended an invitation to the
"At the outset of this new political life, acted as a marplot in the Pan-American move
people of its twin sister, Nogales of Sonora,
which will harmonize with our aspirations, we ment. Carranza was deep in this intrigue,
to unite in celebrating the return home of Gen
desire to see effaced all those former incidents and when he fell by the way he had few
eral Obregon from Mexico City, where he had
which, emanating from a variety of causes , mourners among the statesmen of the other
left President de la Huerta safely in power . Latin-American states who foresee the need
Governor Tom Campbell of Arizona, and Gov sundered us from the other people of the earth.
We are eager to inaugurate an era of concord of unity between the Americas, especially now
ernor F. A. Borquez of Sonora, with their
which shall strengthen more and more as time that Europe and Asia are in turmoil.
staffs and other officials were invited and
lapses, our amicable relations with foreign The crying need in Mexico and in the United
promptly accepted the invitation to attend .
nations. States, as they work out their mutual policy,
Though the idea for the celebration origi
"In conclusion, I wish to give utterance to is for disinterested action. Explanation of
nated with Bracey Curtis , president of the
my heartfelt gratitude toward the inhabitants physical resources and of men by men of greed
Nogales , Arizona, Chamber of Commerce, it
was heartily backed up by the Commerce of • the neighboring city of Nogales for this in both countries has kept the two nations at
demonstration of their sympathy and through odds . Civil war in Mexico and threats of war
Chamber of the Mexican Nogales and the prin between the two countries too often has had
ciple features of the affair were on Mexican them, as the worthiest channel, I send a mes
sage of brotherhood to the American people its basis in lust for power and for wealth.
soil, starting on the morning of July 11 with a
in the name of my fellow citizens." If President Obregon believes this and intends,
big parade through the streets of the towns, a
as far as he can, to put an end to it, he should
public reception with speeches and music, and
be aided by American public opinion, and not
winding up in the evening with a big barbecue
Huerta Makes Way for Obregon be hampered in any way from this side of the
at La Casita, 25 miles south of the Border,
HE elections in Mexico have made Gen line.-Washington (D. C.) Herald, Sept. 7.
whither the guests were whirled in a long train
TH eral Obregon the next president, as it was
of automobiles .
predicted that they would. He had practically
Though this barbecue was taged as a "stag" Profits On Oil Stock
no opposition with much voting strength, and
party, and it is whispered that the Eighteenth
he will follow Carranza under quite different 'HE directors of the Mexican Petroleum
amendment does not run south of the border,
circumstances from those which that admin THE Company, Ltd., have increased the divi
Governor Campbell's wife and Mrs. Obregon,
with a half-dozen women friends ran out in istrator first faced . Obregon owes much of dends on the common stock from 10 to 12 per
this good fortune to the provisional President cent per annum by the declaration of a regular
an automobile during the afternoon and gave
the crowd the "once over." It was at this bar De la Huerta, whose name recalls that of the quarterly dividend of 3 per cent on the common
executive that President Wilson drove from shares. The directors also declared the regular
becue dinner that General Obregon, replying
power, but whose personality, spirit and policy quarterly dividend of $2 per share on the
to a speech of congratulation and welcome by
have been so different. Whatever the future preferred stock, payable October 1. The com
Governor Tom Campbell, made his first state
may have in store for the young executive who mon dividend is payable October 11 .
ment as to Mexico's future foreign policy, as
has stood loyally by his program of fairplay The following oil companies declared divi
follows : to all the best interests of the nation, he dends during the past week : Pan-American
"All we Mexicans who have fought for lib
erty and know how to appraise it aright, share already has made an honorable place for him Petroleum & Transport Company, quarterly,
self in Mexican history. $1.50 on A and B common, both payable Octo
the glad emotions felt by our sister country in
He is a sincere, as we believe, friend of ber 11 ; California Petroleum Company, quar
celebrating the glorious anniversary on which
it won its indepen dence. A further cause for democr acy, and he has no sympathy with the terly, $1.75 on preferred, payable October 1 ;
rejoicing we find in the circumstance that the redicalism which Carranza fostered . Rigorous Pure Oil Company, quarterly, $1.25 on 5 per
recent action against the "Red" faction that cent, preferred, $1.50 on 6 per cent, preferred ,
people of the neighboring city of Nogales , are
giving proof by eloquent deeds to the men of found lodgment during the Carranza regime, and $2 on 8 per cent, preferred, all payable
- has already led to an exodus that will help October 1 ; Seamans Oil Company, quarterly, 5
Nogales , Mexico , of their old spirit of brother
stabilize the country. While steadfast in pro per cent, payable September 30 ; Big Heart
hood and their aspirations for perfect harmony
tecting national rights in mineral properties Producing & Refining Company, quarterly, 2½
between the two nations .
De la Huerta also has shown that he is not per cent, payable October 1 , and Imperial Oil
"Henceforward, a frank understanding
disposed to mulct holders of concessions . So Corporation, monthly, 1. per cent, on common
among all the peoples of the continent, on the
far as possible he has cleaned up centers of and quarterly, 2 per cent of preferred, both
basis of mutual respect and absolute equity,
will form the backbone of America and offer vice along the border and in Southern Cali payable October 15.
fornia. Negotiations have been entered upon
the most trustworthy guarantee for the future
providing for payment of interest charges on
of all those peoples. the foreign debt. Revival of progressive poli The diplomatic budget for the coming year
"Since the last war, which for several years cies of education has been ordered . Reduc will be 6,300,375 pesos as against 4,570,000 last
stirred the world to its depths, civilization has year. The secret service attached to this de
tion of the army, with corresponding gain to
been moving through unwonted channels, al partment has been reduced from 250,000 to
the treasury, has begun. In short, a happier
lotting but a secondary part to brute force.
era has opened. Intimations that2 it2 is all 150,000 in the new budget. The diplomatic
The time is now drawing near when the mighti
camouflage are common, as are hints that the and consular forces will be replaced in num
est people will be not that one which chances
to possess most heavy guns, but that other peace has been "purchased" by liberal use of ber and the pay will be increased 50 per cent.
Octubre, 1920

LA FRONTERA CELEBRA EL ido por senderos poco comunes, dando sólo Hasta donde le ha sido posible él ha supri
un segundo lugar a la fuerza bruta. Está mido los centros de vicio a lo largo de la
llegando el tiempo que la nación más poderosa frontera y al sur de California ; ya se ha
Los Habitantes y los Funcionarios de no será la que posea los cañones más grandes, entrado en arreglos para el pago de los inte
Arizona Extienden una Cordial Bien sino aquella que sepa atraerse la mayor sim reses de la deuda exterior ; se le ha dado
venida al General Mexicano patía entre las otras naciones del mundo. nuevo vigor al establecimiento de ideas pro
"Desde el último movimiento político en gresistas de educación ; se ha principiado la
OS habitantes de la frontera se conocen nuestro país, el cual nos ha restituido todos reducción del ejército, lo cual redundará en
Los mútuamente. Los arizonenses han com
nuestros derechos, tenemos las esperanzas de beneficio del tesoro nacional ; y en una palabra,
prendido que el reciente cambio en el Gobierno guiar a nuestros compatriotas por nuevos ha principiado una era más féliz. Las alu
Mexicano será una mejora en las relaciones que senderos, los cuales van paralelos a nuestras siones indirectas de que todo esto es solo
existían entre los Estados Unidos y México . aspiraciones nacionales y a las nuevas mani "pintado" son comunes, como también las
Para ellos el General Alvaro Obregón, cam festaciones de la humanidad. alusiones de que la pacificación fue "comprada ”
peón del nuevo régimen, era un vecino respe "Sin duda alguna es en la moralidad y en por medio del uso liberal de dinero americano,
tado. Ellos se aceleraron a hacerle honor. la cultura donde el mundo buscará en el futuro Pero aparentemente, si menos, la mejor parte
Apenas se había disipado el humo del con su guía y dirección, y nosotros, de acuerdo de los mexicanos ya está cansada de incesantes
flicto, cuando la Cámara de Comercio de con esa nueva - tendencia, con gran rejocijo luchas faccionarias y de dificultades con las
Nogales, Arizona, extendió una invitación a
abriremos las puertas de nuestras fronteras y potencias extranjeras.
la población de la hermana gemela, Nogales con los brazos extendidos daremos asilo a El General Obregón ha dado pruebas de su
de Sonora, para celebrar conjuntamente el aquellos hombres de buena voluntad que capacidad militar, pero todavía queda por
regreso del General Obregón de la Ciudad de verse lo que hará como gobernante civil . Sus
traígan esos dos elementos de progreso y que
México, donde él había dejado al Presidente vengan a cooperar con nosotros para el palabras, pronunciadas mientras estaba en
de la Huerta en el poder. El Gobernador adelanto de nuestro país. espera del veredicto de los sufragistas, fueron
Tom Campbell de Arizona y el Gobernador "Al principio de esta nueva vida política , amistosas y sensatas . Si a una determinación
F. A. Borquez de Sonora con sus oficiales y la cual estará en armonía con nuestras aspira firme une la circunspección y buena voluntad ,
demás empleados fueron invitados y aceptaron ciones, deseamos ver borrados todos los inci y si es tan buen estadista como fue buen
con prontitud la invitación para asistir a esta dentes pasados emanados de distintas causas soldado, Obregón tendrá la oportunidad de
fiesta. y los cuales nos separaron de los demás levantar a México al lugar que le corresponde
Aunque la idea de esta celebración fue en el concierto de las naciones de los dos
pueblos del mundo. Ansiamos inaugurar una
originada por Barcey Curtis, presidente de la era de cordialidad que estreche más nuestras continentes . México tiene mucho que aprender
Cámara de Comercio de Nogales, Arizona, relaciones amistosas con las naciones extran de sus mejores vecinos, tanto de los que están
ésta fué apoyada vehementemente por la jeras. hacia el sur como de nosotros. En los últimos
Cámara de Comercio Mexicana de Nogales, y "En conclusion, manifestaré mi más pro años México ha sido un enredador en el movi
los actos sobresalientes de esta fiesta tuvieron miento panamericanista . Carranza estaba bien
funda gratitud a los habitantes de la vecina
lugar en suelo mexicano, principiando en la cuidad de Nogales por esta demostración de enredado en esta intriga, y cuando cayó, fueron
mañana del 4 de Julio con un paseo cívico simpatia, y por el digno conducto de ellos bien pocos los que lo lamentaron de entre los
en las calles de las dos ciudades, una recep deseo enviar un mensaje fraternal al pueblo estadistas de las otras repúblicas latino
ción pública con discursos y música, y conclu americano en el nombre de mis concuidadanos." americanos que ven la necesidad de que exista
yendose por la tarde con una comida pública la unión entre las Américas, principalmente
en La Casita, 25 millas al sur de la frontera, ahora que Europa y Asia están tan agitadas,
donde los huespedes fueron llevados en auto Obregón Reemplazará a De Lo que más necesitan México y los Estados
mobiles. la Huerta Unidos es abordar desinteresadamente la tarea
Aunque esta comida fué sólo para hombres de elaborar su mútua política. La explotación
AL como se pronosticó, el General Obre
y por ahí se dice que al sur de la frontera sí se de los recursos naturales y la explotación de
TAL gón fué elegido para Presidente de
se consigue licor, la esposa del Gobernador los hombres por hombres codiciosos , en una
México ; el candidato de la oposición no tuvo
Campbell y la Señora Obregón en compañía gran cosa de votos. y ostra parte, es lo que ha mantenido a estas
Obregón subirá a la
de media docena de amigas, fueron en un auto dos naciones distanciadas . El inmoderado deseo
Presidencia bajo distintas circunstancias de
mobil durante el día a darle un "vistazo" a de adquirir poder y riquezas ha sido muy a
las que rodearon a Carranza cuando éste
los festejantes. Durante la comida el General menudo el origen de las luchas faccionarias
llegó al poder. Obregón le debe una buena
Obregón respondió al discurso de bienvenida en México y de las amenazas de guerra entre
parte del crédito al Presidente De la Huerta,
y congratulaciones pronunciado por el Gober los dos países . Si el Presidente Obregón
cuyo nombre nos hace recordar el del Ejecu
nador Tom Campbell, y expuso la futura piensa en esta forma, y si está resuelto a
tivo que fué desalojado del poder por el
política extranjera de México, como sigue : ponerle fin a este estado de cosas, en lugar
Presidente Wilson , pero cuya personalidad,
"Todos nosotros, los mexicanos que hemos de ser obstaculizado debe recibir la cooperación
espíritu y política son totalmente diferentes .
luchado por la libertad y que la apreciamos, del pueblo americano.-Washington Herald.
Sea cual fuere lo que el futuro le tonga reser
participamos de estas alegres emociones que
vado al jóven presidente que se ha adherido
nuestro país hermano manifiesta en la celebra Los Alemanes Interesados en los
firmemente a su determinación de ser leal a
ción gloriosa del aniversario de su indepen
los mejores intereses de la nación, él ya se ha Negocios Petroleros
dencia. Una causa más para regocijarnos la
forjado un sitio honorable en la historia de ICESE que una organización alemana que
encontramos en que el pueblo de la ciudad México .
Dcuenta con un fuerte capital se interesa en la
vecina de Nogales , está dando pruebas con Abrigamos la creencia que De la Huerta es
hechos elocuentes a los hombres de Nogales explotación y producción de petróleo en este país
un amigo sincero de la democracia, y que no y de su exportación a Alemania lo mismo que a
de México, del espíritu de fraternidad de que participa del radicalismo que animaba a Ca
está animado y de sus aspiraciones en pro de otros países extranjeros. Se propone construír
rranza. Su reciente y vigorosa acción contra
buques tanques y adquirir tierras petrolíferas ,
la más perfecta armonía entre las dos naciones. los " rojos" que encontraron asilo durante el tal como lo han hecho las compañías de otros
"De hoy en adelante una franca inteligencia regimen de Carranza ya ha dado lugar a un países. Se ha pedido al Departamento del
entre los pueblos de , este continente, basada exodo que ayudará a estabilizar el país. Petróleo toda clase de informes necesarios para
en el respeto mútuo y justicia absoluta, dará Aunque se ha mostrado inmovible en su deter llevar a cabo los propósitos de la corporación
lugar a la estabilidad de América y ofrecerá minación de proteger los derechos nacionales indicada.
las más fieles garantías para el futuro de todos con referencia a las propiedades mineras,
estos pueblos. también es cierto que De la Huerta ha El Gobierno ha revocado el reciente permiso
"Desde la última guerra, que sacudió el demostrado que no está dispuesto a ser injusto de aumento en los precios de pasajes y fletes
mundo hasta sus cimientos, la civilización ha con los dueños de concesiones. en los tranvías de la ciudad.


22 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920


News Headlines vs. The Facts
Mexican Bandit Chief Said to Have Begun
New Revolt
Brief Survey of Mexican Misinformation Conveyed to the Public During SAN ANTONIO, Tex., August 24.—
August by Newspapers in One American City
Villa about this time was writing in praise of
HE American people are "fed up" on CAUTIONED AGAINST new government and advising other bandits
so-called " news" from Mexico all the CREDITS TO HUERTA
time. Irrespon to surrender. Was making no resistance.
sible correspondents paid
at "space " rates by their news associatio seize
ns New York Financiers Get Warning From MEXICO SEEKING
upen wild and unconfirme rumors to bolster Here
d $75,000,000 CREDIT
up stories telegraphe without investigat
d ion as J
WASHINGTON, August 16.
to the facts . Below , with the facts italicised
Alvarado Declares American Money Neces
tor emphasized ) , are typical headlines culled
No loan is sought or likely to be untii sary to Rehabilitate Country
from the four newspapers published during NEW YORK, August 26.
August in one important American city : Obregon takes office and Mexican congress
acts as provided by law.
CANTU TROOP No loan sought or possible until authorized
OPEN BATTLE by Mexican Congress and improbable until
WITH FEDERALS PROTEST OIL TAXES after inauguration of Obregon as president.

Yanks Pilot Planes and Man Machine American Companies Call Mexican Rates "The Two Republics "
Guns Backed With Bombs NDER this caption there has come to
UN THE REVIEW a handsomely printed and
BLAME HUERTA GOVERNMENT bound pamphlet containing a lecture delivered
by Charles Sumner Young at Los Angeles in
Presidential Election in September In 1916, and the publication of which has been
Six Detachments Sent to Hold Mexicans
volved in Controversy deemed opportune at this juncture. The tone
South of Colorado of the address can be judged from some pun
MEXICALI, Calif., August 7. gent sentences taken from the preface : "For
Companies Called Good or Bad as They
Line Up With Obregon or Huerta Fac the advantage and advancement of all man
There ivas no fighting either of Mexicans tions. Both Seek U. S. Loans. Wash kind" has been the slogan of the murderous
or “Yanks.” Mexican Federal troops never ington May Claim Election Was Neither cohorts of invaders since the first recorded

were within several hundred miles of the battles of Biblical times 4,000 years ago.
Fair Nor Free. Army Huerta Agency.
Cantu forces until after Cantu had peaceably WASHINGTON , August 18.— Never country existed incapable of self-gov
resigned and a small detachment went in with ernment ! Mexico has existed a thousand
his successor to take over the government of All companies pay taxes within two weeks years without American rule ; and a thousand
the peninsula. years hence Mexico would continue to exist
of date story print d.
De la Huerta and Obregon continuc , as they without American rule. Paraphrasing Lin
VERA CRUZ REVOLT started, to act in perfect harmony. coln's great speech at Peoria, Ill . , in 1854 :
DECLARED LIKELY No loan sought. "When the American governs himself, that I
Elections pass without incident. Much of acknowledge is self-government ; when the
army is disbanded. American governs himself and the Mexican
Nava Government Disregards De la Huerta
besides, that I call despotism.”
Order Dismissing Executives
In conclusion the author says that the ad
dress is now published in the interest of Mex
ico , in the interest of the United States and in
There has been no revoli in Vera Cruz, not May Follow Cancellation of the Spanish
Consul's Credentials the interest of humanity, "in the hope that
even a bandit raid reported up to this writing. self-evident truths may have some influence
MEXICO CITY , August 19.
on two historic friends to withhold the im
FEAR COUP BY HUERTA No break follows ; incident closed without pending step which must humiliate Mexico
day's rupture of relations. and might be the fatal and final step in Amer
ica's downfall ." In nominating Woodrow
Obregon Factionalists Scent Plot to Hold
Wilson to the Presidency, John W. Wescott
sounded the keynote of warning to campaignw
ing militant -patriots, who would troop under
MAY POSTPONE ELECTION France States Conditions Relating to Pos
the blue flag with the American eagle : "Help
sible Recognition
Mexico , lest over her bloody grave are sown
PARIS , August 19.
Leaders Also in Friction Over Loan Sought the dragon's teeth of our own destruction ."
in United States Officially denied both in France and Mexico. The address in question is worthy of careful
reading and serious consideration by all real
friends of both countries .
Assurances by Huerta to Deal Fairly With MEXICANS KIDNAP
American Interests Held Too Indefinite. ELEVEN AMERICANS
Attempt to Oust Cantu Resented . Armed A German organization with large capital
Conflict Threat in Vera Cruz. ONE BRITISHER IS CAPTURED is reported to be interesting itself in the
WASHINGTON, Aug. 11.— development and production of petroleum in
Nephew of John Hays Hammond in Party Mexico and its shipment to Germany as well
Coup does not materialize . Big Ransom Demanded as to other foreign countries. It is proposed to
Obregon elected without the least ripple of MEXICO CITY . August 22. build tank vessels and also to acquire oil
trouble. bearing lands as is being done by companies
All but two immediately released- Mexican from other countries. Application has been
No loan sought. made to the Petroleum Department for all
• Oil companies pay taxes. Army pursues bandits to mountains , killing information needed in carrying out the pur
Cantu resigns. No conflict. many. Two escape later. poses of the organization .
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 23

Las Noticias Comparadas Con los Hechos ESPAÑA Y MÉXICO

Un Exámen Breve de las Noticias Falsas Que Acerca de México Fueron Puede Esto Ser el Resultado de la Cancela
Publicadas en Agosto en los Diarios de Una Ciudad Americanc cion de las Credenciales del Consul
IEMPRE se le han estado dando El golpe de estado no se materializó . Obre
gón fué elegido sin el menor disturbio. CIUDAD DE MEXICO , Agosto 19.—
pueblo americano lo que se ha dado en
S llamar "noticias" de México . Algunos No se solicita ningun empréstito.
No ha habido rompimiento ; el incidente se
corresponsales de poco sentido común que son Las compañías de petróleo pagan los im
arregló sin un día de interrupción en las rela
retribuidos por las agencias de noticias según puestos.
ciones oficiales .
las columnas que escriben, se valen de cual Cantú renunció.
quier rumor vago para darle color a los des No hay conflicto armado .
pachos telegráficos sin detenerse a investigar SE HACEN RECLAMACIÓNES
la realidad de los hechos. A MÉXICO
A continuación damos a conocer algunos EMPRESTITOS A HUERTA Francia Pone Sus Condiciones Para Otorgar
"encabezados" típicos escogidos de los cuatro
su Recomocimiento
diarios que durante Agosto se publicaron en
una ciudad importante de los Estados Unidos, Los Financieros de Nueva York Son PARIS , Agosto 19.
y también insertamos, en tipo cursivo, los Aconsejados desde Aquí
hechos tal como sucedieron : WASHINGTON, Agosto 11. Es oficialmente negado esto , tanto en Francia
como en México .
HACEN FUEGO CONTRA No se busca ningun empréstito y ni es esto
LOS FEDERALES probable hasta que Obregón asuma la Presi
dencia, y el Congreso Mexicano tome acción.
Con Aeroplanos Porta -Bombas y Ametra Se Dice Que Este ha Empezado una Nueva
lladoras Manejadas por Yankis Revolucion
ENEMIGO l'illa en esos días estaba escribiendo alaban
Las Compañías Americanas Dicen que los
Impuestos son Excesivos zas al nuevo gobierno, y aconsejando a los
Seis Destacamentos Son Enviados a Detener otros bandidos que se rindieran.
a los Mexicanos al Sur de Colorado
No hubo ninguna batalla , ni con mexicanos
75,000,000 DOLARES
ni con yanquis. Las tropas federales ni siquic Las Elecciones Presidenciales Implicadas
ra estuvieron a cien millas de distancia de en Esta Controversia- Las Compañías
Alvarado Declara que el Dinero Americano
las de Cantú hasta después que Cantú hubo Llamadas Buenas o Malas si Están con el
es Necesario par la Rehabilitacion
renunciado pacíficamente y su sucesor, acom Partido de Obregon o con el de De la del País
pañado de un pequeño destacamento, asumido Huerta-Ambos Buscan Empréstitos en NEW YORK, Agosto 26.
el gobierno de la peninsula. los Estados Unidos- Washington Tal Vez
Alegue que las Elecciones no Fueron
No se busca ningun empréstito , ni es posible
Legítimas o Libres- El Ejército es la
PROBABLEMENTE HABRA UNA hacerlo sin la autorización del Congreso Mexi
Agencia de De la Huerta.
REVOLUCIÓN EN VERACRUZ cano, y ésto es improbable hasta después de la
WASHINGTON, Agosto 18.—
inaguración de Obregón como presidente .
El Gobierno de Nava Desatiende la Orden
de De la Huerta en Que se le Quita
Todas las compañías pagaron los impuestos Se Establecerá Un Banco Del
del Poder
después de dos semanas depués de la publica Petróleo H
VERACRUZ, Agosto 11.
ción de esta pretendida noticia.
Dicese que se estan dando ciertos pasos para
Huerta y Obregón continúan, como princi
No hubo revolución en Veracruz; ni siquiera piaron , en perfecta armonía. la organización de un Banco del Petróleo con el
hubo algun asalto por bandidos. objeto fundamental de ayudar a las compañías
No se buscan emprésilitos ,
petroleras que resultan perjudicadas por la falta
Las clecciones pasaron sin ningun > incidente .
de facilidades bancarias en la República. Dícese
SE TEME UN GOLPE DE Gran parte del ejército ha sido dado de
que el nuevo Banco comenzará a funcionar con
un capital de un millón de dólares, el que será
aumentado a medida que crezca la demanda .
Los Adherentes de Obregon Temen Una ONCE AMERICANOS Agrégase que uno de los principales promotores
Intriga para Tomar la Presidencia SECUESTRADO POR de la idea es el ex-secretario del Tesoro de los
LOS MEXICANOS Estados Unidos, Mr. McAdoo .
El Departamento de Hacienda dice que los
Hay Friccion Entre los Jefes Sobre el Un Sobrino de John Hays Hammond Entre ingresos mensuales son de $ 18,000,000 , y los
los Secuestrados- El Rescate que se gastos $ 17,750,000 , o una ganancia de $250,000
Préstamo que se Busca en los Estados
Unidos- Las Promesas de De la Huerta Pide es Grande mensuales.
de Tratar Justamente a los Intereses CIUDAD DE MEXICO , Agosto 24.
Americanos se Consideran Indefinidas- Se Desde el 8 hasta el 14 de Julio del año pasado
Reciente la intencion de Quitar a Cantú— Todos, menos dos, inmediatamente fueron los ingresos de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de
Amanazas de un Conflicto Armado en puestos en libertad. El ejército Mexicano México fueron de $ 1,146,142 comparados con
Vera Cruz. persigue a los bandidos en las montañas, $1,728,698 por el mismo período de este año , o
WASHINGTON, Agosto 11.— matando a muchos, Tugarse las dos mas tarde. sca un aumento de más de medio millon de pesos .
24 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

With the Mexican Poets ::



Enrique Fernandez Granados Salvador Díaz Miron Carleton Beals
Within the comb the honey I know a reptile that pursues the shadow, Three centuries lie tucked away
Stored by the toiling bee Swift and aerial, which to earth is thrown Within a silent patio,
Less sweet is than the kisses By a bright bird of paradise, blithe soaring, Where brown chayote tendrils stray
My true love gives to me! A living rainbow ' mid the blue alone. About the balconies grown gray
I know a greedy worm in marsh-mire hidden ; Beneath the sun's remorseless glow
When dawn is born, and Hesper It for a butterfly is ambushed there— Through years of mouldering decay.
Scarce lights the silent lands, A free and variegated flower, displaying
I go into the orchard, Two fluttering petals in the golden air. The clear, calm sky of cobalt dies
For there a bee-hive stands. Hate of the dark scale for the shining feather ! Above the red adobe walls,
The caterpillar's grudge that ne'er can die ! Heart-pierced where broken steeples rise.
And when they hear my footsteps
O petty warfare that is waged forever The lizards sleep , the dragon flies
The bees, a squadron bold,
By all things crawling against all that fly! Drone drowsily as twilight falls.
Prepare their diamond daggers
To guard their combs of gold. Sudden the tropic thunder mutters,
Oh, how the cursed insects , TO HER EYES The hurried call of birds grows shrill ;
More fierce as I draw nigh, Julio M. Flores A señorita's mantle flutters •
With an infernal buzzing Undefinable eyes ; cyes enormous A muffled sob, and all is still
Their pointed weapons ply ! Behind the half-closed shutters.
As the heavens and the sea ;
Yet do I not turn backwards ; Eyes like the Andes forests,
The bees I do not fear, Fantastic, obscure, in mystery.
And if a wound may pierce me Carleton Beals
'Tis healed by love so dear. Eyes in whose mystic shadows
The trace of hidden grief is seen ; His master asleep beneath a nearby tree,
The waxen comb I capture, Just as seen on the barren shore A shaggy burro drowses by the road
A-drip with honey sweet, The track of the waves of the sea. Knee-deep in dust, and, munching filaree ,
And I make haste to lay it Forgets his heavy burdens and the goad.
An offering at her feet. Look at me with love eternally
Eyes of a melancholic pupil ; Ajusco rears his turbaned head of snow,
A kiss my true-love gives me ; Eyes resembling under her forehead And boldly shoulders the southern copper sky.
Oh, sweet is the reward ! Wells of water, deep, tranquil. Thus he has held the heavens through ages slow :
And then I know, while feeling Watching burros on the plain below,
The bliss it can afford. Look at me with love, divine eyes, Watching the Ancient Toltecs passing by.
Embellishing as suns her head ;
That in the comb the honey That above her lips of coral
Stored by the toiling bee, As two abysses of sorrow bend.
Less sweet is than the kisses DEITY
My true-love gives to me! Look at me with love, eyes in light aflamed, Amado Nervo
And when I, who love you so, may die ; As in the pebble sleeps the fiery spark,
Upon my livid remains shed The statue in the clay, inert and dark,
THE SONG BY THE WAY The sweet outpour of your cry . So slumbers the divine, O soul ! in thee ;
Francisco A. de Icaza M. S. P. But underneath the stroke of pain alone,
A solitary pilgrim I, Smiting and smiting, from the lifeless stone
Through foreign lands I stray ; Leaps forth the lighting flash of deity.
Yet am I not alone- my song Do not complain , then, of thy destiny,
Goes with me all the way. Maria Enriqueta
Since what there is of the divine in thee
The Hermit's Lane, how sad it is , Only through it can rise into the light.
And if the night around be black, How gloomy and how drear!
I make it bright as day ; Bear, if thou hast the courage, with a smile
Except the evil-boding birds, The life that the great Artist all the while
I sing, and then the song lights up No song therein we hear. Is carving, with his chisel-strokes of might.
The darkness of the way.
Sad look the pavements, sad the eaves, What matter hours that teem with grievous things.
I do not sigh for weariness, If every hour unto thy budding wings
However far I stray ; The hovels in a row
Its whole dark aspect makes my heart Adds one more feather beautiful and free?
The heavenly staff of song makes brief Thou yet shalt see the condor high in air,
With sadness overflow,
The long, out-stretching way. Thou yet shalt see the finished sculpture fair ;
Ah, sad indeed that pilgrim's fate Pass not that way, O traveller! Thou yet shalt see, O spirit, thou shalt see !
Who goes alone all day, The Hermit's Lane is drear ;
Nor has for comrade of his march There lives the carpenter who made
A song along the way. The coffin for my dear ! THE STARS
By Manuel José Othon
DAWN ON A FAN Who says that men, as we look down to sec
Enrique Fernandez Granados Juan B. Delgado From the deep occan of the azure sky,
Look! in the darksome cast the Dawn anew Seem but like motes before the wind that fly,
A butterfly this fan is, which took flight, Or worms that creep and die, of low degree?
Now shakes abroad her glittering tresses bright ; Following a dream in vain, from land to land.
The morning star her soft and lovely light It comes at last, outwearied, to alight
Sheds amid clouds of changing opal hue. Not so ! Their brains, that throb with courage free ,
And rest from wandering, within the white, These are a marvel that naught else comes nigh
A mirror to its banks and heaven's blue, Royal, five-petalled rose of your fair hand.
The murmurous river clear sweeps on in might ; Forges where thoughts upon the anvil lie,
The modest violet hides herself from sight, Brighter by far than we can ever be.
Outbreathing her sweet scent, and wet with dew. THE COLONEL Beneath that little arch of pallid clay
Carleton Beals We see ideas with flaming splendor beam,
The gentle birds forsake the leafy shades ;
Where half-blown rose and myrtle cheer our eyes , One foot on the stirrup, one hand on his gun, Defying time and space and mortal bars.
They sing their loves, or mourn for love's disdain . His hat debonairly atilt on his head,
Kissed by the breezes underneath soft skies, The summer's young night, with a full moon, begun, Compared with these, to us who watch alway.
The whispering leaves of the white poplar trees He'll find a new love this soft night of Pared, Ashes and dust doth all creation seem :
Look like a swarm of snowy butterflies . Or feel a keen blade, and a heart bleeding red. Stars are dead matter ; human brows are stars !

Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 25

Con Los Poetas Mexicanos .::



Enrique Fernandez Granados Salvador Diaz Miron Amado Nervo
No es la miel que fabrica Sé de un reptil que persigue No todos los muertos contemplan a Dios.
En su panal de abeja, La sombra randa y aéria ¿Tú piensas que basta morir para ver
Dulce como los besos Que en ave del paraíso ese gran misterio del que vas en pos ;
De la que a mí me besa ! Projecta sobre la tierra, ¿Que el velo de Isis habras de romper?
Desde el azul en que flota, ¡ Iluso creer !
Cuando la aurora nace, Iris vivo de orlas negras ! 1 No todos los muertos contemplan a Dios!
Y Héspero brilla apenas,
Voy a la huerta en donde En cambio, las almas austeras y grandes,
Un colmenar se encuentra. Conozco un voraz quiano en vida- si saben "subir" -le verán.
Que perdido en una ciénega, Como ven el alba florecer los Andes,
Al escuchar mis pasos Acecha una mariposa Cuando aún los llanos en la noche están !
El escuadrón de abejas Que, flor matizada y suelta,
Sus diamantinas puntas Ostenta en un aire de oro
Prepara a la defensa. Dos pétalos que aletean. SI UNA ESPINA ME HIERE ..
Amado Nervo
¡ Oh ! cómo las malditas, ¡ Si una espina me hiere, me aparto de la espina
Al acercarme, fieras, ¡i Odio que la oscura escama
Profesa a la olumna espléndida ! • pero no la aborrezco !
Con infernal zumbido
Me clavan sus saetas ! ¡ Inmundo rencor de oruga !
¡ Eterna y mezquina guerra Cuando la mezquindad
De todo lo que se arrastra envidiosa en mí clava los dardos de su inquina,
Mas yo no retrocedo ;
Contra todo lo que vuela ! esquívase en silencio mi planta, y se encamina
No temo a las abejas ! hacia más puro ambiente de amor y caridad.
Si una me clava un dardo
Amor la herida cierra. · •
¡ Rencores !
Y logro apoderarme ¡ De qué sirven !
A SUS OJOS ¡Qué logran los rencores !
De la escondida cera
Que destilando mieles Pósia por Julio M. Flores Ni restañan heridas, ni corrigen el mal.
Corro luego a ofrecerla. Ojos indefinibles, ojos grandes, Mi rosal tiene apenas tiempo para dar flores
Como los cielos y el mar ; y no prodiga savias en pinchos punzadores :
¡ Me da un beso mi amada Ojos como las selvas de los Andes, si pasa mi enemigo cerca de mi rosal.
¡ Oh dulce recompensa ! Misteriosos , fantásticos y oscuros.
Entonces pruebo y siento Se llevará las rosas de más sutil esencia,
Con esa miel hiblea. Ojos en cuyas místicas ojeras y si notare en ellas algún rojo vivaz,
Hay la huella de incógnitos pesares ; ¡ será el de aquella sangre que su malevolencia
Que no es la miel que labra Asi cual en la aridez de las robiras de ayer, vertió , al herirme con encono y violencia
En su panal la abeja, Deja el zurco las ondas de los mares. Y que el rosal devuelve, trocada en flor de paz !
Dulce como los besos
De la que a mí besa ! Miradme con amor eternamente, DEIDAD
Ojos de melancólicas pupilas ; Amado Nervo
LA CANCIÓN DEL CAMINO Ojos que semejas, bajo su frente, Como duerme la chispa en el guijarro
Francisco de A. Icaza Fuentes de agua, profundas, y tranquilas. y la estatua en el barro ,
Aunque voy por tierra extraña en ti duerme la divinidad.
Solitario y peregrino , Miradme con amor, ojos divinos, Tan solo de un dolor constante y fuerte
No voy solo, me acompaña Que adornais cual dos soles su cabeza ; al choque, brota de la piedra inerte
Mi canción en el camino. Y que arriba de sus labios coralinos,
Pareceis dos abismos de tristeza, el relámpago de la deidad.
Y si la noche está negra ,
Miradme con amor, fulgidos ojos, No te quejes por tanto el destino,
Sus negruras ilumino ; pues lo que en tu interior hay de divino
Canto, y mi canción alegra Y cuando muera yo, que os amo tanto,
Verted sobre mis lividos despojos sólo surge merced a él.
La obscuridad del camino. Soporte, si es posible, sonriendo,
El dulce manantial de vuestro llanto.
La fatiga no me importa. la vida que el Artista va esculpiendo ,
Por que el báculo dívino el duro choque del cincel.
De la canción, hace corta
La distancia del camino. ¿Que importan para ti las horas malas
CANCIÓN TRISTE si cada hora en tus nacientes alas
¡ Ay triste y desventurado Maria Enriqueta pone una pluma bella más?
Quien va solo y peregrino, Oh, que triste callejón Ya verás al condor en plena altura,
Y no marcha acompañado El callejón del "Santero !" ya verás concluida la escultura ,
Por la canción del camino ! Sólo da en él su canción ya verás, alma, ya verás !
El ave de mal agüero.
AL AMANECER ¡Ay ! su empedrado, su alero, LAS ESTRELLAS
Sus casucas ... todo entero Por Manuel José Othon
Enrique Fernandez Granados Abate mi corazón. & • ¿ Quién dice que los hombres nos parecen,
¡ Mirad El alba en el oriente umbrío desde el profundo mar del firmamento,
Su cabellera fúlgida desata, No pasas por él, viajero ! átomos agitados por el viento,
Y entre celajes de ópalo dilata El callejón del "Santero." gusanos que se arrastran y perecen ?
Venus su luz con gentileza y brio Es un triste callejón ;
Alli vive el carpintero No! Sus cráneos que heroicos se estremecen
Fluye sonoro y transparente el río, Que hizo, a mi amado, el cajón. . son el más grande asombrador portento :
Ques sus riberas y el azul retrata, fraguas donde se forja el pensamiento
Y exhalando su aroma se recata
¡y que mas que nosotras resplandecen !
La violeta, bañada de rocio.
Tiernas las aves el follaje dejan Bajo la estrecha cavidad caliza,
Juan B. Delgado las ideas, en ignea llamarada,
Y entre los mirtos y entreabiertas rosas
Este abanico es mariposa contemplamos arder, y es, ante ellas,
Cantan su amor o del desdén se quejan.
Y al beso de las aures rumorosas , que tras un sueño voló en vano,
Las fronda de los álamos semejan 3 y que cansada al fin se posa toda la creación polvo y ceniza •
en la ducal y blanca rosa Los astros son materia inanimada
Un enjambre de blancas inariposas. de cinco pétalos : tu mano . y las humanas frentes son estrellas !
26 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

MEXICO MISREPRESENTED in scope, results and general interest this first Large Additions to the Coinage
IN THE UNITED STATES conference. ROM the 19th to the 31st of July 1,570,000
"I feel satisfied that, so far as St. Louis is Fsilver pesos were minted in Mexico, and
A Missouri Delegate to the Recent concerned and which we all regard as the during the same period 4,220,000 silver half
Trade Conference Says Injurious logical shipping point for export into Mexico , dollars and 50,000 pesos in twenty-cent pieces.
Reports Not Justified by the Facts with the shipping advantages we have, in were minted and placed in circulation . In gold
connection with the low rates through the the output was 800,000 " Aztecas ," or twenty
HE FOLLOWING letter was written to
THtheE Excelsior , of Mexico City, by Mr. Mississippi barge lines that connect our city peso gold pieces , 800.000 also in five peso de
with New Orleans and facilitate placing our nominations and 200,000 in two and a half
Charles G. Bittel, of St. Louis, one of the
merchandise direct on board steamers for pieces. No two peso pieces were minted for
delegates to the recent Commercial Congress
Vera Cruz, we should get overwhelmingly the the reason that the fractioned silver is now
held in that city. It is a complete confirma
tion of what THE REVIEW has maintained from preference in being given the opportunity to plentiful and the necessity for the smaller gold
fill Mexican orders, and this is particularly money has ceased to exist. Only 15,000 in cop
the first day of its publication-that the mis
true of drug and chemical lines, as St. Louis per twenty-cent pièces were coined during July
leading reports published in the foreign press and there are in circulation 967,000 of this
is (and no doubt you are aware of this fact)
are responsible for the wrong impressions
the largest drug and chemical center within mintage. There is also in circulation 752,000
held regarding this country in the United
the United States ; furthermore this business of copper ten- cent pieces, of which 47,000
States and elsewhere. Mr. Bittel says : "Upon
will eventually come to St. Louis, so why pesos was turned out in July. Principal at
my return to St. Louis , it is with a feeling
not start right now? tention is being given to the coinage of twenK
of great satisfaction that I recall the not
"Our banking institutions are some of the ties, tens, fives, twos and a half in gold, silver
only pleasant, but immensely profitable days
strongest in the United States. Why not de pesos , half pesos and twenty-cent pieces, with
as well, which I spent while in your city.
posit your accounts here with us where you the idea of retiring the 20 and 10 cent copper
It has been more than an agreeable surprise
will do your buying in the future ? pieces as soon as possible.
to me to find conditions down there SO
"Such action on the part of some of your
entirely different from the news we are accus
tomed to gather from our newspapers, and I leading importers would help considerably in Not An Unfavorable
gladly admit that any, to you, detrimental re turning St. Louis sentiment in your favor and Showing
ports which may have appeared from time to then so much more could be expected in
future. NEWSPAPER correspondent whose per
time in some of our daily papers, are not A sonal knowledge of Mexican matters is
justified by the actual present conditions, as I "If these few lines are instrumental in in confined to a visit of a few short weeks and
found them in our great Sister Republic. ducing some of your merchants to give us one of whose chief sources for "information"
The Mexican-American Trade Conference , as the preference, it will have done all and more is the gossip of the foreign clubs and hotel
P called recently by the American Chamber than I may anticipate, and why not give us lobbies, writes an article that has been pub
of Commerce of Mexico City, has done a the chance we are so rightly entitled to ? lished under the heading in black type " Crimes
whole lot in dispelling many of the doubts we "I. personally, will be only too glad to co Increase in Mexico City." In the course ' of
have had in reference to your country, and operate with you as much as my time will the article it is declared that "on one day five
for that reason a great deal of credit is due nermit, and would willingly assist you in pub crimes against person and property were re
to their able secretary, Mr. W. F. Saunders , lishing from time to time with your co-opera ported, and on the day following seven similar
for his untiring efforts towards its so success tion such business reports as may prove offenses were reported ." Inasmuch as the
ful ending. beneficial to further our mutual interests, and population of Mexico City is in the vicinity of
"We who had the opportunity of visiting you assist you in your good work in placing be a million, one may be pardoned for asking if
all will be only too glad to try to offset and fore our people Mexico and the Mexicans as this is not a decidedly favorable showing ?
efface some of the wrong impressions which they really are. Will it not compare with foreign cities on both
may still exist here and whenever they may · "Last but not least, full credit is due your continents to the advantage of Mexico ?
appear on the surface. important journal for your efficient co -opera
"It is to be regretted that the general public An Easy Rule for Changing
tion in so faithfully and . ably reporting and
seems to be more interested in scandalous
bringing before the public all information of Mexican Into American Values
news with which our daily papers are suf interest relating to the conference. N MANY business operations and estimates
fused, than in good and upbuilding reports , "Believe me, with best wishes, yours cor INit is frequently necessary to arrive at the
and for that reason the actions of a few
dially, value per pound in American money as com
bandits are read with avidity, whereas edito "Meyer Brothers Drug Company, pared with the price per kilo in Mexican
rials of a healthy sort are hardly glanced at. "(Signed ) CHARLES G. BITTEL." money. Taking the rate of exchange as two
"Nevertheless I feel that the five scores of to one two pesos in Mexican coin for one
delegates who are even now well distributed dollar in American gold-the value of a pound
all over the States of the Union, are working Popular Estimation of of any commodity in the latter currency may
in your country's behalf in so far as they the Present Government be ascertained by calculating 23 per cent of the
will be only too glad to state the actual facts HE Bulletin of the American Chamber of Mexican price. Thus : If beans are quoted at
as they have found them. TiCommerce of Mexico City is authority 35 cents per kilo , their value per pound in
"Of course, it will take some time before for the following statement regarding the con American money should be 23 per cent of that,
dition of the country under the present Gov or 8.05 cents. Those who waste time with
a broader feeling of more generous leniency
ernment : the old method of calculating are advised to
towards unnecessarily exciting newspaper re
ports will be noticed, but if we all do our "For the first time in eight years Mexico is try this as a saver of time and patience .
share I feel that sooner or later some marked really peaceful. Trains run without military
The Confederated Chambers of Commerce,
improvement cannot fail of being recorded . escort and brigandage has practically disap
it is understood, has recommended that the
"This first Mexican-American Trade Con200 peared. All the revolutionary forces which
various steamship companies, foreign and na
ference should by no means be the last one, have persistently fought the Carranza regime
tional, plying in Mexican waters, organize in
and I therefore propose, inasmuch as this have welcomed the new Government and are
self defense against the seamen's union which

question has not been acted upon , that the working heartily for its consolidation . Com is bringing about frequent unjustified strikes. }
necessary steps should already be taken now to ments from American papers indicate that the
prepare for another conference to be held in new Government is receiving a warm welcome During the first five months this year 11,407
1921 , at the same time and place, as I feel abroad and there is a general feeling that passports were visacd by Mexican consuls
that such a second meeting will far outshine Mexico's principal troubles are behind her." abroad to admit travelers into Mexico .
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 27

EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS SE "Esta Conferencia Comercial México -Amer Adquisicion De Propiedad
REPRESENTA A MEXICO icana es la primera que se celebra, y por Raiz Por Extranjeros.
FALSAMENTE ningún motivo debe permitirse que sea la ON frecuencia se pregunta a LA REVISTA
última, para la cual propongo , en vista de que C MEXICANA respecto a la legislación relativa
Un Delegado de Missouri a la Recient no se trató este punto, que desde luego se
Conferencia Comercial Dice que los a la adquisición de propiedad raíz en México por
empiezen los preparativos necesarios para cele los extranjeros. Ha habido una mala inteligencia
Hechos no 75 Concuerdan con las Noticias brar otra conferencia en 1921. en la misma
Insultantes general en otros países respecto a esta importante
fecha y lugar, pues creo que otra conferencia cuestión , por lo cual es de interés la'explicación
A carta que a continuación publicamos fue semejante sobresaldrá a la primera en los del asunto , hecha por Mr. G. E. Towle de este
LA escrita a Excelsior, diario de la Ciudad buenos resultados para el bienestar general. ciudad ante el Congreso Comercial celebrado
de México , por el Sr. Charles G. Bittel, "Por la parte que toca a St. Louis, con recientemente . Dijo ese caballero en parte :
de St. Louis , Mo., uno de los delegados al siderada como el punto principal de exporta "No existe obstáculo para que los extranjeros
reciente Congreso Comercial que , tuvo lugar ciones para México, estoy satisfecho de que adquieran y posean bienes raíces en México ,
en aquella ciudad. Es una confirmación com se nos debía dar la preferencia para llenar los fuera de la zona prescrita de la frontera y del
establecimiento más reciente aún de zonas
pleta de lo que LA REVISTA ha venido soste pedidos de México , pues contamos con vias de prohibidas en la costa . Es decir , cien kilómetros
niendo desde el primer día de su publicación , transportación muy ventajosas ; los precios de de distancia de una frontera nacional o cincuenta
transportación en las líneas de navegación a de la costa.
que las noticias falsas publicadas en la prensa
lo largo del Mississippi hasta New Orleans nos Aunque se cree generalmente que la Consti
extranjera son responsables por las impresiones tución Mexicana impone inhibiciones especiales
erróneas que con referencia a México existen facilitan el poder poner nuestras mercancías a a los extranjeros , las cláusulas en que son
en los Estados Unidos y en otras partes. El bordo de los buques que van directamente requeridos a renunciar a sus derechos como tales
Sr. Bittel dice : hasta Veracruz, y muy principalmente en lo en lo que se refiere a la propiedad que pueden
que se refiere a artículos de química y adquirir data a lo menos del año de 1856, en un
"A mi regreso a St. Louis, con sentimientos decreto del Presidente Comonfort . En esa época
de verdadera satisfacción recuerdo los días droguería, pués es bien sabido que St. Louis. también los propietarios extranjeros estaban
tan placenteros como provechosos que pasé en es en los Estados Unidos el principal centro sujetos al servicio militar si así se necesitaba para
vuestra ciudad. la protección de la población o distrito en que
químico y farmacéutico . Esta clase de comer residían. En la actualidad no sucede esto, pues
"Fue una sorpresa para mí más que agrada cio tarde que temprano tiene que hacerse con no se permite a los extranjeros empuñar las armas
ble el ver que las condiciones en vuestro país St. Louis, ¿ por qué no empezar de una vez ? en las contiendas militares .
son muy diferentes a como estamos acostum "Nuestras instituciones bancarias son de las "Por consecuencia, los extranjeros pueden
brados a figurárnolas después de leer las más fuertes de los Estados Unidos. ¿ Por qué adquirir tierras o poseer lo siguiente :
(1) Propiedad adquirida de propietarios
noticias publicadas en nuestros periódicos , y no depositáis vuestro dinero aquí donde tenéis particulares.
con gusto le confieso a usted que los informes que venir a hacer comercio con nosotros en el "(2) Las tierras del Gobierno sujetas a de
futuro ? nuncio y adquiridas directamente de la Secretaría
perjudiciales que de tiempo en tiempo han
de Fomento y Colonización.
venido apareciendo en nuestros diarios no son "Si esto hicieran algunos de vuestros más " (3) Las propiedades vendidas en almoneda
justificados por las condiciones actuales tal y importantes importadores, ayudarí considera pública por la falta de pago de contribuciones y
como las encontré en nuestra gran República blemente a que la opinión pública en St. Louis en las cuales autoriza la autoridad competente
la expedición de títulos.
Hermana. se pusiera a vuestro favor y de esta manera " En todo caso, sin embargo, debe ser redactado
"La Conferencia Comercial México-Ameri mayores resultados se podrían esperar en el y expedido el título en presencia de un notario'
cana, como la llamó recientemente la Cámara futuro. porque aunque modificado de tiempo en tiempo
de Comercio Americana de la Ciudad de "Si estas cuantas palabras fueran suficientes en la práctica, pero no en principio, aun existe en
pleno vigor, el primitivo sistema notarial español
México, ha hecho mucho para disipar las dudas para hacer que algunos de vuestros comer para el traspaso de la propiedad raíz, y por más
que hemos tenido con referencia a vuestro país, ciantes nos dieran la preferencia, habrán hecho que sea tardío y prolijo en su funcionamiento es,
y por esa razón una buena parte del crédito mis palabras más de lo esperado . ¿ Por qué eminentemente satisfactorio y seguro.'
se le debe al hábil secretario, Sr. W. F. no habéis , pues , de darnos la oportunidad que
Saunders, por sus incansables esfuerzos en pro tan merecida tenemos ? El Actual Gobierno,
del buen éxito de la conferencia. "En lo personal, yo tendré sumo placer en Causa Buena Impresión
"Nosotros, los que tuvimos la oportunidad cooperar con vosotros en todo aquello que mi
EL Boletin de la Cámara de Comercio
de visitar vuestro país, tendremos mucho gusto
tiempo me permita, y gustosamente ayudaría D Americana de la Ciuded de México co
en hacer lo posible por contrarrestar y borrar a publicar, con vuestra cooperación, todos
algunas de las malas impresiones que aún aquellos informes comerciales que puedan piamos las siguientes declaraciones con refe
existan aquí y dondequiera que lleguen a reportar algún beneficio a nuestros mútuos rencia a las condiciones que existen en México
intereses, y que os ayudaran en la meritoria bajo el actual Gobierno :
"Es de sentirse que el público en general labor de hacer a nuestro pueblo ver a México "Por la primera vez en ocho años México
parece estar más interesado en las noticias y a los mexicanos tal como realmente son. está verdaderamente pacificado . Los trenes
escandalosas de que nuestrios diarios están "Por último, permítame felicitar a vuestra corren sin escoltas militares y el bandidaje
llenos, que en los informes buenos y construc importante publicación por la cooperación prácticamente ha desaparecido. Todas las fac
tivos, y por esa razón las hazañas de unos ciones revolucionarias que habían venido
eficiente que nos prestó, y por la forma verí
cuantos bandidos son leídas con avidez mien dica en que publicó todas las noticias rela luchando contra el regimen carrancista han
tras que apenas si se pasa una mirada a los cionadas con la conferencia. aceptado el nuevo Gobierno y están laborando
editoriales buenos y constructivos. "Con mis mejores deseos créame, con entusiasmo para su consolidación. Los
"Sinceramente vuestro, comentarios de los periódicos americanos indi
"Sin embargo, yo creo que la centena de
delegados a esa conferencia, los cuales ahora "(Firmado) CHARLES G. BITTEL, can que el nuevo Gobierno ha causado buena
impresión en el extranjero # y que existe la
estan bien distribuidos por todos los Estados "Por la Meyer Brothers Drug Company.' "
creencia general de que ya ha pasado para
de la Unión Americana, sentirán un placer en
México el período de sus dificultades .
declarar la realidad de los hechos tal como los
presenciaron, y al hacer esto contribuirán al Los gastos del cuerpo diplomático para el
bienestar de vuestro país. año entrante serán de 6,300,375 pesos com Los manufactureros del Districto Federal y
"Como es natural, pasará algún tiempo antes parados con 4,470,000 pesos en el año pasado. de los Estados de México , Puebla y Vera Cruz
de que se note un espíritu más amplio de El servicio secreto de ese departamento ha están formando una organización para pro
indulgencia hacia las noticias innecesariamente sido reducido de 250,000 pesos a 150,000 pesos tegerse contra los abusos crecientes de las
excitantes que publican los diarios, pero si en el nuevo presupuesto . El cuerpo diplo uniones de trabajadores. En contra de los
todos hacemos nuestro deber creo que tarde mático y consular se reducirá en número pero huelgas ellos proponen la clausura de las
o temprano se notará alguna mejora en ese se le aumentará un 50 por ciento en los fábricas y contra el sabotaje , proponen el
sentido. salarios. "boycott."
28 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

GOVERNOR ENRIQUEZ After the pupils have learned English they Regulations Regarding Passports
OF CHIHUAHUA will be permitted to study whatever language
MERICAN citizens are cautioned by the
they wish.
AMConsulate General to disregard statements
"The American school systems are wonder
His Progressive Ideas and His Hopes published in the press and elsewhere to the
for the Future of His State ful," said Enriquez. "I know, because I grad
uated there. My brothers studied in the effect that passports are no longer required.
ENERAL IGNACIO ENRIQUEZ, Such statements are ill-advised, misleading
United States, and my children, when old
G who was recently elected Governor of and are causing confusion which it is desired
enough, will also go there. Some day," con
the State of Chihuahua, is a man of progres to avoid. No American citizen can cross the
tinued Enriquez, "Mexico and the United
sive ideas and broad understanding, as indi border without a passport.
States will be different only in name. We will
cated by his utterances in a recent inter Both regular and emergency passports cost
have more 'pep' and the Americans will take
view. ten dollars.
things more calmly. We will understand each
Stating that it was time for Mexicans to Regular passports are valid for two years,
other, work out future problems in harmony
realize that sooner or later they would be provided they are renewed at the end of the
and good will, each working for the better
compelled by force of circumstances to know first year and may be renewed again at the
ment of their own people, but trying not to
that Mexico cannot be kept isolated, but must end of the following six months without
take advantage of each other. A great many
be friends with the United States and work charge.
Mexicans will speak English. I want to see
together, he predicted that some day, before No fees shall be charged for the issuance of
all Mexicans with a knowledge of English so
he is old, he will see a great many American citizen's identity cards.
that they can understand the reasons why the
customs adopted here. "We can with profit Verification by the American Consul of
United States is such a great country, and
adopt the American systems of education and citizen's identity cards will not be necessary.
then make Mexico equally great."
sanitation," he said, adding : "The enterprise When an emergency permit is desired for
General Enriquez left the army in order to
and hustle of Americans would do us good. run for Governor of the State of Chihuahua the purpose of visiting interior points in Mex
Some Mexicans go to the United States to ico, the holder of an identity card should be
in the elections in August. Enriquez is one
learn English, but I am sorry to say that a required to make application for a State De
of the youngest generals in the service, being
large number of Americans live in Mexico for partment passport as a prerequisite to the en
31 years old. He is a great admirer of the
years and never learn three words of Spanish ." dorsement of the card permitting the emer
United States, having graduated from the St.
When asked his plans if elected Governor Louis University. gency trip.
He held the position of
of Chihuahua , Enriquez answered that, first, Consul General at New York under the Car When such emergency permit is desired by
he would make every effort to bring in Amer an American citizen- in possession neither of
ranza Government for some months, resigning
ican capital for investment by giving every a valid United States passport nor a citizen's
to reenter the military campaign. He is tall
guarantee. He would try to clean up disorder identity card-he will as a prerequisite to the
and slender, with prematurely gray hair, a
and avoid the constant trouble now existing issuance of such emergency permit, file an ap
square jaw of an aggressive type, a quiet
through the fact that the authorities on both plication with the clerk of the appropriate
speaker, with a fluent command of English,
sides have not worked in harmony. This dis court for a regular State Department pssport,
and, as indicated, has some progressive ideas
cord, said Enriquez, not only has caused trou for the betterment of the State of Chihuahua. following which he may be granted the said
emergency permit if the facts and circum
ble between peaceful citizens of both countries, Governor Enriquez was active in the entire
stances justify.
but gave protection to criminals. revolution, commencing in 1910, and showing
He would appoint a force of special agents himself a good fighter as well as an able civil
who would be instructed to work in harmony ruler. American Chamber of
with the police forces along the border so that Commerce of Mexico City
criminals could not pass from one side to the
High Estimation for Poets , T the meeting of the Board of Directors
When asked about American slackers, who Artists and Others ATof of the American Chamber of Commerce of
are living in great numbers in Juarez and Chi 'HE high estimation in which poets , Mexico City, the following officers were
huahua City, Enriquez answered : "Please tell TH artists, and others of like character are elected for the ensuing year : President, H. P.
my American friends that I , as a soldier, ad held in Mexico is demonstrated by the recent Lewis (re-elected ) ; vice-presidents, Arnold
mire men who have risked their lives in war, action of the Newspapermen's Association of Shanklin and M. V. Stewart ; treasurer, J. R.
and despise the cowards who flew to Mexico Mexico City in seeking for clemency on behalf French ; secretary, William T. Saunders.
to avoid their duty. of Fabio Fallio, well known as the patriot George T. Summerlin, charge d'affairs of the
"The slackers must go when I am Governor. poet of San Domingo, and who is now American Embassy, and John Barrett, of
I do not want that type of Americans or for under trial by court martial held under the Washington, were also elected honorary vice
American military authorities of that country. presidents. The financial affairs of the
eigners here. We have enough bad actors
here without importing more. We want the The general esteem bestowed upon this class chamber are in a highly satisfactory condition .
best class of Americans and other foreigners. is constantly in evidence in the public press. The organization named is one of the most
Then we will have no trouble." First page display heads are given to news active elements in the promotion of a better
Enriquez did not think that the dry zone of this sort, while other matters, such as poli understanding between the two countries, and
along the border was practical . At present tics, crimes, etc., are relegated to subordinate has done splendid service in that direction.
gambling and liquor selling will be allowed, as positions-in refreshing contrast to the meth The personnel of its membership and officers
the State needs the revenue, but the revenue ods of the press in some other countries. The is a guaranty that this good work will be
must be applied to the welfare of the State or story of the fugitive soldier whose life was continued indefinitely.
there would be no object in allowing these to spared by the pursuing enemy upon his decla
exist. Personally, he said, he was opposed to ration that he was a poet, will be remembered
The Government is buying considerable
gambling, but the revenue for a year from by readers of THE REVIEW, and it is hoped
quantities of silver and copper and the Mint
this source amounts to more than any other that the same plea will prevail in the present
case. is being worked at its full capacity in gold ,
income of the State. Part of this income he
silver and copper coins . Already a great
would devote to improving the City of Juarez, + relief is felt from the recent lack of small
as he was ashamed that the first port of the One of the latest projects of the Department change. Silver coins, especially, are becoming
border where travelers pass makes such a bad of Hacienda is the establishment of three free quite abundant.
impression. ports of entry, Guaymas and Salina Cruz on
Public schools in Chihuahua in the past have the Pacific coast and Puerto Mexico on the The new railway connecting Lake Chapala
taught French and German, but that will be Gulf. There is considerable discussion pro with the Central line at Capilla has been for
changed and all schools must teach English . and con as to the advantages of this program. mally opened.
Octubre, 1920

EL GOBERNADOR ENRIQUEZ Ciudad Juarez, porque le · da vergüenza que el de haber asimilado con nuestra experiencia en
primer punto o de la frontera por donde los las Filipinas y en otras partes, es que la
viajeros pasan haga tan mala impresión. manera suave y cortez de los latinos ha sido
En las escuelas públicas de Chihuahua en el herida por el metodo agresio y directo del
Sus ideas progresivas para el pasado se enseñaba el francés y aleman, pero Anglo - Sajon en su intercuso con la raza latina.
porvenir de su Estado
esto se cambiará, y todas las escuelas en El Coronel Maus dice que el egoismo Ameri
L GENERAL IGNACIO ENRIQUEZ, señarán el inglés. Depués de que los jóvenes cano le hace mal vecino de un pueblo tan
Ε quien fúe recientemente elegido Gober hayan aprendido el inglés entonces se les demonstrativo como México. Las ideas, repre
nador del Estado de Chihuahua, es un caba permitará que estudien cualquier otro idioma sentadas en lo dicho arriva serán corroboradas
llero de ideas avanzadas, como lo indica lo que que deseen. por cualquier viajero de sentido comúm que
el dice en una entrevista reciente. "El sistema Americano de enseñanza es haya visitado México y que se haya conducido
Dijo que ya era tiempo que los Mexicanos asombroso," dijo Enriquez, "lo sé porque yo de una manera simpatetica y franca. La
realizacen que tarde o temprano la fuerza de me gradu en los colegios de los Estados Revista espera tener la oportunidad pronto de
las circun stancias les obligará el comprender Unidos . Mis hermanos estudiaron allá, y mis poder publicar el reporte del Coronel Maus en
que México no puede mantenerse aislado, pero hijos, cuando tengan edad suficiente, irán parte o completo. Las quotaciones hechas
que tiene que mantener relaciones amistosas también allá a hacer sus estudios. Algum dia," indican el carácter de todo de este reporte .
con los Estados Unidos y trabajar juntos, dijo Enriquez, "México y los Estados Unidos
predice que algun día, antes que el sea viejo, se diferenciaran solamente en el nombre.
"The Brass Check."
verá que se han adoptado muchos costumbres Tendremos más actividad, y los Americanos
Americanas en México. "Ganaremos mucho tomaran las cosas con más calma. Nos en AL es el título de un sugestivo libro publi
con la adopción del sistema Americano de tenderemos mejor y haremos la solución de TAL cado recientemente por el bien conocido
educación y de sanidad," dijo, añadiendo ; " La los problemas futuros en armonía y con buena escritor Upton Sinclair ( principalmente para los
actividad y empresa Americana hará un gran voluntad, cada uno trabajando por la mejoría que han tenido la desgracia de familiarizarse, ya
bien a México . Algunos Mexicanos van a los de su pueblo, sin tratar de tomar ventaja del sea por la observación como reporters de policía o
Estados Unidos a estudiar el inglés, pero otro. Un gran número de Mexicanos hablarán por cualquier otro medio con algunas de las
siento el decir que muchos Americanos viven el inglés . Deseo ver que todos los Mexicanos peores fases de la vida humana) . El libro posee
en México muchos años y nunca aprenden sepan el inglés para que así comprendan las un interés absorbente desde el principio hasta el
fin y es digno de ser leído con atención por todos
tres palabras de español." razones porque los Estados Unidos es un gran
Le preguntamos cuales eran sus planes si país, y para que entónces hagan a México los amantes de la verdad. Constituye una
fuese elegido Gobernador de Chihuahua, Enri demostración convincente de la manera en que
igualmente grande."
quez contestó, que, primero , él haría esfuerzos se envenena la verdad en su fuente y de aquella
El General Enriquez dejó el ejército para
para traer capital Americano para investirlo ser candidato de Gobernador del Estado de en que es engañado el público por los grandes
y darle garantías ámplias. Que tratara de Chihuahua en las elecciones de Agosto periódicos y las poderosas agencias de informa
suprimir los desordenes y evitar las constantes ción. Mr. Sinclair entra en detalles de ciertas
Enriquez es uno de los generales más
contiendas que hoy existen debidas al hecho jóvenes en el servicia, solo tiene 31 años de experiencias de su carrera y demuestra del modo
de que las autoridades de ambos lados de la más claro la existencia de una conspiración
edad. Tiene mucha admiración por los Estados
frontera no estaban de acuerdo. Esta dis Unidos, se graduó en la Universidad de San tácita no sólo del silencio sino de mentiras y
cordia, dijo Enriquez, no solamente a causado falsedades de parte de la mayoría de aquellos
Louis. Tuvo el puesto de Cónsul General en
muchos disgustos entre los ciudadanos pa New York por algunos meses bajo el gobierno cuya misión consiste en proporcionar noticias
cificos de ambos países sino que también ha mediante una recompensa. Existen muchos que
de Carranza, renuncio este puesto para volver a
como el señor Sinclair han tenido ocasión de
dado protección a los criminales . entrar en la campaña militar . Es alto y
adquirir un conocimiento parecido de la existen
El nombrará un número de agentes espe delgado , con canas prematuras, de tipo agresivo
cia de esa inteligencia o conspiración tácita .
ciales quienes tendrán instrucciones para que y decidido , buen orador, poseedor de un co
Nadie que haya tenido experiencia personal en
en armonía con la policia de la frontera nocimiento elegante del inglés , como hemos
asuntos de información y en el esfuerzo de pre
prevencan que los criminales crucen de un dicho ticne ideas progressivas para el mejora
sentar la verdad al público negará la exactitud de
lado al otro. miento del Estado de Chihuahua.
los cargos formulados por el señor Sinclair.
Cuando se le preguntó que haría con los El Gobernador Enriquez fué muy activo
Después de leer el relato de las experiencias per
flojoes Americanos , quines estan viviendo en durante toda la revolución, que principió en sonales del autor en ciertos asuntos meramente
gran número en Juarez y en la Ciudad Chihua 1910 y demostró que es un hombre muy
hua, Enriquez dijo ; " Sírvase decir a mis privados sólo puede uno maravillarse de que en
valiente , así como también es un buen gober un momento de exasperación por causa de
amigos Americanos que yo, como soldado,
nante civil. algunas falsedades flagrantes no haya recurrido
tengo admiración por aquellos que han arres
al juzgado del juez Colt-ese tribunal que
gado sus vidas en la guerra, y desprecio a los
cobardes que se fugaron a México para evitar constituye un último recurso y que no hace mucho
Las "Maneras " Americans Son
tiempo ejercia un efecto más o menos saludable
su deber militar.
Causa de Mucha Inquitud sobre la conducta de las personas, periodistas y
"Los flojos tendrán que irse cuando yo sea
MÉRICA ha traído perjuicio Mexicano otras que no estuvieran dispuestas a reconocer
electo gobernador, no deseo este tipo Ameri
cano o extrangero aqui. Nosotros tenemos bas sobre ella por haber insultado las senSu los derechos privados de los demás. Toda per
sibilidades más finas de su vecino , en la opinión sona de juicio sano que desee saber cómo se le
tantes de esos sin tener que importarlos .
del Cornel L. M. Maus, quien está haziendo un engaña al ofrecérsele las noticias del día y cómo
Queremos la mejor clase de Americanos y de
estudio sociológico y educacional de la situa se presentan bajo un aspecto engañoso las per
otros extrangeros, entonces no tendremos más sonas y las causas, debe leer el libro ."
ción Mexicana en Texas, New Mexico,
Arizona , y California bajo los auspicios de la
Enriquez no cree que la zona de prohibición oficina de Roforma Internacional de Wash El Gobierno asaba de completar la compra
en la frontera es práctica. Por el presente las de tres pequeños torpederos por $15,000 cada
casas de juego y la venta de licores se permi "Estoy convencido , desqués de una cuida uno, y un cañonero pequeño por $60,000 para
tirán, por que el Estado necesita rentas, pèro dosa investigación de la situación Mexicana servicio en la costa del Pacífico. Se dice que
estas entradas , se pondrán para la mejoria del en los Estados de la frontera , que la única el Gobierno desea comprar un número igual
Estado , de otro modo no habría objeto en manera de quitar el perjuicio que existe entre de buques para el servicio en la costa del
los Americanos y Mexicanos de los Estados Atlántico.
permiterse ésto . Personalmente , dijo, que él
estaba opuesto a los juegos, pero que las rentas de la frontera internacional es un completo
que rendirían por un año subiran a más que cambio de nuestra ética," dice el Cornel Maus . Los trabajos de excavasión en el puerto de
de ninguna otro entranda del Estado. Parte La lección que núnca hemos aprendido , y la Frontera sa han reanudado después de muchos
cual América ha tenido vastante oportunidad años de abandono.
de esta renta la dedicará para mejorar la

30 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

scale manufacturing or finishing industries in

Opportunities in Mexico the lines of furniture, cabinet-making, crystal
and china ware or articles of art and orna
ment. The capitalist may also take up
A Discussion of the Commercial and Industrial Openings
profitably the manufacture of the many articles
To be Found in Ab ndance in the Republic that contribute to the comfort of the inhabi
By E. M. WILSON the extraction and manufacture of greases, oils tants of the country, especially of certain
classes, such as light and heat apparatus using
Mexican Representative Chicago Association and perfumes of vegetable or animal origin ,
etc. electricity, gasoline, oil or alcohol, and num
of Commerce
berless other articles, which though not indis
OW THAT peace has been signed in In the mineral kingdom, foreign capital and
initiative and native labor, organized according pensable, are still not luxurious .
Europe, initiating a period of recon Besides the industries already enumerated ,
N struction in proportion with the mag to Mexican laws and equitably united, can
where there is an unlimited field for the in
nitude of the devastation accomplished, the push considerably the metallurgical industries
vestment of capital regardless of nationality,
eyes of the whole world have been turned and rolling mills, the manufactures of china
there is ample room and vast natural resources
to the Nations which for one reason or other ware, glass and building materials and the
to install, develop or increase the chemical in
factories of chemical products.
did not participate in the gigantic struggle dustries, the manufacture of means of trans
for Universal Democracy. Amongst these Besides the extensive field existing in the
portation and their accessories, the manufac
extractive and preparatory industries , there
Mexico is undoubtedly the wealthier in natural ture of paper, pens, ink, etc., of scientific, sur
resources and raw materials as yet unexploited , are better opportunities and more ample room
gical and engineering apparatus, musical in
to install, reform or increase the industries
being, therefore, in the best position to supply struments and very many other miscellaneous
that concern the life and comfort of the in
amply and at reduced costs the European and industries.
American markets with all necessaries to habitants. To this group belong the food and
There are other great industries, as that of
satisfy their numberless needs . dress industries, as also those referring to the
home. Under each one of these three branches mining, which in Mexico is the most impor
In Mexico the production of raw materials tant of all, and though the extractive indus
of mineral, animal and vegetable origin is of human activity a multitude of industries
tries have been mentioned, the exposition of
enormous, although the methods employed in may be classified, which intelligently started
mining together with that of the petroleum
and directed, would augment the well-being of
the extraction of very many of these products industry has been left to the end, with the
the inhabitants and contribute to the economTO
are relatively primitive and inefficient, said purpose of giving an ampler idea of the
production being capable of 50 to 100 per cent ical development of the Republic.
magnitude, significance and benefits of these
increase, by the establishment of modern sys With the large crops obtained throughout
last two .
tems and machinery. In this field there are the country, mills for diverse flours can be
The magnitude of the mining industry in
vast opportunities for the investment of erected and also factories to produce food
Mexico can be calculated assuming as a basis
foreign initiative and capital anywhere in the pastes at reduced prices . The thousands of
the last officially published figures in 1913,
Republic, with almost absolute security that gallons of milk that can be contracted for at
which state that of the annual total production
a judicious investment, carefully administered , the different producing centers could be advan
of the world, Mexico represents 6 per cent of
tageously turned into cheese and butter of dif
will invariably produce huge profits. the gold, 30 per cent of the silver, 7 per cent
The majority of natural products exported ferent grades by means of scientific and effi
of the copper and 12 per cent of the lead pro
in raw state from the Republic of Mexico , cient processes that would lower the cost of
duced. In the same year it was estimated that
the product with the view to create new
after undergoing some of the various processes the total amount of capital invested in mining
of manufacture, return to the country, where markets and supply the demand even of the
United States. here reached $647,000,000, of which $499,000, - ·
there is a great demand for them, and com 000 belonged to Americans, $87,200,000 were
mand very high prices. It is in these various Other natural products that can be obtained
British, $10,000,000 were French, and $29,
forms of extractive and preparatory manu at ridiculous prices in different regions of 400,000 were Mexican .
facture that great opportunities exist for the Mexico are also fountains of wealth, that
The total capacity of the oil steel tanks is
investment of foreign capital and activity, await initiative and capital to return profits in
of over 50,000,000 barrels, with a cost of more
admirably regulated by Mexican laws and cus large percentage. Among these are include
than $52,000,000 Mex. The earth-deposits are
toms, and which, when enriching their pos the great variety of fruits that grow i
valued at 6,000,000 pesos and the total cost of
sessors, will duly contribute to the development Mexico , 35 per cent of which rot every year
all storage deposits is placed at $60,000,000
because of lack of factories to preserve them
of this branch of industry and to the just Mex.
expansion of the Republic. in cans or glass jars or to transform them
The civil revolution that has agitated caused
To acquire a general idea of the unlimited into wines or liquors.
little damage to the development of this in
field there is in Mexico , in regard to extrac To the group of the dress industries belong dustry, as is shown by the table of production
tive and preparatory industries, this article the wool, cotton, silk, linen, ramié and hene
of crude oil in Mexico between the years of
mentions some of the principal ones from the quen mills ; the manufactures in general of 1901 and 1919.
standpoints of either small development or the clothing, shoes, hats, etc. , and the manufac Cubic Metric
generosity of their returns . ture of so many articles indispensable for Year. Barrels . Meters . Tons.
At the head of this group of industries, toilet purposes and personal adornment. In 1901 ... 10,345 1,643 1,544
cach and every one of these industries there 1902 . U 2 . 40,200 6,338 6,000
because of their vital importance and of the 11,250
are brilliant opportunities , particularly in those 1903 .. 75,375 11,077
great profits returned, stand the agricultural 1904 . ▼ 125,625 10,962 18,750
industries, comprising the planting and culti States of the Republic where the raw mate 1905 .. 251,250 39,924 37,500
vation of innumerable grains that can be raised rials are produced , for active and conscien 1906 .. •• 502,500 79,847 75,000
tious capitalists , who can obtain for these raw 1907 ... 1,005,000 159,694 150,000
in all three zones of this country ; the culti
products at low cost a certain market, since 1908 .. 2 3,932,900 624,968 587,000
vation of cotton, guayule, sugar cane, tobacco, 1909 . • 2,713,500 431,175 405,000
vanila, coffee, cocoa and the exploitation of in many of these industries competition is very 1910 .. · 3,634,080 577,455 542,400
precious woods, dye-woods and construction weak and in others nil. 1911 .. 12,552,798 1,994,640 1,873,552
The industries regarding the home, at 1912 ... 16,538,215 2,631,100 2,471,375
timber, as well as of industrial gums and 1913 .. • • 25,696,291 4,083,141 3,835,267
resins ; the raising of many and varied fruits present relatively undeveloped in Mexico , 1914 .. 26,235,403 4,168,805 3,915,732
that grow abundantly in all climates, and last offer a vast field for syndicates and individuals 1915 .. 32,910,508 5,229,480 4,912,016
who might choose this special line . 1916 .. • 40,543,712 6,445,967 6,059,589
apiculture and aviculture, which are barely 1917 .. • 55,292,779 8,790,583 8,262,266
beginning to be scientifically developed . The large supply of timber of every de 1918 . 63,828,326 10,147,587 9,506,298
Just as important as the above mentioned scription and in general of all raw materials * 1919 ... 78,000,000 12,394,200 11,692,452
industries, from the standpoint of their re of vegetable, animal and mineral orgin ,
turns, are cattle -breeding, the tanning industry, greatly facilitates the establishment on any *Estimated .
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 31

aparatos para producir luz y calor por medio de

electricidad , gasolina, aceite o alcohol, y muchos
Buenas Oportunidades en México otros objetos más numerosos, los cuales no son
indispensables pero tampoco son de lujo .
Un Exámen de las Oportunidades Industriales y Comerciales que Además de las industrias ya enumeradas ,
Existen en Abundancia en la República donde existe un campo ilimitado para invertir
En el reino mineral , el capital e iniciativa capitales, cualesquiera que sea la nacionalidad
del empresario , existe también un amplio campo
Representante de México en la Asociación de extranjera y el obrero nativo , organizados según
y abundantes recursos naturales para instalar,
Cómercio de Chicago las leyes de México y equitativamente unidos,
desarrollar y aumentar la industria química, la
pueden desarrollar mucho la industria meta
HORA que se ha firmado la paz con manufactura de medios de transportación y sus
lúrgica en todas sus ramas; manufactura de
A Europa, y que se ha iniciado un período accessorios ; la manufactura de papel, plumas de
loza, vidrio y materiales para construcciones , y
de reconstrucción en proporción con la escribir, y tinta ; la manufactura de instrumentos
la producción de materias químicas .
magnitud de la destrucción habida , los ojos del científicos y quirúrgicos, instrumentos musicales
Además del campo extenso que existe en la
mundo se han tornado hacia las naciones que y varias otras industrias misceláneas.
industria de extracción y preparación , se encuen
por una razon u otra no participaron en la lucha Hay otras grandes industrias, como la de
tran mejores oportunidades y más mplio campo mineria que en México es la más importante de
.gigantesca por la Democracia Universal. Entre
para la instalación , reforma y aumento de las
éstas, México indudablemente es la más rica en todas, y aunque las industrias de extracción ya
industrias que conciernen a la vida y comodidad
recursos naturales y materias primas que todavía las hemos mencionado , hemos dejado la de
de sus habitantes. En este grupo están los extracción de minerales y la industria del petróleo
no han sido explotados. México está en la mejor alimentos y vestidos , y como también articulos
posición de poder suplir ampliamente y a un para el último para examinarla , más amplia y
para el hogar. Bajo cada una de estas ramas de extensamente con el fin de dar una idea de su
costo reducido los mercados europeos y ameri
actividad humana se pueden clasificar una mul
canos con todo lo necesario para satisfacer sus magnitud, significación y los beneficios que
necesidades sin número. titud de industrias que principiadas y dirigidas reportan estas dos industrias.
inteligentemente, aumentarían el bienestar de
La producción de México en materias primas La magnitud de la industria minera de México
sus habitantes y contribuirían al desarrollo
de orígen mineral , animal y vegetal es enorme, se puede calcular asumiendo como base las cifras
económico de la República.
y aunque los métodos empleados para su extrac oficiales publicadas en 1913, las cuales demues
Con las grandes cosechas que se obtienen en
ción son relativamente primitivos e insuficientes, tran que de la producción total del mundo ,
todo el país, se pueden construir molinos para
esta producción es capaz de un aumento de 50 a México produce el 6 por ciento de oro, 30 por
hacer toda clase de harinas y también manufac
100 por ciento , si se instalasen sistemas y maqui ciento de plata, 7 por ciento de cobre y 12 por
naria moderna. En este campo hay vastas turas para el producto de pastas alimenticias a
ciento de plomo . En el mismo año se calcula
precios reducidos. Los miles de galones de leche
oportunidades para la iniciativa y capital que se pueden contratar en los diferentes centros que el monto total del capital invertido en la
extranjero en todas partes de la República, con industria minera en México subió a $ 647,000,000 ,
productores pueden ventajosamente convertirse
la seguridad absoluta que un capital juciosamente de los cuales $ 499,000,000 pertenecen a ameri
en queso y mantequilla de diferentes grados por
invertido y cuidadosamente administrado, retor canos, $87,200,000 a ingleses, $10,000,000 a
nará grandes utilidades. metodos científicos y eficientes que reducirían
franceses, y $29,400,000 a mexicanos .
el precio del producto con el objeto de crear
La mayoría de los productos naturales expor Es verdad que durante los últimos siete años
nuevos mercados y suplir la demanda que
tados de la República de México en su estado ésta floreciente y bien organizada industria ha
existe, y aun se podría suplir a los Estados
natural, después de ser pasados por varios sufrido mucho por los disturbios de la revolución ,
procesos de manufactura , regresan al país donde falta de medios de transportación y los ataques
la demanda por artículos manufacturados es Hay otros productos naturales que se pueden de los bandidos , pero tan pronto como el
conseguir a precios sumamente bajos en diferentes
grande, y se venden a precios muy altos . Es en gobierno Central tuvo autoridad en la región
estas varias formas de extracción y manu partes de México que constituyen fuentes de
minera, todas las minas sin excepción reanudaron
factura preparatoria que existen las grandes riqueza y que esperan la iniciativa y capital para sus labores.
reportar grandes utilidades. Entre estas están Hoy existen 30,889 fundos mineros distribuidos
oportunidades para el empleo de la actividad y
capital extranjero, admirablemente regulados la gran variedad de frutas que se cultivan en por toda la República, cubriendo más de 430,920
por las costumbres y leyes mexicanas, y las México, 35 por ciento de las cuales se pudren hectáreas ( 1,077,050 acres) de terreno.
cuales, mientras que enriquecen a sus poseedores cada año por falta de fábricas para conservarlas Los metales principales que se producen en la
contribuirán al desarrollo de la industria manu en frascos o convertirlas en vinos y licores. República son oro, plata , cobre, plomo , estaño , V
A la industria de la ropa pertenecen la lana, antimonio. Un gran número de minas que dan
facturera y a la justa expansión de la República .
Para dar una idea general del ilimitado el algodón, la seda , el lino, el ramie y el henequén ; una buena utilidad están situadas en los Estados
campo que existe en México con referencia a la y la manufactura en general de ropa, calzado , de Aguascalientes, Coahuila, Durango, Guana
industria preparativa y de extracción , en este sombreros, artículos indispensables del tocador juato, Hidalgo, Mexico, Nuevo Leon, Puebla,
artículo se mencionan algunas de sus principales y para adorno personal. En cada una de estas Sonora, y Zacatecas . De éstas, durante 1917 , se
formas desde las de menor escala hasta las que industrias hay oportunidades excelentes, par extrajo una cantidad de oro y plata que subió a
reportan mayores utilidades. ticularmente en aquellos Estados de la República 1,789 kilos ( 11,867 libras) de oro y 648,645 kilos
A la cabeza de este grupo de industrias, por donde se encuentran las materias primas , para
(1,452,963 libras) de plata. En el mismo año
su importancia vital y por las grandes utilidades los capitales activos y conscientes, pues pueden la producción de cobre fué 141,529 kilos (317.024
que reportan, están las industrias agrícolas, las obtener estos productos a precios bajos en ciertos libras) en los Estados de Aguascalientes, Baja
que incluyen la siembra y cultivo de los innumera mercados, toda vez que en muchas de estas California, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sonora, San
bles productos que se pueden cosechar en las industrias la competencia es poca o ninguna.
Luis Potosi, y Zacatecas.
tres zonas de este pais ; el cultivo del algodón , Las industrias pertenecientes al hogar al Además de estos metales mencionados, la
guayule, caña de azúcar, tabaco, vainilla , café, presente no están desarrolladas en México, y República produjo en cantidades regulares, arsé
ofrecen un campo vasto para compañias e
y la explotación de las maderas preciosas , níco, estaño, mercurio, tungsteno, grafito, man
madera de tinte y para construcción, como individuos que quieran dedicarse a ellas.
ganeso, molibdena, y aluminio .
también las gomas industriales, y la resina ; el La abundancia de madera de toda clase, y en
El cuadro de producción que se da más abajo
cultivo de muchas y variadas frutas que se general la abundancia de materias primas de demuestra la producción de minerales de México
cosechan en todos los climas ; la cria de colmenas orígen vegetal, animal y mineral facilita grande durante una parte de 1918.
mente el establecimiento de fábricas en cualquier
y de aves de corral que apenas han principiado a Hay en el país cerca de 175 compañías mineras
desarrollarse científicamente. escala, de muebles, de artículos de cristal y loza organizadas con grandes capitales y más de
Tan importantes como las industrias men y de objetos de arte y ornamentación . a El 3,000 de otras, como también de individuos
cionadas , desde el punto de vista de las utilidades capitalista puede también dedicarse ventajosa particulares, que se dedican, en escala grande o
tambien son: la cría de ganado , la curtiduría , la mente a la manufactura de muchos artículos que pequeña, a la explotación de los diferentes
extracción y manufactura de grasas, aceites y contribuyen al bienestar de los habitantes del minerales mencionados . No obstante el gran
perfumes vegetales y de origen animal, etc. país, especialmente los de cierta clase, como número de personas interesadas en el desarrollo
32 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

During 1918 only 11 per cent of the potential the general conditions of this market as well Mexico there is a greater demand for English,
production of the country was extracted, due as the customs which here rule almost as laws. French or German articles, being more wide
to lack of appropriate means of transportation . Generally speaking, the Mexican producer of ly known . It is therefore indispensable that if
The tank steamers available to transport. any raw material prefers to place or sell his manufacturers and importers of the United
Mexican crude have a total aggregate capacity products to European firms who have accred States wish to invade the Mexican markets ,
of over 700,000 tons and a cost of $90,000,000. ited representatives in the Republic, for the they study carefully the ways and means of
The gross capital invested in storage and following two important reasons : First, be supplying solvent merchants of Mexico with
transportation is distributed as follows : t cause the producer in the majority of instances the same terms they were accustomed to be
obtains a higher price in Europe, and, second, fore the war from manufacturers and whole
In tank steamers • • .$ 90,000,000
50,000,000 because the agents or representatives of com sale dealers of the other side of the Atlantic.
In pipe lines
In storage tanks and reservoirs . • • 60,000,000 mercial European concerns invariably make a For the benefit of those who wish to devote
money advance upon arranging any transac themselves to imports, an enumeration is
$200,000,000 tion. made of articles that find an easy market in
In order to utilize the entire potential pro With the reopening of the world's markets, the Republic. Concerns manufacturing these,
duction of Mexico, the Chief of the Technical notwithstanding the state of depression that by establishing representatives or agents who
Commission of the Petroleum Bureau esti affects them, this custom has reappeared on know the Spanish language and the customs
mates that the investment must be increased such a scale that if American manufacturers and commercial ways of the country will ob
nine times, i . e., $ 1,800,000,000, and hence and importers wish to gain a firm foothold tain in their business very generous results .
$1,600,000,000 are yet to be invested to properly they must thoroughly study this point, with The articles that find an easy market are :
Machinery and tools employed in the different
Mineral Production of the Republic of Mexico from the 1st of January to the 31st of agricultural industries, mining and oil-drilling,
October, 1918.
conveying and refining machinery and instru
ments, machinery and tools used in all general
Value per Quantity in industries, as the manufactures of food , cloth
METALS Total Value
Kilogram Kilograms ing and home articles, chemical equipment,
machinery, tools and accessories for the trans
Silver $ 41.00 $ 1,601,331 $65,654,571.30 portation industry, and innumerable finished
Gold 1,333.00 6,185,207 8,244,881.18 articles necessary to life, or contributing to
Lead ■ 0.30 79,335,629 23,800,688.75
1.20 66,096,343.89 the comfort of the individual and those
Copper 55,080,286
Zinc 0.56 16,136,131 9,036,233.51 classified as mere niceties and luxuries .
Antimony 0.88 2,808,121 2,471,146.00 The syndicates or private individuals that
Arsenic 901,512 have the intention of investing their money
Tin · 1.82 13,537 24,637.66
6.50 120,815 785,296.99 and energy in the purchase and export of raw
Tungsten - From 5 to 8.00 109,419 787,273.77 materials and natural products, have in the
Graphite O • 0.16 4,178,686 668,589.76 Republic of Mexico the most ample, the rich
Manganese · • From 0.23 to 9.26 1,889,082 450,321.32 est and the most varied field of the world.
Molybdenum 13.98 25,761 36,038.27
Aluminum • 55 The raw materials and natural products
that Mexico can export, after supplying the
national demand, are so numerous and varied
NOTE.-One kilogram equals 2.24 pounds .
that only a general relation of them is given to
develop this branch of the industry to its the view of amply authorizing their represen guide the parties interested in this branch of
maximum capacity. It is in this branch of the tatives. commerce .
petroleum industry where the most brilliant Importers and wholesale merchants of Raw materials of mineral origin : All kinds
opportunities exist for the investment of Mexico also prefer to acquire European man of minerals and metals, petroleum and its
capital. ufactured articles, without much regard to derivatives, mineral coals, metalloids, precious
There are also good opportunities to invest quality, but because they generally can obtain stones, miscellaneous mineral products, build
large capitals in petroleum refining, it being lower prices, and most important of all, easier ing and ornamental materials.
the most productive phase of the entire in terms of payment. Even nowadays, when in Raw materials of vegetable origin : All
dustry. dividual and commercial credit are dead, plants employed in the manufacture of foods,
owing to the late war, the difficulties and medicines, perfumes, textiles, aromatic oils,
Opportunities in Mexico dangers of transportation, etc., whenever gums, resins and rubber, as well as dye and
ONCERNING the opportunities for in wholesale dealers have had opportunities of saponiferous plants, and the ones employed in
vestment and the facilities offered to im acquiring merchandise in European markets , tanning ; the numerous and varied precious
porters, before enumerating all the raw mate they have preferred it to the American manu and dye woods and construction timber, and
rials that Mexico can export and the articles factured article, first because they do not wish an immense variety of industrial plants.
which indispensably must be imported, it may to lose contact with the manufacturing firms Raw materials of animal origin : All kinds
prove advantageous to give a definite idea of of the Old Continent, and next because in of hides and skins, horns, hoofs, bones, wools,

Mexican Crude Exported from 1911 to 1919.


YEAR Metric Tons Metric Tons Metric Tons Metric Tons Metric Tons

1911 ... 121,000,000 14,001,000 135,001,372

1912 .. • 826,524,283 232,710,716 1,152,234,999
1913 ... 1,683,034,079 1,323,926,903 152,494,208 3,159,505,790
1914.. 1,812,000,000 1,570,049,870 273,623,600 •• ►• 3,456,273,470
2,044,494,604 1,336,321,220 286,290,185 · 3,667,106,000
1915 .. $
1916 . • 2,670,275,970 1,427,117,682 227,809,580 4,039,726,290
1917 ... 5.249,748,311 a 1,141,642,740 207,712,930 7,938,130 6,892,517,083.
1918 . • 5,271,012,872 2,256,346,700 149,554,604 335,776 7.677,277,952
* 1919 ... • 9,283,486,000

* Estimated . NOTE.-Exports from Tuxpan were in the last six months of 1911,
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 33

minero, hay un gran número de fundos mineros 1915 ...... 32,910,508 5,229,480 4,912,016 porque no quieren perder el contacto con las
que prometen mucho pero que aun no se han 1916 . • · 40,543,712 6,445,967 6,059,589 firmas manufactureras del Viejo Continente, y
trabajado. 1917 ... $5,292,779 8,790,583 8,262,266 también por que en México existe una gran
Las asociaciones o los extranjeros que tengan 1918 .. 63,828,326 10,147,587 9,506,298 demanda por artículos ingleses, franceses y
el capital necesario siempre pueden encontrar 1919* • 78,000,000 12,394,200 11,692,452 alemanes. Es pues indispensable, que si los
buenas oportunidades en la industria minera , * Cálculo . manufactureros e importadores americanos de
siempre que acepten las leyes y disposiciones. sean invadir los mercados mexicanos, tienen que
Durante 1918 solo 11 por ciento de la pro hacer un estudio cuidadoso de la manera como
La industria petrolera, que está progresando ducción potencial del país fué extraída , debido a
rápidamente y es considerada como la de más han de abastecer a los comerciantes solventes
la falta de medios apropiados de transportación.
importancia para el país, es un negocio atractivo de México en las mismas condiciones que estaban
Los vapores tanques que hay para el transporte acostumbrados a recibir antes de la guerra de los
para la inversión de capitales. del petróleo crudo Mexicano tienen una capacidad
La región productora de petróleo de México , manufactureros y comerciantes al por mayor del
conjunta de más de 700,000 toneladas y costaron otra lado del Atlántico .
hasta hoy está comprendida en los tres Estados $90,000,000. El capital total invertido en
de la costa del Golfo ; es decir, Tamaulipas, Vera Para beneficio de aquellos que deseen dedicarse
depósitos y en la transportación está distribuído
Cruz, y Tabasco, y los Estados de San Luis a la importación hacemos una enumeración de
como sigue:
Potosí y Chiapas. los artículos que se pueden vender fácilmente en
En vapores tanques . $90,000,000
Geológicamente, en todos los campos petroleros ་ 50,000,000 la República. Los manufactureros de estos
En oleoductos . •
que estan en operación se obtiene el aceite en la artículos que tengan representantes o agentes que
En tanques y depósitos . 60,000,000
capa que pertenece a los sistemas cuaternario hablen el idioma español y que conozcan las
terciario y gredoso de la era cenozoica y meso Total .. $200,000,000 costumbres comerciales y las del país , obtendrán
zoica. La producción aproximada de la zona buenos resultados en sus negocios.
Para poder utilizar toda la producción poten
productora es la siguiente : 55 por ciento de la Los artículos que encuentran un mercado fácil
cial de petróleo de México , el Jefe de la Comisión
terciaria y el resto de la cuartenaria ; de 20 a 25 Técnica de la Oficina del Petróleo ha calculado son : toda clase de maquinaria y sus accesorios
por ciento de la terciaria y el resto de la gredosa. que ésta suma de $200,000,000 debe ser aumen para usos agrícolas ; maquinaria para minas ;
La región petrolera está geográficamente, perforadoras para pozos de petróleo ; máquinas
tada a $ 1,800,000,000 ; desde luego hay que
dividida en tres zonas, a saber, las zonas de e instrumentos para refinar el petróleo y para su
invertir $1,600,000,000 adicionoles para poder
Tampico, Tuxpan, y Minatitlán ; cada una da transportación ; maquinaria y accessorios para
obtener la capacidad máxima de esta rama de
éstas está bajo la jurisdicción de un agente de la las industrias en general , como la manufactura de
la industria petrolera, y es en ella donde existen
Oficina del Petróleo , Departamento de Industria, alimentos , tejidos de todas clases y artículos para
mayores oportunidades para la inversión de
Comercio y Trabajo . En estas tres zonas hay el hogar ; instrumentos químicos, herramientas ,
capitales. maquinaria y sus accessorios para la industria de
muchas compañías, nacionales y extranjeras, que
También hay buenas oportunidades para transportación , é innumerables artículos necesa
han llenado los requisitos que gobiernan la invertir capitales en la refinadura del petróleo,
industria, que explotan con variedad de éxito rios para la vida y que contribuyen al bienestar
siendo ésta la fase más productiva de toda la individual y los que son clasificados como
areas de terreno desde 4 hectareas ( 10 acres) , que industria petrolera.
es la area mínima que se permite, hasta cente artículos de lujo .
Con referencia a las oportunidades para
nares de hectáreas.
invertir capitales y las facilidades ofrecidas a los Las compañias o individuos particulares que
El cuadro que adjuntamos da la cantidad de intenten invertir su capital y dedicar su tiempo
importadores, antes de enumerar todas las
petróleo crudo exportado en los años 1911 y 1919 a la compra y exportación de materias primas y
materias primas que se pueden exportar de
de los diferentes puertos Mexicanos. productos naturales, encontrarán en la República
México y los artículos que indispensablemente
Las exportaciones, durante los seis últimos de México el más amplio , rico, y variado campo
tiene que importar ese país, estaría bien dar
meses, fueron de Tuxpan . del mundo .
una idea definida de la condición general de este
La cantidad exportada no fue grande, como Las materias primas y productos naturales que
mercado, como también de los usos y costumbres
hemos dicho, debido a la falta de oleoductos y se pueden exportar de México después de satis
que en México son como ley. facer la demanda nacional , son tan numerosos y
vapores tanques. En lo general el productor mexicano de
El sistema de oleoductos tiene más de 780 tan variados que solo se puede hacer un relato
materias primas prefiere colocarlas o venderlas a
millas de largo, valuado en 50,000,000 pesos, general de ellos para dar una idea general a las
compañías europeas que tienen sus represen
mexicanos. personas interesadas en esta rama del comercio.
tantes acreditados en la República por las dos
La capacidad total de los tanques de acero para Materias primas de origen mineral : toda
siguientes razones que son bien importantes.
el depósito de aceite es de más de 26,000,000 clases de minerales y metales , petróleo y sus
Primero, porque el productor en la mayoría de
barriles, que costaron más de $52,000,000, derivados, carbones minerales, metaloides, pie
casos obtiene un precio mejor en Europa , y
mexicanos. Los depósitos hechos de tierra están segundo , porque los agentes de casas comerciales dras preciosas , productos minerales miscelaneos ,
valuados en 6,000,000 de pesos , y el costo total materiales para construcciónes y de ornamen
europeas invariablemente pagan adelantado en
de todos los depósitos de aceite se calcula en tacion .
cuanto se hacen los arreglos de cualquier tran
60,000,000 pesos , mexicanos. sacción. Materias primas de orígen vegetal : Todas las
Le revolución causó muy poco daño al desarro plantas que se usan en la manufactura de
Con la reapertura de los mercados del mundo,
Ilo de ésta industria, como se puede ver por a pesar del estado de depresión que los afecta , alimentos, medicinas, perfumes, tejidos, aceites
el cuadro siguiente de la producción de petróleo esta costumbre ha reaparecido en gran escala, y aromáticos, gomas, recinas y caucho, tintas y
crudo en México entre los años de 1901 y 1919 : si los manufactureros e importadores americanos jabones y las que se usan en la curtiduría nume
Metros Toneladas desean conservar su puesto en estos mercados es rosas y variadas maderas preciosas, de tinte y
Año Barriles. cúbicos. métricas. menester que estudien este punto con el objeto de para construcciónes , y una inmensa variedad de
1901 ... 10,345 1,643 1,544 que autoricen ampliamente a sus representantes. plantas industriales .
1902 .. 40,200 6,338 6,000 Los importadores y comerciantes al por mayor Materias primas de orígen animal : toda clase
1903 . · 75,375 11,077 11,250 de México desean también adquirir artículos de cueros y pieles, cuernos, cascos, huesos, lana ,
1904 . 125,625 10,962 18,750 manufacturados europeos, sin hacer mucho cerda, pelo, plumas de ave, madreperlas , carey
1905 . 251,250 39,924 37,500 aprecio de la calidad, que generalmente se pueden y coral ; toda clase de grasas y desperdicios de
1906 ... 502,500 79,847 75,000 conseguir a precios más baratos, y lo más animal, materias de origen animal para teñir y
1907 .. · 1,005,000 159,694 150,000 importante de todo ésto es que las condiciónes
una gran variedad de productos animales.
1908 .. 3,932,900 624,968 587,000 de pago son faciles. Aún ahora que está muerto
La información contenida en este artículo ,
1909 . 2,713,500 431,175 405,000 el credito personal y comercial a causa de la
1910 .. " 3,634,080 577,455 542,400 guerra europea y de las dificultades y peligros de como lo dijimos al principio, es de un carácter
1911 . A 12,552,798 1,994,640 1,873,552 la transportación, etc., cuando los comerciantes general. Cualquiera que esté interesado en las
1912 . • 16,538,215 2,631,100 2,471,375 por mayor han podido conseguir mercancías en actividades enumeradas y desee más informa
1913 . M · • 25,696,291 4,083,141 3,835,267 mercados europeos han preferido éstas en lugar ciones puede dirigirse al Autor, Apartado 844,
1914 . 26,235,403 4,168,805 3,915,732 de artículos de manufactura americana, primero , Ciudad , de México.


34 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

bristles , hairs, feathers, mother- of-pearl , tor corresponding proportion of her exports . regulating foreign corporations in Latin
toise-shell and coral ; all kinds of animal Even prior to the war we were supplying America.
greases and wastes, animal dyes and a large about one-half of Mexico's imports, while our 5. That the increased use of acceptances
variety of miscellaneous animal products . European friends were supplying the other for financing foreign transactions be encourJ
The information herein contained, as it was half. With the circumstances of the war their aged.
mentioned at the beginning of this article , is facilities for supplying the class of merchan 6. That the establishment of international
of very general character. Any one interested dise required by Mexico were naturally mini gold fund, a plan already adopted by several
in any of the activities enumerated may write mized, and as a result the United States is South American republics, be furthered .
to the author , to Apartado 844, Mexico City, now supplying about 85 per cent of the mer 7. That the desirability of adopting uni
ior special information . chandise imported into Mexico, and taking form law regarding checks be brought to n0
about 90 per cent of her exports. tice of American governments .
Still another reason for the large trade be 8. That the Inter-American High Commis
U. S. Trade With México tween Mexico and the United States lies in the sion be asked to study the best method of ,
Shows Great Expansion fact that Mexico has a tropical or subtropical avoiding simultaneous double taxation of in
HE trade of the United States with climate, while the climate of the United States dividuals and corporations in Latin-American
is that of the temperate zone. As a result countries.
THE Mexico is heading for the $300,000,000
there is an interchange of tropical products for 9. That American countries which have not
line in the fiscal year 1920. Our trade with
temperate zone products, manufactured articles done so, be encouraged to ratify convention
Mexico even during the disturbed period
especially being very large. adopted by International American Congress
since the resignation of President Diaz in 1911
The United States now imports annually at Buenos Aires in 1910 for establishment of
has shown remarkable gains.
over $2,000,000,000 worth of tropical and sub international bureau at Havana to register
It totaled, says a statement by the National
tropical products as against $350,000,000 worth trademarks.
City Bank of New York, $ 115,000,000 in 1910 ;
in 1900 , and the fact that Mexico is able to 10. That American countries which have
dropped to $110,000,000 in 1915, then despite
the continued disturbances since that date, ad supply material of this character which in not done so ratify convention adopted at Bue
cludes india rubber, fibres , coffee, cocoa, cotton , nos Aires in 1910 concerning patents and
vanced to $191,000,000 in 1917, $245,000,000 in
1918 and $278,000,000 in 1919, while the March tobacco, sugar and vegetable oils, makes the copyrights.
figures, the latest received, indicated a total of
markets of the United States especially attrac 11. That 我 Webb law be amended to per
tive to her producers, while the other fact that mit United States companies handling raw ma
over $300,000,000 in the fiscal year ending
a very large proportion of her imports are terials produced abroad to form under proper
with June, 1920.
manufactures render this country especially at government regulation so as to . compete on
Whether recent events in Mexico will pre
tractive to her buyers, particularly because the terms of equality with companies of other
vent the trade from reaching the high water
mark of $300,000,000 for the current fiscal time required to obtain merchandise from the countries associated for conduct of such re
year cannot now be foretold. It is a fact. United States is naturally less than from lations.
Europe. 12. That commercial attache system be
however, that the sales by the United States
to our 15,000,000 neighbors in Mexico in the
Another reason for the gains in recent years extended with appropriate training • for all
of our share in the trade of Mexico is presum branches of foreign service, as means of de
calendar year 1919 were more than to the 300,
ably the large and steadily increasing amount veloping commercial relations.
000,000 inhabitants of India or the 400,000,000
of American capital invested in that country, 13. That simultaneous census be taken by
of China. Our imports from Mexico in the which before the war was estimated at over all American countries at least every ten
calendar year 1919 were $148,926,000, and ex
a billion dollars and recently stated by Senator years , observing uniformity of statistics.
ports amounted to $131,452,000.
What are the articles forming this large Fall, of New Mexico, in a speech in the United 14. That metric system of weights and
States Senate to be two billion dollars, or measures be universally employed, and until
and rapidly increasing trade with our neigh
far in excess of that of any other country.— such time as this is done, articles marked by
bors at the south separated from the United
From Pan-Pacific for September. standards used in the United States shall also
States by only an imaginary line or at the
best a comparatively narrow stream of water ? be marked according to the metric system .
On the import side , sisal ( a substitute for 15. That the plan of arbitration of com
RESOLUTIONS PASSED BY PANAt mercial disputes in effect between the Bolsa
hemp) , $40,000,000 ; crude petroleum, $26,
000,000 ; copper, $20,000,000 ; raw cotton, $10, AMERICAN FINANCIAL de Comercio of Buenos Aires and the Chamber
000,000 ; hides, $ 10,000,000 ; coffee , $5,500,000 ; CONGRESS of Commerce of the United States be adopted
lead, $5,000,000 ; mahogany, india rubber and by all American countries..
sundry other tropical products , about $500,000 Various Recommendations for the Stim 16. That the Inter-American High Commis
each . of Commerce Between the
ulation of sion study creation of tribunal for adjust
On the export side, manufactures form a Various Countries of This Hemisphere ment of commercial- or financial questions in
very large percentage of the sales , including volving two or more American countries.
iron pipes , over $7,000,000 ; cotton cloths, $6, T THE recent session of the Pan-Amer 17. That importation of raw materials into
500,000 ; flour, $5,600,000 ; sugar, $2,500,000 ; A₁ ican Financial Congress held in Washing any country shall not be prevented by prohi
lard, $2,200,000 ; ton, resolutions were adopted which are sumK bitive duties.
automobiles , $2,350,000 ;
shoes, $2,000,000 ; lumber , $ 1,200,000 ; automo marized as follows : 18. That banking interests study the pos
bile tires, nearly $ 1,000,000 ; eggs, $787,000 ; 1. That the name of International High sibility of financial relief to Europe by repay
dyestuffs, $715,000 ; canned salmon, $703, Commission be changed to Inter-American ing Latin-American obligations held in Europe
000 ; cotton knit goods, $675,000 ; paper, $568 , High Commission . by new • loans granted in United States to
000 ; paraffin, $504,000 ; railway cars, $497,000 ; 2. That recommendations concerning in respective Latin-American countries,
cement, $495,000 ; ploughs, $481,000 ; galvan creased freight and passenger ocean service to
ized iron, $464,000 ; steel rails , $461,000 ; type South America be transmitted to U. S. Ship
ping Board, and recommendations dealing with The treasury department is studying a spe
writers, $422,000, and structural iron, $401,000 , cial tariff intended to stimulate Mexican fac
while the hundreds of other articles ranging railroad transportation, postal and telegraph
tories. Concessions will be extended for bring
below those above enumerated made a total facilities, be sent to Inter-American High
Commission for action. ing in raw materials as well as the export of
of exports to Mexico in the calendar year goods manufactured in this country.
1919, to which the foregoing figures relate , 3. That legislation * of certain States be
of $131,452,000, against $97,789,000 in the cal modified so as to permit operation of branches
of Latin-American banks within their juris THE MEXICAN REVIEW is now in its fourth
endar year 1918.
Quite naturally the United States supplies diction. volume." It affords an unequaled opportun
a large proportion of the imports of Mexico , 4. That Inter-American High Commission ity for acquiring general ( and accurate ) in
lying just alongside , as, she does, and takes a study possibility of uniform treatments in laws formation regarding Mexico.

Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 35

EL SUD -PACIFICO pic. Más allá se continuará la obra lo más azote del Norte, fue aplacado y pensionado ;
DE MEXICO rápidamente que se pueda . La compañia ha las partidas de merodeadores y los "rojos "
hecho contratos para que se le entreguen dos iueron perseguidos y eliminados ; el Gober
La Linea al Sur de Nogales se Prolon mil mulas y material en grande escala. Se nador Cantú de la Baja California, quien tenia
gará Hasta Guadalajara y de Ahi a la predice que la línea quedará terminada y que algún agravio que satisfacer, fué removido
Ciudad de Mixco se establecerá la comunicación con Guadala pacíficamente de su puesto ; el Estado de
jara para fines del año de 1920. Morelos, donde los zapatistas por mucho
UNQUE el Ferrocarril del Pacífico del
"Otra obra importante que se propone IleA tiempo le habían hecho la guerra al Gobierno
AUN Sur de México, es el Ferrocarril de gue
var a cabo la compañía, es la reconstrucción del Centro, ha sido pacificado sin tirar un
rra de Arizona , está tornando gradual
del ramal de Corral, remontando el Rio Ya solo tiro ; a los americanos que tienen con
mente al tiempo de paz y a sus condiciones
qui hasta Tonichi, y la extensión # de esta lí cesiones y otras propiedades en México se
normales . Varios años de revolución en Mé
nea, hasta conectar con la División de Cana les ha asegurado que recibirán protección y
xico han destruido esta vía y causado a sus nea del Ferrocarril Pacífico del Sur de Mé se les hará justicia ; un comisionado discreto
directores muchas tribulaciones.
xico en el mismo punto de Cananea ."-Dou fue enviado a Washington, y economistas
Las revoluciones que han estallado en esa competentes como Salvador Alvarado han sido
glas Dispatch.
República desgarrada por las revueltas duran
enviados a los Estados Unidos para delinear
te los últimos años, han acarreado considera
Las Elecciones Presidenciales la política que seguirá la administración del
bles perjuicios a las vias de aquella compañía
sucesor constitucional de Carranza.
en las cercanías de Topic. en México
El mensaje conque el Presidente de la
En esa región fueron destruídas cerca de
O parece haber ninguna duda de que el Huerta inauguró las sesiones del Congreso el
99 millas de via, pero ya han sido reparadas NG General Obregón salió triunfante comc día primero de septiembre estuvo tan bien
más de 25 y existen indicios de que el resto
resultado de las elecciones presidenciales en preparado que hubiera hecho crédito a un
será reconstruído antes de que pasen muchos
México . Obregón es agricultor, militar, lider Presidente de los Estados Unidos. En ese
popular, y uno de los mejores representantes mensaje se le dijo al pueblo mexicano que los
El Ferrocarril del Pacífico del Sur de Mé
de la democracia que últimamente han cono ingresos a las arcas nacionales provenientes
xico, sostiene tres trenes de pasajeros per se cido los mexicanos. Cuando la estrella de de la industria petrolera " cubririan casi tode
mana entre Nogales, Sonora, y Acaponeta ,
Carranza fue extinguida el escenario quedó el presupuesto nacional" ; que los Tratados de
punto que se encuentra a unas 800 millas al
sur de Tucson. listo para la llegada de Obregón . La fuerza Amistad y Comercio serían modificados " de
militar de él hasta cierto punto no admitía acuerdo con las condiciones producidas por la
Se están exportando por este ferrocarril,
rival, como lo llegó a comprender Pablo Gon guerra suropea" ; que se tiene en estudio el
25,000 toneladas de garbanzo de México en zalez pero sus sentimientos democráticos
, asunto de las reclamaciones por daños sufridos
este año y se está llevando este enorme tone
fueron suficientes para hacerlo aceptable a y por pérdidas de propiedades en México
laje directamente a la ciudad de Nueva York.
todas las clases del pueblo mexicano, quienes, durante la revolución ; que se estaba redu
Se calcula que la cosecha importará cerea de
cansadas ya de la revolución, quieren la 4 ciendo el ejército y que se introducirían
El Ferrocarril del Pacífico del Sur de Mé oportunidad de dedicarse al trabajo con las mejoras en el Estados Mayor y en el Departa
garantías de que podrán retener lo que su mente de Aviación ; que el asunto del petróleo
xico hizo ciertos arreglos , hace unas cuantas será resuelto satisfactoriamente para los
trabajo los produzca.
semanas , • para reparar sus vias de Acaponeta
a Tepic, o sea una distancia de ciento cincuen Ayudados por los altos ideales y las buenas dueños de concesiones ; que en seis meses el
intenciones de Carranza, los mexicanos encon comercio interior de México había aumentado
ta millas, y para constru la línea de Tepic a
traron su conciencia, y ésto, según la opinión cerca de 7,000,000 pesos ; que México cubrirá
Orindine, a noventa y nueve millas de distancia ,
del General Alvarado, Secretario de Hacienda todas sus obligaciones .
proporcionando asi communicació con Guada
y Crédito Público , es uno de los beneficios El Presidente De la Huerta ha estado
lajara y la Ciudad de México .
más grandes resultantes de los diez años de preparando el camino para la entrada del
El coronel Randolph confirmó la noticia de
revolución ; pero debemos admitir que, debido Presidente Obregón en unos cuantos meses
que estaba siendo reparada la línea hasta Te
a su mal temperamento y a su provincialismo más. Villa, él que parecía incorregible, dijo
pie, pero indicó que el ramal a Orindine, pa
intenso, Venustiano Carranza fracasó lamenta hace unos dias que ahora los mexicanos
ra comunicar con Guadalajara, se construirá
blemente como gobernante y diplomático. tendrán la oportunidad que tanto ansiaban de
después, y ' que su construcción depende del
Los interesados en la causa del General dedicarse al trabajo. Si las promesas valen
resultado de las negociaciones que se están
Obregón tuvieron que buscar un precursor que
celebrando con el Gobierno Mexicano. El algo, el Gobierno de Obregón les dará esa
le preparara el camino , y la selección feliz
Ferrocarril del Pacífico del Sur de Mé oportunidad, pues el pueblo mexicano lo que
mente recayó en un mexicano hábil y enérgico
xico, reclama al Gobierno de México la suma quiere es la paz, y paz es lo que desean tam
de la parte norte del país, conocedor de las
de $10,000,000 por los servicios que le ha bién todos los que invierten sus capitales en
condiciones bajo las cuales el nuevo gobernante
prestado y por los daños que sufrió durante los recursos naturales de México . Si el
sería reconocido por el gobierno de Washing
la revolución. La reclamación de la suma que Gobierno de Obregón cumple sus promesas no
ton ; como Presidente Provisional de México ,
corresponde a los servicios ha sido aprobada oiremos hablar más de intervención.
De la Huerta ha tenido un éxito tan brillante
ya por el Gobierno.
las que la prudencia debe aconsejar al General
La línea de Tepic a Orindine, cruzará
Barrancas y costará cerea de $10,000,000, se Obregón que vea an él un ejemplo de lo que
debe ser el Ejecutivo de México . La Cámara de Comercio Confederada de
gún dice el coronel Randolph . México está preparando una protesta en contra
La tarea del Presidente De la Huerta fue
Ha sido siempre el sueño dorado de este
la de pacificar el país y reanudar las relaciones del aumento del precio de los pasaportes para los
coronel, tender su línea hasta la ciudad de
Estados Unidos de $10. Los peticionarios
México y de hacer correr trenes desde San amistosas con las potencias extranjeras , prin
alegan que se les está multando por el privilegio
Francisco a dicha capital, por la vía de No cipalmente con los Estados Unidos, cuyas rela
ciones habian sido burladas y ultrajadas por de hacer compras en el mercado de los Estados
gales. Fué después de celebrar varias confe Unidos .
rencias con el coronel Randolph, cuando hizo › la ineptitud de la administración carrancista.
su declaración en Nogales el señor Gutié Jóven, optimista, capáz, y emprendedor, De la
Huerta ha obtenido un éxito comparativa
rrez . Ha habido un negocio muy grande en madera
mente fácil donde otros han fracasado.
Declaró quo para extender la liena hasta de tintes. El promedio de los precios pagados
Guadalajara, se habia destinado la suma de El General Pablo González, quien constituía han sido desde $32 hasta $46 por tonelada, en
12,000,000 de pesos, "Se ha construido una una amenaza para las esperanzas de Obregón New York o Filadelfia, la última ciudad siendo
gran parte del terraplén y está listo para ten y sus partidarios, fue eliminado por medio de el mejor mercado. El impuesto de exportación
der rieles y durmientes," dijo . "Se prosegui la corte marcial y el permiso que se le dió ha sido de 50 centavos por 100 kilos o 11½ centa
ra rapidamente la construcción de la vía a Te para que saliera del país ; Francisco Villa, el vos por 100 libras.
36 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

and transportation systems, rehabilitating the

The Other Side of The Shield railroads and creating a merchant marine.
General Alvarado declared the work of the
revolution at an end. He said the people of
Indisputable Evidence of the Manner in Which Mexicans the country are beginning to realize that the
Were Done to Death in Texas
foundations for a better political, social and
BY WICKWIRE economic government have already been laid
testified gladly and proudly, almost gloatingly.
He told of twenty-odd Americans he knew by the new régime and that there is no longer
AWN seemed unwilling to disclose
any just cause for war. He said the present
so evil a sight, coming more slowly had been killed in border troubles during
D than is common in the semi-tropics. the same period in that section. "But," he government's aim is to give work to those
declared, "for each American killed, at least unemployed and especially to those who fought
Fourteen bodies dangled from the trees in the
under various revolutionary leaders .
little plaza of Paredon. Stripped from the twenty-five 'greasers' have paid the penalty"
over 500, this would mean, and court records. "The new Mexican government," General
waist, they were, and pitifully mutilated . It
show but two legal executions. Alvarado said, "is ready to spend $25,000,000
was no sight to preserve in remembrance,
in purchasing equipment for the railroads ,
yet, when the lights were higher, the ubiquitous Cameron and Hidalgo are but two of sixteen
Texas border counties. Not all have similar which have been practically depleted of their
Mexican photographer appeared. It was the rolling stock, and to buy a small fleet of
sight of these photographs, the writer has records, but listen to this from Presidio
County, in the Big Bend district, the name freighters in order to move the crops , the ore
been told, shown without explanation, that
of which has been much in the press : In and the cargo which has been accumulating in
confirmed the late Theodore Roosevelt as an
warehouses or has been allowed to rot on
interventionist. January of 1918 rumors of an unpleasantness
became current. It was alleged that a com account of the acute shortage of shipping."
For, though there could be perhaps no ex The Finance Minister said he was sure that
cuse, there was an explanation. For each pany of Rangers, accompanied by some
ranchmen, had visited one night a little vil international advertising would do a lot to
body hanging in that little bare park, there
bring about closer relations between his coun
was a woman accuser. Men coming from lage on the American side, taken therefrom try and the United States. He predicted a
months in the field with Gonzalez' hungry a party of Mexicans and shot them to death. period of enormous development for Mexico
little army had found their women violated , When these rumors became persistent, Cap in the near future.
under cover of the old marital law. When tain W. M. Hansen, now chief investigating "The progress which Mexico will • make
these men went on, those bodies were left officer for the Fall committee of the Senate,
was sent out to report. The result was more in the next ten years will be wonderful and
hanging there as reprisal and as warning for
than a whitewash- it was highly com will go far beyond the expectations of her
others . This was in 1914. Many were dying
mendatory of the action of the Ranger com friends and beyond the fears of her enemies,"
in Mexico in those days. Many have died
pany, who were alleged to have been de the General declared .
in the past ten years, in the forty years pre "Prospects have never been better than
ceding and, in fact, during all the 400 years fending themselves from an ambush.
Still the unpleasant rumors persisted. they are now. The Mexican people are tired
of Mexican history.
United States army officers took up the case. of armed revolution. The people have been
Of those killed during the past ten years, sensible enough to discriminate between real
according to a recent official statement of Later in the spring the Ranger company was
mustered out of service. Five of the men political and social leaders who are working
our own State Departemnt, 218 have been of
American citizenship . The Association for were discharged and the rest transferred to for the common advancement and happiness
other companies. Captain J. M. Fox, in of the nation and those who are ready to start
the Protection of American Rights in Mexico
a war for their own benefit and for criminal
claims to have record of 359. Unfortunately, command, was permitted to resign. Listen
and selfish purposes .
they prejudiced the authenticity of this claim to the words of the Adjutant General in ac
cepting this resignation : "That is why we have been able to estab
by failing to edit out of their list the nota
"The evidence discloses, after a thorough lish a firm government within a few months .
tion that two of the number were British
investigation as you know, that fifteen Mexi Conferences are now being held in Mexico
subjects. There were other errors, but let
cans were killed while in the custody of your City at which the banking interests have been
them go and accept their figures at their
face . What then ? How many foreign-born men, after they had been arrested and dis represented, and a bill is now ready which
armed. This is verified by all proof, even will permit the reopening of the banks and
have met violent death in peaceful America
to admission from the parties and informa will relieve the farmers, merchants and manu
during the same period? facturers from the tremendous burden of
Remember that Mexico has been through tion gathered by this office and by agents of
a bitterly fought revolution during that time. the United States Government." paying as high as 5 or 6 per cent a month on
Cities have been shelled by American, as Dawn must have come as haltingly that their loans.
well as native, gunners, serving with one or morning in the Big Bend as on that earlier "We resent, naturally, the antagonism of
another faction . Twice has Mexico been in morning at Paredon, but no photographer was certain isolated groups. But, taking the
vaded by American armies, under Funston present to record the scene. United States as a whole, we have nothing
and Pershing. These invasions may have else than friendly feelings. Unpleasant inci
been wise and necessary, but when armies are dents may arise which jingoist groups may ex
sent to foreign soil a certain number of aggerate, but there can be no enmity, no real
deaths are expected. These figures are in MEXICO NEEDS quarrel between us.
cluded in both the above totals. AMERICAN SUPPORT "The fact that we buy from you more than
Among the foreigners done to death dur 80 per cent of our imports and sell you about
ing the past ten years in the United States Frank Declaration of General Alvarado 90 per cent of our natural products preclues
have been some Mexicans . The Texas legis Before a Body of New York Business the possibility of a permanent breach. If it
lature last year investigated certain charges Men-Outline of Improvements Pro is true that our trade means little in the
against members of the Texas Ranger force.
posed enormous volume of your total foreign trade,
Judge "Jim" Wells, reputed political boss of
T a lunch given by the Pan-American the fact remains that we are your neighbors,
the entire lower Rio Grande Valley, chair
man of the district Council of National De A₁ Division of the Associated Advertis your nearest customer and all the balance of
fense throughout the war, with manifest un ing Clubs of the World in New York your clientele will trust you the more if you
willingness, testified to his belief that in two City recently, General Salvador Alvarado, give us a fair and square deal. We trust
counties , Cameron and Hidalgo , upwards of Secretary of the Treasury of the Mexican your sense of justice, and honor, and you
250 Mexicans had been killed since 1915 with Government, delivered an address, in which will do well, I am sure, to trust our plain
he declared that Mexico must have the sup horse sense . Let us join hands and create
out trial or preferment of legal charge.
His bitterest political foe, Lon Hill , is of port and the coöperation of the United States a new era in Mexico. We will meet you half
a different caliber. At the same hearing, he in the great work of reorganizing its banking way."
Octubre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 37 .

El Otro Lado del Escudo AYUDA DE LOS EE. UU .

Evidencia Irrefutable de Como Algunos Mexicanos Declaración Franca del General Alva
Han Sido Asesinados en el Estado de Texas rado Ante una Reunion de Hombres de
Negocios de New York- Mejoras Que
Se Proponen
POR WICKWIRE la policía montada de aquel Estado (Texa
rangers) . El juez Jim Wells, reputado líder N un almuerzo obseqinado por la División
OMO si le repugnara dar a luz el lúgubre
político del Valle del Rio Grande y Presidente Ε Pan-Americana de la Asociación de los
espectáculo , la aurora tardaba más de
del Consejo de Defensa Nacional de ese Distrito, Clubs de Anuncios del Mundo , de New York
C lo que acostumbra en las regiones semi
manifestó contra su voluntad que en su opinión City, el General Salvador Alvarado , Secretario
tropicales. Catorce cuerpos, desnudos hasta la
en los Condados de Cameron y Hidalgo coerca de Hacienda del Gobierno Mexicano, en un
cintura y horriblemente mutilados, amanecieron
de 250 mexicanos habían encontrado una muerte discurco que pronunció declaró que México
colgando de los arboles en la pequeña plaza de
violenta sin ser juzgados o acusados conforme a debía recitir la ayunda y la cooperación de los
Paredón . No fué un expectáculo digno de ser
la ley. Pero su mayor enemigo político Lon Estados Unidos en la reorganización de su
recordado , y sin embargo, cuando hubo aumen
Hill, es de una disposición muy diferente. En sistema bancario y de transportación , y para la
tado la claridad del día, aparece en la escena el
omnipresente fotágrafo mexicano. Se me ha el mismo interrogatorio Hill declaró gustosa y rehabilitación de los refrocarriles y creación de
una marina mercante. El General Alvarado
dicho que al ver estas fotografías, que le fueron orgullosamente, y casi con alarde, que el sabía
mostradas sin explicación alguna, el espéctaculo de veinte americanos que fueron asesinados en declaró que la revolución ya se había concluido .
que representaban convirtió al finado Theodore los disturbios a lo largo de la frontera, durante Dijo que el pueblo principíaba a realizar que las
el mismo período, pero que "por cada americano bases para un gobierno mejor, politica , social y
Roosevelt en intervencionista .
asesinado a lo menos veinticinco mexicanos económicamente, ya estabán hechas por el nuevo
Aunque tal vez no había excusa alguna , sí
había una explicación de aquel expectáculo . Por habían pagado la misma pena, " es decir, más régimen, y que ya , no hay causa justa para
de 500, y los registros judiciales solo dan cuenta seguir luchando . Dijo que el objeto del Go
cada hombre que amaneció colgado en los arboles
de aquella plaza , hubo una mujer acusadora . de los ejecuciones conforme a la ley! bierno es dar trabajo a los que no lo tienen , y
Los condados de Hidalgo y Cameron solo son especialmente a aquellos que lucharon a las
Los soldados que regresaban de la campaña ,
dos de los dieciseis condados a lo largo de la ordenes de los varios jefes revolucionarios .
después de varios meses de servicio en el pequeño frontera de Texas. No todos tienen un record
"El nuevo Gobierno Mexicano " dijo el
ejército de González, encontraron que sus semejante, pero véamos el record del condado de
esposas habían sido violadas al amparo de la General Alvarado , " esta listo para gastar
Presidio del distrito de " Big Bend," cuyo
antigua ley marital. Al salir de aquella plaza , $25,000,000 en la compra de equipo para los
nombre ha ocupado tanto la atención de la ferrocarriles, el cual ha sido casi agotado, y para
aquellos hombres dejaron detrás los cuerpos que prensa. En enero de 1918 fueron generales los
colgaban de los arboles, como represalia y como rumores de dificultades en ese condado. Se dice comprar una pequeña flotilla de vapores de
via de amonestación para otros . Esa fué su carga para mover las cosechas, los metales, y la
que una compañía de " Rangers," acompa ada demás carga que se ha acumulado en las bodegas
venganza. Esto sucedió en 1914 , época en que
morían muchos en México . Son muchos los de algunos rancheros, visitaron una noche una o que se ha hechado a perder por falta de facili
pequeña villa en el lado americano, levantaron dades de transportación."
hombres que han muerto en los último ; diez
una partida de mexicanos y los asesinaron . El Ministro de Hacienda dijo que estaba
años, y en los cuarenta años precedentes, y en
Cuando estos rumores se hicieron frecuentes, el seguro que la Sociedad Internacional de Anun
realidad, durante los 400 años de la historia
Capitan W. M. Hanzen , investigador oficial del cios hará mucho para establecer más estrechas
sub-comité del Senado presidido por el Senador relaciones entre México y los Estados Unidos .
Según recientes declaraciones de nuestro .
Fall, fue enviado a hacer una investigación . El Predijo un periódo de enorme desarrollo para
Departamento de Estado, de entre los que resultado
no solo fue que los “ Rangers ” fueron México en el futuro.
murieron en México durante los últimos diez
declarados libres de toda culpa , sino que se "El progreso que hara México en los protimos
años, 218 eran ciudadanos americanos. La
elogió su actitud en defenderse de la emboscada diez años será maravilloso, 1 ira más lejos de lo
Asociación Protectora de los Derechos America
que, según éllos alegaban, se les tendió. que sus amigos esperan y más lejos de la que sus
nos en México asegura que eran 369 , pero Pero los desagradables rumores siempre per
desafortunadamente al incluir en ese número dos enemigos temen, " declaró el General Alvarado.
sistían, y el asunto pasó a manos de algunos " Nuestras esperanzas nunca estuvieron mejor
ciudadanos ingleses, esa Asociación ha puesto en
oficiales del ejército americano . En la primavera fundadas que ahora . El pueblo , mexicano está
duda la autenticidad de sus afirmaciones. Hubo ,
siguiente la compañía de " Rangers " fué disuelta , cansado de revoluciones armadas . El pueblo ha
además, otros errores, pero dejémoslos pasar
de cuyos miembros cinco fueron dados de baja y sabido distinguir a los verdaderos líders politicos
desapercibidos y aceptemos esas cifras en lo que los restantes transferidos a otras compañías. Al
valen . Y qué? Cuántos ciudadanos de orígen capitán de la compañia , J. N. Fox, se le admitió y sociales que están trabajando por el adelanto
extranjero han encontrado una muerto violenta su renuncia. He aquí lo que dijo el Ayudante y felicidad de la nación, de aquellos que están
en nuestro pacífico país durante el mismo período listos para principiar una guerra para beneficio
General al aceptar la renuncia del capitán : propio y con fines egoistas y criminales.
de tiempo?
"Después de una completa investigación , "Y es por esto que hemos podido establecer un
Recordemos que México ha pasada por una
como usted sabe, la evidencia pone de manifiesto gobierno estable, en pocos meses. Están dán
encarnizada lucha civil durante ese tiempo . Las que quince mexicanos fueron muertos mientras
dose conferencias en la Ciudad de México en las
ciudades han sido bombardeadas por cañones estaban bajo la custodia de los hombres que
cuales los intereses bancarios han sido represen
manejados por americanos y mexicanos que han tenía usted a su cargo, después de haberlos hecho
estado al servicio de una u otra facción. México tados, y se ha formulado un pro yecto de ley
prisioneros y haberlos desarmado. Esto ha
ha visto su territorio invadido por ejércitos que permitirá la apertura de los bancos, y
sido comprobado por la evidencia que se nos ha aliviará, al agricultor, al comerciante y a los
americanos dos veces, una vez al mando de presentado, y aún por la propia confesión de las
manufactureros del tremendo peso de estar
Funston y la otra bajo las órdenes de Pershing. partes implicadas y por la información obtenida
Estas invasiones podrán haber sido prudentes y pagando un interes tan subido como de 5 o o
por esta oficina y por los agentes del Gobierno por ciento al mes sobre sus empréstitos.
necessarias, pero cuando un ejército es enviado de los Estados Unidos. "
a suelo extranjero es de esperarse que resulte "Resentimos, naturalmente , el antagonismo
Al igual que en Paredón algunos años atrás, la de ciertos grupos aislados , pero considerando
cierto número de muertos . Los que así han aurora de seguro tardó más que de costumbre en
muerto están incluídos en los dos totales arriba a los Estados Unidos, en lo general no tenemos
el distrito de " Big Bend" aquella mañana, ipero sino sentimientos de amistad . Incidentes desa
*. mencionados.
no estuvo presente ningún fotógrafo que regis gradables pueden ocurrir y su importancia
Entre los extranjeros asesinados durante los trara la escena !
She últimos diez años en los Estados Unidos, han exagerada por grupos antagonistas, pero no
habido algunos mexicanos. La Legislatura del Los campos petroleros de Panuco -Topila puede existir animosidad ni enenustad entre
produjeron 33,620,303 barriles desde Enero nosotros.
Estado de Texas el año pasado investigó ciertos
cargos formulados contra algunos miembros de 1919 hasta Junio de este año. (Sigue en la página 38)

38 THE MEXICAN REVIEW October, 1920

Mexico's Presidential Election Obregon and his backers, was disposed of by el resto de vuestra clientela, y tendremos más
a court-martial and permission to leave the confianza en vosotros si se nos trata bien .
HERE seems to be no doubt that the re
THsult E of the Presidential election in Mexico country. Francisco Villa, the scourge of the Confiamos en vuestra justicia y honor y haréis ,
on Sunday was the triumph of General Alvaro north, was placated and pensioned . The bush bien, estoy seguro, en confiar en nuestro igual
whacking insurgents and "red flaggers" were proceder. Estrechémonos la mano y estab
Obregon, farmer, soldier and popular leader, as
hunted down and shot. Governor Cantu of lescamos una nueva era para México . Nosotros
tolerable a representative of democracy as the
Lower California, who had a grievance, was os encontraremos a la mitad del camino . "
Mexicans have known of late . When the star
painlessly removed from office. Morelos ,
of Carranza was extinguished, the stage was
where the Zapatistas had long defied the
set for the advent of Obregon . In a military The government has revoked the recent per
Central Government, was pacified without the
way he was too powerful to brook a rival, as mission for the city tramways to advance the
firing of a shot. Americans who had con
Pablo Gonzalez learned to his cost, and he was suburban freight and passenger rates.
cessions and other property interests in Mexico
public spirited enough to suit the Mexican
were assured of protection and fair play. A
people of all classes, who were weary of revo e?
discreet envoy was sent to Washington , and
lution and wanted to get back to work with able economists like Salvador Alvarado were
a guarantee that they could hold what they
dispatched to the States to outline the policy FOR SALE
earned. , Carranza, with high ideals and good
of the administration of Carranza's constitu
intentions, had aided the Mexicans to discover
tional successor . - New York Times.
their conscience, which General Alvarado, Sec
100,000 acres of hardwood timber
retary of Public Credit, accounts as the greatest
achievement of ten years of revolution ; but it (Sigue de la página 37) and OIL lands , in
must be admitted that as an administrator and " El hecho de que compramos de vosotros más
diplomat Venustiano Carranzo, because of a del 80 por ciento de nuestras importaciones y os
vendemos más del 90 por ciento de nuestros SAN ANDRES TUXTLA, STATE OF
perverse temper and intense provincialism, was
productos naturales, excluye la posibilidad de VERACRUZ, MEXICO
a lamentable failure.
A pioneer and herald for General Obregon una ruptura permanente. Si es verdad que
had to be found by those interested in his ad nuestro comercio significa muy poco en el Details furnished to
vancement, and the choice happily fell upon volumen enorme del total de vuestro comercio
serious buyers
an energetic and clever Mexican of the north, extranjero, queda aun el hecho de que somos
who thoroughly understood the conditions upon vuestros vecinos y más cercanos compradores que
which the Administration at Washington
would recognize the new ruler. As acting
or provisional President of Mexico De la
Huerta has been such a shining success that Gante, 9.- Tel. Eric. , 21-01
General Obregon will be wise to accept him English-Spanish Shorthand. Typewriter, GEORGE WILSON
as an example of what an Executive in Mexico Copying and Translations done by Experts.
Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays. Apartado (P. O. Box) , 1677
should be.
It became the task of President De la Huerta MRS . A. M. L. COLESON MEXICO , D.f.
to set the house of his people in order and
resume amicable relations with foreign powers,
notably the United States, which had been
outraged and flouted by the inept Carranza
Administration . Young, optimistic, enterpris
ing and resourceful, he seems to have easily
succeeded where others had failed . General EAGLE "MIKADO” PENCIL No.174
Pablo Gonzalez , a menace to the hopes of
Regular Length, 7 inches
DR . H. W. STAHL For Sale at your Dealer. Made in five grades
DENTISTA Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use.


Av . F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box, 131 Bis . Mexico , D. F. ¦

Geo. J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zant, Jr. , F. Peltier , Fco. Coudurier , G. A. Moran,

President . Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager. Cashier. Assistant Cashier.



Current Checking Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Invited

Mexican and American Officials Exchange Greetings at Nogales,

Arizona, and Nogales, Mexico





Courtesy Chamber of Commerce, Nogales, Arizona

National Railways of

Mexico and Annexes

(Administered by the Government)

Direct Passenger Service Between Mexico City and

Laredo , Texas; Ciudad Juaraz (El Paso) , Manzanillo ,

Morelia , etc.

The trains to Laredo, Texas, are detained in Nuevo

Laredo , Mexico , only the time indispensable for compliance

with the customs and health regulations .

Sleeping cars are run daily from Mexico City to 1

Laredo, Ciudad Jaurez, and Guadalajara, and every third

day to Tampico , via San Luis Potosi .


The business public is informed of the maintenance

of a system of insurance against the risks of war of all

classes of merchandise and with all points in the Republic.

This system has been in operation more than two years,

with most satisfactory results .

Assistant General Passenger Agent General Freight and Passenger Agent

Chief of the Insurance Department
1201 MAR 2 4 1921








Chester M. Wright, Noted Writer, Recently Returned from Tour,

Gives Vivid Picture of Conditions


Innovation by President-Elect and its Results

as Told by Our Staff Correspondent


Miss Eulalia Hernandez, in Christian Science Monitor,

Tells of Their Advancement


Three Illuminative Articles by Various Authors

7 16 6

15c. American . The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English.
30c. Oro Nal.
Recognition by the United States El Reconocimiento del Gobierno

Mexicano por los Estados Unidos
announced the intention of the United States Gov
S anunció el 29 de Octubre la intención del gobierno
ernment to extend recognition to the Mexican Gov de los Estados Unidos de conceder su reconoci
ernment headed by Provisional President Adolfo de la miento al Gobierno Mexicano , representado por el Presi
Huerta. In making the announcement , Secretary Colby dente Provisional don Adolfo de la Huerta . Al'anunciar
said :
esa intención, el Secretario Mr. Colby dijo :
"The discussions which have for some time been in "Las pláticas que desde hace algún tiempo vienen
progress with Mr. Pesqueira, representing the Mexican mejoran do con el Sr. Pesqueira , representante del
Government, give promise of a speedy and happy out Gobierno Mexicano , prometen llegar a pronto y feliz
come . The letter which he has addressed to me, and término . La carta que me dirigió, y que hoy entrego
which I am today giving out for publication , is a very a la publicidad, es una muy grata y nueva confirmación
gratifying and reassuring statement of the attitude and de la actitud y propósitos del nuevo gobierno de México .
purposes of the new government of Mexico. Mr. El Sr. Pesqueira vino a Washington trayendo las más
Pesqueira came to Washington bearing the fullest powers amplias facultades para hablar y obrar en representación
to speak and act on behalf of his government, and has de su gobierno , y ha demostrado en la transcurso de las
conferencias una amolia penetración de las obligaciones
exhibited throughout the course of the discussions a com
internacionales de México . Su propia carta refleia
plete realization of Mexico's international obligations,
claramente el firme propósito de su gobierno de cumplir
just as his letter reflects clearly the firm resolve of his
con aquellas obligaciones.
government to discharge them.
"Creo estar bien seguro al afirmar que la cuestión
"I think I am warranted in saying that the Mexican mexicana muv pronto dejará de ser tal, absolutamente,
question will soon cease to be a question at all, inasmuch en vista de que está ya para ser solucionada , no sólo en
as it is about to be answered , not only as it concerns the lo que concierne a los Estados Unidos sino . es seguro , a
United States, but, indeed, the whole world as well. todo el mundo .
"The new government of Mexico has given indication "El nuevo gobierno de México ha dado pruebas de
of stability, sincerity and a creditable sensitiveness to its estabilidad, sinceridad y de una evidente conciencia de
duties and their just performance. While the full pro sus deberes y de su estricto cumplimiento . No obstante
tection of valid American interests , which is clearly en que la completa protección de los legítimos intereses.
joined upon us as a duty, has at all times been a matter americanos , que claramente se impone a nosotros como
of primary concern to us, I may say that on the part of un deber, ha sido en todo tiempo un asunto de primordial
this country, there has been no attempt to prescribe rigid interés para nosotros , puedo asegurar que por parte de
and definite terms upon which a recognition of the este país jamás ha existido el propósito de imponer
Mexican Government would be expressly conditioned . rígidos y categóricos términos que tornaran condicional
el reconocimiento del Gobierno Mexicano . Esto lo
"This we have deemed wholly unnecessary, and the
disavowal of the Mexican representative of any policy hemos juzgado totalmente innecesario , y la desaprobación ,
por parte del representante de México . de una política
of repudiation of obligations or confiscation of property
de renudiamiento de obligaciones o confiscación de pro
or vested rights, either through retroactive legislation or
piedades o derechos adquiridos, asi como de una legis
future regulations, has the added value of being spon
lación retroactiva o futuras medidas, tiene el gran mérito
taneous and unprompted.
de haber sido expontánea y libre.
"There are certain pending matters in controversy "Existen algunos asuntos pendientes de controversial
between the two governments and our respective na entre ambos gobiernos y nuestros respectivos nacionales ,
tionals , but these will be determined either by agreement pero éstos serán solucionados ya sea por convenio mútuo
or by the process of arbitration, to which Mexico is pre o por el sistema de arbitraje, el cual México está dispuesto
pared to yield complete assent. a aceptar completamente .
"La carta del Sr. Pesqueira propone una base sobre la
"The letter of Mr. Pesqueira offers a basis upon which
cual los preliminares del reconocimiento pueden con toda
the preliminaries to recognition can confidently proceed, confianza continuarse , y tengo plena esperanza de que,
and I am hopeful that within a short time the sympathetic dentro de corto tiempo , la buena amistad y la paciente
friendship and the patient forbearance which President tolerancia que el presidente Wilson ha demostrado hácia
Wilson has manifested toward the Mexican people during el pueblo mexicano en todo el largo período de sus
desórdenes internos , será plenamente comprendida y
the long period of their internal disorders will be fully
vindicated. The desire reflected in Mr. Pesqueira's letter apreciada.
"El deseo que se refleja en la carta del Sr. Pesqueira
for the confidence and amicable regard of the United
sobre la confianza y amigabilidad hácia los Estados
States is fully reciprocated, and I am happy to believe
Unidos, es ampliamente correspondido, y me siento feliz
that the last cloud upon the ancient friendship of the
al creer que la última nube que flota sobre la vieja amistad
two peoples is soon to disappear. " entre los dos pueblos , será prontamente disipada. ”

3 1 . 2


Centro- El Senor Ingeniero Antonio Madrazo, despues de rendir la protesta de ley ante el Congress Fed
eral, para tomar posesion de las riendas del Gobierno.
A la derecha- El Lic. Don Enrique Colunga, Gobernador saliente.
A la Izquierda- El Presidente de la Legislatura, Lic. Don Juan R. Dominguez.


Center-Engineer Antonio Madrazo, after taking the oath of allegiance before the Federal Congress, in
order to take possession of the reins of government.
Right-Attorney Enrique Colunga, the retiring governor.
Left-President of the State Legislature, Juan R. Domingues.
The Mexican Review


The Mexican Review Constant Source of Amusement Interchange of Scholarships

HAT of NDER the auspices and management of
Published Monthly at Washington, D. C. TH
Ta • U the American Chamber of Commerce of
many portion of the
of the daily papers columns
newswhich do
is de
voted to so-called "news" from Mexico , con Mexico City, a plan has been inaugurated and
GEO. F. WEEKS J . EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR tinues as always to afford a never- failing is already under way with good prospects for
source of amusement to careful readers as success, looking to an interchange of scholar
well as to those who are acquainted with mat ships between the educational institutions of
Yearly subscription in the United States, Canada and ters political, commercial and social in the · both countries, with the view to the further
Mexico, $2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50 . One day we have a first- page
Republic. ance of a better understanding between the
"scare head" telling of the terrible revolution two peoples. It would be trite to say that no
Office-Rooms 501-502 , 817 Fourteenth Street ary work going on in Michoacan, or Aguas two nations in the world, whose territories
Washington, D. C. calientes, or Nayarit, or Lower California, border upon each other and who have inti
and a day or two later away down at the mate commercial relations, know less of the
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU foot of a column on an inside page is a fine truth regarding the conditions prevailing
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important matters. type announcement "half a stick" in space, therein and entertain so many deep- seated, but
Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared by com saying that all is quiet on the Potomac, or erroneous ideas in that connection as do the
petent writers. Photographs furnished when desired .
words to that effect, and that the alleged revo United States and Mexico. The proposed
Questions answered . Special inquiries undertaken .
lutionists have given up peaceably to the reg interchange will go a long way to remove
ularly elected or appointed officials, as the much of the existent misapprehension and to
To Resume Interest Payments case may be. Then comes the same old story bring about a better state of feeling. If this
that has done duty for so many years, that continent ever is to occupy the position for
HE good news comes from Mexico City
Mexico is seeking a foreign loan , and a day which Nature seems to have destined it, and
THE in the budget for the coming fiscal
year the Treasury Department will include the or two later the categoric denial of the offi if universal peace and prosperity are ever to
amount necessary in order to resume the pay
cials of that country-the first being "played prevail, whatever friction exists between the
up" but the latter being subordinated almost different nations occupying their respective
ment of interest on the public debt, such pay
to the point of undiscoverability. The Villa portions thereof, must be removed . And in
ments having been suspended during the re
cent revolutionary years, as was unavoidable. and other myths have served their turn and order to remove or prevent international fric
The enemies of Mexico have insistently and there is no longer any " space" to be had in tion between the two great countries most
persistently claimed that that country was yarns about them, but a new or rather old ' prominently concerned, the enlightenment of
crop turns up with regularity." the people of the one as regards the other is
burdened with a hopeless debt, that it was
bankrupt, and that its finances were in inex one of the prime and most essential factors.
tricable confusion . The fact that the debt of To that end, the plan proposed by the great
Mexico is one of the smallest in the world Increasing Petroleum Exports foreign commercial body of the Mexican capi
T IS announced on good authority that the tal is one of the most important elements and
has been obscured, along with the further fact
that if given time the country would be able ITexports of petroleum from Mexico for the should be encouraged in every possible man
ner. THE REVIEW indorses the enterprise with
to recoup itself and rehabilitate its Own current year will exceed those of all other
countries combined . At the commencement of all its heart and hopes to witness its success
finances . This fact is now receiving confirma
the year it was estimated that the shipments ful consummation, which indeed seems prac
tion in the proposed action of the Treasury
Department, which is in line with the constant would reach 100,000,000 barrels, but it is now tically assured at this writing.
amelioration and improvement of conditions believed the total will be upward of 140,000,
in every respect throughout the Republic. In 000. This, of course, is due to the provision An Immense Oil Well
this connection, it would seem appropriate to of increased ocean tankage, and not to any EPORTS have been received from Tam
again call attention to the fact that Mexico is increase in actual production. Only such oil R pico to the effect that a well was recent
the only country in the world whose financial as is for local use and for exportation is ly brought in in that region whose daily out
business in transacted upon a strictly metallic allowed to flow from the wells. At the close put is upward of 80,000 barrels. When it is
basis , whose only outstanding paper has been of the year 1919 it was estimated by govern remembered that in other oil fields , in the
redeemed at par in gold coin, and which now ment officials that only about 10 per cent, or United States and elsewhere, wells that pro
proposes to resume interest payments without a little more of the potential production of duce no more than one or two hundred barrels
asking for outside financial assistance. By the existing wells was utilized in this manner. daily by pumping are regarded as good prop
way, when THE REVIEW published the state Since then there has been a marked increase erties, an idea can be formed of the tremen
ment regarding the unique position occupied in the number of producing wells brought in , dous value of the one under discussion. Accu
by Mexico in regard to the character of its and it is not likely that there will be any ma rate figures are not at hand, but if memory
currency, it was met by the disclaimer of a terial change in the proportion noted. I The serves the production of this well far exceeds
prominent American publication, which de exportation of oil from Mexico, as frequently the combined daily production of all the oil
clared that the United States was essentially noted in THE REVIEW, is entirely dependent wells in California , at least. By the way, it
upon a similar basis. But it did not hazard upon the supply of shipping, something that is of interest to note that geologists are said
any opinion as to what would happen should Mexico has nothing to do with. Never at any to have discouraged the sinking of this 80,000
any one or any considerable number of per time since the first exports of petroleum has barrel well, on the ground that it would prob
sons demand actual gold or silver coin in ex there been any obstacle placed in the way of ably prove a failure !
shipping all the oil for which facilities could
change for paper promises to pay such coin !
There is a wide difference between paper be provided- contrary to a popular impres The Panuco-Topila oil fields produced 33,-
promises to pay coin and the universal use of sion assiduously cultivated and widely enter 620,303 barrels of oil from January, 1919, to
the actual coin itself. tained abroad. June, this year.
La Revista Mexicana


Inagotable Fuente de Diversión tos que existen entre los dos grandes paises
La Revista Mexicana
más prominentemente interesados, uno de los
A parte o sección de los periódicos diarios
Publicacion mensual en la Ciudad deWashington LA dedicada a la publicación de lo que se primeros factores y de mayor importancia es
el de ilustrar al pueblo del uno sobre lo con
ha dado en llamar "noticias " de México, como
GEO. F. WEEKS - G EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO cerniente al del otro . Teniendo ese fin, el
siempre, continúa siendo fuente segura de
diversión para los lectores vigilantes asi proyecto propuesto por esa gran organización
Suscripciones por un Año, en los Estados Unidos, Canada comercial extranjera de la Capital de México
como para aquellos que están bien informados
y México, $2 oro. En cualquiera otra parte, $2.50. es uno de los elementos más importantes y
de los asuntos políticos, comerciales y sociales
debería recibir la mayor cooperación posible.
Oficina- Cuartos 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street, de aquella República. Un día encontramos en
LA REVISTA aprueba la empresa de todo cora
Washington, D. C. primera plana un "notición" que nos informa
de la terrible revolución que ha principiado zón y espera ser testigo cuando se lleve a su
feliz terminación , lo que, en verdad, parece
AGENCIAS DE NOTICIAS DE MEXICO. en Michoacán, o Aguascalientes, o Nayarit, o
estar prácticamente asegurado al tiempo de
Noticias exactas por telégrafo y correo de todos los asuntos en la Baja California, y un día o dos después escribir esto.
de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cualquier tópico encontramos por allá al pié de una columna,
mexicano hechos por escritores competentes. Se propor en la novena o décima plana y en letra menuda,
cionan fotografías a solicitud . Se contestan preguntas Las Exportaciones de Petróleo
Hacemos investigaciones especiales. un anuncio que ocupa "medio componedor” en Aumentan
espacio, y leemos en él que todo está en paz
ABEMOS de buena fuente que la expor
en el Río Potomac, o algo por ese estilo, y que
Reanudarase el Pago de Intereses. SAB tación de petróleo de México durante este
los supuestos revolucionarios se han rendido
AN llegado las buenas nuevas de la pacíficamente a los funcionarios electos O año será mayor que la de todos los demás
Η Ciudad de México de que en el pre nombrados, según sea el caso. Luego viene el paises en conjunto. Al principio del año se
supuesto para el entrante año fiscal, la Secre cuento de nunca acabar, que México trata de calculaba que las exportaciones llegarían a
taría de Hacienda ha incluído la suma nece negociar un empréstito en el extranjero, y un 100,000,000 barriles, pero ahora se cree que el
saria para la reanudación del pago de los total será más de 10,000,000. Esto , por
día o dos después viene la refutación categó
intereses sobre la deuda pública, cuyo pago, rica de los funcionarios públicos de aquel país, supuesto , se debe a que ha sido aumentado
como era inevitable, fue suspendido durante y en este caso, lo del empréstito aparece pu el servicio de vapores tanques y no a que la
los años recientes de revolución. Los enemigos blicado en letras grandes, y la negativa la producción haya aumentado. Solo se deja
de México habían venido persistiendo en la publican en tal forma que casi es imposible correr de los pozos el petróleo para el consumo
idea de que aquel país estaba agobiado con encontrarla. Villa y otros mitos ya no dan local y para la transportación . A fines de
una deuda imposible de pagar, que estaba en resultado, en consecuencia, ya no hay “lugar” 1919, según los cálculos de los funcionarios.
bancarrota, y que tenía sus finanzas en una en las columnas para desperdiciarlo en cuentos públicos , solo un diez por ciento de la pro
confusión inextricable. Se ha tratado de sobre ellos, pero luego aparece con regularidad ducción potencial de los pozos existentes era
ocultar el hecho de que la deuda de México utilizada en esta forma. Desde esa fecha ha
un grupo nuevo, o viejo, mejor dicho , de quien
es, proporcionalmente , una de las menores del echar mano. ido en aumento el número de pozos produc
mundo, como también se ha tratado de ocultar tores que se han terminado, pero no es pro
el hecho de que si se le da tiempo , México bable que haya un cambio notable en la
podrá rehabilitar sus finanzas. Este hecho ha Intercambio Escolar proporción arriba indicada . Como frecuente
venido a confirmarse con la proposición de la AJO la dirección y auspicios de la Cá mente lo ha dicho LA REVISTA, la exportación
Secretaría de Hacienda, cuya acción en ese BA mara de Comercio Americana en la de petróleo de México depende exclusivamente
sentido está en completo acuerdo con el Ciudad de México se ha inaugurado un pro del estado del servicio de transportación, y
constante alivio y mejoramiento que se nota yecto, el cual ya está siendo experimentado y México no tiene nada que ver con esto. Desde
en toda la República, en todos los ordenes. promete tener éxito, para el intercambio de que se exportaron los primeros cargamentos
Y a este respecto es oportuno repetir el becas entre las instituciones educacionales de de petróleo hasta la fecha, jamás se han
hecho de que México es el único país del los dos paises, con el objeto de promover el puesto obstáculos para la exportación de todo
mundo cuyas transacciones financieras son establecimiento de una mejor inteligencia entre el petróleo que se pueda transportar, como
hechas estrictamente a base de metálico, y cuya los dos pueblos. Sería mucho repetir que no creen algunos que en el extranjero asídua
única emisión pendiente de papel moneda ha hay dos naciones en el mundo, cuyos terri mente propagan impresión tan errónea.
sido redimida a la par, en monedas de oro, y torios están tan contiguos y cuyas relaciones
ahora se propone reanudar el pago de los comerciales son tan intimas, que conozcan tan Para Fines Educacionales
intereses sin solicitar ayuda financiera fuera poco de las verdaderas condiciones de la una A REVISTA es de gran importancia para
del país . Sea dicho de paso, cuando LA y la otra y que den abrigo a impresiones tan L ^ fines educacionales , no solo porque por
REVISTA publicó declaraciones referentes a la hondas pero erróneas en ese sentido , como los medio de ella se conocen los hechos acerca de
sin par situación que ocupa México respecto Estados Unidos y México. El propuesto México, sino porque es también un medio de
de su circulación monetaria, contestó una pu intercambio de becas escolares contribuirá estudiar el idioma español. Muchas escuelas
blicación americana declarando que también mucho a extirpar los prejuicos que existen y colegios así lo han manifestado , y constante
la de los Estados Unidos era esencialmente a y será un factor en la formación de un am mente estamos recibiendo órdenes para subs
base similar. Pero no se atrevió a adelantar biente mejor. Si este continente va alguna vez cripciones de esa clase de instituciones.
su opinión sobre qué sucedería si un considera a ocupar la posición para la cual lo ha desti Ofrecemos precios especiales en estos casos si
ble número de personas demandaran que se nado la naturaleza, y si es que prevalecerán asi se solicita.
les cambiara el papel moneda por monedas de la prosperidad y la paz universal, es menester
oro y plata ! Hay una gran diferencia entre borrar los malos entendimientos que existen La suspensión del último aracel de cañeria
los billetes (promesas de pago ) y el uso entre las diferentes naciones que lo forman . de hierro y llantas de goma elástica ha sido
universal de la moneda ( metálico ) en sí sola . Y con el fin de borrar los malos entendimien consideradá , y el arancel antiguo esta vigente.
6 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

The arsenal employes and the workers who

Americans Should Know Mexico make all army supplies have been removed
from military discipline and allowed to or
ganize a union. They work in shops as light
Impressions of An American Newspaper Man's
and airy and clean as any that I have seen .
First Visit South of the Rio Grande
Trifling things , these, but they are set down
merely as straws picked out of a wind of
BY CHESTER M. WRIGHT windows of the National Palace the people events.
gathered in the evening of the fifteenth for
MERICA ought to know Mexico . Americans should know two things about
the "Grito," then on the sixteenth for the mili
America ought to know the lovable, de Mexico yes, three things :
tary parade. Here was a square two blocks
A lightful Mexico that holds out the It is a land worth seeing for the mere
warm hand of welcome to the friendly by two blocks in area, crowded with an as sake of what there is to see-the age of Egypt,
semblage of such vividness of color, such
stranger, that lays before his wondering gaze the warm beauty of Spain and Italy, the
wealth of national character as could be seen
the rich delight of her wonderful beauty, that ruggedness and roughness of our own great
sings into his ears the fervent songs of age nowhere except in a Latin country, and per west, the mystery and charm of the Orient
old romance and that talks to him with voices haps nowhere so well as in a Latin -Indian
all of these and yet none of these, for Mexico
country. And yet it was but a crowd of good is Mexico and it is not anything else.
out of a past the depths of which no man has
yet fathomed. ly folk out for a holiday !
It is a land where friendship is to be had
The Mexico of the peon is still a Mexico of
I have just come from that land. for the honest asking and where rich trade
heavy burdens and of extreme simplicity, but
Enchanted land, if ever there was one ; land awaits, growing richer as time goes on and
the Mexico of the peon is rapidly on the up
of richness and land of promise ; land of hope Mexico gains her feet.
grade. It is but a step back to the days of
and land of boundless faith. It is a land toward whom our policy should
Porfirio Diaz and the peonage system in per
I went to Mexico to see what was there, not be guided by high international morality and
fect flower. Never has such a system been
to see what I had been told was there . And not by a few whose motive is greed- and our
uprooted in a day. But the peon's economic
I think that every one who goes to Mexico in goods and our people will find welcome.
condition is being improved with amazing I left Mexico through the Port of Laredo .
that spirit must come away with regret, with speed. Today he is free and upon that free
a longing to linger and see and learn and It is choked with American products going
dom he may build as far as his capacity leads.
enjoy. in, just the vanguard of what may be devel
him. He is organizing into unions and he is oped.
If I were a corporation, seeking what profit breaking down the tradition of low wages and To be sure, there are faults in Mexico , but
I might find, I would organize the friendship long days of burden-bearing. His represent of this I am sure : There is capacity in Mex
of Mexico and teach to the American people atives are in posts of government and they are ico , and there is every evidence of a united
the realities about Mexico . in conference with employers. The movement determination to make the best use of that
But our civilization goes rushing along en of progress is under way. There are weak
capacity in an era of national development.
grossed in what it terms the practical things nesses and faults, and some of them are se I am profoundly convinced that the great
of life. Let us discuss those things for a rious. Things are being done that may have American majority feels for Mexico only
moment. to be undone in pain, but whatever may be the friendship . It is Mexico's greatest need just
First of all, a word about conditions in truth as to that, the liberation of the peon is now. And if there be those "practical" hungry
Mexico as they are today : under way . fisted souls who know no other argument, to
Mexico is at peace, internally and extern Let me set down here in rather random
them it may be said that it will pay our nation
ally. It is safe to travel in Mexico . The fashion some of the scattered facts that made.
solidly as no other attitude could ever pay.
greatest danger-and the only danger that I their impress upon me as facts of importance : Mexico has hit her stride, if what the eye
saw is the danger that arises from railway In the State of Morelos , for so long the sees and the ear hears means anything at all.
equipment long worn, long out of adequate haunt of Zapata, the rebel chieftain , there are She will have rough spots and + trouble, but
repair. Otherwise travel is as safe as it is today only fifty federal soldiers, and there is she is on the way.
in the United States . no banditry.
Mexico's government is a government of American agricultural machinery is being
great promise . It was my good fortune , with inported into Mexico by the Mexican govern The Review's Position Sustained
my colleague, to meet President de la Huerta, ment as rapidly as possible. A plan is being TTENTION is called to the article pub
President-elect Obregon, Minister of War worked out whereby small farmers may ob
Α ' lished elsewhere in which Attorney Peña,
Calles, Minister of Agriculture Villarreal and tain machinery at cost and on credit.
the chief of the legal bureau of the Depart
many other leading figures . The men that Communal lands actually are being restored ment of Commerce and Industry, discusses the
Mexico needs have come to her service. If to the people within the law and without con various petroleum decrees to which exception
my judgment of men fails not, here are men fiscation . Carranza, early in his tenancy of has been taken, and points out that the objec
of fiber, men of integrity and character and the presidentia! palace, talked about this, but tions advanced are due to misunderstanding
brains . And they are not men of bigotry and did almost nothing. However, the interesting of their terms. The position of THE REVIEW
obstinacy. thing is not what Carranza failed to do, beset in this connection has always been on a par
With them a settlement of the great oil as he was with troubles and trials ; the inter with that of Attorney Peña, and his utterances
controversy seems inevitable, unless the oil esting thing is that it is being done now . are commended to the careful consideration of
men do not want a settlement. We could find Until the budget allowance for educational those desiring to arrive at the truth regarding
no trace of that determination to confiscate work can be made available early in the next the Mexican petroleum situation and the laws
property of which we had heard much in our presidential term , volunteer teaching corps connected therewith.
own country, nor could we find any indica are being organized . Jose Vasconcelos, direc
tion that retroactive measures will be applied tor of the University of Mexico City, and one
in the interests of confiscation . of the ablest men it was my good fortune to THE REVIEW again expresses its appreciation
Mexico today has freedom of speech and of meet, is a man of vision and a man of prac of the aid afforded it by the publications of
the press. Amazing utterances may be read tical understanding. He hopes to so organ the American Chamber of Commerce of
in the scattering revolutionary press . Amaz ize his work as to teach the Mexican work Mexico City in supplying late and accurate
ing things may be heard from the revolution ing people how to read and write, how and information. And by the way, any one wish
ary platforms. what to eat, how to keep clean, how to work ing special information regarding commercial
I witnessed the great Independence Day cel and how to do the simple necessary things matters of any kind cannot do better than to
ebration in Mexico City. In the great Zoa that underlie material progress. When you get in touch or become a member of that body.
colo there I saw a crowd gather greater than listen to Vasconcelos you listen to a man who The work done by it in behalf of both Mexico
any that I had ever seen before. Under the inspires hope and faith. and the United States has never been excelled .
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 7

Se está organizando un cuerpo de profesores

Los Americanos Deberian Conocer a Mexico voluntarios mientras llega el próximo período
presidencial en que pueda hacerse uso de la
parte señalada en el presupuesto para la ins
Impresiones de Un Periodista Americano En Su
trucción pública. El Sr. José Vasconcelos ,
Primera Visita al Sur del Río Grande Rector de la Universidad de la Ciudad de
México y uno de los hombres más hábiles con
POR CHESTER M. WRIGHT que se pronuncian en las tribunas revoluciona quien tuve la fortuna de conversar, es un
OS americanos deberían conocer a México , rias. hombre de una visión clara y de un entendi
ese país tan hermoso y tan amable Presencié la celebración del aniversario de miento práctico. Tiene esperanzas de or
L° $ la Independencia en la Ciudad de México . ganizar su labor en tal forma que se pueda
que recibe al amigo extranjero con los
brazos abiertos y le presenta ante sus asom Jamás ví multitud más grande que la que se enseñar al pueblo trabajador de México a leer
brados ojos el rico deleite de su maravillosa reunió en el Zócalo . En la noche del día y escribir, cómo y qué ha de comer, cómo ha
hermosura, y después de cantarle fervorosa quince la gente se reunió bajo las ventanas de mantenerse siempre limpio, cómo ha de
mente a sus oídos los romances de su historia, del Palacio Nacional para oir el " Grito de trabajar y cómo ha de hacer todas las cosas
le hablan voces que salen del pasado cuya Independencia," y el día 16 para presenciar el que se requieren para progresar materialmente.
profundidad jamás hombre alguno ha llegado desfile militar. Ahí en aquella plaza, de dos Cuando uno escucha lo que dice Vasconcelos ,
a comprender. cuadras de ancha por dos de larga, ví una está uno escuchando a un hombre que inspira
Yo acabo de venir de esa tierra encantadora, aglomeración de gentes, de caracteres. na confianza y fe.
si es que encantadora hubo tierra alguna ; es cionales, de un aspecto tan rico y vigoroso Los obreros de los arsenales y todos los que
un país lleno de riquezas, un país que tiene como no se encuentran en ninguna otra parte, trabajan en la fabricación de equipos para el
porvenir ; es un país lleno de esperanzas y de excepto en un país latino, y probablemente en ejército se están organizando en uniones desde
una fe sin límites. ninguna parte como en un país indo-latino. que fueron removidos del control y disciplina
Fuí a México a ver por mis propios ojos ¡ Y sin embargo, solo era una aglomeración militar. Los talleres donde trabajan están tan
lo que hay allí, y no a ver lo que se me había de buenas gentes que celebraban una fiesta ! bien arreglados, tan limpios y bien ventilados
dicho que hay, y creo que todos los que van El México de ayer- del sistema del peonaje como los mejores que he visto.
a México dentro de este espíritu, se vienen -todavía es el México de una extremada Todos estos son hechos triviales, pero sirven
contra su voluntad, y quisieran poder estarse sencillez y aún sostiene una pesada carga, pero como una muestra de los verdaderos aconte
más tiempo para ver, aprender y divertirse. va caminando rápidamente hacia el progreso . cimientos que se están registrando en México.
Si yo fuera una de esas compañias que De los días de Porfirio Diaz cuando el sistema Los americanos deberían saber dos cosas
andan en busca de ganancias, organizaría los del peonaje estaba a la órden del día , a la con referencia a México o mas bien, tres
sentimientos amistosos de México, y haría ver fecha, no es más que un paso. Un sistema cosas :
al pueblo de los Estados Unidos la realidad como ese jamás pudo ser extirpado en un día, México es un país que vale la pena visitarlo
de lo que existe en México . Pero no , nuestra у, sin embargo, las condiciones económicas del tan solo por lo que hay que ver allí ; la edad
civilización sigue adelante completamente pre peón van mejorando con rapidez asombrosa . de Egipto , la vehemento hermosura de España
ocupada con lo que se ha dado en llamar las Hoy el peón es libre y scbre esa libertad e Italia, la escabrosidad y aspereza de nuestras
cosas prácticas de la vida. Examinemos estas puede construir hasta donde su capacidad se lo montañas del gran oeste, los hechizos y los
cosas por unos momentos. En primer lugar, permita. Hoy los peones se están organizando misterios del Oriente-todo esto y, sin em
hablaré sobre las condiciones de México tal y en uniones por medio de las cuales han venido bargo, nada de esto , porque México es Mé
como existen en la actualidad : mejorando sus jornales y disminuyendo la xico y no es otra cosa.
México está en paz, interna y externamente ; jornada larga de trabajo. Algunos de sus México es una tierra donde la amistad le
se puede viajar con seguridad . El mayor representantes ocupan puestos en el gobierno. espera al que la sabe apreciar, y le esperan
Por medio de sus representantes celebran
peligro y fue el único peligro que ví-es el también ricas oportunidades para el intercam
conferencias con los patronos . La era de
que resulta del equipo de los ferrocarriles que bio de comercio, las cuales van haciéndose
habiendo estado en constante uso no se le han progreso se ha iniciado ; como es natural , el más ricas a medida que pasa el tiempo y que
movimiento tiene sus faltas y sus defectos, México se va levantando .
hecho reparaciones . En cuanto a lo demás, se
puede viajar en México con tanta seguridad algunos de los cuales son serios ; se están México es un país hacia el cual nuestra
como en los Estados Unidos . haciendo algunas cosas que tal vez será doloro política debería tener por norma los más altos
El gobierno de México es un gobierno de so deshacerlas , pero cualesquiera que sea lo principios de moralidad internacional y no los
grandes esperanzas. Yo y mi colega tuvimos que hay en esto, la verdad es que la emancipa designios codiciosos de unos cuantos indivi
la buena fortuna de conversar con el Presi ción del peón ha principiado .
duos, y entónces- nuestras mercancías y nues
Permítaseme asentar aquí, de una manera
dente de la Huerta, con el Presidente-electo , tras gentes serán bien recibidas .
Obregón, con el Secretario de Guerra, Calles , casual, algunas de las cosas que me impre Regresé de México por el puerto de La
con el Secretario de Agricultura , Villarreal, y sionaron mucho , y que las considero de mucha redo ; es inmensa la cantidad de mercancías
con muchos otros personajes prominentes. Los importancia : americanas que pasa pos ese puerto, y hasta
hombres que México necesita son los que En el Estado de Morelos, la guarida de hoy solo es la vanguardia, pues ese comercio
ahora tiene a su servicio, y si mi criterio de Zapata por tanto tiempo, hoy no hay más que es susceptible de unmayor desarrollo.
los hombres no es equívoco, estos son hombres cincuenta soldados federales, y ya no existe el México, como es natural, tiene sus defectos ;
de energía, de integridad, de carácter y de bandidaje. pero de todas maneras , de esto sí estoy seguro :
juicio. No son hombres fanáticos no obstinados. El Gobierno Mexicano está importando el pueblo de México es capaz, y en todas
Con estos hombres el arreglo de la contro maquinaria americana para la agricultura tan partes ví la firme determinación de hacer el
versia del petróleo parece inevitable, a no ser rápidamente como le es posible. Se tiene en mejor uso de esa capacidad, y de la capacidad
estudio un proyecto por medio del cual los material del país, para iniciar una era de
que los intereses petroleros no quieran un
arreglo. No pudimos encontrar ni pista de agricultores en pequeña escala puedan adquirir desenvolvimiento nacional.
esa determinación de confiscar las propiedades esta maquinaria al costo y a crédito. Estoy firmemente convencido de que la gran
de que tanto hemos oído hablar en este país, Actualmente se están devolviendo al pueblo
mayoría de los americanos tiene solo senti
las tierras comunales, de acuerdo con la ley y
ni pudimos encontrar indicación alguna siquie mientos de amistad para México , y esto es lo
sin recurrir a la confiscación . Carranza dijo
ra de que la retroactividad de algunas leyes que México necesita más en la actualidad . Y
mucho con referencia a este asunto cuando
será aplicada como medida confiscatoria. si acaso andan por ahí los eternos abogados
fué Presidente, pero no hizo casi nada. Sin
En México hoy existe libertad de prensa embargo, lo que Carranza, rodeado de dificul de lo meramente "práctico," a ellos les diré
y de palabra ; en la prensa revolucionaria tades como se encontraba, no hizo, no es que ninguna otra actitud que adopte nuestra
• se pueden leer artículos que causan asombro, interesante, lo que interesa es que lo que él nación hacia México será tan ampliamente
y son causa de asombro también los discursos no hizo se está haciendo ahora. (Sigue en la pagina 9)
8 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November , 1920

to be correct than that of strangers writing

Obregon " Swings Around the principally from Mexico City, New York or
Washington. Poor crops, low prices, inade
Mexican President-Elect Introduces Innovation by Devoting Pre-Inaugural quate transportation and financial stringency,
says General Obregon, have brought about a
Period to Intensive Personal Study of Conditions Throughout the Republic difficult economic situation in Yucatan and
BY A STAFF CORRESPONDENT expressed desire for cordial relations between the people are milling about in search of a
HE humble and ofttimes humiliated Mexico and the United States and declared remedy. Agitators have been at work and
voter of these United States has become that his administration will be ready to do secured some hearing from a small section of
Taccustomed, not to say indurated, to the everything possible, short of the surrender of the more ignorant agricultural laborers and
national dignity, to bring about such a con small farmers. But there has been practically
spectacle of "swings around the circle" by can
summation of the difficulties which have arisen no violence and no semblance of insurrection.
didates, near candidates and prospective candi
dates for the presidential office, even, on occa during the years of revolution. The Mexican Fundamentally, he says, conditions are sound
government, he said, will give every protec and the people, farmers and business men
sion, those already clothed with the dignity and
authority of that high station . Before the tion to foreign nationals and interests. Capi alike, are hopeful that relief measures under
tal for legitimate investment under equitable taken by the government will prove effective
primaries we are treated to bewildering series
of swings, swoops and sorties by various and laws, fair alike to Mexicans and foreigners , and that unrest will cease with the harvesting
is necessary for the development of the coun and marketing of the new crop.
sundry persons and personages believing, hoping
try and will be welcomed . The civic bodies of El Paso and Juarez,
or chancing the possibility of party preference
General Obregon is under no illusions, ap together with the federal military authorities
alighting on them. After the party conven
tions, the lucky ones whirl merrily in ever- parently, as to the difficulties to be overcome at Fort Bliss, have prepared a round of enter
tainments for General Obregon here, to re
widening circles until the date of election , during the long reconstruction period facing
Mexico ; but on the other hand, as the result fresh him after his arduous travels, and fortify
after which, by custom, the chosen one settles
of his observations thus far on his trip, he is him for the many miles of weary journeying
down in dignified semi-obscurity to await his
more than ever convinced that the Mexican ahead before he completes his novel " swing
inauguration . around the circle."
If there is any instance of a president-elect people are a unit in the desire for peace nad
the complete resumption of industrial and El Paso, October 6, 1920.
putting in the time between election and inau
guration in a personally conducted, unosten agricultural pursuits upon which the solid
tatious and unhurried journey of inspection future prosperity of Mexico is based . Admit
Fair Play for Mexico
and investigation throughout the country, to
ORMAL recognition of the existing gov
learn first-hand of its needs and possibilities ,
F ernment in Mexico, which is said to have
that voyage is not of record. Wherefore, by
been recommended to the President by Secre
all our precedents, Alvaro Obregon, President
tary of State Colby, may be urged for many
elect of Mexico, in El Paso today, midway
of such a survey of his own country, is guilty
The Provisional President, de la Huerta,
of an innovation. Or perhaps he should be
and the President-elect, General Obregon, who
given credit therefor and emulated. It would
is to take office December 1 , besides being
seem to be a fairly effective way for any man
committed to justice and peace at home and
to prepare for his administration of the com
plicated affairs of a nation. abroad, are well disposed toward the United
States. Both are intimately acquainted with
Of course the fact that General Obregon,
this country and its inhabitants and both are
without military escort, has traveled without
untoward incident by railroad and steamship, aware that the best assurance of prosperity
their own people can have must rest upon
by automobile and on horseback, some ten
friendly relations with their powerful neigh
thousand miles, from far-off Yucatan to
bor. As President de la Huerta has long
Juarez, just across the Rio Grande from this manifested these sentiments toward us, recog
border American city, is somewhat discon
nition during his temporary service as chief
certing to the literary gentlemen here who
of the state would be a personal tribute well
have been making a comfortable living send
ing out lurid stories of the danger and dis
Official and private advices agree that the
organization which they claim makes life in
new régime has popular support ; that its
the southern Republic one long nightmare of
horror and despair. These gentlemen, how promise of liberalized rule is being fulfilled ;
that law and order have at length gained
ever, take hope in the fact that General Obre
gon proposes to extend his journey some other ting frankly that there is some unrest here ascendancyover banditry ; that life and prop
thousands of miles between now and December and there, General Obregon points out that in erty are protected, and that civil stability is
1 , the date of his inauguration. Something this Mexico differs little from other countries giving industry a new development. All this
and declares his belief that such symptoms might have been brought about by General
may happen yet, they say.
Carranza if it had not been for his fatal
General Obregon's reception in El Paso was are less widespread and deep- seated among the
in consonance with the dignity of the high people of Mexico than among those of any suspicion of foreigners and especially his ob
office which he soon is to occupy and relevant of the European countries active in the great stinate rejection of proffers of friendship from
Given a fair chance to work out their Washington .
of the respect and friendship borne him per
The better-advised men who now control in
sonally by our own border people who know problems in their own way, bolshevism and
Mexico need world-wide confidence and com
him well. His special train was the first in communism, he declares, will find the Mexican
character affords a poor seed-bed for the merce no less than official acceptance by the
eight years to cross the international bridge
and marks the resumption of through passen planting and growth of those theories. family of nations. Since Great Britain,
Inasmuch as General Obregon spent some France, Italy and Japan are waiting upon us
ger traffic between the two countries. The
mayor of El Paso and city commissioners met time investigating conditions in Yucatan and to move in the matter, prompt action is highly
desirable. A Government in Mexico having
the train and accompanied the General to his Campeche, whence are coming sensational
hotel, escorted by a band from Mexican mili stories of organized effort to overthrow the the moral support of the great powers will be
tary headquarters staff in Juarez. established government and set up a Soviet insured to some extent against the aggressions
At a luncheon tendered by the Kiwanis republic, it is a fair presumption that his of interests long covetous and just now un
Club, General Obregon reiterated his often analysis of the situation there is more likely usually eager for prey.-N. Y. World.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 9

logrado hacerse oír por un pequeño número de

Obregon Hace Una Gira por la Republica los labradores más ignorantes y por algunos
agricultores en pequeña escala . Pero práctica
El Presidente de México Antes de la Toma de Posesión Se Dedica a mente no se han registrado actos de violencia
ni hay indicios siquiera de rebelión, y luego
Un Exámen Intenso de la Condiciones que Existen en la República agregó que fundamentalmente las condiciones
son seguras y que el pueblo, los agricultores y
DE NUESTRO CORRESPONSAL almente y de los sentimientos de amistad que los hombres de negocios tienen esperanzas de
OS modestos y no pocas veces humillados le profesan nuestras gentes de la ciudad que las medidas tomadas por el gobierno
votantes de los Estados Unidos están fronteriza. Su tren especial fue el primero en probarán ser eficaces y que el descontento
L tan acostumbrados a ver el espectáculo cruzar el puente internacional desde hace ocho cesará al levantarse las nuevas cosechas y ser
de los candidatos y presuntos candidatos a la años, y marca la señal para la reanudación del puestas en el mercado.
presidencia en plena gira política al través del servicio directo → de pasajeros entre los dos Las varias organizaciones civiles de El Paso
país, que ya lo ven hasta con indiferencia. A paises. El Mayor y los concejales de El Paso y Ciudad Juarez, de acuerdo con las au
veces suelen también "dar la vuelta alrededor estuvieron presentes a la llegada del tren y toridades militares de Fort Bliss, han pre
del círculo," los que ya están investidos con el acompañaron al General Obregón hasto el hotel, parado una serie de festejos en honor del Gen
manto de la autoridad y dignidad de los altos acompañando a la comitiva una banda militar eral Obregón, para que descanse un poco
puestos públicos. Antes de las elecciones pri mexicana de Ciudad Juarez. después de tan largo y pesado viaje, y para
marias nos vemos rodeados por todas partes Durante el almuerzo que le fue obsequiado que adquiera nuevas fuerzas para proseguir
de muchas y variadas personas y personajes por el "Kiwanis Club," el General Obregón ex adelante hasta terminar la novela, "la vuelta
que entreteniéndonos de mil y un modos, todos presó nuevamente sus deseos por establecer las alrededor del círculo ." 1
más cordiales relaciones entre México y los 1
a una abrigan la esperanza de ser los fa
vorecidos con el nombramiento por los partidos Estados Unidos, y declaró que su gobierno
estará en la mejor disposición para hacer todo Nuestro Propio Criterio
políticos. Después de las convenciones de los
partidos políticos, los favorecidos con la postu lo que sea posible, siempre que no sea en LAMAMOS la atención del lector sobre el
lación de sus respectivos partidos siguen menoscabo de la dignidad nacional, por solu Ľ articulo del Licenciado de la Peña, Jefe
alegremente la gira, dándole neuvas extensiones, cionar todas las dificultades que han surgido de la Oficina Juridica de la Secretaría de Indu
hasta el día de las elecciones, después de las durante la revolución ; dijo que el Gobierno stria y Comercio, el cual aparece en este
cuales el elegido se esconde en una semi Mexicano dará toda clase de proteccion a número, comprenebiendo un exámen de los
obscuridad dignificada a esperar el día de la los ciudadanos y propiedades extranjeros , y decretos petroleros a que se han hecho obje
toma de posesión. que la inversión legítima de capitales, de ciones, las cuales son nacidas de la falta de
Si hubo algún presidente-electo que dedicara acuerdo con leyes justas tanto para para los comprensión de las cláusulas de esos decretos.
el intérvalo de tiempo entre el día de su nacionales como para los extranjeros , es nece El criterio que LA REVISTA ha venido soste
elección y el día de su inauguración a hacer saria para el desenvolvimiento del país, y, por niendo en este sentido es igual al del Sr.
un viaje de estudio personal, sin ostentaciones lo tanto, será bien vista. de la Peña, y a todas aquellas personas que
y sin apresurarse, con el fin de recabar in El General Obregón no se hace ilusiones deseen saber la verdad con referencia a la
formes exactos de las necesidades de su país , respecto de las dificultades que hay que ven situación petrolera y a las leyes mexicanas que
asi como de sus posibilidades, el hecho no está cer para la completa reconstrucción de se relacionan con esa industria, les recomenda
registrado en los anales, de todo lo cual, vistos México, pero también, como resultado de sus mos un estudio detenido del artículo men
nuestros precedentes, resulta que Alvaro observaciones durante este viaje, se ha con cionado .
Obregón, el presidente-electo de México, es vencido de que el pueblo mexicano desea la paz
culpable de haber introducido una innovación, y la reanudación de las labores en las indus Muchas Gracias!
pues hoy se encuentra en El Paso en medio de trias y en la agricultura , que son la base de
A REVISTA se complace en volver a ex
una gira de estudio de las condiciones de su la prosperidad futura de México. El General
L^presar su gratitud por la ayuda recibida
propio país. O tal vez lo mejor será darle Obregón admite francamente que hay señales
de descontento por aquí y por allí, pero luego de parte de las publicaciones de la Cámara de
crédito por ello y tratar de imitarlo, pues parece Comercio Americana de la Ciudad de México
un medio eficaz para que cualquier hombre señala que en ese sentido no es mucha la dife
rencia entre México y otros paises, agregando que nos han suministrado las informaciones
vaya preparado a administrar los complicados del día. Y sea dicho de paso , las personas
asuntos de una nación. que, en su opinión, estos síntomas de descon
que deseen obtener informaciones especiales
Como era natural, para los hombres de letras, tento están menos extendidos y son menos
sobre asuntos comerciales no pueden hacer cosa
que se procuran los medios de vivir cómoda profundos entre el pueblo de México que en
cualquiera de los paises europeos que tomaron mejor que ponerse en comunicación con esa
mente escribiendo artículos funestos sobre los
organización o hacerse miembro de ella. En
peligros y sobre el estado general de desor parte activa en la última guerra. El General
su labor desarrollada en beneficio de México
ganización que hace de la vida en la Re Obregón dice que si se deja a México SO
y de los Estados Unidos , esa organización no
pública Mexicana una eterna pesadilla con sus lucionar sus problemas por sí solo, los bol
shevikis y los comunistas encontrarán que el es aventajada por ninguna otra.
consiguientes horrores, ha sido algo descon
certante el hecho de que el General Obregón carácter mexicano no es terreno fértil para la
haya hecho el viaje sin escoltas militares, y sin propagación de sus teorías. LOS AMERICANO DEBERIAN
que haya sucedido el menor incidente desagra Como el General Obregón dedicó algún CONOCER
dable, desde Yucatán hasta Ciudad Juarez, al tiempo al estudio de las condiciones que exVide
isten en Yucatán y Campeche, de donde nos (Viene de la pagina 7)
otro de la ciudad americana de El Paso, en
han estado llegando noticias sensacionales de recompensada como la de una amistad franca
ferrocarril y en vapores, a veces en autómovil
los esfuerzos que allí se hacen por derrocar al y sincera.
y a veces a caballo. Pero estos caballeros se
gobierno constituído y establecer la república Si lo que he visto y lo que he oído en mi
consuelan con saber que el General Obregón
se propone recorrer millares de kilómetros soviet, justo es suponer que su análisis de la viaje a México significa algo, significa que
situación en esa región es más exacto que el de México va hacia el progreso . Tendrá sus
adicionales entre ahora y el primero de diciem
los extranjeros que escriben sus artículos en dificultades y sus tribulaciones , pero para
bre, que es la fecha en que preste la protesta allá va.
la Ciudad de México, en Washington o en New
de ley. "Algo puede suceder todavia," se
York. El General Obregón dice que las malas
dicen ellos, tratando de consolarse a sí mismos.
cosechas, la falta de métodos de transporta Se dice que la famosa hacienda "González,"
La recepción que se hizo all General
ción, y una tirantez en los créditos, son las que comprende más de un millon de acres,
Obregón en El Paso fue digna del alto puesto causas de la dificil situación económica porque cerca de Tampico, ha sido agregada, por medio
que en breve será llamado a desempeñar, y una atraviesa el pueblo de Yucatán. Aprovechán de arrendamiento para hacer perforaciones , a
prueba del respeto en que se le tiene person dose de la situación, algunos agitadores han los intereses de Doheney.
10 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

Will Build a Terminal Station

In the Field of Petroleum
TERMINAL station will be built at Las
Α Matillas by the Terminal Union Oil
Insidious Propagandist Figures Creep Into Comprehensive and Generally Company to handle all the petroleum ship
Admirable Report of U. S. Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce ments from its properties, according to infor
mation given out by the president of the com
BY WICKWIRE lected in export taxes a trifle less than 8 per pany, Mr. G. A. Alonso . A pumping plant
cent on the value of the oil exported . The will be erected and a water system installed
N U. S. Commerce Reports of September
Commerce Reports writer "approximates" 1919 with the necessary condensers, filters, refriger
13, 1920, is a comprehensive article
I ' graphically portraying the past, present taxes collected at 20,000,000 pesos. Possibly ators, etc. , from which water will be supplied
he had not available the official figures for to the company's tugs, boilers, and for local
and potential status of the Mexican petroleum
uses .
industry. Evidencing in its text exhaustive collections which total only 15,203,986 . On this
basis the tax collected in 1919 was a trifle over A part of the money to be spent by the
investigation and every intention of fairness
8 per cent on the value of the oil. Were his company in developing its properties will be
on the part of the writer it is disconcertingly spent in the construction of seven steel tankers
suggestive of the permeative influence of the approximation correct the percentage would
be less than 11 instead of 23 to 25 per cent of a capacity of 55,000 barrels each, six of
"oil interests ," so-called , their capacity for
which will be built at Las Matillas and one
'boring within," that there should be included as indicated in the paragraph quoted from the
preceding page. at Panuco . The material for their construc
in this article as an important statement of
No one will contend that petroleum prices tion is already on its way to Tampico from
fact what are purely propagandist figures, the
are lower in 1920 than in 1919. There has the United States.
truth of which is naively disproved by the
been an increase this year in Mexican govern The development plans of the company cover
writer's own figures on the succeeding page . a period of from eight to nine months of
In this article ( page 1227 ) is the following ment valuations on the higher grades of oil,
estimated as sufficient to bring the average operations , at the end of which time the com
statement :
pany expects to be able to handle a daily
collection up to 10 per cent on gross exports
"On the latest valuations given above output of 50,000 barrels of oil . The river
instead of 8 per cent as heretofore. The basic
(May-June, 1920) , fuel oil at Tampico of a front at the terminal station will be dredged
price on heavy crude as fixed by the Mexican
specific gravity of 95 pays an export tax of out to a depth of about thirty feet, so as to
12 cents U. S. currency per barrel. The government for May- June, 1920, is $ 1 per
enable the vessels to come up to the wharf.
barrel shipboard, the same as in 1919. This is
average contract price made for its delivery The company has now in operation a small
the grade of oil claimed by the operators to be
f. o. b. steamer, Tampico, for this period was vessel that makes trips to and from Tampico ,
worth only 49 cents per barrel- except when
49 cents U. S. currency per barrel. The tax by way of the river. It has under construction
they are asked to sell it.
amounted to 24.5 per cent of its value. Heavy twelve barges of 6,000 barrels capacity, and
How did the writer in Commerce Reports
crude paid an export tax of 10.8 cents U. S. six of 8,000 barrels.
come to accept that figure ? The producers'
currency per barrel, or 25 per cent of its The company contemplates also the placing
association, it is true, submitted such figures
value ; light crude paid 15.8 cents per barrel, of several tankers on service to ports of Texas.
to the State Department. But only an inno
or 23 per cent of its value received by pro to New Orleans and to Cuba.
cent would accept such interested statements
ducers ." at their face value. It seems reasonable to be Wells Being Drilled in Mexican Fields
The above quoted paragraph, a statement lieve that one whose intentions manifestly are
so fair, in some way must have been deluded The following is a list of the wells now
made by the writer without qualification or
being drilled in the Mexican oil fields :
citation of authority, would appear to bear in endorsing such claims . Possibly he was
The National Petroleum Corporation .— Maza
out fully the contention of certain great shown contracts at the 49- cent figure. That No. 1 is now being cemented with 8-inch pipes
American oil companies that they are over would be easy. Any of the big oil companies at a depth of 1,400 feet.
taxed by the Mexican government. It is not owning pipe lines could show contracts for The Tampascas Oil Company.-Robles No.
the intention here to ask the reader to con
such delivery of oil to them by small interior 5 is drilling through slate at a depth of 1,202
trast the above quoted price of 49 cents per
producers. None of them could show a single feet.
barrel shipboard at Tampico with the price of
contract whereby they have sold a barrel of The Empire Gas and Fuel Company.- Well
$1.25 per barrel at the well, Tecumate, Mexico ,
for 15,000,000 barrels contracted by the United oil to the consumer, foreign distributor, broker No. 1 , located in lot 113 at Chinampa, property
or refiner at that price-or anywhere near it. of the company, is being re-cemented .
States Shipping Board ; nor to account for the
For be it understood that the big oil com The Transcontinental Petroleum Company.
price of $2.30 to $2.40 per barrel for some
other millions of barrels of Mexican oil con -Well No. 4, located in lot 143 at Chinampa ,
panies in Mexico are not only producers but
is drilling through slate at 702 feet ; well No. 3,
tracted for delivery at New York by the buyers and sellers of oil . To buy cheap and
located in lot 134 at Chinampa, has reached a
Standard Oil Company of New Jersey to the sell dear is as much a maxim for them as for
depth of 1,805 feet ; well No. 4, in lot 134, will
United States Navy Department. It is possi most other business interests . There are
be cemented at a depth of 1,785 feet ; well
ble (I hope not probable ) that these two great scores of small producers having wells in the No. 1 , in lot 113 at Chinampa, is now drilling
governmental organizations may have been interior who own no pipe lines or other means at 1,780 feet.
imposed upon in making these contracts ; that
of transportation. These are compelled to sell The New England Fuel Oil Co.-Pazzi Nos .
they may have paid something more than dou
at the buyer's price to the big companies who 3 and 4 are being equipped with Standard and
ble the actual commercial value of the oil.
Leave such considerations aside. The do have pipe lines. Wells also are owned by Rotative machinery, and will soon begin oper
subsidiary companies which accept low prices ations.
quoted propagandist figures on page 1227 are
disproved by the figures of the Commerce Bu at the wells in order to keep the local market The Azteca Petroleum Company.-Wells
reau's writer immediately following on page down, taking their profits in larger dividends Nos . 188 and 211 of this company, located in
1228. Note the following statement : tnereby made possible for the controlling com Amatlan lot, are being equipped with Standard
panies. The process is simple and not un and Rotative machinery.
"In 1918 the value of oil exported was
known in practice in the United States. As a The Mexican Sinclair Co. - Well No. 3 in
140,557,533 pesos, the Mexican government
receiving 11,120,397 pesos in export duties. matter of fact some of the smaller, more iso lot 251 , at Amatlan, will be cemented with
In 1919 the exports of oil amounted to 186, lated companies would jump at the 49-cent 10-inch pipes at a depth of 1,718 feet ; well
445,974 pesos, the export duties being ap price. One recently contracted five years' out No. 2, in the same lot, was cemented at 1,693
proximately 20,000,000 pesos.” put at 27 cents at the well. feet ; the company is drilling a well in lot 127.
Such prices give no just idea of the true at Amatlan, which is now 350 feet deep ;
From these figures it is immediately appar
ent that the Mexican government in 1918 col market value of oil. Gonzalez No. 3, with 8-inch pipes , is being
Noviembre , 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 11

quiera, a los agentes, a los consumidores, o a

los refinadores.
En Los Campos Petroliferos
Debemos tomar en cuenta que las grandes
La Propaganda Insidiosa Ha Logrado Introducirse En Un Informe compañias petroleras que tienen propiedades
en México , no solo son productoras, sino que
Admirablemente Redactado, En Lo General, Por el Departamento de son también compradoras y vendedoras de
Comercio de los Estados Unidos. petróleo . Comprar barato y vender caro, es
tanto la máxima de ellas como lo es de la
POR WICKWIRE Oficina de Comercio asienta en la página 1228, mayoría de las demás compañias de negocios .
donde dice :

N el boletín de la Oficina de Comercio Hay en México muchos productores en

de los Estados Unidos de fecha 13 de "En 1918 el valor del petroleo exportado pequeña escala que tienen sus pozos en el
E septiembre de 1920, aparece un artículo interior, pero no tienen oleoductos ni métodos
fue de 140,557,533 pesos plata, habiendo
en el cual se pinta gráficamente el estado recibido el Gobierno Mexicano 11,120,397 de transportación . Estos productores se ven
potencial, pasado y presente, de la industria pesos plata, en calidad de impuestos de obligados a vender al precio del comprador ,
del petróleo en México. Aunque el texto exportacion. En 1919 el petroleo exportado que en este caso son las grandes compañías
revela una investigación minuciosa y la inten que tienen oleoductos . Algunas compañías
ascendio al valor de 186,445,974 pesos plata,
ción de ser justo por parte de su autor, se subsidiarias aceptan también el vender el
sobre cuyo valor los impuestos de expor
encuentran también indicaciones desconcertan tacion fueron aproximadamente 20,000,000 pétroleo en el pozo a ese precio, a las grandes
tes de que la influencia penetrativa de los pesos plata." compañías, con el objeto de que no suba el
mercado local, y reciben, por otra parte, sus
intereses "petroleros," y su habilidad para Basándonos en estas cifras, inmediatamente
ganancias en forma de los grandes dividendos
"abrirse paso desde adentro," pueda ser se puede ver que en 1918 el Gobierno Me
que así son posibles para las compañías
responsable por la inclusión en ese artículo de xicano recibió en calidad de impuestos de
números puramente propagandistas como si controladoras. Este método es sencillo y no
exportación menos de un ocho por ciento del del todo desconocido en los Estados Unidos.
fueran de hecho verdaderos , y la autenticidad valor del petróleo exportado . El autor del
de los cuales es refutada por las cifras que el En verdad, algunas, de las pequeñas compañías ,
informe de la Oficina de Comercio dice que
mismo autor asienta en la página subsiguiente. las que están más aisladas, no vacilarían en
en 1919 los impuestos de exportación fueron
En ese artículo (página 1227 ) el autor dice : vender a menor precio. Recientemente, una
“aproximadamente ” 20,000,000 pesos plata. Es
compañía contrató su producción total por el
"Basado en las últimas valuaciones ( Mayo posible que no haya tenido conocimiento período de cinco años , a 27 centavos el barril
y Junio, 1920) , en Tampico el impuesto de de las cifras oficiales que arrojan un total de entregado en el pozo.
exportacion es de doce centavos, moneda solo 15,203,986 pesos plata. Sobre ésta base , Pero sobre estos precios no puede uno
americana, por barril, sobre el petroleo para en 1919 los impuestos fueron un poco más basarse para determinar el verdadero valor
combustible de una gravedad específica de de ocho por ciento del valor del petróleo del petróleo en el mercado.
95. El precio medio del petroleo, a bordo exportado. Si sus cálculos fueran exactos,
de los vapores, en Tampico, por el mismo aun asi el porcentaje sería menor que
período, fue de 49 centavos , moneda ameri once en lugar de 23 y 25 por ciento, como Construirase Una Estación Terminal
cana, por barril, de donde resulta que el indica el párrafo que hemos extractado de la
impuesto fue de 24.5 por ciento de su valor. página 1227. EGUN informaciones proporcionadas por
El petroleo crudo de grave densidad pago Nadie se atreverá a sostener que los precios S el señor ingeniero G. A. Alonso, presidente
un impuesto de exportacion de 10.8 centavos, del petróleo son más bajos en 1920 que lo que de la "Terminal Union Oil Company," tienen
moneda americana, por barril, o sea 25 por fueron en 1919 ; las valuaciones que el Go en proyecto construir una Estación Terminal
ciento de su valor ; el petroleo crudo de bierno Mexicano ha hecho sobre las mejores en Las Matillas , así como un embarcadero
menor densidad pago 15.8 centavos por clases de petróleo han ido en aumento, de especial en "Worthington," los cuales tendrán
barril, o sea 23 por ciento del valor recibido manera que se calcula que el promedio de los una capacidad de 4,000 a 5,000 barriles por
por los productores ." impuestos sobre la exportación de petróleo, en hora, y estarán destinados para el manejo de
conjunto, darán 10 por ciento en lugar de 8 por todo el aceite de la terminal, así como para la
El anterior párrafo, que contiene declara
ciones hechas por el autor sin mencionar el ciento como hasta ahora. El precio básico carga y descarga de la planta.
Anexa a esta planta de bombeo, se cons
orígen de esas cifras, vendría en apoyo de que el Gobierno de México determinó por
mayo y junio del presente año sobre el petróleo truirá una planta purificadora de agua, dis
ciertas compañias petroleras americanas que
alegan que el Gobierno Mexicano las está crudo de densidad grave, fue de $ 1 por barril, poniendo de varios condensadores, filtros, re
gravando con impuestos excesivos. Ahora, no a bordo, igual que en 1919. Este es el petróleo frigeradores, etc. El agua proveniente de
es la intención del que esto escribe, llamar la que los petroleros alegan que vale solo 49 esta planta servirá para abastecer de agua
se les pura a las calderas, remolcadores y para los
atención del lector a la enorme diferencia entre centavos por barril- excepto cuando
quiere comprar a ellos. servicios domésticos de la terminal.
el precio de 49 centavos por barril, a bordo
de los vapores en Tampico, y el precio de $1.25 ¿Cómo es que el que escribió el informe de Tanques de Acero .-Incluídos en los gastos,
la Oficina de Comercio aceptó esas cifras se encuentra también la construcción de siete
por barril, en el pozo, en Tecumate, México,
como auténticas ? Es muy cierto , la asocia tanques de acero con capacidad de 55,000
por el cual la "United States Shipping Board"
ción de petroleros suministró esas cifras al barriles cada uno, los cuales se construirán
contrató 15,000,000 de barriles ; ni tampoco es
Departamento de Estado, pero solo un ino 6 en Las Matillas y uno en Pánuco. El ma
la intención juzgar por qué el Departamento
de Marina de los Estados Unidos contrató cente pudo haberlas aceptado como auténticas terial necesario para ellos ya se encuentra en
cuando venían de partes interesadas. Es camino de Tampico , proveniente de los Estados
otros millones de barriles de petróleo mexi
razonable creer que él, cuyas intenciones de Unidos.
cano con la "Standard Oil Company," de New
ser justo son manifiestas, en alguna forma fue Estos proyectos de la compañía tendrán que
Jersey, a $2.30 y $2.40 por barril, entregados
desarrollarse en el transcurso de 8 a 9 meses,
en New York. Es posible (pero espero no engañado para que aceptara esas cifras como
auténticas, y es posible que los interesados le tiempo para el cual se espera estar en posibili
probable ) que estas dos grandes organiza
ciones gubernamentales hayan sido víctimas de hayan mostrado algunos contratos de los de dad de manejar 50,000 barriles de petróleo
a 49 centavos barril, pues eso sería fácil, diariamente en la terminal.
un engaño al hacer estos contratos, y como La parte de rio que corresponda al frente
Cualquiera de las grandes compañias petrole
consecuencia, hayan pagado más que el doble ras que tienen oleoductos podría mostrar de la Estación Terminal, se va a principiar a
del valor comercial del petróleo . contratos , hechos con los productores en dragar, con el objeto de alcanzar un calado
Pero dejando estas consideraciones a un
menor escala, al precio de 49 centavos, pero de 10 metros , suficiente para que las embarca
lado, las cifras propagandistas antes mencio ninguna de ellas podría mostrar un solo ciones puedan llegar hasta el muelle.
nadas, que aparecen en la página 1227, son contrato por medio del cual hayan vendido un La compañía dispone en la actualidad de un
refutadas por las cifras que el escritor de la solo barril a ese precio , ni aproximado si barco pequeño, que hace el recorrido hasta el
12 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

drilled at 1,420 feet ; Gonzalez No. 4 is now Private advices to the MEXICAN REVIEW are "A Fantastic Concession”
drilling at 960 feet . that September shipments of oil exceeded
The Freeport and Mexican Fuel Oil Corpo "Not one single inch of land has been
those for August, thus setting a new record
ration.-Zurita No. 5 of this company is being for the industry. granted by concession or in any other form
drilled at 1,305 feet. whatever to Japanese for the exploration or
The Continental Mexican Petroleum Com exploitation of petroliferous lands in the Re
pany. Cardena No. 1 , in lot 95, is now being public of Mexico ."
Vast Development Planned
equipped to start operations.
NOTHER indication of the faith of in NDER the foregoing head and the open
The Texas Company of Mexico .- Drilling A vestors in Mexican opportunities and U ing paragraph quoted and italicized (by
has been suspended at Chote No. 2 while they
are fishing for some tools at a depth of 1,585 ; friendliness is in the recent announcement that THE REVIEW ) , the Mexico City Excelsior, a
in Cicero No. 3 drilling is in the course of the Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies Steamship prominent daily newspaper, quotes General
preparation ; San Martin No. 1 is drilling at Company, which is building a pipe line from J. B. Trevino, Secretary of the Department of
Havre to Paris, France, proposes to invest Industry, Commerce and Labor, under which
a depth of 900 feet ; drilling is suspended at
Topila No. 2 while they are fishing for tools ; $50,000,000 to $60,000,000, in the development is included the Department of Petroleum, re
Amatlan 138 was abandoned at 1,500 feet. of its oil properties, principally in Mexico . garding certain sensational reports recently
The International Petroleum Company.— A More than half of this amount, or about $35,- published in a portion of the press of both
derrick 300 feet in height has been erected at 000,000, will be used to purchase tankers for
Amatlan No. 3 and is ready for drilling ; the transportation of its Mexican oil . A fleet The only concessions that have been granted
Amatlan No. 4 is ready for the 6-inch pipes of fourteen tankers is already under construc for the exploitation of the supposed petroleum
at a depth of 1,830 feet ; Amatlan No. 5 is tion. It is stated that no new financing is con measures of Sonora, Lower California and
drilling at 650 feet ; Amatlan No. 6, located ; templated in connection with the big expen the West Coast (none have been demonstrated
Amatlan No. 7, equipped and ready to drill ; diture. The company is said to have available as actually existing ) , have been applied for
the necessary material is ready at Tolteca at the present time about $50,000,000 for the and issued to the Maryland Oil Corporation ,
No. 2. purposes contemplated . The company made a very well-known American organization .
The Huasteca Petroleum Company.- Zaca large profits during the war and amassed a Such concessions or permits are open to all
applicants, regardless of nationality, who com
mixtle No. 1 is drilling through blue slate at big surplus.
1,700 feet ; Amatlan No. 1 is being tested with It is planned to expend about $10,000,000 on ply with the laws governing these matters , not
8-inch pipes at a pressure of 1,100 pounds ; the development of its Mexican properties and being exclusive but covering portions only of
Amatlan No. 3, drilled to a depth of 1,023 feet from $8,000,000 to $ 10,000,000 will be expended certain Federal lands in a narrow strip bor
with 10-inch pipes. . in the construction of pipe lines. It is asserted dering upon tidewater, navigable streams and
lakes. The company referred to is one of
The "Cia. Mexicana de Petróleo, ' El Aguila,' that the major portion of the French under
taking, which calls for the construction of re those which have shown the utmost respect
S. A. "- Los Naranjos No. 12, drilling in brown
fineries, storage tanks and pipe lines, will be for the laws of the Republic covering petro
slate at 2,448 feet ; Los Naranjos No. 13, drill
financed by Atlantic Gulf and West Indies. leum exploitation, paying the taxes and royal
ing in blue slate at 1,746 feet ; Los Naranjos
About $2,000,000 will be spent on the develop ties assessed by the government for such
No. 14, drilling in blue slate at 1,085 feet ;
Los Naranjos No. 15, ready to start drilling ; ment of properties in England, which have re privileges.
cently been acquired. In connection with the The statement of Secretary Trevino con
Los Naranjos No. 16, derrick being erected ;
cludes with the emphatic assertion that the
Zacamixtle No. 1 , drilling in slate at 888 feet ; British project the Agwi Petroleum Corpora
Zacamixtle No. 2, material being transported ; reported concessions to British and Japanese
tion, Limited, has been formed with a capital
interests of such petroleum rights are com
Zacamixtle No. 3, derrick being constructed ; of £1,000,000, and 65 per cent of the stock is pletely false and without other foundation than
Potrero No. 9, installing 10-inch pipes at 1,597 owned by Atlantic, Gulf and West Indies. Re sensational newspaper reports.
feet ; Potrero No. 10, drilling in brown slate cently 466 acres of ground were purchased at
at 1,478 feet ; El Cristo No. 1 , drilling in slate
Southampton, England, and on this property
at 2,240 feet ; Moralillo No. 1, transporting the New 100 -Thousand -Barrel Well
a topping plant will be erected .
pipes for strengthening the walls. NNOUNCEMENT is made that the
The development work in Mexico is being
carried on on an extensive scale. A Transcontinental Petroleum Company re
cently brought in a well in the Chinampa dis
Exports of Petroleum For Eight trict flowing 100,000 barrels daily. It was
Months in 1920 necessary to go to the 1,985- foot level before
Sweden Seeks Mexican Oil
HE following statement of the exports getting this flow. This is considered a deep
TH of petroleum from Mexican ports for the HE Swedish ministry of commerce has an well in the Tampico district where oil is cus
first eight months of the current year has T nounced the formation of two companies, tomarily found at lesser depths, but would
been published on what appears to be good one with 8,000,000 and the other with 1,500,000 scarcely be considered an unusual boring in the
authority, but is not official and is therefore crowns capital for the purchase and transpor Texas fields.
subject to revision : tation of Mexican petroleum. The demand for The well came with a rush, but is reported
Barrels fuel oil by Swedish manufacturies is great, and to have been successfully controlled after a
January 8,061,289,67 the capital for this new venture was readily hard fight by the workmen. The find has oc
February ·· - 7,687,943.83 provided. A 14,000-ton tank steamer has been casioned much excitement among the operators,
March · · · 10,288,383.92 who see in the discovery indications that the
April • 10,092,312.90 acquired by one of these companies and will
May • 11,255,531.93 be put into regular operation between Swedish Chinampa is likely to prove one of the great
June ► 10,574,396.64 est producers in the Huasteca field.
ports and Tampico.
July • 12,275,021.21
August 15,438,008.38
Among the projects to be presented at the
Total ... 85,672,888.48 New Field in Prospect present session of Congress will be the budget
for the ensuing year, a bill for establishing
This is considerably more than the total for HE Marland Refining Company, of Okla freeports in Mexico, and possibly some legis
the entire year 1919, when the exports reached homa, has secured options on a large area lation relative to banking.
some 82,000,000 barrels. If the shipments for of land in the vicinity of Linares, Tamau
the remaining four months should equal those lipas, well up in the foothills below Monterrey, The Mexican Northwestern Railway has
for August, and there is every indication that which it proposes to explore thoroughly for presented a claim against the Mexican gov- .
they will, the total for the year will be over petroleum. The company's geologist reports ernment for the amount of $5,000,000 dam
140,000,000 barrels. favorably on the prospect. ages during the revolutions, to date.
Noviembre, 1920 LA

Amatlán 138, abandonado a los 1,500 pies. ciones por el mes de septiembre son mayores
Puerto de Tampico, por el rio ; 12 lanchones
International Petroleum Co.-Amatlán No. que las de agosto, lo que viene a establecer un
de 6,000 barriles de capacidad y 6 de 8,000 nuevo record en la industria.
están construyéndose , 3, dispuesta la torre de 300 pies de altura, para
principiar los trabajos.
Barcos-Tanques .-En su extenso proyecto,
la "Terminal Unión Oil Co.," quiere poner al Amatlán No. 4, profundizado a 1,830 pies
y listo para recibir la tubería de 6 pulgadas. "Una Concesion Imaginaria"
servicio varios barcos-tanques petroleros , que
hagan el recorrido hasta los puertos del Estado Amatlán No. 5, perforado hasta los 650 pies. "Ni una sola pulgada de terreno ha sido
de Texas , Nueva Orleans y Cuba. Amatlán No. 6, localizado. otorgada como concesión, ni en ninguna otra
Amatlán No. 7, equipado y listo para prin forma, a los japoneses para la exploración o
Trabajos De Perforacion En Los Campos cipiar la perforación. explotación de terrenos petrolíferos en la
Mexicanos Tolteca No. 2, transportando el material República Mexicana."
English Oil Co.-El pozo Rivera Número 2,
Huasteca Petroleum Co.-Zacamixtle No. 1, ON el título arriba indicado , y princi
tiene actualmente una profundidad de 2,480
perforado a los 1,700 pies en pizarra azul. piando con el anterior párrafo , el
pies, habiendo dado algunas muestras de aceite. CON
Amatlán No. 1 , está siendo probada la tu Excelsior de la Ciudad de México, uno de
National Petroleum Corp.-Su pozo Maza
bería de 8 pulgadas a 1,100 libras de presión .
No. 1 , está siendo cementado a 1,400 pies, con los principales diarios capitolinos, ha publicado
Amatlán No. 2, perforado hasta los 1,023
tubería de 8 pulgadas. declaraciones hechas por el General Jacinto B.
pies y con revestimiento de 10 pulgadas.
Tampascas Oil Co.- El pozo Robles Número Treviño, Secretario de Industria y Comercio ,
Cia. Mexicana de Petróleo "El Aguila," S.
5, está siendo perforado en pizarra dura y a a cuya Secretaría pertenece el Departamento
A.-Los Naranjos No. 11 , perforado a 2,448 de Petróleo , con referencia a ciertas noticias
1,202 pies de profundidad.
pies en pizarra. sensacionales que han sido publicades en
Empire Gas and Fuel Co.- El pozo Número
Los Naranjos No. 12, perforado a 2,083 pies algunos periódicos de los dos paises.
1, ubicado en el lote 113 de Chinampa, propie
en pizarra morena . Las únicas concesiones que se han dado para
dad de la compañía, está siendo recementado .
Transcontinental Petroleum Co.- Pozo No. Los Naranjos No. 13, perforado a 1,746 pies
la explotación de terrenos que se supone son
en pizarra azul.
4, situado en el lote 143 de Chinampa, está petrolíferos en Sonora, la Baja California, y
Los Naranjos No. 14 , perforado a 1,085 pies en la costa occidental (hasta ahora no se ha
siendo perforado en pizarra a los 702 pies. en pizarra azul.
El pozo No. 3, ubicado en el lote 134 de descubierto que exista petróleo en esa región ) , 1
Los Naranjos No. 15, está listo para prin fueron solicitadas y concedidas a la " Maryland
Chinampa , alcanza 1,805 pies de profundidad.
El pozo número 4, del mismo lote 134 de cipiar los trabajos. Oil Corporation," una compañía americana
Chinampa , será cementado en estos días a la Los Naranjos No. 16, se está construyendo bien conocida. Concesiones de esta naturaleza
la torre.
profundidad de 1,785 pies. pueden solicitarlas los que deseen hacerlo , sin
Zacamixtle No. 1 , perforado a 888 pies en tomar en cuenta la nacionalidad , siempre que
El pozo número 1 de la misma compañía,
pizarra. se sujeten a las leyes que gobiernan la materia .
situado en el lote 113 de Chinampa , es perfo Zacamixtle No. 2, transportando material.
rado actualmente a los 1,780 pies. Los terrenos en cuestión son zonas federales
Zacamixtle No. 3, construyendo la torre. que abarcan una faja de terreno a lo largo
New England Fuel Oil Co.- Los pozos Pazzi Potrero No. 9, introduciendo tubería de 10
de las costas marítimas, y en las riberas de los
Nos . 3 y 4 están siendo equipados respectiva pulgadas a 1,597 pies .
mente con útiles Standard y Rotativo, para ríos navegables y de las lagunas.
Potrero No. 10, perforado a 1,478 pies en
principiar sus trabajos . La compánia mencionada es una de las que
pizarra morena.
han sabido respetar las leyes de la república
Azteca Petroleum Co.-Los pozos 188 y 211 El Cristo No. 1 , perforado a 2,240 pies en
de la Compañía Azteca, ubicados en el lote que gobiernan la explotación del petróleo, y
siempre ha pagado al gobierno los impuestos
de Amatlán, están siendo equipados con Moralillo No. 1 , transportando la tubería de
Standard y Rotativo. y regalías por ese privilegio .
El Secretario Treviño concluye sus declara
Mexican Sinclair.- Pozo No. 3 en el lote
251 de Amatlán, va a ser cementado a los 1,713 ciones diciendo enfáticamente que es completa
nes de Petróleo En mente falso que se hayan dado las supuestas
pies de profundidad y con tubería de 10 Exportacio
Ocho Meses En 1920 concesiones a intereses ingleses y japoneses y
que las noticias que circularon a ese respecto
El pozo No. 2 del mismo lote 251 de Ama AS siguientes cifras que indican la exporta tienen por fundamento solo el sensasionalismo
tlán, fue cementado a los 1,693 pies. LA ción de petróleo de puertos mexicanos
El pozo que la compañía posee en el lote durante los primeros ocho meses del año en
127 de Amatlán, está siendo perforado a 350 curso, han sido publicadas, según parece, de
pies. fuente fidedigna, pero no son oficiales y posi Un Pozo Nuevo de Cien Mil
El pozo González No. 3 está siendo per blemente esten sujetas a revisión : Barriles
forado, su tubería es de 2 pulgadas y alcanza E ha anunciado que la " Transcontinental
No. de Barriles
1,420 pies de profundidad. SE Petroleum Company " recientemente
Enero 8,061,289.67
El pozo González No. 4 se continuá su per Febrero 7,687,943.83 terminó un pozo en el distrito de Chinampa
foración a los 960 pies . Marzo · 10,288,383.92 que produce 100,000 de barriles de petróleo
Freeport and Mexican Fuel Oil Corp.— Abril ■ 10,092,312.90
11,255,531.93 diarios. Fue necesario perforar el pozo hasta
Zurita No. 5 de la Freeport, está siendo per Mayo
Junio • C 10,574,396.64 una profundidad de 1,985 pies , profundidad
forado a los 1,303 pies de profundidad . } Julio • 12,275,021.21 que en la región de Tampico es considerada
Continental Mexican Petroleum Co.- El Agosto • 15,438,008.38 muy grande toda vez que allí el petróleo se
pozo Cárdena No. 1 , en el lote 95 está siendo encuentra por lo regular a profundidades
Total... 85,672,888.48
equipado para principiar sus trabajos. menores ; pero en el Estado de Texas esta
Texas Company of Mexico.- Chote No. 2, Esta suma es considerablemente mayor que profundidad no es del todo rara.
están suspendidos sus trabajos, por estar el total de las exportaciones durante todo el Se dice que el petróleo salió estrepitosa
pescando una herramienta , a los 1,585 pies. año pasado , cuando las exportaciones llegaron mente en este pozo y solo después de arduas
El pazo Cicero No. 3 está en dispositivo de a la suma total de 82,000,000 de barriles. Si labores hubieron los trabajadores de contro
trabajos. las exportaciones por los cuatro meses que larlo con éxito. Este descubrimiento ha
El pozo San Martín No. 1 , de la misma faltan igualan a las del mes de agosto, lo que causado gran sensación entre los petroleros , y
compañía, alcanza una profundidad de 900 hay razón para suponer, el total por el año opinan que el descubrimiento indica que el
pies. será más de 140,000,000 de barriles . distrito de Chinampa puede venir a ser uno
Topila No. 2, está suspendido a los 184 pies, Según informaciones particulares que ha de los mejores en la Huasteca desde el punto
por estar pescando una herramienta . recibido LA REVISTA MEXICANA, las exporta de vista de la producción.
14 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

"Second- The taking of all the attention of

Mexican Women Advance the men of the country by the successive wars ,
leaving their women more free of the con
Great Progress Made in Their Improvement During stant watchfulness which had surrounded
them for three or four centuries.
the Past Ten Revolutionary Years
"Third- The impoverishment of a number
MISS EULALIA HERNANDEZ of the leading families, as well as thousands
"From 1900 to 1910, the period of greatest
of middle-class families, who had not been
in Christian Science Monitor prosperity Mexico ever has had, American
and British firms took a great many girl far-sighted enough to leave the country, or
HE last 10 years of political and eco could not leave it, and whose daughters were
stenographers, clerks, bookkeepers and trans
nomic disturbances in Mexico have ac forced to go to work in order to feed and
complished one great good, in the opin lators to Mexico, their reason being that the
clothe themselves.
girls were more reliable, less likely to quit
ion of Miss Eulalia Hernandez, assistant di "Fourth-The general spirit of of unrest,
their positions and wander off into ther lines
rector of schools in Mexico City, and former which communicated itself from the men, first
in a new country, and paid closer attention to
candidate for a seat in the Chamber of Dep business amid the distractions of a foreign to the lower class women, and then, gradually
uties of Mexico, who is in New Orleans study capital than did the young men they had pre to the upper classes. Many women, seized by
ing the Francis T. Nicholls vocational training viously enployed. These young and independ this wave of dissatisfaction, followed the revo
school for girls. That accomplishment is the ent American and British women awoke mur lutionary leaders and their armies away from
advancement of the position of women in the murings of the same kind in the Mexican good homes, and spread the doctrine of social
southern republic. women with whom they came in contact. A and political upheaval among their sisters
"While the position of women in Mexico few of them, left without close male relatives, throughout the country.
cannot be compared with that of her sisters
employed these American girls as teachers and "So widespread and so apparent had this
in the United States," said Miss Hernandez ,
"nevertheless her cause has been advanced
more in the last 10 years than it had been in
the previous 100 years. Not since the throw
ing off the Spanish yoke by Benito Juarez, and
the establishment of the second republic by
Porfirio Diaz, has there been such a radical
change in so short a time in Mexico as during
the years since the overthrow of the dictator
ship of that same Diaz, in 1911. Most out
siders, looking at Mexico, think the upheaval
and the repeated revolutionary outbreaks in
that country have been purely political. While
it is true that the surface manifestations of
the unrest have been largely along political
lines, there have been widespread economic,
financial, commercial, and social changes. The
revolutionary movements have been caused
quite as much by the desire of the 12,000,000
or 13,000,000 Indians of the country for bet
ter working conditions, and the opportunity to
live more comfortably, to have better clothing
and food, and educational opportunities for
their children, as by any desire on their part
for a change of rulers.
"And this economic change, which is still RED CROSS NURSES IN PARADE IN MEXICO
going on, and probably will not stop with the
coming into power of the new government, learned stenography. They speedily found feminist movement become that when the Car
has had a tremendous effect on women, Cortez employment in the offices of foreign concerns, ranza party drew up its constitution, in the
found woman a chattel among the Aztecs, though the native Mexican firms were slow to summer of 1914 the word ' male' was left out
and, to a greater or less degree, she remained employ them. Even at this, though, at the of the clause covering the electoral qualifica
so in Mexico throughout the Spanish domina end of 1905 there were about 300 native girls tion, and now women can vote throughout
tion, and well on through the establishment of working as stenographers, clerks and book Mexico, if they so desire, and there is nothing
the republics, and down to about 1905, when keepers in the commercial institutions of Mex in the law to prevent their holding office, if
the ideas of Great Britain and American wom ico City. The field was very limited, and it they can obtain enough votes to be elected.
en began, in a small way, to percolate into the required some years of revolution and change Thus I was enabled to be a candidate for the
country. I do not mean to say that women to alter the attitude of the Mexican business Chamber of Deputies, and though I was not
were bought and sold like real chattels, but men toward native girls who wanted to make elected, my candidacy was legal, and was look
their lives were so circumscribed and confined something out of their lives for themselves . ed upon seriously by government officials, poli
to their homes, their entire contact with the "The radical freedom given by the Madero ticians and the general mass of the people.
world made only through their husbands or government, which followed that of Porfirio "To some extent this so-called ' emancipa
fathers or brothers, that their only avenues of tion' of the women of Mexico has been bene
Diaz, and the still more socialistic attitude of
work lay along home-making and child-bear ficial. It has taught several million women.
the succeeding revolutionary leaders, gave
ing. The unmarried woman in Mexico, while that they are not dependent upon marriage for
women greater freedom by four methods :
she was well cared for by her family, had careers ; that they can live full lives and work
"First- The driving from the country of
absolutely no manner of career, open to her, out their own destinies independent of the sup
except 'school teaching, and the demand for some hundreds of thousands of families, who,
port or control of men, and eventually, it
teachers was so limited that, in 1905, there finding themselves in America, or Europe, probably will result in the production and
were only 218 female school teachers in all their funds running low, were compelled, both rearing of a better class of citizenry, both male
Mexico, with its nearly 16,000,000 inhabitants. men and women, to go to work. and female.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 15

de Porfirio Díaz, y en seguida las tendencias

socialistas del os subsiguientes líderes revolucion
Progresan Las Mujeres Mexicanas arios, dieron a la mujer mexicana mayor
libertad por cuatro distintos medios :
Han Mejorado Grandemente Durante los Diez "Primero Los millares de familias que
Años del Período Revolucionario tuvieron que salir de México al encontrarse en
Estados Unidos, o en Europa, escasas de fondos,
POR EULALIA HERNANDEZ maestras de escuela en todo el país, que cuenta se vieron obligadas, tanto los hombres como las
en el Christian Science Monitor con 16,000,000 de habitantes. mujeres, a dedicarse a trabajar.
"Entre los años de 1900 y 1910, el período de "Segundo El contínuo estado de guerra
E los diez años de disturbios político mayor prosperidad que México ha tenido, los interna reclamaba toda la atención de los
económicos ha resultado un gran negociantes ingleses y estadunidenses llevaron a hombres del país, quedando las mujeres, por lo
D ' bien para México, segun la opinión de la
México un gran número de escribientas, taqui consiguiente, más libres de la constante vigilancia
Srita. Eulalia Hernandez, Sub-directora de las grafas, traductoras y tenedoras de libros. que sobre ellas había pesado durante tres o
escuelas públicas en la Ciudad de México, y ante
Llevaban mujeres para estos empleos porque cuatro siglos.
riormente candidato para Diputado al Congreso eran menos propicias a dejar sus trabajos y "Tercero- La pobreza que invadió a algunas
de la Unión, quien se encuentra ahora en New aventurarse en otra clase de negocios en un país de las principales familias, y a millares de familias
Orleans estudiando el sistema de educación en la
nuevo, y porque se dedicaban con más empeño y de la clase media, que no tuvieron la suficiente
escuela de oficios para mujeres, que lleva el con mayor atención a sus empleos en medio de previsión para salir del país, o que no pudieron
nombre de "Francis T. Nicholl. " Ese gran
los atractivos de una capital extranjera que lo salir, obligó a las mujeres pertenecientes a esas
bien es el adelanto que ha obtenido la mujer en
que lo habian hecho los hombres jóvenes que familias a trabajar para alimentarse y vestirse.
habian empleado anteriormente. Estas mujeres " Cuarto La intranquilidad general que rei
"Si bien es cierto que la posición de las mujeres
inglesas y estadunidenses, jóvenes e indepen naba entre los hombres se extendío primero a las
en México no se puede comparar con la de sus
dientes, despertaron el interes en las mujeres mujeres de las clases bajas, y después, gradual
hermanas en Estados Unidos, sin embargo,"
dice la Srita. Hernández, " la causa de la mujer
ha progresado más durante los últimos diez años
que durante los cien años anteriores a ese período.
Desde la época de Benito Juarez y del estableci
miento de la segunda república por Porfirio
Díaz, no se había visto en México un cambio tan
radical en un tiempo tan relativamente corto
como durante los años que siguieron al derroca
miento de la dictadura del mismo Díaz en 1911.
La mayor parte de los extranjeros que tienen la
vista fija en México creen que la conmoción y las
contínuas luchas revolucionarias en aquel país
han sido puramente de carácter político. Si bien
es cierto que en la superficie las manifestaciones
de esa conmoción han tenido un aspecto político
en gran parte, también es cierto que se han
registrado grandes cambios económicos, finan
cieros, comerciales y sociales. Esos movimientos
revolucionarios han originado tanto en el deseo
de los doce o trece millones de indígenas del país
de mejorar sus condiciones de trabajo y sus
condiciones de vida, de tener mejores alimentos,
vestiduras, y oportunidades para educar a sus
hijos, como en el deseo de tener un cambio en
sus gobernantes.
"Y este cambio económico, que probable
mente no parará con la entrada al poder del
nuevo gobierno, ha causado un grandísimo efecto
en la mujer. Cortez encontró que las mujeres
eran propiedad personal de los Aztecas, y MEXICAN YOUNG LADIES IN HOLIDAY SPECTACULAR COSTUMES
durante el período de la dominación española
siguieron las mujeres en más o menos igual mexicanas con quienes habian entrado en con mente fué extendiéndose a las mujeres de las
condición, continuando así durante el estable tacto, y algunas de ellas que no tenian parientes clases altas. Muchas de las mujeres, viéndose
cimiento de la república y hasta como el año 1905 cercanos, les pagaban a estas jóvenes extranjeras presas de esta ola de descontento, se fueron con
cuando los ideales de las mujeres inglesas y para que les enseñaran taquigrafía, y como los líderes revolucionarios y sus ejércitos y
estadunidenses empezaron a introducirse en el consecuencia de esto, muy pronto encontraban empezaron a propagar las doctrinas del movi
país . Con esto no quiero decir que las mujeres empleo en las casas de comercio y firmas extran miento político-social entre las demás mujeres
eran vendidas y compradas como cualquier jeras, pues las firmas nativas, de mexicanos, lo del país.
mueble, pero la vida de la mujer estaba tan hacían con más lentitud. Y aun así, para fines "Se extendió tanto este movimiento feminista
intimamente ligada y envuelta en el hogar, que del año de 1905 ya habían como 300 jóvenes que cuando el partido carrancista formuló la
el único contacto que tenian con el mundo era mexicanas olocadas como taquigrafas, escribientas nueva Constitución, en el verano de 1917 , quedó
por el conducto de sus esposos, padres y her o tenedoras de libros en las casas comerciales de eliminada la palabra ' hombre ' de la cláusula que
manos , con el consiguiente resultado que la la Ciudad de México. Las oportunidades eran cubre los requisitos necesarios para votar en las
única ocupación de la mujer consistía en los muy limitadas, y se necesitaron algunos años de elecciones, y ahora las mujeres pueden votar en
quehaceres de casa y tener familia . La mujer revolución para cambiar la actitud de los todas partes de la República Mexicana si así lo
soltera en México, aunque era bien cuidada y negociantes mexicanos hacia las jóvenes nativas desean, y pueden desempeñar puestos públicos
vista por sus padres o hermanos , no tenía ninguna que deseaban se les diera una oportunidad de si obtienen el número necesario de votos para ser
carrera que seguir, excepto la de maestra de buscarse la vida por sí solas. electas, pues no hay nada en la Constitución que
escuela, y para esto la demanda en este sentido "El cambio radical de las libertades ofrecidas las prive de ese derecho. Asi fue como pude
era tan reducida que en 1905 apenas si había 218 por el Gobierno de Madero, que siguió al gobiernol anzar mi candidatura para una curul en la
16 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

developed among the upper

There has developed THE GOSPEL OF old men like myself, the women and these
grades of people in Mexico City, Guadalajara, FRIENDLINESS children to whom you have been talking.
and other large centers of population a class There is no hope for this community, except
of independent, free-thinking women, some What an American Bishop Thinks of through the doors of that church and that
what like the Hetairae of Athens and Alex schoolhouse. That is the only chance the
the Proper Manner to Handle "the
andria. These women have tremendous influ Mexican Problem” young people in this district get for a look
ence among the men of the nation's capital, toward anything larger and better."
and their ranks are recruited from among T THE recent convention of the Young And then he drew himself up, and said,
what were once upper- class families. A₁ Men's Christian Association in Detroit , witih that characteristic Spanish eloquence,
"There are also thousands of women in Mex Mich., Bishop F. J. McConnell, of Denver, "This community is like a wall standing, tot
ico, who have taken the proper course in this Colo., delivered a very interesting address, in tering, about to fall, and the only thing that
time of turmoil and unrest. They have seized the course of which he said, speaking on the keeps it standing is the strength put into the
upon every opportunity for mental advance Christianization of international relationship : arms of the teacher and the preacher here by
ment, and many of them could stand with "To make this more specific, suppose I the good friends in the United States that
pride beside the women of any country in the come right down to Mexico . I have been help us here."
world. With the neglect which the men of going there every year since 1912. The con Will Christian methods succeed in a case
Mexico have shown for education during the ditions there are very, very bad. Have I an like that ? I think they will, because I have
last ten years, women have slipped into many ultimate solution for the trouble ? Not at all , seen them measurably succeed. Anyhow, in
prominent places in the remnants of the edu in political terms. Do I believe the gospel will asmuch as it is the duty of the United States
cational system and, in several states, are vir do anything down there, the gospel of friend to give Mexico Christian training and Chris
tually in control of the educational systems. liness, the gospel of the kind that the Church tian uplift, and better sanitation, and all the
and Y. M. C. A. can work out together in rest of it, and inasmuch as that is an im
Still others, finding themselves with a little
money, have gone into business for themselves . helping up the people ? I think it can. mediate international problem, I suggest that
One of the leading importers of women's Last February, I was there presiding over you can do more along those Christian lines
clothing in Mexico City is a woman, Mrs. Cor a convention of forty denominational workers before you begin to shoot them than you can
delia Lopez, who was left with three small from this country, meeting to divide Mexico afterwards .
children three years ago. Mrs. Catalina Boli into territories so there would be no duplica About the time of the Boxer uprising in
tion in their Christian work, to establish a China, I heard a Methodist preacher of the
is the leading photographer of Mexico City.
union press and to establish a union theologi old type stand up and say, "War is God's
Miss Erminia Godoy operates the largest cal school. I was there because Robert E.
translation bureau in the republic, in Mexico way to open the doors to the gospel. Break
Speer once said to me that a certain party of the heathen with rods of iron." Then Alfred
City. In Guadalajara, Miss Ernestina Melen
rich men in the United States were willing to Woods, a quick witted member of that con
dez is one of the leading real estate agents. put back of a college in Mexico the startling ference, arose and said , "In view of what the
These are only a few of many of whom I
sum of $2,000,000, if the government would speaker has said, I move that we amend a
have heard, but whose names I do not now not put anything in the way. He said, ' Will certain part of the gospel to read, "Go ye
recall. you go to Carranza and ask him about it ?' into all the world and shoot the gospel into
"Doubtless, in time, the whole revolutionary " ""
The oil question was intense at that time. I every people.'
tangle, including the position of women in did not like to go. I thought Mr. Carranza Americans have recently been killed in
Mexico, will work out for the best, and I can would say about what he said to the Red Mexico ; Americans were killed back in the
see the light through the clouds there now. Cross. But we went, representing these peo times of Diaz, but then, because better inter
Certain it is that woman's opportunity never ple in New York, and representing this con national relationships existed, not much was
in the history of Mexico was so great as it is vention. We began that story, but Mr. Car said about it. So far as I can discover, the
today. The establishment of stable govern ranza did not allow us to finish it. He sim Americans killed in the time of Porfirio Diaz
ment probably will stabilize to a great degree ply said : 'For works of that kind there is not are just as dead as the Americans killed later .
the whirlpool of feminine adventure . I hope only no hostility here, but every desire on the
part of this government to cooperate.'
to have a part in the new Mexico with others
" "Next day I was called to see the official, The government has just completed the pur
of my sex . chase of three small torpedo boat destroyers ,
who occupies a place in the capital of Mexico
corresponding almost with our Secretary of $ 15,000 each, and one small gunboat, $60,000,
State. After the conventional form of speech for service on the Pacific Coast. The boats
were delivered in San Francisco . It is re
Redemption of Paper Money and greeting, I turned to go, but he stopped
ported that the government desires to pur
N accordance with the statements published me. He had just come from negotiations with
the commercial interests which might plunge chase an equal number of boats for the At
INheretofore in The Review, the Monetary lantic Coast service .
the two countries into war. He said, 'When
Commission, under whose direct charge was
I find in Mexico two groups of people, not
placed the issue of the so-called "vales " or
talking about oil wells, not talking about The manufacturers of the Federal District
paper currency several months ago in order to
mining concessions, but talking about better and the states of Mexico, Puebla and Vera
relieve the fractional currency stringency due sanitation for Mexico, night schools for the cruz are forming an organization to protect
to the high price of silver bullion and the con
people to come off the streets, a chance for themselves against the growing abuses of labor
sequent disappearance of subsidiary coin, has unions. For strikes they propose lockouts and
education better than they now have, a chance
redeemed at par in gold coin all outstanding for sabotage, boycott.
for the lifting up of these oppressed people,
bills that have been presented . Upward of a
I want to tell you to go back and say to the
quarter of a million remains unredeemed, and
people of the United States, whom you rep The Federal government is expending 1,500
this amount is believed to represent bills that pesos weekly to restore the bathing resort of
were worn out, burned or otherwise accident resent, that my respect for that element in the
United States has long since ceased to be re Cuyutlan, State of Colima, destroyed some
ally destroyed . Every pledge made when the time ago by a hurricane.
spect, and has risen into the realm of affec
paper was issued has thus been kept. The tion.'
lowering of the market value of silver bullion A few days later this official delivered as A new government decree which will be
and the increased activity of the mint has sup eloquent a brief speech as I ever listened to. welcomed by mining men is to the effect that
plied all currency requirements and once more "We are a feeble people," he said. "Typhus no fines will be collected on back mining taxes.
Mexico occupies the proud position of being has devastated this country time and again ; In the future, at the time of paying taxes the
the only country in the world where the sole the young men have marched off to wars and department will accept a back payment, all or
circulating medium is gold and silver. never come back ; no one is left here, except in part, without " recargoes" for failure to pay.

Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 17

Cámara de Diputados, y aunque no salí electa , que voy a México . He estado yendo a ese Después se irguió y añadió con la carac
mi candidatura era legal y fue vista seriamente país cada año desde 1912. Las condiciones terística elocuencia española : "Esta comunidad
por los funcionarios públicos, por los políticos, y que prevalecen allí son mucho muy malas . es como un muro vacilante que está a punto
por el pueblo en general . ¿ Conozco alguna solución para este estado de de derrumbarse, que no se mantiene en pie
"Esta ' emancipación ' de la mujer mexicana cosas ? Ninguna , hablando en términos sino gracias a la fuerza de los brazos def
ha sido hasta cierto punto benéfica. Ha servido politicos . ¿ Creo que el evangelio pueda maestro y del predicador que se encuentran
para hacer comprender a millones de mujeres que hacer algo allí, el evangelio de la amistad , el aquí por favor de los buenos amigos de los
el matrimonio no es la única carrera que puede evangelio de la índole del que la Iglesia y la Estados Unidos que nos protegen."
seguir la mujer, y que puede vivir y labrar su Asociación Cristiana de Jóvenes pueden pro ¿Tendrán buen éxito los métodos cristianos
propio destino independiente del apoyo y control pagar para ayudar al pueblo ? Creo que si en un caso como éste? Así lo creo , puesto
de los hombres, y ello vendrá problemente a puede. que los he visto victoriosos. De cualquier,
resultar en que México producirá mejores
En febrero último estuve allí presidiendo modo, puesto que es deber de los Estados
ciudadanos, tanto hombres como mujeres. una convención de cuarenta propagandistas de Unidos dar a los mexicanos instrucción y
Entre las clases altas de la población de diversas religiones de los Estados Unidos reu elevación cristiana, y mejor salud, y todo lo
la Ciudad de México, Guadalajara, y otras nida para dividir a México en territorios a fin demás, y puesto que se trata de un problema
ciudades de importancia, se ha desarrollado un de que no duplicaran su obra cristiana, para internacional inmediato, opino que podréis
tipo de mujer independiente, y libre pensadora, establecer una prensa de unión y una escuela hacer más usando los métodos cristianos antes
algo parecida a las Hetairas de Atenas y Ale unida teológica. Estuve en México porque el de comenzar a matarlos, que después.
jandría. Esta clase de mujeres tienen una señor Robert E. Speer me manifestó cierto Hacia la época de la insurrección de los
influencia grande en los hombres de la Capital de día que un grupo de ricos norteamericanos boxers en China escuché a un predicador
la Nación, y vienen de entre las familias que deseaba dar la suma inicial de dos millones metodista del tipo antiguo, levantarse y decir :
anteriormente pertenecieron a la clase alta . "La guerra es el camino de Dios para abrir
de dólares para un colegio en México si no
"Hay también millares de mujeres que han
se oponía a ello el Gobierno. Preguntóme : las puertas al Evangelio. Dominad al pagano
aprovechado las oportunidades que se les han
¿ "Iría usted a entrevistar al Presidente Ca con mano de hierro." Entonces Alfred Woods,
presentado durante este período de revolución, y rranza sohe el particular ? La cuestión un miembro de esa conferencia , de ingenio
han logrado su mejoramiento intelectual ; muchas
del petróleo estaba en su período álgido. agudo, se levantó y dijo : "En vista de lo que
de estas mujeres no tienen por qué humillarse No quería yo ir. Creía que el señor dice el orador propongo que reformemos un
delante de las mujeres de cualquier otro país del Carranza diría lo que dijo antes a la trozo del evangelio en la forma siguiente :
mundo. Con el abandono conque los hombres de
Cruz Roja. Pero fuímos, sin embargo, 'Ved a todo el mundo y disparad el evangelio
México han visto el problema de la educación
representando a esos caballeros de Nueva sobre cada uno de los pueblos.'} }}
durante los últimos diez años, las mujeres han
York y a está convención. Comenzamos a Varios norteamericanos han sido muertos en
logrado introducirse hasta ocupar lugares promi
hablar ante el Presidente, pero no nos dejó México recientemente ; ciertos norteamericanos
nentes en lo que queda del sistema educacional,
y en muchos de los Estados de la República terminar. Nos dijo sencillamente : "No sólo fueron muertos en México en los tiempos de
prácticamente tienen el control sobre la instruc no existe hostilidad aquí hacia obras de la Díaz, pero entonces, como existían mejores
cion pública. índole de la que me proponéis, sino que todos relaciones entre los dos países, no se habló
"Otras, encontrándose con algún dinero, han los deseos del Gobierno son los de cooperar mucho de esos muertos. Por lo que he podido
entrado en negocios de por sí y para sí. En la para su realización.” saber, los norteamericanos muertos en la
Ciudad de México, la Sra. Cordelia López, Al día siguiente fuí citado para entrevistar época de Diaz quedaron tan bien muertos
quien quedó viuda y con tres pequeñitos de a un oficial que ocupa en México un alto como los últimos.
familia tres años pasados, es hoy una de las puesto gubernamental, casi equivalente al de
principales importadoras de ropa para mujeres. nuestro Secretario de Estado . Después de
La Sra. Catalina Boli tiene la principal fotografía los saludos y ceremonias convencionales, volví El Comercio México - Americano
en la Capital. La Srita. Herminia Godoy está a empezar mi propuesta, pero dicho fun
al frente del más importante bureau de Traduc Aumenta
cionario me detuvo. Acababa de regresar de
ciones que existe en la República . En Guada ciertas negociaciones con los intereses mercan LGUNAS veces le habrán preguntado a
lajara, la Srita. Ernestina Melendez es una de las tiles que pueden hundir en la guerra a Mé A usted algo con referencia al comercio
principales agentes en bienes raíces. Estas son xico y a los Estados Unidos. Dijome : entre los Estados Unidos y México . A con
solo unas cuantas de entre las muchas que tengo "Cuando vea yo en México dos grupos de
conocimiento que se dedican a diferentes nego tinuación públicamos algunas cifras que
personas que no hablen de pozos de petróleo, pueden serle útiles, córtelas y guárdelas en su
cios, pero cuyos nombres no recuerdo por ahora. ni de concesiones, sino de la mejor salud de cartera :
Indudablemente que con el tiempo todo este México, de escuelas nocturnas para los obreros,
enredo revolucionario tendrá buenos resultados , El comercio entre los Estados Unidos y
de mejores oportunidades que las que tenemos México pasará en 1920 de trecientos millones
incluso todo lo que se refiere a la posición de la para la instrucción, de oportunidades para
mujer mexicana. Ya empieza a verse con más de dólares. En los doce meses que terminaron
levantar a este pueblo oprimido diría a usted el 30 de junio del presente año, el comercio
claridad. Y ciertamente que las oportunidades
que regresara y dijera al pueblo de los Estados entre los dos países ascendió a $312,116,152.
para las mujeres nunca fueron mayores que en Unidos, al que representáis , que el respeto que Durante esos doce meses México vendió a los
la actualidad, y con el establecimiento de un he abrigado hacia ese buen elemento de
gobierno firme, probablemente se estabilizará el Estados Unidos mercancías por el valor de
vuestro país ha dejado de ser respeto desde
remolino de nuestras aventuras femininas. $ 168,330,626, y compró al mismo país, mer
hace mucho tiempo para entrar en el · terreno cancías por el valor de $ 143,785,526.—
Junto con otras de mi sexo, yo espero tomar parte del afecto."
en la formación del México nuevo. "American Chamber of Commerce Journal.”
Después de esto escuché un discurso pe
queño y elocuente como no había yo escuchado
EL EVANGELIO otro : "Somos un pueblo débil. El tifo ha
La Comisión Monetaria informa que aún
devastado nuestro país una y otra vez ; los
DE LA AMISTAD están por redimirse 75,000 pesos de los vales
jóvenes han marchado al campo de batalla y
N la convención celebrada recientemente de a un peso y de cincuenta centavos emitidos
no han regresado jamás ; ninguno ha quedado
EN por Cabrera. Estos vales serán redimidos
en Detroit, Michigan, por la Asociación aquí, excepción hecha de los viejos como yo
Cristiana de Jóvenes, el Obispo F. J. Mc hasta el primero de octubre , pero se tiene la
y de las mujeres y los niños a quienes habéis
Conell, de Denver, Colorado, pronunció un hablado. No hay ninguna puerta de salvación creencia general de que esa cantidad de vales
discurso interesante, en el curso del cual dijo, para está comunidad si no son las de esa se ha perdido o ha sido destruída, en su mayor
hablando de la cristianización de las relaciones iglesia y esa escuela. Esa es la única opor parte. Los vales de está emisión circularon
internacionales : tunidad de que los jóvenes de esta comarca y fueron redimidos en monedas del valor que:
Para hacer el caso más concreto, suponed miren hacia algo más grande y mejor." representaban .
18 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

"It is understood that the royalty paragraph

Facts as to Oil Taxation will prescribe, in substance :
"On oil exceeding 30 degrees Baume grav
Some Thoughts Upon the Large Dividends Paid by Companies ity, 25 per cent where the well averaged 100
barrels per day ; 20 per cent where the aver
Through Their Mexican Holdings age is from 50 to 100 barrels ; 16 2-3 per cent
where the average is from 25 to 50 barrels,
opinion doubtless holds the big would indicate a profit for the full year ap and 12½ per cent where the average is less
proximately the same as in 1918, probably, than 25 barrels .
Poil interests
propaganda being for
responsible the expen
conducted to from the production figures of the missing "On oil of less than 30 degrees Baume grav
bring about American intervention in Mexico. three months, a little higher. ity, 20 per cent on an average of 40 barrels
Certainly they have been active, but thought A net earning of 28 per cent would look or more ; 16 2-3 per cent where the average
ful reading of the list of officers of the Asso pretty good to the average American business is from 20 to 40 barrels, and 12½ per cent
ciation for the Protection of American Rights man but some companies seem to have done where the average is less than 20 barrels."
in Mexico suggests that back of them and even better. Note that Aguila Company paid
primarily responsible may be other interests a 25 per cent dividend after carrying $661,740
more sinister- the investment banking groups , to reserve in 1918. This company paid divi Forty- Six Square Miles of Oil Land
American and English. dends of 20 per cent in 1917, of 16 per cent in Held by a Single Foreign Company
It is interesting, in this connection, to re 1916 and of 8 per cent in each of the two pre DISPATCH from Washington contains
call that great executives responsible for the ceding years, carrying something into reserve A the following interesting information
operation of American railroads and other in each year . Counting what it carried to re
regarding the immense holdings of a single
dustries have heretofore testified under oath serve its net earning in 1918 was approxi foreign oil company in Mexico :
and in bitter terms to the hampering interfer mately 37 per cent. The Dutch Shell Com
"A press report of the statutory meeting of
ence of Wall Street financiers in the efficient pany actually paid 37 per cent on its common the Scottish-American Oil and Transport Co. ,
conduct of their business. Unless they are stock that year and 48 per cent on its pre held recently in London, has been received
being used as a catspaw by more powerful in ferred. Standard Oil and other companies,
from the American consul general stationed
terests it is hard to understand why bona-fide So far as their Mexican interests can be
at that capital. From the account which ap
oil producers should be raising such a hulla segregated, appear to have done as well and
peared in a London daily it is apparent that
baloo about conditions in Mexico , so far as better. What then is the complaint.
this company controls roughly 46 square miles
their interests are concerned . Read the fig Excessive taxation ? By the consolidated
of oil bearing lands in the Panuco district of
ures of our own United States Geological statement of the Doheny companies it ap Mexico with a present crude production of
Survey. pears there was a deduction of $5,000,000 for 10,000 barrels a ' day. The report also de
According to a statement issued by the Sur the payment of United States income and ex
velops the fact that the crux of the oil busi
vey January 26 of this year, Mexico produced cess profits taxes for 1918. For the same year ness is tankers, and more tankers. Transpor
for the year 1918 over 63,000,000 barrels of the total duties assessed against the companies tation seems to be the big problem.
crude petroleum. By the same authority the by the Mexican Government-and not then "The officers of the company, according to
total production of crude oil in Mexico from paid-amounted to $2,203,814, or less than one the report, have come to an arrangement with
1857 to the close of 1917 was but a little over half. This would not appear to be unjustly Tankers, Limited, for the use of all their ships
285,000,000 barrels. Figures for 1919 show disproportionate for the country from which and anticipate large profits from their hold
that production increased over 1918 by ap all its profits are obtained .
ings and from the trading of the vessels. In
proximately 30 per cent, to over 82,000,000 It will be necessary to look further for the
consequence of the general situation it is pro
barrels. There has, in fact, been an increase, real objective in promoting interventionist. posed that the company's capital be increased
despite revolutionary activities, each year since propaganda and behind the oil interests for to £10,000,000 by the creation and issue of
1910. In round numbers, production in 1917 the prime movers in the effort to embroil this 5,000,000 new shares of £1 each ."
was 55,000,000, in 1916 it was 40,000,000 ; country with its southern neighbor.
32,000,000 in 1915 , 26,000,000 in 1914, 25,000,000 WICKWIRE.
in 1913, 16,000,000 in 1912, 14,000,000 in 1911 , New Mexican Ship Service
and but a little over 3,000,000 in 1910. From
Government Royalties on HE Mexican Government has just au
the standpoint of production it is hard to un E
Oil in the United States THthorized the employment of two trans
derstand why the oil producers should com
ports in the coastwise and freight and pas
plain. HE United States Congress has recently senger service between Vera Cruz, Puerto
Of course, if the oil companies were hand TH passed a law regulating the leasing of oil Mexico, Progreso and Xcala in Quintana Roo.
ling this larger business at a lessened profit lands belonging to the government, and cov
they still might have a kick. Let's take a This is done to bring the southern ports of
ering a vast area. A Washington dispatch Mexico into closer contact with the Gulf ports .
look. says : It is planned that a boat shall leave Vera
The Pan-American Petroleum and Trans "The oil land leasing regulations issued re Cruz and Xcala, the two terminals of this pro
port Company owns the bulk of the stock in cently by the Interior Department under the jected service every two weeks, and other ves
Petroleum Company.
the Mexican Petroleum E. L. legal provisions of the new law are to un sels will be detailed to the commercial serv
Doheny, of California and New York, one of dergo a change in the matter of royalties col
ice as need arises ; the prevailing commercial
the few active oil men represented, by-the lectible by the government. Under section 18 tariffs are to be charged. During the past few
way, on the directorate of the propaganda or of the law the original draft of the regula years transportation facilities have not been
ganization named above, is president of both tions stipulated that a maximum royalty of adequate for the exportation of chicle, coffee
companies. The Mexican Petroleum Company 25 per cent should accrue to the government
appears to be a big producer both of oil and and hennequen .
on oil of 30 degrees Baume or higher gravity
of profits. In 1918 its net earnings were on wells producing 100 barrels per day per
$14.13 for each $50 share of common stock, month or more. This maximum figure, how The Minister of Public Works and Com
as compared with $10.23 per share in 1917. ever, was raised to 33 % per cent on average munications projects the erection of four wire
Complete figures for this company in 1919 are daily production of 200 barrels or more, in less plants, including plants at Manzanillo and
not yet available but, according to the Wall which form the regulations were finally ap Morelia. American companies interested in
Street Journal, its net earnings for the first proved and printed . As a result of this this kind of work should communicate di
nine months, after deductions for depreciation change oil interests have registered numerous rectly with the Minister, furnishing specifica-
and the payment of United States income and protests that they cannot operate under such formation as to time required to do the work.
excess profits taxes, were $4,427,000. This a high royalty tax. tions, quotations, complete catalogues, and in
Noviembre, 1920

número 18 de la ley, la forma original de la

legislación estipulaba que debería corresponder
Los Impuestos Petroleros
al Gobierno una regalía máxima de 25 por
ciento sobre petróleo de treinta grados Baumé
Algunos Opiniones Sobre los Grandes Dividendos Que Pagan las o de una densidad superior en pozos que pro
Compañias Que Tienen Propiedades en México. dujeran cien barriles por día, mes, o más.
Esta cifra máxima , sin embargo, fue elevada
NDUDABLEMENTE la opinión pública esta compañía, pero según el " Wall Street
hasta el 33 por ciento sobre una producción
hace a los grandes intereses petroleros Journal," las ganancias netas de la compañía por media diaria de 200 barriles o más, forma esta
I responsables por la costosa propaganda que los primeros nueve meses de 1919 , después de
última en que fueron aprobadas e impresas
se está llevando a cabo por la intervención de los rebajar el pago de los impuestos fijados por los
las reglamentaciones. Como resultado de este
Estados Unidos en México . Y ciertamente, los Estados Unidos sobre ganancias netas, fueron cambio han presentado numerosas protestas
intereses petroleros han andado muy activos, de $4,427,000 . Esto indica que las ganancias
los intereses petroleros manifestando que no
pero una cuidadosa lectura de la lista de los por todo el año fueron aproximadamente iguales
pueden trabajar bajo regalía tan elevada.
directores de la Asociación Protectora de los a las de 1918 , o tal vez mayores, si tomamos en
"Se tiene entendido que el párrafo que se
Intereses Americanos en México , sugiere la idea cuenta el aumento en la producción durante los
refiere a las regalías debe prescribir, en
de que trás de ellos estan otros intereses más tres meses que faltan en los anteriores cálculos .
sustancia :
siniestros que son los verdaderos responsables En lo general , los negociantes americanos se
los grandes intereses bancarios , americanos e conformarían con una ganancia neta de 28 por "Sobre petróleo que exceda de treinta grados
ingleses. ciento , pero parece que las ganancias de algunas Baumé de gravidad se cobrará un 25 por
En esta conexión, tal vez será interesante de las compañias petroleras han sido mayores ciento allí donde el pozo dé una media de cien
recordar que los grandes directores de los ferro todavía. La " Aguila Company " después de barriles por día ; 20 por ciento , donde la pro
carriles americanos y otras industrias, hasta hoy pasar al fondo de reserva $661,740 en 1918 , pagó ducción media fluctúe entre cincuenta y cien
han venido atestiguando, bajo juramento y en un dividendo de 25 % . Esta compañia en 1917 barriles diarios ; 16 2/3 por ciento cuando la
términos severos, que la intervención de los pago un dividendo de 20%, en 1916 de 16 % , y media sea de 25 a 50 barriles, y de 12½ por
financieros de Wall Street ha perjudicado la de 8% en 1915 y en 1914 , pasando , siempre, algo ciento cuando dicha media sea menor de 25
operación eficiente de los ferrocarriles. Si los al fondo de reserva cada año. Agregando lo que barriles.
legítimos productores de petróleo no están pasó al fondo de reserva, las ganancias netas de
"Sobre petróleo de menos de treinta grados
sirviendo de instrumentos en manos de intereses esta compañia en 1918 fueron de 37 por ciento .
Baumé de densidad se cobrará el 20 por ciento
más poderosos , no hay razón para que estén La " Dutch Shell Company " pagó un dividendo
de 37 por ciento sobre acciones ordinarias , y de sobre una producción media de 40 barriles o
haciendo tanto ruido, por lo que toca a sus
48 por ciento sobre acciones de preferencia . La más ; de 16½ por ciento donde la media sea
propios intereses, sobre las condiciones que
"Standard Oil " y otras compañias, en lo que de 20 a 40 barriles, y de 12½ por ciento donde
existen en México . Léanse las cifras que a
se refiere a sus propiedades en México, parece esa media sea menor de 20 barriles diarios."
continuación publicamos y que fueron tomadas
del " United States Geological Survey, " (Boletín que recibieron igual por ciento de ganancias y
Geológico de los Estados Unidos) . aun mayor. ¿ Cual es, pues, la causa que tienen
Según declaraciones del Boletín Geológico de para quejarse?
¿ Impuestos excesivos ? Según declaraciones Cuarenta y Seis Millas de Tierras
enero 26 de este año , México produjo durante el
Petrolíferas Poseídas por una Sola
año 1918 , más de 63 millones de barriles de de las compañias de Doheney, parece que para
petróleo crudo ; dice, además, que la producción pagar a los Estados Unidos el " income tax " y los Compañía Extranjera
total de petróleo crudo en México , desde 1857 impuestos sobre ganancias y utilidades, rebajaron
la cantidad de $5,000,000 . Durante el mismo N despacho procedente de Washington.
hasta fines de 1917, fue poco más de 285 millones
UNcontiene la siguiente interesante infor
de barriles. Las cifras correspondientes a 1919 año las impuestos conque fueron gravadas esas
mismas compañias por el Gobierno de México mación respecto a las inmensas posesiones de
indican que la producción aumentó treinta por
ciento, aproximadamente, sobre la de 1918 , o sea los cuales aun no han sido pagados- ascendían a una sola compañía petrolera extranjera en
$2,203,814, o sea menos de la mitad de lo que México :
a 82 millones de barriles. A pesar de los dis
turbios revolucionarios, la producción ha ido pagaron al Gobierno de los Estados Unidos . "Se ha recibido del cónsul general americano
aumentando cada año desde 1910. En números No parece injusta y fuera de proporción esa en Londres un informe de la junta para la
redondos, la producción en 1917 fue de 55 mi cantidad para el país donde son obtenidas todas discusión de los Estatutos celebrada reciente
llones, en 1916 fue de 40 millones, 32 millones en esas utilidades. mente en esa capital por la ' Scottish-American
1915 , 26 millones en 1914 , 25 millones en 1913 , 16 Por lo anterior, se necesita ir más lejos a buscar Oil and Transport Co.' Por el informe que
millones en 1912 , 14 millones en 1911 , y poco el verdadero objeto que se persigue con esta apareció en las columnas del London daily es
más de tres millones en 1910. Desde el punto propaganda intervencionista , y dirigir la vista
aparente que esta compañía controla en bruto
de vista de la producción , es difícil comprender hacia los que están detrás de los intereses petro
por qué se quejan las compañias petroleras. leros para encontrar a los verdaderos instigadores cuarenta y seis millas cuadradas de tierras
Por supuesto, si las compañias estuvieran que estan esforzándose por enredar a este país petrolíferas en el Distrito de Pánuco , de
recibiendo menos utilidades aun con un volúmen con México . México, con una producción actual diaria de
tan grande de negocio como este, tendrían razón diez mil barriles diarios de petróleo crudo.
de quejarse. El informe indica también el hecho de que la
Pero, veamos : la " Pan-American Petroleum dificultad de la industria petrolera está en la
Regalías Gubernamentales Sobre el
and Transport Company " tiene la mayor parte falta de tanques y más tanques. El problema
de las acciones de la " Mexican Petroleum Petróleo en los Estados Unidos
del transporte parece ser el más importante .
Company. " E. L. Doheney , de California y New 'L CONGRESO de los Estados Unidos ha "Los funcionarios de la compañía, según
York, que, dicho sea de paso, es uno de los petro E aprobado recientemente una ley que reza el informe, hán llegado a un convenio
leros más activos que tiene representación en el reglamenta el arrendamiento de tierras petro con Tankers, Limited , para el uso de todos
directorio de la Asociación de propaganda antes liferas que pertenecen al Gobierno y que repre
mencionada, es presidente de las dos compañias . sus navíos, anticipándoles grandes ganancias
sentan una vasta superficie. Dice un despacho
La " Mexican Petroleum Company " parece que de sus posesiones y del tráfico de las embar
de Washington : caciones. A consecuencia de la situación
produce petróleo y utilidades en grande escala . "La legislación relativa al arrendamiento de
Sus ganancias netas en 1918 fueron de $14.13 por tierras petrolíferas, expedida recientemente general se propone que sea aumentado el
cada acción ordinaria del valor de $50, com por el Departamento del Interior de acuerdo capital de la compañía a 10.000.000 de libras
paradas con una ganancia de $10.23 por cada con las prescripciones legales de la nueva ley, esterlinas por medio de la creación y expedi
acción en 1917. Aun no se han podido obtener debe sufrir un cambio en materia de regalías ción de 5.000.000 de nuevas acciones de una
las cifras completas correspondientes a 1919 , de recaudables por el Gobierno. Bajo le sección libra cada una."
20 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

GREETING TO THE WORLD faults of its Presidents, the crimes of some true ; but now the case is different. This
FROM THE LIBERAL outlaws have been construed as though they popular movement which in so short a time.
CONSTITUTIONAL PARTY were the characteristics of every Mexican ; has controlled the whole country, has been
Mexico has been for a long time at bay ; and started, has gone on, and has won its goal
Speech Delivered at Clark University by we believe that Mexicans are entitled to a without having offered any glowing promises ;
Manuel de la Pena, Acting Commercial fair trial, that we have a right to be judged still it has fulfilled practically every hope.
Agent of the Mexican Government impartially and justly by those who know us. Even during the period of fighting, lives and
R. PRESIDENT, Ladies and Gentle Ladies and gentlemen, we are also human. properties have been respected, no trespasses
MR. men : Mexico is evolving from an epoch of dark committed, no offenses inflicted upon anyone,
You have extended to me, as a Mexican and ness. Experience has opened the eyes of the no revenges satisfied. All have been afforded
as a representative of the new Government of people, sufferings and hardships have shown guarantees, nationals as well as foreigners. Is
Mexico, a very cordial and gracious hand of us the straight road toward Progress, and if it not a logical consequence that such a move
welcome. we have overthrown an objectionable regime ment deserves to be relied upon ? Is it not a
This hand has been extended to the new it was because we knew that it was moving thing of simple common sense to believe in
order of things that has come to my country, in the wrong direction, that it had stepped results after they have been accomplished ?
the purposes of which I would that I could aside from the path of Justice and the right The American People have saluted with
explain to you with sufficient clearness to con interpretation of the national ideals. hope and sympathy a new Mexico. We have
You Americans in the United States ask of seen the favorable impression which the fall
vey the real meaning of this revolutionary
movement, which more properly should be yourselves why it is that the elections being of the Carranza regime has caused ; this sym
termed the popular awakening of a Nation. so near, scheduled to take place this coming pathy is because you understand that it was
I have been kindly invited by Clark Univer month of July, we Mexicans could not wait chiefly that regime which had made impossible
for them in order to settle our differences a real and true friendship between our two
sity to speak the thoughts of my fellow citi
zens, of the Liberal Constitutional Govern through the ballot. But I desire to ask you, countries. Both the American and the Mexi
should one of your Presidents manifest a can peoples wish to become friends, to work.
ment of Mexico, before this audience of in
tellectual men, cultivated, upright, looking for in cooperation ; but this has been prevented by
the truth ; before you who are going to be in lack of mutual understanding. You, as well
future the representatives of the American as we, have very often intrusted the task of
People. settling our differences to men who know lit
Were I speaking to an ordinary audience I tle, if anything, of the other country. I hope
would begin by recounting something of Mex that in future this will be otherwise , because
ican history ; I would tell you something of I know, I am sure, that if Mexicans who
the Aztec Indians and the Spanish conquer know you and Americans who know us were
I would describe and place before your allowed to arrange those so-called conflicts,
imagination the wonderful landscapes of the they simply could not exist. There are no
Mexican mountains and plateaux, so as to set conflicts between both peoples. There have
a background for my speech. This is not been many conflicts between men, Americans
necessary. You are all well acquainted with and Mexicans , whose duty was to have
those details and this fact will save us many avoided them.
a word. We young men of Mexico, and with us all
You know also the Mexican psychology ; those who know this country, have realized
you know that we are not fundamentally dif that, unless foreign capital and immigration
ferent from other peoples, that we have quali be encouraged to go into our country and de
ties and defects ; that there are in Mexico velop the natural resources , those resources
SR. MANUEL DE LA PEÑA are lost to the world. Those men who are
good honest men and bad men, just as there
are in any other country; you are not indeed willing to come to us bringing with them the
of that sort of men who, upon reading that desire to manipulate the elections in favor of necessary capital to help themselves by help
a crime has been committed beyond the Rio a candidate of his own choice and quite un ing us to develop our lands, our mines, and
Grande, at once brand as criminal the whole known to the people only because that candi so forth, will not go in and settle in a coun
date has offered to become a blind tool in the try in which they are not properly protected
Nation. You understand, because you have
hands of such a President ; if this man in by the laws. We know how the United States
studied history, that the mere existence of a
bad Government does not mean that the peo order to assure that purpose intended to send have been developed by foreign capital and
ple afflicted by that misfortune is a bad peo troops to some of the States and even over immigration , because they found a country
throw the legal Governor of one of them ; if which received them with open arms and just
ple, because you know that sooner or later
that people will react and will overthrow such this man were to use all the power which the laws. We realize that our country has im
people have vested in him, the moneys belong mense treasures which are waiting for the
obstacles as may occasionally stand in its way ;
you all know that such occurrences are apt ing to the Nation, to support his unpopular hands that are going to make them useful
to take place everywhere, and we all know and candidate, and at the same time setting every to mankind ; we realize that we need the aid
sort of obstacle in the way of the other can from outside , from the whole world, since no
believe that at the end, whatever be the trend
of events, Justice and Righteousness will pre didates ; if you saw your country provoking country has ever advanced by its own forces
vail. the enmity of all other countries without ac when inclosed within an impassable wall, the
Long ago, in that time when the Spanish complishing anything for the welfare of your existence of which the world has a right to
encomenderos, who were, some of them, prac own people ; if you understood that the com forbid.
tically slave drivers, herded the poor Aztec ing election was going to be just a farce,
Therefore, the laws that we intend to up
Indians, beating them in order to derive from through which such a dishonest regime would
hold will protect that foreign capital and im
their suffering as much profit as possible, re perpetuate itself in power ; knowing then that
you could not resort to the ballot, would you migration, so far as it may be done in accord
gardless of their. anguish and fatigue ; those
unfortunate Indians had but two words to not then resort to bullets ? ance with the eternal principles of Justice and
answer, two words in their wonderful lan Unfortunately that was the case in Mexico. Equity.
guage, two words full of bitterness and dig Now you might ask. How are we going to We young men of Mexico, who have had
nity, ni tlaca, which means "We are also know that this new Government will afford the benefit of observing the consequences that
human." guarantees and justice ? All revolutions have past mistakes have brought to our people, in
Mexico has been for a long time made the started with wonderful promises which were tend, in order to accomplish a truly patriotic
target of many ill-intentioned blows ; the never fulfilled. To a certain extent such is work, to give especial attention to the edu

Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 21

EL PARTIDO LIBERAL México está surgiendo de una época de régimen de Carranza ha causado. Esta sim
CONSTITUCIONALISTA blanco de muchos golpes mal intencionados ; patía es porque vosotros comprendeis que fué
las faltas de sus presidentes, los crímenas de este régimen el que principalmente había hecho
algunos bandidos han sido vistos como si imposible una real y verdadera amistad entre
fueran los distintivos de todo mexicano ; nuestros dos países. Tanto los mexicanos
Discurso Pronunciado En la Universi
México ha estado por largo tiempo acosado , como los americanos desean ser amigos,
dad de Clarke por Manuel de la Peña,
y creemos que los mexicanos tienen derecho trabajar en cooperación ; pero esto lo ha
Representante del Gobierno Mexicano
a un justo juicio, creemos que tenemos derecho evitado la falta de mútuo entendimiento.
R. PRESIDENTE, Señoras y Señores : a ser juzgados inparcialmente y con justicia Vosotros, lo mismo que nosotros , frecuente
SR Me habeis extendido , como a Mexicano y por aquellos que nos conocen. Señoras y mente hemos encargado de arreglar nuestras
como a un representante del nuevo gobierno señores, nosotros tambien somos humanos. diferencias a hombres que conocen poco ,
de México, graciosamente una cordial mano México está surgiendo de una época de algo conocen, del otro país. Yo espero que
de bienvenida . obscuridad . La experiencia ha abierto los en el futuro será de otra manera, porque estoy
Esta mano ha sido extendida al nuevo orden ojos del pueblo ; los sufrimientos y las penali seguro de que si mexicanos que os conocen
de cosas que ha venido a mi país y cuyos dades nos han mostrado el camino recto hacia y americanos que nos conocen son dedicados
propósitos quisiera poder explicar a vosotros el progreso y si hemos derribado un mal al arreglo de esos llamados conflictos , estos
con claridad suficiente para que pudierais régimen ello fue porque iba caminando equivo simplemente no podrán existir. No hay con
apreciar el verdadero significado de este cadamente , porque se había apartado del flictos entre ambos pueblos ; muchos conflictos
movimiento revolucionario, que más propia sendero de la justicia y de la correcta inter ha habido entre los hombres, americanos y
mente podría llamarse el despertar de un pretación de los ideales nacionales. mexicanos, cuyo deber era el haberlos evitado.
pueblo. Vosotros en los Estados Unidos os pre Nosotros, los jóvenes de México, y con
He sido amablemente invitado por la Uni guntais porqué, estando las elecciones tan nosotros todos aquellos que conocen este país,
versidad de Clark para explicar los pensa próximas, fijadas para el próximo mes de han conocido que, a menos que el capital
mientos de mis conciudadanos, del Gobierno Julio, los mexicanos no pudimos esperarlas extranjero y la inmigración sean alentados,
Liberal Constitucionalista de México , ante esta para arreglar nuestras diferencias por medio para ir a nuestra patria y desarrollar los re
audiencia de hombres intelectuales, cultivados, del voto. Pero yo deseo preguntaros , si alguno cursos naturales, estos recursos están perdidos
rectos , que buscan la verdad, ante vosotros de vuestros presidentes manifestara el deseo para el mundo . Aquellos que estan deseosos
que estais llamados a ser en el futuro los de manipular las elecciones en favor de un de venir a nosotros trayendo con ellos el capi
representantes del pueblo americano. candidato elegido por él y completamente tal necesario para ayudarse y ayudarnos a
Si estuviera hablando ante una audiencia desarrollar nuestras tierras, minas, etc., no
desconocido del pueblo , solo porque ese candi
comun empezaría contando algo de historia dato ha ofrecido ser un ciego instrumento en irán a fijarse a un país en el que no estén
mexicana ; narraría algo de los indios aztecas sus manos ; si este hombre, el presidente, con propiamente protegidos por las leyes. Noso
y de los conquistadores españoles ; describiría el fin de asegurar su propósito intentara enviar tros sabemos como los Estados Unidos han
y pondría ante vuestra imaginación los mara tropas a algun estado y aun derribar algunos sido impulsados por el capital extranjero y la
villosos paisajes de las montañas y las praderas gobernadores, si este hombre quisiera usar inmigración, porque se encontró un país que
mexicanas asi poniendo una decoración para todo el poder que el pueblo le ha dado , los les recibía con los brazos abiertos y leyes
mi discurso. Semejante exordio no es nece fondos pertenecientes a la nación , para sos justas. Nosotros sabemos que nuestro país
sario ; todos vosotros conoceis bien estos tener su impopular candidato y al mismo tiene inmensos tesoros que esperan las manos
detalles y esto nos economiza muchas palabras. tiempo poniendo toda clase de obstáculos a los que los harán utiles a la humanidad , sabemos
Vosotros conoceis tambien la psicología otros candidatos , si vosotros vierais vuestro que necesitamos la ayuda del exterior, del
mexicana, sabeis que no somos fundamental país provocando la enemistad de todos los mundo entero, puesto que ningun país ha
mente diferentes de otros pueblos, que tenemos otros países sin hacer nada por el bienestar progresado nunca encerrado en una muralla
cualidades y defectos, que en México hay de vuestro pueblo, si vosotros comprendierais impasable cuya existencia tiene el mundo
buenos y malos, como los hay en cualquier que las proximas elecciones iban a ser una derecho de prohibir.
otro país ; vosotros no sois seguramente de Por lo tanto las leyes que intentamos
farsa por la que aquel detestable régimen iba
aquellos que al saber que un crímen ha sido sostener protegerán ese capital extranjero y
a ser perpetuado ; conociendo, pues, que el re
cometido al otro lado del Rio Grande, luego esa inmigración hasta donde esto pueda ser
currir al voto seria inútil, no recurriríais a
juzgan criminal a toda la nación . Vosotros las balas ? hecho de acuerdo con los eternos principios
comprendeis, porque habeis estudiado historia, Desgraciadamente este era el caso en de Justicia y Equidad .
que la mera existencia de un mal gobierno México. Nosotros los jóvenes de México que hemos
no significa que el pueblo afligido por aquella Ahora vosotros preguntareis : ¿ Cómo pode alcanzado el beneficio de observar las conse
desventura sea un mal pueblo ; porque voso mos saber que este nuevo gobierno dará cuencias que los pasados errores han traido
tros sabeis que aquel pueblo tarde o temprano garantias y justicia ? Todas las revoluciones a nuestro país , intentamos con el fin de llevar
reaccionará y derribará los obstáculos que han sido iniciadas con maravillosas promesas a cabo un trabajo verdaderamente patriótico ,
pueda hallar en su camino ; vosotros sabeis que nunca fueron cumplidas. Hasta cierto conceder especial atención a la educación de
que semejantes cosas pueden ocurrir en todas punto esto es verdad ; pero ahora el caso es los indios, que forman la mayor parte de la
partes, y todos nosotros creemos y sabemos diferente ; este movimiento popular que en tan presente población de México .
que al final , cualquiera que sea el curso de los poco tiempo ha dominado todo el país, ha sido Hasta ahora los gobiernos de México han
acontecimientos , la Justicia y el Derecho iniciado , ha seguido su desarrollo, y ha llegado olvidado a los indios, algunos de estos han
a la meta, sin haber hecho brillantes promesas ; surgido y se han hecho ilustres , pero la gran
empero ha satisfecho prácticamente todas las mayoria está aun abajo, impedida de significar
Mucho hace, en aquel tiempo en que los
esperanzas. Aun durante el periodo de lucha
encomenderos españoles, que eran, algunos de nada por la ignorancia en que se les ha man
las vidas y propiedades han sido respetadas , tenido.
ellos, prácticamente dueños de esclavos, agru no se han cometido atropellos , no se han hecho
paban en manadas a los pobres indios aztecas Los indios han sido acusados de ser una
ofensas a nadie, no se han satisfecho ven
maltratándolos con el fin de obtener de sus raza turbulenta ; no lo son. Son pacíficos ,
ganzas. Todas las garantias se han dado a
sufrimientos el mayor beneficio posible, sin nacionales y extranjeros. ¿ No es una lógica pero son fácilmente mal llevados por cual
mirar su angustia y su fatiga ; aquellos in consecuencia que semejante movimiento merece quiera que les ofrece mejorar su triste con
fortunados indios no tenian sino dos palabras confianza ? ¿ No es una cosa de simple sentido dición ; y ahora nosotros nos proponemos
para contestar, dos palabras de su maravilloso comun el creer en lo que ya se ha cumplido ? mejorarla sin darles armas ; sino libros y
lenguaje, llenas de amargura y dignidad : Ni El pueblo americano ha saludado con espe escuelas.
tlaca las que significan : Nosotros tambien ranza y simpatía a un nuevo México. Hemos El Gobierno Liberal Constitucionalista viene
somos humanos. visto la favorable impresión que la caída del a vosotros con los brazos abiertos ; todos los.

22 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

cation of the Indians who form the greatest foreign capital to go into Mexico and to help and for many years past have had extensive
part of the present population of Mexico. us to develop our natural resources, laws social and commercial intercourse with the
So far the Governments of Mexico have against which no objection can be justly taken. people of the Republic of Mexico, are of the
forgotten the Indians , some of them have "We know," said General Alvarado, now opinion that the present Government of the
emerged and made themselves illustrious, but Minister of Finances, alluding to the thoughts Republic of Mexico has demonstrated by its
the great majority is still down, prevented of the new Government, "We know that we acts and deeds that it is actuated by the high
from amounting to anything by the ignorance have to guarantee the lives and properties of est and best motives and intentions, and by a
in which they have been kept. nationals and foreigners. We know that we sincere and earnest desire to establish peace
Indians have been accused of being a tur have to pay our debts as gentlemen. We and promote prosperity in said Republic of
bulent race ; they are not. They are peaceful , know that the difficulties of Mexico affect Mexico, and to afford proper protection to the
but they are easily misled by anyone who of many parts of the world. lives and property of foreigners within its
fers to better their sad condition ; and now "And because we are conscious of our sit borders ; and
we mean to better it without giving them
uation and of our responsibilities, we wish to Whereas, it is believed that said present
arms, but schools and books.
make gigantic efforts to comply with Our Government of the Republic of Mexico, by
The Liberal Constitutional Government
duties, not to be run over as a hindrance, not reason of the premises and by reason of its
comes to you with open arms. All the lead to be regarded as a troublesome neighbor, apparent ability to maintain law and order in
ers of the revolution have spoken to the but as a useful and excellent friend always said Republic, has earned the recognition of
American people asking their friendship and ready to cooperate in every effort to advance the Government of the United States of
cooperation, which we know you are willing civilization . America ; and,
to give. General Obregon, prominent among "We Mexicans of today, through our pro Whereas, it is believed that such recognition
those leaders, has said : gressive young men, do not ask more of the and the resulting moral support by the Gov
"My ideal for the relations between Mexico world than a little patience and a little faith ernment of the United States of America of
and the United States is to make the interna in our ability to solve and arrange our affairs. the present Government of the Republic of
tional border like the Canadian boundary, "Have faith in our sincerity and in our Mexico, will promote the prosperity and
withdrawing troops, except customs officials." latent forces, and you will not repent." happiness of the citizens of both Republics ,
"Carranza's interpretation of the Monroe You have heard the words of those who are and will permanently cement cordial and
doctrine was a mistake, although I believe leading this movement, words which unques friendly relations between the citizens of the
Carranza was perfectly sincere in the belief tionably inspire confidence. You have seen two Republics ; now, therefore
that his policy was best for Mexico ." how national protest has eradicated a regime. Be it resolved, by the Board of Directors of
Furthermore, I will quote a message from which failed to interpret the real will of a the El Paso Chamber of Commerce, that it is
Mr. Adolfo de la Huerta, Provisional Presi people anxious for peace and order. You the sincere and earnest desire and wish of
dent of the new Government : have observed their conduct. We have in the El Paso Chamber of Commerce that the
"I beg to ask you to inform the Govern deed gained favor before the eyes of the Government of the United States of America ,
ment of the United States of America that we world, to which, I, in the name of the new at the earliest possible moment, and in ac
have given complete guarantees to natives and Government of Mexico , and through the most cordance with accepted principles of interna
foreigners not only in this State, but by all distinguished conduct of this audience, offer tional policy, extend full recognition to the
civil and military authorities therein. The our very sincere greetings . present Government of the Republic of Mex
present Government of Mexico will also main ico ; and,
tain the firm purpose of following the same Be it further resolved, that a copy of this
RECOGNITION OF MEXICAN resolution be transmitted to the President of
line of conduct by giving the necessary and
GOVERNMENT ASKED the United States of America, to the provi
ample guarantees to the foreign capital that
may be invested in this Republic, in conform sional President of the Republic of Mexico ,
ity with our laws. to the Secretary of State of the United States
Resolutions Adopted by the El Paso
"Our Government is also well disposed to of America, to the Secretary of Foreign Re
Chamber of Commerce at a Recent
develop relations with the United States, in lations of the Republic of Mexico , to the Gov
Meeting ernors of the States of California, Arizona,
conformity with the postulates of interna
tional law and with the criterion of absolute VURSUANT to the instructions of the New Mexico, Texas and Louisiana, to the
Justice, Equity and Good Faith." P Board of Directors of the El Paso Cham American Embassy in Mexico City, to the
We mean to banish hatred, that obstacle ber of Commerce, the following resolution , Mexican Embassy in Washington, to the
which stands in the way of mankind. We in recommending the recognition of the present Chambers of Commerce and commercial or
tend to create love and friendship through Government of Mexico by the Government of ganizations in all of the cities in the States of
mutual understanding. We want you to go the United States , was adopted as herewith, California, Arizona, New Mexico , Texas and
there, to know us, to become acquainted with and is published together with an extract of Louisiana, to the Chambers of Commerce and
the real Mexican people. We want also all the minutes of the meeting of directors of the commercial organizations in the cities of New
Mexicans to go back to their country. We said chamber at which the resolution was pre York, Washington, Philadelphia, Chicago, St.
have eliminated the word "exiles." They are sented. Louis and Kansas City, to the United States
no longer exiled from Mexico. We have even EXTRACT OF MINUTES Chamber of Commerce, to the Texas Cham
banished the word "amnesty" because it ber of Commerce, to the West Texas Cham
Directors, El Paso Chamber of Commerce,
means pardon. During our long and bitter ber of Commerce, and to the American
August 30, 1920. Chambers of Commerce in the cities of Mon
struggle for freedom and democracy some
W. S. Crombie, first vice-president, presiding, terey, Nuevo Leon, Tampico and Mexico City,
Mexicans have been mistaken, some misled ;
with attendance of 16 directors . and to the Camara Nacional de Comercio in
they were honest and sincere in their opinions ;
they need no pardon ; they are guilty of no Mr. H. L. Birney, chairman-director of the the following cities in the Republic of Mexico :
offense. Mexico is their country and the doors Agricultural Department of the Chamber, Mexico City, Tampico, Monterey, Hermosillo,
are open to all. We want the cooperation of read the Resolution which follows, and Nogales, Cananea, Juarez, Chihuahua, Tor
every honest man. asked its adoption . reon, Saltillo, Nuevo Laredo, Matamoras,
After discussion by Messrs. Heid, McNary, Vera Cruz, Mazatlan and Culiacan.
The question has been brought up as to
whether the new Government is going to up Gardner, Warner, Norton and White, mo
hold the Constitution of 1917 or that of 1857. tion for adoption , as read, carried unani
What I can assure you and the world is that mously. Agwi headed the list by exporting 1,400,000
Mexico is going to rely upon laws which will RESOLUTION barrels of oil from Tampico during August.
satisfy and protect every legal right, every Whereas, the members of the El Paso International Petroleum Company second with
legitimate enterprise, laws that will encourage Chamber of Commerce, who are now having 1,100,000 barrels.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 23

líders de la revolución han hablado al pueblo no ser mirados como un molesto vecino sino por razón de las aserciones anteriores y con
americano pidiendo su amistad y cooperación , como un útil y excelente amigo siempre listo motivo de su aparente habilidad para mantener
lo que sabemos vosotros quereis darnos . El a cooperar en todo esfuerzo para avanzar la la ley y el órden en dicha República, ha
General Obregón, prominente entre estos merecido el reconocimiento del Gobierno de los
civilización . Los mexicanos de hoy por
líders, ha dicho : nuestros progresistas jovenes solo pedimos al Estados Unidos ; y
"Mi ideal para las relaciones entre México mundo un poco de paciencia y un poco de fe Considerando, que se cree que tal reconoci
y los Estados Unidos es el hacer la frontera en nuestra habilidad para resolver y arreglar miento, y el resultado moral del apoyo que el
internacional como los limites canadienses, Gobierno de los Estados Unidos concediera
nuestros asuntos . Tened fe en nuestra sin
retirando todas las tropas, exceptuando los ceridad y en nuestras fuerzas latentes y no os al actual Gobierno de la República de México,
guardias aduanales. La interpretación que serían altamente benéficos para el progreso y
pesará ." felicidad de los ciudadanos de ambas Repú
Carranza dió a la doctrina Monroe es un Habeis oido las palabras de los directores
error, a pesar de que yo creo que Carranza de este movimiento , palabras que incuestion blicas ; por tanto,
creía sinceramente que su política era la mejor ablemente inspiran confianza . Habeis visto Se Resuelve, por la Mesa Directiva de la
para México ." como la protesta nacional ha borrado un Cámara de Comercio de El Paso, que es el
Quiero ademas citar un mensaje del Sr. régimen que no habia sabido interpretar la deseo ardiente y sincero de la referida Cámara
Adolfo de la Huerta, Presidente Provisional real voluntad de un pueblo ansioso de paz y de Comercio, que lo más pronto posible y de
del nuevo gobierno : orden. Habeis observado su conducta . Sin acuerdo con los principios aceptados de la
"Suplico a vosotros informar al Gobierno de política internacional, el Gobierno de los
duda hemos ganado favor a los ojos del
los Estados Unidos de América que hemos dado mundo, al cual, yo , en nombre del nuevo Estados Unidos de Norte América, otorgue el
completas garantias a nacionales y extranjeros Gobierno de México y por conducto de esta reconocimiento completo al Gobierno actual de
por todas las autoridades civiles y militares. distinguida audiencia , envío nuestros más la República de México ; y
El presente gobierno de México mantendrá el sinceros saludos. Se Resuelve Además, que una copia de esta
firme propósito de seguir la misma línea de resolución se envie al Presidente de los
conducta dando las necesarias y amplias ga Estados Unidos de Norte América, al Presi
rantias al capital extranjero que quiera em LOS TEJANOS PIDEN EL dente Provisional de la República de México,
plearse en esta república de acuerdo con al Secretario de Estado de los Estados Unidos
nuestras leyes .” de América , al Secretario de Relaciones Ex
teriores de la República de México , á los
"Nuestro gobierno está bien dispuesto ade
Gobernadores de los Estados de California,
más a desarrollar relaciones con los Estados Resoluciones Aprobadas Reciente
Arizona, Nuevo México , Texas y Luisiana,
Unidos, de acuerdo con los postulados de la mente por la Cámara de Comercio
á la Embajada Americana en la Ciudad de
ley internaciónal y con un criterio de. absoluta de El Paso
México , á la Embajada Mexicana en Wash
justicia, equidad y buena fe.”
E acuerdo con las instrucciones de la ington, a las Cámaras de Comercio y organi
Intentamos desterrar odios, ese obstáculo que
D Mesa Directiva de la Cámara de Co zaciones comerciales en todas las ciudades de
se opone a la marcha de la humanidad ;
mercio de El Paso , la siguiente resolución, los Estados de California, Arizona , Nuevo
queremos crear amor y amistad por el mútuo recomendando el reconocimiento del Gobierno México , Texas y Luisiana, a las Cámaras de
entendimiento. Queremos que vosotros vayais actual de México por el Gobierno de los Comercio y organizaciones comerciales de las
allá, nos conozcais, trateis al verdadero pueblo
Estados Unidos, se trasmite para información ciudades de Nueva York, Washington, Fila
mexicano. Queremos también que todos los y consideración, juntamente con un extracto delfia, Chicago , San Luis y Kansas City, a la
mexicanos vuelvan a su país. Hemos elimi de la acta de la sesión en la cual se aprobó Cámara de Comercio de los Estados Unidos ,
nado la palabra desterrados. Ya no hay la misma. a la Cámara de Comercio de Texas, a la
desterrados de México. Hemos borrado aun EXTRACTO DEL ACTA Cámara de Comercio del Oeste de Texas, y
la palabra amnistía porque significa perdón . a las Cámara de Comercio en las ciudades
Durante nuestra larga y amarga lucha por la De la sesión que celebró la Mesa Directiva
de Monterrey, Tampico y Ciudad de México ,
libertad y la democracia, algunos mexicanos de la Cámara de Comercio de El Paso , Texas ,
y a las Cámaras Nacionales de Comercio en
se han equivocado , otros han sido engañados ; el día 30 de Agosto de 1920.
las siguientes ciudades de la República de
eran honrados y sinceros en sus opiniones y Bajo la presidencia del Sr. W. S. Crombie,
ler vicepresidente, con la asistencia de diez y México : Ciudad de México, Tampico , Monte
nada hay que perdonarles puesto que no son rrey, Hermosillo, Nogales, Cananea, Ciudad
culpables de ningun crímen . México es su seis miembros de la misma.
Juarez, Chihuahua, Torreón , Saltillo, Nuevo
país y las puertas están abiertas para todos. El Sr. H. L. Birney, gerente director del
Laredo, Matamoros , Veracruz, Mazatlán y
Queremos la cooperación de todo hombre Departamento de Agricultura de la Cámara, Culiacán.
honrado . dió lectura a la siguiente resolución , y pidió
Se ha preguntado si el nuevo gobierno va que la misma fuese aprobada.
a sostener la constitución de 1917 o la de 1857. Después que los señores Heid, McNary, Porqué Se Debe Aprender Español
Lo que puedo asegurar a vosotros y al mundo Gardner, Warner, Norton y otros habían UY pocas son las personas que se
es que México va a sostener leyes que satis hecho uso de la palabra, se aprobó la misma M detienen a tomar en consideración el
facerán y protegerán todo derecho legal, toda por unanimidad , hecho importante de que en todo el hemisferio
empresa legítima ; leyes que animarán al capi occidental son prácticamente solo dos los
tal extranjero a ir a México y ayudarnos a idiomas que se hablan en lo general -el inglés
desarrollar nuestros recursos naturales , leyes Considerando, que los miembros de la Cá y el español . Ciertamente , el portugués se
contra las cuales ninguna objeción pueda mara de Comercio de El Paso- quienes están habla en algunas partes de Sur América , pero
justamente ser levantada. y han estado por muchos años en contacto como este idioma es, por decirlo asi, primo del
"Nosotros sabemos," dijo el General Alva social y comercial con el pueblo de la Repú español y el que más se le acerca , no es tomado
rado, ahora ministro de Hacienda, aludiendo blica Mexicana- son de opinión que el Go en consideración en este particular . Tomando ,
a las intenciones del nuevo Gobierno , "que bierno actual de la República de México ha pues, todo lo anterior en consideración , nos
tenemos que garantizar las vidas y pro demostrado por sus actos y hechos estar parece que el español debería ser parte de los
piedades de nacionales y extranjeros ; sabemos inspirado por las mejores intenciones y por cursos en todas las escuelas superiores y en los
que tenemos que pagar nuestras deudas como un sincero y ardiente deseo de establecer la colegios . ¿Y sin embargo , en cuantas insti
caballeros ; sabemos que las dificultades de paz y fomentar el adelanto de dicha República tuciones se enseña el español , y cuantos son
México afectan muchas partes del mundo . Y de México , y de dar la debida protección á los discípulos que lo están estudiando ?
siendo conscientes de nuestras responsabilidades las vidas y propiedades de los extranjeros ¿ Cuanto mejor no es que dediquen su tiempo.
y de nuestra situación deseamos hacer gigan dentro de su territorio ; y y esfuerzo al estudio de un idioma "vivo " y
tescos esfuerzos para cumplir con nuestros Considerando , que se cree que el citado no al estudio inútil ( desde el punto de vista
deberes y no ser arrollados como un estorbo , Gobierno actual de la República de México , práctico ) de un idioma muerto ?
24 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920


The Petroleum Decrees
Cleaner, Better Lighted and Better Pro
These Have Been Misrepresented in the United States- The Propaganda tected- So Says a Recent Visitor to That
City from Missouri
Against Them is Baseless, for the Decrees are Justified
(St. Louis Star)
LACK of understanding in the matter in the limits of his extraordinary powers when F YOUR conception of Mexico is a back-
of petroleum decrees issued by Sr. Car he determined the taxes and royalties. IFward country where mountain fastnesses
ranza is responsible for the intense pro "The above proves that the alleged extrinsic are inhabited • by bandits and where leading
paganda that is being carried against them illegality of these decrees is without foundation. citizens live in adobe houses , it is wrong .
both in Mexico and the United States, accord And if we now dwell on the intrinsic legality The only one in Mexico who cares about
ing to Attorney Peña, chief of the Legal Bu of the decrees, it will be found that there is fighting is Villa and he seems tired of his
reau of the Department of Commerce and less justification for the attacks to which these job ; and as for living conditions, Mexico
Industry. decrees have been subjected. City is far ahead of St. Louis in the things
"The decrees attacked are three in number," "These decrees are no more harmful than the in which St. Louis prides itself.
he says, "the decree of July 31st which fixes Mining Code, for they are in fact, save a few That is the message brought by R. P. Block,
the taxes and royalties on the petroleum in exceptions favorable to the oil interests created export manager for the Shapleigh Hardware
dustry ; that of August 8th which regulates by them, a repetition of Chapter 2 of the Min Co., who has just returned from a thirty days"
the issuance of titles, and lastly, the one with ing Code, which no one has declared confisca trip to Mexico as a guest of the Chamber of
reference to the "conditions under which con tory . Commerce of Mexico City, of which W. F.
cessions will be granted in the Federal zones." "It is an easy matter to show that some dis Saunders , of St. Louis, is secretary .
The attacks against these decrees can be positions of these decrees are very favorable St. Louisans with Block were Jose Frey,
summarized as follows : export manager for the Hamilton-Brown
to the owners of the surface, and in that direc
It is alleged that they are extrinsically and tion they go as far as the Constitution would Shoe Co. , and Charles J. Bittel, of the Meyer
intrinsically unconstitutional ; extrinsically,
allow. The decree of July 31st recognizes the Brothers Drug Co. One hundred and fifty
because it is claimed they were issued without subsoil rights of the owners and concessionaries delegates from all parts of the United States
any authority ; intrinsically, because in impos made the trip.
who acquired these rights before the promulga
ing obligations, these are alleged to be con tion of the new Constitution, and is a link be
Mexico City, according to Block, is more
trary to the property rights claimed by the advanced than St. Louis in its police protec
tween the past and the future which instead of
landowners over the subsoil. tion, its cleanliness and its lighting system. In
being detrimental is beneficial to the surface
The charges made against these decrees are owners ; if they refuse to make use of the door fact, we do not know what thorough lighting
the following : of all streets means, he says. The city has as
thus opened to them, they can blame themselves
"That they were issued without any au good hotels as the United States and at cheap
or the Constitution, but they have no right to
thority ; that inasmuch as a decree is a law, er rates. Block occupied an excellent room
blame the decree that in their benefit went as
and laws emanate from the Legislative , the with bath at $3 a day, and dined well at about
far as permitted by the obedience due to the
Executive cannot legislate without combining a third of the cost in the United States.
supreme law, which without any discriminations
both powers, which is in itself a violation of The stores he described as magnificent.
Article 49 of the Constitution ; therefore, the whatsoever recognizes the direct domain of the
Nation over the subsoil. "We were impressed with the commercial
decrees, having emanated from the Executive, possibilities of the country, the cordial inter
"Article 14 of the above decree accentuates
are void. And further, that this action can est shown in American goods by Mexican
not be based on the extraordinary powers the recognition of the owners' rights, and in
business men, and their desire to trade with
stead of being harmful to them it protects them Americans on equal terms. The Mexicans
granted to the Executive, for these extraor
dinary powers referred only to matters con when it stipulates as a condition for their recog resent the fact that they are required usually
nition that they must be probated. In this man
nected with the Treasury Department, and in to make deposits before they can obtain goods
issuing these decrees he was legislating in ner the owners are given a chance to record in this country. They do not want or need
matters connected with the Industry Depart their titles and they will be thus protected from credit, but they would appreciate the courtesy.
ment. For these reasons, the petroleum de falling victims to the malice or ignorance of Three things are essential to harmonious
crees are alleged to be void. former owners who were wont to transfer the trading relations between Mexico and this
"To prove that these allegations are false, same property several times. By recording the country, he said. They are prompt deliveries,
we will say that while it is true that the legis titles these reprehensible acts will not occur careful shipments, and the extension of credit.
lative powers are lodged in Congress, the issu again. The Mexicans claim there is a smaller per
ance of circulars, regulations and decrees that "As for the decrees of August 8th and 12th, centage of loss on their railroads than on the
have for an object the enforcement of a law is the only difference between them and the Min roads of this country, Block asserted . He
not a legislative act. In these cases it is merely ing Code is that Articles IV and VIII of the found the roads in good condition, but in
an administrative act, and it is the duty of the first, and Articles I and V of the second, safe need of rolling stock.
Executive to perform it according to Section 1 , guard not only the rights of the concessionaries , "There is a general awakening, a general
but also those of the investors of capital in the activity in the country, a willingness to get
Article 89, of the Constitution. As the object
exploration and exploitation of oil. away from German influence. As for the
of the petroleum decrees is to regulate the man
"From all this, it can be seen that so far political situation, there is a general impres
ner in which concessionary rights are to be ex
from being retroactive and harmful to acquired sion that Villa is tired of fighting and that
ercised by all individuals to whom the Consti rights, these decrees regulate the interests of if he doesn't fight nobody else will.
tution grants these rights for the exploitation the surface owners in accordance with the con "Carranza appears to have exercised a good
of the subsoil of the nation, it follows, then , stitutional principle, and it is for this reason," influence throughout the country. In the south
that in issuing these decrees, especially that of concluded Mr. Peña, "that I stated at the be where the bandit Zapata was killed the farmJ
August 8th, the Executive was fulfilling a duty ginning that the war being waged against these ers now are building permanent homes and
imposed upon him by the Constitution. decrees is originated from the fact that they there is peace. In Torreon, Autwhich Villa would
"The Executive used the extraordinary pow are misunderstood."
like to make his capital, Carranza has built
ers vested in him only when he issued the de two magnificent school houses."
cree of July 31st, and that was when he fixed The famous González ranch of over 1,000,000 Block said he was in Mexico City the day
the taxes and royalties on the oil industry, but acres, near Tampico, has been added to the a dispatch was published in this country that
since taxation is a part of the functions of th Doheny assets, through a long drilling lease, 1,000 children were starving to death there.
Treasury Department, the Executive was with so it is reported . Such an assertion was ridiculous, he said .

Seamos Justos Con Mexico

Los Decretos Del Petroleo
E DICE que el Secretario de Estado ,
SEColby, ha recomendado al Presidente que
Los Dictados por el Sr. Carranza han Sido Mal Comprendidos Hasta Hoy extienda el reconocimiento formal del actual
Son Justificados- La Campaña que se les ha Hecho en E. Unidos y en Gobierno de México . Hay varias razones en
apoyo de esa recomendación .
México, Carece de Base
El Presidente Provisional, de la Huerta, y
A intensa campaña que tanto en México "Con lo anterior queda demonstrado que el el Presidente - electo , el General Obregón ,
como en los Estados Unidos se ha vicio extrínseco que se imputa a los decretos, quien asumirá el poder el primero de diciem
Ľ hecho a los decretos expedidos por el bre, además de estar deseosos de mantener
no puede con justicia sostenerse.
señor Carranza, sobre cuestiones petroleras, "Si del estudio de la facultad se pasa al de la paz y la justicia en el pais, manifiestan sen
tiene su origen, según el jefe del Departa los componentes intrínsecos de los decretos , timientos de amistad por los Estados Unidos.
mento Jurídico de Industria y Comercio , encontraremos la acusación, aún más injustifi Los dos conocen intimamente a este país y a
licenciado de la Peña, en que han sido mal cada. sus habitantes , y saben que la mejor manera
.comprendidos. de que prospere el pueblo mexicano es la de
"Esos decretos no dañan más que el Código
"Tres son los decretos atacados," dice el mantener relaciones amistosas con su poderoso
de Minería, porque son en definitiva, salvas
mismo abogado . "El de 31 de julio que crea vecino. Como el Presidente de la Huerta por
excepciones favorables a los petroleros que
el impuestro y fija la regalía de la industria crean los decretos, una repetición abnegada del largo tiempo ha manifestado estos sentimien
del petróleo ; el de 8 de agosto que señala la tos hacia nosotros , el reconocimiento durante
Capítulo II de dicho Código , al cual nadie ha
-tramitación y otorgamiento de títulos, y, por su período provisional como primer magis
juzgado atentatorio.
último, las "bases" para concesiones petroleras trado sería un tributo personal bien merecido.
en zonas federales. "Fácil es por el contrario demostrar que
Los informes oficiales y particulares con
consignan disposiciones muy favorables a los
"El ataque de los decretos puede sintetizarse cuerdan en la opinión de que el nuevo régi
superficiarios , y en ese camino van tan lejos
-en la siguiente forma : Júzganse extrínseca e men cuenta con el apoyo popular ; que está
intrínsecamente anticonstitutionales. como se los permite la Constitución.
Extrín cumpliendo con la promesa de gobernar liber
"Desde luego el decreto de 31 de julio en su
secamente porque, se dice, fueron expedidos almente ; que la ley y el orden tienen la supre
artículo 1o., al reconocer derechos en el sub
sin facultades ; intrínsecamente porque vuelven suelo a dueños y últimos cesionarios que macía sobre el bandidaje ; que las vidas y las
sobre el pasado, modificando derechos al im propiedades están siendo protegidas, y que la
adquirieron esos derechos antes de la expedi
poner a los superficiarios gravámenes contra estabilidad civil ha dado nuevas oportunidades
ción de la Constitución novísima, forma un
rios al derecho de propiedad que creen los para el desenvolvimiento de las industrias.
lazo de unión entre el pasado y el porvenir,
superficiarios tener sobre el subsuelo. Todo esto lo hubiera podido hacer Carranza si
respetando esos derechos, más a virtud de una
"Los cargos que se hacen a los decretos son no hubiera abrigado desconfianzas fatales
concesión para no romper el universal precepto
los siguientes : contra los extranjeros , y especialmente si no
de la ley fundamental , beneficia, pues y no
"Se expidieron sin facultades porque todo hubiera rechazado tan obstinadamente las
reglamento es ley ; toda ley emana del Legis daña a los superficiarios ; y si ellos no quieren
ofertas amistosas del gobierno de Washing
lativo y no puede el Ejecutivo legislar sin trasponer la puerta que se les abre, cúlpense
a si mismos o a la Constitución , si acaso, pero ton.
reunir el doble carácter de Administrativo y Los hombres mejor aconsejados que hoy
nunca al decreto que en beneficio suyo va tan
Ejecutivo, lo que es violatorio del artículo 49 gobiernan en México necesitan la confianza y
constitucional ; por eso esos decretos, al lejos como lo permite la obediencia que es
el comercio del mundo entero, a la vez que el
debida a la suprema ley que sin distingos
emanar del Ejecutivo, son nulos." reconocimiento oficial de la familia de las
reconoce ser de la Nación el dominio directo
"No se puede disculpar ese vicio con las naciones. En vista de que la Gran Bretaña,
facultades extraordinarias del Presidente, de esos bienes.
"El artículo 14 de ese decreto acentúa más Francia, Italia, y el Japón están esperando
porque las tenía sólo en el ramo de Hacienda que nosotros demos el primer paso en ese
y es en el de Industría en el que legisló ; por el reconocimiento , y si se impone como condi
sentido , es de suma importancia que lo demos
esa razón los decretos no dan validez a esos ción un medio de prueba especial de su derecho
pronto. Un Gobierno en México que cuente
decretos." con la manifestación que exige, como condi con el apoyo moral de las grandes potencias ,
"Para demostrar el falso fundamento de esos ción del reconocimiento del derecho, lejos de hasta cierto punto se verá asegurado contra
ataques diremos que es cierto que la facultad dañar, beneficia a los antiguos poseedores los ataques de los interses codiciosos que en
legislativa radica en el Congreso , pero no es dándoles un medio eficaz de registro de justifi la actualidad están con ansia inusitada espe
igualmente cierto que sea acto legislativo la rando su presa.-Del New York World.
car su mejor derecho y manera de evitar el
expedición de circulares, reglamentos y órdenes
que sean víctimas de la malicia e ignorancia
que tienen por fin hacer que una ley se cumpla,
de los terratenientes anteriores , que suelen
en cuyo caso esas disposiciones tienen carácter Suecia Busca Petróleo Mexicano
mera y solamente administrativo y es deber enajenar diversas veces la misma propiedad y
del Presidente emitirlos por mandato del el registro evita prosperen esos actos repro A Secretaría de Comercio de Suecia ha
artículo 89, de la Constitución. Ahora bados. L anunciado que se han organizado dos
bien, los decretos petroleros tienen por fin "Igualmente los decretos de 8 y 12 de agosto, compañias para la compra y transportación
reglamentar la forma de ejercitar el derecho sólo se diferencian de la ley minera en que de petróleo mexicano, una con un capital de
concesional que a todo individuo otorga la el primero, en sus artículos del 4o . al 8o. y 8,000,000 de coronas y la otra con 1,500,000.
Constitución para la explotación del subsuelo Es grande la demanda de petróleo para com
en segundo del 1o. al 5o. procuran resguardar
de la República, por eso tales decretos, princi bustible en las fábricas de Suecia , por lo que
los derechos no sólo de los concesionarios , sino
palmente el de 8 de agosto, constituyen el luego se consiguió el capital necesario para la
de los que hubieren empleado capital en la
Ejercicio, el cumplimiento de un deber ad nueva empresa. Una de estas compañias ha
exploración o explotación petrolera.
ministrativo que al Presidente impone la obtenido un vapor tanque de 14,000 toneladas
"De todo esto resulta comprobado que esos el cual hará el servicio regular entre Tampico
decretos lejos de volver sobre el pasado para
"En un solo caso en el decreto de 31 de julio, y los puertos de Suecia.
el señor Presidente usó de las facultades atacar derechos adquiridos , se esfuerzan en
extraordinarias, y fué al fijar el impuesto y coonestar los intereses de los superficiarios con
regalía que deben causar esos industriales, más el principio constitucional, por lo que he El Gobierno Federal está gastando 1,500
como la fijación de impuestos es del Ramo de afirmado al principio "-terminó el licenciado pesos semanales para la reconstrucción de la
Hacienda, usó las facultades extraordinarias de la Peña-"que la guerra que a esos decretos estación de baños de Cuyutlan, Estado de
dentro de sus exactos límites, al señalar el se hace, depende de que han sido tan mal Colima, que fué destruida por el huracán, hace
impuesto y fijar la regalía . comprendidos como severamente juzgados." algún tiempo .
26 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

thank offering from one of these great silver

Tales of Fabulous Treasure mines at Guanajuato, and above the altar is
supported a life- size angel wearing a crown
That Has Been Extracted from the Rich Mines of Guanajuato of gold claimed to contain precious jewels
valued at several millions of dollars.
Nothing Equals It in the World One by the name of Borda, extracted $16,
000,000 from the Canada mine and again in
N early days adventurous men came all gold ores of great extent and richness, having 1862 took $40,000,000 from another property.
the way from Europe, cross tempestuous produced to date according to different au After spending his entire fortune in riotous
I oceans, enduring untold hardships, all thorities all the way from the amount of $350, living in Europe, he returned to Guanajuato
for the sake of trying their luck in Guana 000,000 upon which amount it has paid to the and tried it all over again, taking out in a
juato's mines, and they succeeded, too , for they government production taxes, up to a thou comparatively short time $20,000,000 more.
made Spain the wealthiest nation of her time. sand millions, as estimates of others. This These mines at Guanajuato, situated on the
Guanajuato's mother-lode silver deposit has mine made this poor Spaniard-owner the rich great mother-lode deposit, have made multi
made multi-millionaires by the score, for in est individual in the world and transformed millionaires by the score and at a day when
every instance its development has met with him from a lowly citizen of that country to very rich individuals were anything but plenti
success. The mines situated on this gigantic the Count of Valenciana. It is most interest ful. They transformed the butcher and baker
vein were discovered and developed during the ingly claimed by the people of Guanajuato, and candlemaker from lowly walks in life to
sixteenth century, and although they have pro that upon making his fortune this Spaniard positions of affluence and great wealth, caus


hunted until he found the men he had robbed


duced approximately one-half of the world's


ing many to be knighted to the highest po




total silver supply, the public never had an of the sugar train, and to their surprise re

sitions possible by the Spanish crown.

opportunity to "get in on the ground floor," so turned them their burros, many in number, These mining districts situated in the very


with their sacks not filled with sugar but with heart and center of Mexico's farthest ad


to speak, on any undeveloped portion of this




vanced civilization, must not be confused with




far outside districts, away from constituted







authority as were our own territories in days



not long gone by. It is not the timid that suc


ceed in this world ; but those fearless men who
are able to see conditions as they actually
exist, and who have the initiative to act and
take advantage of them.
There are opportunities in Mexico today.
perhaps even greater opportunities than there
ever have been before, in silver mining, and in
the great camps, Guanajuato and Pachuca ,
in these great treasure-houses, are hidden
riches that will be shared in by those who do
not hesitate to avail themselves of legitimate
silver opportunities that present themselves.

Guanajuato Current News

CONSIDERABLE impetus seems to be
A taking place in the mining district of
Guanajuato, Mexico . The populace seem to
have a great deal more faith in the present
government than in any that they have had
since the days of Porfirio Diaz. Both native
BIRD'S-EYE VIEW OF GUANAJUATO and foreign inhabitants apparently firmly be
lieve that permanent peace has arrived and are
deposit, for it was developed by individuals pure virgin silver, and thereupon erected a opening up their old properties, many of which
who were invariably crowned with extraordi handsome church at the mine to atone for have been either shut down for years or
nary success. his evil deed, this edifice costing more than worked in a timid manner.
Two hundred years after the discovery of $1,000,000. A great deal of development is going on,
the mines at Guanajuato a Spaniard from Va The romance connected with the Rayas both in mining and in building of new mills.
lencia cast his lot in this district. He became mine nearby was quite as interesting. It pro and the reconstruction of old ones. One mill
interested in mining and procured a piece of duced more than $300,000,000, and its owner having a capacity of around 300 tons daily is
ground situated along the mother-lode deposit was made Marquis of Rayas. The great sil about completed in the outskirts of Guana
some distance from the already working ver mines situated on this mineral deposit at juato, in the La Luz district, and another mill
mines, and at a place where the vein had been Guanajuato, were the direct cause of Spain's close by was completed but a couple of months.
neglected for the reason that on its surface ascendency to the undeniable position of the past of 200 tons daily capacity. The San
it neither showed pay ores nor the then richest and most powerful nation in the world, Mathias milling plant has been quite thorough
recognized indications of them. Because of and was through her greed, perhaps, equally ly rebuilt to care for the ores of the "Espe
going to work at this place he was nicknamed the cause of her downfall. ranza group," a short distance north of the
"El Tonto," the " Fool of Guanajuato." After There are naturally many stories of com world famous "Valenciana," which has a rec
spending all of his own money he enlisted his mon gossip today among the Mexicans of vast ord of having produced over $350,000,000 .
friends and relatives one after another. All fortunes taken from Guanajuato's mines, In development at the Ruby- Silver-Tunnel
met the same fate and as history tells us, after ample evidence being found in the numerous mine, situated adjoining the famous San Jose
several years of perseverance, harassed by beautiful residences of lucky owners, built de Gracia mine, in La Luz district, during
trials and debts, he became impoverished and from proceeds from their mines, and many the early part of September,
in driving a tun
desperate, and as a last resort robbed a burro handsome and costly churches and chapels" nel one of the rich veins of the district was
train loaded with sacks of sugar, the proceeds most richly constructed and endowed as thank
cut and shows a width of over five feet, av
of which he used to sink the last few feet, offerings. At one of Mexico's churches, the
eraging around half a kilo silver with 25
attaining a vertical depth of around 600 feet railing and staircase to the altar alone, con
from surface, and there encountered silver sists of 27½ tons of pure silver given as a (Continued on page 28)
Noviembre , 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 27

que los hombres ricos no eran muchos. El

La Riqueza Mineral de Guanajuato carnicero, el panadero, y el velero, de hombres
de la clase baja eran transformados en hom
Las Riquezas Que Han Sido Extraídas de las Minas bres de inmensas riquezas y de gran influencia,
muchos de los cuales eran condecorados con
de Guanajuato No Tienen Igual en el Mundo
las ordenes de mayor categoría por la Corona
ESPUÉS del descubrimiento de las millon de pesos, como expiación del acto que Española.
minas de Guanajuato, muchos hom había cometido. Está región minera, situada en el centro
D bres aventureros y valerosos venían de la civilización más avanzada de México, no
El romance que se cuenta en conexión con
desde Europa, cruzando los tempestuosos la Mina "Rayas" en la misma región, es debe ser confundida con los distritos mineros
mares y sufriendo infinitas penalidades , tan también muy interesante. Está mina produjo que están a gran distancia de los centros de
solo por ver lo que la suerte les deparaba en más de $300,000,000, y el dueño fue hecho población y alejados de toda autoridad consti
la rica región de Guanajuato. Y tuvieron Marqués de Rayas. La producción inmensa tuida, como estaban nuestros mismos territo
éxito, pues hicieron de España la nación más de las minas de plata situadas en está rica rios aun no hace mucho tiempo . No son los
rica del mundo. Los depósitos de
Los depósitos plata de
de plata de región de Guanajuato, fue la causa directa de hombres tímidos los que obtienen buen éxito
Guanajuato han hecho veintenas de multimi que España asumiera la innegable posición de en este mundo, sino aquellos hombres intrépi
llonarios, pues se ha obtenido éxito donde haber sido la nación más rica y poderosa del dos que son capaces de ver las condiciones tal
quiera que la veta madre ha sido trabajada. mundo, y probablemente su codicia fué igual como existen, y que tienen la suficiente energía
Las minas que están situadas sobre esta mente la causa de su caída. para obrar y aprovecharse de esas condiciones.
gigantesca veta fueron descubiertas y desa
rrolladas durante el siglo dieciseis, y aunque
han producido aproximadamente una mitad de
la plata total del mundo, el público nunca tuvo
la oportunidad de participar en primera línea
en el desarrollo de las minas de esa importante
región, pues estas fueron trabajadas por indi
viduos, los cuales invariablemente vieron sus
esfuerzos coronados con un éxito extraordi
nario .
Doscientos años después del descubrimiento
de las minas de Guanajuato, un español de
Valencia se instaló en este distrito . Desde
luego se interesó en la minería y se procuró
una faja de terreno a lo largo de la veta
madre, a alguna distancia de las minas que
ya estaban siendo trabajadas, y en un lugar
donde se había descuidado trabajar la veta
madre por la razón de que los metales no
salían a flor de tierra ni había los indicios
hasta entónces reconocidos de que los hubiera
debajo de la superficie. Cuando empezó el
español a trabajar en este lugar, se le puso
el sobrenombre de "El Tonto de Guanajuato."
Después de que hubo agotado todo su dinero , PASADERA MINE, GUANAJUATO
acudió a sus parientes y amistades, y todos Naturalmente, los mexicanos cuentan Existen hoy en día probablemente mayores
sufrieron la misma suerte. La historia nos muchos relatos en conexión con las inmensas oportunidades de las que han existido antes
dice que después de varios años de perseve riquezas extraídas de las minas de Guana de ahora, en las minas de plata, en los grandes
rancia, y viéndose acosado por todas partes juato, de cuyos relatos aun existen pruebas campos mineros de Guanajuato y Pachuca.
por sus acreedores, empobrecido y desesperado, evidentes en forma de un gran número de En estas casas de tesoros, yacen escondidas
como último recurso se robó un cargamento hermosas residencias de los afortunados riquezas en las cuales participarán todos
de sacos de azúcar que llevaba un convoy de dueños, construídas con el producto de las aquellos que no vacilen en aprovecharse legíti
burros ; vendió la azúcar y el producto lo minas. Existen también magnificas y costosas mamente de las oportunidades que presentan
empleó en excavar unos cuantos pies que le iglesias y capillas, ricamente construídas y los minerales de plata.
faltaban para alcanzar una profundidad de ofrecidas como un voto de gracias. En una
seiscientos pies desde la superficie, a cuya de las iglesias de México, los barandales y la Noticias De Guanajuato
profundidad encontró metales de oro y plata escalera que conduce al altar consisten de ARECE que se está dando un gran im
muy ricos y en gran extensión. Hasta la veinticiete y media toneladas de plata pura PAR pulso a los trabajos en la región minera
fecha esa mina ha producido, según los cálcu donada como una ofrenda de una de estas
de Guanajuato. El pueblo parece tener más
los de algunos peritos, $350,000,000 sobre cuya ricas minas de Guanajuato, y sobre el altar confianza en el actual gobierno que la que han
cantidad ha pagado impuestos al Gobierno, y está un angel de tamaño natural cuya frente tenido en los demás gobiernos desde la época
según otros, ha producido mil millones de está adornada con una corona de oro en la de Porfirio Diaz. Tanto los nativos como los
pesos. Esta mina convirtió a aquel pobre cual se dice que están incrustadas joyas precio extranjeros tienen la firme creencia de que
español en el hombre más rico del mundo, y sas por el valor de algunos millones de pesos. ha llegado la paz permanente , y empiezan a
de un humilde súbdito español lo convirtió en Un hombre de apellido Borda extrajo reanudar los trabajos en sus propiedades ,
Conde de Valenciana. Las gentes de Guana $16,000,000 de la mina "Canada," y en 1862 muchas de las cuales habian permanecida.
juato cuentan el interesante relato de que extrajo $ 40,000,000 de otra mina de su propie
cerradas por muchos años o se trabajaban con
cuando el español descubrió su fortuna, buscó dad. Después de haber malgastado todo su cierta timidez.
a los hombres a quienes les había robado los dinero en Europa, regresó a Guanajuato y
Se nota un gran desarrollo tanto en las
burros, y para sorpresa de ellos, les devolvió volvió a extraer veinte millones más en un
minas como en la construcción de molinos
los burros y los sacos, pero estos en lugar de tiempo comparativamente corto . nuevos y en la reconstrucción de los viejos.
llenarlos de azúcar, los llenó de plata vírgen ; Estas minas, que están situadas sobre la Un molino que tiene una capacidad de trecien
y además hizo construir una hermosa iglesia veta madre de Guanajuato, han producido tas toneladas diarias está por ser terminado
al pie de la mina por el valor de más de un muchos millonarios, y esto en una época en (Sigue en la pagina 29)
28 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

American Automobile and Tractor

Mexican Progress Continues Unabated Salesroom in Chihuahua
HE first automobile and tractor
Enco raging Statement of Conditions as Viewed TH
Troom and agency to be established in
From an American Financial Standpoint Chihuahua was opened in July by American
citizens. The company, which has the agency
HE favorable turn of events in Mexico The cotton manufacturing industry is easily for several popular makes of American auto
since the recent change of government Mexico's leading industry. In the years from mobiles, has established a modern repair shop,
in that cou with American mechanics, a convenience very
ntry continues more and 1900 to 1912, Mr. E. T. Craig, a recognized
more evident. If any important element much needed. A complete line of accessories
authority on the Mexican cotton industry, cal
for all makes of automobiles and tractors will
among the Mexican people are dissatisfied culates that native mills consumed from 120,Ya
with their new administration they have so be carried in stock. The demonstration of
000 to 160,000 bales of cotton per year, while
American tractors to ranch owners in this
far failed to show it, and the successful ef production in the Laguna district during the
forts of President de la Huerta to conciliate same period averaged 130,000 bales. This district is contemplated. According to Vice
the warring elements which formerly are al year very favorable conditions have obtained Consul Aguirre, such demonstrations have al
ready been carried on with marked success
ready beginning to show excellent results . throughout the district in which most of the
The elimination of Villa from the northern cotton is grown and it is believed that fully by the agricultural college at Ciudad Juarez,
Of this which obtained the loan of a tractor from an
part of Mexico means that the principal cause 200,000 bales will be harvested.
for friction between Americans living in the amount it is believed that half will be used American firm . Catalogues and other trade
Southwest and Mexico has been removed. literature of automobile accessories and elec
at home and half exported, netting the grow
Reports from the oil industry along the gulf trical machinery is desired.- Consular Reports.
ers more than $50,000,000 in American money.
coast of Mexico and in the Tampico region Cotton-growing methods in Mexico are gen
indicate that a working basis satisfactory to erally quite different from those used in the Why Spanish Should
all interests has been reached, and that the United States, but there is no doubt in the Be Studied
development of this industry will henceforth minds of cotton experts who have studied the EW people ever stop long enough to con
proceed at a much more rapid rate than was matter that in addition to the Laguna district, F!sider the fact that on the entire western
possible under Carranza. A month ago some where most of the present crop is being raised, hemisphere there are practically but two lan
uncertainty was felt regarding the progress there are at least four other districts in Mex guages spoken with any thing like generality
being made by the Mexican sanitary authori ico where cotton cultivation on a very large -the English and the Spanish. True, Portu
ties in combating the bubonic plague at the scale is feasible. With world cotton interests guese is spoken in some portions of South
isolated spots in which it showed itself, but seeking for additional sources of raw cotton America, but as it is a cousin germane or even
later accounts have been of a more reassur closer to Spanish, it is not considered in this
supplies, Mexico stands ready to contribute
ing character. an opportunity that may be found second only connection. But with this fact to be consid
The Journal of the American Chamber of ered, it would seem that Spanish should be
to the cotton- raising section of the United
Commerce of Mexico, printed in Mexico City, made a part of the curriculum in every high
States. From The Americas, New York.
reports that many American business houses school or college. Yet in how many is it
which formerly did no business in Mexico are taught, and how many pupils take such a
establishing branches in that city and are pre course ? How much better to devote time and
paring to make an intensive drive for Mexi effort to the acquisition of a "live" language
can business . The same source reports all (Continu d from page 26) than to the useless ( from a practical stand
factories and mills operating at full capacity grams gold or approximately $35 U. S. cy., point) study of a dead one ?
and with a degree of labor unrest smaller than per ton, in gold and silver. The tunnel is
in many years. The cotton industry in par being continued night and day, expecting to Large Increase of Trade
ticular is being operated at high pitch. Mexico encounter other veins of considerable value.
O doubt you are always being asked
has about 130 cotton mills, of which about 85 The Pasadena mine, which was some time
N° about the trade between the United
per cent, calculated by output, are in or near since taken over by the Pasadena El Monte States and Mexico . Here are some handy figG
Mexico City. The staple used for manufac Silver Mining Corporation, has been quite ures. You had better cut this out and put it
turing is the home-grown product, the output thoroughly re-equipped and is being unwatered in your pocketbook or card case.
of which is increasing steadily in the rich with anticipations of being developed on a The trade between the United States and
Laguna district and which is highly regarded rather large scale. The water is now down Mexico is going far beyond $300,000,000 in
in textile circles because of its long fiber. below the first level at the 500- foot depth and 1920. In fact the trade between the two
Mexican cotton mills are almost without
the superintendent, Cris Bartholomai, reports countries for the twelve months, ending June
exception operated by water or electric power that ores at this first level assay as high as 30, 1920, has already gone to $312,116,152.
and are equipped with the most modern ma four kilos of silver-70 grams gold and 13 During these twelve months the United States
chinery, which was formerly bought in Eng per cent lead, worth around $200 per ton . This bought from Mexico $ 168,330,626 worth of
land, but of late has largely come from the ore containing lead coming from a cross vein, goods, and sold to Mexico $ 143,785,526 worth
United States . It is said that the social im no other veins in this property containing any of goods.- American Chamber of Commerce
provement inaugurated by French, English and lead whatever but being as is usual in the Journal.
American cotton mill owners have been more Guanajuato district, composed only of silver
productive of better conditions among the sulphides with gold.
Mexican working class than has resulted from The Sociedad Petrolifera Español has been
any other single factor. The foreign owners organized, 25,000,000 pesetas ( $5,000,000 ) , of
Wrigley's is preparing to erect a large chew which it is said 55 per cent "corresponds" to
have brought skilled workers from outside to
ing gum plant in Mexico. There are already the Royal Shell and 45 per cent to Spanish
instruct and supervise the native workers and
ten or twelve plants of minor importance, capitalists . The Spanish government has re
have insisted upon all their employes living
in more sanitary and healthful surroundings mostly. duced the import petroleum tax 50 per cent.
than most of them had formerly been accus A special fleet of tankers is under construc
tomed to. The comparatively high wages The National Railways announce a 25 per tion to ply between Mexican and Spanish
earned by native Mexicans as mill workers cent advance in freight rates, effective Septem ports.
has also been an important factor in increas ber 1. Exceptions are made on certain branch
ing the wages and well-being of Mexican lines and also on fresh fruits, corn, flour, rice, The new duty on exporting hides is as fol
laborers in industries completely removed beans, brown sugar and beef cattle, hogs and lows : Wet, salted, 15 cents a kilo ; dry, 26 ;
from cotton. meat on the hoof intended for consumption. goat skins, 40 ; kid, 20 ; deer, 30.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 29

Contribuciones Petroleras en
Mexico Continua Progresando Texas .

A una buena idea de la forma en que se

Declaraciones Estimulantes Desde el Punto de Dolgabuascompañías petroleras a enterar
Vista Financiero Sobre la Situación Mexicana sus tributos al Gobierno, el informe que acaba de
ser lanzado a la publicidad por el Estado de
L cambio favorable que se ha registrado vigilen a los trabajadores nativos, y siempre han Texas, que muestra que el año próximo pasado
en México desde que asumió el poder insistido en que a sus trabajadores se les pro se obtuvo un ingreso de $2,215,118 de la sola
Ε el nuevo gobierno se hace más evidente porcionen viviendas mejores y más higiénicas que
contribución sobre la producción bruta. Los
a cada paso. Si hay algunos elementos de las que habían tenido anteriormente. El jornal
importancia 1 entre el pueblo mexicano que no Ingresos de las contribuciones sobre el pe
que perciben los operarios de las fábricas de
tróleo en México por el año de 1918 fueron de
están satisfechos con la nueva administración , hilados y tejidos, que es comparativamente
$5,560,000 en tanto que en 1919 el monto
hasta ahora no lo han manifestado, y el Presi alto , es uno de los factores que han contribuído
ascendió a la proximidad de $10,000,000 . Todo
dente De la Huerta sigue teniendo éxito en sus también al alza de los jornales que perciben los
comentario sería superfluo.
esfuerzos por conciliar a todas las facciones trabajadores en las demás industrias.
militantes que anteriormente mantenian en cons La industria algodonera es la principal indus
tante peligro a las personas y propiedades. Los tria de México . El Sr. E. T. Craig, experto RIQUEZA MINERAL DE
resultados han sido excelentes. La eliminación reconocido en materias relacionadas con la GUANAJUATO
de Villa de la parte norte de México significa que industria algodonera en México , dice que de (Sigue de la pagina 27)
ha sido removida la causa principal que había 1900 a 1912 las fábricas de hilados y tejidos.
en las inmediaciones de Guanajuato, en el
para que los americanos del suroeste (Texas y beneficiaron de 120,000 a 160,000 pacas de
distrito de La Luz. Otro molino , cerca del
Arizona) y México vivieran en constante estado algodón anualmente , y que la producción de la
de fricción. anterior, fue concluído hace dos meses, y tiene
región lagunera fue de 130,000 pacas de algodón, una capacidad de doscientas toneladas diarias.
Los informes que nos llegan de la región anuales, durante el mismo período . En este año
La planta de San Matías ha sido reconstruída
petrolera a lo largo de las costas del Golfo de las condiciones han sido muy favorables en esa
México y de la región de Tampico , indican que casi por completo para beneficiar los metales
región y se cree que se cosecharán 200,000 pacas
de "La Esperanza," que está situada a una
se ha llegado a un arreglo aparentemente satis de algodón . De esta cantidad, se cree que la
corta distancia al norte de "La Valenciana ,"
factorio para todos los interesados en la industria mitad será exportada al extranjero, y la otra
petrolera, y que el desenvolvimiento de esa de fama mundial, que ha producido más de
mitad será para consumo doméstico, como conse
industria seguirá adelante con más rapidez que $350,000,000.
cuencia de lo cual , los algodoneros obtendrán una
lo que fue posible bajo la administración carran En las excavaciones que se están haciendo
ganancia neta de más de $50,000,000, moneda
cista. Hace un mes había cierta incertidum americana. en la mina "Ruby Silver," cerca de la famosa
bre con referencia al progreso que habían mina de San José de Gracia, al abrir un túnel
Los métodos que se usan en el cultivo del
tenido las autoridades Sanitarias de México en fue descubierta una de las ricas vetas del
algodón son muy distintos de los que prevalecen
combatir la peste bubónica en los lugares aislados en los Estados Unidos, pero según el decir de los distrito que mide más de cinco pies de ancho ,
donde apareció, pero los informes recientes son y produce como medio kilo de plata con veinti
peritos algodoneros que han estudiado la materia ,
de un carácter halagador. se cree que además de la región lagunera , donde cinco gramos de oro por tonelada, o aproxi
El " JOURNAL " de la Cámara de Comercio se cosechará la mayor parte del algodón en este madamente treinta y cinco dólares. moneda
Americana de México , publicación que se edita año, existen en México cuando menos cuatro americana. El túnel está siendo excavado de
en la Ciudad de México , informa que muchas distritos más donde el cultivo del algodón es día y de noche, y se cree que encontrarán otras
casas de comercio americanas que nunca habían practicable en grande escala. vetas de considerable valor.
hecho comercio con México están ahora estable Como los grandes intereses algodoneros del La mina Pasadena , que pasó a manos de la
ciendo sucursales en aquella ciudad y que están mundo están ahora en busca de nuevas fuentes "Pasadena-El Monte Silver Mining Corpora
preparándose para iniciar una intensa campaña para abastecerce de algodón crudo , México está tion," hace algún tiempo , fue equipada com
comercial en aquel país . La misma publicación listo para ofrecer esas nuevas fuentes, las cuales pletamente y está siendo desaguada con la
nos informa que todas las fábricas y molinos están se encontrará que son tan importantes como las intención de reanudar los trabajos en grande
siendo trabajados a su mayor capacidad , y que regiones algodoneras de los Estados Unidos.— escala. El agua está ahora bajo el primer
las dificultades obreras son ahora menores que lo Del The Americas, New York. nivel, a una profundidad de 500 pies, y el
que fueron por mucho años . La industria superintendente, Cris Bartholomai, informa
algodonera, especialmente, está ahora en su Un Inmenso Pozo de Petróleo que los metales en el primer nivel dan una ley
máximum de producción. Existen en México E han recibido informaciones de Tampico de cuatro kilos de plata, setenta gramos en
cerca de 130 fábricas de hilados y tejidos de SE:indicando que ha sido terminado re oro, y trece por ciento en plomo, o sea
algodón, de las cuales, ochenta y cinco por ciento cientemente un pozo en aquella región que , alrededor de $200 por tonelada. Los metales.
de la producción total viene de las fábricas arroja diariamente más de ochenta mil ba que contienen plomo son extraidos de una veta
situadas en la Ciudad de México y sus inmedia rriles de petróleo. Si se toma en cuenta que atravesada, y ninguna de las otras vetas en
ciones. El algodón que se beneficia en estas en las otras regiones petroleras, en Estados esta propiedad contienen plomo, pues están
fábricas es nativo , y su producción está aumen Unidos y en otras partes, los pozos que compuestas, como todas las vetas de esta
tando rápidamente en la rica región Lagunera. producen de cien a doscientos barriles diarios región de Guanajuato , de metal de plata y oro.
Este algodón es apreciado altamente en los por medio de bombas, son considerados buena
círculos algodoneros por la longitud de su fibra. propiedad , nos podemos formar una idea del Entre los proyectos de ley que serán intro
Las fábricas de hilados y tejidos de México , inmenso valor del pozo a que ahora nos refe ducidos en la presente sesión del Congreso de
casi sin excepción , son operadas por medio de rimos. No tenemos a la mano las cifras México, se encuentra uno que trata del pre
electricidad o fuerza motriz del agua, y están exactas , pero si la memoria nos es buena, la supuesto para el año entrante, otro para el
provistas de la maquinaria más moderna, la cual producción de este pozo es mucho mayor que establecimiento de puertos libres, y posible
anteriormente era importada de Inglaterra , pero la producción total de todos los pozos petro mente sean introducidos algunos proyectos
últimamente la mayor parte de esta maquinaria líferos de California . Y, dicho sea de paso, es relativos a los bancos.
es llevada de los Estados Unidos . Se dice que interesante tomar nota de esto : se dice que
la notable mejoría entre las * clases trabajadoras los geólogos aconsejaron que no se perforara
de México , más que a ninguna otra cosa, se debe este pozo de ochenta mil barriles, porque era La agencia financiera del Gobierno Mexicano
a los sistemas de mejoramiento implantados por probable que no diera resultado . en El Paso sa ha clausurado . Hay ahora un
los propietarios de las fábricas, que son franceses, sólo agente financiero del Gobierno de México
ingleses, y americanos . Los propietarios extran El nuevo ferrocarril que conecta el lago en los Estados Unidos, en la Ciudad de New
jeros han llevado a México operarios hábiles y Chapala con la linea central en Capilla ha sido York, el que tiene a su cargo todos los asuntos
expertos de fuera del país para que instruyan y abierto formalmente . financieros de los consulados .

30 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

ing a foreign loan. Ambassador Covarrubias,

Titles to Oil Lands in Mexico the Mexican diplomatic representative in
Great Britain, who had been reported as treat
ing with English capitalists for the negotia
Mr. Joseph W. Guffey, President of a Large Company,
tion of a loan of large amount, has, like Sec
Gives Some Interesting Facts Regarding Them retary Alvarado, issued a denial of the truth
of such reports. Many fantastic and almost
R. JOSEPH W. GUFFEY, Presi nation. No abstract was prepared or ex entirely imaginary statements have been pub
dent of the Agwi Oil Company, one amined, and very few estates were probated . lished from time to time in this connection,
of the largest concerns operating in When I began to operate in Mexico I spent yet the fact remains that Mexico is going
Mexico, throws some interesting light on the large amounts of money in preparation of ab quietly about her business, pays her expenses
matter of titles to oil lands in Mexico in a stracts , compilation of data from the pub as she goes, is rehabilitating her railway sys
recent statement given by him to the press. lic registers to locate the original owners, and tem from the earnings of that system, and → as
Mr. Guffey has already spoken plainly re then purchased the rights of desirable tracts. Secretary Alavarado so aptly says , will find
garding the oil situation in that country, em I purchased the rights of the owners accord means to meet her obligations as they arise.
phasizing the fact that his company and ing to the laws of 1857 and denounced the When the announcement was first made dur
others as well have no fault to find with the land to the Government according to the ing the revolution, that if let alone Mexico
laws of Mexico regarding oil matters, do not laws of 1917.
could finance herself, it was received with open
regard the taxes levied as excessive (indeed, "The associated companies are now seek incredulity and skepticism. Yet that is exact
he declares them to be much lower than in ing to cover illegal and incomplete title claims ly what Mexico has done and is doing. All
other petroleum-producing portions of the by attacks on the new petroleum law and the that is needed is time-just as is the case with
world) , and declaring the intention of the Government. The nationalization policy of oil any solvent business which finds itself tem
concerns which he represents to abide by all lands followed by Carranza practically an porarily embarrassed by circumstances over
regulations of the government in this and nulled the famous decree granting provisional which it has no control.
other respects . drilling permits, a decree that was promul
In his latest statement, Mr. Guffey questions gated surreptitiously without fulfilling legal
the titles to properties supposed to be owned requirements , as it was not viséd by the then Guaymas Drydock to Be Rebuilt
by a group of companies in opposition to Ar Minister of Industry and Commerce, Gen
eral Plutarco Calles. This decree is null, as WING to the dilapidated condition of the
ticle 27.
are all drilling permits granted under it. O drydock in the Bay of Guaymas , the
"My opinion is that the main points now Ministry of Marine at Mexico City is consider
at issue between the Mexican Government and "I think it would be just as expedient for
the Government to issue an official declaration ing the construction of a new dock capable of
the Oil Producers' Association , Article 27, the
holding vessels up to 2,500 tons. It is pre
present exportation taxes, aceptance and com stopping all work under this decree . Unless
sumed that the plans and specifications may
pliance with Mexican laws, have always been this is done, and present conditions continue,
avoided and ignored by certain oil com be obtained from the department in charge.
the companies which do not accept or obey
American Consul Yost suggests that communi
panies operating and producing in the Mexican the laws, or pay just taxes, will have an un
cations be addressed to Commodore Jose de la
fields," he said. fair advantage over the obedient companies.
If Article 27 is annulled or materially Llave, who is commanding the Mexican fleet
"Small land owners, like the small land
on the west coast, stationed at present at
owners of other countries, are especially care amended, as the associated companies wish,
all interests created under it, to the value of Guaymas.
less about probating inheritances, registering
many millions of dollars, will be destroped . It is also reported that plans to complete
titles and paying taxes. But carelessness in
Derrogation or substitution of a new law will terminal works at Manzanillo have been ap
small matters is one of the first things every
produce retroactive effects, wherein enormous proved, and that 3,000,000 Mexican dollars are
large company must cure, not only in Mexico,
involved. The work includes the installation
but in every other oil country. The same interests created in good faith according to
the existing law, will be destroyed . The new of a water system, construction of piers , and
group of companies which in Mexico neg
laws are not confiscatory or retroactive, but leveling of hills. Communications should be
lected securing or perfecting their titles are
addressed T to the Minister of Public Works
scrupulous in their attention to these condi are fair and equitable. They remove many
tions in fields in all other countries. burdensome restrictions operating in this and Communications .- Consular Reports.
"The group of associated companies have country. From these laws the producer has
an agreement among themselves to respect nothing to fear, but everything to gain.
The Debt of Mexico
the title claims of each other, regardless of the "I do not approve the method of levying
law. The result of these conditions is that export taxes on petroleum, and believe that HE National City Bank publishes a
on May 1 , 1917, when the new Constitution some other method could be found . Still, Tstatement of the debts of the nations, and
of Mexico came into effect, there was not the amount levied under the last regulation is the proportion of it owed by each man, wom
neither burdensome nor excessive. All the an and child of the country.
more than 10 per cent of title claims in the
actual producing or potentially producting oil companies now exporting can well afford The per capita debt of the United States is
areas of the Mexican fields which were legally to pay." $225 ; that of France is $ 1,150 ; that of Great
completely leased or owned, according to the Britain $850 ; that of Germany, exclusive of
civil code, or the Mexican Constitution of Emphatic Disclaimers the debt owned by the German states, $800 .
1857. of Loan Reports Mexico's per capita debt is the same as that
"It is difficult to believe that the large com HE persistent reports that the Mexican of Brazil, $34.
panies, with their extensive management and TH government's representatives in foreign
organizations, could be careless, but the ofS countries are seeking to negotiate loans on be
ficial records will substantiate these state Valuable For
half of that country have again called forth
ments. The manner in which the group of as Educational Use
most emphatic disclaimers by those who are
sociated companies acquired their titles was in a position to speak with authority. Secre TTENTION is called to the value of
to accept the word of the tenant or possessor tary of the Treasury Alvarado, who has been A₁₁THE REVIEW for educational purposes , e
of the property that he was the only owner or making a prolonged visit to the United States , not only as regards learning the facts about
sole universal heir of the original owner . has issued a positive denial that this is one of Mexico, but as an aid in studying the Spanish
There was no regular examination of the the purposes of his prolonged stay in that language. Many schools and colleges have
civil, public or judicial records until after the country. He declares that Mexico has the testified to this value and subscriptions from
entry of the Agui Company into the fields . funds necessary to meet its expenses from day these sources are constantly being received .
'One of several heirs frequently leased or to day and that as new obligations arise it Special rates are given in such cases upon
sold a tract with no authority except his imagi will be able to meet them without negotiat application .
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 31

Se Proyectan Grandes Desarrollos

Los Titulos Petroleros en Mexico
TRA indicación de la fe que tienen en
O las oportunidades y amistad de México
Interesantes Datos Proporcionados Por el Sr. Joseph W. Guffey, los que invierten capitales, es el anuncio
Presidente de Una Importante Compañía reciente de que la "Atlantic, Gulf and West
Indies Steamship Company," compañía que
R. Joseph W. Guffey, Presidente de está construyendo un oleoducto de La Havre
ninguna , excepto la de su imaginación . Ningun
a Paris, Francia, se propone invertir de
la " Agwi Oil Company," una de titulo era preparado o examinado, y muy pocas
MⓇlas más grandes compañías que están propiedades fueron examinadas. Cuando co $50,000,000 a $60,000,00 en el desarrollo de sus
operando en México , hace una aclaración menzé a trabajar en México gasté grandes canti propiedades petrolíferas, principalmente en
interesante sobre los títulos de los terrenos México .
dades de dinero en la preparación de documentos,
petroleros en México , en un reciente relato dado Más de la mitad de esta cantidad, o como
compilación de datos de los registros publicos
por él a la prensa . Mr. Guffey se había ya para encontrar los propietarios originales, y $35,000,000, será empleada en la compra de
expresado claramente acercas de la situación entónces compré los titulos de terrenos deseables. tanques para la transportación de petróleo
del petroleo enese país, haciendo hincapié sobre Compré los derechos de los propietarios de mexicano. Ya está bajo construcción una
el hecho de que su compañía, como también acuerdo con las leyes de 1857 y denuncié los flotilla de catorce vapores tanques. Se dice
otras, no tienen ninguna queja contra las leyes terrenos al Gobierno de acuerdo con las leyes que la compañía tiene disponibles en la actuali
de México con respecto al petróleo, y no creen de 1917. dad como $50,000,000 para los fines ya
que los impuestos sean excesivos (declara en "Las compañías asociadas están tratando expresados. Durante la guerra esta compañía
verdad que son más bajos que en muchas otras ahora de ocultar los títulos ilegales e incompletos alcanzó grandes utilidades y aumentó conside
partes del mundo que producen petróleo) y dice por medio de ataques a la nueva ley del petróleo rablemente su fondo de reserva, por lo que
que es la intención de los intereses que repre y al Gobierno. La política de nacionalización de no se hará necesario para la compañía hacer
senta el cumplir con todas las disposiciones que los terrenos petrolíferos seguida por Carranza nuevas transacciones financieras en conexión
el Gobierno imponga sobre esta industria . anuló prácticamente el famoso decreto que con los grandes gastos que tiene proyectado
En su última declaración el Sr. Guffey pone otorgaba permisos provisionales para perforar hacer.
en duda los títulos de las propiedades que se pozos , decreto que fue promulgado fraudulenta La compañía proyecta emplear como $10,
cree pertenecen a un grupo de compañías mente sin llenar los requisitos legales, y, sin ser 000,000 para el desarrollo de sus propiedades
opuestas al Artículo 27. refrendado por el entónces Ministro de Industria en México y de $8,000,000 a $10,000,000 para
" la construcción de oleoductos . La mayor
' Mi opinion es que los puntos principales y Comercio, el General Plutárco Calles. Este
que ahora se discuten entre el Gobierno Mexicano decreto es nulo , así como todos los permisos para parte de los gastos que origine la obra que
y la Asociación de Productor es de Petróleo perforar concedidos bajo el . se esta haciendo en Francia, incluyendo la
el artículo 27 , la exportación actual, los impues "Yo creo que sería justo y conveniente para construcción de refinerías y depósitos , aparte
tos, la acceptación y cumplimiento de las leyes el Gobierno publicar una declaración oficial del oleoducto, será hecha por esta compañia .
mexicanas , siempre han sido evadidos e ignorados suspendiendo todo trabajo bajo este decreto. También empleará como $2,000,000 en el
por ciertas compañias petroleras que estan A menos que ésto no se haga, y las condiciones desarrollo de las propiedades que adquirió
operando y produciendo en los terrenos mexica actuales continúen, las compañias que no recientemente en Inglaterra, en cuya conexión
nos, " dijo Mr. Guffey. aceptan, ni obedecen las leyes, ni pagan im se ha formado la "Agwi Petroleum Cor
"Los propietarios de terrenos pequeños, como puestos justos, tendrán una ventaja injusta poration , Limited," con un capital 1,000,000
los propietarios de terrenos pequeños en otros sobre las compañías obedientes . Si el Articulo de libras esterlinas, correspondiendo 65 por
países, no han tenido cuidado de patentizar sus 27 se anula o se enmienda, como las compañías ciento de las acciones a la "Atlantic,
propiedades, registrar sus, titulos y pagar los asociadas desean , todos los intereses creados Gulf and West Indies Company." En South
impuestos. Los descuidos en estas pequeñeces bajo él, por valor de muchos millones de pesos , ampton, Inglaterra, la nueva compañía ad
es una de las primeras cosas que las grandes serán destruídos . La derogación o substitución quirió 466 acres de terreno sobre cuya propie
compañías debían remediar, no solamente en de una nueva ley producirá efectos retroactivos dad será construida la primera planta.
México, sino en cualqiner otro país productor de y los grandes intereses creados de buena fe Los trabajos de desarrollo en sus propie
petróleo. El mismo grupo de compañías que en conforme a la ley actual seran destruidos . Las dades en México se están llevando a cabo en
México se olvidó de asegurar o perfeccionar sus grande escala.
nuevas leyes no son confiscatorias o retroactivas,
títulos manifiesta una escrupulosa atención a
sino que son justas y equitativas . Ellas des
estas condiciones en otros países .
truyen muchas restricciones pesadas que Nuevo Servicio de Vapores
"El grupo de compañias asociadas tienen un
convenio entre sí para respetar los fundos de existían en este país. De estas leyes el productor en México
cada una sin necesidad de la ley. El resultado no tiene nada que temer y sí todo que ganar.
L Gobierno Mexicano acaba de autorizar
de estas condiciones es que en Mayo 1 de 1917, "Yo no apruebo el método de exigir impuestos
sobre la exportación de petróleo, y creo que se E el empleo de dos transportes para servicio
cuando la nueva Constitución de México se
de fletes y pasajeros a lo largo de la costa
puso en vigor, no había más de 10 por ciento de podrían encontrar otros metodos. Y aun así, los
entre Veracruz, Puerto México, Progreso , y
los fundos en la región petrólera legalizados, ya impuestos exigidos bajo la última reglamentación Xcala en Quintana Roo. Esto se hace para
bajo arrendamiento o de propiedad directa, de no son pesados ni excesivos . Todas las com estar en más íntimo contacto con los puertos
acuerdo con el código civil, o la Constitución pañías petroleras que exportan petróleo ahora
Mexicana de 1857. surianos de México . Se proyecta que un
pueden muy bien pagar el impuesto . vapor salga cada dos semanas de Veracruz y
" Es muy difícil creer que las compañías
Xcala, que son las dos terminaciones de la
grandes, con sus extensas administraciones y
proyectada línea, a los cuales se agregarán
organizaciones pudieran ser negligentes, pero los La Deuda de México
registros oficiales establecerán esto . La manera otros vapores para el servicio comercial, según
como las compañias asociadas adquirieron sus L "National City Bank" ha publicado un se vayan necesitando ; se cobrarán las tarifas
títulos fué el de aceptar la palabra del arrenda E informe de las deudas de las diferentes comerciales que prevalecen ahora. Durante
naciones, y la proporción que corresponde por los últimos años ΠΟ ha habido vías de
tario o poseedor de la propiedad de que él era
cada hombre, mujer y niño del respectivo país. transportación adecuadas para la exportación
el único y solo heredero del dueño original. No
La deuda de los Estados Unidos, per capita, de goma, café, y henequén .
hubo examinación regular de los registros
civiles , publicos o judiciales hasta después de la es de $225 ; la de Francia , $ 1,150 ; la de la
entrada de la ' Agwi Company A ' en la región Gran Bretaña, $850 ; la de Alemania, sin Se ha instalado un servicio de tren rápido
petrolera. incluir la deuda de las provincias , $800 ; la entre la Ciudad de México y Manzanillo. El
"Frecuentemente, uno de varios herederos deuda de México, per capita, es igual que la tiempo que se requiere para el trayecto es de
arrendaba o vendía vastos terrenos sin autoridad de Brazil, $34. 24 horas.
32 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

ing is carried on, but which is susceptible of a

Mexican Byways and Highways hundred fold greater development. Although
it was in the early part of March when I
visited this region, I found corn in all stages
Interesting Scenes and Experiences Away From the
of growth, from the just sprouting plants two
BY GEO . F. WEEKS Usual Paths of Travelers and Writers
or three inches in height to that which was
CHAPTER XI of any kind, turns out and the scene is inter being gathered for threshing. In one field it
Down the West Coast to Tepic esting and lively. The harbor is picturesque had reached the tasseling stage, in another the
T IS a day's ride by rail from Culiacan to in the extreme, with its rocky islets , palm trees ears were beginning to form, in another they
Mazatlan, and more than two days by and other tropical verdure. were half grown, in another they were in the
I mule. On the occasion of my taking this There are many cigar, clothing, shoe and "roasting" stage, and in yet another they were
other manufactories here. Indeed, this is the ripe for gathering. There is no cessation of
journey (which was considerably later than
the one just described ) , being somewhat weary manufacturing center of the West Coast and growth in the year around, if it be desired. As
the variety and extent of product is large. A soon as one crop is harvested another may
of long-continued saddle-work, I sent the
notable feature, as in all the West Coast cities, be planted, and a good harvest is certain to
mozo (this time he was a type of what a mozo
is the large number of Chinese engaged in follow, particularly when irrigation is prac
should be ) , by the old Camino Real with the
trade of various branches. Many lines of bus ticed, although the abundant water supply is
pack mules and camp outfit, while I took the not utilized to one-tenth the extent that it
train. I had visited this historic and important iness are almost entirely monopolized by them,
to such an extent that they are somewhat un might be.
old seaport some thirty years previous while
popular among the natives, taking second rank The next stage of our journey brought us
on a voyage up the coast from Panama to
to the Spaniards in this respect . There is also to Acaponeta, on the banks of the river of the
San Francisco, and if the place had materially
changed in appearance in all that time it was a goodly representation of Japanese in this same name. Here my business errand required
portion of the Republic, but they keep them quite a lengthy halt, as we made this place the
not obtrusively prominent. The town looked
selves in the background more than do their center for excursions into the surrounding
exactly the same ; not more than a few months
fellow-Mongolians, being largely engaged in region, both to the coast and also into the
might have passed between visits, so far as
fishing and other occupations that are carried recesses of the mountains . And here we also
that was concerned, and I went directly to the
same hotel where I had been accommodated on far from the centers of population. learned some interesting things about certain
mountain tribes which are said never to have
so many years previously. There was little or Ambitious and much-needed port works are
projected here, and it is promised are soon to been conquered, but still maintain their tribal
no alteration in any direction.
be undertaken. The commerce of the city is integrity, and what is better yet, as well as
The advent of the railroad from the north
quite extensive, there being one line of steam more remarkable, the integrity of their tribal
had not affected the appearance of the town,
lands. By now we have crossed the boundary
for it did not penetrate the old city, halting ers of Japanese ownership which operates be
line from the State of Sinaloa into the Ter
on the outskirts two or three miles distant and tween here and Japan, via California ports .
If the traveler be in no haste, it is well to ritory of Tepic, since changed to the State
entirely out of view of the main center. The
halt for a day or two at Rosario, a very old of Nayarit.
sight of the place brought vividly to mind a
town about three hours by rail south of Mazat It was in this region that those famous ban
comical experience of my former visit. Four
lan. For some not at all apparent reason the dits, Heraclio Bernal and Lozado, better
of us had landed from the steamer, which then known as "El Tigre de Alica," or The Tigger
as now was obliged to lie some distance out line was established at a distance of three or
four miles from the town, which must be of Alica, once held sway, and the people are
side and carry on all freight and passenger
reached over a "road" (by courtesy purely) a still fond of telling their exploits, indeed have
business by means of lighters and small boats. created a halo of romance about their blood
After wandering about for some time, the foot deep in fine flour-like dust, filled with
rocks and stumps, through and over which the thirsty persons almost equal to that which has
wharf being at a considerable distance from been built up about their latter day imitator,
the business center, we concluded to go to a drivers race their coaches at the top of the
Villa, though with perhaps more real founda
hotel for some refreshment, but had no idea speed of their rat-like mules and with no re
tion. There were no publicity agents in the
in what direction to proceed . Seeing a darkA gard whatever for the comfort or even safety
days of Bernal and Lozado, and their real
complexioned and to us foreign- looking gen of their passengers. At this place, by the way,
deeds were their only spokesmen. I had the
tleman approaching, and naturally fancying I abandoned railway travel and again took to
the hurricane deck of my mule. Poor animal, good fortune in Tepic to make the acquaintance
that he was a native, we halted and one of
of Governor Mariano Ruiz, a contemporary
the party in his very best (university ) Spanish I can still see the reproachful look that it used
of Juarez and close adherent of Diaz, who
asked to be directed to a hostelry. The only to cast at me as it turned its head and watched
was sent here after the elevation to power of
answer was a blank stare, coupled with a me get into the saddle, and the deep groan
with which it protested when my 200 and plus Don Porfirio, to suppress banditry and make
slight shake of the head. Another of the party
the country safe for travelers and all others.
then addressed him in a like variety of pounds of weight settled firmly into the seat !
as well. Don Mariano began his military
French, only to meet a similar lack of response. Rosario is one of the most noted mining
service at the age of eleven and when he was
Still another then tried him in German, but towns of the West Coast, though the exact
fourteen had already reached the rank of ser
still without success . The stranger seemed a date of its foundation was not agreed upon by
those whom I consulted . But in the outskirts geant. He fought through the troubles of the
bit embarrassed, but finally found speech.
fifties, through the French intervention, and
"Excuse me," he said, "but I am very sorry. of the old Campo Santo, with a very ornate
when triumph was achieved he was elevated
The only language I speak is English !" stone entrance, over the gateway of which is to the rank of General. Sent to Tepic to re
Right then and there we all unanimously a coat-of-arms and a carved inscription "1630. ”
store order, he did it ! And it was his proud
gave up the effort to display our lingual ac It is thus evident that a fair degree of age
boast to me- not made proudly or with an air
complishments and concluded to stick to good may safely be ascribed to this interesting old of conceit- that never under his domination
old United States until at least we had tested town . Mining operations have been carried
had any foreigner ever been molested in his
it upon strangers. on directly beneath the place, to such an extent Territory. One thing is sure, he made a clean
The most beautiful feature of Mazatlan is that many buildings have been affected and sweep of bandits.
the picturesque drive along the water line, con even the great church on the hill threatens to A very interesting excursion from Acapo
structed by foreigners and donated to the city. fall at any time. neta is one due east into the foothills of the
It is a magnificent sweep of cliff, beach and The Rosario river, having its source away Sierra Madre, passing several hamlets and
surf, and is the favorite resort for the cus in the rugged mountains of the State of DuJuly concluding at the American-owned mine of
tomary drive just before sunset. The entire rango, about the old mining town of Pueblo Cucharas-the Spoons , though why spoons no
population, or at least that portion which can Nuevo, passes through and waters a very one explained. The camp is on a high bank
command a wheeled vehicle or a saddle animal fertile region, where much remunerative farm above the Acaponeta river, and just above the
Noviembre, 1920

número de años. Se han llevado a cabo bajo la

Por Caminos y Veredas de Mexico población trabajos mineros a tal grado de
intensidad que muchos edificios se han visto
afectados por ellos y que aun la enorme iglesia
Escenas y Aventuras en Caminos y Parajes Poco
del lugar amenaza con desplomarse de un
POR GEO . F. WEEKS Frecuentados por Viajeros y Escritores momento a otro.
El río de Rosario, que tiene su fuente a gran
CAPITULA XI. magnífica calzada de riscos , playa y marejada, y
distancia, en las ásperas montañas del Estado de
es el centro favorito de la población para tomar
Por La Costa Occidental Hasta Tepic Durango cerca de la vieja ciudad minera de
el acostumbrado paseo poco antes de que se
E hace un día por ferrocarril desde Culiacán Pueblo Nuevo, recorre la zona y riega una región
oculte el sol. Toda la población , o a lo menos la
hasta Mazatlán y más de dos en mula. parte de ella que puede disponer de un vehículo muy fértil, donde se llevan a cabo cultivos
S La vez que emprendí este viaje (que beneficiosos, pero que, sin embargo, es susceptible
o animal de silla, sale de la ciudad para ir al paseo,
fue mucho tiempo después del que acabo de des cuyo aspecto es animado e interesante. La bahía de una explotación cien veces más intensa.
críbir) hallándome un poco cansado de la conti Aunque nos encontrábamos a principios de
es en extremo pintoresca con sus isletas rocosas,
nua permanencia en la silla , envié al mozo (que marzo cuando visité esta región, encontré en el
sus palmas y demás verdura tropical.
en esta ocasión era el prototipo de lo que debe ser campo maíz en todos los períodos del desarrollo ,
Hay en la ciudad muchas factorías de cigarros ,
un mozo) por el viejo camino real, con las mulas desde las plantitas recién nacidas, que tendrían
ropa, calzado . Ciertamente que es el centro
de carga y el equipaje, en tanto que yo tomé el dos o tres pulgadas de alto hasta aquellas cuyas
manufacturero de la Costa Occidental, siendo
tren. Había visitado este histórico e importante mazorcas se estaban recogiendo para desgra
enorme la variedad y extensión de sus productos.
puerto de mar unos treinta años antes, en un narlas. En un campo el maíz había alcanzado
Uno de sus aspectos notables, como es el caso en
viaje que hize a lo largo de la costa desde Panamá todas las ciudades de la Costa Occidental, el estado en que empieza a brotar la inflorecen
hasta San Francisco , y si el lugar había cambiado cia, en otro comenzaban a formarse los elotes ,
consiste en el gran número de chinos que se
materialmente en apariencia en ese tiempo , el encuentran en ella dedicados a diversos ramos de* en otro, estaban a medio crecimiento , en otro
cambio no era excesivo. La población tenía encontrábanse en un período cercano a la madu
negocios. Monopolizan muchos de ellos hasta
exactamente el mismo aspecto ; podía creerse que rez y en otro estaban listos para la cosecha .
el punto de que son un tanto cuanto impopulares
habrían pasado tan sólo unos cuantos meses No cesa la producción en todo el año , si así se
entre los nativos, y ocupan a ese respecto, es
entre una y otra de mis visitas. Fulme directa desea. Tan pronto como se levanta una cosecha
decir, en lo tocante a impopularidad , el primer
mente al mismo hotel donde me había hespedado lugar después de los españoles . También existe puede sembrarse de nuevo , teniendo la seguridad
tantos años atrás. Encontré muy pocos cambios de obtener un buen producto de ella , particular
una buena representación de japoneses en esta
en todo, si es que los noté. mente si se practica la irrigación , por más que la
parte de la República, pero estos sujetos se abundante provisión de agua que existe no se
La llegada del ferrocarril del norte no había
mantienen en segundo lugar ocultándose mejor
afectado el aspecto de la ciudad , pues no había aprovecha ni en una décima parte de lo que se
que sus hermanos mongoles, y se dedican en
llegado la línea hasta la antigua población , ha podría.
gran escala a la pesca y a otras ocupaciones que
biéndose detenido en las inmediaciones, a una La fase siguiente de nuestro viaje llevónos a
tienen su centro de actividad lejos de los lugares
distancia de unas dos o tres millas y quedando la poblados . Be Acaponeta, que está asentada en las márgenes
estación invisible desde el centro principal. La 1 Están en proyecto aquí grandes trabajos de del rio del mismo nombre . Como mi negocio me
vista de la plaza trajo a mi memoria vívidamente exigía una estancia prolongada en este lugar ,
puertos, que son muy necesitados y que revelan hicimos de él el centro para emprender nume
una experiencia cómica de mi visita anterior.
una gran ambición . Se promete que se em
Cuatro de los que hacíamos el viaje desembar rosas excursiones tanto a la costa como a las
camos del vapor, que entonces, como ahora,
prenderán dentro de3 un ‫ܕܫܕ‬corto plazo. El comercio estribaciones de las montañas. Aquí supimos
de la ciudad es extenso y existe una línea de
debia permanecer a cierta distancia fuera del cosas por demás interesantes acerca de ciertas
vapores de propiedad japonesa que funciona
puerto, transportando a los pasajeros y la carga tribus de las montañas que se dice no han sido
entre este puerto y el Japón , via California.
por medio de lanchas y embarcaciones ligeras. conquistadas nunca , sino que conservan su
Si no tiene prisa el viajero haría bien en dete
Después de vagar durante algún tiempo y como integridad de tribus, y lo que es aun mejor y más
nerse uno o dos días en Rosario, una población
el muelle encontrábase a considerable distancia notable, la integridad de sus tierras. Para
bien antigua que se encuentra a unas tres horas
del centro de actividad, concluímos por ir al de ferrocarril al sur de Mazatlán . Por una entonces habíamos cruzado la línea fronteriza
hotel para tomar algún refresco, más no tenía del Estado de Sinaloa e internádonos en el
razón no muy aparente, establecióse la línea a
mos idea de la dirección en que debíamos echar a una distancia de tres o cuatro millas de la Territorio de Tepic, que se ha trocado ahora en
andar. Viendo acercarse a un individuo de el Estado de Nayarit .
población a la que debe llegarse por un " camino
tez morena y de fisonomia extraña a nosotros Fue en esta región donde se sostuvieron los
(se le llama así por cortesía puramente) , con un
nos detuvimos, pensando que sería un pie de una arena fina, lleno de rocas y cepas,
famosos bandidos Heraclio Bernal y Lozada ,
nativo . Uno de nuestro grupo, en su mejor sobre las cuales llevan los conductores sus mejor conocido bajo el nombre de " El Tigre de
español (aprendido en la Universidad) pidióle Alica ." La gente de los contornos aun gusta de
vehículos a toda la velocidad que pueden desarro
que nos encaminara a una hostería. La única llar las mulas de sus coches, animales parecidos relatar sus aventuras, y sin duda que ha creado
respuesta que obtuvo fue una mirada vacía de una atmósfera de novela en torno de estos indi
a ratas, sin miramiento alguno por la comodidad
sentido, junto con un ligero movimiento de viduos sedientos de sangre , atmósfera casi igual
y seguridad de los viajeros. Debo decir, - entre
cabeza . Otro del grupo dirigióse entonces a él a la que se ha formado en torno de su último
paréntesis, que en este lugar abandoné el ferro
hablándole en el mismo género universitario de imitador, Villa, aunque quizás con mejor funda
carril para volver a montar en el movible lomo
francés , sólo para encontrarse con una respuesta mento. En los días de Bernal y Lozada no
de mi mula. Pobre animal. Aun puedo ver la
similar. Todavía trató de hacerse entender en había agentes de publicidad , de suerte que sus
mirada plena de reproche que acostumbraba
alemán, pero sin éxito . El extranjero parecía hechos fueron lo único que los dió a conocer .
dirigirme, cuando volviendo la cabeza me miraba
estar un poco embarazado ; finalmente pudo Tuve en Tepic, la buena fortuna de conocer al
trepar a la silla , y el profundo gruñido con que Gobernador Mariano Ruiz , contemporáneo de
hablar. " Excusadme, " dijo , " pero estoy muy
protestaba cuando mi peso de doscientas libras
apenado. El único idioma que hablo es el o más se asentaba en el asiento ! Juárez y leal adherente de Díaz, quien , inmedia
inglés ! " tamente después de la exaltación de ese jefe fue
Rosario V es una de las poblaciones mineras
Inmediatamente todos abjuramos de nuestros enviado a Tepic para suprimir el bandidaje y
más notables de la Costa Occidental, aunque las
esfuerzos en hacer gala de nuestros conoci convertir la zona en un lugar seguro de tránsito
mientos linguisticos y concluímos por adherirnos personas a quienes consulté no hubieran podido
ponerse de acuerdo respecto a la fecha de su para viajeros y otros. Don Mariano comenzó
al viejo idioma de los Estados Unidos cuando
fundación. En las afueras, encuéntrase el viejo su carrera militar a la edad de once años , ha
menos hasta que lo hubiésemos ensayado con los
Campo Santo, con una entrada de piedra pro biendo alcanzado el grado de sargento a los
extranjeros .
El aspecto más hermoso de Mazatlán está fusamente adornada sobre la cual existe un catorce. Luchó en la revolución de 1857 , en la
constituído por el pintoresco paseo que existe a escudo de armas con esta inscripción tallada intervención francesa, y cuando se alcanzó el
lo largo de la costa, paseo que fue construído por " 1630. " Es pues evidente que se puede adju triunfo , fue promovido al grado de general .
los extranjeros y cedido a la población . Es una dicar a la vieja e interesante ciudad un buen Enviado a Tepic a restablecer el orden , cumplió
34 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

mine about half a mile is a sharp elbow in the Cristobal, the patron saint of the edifice, with pared to continue our journey south from
• stream with a rocky promontory at whose uplifted sword and buckler, built out from one Acaponeta, we decided to take it in easy
base the river flows. We were
were told not corner of the main tower and reaching some stages, starting very early in the morning
to venture beyond that point , as the 15 or 20 feet upward. It is carved from the and reaching some halting place before the
Indians dominating the region to the east stones of the structure and is part of it. Un sun became too torrid. In the same meson
never permitted anyone to pass farther up the fortunately the good saint does not appear to where we were staying was a liquor manu
stream . Justly enough, they had a very stren have been able to protect his stone counterpart facturer from a town in Jalisco , to the south
uous and ever-present fear of losing their upon earth, for a few years ago a bolt of of Tepic, who had come to Acaponeta to
lands, the experience of other Indian tribes lightning committed * a grievous assault and collect some accounts . His business com
having led them to believe that covetous eyes battery upon the ancient and peculiar statue, pleted, after learning that we intended tak
were cast upon their holdings and that the depriving it of its beauty and more or less of ing the same route southward, we agreed
only manner in which to retain possession was its members, but not detracting from the in to start together very early in the morning
to absolutely prevent any outsider from so terest that attaches to it. -three o'clock being the hour selected for
much as even setting foot in their territory. A novel sight at Acaponeta is the manner the start. But we were not able to keep
A party of government surveyors once upon in which the women perform their laundry our engagement- the mozo being slow in
a time worked their way from the east and work. The river is for the greater part getting the mules saddled and packed, and
began delineating the boundaries between the quite shallow and is spread out over a wide it was more than an hour after the liquor.
States of Durango, Zacatecas, Jalisco and the bed, partly of sand and partly of small dealer had started before we took the road.
Territory of Tepic, but as soon as the free boulders. Instead of doing their washing We overtook him and his mozo about two
and independent Huichole Indians detected on the shore, as is customary in other hours after sunrise. They were waiting for
their presence they drove them out, tore down sections, they have built little platforms or us. Their journey was ended . Both lay
the monuments that they had erected, pulled mounds of stone in the water, reaching dead by the side of the road, having been
up and burned the stakes that had been driven, about a foot above the surface . Half a shot from ambush and the body of the
and warned the engineers and their assistants dozen leafless tree limbs are fastened up master having been rifled of the very con
never to return . And I was told in Tepic right in the platform, and the owner sits siderable sum of money which he was car
that they never had returned and that the in the water up to her waist and uses the rying home. Evidently he had been
lines in question never had been delineated, at platform as a washboard, hanging the watched and his movements anticipated by
least through the lands of the Indiais. At clothes on the limbs overhead to dry. The some one who knew of his business in
the same time these aborigines have friends on sight is picturesque in the extreme, as there Acaponeta. And we concluded that a lazy
the outside in whom they place implicit trust are hundreds of women thus employed up mozo had his uses after all.
(one such being an American of long resi and down the river for a mile or more. The
(To Be Continued )
dence ) , and if assurance be given by them stream is, too , a favorite bathing place, and
that an intending visitor has no idea whatever this is a favorite amusement of the populace.
Discuss New Banking
of seeking to deprive them of their rightful They are quite frank about it and one
ancestral property, but only desires to visit, may, if he care, see many rather odd sights, Law
make friends with and study a very interesting but he soon becomes accustomed to them.
OME of the provisions of the proposed
and curious people, he will be welcomed and As for example, resting one day on the bank SOME new banking law for Mexico have been
entertained most hospitably. But woe to the of the Santiago river, to cat lunch , after made public, occasioning much favorable com
"land-grabber," and a man with a "transit" having just crossed on our mules, a family
ment and discussion, as the establishment of
well, it would better be a machine gun ! party came on foot to make the same cross
adequate and safe banking facilities is one of
Once upon a time the Diaz government . ing. The water was deep and it did not the most urgent and important duties con
granted to others all the unsurveyed lands in seem possible for any one to pass on foot.
fronting the new government of the Republic.
this and other portions of the West Coast. A But the family removed their clothing, made
It is proposed to establish a central bank of
foreigner secured one of these graits , and it up into bundles which they carried above
the Republic, as a bank of issue, through
sent word to the Indian possesor that he had their heads , the father held one little child
which all other banks will be brought into
done this and that the lands now belonged to above his shoulder, the others being large
affiliation . Whether the investment of foreign
him . The chief of the tribe replied : enough to paddle their own canoes , and
capital in this bank will be permitted is one
"You say our lands now belong to you. the entire party crossed in safety, though
Good! If they belong to you, come and take the current was stiff and it was difficult of the questions still under discussion. The
them !" to keep their foothold. Arrived on the treasury officials and bankers of the Republic
But there was something so menacing in opposite shore, they nonchalantly redressed are in practical agreement as to the major
the laconic message that the putative owner themselves and trudged along through the questions involved, now differing only on de
never tried to take possession. There was one hot sand of the banks . tails which are expected easily to be taken
foreigner who tried something of the kind Out in the deep water an enterprising care of by General Alvarado, Secretary of the
with another tribe in Sinaloa, and though this man has built a bath house entirely of palm Republic, when he returns from his trip to
was a dozen years ago, no one has ever yet leaves on a bamboo framework and divided New York.
found the grave of the would-be land grabber ! into compartments by the same material,
In the same region as the Cucharas mines for the accommodation of those, mostly
Steps have been taken, which will in all
are ancient placer workings which were the foreigners , who are not so accustomed to
probability lead to favorable conclusion, for
original cause for the establishment of a num some of the bathing practices as are those
to the manner born. It is connected with the return after many years, of the Wells
ber of settlements, notably Huajicori, with its
the mainland by a long board walk sup Fargo Express Line, seized and operated by
fine old church, wherein, common report has
various former Mexican governments, to the
it, were once and even now are altar vessels ported on stakes driven into the river bed.
rightful owners. President da la Huerta has
and religious appliances made of solid gold For 5 cents one can utilize a compartment
publicly expressed his approval of the action.
taken from the old mines. Foreigners, we are for as long as he pleases, though the bather
told, were not allowed to view these , and I is always warned to beware of the caimanes,
accordingly dispatched the mozo, a good or alligators, which infest the deeper pools The National Railway management has a
church man, to ask the priest to permit him and which are said to have a very decided plan on foot to dispatch the trains to Laredo
to see the sacred relics. After awhile he re predilection for "white meat," though I from Mexico City at 7:30 p. m. instead of
turned with a marvelous account of what he never heard of anyone being molested by leaving in the early morning hours. This
had seen, fully corroborating the stories I had these saurians. change in schedule would enable passengers to
heard in this connection. A novel feature of Although it was early in the spring, the cross the Rio Grande the evening of their ar
the old church is a massive statue of San weather was very warm, and when we pre rival on the border-a great convenience.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 35

su cometido! Y era su mayor timbre de orgullo En la misma región de las minas de Cucharas mismo material, para la acomodación de aquellos ,
que no exhibía con aire de inmodestia- el que existen numerosos placeres que fueron la causa en su mayor parte extranjeros, que no esten
nunca bajo su dominación hubiera sido molestado original del establecimiento de cierto número de acostumbrados a las prácticas de baño de los
ningún extranjero en su Territorio . Una cosa poblaciones, principalmente de Huajicori , con su nativos. Los baños se comunican con tierra
era segura y cierta , que limpió la comarca de magnífica y vieja iglesia donde, según lo dice la firme por medio de un pasaje de tablas sostenido
bandidos . voz común, existieron y aun existen vasos de en estacas clavadas en el lecho del río. Por el
Una excursión muy interesante fue la que altar y objetos del culto hechos de oro macizo precio de cinco centavos puede uno utilizar un
hicimos desde Acaponeta hacia el este, enmedio sacado de las antiguas minas. Según se nos departamento tan grande como guste, por más
de las estribaciones de la Sierra Madre, pasando dijo no se permitía ver esta maravilla a los que se advierta al bañista que debe precaverse de
por varias aldeas y terminando en la mina de las extranjeros, y, por consecuencia, despaché a mi los caimanes o cocodrilos que infestan los charcos
Cucharas, de propiedad americana, por más que mozo, un buen devoto para que pidiera permiso profundos y que se dice poseen una verdadera
debo decir que no me explicaron el porqué de al sacerdote para ver las sagradas reliquias. Al predilección por la " carne blanca, " por más que
este nombre. Encuéntrase el lugar sobre una cabo de un rato regresó con un maravilloso relato es verdad que no supe jamás que hubiera sido
alta ribera en el río Acaponeta , y precisamente de lo que había corroborando así plenamente molestado alguno por estos feroces saurios.
arriba de la mina, a cosa de media milla de dis las relaciones que había yo conocido a este Aunque nos hallábamos a principios de la
tancia , hállase un ángulo agudo en la corriente, respecto . Un aspecto novedoso de la vieja primavera, la temporada era muy cálida, de
con un promontorio rocoso a cuya base corre el iglesia consiste en una maciza estatua de San manera que cuando nos decidimos a continuar
río. Se nos aconsejó que no nos aventuráramos Cristóbal, el patrón del edificio, con su espada nuestro camino al sur de Acaponeta resolvimos
más allá de ese punto pues los indios que dominan levantada y su escudo, construído en un ángulo hacerlo en jornadas pequeñas, partiendo muy
la región que se extiende al oriente no permiten de la torre principal y que llega a unos quince o temprano por la mañana y llegando a parar a
jamás que ningúno avance más río arriba . Han veinte pies más arriba. Está tallado en las un lugar antes de que se hiciera quemante el sol.
abrigado siempre, y con justicia, un gran temor piedras del edificio y forma parte integrante de En el mismo mesón donde nos hallábamos
de perder sus tierras, ya que lo que ha sucedido él . Desgraciadamente el buen santo parece que encontrábase un fabricante de licores de cierta
a otros indios los ha hecho creer que siempre hay no pudo mantener sobre tierra su imagen población de Jalisco que había venido a Acapo
miradas codiciosas fijas en sus posesiones y que pétrea pues hace unos cuantos años cierto rayo neta a cobrar algunas cuentas. Terminado su
única manera de conservarlas consiste en impedir cometió un perjudicial asalto sobre la antigua y negocio, y después de saber que tratábamos
en lo absoluto que cualquier extraño ponga los peculiar estatua , privándola de su belleza y, de ambos de tomar el mismo camino del sur, con
pies en su territorio . algunos de sus miembros , pero sin anular su vinimos en partir juntos a la mañana siguiente,
Cierta vez vino del oriente un grupo de topó interés. siendo las tres la hora elegida para la marcha .
grafos del Gobierno y empezó a delinear las Un aspecto atractivo de Acaponeta es la Pero no pudimos cumplir nuestro compromiso
fronteras entre los Estados de Durango, Zaca manera en que desempeñan las mujeres su tarea pues el mozo estuvo tardo en ensillar y cargar
tecas, Jalisco y el Territorio de Tepic, más tan del lavado de la ropa. En su mayor parte, el río las mulas y hacía una hora que había partido
pronto como descubrieron su presencia los libres es poco profundo y se extiende en un amplio el fabricante de licores cuando echamos a andar
e independientes indios Huicoles , los arrojaron, lecho, formado parte de arena , y parte de piedras por el camino. Lo alcanzamos a él y a su mozo
derribaron los monumentos que habían construi pequeñas . En lugar de lavar en la orilla , como dos horas después de que había salido el sol .
do, echaron abajo y quemaron las estacas que se acostumbra en otras regiones, han construído Nos estaban esperando . Había terminado su
se habían plantado y advirtieron a los ingenieros las lavanderas pequeñas plataformas o eminen viaje ! Ambos yacían muertos al lado del
y sus ayudantes que no regresaran jamás . cias de piedra en el agua , que se elevan cosa de camino, pues habían perecido en una emboscada .
Dijéronme en Tepic que jamás regresaron los un pie sobre la superficie libre. Se fijan , erectas El cuerpo del amo había sido despojado de la
topógrafos y que nunca se han delineado las en la plataforma , unas seis ramas de árbol , desho considerable suma de dinero que llevaba para su
líneas en cuestión, a lo menos dentro de las jadas. La mujer se introduce en el agua hasta casa . Evidentemente que había sido vigilado y
tierras de los indígenas. Al mismo tiempo estos la cintura y emplea la plataforma como lava anunciado su viaje por alguien que sabía el
aborígenes tienen amigos en el exterior, amigos dero, colgando las prendas de ropa, para que se asunto que lo había llevado a Acaponeta . Y
en quienes ellos depositan una confianza implícita sequen, en las ramas dispuestas de antemano . entonces concluímos por pensar que, después de
(siendo uno de ellos un americano que ha El conjunto es pintoresco en extremo, pues existen todo, es útil un mozo perezoso !
residido mucho tiempo en el país ) . Cuando centenares de mujeres empleadas de esa suerte, (Continuará)
ellos les aseguran que un presunto visitante no tanto río abajo como río arriba , en una extensión
tiene la menor idea de tratar de privarlos de de una milla o más . El río es tambien el baño
su legítima propiedad ancestral sino que sólo favorito y éste a su vez es la diversión preferida Aumento de la Circulación
desea visitar la comarca, hacerse amigo de ellos y por el pueblo bajo. Los nativos son bastante Monetaria
estudiar a un pueblo curioso e interesante, es despreocupados en este sentido, y puede uno, si ESDE el 19 hasta el 31 de Julio , 1,570,000
bien recibido y tratado con la mayor hospitalidad .
gusta , contemplar muchos espectáculos singu- D pesos , plata, fueron acuñadas en México ,
Pero ay del expropiador de tierras o de cual lares, aunque es verdad que pronto se acostumbra
durante el mismo período 4,220,000 tostones ,
quiera que vaya de paso-bueno, mejor sería en a ellos. Por ejemplo , descansando cierto día en
la ribera del Río de Santiago para tomar el plata, y 50,000 pesos, plata, en monedas de 20 .
tenderse con una ametralladora!
centavos, fueron acuñadas y puestas en circula
En cierta ocasión , el Gobierno de Díaz con lunch, después de haber cruzado la corriente ción. El cuño en oro fué de 800,000 " Aztecas, " o
cedió a algunos individuos todas las tierras no sobre nuestras mulas, presentóse del otro lado monedas de oro de 20 pesos , 800,000 pesos en
registradas de estas otras regiones de la Costa profunda y no parecía que pudiera nadie cruzar monedas de cinco pesos, y 200,000 pesos en
Occidental. Cierto extranjero obtuvo una de el río a pie. Pero la familia se despojó de sus monedas de dos y medio pesos. No se acuñaron
esas concesionos y envió a decir a los indios ropas, las hizo envoltorio que cargó sobre las monedas de dos pesos por la razón de que la
cabezas ; el padre cargó a un chico sobre los
propietarios que había adquirido las tierras, las moneda fraccionaria de plata es abundante ↓ la
hombros, ya que los demás eran lo suficiente
cuales le pertenecían ya.. El jefe de la tribu necesidad de la moneda fraccionaria de oro ya
mente crecidos para impulsar sus propias canoas,
replicó: no existe. Solamente 15,000 pesos en monedas
y todo el grupo cruzó la corriente sana y salva
" Dice usted que mis tierras le pertenecen . de cobre de veinte centavos fueron acuñadas en
por más que dicha corriente fuera impetuosa y
Está bien! Si son de usted venga y tómelas ! " Julio y hay 967,000 pesos de estas monedas en
que era difícil para cualquiera sostenerse en pie
Pero había algo tan amenazador en ese lacónico dentro de ella. Llegados al lado opuesto, los circulación . También hay en circulación 752 ,
mensaje que jamás trató de tomar posesión de viajeros se vistieron despreocupadamente y 000 pesos en monedas de cobre de 10 centavos, de
Hubo un echaron a andar fatigosamente sobre la cálida las cuales 47,000 fueron acuñadas en Julio. Se
las tierras el propietario putativo . está dando mucha atención al cuño , de monedas
extranjero que trató de hacer cosa parecida con arena de la orilla . de veinte , diez, cinco y dos y medio pesos, oro y
una tribu en Sinaloa , y aunque el hecho acaeció Fuera del agua profunda ha construído un plata ; y también monedas de medio peso y de
hace una docena de años, nadie ha podido hombre emprendedor una casa de baños , toda veinte centavos, con el objeto de retirar las
encontrar aún la tumba del presunto expro ella de hojas de palma , sobre un armazón de monedas de veinte y diez centavos de cobre tan
piador ! bambú, dividida en varios departamentos del pronto como sea posible.
36 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November, 1920

The Famous Alameda Three Hundred

The Desert of the Lions Years Ago
ET us quote what an old Irish monk,
Which Is Not a Desert and Which Has No Lions LThomas Gage by name, who found his
A Beautiful Region Close to Mexico City way to Mexico , nearly 300 years ago, says of
the promenade :
BY PROF FRANCISCO RIVAS us lighted our way with huge blazing faggots "The gallants of this city show themselves
T one, the day being now fine, we set off of resinous pine. What an interminable range daily ; some on horseback, and most in
for the desert, which you must not of deep, dark vaults and dungeons ! What coaches, about four of the clock in the after
A fancy is a bare and arid plain. The massive walls to divide one from another ! noon, in a pleasant shady field called the Ala
ruined convent, to which we directed our Some were used during the time of the monks, meda, full of trees and walks, somewhat like
steps, is situated in a beautiful and verdant we were told, as penitentiary prisons, some unto our moorfields ; where do meet, as con
wood. The walk to it is the most romantic as cellars ; and certainly for deeds of dark stantly as the merchants upon our exchange,
you can imagine. It is along a wooded ness -for fanatical vengeance-for the impo about 2,000 coaches full of gallants, ladies
barranca, skirting a deep and magnificent sition of lingering human suffering-nothing and citizens, to see and to be seen- to court
glen, which lies beneath you. The wood could be either more appropriate or more com and to be courted-the gentlemen having in
is composed of the finest forest trees, prin plete. The mind shuddered as fancy conjured their train blackamoor slaves, some a dozen,
cipally of the pine family, and the "wood up all the terrible scenes which these dun some half a dozen, waiting on them , in brave
man's stroke" resounded in divers parts. Two geons must have witnessed, and all the groans and gallant liveries, heavy with gold and sil
ver lace, with silk stockings on their black
legs, and roses (rosettes ) on their feet ; and
swords by their sides. The ladies also carry
their train of slaves by their coaches' sides, of
such jet-like damesells, as have before been
mentioned for their light apparel ; who, with
their bravery and white mantel over them,
seem to be as the Spainard saith, ' Mosca en
leche,' a fly in milk."
Gage went from Ireland to Spain, and then
entered a convent of Dominican monks . He
was sent to the Philippines in 1625 ; made
money, got back to England, abjured the
Catholic faith, and obtained the living of
Deal in Kent.

Work on dredging the bar at Frontera has
begun again after several years abandonment.

The Finance Department claims a monthly

income of $18,000,000 and expenses $17,750,000,
or $250,000 monthly to the good.

From the 8th to the 14th of July last year

the income of the National Railways of Mexico
was $ 1,146,142 as against $1,728,698 the same
period this year, an increase of over half a

miles brought us to the bottom of the glen, of despair to which their walls must have lis
The Confederated Chambers of Commerce
through many a winding path ; and then once tened. It was a relief to the spirit to emerge
more ascending to the opposite height, or bar- once more into open day. At some distance of Mexico are preparing to protest against the
ranca, we had the road by which we had come, from the convent, and at the bottom of what increase of passport fees into the United States
to $10. The protestants feel they are being
just facing us, with the glen lying between. had once been extensive gardens, now tangled
fined for the privilege of buying in the United
All at once we came upon the ruins, situated with underwood and trees, stood a large al
on an open bit of tableland, but surrounded cove. Thence we walked round the convent States.
by woods. The convent was originally one of and read the tablet fixed on one of the walls,
the finest hereabouts and was finished in the which bore witness to the date of the com There has been a lively business recently in
year 1616. The walls and the corridors are pletion of the buildings. Next we contrived Mexican dye woods . The average prices being
all still standing with their roofs ; though of to get on the parapet of one of the domes, paid are from $32 to $46 a ton, New York or
Philadelphia, the latter city being the best
most of the rooms the bare walls only remain. whence we had a splendid view of the sur
So of the cloisters. Along these long corri- rounding country. Descending once more to market. Export tax is 50 cents per 100 kilos,
dors, the walls of which are covered with the chapel we found our horses ready for de or 11½ cents gold per 100 pounds.
names of visitors written with charcoal, we parture, thus bringing the scene at the desert
advanced to the chapel, which though dilapi- to a close. Jaime Gurza, one time minister of finance,
dated, with all the windows gone, maintains has been commissioned by the government to
its lofty roof unimpaired. It was once a A strong private company has been organ make a study into the conditions of the Na
splendid structure. On the walls, names, sen ized for the purpose of putting on a big ex tional Railway Lines with a view to ascertain
tences and verses abounded in thousands. We position of national and foreign products in the advisability or otherwise of returning the
next proceeded to inspect the vaults which ran this city in 1922. The government, it is un property to its owners. No decision has yet
completely round the whole quadrangular derstood, will lend financial and moral assist been reached regarding the return of the Wells
building. Three or four of the Indians with ance. Fargo Express property to its rightful owners.
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 37

blanca mantilla parecen ser como dice el

El Desierto De Los Leones adagio español : "Moscas en leche."
Gage machó de Irlanda a España y entró
en un convento de frailes dominicanos . Fue
Que No es Desierto y que No Tiene Leones- Una Bella
enviado a las Filipinas en 1625 ; habiendo he
Región Próxima a la Ciudad de México
cho dinero, regresó a Inglaterra, abjuró de la
fe católica y obtuvo el beneficio eclesiástico
POR EL PROFESOR FRANCISCO RIVAS fecha de la terminación de los edificios . En de Deal en Kent.
OR fin, presentándose bueno el día, seguida nos ingeniamos para trepar al parapeto
partímos para el Desierto, que no debe de una de las cúpulas, desde donde tuvimos
P imaginarse que es una llanura árida y el espléndido espectáculo de la comarca circun El Ferrocarril Noroeste de México ha
desnuda. El convento arruinado hacia el que vecina. Descendiendo una vez más a la capilla presentado al gobierno de México reclama
dirigimos nuestros pasos está situado en un encontramos nuestros caballos listos para la ciones por la cantidad de $5,000,000 por daños
bosque verde y hermoso. La senda que con marcha, poniendo término así al espectáculo causados durante las revoluciones que han
duce a él es de lo más romántico que pueda del Desierto . habido hasta la fecha.
imaginarse. Corre a lo largo de una barranca
llena de bosques, bordeando una cañada
magnífica y verde que se extiende debajo de
El bosque está compuesto de los me
jores árboles, principalmente de los de la
familia del pino. El golpe del leñador
resonaba en distintas partes. Una caminata
de dos millas llevónos al fondo del valle, a
través de senderos tortuosos ; después, ascen
diendo a la altura opuesta, o barranca, con
templamos el camino por donde habíamos
venido, con el valle intermedio. Inmediata
mente después llegamos a las ruinas, situadas
en una pequeña extensión de planicie abierta,
pero rodeada de bosques . El convento, primi
tivamente, fue uno de los mejores de la
comarca y quedó terminado en el año de 1616.
Los muros y corredores se mantienen aún en
pie, con sus techos ; aunque de la mayor parte
de los cuartos sólo quedan los muros desnudos.
Lo mismo acontece con los claustros. A lo
largo de estos extensos corredores, cuyas
paredes están cubiertas con los nombres de los
visitantes, escritos con carbón, avanzamos
hasta la capilla, que, aunque arruinada y sin
ventanas, aun conserva intacto su altísimo
techo. En un tiempo fue una magnífica
construcción. En los muros abundan a milla
res los nombres, sentencias y versos. Inme RUINAS DE UN CONVENTS EN EL DESIERTO DE LOS LEONES
diatamente después procedimos a examinar
las bóvedas, que se extienden al rededor La Famosa Alameda Hace Agencia Americana de Automobiles
del cuadrangular edificio. Tres o cuatro de los Trescientos Años en Chihuahua
indios que nos acompañaban alumbraban OPIEMOS lo que dice de este paseo un A primera agencia de automóviles y trac
nuestro camino con enormes haces encendidos L ^ tores establecida en Chihuahua, fue
IE monje irlandés,, llamado Thomas
de astillas de pino resinoso.¡ Qué interminable abierta en julio por ciudadanos americanos .
Gage, quien estuvo en México hace cerca
serie de bóvedas oscuras profundas, y de de trescientos años . Esta agencia, que representa varias clases de
calabozos ! ¡ Qué muros tan sólidos para "Los galanes de esta ciudad se exhiben automóviles americanos, ha establecido un
separar a uno de otro ! Algunos de estos diariamente ; algunos a caballo y la mayor taller moderno de reparaciones, con mecánicos
fueron empleados en tiempo de los monjes, se parte en coches, hacia las cuatro de la tarde, americanos. Tendrá en stock toda clase de
nos dijo, como prisiones penitenciarias ; otros, un agradable campo sombreado llamado accesorios para toda clase de automóbiles y
como celdas ; y ciertamente que para acciones la Alameda, lleno de árboles y senderos, y un tractores. Se tiene la intención de hacer
derivadas del oscurantismo-para venganzas poco parecido a nuestros Moorfields ; donde experimentos con los tractores americanos
fanáticas-para la imposición de un prolon se reúnen, con tanta constancia como los para beneficio de los agricultores en está
gado sufrimiento humano-no podía nada ser mercaderes en nuestro mercado, unos dos mil región. Según dice el Vice Consul Aguirre, ya
más apropiado ni más completo. La mente se han hecho experimentos con buen éxito en
coches llenos de galanteadores, damas q ciuda
se sobrecogía de terror mientras la imagina el Colegio de Agricultura de Ciudad Juarez,
danos que van allí para ver y ser vistos-para
ción evocaba las terribles escenas que deben el cual pidió a una firma americana le prestara
haber presenciado esos calabozos y los rugidos cortejar y ser cortejados- llevando los cabel
uno de esos tractores. Se necesitan catálogos
de desesperación que deben haber escuchado leros esclavos negros en su tren, algunos una
y literatura sobre accessorios para automóbiles
sus muros. Fue un consuelo para nuestros docena, otros media docena, que les esperan,
y maquinaria eléctrica.-Informes Consulares.
espíritus el salir una vez más a la luz del día. enfundados en bravas y bizarras libreas, pesa
A cierta distancia del convento y en el fondo das por los lazos de oro y plata, con medias
Un despacho de Monterrey dice que pasaron
de lo que fue en un tiempo lugar de extensos de seda en sus piernas negras con moños
por esa ciudad, con dirección a la Ciudad de
jardines enmarañado en la actualidad con (rosetas) en sus pies, y espa da al cinto. Las
México, 95 carros de ferrocarril para vía
maleza y árboles se levanta un amplio cenador. damas llevan también su tren de esclavas ancha, y 105 para vía angosta. Originalmente,
Después, caminamos en torno del convento y al lado de su coche, compuesto de damiselas estos carros fueron comprados por el gobier
leímos la lápida que se encuentra en uno de negras como el azabache como los que se han no de Yucatán, y se supone que son para uso
sus muros, la que ofrece el testimonio de la mencionado antes, las que, con su bizarra y de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales.
38 THE MEXICAN REVIEW November , 1920

MEXICO SUPERA A ST. LOUIS situación política, existe la creencia general de sitantes en cada ciudad en que arriben por el
que Villa está cansado de combatir y de que club o los clubs que en ella existan,
Es Más Limpio, Está Mejor Iluminado si él no combate nadie querrá hacerlo. Que nosotras, el Club de Mujeres de Cali
y Mejor Protegido- Tal Dice un Via "Parece que Carranza ha ejercido una fornia, obremos immediatamente para interesar
jero de Missouri que Visitó Reciente buena influencia en todo el país. En el sur, a nuestras hermanas de los distintos clubs del
mente Esa Ciudad donde fue muerto el bandido Zapata, reina la país, para que den cuanto antes los pasos nece
paz y los agricultores están construyendo sarios hacia la félíz realización de este pro
vuestro concepto de México es el de un hogares permanentes. En Torreón, donde yecto,
S'país atrasado las estribaciones de cuyas quería Villa asentar su capital, ha construído Que nosotras, que formamos el Club de Mu
montañas están habitadas por bandidos y cuyos Carranza dos magníficas escuelas." jeres de California, patrocinemos tan sólo
principales ciudadanos viven en casas de Manifestó Block finalmente que encontrán aquello que sea equitativo y justo respecto a
adobe, ese concepto es por completo erróneo . dose en la ciudad de México se publicó en la la nación que es nuestra próxima vecina, 1
El único que en México se preocupa por prensa de este país un despacho anunciando Que nosotras, del Club de Mujeres de Cali
combatir es Villa y parece que está cansado que estaban muriendo de hambre diez mil fornia, estamos convencidas de que es éste el
de su penosa tarea ; y por lo que mira a las niños mexicanos. Tal aserción es ridícula, camino más seguro y rápido para obtener una
condiciones de vida, la ciudad de México está dijo .-Del St. Louis Star. base cooperativa más inteligente para la buena
muy por encima de St. Louis en aquellas armonía entre las dos naciones : México y los
mismas cosas de que se ufana St. Louis. Estados Unidos ,
Tal es el mensaje traído por R. P. Block, Que nosotras, miembros del Club de Muje
Gerente del Departamento de Exportación de res de California, juzgamos como nuestro de
la "Shapleigh Hardware Co. ," quien acaba de La Federación de Clubs Femeninos de ber patriótico el apoyar y estimular todas las
regresar de un viaje de treinta días a México, iniciativas para el progreso y mejoramiento de
California Expresa su Simpatia Hacia
donde fue huésped de la Cámara de Comercio México y Urge la Cooperación con las ese pueblo oprimido y mal comprendido.
de la capital , de la cual es Secretario el señor
Mujeres Mexicanas
W. F. Saunders de St. Louis.
Los nativos de St. Louis que acompañaron OR CUANTO se ha demostrado claramen Aprecio de Cortesias.
a Block fueron José Frey, Gerente del De POR te que el Club Americano de mujeres no LA REVISTA da sus más sinceras gracias a la
partamento de Exportación de la "Hamilton sabe ni comprende la verdad sobre las condi Camara de Comercio Americana de la Ciudad
Brown Shoe Co. ," y Charles J. Bittel, de la ciones económicas de México, ya sea del de México por muchas de las noticia qur
"Meyer Bros. Drug Co." Hicieron el mismo pasado o en el presente, y que es difícil aparecen en este número, y tambien por el
viaje ciento cincuenta delegados de todas obtener literatura auténtica sobre este asunto. uso de los grabados de varias escenas de
partes de los Estados Unidos. Por cuanto se está llevando a cabo con ma México que aparecieron en el primer número.
La ciudad de México, según dice el señor ravilloso éxito la estupenda obra de reforma La oportuna ayuda de las mencionados or
Block, está más adelantada que St. Louis en en México, a pesar de la terrorífica e incom ganizaciones, disminuyò la labor de la publi
su sistema de policía, en su limpieza y en su prensible oposición de los que deberían en cación del primer número en esta cuidad.
sistema de iluminación. De hecho, dice , contrarse en perfecta y simpática inteligencia

desconocemos lo que sea el alumbrado com con las esperanzas , aspiraciones, ambiciones,
pleto de todas las calles. La ciudad cuenta anhelos , deseos y caracteristicas naturales de la
con buenos hoteles, como los de los Estados PARA LOS HOMBRES QUE SE
República hermana, AYUDAN DE SI MISMOS
Unidos, a precios más cómodos que aquí. Por cuanto la nueva mujer mexicana, en su
despertar, constituye una de las maravillas de Si Ud. es un hombre progresista y emprendedor.
Block ocupó un excelente cuarto, con baño,
tiene un puesto que llenar en el creciente desarrollo
por la suma de $3 diarios y comía perfec la época moderna, ayudando noblemente en la que viene alcanzando el progreso de la Agricultura y
tamente a un precio equivalente a la tercera batalla y en la victoria al grupo de héroes con nuestra cooperación alcanzará Ud. a llenar ese
parte de lo que gastaría en los Estados Unidos . que ha luchado con tanta constancia por el puesto.
Describe las tiendas como magníficos esta establecimiento de los verdaderos ideales de la Sea Ud . miembro suscriptor de "LA AGRICUL
TURA MODERNA” y recibirá mensualmente
blecimientos. Democracia en su país, mensajes excepcionalmente útiles y de incalculable
"Fuímos profundamente impresionados por Por cuanto las mujeres de México se en interes para approvecharse de valiosas oportunidades
las posibilidades comerciales del país, por el cuentran en completa inteligencia y simpatía modernas que la experiencia resuelve en el vasto
campo de la Agricultura , Ganadería e Industrias
cordial interés demostrado por los negociantes con sus hermanas del universo, que luchan por Rurales. Sirvase leer el otro lado de esta carta.
mexicanos en las mercancías americanas y por el reconocimiento de iguales derechos para "LA AGRICULTURA MODERNA es, es la única
su deseo de traficar con los americanos en las los dos sexos y de todo aquello que interese publicación de interes Agrícola editada en Español en
mismas condiciones que con los demás extran al bienestar de la humanidad, el corazón de California, El Estado más hermoso, más
rico y más adelantado en el perfeccionamiento de la
jeros. Los mexicanos se resienten de que, de Por cuanto las mujeres de México han for Agricultura moderna en los Estados Unidos y el
costumbre, se les exija hacer depósitos antes mado una fuerte agrupación de más de mil mundo entero.
de que puedan contar con las mercancía en este miembros en los últimos años y que están de A nuestros suscriptores remitimos gratis el
hermoso album de interesantes escenas del progreso
país . No quieren ni necesitan que se les abra mostrando constituír un poderoso elemento
de Industrias Agrícolas en California, en donde le
crédito , pero sin duda que apreciarían justa para la restauración del país, harán apreciar magníficas impresiones.
mente la cortesía de nuestra parte." Por cuanto es preciso que se propague en La suscripción añual es la insignificante suma de
Añadió que hay tres cosas esenciales para nuestra República, con la mayor rapidez posi $2.50 oro americano , lo cual constituye la inversión
ble la verdad sobre la situación Mexicana, más útil y provechosa que se le presenta.
que existan relaciones comerciales armoniosas Ud. encontrará en "LA AGRICULTURA
entre México y este país, a saber : entregas Resuelvase : que por todas las razones ex MODERNA" artículos de fondo sobre maquinaria
rápidas , empaques cuidadosos y la extensión puestas, nosotras, miembros del Club de Muje Agrícola e implementos modernos, Agricultura de
de créditos. res de California ofrecemos al club herma secano, Irrigación, Veterinaria práctica, Avicultura,
Abejas, Conservas de Fruta, para necesidades domés
Manifestó Mr. Block que los mexicanos no de mujeres de México, nuestro apoyo moral ticas e industriales ; Arboricultura frutal, Forestal e
sostienen que es menor el porcentaje de ya que, como hemos visto, luchamos por los Industrial ; Cultivos tropicales, Ganadería, Veterinaria,
mismos ideales que ellas, Enfermedades y modernas fórmulas para los trata
pérdidas en sus ferrocarriles que en los de los mientos curativos en todo lo concerniente a la Agri
Estados Unidos. El viajero encontró las vías Que nosotras, miembros del Club de Muje cultura. y la Granadería, etc. , Además encontrará
en buen estado, pero observó que necesitan los res de California, enviamos una sincera y cor Ud. artículos prácticos que lo harán experto para
ferrocarriles material rodante. dial invitación al Club Hermano de Mujeres edificarse sus propias construcciones económicas de
Industriales Rurales.
"Existe un despertar general, una actividad de México, para que sea nuestro huésped en
general en este país, un deseo de librarse de un viaje a través de los Estados Unidos de
la influencia alemana: Por lo que toca a la América, debiendo ser atendidas nuestras ‫ וי‬vi Estados Unidos de Norte América
Noviembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 39

Se Niega Enfáticamente lo de los "Las Dos Repúblicas" inminente paso que puede humillar a México y
Empréstitos que podría ser el paso final y fatal de la caída de
AJO este título ha llegado a LA REVISTA
América. Al nombrar a Woodrow Wilson a la
OS persistentes rumores de que los repre BA MEXICANA un folleto primorosamente im
presidencia, John W. Wescott hizo sonar la nota
Lo sentantes del Gobierno Mexicano en el preso y encuadernado que contiene una perora
fundamental de advertencia a los patriotas mili
extranjero tratan de negociar empréstitos para ción de Charles Sumner Young en los Angeles, tantes que servirían bajo la bandera azul con el
su país, han vuelto a provocar negativas en 1916, y cuya publicación pareció oportuna en
águila americana : " Ayudad a México, no sea que
enfáticas por parte de personas que están en esta ocasión. Puede juzgarse del tono del dis bajo su tumba sangrienta estén esparcidos los
posición de hablar con autoridad. El Secre curso por algunas sutiles sentencias tomadas del
dientes del dragón de nuestra propia destrucción . '
tario de Hacienda, Alvarado, quién ha hecho prefacio : " Por el provecho y adelanto de toda El discurso en cuestión es digno de una cuida
una visita prolongada a los Estados Unidos, la humanidad," tal ha sido la divisa de las dosa lectura y de seria consideración por parte de
ha negado positivamente que sea ese uno de cohortes asesinas de invasores desde las primeras los verdaderos amigos de ambos países.
sus objetos durante su prolongada estancia en batallas de que se tiene noticia en los tiempos
aquel país. Él declara que México tiene los bíblicos, hace cuatro mil años. Jamás existió
fondos necesarios para hacer frente a los ningún país incapaz de gobernarse a sí mismo !
México ha existido durante mil años sin necesi
gastos corrientes y que en cuanto a las nuevas
obligaciones que vayan resultando, México dad de ningún gobierno americano ; y continuará FOR SALE
viviendo otros mil sin necesitar tal gobierno.
podrá cubrirlas sin necesidad de negociar un
empréstito extranjero. El Embajador Cova -- Parafraseando el gran discurso de Lincoln en
Peoria, Illinois, en 1854, dice : Cuando los 100,000 acres of hardwood timber
rrubias , representante diplomático de México
americanos se gobiernen a sí mismos, reconoceré and OIL lands, in
en la Gran Bretaña, de quien se dijo trataba
que ese es un gobierno propio ; cuando los ameri
de negociar un empréstito considerable con
canos se gobiernen a sí mismos y a los mexicanos
capitalistas ingleses, al igual que el Secretario SAN ANDRES TUXTLA, STATE OF
además, llamaré a eso despotismo."
Alvarado, ha declarado que no son ciertos
En conclusión dice el autor que se publica su VERACRUZ, MEXICO
esos rumores. De tiempo en tiempo se han
discurso en provecho de México, en provecho de
venido publicando muchos asertos fantásticos
los Estados Unidos y en provecho de la humani Details furnished to
y casi completamente imaginarios sobre este
dad, " con la esperanza de que las verdades
particular, y, sin embargo, está patente el por sí mismas puedan ejercer alguna influencia serious buyers
hecho de que México sigue adelante con sus sobre dos históricos amigos para evitar el
asuntos, que ha ido pagando sus gastos , que
está rehabilitando su sistema ferroviario con
las utilidades del mismo, y que, como hábil PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER ADDRESS :
mente dice el Secretario Alvarado, encontrará Gante, 9.-Tel. Eric. , 21-01
la manera de hacer frente a sus obligaciones GEORGE WILSON
English -Spanish Shorthand. Typewriter,
conforme éstas vayan saliendo. Cuando por Copying and Translations done by Experts.
primera vez se anunció, durante la revolución, Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays. Apartado (P. O. Box) , 1677
que si se le dejaba solo, México podría MRS. A. M. L. COLESON MEXICO, D. F.
rehabilitar sus finanzas, la declaración fue
seve sec Dee
recibida con incredulidad y escepticismo, y, sin
embargo, eso es exactamente lo que México
está haciendo. Todo lo que necesita es tiempo
-igualmente que cualquier empresa que está
solvente pero que se encuentra temporalmente
embarazada por circunstancias sobre las cuales EAGLE "MIKADO" PENCIL No.174
no tiene control.


Regular Length, 7 inches
DR. H. W. STAHL For Sale at your Dealer. Made in five grades
DENTISTA Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use.


Av. F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box, 131 Bis. Mexico , D. F.

Geo. J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zant , Jr. , F. Peltier , Fco. Coudurier , G. A. Moran,

President. Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager. Cashier. Assistant Cashier.



Current Checking Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Invited



National Railways of

Mexico and Annexes

(Administered by the Government)

Direct Passenger Service Between Mexico City and

Laredo , Texas; Ciudad Juaraz (El Paso), Manzanillo ,

Morelia, etc.

The trains to Laredo , Texas, are detained in Nuevo

Laredo , Mexico, only the time indispensable for compliance

with the customs and health regulations .

Sleeping cars are run daily from Mexico City to

Laredo, Ciudad Juarez, and Guadalajara, and every third

day to Tampico , via San Luis Potosi.


The business public is informed of the maintenance

of a system of insurance against the risks of war of all

classes of merchandise and with all points in the Republic .

This system has been in operation more than two years,

with most satisfactory results .

Assistant General Passenger Agent General Freight and Passenger Agent

Chief of the Insurance Department

1201 MAR 2 4 1921







United States Supreme Court and Those of Indiana and

Pennsylvania Have So Decided

Says Captain S. G. Hopkins


A Sympathetic Study of the Great American Poet's

Writings on Mexico and Civil War

By foel Quinones


Un-American Affiliations and Misrepresentations of

Interventionist Leaders Exposed

By Wickwire


The Bosque of Chapultepec and Its Arboreal Wonders

By "El Gringo"

Live Interpretative News Features and Editorials

D 222 の の

15c. American . The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English . 30c. Oro Nal.
Ofthe United States ofMexico
President-Elect ofthe United States of America

The Mexican Review


Last of the Malodorous i Petroleum Is Public Property

The Mexican Review
Benton Case HAT may well be called the most im
Published Monthly at Washington, D. C. HE wisdom of the methods adopted by Wportant contribution so far made to the
Tthe Mexican Government in the elimina petroleum question as affecting Mexico is that
GEO. F. WEEKS --- EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR tion of armed opposition and banditry, through published in this issue of THE REVIEW and
peaceable rather than military means, has re written by Captain S. G. Hopkins, of Wash
ceived another exemplification in the settle ington, whose valuable fund of information
Yearly subscription in the United States, Canada and ment of the notorious Benton case in a man upon international rights, precedents, etc., has
Mexico, $2 gold. Elsewhere, $2.50.
ner satisfactory to all concerned and to the more than once proved most enlightening as
Governments of Great Britain and of Mexico. well as valuable. Therein it is plainly and un
Office-Rooms 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street For the modest compensation of ten thousand equivocally set forth, as based upon the deci
Washington, D. C. dollars , with a pension of less than one thou sions of the highest courts in the land, includ
sand dollars a year, a protocol has been signed ing the Supreme Court itself, that petroleum
MEXICAN NEWS BUREAU which most effectually ends this source of dis deposits beneath the surface do not belong to
Accurate news by wire or mail of all important matters. pute. As those who were familiar with this the owner of that surface. The owner of the
Special articles on any Mexican topic prepared by com case and were in a position to know from per surface has the right to develop the oil, but
petent writers. Photographs furnished when desired . only that which he extracts becomes his per
Questions answered . Special inquiries undertaken. sonal investigation or knowledge gained "on
the spot," there was a vast amount of mis sonal property. That which remains beneath
representation regarding this affair. Indeed, the surface is the property of the nation. The
President of the Entire Country it is to be doubted if the facts were ever dis- decisions quoted by Captain Hopkins appear to
closed in their detail, as, besides Benton him have been overlooked, remarkably enough, by
self, only two men knew them, and there is those who have so industriously inculcated the
table declaration when his choice by
now but one survivor . It is cause for con idea that to claim public ownership of sub
the people as their Chief Executive was an
gratulation that this matter has been so wisely surface oil deposits was confiscation by the na
nounced to him by a committee from the
eliminated from any possibility of controversy, tion so claiming. The embodying in Article 27
Chamber of Deputies. He told them that he
and it is an indication of the course that will of the new Constitution of the provision in
regarded himself as the President of the en
be followed in other cases where redress is this respect which has met with such strenuous
tire country and not of the party which had
claimed or sought. objection, not to say misrepresentation, is seen
chosen him. Too frequently have the chief
to be fully justified and in strict accord with
magistrates of republics seemed to take the
the common law as interpreted by the highest
opposite view and to have acted as though the
judicial authority. Those who have found so
interests of the party that supported them Interesting Figures
much room for unfriendly comment and attack
were superior to those of the people as a O much has been said about "impover upon Mexico have now an opportunity to re
whole. President Obregon's position in this S° ished" Mexico, her " overwhelming debt,” vise their ideas and correct their utterances.
respect is worthy of commendation and imi her "bankrupt condition," her "onerous taxa This is not the first time, by the way, that
tation. tion," and so on, that a few comparative fig Mexican laws and regulations which have met
ures may be of interest. For example : The with the disapproval of foreigners affected
Prophecies That Fail announcement has just been made that the thereby have upon examination been found to
New York City budget for the coming year have undoubted precedent in the laws of other
NE by one the roses fall, as the old "has been cut down to $343,894,049." This, countries. In writing the statement given, its
ON song has it. And as with the roses, so with a population of some six millions. The author has rendered a distinct service to the
also with the unfriendly and uncomplimentary budget for the Federal Government of Mexico cause of friendship between the United States
prophecies regarding Mexico that have filled so has not been announced , but the total will not and Mexico.
large a portion of the foreign press during the be over one-third that of New York City THE REVIEW trusts that this timely exposi
past ten revolutionary years. Volumes could alone, and with a population almost three tion of the justice of Mexico's claims regardS
be filled with these prophecies and their refu times as large. The entire debt of Mexico, ing the ownership of sub-surface oil will find
tation by the sheer weight of events . Yet depicted as so overwhelming, is only about as wide publicity as have the mistaken claims
the greater portion, indeed it is not too much half a billion dollars, and is the smallest per upon the other side of the question. By all
to say all , of the most serious ones have fallen capita of any nation of standing in the world. considerations of fair play, Mexico is entitled
flat and have been disproved. The few who to this rectification .
prophesied in the other direction have lived to
see themselves vindicated. They have reason A Million Population
able cause for satisfaction and congratulation Official Congratulations to
STIMATES made by canvassers who are
upon their clearness of vision. President- elect Harding
E$ preparing data for a directory of Mexico
City and the Federal District (corresponding RESIDENT- ELECT of Mexico, Gen
R. E. J. DILLON, the well-known Eng to Washington and the District of Columbia ) , PRE eral Alvaro Obregon, and Provisional
to a
D ish writer, contributed an article reach the conclusion that the population of the President Adolfo de la Huerta, sent a mes
recent issue of the Saturday Evening Post, in city is between 800,000 and 900,000, while that sage to President-elect Warren G. Hard
which he gives his impressions of President of the suburbs will bring the grand total to ing, congratulating him on his triumph in the
Obregon embodying the results of several over 1,000,000 . This is an increase of some Presidential election held on November 2d in the
months' companionship and investigation. It is thing like fifty per cent since the last census United States.
of great interest, being in refreshing contrast to was taken, in 1910. Preparations are also un The message is considered as the first step
most that has been published regarding the der way for an official enumeration, but it is toward the establishment of a good feeling
new element in Mexican affairs that has not believed the total will vary much from the and understanding between Mexico and the
come into notice during the past dozen years. one given. United States.
La Revista Mexicana


La Revista Mexicana mucha frecuencia los Primeros Magistrados de Los Tribunales Americanos Declaran
las Repúblicas han pensado y obrado de un el Petróleo de Propiedad Pública
modo opuesto , como si los intereses del partido
Publicación mensual Washington, D. C. NA de las que bien podemos llamar más
que los postulara fueran superiores a los de todo U importante colaboración dada hasta
el país. El punto de vista del Presidente Obregón ,
GEO. F. WEEKS - EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO a este respecto , es digno de encomio e imitación . aquí sobre la cuestión petrolera, en cuanto se
• relaciona con México , es la que se publica en
este número de La Revista , escrita por el
Suscripciones por un Añio , en los Estados Unidos, Canada Fin del Sospechoso Caso Benton
y México, $2 oro . En cualquiera otra parte, $2.50 . Capitán S. G. Hopkins, de Washington, cuyo
A discreción de los métodos adoptados por valioso contingente sobre asuntos internacionales
LA el gobierno de México para terminar la
se ha demostrado que es tan altamente instruc
Oficinas : 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street N. W. oposición armada y el bandidaje por medios tivo como meritorio.
Washington, D. C. pacíficos más bien que con medidas militares , En dicho artículo se asienta clara e inequívo
ha recibido nueva confirmación en el arreglo camente, fundándose en las decisiones de altos
AGENCIA DE NOTICIAS DE MEXICO. satisfactorio, en todos respectos , del sonado caso tribunales en materia de tierras, inclusive de la
Noticias exactas por telégrafo y correo de todos los asuntos Benton, efectuado entre el Gobierno Británico y misma Suprema Corte, " que los yacimientos de
de interés. Artículos especiales sobre cualquier tópico el de México . Por la modesta compensación petróleo del subsuelo , nó pertenecen al propie
mexicano , por escritores competentes. Se proporcionan de diez mil dollars, más una pensión de menos tario del terreno," Este tiene el derecho de
fotografías a solicitud . Se dan informaciones. Hacemos
de cien dollars mensuales, se ha firmado un explorar los yacimientos, pero únicamente lo
investigaciones especiales.
protocolo que prácticamente cierra esta fuente que llega a extraer es lo que constituye su
de disputa . Para quienes estuvieron familiari propiedad particular. Lo que permanece en
Un Buen Ejemplo zados con este caso y en posibilidad de
el sub-suelo es propiedad de la nación. Las
L electo Presidente Obregón introdujo una conocerlo por investigación personal o por resoluciones que invoca el Capitán Hopkins
E innovación en las prácticas semi-oficiales, conocimiento adquirido en el lugar del suceso , parecen haber sido desdeñadas, con deliberada
inmediatamente después de su su elección en ha habido mucho de falsía en este asunto . Con
intención, por quienes tan empeñosamente
Septiembre. Efectuó una gira a través de una seguridad, el caso se haría bastante sospechoso inculcaron la idea de que la pretensión de
extensa región de la República , desde el sur si los hechos fueran revelados en todos sus
propiedad pública sobre los yacimientos de
hasta la parte norte de la frontera , con el propó detalles, pues, fuera del mismo Benton , sola petróleo del sub-suelo , significaba una confisca
sito de identificarse con el pueblo y conocer sus mente dos personas lo presenciaron , y de ellas ción por parte de la nación que la sostuviera .
necesidades, aunque esto último era casi inne sólo una vive. Hay motivo para congratularse
La inclusión de este derecho de propiedad
cesario, ya que ningún hombre conoce mejor de que este asunto haya sido cuerdamente puesto
pública que consigna el artículo 27 de la
que él las necesidades del pueblo mexicano . fuera de toda controversia, y éste es un ejemplo
nueva Constitución mexicana, tan enérgica
Pero él fué más allá : prolongó su viaje , a través del camino que habrá de seguirse con otros casos
mente combatido , por no decir falseado , —está
de la linea fronteriza , hácia los Estados Unidos , en que se solicite o pretenda una reparación.
visitando muchas de las más salientes ciudades plenamente justificada y en extricta sujeción
al derecho común, tal como ha sido inter
del suroeste, relacionándose con las autoridades Otra Falsa Montaña en
pretado por la más alta autoridad judicial.
civiles y militares, cambiando impresiones con Escombros Quienes han encontrado suficiente pretexto para
ellas y haciendo lo posible por realizar un mejor
A Tesorería General del Gobierno Mexicano. sus rudos comentarios y ataques contra México ,
entendimiento entre ambos pueblos vecinos.
LA acaba de demoler otra de las falsas monta tienen hoy una buena oportunidad para reca
Es la primera vez en la historia que se ha hecho
ñas que fué levantada por escritores y oradores pacitar sus ideas y rectificar sus extremistas
ésto y ello establece un ejemplo digno de imitarse ignorantes, durante la revolución . Hablamos afirmaciones. A porpósito ; nó es esta la primera
con provecho . Ciertamente , si la Revista puede
del llamado " saquéo " a los bancos extrajeros , vez que al examinar las leyes y disposiciones
permitirse esta indicación , ¿ nó sería una buena
atribuído al gobierno cuando necesitaba dinero mexicanas, recibidas siempre con desagrado por
idea que el electo Presidente de los Estados
para fines revolucionarios. Recientemente se ha los extranjeros que afectan , se descubre que
Unidos, imitando el ejemplo de su colega
anunciado que el monto total de la deuda reco tienen firmes precedentes en las legislaciones de
de México , hiciera a este país una visita antes
nocida por el gobierno a los bancos asciende a la los demás países. Con las afirmaciones men
de la toma de posesión ? Sería una lección
relativamente insignificante suma de $25,000,000 . cionadas , el autor ha prestado un señalado
objetiva de inestimable valor , e indudablemente Esta fué obtenida en la forma usual en otros
transformaría muchas de las impresiones erróneas servicio a la causa de la amistad entre los pueblos
países , esto es, levantando un " empréstito de Estados Unidos y México .
que se tienen sobre México , y que son inevitables
forzoso , " el cual fué desde luego reconocido . La Revista confía en que esta oportuna expo
cuando el único conocimiento que de este país
Pero México , apartándose del camino que sición de la justicia que a México asiste en su
se tiene proviene de la prensa . La Revista
frecuentemente se sigue en tales casos, de pretensión de propiedad sobre el petróleo del
augura una afectuosa y entusiasta bienvenida
desconocer los compromisos al retorno de la paz , sub-suelo , encontrará tan amplia publicidad
al electo Presidente Americano, como fué dada ha reconocido en todo tiempo sus adeudos . I
al electo Presidente de México . ¿ Porqué no como la que han tenido las erróneas pretensiones
en la actualidad el estado de los procedimientos de quienes sostienen el contra de la cuestión .
hacer esta amistosa prueba?
normales está volviendo tan rápidamente, que Por todas las consideraciones debidas en una
las autoridades declaran que una buena parte discusión honrada , México tiene el derecho de
Presidente de Todo el País de esa deuda será liquidada en el próximo año una rectificatión.
L electo Presidente Obregón hizo una de 1921 , y el resto lo será en 1922 .
E notable declaración cuando le fué anun Esta es otra de las montañas de lodo demolidas ,
ciada su elección popular como Jefe del Poder y también una plena refutación de otra calumnia Se ha presentado al gobierno una proposición
Ejecutivo, por una comisión de la Cámara de más contra el prestigio de México . I éste será para el establecimiento de un servicio áéreo de
Diputados . Dijo a éstos que él se consideraba el paradero final de muchas otras que con todoel pasaje y carga entre la capital de la República
desde entonces como Presidente de todo el país empeño han sido tramadas y propaladas por y otros puntos importantes, con los puertos
y nó del partido que lo habia postulado. Con los enemigos de México . comerciales del Pacífico .

If alien corporations possessed full and

Sub - Surface Petroleum Is Not Private complete ownership to the petroleum de
posits beneath their lands, prior to the adop
tion of the Constitution of 1917, it is argued
Property that it would be the clear duty of the Mexi
can Government, should the latter assume
United States Supreme Court and Other American Tribunals to expropriate the petroleum thereon, un
So Decide-The Mexican Contention Clearly Upheld der Article XXVII, to pay the owners ade
quate compensation . This theory seems
UCH interest has been aroused in petroleum circles by reason of the recent to be fortified by the additional provision of
publication in "El Heraldo" of Mexico City of certain observations as to the Article XIV :
real significance of Article 27 of the Mexican Constitution, by Captain S. G. "No law shall be given retro
active effect to the prejudice of
Hopkins, of Washington, a well known authority on international law, who takes the any person whatsoever."
position that the article in question is not only not in conflict with any principle of public In other words, Article XXVII, being
law, as has been so broadly charged, but in reality is in entire harmony with the deci relieved of all retroactive effect, is said to
sions of the Supreme Court of the United States in respect to the public ownership of be inapplicable to petroleum rights ac
oil and gas beneath the surface. The main point in Captain Hopkins' argument is that quired prior to May 1 , 1917 , unless in the
exercise of the sovereign right of eminent
ownership in the petroleum located beneath the soil does not vest in the owner of that
domain the State resorts to expropriation ,
soil or in the producer until he has brought it to the surface and thereby reduced it to in which case, under the first paragraph of
possession. the same Article XXVII , compensation is
Captain Hopkins' statement follows in full : made a condition precedent to the assump
tion of public ownership.
Article XXVII- Some Brief Observations .
But to what extent did these corporations
ROM time to time, prior to 1917, acquire ownership to the petroleum beneath
the surface of the lands owned by them?
certain alien corporations purchased
F large tracts of land in Mexico for the A determination of this question is vitally
essential to an understanding of the pres
purpose of sinking wells and extracting oil
therefrom . ent inquiry.
It is to be admitted that the present own
Under authority conveyed by the Mexican
ers of the land beneath which the petroleum
Constitution of 1857, Article LXXII, Con
is said to lie, obtained title in a manner en
gress was granted the power to "promul
tirely legitimate, that their title to the sur
gate commercial and mining codes, which
face is unquestioned, and that, in acquiring
shall be binding throughout the Republic." the land, they also acquired certain rights.
Based upon this provision, Congress, in
to the petroleum located thereon, as pro
1884, declared that
vided by law ; that is to say (a), by the law
"The following substances of 1884, a proprietary right to develop the
the property of the owner of the substances beneath the surface, including
land, who may, therefore, develop
and enjoy them without the formal petroleum, subject to the police power of
ity of entry or special adjudication the State ; (b) by the law of 1892, to freely
.; petroleum and gaseous work the mineral substances beneath the
springs. In order to develop these
substances, the owner of the land soil, irrevocably and perpetually, condi
shall subject his operations to all tioned upon the payment of taxes, and (c)
rules of a police nature."
by the law of 1909, an exclusive property
Thereafter, in 1892, Congress further pro right to the deposits of mineral fuels. But
vided : is the petroleum beneath the surface an in
"The owner of the land may tegral part of the soil, rendering the one
freely work without a special fran CAPTAIN S. G. HOPKINS indivisible from the other for legal pur
chise, in any case whatsoever, the the Government expressly reserves the min poses? If it is, then it follows that the
following mineral substances : Min owner of the soil likewise holds absolute
eral fuels, mineral oils and mineral eral rights.
waters.... All mining prop On May 1, 1917, the people of Mexico title to the petroleum ; if not, then the rights
erty legally acquired in pursuance adopted a new Constitution, Article XXVII of the owner of the soil are restricted to
of this law shall be irrevocable and of which provides that: the right of developing or extracting the
perpetual so long as the Federal
property tax be paid, in pursuance "In the nation is vested legal petroleum, or the right of working the de
of the law creating such tax." ownership of ... petroleum and posits. While the right to the petroleum
all hydrocarbons- solid, liquid or
In 1909 Congress enacted the following: gaseous . contained beneath the surface admittedly
"The following substances are the As this provision, it is maintained , ope belongs to the owner of the soil, yet it only
exclusive property of the owner of rates to deprive the alien corporations of becomes his property when he brings it to
the soil : Ore bodies or deposits of their vested rights of property in oil de the surface and reduces it to physical pos
mineral fuels, of whatever form or posits, acquired under legislation enacted session. Until then it is subject to the will
variety, ore bodies or deposits of prior to May 1, 1917, the question arises of the State, and is, therefore, public prop
bituminous substances."
whether such contention is well founded in erty, as I will proceed to demonstrate.
logic or in law. There is much confusion as to the nature
The effect of this legislation was to vest
in the owner of the surface certain rights That private property cannot be taken for of the right of the surface owner to the
to mineral deposits, to an extent similar to public use without just compensation, is not petroleum located beneath his land, and
the rights, as a general rule, vested in the only a doctrine accepted by all enlightened this has resulted in much misconception as
owner of the surface in the United States nations, but is expressly recognized in the to legislative authority on the subject,
Constitution of 1917 : caused, to a great extent, by treating as
and Great Britain, in which countries title
to mineral deposits in the subsoil is in "Private property shall not be identical two things which are essentially
herent in the owner of the surface, except expropriated except for reasons of separate, namely: (1 ) the right of the owner
public utility and by means of com of the land to bore wells and extract the oil,
in the case of certain public lands, in which pensation ."
Diciembre, 1920

retroactivo , no es aplicable a los derechos

no es de petroleros adquiridos con anterioridad al
El Petroleo del Sub - suelo no es de dia 1º de mayo de 1917, a menos que
haciendo uso del derecho soberano de
Propiedad Privada dominio eminente, el Estado proceda a la
expropriacion, en cuyo caso y de acuerdo
La Suprema Corte de los Estados Unidos y otros Tribunales Americanos con el primer párrafo del mismo Artículo
asi lo sostienen- La Controversia Mexicana claramente decidida XXVII, la indemnizacion será una condicion
precedente a la expropriacion de la pro
UCHO interés ha levantado en los círculos petroleros la reciente publicacion, piedad pública.
hecha en "El Heraldo" de ciudad México , de ciertas apreciaciones relativas al Empero, hasta qué punto adquirieron
M verdadero alcance del Articulo 27 de la Constitucion Mexicana, debidas a la esas compañías el dominio sobre el petroleo
pluma del Capitán S. G. Hopkins , de Washington, conocida autoridad en derecho in existente en el subsuelo de sus propiedades ?
La dterminacion de esta cuestion es vital
ternacional, quien establece que el referido artículo no solamente no está en pugna con
mente esencial para la comprension del
algun principio de derecho público , como abiertamente se ha impugnado, sino que, en
presente examen.
realidad, se halla en perfecta armonía con la jurisprudencia de la Suprema Corte de los Es de reconocerse que los propietarios
Estados Unidos, en punto a la pública propiedad de los aceites e hidrocarburos que yacen actuales del terreno en cuyo subsuelo se dice
en el sub-suelo. El punto principal en la argumentacion del Capitán Hopkins es el relativo que hay petroleo , obtuvieron sus títulos de
a que la propiedad del pétroleo del suelo no pertence al dueño del terreno ni al produc una manera completamente legítima, que
sus derechos sobre la superficie son indis
tor sino hasta que ha sido extraído a la superficie y, por tanto, reducido a posesion par
cutibles y que al adquirir el terreno adqui
ticular. rieron también ciertos derechos sobre el
La declaracion literal del Capitán Hopkins es como sigue : petroleo existente en él, de conformidad
con la Ley, a saber :-(a) De acuerdo con
El Articulo XXVII -Algunas cierto punto semejantes a los derechos que
como regla general asisten a los propieta lo establecido en la Ley de 1884, adquirieron
Breves Observaciones
rios de la superficie en los Estados Unidos el derecho de propiedad para explotar las
POR CAPITAN S. G. HOPKINS substancias existentes en el subsuelo, in
y en la Gran Bretaña, en donde los derechos
ON anterioridad al año de 1917, sobre los depositos minerales del subsuelo cluyendo el petroleo, sujeto a los reglamen
algunas compañías extranjeras com tos de policía ; (b ) La Ley de 1892 los
son inherentes a los del propietario de la
C praban de cuando en cuando superficie, excepto en el caso de ciertos te faculto para explotar libremente las substan
grandes extensiones de terreno en México rrenos baldíos en los que el Gobierno se cias minerales del subsuelo, de una manera
con objeto de perforar pozos y extraer reserva los derechos sobre los minerales . irrevocable y perpetua, siempre que se
petroleo de ellos. cubran los impuestos correspondientes , y
El 1° de mayo de 1917 el pueblo me
De acuerdo con lo establecido en el xicano adopto una nueva Constitucion, (c) quedaron facultados por la Ley de
Artículo 72 de la Constitucion de México 1909 para adquirir el derecho de propiedad
estableciendo en su Artículo XXVII , que :
de 1857, se faculto al Congreso de la Union exclusiva sobre los depositos de combus
para "expedir codigos obligatorios en toda "Corresponde a la Nacion la pro tibles minerales. Sin embargo, ¿ es acaso
piedad legal de el petroleo el petroleo existente en el subsuelo parte
la República sobre Minería y Comercio ."
y todos los carburos de hidrogeno,
Conforme con esta disposicion, el Congreso solidos , líquidos y gaseosos .' integral del terreno, que lo hace indivisible
en 1884 declaro que : de él para miras legales ? De ser
ser así,
Como se arguye que esta cláusula tiende
resulta que el propietario del terreno posee,
"Son de la exclusiva propiedad a despojar a las compañías extranjeras de
a la vez, el derecho absoluto sobre el
del dueño del suelo, quien, por lo sus derechos de propiedad sobre los depo
mismo, sin necesidad de denuncio petroleo . En caso negativo , los derechos
sitos de petroleo adquiridos de acuerdo con
ni de adjudicacion especial, podrá del dueño del terreno están restringidos
las leyes expedidas con anterioridad al día
explotarlos y aprovecharlos . por los derechos de explotacion o de
el petroleo y los manantiales ga 1º de mayo de 1917, se suscita la cuestion
de que si dicho razonamiento está bien extraccion del petroleo , y los derechos de
seosos. Para el aprovechamiento de
todas estas substancias, el dueño explotacion de los depositos.
fundado en la logica y en las leyes.
del terreno se sujetará, en sus tra Si bien se reconoce que los derechos
Es una doctrina aceptada no solo por
bajos, a las disposiciones y regla sobre el petroleo existente en el subsuelo
mentos de policia." todas las naciones inteligentes sino también
expresamente reconocida en la Constitu pertenecen al proprietario del terreno , el
Más tarde, en 1892, el Congreso dispuso , cion de 1917 , que la propiedad privada no petroleo viene a ser de su propiedad
además , que : solamente cuando lo extrae a la superficie
puede expropiarse para uso público sin una
"El dueño del suelo explotará justa indemnizacion. y toma posesion efectiva de él. Hasta
libremente, sin necesidad de con ese momento el petroleo está sujeto a la
"Las expropiaciones solo podrán
cesion especial, en ningún caso , las hacerse por causa de utilidad pú voluntad del Estado y es, por lo tanto, de
substancias minerales siguientes : >>
blica y mediante indemnizacion .' propiedad pública. Pasaré a domostrar
Los combustibles minerales , los mi aserto :
aceites y aguas minerales. . Si las compañias extranjeras poseían
Toda pertenencia legalmente ad títulos amplíos y completos de propiedad Hay una gran confusion en cuanto a la
quirida, de conformidad con esta de los depositos de petroleo existente en el naturaleza de los derechos que asisten a
Ley, será irrevocable y perpetua , subsuelo de sus terrenos antes de que se
siempre que se cubra el impuesto los propietarios dela superficie sobre el
sobre propiedades federales, de adoptara la Constitucion de 1917, se alega petroleo existente en el subsuelo de sus
acuerdo con la Ley que establece que es el deber del gobierno mexicano, en terrenos ; y esto ha dado por resultado un
dicho impuesto." caso de que proceda a la expropiacion del mal entendimiento acerca de la autoridad
En 1909 , el Congreso decreto lo siguiente : petroleo existente, de conformidad con el
del Ejecutivo en el asunto , mal entendi
Artículo XXVII , indemnizar adecuadamente
"Son de la propiedad exclusiva miento causado , hasta cierto punto, por
del dueño del suelo : Los criaderos a los propietarios . Este razonamiento pa
rece estar fortalecido por la cláusula adi querer considerar como semejantes los
o depositos de combustibles mine
rales, bajo todas sus formas y va cional al Artículo XIV, que dice : asuntos totalmente diferentes, a saber : ( 1 )
riedades ; los criaderos o depositos El derecho del propietario del terreno para
de materias bituminosas ." "A ninguna ley se le dará efecto
retroactivo en perjuicio de persona perforar pozos y extraer el petroleo , con
Esta legislacion tuvo por objeto otorgar alguna." objeto de tomar posesion efectiva de él, y
al propietario de la superficie ciertos de En otras palabras, se dice que una vez (2) su propiedad después de que el resultado
rechos sobre los depositos minerales, hasta relevado el Artículo XXVII de todo efecto de la perforacion haya concluido con la exM

in order to reduce the latter to personal pos "If in the granting of a right or The protocol which was signed by both par
session, and (2) his ownership after the re privilege the sovereign has re ties is as follows :
tained an iota of authority which "One. The Government of Mexico, while
sult of the boring has been completed by may affect its untrammeled exer
the extraction of the petroleum. By this I cise and enjoyment, the right is maintaining the principle that the nation is
not of the nature of an absolute not and cannot be held responsible for acts of
mean there exists a difference between the one, but wholly of an inchoate and revolutionists or riotous mobs, save in such
means which the owner has the right to imperfect quality. As to inchoate, excepted cases as prescribed in international
use in extracting the oil, and the result imperfect, incomplete and equitable
rights, the succeeding sovereign is law, among which the Government of Mexico
which may be reached. Oil, like other min the absolute dictator. They cannot does not consider the case of the British sub
erals, is situated beneath the surface, but be exercised against his sovereign ject, William S. Benton, to be included, never
in this single respect only are they similar. ty, but only by his grace. theless, the said Government is disposed volun
Oil has no fixed situs in the soil like metal If the line of reasoning I have suggested tarily and graciously to indemnify the widow
ores. It has the power of self-trans is well founded, then Article XXVII is in of the said Benton as hereinafter provided,
sense confiscatory in its nature ; it and on the understanding that this action does
mission; it is migratory. No single owner
of the surface beneath which the oil moves merely affirms the dominium directum on not establish a precedent.
can exercise an exclusive right to extract the part of the nation in a substance already "Two. The Government of Mexico hereby
from the common deposit in which the sup its property, as distinguished from the prop delivers to Mr. H. A. Cunard Cummins, in
ply is held, without, to some extent, dimin erty of the individual which consists in the charge of the British Legation, the sum of
ishing the source of supply, the right to right to develop that substance, acquiring 20,000 pesos, Mexican currency, by way of
which all other owners of the surface positive ownership therein when he reduces indemnification in favor of the widow of the
possess . Possession of the land, therefore , it to possession. British subject, William S. Benton .
is not necessarily possession of the oil be "Three. The Mexican Government further
neath it. binds itself to deliver to the widow of the said
British subject, William S. Benton, a life pen
In the case of Brown vs. Vandergrift (80 sion of five pesos, Mexican currency, per day,
Pennsylvania, 142-147) the Chief Justice,
as long as she maintains her present status of
speaking for the Supreme Court of Penn widowhood.
sylvania, said : ". We conclude that
"Four. By virtue of the delivery of the sum
the property of the owner of lands to oils
of 20,000 pesos, and of the obligation hereby
and gas is not absolute until it is actually contracted to pay the life pension as provided
in his grasp and brought to the surface
in the foregoing article, Mr. H. A. Cunard
In Townsend vs. State of In
Cummins hereby declares the claim of his
diana ( 147 Indiana, 642) the Supreme Court Government formulated against the Govern
of the State held that the owners of the
ment of Mexico growing out of the death of
surface of the land within a certain area, the British subject, William S. Benton, to be
while they had the exclusive right on their satisfied, and this incident between the two
land to sink wells for the purpose of ex governments closed.
tracting oil and gas, had no right of prop "Five. For purposes of record, the receipt
erty therein, until by the actual drawing of extended by the British Legation to the widow
the oil and gas to the surface of the earth, of the British subject, William S. Benton, for
the sum of 20,000 pesos, Mexican currency, to
they had reduced these substances to physi
which Article Two of this agreement refers,
cal possession. It was further held that in
is attached to this agreement and made a part
consequence of the nature of the oil and gas of it."
deposits, of their transmissibility, of their
independence, of the rights of all and of Recognize Mexico !
EXICO is at peace.
the public, the State could lawfully regu
MR. H. A. CUNARD CUMMINGS M Revolt is at an end.
late the right of the surface owners to seek
British Representative Who Settled the Benson Mexicans are bending every effort to pre
possession of gas and oil . And finally the Case serve peace within the borders of the Re
Supreme Court of the United States, in the
Out of motives of delicacy, I express no. public, and with other nations.
case of the Ohio Oil Company vs. Indiana Mexico has had her fill of civil wars.
opinion as to the soundness of the decrees
( 177 U. S. 209) , in which the rights of
of ex- President Carranza, giving effect to Mexico has resumed her one-time habit of
owners of oil deposits were involved, said :
WOL Article XXVII , since their validity is now working.
He (the owner of the soil ) has
under consideration bythe Supreme Court But Mexico cannot get along very well
the exclusive right on his own land to seek
of Mexico . without recognition by other governments.
to acquire them (oil and gas) , but they do It is much as though the doors of all your
9b of The Benton Case Is
not become his property until the effort has neighbors were closed to you ; as if all your
resulted in dominion and control by actual Satisfactorily Settled friends refused to have anything to do with
possession." In commenting on the nature HE famous Benton case, in which a you, despite the fact that you had set your
TB British subject named William S. Benton, own house in order and were quite willing
of petroleum, the court described it as "a
long a resident of Mexico, was shot and killed to live peaceably and neighborly with others.
public thing, subject to the absolute con
by either Villa or his assistant "Matador" The United States thus far has refused to
trol of the State, which, although it allows Fierro, in the city of Juarez in the early part recognize the present Government of Mexico.
it to be reduced to possession, may, at its of the revolution in 1913, has at last been Naturally many other nations, especially Eu
will, not only regulate, but wholly forbid its satisfactorily settled. Through the efforts of ropean, await Uncle Sam's word. They
future taking.",om Mr. H. A. Cunard Cummins, representing the withhold recognition .
100 cinu ed otsis British Government, and Dr. Cuthberto Hidal Therefore, it is highly important that the
The reserv powers of the State in deal
29708190192 om go, Sub- Secretary of Foreign Affairs of the United States Government give the present
ing with rights of this class are clearly set Mexican Government, an agreement was
forth in the following extract from an opin Mexican Government the recognition it needs.
reached and confirmed by which the widow of and merits. There is no longer excuse for
ion of the Attorney General of the United Mr. Benton, a native of Mexico, has received delay. The period of watchful waiting is
States (229 OAG 549), which, while a cash payment of $10,000 (gold) , and for the over. Mexico has earned the right to be re
dealing with a matter of international aspect, remainder of her life will receive a pension of admitted into the neighborhood of nations.
is nevertheless applicable to the present dis $2.50 (gold) daily, provided she does not re Uncle Sam should be the first to realize this.
cussion : marry. In that case, the pension will cease. Houston (Tex.) Press.

trata de un asunto de aspecto internacional, revolución de 1913- ha sido al fin satisfactoria

traccion del petroleo. De esta manera,
existe la diferencia entre los MEDIOS que quede aplicarse a la presente discusion : mente arreglado. Debido a los esfuerzos del
el propietario tiene derecho de usar para "Si al otorgar un derecho o señor H. A. Cunars Cummings, representante
extraer el petroleo y el RESULTADO que privilegio, el Soberano se ha reser del gobierno británico, y el Dr. Cutberto Hi
se obtenga. El petroleo, como los demás vado un ápice de autoridad que dalgo, se ha celebrado y firmado un convenio
afecte o impida su libre ejercicio y por el cual la viuda del señor Benton, nativo de
minerales, está situado bajo la superficie y goce, la naturaleza de ese derecho
solamente en ese respecto es semejante a no es absoluta, sino totalmente de México, ha recibido una indemnización de $ 10,
ellos . El petroleo no tiene "situs" fijo en calidad incipiente e imperfecta. Con 000 oro americano, y recibirá una pensión de
el suelo como los demás metales minerales ; respecto a los derechos incoados , $2.50 oro americano por día, durante el tiempo
imperfectos, incompletos y equita que permanezca viuda . En caso contrario ,
tiene la facultad de translacion propia y es tivos, el Soberano que le ' suceda es
migratorio . Ningún propietario de la super el dictador absoluto. No pueden dejará de disfrutar esa pensión .
ficie en cuyo subsuelo se mueve el petroleo ejercerse contra su Soberano sino El protocolo que ha sido firmado por ambas
exclusivo para únicamente con su asentimiento." partes, es como sigue:
puede ejercer un derecho
Si el razonamiento que acabo de sugerir "Primera.- El Gobierno de los Estados
extraerlo del deposito común en que se
encuentra, sin mermar, hasta cierto punto, la se encuentra bien fundado , el Artículo Unidos Mexicanos, aunque sostiene el principio
fuente de procedencia, a la cual tienen XXVII no es por ningún concepto con de que la Nación no es ni puede ser responsable
derecho todos los demás propietarios de la fiscatorio en su naturaleza, simplemente por actos de revolucionarios o de turbas amoti
superficie. Por lo tanto, la propiedad del afirma el "dominium directum" por parte de nadas, sino en los casos excepcionales que fija
terreno no significa necesariamente la prop la Nacion sobre una substancia que es ya de el derecho internacional ,y entre los cuales el
iedad de los aceites que se encuentran en su propiedad, de distinta manera que en el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos no
el subsuelo de éste. caso de la propiedad de un individuo que considera comprendido el caso del súbdito
En el caso de Brown versus Vandergrift consiste en el DERECHO DE EXPLO británico William S. Benton, sin embargo, el
(80 Penna 142, 147 ) , el Presidente de la mismo Gobierno está dispuesto a indemnizar
Suprema Corte de Justicia, al hablar en voluntaria y graciosamente a la viuda del
nombre de la Suprema Corte de Pennsyl expresado señor Benton en los términos que a
vania, dijo : "Hemos llegado a la conclusion continuación se expresarán, y sin que ésto
de que el derecho de los propietarios de te establezca precedente.
rrenos sobre el petroleo y gases no es "Segunda. - El Gobierno Mexicano entrega en
absoluto hasta que los hayan extraído y los este acto al señor H. A. Cunard Cummins ,
tengan efectivamente en sus manos ." En Encargado de la Legación Inglesa, la cantidad
el caso de Townsend versus Indiana (147 de veinte mil pesos ora nacional por concepto
Indiana, 642 ) , la Suprema Corte de Justicia de indemnización en favor de la viuda del
del Estado sostuvo que si bien los propie súbdito británico William S. Benton.
tarios de la superficie del terreno compren "Tercera. - El Gobierno Mexicano se obliga,
dido en cierta extension tienen el además, a entregar a la viuda del subdito britá
derecho exclusivo para perforar pozos nico William S. Benton, una pensión vitalicia
en sus terrenos con el objeto de extraer de cinco pesos oro nacional, diarios, a no ser que
petroleo y gas, en cambio no tienen derecho contrajera nuevas nupcias, en cuyo caso cesará
sobre tales substancias ni son de su pro esta obligación del Gobierno de México .
piedad hasta que hayan sido extraídas a la "Cuarta.- Como consecuencia de la entrega
superficie y hayan tomado posesion efectiva de la cantidad de veinte mil pesos y de la obliga
de ellas. Se sostuvo, también, que debido ción de cubrir la pensión vitalicia, en los términos
a la naturaleza de los depositos de petroleo indicados en la cláusula anterior, el señor H. A.
y de gas, de su transmisibilidad, de su inter Cunard Cummins declara satisfecho el interés
dependencia, de los derechos de todos y del de su Gobierno con motivo de la reclamación que
público, el Estado puede legalmente regla se había formulado contra el de México, a causa
mentar los derechos de los propietarios de de la muerte del súbdito británico William S.
la superficie para reclamar la posesion del Benton, dando por terminado este incidente
gas y del petroleo. Finalmente, la Suprema entre ambos gobiernos.
Corte de Justicia de los Estados Unidos, en "Quinta.-Para constancia se agrega a este
el caso de la "Ohio Oil Co. versus Indiana convenio el recibo que otorga a la Legación
(177 U. S. , 219 ) , en el que se discutían los inglesa la señora viuda del súbdito británico
derechos de los propietarios de depositos de William S. Benton por la cantidad de veinte
petroleo, manifesto : "que él (el dueño del mil pesos oro nacional, a que se fiiere la cláusula
suelo) , tiene el derecho exclusivo en su segunda del mismo convenio. "
propio terreno, para pretender adquirirlos "MATADOR" FIERRO AND FRANCISCO VILLA
(el petroleo y el aceite) , pero que no llegan Responsible for the Death of Benton Cifras Interesantes
a ser de su propiedad hasta que sus
esfuerzos hayan dado por resultado el TACION de esa substancia, adquiriendo ANTO se ha hablado acerca del " empobre
solamente la absoluta propiedad de la misma TAN cido México, " de su " aplastante deuda ,'
dominio y manejo de ellos por medio de su
cuando la somete a su posesion. de su " estado de bancarrota," de sus " crecidos
posesion efectiva y material." Al comentar
A parte de razones de delicadeza, yo no impuestos," etc., etc., que unas cuantes cifras
sobre la naturaleza del petroleo, la Corte comparativas pueden ser bastante interesantes.
Suprema lo considero como una "cosa expreso ninguna opinion sobre la justicia de
los decretos del ex- Presidente Carranza que Por ejemplo: se acaba de publicar que el pre
pública sujeta al dominio absoluto del Es supuesto de la ciudad de Nueva York para el
pusieron en vigor el Artículo 27, pues su próximo año, "ha sido elevado hasta 343,894,049
tado, el cual, si bien permite que se tome
validéz está siendo juzgada hoy por la dollars." Esto, con una población de casi seis
posesion de él , queda a su arbitrio, no sola
Suprema Corte de Justicia de México . millones. El presupuesto para el Gobierno
mente reglamentar su explotacion, sino
Federal de México no ha sido publicado aún,
también prohibir por completo que se tome
Se Arreglo satisfactoriamente pero su monto no excederá de la tercera parte
posesion de él en el futuro." del de la ciudad de Nueva York solamente, y
El Caso Benton
Las facultades que se reserva el Estado eso con una población casi tres veces mayor.
para tratar los derechos de esta clase han L famoso caso Benton, referente a La deuda total de México , pintada como abruma
ELsujeto inglés llamado Guillermo S. Benton un
sido expuestos claramente en el siguiente dora, es solamente al rededor de 500,000,000
extracto tomado de un dictamen del Procu -antiguo residente de México, que fué herido de dollars, la que viene a resultar la deuda
rador General de Justicia de los Estados y muerto por Villa o su asistente " Matador nacional más pequeña, por cabeza, que existe
en todo el mundo.
Unidos (22 O. A. G. 549) , el cual si bien Fierro" en ciudad Juárez, a principios de la
10 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

that the petition for nullification, based on

Election of President Obregon these two alleged crimes, should not be granted .
"As to the term ' military coup,' as used in
the already cited constitutional clause, and
Official Announcement by the Chamber of Deputies Declaring which the petitioners would apply to the acts
His Choice as Constitutional President
of Citizen Obregon because of the part he took
in the overthrow of the government presided
N October 26 the National Chamber "On September 2, there was presented to by Señor Carranza, the committee is of the
of Deputies canvassed the returns of Your Sovereignty a petition signed by Citizen opinion that although the term is not defined
O the Presidential election held on Sep Rafael Cisneros y Villarreal and eleven more by any of our laws, nor catalogued by the dic
tember 5, and as a result solemnly declared citizens, which was supported by another docu tionary nor by the expert jurists , the legislator
in the name of the people of Mexico, that ment by the same authors presented on the had in mind the acts that have taken place in
Citizen Alvaro Obregon had been chosen as 13th of the same month, and by the additional our history and which originated that term ,
the Constitutional President of the Republic signatures of sixteen citizens of the State of that is, the violent use made by the military
of Mexico for the term commencing Decem Jalisco in a document sent from Guadalajara of the forces and elements placed at their com
ber 1 , 1920, and ending November 30, 1924. on the 8th, and by Citizen Alfredo Robles mand by the government, against the very
The text of the announcement follows : Dominguez in a communication of the 17th . same government and in the place of its resi
"The returns of the elections for President In the said petition it is claimed that the can dence. The petitioners, on their part, declare
of the Republic, held Sunday, September 5, didacy of Citizen Alvaro Obregon is illegal, that a military coup is the same as a riot, with
1920, were submitted by Your Sovereignty and, therefore, the votes cast in his favor the only difference that violence and the
(the Chamber of Deputies ) to this committee should be nullified . The said claim is based tumult are made by the soldiers.'
for revision and decision. The revision and on Section VII of Article 82 of the Constitu "Admitting either of the two interpretations,
computation of the returns from each of the tion which declares that no one can be Presi this committee cannot admit of the term
Federal States were made by their respective dent of the United States of Mexico who 'has
'military coup' being applied to a movement
representatives in this committee. After hear taken part, directly or indirectly, in an upris of national character, which is subject to a
ing and taking into account the protests filed, ing, riot or military coup .' well-defined political plan and sanctioned,
and discounting the votes that according to "In support of the said petition , after enter moreover, by public opinion and justified by
the law are nullified, and after taking into ing into a series of grammatical explanations posterior events ; furthermore, the committee
account the irregularities which are incident in with the visible purpose of confusing public cannot hold Citizen Obregon responsible or
all elections held in our democratic atmosphere, opinion, the authors adduce that a revolutionary participant in a military coup when without
this committee has arrived to the following movement is a riot or uprising in large scale, any military grade whatsoever-as evidenced
results : the same applying to a military coup, with the by a resolution adopted by the Senate of the
The total number of votes cast in the several difference that the latter is organized by mili Republic in its session of November 27, 1919—
Federal Entities is as follows : tary men. and without official elements at his disposal, he
Votes for Votes for Votes was compelled to look for safety from an un
States Robles Dominguez Scattered justified aggression by the government, later
joining the revolutionary movement initiated
Aguascalientes · 3,990 38 44
128 62 in Sonora, in April last, which, on the one
Baja California 5,099
3 4 hand, prevented the consummation of the at
Campeche · 8,903
Coahuila • 31,380 84 61 tempt against the sovereignty of the States,
Colima • 5,863 2,010 7 and on the other, protected the right to free
Chiapas • 23,190 153 248
Chihuahua • 28,250 58 38
Distrito Federal 55,069 2,195 113 "There also figure in this case two docu
Durango • 19,134 268 168 ments, one signed by six citizens of the State
Guanajuato 111,040 4,507 121 of San Luis Potosi, and the other signed by
Guerrero 57,239 71 4
89 Citizen Salvador Brambila y Sanchez, of this
Hidalgo 60,904 68
Jalisco M 51,394 18,794 0 city, in both of which it is requested that the
Mexico · • 93,801 1,262 129 petition of Citizens Cisneros y Villarreal et al.
Michoacan • 68,627 1,602 242 be not granted. In accordance with these two
Morelos • 15,158 1,378 0 documents, and in view of the considerations
Nayarit 8,106 1,173 0
briefly presented herein by this committee, the

662 0

Nuevo Leon 20,278


Oaxaca • 115,634 3,664 committee is of the opinion that the repeatedly


Puebla > 81,020 5,385 mentioned petition should not be granted.

Queretaro 22,074 793 "This committee also received a document
Quintana Roo * 545 0
San Luis Potosi • 44,543 290 on the 6th of the current month, signed by the
Sinaloa • • 26,816 16 officers of the ' Republican Party,' in which
Sonora 23,644 221 710 they petition that all the votes cast in favor
Tabasco • 7,293 0
0 of Citizens Obregon and Robles Dominguez
Tamaulipas · 19,029
21,975 79 be declared void, and the election declared in
Tlaxcala ·
Vera Cruz 44,470 676 favor of Citizen Nicolas Zuñiga y Miranda .
Yucatan • * 37,231 10 They base their petition, with reference to the
Zacatecas 18,043 1,830 votes received by Citizen Obregon, on the same
.1,131,751 47,442 2,357 reasons alleged by the signers of the first peti
Totals ♪
tion herein discussed, and with reference to the
"The great difference between the number "This committee believes that the words used votes received by Citizen Robles Dominguez,
of votes cast for each of the two candidates by the legislator cannot and should not be sub on the fact that the latter has, according to
would appear to render superfluous any fur jected to an arbitary interpretation when they the petitioners , repudiated the Constitution of
ther considerations by this committee , for it are defined by our own laws ; therefore, by the Republic, this act alone preventing the said
can be seen at a glance that the will of the taking into account the definition in the Penal candidate from exercising his rights as a citi
majority has manifested itself in unmistaken Code of the words uprising or riot, wherein it zen, according to Section III, Article 37, of
terms. But the fact that there have been pre says in Article 919 that they are ' a tumultuous the Constitution.
sented to this committee several documents assembly of ten or more persons on the streets , "This committee is of the opinion that the
seeking to alter the result, with arguments bear parks or other public places, with the object of said petition should not be granted in so far
ing an apparent legality, compels the com committing a crime other than that of treason, as its reference to the votes cast in favor of
mittee to discuss them. rebellion or sedition,' the committee believes Citizen Obregon, for the reasons already men

Diciembre, 1920

elección en favor del C. Nicolás Zúñiga y

Miranda. Fundan dicha solicitud, por lo que
La Eleccion del Presidente Obregon
hace a los votos que obtuvo el C. Obregón, en
las mismas razones alegadas por los firmantes
Dictámen Oficial de la Cámara de Diputados del ocurso ya estudiado, y por lo que se refiere
Declarándolo Presidente Constitucional a Robles Domínguez, en el hecho de haber
desconocido, según asíentan los firmantes, la

L 26 de Octubre la Cámara Nacional "La Gran Comisión estima que las palabras Constitución de la República, quedando así
de Diputados conoció del informe de empleadas por el legislador no pueden ni deben privado dicho candidato de su calidad de
E la Comisión Dictaminadora sobre las estar sujetas a interpretaciones arbitrarias, ciudadano, confrome a la fracción III del
elecciones Presidenciales, verificadas el Do cuando nuestras mismas leyes las definen, y art. 37 constitutcional.
mingo 5 de septiembre, declarando solemne así, teniendo en cuenta la definición que el "Esta Gran Comisión cree que no es de
mente, en el nombre del pueblo de México, que Código Penal hace de asonada o motín, en su tomarse en cuenta la solicitud aludida, por lo
el C. Alvaro Obregón fue electo Presidente art. 919, como "la reunión tumultuaria de diez que hace a los votos emitidos en favor del C.
Constitucional de la República de México por o más personas, formada en calles, plazas u Obregón, por las razones ya expuestas ; y por
el período que comienza el primero de diciem otros lugares públicos, con el fin de cometer lo que respecta a los emitidos a favor del
bre de 1920 y termina el 30 de noviembre de un delito que no sea el de traición, el de candidato Robles Domínguez, porque en nada
1924. rebelión, ni el de sedición," estima que no es afecta el resultado de la elección la supuesta
El texto oficial del dictámen es como sigue : de tomarse en cuenta la petición de nulidad por nulidad, ni cree esta comisión que sea de su
Para su estudio y dictamen Vuestra So lo que se refiere a esos dos supuestos delitos. competencia proponer la declaratoria de pér
beranía turnó a esta Gran Comisión el exJ "En cuanto al término "cuartelazo ," em dida de ciudadanía que se pide.
pediente formado con motiyo de las elecciones pleado en la citada prescripción constitucional ,, "Ante Vuestra Soberanía fué dado a conocer
de Presidente de la República , efectuadas el y que los peticionarios pretenden se aplique a igualmente un escrito de fecha 16 del presente
domingo 5 de septiembre último. La revisión los actos del C. Obregón por la parte que mes, en que el C. Ramón Martínez del Río pide
y cómputo de cada uno de los expedientes de tomó en el derrocamiento del Gobierno que que sean declarados nulos los votos emitidos
las distintas Entidades Federativas, fueron presidía el señor Carranza , opina la Gran a favor del C. Alvaro Obregón, y que por no
hechos por su respectivo representante en la Comisión que, aunque no definido por ninguna existir otro candidato dentro de los preceptos
Gran Comisión, y ésta, después de tomar en ley, ni catalogado en el diccionario de la lengua legales se designe un Presidente Provisional
cuenta todas las protestas presentadas , de ni por los especialistas de jurisprudencia, el que convoque a elecciones. Este escrito, como
descontar los votos que conforme a la ley legislador quiso darle la interpretación a que los anteriormente estudiados, se funda en la
debieron nulificarse y de considerar la fuerza dan lugar los hechos que en nuestra historia pretendida inconstitucionalidad del C. Obregón
de las irregularidades propias de toda elección originaron la formación de dicho vocablo, es como candidato , según el artículo y fracción
en nuestro medio democrático , llegó al siguiente decir, el empleo por militares de las fuerzas ya referidos, argumento sobre el que ya está
resultado : y elementos puestos a su disposición por el expuesta la opinión de esta Gran Comisión .
"El computo general de los votos emitidos Gobierno, en contra de éste, en forma violenta Sostiene además, aunque declarando que de
en las diferentes Entidades Federativas, es el y en el mismo lugar de su residencia. Por ello hace punto omiso , que el pueblo se abstuvo
siguiente : su parte, los firmantes de la petición de nulidad casi absolutamente de tomar parte en las
(Véase en la página del frente la declaran que "cuartelazo es lo mismo que elecciones, argumento que los hechos revelados
información sobre la votación en los motín, con la sola diferencia de que el tu por el cómputo expuesto, anulan .
Estados.) multo y la violencia son hechos por soldados ." "En esta virtud, y sin que esta Gran
"La diferencia numérica entre las votaciones "Aceptando cualquiera de las dos interpreta Comisión pueda conceder importancia al resto
que favorecieron a cada uno de los candidatos, ciones, esta Gran Comisión no puede aceptar del escrito , formado sólo por afán inmoderado
dispensaría a esta Gran Comisión de entrar en como cuartelazo un movimiento de carácter de exhibición, no ha podido alterar su criterio
más consideraciones, ya que, de manera pal nacional, sujeto a un plan político definido y anteriormente declarado .
pable, se manifiesta la voluntad de la mayoría sancionado además por la opinión general y "Por lo expuesto, esta Gran Comisión se
de la nación ; pero el hecho de haberse dirigido los hechos posteriores, y menos pueden juzgar permite proponer ante Vuestra Soberanía, para
a esta H. Cámara diversos escritos, en que se responsable o partícipe de un cuartelazo al C. su aprobación, los siguientes putos resolutivos.
pretende alterar con argumentos de apariencia Obregon, que, sin grado militar alguno-como "Primero.- Son legales las elecciones de
legal ese resultado, obliga a la Gran Comisión lo comprueba la resolución del Senado de la Presidente de los Estados Unidos Mexicanos
a estudiarlos. República en su sesión del 27 de noviembre de efectuadas el domingo 5 de septiembre del
"Con fecha 2 del pasado septiembre fué 1919-y sin elementos oficiales a su disposición presente año.
elevado ante Vuestra Soberanía un ocurso del se juso a salvo de una agresión injustificada "Segundo.- Es Presidente Constitucional de
C. Rafael Cisneros y Villarreal y once fir del Gobierno, adhiriéndose después al movi los Estados Unidos Mexicanos , para el período
mantes más , ratificado por sus autores en miento revolucionario iniciado en Sonora an que comienza el 10 de diciembre de 1920 y
escrito del 13 del propio mes, y sostenido abril último, que vino, por una parte, a evitar termina el 30 de noviembre de 1924, el C. Al
con la firma de 16 ciudadanos jaliscienses, en la consumación de un atentado contra la
varo Obregón.
escrito de fecha 8, enviado de Guadalajara soberanía de los Estados, y por otra, a proteger "Tercero .- El C. Alvaro Obregón se presen
y la adhesión del C. Alfredo Robles Do la libre emisión del voto público. tará a otorgar la protesta de ley el 30 de
mínguez fechada el 17. Tal ocurso pide se “Agregado al expediente figuran dos escritos, noviembre del corriente año, a las doce de la
declare la ilegalidad del registro de la can el uno de seis ciudadanos de San Luis Potosí noche.
didatura del C. Alvaro Obregón, y la con y el otro del C. Salvador Brambila y Sánchez, "Sala de Comisiones de la Cámara de
siguiente nulidad de los votos emitidos a su de esta ciudad, pidiendo se declare improce Diputados del Congreso de la Union.— Mé
favor, fundando la solicitud en la prescripción dente la solicitud de los ciudadanos Cisneros xico, D. F., a 25 octubre de 1920.-E. Bordes
del art. 82 constitucional, fracción VII, según y Villarreal y socios . De acuerdo con estos Mangel, por Guaranjuato. M. Garcia Vigil,
la cual para ser Presidente de los Estados últimos escritos , y por las consideraciones por Oaxaca. Salvador Saucedo, por Colima.
Unidos Mexicanos se requiere "no haber brevemente apuntadas, la Gran Gran Comisión Aurelio . Manrique, Jr,. por San Luis Potosí.
figurado, directa o indirectamente, en alguna opina que la tantas veces citada solicitud de E. L. Céspedes, por Tamaulipas. V. Alessio
asonada, motín o cuartelazo." nulidad no es de tomarse en considerción. Robes, por el Distrito Federal. J. M. Soto,
"En apoyo de dicha solicitud, sus autores "Esta Gran Comisión tuvo asímismo a la por Michoacán. Andrés Gutiérrez Castro, por
aducen, después de algunas consideraciones vista un escrito presentado con fecha 6 de los Coahuila. S. Garcia G., por Chihuahua.
gramaticales, y con el visible propósito de ex corrientes por los ciudadanos que forman la ·
Rodrigo Palacio, por Aguascalientes . Maca
traviar el criterio público, que un movimiento mesa directiva del "Partido Republicano ," en rio Hernández, por Tlaxcala. Enrique von
revolucionario es un motín o asonada grande, el que piden sean declarados nulos todos los Borstel, por la Baja Caliornia. F. B. Mar=
y que lo mismo es un cuartelazo , con la dife votos emitidos en favor de los ciudadanos tínez , por Sinaloa. M. F. Ortega , por
rencia de ser organizado por militares. Obregón y Robles Dominguez y declarada la (Concluido en Pagina 33)
12 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

tioned ; and as for its reference to the votes Campeche ; A. Valadez Ramirez, for the State An American Authority
cast in favor of Citizen Robles Dominguez, be of Jalisco ; Francisco Trejo, for the State of On Mexico's Debt
cause the act of nullifying these votes would Nayarit ; Edmundo G. Canton, for the State of ROPAGANDISTS have tried hard to
in no way alter the result of the election . Yucatan. P spread the idea that Mexico is on the
Moreover, the committee does not deem it
verge of bankruptcy and, without giving fig
within its province to declare the loss of citizenBAR
A Good Example ures, have enlarged on the enormity of Mexi
ship rights which is requested.
RESIDENT-ELECT OBREGON intro co's national debt. Here are the figures as
"There was also presented to Your Sover
recently developed in a survey by the Mercan
eignty a document dated the 16th of this P duced a novelty in semi-official procedure
month, in which Citizen Ramon Martinez del immediately after his election in September. tile Trust Company of San Francisco and pub
lished in no less a financial authority than the
Rio petitions that the votes cast in favor of He made a tour throughout a large portion of
the Republic, from the southern to the north Wall Street Journal, the first column denoting
Citizen Alvaro Obregon be nullified, and that
principal and the second column the interests
as there is no other legal candidate, that a ernmost borders, for the purpose of meeting
in arrears during the years of revolution and
Provisional President be appointed who will the people and learning their needs-though
in turn convoke to a new election. This docu reconstruction :
the latter was scarcely necessary, since no
Principal. Interest.
ment, like the former ones already discussed, man better knows what the Mexican people Direct exterior . " • $ 173,469,067 $ 51,475,133
is based on the alleged illegality of the can need than he. But he went further. He ex Direct interior . · C •• • 66,611,012 19,132,747
Guaranteed (except railways) 32,222,690 10,133,342
didacy of Citizen Obregon according to the tended his journey across the boundary line Guaranteed railway bonds .. 57,748,575 14,342,679
section of the article of the Constitution al into the United States, visiting many of the $330,051,344 $95,083,791
ready mentioned, to which allegation this com leading cities of the southwest, meeting civil
The total, then, of governmental indebted
mittee has, likewise, already expressed its and military officials, exchanging views with
ness, not all of it by any means to foreigners,
opinion. The petitioner alleges, although he them , and accomplishing a vast amount of
is $425,135,135. In addition to this regularly
himself declares it is not his intention to stress good in bringing about a better understanding
bonded debt, the Government is held liable for
the point, that the people abstained almost between the neighboring peoples. This is the
an amount variously estimated from $27,000,
completely from going to the polls. This argu first time in history that such a thing has been
000 to $135,000,000-as a matter of fact known
ment is nullified by the number of votes cast, done, and it sets an example that might be to be between 30 and 40 millions- seized when
as herein shown. followed with profit. Indeed, if THE REVIEW the banks were taken over by the Carranza
"For this reason, and without giving any may be pardoned for the suggestion , might it
Government. The Government also, as ma
importance whatsoever to the rest of the docu not be a good idea if the President-elect of the
ment which was written as a result of an ex jority stockholder, would be responsible for 51
United States were to imitate the example of per cent of the indebtedness of the National
aggerated desire of self-exhibition , the com his confrere of Mexico and pay that country Railways in the unlikely event of their bank
mittee has not altered in the least the opinions a visit before the time for his own inaugura
herein already expressed . tion. It would be an object lesson of the ruptcy. This would be $ 118,015,678 . This
"In view of the above considerations, this last might rather be counted as an asset as by
utmost value, and undoubtedly would remove its payment the Government would come into
committee begs leave to place before Your some of the erroneous impressions regarding sole possession of railroad properties worth
Sovereignty, for its approbation, the following Mexico that are inevitable where one's only five times the sum.
resolution : knowledge is derived from print. THE REVIEW
"First-The elections for President of the will prophesy as warm and enthusiastic a wel Add to all the above claims for property
United States of Mexico, held on Sunday, Sep come for an American President-elect as was damage of 50 millions due to war activities
tember 5 , 1920, are legal. and we have $633,150,813 as the maximum
given the President-elect of Mexico. Why not
"Second- Citizen Alvaro Obregon is the total indebtedness for which the Mexican Gov
try the friendly experiment ?
duly elected President of the United States of ernment might in any way be held responsi
Mexico for the term beginning December 1 , ble. For a rich territory one-quarter the area
1920, and ending November 30, 1924. Another Mountainous Molehill and with a population one-seventh that of the
"Third- Citizen Alvaro Obregon will take United States such an indebtedness can scarce
the oath of office on twelve o'clock midnight, ly be considered burdensome ; especially when
HE Treasury Department of the Mexican compared with the debt of other countries.
November 30, 1920 . THGovernE ment has just razed another
"Hall of Sessions of the Chamber of Belgium, for instance, with a population less
mountainous molehill that was erected and
Deputies of the National Congress- Mexico , than half that of Mexico and with an area
added to by ignorant writers and speakers less than some of the smaller Mexican States,
D. F., October 25, 1920 : E. Bordes Mangel,
during the revolution. This is the alleged has a direct public debt of four billion dollars. D
for the State of Guanajuato ; M. Garcia Virgil,
"looting" of foreign banks by the administra
for the State of Oaxaca ; Salvador Saucedo, No one challenges her solvency.
tion at a time when money was needed for
for the State of Colima ; Aurelio Manrique, Jr.,
revolutionary purposes . It is now announced
for the State of San Luis Potosi ; E. L. Ces "Mexican Writers"
that the entire total of the acknowledged in
pedes, for the State of Tamaulipas ; V. Alessio to the banks is
Robles, for the Federal District ; J. M. Soto , debtedness of NDER
debtcomparatively insignificant sum of $25,- UNDER the
Uversity of Arizona issued ,an interest
has caption
for the State of Michoacan ; Andres Guiterrez
000,000. This was obtained in the usual man ing volume dealing with Mexican authors,
Castro, for the State of Coahuila ; S. Garcia G.,
for the State of Chihuahua ; Rodrigo Palacio, ner in many countries, by the levying of a mostly of modern times. Novelists, dramatists,
for the State of Aguascalientes ; Macario "forced loan," for which due acknowledg poets, newspaper and magazine writers, etc.,
Hernandez, for the State of Tlaxcala ; Enrique ment was given. But Mexico, not following are given, with brief biographical sketches
Von Borntel, for Lower California ; F. B. Mar the course too often adopted in such cases, of and notes of their important works. The com
tinez, for the State Sinaloa ; M. F. Ortega , for ignoring the obligation after the return of pilation is most interesting and is one of which
the State of Guerrero ; Luis Espinoza, for the peace, has at all times recognized this indebt Mexico has a right to be proud, as the ac
State of Chiapas ; Marco Aurelio Gonzales , for edness. And now that a condition of normal complishments of that country in the direc
the State of Nuevo Leon ; M. Barragan, for procedure is returning with such rapidity, the tion noted are not at all so widely known as
Quintana Rio ; Erasmo Trejo , for the State of their merit deserves. The work in question
officials announce that a good portion of this was prepared by Miss Estelle Lutrell, librarian
Hidalgo ; F. M. de Escobar, for the State of
indebtedness will be liquidated in the coming of the University of Arizona, and is a most
Tabasco ; Leopoldo Vicencio , for the State of
year of 1921 and the entire balance in 1922. commendable accomplishment .
Mexico ; M. Monter o Villar, for the State of
Morelos ; S. Franco Urias, for the State of Thus is another mountainous molehill removed
Durango ; J. D. Bojorquez, for the State of and another libel on Mexico's good name re Latest reports show a sharp improvement
Sonora ; J. B. Gonzalez, for the State of futed . And this will be the fate of many an in the railway service of the National Lines,
Zacatecas ; M. F. Altamirano, for the State of other that has been assiduously constructed in spite of many drawbacks in the way of
Vera Cruz ; Juan Zubaran, for the State of and promulgated by Mexico's enemies. rolling stock and other equipment.
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 13


Version by Alice Stone Blackwell


Acercaos a la mesa, para la niña blanca, Draw near to the table, You will hear how they shriek
mis recuerdos , porque os llamo. bien de mi vida. My memories, come ! When wild mischief o'er
Id saliendo de la huesa, Ya veréis cómo gritan My dead, my beloved , powers them ;
muertecitos que yo amo ! los muy traviesos , Come forth from the tomb ! You will see how their mother
Cosas idas, cosas muertas, y cómo los devora Dreams vanished and perished, With kisses devours them.
ilusiones ya perdidas, su madre a besos. So precious of yore, But the tree's lights go out,
. O bygone things, dead things, And still no one has come ;
acercaos a mis puertas, Pero el árbol se apaga,
Come now to my door! Not a child frolics here
cosas muertas, cosas idas ! ninguno llega, The supper is spread, In the hushed, empty room !
De la cena preparada y en la desierta alcoba But still empty the room.
el salón esta vacio, ni un niño juega ! I am cold, I am frightened ! How we yearn for your love,
cae muy triste la nevada, The snow falls in gloom. Oye far-distant ones,
tengo miedo, tengo frío ! Seres que venís tan lejos, Dear little dead people, We who have aged fathers
Convidados a mi cena, I cómo ansian vuestros cariños Ye guests I invite, And have no young sons !
muertecitos que yo amo, los que tienen padres viejos. Make haste at my summons ! How we long with our fingers
acudid a mi reclamo y no tienen hijos niños ! 'Tis now Christmas night. To mingle the flow
que esta noche es Noche Buena, ¡ Con qué paciencia os imploro My window stands open, Of your ringlet's of gold
Está abierta mi ventana para mezclar con mis manos 'Tis sprinkled with rain ; With their locks white as
vuestros ricitos de oro The church bell is chiming snow !
y la lluvia la salpica ,
mientras oigo la campana entre sus cabellos canos ! A blithe, merry strain. Love that saves and ennobles ,
¡ Amor que ennoblece y salva, Good friend, my poor sister, Come swift, and be blest ,
que repica. Come, do not delay ! For now, with the dawn mass ,
Buen amigo, pobre hermana, vén pronto a mi hogar estrecho ,
que ya a la misa del alba All those of my house They knock at my breast !
de mi casa los ausentes, Who are absent today,
venid todos tan aprisa están tocando en mi pecho ! Come fast, as the faithful My dear little travelers,
como a esta hora van a misa To mass take their way ! Ye guests at my feast,
los creyentes. Mis viajeros pequeñitos, My loved ones, my lost ones,
mis ausentes adorados , Wert thou living, poor sister, The humblest and least!
Pobre hermana que te fuiste, los humildes muertecitos As dead now thou art, Behold , the believers
si vivieras todavía, a mi cena convidados ; How much I should tell thee From mass now return .
cuando siento mi alma triste, ya regresan de la misa When grief fills my heart ! Make haste , my lost friends !
los devotos , los creyentes. Come soon ! When tomorrow For your presence I yearn.
cuántas cosas te diría !
¡ mis amigos, mis ausentes, The bell notes ring slow Leave your mystical palace ,
¡ Vén, y pronto, vén ahora ! To the early mass calling,
daos prisa, daos prisa ! And, journeying slow,
Cuando llegue la mañana Thou canst go, thou canst go. Your light feet will come to me
y a la misa de la aurora Dejad ya con planta breve
When the supper is ended , Straight through he snow.
llame lenta la campana , vuestro místico palacio ; Ah, then we must say,
terminada ya la cena, caminando tan despacio As a poor little girl
- Butnext
"Till the Christmas night !" With a hope ever new
podrás irte, podrás irte, vendréis yertos por la nieve ! be with me today ! On the white hearthstone places
y tendremos que decirte : Mi esperanza que os desea For now , little sister, Her small empty shoe,
Hasta la otra Noche Buena ! como niña pobrecilla, Still reigns the night's gloom. My hope, O my dear ones !
Pero ahora, mi hermanita, en la blanca chimenea My dead, my beloved, Is wishing for you.
reina aún la noche oscura, puso ya la zapatilla . Come forth from the tomb ! It seems to me now
deja, pues , oh muertecita ! Oir pienso vuestro paso, That your footsteps I hear;
Twelve strikes . Christ is born !
tu callada sepultura. quiero ver, y no me atrevo , Toward the Birth Scene I I am longing to look,
$ I dejad pronto sobre el raso But I dare not, for fear.
gaze ;
Son las doce. Jesús nace ; mi regalo de año nuevo ! The wind beats the taper, Place quick on the bedside
vuelvo el rostro al nacimiento It melts in its place. My gift for New Year!
y la cera se deshace ¡ No doblan las campanas, No one cares for the shepherds ;
no, que repican ! No carols men sing ; The bells are not tolling,
combatida por el viento. No, let them peal out !
Nadie cuida a los pastores, Plumas de alondra llueven, Young and old , to the Virgin
no nieve fría ! No blossoms they bring. Not snow, but lark's feathers,
nadie canta villancicos, Rain down all about.
ni a la virgen llevan flores Dios ha nacido : The New Born reclines
With the straw for his bed. The Lord has been born
los ancianos y los chicos. Jesús no yace muerto, In the cows' lowly shed,
En el heno blanco y yerto que está dormido ! I see him asleep ,
And methinks he is dead . And Jesus is sleeping.
está el Dios recién nacido, He does not lie dead !
y al mirarlo allí dormido , | Casta ilusión que me alientas ! O faith of my childhood,
me parece que está muerto. ¡ Sueño de dicha sereno, Come, make my heart well! O pure, blissful dream ,
Fe de niño, vén al punto ! si a mi cena te presentas , It comes not. I ask myself, Where no sorrows intrude !
Que tu voz me purifique.. 0 seré bueno , seré bueno ! "Why chimes that bell ?" If you come to my feast
y no viene, y me pregunto : Ya no vacilo ni dudo, A myriad lights I will surely be good!
¿ por qué dobla ese repique ? no miro ni hogar desierto , Mid the branches gleam Now I doubt not, nor think
ni viendo al niño desnudo starry. From my home all have fled,
Del árbol en las ramas me imagino que está muerto. Let the children delay not, Nor, seeing the Christ Child,
mil velas arden ; Vive; con dulce sonrisa, Oh, let them not tarry ! Imagine him dead.
I que no tarden los niños , entre sencillos pastores, Ah, why do they come not, He lives ; he smiles sweetly !
que no se tarden ! ve a los que vuelven de misa, The children so dear , The candles are burning.
¿ Por qué prestos no acuden? trayéndole muchas flores. When so many sweet meats See, the people, flower laden ,
ટ Por qué no vienen No pienso con desconsuelo And playthings are here? From mass are returning.
si aqui tantos juguetes en los seres ya perdidos. . That sword for the eldest, No more for my lost ones
y dulces tienen ? Mis muertecitos queridos And soldiers of lead My heart is grief-riven :
Esta espada de acero están cantando en el cielo ! For all who desire them My dead, my beloved,
para el más grande, El alba tibia clarea, Profusely outspread ; Are singing in heaven.
y soldados de plomo Venus en Oriente brilla ! That golden-haired doll, The mild dawn grows clear,
a quienes mande. Dejemos la zapatilla In a dress rich and bright, And the star glitters bright,
Y esta muñeca rubia en la blanca chimenea ! For the fair little maiden , Let us leave the small shoe
tan bien vestida M. GUTIERREZ NAJERA. My joy and delight. In the chimney -place white !
14 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December , 1920

French, even many Americans, have protected

Doheny's British their interests when making purchases, either
Oil Deal
in the purchase price or by filing mineral
claims and recording their titles . The Doheny
English Company With $30,000,000 Capital Organized to and some other American companies from the
Take Over Doheny Interests in Mexico beginning have refused to record the bulk of
"Control of the Mexican Petroleum Company with all of its facilities on the American their titles, thereby flouting the very laws upon
continents by the British-Mexican Petroleum Company, a $30,000,000 corporation, is announced which they place their only dependence and
in advices received here from Mexico City. Among the stockholders of the new company under which alone their "rights" have any
are E. L. Doheny, Jr., and L. P. Sheldon, both American citizens, the latter located in London. legal standing.
"The company further acquires the business of the Union Petroleum Products Company, Even though the Diaz decrees be constitu
Ltd., dealing in motor spirits and other petroleum products. Fuel oil stations are being tional, those who have refused to conform to
them can scarcely claim their protection.
erected at the principal shipping ports in Europe and at St. Vincent, and the erection of re
fineries in the United Kingdom is under consideration."-From The Washington Herald. They have chosen rather to appeal to the
American State Department, where the facts
BY WICKWIRE sixteen years after the date when the law are less well known, and place their depend
of 1884 went into force." ence on appeals to patriotism coupled with a
N the very day Herbert C. Hoover's
Contrast this statement with the facts as campaign of misrepresentation and villification
Washington newspaper made the
taken from so unbiased a source as the of a neighbor people to arouse the American
O above disclosure of Edward L. Do
United States Commerce Reports, as follows : public to come with force to their rescue. The
heny's successful trafficking with British in
"The earliest reference to oil as an industry American people will with difficulty now be
terests, giving them control of his Mexican
in Mexico occurs in pamphlets issued in 1857, induced to fight for Doheny's partnership with
oil properties , there appeared in the Novem
which record the agreement of a group of Great Britain.
ber issue of Nation's Business , official organ
merchants in the village of Macuspana, Ta But there are other counts in Mr. Kellogg's
of the United States Chamber of Commerce,
basco, to furnish cacao in exchange for "sheets indictment of Mexico's handling of the Do
an extended article by Frederick R. Kellogg,
of forged iron' to be used in storing illumi heny oil interests. "In the first place," he says,
general counsel for the Doheny companies,
blatantly proclaiming the Americanism of nating oil' which flowed from a spring near "many regulations of a harassing nature were
the village . In 1865 the Government issued a adopted and a maze of red tape was estab
these companies and clamoring for protec
permit authorizing a certain Spaniard to ex lished in respect to almost every necessary ac
tion by the Government of the United States
ploit the deposits of bituminous and oleous sub tivity of a petroleum developing concern."
against the alleged malicious persecution of
stances near San Jose de las Rusias, Tamauli In reply to this it is only necessary to say
the Mexican Government.
pas. The favorable results obtained by this that the MEXICAN REVIEW will gladly send
"How does the Mexican oil situation affect
Spaniard led to the organization of the De to anyone interested copies of the respec
the United States at large ?" asks Mr. Kellogg, velopment Co. of the Gulf of Mexico in 1868 tive regulations of Mexico and Texas
and answers it : "First and foremost because
by a group of Mexican planters for the pur whereby it may be seen that Mexico is lenient
of the moral principle involved. pose of exploiting the petroleum seepages and compared with the Lone Star State in the
"Second, because of the necessity of Mexi
springs located near Furbero, Papantla, Vera treatment of oil producers .
can oil produced by American companies to
Cruz. This company failed because of finan "In the next place, " says Mr. Kellogg, "gov
the industries and consumers of America.
cial difficulties. An attempt by Dr. Autrey to ernmental officers allowed the filing of claims
Our navy is largely dependent • continue the development of this field in 1878 against our properties by others who claimed
Over five hundred leading industries was unsuccessful also." to be entitled to acquire them under the Car
Our merchant marine 8,600,000
Manifestly, petroleum had become a rather ranza decrees."
motor vehicles motor cycles, aero
19 live issue long before the passage of the Min In answer to this, it may be said that any
planes, motor boats , stationary engines •
ing Decree of 1884. And there were many at American citizen may go into any recorder's
Thus does Mr. Doheny's eminent counsel tempts at development between the time of
list the American interests to suffer for lack office anywhere in the United States and file
issuance of that decree and 1901 , when Do claim to any property that takes his fancy. If
of the very oil which his principal, even at
heny and his partner, C. A. Canfield, made the the rightful owner of the property has prop
the time of his writing, was bargaining into first successful "strike" near the Vera Cruz
foreign hands ; the hands of the American erly recorded his title, such filing would have
San Luis Potosi boundary. These prospectors no effect. The same is true in Mexico. The
business men's keenest rivals, the American
had increased their holdings to hundreds of officials would have no discretion as to per
merchant marine's only serious competitors,
thousands of acres and many other companies mitting the filing. As a matter of fact, not
the only navy in the world superior-if it be had entered the field before the issuance of the
superior to the American navy. If one be one square foot of land claimed to be owned
Diaz decree of 1909, the last Mexican law to
inclined to doubt that honest information on by Doheny or any other American oil company
the Mexican-American oil situation from such which the bulk of the American operators have has actually been taken from them.
seen fit to subscribe.
a source is to be had by the American busi "In the third place," continues Mr. Kellogg,
But whether or not Diaz was misled in pro
ness man, such doubt is well justified, for the "concessions began to be granted to Carranza
mulgating these decrees is of little other than
balance of Mr. Kellogg's article is filled with favorites permitting drilling upon certain lands
academic interest now. Mr. Kellogg is correct
misstatements and misrepresentations not to comprised within the titles held by the petro
in one thing, that all claims of his companies
be excused, unfortunately, on the grounds of leum companies."
to ownership of petroleum in the subsoils of
the author's ignorance. Presumably this refers to the "federal zones"
Mexico are dependent on the decrees of 1884,
As an example of special pleading- one which comprise the beds of navigable rivers
1892 and 1909 for their validity. He makes
might say specious pleading -note Mr. Kel and lakes . In Mexico, as in the United States,
much of the fact that Mexican lawyers have
logg's contention that the Mexican Govern the navigable waters of the country with their
construed these decrees as surrendering the
ment under Gonzalez and Diaz was not in beds have always been the property of the
ownership of the underground petroleum bear
fluenced by any oil interests in the passage of nation. The Doheny companies have set up a
ings to the owners of the surface ; he gives no
the mining decrees of 1884, 1892 and 1909, hint of the fact that these same lawyers ques claim to ownership of all such properties where
under which his companies now claim title their own holdings are abutting. Any such
tioned seriously the constitutionality of the de
to all their properties . He is either inex claim offered in the United States would be
crees themselves, thereby impugning the valid
cusably ignorant of the history of his in laughed to death .
ity of titles acquired thereunder.
dustry or intentionally misleading when, deal Yet this was and is a matter of common "In the next place," declares Mr. Kellogg,
ing with the basic decree of 1884, he declares : knowledge to foreigners and nationals alike in "provision was made that no company was al
"No oil operator dictated or intrigued for Mexico . Remembering the ancient legal lowed to drill on its own land unless it had a
the adoption of this law because the oil maxim of caveat emptor ( let the buyer be drilling permit, and that no permit would be
industry did not commence in Mexico until ware), most investors, Mexican , British , granted unless in the applications therefor the
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 15

prador) la mayoría de los " inversionistas"

terra mexicanos , ingleses , franceses , y aun muchos
El Negocio Petrolero de Doheny en Inglaterra americanos, han protegido sus intereses al hacer
sus adquisiciones , ya sea en el precio de compro,
Se organiza una Cia. Inglesa con $30,000,000 de capital para hacerse o elevando denuncios mineros y registrando sus
cargo de los intereses de Doheny en México títulos. Las compañías de Dogeny y algunas otras
" compañías americanas , desde un principio se
Por despachos recibidos de la ciudad de México se anuncia que la British - Mexican Petroleum
Co. , una corporación con $ 30,000,000 de capital , controlará la Mexican Petroleum Co. , con todas negaron a registrar la mayor parte de sus
sus facilidades en el Continente Americano . Entre los accionistas de la nueva Cía están los Sres . títulos, burlando con ello las mismas leyes, que
E. L. Doheny, Jr. , y L. P. Sheldon, ambos ciudadanos americanos, el último con domicilio en Londres. son las únicas que ellos han considerado acata
La Compañía adquiere además los negocios de la Union Petroleum Products Co. , Ltd. , que bles, y bajo las cuales sus " derechos " pueden te
trafica en gasolina y otros productos de petróleo . Se están erigiendo estaciones de petróleo com
bustible en los principales puertos de embarque de Europa y en San Vicente, y está en estudio la ner fuerza legal.
erección de refinerías en el Reino Unido. -The . Washington Herald. Aunque los decretos de Díaz fuesen constitu
cionales, aquellos que se han rehusado a acatarlos
L mismo día que el periódico de Washing años después de la fecha de 1884 en que fué
malamente pueden pedir su protección . Mas
ton que dirige Herbert C. Hoover daba expedida ."
bien han preferido apelar al Departamento de
E a la publicidad la feliz transacción Contrasta esta declaración con los siguientes
Estado americano , donde son menos conocidas
llevada a cabo entre Doheny e intereses britán hechos, tomados de fuente tan imparcial como los
las circunstancias del caso , ateniéndose a las
icos, dando a éstos el control de sus propiedades "Informes Comerciales de los Estados Unidos :
invocaciones al patriotismo americano , al par
petroleras en México , apareció en la edición de "La primera referencia al petróleo como
industria en México se hizo en folletos editados que desarrollan una campaña de engaño y
Noviembre del Nation's Business, órgano
difamación de un país vecino a fin de excitar al
oficial de la Cámara de Comercio de Estados en 1857, donde se habla del convenio hecho por
público americano a venir a rescatarlos por la
Unidos, un extenso artículo firmado por Fred un grupo de comerciantes del pueblo de Macus
fuerza. Ahora, el pueblo americano difícilmente
erick R. Kellogg, consejero general de las Cías pana, Tabasco, por el cual se comprometían a
se dejará inducir a luchar en pro de la sociedad
de Doheny, proclamando ruidosamente el entregar cacao a cambio de ' láminas de hierro
existente entre Doheny y la Gran Bretaña.
americanismo de dichas Cías, e implorando la forjado ' que servirían para almacenar ‘ gas
Pero contiene otros cargos la acusación que
protección del Gobierno de Estados Unidos iluminante ' que fluía de una fuente cerca del
en contra de México formula el Sr. Kellogg, en
contra la supuesta persecución maliciosa del pueblo. En 1865 el Gobierno expidió un decreto
relación con los intereses petroleros de Doheny.
Gobierno Mexicano . autorizando a cierto español para explotar los
"En primer lugar-dice-se instituyeron muchos
Cómo afecta a la larga a los Estados Unidos depósitos de substancias oleosas y bituminosas
reglamentos de índole vejatoria , y se estableció
la cuestión petrolera mexicana ? pregunta el cerca de San José de las Rusias, Tamaulipas. una malla de formulismos en torno a todo
Sr. Kellogg, y él mismo contesta : primera y Los resultados favorables que obtuvo este
detalle indispensable para llevar a cabo el
principalmente , por el principio que envuelve. español condujeron a la organización de la desarrollo de la industria petrolera .
Segundo , por la necesidad que existe del Cía . Explotadora del Golfo de México en
Como respuesta a esto sólo diremos que La
petróleo mexicano producido por Cías Ameri 1868 por un grupo de cultivadores mexicanos,
canas, experimentada por todas las industrias Revista Mexicana enviará con gusto a cual
con objeto de explotar las fuentes y chapopoteras
y consumidores de Estados Unidos • de petróleo cerca de Furbero, Papantla , Vera quiera persona interesada , copias de los regla
cruz. Esta Cía. quebró debido a dificultades mentos respectivos de México y Texas, por los
Más de quinientas industrias principales .
cuales puede verse que México es indulgente si
Nuestra marina mercante. . . . 8,600,000 ve económicas. Tampoco tuvo éxito un esfuerzo
hículos . . .motociclos , aeroplanos, botes auto del Dr. Autrey para continuar la explotación se le compara con Texas, por lo que se refiere al
tratatamiento que se dispensa a los productores
moviles, máquinas fijas. . . en 1878."
Así hace aparecer el eminente consejero de del petróleo .
Por lo visto, el petróleo era ya una cuestión
Además dice el Sr. Kellogg-los funcionarios
Doheny a los intereses americanos como per palpitante antes de la promulgación del Decreto
judicados por la falta del mismo petróleo que Minero de 1884. Y hubo muchos intentos de del gobierno permitieron la elevación de denun
cios contra nuestras propiedades por parte de
su jefe traspasaba a manos extranjeras, en el explotación entre la fecha de la promulgación
momento mismo en que él escribía su artículo ; de dicho decreto , y el año de 1901 , cuando personas que se decían autorizadas para adqui
a manos de los rivales más peligrosos de los rirlas según los decretos de Carranza . Esto se
Doheny y su socio C. A. Canfield, dieron el
hombres de negocios americanos , de los únicos puede rebatir diciendo que cualquier ciudadano
primer " golpe " cerca de la frontera entre
americano puede entrar a una oficina de registro
competidores de la marina mercante americana , Vera-Cruz y San Luis Potosí. Estos explora
de la única marina de guerra en el mundo dores habían aumentado sus tenencias a miles y en cualquier parte de los Estados Unidos, y
superior-si acaso lo es—a la marina Americana . miles de acres, y muchas otras Compañías presentar denuncio sobre cualquier propiedad
Si se inclina uno a dudar que el hombre de habían entrado al campo de actividades antes que guste. Si el propietario legal tiene debida
negocios americano pueda recibir información de la promulgación del decreto de Díaz de 1909 , mente registrado su título, tal denuncio no
honrada de tal fuente, relativa a la situación tendrá efecto . Lo mismo acontece en México.
última ley mexicana a la cual la mayoría de los
petrolera entre México y Estados Unidos , tal petroleros americanos han querido sujetarse. Los funcionarios no están facultados para
duda está perfectamente justificada , porque el Pero el averiguar si Díaz fué o nó desviado en admitir o negar un denuncio . De hecho, no se
resto del artículo del Sr. Kellogg está lleno de su criterio al promulgar esos decretos , no tiene ha despojado a Doheny ni a ninguna otra
errores y desfiguraciones que no se pueden por ahora otro interés que el académico . El compañía americana en un sólo pie cuadrado de
disculpar, por desgracia , con la ignorancia del Sr. Kellog tiene razón en una cosa : que todas tierra del que se consideren propietarios.
autor. las pretensiones de sus compañías a la propiedad En tercer lugar-continúa diciendo Mr.
Como un ejemplo de argumentación especial, del petróleo en los subsuelos de México se basan , Kellogg-se principió a otorgar concesiones a
podríamos decir argumentación especiosa-es de para su validez , en los decretos de 1884 , 1892 y ciertos favoritos de Carranza, permitiéndoles
notarse la aseveración del Sr. Kellogg de que el 1909. Hace hincapié en el hecho de que
perforar en ciertos terrenos comprendidos dentro
Gobierno Mexicano, bajo González y Díaz, no abogados mexicanos han interpretado estos de los títulos bajo el dominio de las compañías
pudo estar influenciado por intereses petroleros decretos en el sentido de adjudicar la propiedad
cuando promulgó los decretos de 1884, 1892 y de los yacimientos petrolíferos en el subsuelo a Probablemente esto se refiere a las " zonas
1909 , bajo los cuales sus compañías alegan los dueños de la supericie ; pero no menciona
federales " que abarcan los lechos de los ríos
derecho a todas sus propiedades. O bien su el hecho de que estos mismos abogados pusieron
ignorancia de la historia de su propia industria en tela de juicio la constitucionalidad de los navegables y lagos . En México , como en los
es imperdonable, o su mala fé es intencional decretos en sí, impugnando con ellos la validez Estados Unidos, las aguas navegables de un
cuando , al hablar de los decretos básicos de de los títulos adquiridos bajo los mismos. país así como sus lechos, han sido siempre de la
1884, declara : Sin embargo, esto ha sido y es del perfecto propiedad de la nación . Las compañías de
"Ningún petrolero dictó o intrigó para la conocimiento tanto de extranjeros como nacio Doheny alegan derecho de propiedad sobre toda
adopción de esta ley, porque la industria petro nales en México. Recordando el antiguo aforismo propiedad de esta naturaleza colindantes con
lera no comenzó en México sino hasta dieciseis legal de " Caveat emptor " (precávase el com sus propias tenencias . Cualquiera pretensión
16 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

Del "Excelsior, " México , 30 de Octubre

No Crime Committed in This Ningun Crimen se ha Co

metido en Mexico Durante

City in the Last 24 Hours
Las Ultimas 24 Horas
As Several Swiss Cities do, Mexico City Could Hoist
Al Igual que Muchas Ciudades Suizas , la Ciudad de Me
up "White Banner," Thus Standing as a Civilized
xico Podria Izar " Bandera Blanca," Como Simbolo
City of High Moral Standard
de Ciudad Civilizada, de Elevado Tipo Moral
From Excelsior, Mexico City, October 30
"Ningún crimen se cometió en la ciudad de Mé
No crime was committed in the City of Mexico xico dentro de las últimas veinte y cuatro horas.
within the last twenty-four hours. Not a single ar No se ha hecho ni un simple arresto por infracción
rest was made for an infraction of the law. a la ley. Esto habla muy alto del elevado tipo
It speaks well for the high moral standard of our moral de nuestra ciudad. Muy semejante a las ciu
dades suizas en ocasiones análogas, la ciudad de
City. Not unlike the Swiss cities on similar occa
México podría izar "bandera blanca" en celebración
sions, Mexico City might hoist the "White Banner" de este hecho. Las autoridades tienen legítimo mo
to celebrate the occasion . The authorities take a tivo de orgullo por la conducta moral de perma
rightful pride in the moral conduct of the law-abid nente respeto a la ley, de los habitantes de esta
maravillosa ciudad de México . "
ing inhabitants of the wonderful City of Mexico .
La noticia que antecede la sometemos atentamente a
The foregoing is more or less respectfully referred
la consideración de quienes tienen la idea de que Mé
to the attention of those who have an idea that Mexico
< xico es la tierra delcrimen y del desorden , de la in
is a land of crime and disorder, of unrest and blood
quietud y la matanza . La trasladamos con especialidad
shed. Especially is it referred to those responsible re
a los recientemente responsables de la trama y publici
cently for the concoction and circulation of the en
dad de la especie, completamente falsa, relativa a que
tirely untruthful statement that there is at this time existe en la ciudad de México "un terrible incremento
prevalent an alleged " terrible increase of crime" in the de criminalidad," asi como a quienes pretenden asom
capital city of that country, as also to those who pre brarse de que la civilizacion mexicana "sea digna de
tend to wonder whether "Mexico is worth saving." ser conservada."
The opening clear-cut paragraph is especially notable El párrafo que arriba insertamos es especialmente
and timely as affording a refreshing contrast to the re notable y oportuno porque ofrece un reciente contraste
port of Raymond B. Fosdick , just made public, regard con el informe de Raymond B. Fosdick, acabado de
ing the prevalence of crime in various portions of the publicar, relativo a la permanencia del crimen en varios
world, and which declares unequivocally that "Amer lugares del mundo, y en el cual enfáticamente declara
ica leads the world in that respect ." que "América guía al mundo a este respecto ."
Mexico City has upward of one million population , La ciudad de México tiene una poblacion de un mi
llón de habitantes, y puede muy bien admitir compara
and it may well challenge comparison with any like
ción con cualquier población de densidad semejante, de
number of people anywhere in the world!
cualquier parte del mundo !

petroleum companies agreed to abide by the who had arisen in revolt against the confisca justice, but not until that is done. And it must
be remembered that in all concessions granted to
terms of any petroleum law that might be tory (sic ) plan of which I have spoken." foreign oil companies in Mexico there is an express
Well, some have charged that Palaez was disclaimer of any "right" to appeal to their home
enacted in the future." government by aiens as against the laws of Mexi
in control of the oil companies . Certainly co. This was done under the Diaz regime and no
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Texas , Louisi objection was ever raised thereto. The companies
they had pretty thoroughly propagandized that have been making the loudest protests freely
ana, California and, the writer believes ,
Americans into the belief that Palaez was a signed such disclaimers , and acquired their proper
every one of the United States having pro ties under them.
ducing oil fields, have similar laws. Before a naughty, naughty bandit who was robbing them
man can drill on his own land in Texas he regularly for tribute. At any rate it appears
from the above quotation that Palaez was in Saloons Closed Saturday and Sunday
must obtain a permit. He must report regu revolt. It would seem that the Mexican Gov
larly to the State the progress of his drilling. HE authorities of the Federal District,
ernment might then have been justified in Twhich includes the City of Mexico and
He must submit to inspection at any time . He
sending troops even though Mr. Doheny and various outlying suburbs, are taking energetic
must, under heavy penalty, provide storage or
transportation for his oil before he "brings his associates disapproved of it. steps to enforce the decree closing all saloons
The Nation's Business should have its own and places where liquor is sold on Saturdays
in" his well ; and he must make monthly re
correspondent in Mexico or get its informa and Sundays. Hitherto the maximum punish
ports of all production and pay taxes based
tion from the American Chamber of Com ment has been a fine of $20, but it is now an
thereon. merce there. nounced that this will be increased to $ 100 , and
Finally Mr. Kellogg erupts the following
if that should not prove effective, the fine will
gem : In the United States or any other powerful
country it is not considered necessary to ask any be placed at $500 .
"Lastly, and this was the most serious of citizen or alien to pledge himself in advance to abide
all, he ( Carranza ) sent his armed forces into by the present or future laws of the country. He
does it as a matter of course, subject to appeal Rice raisers are complaining because the
the oil region . Up to that time these proper to the courts by due process. But in Mexico and
ties had been in control of Manuel Palaez , other weaker nations aliens frequently seem to con country is being flooded with cheap rice from
sider that they have a right to appeal through
diplomatic sources against any law that does not China. The Mexican crop has been very
himself a petroleum landowner and supported suit them. They have this right, it is true , when
by many other Mexicans in the same position the courts of the country concerned refuse them abundant this year.
Diciembre, 1920

Jamas Han Existido Preferencias Nuevo Incremento del Petróleo

de esta clase quedaría en ridículo en Estados
Unidos. Sobre Nacionalidad Para Extender A Compañía Explotadora y Petrolera
Hay aun más-declara Mr. Kellogg-se Concesiones L Peninsular S. A, ha obtenido una amplia
previno que ninguna compañía estaba autorizada L público ha sido inducido en la creencia concesión para hacer exploraciones a lo largo
para perforar sus propios terrenos sin el respec de las costas dela Baja California , las del Golfo
E de que el gobierno mexicano establece
tivo permiso de perforación , y que ningún preferencias sobre nacionalidad alotorgar las y del Pacifico , así como tambien en los ríos y
permiso sería concedido , a menos que en la ensenadas .
diversas concesiones, particularmente para la
solicitud correspondiente , las compañías petro explotacion de petróleo y otros depósitos minera Teodoro Montague obtuvo otra concesión
leras conviniesen en acatar los términos de toda para explorar petróleo entre los puntos Boca del
les, y se asegura que individuos de esta u otra
ley sobre petróleo que se decretase en el futuro . Río y Barra del Canas, Veracruz, lo mismo que
nacionalidad han sido favorecidos con perjuicio
En Pennsylvania , Ohio, Indiana, Texas, de otros de nacionalidad distinta . Debe esta en Tula, distrito de Tamaulipas.
Louisiana, California , y, según la opinión del que Manuel Padrés y Rafael Manso obtuvieron
blecerse , desde luego , que existe una falsa inteli
esto escribe , en cada uno de los Estados Unidos concesiones en el Estado de Tabasco , en los
gencia en el uso que se hace del término " con
que tienen terrenos petroleros, existen leyes alrededores de Frontera, Macuspana , Centro ,
cesión " pues en el concepto general dicho
semejantes. Para que alguien pueda perforar Tacoyalta, Huimanguillo y Cárdenas.
término connota la idea de algun privilegio
en su propio terreno en Texas, debe obtener al
especial, obtenido , tambien , de una manera El General Benjamín Hill e Indalecio Flores
permiso respectivo . Debe informar con regula han adquirido derechos entre los paralelos
especial. La verdad es que ese término se
ridad al Estado del progreso de su perforación. 17 y 18, 30° grados de latitud norte, esto es,
refiere solamente al idéntico procedimiento que
Debe someterse a la inspección en cualquier se observa en otros países , relativo a la obtención extensos distritos del Estado de Guerrero .
tiempo . Debe, bajo penas muy severas, proveer de un título o a dirigir una solicitud en forma. Hilario Millan (hijo) amplias concesiones en
almacenaje y medios de transporte para su el territorio de Nayarit .
Esto se hace al amparo de las leyes generales ,
petróleo antes de extraerlo del pozo ; y debe que protegen a todo el mundo , sin distinción
rendir un informe mensual de toda su produc
de raza ni nacionalidad . I si , como se ha dicho Descubrimiento de Nuevos Pozos
ción, y pagar las contribuciones de acuerdo
sin fundamento, una gran porción de las tierras
con él. NFORMA la Secretaria de Industria y
petrolíferas han sido obtenidas por ciudadanos
En los Estados Unidos , y en cualquier otro I Comercio que un nuevo pozo de petróleo
de Marte y nó por los de la Luna , ésto es com
país poderoso, no se considera necesario exigir ha sido descubierto recientemente en el distrito
pletamente imputable a los últimos, por haber
a cualquier ciudadano o extranjero que se de Amatlán, denominado Naranjos No. 14,
dejado de aprovechar las oportunidades que
comprometa de antemano a acatar las leyes con una capacidad de 50,000 barriles diarios.
están abiertas para todos , y no deben permitirse En la misma sección se acaba de descubrir
actuales o futuras del país. Esto queda sobre
protestas sobre hechos de los que solamente ellos
entendido , sin perjuicio de las apelaciones a la otro, nombrado Cardenas 1 , con una producción
son culpables. El obtener en México un per
ley por el debido conducto . Pero en México y de 60,000 barriles diarios .
miso para explotar minerales u otras riquezas de
en otras naciones débiles, parece que los extran La Compañía Husteca descubrió un pozo a
esta o la otra clase, es sólo un caso de " quien
jeros a menudo se creen con derecho a apelar principios de Octubre en el distrito de Zaca
primero llega primero se le atiende, " del mismo
por conductos diplomáticos , contra los efectos mixtle, con capacidad de 10,000 barriles diarios .
de cualquier ley que no les acomode. Es modo que se hace en los Estados Unidos y en
Se resolvió profundirlo más, y a diez pies se
cierto que tienen este derecho, cuando los tribu algunos otros países, aunque hay algunos en
donde los nacionales son admitidos preferente produjo un chorro de 75,000 barriles, detenién
nales del país en cuestión les niegan justicia , pero dose allí la perforación .
mente a los extranjeros. En los Estados Unidos
no antes. Y debe hacerse notar que en todas Se están perforando dos pozos más en difer
la sóla declaración de pretender hacerse ciuda
las concesiones otorgadas a compañías petroleras entes secciones de la misma región, que adquiere
extranjeras en México , existe una cláusula dano de este país es suficiente para colocar al
hoy gran desarrollo , con grandes perspectivas
expresa por la que renuncian a pedir el apoyo de extranjero en las mismas condiciones que los
de buen éxito .
su gobierno en su calidad de extranjeros contra nacionales. I en México , los conductos legales
las leyes de México . Esto se viene haciendo del gobierno están abiertos y libres para todos ,
desde la época de Díaz y nunca se tomó a mal . no obstante la nacionalidad , color, etc. , siempre
El Agua Salada Anruina los Pozos
Las compañías que han venido haciendo las que llenen los sencillos requisitos que rigen estos En el Distrito de Chinampa .
protestas más ruidosas firmaron voluntariamente
NFORMES procedentes del distrito de
tales cláusulas , y bajo las mismas adquirieron I Chinampa refieren que el agua salada está
sus propiedades. Profesias Que Fallan
invadiendo aquella región tan rápidamente , que
Después el Sr. Kellogg espeta la siguiente joya ΓΝΑ
NA por una las rosas van cayendo " amenaza arruinarla por completo , como pro
sofística : reza una vieja canción , y como las ductora de petróleo . Algunos pozos que estaban
"Finalmente, y esto fué lo más grave, él rosas, así han ido cayendo las nada amistosas trabajando hace pocos meses y producian
(Carranza) envió sus soldados a la región petro ni galantes profesías acerca de México, que han abundantemente, están ahora manado agua
lera. Hasta entonces, esas propiedades habían llenado una extensa porción de la prensa extran salada. Otras perforaciones han sido abandó
estado bajo el dominio de Manuel Peláez , tam jera durante los pasados diez años de revolución . nadas y se cree que todos los pozos que han
bién petrolero , apoyado por otros muchos Podrían llenarse volúmenes enteros con estas
estado en producción , se acabaràn . Intencio
mexicanos que se encontraban en idéntica profesías y su respectiva refutación , dada por la nalmente se ha restringido la producción de al
situación y que se habían alzado en rebelión lógica decisiva de los acontecimientos. La gunos pozos, a fin de retardar su completa ruina
contra el plan confiscatorio (sic) de que ya he mayor parte de las principales, seguramente no tanto como sea posible.
hablado ." sería demasiado decir todas , se han venido de
Pues bien, algunos han aseverado que las bruces y quedado desmentidas. Los pocos que
compañías petroleras se hallaban bajo el control profetizaron en sentido contrario , aún viven El Popocatepetl se manifiesta turbulento en
de Peláez. Ciertamente habían logrado mucho para verse confirmados y tienen, en verdad , México . Es un rebelde que no es posible
éxito en hacer creer a los americanos que Peláez justo motivo de satisfacción para felicitarse deportar.
era un bandido de siete zuelas que sistemática por la claridad de su visión .
mente les robaba exigiéndoles tributo. No
Por disposición del Presidente Provisional de
parece sino que el Gobierno Mexicano obraba
"Compañía General de Credito," Capuchinas la Huerta, " ejidos " o tierras comunales, que
con plena justificación al enviar sus tropas 40, is the latest banking institution incor ascienden a la extensión de cien mil acres de tierra,
aun cuando no les pareciese bien a Doheny y porated in Mexico City. The officers are han sido distribuidos entre la gente pobre, en los
comparsa . Rafael Nieto, president ; R. P. Jennings , vice Estados de Puebla, Tabasco , Veracruz, Tlaxcala
De lo anterior se desprende que Nation's president ; Baltazar Marquez, B. E. Holloway, Jalisco, Zacatecas, Baja California , Sinaloa ,
Business debería tener su corresponsal en Adolfo Prieto , Max von Drateln, Antonio Hidalgo, Sonora y Yucatán. Muchas solici
México u obtener sus informes de la Cámara de Letayf, directors . All are prominent finan tades están aún pendientes y serán resueltas
Comercio Americana en aquella Capital . cially. The manager is Eduardo del Raso. tan rápidamente como sea posible .
December , 1920

are just as faithful to their own high ideals.

Recognition of Mexico Assured Hence nothing could better shield the dignity
of both republics, as nothing could be more
Letter of Special Representative R. V. Pesqueira efficacious for the continuance of peaceful re
lations, than the operation of a commission of
and the Response of Secretary of State Colby
this nature, organized in accordance with rec
ognized international practices .
HE question of the recognition of the "Our business is to set this friendship on
"This policy should be made permanent, and
present Mexican Government has for foundations so firm that it cannot be shaken
T the Mexican Government desires to cooperate
time been under negotiation with by the attack of reaction. Permit me, there
the representatives in this city of that admin in so far as may be needful toward this end.
fore, to deal in detail with certain slanders
istration. These negotiations culminated in the that have not only prejudiced the people of "Another cause of deep national resentment
address of the following letter by Special for the Mexican Government is the oft- re
the United States, but which have aroused
Representative Roberto V. Pesqueira to Sec much bitterness in my own country. peated assertion that our laws are of a retro
retary of State Colby : "Mexico cannot but feel deeply aggrieved active and confiscatory nature, and that our
Mexican Representative's Letter over the charge that she intends or has ever national program is based on a policy of con
intended to disavow her obligations. Presi fiscation. This is entirely groundless. Not
Mr. Pesqueira's letter to the Secretary fol
lows : dent de la Huerta as well as President- elect one square yard of land has been confiscated
October 26, 1920 . Obregon have on repeated occasions publicly in Mexico, not a single legitimate right of
"Dear Mr. Secretary-While the informal property has been annulled .
and frank conversations I have had with Mr. "Nor do we intend to deviate from this
Norman Davis, the Under Secretary of State, policy. President de la Huerta and President
have resulted in a cordial and thorough under elect Obregon have also made public declara
standing, I beg the liberty of putting on paper tions to the effect that Article XXVII of the
the exact position and definite desires of my Mexican Federal Constitution is not and must
Government. not be interpreted as retroactive or violative
"As you know, and as the United States of valid property rights .
must see, it is a new Mexico that faces the
"We are a proud people and the source of
world in pride and confidence. From border our pride is as high a conception of national
to border there is peace. Not a single rebel honor as was ever erected by any nation.
remains in arms against the Federal Govern
Therefore, Sir, when the Mexican Govern
ment and a whole nation thinks in terms of
ment declares that it is willing and ready to as
law and order and reconstruction. On Septem
ber 5 our citizens cast their votes in due accord sume full responsibility for all of its inter
with democratic procedure and Alvaro Obre national obligations, it is a solemn pledge that
gon, the great soldier-statesman chosen to be will be kept to the letter.
President, is supported not only by a coalition "Present conditions in Mexico-the stability
of parties, but by a union of faith and patri of the Government, the spirit of the people
otism . together with the plain statement of a sov
"What you may not know, however, is the ereign people's purposes, all combine, it seems
new spirit that animates my country. It is not to me, to end misunderstanding, and I have
only the case that our men and women have the hope that your Government will feel jus
come to a deep and lasting realization of what tified in recognizing the present Government of
Mexico owes to the idealism of President Wil Mexico and in resuming official relations in
son so nobly and patiently exhibited in the
order that with a spirit of true friendship and
unhappy years during which our oppressed SR. ROBERTO V. PESQUEIRA
Special Representative of Mexico to the United States cooperation we may look forward to the neces
millions fought against the injustices which
sary rehabilitation of Mexico.
weighed them down for centuries. It is equally declared that Mexico will respect all rightful
true that they have thrilled to the world vision. "Please permit me to thank you for your
claims duly proved as such, submitting herself courtesies and never failing understanding. In
of the President-his tremendous ideal of uni to the recognized principles of international
versal fraternity. law. the spirit of your great President you have not
"Mexico today is not merely planning a fu Will Arbitrate Claims lacked in the appreciation of our struggle for
ture of happiness and justice for all within liberty, nor have you ever lost sight of the
"The Mexican Government is prepared to
her borders. fact that the sovereignty of Mexico is the
establish a joint arbitration commission to
"Out of our new strength we are willing pass upon and adjudicate the claims presented most sacred possession of our people. It is
and eager to play our proper part in the crea because of this attitude that I am able to
by foreigners on account of damages occa
tion of a new and better order that will lift write to you in such frankness and such sure
sioned during the revolution . Any claim that
ancient burdens from the back of humanity. cannot be adjusted by means of direct nego ness that you will understand this letter to be
"A first task, of course, is firm and endur tiations between the claimant and the Mexican no mere political overture, but the honest ex
ing friendship between Mexico and the United Government will be submitted to the consid pression of an honest friendship ."
States. Not only are we neighbors, but every eration of this commission, whose decision will Respectfully yours,
other consideration points to the wisdom of be deemed final and binding.
an understanding that goes beyond mere treat R. V. PESQUEIRA.
"Mexico has likewise held that, in order to
ies and sinks its roots into the heart of each. place international relations on a solid foun
nation. We have the same political institu dation , the existence of a permanent machinery
Secretary of State Colby's Reply
tions, the same aspirations, the same ideals, of arbitration is essential for the purpose of
the same goals. deciding any difference. As regard the United N OCTOBER 29 Secretary of State
"Such a friendship is fast forming. The States specifically, Mexico has already ex Ο Colby made the following public an
Governors of Texas, New Mexico and pressed her intention in Article XXI of the nouncement in response to the communication
Arizona-your border States- have already Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo and is prepared of Mr. R. V. Pesqueira, in which he declared
stretched out the hand of friendship, volun to enlarge and strengthen this machinery. it to be the intention of the American govern
tarily telegraphing the President as to their "Our plan is to establish a national pro ment to recognize that of Mexico :
faith in the stability, honesty and sincerity of gram based on order and justice. It is our "The discussions which have for some time
my Government. firm belief that the people of North America. (Continued on page 20)
Diciembre, 1920

Hidalgo, encontrándose dispuesto a ensanchar

y hacer mas eficaz este recurso.
El Reconocimiento de México Asegurado Proyectamos establescer una política nacional
besada en el órden y en la justicia. Abrigamos
Carta del Representate Especial, Señor Roberto V. Pesqueira,
la firme creencia de que el pueblo de Estados
y respuesta del Secretario de Estado Mr. Colby Unidos no es menos fiel a sus altos ideales.
Nada impartiría, por lo tanto, mayor protec
A cuestión del reconocimiento del actual voluntariamente al Presidente su fé en la es ción a la dignidad de ambas Repúblicas, y
Gobierno de México viene siendo tabilidad, honradez y sinceridad de mi ninguna otra cosa sería mas eficaz para la
L tratada hace algún tiempo con los Gobierno. continuacion de relaciones pacíficas, que el
representantes de aquella administración en Nuestro objetivo es establecer esta amistad funcionamiento de una comisión de esta
esta ciudad. Las negociaciones han culminado en cimientos tan firmes que el ataque de la indole, constituída conforme a las prácticas
reacción no logre conmoverla. Permítame internacionales reconocidas .
con la siguiente carta que el Representante
Especial, señor Roberto V. Pesqueira dirigió used pues, que, por consiguiente, me ocupe en Esta política debería establecerse perma
al Secretario de Estado Mr. Colby : detalle de ciertas calumnias que no solamente nentemente, y el Gobierno Mexicano desea
26 de octubre de 1920. han creado prejuicios en el pueblo de los colaborar en cuanto sea necesario para lograr
Mi estimado Sr. Secretario : Estados Unidos sino que tambien han des este fín.
Aun cuando las conversacione s de carácter pertado resentimientos en mi propio país. Otro motivo de hondo resentimiento na
informal y franco que he tenido con el sub México no puede dejar de sentirse pro sional para
para el Gobierno Mexicano es la
secretario de Estado, Sr. Norman Davis, han fundamente agraviado ante la acusación de reiterada aseveración de que nuestras leyes
tenido como resultado el más cordial y com que trata o ha tratado de desconocer sus son de carácter confiscatorio y retroactivas, y
pleto acuerdo, me tomo la libertad de expresar de que nuestro programa nacional está basado
de esta manera la posición exacta y los deseos en una política de confiscación. Esto es com
definidos de mi Gobierno. pletamente infundado. No se ha confiscado un
Como usted sabe y como los Estados Unidos solo metro cuadrado de tierra en México, ni
deben observarlo, es un México nuevo el que se ha nulificado un solo derecho legítimo de
actualmente se presenta ante el mundo, or propiedad particular. Y no nos proponemos
gulloso y confiado. Desde una hasta la otra desviarnos de esta política fundamental. El
de sus fronteras reina la paz : ni un solo señor Presidente de la Huerta y el Presidente
rebelde contra el Gobierno Federal permanece electo señor Obregón, han hecho tambien
levantado en armas y la Nación entera pre repetidas declaraciones públicas en ele sentido
ocúpase tan solo por le ley, el órden y la de que el artículo 27 de la Constitición Fe
reconstrucción del país. El día 5 de septiembre deral mexicana no es, no debe ser interpretado
nuestros ciudadanos depositaron sus votos de como retroactivo o violatorio de derechos
acuerdo con las práctical democráticas y válidos.
Alvaro Obregón, el gran soldado-estadista , Somos un pueblo orgulloso, siendo el orígen
electo para ser Presidente, cuenta no solo con de nuestro orgullo un concepto de de honor
el apoyo de una coalición de partidos, sino nacional tan elevado como cualquiera que
también con el de las fé y el patriotismo unidos . jamás haya instituído nación alguna. Por con
Pero lo que usted puede no conocer es el siguente, señor Secretario, al manifestar a
nuevo espiritu que anima a mi país. Nuestros usted que el Gobierno Mexicano manifesta
hombres y nuestras mujeres no solamente han que está dispuesto y pronto a asumir la res
llegado a estimar de manera profunda y dura ponsabilidad plena que implican sus com
dera lo que México debe al idealismo del promisos internacionales, ello constituye una
Presidente Wilson, manifestado de manera promesa solemne que será cumplida al pié de
tan noble y paciente en los penosos años la letra..
durante los cuales los millones opresos de Las condiciones actuales existentes en Mé
nuestra población lucharon contra las in MR. BAINBRIDGE COLBY xico-la estabilidad del Cobierno, el espiritu
justicias que los tuvieron oprimidos por siglos, Secretary of State of the United States del pueblo así como la declaración llana de
sino que tambien se han conmovido ante la
compromisos. El Sr. Presidente de la Huerta, los propósitos de un pueblo soberano, estimo
visión mundial del Presidente : su inmenso
así como el Presidente electo Señor Obregón, contribuyen a poner fin a toda mala inteligencia
ideal de confraternidad universal.
públicamente han declarado en repetidas y abrigo la esperanza de que el Gobierno de
México actualmente no solo se presupa
ocasiones que México respetará todas las usted encuentre procedente reconocer al actual
en preparar un porvenir de felicidad y de
reclamaciones legítimas, sometiéndose a los Gobierno de México y al reanudarse las
justicia para todos los que habiten dentro
del derecho inter
de sus fronteras . Impulsados por nuestras principios reconocidos relaciones oficiales animados de un espiritu de
nacional. verdadera amistad y cooperación, podamos
nuevas energías, nos nos sentimos prontos y El Gobierno Mexicano ha mantenido la idea
deseosos de colaborar en la creación de un confiar en la necesaria rehabilitación de Mé
de establecer una comisión arbitral mixta para xico.
nuevo y mejor estado de cosas que alivie a la
resolver y adjudicar sobre las reclamaciones
humanidad del peso de antiguas cargas. Permítame dar a usted las gracias más
presentadas por extranjeros por daños cau
Uno de sus primeros trabajos es, natural expresivas por sus muchas atenciones y por
sados durante la revolución. Cualesquiera
mente, entablar una amistad firme y duradera el entendimiento que nunca nos faltó. Poseido
reclamacion que no pueda arreglarse por
entre México y los Estados Unidos, no solo del mismo espiritu que su gran Presidente,
medio de negociaciones directas entre el
por ser vecinos sino porque razones de toda no ha dejado usted de comprender nuestra
reclamante y el Gobierno Mexicano, será
naturaleza muestran la conveniencia de que lucha por la libertad, ni ha perdido de vista
sometida al juicio de esa comision, cuyas
exista entre ambos una buena inteligencia que
resoluciones serán definitivas y obligatorias. el hecho de que la soberanía de México cons
sobrepase a la de los tratados y enraíce en los
corazones de ambas naciones : tenemos las México ha sostenido siempre, igualmente tituye la pertenencia más sagrada de nuestro
pueblo. A está actitud de usted debo poder
mismas instituciones políticas, las mismas que, para dar una base sólida a las relaciones,
aspiraciones, idénticos ideales é idénticos fines es esencial la existencia de un sistema perma escribirle con tanta franqueza y que usted
por alcanzar. nente de arbitraje por medio del cual pueda comprenda que esta carta no es simplemente
Tal amistad vase entablando rápidamente. resolverse cualquiera diferencia, y por lo que una tentativa política, sino la expresión hon
Los Gobernadores de Texas, de Nuevo Mé se refiere especialmente a los Estados Unidos, rada de una amistad honorable.
xico y de Arizona,-sus estados australes, México dejó expresadas ya sus intenciones en De usted, respetuosamente,
han tendido ya su mano amistosa, telegrafiando. el Artículo XXXI del Tratado de Guadalupé R. V. PESQUEIRA.
December, 1920

tera, Macuspana, Centro, Tacotalya, Huiman potential production of the wells completed
Field of Petroleum guillo and Cárdenas. prior to the commencement of the present year
General Benjamín Hill and Indalecio Flores was nearly ten times the possible export facil
have acquired rights between parallels 17 ities then available, it follows that new dis
Salt Water Ruining Wells and 18 30 deg. N. Lat., that is, large dis coveries such as those noted, are capped after
In the Chinampa District tricts of the State of Guerrero. having been tested and will remain in abey
EPORTS from the Chinampa district Hilario Millan, Jr., extensive concessions ance until such time as adequate shipping
R are to the effect that salt water is com in the Territory of Nayarit. facilities shall have been provided.
ing in so rapidly as to threaten to ruin the en
tire section as a producer. Some wells that New Wells of Large Production Taxes Payable on Mineral Oil
had been running only a few months and were ITHIN the space of one month re NDER date of October 30, the De
producing heavily are now throwing salt W ports were were received from Tampico of UNDER partment of Finance issued a circular to
water. Further boring has been abandoned, the completion of four new wells, one with a all industrial concerns advising them regard
and it is believed that all the wells that have capacity of 100,000 barrels daily, another of ing the tax to be collected on petroleum to be
been producing will be exhausted. A number 80,000 barrels, another of 60,000 barrels, and
of wells have had their production purposely exported during the months of September and
still another of 50,000 barrels' capacity. As the
curtailed in order to postpone the complete October, 1920.
ruin so long as possible. To this end the following amounts have
been fixed :

More Wells Brought In Crude oil with a specific gravity not over 0.965
per ton, $ 11.00 ; crude oil with a specific gravity not
HE Department of Industry and Com over 0.91 per ton, $25.00 ; fuel oil with a specific grav
THE merce gives the information that a new ity not over 0.97 per ton, $ 11.00 ; fuel oil with a spe
cific gravity not over $0.91 per ton, $ 10.00 ; gas oil
well has just been "brought in" in the Amat with a specific gravity not over 0.91 per ton, $ 35.00 ;
lan district, and known as Naranjos No. 14, refined gasoline, loose or canned, per liter, $0.15 ;
crude gasoline, loose or canned, per liter, $0.144 ;
with a capacity of more than 50,000 barrels crude or refined gasoline, loose or canned, per liter,
daily. $0.08.
In the same section another well known In the circular in question, the Department
as Cardenas No. 1 has just been brought in of Finance advises that the prices of crude
with a production of 60,000 barrels daily. and fuel oil as well as gas oil, increase or de
Theh Huasteca Company brought in a well crease according to the specific gravity, as pro
early in October in the Zacamixtle district vided for in Paragraph A of Article 1 of the
with a production of 10,000 barrels daily. Law of April 13, 1917, and as also provided
It was decided to deepen this well, and at ten for along these lines in the decisions rendered.
feet further a flow of 75,000 barrels was
by the Department thereafter.
produced and has been closed in.
Oil companies have on various occasions.
Two other wells are being bored by dif
ferent parties in the same field, which is a raised objections to the price fixed by the De
partment of Finance and Public Credit, on
new development, with good prospects of
success. crude and refined oil, in determining import
taxes . In this instance, however, such objec
tions have been taken into consideration , and
New Oil Development
everything has been done to fix the values on
HE Compania Explotadora y Petrolera
mineral oil as reasonable as possible so that
TH Peninsular, S. A., has been granted an
the companies may be satisfied on this score.
ample exploration concession along the Pacific
and Gulf shores of Lower California, also
rivers and creeks. The Heraldo de Mexico, one of the foremost
Theodore Montague has been granted a OIL WELL RUNNING WILD AND WASTING daily newspapers of the capital city, now pub
concession to hunt for oil between Boca del 60,000 BARRELS DAILY lishes two of its pages in the English lan
Río and Barra del Canas, Veracruz, and also This well is located in the Chinampa District and guage. Mr. Theodore Lowe, a well-known
was only recently struck. Although it was provided
in the Tula district of Tamaulipas. with an eight-inch gate valve equal to 2,000 pounds American newspaper man, has this department
pressure, the force of the gas blew it off and for
Manuel Padres and Rafael Manso, conces two weeks the oil flowed wild and was lost before under his supervision, and it has met with
it could be controlled. Other wells nearby are turn great favor among the foreign population.
sions in the State of Tabasco, around Fron ing into salt water and it is feared this will also.

Secretary of State Colby's Reply swered, not only as it concerns the United "There are certain pending matters in con
(Continued from page 18) States, but, indeed, the whole world as well. troversy between the two governments and our
been in progress with Mr. Pesqueira, repre "The new government of Mexico has given respective nationals, but these will be deter
senting the Mexican Government, give prom indication of stability, sincerity and a credit mined either by agreement or by the process
ise of a speedy and happy outcome. The let able sensitiveness to its duties and their just of arbitration, to which Mexico is prepared to
ter which he has addressed to me, and which performance. While the full protection of yield complete assent.
I am today giving out for publication, is a valid American interests, which is clearly en "The letter of Mr. Pesqueira offers a basis
very gratifying and reassuring statement of joined upon us as a duty, has at all times been upon which the preliminaries to recognition
the attitude and purposes of the new govern a matter of primary concern to us, I may say can confidently proceed, and I am hopeful that
ment of Mexico. Mr. Pesqueira came to that on the part of this country, there has been within a short time the sympathetic friendship
Washington bearing the fullest powers to no attempt to prescribe rigid and definite terms and the patient forbearance which President
speak and act on behalf of his government, upon which a recognition of the Mexican Wilson has manifested toward the Mexican
and has exhibited throughout the course of Government would be expressly conditioned. people during the long period of their internal
the discussions a complete realization of Mex "This we have deemed wholly unnecessary, disorders will be fully vindicated . The desire
ico's international obligations, just as his let and the disavowal of the Mexican representa reflected in Mr. Pesqueira's letter for the con
ter reflects clearly the firm resolve of his gov tive of any policy of repudiation of obligations fidence and amicable regard of the United
ernment to discharge them. or confiscation of property or vested rights, States is fully reciprocated, and I am happy
"I think I am warranted in saying that the either through retroactive legislation or future to believe that the last cloud upon the ancient
Mexican question will soon cease to be a ques regulations, has the added value of being spon friendship of the two peoples is soon to dis
tion at all, inasmuch as it is about to be an taneous and unprompted. appear."
Diciembre , 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 21

La respuesta del Secretario de Impuestos que se Corbraran al

Estado Mr. Colby Aceite Mineral
L Secretario de Estado Mr. Colby dió a ON fecha de octubre 30, la Secretaria de
E¹la publicidad, el 29 de octubre último , " C Hacienda dió a conocer a todos los in
El gobierno se propone establecer una zona
las siguientes declaraciones , en contestación a dustriales, por medio de una circular, el im
libre " a lo largo de la frontera norte de la
la carta del señor R. V. Pesqueira , mani República, como existió anteriormente. El puesto que se cobrará sobre el petróleo de ex
festando en ellas la firme intención del Gobier portación durante el bimestre de septiembre y
Presidente Provisional de la Huerta ha lanzado
no americano de reconocer al Gobierno de octubre que cursa.
México : un decreto sobre el particular.
Para el efecto se han fijado las siguientes
"Las discusiones que desde hace algún tiem cantidades :
po vienen mejorando con el Sr. Pesqueira, Un amplio plan para la federalización de la
Petróleo crudo, cuya densidad sea mayor de 0.965,
representante del Gobierno Mexicano, prometen enseñanza en toda la República se ha preparado tonelada $ 11.00 ; petróleo crudo, cuya densidad sea de
y aprobado ya por el Presidente . Es manifiesto 0.91 , tonelada $25.00 ; petróleo combustible, cuya
llegar a pronto y feliz término. La carta densidad sea mayor de 0.97 , tonelada $ 11.00 ; pe
que me dirigió, y que hoy entrego a la deseo de éste que el mayor número posible de tróleo combustible, cuya densidad sea de 0.91 , to
nelada $ 18.00 ; gas oil, cuya densidad sea de 0.91 ,
publicidad, es una muy grata y nueva con escuelas sean establecidas en el menor tiempo tonelada $35,00 ; gasolina refinada, suelta o en
posible. vases, litro $0.15 ; gasolina cruda, suelta o en envases,
firmación de la actitud y propósitos del nuevo litro $ 0.14 14 ; kerosena cruda o refinada, suelta o en
gobierno de México . El Sr. Pesqueira vino envases, litro $0.08.
a Washington trayendo las más amplias El " The New York World " hace tanto alboro En la mencionada cricular, la Secretaria de
facultades para hablar y obrar en repre to por el hecho de que ha habido 104 asesinatos Hacienda hace constar que los precios del
sentación de su gobierno, y ha demostrado en impunes en aquella ciudad , durante los últimos petróleo crudo, combustible y gas oil, se
la transcurso de las conferencias una amplia diez meses, como lo hacen algunos de sus colegas aumentan o disminuyen según la densidad, y
penetración de las obligaciones internacionales por el hecho de que un bandido mexicano algunas conforme al inciso A. del artículo 10. de la
de México ; su propia carta refleja claramente veces evada el castigo . Ley de 13 de abril de 1917, y a los acuerdos
el firme propósito de su gobierno de cumplir dictados en el mismo sentido por el propio
con ellas. El Heraldo de México , uno de los más avan Ministerio posteriormente.
"Creo estar bien seguro al afimar que la zados diarios de la metrópoli , publica ahora dos Las empresas petroleras en muchas
cuestión mexicana muy pronto dejará de ser de sus páginas en inglés. El señor Teodoro ocasiones han protestado por el precio que la
tal, absolutamente, en vista de que está ya Lowe, bien conocido periodista, tiene este Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público
para resolverse, no sólo en lo que concierne a departamento bajo su dirección , y ésto ha sido fija al petróleo crudo y refinado , para calcular
los Estados Unidos sino, en verdad, a todo el acogido con gran beneplácito entre el elemento los derechos de importación . Esta vez se han
mundo. extranjero . tenido en cuenta esas protestas, y se ha pro
"El nuevo gobierno de México ha dado curado que los valores fijados al aceite mineral
pruebas de estabilidad, sinceridad y de una Se anuncia que, como resultado de negocia sean los más equitativos , a fin de que las com
plena conciencia de sus deberes y de su ciones efectuadas entre ambos gobiernos, los pañías queden satisfechas .
estricto cumplimiento. No obstante que la carros de ferrocarril de los dos países cruzarán Un detenido estudio ha efectuado el mismo
completa protección de los legítimos intereses en adelante la frontera, de una y otra parte, Ministerio de Agricultura relativo al reparti
americanos , que claramente se impone a hacia diversos puntos, sin abstáculos ni dila miento de tierras para el establecimiento de
nosotros como un deber, ha sido en todo ciones de ninguna clase . Nunca se ha efectuado colonias militares en varios puntos de la Repú
tiempo un asunto de primordial interés para ésto por muchos años, habiendo sido necesario blica. Tan pronto como este estudio quede
nosotros, puedo asegurar que por parte de este trasbordar toda la carga que venía de o iba para terminado , se darán al público los detalles del
país jamás ha existido el propósito de imponer ambos países . proyecto.
rígidos y categóricos términos que tornaran
condicional el reconocimiento del Gobierno Para disfrutar del esplendente optimismo,
Se afirma que muchos trabajadores mexicanos
Mexicano . Esto lo hemos juzgado totalmente léa " La Revista Mexicana . " Su editor está
de los Estados Unidos han sido retornados a
innecesario, y la desaprobación, por parte del francamente dispuesto a decirnos las cosas
sus hogares. Algunos de los que fueron con
representante de México, de una política de buenas de todas las Américas. Se encuentran
quistados para trabajar en Alaska, en las
repudiamiento de obligaciones o confiscación demasiado malas noticias en los escandalosos
fábricas de pescado en conserva, se quejan de
de propiedades o derechos legítimamente adqui títulos de la prensa diaria, en todos los países !
malos tratamientos y declaran que han ocurrido
ridos, bien por medio de una legislación retro muchas muertes entre ellos por causas evitables.
activa o por futuras leyes, tiene el gran mérito Se han publicado avisos previniendo a los demás Recientemente se ha manifestado o registrado
de ser expontánea y libre. una mina de diamantes, ubicada en cierta
trabajadores que no firmen contratos para esa
"Existen algunos asuntos pendientes de con clase de trabajos. propiedad del Estado de Guerrero . Existe la
troversia entre ambos gobiernos y nuestros vieja versión relativa a que el libertador
respectivos nacionales, pero éstos serán solu General Guerrero descubrió un depósito de
Si el Presidente electo Harding hubiera lefdo
cionados ya sea por convenio mútuo o por los informes del Senador Fall sobre las relaciones diamantes en aquella región, así como que un
el sistema de arbitraje, al cual México está valioso modelo de joyas preciosas fué donado
mexicanas, ¿ se habría aventurado tan despre
dispuesto a dar su completo asentimiento . al Emperador Iturbide .
ocupadamente en su gira por el distrito donde
"La carta del Sr. Pesqueira propone una
se fabrican las escenas de casi la mitad de las
base sobre la cual los preliminares del recono Si los intereses pretroleros pudieran inducir
"atrocidades de la frontera ," descubiertas por a los Estados Unidos-o a algunos de ellos—a que
cimiento pueden con toda confianza con
tan distinguido Senador, para no mencionar los abogados de aquellos redactaran su legislación.
tinuarse, y tengo plena esperanza de que , cientos de otras declaradas ante un reciente
dentro de corto tiempo, la buena amistad y la petrolera, acaso podrían persuadir también a
comité de investigación legislativa de Texas ? México para que siguiera el ejemplo . Un
paciente indulgencia que el presidente Wilson
ha manifestado hacia el pueblo mexicano en precedente tiene una influencia excesivamente
todo el largo período de sus desórdenes in poderosa, como las cortes y los estadistas co
La Secretaría de Comunicaciones y Obras rroborah - Wickwire.
ternos, serán plenamente comprendidas y apre Públicas tiene en estudio un plan para la cons
ciadas. trucción de un ferrocarril que una el interior Una agencia esta preparandose para traer
"El deseo que se refleja en la carta del Sr. una colonia alemana de mas de 100 familias
de la República con la costa del oeste , vía
Pesqueira sobre la confianza y amigabilidad Chihuahua. La nueva línea correrá de Casas para colocarlas en el Estado de Michoacan.
Se estr poniendo mucho cuidado para la
hácia los Estados Unidos, es ampliamente Grandes, Chihuahua, a Nacozari, Sonora , donde eleccion de los colones que tienen que ser agri
correspondido , y siento gran satisfacción al se comunicará con el ferrocarril que allí existe cultores, personas de buena conducta, y de
creer que la última nube que flota sobre la medios financiaros. Esta nueva colonia
hace mucho tiempo. Casa Grandes ha sido
necesitara comparar en el mercado americano
vieja amistad de los dos pueblos, será pronta dotado tambien de un ferrocarril que lo comunica una gran cantidad de maquinaria agricola de
mente disipada." con todas las demás partes del país. todas clases.
THE REVI Decembe , 1920
States via the old International Railroad, thus
getting through communication from here to
Opportunities for Mining Development
San Antonio, if necessary, without the long
and tiresome detour by Saltillo and Monterey."
The Governors of the States of Durango and Zacatecas Make
"Do you think that conditions in the State
Interesting Statements to THE REVIEW Correspondent are such that no further delay in resuming
HE correspondent of THE MEXICAN "I believe that an active propaganda should mining operations is justified ?"
REVIEW in the States of Durango and be started in order to evidence the unlimited "All the State of Durango is in perfect con
Zacatecas, Lic. Alberto Terrones Beni mineral resources of the State of Durango, dition of safety, and therefore any delay in
tez, has recently interviewed the Governor of practically undeveloped up to the present time. operating the mines is not justified."
Durango, General Jesus Augustin Castro, as My idea is to establish a Statistical Mining
also Dr. D. Moreno, Governor of the State Interview With the Governor, Dr. Donato
Department in the State, to work either alone
of Zacatecas, upon the question set forth in Moreno, of the State of Zacatecas
or in conjunction with the Industry Depart
the following, with most interesting results. ment of Mexico City ; mining and geological The following statements of Dr. Donato
To the questions submitted to Governor explorations will be thus conducted all over Moreno, Governor -elect of the State of Zaca
Castro, the following answers were returned : the State, the results to be published for the tecas, will surely be of interest to those en
"What is your idea of the State of Durango sake of information to all mining investors.", gaged in mining in said State :
"In case of calling on the foreign investor,
would you be willing to use THE MEXICAN
REVIEW as a means of communication, so that
those already operating in the State would re
sume work in the mines, and so that pros
pective investors should take an interest in
"I think it advisable to use the paper men
tioned by you as a means of communication
to foreign investors, and to this effect I might
as well say that the Government of the State
of Durango is entirely disposed to grant all
necessary protection and facilities for mining
exploration and exploitation within the statu
tory provisions."
"Is your program to encourage and support
all the projects for the construction of rail
roads to mining camps ?"
"The Government of the State should never
hesitate to cooperate in the reorganization of
all railroad schemes already existing or that
may be proposed in the future."
"What do you intend to do in regard to
mining taxes corresponding to the State?"
"I have no definite plan as regards the tax
GENERAL JESUS AUGUSTIN CASTRO on mineral extraction ; but referring to taxa
Governor of the State of Durango tion in general, my idea is to try a better Governor of the State of Zacatecas
distribution of the burden among the tax
payers, so as to be able to diminish the taxes
in the way of mining?" asked the corre "What is your idea of the State of Zaca
spondent. to a just amount."
tecas in the way of mining ?" was asked.
"The mineralized part of the State already "Are you disposed to encourage and support
The Governor replied : "Zacatecas is one of
under development- not counting the unex the organization of a Mining Chamber in the
State ?" the richest mining States in the Republic, de
plored country-could not be worked out by
"As I understand that a Mining Chamber veloped for years only in its northern part,
500,000 laborers working continuously during
would have for its object to promote, safe and operations were carried to a maximum
100 years," replied the Governor.
scale at a time when old treatment processes
"When taking possession of your office as guard and harmonize all mining interests, it
Governor of the State, what policy would you would thus cooperate with the Government, were still in use ; the low silver price made
follow in order to encourage mining opera and, of course, I should support it." possible the extraction of only high-grade ores,
tions ?" "Do you think advisable the establishment and as these were not found in depth, opera
"My policy will be to facilitate the installa of a practical mining school in the State of tions had to be shut down. Lack of transpor
tion of as many smelters in the State as may Durango?" tation facilities and high freight rates also
be necessary for the miners to sell their prod "As the Durango is essentially a mining contributed to the suspension of works in the
ucts under non-prohibitive terms ." State, I would certainly advocate for the mines ; but now that mining and treatment
"Have you any special program to carry establishment of one technical and several processes have evolved to a great extent, some
out in order to intensify mining production practical mining schools in the State." plans have been outlined for the resumption.
in the State ?" "Have you decided to use all your influence of operations in properties where enormous
to facilitate the railroad transportation of ma
"This question has the same answer as the tonnage of low-grade ores is found. Under
former." chinery, materials and supplies to the mining
this scheme, the old dumps could be worked.
"As the country really lacks national capital camps ?" and treated. Following this general plan,
"I have decided it, and for such a purpose
to go into the large mining ventures, are you operations have been already started in Fres
of the opinion of calling on the foreign inves I have already taken this matter under my nillo, Ojocaliente, Zacatecas, Sombrerete,
tors, with the understanding, of course, that care. I have called the attention of the Fed
Pinos, Nieves and Mazapil. Zacatecas will
all the investments made here shall be subject. eral Government to the resumption of traffic thus become one of the first mining States in
to the laws of this country. between the State of Durango and the United the Republic, as its resources are unlimited."
Diciembre , 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 23

de vías fáciles de comunicación, pues resultaban

Oportunidades Para el Desarrollo de la Mente excesivamente caros los fletes, por toneladas , de
mineral. Actualmente, que se inicia la fase
netamente industrial de la minería , existen
Los Gobernadores de los Estados de Durango y Zacatecas Hacen
proyectos en grande escala para la explotación
Importantes Declaraciones al Corresponsal de la Revista con los nuevos métodos de beneficio, que no
requieren altas leyes para los minerales , sino
L Corresponsal de La Revista Mexi carrileros ya iniciados o que en lo futuro se simplemente gran rendimiento de carga y en
cana en los Estados de Durango y inicien.
estas condiciones no solamente las minas son
E ' Zacatecas, Lic. Alberta Terrones 70.-¿Qué proyectos tiene Ud . en materia de explotables, sino aún los terreros, desperdicios
Benitez, entrevisto recientemente a los impuestos a la minería en la parte que corresponde de su época pasada . Bajo esta base se explota
Señores Gral Jesus Agustín Castro y Dr. al Estado? . . . El Gobierno del Estado por de rán los Minerales de Fresnillo, Ojocaliente,
Donato Moreno, Gobernadores de los men pronto , no tiene ningún proyecto definido para
Zacatecas, Sombrerete, Pinos, Nieves y Mazapil .
cionados Estados , respectivamente, sobre la los impuestos de extracción minera ; pero , La explotación , en estas condiciones, muy pronto
cuestión que enseguida se expresa, con los tratándose de impuestos en general, la idea es hará de Zacatecas un mineral de primera cate
mas hala gadores resultados. A las pre procurar una mayor ditribución entre los
goría-porque su abundancia de minerales es
guntas formuladas al Gobernador Castro , causantes, a efecto de poder disminuirlos. incalculable.
contesto como sigue : 80.-¿Esta Ud . dispuesto a favorecer, fo
2a. Pregunta :-¿Qué medidas está Ud . dis
10.-¿Qué opina de Ud . del Estado de mentar y apoyar el establecimiento de una
puesto a tomar con el fin de fomentar la minería
Durango en materia de minería ? ... Lo Cámara Minera en el Estado de Durango, a en el Estado?
explorado en esta Entidad es suficiente para que efecto de que esta sea reconocida por el Gobierno Respuesta :-Primera, darles a las Compañías
la población del Estado o sean unos 500,000 Federal? . . . Siendo la Cámara Minera una el máximo de facilidades , no solamente por lo que
habitantes pudieran trabajar durante cien años institución destinada a fomentar, salvaguardar y
se refiere al Gobierno del Estado, sino que este
20.-Al tomar Ud. posesión de su puesto de armonizar los intereses mineros, colaboraría con
propio Gobierno tomará todo el empeño posible a
Gobernador del Estado ¿ qué programa general el Gobierno y éste, en tal caso, la apoyaría.
fin de que el Gobierno Federal dé estas mismas
piensa Ud . delinear para levantar la industria 90. —¿ Es Ud . opinión de que se estableciera facilidades, lo cual se sonseguirá por la solidari
minera en el Estado? . . . Mi programa es una Escuela de Minería- Práctica en el Estado
dad política que existe actualmente y que
alentar el establecimiento de fundiciones para de Durango? . . . Siendo el Estado de Duran indudablemente perdurará entre todas las
que todos los mineros puedan fácilmente realizar go esencialmente minero, el Ejecutivo de mi autoridades del País, animadas del mismo deseo.
sus productos en condiciones ventajosas para la cargo apoyará el establecimiento de una Escuela
Además, estamos gestionando en estos momentos
minería en general . Técnica de Minería y de varias-Escuelas prác
ante el Instituto Geológico de la Ciudad de
30.-¿Qué medidas concretas piensa Ud. ticas.
México y ante la Secretaría de Industria y
poner en práctica para intensificar las operaciones 100.-¿Está Ud. dispuesto a interponer su Comercio la formación de una Comisión Perma
mineras en el Estado de Durango? . . . Queda influencia para que el trasporte de maquinaria
nente Exploradora , para tener mayor abunda
esta pregunta contestada con la anterior. y materiales de todas clases a las regiones ncia de datos oficiales que ofrecer gratuita
40.-Faltando , como en efecto falta, capital mineras del Estado sea facilitado y activado por
los Ferrocarriles ? . . . Sí, estoy dispuesto, y a mente a todas las Compañías que deseen invertir
nacional para llevar adelante las grandes em sus capitales en este Mineral . Esta Comisión
presas mineras ¿ es Ud. de opinión hacer un tal fin se dirigen ya las gestiones del Ejecutivo de
Permanente Exploradora es tanto más necesaria
llamamiento a los hombres de empresa extran mi cargo. Desde luego promuevo ante el
Gobierno Federal que el tráfico del antiguo cuanto que todo el Sur del Estado está inexp o
jeros, bien entendido de que todas las inversiones. rado y no cabe duda que su mineralización es un
Internacional sea reanudado cuanto antes, pues
deberán sujetarse a las leyes mexicanas? • hecho.
Mi opinión es hacer una activa propaganda que así tendremos comunicación directa con la
3a. Pregunta:-¿Están trabajando actual
ponga de manifiesto los recursos mineros incal frontera, sin trasbordes, y evitaremos el rodeo
mente todas las negociaciones mineras en esta
culables con que cuenta el Estado de Durango y por Monterrey y Saltillo . Entidad?
que hasta la fecha yacen inexplotados . Mi idea 110.-¿ Es Ud . de opinión , Señor General, Respuesta : No, hay pocas ; pero de mucha
es establecer un Departamento de Estadística que las condiciones del Estado son tales que no mportancia , y ésto se explica facilmente porque
Minera en el Estado que, ya sea aisladamente o de se justifica la demora en reanudar y en intensi a penas empezamos una era de paz, que es
acuerdo con la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio, ficar los trabajos mineros? . . . Todo el Estado absolutamente indispensable para la prosperidad
leve a cabo exploraciones mineras y geológicas de Durango está en perfectas condiciones de en todas las formas de actividad ; pero sí, no
In el Estado, publicando los resultados para seguridad, y por lo tanto no se justifica la demora falta entusiasmo en todos los centros mineros ya
conocimiento de los hombres de empresa. en la reapertura de los trabajos y-exploraciones conocidos en el Estado por reanudar los trabajos, y
50.- Caso de contestación afirmativa a la de minería . este Gobierno tiene esperanzas muy fundadas en
anterior pregunta ¿ No desearía Ud . , señor que no pasará un año sin que la mayor parte de
General, hacer un llamamiento a todos los mine Entrevista con el Gobernador Dr. Donato
los Minerales ya conocidos estén en explotación .
ros, por conducto del Engineering & Mining Moreno, del Estado de Zacatecas
4a. Pregunta :—¿Qué actitud tomará el Go
Journal, del Mining & Scientific Press y del Las siguientes declaraciones del Dr. bierno del Estado -por lo que respecta a los
MEXICAN REVIEW, para que si ya tienen aquí Donato Moreno, Gobernador del Estado de impuestos de extracción de minerales?
intereses se apresten a venir a ponerlos en Zacatecas , serán seguramente de interes Respuesta :-El Gobierno no solamente en lo
movimiento; y si no los tienen , hacerles ver las
para los que tienen negocios mineros en el que se refiere a extracción de minerales , sino
facilidades que tendrían al invertir en el Estado referido Estado : en todas las otras fuentes de producción , se
de Durango? . . . Sí creo conveniente hacer un
la. Pregunta :-¿Cual es la idea que Ud. propone implantar y tiene en estudio la Ley
llamamiento a las gentes de empresa porlos
tiene del Estado de-Zacatecas, en materia de Fiscal respectiva , a fin de implantar el impuesto
conductos a que Ud. se refiere , y el Ejecutivo de progresivo, para que de este modo la pequeña
mi cargo está dispuesto a esforzarse por dar producción tenga el mínimo de impuesto y la
todas las garantías y franquicias que sean Respuesta :-El Estado de Zacatecas es uno de
producción grande el máximo y los negocios que
indispensables para la explotación y exploración los principales minerales de la República que
durante años fué explotado solamente en la parte sean realmente de exploración y que en realidad
mineras, dentro de la esfera de la Ley. no estén en explotación , queden exentos de
Norte del mismo , explotación que tuvo auge con
60.-Está Ud. dispuesto, Señor General, a impuestos.
los procedimientos antiguos de beneficio , pero
prestar todo su apoyo e influencia para desa 5a. Pregunta :-¿Está el Ejecutivo del Estado
que, naturalmente, con la baja del valor de la
rrollar todos los proyectos ferrocarrileros que dispuesto a procurar facilidades para el estudio,
plata solamente minerales de alta Ley podrían ser
impliquen una intensificación de las operaciones explotados y por ésto, como no se encontraban proyecto y construcción de ferrocarriles que
mineras en el Estado ? . . . El Gobierno del ya a la profundidad de las minas, tuvieron que favorezcan el fomento de la Minería?
Estado influirá de una manera decisiva en la paralizarse los trabajos, casi totalmente , por no Respuesta :-Indudablemente que sí, y además
reorganización de todos los proyectos ferro ser costeables. Otra razón fué la de la escasez de la influencia que el propio Ejecutivo tenga
24 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

"What steps are you disposed to take in "What will be the policy of the State Gov "If I understand this question well, I might
order to encourage mining operations in the
State?" ernment in regard to taxes on mineral ex say that referring to shut-downs caused by
traction ?" troubles between capital and labor, this Gov
"First, I will grant the mining companies
"This Government, not only in regard to ernment has just enacted provisions creating
the maximum facilities falling within the juris taxes on mineral extraction , but also referring
diction of the State, and at the same time I the Labor Department, with delegations in all
to taxation in general, intends to follow a the mining camps of the State. This depart
will take up with the Federal Government all
scheme of proportionate rates. In this manner will conduct an intense propaganda
matters bringing a benefit to the mining in
the small and large producers will bear taxes against the nefarious activity of agitators, and
dustry. This would be easy to accomplish in
in just proportion to their output, and the at the same time will harmonize the tendencies
view of the political solidarity already existing exploring outfits would not have to pay any
between the States and the Federal Govern of all parties following a program outlined by
taxes until they enter into a stage of produc this Government. So far, we have been suc
Furthermore, I am discussing right tion." cessful, and I am sure that mining operations
now with the Geological Institute of Mexico "Is the Executive of the State disposed to will not be hindered by conflicts between labor
City and with the Department of Industry and facilitate the study, location and construction and capital. Due to the importance of this
Commerce, the creation of a permanent Geo of mining railroads ?" matter it has deserved our preferred attention."
logical Survey Commission in the State, which "Certainly I will, and furthermore, necessary "Is the State Government disposed to use all
its influence so that the railroad companies
would grant all necessary transportation facili
ties to the Zacatecas miners ?"
"Yes, and this matter is of such a capital
importance that it has already been taken up
with the President of the Republic. Also, the
President-elect, Mr. Alvaro Obregón, knows
about it, and I presume that all effort is being
made in order to supply the National Rail
roads with necessary rolling stock, the lack of
which is causing a crisis in the country and
has been a decisive factor in the increasing
high cost of living."
"Would the State Government encourage the
organization of a Mining Chamber in Zaca
tecas ?"
"The organization of chambers, either of
commerce, of agriculture or mining, is con
sidered by us as of essential significance, pro
ARIAN vided they accomplish their end, namely, the
regulation of production, of imports and ex
ports, the supply of working capital and
implements, and even the regulation of mini
mum salaries in all centers of production."
"Would you be disposed to advise the for
eign corporations through THE MEXICAN
REVIEW to resume mining operations in Zaca
tecas at the earliest possible date ?"
"As already stated, this Government could
not be more liberal, nor could there be any
better intention on the part of the Executive
of the State to facilitate all promoting business
men the necessary assistance for mining oper
ations, and THE MEXICAN REVIEW should play
an important rôle by initiating a well-inten
Courtesy Pan- American Union
tioned propaganda with a view toward making
American miners acquainted with our true
situation. Should THE MEXICAN REVIEW need
will supply both the mining companies already influence will be exercised before the Federal
any more data or statistical information in
operating and the prospective mining investors Government for such a purpose. Something
with important information at no cost. This about it is already discussed by the Repre regard to mining in the State of Zacatecas, I
sentatives of Zacatecas in the Congress, who will gladly furnish it upon application."
commission shall start working on the explo
ration of southern Zacatecas." support our projects and who are assisted by
"Are all the mining companies operating in The Minister of Fomento and Agriculture is
the attorneys for the State in Mexico City.
the State right now?" Both in regard to this matter and to mining making a careful revision of the concessions
granted under the Carranza government with
"Few of them are working now, but they operations, this Government intends to give a
are all of importance. The reason is that the fair assistance to all concerned, with a view to a view to ascertaining their condition.
country has just gone into a period of peace securing the general prosperity of the State
A dispatch from Ottawa, Canada, states
so indispensable for the prosperity of the Re and nothing else."
that the Prince Rupert Dry Docks Company
public. I can see that some well-known min "What is the program of the Government has received an order from the Mexican
ing investors in the State are feeling enthusi in order to intensify mining operations, prin Government for the construction of thirty
astic about the situation, and this Government cipally in cases where the paralization of seven boats, mostly tankers. Evidently
has reasons to hope that within a year mining works is due to internal difficulties of the Mexico is working toward a merchant marine
operations will reach their maximum activity." corporations ?" of her own.
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 25

ante el Gobierno Federal , están siendo apoyadas Francisco, California, Engineering & Mining algodón, azúcar de caña , cochinilla , cacao,
sus iniciativas en este sentido por la Diputación Journal " de Nueva York y MEXICAN REVIEW vainilla y maguey.
de Zacatecas en el Congreso de la Unión y por de Washington, creo que desempeñarían un El ganado comprende 5,142,457 cabezas ,
los Abogados Representantes del propio Gobierno papel importante haciendo propaganda verídica 3,424,430 ovejas ; 616,139 cerdos ; 4,206,041
en la Ciudad de México. En este asunto, como y exacta de cuál es nuestra verdadera situación cabras, 9,996 burros . Estos datos fueron
en lo que se refiere al fomento de la explotación en la actualidad . Si desean algunos datos pre tomados de las últimas estadísticas oficiales.
minera, el Gobierno dará toda clase de facilidades, cisos y aún numéricos, sobre asuntos mineros , Manufacturas
sin querer sacar un beneficio directo de ellas, el Ejecutivo de Este estado seos puede propor
sino del movimiento que provoquen. cionar. Antes de la Independencia, las industrias
manufactureras eran enteramente rudimentarias.
6a. Pregunta :-¿Qué medida piensa el
MEXICO REBOSA DE La política colonial no favoreció el estableci
Gobierno del Estado para intensificar la pro
ducción minera, principalmente en los casos de miento de fábricas, pues el " mercado de la
RIQUEZAS metrópoli " se reservaba a sí mismo el derecho
paralización por causa de dificultades interiores
Vasta Colección de Productos Naturales de proveer a los Estados dominados .
de las-negociaciones?
Empresas Manufactureras y Proyectos Las leyes de 1887-90-96 y de 1903, promo
Respuesta :-Aunque no comprendo bien esta
para el Futuro.-Noticias Valiosas. vieron en grado inusitado las actividades indus
pregunta, me parece que se refiere a las dificul
tades que surjan entre el Capital-y el Trabajo ; N la época de los Aztecas, era México triales .
para el caso de una paralización por estos E industrioso, pintoresco y sorprendente por Las fábricas productoras de artículos alimen
la obra de los hombres. ticios, naturalmente, fueron las primeras en
motivos, el Gobierno acaba de expedir y pro
mulgar un decreto por medio del cual se crea Como país, no es el menos pintoresco y mara entrar de lleno en actividad, produciendo
el Departamento de Trabajo y Previsión Social , villoso, no obstahte que sus actividades sociales, bebidas, azúcar, chocolate, alimentos, prepa
y actualmente tiene delegaciones en todos los rando cereales, etc.
centros mineros para hacer labor contra la El desarrollo general de la energía hidráulica
agitación inmotivada e injusta y al mismo en el país ha alcanzado una capacidad productora
tiempo buscando el mejoramiento por acuerdos de más de 18,000,000 de kilowatts, poniendo en
previós entre los Gerentes de las Negociaciones y movimiento 170 plantas de algodón, fábricas de
el Ejecutivo del Estado. Dada la marcha con telas de lana y seda , que suman unos 479 estab
lecimientos .
que se ha iniciado este trabajo, casi puedo
asegurar-que no habrá en el Estado paraliza Hay fábricas que producen cordelería, fibra ,
ciones por conflictos de obreros, porque ya carpetas, frazadas, papel, loza , jabón.
damos preferente atención a la trascendencia Para el Futuro
que tienen y al perjuicio que en estas circunstan En el horóscopo del mundo, hay para México
cias reportan al Estado. un período de incertidumbre, no de desespera
7a. Pregunta :-¿Está el Ejecutivo del Estado ción, puesto que sus 15,000,000 de habitantes ,
dispuesto a interponer toda su influencia con sin duda ninguna, están purificándose para una
el fin de que los Ferrocarriles- Nacionales presten nueva era de progreso social, económico y
todas las facilidades de comunicaciaon y tráfico político.
al elemento minero de Zacatecas? En un breve ciclo de años , de meses probable
Respuesta :-Sí . Este asunto es de tan vital mente, habrá arreglado sus luchas por la necesi
importancia para el éxito de los propósitos del dad de una amplia civilización . El mundo
Ejecutivo, que ya lo ha tratado con el actual ganará con ello ; sus actuales y no explotados
Presidente Substituto de la República y áun recursos, que son ahora un factor pasivo ,
iniciado con el Presidente electo, Sr. Alvaro constituirán uno de los más grandes elementos
Obregón, de manera que penetrados-los referidos del comercio mundial.
ciudadanos de la necesidad de esto , entiendo que
se hacen gestiones extremas para proveer a los Seguros Contra Pérdidas de Carga en los
Ferrocarriles Mexicanos
Ferrocarriles de todo el material rodante que
Los Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México han
necesiten, porque la falta de éste está produciendo LIC. ALBERTO TERRONES BENITEZ fundado un Departamento de Seguros para ga
una verdadera crisis en el País, por el aumento Of Durango City, Mexico
del valor del costo de la vida. The Mexican Review's Representative rantizar al público contra la pérdida y deterioros
de mercancías causados por los ataques de los
8a. Pregunta :-¿Alentaría el Ejecutivo del
Estado la creación-y el funcionamiento de una económicas e industriales han sido desorgani bandidos a los trenes. Las pólizas tienen un
Cámara Minera de Zacatecas? zadas en alto grado por la revolución. valor mínimo de 7,000 pesos, (3,500 en oro
Respuesta :-La creación de Cámaras, ya La tierra mexicana, a pesar de sufrir los americano, aproximadamente) siendo el máximo
sean de Comercio, de Agricultura o de Minería dolores producidos por el bandidaje, es ahora de 20,000 pesos (unos 10,000 en oro americano) .
la considera el Ejecutivo como una cosa esencial , el lugar más importante y menos explotado del Las primas se calculan por la distancia
mundo. recorrida, según la siguiente tarifa :
siempre que éstas tengan que cumplir con su
Desde las revoluciones de 1821 y 1867 , las De 100 a 300 kilómetros (de 76 a 186 millas
verdadero cometido de reguladoras, que fijen
sus exportaciones, que faciliten la importación minas de México, las de las llanunas y cordill aproximadamente) -2 por ciento.
eras, han producido una cuarta parte de la De 301 a 500 kilómetros ( 187 a 310 millas,
de elementos de trabajo y aún regularizen los
salarios mínimos en todos los Centros de pro aproximadamente)-tres por ciento.
plata de todo el mundo, y una quinta del oro.
ducción. Contiene cobre, bismuto, plomo, zinc, manga De 501 a 800 kilómetros (de 311 a 497 millas)
3½ por ciento.
9a. Pregunta : ¿Estaría Ud. dispuesto a neso, sales, sulfuros, mineral de oro, mercurio e
De 801 uno para arriba )de 479.7 millas
utilizar el conducto de los periódicos arriba incontables piedras preciosas y finas .
citados, con el fin de hacer un llamamiento a Los bosques de la cordillera de la Sierra Madre enadelante)-4 por ciento.
producen millones de pies de madera diariamente, Las reclamaciones no serán pagadas pasados
las Negociaciones extranjeras que tienen parali
incluyendo madera para ebanistería y de cons treinta días de la fecha de la pérdida que las
zados sus trabajos , a efecto de que los reanuden
cuanto antes? trucción, palos de tinte, caoba, ébano, palo del motiva. Para mayores informes deben dirigirşe
Brasil y cedro.. los interesados al señor J. D. Villarreal, Depart
Respuesta :-Pues tal como lo manifiesto en
las contestaciones-anteriores, no puede haber La producción de plantas medicinales es amento de Justicia, ciudad de México .
mayor liberalidad, mayor buena intención de enorme. Se producen fibras en abundancia.
parte del Ejecutivo para dar facilidades a todos Se propone establecer 31 estaciones inalám
Los esfuerzos hechos en el ramo de agricultura,
bricas en las capitales de los Estados de la
lo hombres de negocios y de empuje, y a propó aunque primitivos, han sido recompensados por República y en los principales puertos. El
sito de la prensa especialmente minera de los la Naturaleza en la tierra en que ella pratege más . costo se ha calculado en cerca de tres cuartos
periódicos Mining & Scientific Press de San Existe trigo, maíz, frijol, arroz, café, tabaco, de millon de pesos.
26 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

tree-embowered monument erected to the

Oldest Trees in the World memory of the gallant young military cadets
who defended the Castle above it against the
The Romantic Pathways in the Famous Bosque of assault of the American forces in 1847. This
Chapultepec-Antedate the Time of Christ monument stands almost exactly upon the spot
where one of the cadets, Mexican flag in hand,
BY "EL GRINGO " the Montezumas and of the rulers of Mexico when he saw that further resistance was hope
as much further back as the imagination can less, leaped from the summit of the cliff and
ANDERING leisurely through the take one-but certainly since the earliest his perished on the rocks at its base, his blood
Bosque of Chapultepec this bright, torical times. If one elect to follow the ex dyeing the banner which he still held in his
Wsunny Sunday morning-although al ample of nine-tenths of those who visit Cha lifeless hands. Every year the anniversary of
most any morning will do of the fifty-two pultepec, he will pass along the broad avenue the fall of the Castle is commemorated by a
Sundays and 313 week days in the year, since of the same name, along which the American solemn ceremony and the monument is deco
the greater portion of them are of this char troops fought their way in 1847 from the rated with floral offerings, deluged with them
acter-the idea suggested itself that the readers castle to the citadel of Belen, passing en route in fact, accompanied by appropriate cere
of THE REVIEW might like to know a little a section of the old masonry aqueduct first monies.
about this ancient garden, probably contem built by Montezuma and afterwards enlarged Just a few yards beyond this monument one
porary with the famous Garden of Daphne, or rather reconstructed under Cortez and his can decipher certain ancient and weather
even if not with the Hanging Gardens of successors, and which until a comparatively re worn carvings on the native rocks of the cliff,
Babylon, since the mute testimony of the cent date was the sole source of the city's of an intensely interesting character. A great
hoary cypress trees hundreds on hundreds, per water supply. One of the oddly carved and statue, perhaps that of a god, indeed probably
haps thousands of years of age, standing there most interesting "saltos de agua," or fountain, so from its fate, stood here in the time of



in regular order as the prehistoric gardeners by means of which the people were supplied Cortez, but its massive fragments and the drill
planted them, attests the fact of its remote with water from the aqueduct high above their holes where the explosive was planted that
origin as a pleasure resort. That it is today heads, was also left standing when the ancient destroyed it, still offer mute testimony to the
in many respects without an equal in the structure went out of use and was for the iconoclasm of the priestly counselors of the
world is not an exaggeration. True, the red greater part demolished. This and another at Spanish soldiers, who could see only idolatry
wood forests of California present trees as old the end of the aqueduct in the heart of the and heathenism in the magnificent stone
and as large as these, but they were planted city are to be preserved as typical of the an images and carvings, as well as in the pic
by Nature, while these owe their present posi cient architecture and stone carvings of cen tured records of the Aztecs, and ruthlessly de
tion to the hand of man. The Bosque of Cha turies ago .
stroyed them whenever found, thereby render
pultepec is believed to be unique in this re Alighting then close to the foot of the Cha ing it impossible for the scholars of later gen
spect in all the world. pultepec cliff, and approaching the ornamental erations to do more than hazard a guess at the
The accepted method of seeing Chapultepec, iron gateway that affords entrance to the park, history of the races that once so thickly popu
especially by visiting foreigners, is, of course, one halts involuntarily to study the view that lated this valley.
from a rapidly moving automobile-the more comes suddenly to his vision. The first notable Farther along the base of the cliff, though
rapid the better ! And the one who thus impression is the heavy forestation seen on at some little distance from it, are the his
"does" the Bosque, goes home with but a faint every hand and the resultant dense shade. torical "Baths of Montezuma." A high stone
idea of its wonderful beauty and picturesque through which the sunlight shoots here and wall surrounds the pool, and on entering the
ness. The only real way to see it is the good there, only accentuating the contrast. In the gateway one finds himself facing a great
old-fashioned style which was the custom distance are flower beds and lawns, with a spring of pellucid water surrounded by flower
when the park was first commenced-on foot. building or two peeping modestly into sight. gardens, the walls draped with vines, all in
And since the climate of Mexico City is at A couple of picturesquely clad and caparisoned perpetual bloom, for there is no day in the
all times conducive to the enjoyment of pe mounted policemen pass by, keeping wary eye entire year when geraniums, heliotrope, roses,
destrianism, this is the best method to adopt on the rushing automobiles. A sign conveys lilies and many another delicate growth, are
in the present case. the information that a maximum speed of not in bloom. The water is deep and clear, of
The visitor will as a rule reach the Bosque fifteen miles an hour is all that is allowed, a beautiful opalescent tint, while swimming
from the heart of the city by auto, camion or but since when did chauffeur heed such sign lazily about are gold and silver fish which
jitney, or the more prosaic electric street car. in this or any other country what time the near seem very much at home in the pool, warm
Either one of half a dozen lines of the latter presence of some representative of authority and mineralized though the water be. The
character will deposit him after a short and did not deter him ? Then, carefully "watch boiling sands at several places in the bottom
enjoyable ride at that gateway of the park ing one's step," the visitor awaits a favorable. denote the origin of the water, coming from
which is only a few hundred feet from the opportunity and hastens to the opposite side the depths of the earth, and perhaps like the
foot of the cliff upon which stands the pic of the thoroughfare, as his way lies in that great springs at Xochimilco which now sup
turesque castle, once the site of the home of direction. The first point of interest is the ply the city with an abundance of water, hav
Diciembre, 1920

ocasión favorable y precipitadamente atraviesa

hacia el otro lado de la calle, para seguir la
Los Arboles mas Antiguos del Mundo dirección de su camino .
El primer sitio de interés es el monumento
Las Románticas Calzadas del Famoso Bosque. de Chapultepec. erigido en memoria delos bizarros cadetes- niños
Son Anteriores a la Era Cristiana que defendieron el Castillo contra el asalto delas
fuerzas norte-americanas en el 47. Este monu
POR "EL GRINGO" pretéritos que la imaginación no puede precisar, mento fué levantado en el lugar mismo donde
AGANDO pausadamente por el Bosque aunque, sin duda, desde los tiempos pre uno de los cadetes, con la bandera mexicana en
de Chapultepec en esta clara, resplan históricos. la diestra, y considerando ya que toda resistencia
V deciente mañana dominical-aunque casi Si se decide uno seguir el ejemplo de la gran era inútil, se arrojó desde la cima del edificio ,
todas lo son, de los 52 domingos de los 365 dias mayoria de los que visitan Chapultepec, se pereciendo sobre las rocas del basamento y
de las semanas del año, pues la mayor parte de penetra por la ancha avenida del mismo nombre,
bañando en sangre su bandera, que aún sostenía
a cuyo largo las tropas de Norte-América se
ellas son idénticas, -se me antoja que a los entre las manos moribundas.
lectores de la Revista les agradaría saber algo abrieron paso en 1847 , del Castillo hacia la
El aniversario de la toma del Castillo es
acerca de este legendario jardin, contemporáneo Ciudadela de Belén, atravesando una sección
conmemorado todos los años con una solemne
probablemente del famoso Jardin de Defne , si no del viejo acueducto de albañileria construido por
Moctezuma, y más adelante amplificado o casi ceremonia oficial, y ante el monumento se
de los Jardines Colgantes de Babilonia, ya que
reconstruido por Cortéz y sus sucesores, acue efectúa una rofenda floral , q lo cubre literalu -e
el mudo testimonio de sus musgosos cipreces,
ducto que hasta fecha relativamente reciente fué mente con un diluvio de flores.
centenarios y acaso milenarios, distribuidos
la fuente única que abastecía de agua la ciudad . Algunos pasos adelante de este monumento ,
simétricamente como sus pre-históricos jardineros
Uno de los más raramente tallados y más intere se pueden aún descifrar ciertas esculturas
los plantaran , confirma su remoto origen como



santes " saltos de agua " o fuentes, que abasteció antiguas, casi borradas por el tiempo, grabadas
agradable sitio de recreo. Afirmar que hoy en
al pueblo de agua traida de un elevado acue en las mismas rocas del basamento, que revisten
dia, por muchos respectos, es inigualado en el
ducto, fué tambien conservado intacto, cuando un carácter sumamente interesante. Una gran
mundo, nó es una exageración. Es cierto que
las rojas selvas de California ofrecen árboles tan la antigua construcción quedó en desuso y en estatua, acaso de algun dios, sin duda alguna por
gran parte demolida . Esta fuente, así como su nefasta suerte, yacía aquí en tiempo de Cortéz ;
antiguos y grandes como éstos ; pero aquellos
otra que se halla al extremo del acueducto, en pero sus sólidos fragmentos y las perforaciones
fueron plantados por la Naturaleza, mientras
que éstos lo han sido por la mano del hombre. el corazón de la ciudad, ser án conservadas como de taladro que presenta, que sirvieron para
destruirla con explosivos, aún ofrecen mudo
Desde este aspecto, el Bosque de Chapultepec modelos de arquitectura antigua y de grabado
es considerado como único en todo el mundo. en piedra de pasadas centurias. testimonio del iconoclasmo de los consejeros
El modo general de conocer Chapultepec, Descendiendo luego muy cerca de la base sacerdotales de los soldados españoles, quienes
especialmente porlos visitantes estranjeros, es solamente veían idolatría y paganismo en las
rocosa del Castillo y en dirección al enverjado
por medio de una rápida carrera en automovil, magníficas imágenes de piedra y esculturas , asi
de hierro que guarda la entrada del parque, uno como en las geroglificas leyendas de los aztecas ,
mientras más rápida mejor; y los que asi ven el se detiene involuntariamente a contemplar el
Bosque, retornan a sus hogares con una idea y cruelmente las destruyeron donde quiera los
paisaje que súbitamente surge a la vista. La encontraron. Esto ha hecho imposible su
muy superficial de su pintoresca y encantadora primera impresión más notable la ofrece la recia conocimiento a los estudiantes de las genera
belleza . La vertadera y única menera de cono
vegetación que se destaca por todas partes, con ciones posteriores, quienes no pueden ahora sino
cerlo es paseándolo a pié, a la antigua y acertada
la densa sombra que proyecta, aquí y allá pene aventurarse en hipótesis sobre la historia de las
moda que se observó desde los comienzos del
trada por los rayos del sol, que acentúan así el razas que en un tiempo poblaron con frecuencia
parque. I puesto que el clima de la ciudad de este valle .
marcado constraste. A lo lejos se divisan
México favorece en todo tiempo el agradable Más adelante, a lo largo del basamento del
alfombras de flores y prados, que rodean uno que
paseo pedestre, este es el mejor medio que debe Castillo y a corta distancia de él, están los his
otro edificio modestamente asomados. Un par
adoptarse en el presente caso. tóricos Baños de Moctezuma . Una alta pared
de guardianes, pintorescamente trajeados y
Por lo general , el visitante llega al Bosque, de piedra rodea el estanque, y penetrando por
enjaezados en sus caballos, rondan por ahí,
partiendo del corazón de la ciudad, en auto la reja principal se contempla una gran fuente
vigilando con mirada atenta la carrera velóz
movil, camión, o el corriente-tranvia eléctrico . de finísimas gotas, rodeada de jardines de flores,
Una, por lo menos, de cada seis lineas de tran de los vehiculos. Un rótulo hace saber que sólo las paredes cubiertas de viñas, todo matizado
vias que por alli pasan, despues de un breve y es permitida una velocidad máxima de quince de flores, pues no hay un sólo dia del año en
agradable recorrido , lo deja hasta la entrada del millas por hora; pero aquí, como en cualquiera que los geranios, heliotropos, rosas, lirios y
parque, la cual está a corta distancia del rocoso otropaís, ¿cuándo el chauffeur ha acatado esa muchas más delicadas plantas no estén siempre
basamento en que descansa el pintoresco Cas señal, desde que se siente fuera del alcance de la en perpetua floración. El agua es profunda y
tillo, residencia que fué de los Moctezumas y autoridad que lo intimida? Pues bien, vigilando clara, de un bello tinte opalescente, y en ella
gobernantes de México desde tiempos tan atentamente su camino, el visitante espera una apaciblemente se deslizan blancos y dorados
28 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

ing communication with some of the quiescent teen full-length strides of a six-foot man, or they may be seen sitting on the rustic stone
volcanoes that encircle the valley. Tradition close to 50 feet in circumference . This is not benches engaged in that ancient occupation
has it that sunk deep in these springs the his the circumference of the trunk, but at the which has come down to us from the time of
torical (though by some claimed to be mythi point where the roots enter the earth, the the Garden of Eden, and which is carried on
cal) lost treasure is hidden which caused the actual trunk being perhaps 10 feet less in ex best in shady nooks like these. The Avenue
torture of Montezuma and one of his trusted tent. Some of the trees are so situated, how of the Philosophers is even more densely cov
associates by the pleasant process of roasting ever, that their trunks rise almost directly ered with the branches of the bordering trees,
their feet over a charcoal fire, the while bast from the earth and fully as many steps are re ash and cypress, and though the sun be shin
ing them with oil to render the process more quired to encircle them. While these trees ing brightly in the sky outside, there is little
perfect, but which did not suffice to make equal the famous redwoods of California so enough hint of it here. Looking down its
either victim of Spanish civilization disclose far as size of trunk goes, they are far enough length is like looking into a tunnel of green.
the secret, which is undisclosed to this day. from resembling them in height. Towering All about under the trees violets grow and
There are various traditions as to the final aloft from 300 to 400 feet as the former do, in blossom in profusion, not planted in regular
disposition of the treasure, Lake Texcoco be the coast belt as well as in the Sierra, it is a order, and watered by streamlets led from
ing one of the places selected for its hiding. distinct effort to cast one's view from root to the parent springs that once were the city's
But the Chapultepec springs were the nearest topmost branch. But the cypress trees, an only supply.
at hand and afforded the readiest means of cient and immense as they are, seem stunted "The Calzada of the Rey," the Avenue of
preventing Cortez and his adherents from se when it comes to height, and from 50 to 75 the King, supposed to have been the favorite
curing that portion of Montezuma's wealth feet will cover most of them. Some that stand resting place of Montezuma, has been changed
which had escaped
escaped their cupidity. But singly and without a heavy surrounding from its original form and is no longer nar


whether there really was any treasure, growth are taller. Mingled with the cypresses now like the Avenues of the Poets, the Artists
whether it was buried in these springs, at are great ash trees, which as a rule are tall and the Philosophers- also the Lovers ! It has
Texcoco, or in the bottom of the lake that and slender by comparison, though there are been widened so as to accommodate vehicles ,
then surrounded the city, is of no moment at many specimens which are contorted with age but on one side there are still many of the
this date. The tradition merely lends addi and seem vying with their companions in this giants of the forest planted so many hundreds
tional interest to a most lovely, interesting and respect. Great masses of gray moss hang of years ago and beneath which the Aztec
romantic spot. from the limbs of the cypress trees, swaying to ruler and his predecessors are said to have
From the baths two routes invite, each and fro in the wind and adding to the ap
loitered as other rulers and their subjects have
equally interesting and both leading entirely pearance of old age.
done since their time. On one side of this
around the base of the castle-crowned hill The Walk of the Poets is completely em
the Hill of the Grasshopper, though why grass bowered in verdure, the limbs of the border Avenue of the King is a grove of lofty eucalyp
hopper is not apparent. It is to the south that ing trees intermingling overhead, shutting out tus trees of the present century, waving and
the most interesting features are to be found, the sun's rays and even the downpour of a nodding familiarly in their youthful pride and
for it is there that the main portion of the heavy shower on occasion. An occasional exuberance to their hoary-headed great-grand
garden of the ancients was laid out by the gleam of sunshine like a lance darts athwart fathers on the opposite side of the avenue.
planting of cypress trees in more or less regu the pathway, but for the most part the shade (To be continued)
lar order, bordering the walks provided for is dense and in sharpest contrast to the bright
pedestrians- wheeled vehicles being, of course, sunshine outside. Truly, a poet ought to find
something unknown at that time on this conti inspiration here. Peaceful Operations of
nent. And these walks are today exactly as Francisco Villa
Crossing the Highway of the Poets at right.
they were designed and used how many cen angles, and commencing on the bank of a wind HE news has been received from Durango
turies ago is only a matter of guesswork. ing creek, is the Avenue of the Artists, and it Th that Francisco Villa, who recently decided
Whether they had individual designations at is well named. This avenue, too, is bordered to abandon open rebellion for the peaceful avo
that time is also unknown, but more modern by ancient cypresses, long garlands of gray cations of agriculture and mining, is actively
admirers of nature have bestowed upon them mosses hanging from their limbs. It is not engaged in both pursuits. He has secured ten
appellations appropriate enough-in fact, far so long as the Avenue of the Poets, while at autos and tractors for his extensive ranch and
more so than is sometimes to be seen in like one end there is a vista of flower garden, grass
personally conducts operations with them. He
cases in other countries. Here, for example, and blooming shrubbery which is most en
is "The Calzada de los Poetas," or Highway trancing, presenting a picture worthy of the has also discovered a deposit of silver on the
of the Poets. And it is well named. It brush of any artist. land given him by the Government and has filed
stretches away straight as an arrow for a Close by and running in the same direction twenty "denunciations" or claims for the pur
great distance-half or three-quarters of a as the Avenue of the Poets, is the Highway pose of working the ore. A large number of
mile-and is bordered by giant cypress trees of the Philosophers- though why so named is are employed by him, and one of the
of unknown age. Just as a test, the writer a puzzle. Oh, by the way, the Avenue of the regulations enforced is absolute inhibition of
paced around one of them and counted eigh Poets is much favored by young couples, and the sale or use of intoxicating liquors.
Diciembre, 1920

pececillos, quienes revelan sentirse satisfechos en países . Aquí tenemos, por ejemplo, la Calzada grandes girnaldas de oscuro musgo pendiendo de
esa agua, no obstante ser caliente y mineralizada . de los Poetas, y está perfectamente designada . sus ramas. No es tan larga como la Calzada de
La arena calcinada que yace en algunos lugares Ella se extiende derechamente como una flecha los Poetas, y desde uno de sus extremos se devisa
del fondo denota la procedencia del agua, la cual por una gran distancia-media o tres cuartos de un conjunto de flores, verdura y arbustos en
viene de las profundidades de la tierra y acaso, milla y está rodeada po rgigantescos cipreces, de plena floración, que hondamente extasía, pre
al igual de los grandes manantiales de Xochimilco edad desconocida . Solamente como una prueba, sentando un bello miraje, digno del pincel de
que ahora abastecen de abundante agua la el que esto escribe midió uno de esos árboles, y un artista .
llegó a contar 18 largos pasos (de un hombre Muy cerca de allí y caminando en la misma
ciudad, tiene comunicación con alguno de los
adormidos volcanes que rodean el valle. Cuenta de seis pies) , o sean unos 50 pies en circunferen dirección de la Calzada de los Poetas, está la Cal
cia . Esta no es la circunferencia del tronco , zada de los Filósofos, si bien este nombre contiene
la tradición que muy en el fondo de esta fuente
se encuentra hundido el histórico tesoro azteca sino de la parte en que las raíces penetran la algo de enigmático . Oh ! a propósito : la Calzada
(por algunos tenido como fábula) , ocultado por tierra, siendo acaso la medida del tronco de unos de los Poetas es muy favorecida por las parejas
Moctezuma, por lo que fué sujetado a tormento , diez pies menos, en proporción . Algunos de jóvenes, a quienes puede sorprendérseles senta
en unión de otros compañeros suyos, por medio estos árboles están asi plantados, no obstante das sobre rústicos bancos de piedra , empeñadas en
del bárbaro procedimiento de quemarles los pies que sus troncos se levantan casi a flor de tierra, la misma antigua ocupación que nos viene desde
en una hoguera de carbón, y bañados a inter y de tal modo, que muchos pasos se requieren los tiempos del Paraíso , la cual se realiza a
valos con aceite para tornar el castigo más para llegar a circundarlos. Si bien estos árboles plenitud en sombríos retiros como éste. La
pueden compararse en la medida del tronco a Calzada de los Filósofos está aún más densa
perfecto ; pero esto no fué suficiente para que los
mártires de la civilización española revelaran su los famosos árboles rojos de California, distan mente cubierta por las ramas de los árboles
secreto, el cual permanece hasta hoy en el mucho de semejarse, sin embargo, por su altura . laterales, fresnos y cipreces, y a pesar de que el



misterio. Existen varias conjeturas sobre el Elevándose a una altura de 300 a 400 pies, como sol brilla en toda su plenitud hacia fuera, apenas
posible paradero de dicho tesoro, suponiéndose el ya mencionado, asi en las regiones de la costa se vislumbra una leve claridad aquí. Mirándola
que el lago de Texcoco haya sido el elegido como en la Sierra, se requiere un verdadero a lo largo es como si viéramos a través de un
para ocultarlo ; sin embargo, estando más a mano esfuerzo para dirigir la vista desde la raíz a la tunel de verdura . Por todas partes, bajo los
los manantiales de Chapultepec y en vista de rama más alta. Pero los cipreces, antiguos e árboles, crecen y brotan violetas en profusión,
la urgencia de proteger a toda costa dicho tesoro inmensos como son, parecen poco afortunados sembradas al acaso , y regadas por arroyuelos
de la codicia de Cortéz y sus adláteres, aquello en cuanto altura , pues de 50 a 75 pies es la mayor que vienen de los manantiales matrices, en vez
no es probable. Pero bien sea que haya existido elevación que alcanzan. Algunos que se en pasada los únicos que dotaron de agua la ciudad .
ese tesoro, que fuera enterrado en estos manan cuentran aislados y no circundados de mucha La Calzada del Rey, que se considera haber
tiales, en Texcoco, o en el fondo del lago que vegetación, logran un desarrollo mayor. Entre sido el lugar favorito de recreo de Moctezuma ,
entonces circundaba la ciudad, no es oportuno mezclados con los cipreces se hallan grandes ha sido cambiada de su primitiva forma y no
investigar aquí ese hecho . La tradición simple fresnos, los que por lo general son altos y delga es ya angosta como las Avenidas de los Poetas ,
mente presta mayor interés a este muy querido, dos, relativamente ; sin embargo, hay algunos Artistas y Filósofos, tambien de los amantes !
atractivo y romántico lugar. ejemplares que están retorcidos por la edad y Se ha ampliado con el objeto de darle capacidad
De los baños parten dos rutas, igualmente que parecen rivalizar con sus compañeros a este para vehículos, pero a un lado todavía existen
interesantes, y que circundan completamente la respecto. Grandes masas de oscuro musgo muchos de los gigantes de la selva, plantados
base del Castillo coronado de colinas- la Colina penden de las ramas de los cipreces, meciéndose hace cientos de años, y a cuya sombra se dice
dela langosta, si bien el porque de este nombre al impulso del viento y contribuyendo así a el monarca azteca y sus predecesores mataban
no es aparente. Es hacia el sur donde se darles mayor aspecto de antiguedad. el tiempo, al igual que muchos otros goberbantes,
encuentran los más interesantes mirajes, pues La Calzada de los Poetas está completamente y esto parace imitarse desde entonces.
es allí donde la porción más importante del cubierta de verdura, y las ramas de los árboles ladó de la Calzada del Rey se halla una arboleda
jardin fué cultivada, plantándose cipreces en laterales se enlazan entre sí, impidiendo la de empinados eucapiltus , árboles de la centuria
proporción simétrica, que bordean los caminos entrada de los rayos solares y aún a veces la actual, que ondulan y se adormecen amigable
hechos para peatones, pues los vehículos de caida de la lluvia. En ocasiones, algun rayo mente, en medio de su exhuberancia y orgullo
ruedas eran entonces casi desconocidos en este solar penetra como una lanza e ilumina la juvenil hacia sus ya canosos abuelos del otro
continente. I esos caminos se conservan exacta calzada, pero en su mayor parte la sombra es lado de la avenida. (Continuara)
mente igual como fueron trazados en tan remotas densa y en marcado contraste con el franco
centurias, que hoy no sería posible determinarlas. resplandor del exterior . En verdad, un poeta
La ciudad de México, con una población
No se sabe tampoco si estos caminos tenían encuentra amplia inspiración en este sitio . de más de un millon de habitantes , registró
entonces designaciones especiales ; pero muchos Cruzando la Calzada de los Poetas en ángulo un dia del mes de Octubre en que "ningún crimen
modernos admiradores de la Naturaleza con recto, y comenzando por un banco de tortuosa se había cometido ni hecho un simple arresto. "
sideran bastante apropiadas sus actuales deno vuelta, está la Calzada de los Artistas, y está ¿Pero quién podría pensar, por un momento,
en comparar las condiciones de civilización en
minaciones, mucho más, en verdad, de las que bien designada. Esta calzada se halla cir México con las de Nueva York?-(Del New
suelen usarse para casos semejantes en otros cundada tambien por cipreces seculares, con York World).
30 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

and interested lawyers, whose main aim is to

Mexico's Side of the Oil Controversy
prolong the duration of the difficulties which
constitute the basis for their employment, it
Special Representative Roberto V. Pesqueira Pledges His Government to will be impossible to reach any understanding .
And notwithstanding this is evidently and
Nothing but Fair Play and Honest Dealing in the Matier in All Respects
logically true, my former efforts to approach
URING the recent session of the the executives were answered with the
that the Mexican situation has improved
American Petroleum Institute in statement that I should confer with Mr.
radically during the very short period under
D Washington the attorney for cer the leadership of the new Government Kellogg or some equally well qualified at
tain of the American oil companies operat torney. After listening to the other speech,
headed by President de la Huerta and a
ing in Mexico made some statements which you will readily understand what my chances
group of young and trained men of high
were regarded as so unfair to the Govern ideals. The entire border can vouch for or those of any Mexican would be, to make
ment and the people of that country that him see reason when it conflicted with his own
this assertion .
Mr. Roberto V. Pesqueira, the Special Rep understanding of things.
"The Chambers of Commerce from Los
resentative of Mexico in the United States, "Some interests, through their representa
Angeles to San Antonio have shown their
asked permission to refute them. He was tive, directed offensive attacks against the
faith in the Mexican Government and have
Government of the late President Carranza,
granted the privilege, and on Friday even joined the governors of Arizona, New
ing, November 19, spoke as follows to the portraying him personally as a despoiler.
Mexico and Texas in requesting the Presi
gathering : This is not the place where I may discuss
dent of this Republic that he extend recog
"Permit me at the outset to express my the policies of a President of my country,
nition to the Government of Mr. de la
appreciation to your honorable president for Huerta. And this movement is well found and moreover, I can assert that Mr. Car
the very gracious manner in which he ac ranza's petroleum policy, from the framing
ed and justified. We have suppressed gam
of Our Constitutional Article 27 right
corded me the privilege of addressing you bling along the Mexican border and we
on a subject so near to the heart of every through to his last decrees, was not, as Mr.
have pacified the entire region ; we accord
Mexican. My long acquaintance with this all manner of facilities to and welcome the Kellogg would have you believe, the work
country has taught me that the square deal of a despoiler, but on the contrary was the
Americans who may wish to go to Mexico result of a conscientious conviction . How
is a characteristic of the American people ; to work honestly ; our officials along the
ever, I do wish to state that the last revo
that they never refuse the other fellow a boundary line are courteous, affable and
chance to tell his story. So serious were lution and the rapidity with which it suc
friendly, and the people of that section have
ceeded, furnish conclusive proof that the
the charges made the other evening before become fully aware of the change which
this honorable gathering by the legal rep people of Mexico were not in full accord
has been operated, as well as of our wise
with the policies of the preceding Govern
resentative of Mr. Doheny, and so bitter intentions, and of the necessity of avoiding ment.
was his sarcasm , that I felt impelled, not all hindrance to the conclusion of a work
"My distinguished audience has heard an
even as the Mexican Representative , but as so well begun. exhaustive series of arguments against
a Mexican citizen, to request the privilege of "General Obregon, who will take over the
Mexico . Here you have part first of the
addressing you with the hope of giving an Presidency of Mexico on the first of De
arguments advanced by my Government in
imperfect though truthful account of the cember, is considered even by Mr. Kellogg
Mexican side of the petroleum question. I support of its interpretation of a single face
as a real man, so no apologies are needed
of Article 27 of the Constitution. I could
regret that owing to my unpreparedness , for him. As no real reason could be un
read them, but I suspect the upshot of it all
both as to lack of time and poor knowledge earthed to place Obregon in a questionable
would be to weary you unnecessarily there
of your language , I shall not be able to do light, the spectre of Bolshevism had to be
ushered forth by the ever-resourceful by. Furthermore, my mission in this coun
full justice to my subject.
try is not to argue but to adjust this matter,
"I am not a lawyer. It is beyond my speaker.
putting aside sophisms as well as plays of
power to present the case from the Mexi "I beg to inform you that Mexican capital, words in the jargon of lawyers. I will
can point of view in the same masterly as well as French and Italian, is now taking
simply reiterate what I have already stated
fashion brought into play by the other a serious interest in Mexican oil ; that some
on different occasions : Article 27, in so far
speaker in presenting the viewpoint of his corporations already organized are work
chief. as it refers to the petroleum question, is not·
ing unceasingly to insure for themselves a
retroactive, nor can it be considered as such.
"You might have gained the impression share of the production, just as American
"Although it is but a minor detail I wish
that Mr. Kellogg was voicing the opinion of capital has done so successfully, and who,
to give you a few figures, really authentic,
all the American companies operating in the it seems, do not find the situation so despe regarding Mexican taxation on oil exports,
Mexican oil fields, but the fact remains rate nor Mexican laws so arbitrary as some
which will answer for themselves the oft
that not all companies belong to the asso claim to think.
repeated assertion about one exorbitant
ciation, that there are very important com "A spirit of real friendship, the desire to taxation :
panies which do not belong to the associa settle old controversies wanting real founda
tion and do not share the radical views ex "The average stamp tax in United States
tion, inspired me upon reaching this coun
cents per barrel from 1917, when the tax
pressed by his legal representative and try . A number of those present here are
was first applied, to date is as follows :
graphically described in Mexico as ' Doheny well aware that I have honestly and in good
ism .' faith offered the associated companies to Light crude ... .II cents a barrel
Fuel oil .. 87/10 cents a barrel
"In trying to make a case, the speaker work for the adjustment of their difficul
Heavy crude • # .5 7/10 cents a barrel
alluded to mentioned robberies suffered by ties, and invited their executives to Mexico
City for personal conference between them The present taxes will run about as fol
paymasters of the companies, blaming Mexi lows :
can officials for their acts ; couldn't we in and my Government. I have the absolute
certainty that, once my proposition is ac Light crude . • • 18 cents
turn blame companies' employees for being in Fuel oil.. • • 15 cents
cepted, when we may be able to discuss
league with the robbers ? There have been un Heavy crude .. .8 1/2 cents
with the heads of the oil companies, with
fortunate losses of life in Mexico during the
men able to honestly understand the limits "And yet in the last few weeks you prob
many years of civil war. Believe me or not,
of their own rights and of the duty of my ably have read statements to the effect that
the fact remains that Americans were safer
Government to safeguard the future in we are collecting a dollar for every barrel
during these years than any native or other terests of Mexico , the petroleum question of oil exported .
foreigners in Mexico. We are the first to will be definitely arranged . But, so long as "We have no income taxes, no excess
regret these unfortunate happenings- they are the petroleum companies treat with the profit taxes, and the taxes just quoted rep
unavoidable even in countries fully at peace. Mexican Government, as has happened thus resent practically our entire revenue from
But you should not lose sight of the fact far, through the only medium of subordinate the petroleum industry, which is second
Diciembre, 1920

intereses mercantes de los Estados Unidos, sino

a los de todo el mundo , sin exceptuar al mismo
En el Campo Del Petroleo México, quien, además delenorme desarrollo de
sus puertos, que indudablemente sería acrecen
Abundantes Chorros Obtenidos en Nuevas Perforaciones tado , necesitará esas facilidades para los trabajos
El Problema del Petróleo Crudo y Nuestras Industrias económicos de su flota mercante, recientemente
contratada en los Estados Unidos por el Secre
Nuevos Pozos de Produccion Gigantesco Oleoducto en Proyecto, tario de Hacienda don Salvador Alvarado .
Abundante a Través del Istmo de Tehuantepec como se recordará, Puerto México, Salina Cruz
N el transcurso del mes se recibieron L Departamento de Petróleo, dependi y Guaymas fueron declarados recientemente
END informaciones de Tampio relativas a la, ELente de la Secretaría de Industria y y puertos libres , por último decreto del Presidente
terminación de cuatro nuevos pozos de petróleo, Comercio de México, tiene en estudio una de la Huerta.
uno con capacidad de 100,000 barriles diarios, solicitud de concesión para la construcción de un
gigantesco oleoducto a través del Istmo de Ley Petrolera en el Peru .
otro de 80,000 barriles, otro de 60,000 barriles y
uno más de 50,000 . Como la producción poten Tehuantepec, que ponga en comunicación Puerto AS compañías americanas y otras extranjeras
cial de los pozos abiertos con anterioridad, a México, del Golfo Mexicano, con el puerto de L que están en busca de concesiones en elPerú
principios del presente año, era diez veces mayor Salina Cruz , sobre el Pacífico. an encontrado allí con una nueva ley petró
en relación con los medios de exportación dis Aunque los peticionarios de la concesión son lera en perspectiva, cuyos pormenores se acaban
ponibles, se deduce que los nuevos que se ciudadanos mexicanos, se supone que estén de recibir por la vía oficial.
descubran, tales como los recientes, ya listos y financiados con capital americano, suministrado En esta nueva ley, que aún no se asegura
probados, tendrán qué permanecer en espera de por intereses íntimamente identificados con la haya sido aprobada por el Congreso peruano, el
que se provean las facilidades de embarque

Nuevo Petróleo Descubierto que

Beneficiará al Gobierno
N la Secretaría de Industria y Comercio,
EN se recibío la grata nueva de que en el lote
otorgado a una Compañía de Petróleo en la zona
federal del río Tancochin, acaba de brotar un
pozo de portentosa producción, que se calcula
en no menos de cien mil barriles diarios, y que
seguramente podrá producir, efectivamente,
ochenta mil.
Se trata de una de las últimas concesiones
otorgadas por la Secretaría de Industria y
Comerico en las zonas de propiedad nacional, en
las cuales ha exigido que se le reserve un con
siderable porcentaje del petróleo que se obtenga,
que en el presente caso es de treinta y cinco por
ciento .
En el supuesto de que el pozo en cuestión
solamente produjera ochenta mil barriles diarios, CHINAMPA OIL FIELDS , LARGEST PRODUCER IN THE WORLD
el gobierno tendría derecho a veintiocho mil
barriles diarios, cantidad que será bastante Junta de Embarques de los Estados Unidos, gobierno dividirá la zona petrolífera en lotes,
para cubrir íntegramente las necesidades de quien está directamente interesada en conseguir de 100 kilómetros cuadrados, la situada en la
toda la red ferroviaria y para la incipiente un punto adecuado-para proveer de aceite com costa o en la región serrana, y en lotes de 1,000
marina. bustible los barcos de la reciente marina mercante kilómetros cuadrados, la de la región montañosa .
Quizá no sea posible, de momento, comenzar americana destinada a las rutas comerciales del Se otorgarán concesiones por uno o más lotes,
la explotación del portentoso pozo, puesto que Pacífico. Se dice, tambien, que el capital inglés, por los que el solicitante deberá depositar 500
no se cuenta con los medios de transporte para suministrado por conducto de la Compañía de libras peruanas, por cada lote de la región
poner el petróleo en los lugares donde los carros Petróleo "El Aguila , " está tambien disponible costeña, y 1,000 por cada lote de la otra
tanques del ferrocarril puedan tomarlo ; pero para ser invertido en esta importante empresa. región. Las exploraciones deberán terminarse
seguramente la importancia del pozo amerita En México se ha suscitado la cuestión relativa en tres y cinco anos, respectivamente.
que el gobierno construya un oleoducto o con a la forma enque podrían intervenir en esta De los productos que se obtengan, el 10 y el 5
tribuya a su construcción, con lo cual podrán empresa los intereses de dicha Junta de Embar por ciento, respectivamente, serán entregados
abastecerse desde luego los ferrocarriles. ques, atentas las disposiciones de la Constitución al gobierno. Mientras dura la exploración, se
La zona en que brotó el maravilloso pozo, Mexicana que prohibe a los gobiernos extran pagará un impuesto al gobierno de 50 libras
apenas está comenzando a ser explotada , y, en jeros la adquisición de propiedades en México, peruanas cada seis meses, por cada lote. Si
tal virtud, el pozo de Tancochin tendrá larga salvo el caso, por convenio especial , de aquellas se suspende el pago de los impuestos o se parali
vida y vendrá a remediar la escasez de petróleo que sean indispensables a las necesidades de los zan los trabajos por un año, los de la costa, o
que venía notándose en México, y hará que asuntos diplomáticos y de residencia. Los esta dos, en la montaña, ésto originará el cancela
pueda el gobierno contrarrestar, siquiera sea en tutos de la Junta de Embarques mencionada miento de la concesión. Si la concesión resulta
parte, las maniobras acaparadoras de las y el origen de sus recursos no han sido hasta hoy improductiva, el depósito se devolverá a los
empresas petróleras. determinados ; pero es bien sabido que, por lo interesados.
Por estar ausente el Ministro de Industria, menos, tiene un caracter semi-oficial en sus Nuevos Terrenos En Exploración
no pudimos saber cuáles son las miras del funciones. Sin embargo, hay muchas probabili A "Marland Refining Company," de Okla
gobierno con el nuevo pozo , en el que tan grande dades de que todos los impedimentos o tropiezos L^ homa, ha adquirido los primeros derechos
que ocurran serán allanados de acuerdo con las sobre una gran area de terreno en las
participación tiene ; pero, en todo caso, cons
tituye ese pozo un magnífico pié de reserva inmediaciones de Linares, Tamaulipas, al pie
disposiciones legales mexicanas y que, al fin,
para el evento, nada improbable, de que, debido laproyectada construcción de dicho oleoducto de los montes que están al sur de Monterrey,
a la inicua explotación de nuestros mantos pe será una realidad. y se propone hacer exploraciones en busca de
trolíferos, se lleguen a agotar muchos de los Nadie pone en duda las inmensas ventajas que petróleo. La opinión del geólogo de la
principales pozos. esta comunicación reportaría, no tan solo a los compañía es favorable.
32 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920
only to that of the United States . Do well "The policy of defaming my country and no end to which we will not go in dignity,
managed American oil companies lose . obstructing its step toward its betterment in honor and in upright self-respect to meet
money by operating in Mexican oil fields ? calls to mind an adequate melodrama- for the principles and ideals of this country.
Ask Mr. Doheny, the Standard Oil , The I have my melodrama also-which I will But I know my people well, and I promise
Texas , Gulf, Sinclair, Island, to mention relate to you in a few words : you that the sovereign Government of Mex
only a few. "Act first : The villain, a member of an ico , representing the people of Mexico, will
"Ask conservative companies like the honorable family, invites himself to the never accede to a condition or a situation
Tidewater,42 who, notwithstanding chaotic house of the heroine. where a small group of especially privi
conditions , are nevertheless at this time get "Act second : The villain makes himself at leged gentlemen who know exactly what
ting into the Mexican oil fields . It is un home in the heroine's house and grows fat they want shall dictate terms and conditions
fortunate that other American oil interests and prospers . upon which relations between the two coun
are not represented as they should be in "Act third : Villain cashes in on heroine's tries shall be resumed ."
Mexico, wrongly influenced by this type of inheritance, and when he finds heroine in
publicity. sists on retaining what heroine cannot af
"And do not think that the petroleum in ford to lose, villain runs to father and Proposed Great Pipe Line Across
dustry is the only important commercial family to complain of heroine's harsh treat Isthmus of Tehuantepec
link between the Mexican and the Ameri ment and bad faith . HERE is under consideration by the Pe
can people. Do you realize that the cotton "Act fourth : It is not yet known, but as TH troleum Commission of the Mexican De
industry of some of your Southern States is it is usual for melodrama to end well, poor partment of Industry and Commerce an ap
almost wholly dependent on Mexican labor heroine and audience are wondering what plication for a franchise for the construction
for existence ; do you realize the equally im the father and brothers will think and do . of a great pipe line across the Isthmus of
portant role our laborers play in the con "And so the matter stands , gentlemen . Tehuantepec to connect Puerto Mexico on the
struction and maintenance of your railroads ? We are, with the heroine, waiting to see Gulf of Mexico with the port of Salina Cruz
Don't you believe that the interests of these what the father and brothers will do or on the Pacific. While the applicants for this
enterprises who have been friendly to our think. franchise are citizens of Mexico it is under
cause and the mining interest which believe "My mission in this country at this time, stood that behind them is American capital to
in and trusts us should be considered ? As however, is not that of arguing, but that be supplied by interests closely identified with
I before stated, we count, even among of arranging all those questions which the United States Shipping Board which is
American oil operators , people who believe might prove to be an obstacle to the carry deeply interested in securing an adequate sup
with us in the brilliant future of Mexico . ing out of the plan of improvement and ply of fuel oil for those ships of the new
"The conditions for the exploitation of progress which my Government has un-
American merchant marine assigned to the
petroleum in Mexico are incomparably dertaken, and which they have begun to Pacific trade routes . It is said also that Brit
cheaper and more profitable than those of perform with unquestionable success . ish capital supplied through El Aguila oil com
any other country in the world . While the "Just as I am not a lawyer, neither am I pany is also ready for investment in this great
average prdouction of American fields per a diplomat. From the time of my arrival enterprise.
well is a little over five barrels, according to my speech has been plain . With all my
There has arisen some question in Mexico
the United States Geoolgical Survey, the strength I have tried to break through what as to exactly what form the interest of the
average daily production of each Mexican you call the red tape , hoping for a man- to Shipping Board will take in this organization,
well is 1,119 barrels. man talk. In my letter to your Secretary it being pointed out that the Mexican consti
"I beg to remind my audience that only of State, given to the press on October 29,
tution prohibits the acquirement by foreign
two days ago it was stated right here that Mexico indignantly denied any thought of governments of any property in Mexico , ex
no Mexican well had been profaned by a repudiation or confiscation . We stand ready
cept by treaty, of property other than that
pump, and I beg to call attention to the and willing to adjust and pay every obliga needed for diplomatic business and residence.
well-known fact that such profanation en tion in due accord with international law.
The exact status of the Shipping Board and
tails an additional cost of about 40 cents We declare to the world that not one of
its subsidiaries has never been determined but
per barrel in California. our laws shall ever be given retroactive
it is generally acknowledged that it is at least
"Our production this year will be about effect, or that we shall ever shame our
semi-governmental in its functions. There is
140,000,000 barrels and we hope it will con sovereignty by confiscation of legitimate
every probability that all objections will be
tinue to increase , for, notwithstanding the rights in private property . What more can
overcome in conformity with Mexican legal
desolate picture and the terrible predictions you justly ask ?
requirements and that the pipe line will ulti
offered by Mr. Kellogg to the American . "We declare that Mexico is ready and
mately be built.
public in connection with present condi willing to submit every difference of every
kind, character or nature whatsoever that There is no question as to the immense ad
tions and regarding Mexico's future , every vantage such a line will be, not alone to the
day sees increased investment in Mexican may possibly arise between the sovereign
Government of the United States and its shipping interests of the United States but to
people, and the sovereign Government of those of all the world ; not least to Mexico
"Mr. Doheny, it is true, is and should be
Mexico and its people, to an arbitration itself, which, besides the enormous develop
considered as one of the successful pioneers
in the petroleum industry in Mexico. He tribunal, and its decision shall be conclu ment of her ports sure to accrue, will need
sive and effective . such facilities for the economical operation of
is not exactly what one would class as a
"Thus we reach forth the hand of honest her own merchant fleet recently contracted for
friend of Mexico , but he is undoubtedly a
and honorable friendship . And I say to you in the United States by Secretary of the
brilliant business man. He has spent large Treasury Salvador Alvarado. Puerto Mex
sums of money in the Mexican oil field . that if it is not accepted, the reason for re
prisal will not be found in the ill faith of the ico, Salina Cruz, with Guaymas , recently were
But has Mexico not repaid Mr. Kellogg's designated as free ports by a decree of Presi
employer many times over for all his efforts Mexican Government.
dent de la Huerta.
and risks ? Anyone of you can easily an "Hundreds of thousands of dollars have
swer this question. The Stock Exchange been spent in poisoning public opinion both
and the income tax returns offer additional in the United States and in Mexico . The Confederated Chambers of Commerce
proof. With this in mind, Mexico is at a "My people look forward in friendship to have protested against the recent orders of
loss to understand the unfriendly attitude great peaceful development in our country the Governor of the Federal District in clos
of Mr. Kellogg and those who share his in conjunction with the capital, genius and ing saloons from Saturday noon to Mon
views. Mr. Kellogg spoke of the Eighth brains of this great country. day morning in the Federal District . The
Commandment. I would remind him that "We want your good will . You must order is supposed to include clubs and drink
there is also a Commandment which regards want our good will. My people are a proud ables in cafes and restaurants as well as
people and an honorable people. There is saloons.
ethics amongst neighbors.
Diciembre , 1920

PETROLEO EN SUDAMERICA reservadas al Estado . La explotación oficial La compañia "Agwi" aparece a la cabeza
ha sido dificultada por la guerra y por la dificul de la lista con 1,400,000 barriles que exportó
Se Está Produciendo Petróleo en la tad consiguiente para conseguir maquinaria de Tampico en el mes de agosto. En segundo
perforadora para la apertura de nuevos pozos y lugar está la "International Petroleum Com
la República Argentina- Encuéntranse
el tonelaje necesario para el transporte del pany," con 1,100,000 barriles .
los Depósitos Cerca de la costa y Están
petróleo por mar. La opinión general de los
Siendo Explotados Rápidamente.
expertos parece ser la de que la zona petrolera Recientes informes demuestran un franco
Α explotación de los yacimientos petrolíferos es muy amplia y que contiene una provisión de mejoramiento en el servicio de los Ferrocarriles
LA de la zona de Comodoro Rivadavia, en la aceite mineral capaz de ser explotada durante de las Lineas Nacionales , a pesar del gran
República Argentina , está resumida en el muchos años en una escala mucho más amplia número de pérdidas habidas en el material
siguiente extracto tomado de la edición de que la que hasta aquí se ha ensayado . El efecto rodante y otros elementos.
diciembre de la " Revista del Banco de Londres que se produciría en el desarrollo industrial
y del Río Plata, " de Londres : argentino y en los medios de comunicación si se Un despacho de Tampico , de fecha 20 de
'Una entrevista autorizada, celebrada con el obtuviera el petreleo combustible a precios septiembre, asegura que los trabajadores de El
ingeniero Alvarez de Toledo, Ministro de Argen comparables con los del carbón y la leña , sería Aguila han descubierto un nuevo pozo de cien
tina en Londres, y que se encuentra actualmente incalculable, pudiendo reducir los productos de mil barriles diarios, en el Lote III , Amatlán .
en el puerto de Buenos Aires disfrutando de una destilación con su precio , las fuertes sumas que El pozo es de 1,800 pies de profundidad .
licencia especial, ha llamado la atención del se pagan actualmente al extranjero por la nafta
público nuevamente sobre las perspectivas de los y los lubricantes importados. Por estos motivos
Un despacho de Ottawa, Canadá , asegura que
depósitos de petróleo de los territorios del sur. y por muchos más que no es preciso especificar
la Compañía Astillera Príncipe Ruperto ha
Declaró el señor Toledo que estaba en pláticas en las presentes lineas, se seguirá observando
con el Presidente Irigoyen respecto a una recibido orden del gobierno mexicano para la
con interés el curso este ramo de negocios tanto
construcción de treinta y seis barcos, en su
proposición hecha por Lord Cowdray, quien en Buenos Aires como en Londres."
sugería la inversión de 5,000,000 de libras mayoría barcos-tanques. No. hay duda que
La explotación de esos campos petroleros México está trabajando activamente hacia e
esterlinas (unos $25,000,000 de dólares , aproxi
abriría un mercado para la venta de máquinas engrandecimiento de su marina mercante .
madamente) de capital británico para explotar de petróleo de baja potencia, según dice el
y extender las perforaciones en la zona de siguiente párrafo , publicado por el mismo La Confederación de Cámaras de Comercio ha
Comodoro Rivadavia. Agregó el señor Toledo
periódico : pretestado contra las recientes disposiciones del
que había visto varias veces a Lord Cowdray, que
" Puede repetirse la afirmación de que la Gobernador del Distrito Federal relativas al
estaba bien informado de sus ideas y que las
demanda de Argentina de toda clase de máquinas cierra de cantinas desde el sábado a las doce del
había transmitido al Presidente Irigoyen, ha
es constante, demanda hecha, con particular día hasta el lunes en la mañana . La orden
ciendo hincapié en el hecho de que tal desarrollo
interés, para la adquisición de una máquina de parece incluir tambien los clubs y las cantinas
podría realizarse de acuerdo con los términos y
petróleo de baja potencia, barata, para pro de los cafés y restaurants .
condiciones especiales del Gobierno Argentino
respecto a explotación . porcionar fuerza a motores, luz, o para las
fábricas pequeñas. Grandes establecimientos "Compañía General de Crédito," Capuchinas
"Los campos de Comodoro Rivadavia están
del campo se están adaptando en la actualidad 40, es la última institución bancaria imcorpo
situados a unas mil millas de distancia de Buenos
para emplear tal accesorio y los pequeños dara en la Ciudad de México . Los oficiales
Aires , por la vía marítima , en el extremo meri
intereses industrials de todas aquellas partes del son Rafael Nieto, presidente ; R. P. Jennings,
dional del Territorio de Chubut y cerca del
litoral. A la fecha, la producción ha variado país donde no existe energía eléctrica están vicepresidente ; Baltazar Marquez, B. E. Hol
ansiosos de estudiar la conveniencia que ofrecería loway, Adolfo Prieto , Max von Drateln,
considerablemente, pero puede ser calculada , en
bruto, en cien mil toneladas por año , aunque los el petróleo como sustituto de la leña y del Antonio Letayf, directores. Tods son finan
informes oficiales publicados recientemente la carbón. Si se hace producir en grande escala cieros notables. El jefe es Eduardo del Raso.
fijan en cuatro mil toneladas por semana . Esta a los campos locales , el efecto inmediato que esto
tendrá en la industria de maquinaria será Azúcar, pilón 88, granulado, primer grado,
producción es obtenida de pocos pozos relativa
mucho mayor, sin género de duda -una posibili 98 ; segundo grado , 92, y no hay pedidos prin
mente, situados en una extensión de 203 hec
dad que no deben perder de vista los que se cipalmente por que es imposible conseguir
táreas (500 acres) que forman parte de las 5,000
interesan en este mercado . " transportación. El Departamento del Tesoro
(12,350 acres) declaradas como tierras petrolíferas
ha puesto un impuesto de exportación de 20
centavos al kilo . Este impuesto equivale a
4.60 centavos oro Americano por libra. Los
Obregón y De la Huerta Felicitan al Elección del Presidente Obregón precios cotizados son 20.24 21.16 centavos, re
Presidente-Electo Harding (Viene de la pagina 11) spectivamente, por libra, en moneda americana .
OS señores Adolfo de la Huerta y general Guerrero. Luis Espinosa, por Chiapas . Marco El Ministro de Obras Públicas y Comuni
L Alvaro Obregón , Presidentes Substituto y Aurelio Gonzáles , por Nuevo León . M. Ba caciones tiene en proyecto la construcción de
Electo de la República, respectivamente, envia rrragán, por Quintana Roo. Erasmo Trejo, cuatro estaciones inalámbricas, incluyendo dos
ron por la vía cablegrafica su felicitación al por Hidalgo. F. M. de Eseobar, por Tabasco . estaciones para Manzanillo y Morelia. Las
senador Warren G. Harding, que acaba de Leopoldo Vicencio, por el Estado de Mé compañías americanas que se interesen en este
ganar la elección presidencial en los Estados xico. M. Montero Villar, por Morelos. S.
sentido pueden ponerse en comunicación directa
Unidos. Franco Urías, por Durango. J. de D. Bojór con el Ministro, suministrado descripciones y
Al felicitar los señores Presidente Substituto quez, por Sonora. J. B. Gonzáles, por Zaca precios, catálogos completos , e informaciones
y Electo a Mr. Harding por su triunfo en los tecas . M. F. Altamirano, por Veracruz. Juan con referencia al tiempo que se requiere para
comicios americanos , hacen votos por la prosperi Zubaran, por Campeche. A. Valadez Ramírez, hacer el trabajo .
dad de su futuro Gobierno y por la prosperidad por Jalisco. Franco Trejo, por Nayarit.
del pueblo de Norteamérica. Edmundo G. Cantón, por Yucatán.
La noticia anterior nos fué comunicada en la Una agencia está preparandose para traer
una colonia alemana de más de 100 familias
Presidencia de la República, esperándose que
los anteriores cablegramas sean el principio de para establecerlas en el Estado de Michoacan,
las cordiales relaciones que ligarán al nuevo Se está poniendo mucho cuidado para la
huésped de la Casa Blanca con el Gobierno de eleción de los colonos, pues tienen que ser agri
México , desmintiendo así todas las versiones Las Cámaras de Comercio de Juárez y El cultores, personas de buena conducta, y de
Paso han reunido la suma de $ 150,000.00 para medios financiaros. Esta nueva colonia
que han circulado desde hace tiempo acerca de
la política intervencionista que dicen algunos la construcción de un nuevo puente internacional necesitará comprar en el mercado americano
rotativos seguirán los republicanos para con entreambas ciudades, y solamente esperan la una gran cantidad de maquinaria agrícola de
aprobación oficial para comenzar sus trabajos. todas clases .
nosotros .
CAN W December , 1920

the grim cordon of the seventeen prisoners.

Walt Whitman's Tribute to Mexico
The latter were placed in the midst of the
hollow square, unfasten'd, and the ironical re
Comparisons Drawn by the "Good Gray Poet" From His mark made to them that they were now to
be given a chance for themselves.' (Ley
Personal Experience in the Civil War
Fuga?) A few ran for it.. But what use?
CONTRIBUTED BY JOEL QUINONES about twenty such thrusts, some of them From every side the deadly pills came. In a
TOW that we Mexicans have emerged through the mouth, face, etc. The wounded few minutes the seventeen corpses strew'd the
(and we hope for good) from a dis had all been dragg'd (to give a better chance hollow square. I was curious to know whether
astrous state of civil war, it may not also for plunder ) out of their wagons ; some some of the Union soldiers, some few (some
had been effectually dispatch'd, and their bodies one or two at least of the youngsters ) , did
be amiss to quote a noted American poet and
writer, Walt Whitman, on the civil war of his were lying there lifeless and bloody. Others, not abstain from shooting on the helpless
not yet dead, but horribly mutilated, were men. Not one. There was no exultation, very
own country. We find in this author some
moaning or groaning. Of our men who sur little said, almost nothing, yet every man there
interesting and lifelike bits of description
sidelights on the great struggle of the United render'd, most had been thus maim'd or contributed his shot.
slaughter'd . "Multiply the above by scores, aye hundreds
States, as seen by his own observing and care
"At this instant a force of our cavalry, who -verify it in all the forms that different cir
fully discriminating eye-which show as con
had been following the train at some interval, cumstances, individuals, places, could afford
clusively as anything else could show, that war
charged suddenly upon the secesh captors, who light it with every lurid passion, the wolf's,
has ever been, is, and will be, the same the
proceeded at once to make the best escape
world over. the lion's lapping thirst for blood-the pas
Granted that war has "evolutionized" im sionate, boiling volcanoes of human revenge
mensely, as its exponents are wont to say, by for comrades, brothers slain- with the light of
the introduction of new arms and methods in burning farms, and heaps of smutting, smoul
the course of time, still its underlying spirit dering black embers-and in the human heart
of hatred and cruelty remains unaltered. And everywhere black, worse embers-and you
it seems a crowning irony of fate that civil or have an inkling of this war."
fratricidal wars, which should not exist at all, Is the above, as reported by so reliable and
involving, as they do, brothers in speech, cus conscientious a witness, any better or any
toms and kin-the offspring of the same worse than the hold-ups and blow-ups of trains
mother country-should be positively the most and reprisals of every kind which have oc
unrelenting and cruel of all. curred altogether too often (as in all wars )
in our revolution ? This will remind readers
Civil war was aptly compared by Lord Bacon
who are apt to see in our faction wars un
-as regards its effect on the body politic-to
precedented horrors- simply because war on
the consequences of a consuming fever in the
each new occasion seems to surpass and ex
human body ; but it remained for the greatest
ceed itself- that the conflicts of mankind have
of civil wars to evolve, in the words of Gen
always exhibited the same terrible mien.
eral Sherman, the pithiest definition of all
war by comparing it to the worst thing and Now we wish to insert another interesting
place conceivable by human mind, namely : paragraph by the great poet, in which he pays.
"War is hell." a splendid tribute of recognition to Mexican
friendship towards his great country during a
However, we are rambling away from our
period of trial and tribulation unparalleled in
purpose of giving good old Walt Whitman a
its history :
hearing on this subject. So here is a brief
excerpt taken from his "Specimen Days" : Attitude of Foreign Governments During the
"A Glimpse of War's Hell -Scenes
"In one of the late movements of our troops they could. Most of them got away, but we "Looking over my scraps, I find I wrote
in the valley (near Upperville, I think) , a gobbled two officers and seventeen men, in the the following during 1864. The happening to
very acts just described. The sight was one our America, abroad as well as at home, these
strong force of Mosby's mounted guerillas
attack'd a train of wounded, and the guard of which admitted of little discussion, as may be years, is indeed most strange. The democratic
cavalry convoying them. The ambulances con imagined. The seventeen captur'd men and republic has paid her today the terrible and
resplendent compliment of the united wish of.
tain'd about 60 wounded, quite a number of two officers were put under guard for the
them officers of rank. The rebels were in night, but it was decided there and then that all the nations of the world that her union
strength, and the capture of the train and they should die. The next morning the two should be broken, her future cut off, and that
its partial guard after a short snap was effec officers were taken in the town, separate places, she should be compell'd to descend to the level
tually accomplish'd. No sooner had our men put in the center of the street, and shot. The of kingdoms and empires ordinarily great.
surrender'd, the rebels instantly commenced seventeen captur'd men were taken to an open There is certainly not one government in Eu
robbing the train and murdering their prison ground, a little one side. They were placed rope but is now watching the war in this
ers, even the wounded. Here is the scene, or in a hollow square, half-encompass'd by two country, with the ardent prayer that the United
a sample of it, ten minutes after. Among the of our cavalry regiments, one of which regi States may be effectually split, crippled, and
wounded officers in the ambulance were one, ments had three days before found the bloody dismember'd by it. There is not one but would
a lieutenant of regulars, and another of higher corpses of three of their men hamstrung and help toward that dismemberment, if it dared.
rank. These two were dragg'd out on the hung up by the heels to limbs of trees by I say such is the ardent wish today of Eng
ground on their backs, and were now sur Mosby's guerillas, and the other had not long land and of France, as governments, and of
rounded by the guerrilas, a demoniac crowd, before had twelve men, after surrendering, all the nations of Europe, as governments. I
each member of which was stabbing them in shot and then hung by the neck to limbs of think indeed it is today the real, heartfelt
different parts of their bodies. One of the trees, and jeering inscriptions pinn'd to the wish of all the nations of the world, with the
officers had his feet pinn'd firmly to the ground breast of one of the corpses, who had been single exception of Mexico-Mexico, the only
by bayonets stuck through them and thrust a sergeant. Those three, and those twelve, one to whom we have ever really done wrong,
into the ground. These two officers, as after had been found, I say, by these environing and now the only one who prays for us and
wards found on examination, had receiv'd regiments. Now, with revolvers, they form'd (Concluded on page 38)
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 35

doquier rescoldos negros y peores aún-y ten

El Tributo de Walt Whitman a Mexico dréis un vislumbre de esta guerra . "
¿Qué tiene lo anterior, tal como lo consigna un
testigo tan honorable y concienzudo, de mejor o
Recuerdos del "Dulce Poeta Gris ," tomados dexsus experiencias
de peor que nuestros asaltos y voladuras de
personales en la Guerra Civil
trenes y las represalias de todas clases que han
· COLABORACIÓN DE JOEL QUIÑONES y en otras partes del cuerpo , etc. Los heridos ocurrido con lamentable frecuencia (como en
habían sido arrastrados fuera de la ambulancia todas las guerras) en nuestras revoluciones ?
HORA que los mexicanos hemos sali
para facilitar el saqueo ; algunos habían sido Esto servirá para recordar a los lectores que
do de un estado de guerra civil (y es de suelen ver en nuestras contiendas de facción
A esperarse que esto sea permanente) muertos, quedando sus cuerpos exangües y
horrores sin precedente - tan sólo porque la
acaso no estaría fuera de lugar citar a un notable sangrientos. Todavía otros, no muertos aun
poeta y escritor americano, Walt Whitman, en pero horriblemente mutilados , gemían o exhal guerra en cada nueva ocasión parece sobrepujarse
aban quejidos. La mayoría de nuestros hombres y excederse a sí misma que los conflictos de la
lo referente a la guerra civil de su propio país.
rendidos habían sido mutilados o sacrificados en humanidad siempre han ostentado la misma faz
Encontramos en este autor algunos trozos de terrible.
descripción interesante y vívida , ciertos aspectos esta forma .
Ahora deseamos insertar otro interesante
de la gran lucha de los Estados Unidos , tal como "En esto, un destacamento de nuestra caba
lleria, que venía siguiendo el tren a cierta dis párrafo del gran poeta , en que rinde un precioso
los viera con su propia vista escrutadora y pene
tributo de reconocimiento a la amistad mexicana
trante, que demuestran mejor que ninguna otra tancia, cargó súbitamente contra los apresadores
hacia su país durante una época de prueba y
prueba, que la guerra siempre ha sido , es y será, secesionistas, y éstos en el acto emprendieron la
tribulación sin igual en su historia :
la misma en todas partes de la tierra. fuga como mejor pudieron. Los más escaparon,
Aun suponiendo que la guerra haya " evolu pero cogimos a dos oficiales y diez y siete hom
"Actitud de los Gobiernos Extranjeros
cionado " en grado sumo (como suelen afirmar bres en tanto que se ocupaban de los actos ya
sus apologistas) , mediante la introducción de descritos. El espectáculo era uno que no dejaba Durante la Guerra Civil
nuevas armas y métodos en el transcurso del lugar a discusión , como se puede muy bien "Al revisar mis apuntes, encuentro lo siguiente
tiempo, con todo eso , su espíritu subyaciente de imaginar. Los diez y siete hombres capturados escrito en 1864. Lo que acontece a nuestra
odio y crueldad permanece inalterado. Yno los dos oficiales fueron puestos bajo resguardo América en el exterior tanto como en el mismo
parece sino una ironía del destino que las guerras por esa noche, pero allí mismo se tomó la país en estos años , es sobremanera extraño. La
civiles o fratricidas, que ni debieran existir, ya resolución de que habrían de morir. A la democrática república le ha hecho el terrible y
que comprenden hermanos en idioma, costum mañana siguiente fueron conducidos los dos esplendente cumplido que consiste en el deseo
bres y origen-los vástagos de una misma madre oficiales a la ciudad a lugares distintos, y una unido de todas las naciones del mundo de que su
patria-sean de hecho las más inplacables y vez colocados en el centro de la calle, se les unión sea quebrantada , que se trunque su por
crueles. fusiló. Los diez y siete restantes fueron venir, y que se vea obligada a descender al nivel
La guerra civil fué idóneamente comparada llevados a un campo abierto hacia un lado. Se de reinos e imperios comunmente grandes. A
por Lord Bacon, por lo que respecta a sus efectos les colocó en un solar despejado , medio rodeado buen seguro que no hay un sólo gobierno en
sobre el estado , con los resultados de una fiebre por dos de nuestros regimientos de caballería , Europa que no esté observando la guerra en este
abrasadora en el cuerpo humano . Mas estaba uno de los cuales había encontrado tres días país, y que no acompañe tal contemplación con
reservado a la mayor de las guerras civiles antes los cuerpos sangrientos de tres de sus una ferviente plegaria en el sentido de que los
emitir, en las palabras del General Sherman , la camaradas, desjarretados y colgados por los Estados Unidos queden materialmente divididos,
definición más enérgica de toda guerra , a saber: talones en los árboles, todo ello hechura de los baldados y desmembrados a resultas de ella .
"La guerra es el infierno. " guerrilleros de Moseby, al paso que doce hombres Acaso no haya uno que no fomentaría tal
Sin embargo nos hemos desviado un poco de del otro, no mucho tiempo antes, habían sido desmembramiento si sólo se atreviese a ello .
nuestro propósito de citar al bueno de Walt fusilados tras de su rendición , y después, los Digo que tal es hoy día el deseo vehemente de
Whitman en tratándose de tan interesante cuerpos habían sido colgados del cuello en los Inglaterra y de Francia como gobiernos, al igual
tópico . Transcribiremos, pues, un pequeño árboles, con inscripciones de escarnio prendidas que de todas las naciones de Europa en su calidad
extracto de sus " Días Ejemplares " : en el pecho de uno de los cadáveres, que era el de gobiernos. Y creo que en el día de hoy este
de un sargento. Aquellos tres y los otros doce, es el anhelo íntimo de todas las naciones del
"Un Vistazo a Las Escenas Infernales de
digo, fueron encontrados por estos regimientos mundo, con la única excepción de México—
La Guerra exploradores. Ahora con sus pistolas formaban México, única nación a la que realmente hemos
" En uno de los últimos movimientos de nues el fatídico cordón que rodeaba los diez y siete hecho positivo mal , y la única que ora por nosotros
tras tropas en el valle (cerca de Upperville, prisioneros. Estos últimos fueron colocados en y por nuestro triunfo, con oración sincera . ¿ No
según creo) un fuerte grupo de los guerrilleros el centro del solar, donde se les soltó, con la es esto a la verdad extraño ? ”
montados de Moseby, atacaron un tren de advertencia irónica de que se les daría " una
Pudiera alegarse que la simpatía mexicana
heridos y la escolta de caballería que lo res oportunidad para que escaparan" (¿ ley Fuga?) . hacia los Estados Unidos durante su guerra de
guardaba. Las ambulancias conducían como 60 Unos cuantos corrieron, pero todo en vano . secesión se debió a que México se encontraba a
heridos, muchos de ellos oficiales y jefes. Como De todas partes llovieron los fatales proyectiles. la sazón en un trance semejante o peor, toda vez
los rebeldes eran muchos, se efectuó la captura En pocos minutos los diez y siete cuerpos que la intervención extranjera en su suelo era un
del tren y de su escolta parcial tras de breve cubrían el solar. Sentí curiosidad por saber si hecho realizado ; o acaso pudiera decirse que los
combate. Pero tan pronto como los nuestros se algunos de los soldados unionistas, unos cuantos patriotas mexicanos veían en la conservación de
rindieron , los rebeldes comenzaron a robar el tren (uno o dos de los más jóvenes) se habían ab la Unión americana la esperanza de México para
y a asesinar a los prisioneros, aun a los heridos. stenido de hacer fuego sobre los hombres inde sacudir efectivamente un yugo extranjero . Sea
He aquí una escena o mejor dicho una muestra fensos. Ni uno sólo. No hubo alborozo, se como fuere, y aun descontando el hecho de
de ella diez minutos después. Entre los oficiales dijo poco , casi nada , pero cada hombre de los cuantas maneras sea posible, las muestras de
heridos de las ambulancias había uno, teniente que allí se encontraban contribuyó con su tiro . amistad que México profesó hacia su poderoso
de línea, y otro de mayor categoría . Estos "Multiplicad lo anterior por veintenas o más vecino, constituyen una demostración más de
dos fueron arrastrados de espalda sobre el suelo,
bien por centenares-reconstruídlo en todas las la verdad innegable de que no existe cosa que
y luego les rodearon los guerrilleros, una turba
formas a que diversas circunstancias, individuos más obligue a los hombres y a los pueblos a
endemoniada , dedicándose cada uno de ellos a
y sitios darían lugar-iluminadlo con toda roja volver al sendero del compañerismo fraternal ,
apuñalear a los heridos en distintas partes del
cuerpo . Uno de los oficiales tenía los pies pasíón , con la sed de sangre del lobo , del león que un terrible y común sufrimiento. Fué un
firmemente clavados al suelo por las bayonetas los apasionadas a hirvientes volcanes de ven ejemplo admirable de solidaridad Pan-americana
que los atravesaban y cuyas puntas se hundían ganza humana por camaradas o hermanos ante un peligro ultramarino, y Walt Whitman
en la tierra . Estos dos oficiales, según se com inmolados-al resplandor de las haciendas incen reveló una sagacidad penetrante al advertir esta
probó después por un examen, recibieron como diadas y de montones de humeantes y negros muestra singular de amistad generosa hacia su
veinte estocadas de esta índole, unas en la boca tizones y rescoldos- y en el corazón humano por patria en época de apremio y tormenta .
36 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920

solved as it will be very soon- it will then

The Mexican Cornucopia be seen that the masses are generally of a
quiet, peace-loving nature and absolutely law-
abiding under anything like humanitarian
Geographically and Literally Mexico is a
methods. With a small piece of land for each
Veritable "Horn of Plenty"
head of a family, they will soon prove them
By R. G. HERSHBERGER even the interior villages and remote districts. selves successful, independent farmers, with no
wherever a sewing machine or a can of kero thoughts or time for internal warfare and
HAT is a cornucopia ? Mythology fratricidal strife.
sene could be sold ; so consequently he feels
tells us that the ' horn of Amalthea"
that he knows whereof he speaks and with Never again shall the world then contem
W as endowed with the virtue of be
confidence that hundreds of readers perusing plate the sorry spectacle of Mexico import
coming filled with whatever its possessor
these lines can conscientiously certify to the ing cereals and foodstuffs from foreign coun
wished for, and from this originated the horn tries in order to replenish the exhausted con
veracity of his statements.
of plenty or cornucopia as an emblem of over
The agricultural supremacy of Mexico will tents of the Mexican cornucopia, which of
flowing abundance . Now, let the reader but itself exists in overflowing abundance ; and
soon be demonstrated ; here is absolutely every
glance for a moment at the map of North thus Mexico with her vast tablelands, valleys
America and see if the outlines of a cornu range of climate from the tropical to the cold,
growing every plant and agricultural product and slopes yielding in profusion every plant
copia do not appear thereon at the lower end and vegetable production known to the world
known from the Equator northward. Just
on the left. Yes, the similitude exists, clear -her mountains stored with enormous de
think of what this means ! As a faint idea in
and distinct, and this is the Republic of
this connection, mention should be made of the posits of precious metals , and the big oil gey
Mexico .
fact that two crops of corn can be raised in sers spouting the black liquid gold throughout
And the comparison could hardly be illus the length and breadth of this marvelous
many parts of the Republic and even three
trated with greater effect, for here indeed is a
crops by adding a little bit more elbow-grease, land, will then rapidly forge her way to a
vast territory in the form of a cornucopia front rank among the nations of the world
which extends from the southwestern border in one year ; and also alfalfa, the great forage
plant, is a monthly crop in many parts—it and without doubt be one of its greatest sup
of the United States to a point projecting into ply depots . It is true that since the period of
being out every twenty-two days during the
the Caribbean Sea ; a land which the reality
summer season and in the winter season every • President Porfirio Diaz, there has been a ten
will prove as one being endowed by the Cre
forty days, or say fourteen crops during the year hiatus that has been replete with many
ator with inconceivable richness, because from unsavory happenings, but they could not be
one end of this "horn" to the other there is year ; this occurs especially in the States of *
Jalisco, Colima and Michoacan. Can any avoided precisely in view of the fact that 90
found every vegetable or agricultural product per cent of the Mexican people-as before
grown between the equator and the arctic cir other one country claim equality along these
lines ? mentioned-were bereft of all that makes for
cle, besides the fabulous mineral deposits con "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness " ;
tained in the vaults of its mountains and in Never in the history of Mexico have the
and although this last decade has been dis
the sands of its rivers. A common figure of mining and manufacturing industries been able
tressing in many ways, I there can be no doubt
speech frequently employed by people in gen to compete with the agricultural yield together
that the end has at last been reached, because
eral when speaking in the superlative sense, is with its allies, stock raising, timber exploita
the fundamental ideals for which the revo
to say that it is one of the richest, but in this tion, sugar manufacture, etc. , and, of course, lutionists have striven have been achieved and
instance the writer takes the liberty of affirm everybody knows that the mineral resources
they are now ready to go to work as never
ing that the Republic of Mexico is not one of, have always been exploited on a much larger
but comprises THE RICHEST PORTION OF TERRI scale than the agricultural lands, because Mexico, of course , at the present time is
TORY ON THIS PLANET, which will be amply owing to various reasons the majority of the
indebted to foreign governments to the extent
demonstrated to the entire satisfaction of the native population have been unable to acquire
of many millions of dollars due for loans, in
world within another decade or two . property of this nature and thus contribute
terest, losses and damages suffered by the
From the date of the landing of the Spanish their energies to the general national welfare ; subjects of many countries . It is also in
legions on the shores of what was called by but it can be readily realized that once these
urgent need of millions more for purposes of
them the New Spain, the wonderful mineral conditions can be reversed so as to enable this
internal organization, transportation , and the
wealth of this country has been known and majority to come into possession of a little
development of the natural resources, etc., but
become famous ; and it well merits this be farming tract, then the agricultural returns of
whatever may be the seemingly large sum
cause it is second to none as duly attested to the country will assume the most extraordi
total of all this, it represents but a mere baga
by the late Cecil Rhodes , of South African nary proportions. telle in relation to the nation's power for
fame, when he declared that Mexico was the Of course, they will require some financial liquidating same, an event which will take
most highly mineralized zone in the whole assistance at the start and even must be edu
place at a no distant day. Now that permanent
world, with South Africa and Peru following cated somewhat in agricultural pursuits along peace is practically assured, the rehabilitation
in the order named. Furthermore, in this con modern lines- perhaps a printing press will of the railroads will come next, and the
nection one of the important conditions which be necessary in unison with the plow- but it
writer ventures to predict that on or before
cannot be overlooked is that owing to the can be done, and the present and future con June 30, 1921 , they will all have been returned
charm of its climate, it becomes a veritable structive statesmen of the nation now propose
to Meir original owners ; the transportation
miner's paradise in view of the fact that there to see that it is done, for herein lies the secret question as it stands today will thereupon be
is no such thing as a closing down or para of Mexican peace and the best and surest way automatically adjusted and new railroad lines.
lization of operations due to blizzards and to banish forever the revolutions of the past. will be built into all the more distant States
snowstorms, for the precious metals can be Up to the present time fully 90 per cent of and isolated districts so as to stimulate pro
mined , milled and marketed the whole year the country's population have been the posses duction and effect the necessary exchange of
round. sors of nothing but rags and the contempt of commodities which means everything to Mex20
But rich as Mexico is in mineral wealth , it the upper classes. Contrary to what many a
ico and her interior commerce ; manufacturG
will no doubt seem paradoxical to many when gratuitous critic may say or think on this sub
ing enterprises will also then flourish as never
the affirmation is again made that this is small ject, the fact remains that the native rural
before as a consequence of the unlimited sup
compared with its agricultural possibilities and population is composed of far better people ply of raw materials abounding everywhere,
the corresponding phenomenal wealth to be de than is generally considered ; in fact, the Mex and the "Made in Mexico " articles will be
rived from same. The writer has resided in ican Indian of the rural districts is by no
sought for in the principal markets of the
this Republic for a little over a quarter of a means the bad man that he has been painted, world.
century, and during which time he has tray but rather the passive victim of several hun
eled over every State and Territory in it—not General Alvaro Obregon is the man who is
dred years of unjust treatment. When the
only visiting the principal towns therein but agrarian problem has been justly and definitely (Continued on page 38)
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 37

nación se proponen realizarlo cuanto antes,

porque ahí está el secreto de la paz en México,
La Cornucopia Mexicana
y es el camino mejor y el más seguro para
desterrar para siempre las revoluciones del
Geográficamente México es Literalmente un
pasado. Hasta ahora 90 por ciento de la
"Cuerno de la Abundancia”
población de este país no ha poseído más que
POR R. G. HERSHBERGER con sus posibilidades agrícolas y los rendi la miseria y el desprecio de las altas clases
sociales. Al contrario de lo que muchos
UÉ cosa es una cornucopia ? La mito mientos fenomenales que pueden obtenerse en
este ramo. El autor ha residido en esta Re críticos pudieran gratuitamente pensar o decir
logía nos cuenta que el "cuerno de sobre este asunto , queda el hecho de que la
pública durante un poco más de un cuarto de
Q Amaltea" fué dotado con la virtud de población indígena de los distritos rurales se
llenarse con todo cuanto fuese deseado por su siglo y a través de estos años ha viajado en
todos sus Estados y Territorios- no sólo compone de gentes mucho más buenas de lo
poseedor , y así se originó el cuerno de la que se cree en el mundo exterior ; y en verdad,
visitando las principales poblaciones de los
abundancia o cornucopia como emblema de el indio mexicano de los distritos rurales no
mismos, sino también llegando hasta los pe
una plenitud rebosante . Ahora, si el amable es nada malo, como ha sido pintado , sino es
lector se sirve contemplar por un momento queños poblados y lugares más apartados por
donde quiera que pudiera venderse una má más bien la victima pasiva de varios siglos de
el mapa de Norteamérica , indudablemente ha tratamiento inhumano. Cuando el problema
llará luego los contornos de una cornucopia quina de coser o una lata de petróleo ; y así
es que él se considera algo autorizado para agrario haya sido equitativa y definitivamente
que queda por la mano izquierda . Sí, ahí resuelto como será muy pronto -se verá
escribir sobre tan interesante asunto y con la
existe la similitud, clara y bien trazada, y claramente que las masas populares son
ésta es la República de México . confianza de que millares de los lectores que
lean estas líneas pueden concienzudamente generalmente quietas, de carácter pacífico ,
Y dificilmente se podría ilustrar la compara y absolutamente obedientes a la autoridad ,
certificar la veracidad de sus declaraciones.
ción con mayor efecto, pues verdaderamente siempre que reciban un tratamiento mediana
aquí está un vasto territorio asemejando la La supremacía agrícola de México pronto
mente humanitario ―y con un pequeño lote
forma de una cornucopia que se extiende desde quedará ampliamente demostrada ; aquí exis siquiera de terreno fértil para cada padre de
las fronteras sudoestes de los Estados Unidos ten absolutamente todos los climas que se
familia , quedará demostrado muy pronto que
hasta su punta que se arroja en las aguas del encuentran entre las regiones tropicales y las
sí pueden convertirse en pequeños agricultores
Mar Caríbe ; una tierra que la realidad de del norte, y aquí crecen todas las plantas y
con buen éxito , sin pensamientos ni tiempo
mostrará como dotada por el Ser Supremo con productos agrícolas conocidas en esa inmensa
zona que se extiende desde el ecuador hasta para tomar parte en nuevas guerras internas
riquezas inconcebibles, porque desde una
0 discordias fratricidas . Entonces jamás
punta de este "cuerno" hasta la otra, se en el círculo polar. Medítese no más por un
volverá el mundo a contemplar el triste espec
cuentran todos los productos vegetales y agrí momento sobre lo que esto significa ! Para táculo presentado por México importando
colas conocidos entre el ecuador y las regiones dar una pálida idea de lo que significa, se
cereales y productos alimenticios de los paises
polares, además de los depósitos minerales de puede hacer mención del hecho de que dos
extranjeros a fin de reponer el contenido
valor incalculable que están almacenados en cosechas de maíz pueden ser levantadas en
agotado de la cornucopia mexicana , que por
las bóvedas de sus inmensas montañas y en muchas partes de la Republica y aun tres
sí sola existe en abundancia rebosante ; y así
las arenas de sus corrientes. Un modo de exG cosechas si se apura un poco más, en un sólo
México con sus inmensas planicies , valles y
presarse que es frecuentemente empleado por año ; también la alfalfa, esa gran planta para
vertientes que rinden en profusión exuberante
las gentes en general al hablar en grado su forraje se corta mensualmente en varias partes,
pues se recoge cada veintidos días durante el todas las plantas y productos vegetales cono
perlativo, es el decir que es uno de los más cidos en el mundo ; sus montañas almacenando
ricos, pero en este caso el autor toma la verano, y cada cuarenta días en el invierno,
los depósitos enormes de metales preciosos , y
libertad de afirmar que México no es uno de o en otras palabras da catorce rendimientos
durante un sólo año ; esto ocurre principal con los grandes geyseres arrojando oro líquido
negro a través de toda la extensión de esta
DE GSTE PLANETA, ya que esta verdad quedará mente en los Estados de Jalisco , Colima y
maravillosa tierra -muy rápidamente se irá
ampliamente demostrada a le entera satisfac Michoacan. ¿ Donde se encuentra otro país
abriendo paso para colocarse en la primera
ción del mundo exterior dentro del transcurso que puede igualar a México en este sentido ?
fila entre las naciones del mundo y quedar allí
de una década de años, más o menos. Nunca en la historia de México han podido
sin duda como uno de las fuentes mayores de
Desde la fecha en que las legiones españolas las industrias mineras y manufactureras com
abastecimiento . Es verdad que desde el
de la conquista pisaron las playas de la tierra petir con los rendimientos agrícolas junta
período del Presidente Porfirio Díaz, ha habido
que nombraron la Nueva España , la riqueza mente con sus aliados como son, la cría de
una pausa de diez años en su progreso que ha
fabulosa de las minas de este país era cono ganado, explotación de maderas, fabricación
de azucar, etc., y por supuesto , casi todo el sido repleta de sucesos lamentables , pero por
cida y las noticias se extendían por todas
mundo sabe que las minas mexicanas siempre otra parte no era posible evitarlos precisa
partes ; y bien lo merecía, porque en efecto
han sido explotadas en mucha mayor escala mente porque 90 por ciento del pueblo me
no tiene rival y este hecho fué públicamente
que las tierras agrícolas, porque debido a va xicano carecía de todo lo que pudiera darles
atestiguado por el finado Cecil Rhodes de fama
rias circumstancias le mayoría de la población “vida, libertad , y garantías para su felicidad " ;
sudafricana al declarar que México comprende
indígena nunca ha podido adquirir propie y aunque esta última década ha sido terrible
la zona más profundamente mineralizada del
dades de esta naturaleza para así contribuir de distintas maneras , ya no cabe duda que
mundo entero, y que la Africa del Sur y el
con sus energías al bienestar general de la hemos llegado al final, porque los ideales
Perú seguían después en el orden mencionado.
Además , sobre este mismo tema una condi( nación ; pero puede comprenderse fácilmente fundamentales para los cuales los revoluciona
ción que no debe olvidarse es que debido a su que una vez que estas condiciones sean rios han luchado , han sido conquistados , de
sustituídas por otras justicieras a fin de
clima encantador resulta un verdadero pa modo que ahora están listos y deseosos como
raíso para el minero, porque aqui las nevadas permitir que la citada mayoría adquiera sus nunca para ponerse a trabajar.
y terribles tempestades invernales no se co parcelas de tierra para la agricultura, sucederá En la actualidad México debe a varios
nocen, y por consiguiente nunca hay paro o que los rendimientos agrícolas en el país
gobiernos extranjeros muchos millones de
paralización de operaciones a consecuencia de alcanzarán proporciones extraordinarias. No dólares por cuenta de préstamos , réditos ,
las inclemencias del tiempo, de modo que los cabe duda que al principio han de necesitar
alguna ayuda financiera, y aun ser educados pérdidas y daños sufridos por los súbditos de
metales preciosos pueden ser extraídos, bene
un poco en este ramo de acuerdo con los todas las naciones, y también necesita millones
ficiados, y transportados a los mercados du
rante todos los días del año. procedimientos modernos-y quizás sea nece más para su organización interna, para las
Pero aun siendo tan rico como México es sario hacer funcionar una pequeña prensa de vías de transporte, y el desarrollo de sus
en minas, indudablemente parecerá para imprenta en unisono con el arado-pero todo grandes recursos naturales, etc., pero sea lo
dójico para muchos lectores el afirmar nue esto puede ser llevado a cabo, y los actuales que fuere la fabulosa suma total que se dice,
vamente que esa riqueza es poco comparado y los futuros estadistas constructivos de la (Sigue en la pagina 387
38 THE MEXICAN REVIEW December, 1920


(Concluded from page 34) (Viene de la pagina 35)
for our triumph, with genuine prayer. Is it Un Mensaje De Impor
¡Viva Walt Whitman , " el buen poeta gris "!
not indeed strange ?"
Sois de aquellos que no dejarán apagar los fuegos tancia Para Los Hom
It might be argued that Mexican sympathy sacros de la amistad humana aun en la hora más
for the United States during its war of seces obscura de duda , de temor o de mala inteligencia.
bres Que Se Ayudan A
sion was owing to Mexico's being at the time
in a similar or rather worse plight, inasmuch
Si Mismos
as foreign intervention was an accomplished CORNUCOPIA MEXICANA L'
fact within its territory ; or it could perhaps (Viene de la pagina 37) Si usted es un hombre progresista y
be said that Mexican patriots saw in the representará una bagatela en relación con el emprendedor, tiene un puesto que llenar
preservation of the American Union, Mexico's poder de la nación para liquidarla, y que se en el creciente desarrollo que viene al
canzando el progreso de la Agricultura
hope for effectually shaking off a foreign yoke. verificará en fecha no tan lejana. Ahora que una y con nuestra cooperación alcanzará
Be that as it may, and even if discounted in paz duradera queda prácticamente asegurada, usted a llenar ese puesto .
every possible way, Mexico's tokens of friend la rehabilitación de los ferrocarriles no se Sea usted miembro subscriptor de
ship towards its great neighbor are another hará esperar mucho, y no es difícil que para "LA AGRICULTURA MODERNA"
demonstration of the truism that nothing com el 30 de junio de 1921 , todas las líneas hayan Y recibirá mensualmente mensajes
pels human beings or nations to revert to the sido devueltas a sus propietarios ; la cuestión excepcionalmente útiles y de incalculable
bonds of fraternal comradeship so much as a de transportes quedará arreglada automática interés para aprovecharse de valiósas
mente y nuevas vías , férreas serán construidas oportunidades modernas que la experi
terrible common suffering. It was a wonderful encia resueive en el vasto campo de la
example of Pan-American solidarity in the en todos los Estados más lejanos y distritos. Agricultura, Ganadería e Industrias
face of peril coming from overseas , and Walt aislados , con el fin de estimular la producción Rurales.
y efectuar el cambio necesario de productos,
Whitman displayed a discerning sagacity in
perceiving this singular and unstinted friend que tanto significa para México y su comercio
La Agricultural Moderna
ship for his country during a time of stress interior ; empresas manufactureras también SACRAMENTO , CALIFORNIA , U.S.A.
and storm . tendrán nueva vida y se establecerán como Estados Unidos de Norte America
nunca en los tiempos pasados , como conse
Viva Walt Whitman, "the good grey poet"!
cuencia natural de las grandes cantidades de
It is such as thou that will keep the sacred
materias primas que abundan por todas parles,
fires of human friendship from extinguishing
y los articulos "Hechos en México" serán
even in the darkest hour of doubt, fear and Fertile Land
solicitados en los mercados principales del
mundo. Free Water
Y el general Alvaro Obregón es el hombre
THE MEXICAN CORNUCOPIA que va a inaugurar en un futuro cercano una Cleared Fenced
era de paz y prosperidad tal como nunca ha
(Concluded from page 36)
sido vista en su país ; él es estrictamente un Irrigation Ditches Built
going to inaugurate in the near future an era sostenedor de la ley y el orden, y como
All Ready For The Plow
of peace and prosperity such as his country Díaz, se hará conocer como estadista con
has never had ; he stands strictly for law structivo después de haber envainado la Ten Miles from
and order, and, like Diaz, he will be found espada que ha conseguido para su pueblo, Overland Railroad
to be a constructive statesman after having cuando menos, los ideales fundamentales para
sheathed the sword which has secured for his los cuales fué desenvainada. Su administra
people at least the fundamental ideals for ción efectuara grandes empresas, tal como se $50 per acre
which it was drawn. His collaborators will necesita actualmente para arecentar el prestigio Soil, climate, etc., the equal of
all be men on whom he can depend and who y prosperidad de la nación. Muchos mexicanos
anything in California or other
are thoroughly imbued with the same progres de la generación actual han sido educados en irrigated sections.
sive principles ; his administration will be a las universidades americanas e instituciones
business one such as is needed to enhance the técnicas , y aunque ellos como mexicanos For full details address
prestige and prosperity of the nation , eliminat naturalmente no olvidan todo lo que más se
ing the erstwhile causes of intestinal strife THE MEXICAN REVIEW
quiere en México, sin embargo, se han conta
and clearing the political atmosphere of in giado bastante con el espíritu de empresa y 817 14th St. N. W. Washington, D. C.
trigues and overt acts . energia americana, al grado de exhibirla en
Many of the Mexicans of the present gen todo lo que emprenden para el engrandeci
eration have been educated in American uni miento de su patria. El pueblo mexicano,
versities and technical institutions, and al guiado por hombres del calibre de Alvaro GAME FIGHTING FOWLS
though they as Mexicans naturally stand for Obregón, está listo para comenzar la gran
that are swift, sure cut
all that is dear to Mexico, they have imbibed obra de reconstrucción que muy pronto hará ters, bred for business in
a sufficient amount of American push and en- de México la cinosura de todos los ojos- no the pit, and as near sure
winners as the world af
terprise to show the effects of this happy como el teatro de sangrientas batallas y fords. Several noted
blending in everything they undertake for the devastaciones cometidas por las manos de strains, all as game as
aggrandizement of their country. The Mex death. Illustrated cir
elementos criminales, sino como una nación cular free, in Spanish and
ican people under the able leadership of such rica y civilizada y consciente de su glorioso English, showing noted
cocks and prices.
men as Alvaro Obregon are now ready to destino, hacia donde va caminando rápida
begin the great work of reconstruction which mente, con tel abundancia en su cornucopia, ALFRED F. GRAHAM
will soon make Mexico the cynosure of all que es una bendición no sólo para su propio CAMERON NORTH CAROLINA
eyes throughout the world- not as the theater pueblo, sino para el mundo entero .
of bloody battles and devastations wrought by
the hands of lawless elements, but as a rich
and civilized nation conscious of the glorious OIL LAND WANTED
Various labor organizations are working in
destiny toward which she is rapidly advancing Ten acres or more, offsetting large well in
conjunction with the American Federation of Mexico . I will pay the price for the right
and with an overflowing abundance which is Labor to bring about a successful meeting of kind of stuff. Submit your offers in full
not only a blessing to her own people, but to a Latin-American workingmen's congress in detail . P. O. box 450, Kansas City, Mo.
all the world. Mexico City January 11 , 1921 .
Diciembre, 1920 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 39

Absolutely No Discrimination as to and free to all, regardless of nationality, color by the company noted. Fifty, however, re
Nationality in Granting Concessions or what not, who comply with the not onerous mained in the hills engaged in "outlawry."
provisions governing such matters . Being hungry, they came down to the mining
HE public has been led to believe that
THE camp and asked for food, which was supplied
discrimination on national lines has been
Bandits Going to Work! them without price and without question . The
practiced by the Mexican Government in
HE LAST few months have seen a manager being absent at the time, the bandits
granting concessions of various kinds, notably
THE marked increase in the number of bandits then began to act a little obstreperously,
for the exploitation of oil and other mineral
who have become weary of their outlawry and whereupon their one-time associates proceeded
deposits, and it has been stated that people of
ave either gone back to a peaceable life or have to "read the riot act" to them, and ordered
this or that nationality have been favored at
expressed a willingness to do so . The de them to desist and to lay down their arms
the expense of those of other nationalities .
served fate of a number of the bandit leaders under a hint of unpleasant results . Being
To premise, there is a general misapprehen
told that they also could be put to work with
sion regarding the use of the term "conces during the past year has acted as a great en
couragement in this direction . One notable the same wages , the same good food and the
sion"-the popular idea being that it involves
same kin dtreatment as their former associates
some special privilege gained in some special case is reported from Michoacan, where an
manner. The fact is , that the term refers to American company is opening some extensive enjoyed, they hesitated not at all, but gave up
the same process that is described in other their rifles and cartridge belts for the pick, the
iron deposits . Needing help, some two hun shovel, the crowbar and the drill. And that is
countries as the securing of a charter or the dred and fifty of a band of 300 former
filing of a mineral claim. This is done under what has happened and is happening all over
bandits were easily persuaded to lay down
the Republic. And it affords an interesting
general laws which are open to all the world their arms and accept the steady work, good
commentary upon the oft-repeated slander that
and are not confined to any race or nation. wages and abundant food at low prices offered
the average Mexican would rather "bandit"
If, as has been stated with little foundation , a
larger area of oil lands has been secured by than work for a living !
citizens of, say, Mars than by those of the
Moon, that is entirely the fault of the latter for Optimistic Views Regarding Mexico
neglecting to improve the opportunities that are NOVEDADES OHN R. HALL , of Knauth, Nachod &
open to all, and they should not allow them
JOHNKuhne, says the conditions in Mexico ap
selves to go on record as objecting to some pear to be greatly improved . He is im
thing for which they alone are to blame. In La mejor revista ilustrada i de
pressed with the serious desire which ap
securing permission to exploit mineral or other variedades que se publica actual pears to prevail in the minds of members of
resources of one kind or another in Mexico , it mente en el Ecuador, será the administration for quiet and effective
is a case of "first come first served," just ex
GRATIS para Ud. action.
actly as it is in the United States and in some
other countries, though there are some in John F. Barry, of the New York Com
Suscriba CINCO AMIGOS suyos mercial, told the American Manufacturers'
which citizens are favored to the exclusion of
a nuestrà revista i recibirá en Association that there will surely be a big
foreigners. In the United States a mere dec
laration of intention to become a citizen is cambio SU suscripción sin más influx of American capital into Mexico and
sufficient to place a foreigner on a par with a gasto . a corresponding boom .
citizen of the country. And in Mexico the In his annual report, President Simon
Precio de cada ejemplar cincuenta Guggenheim, of the American Smelting and
legal channels of the Government are open
centavos ( moneda ecuatoriana ) — Refining Company, expresses confidence in
Si Ud . desea, solicite un número the present Mexican Government and hope
de muestra ; que le enviaremos for the future. The A. S. and R. are laying
their plans accordingly and continue to make
inmediatamente .
FOR SALE money in Mexico .
Administración : Luque 508, ba
Certain more or less well-known patriots
100,000 acres of hardwood timber jos-Casilla de correo , letra A. apparently are more scandalized at news of
and OIL. lands, in Guayaquil Ecuador. quiet and good order in Mexico than they are
by tales of crime and violence on the American
side of the border.
Gante, 9. —Tel . Eric. , 21-01 TECHNICAL PETROLEUM EXPERT
Details furnished to
English-Spanish Shorthand . Typewriter,
serious buyers Copying and Translations done by Experts. Geological Reports, Plans & Estimates
Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays. of Mexican Oil Regions
MRS . A. M. L. COLESON P. O. Box 844 Mexico City



Apartado (P. O. Box) , 1677

Regular Length, 7 inches
DR. H. W. STAHL For Sale at your Dealer. Made in five grades
DENTISTA Conceded to be the Finest Pencil made for general use.

National Railways of

Mexico and Annexes

(Administered by the Government)

Direct Passenger Service Between Mexico City and

Laredo, Texas; Ciudad Juaraz (El Paso) , Manzanillo ,
Morelia, etc.

The trains to Laredo, Texas, are detained in Nuevo

Laredo , Mexico, only the time indispensable for compliance
with the customs and health regulations .

Sleeping cars are run daily from Mexico City to

Laredo, Ciudad Juarez, and Guadalajara , and every third
day to Tampico , via San Luis Potosi.


The business public is informed of the maintenance

of a system of insurance against the risks of war of all
classes of merchandise and with all points in the Republic .
This system has been in operation more than two years,
with most satisfactory results .

Assistant General Passenger Agent General Freight and Passenger Agent

Chief of the Insurance Department


Av. F. I. Madero No. 12. P. O. Box, 131 Bis . Mexico , D. F.

Geo. J. McCarty, K. M. Van Zant, Jr. , F. Peltier , Fco. Coudurier, G. A. Moran,

President. Vice-President and Manager. Assistant Manager. Cashier. Assistant Cashier.



Current Checking Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers and Individuals Invited



01 MAR 2 4 1921






No. 7



I 1 C
N . 9F8MI
U O .
R 1
M 2

Representatives from Half the Americas Discuss Problems

at Mexico City Congress



A Poem for Red Blooded Americans of All Nationalities

By John A. Avirette



Its Changed Tone Toward Mexico as Shown by Friendly

Editorial Comment


An Up-to-date Survey of Conditions , with the Text of the Much

Disputed Federal Zone Law


Editorials and Live Interpretative News Features


20c. American . The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English . 40c. Oro Nal.
Newly Appointed Secretary of the Department of Foreign Relations

Washington , D. C.


Photo by Ackerman



I stood within the shadow of thy tomb Sleep, Martyr, sleep in peace within thy tomb:
And mused upon thy strangely fateful life ; The Banner that thou lovedst still does wave
How, when our Country's skies were black with doom, From sea to sea ! Still from thy Country's womb
Thine was the Soul that lit her through the strife. Are brave men sprung, again to fight and save.
Like our Great George, who sleeps in Vernon's wild, Well may our maidens , weeping at thy grave,
Thou wert as well her "father and her son"; Their saddest threnode sing to vibrant lyres :
And fame, eternal as old Cheops' pile, Thou wert the bravest of a Nation's brave!
Hast thou till all the sands of Time are run: And lives like thine, her humblest son inspires,
For courage, truth and vision, all were thine To keep thy Country great and glorious ;
As made thee, while yet mortal, half divine! A fitting Temple for thy hallowed dust .

The Mexican Review


"Poetic License" Versus Facts }
As to Revolutionary Damage Claims
The Mexican Review
Na recent THE REVIEW a ERIODICALLY and with regular
Published Monthly at Washington, D. C. I tributor
bent sought
numberto illustrate
of Tratethe undoubted PE ity and similarity statements find their 1
fact that the worst of all wars is civil war, way into print regarding the vast amount of
and that atrocities are committed in such cases revolutionary damage claims filed against Mex
that are almost if not quite unheard of in wars ico, running into the hundreds of millions of
betweeen nations- or at all events were un dollars. But with entire unanimity those re
Yearly subscription in the United States, Canada and heard of until the recent European war dis sponsible for such lurid statements fail to
Mexico , $2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50. closed a depth of hellishness never before make mention that once upon a time, some
reached . As an illustration the contributor sixty years or so ago, there was a similar
Office-Rooms 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street quoted from Walt Whitman's account of cer presentation of similar claims, and that the
Washington, D. C. tain alleged affairs of bloodshed in which the total finally reached upward of half a bil
forces of Colonel Mosby were said to have lion dollars, at that time equaling several
played a prominent part in the Civil War. times as much as now. Yet an arbitration
Withdrawing Their Opposition to
THE REVIEW has never seen the statements of commission of an international and unpreju
Mexico's Petroleum Laws
the "Good Grey Poet" challenged, but since diced character, after due and close examina
EWS comes from Mexico City to the the publication in its columns it has been fur tion and taking of testimony, decided that
NEeffect that the Aguila and the Corona nished with what seems to be conclusive proof less than one per cent of the vast total was
Petroleum Companies, two of the most power of the erroneous character of the statements well founded ! And later on, it was proved
ful oil concerns in Mexico, both English, have referred to . The lesson to be drawn from this that a large share of even this small per
announced that they have resigned their mem occurrence is that one should not accept with centage was based upon fraud and was never
bership in the American Petroleum Associa out close investigation printed accounts of paid ! It is well to bear these facts in mind
tion, and that henceforth they will submit to atrocities that seem almost beyond belief. in expatiating upon Mexico's alleged revolu
all the laws and regulations of Mexico as re During the recent revolutionary years Mexico tionary damage bill. To mention this his
gards petroleum and everything else. That is was a sufferer from this sort of writing, the torical fact in connection with the accounts
to say, they have declared their willingness to press being surfeited with stories of cruelties referred to would, of course, take the "pep ”
do exactly what every foreigner does in every that had no more foundation than the one of out of such stories, and hence it is never re
other country on the globe-comply with that Whitman. It is an undoubted fact that when ferred to. But it is a fact, nevertheless.
country's laws, or, if not so content, then to men, no matter how civilized, are once given
go where the laws are better suited to his in
power to take life under the license of legality, Alleged Discrimination Against
clinations. It should be remembered that two they quickly become so inured to human suf
of the largest American oil companies oper Americans 1
fering that they commit deeds of which they
ating in Mexico have at all times complied NEW phase of the International contest
would never have deemed themselves capable . ANfor the control of the world's oil supply is
with the laws, and have publicly and repeat There has never been any monopoly of barbar
presented in the reported concessions made to
edly declared that they had found nothing ism or of humanity upon any one side during British interests in Mexico under the pro
onerous, confiscatory or unfair in their opera any civil war. There seems to be no good visions of discriminatory Carranza decrees.
tion. The manager of one such company, after reason to doubt that Whitman allowed himself Baltimore Sun.
a careful examination of Mexican oil legisla to be deceived, as indeed were many others in
tion and decrees, assured the editor of THE RE the same direction. "Americans own more than 80 per cent of
the oil properties in Mexico and fully as much
VIEW that he had , before engaging in the busi of the mining properties, and they also have
ness in that country, been led to suppose that International Collegiate Debates large holdings of the forests."-W. L. SAUN
the laws in this respect were of a most objec DERS, Secretary, American Chamber of Com
GROUP of Stanford alumnæ who have merce, Mexico City.
tionable character, but that as a matter of fact
Α had business experience in Mexico have,
they were a " joke" by comparison with the in cooperation with Stanford University and The REVIEW challenges the Baltimore Sun
laws upon the subject in some of the United the National University of Mexico, established or any other newspaper to point out one single
States. an annual intercollegiate debate in Mexico for word or one sentence in any decree issued by
the "Medal of Stanford University." any Mexican administration which is of a dis
The debate, which is open to students of the criminatory character as against any foreigner. 1
RESIDENT OBREGON proposes some schools of jurisprudence of the Mexican Re Every foreigner in the Republic stands and
P stringent legislation looking to the pro public, will be held each year in the City always has stood upon an equal and exact foot
tection of Mexican laborers in foreign coun
of Mexico during the month of July. It is to ing. If those of any one nationality have se
tries. If only a small portion of the com be an extempore discussion modeled on the cured a greater foothold in any direction than
plaints of such laborers is true, there is good annual Joffre debate between Stanford and the those of any other nationality, the latter class
ground for some determined action in this
University of California. The subject to be have only themselves to blame. And when
direction. debated each year must relate to Hispanic Secretary Saunders, as quoted, declares that
American countries and to the relation between 80 per cent of the oil, mining and other prop
LSEWHERE will be found the law gov these countries and the United States, the pur erties in Mexico are in the hands of Americans
erning the exploitation of petroleum de pose of the debates being "to encourage the he speaks by the card, knowing whereof he is
posits upon public lands and the Federal zone study of problems of Hispanic-American coun speaking.
bordering upon water courses , bays, oceans, tries and of the relation of those countries to In this case, as in many others, when the
etc. It is well worth study, in view of what each other and to the United States, and to facts are once known, the manner in which
has been said upon the subject that is very bring about a better understanding between the public has been misled becomes apparent, as
wide of the truth. them ." well as the motive for such misrepresentation..
ĭ *-4

登 1

La Revista Mexicana


La Revista Mexicana La " Licencia Poética” distinción o parcialidad alguna contra cual
Sacrifica los Hechos quier extranjero. Todo extranjero está y
Publicación mensual Washington , D. C. N reciente edición de LA REVISTA un1 siempre ha estado en el mismo y exacto nivel
legal. Si algunos de determinada nacionali
GEO. F. WEEKS - W EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO EN colaborador trató de ilustrar el hecho
dad han obtenido mayores adquisiciones que
Suscripciones por un Año, en los Estados Unidos, Canada indubitable de que la peor de todas las guerras
es la guerra civil, y que las atrocidades cometi otros, éstos son los únicos que deben culparse
y México , $2 oro. En cualquiera otra parte, $2.50.
así mismos. I cuando el Secretario , Mr.
Oficinas : 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street N. W das en tales casos son casi, si nó completa
Saunders, como se ha citado , declara que el
Washington, D. C. mente desconocidas en las guerras internacio
80 por ciento de las propiedades petroleras y
nales o, por lo menos, lo fueron hasta que la
mineras de México están en poder de los
Abandonan su Oposición a lás Leyes reciente guerra europea reveló un fondo de
norteamericanos, habla sobre bases ciertas ,
Petroleras de México maldad jamás alcanzado hasta entonces . Como
sabiendo, por tanto, lo que dice.
NFORMES recibidos de la capital de Mé medio ilustrativo, el articulista trajo a la
memoria, tomándolas de Walt Whitman,
I xico afirman que las Compañías petroleras Las Reclamaciones por Daños de
El Aguila y Corona, dos de las más poderosas ciertas afirmaciones relativas a derramamien
la Revolución
petroleras de México, las dos
empresas petrolėras tos de sangre, en los que se dice tomaron parte
NVARIABLEMENTE y con marcada
inglesas, declararon que han renunciado ya prominente las fuerzas
durante la guerra civil. del
LA Coronel
no ha I regularidad aparecen por la prensa afirma
a. la sociedad con la Asociación Americana
visto impugnadas hasta aquí las afirmaciones ciones, siempre semejantes, (como si fueran
de Petróleo y que, en adelante, se someterán
del "Dulce Poeta Gris" ; pero desde la publi de una misma mano oculta ) relativas al ex
a las leyes y demas disposiciones petroleras,
cación en sus columnas, se ha proporcionado cesivo monto de las reclamaciones por daños
así como en todo lo demás. Esto es, han de revolucionarios formuladas contra México .
t clarado su firme voluntad de obrar exactamen lo que parece ser la prueba concluyente de la
inexactitud de dichas afirmaciones. La lección que giran siempre al rededor de cientos de mi
te igual como todo extranjero sensato se porta llones de dollars. Pero con igual uniformidad,
en todos los países del globo : acatar y cumplir que se desprende de este incidente es que no
debe aceptarse, sin previa y cuidadosa investi tambien, los autores de tan tétricas afirmacio
con las leyes del país, y si no le satisfacen ,
gación , referencias impresas de atrocidades que nes omiten mencionar el hecho de que una vez,
marcharse a donde encuentre leyes que mejor
parecen casi fuera de toda creencia. México , como sesenta años atrás o algo más, se presen
le cuadren. Debe recordarse que dos de las
durante sus recientes años de revolución , fué taron así mismo semejantes reclamaciones , las
más grandes compañías petroleras norteame que en suma montaron a un total de medio
ricanas que funcionan en México han acatado víctima de esta clase de impresos , pues la
prensa llegó a congestionarse con narraciones billón de dollars, equivalentes entonces a las
en todo tiempo dichas leyes, y pública y repe sumas actuales. Sin embargo, una comisión
tidas veces han declarado que no encuentran de crueldad que no tenían mayor fundamento
que la expresada de Walt Whitman. Es un arbitral, de carácter internacional y neutral,
en ellas nada de oneroso, confiscatorio ni
hecho fuera de toda duda , sin embargo, que resolvió, como resultado de un detenido y
deshonesto en su aplicación. El Gerente de cuidadoso examen del asunto e información
una de esas compañías, a raíz de un cuidadoso cuando los hombres, no importa su grado de
cultura, se ven revestidos del poder suficiente testimonial, que menos del uno por ciento de
examen de la legislación petrolera y decretos
para abusar de la vida, se tornan pronto tan in ese inmenso total se hallaba bien fundado ! I
relativos, confesó al Editor de LA REVISTA
sensibles al sufrimiento humano, que llegan a aún más, llegó a probarse que aún una buena.
que, antes de dedicarse al negocio de petróleo
cometer acciones de las que jamás se hubieran porción de este escaso percentaje reconocía:
en México, se había permitido creer que las un origen fraudulento y nunca fué pagado !
creído capaces . Jamás se ha llegado al control
leyes relativas al asunto eran realmente obje
del barbarismo o de humanidad en ninguno de Vale la pena traer a la memoria estos hechos
tables, pero que, en realidad, podían conside
los bandos contendientes de una guerra civil, antes de entrar en digresiones sobre el pre
rarse como una simple "broma" en compara tendido monto de las daños revolucionarios
por lo que no parece que exista una razón para
ción con las leyes que rigen la materia en los que se afirman. Con sólo mencionar este
Estados Unidos. Tableaux ! dudar que Whitman se haya dejado engañar,
como muchos otros, en este sentido . hecho histórico en relación con las fabulosas
sumas atribuídas, se descubriría facilmente el
Al comparar las disposiciones que rigen el Pretendidas Distinciones Contra "espíritu" de tales historietas, y en adelante
desarrollo del petróleo en México y en los Esta Los Norteamericanos jamás se acudiría a ellas. Sin embargo, es
dos Unidos , debe recordarse que en el primer todo un hecho.
NA nueva faz en la contienda por el
país los Estados, individualmente considerados, UNA control de las reserves petrolíferas del
no tienen ninguna atribución ni ingerencia en la mundo, la presenta la información sobre las El Presidente Obregón a propuesto una
3 materia, pues ella está bajo el control exclusivo concesiones hechas a los intereses britânicos legislación bien estricta para proteger a los
del Gobierno Federal. En los Estados Unidos, en México por las disposiciones de los parcia trabajadores mexicanos en el extranjero. Aun
les decretos de Carranza.- Baltimore Sun.
por el contrario, cada Estado decreta sus cuando una pequeña parte de las quejas de
Los americanos son dueños de más del 80
propias leyes en el asunto, las cuales difieren tales trabajadores fuera verdadera, siempre
por ciento de las propiedades petroleras de
extensamente según las distintas localidades . México y otro tanto de las propiedades mine hay bastante campo para desarrollar una
ras , poseyendo tambien grandes posesiones en buena acción protectora en este sentido.
los campos.- W. F. SAUNDERS , Secretario de la
En otro lugar de LA REVISTA se encontrará Cámara Americana de Comercio en la Ciudad
de México. Los líders obreros del proletariado mexicano
la ley que rige la explotación de los yacimien hacen activos preparativos para la celebración
tos petrolíferos en terrenos nacionales y zonas LA REVISTA MEXICANA reta al Baltimore de un "Congreso del Proletariado Mexicano,"***
federales al margen de los ríos, bahías, Sun o a cualquiera otro periódico, a que al que concurrirán delegados de las organiza
oceános, etc. Es digna de ser estudiada , en señale una sóla palabra o frase de cualquiera ciones obreras de toda la República , para tratar
vista de lo que tanto se ha dicho de este de los decretos expedidos por cualquiera de y resolver asuntos importantes relacionados.
asunto, tan apartado de la verdad. las administraciones mexicanas, que denote con el mejoramiento de los obreros nacionales..

T 2
4 THE MEXIC REVIE February , 1921

The British Government Accepts

Pan - American Workers Confer Article 27
HE British Government, convinced that
Labor Leaders from the United States and Many Central and THMexican legislation on oil matters is not
South American Republics Meet in City of Mexico unjust to its citizens who are exploring or in
tending to exploit the main natural resource
of Mexico, has promised not to oppose the
S THE REVIEW goes to press the city of countries for the collection and dissemination nationalization of Mexican petroleum, as stated
Mexico is the scene of an intensely of information regarding labor conditions will in a late report.
A interesting meeting of labor leaders be established under the terms of a resolution It seems that the British Government has
representing the workers of most of the na adopted. Delegates from the United States
tions of the North and South American con made a close study not only of Article 27 of
and Porto Rico opposed the idea, but were the Mexican Constitution, but of all the laws
tinents, in attendance upon the third annual voted down in the first divided vote of the
session of the Pan-American Federation of on the subject, and has come to the conclusion
Labor. Matters of vital import to the indus this legislation does not really injure the in
The resolution, which was introduced by the
trial workers of all the American countries terests of foreigners who want to utilize the
Mexican delegation, gave rise to a protracted oil without monopolizing it.
debate, at the conclusion of which the confer
Although severe and mercenary criticism has
ence adjourned to partake of a luncheon ten been made by members of the Petroleum As
dered the delegates by E. Plutarco Calles ,
Secretary of the Interior in the Mexican
At the opening session of the Congress on
Monday, January 10, President Gompers, who
presided, welcomed the delegates present and
announced that the assembly would proceed
with its work as rapidly as possible pending
the arrival of several delegations who were
reported on their way but delayed at various
points owing to difficulties encountered in
travel. He called attention to the importance
of fraternal understanding of the problems
confronting the workers of each country by
those of all the others if a solid front is to
be maintained against the encroachments of
employers and legislation for the betterment
of labor obtained.
Responding to Mr. Gompers' address , Luis
N. Morones, President of the Confederacion
Regional Obreros, speaking for Mexican la
bor, welcomed the delegates from all countries
represented. He called the attention of the
delegation from the United States to the fact
that representatives of his organization had
gone to the Texas border to welcome the
LUIS N. MORONES, Vice - President
Americans to Mexico and escort them to the
capital, but had been prevented from crossing sociation, the Mexican oil legislation is quite
SAMUEL GOMPERS , President into the United States by the American immi liberal, as it opens the door to all individuals
gration officers at Laredo. and companies who wish to exploit the sub
are set for discussion and reports of the early Secretary Canuto A. Vargas presented a soil for extracting the oil.
sessions indicate that lively differences of comprehensive report of the work of the Pan Only one- seventh of the immense zones char
opinion on policy exist among the different American Federation of Labor since the last acterized as oil producing have been exploited,
delegations , for which compromises are being meeting, which was held at New York. Be millions of acres awaiting concessions . If the
found only after thorough threshing out of the sides going at length into the relations that Mexican legislation were modified, these vast
contested questions. have existed between the American and Mex lands would be immediately monopolized, such
That they are being found seems to be indi ican labor organizations, the secretary's report complete international exploitation thereby im
cated by the announcement that all other can also touched upon domestic problems in Chili, periling the important Mexican railroad and
didates for the presidency have withdrawn and Peru, Mexico , Nicaragua and San Domingo . marine industries.
that Samuel Gompers, of the American Feder It was in effect a report by the entire Execu If Mexico should adopt the policy of pre
ation of Labor, has been re-elected to lead the tive Committee, which is made up of President ferring some one nation in the exploitation of
international organization . Canuto A. Vargas Samuel Gompers, Secretary Canuto Vargas. her petroleum, she would take the dangerous
has been re-elected secretary. Luis N. and Treasurer James Lord. chance of having her territory disputed by all
Morones , President of the Mexican Con Among the noted speakers to appear before nations. By holding to her policy of the open
federacion Regional Obreros, is first Vice the Congress was "Mother" Jones, noted in door, the dispute will be limited to plain in
President of the Pan-American Federation, two hemispheres for her "pep" and radical dustrial competition that will promote the com
and James Lord, President of the United beliefs . Guatemala City was chosen for the mercial development of Mexico instead of in
Mine Workers, is its Treasurer. Chester M. next meeting of the Congress, the sessions of juring her vital interests .
Wright was elected English Secretary, which this year continued over a period of
Amongst the important business of the Con nearly two weeks. Mexican labor leaders are busy arranging
gress so far completed is the passage of a for the "Congress of the Mexican Proletariat,"
resolution calling upon the Government of the at which meeting it is expected delegates from
United States to hasten its proposed evacua The oil magnate, Joseph Guffey, is arranging most of the country's workingmen's organiza
tion of Santo Domingo , and another petition to enlarge his already large properties by the tions will discuss what position they shall take
ing for the release of all political prisoners. investment of much additional capital in new in the various propositions pressing for solu
Immigration agencies in all Latin-American petroleum developments . tion in the Republic .

Con la Baldwin Locomotive, 5 locomotoras,

Conferencia Obrera Pan Americana por $457,500.
Con la American Car Foundry Company,
Se Reúnen en Ciudad México los Liders Obreros de Estados Unidos 100 carros-tanques con 100,000 galones de
capacidad, por $694,000.
y de Muchas Otras Repúblicas Latinoamericanas
Con la Pullman Company, 40 carros dormi
torios para turistas, por $120,000.
N momentos en que LA REVISTA entra los Delegados de todas los países allí represen
en prensa, se efectúa en la ciudad de tados. Llamó la atención de la Delegación Con la General Equipment Company, 5
E México una extremadamente intere Norteamericana sobre el hecho de que los coches para pasajeros, 6 locomotoras y otros
sante asamblea de líders obreros que rep representantes de la Confederación Mexicana equipos, por $964.000 .
resentan a los trabajadores de la mayor parte habían ido a la frontera de Texas a dar la Se ha ordenado además un equipo adicional
de las naciones del Continente Americano, bienvenida a los norteamericanos que iban para por $2,255,500, incluyendo material de construc
quienes concurren a la tercera sesión anual de México y acompañarlos hasta la Capital ; pero ción, alcanzando una suma total de $8,198,
la Federación Obrera Panamericana. Se están que las autoridades de inmigración en Laredo 633.44.
discutiendo todos los asuntos de vital impor no les permitieron penetrar a los Estados Los contratos celebrados por el anterior
tancia para los trabajadores del Continente, y Unidos.
Secretario de Hacienda, General Alvarado,
los informes de las primeras sesiones revelan El Secretario Canuto A. Vargas presentó un
ascendentes a $6,148,250, han sido ratificados.
que existen radicales diferencias de opinión amplio informe de los trabajos de la Federa
Existen en los talleres del gobierno, listos
sobre la política del Congreso, entre los ción Obrera Panamericana, a partir de la
última reunión celebrada en la ciudad de New para su uso, 1,456 carros de via ancha y 1,487
distintos delegados, por lo que sólo se aceptan
carros de vía angosta.
las conclusiones que han sido debatidas cuida York. En dicho informe, además de referirse
Se asegura que se hallan en servicio actual
dosa y detenidamente. Según los últimos in a las relaciones que se han cultivado entre las
formes, parece que todos los candidatos para organizaciones obreras de México y Estados mente unos 9,995 carros standar y 768 de vía
la Presidencia del Congreso han sido descar Unidos, el Secretario trató de los problemas angosta, contra 16,601 carros standar que
tados y que Samuel Gompers, de la Confede interiores del trabajo en Chile, Perú, México , existían en 1913 y 183 de vía angosta. Existen
ración Americana del Trabajo, ha sido reelec tambien 571 locomotoras en servicio, contra
to para la dirección de esta organización 1,018 habidas en 1913. Durante la revolución
internacional. Canuto A. Vargas fué reelecto fueron destruidos 6,742 carros standar, 768
Secretario. Luis N. Morones, Presidente
de vía angosta, y 447 locomotoras.
de la Confederación Regional Obrera de
México, es primer Vicepresidente de la Fede
ración Panamericana ; James Lord, Presi
La Nacionalización de los Yacimientos
dente de la Unión de Mineros, es el Tesorero Petrolíferos
y Chester M. Wright fue electo Secretario de
lengua inglesa. ONTRASTANDO con la oposición
Estre los asuntos más importantes del Con Che hecha y difundida contra México por la
greso hasta aquí tratados, se encuentra el nacionalización de sus yacimientos de petróleo,
acuerdo de dirigirse al Gobierno de los es muy interesante observar cómo tan alto
Estados Unidos urgiéndole la prometida eva funcionario público , el Secretario del Departa
cuación de Santo Domingo y pidiéndole la mento de Marina de los Estados Unidos, Mr.
libertad de todos los prisioneros políticos. Se Daniels, se ha declarado categóricamente en
establecerán en todos los países latinoameri favor de la adopción de semejante medida por
canos Agencias de Inmigración para la reunión parte de los Estados Unidos. El ha dicho
y diseminación de la información relativa a
estas elocuentes palabras :
las condiciones del trabajo en dichos países.
Los delegados de Estados Unidos y Puerto "El primer deber de nuestro país es recono
cer que el carbón mineral y la fuerza hidráu
Rico se opusieron a la idea, pero fué aprobada lica se utilizarán cada vez más en las plantas
de plano desde la primera votación. Este industriales y los ferrocarriles, y que el petró
acuerdo, que fué propuesto por la Delegación leo sostiene nuestro comercio marítimo y
Mexicana, fué motivo de un prolongado de nuestra marina. Hemos sido poco cuidadosos
bate, terminado el cual la Asamblea suspendió con nuestras riquezas naturales.
CANUTO A. VARGAS, Secretary "El petróleo y la fuerza hidráulica consti
sus labores para asistir al almuerzo que ofreció tuyen la base de la prosperidad nacional , de
a los Delegados el General don Plutarco Elías nuestro comercio internacional y de la más
Calles, Secretario de Gobernación en el nuevo Nicaragua y Santo Domingo. Fué, en realireali eficiente actividad naval. Nó es tiempo, pues,
Gobierno de México. dad, un informe completo de todo el Comité de que el petróleo,. el carbón y la energía
hidráulica deban ser nacionalizadas, y que su
En la sesión inaugural del Congreso , lunes Ejecutivo, integrado por Samuel Gompers ,
posesión y distribución sean reguladas en
10 de Enero, el Presidente Gompers dió la como Presidente, Canuto A. Vargas, como beneficio de todos, sin permitir que sean con
bienvenida a los Delegados presentes, manifes Secretario, y James Lord, como Tesorero. trolados por quienes jamás se han sentido
tando que la Asamblea emprendería sus traba Entre los más importantes oradores del libres del sórdido lucro?
Congreso se destaca la " Madre" Juanita, bien "Yo creo que la propiedad de los elementos
jos tan pronto como fuera posible, en espera esenciales creados por Dios pertenecen a todo.
de varias Delegaciones que estaban en camino, conocida en los dos hemisferios por su "em
el pueblo ; que deben ser destinados a las nece
detenidas en varios lugares a causa de las puje" e ideas radicales. La ciudad de Guate sidades nacionales ; que los propietarios priva
dificultades de la travesía. Hizo notar la gran mala fué elegida para la próxima reunión del dos deben ser indemnizados, pero que la dicha
Congreso, cuyas sesiones actuales durarán al nacionalización debe ser adoptada, a fin de que
importancia de un fraternal entendimiento de el Gobierno obtenga el control de las reservas
los problemas que atañen a los obreros de cada rededor de dos semanas.
petrolíferas de la nación."
país, por parte de los obreros de los demás
El más ardiente sostenedor de la Constitu
países, si se quiere establecer un fuerte dique
a los abusos de los patronos y obtener un Material Rodante Contratado ción Mexicana de 1917 nó podría pretender
mejoramiento en la legislación obrera. L Director General de los Ferrocarriles más. Debe hacerse notar, sin embargo, que a
En respuesta al discurso del señor Gompers, E Nacionales, señor Pérez, ha proporciona este respecto , el Secretario Mr. Daniels sólo
Luis N. Morones, Presidente de la Confede do la siguiente información relativa a los pretende que su país haga lo que la gran
ración Regional Obrera , hablando en nombre contratos para equipos ferroviarios efectuados mayoría de las naciones del mundo han hecho
del obrero mexicano, saludó afectuosamente a recientemente : ya, inclusive la misma Inglaterra.
6 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

-foodstuffs of all kinds, and building mate

Boston Learns Facts About Mexico rial and railway equipment. Mexico sells to
the world its oil, gold, silver, copper and other
Manufacturers and Business Men Hear Pithy Address by Secretary minerals, coffee, sugar, cotton, hemp, products
of the farm ranch.
Saunders of American Chamber of Commerce of Mexico "The credit situation in Mexico has always
been intrinsically good, and the American
N INTIMATE description of commer and the other railways with the Wells Fargo houses which have built up volume business in
cial conditions in Mexico was given by Express Company will shortly be returned. Mexico have done so by giving open account
A William Llewellyn Saunders, head of "The debt of Mexico is about $900,000,000, to the large houses and 120 and 90 days. The
the American Chamber of Commerce of Mex only $54 per capita. The accumulated interest English, French, Spanish and German houses
ico, at a meeting of Boston manufacturers and on this debt, as well as the interest on the give those terms. No American house can
exporters held under the auspices of the Bos railway bonds, all of which is unpaid, amount hope to build up a permanent and deep-rooted
ton Chamber of Commerce at the Parker to less than $200,000,000, the total debt of business in Mexico that insists on cash with
House. Robert Amory, vice president of the Mexico thus being less than $ 1,100,000,000, a the order. This is entirely unreasonable be
Chamber of Commerce and chairman of the mere bagatelle for a country with 16,000,000 cause the American house can always get ac
chamber's committee on foreign trade, pre people and Mexico's enormous resources. curate credit information by using the instru
sided. James Soeyer, the international banker, who, ments provided through the American Cham
In his address Mr. Saunders said in part : when Porfirio Diaz was president of Mexico, ber of Commerce in Mexico City, Dun's Com
"The business men of Mexico City believe floated one issue of the Mexican bonds, talked mercial Agency and the banks, as well as its
that President Obregon sincerely wishes to with Mr. Harding on this point of the Mex own agents.
protect and to develop foreign business inter ican debt, and expressed the hope that the pres "The American Chamber of Commerce has
called a trade conference to be held in the City
JOSE MARIA 11UNDI of Mexico April 11-16 at which all American
MORELOS manufacturers, exporters and importers are
MARIANO asked to attend.
"We held one conference of this sort last
BRAVO CUADAL February and about 150 representatives of
A American houses came to it and discussed with
MIGUE L Mexican houses the vital questions of trade
BRAVO between the two countries ; credits, representa
GALE NA tions and agencies, advertising, packing, bill
ing and shipping. The transportation now is
so much better and the condition of the coun
try so much improved that we hope to have
more than 1,000 American houses interested in
978 the Mexican trade at this April conference.
00 "The American Chamber of Commerce is
also arranging for an exchange of scholarships
between American and Mexican universities ,
and we have begun by sending several Mexican
students to the University of Texas which of
fers us its scholarship with $600 attached to
each . We have more than 100 tuition scholar
ships offered us already from universities in
thirty different States. We want to get rotary
clubs and other organizations in the United
States to take an interest in this matter and
help us by offering to assume the guardian
President Obregon Taking Oath of Office Before the National Chamber of Deputies ship in their respective cities of Mexican stu
dents whom we send to universities there. The
ests in Mexico, believing that this is essential ent disposition of the two Governments would American Chamber of Commerce will advise
to the growth of Mexico and the success of offer a favorable outlook as to future relations all American manufacturers who want to go
his administration . Shortly before his inau between the two countries. into Mexican trade."
guration the foreign chambers of commerce "There are in Mexico now 14,000 Americans,
gave President Obregon a banquet and ex about the same number of Spaniards, about
It is said that many of the Americans who
pressed to him their willingness to cooperate 4,000 each of Germans, English and French,
with him heartily in his plans. President about 5,000 Chinese and 3,300 Japanese. The visited Mexico for the inauguration of Presi
Obregon in his address at the banquet said that Americans own more than 80 per cent of the dent Obregon are investing considerable
he would exert himself to put the finances of oil properties and fully as much of the mining amounts in the development of the country's
the country on a stable footing and to make properties, and they have also large holdings industries, having made many side-trips to
investments and the operation of the mines and of the forests and of the haciendas. They are various points, especially in the States of
ranches safe. also manufacturing many things in the City of Morelos and Vera Cruz where, besides mining,
"Obregon has, since the downfall of the Mexico and elsewhere- shoes, furniture, pipe, they have become largely interested in coffee,
Carranza administration , tranquillized the en steel and iron, railway equipment, etc. rice and sugar plantations.
tire country, pacified all the rebels and the ban " I regard Mexico as the best buying and
dits, stopped the train-wrecking and the kid selling market in the world today for Amer
napping and has re-established service on all ican manufacturers. Mexico and the United The Department of Agriculture is encourag
the railways. Villa is so quiet that the other States will exchange products this year ing the development of irrigation throughout
day he telegraphed frantically to President amounting to $350,000,000, about 85 per cent Mexico, aiding in the drilling of artesian wells.
Obregon, telling him that thieves have run off of the whole trade of Mexico, Mexico will and the installation of hydraulic machinery for
200 head of his cattle and asking him for pro buy from the United States about $ 150,000,000 the active farm colonies ; also is building fish
tection. One line of railways in Mexico has worth of goods. Machinery of all kinds, hard hatcheries in Monterrey, Durango, Zacatecas,
already been returned to its English owners, ware, furniture, clothing- from hats to shoes Aguascalientes and Lower California.
Febrero, 1921

con una exacta información de crédito usando

los medios que les ofrecen la Cámara Ameri
Boston Aprende Hechos Acerca de Mexico
cana de Comercio en México, la Agencia Co
mercial Dunn y los bancos, tanto como sus
Los Manufactureros y Hombres de Negocios Escuchan una
propios agentes.
Conceptuosa Peroración del Sr. Saunders, Secretario de la "La Cámara Americana de Comercio ha
Càmara Americana de Comercio en México . invitado a una conferencia comercial para la
ciudad de México, en Abril 11 al 16, y se ha
L señor don Guillermo Llewellyn franceses, como 5,000 chinos y 3,300 japoneses . solicitado la presencia de los manufactureros e
Saunders, uno de los principales di Los americanos poseen más del 80 por ciento importadores y exportadores norteamericanos.
rectores de la Cámara Americana de de las propiedades petrolíferas y otro tanto de "Hemos celebrado una conferencia de este
Comercia en México, expuso una fiel descrip las propiedades mineras, y tambien tienen género en Febrero último, a la que concurrie
ción de las actuales condiciones comerciales grandes posesiones de campos y haciendas.
ron unos 150 representantes de casas norteame
de México, en una reunión celebrada por los Manufacturan, asi mismo, muchos artículos ricanas, discutiendo con las mexicanas las
manufactureros y exportadores de Boston, tanto en ciudad México como en todas partes,
cuestiones vitales relativas al comercio entre
efectuada bajo los auspicios de la Cámara de tales como zapatos , muebles, cañería, hierro y
acero, equipos de ferrocarriles, etc. ambos países ; los créditos, representaciones y
Comercio de Boston, en la Casa Parker.
"Yo considero que en la actualidad México agencias ; los anuncios, empaque, facturas y
Roberto Amory, Vice- Presidente de la Cámara
es el mejor mercado del mundo para los manu embarques. Los transportes son hoy mucho
de Comercio y Director del Comité de Co
factureros norteamericanos. México y los mejores y las condiciones del país tan mejora
mercio Extranjero de la Cámera, presidió la
reunión. Estados Unidos cambiarán productos este año das, que esperamos que más de 1,000 casas
por valor de $350,000,000, o sea, como el 85 por norteamericanas interesadas en el comercio con
En su discurso, Mr. Saunders dijo, entre
otras cosas :
"Los hombres de negocios de la ciudad de
México creen que el Presidente Obregón sin
ceramente desea proteger y desarrollar la
inversión de negocios extranjeros en México,
en la creencia de que ésto es esencial para el
mejor desarrollo de México y el éxito de su
administración. Poco . antes de la toma de
posesión, las Cámaras extrajeras de Comercio
ofrecieron al Presidente Obregón un banquete,
expresándo le su buena voluntad de cooperar
sinceramente con él en sus proyectos. El Presi
dente Obregón manifestó, en su discurso de
aceptación, que él pondría todos sus esfuerzos
para colocar las finanzas del país en firmes
condiciones de estabilidad, asi como daría segu
ridades para las inversiones y trabajos de las
minas y haciendas.
"A partir de la caída de la administración
de Carranza, Obregón ha pacificado totalmente
el país, sometiendo a los rebeldes y bandidos ,
terminando los asaltos y voladuras de trenes y
restableciendo el servicio en todos los ferroca
rriles. Villa se encuentra tan pacífico, que
recientemente telegrafió muy contrariado al
Presidente Obregón, manifestándole que los
ladrones le habían desaparecido 200 cabezas de
ganado y pidiéndole protección . President Obregon Receiving the Congratulations of the Members of the National Supreme Court
"Una de las líneas de los ferrocarriles ha
sido devuelta ya a sus propietarios ingleses , y ciento del comercio mexicano. México com México , concurrirán a la conferencia del
las otras líneas, incluyendo la Compañía de prará a los Estados Unidos artículos por valor próximo Abril.
Express Wells Fargo, pronto será devuelta. de $150,000,000 - maquinaria de todas clases, "La Cámara Americana de Comercio hace
"La deuda mexicana gira al rededor de ferretería, mueblería, ropas - desde sombreros tambien arreglos para un cambio recíproco de
$900,000,000, o sea, sólo unos $34 por cabeza. hasta zapatos- materias alimenticias en gene becas entre las universidades norteamericanas
Los intereses vencidos de esta deuda, a la par ral, materiales de construcción y equipos y mexicanas, y hemos comenzado con el envío
que los de los bonos del ferrocarril, hoy in ferrocarrileros. México vende al mundo su de varios estudiantes mexicanos a la Universi
solutos, ascienden a menos de $200,000,000, petróleo, oro, plata, cobre y otros minerales, dad de Texas, que nos ofrece sus becas dota
siendo la deuda total de México de menos de café, azúcar, algodón, henequén y productos das con $600 cada una. Contamos con más
$ 1,100,000,000, una simple bagatela para un de sus haciendas y rancherías. de 100 becas escolares ofrecidas ya por las
país con 16,000,000 de almas y con los enormes. "La situación por lo que respecta al crédito, universidades de treinta diversos Estados .
recursos naturales que posee. James Soeyer, siempre ha sido intrínsecamente buena, y las Deseamos establecer tambien ' rotary clubs'
banquero internacional, que en tiempo de firmas norteamericanas que han desarrollado
(juntas renovables ) y otras organizaciones en
Porfirio Díaz colocó en el mercado extranjero grandes negocios en México lo deben al
los Estados Unidos que se interesen en el
una de las series de los bonos mexicanos , crédito liberal de 90 y 120 días plazo que han
asunto y nos ayuden tomando a su cargo la
habló con Mr. Harding sobre el asunto de la concedido a las casas de importancia. Las
vigilancia, en sus respectivas ciudades, de los
deuda mexicana, expresando la creencia de que cases inglesas, francesas, españolas y alemanas
estudiantes mexicanos que enviemos a las
la actual buena disposición de ambos gobiernos concedan tales términos. Ninguna casa norte
americana puede aspirar establecer un perma universidades de esos lugares. La Cámara
ofrecerá favorable perspectiva en cuanto a las
futuras relaciones entre los dos países. nente y bien cimentado negocio en México si Americana de Comercio presta, asi mismo,
"Se encuentran en México actualmente unos insiste en pedir un pago de contado para cada valiosos informes y orientaciones a los manu
14,000 norteamericanos, como el mismo número orden ; ello es completamente irrazonable, ya factureros americanos que se interesen en el
de españoles , como 4,000 alemanes, ingleses y que las negociaciones norteamericanas cuentan comercio extranjero de México . "

8 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February , 1921 порой в

The value of the reserves so formed
In the Field of Petroleum would be of great importance to the gov
ernment, which would confine T its drilling
operations to proved territory. 4 In the
Exports Limited Solely by Transportation Facilities from the
petroleum industry the opportunity for de
Seaboard- Nearly Two Hundred New Wells velopment is a prime essential ; but vast
Begun in a Single Month quantities of oil exist under lands which
purposely are not drilled or exploited.
NOFFICIAL reports of the exportation 1920 there were constructed 117 additional
Those nearby can extract all the petroleum
of petroleum for the month of Novem tanks of steel, making the total storage capac
ber gave a total of 16,151,394.91 bar ity 8,694,321 cubic meters. which is known to exist.
Under such conditions the government
rels , a decrease of nearly nine hundred thou The Mexican Gulf Company has brought in
compared previous can obtain its share by drilling its own
sand barrels as with the a new well in the Amatlan district, with a flow
wells or having them drilled by subsidiary ↓
month, and of over one million barrels as com of 20,000 barrels daily, the depth of the well
companies which will furnish the necessary.
pared with September. This decrease is due being 1938 feet. The Aguila Company has
capital with the nation receiving in each
entirely to the lack of transportation facilities. brought in a new well in the same district at a
case a reasonable share of the oil produced.
by sea , as the production of the wells is ample depth of 2110 feet and with a flow of 35,000 Thus the national reserves will be com
to supply such facilities to the extent of many barrels daily. Ernest Nicklos brought in a
posed ( 1 ) of such national lands as it shall
times the actuality. The shipments for Decem well in the Chinampa district recently which
ber were 1,500,000 barrels greater than in at 1951 feet flows about 80,000 barrels daily. reserve entirely ; ( 2 ) of one -fourth of such
I lands as it shall authorize under conces
November. For the year they were as fol The Boston Oil Company is reported to have
lows : sions, and (3 ) of the federal zones along
completed a well at Tuxpam with a capacity of
Barrels 25,000 barrels daily. The Petroleum Invest the courses of streams , in the beds of lakes
January. 8,061,281.27 ment Company has brought in a well at Chi and elsewhere that the government in its
February • 7,687,943.83 nampa with a capacity of more than 50,000 bar concessions has reserved certain percent
March . 10,288,385.92
10,092,312.90 rels daily. In the same locality this company ages of the production.
April . • •
May .. • • 10,421,244.98 has a well of 40,000 barrels daily production .
June . 4 11,255,531.93 The last well is the seventh belonging to the Late news is to the effect that promising oil
July . · 10,576,280.64 same company. formations have been discovered in the State.
August . 12,275,021.21 of Hidalgo . Both the local and Federal gov
September. • # .15,438,008.38 Activities in the development of potential
October . " • • 17,311,217.65 petroleum deposits are reported to be under ernments are offering exploration companies L
November . 16,151,394.91 way in the States of Tabasco and Chiapas. every facility for investigation and develop
December 17,608,036.42 An oil boom is on in the Ojinaga country in ment.
Total .. M 153,797,036.42 northeastern Chihuahua. Reports from Chi
huahua City are that a number of filings have Latest Statistics of Oil Production
The shipments by companies were as fol
lows for November : been made on oil land in that region by Amer CCORDING to figures given by the De-. 1
Barrels icans and natives, and that Gov. Ignacio En A partment of Industry and Commerce and
Aguila . 2,456,859.00 riquez has sent two engineers out to make an several oil companies, the total oil exportation
Huasteca . 2,427,974.29 investigation. for the past year is 155,000,000 barrels, repre
Transcontinental.• • • + 2,341,628.34 The chief of the Petroleum section of the
Island .. senting a value of about 600,000,000 pesos.
• 1,346,790.24 The tax revenue to the Government was
Texas . · . • 1,281,623.40 Department of Commerce and Industry figures
Mexican Gulf . 1,193,502.89 that the potential production of petroleum in 70,000,000 pesos . These quotations are in
Cortez-Atlantica . 1,152,415.00 Mexico at this time passes one billion barrels round numbers, the detailed figures being cal 5 *
Cias. del Agwi . 霜 • * 1,066,332.67 a year. He also calculates that the transporta culated till October only.
Freeport .. • 801,456.28 tion facilities will be doubled during the com
Corona . 611,117.01 Mexico's exportation during the year 1919
East Coast . ▸ 436,104.17 ing year and that from January 1 , 1921 , the was 87,359,533 barrels, therefore she doubled
Penn.-Mex. A 383,718.21 government will receive something over 15,000, her exportation in the last year. Below is
National Oil .. • • 239,691.62 000 pesos monthly in taxes from oil alone. shown the oil exportation of Mexico, the
New England . 150,524.03
Pierce Navigation . 106,771.82 United States and other countries since 1913 :
National Petroleum . • 82,336.13 Mexico United States In theWorld
Cochrane & Harper . • 72.549.81 Petroleum Reserves of the State ¿
1913 .... 25,902,439 248,446,230 384,667,550
Two large companies which are usually HE Department of Industry, Com 1914 .. · . 21,188,427 265,762,535 ′ 399,667,168
shippers of considerable amounts do not ap THE merce and Labor has taken a firm 1915 .. 32,910,508 281,104,104 426,370,894
1916. · • • 39,817,402 300,767,158 459,433,319
pear in this list-the Tal Vez and the Inter stand in favor of the formation of State 1917 . • 55,292,770 335,315,303 505,362,367
ocean. For the months of November and De petroleum reserves . This problem in 1918 .. 63,828,327 355,927,716 514,729,354
cember the receipts of the government for Mexico's economic policy, which has in 1919 . · · 87,359,533 377,719,000
taxes upon the exportation of petroleum ap cited the interest of capitalists , was com The exportation of the oil companies from ‫لمی‬2
proximated five millions of dollars gold, while prehensively discussed during the past ad January to June, 1920, amounted to 75,453,869
it is estimated that for January and February ministration and results largely from a barrels, as follow:
the total will be nearly fifteen million dollars. measure adopted by former Secretary Standard Oil Co. of New York . 11,048
The rapid increase of development in the Trevino and confirmed by Provisional Pres Pánuco-Boston .. 166,572
petroleum fields is seen from the fact that dur ident De la Huerta. New England Fuel Oil Co. 2 " • • · 217,972
Cía. Terminal Unión , S. A.. · * • • 309,314
ing the month of November alone upward of The proposal is that the chief of the National Petroleum Corporation · · 460,504
two hundred permissions were granted for petroleum bureau in all future concessions La Corona, S. A.. 572,810 1
占 sinking new wells upon specified locations. of lands for the exploitation of petroleum Interocean Oil Co .. 2 638,729
The new wells are situated as a rule in close Cía. Petroleum Tal Vez, S. A.. 7 · · 756,005
shall reserve to the State the right to select Pierce Oil Corporation . + · · 4 * ⇓ • 7,025,341

proximity to rivers, railroads and highways, from any land grant one - fourth of its area East Coast Oil . * · 4,537,159
little having been done upon lands not so sit should oil be discovered thereon. It is Freeport & Mex . Fuel Oil .. • " → 2 A 4,595,094 3
uated. thought this method will afford a satisfac Mexican Gulf Oil Co.. · 4,641,745
Still further proof of the enlargement of the tory solution of the problem for the gov Metropolitan de Oleoductos . • • • • • J * 5,821,331
The Texas Co. of Mexico . ► 6,820,443
industry is given by the fact that up to Sep ernment, as thereby it would be relieved of Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey . → 8,234,213
tember, 1919, there was a total of 1138 steel all expenses for exploration . The govern Penn.-Mex. Fuel Co ... · 8,451,394
storage tanks, four of concrete and fifteen of ment need exercise its right of selection Cortez Oil Corporation . • 2 • • • 9,032,759
Huasteca Petroleum Co.. ❤ •4 • • .11,213,446
earth, with an aggregate storage capacity of only when the concessionnaire had proved
7,876,441 cubic meters of oil. During the year the existence of oil. Total .. ..75,453,869

- Febrero, 1921 REVISTA MEXICANA 9


Las Reservas Petrolíferas

En El Campo Del Petroleo del Estado
A Secretaría de Industria , Comercio y
Las exportaciones limitadas únicamente por falta de facilidades . Trabajo ha dado un paso en firme para
de trasporte en las costas- Cerca de docientos nuevos la formación de las reservas petrolíferas.
Ese problema que encierra un capitalísimo
pozos en perforación en un solo mes
interés en la economía de nuestro país y que
OS informes particulares que se tienen 1138 tanques-depósitos de acero, 4 de concreto había sido descuidado e incomprendido por
sobre la exportación de petróleo en el v 15 de mampostería, que dan una capacidad las administraciones pasadas, está resuelto en
mes de Noviembre de 1920 arrojan un total de 7,876,441 metros cúbicos de petróleo. gran parte con la última medida adoptada por
total de 16,151,394.91 barriles, esto es, cerca de En el año de 1920 se construyeron 117 tanques el señor general Treviño , ex- Secretario de
novecientos mil barriles menos que en el mes
más de acero, ampliándose la capacidad total Industria, Comercio y Trabajo y acordada de
MOG anterior, y casi de un millón, respecto del mes de los depósitos a 8.694,321 metros cúbicos. conformidad por el entonces ciudadano Presi
de Septiembre. Esta disminución fué debida ¿ dente de la República , don Adolfo de la Huerta.
La Compañía del Golfo Mexicano ha descu
enteramente a la falta de facilidades de bierto un nuevo pozo en el distrito de Amatlan, El proyecto de que se trata , estudiado por el
trasportes por mar, pues la producción de los con un chorro de 20,000 barriles diarios y una actual Jefe del Departamento de Petróleo y
pozos es capaz de cubrir muchas veces más el profundidad de 1938 pies . La Compañía El que consiste en estipular en todas las con
monto de los actuales trasportes. Los Aguila descubrió otro nuevo pozo en el mismo cesiones que se otorguen, el derecho del Go
embargues de Diciembre fueron de 1,500,000 distrito, a una profundidad de 2110 pies y con bierno para seleccionar la cuarta parte de los
más que en Noviembre . un chorro de 35,000 diarios. Ernesto Nicklos terrenos que se concedan para su explotación ,
La exportación para el año de 1920 descubrió últimamente otro en el distrito de constituye la solución del problema.
fué como sigue : Chinampa a 1951 de profundidad y con pro En esa forma el Gobierno no tendrá necesi
Barriles ducción de 80,000 barriles diarios. La Com dad de erogar la fabulosa suma que se requiere
Enero J · • • 8,061,281.27 pañía Petrolera Boston ha terminado la para la exploración de terrenos desconocidos ,
Febrero 7,687,943.83
Marzo .. ❤• ་ * • 10,288,385.92 horadación de un pozo en Tuxpan con una puesto que los concesionarios se encargarán
Abril . Z • > · • 10,092,312.90 capacidad de 25,000 barriles diarios. La Com de efectuar dichas exploraciones y, en el caso
Mayo . • • 3 • 10,421,244.98 pañía Petrolera de Inversión halló otro pozo de que se descubra petróleo, el Gobierno
Junio " 11,255,531.93
Julio 10,576,280.64 en Chinampa con capacidad mayor de 50,000 tendrá el derecho de elegir la cuarta parte del
Agosto . • • • · 12,275,021.21 barriles diarios. Esta Compañía tiene en la terreno probado como petrolífero .
Septiembre · A • O• 15,438,008.38 misma localidad otro pozo de 40,000 barriles El valor de tales reservas asi formadas , sí
Octubre • 17,311,217.65 de producción diaria . El último descubierto tienen gran importancia comercial, de modo
Noviembre → · + · 16,151,394.91
Diciembre . D · 17,608,036.42 es el séptimo que pertenece a dicha Compañía . que al Gobierno sólo lo resta porforar en el
Se informa que se desarrollan grandes acti terreno probado , lo que constituye la segunda
Total ... .153,797,036.42 vidades en los Estados de Tabasco y Chiapas parte del problema.
* Los embarques de Noviembre, por orden de para el desarrollo de depósitos petroleros de En la industria del petróleo , la oportunidad
Compañías, fueron : alta producción . en la explotación es un factor esencial ; ¿ de
Barriles Un auge petrolero se observa tambien en la
* 2,456,859.00 qué sirve tener un terreno en cuyo subsuelo
Aguila ..
Huasteca . 2,427,974.29 región de Ojinaga, al noreste de Chihuahua. se encuentre un enorme manto petrolífero si
Transcontinental . · - 2,341,628.34 Los informes que se reciben de la ciudad de no se perfora y explota ? Los vecinos se en
Island .. · · • • • 1,346,790.24 Chihuahua dicen que se ha hecho un buen cargarán de extraer todo el petróleo yacente .
Texas . - ■• • • 1,281,623.40 número de denuncios de tierras petrolíferas en En estas condiciones el Gobierno estará ca
Mexican Gulf . • 1,193,502.89
Cortez-Atlántica . 1,152,415.00 esa región por ciudadanos americanos y gente pacitado para obtener una gran producción de
Cias. del Agwi .. 1,066,332.67 nativa, y que el Gobernador don Ignacio petróleo, ya sea perforando por su cuenta en
Freeport .. •• 1 •• • • 801,456.28 Enríquez ha enviado allí a varios ingenieros los terrenos probados que le correspondan , o
Corona . · 4 • • A " • . 1 • 611,117.01
East Coast . · · para hacer las investigaciones correspondientes . formando compañías subsidiarias que aportan
Penn.-Mex.. 383,718.21 El Presidente de la Sección Petrolera de la do el capital necesario, le participen a la Na
National Oil . " 239,691.62 Secretaría de Comercio e Industria estima que ción un por ciento considerable de la produc
New England . · •·· "T" •2 · 150,524.03 la actual capacidad productora de petróleo en ción, que se estudiará en cada caso.
Pierce Navigation. · . · · 106,771.82
I National Petroleum . • A México pasa de un billón de barriles por año. Así pues, las reservas de la Nación se com
Cochrane & Harper . • J 72,549.81 Tambien calcula que las facilidades de tras pondrán :
Dos grandes compañías que ordinariamente portes serán duplicadas este año y que a partir I. De los terrenos nacionales que para el
embarcan grandes cantidades no aparecen en la del primero de Enero el gobierno recibirá al caso se seleccionen .
lista anterior- la Tal Vez y la Interoceánica , rededor de 15,000,000 de pesos mensuales en
II. De la cuarta parte de los terrenos que
Las entradas del gobierno por impuestos a concepto de impuestos petroleros solamente. se otorguen en concesión .
la exportación petrolera en los meses de No La Compañía de Petróleo Kansas & Gulf ha
III. De las zonas federales de los ríos,
* viembre y Diciembre ascendieron aproximadaM adquirido en arriendo un millón de acres de
ricas tierras petroliferas, situadas a lo largo arroyos, esteros, lagos , etc., que atraviesen las
mente a cinco millones de dollars y se estima
de la costa del Golfo , entre Matamoros y zonas petrolíferas , en donde la Nación se ha
que para los meses de Enero y Febrero de
este año alcanzarán un total de cerca de quince Tampico, México . El extremo norte de dicha reservado un importante por ciento de la
millones de dollars . extensión de tierras se halla a 45 millas de producción .
El rápido incremento en el desarrollo de los Matamoros, y se ha instalado ya una torre
campos petrolíferos de México lo demuestra perforadora para comenzar las exploraciones Los Últimos Datos Estadísticos de
el hecho de que solamente durante el mes de del petróleo. Prácticamente todo el intervalo la Producción Petrolera
Noviembre se concedieron más de doscientos de 325 millas comprendido entre Matamoros
EGÚN datos tomados en la Secretaría de
permisos para perforar nuevos pozos en cono y Tampico ha sido arrendado por los ope Industria y Comercio y en varias Com
{ cidas regiones. Estos nuevos pozos están radores americanos e ingleses, y algunos de
pañías petroleras , la exportación de petróleo
situados por lo general muy cerca de los ríos . ellos se preparan ya para la perforación de
en el año que acaba de terminar ascendió a
caminos ferroviarios y carreteras , pues muy grandes pozos en la región costeña.
ciento cincuenta y cinco millones de barriles
pocos son los que no tienen tan excelente de petróleo , con un valor aproximado de
situación. El magnate petrolero . Mr. Guffey, está en seiscientos millones de pesos .
Una prueba más del incremento de esta tratos para realizar los amplios proyectos Esta exportación produjo al Gobierno, por
industria la ofrece el hecho de que, a partir que tiene de invertir fuertes capitales en nuevas concepto de derechos aduaneros , sobre setenta
* de Septiembre de 1919 , se han instalado unos empresas petroleras en México . millones de pesos .
F 1

+ **

OF File
10 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

Of this exportation 48,765,764 barrels were terminal at Tampico. The cost of this road wells, though it is true that these wells are
from the American companies and 9,131,947 will approximate $ 10,000,000 and, in addition among the best producers !
from the British, as follow : to an enormous amount of petroleum , will Now, then, making an estimate on six hun
handle large numbers of passengers and con dred wells in full production, it is not idle to
Months American English
January . · 7,049,515 1,013,314 siderable quantities of general freight. assert that the gas burned has a value of fifty
February 6,229,604 1,458,339 The lines already entering Tampico do an millions of dollars yearly, and still we believe
March 8,793,599 1,494,784 enormous business and it is expected that the these figures are rather low.
April 8,709,293 1,382,959 new road, because of its direct route to im The oil companies do not care for the riches
May 9,300,121 1,900,002
June 8,683,632 1,882,549 mensely productive fields, shortening by many thus being burned because they prefer to in
hours the time now necessary for the trans vest their capital in steamships , pipelines, new
Totales . 18,765,764 9,131,947 portation of goods to and from that section, wells, etc., for they know that from every bar
will prove equally as profitable, at the same rel of oil they receive a minimum profit of one
The total drilling of wells in Mexico to last dollar.
November was 1,056, of which the more pro time facilitating intensive development of the
work already in hand. When the Department of Industry was t
ductive were the following, giving the names
As a matter of fact, the bigger petroleum aware for the first time of these fabulous .
of the companies :
companies now exploit only those lands near riches going to waste, a contribution of ten per
Aguila Co. (Lord Cowdray) . 55 est to lakes and streams where they can ob cent of their commercial value was placed on
Mexican Petroleum Co.. 34 the products wasted in this manner. But 戳 to
tain the pure water necessary for their drill
Corona Co ... 10
17 ing operations. With the construction of the date this contribution, decreed by Carranza
Unión Petroleum Co. (Hispano-Americana)
Texas Co. of Mexico . 14 new road, making possible the easy delivery under date of April 15, 1917, has not been
Mexican Gulf Oil Co .. 8 of equipment and supplies, there will be pos made effective and the nation is losing not
Chicholes Oil Co. (Ltd. ) . 7 less than five millions of dollars yearly. 1
9 sible an immense extension of production
Mexican Combustible Co. A plant for the utilization of the natural
Penn.-Mex. Fuel Oil Co... 7 through the exploitation of lands hitherto im
Freeport and Mexican F. O. Co. 7 possible of operation . gas, with a daily capacity of 170,000 cubic
Transcontinental Petroleum Co.. • 14 meters, would cost about $85,000, and the profits
Oil Fields of Mexico ... 12 derived would pay for the plant in less than
Atlantic Gulf Oil Corporation . 4 one year . Even in the case that one well.
Oil Companies Waste Fifty Million ceased producing, it would be an easy mätter
Regarding the extension of lands in ex Dollars Worth of Gas Yearly
ploitation and exploration, it was on the same to use the plant for the gas from other wells.
OT less than fifty million dollars worth -El Heraldo de Mexico.
date, 5,436,271 acres, as shown by the next
N°of oil are intentionally wasted by the oil
quotation, including the names of the owners :
companies which are exploiting the oil lands .
Acres This is not a mere tale, nor are the figures, here Railway Material Contracted
Franco-Spanish Co.. 364,165 given based on a desire for sensationalism ; it
Pearson (Lord Cowdray) group ▼ • 1,410,327 is something that is real and true and of which
Corona group . D TIONAL RAILWAYS PEREZ has
1,020,963 the Department of Industry is fully aware.
7 Doheny groups .→ 568,692 given out the following information regarding
Mestres group . * · J f The Department of Industry has tried to put
170,555 contracts for railway equipment made recently :
Penn.-Mex. Fuel Co... 167,775 a stop to this waste but it has not been suc
With the Baldwin Locomotive Works- 5
Petroleum Exportation Co .. A 159,782 cessful so far. The law in regard to this mat
J. C. Rees . • 162,359 ter has been ignored. locomotives, 457,500 pesos.
Frías & Amor . • * € ·A + 152,500 Any person who has paid a visit to the oil American Car Foundry Company- 100 tank
291 smaller concerns . M 1,259,207
fields will have seen at the sides of the hills cars, 100,000 -gallon capacity, 694,000 pesos .
Total .. 5,436,271 close to the oil wells under operation, enormous Pullman Company-40 tourist sleepers, 120,
fires that illuminate the surrounding country. 000 pesos .
The oil pipe lines built in 1919 had a total
It is the burning of the natural gas from the General Equipment Company-5 passenger
extension of 1,420,920 meters, with a daily oil wells which is destroyed by the companies
capacity of 377,216 cubic meters of oil . The coaches, 6 locomotives and other equipment,
because, in their opinion, they do not profit 964,000 pesos .
potential production is about 1,000,000,000 bar from the exploitation of that product.
rels, or, in other words, since 1920 Mexico A total of 2,255,500 pesos additional equip
The oil as it comes from the subsoil is mixed
ranks first in prospects among the oil produc - ment not specified has been ordered, including
with a certain quantity of gas which is sepa
ing countries in the world. If of this poten rated from the liquid by means of special ap material for construction, reaching a sum total
tial production were exported only 155 mil of 8,198,633.44 pesos .
3 paratuses . before the oil is sent through the
lions of barrels, it was because of inadequate pipelines . And it is the gas that is taken to a Contracts formulated by the late secretary
shipping facilities. considerable distance from the wells in all the of the treasury, Gen, Alvarado, in the amount
At the end of the year the oil fleet was al oil fields and burned. of 6,148,250, have been held up.
most doubled and it is expected that in the If submitted to easy processes, for every one In the government shops there are 110W
present year the total exportation will be up thousand cubic meters of gas 137 liters of gas ready for service 1,456 standard gauge cars
to 400 million barrels, giving to the Govern olene can be obtained . Now, let us see how and 1,487 narrow gauge cars.
ment an oil tax revenue not less than 150 mil much is wasted in the burning of the gas ob It is stated that there are now in service
✓ lion pesos . This estimate is not far wrong, tained from a few oil wells, bearing in mind 9,995 standard cars and 768 narrow gauge, as ·
for, throughout the present world crisis, while that the figures here given are taken from a
most commodities came down in price, oil has against 16,601 standards in 1913 and 183 nar
report submitted to the Department of Indus
increased in value. row gauge. There are also 571 locomotives in
try by Mr. Luna, engineer. {
Mr. Luna made a special study, taking the service against 1,018 in 1913. During the
production of the following wells as a basis revolution there were destroyed 6,742 standard - }
Propose New Railroad For cars, 768 narrow gauge and 447 locomotives.
for comparison : Alamo No. 2 ; Potrero de
Petroleum Fields Llano No. 4 ; Juan Casiano No. 7 ; Cerro Azul
NFORMATION from the Department of No. 4, and Chinampa No. 1. At the time of At
INIndustry is to the effect that various of the the investigation these wells were producing EDWARD M. WILSON, M. E.
larger petroleum companies having lands in 1,183,400 cubic meters of gas daily, or 431 ,W
the vicinity of Ozluama, Tantayuca and Tux TECHNICAL PETROLEUM EXPERT ‫کے‬
941,000 cubic meters a year, from which there.
pam, in the State of Vera Cruz, propose to could be obtained 59,175,917 liters of, gasolene Geological Reports, Plans & Estimates
form a company for the construction of a of Mexican Oil Regions I
which at the low price of ten cents per liter
railroad traversing all this territory and part would produce a total of $ 5,917,580 . Nearly P. O. Box 844 ን Mexico City
of the State of Hidalgo, with a deep - water six millions thrown to waste and only from six

Febrero, ✩ 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 11

Los datos anteriores los damos en cifras nombres de las compañías poseedoras de dicha tomados de un informe rendido a la Secretaría
redondas, porque datos en detalle existen sola extensión territorial : de Industria, por el ingeniero Luna.
裊 Acres El señor Luna hizo un estudio especial,
mente hasta octubre ; de los dos restantes
Franco-Spanish Co... 364,165 tomando como término de comparación los
meses del año, solamente en globo. Pearson (Lord Cowdray) group .· > 4 1,410,327
Corona group . · • 1,020,963 pozos siguientes : Alamo número 2 ; Potrero
México exportó el año antepasado , 87,359,533
Doheny groups . • • 568,692 de Llano 4 ; Juan Casiano 6 ; Juan Casiano 7 ;
1 barriles, 1 de modo que en el año de 1920 casi Mestres group . ■ 170,555 Cerro Azul 4, y Chinampa 1 .
duplicó su exportación. Pen.-Mex. Fuel Co.. • 167,775 Estos pozos , al hacerse el estudio, producían
Así se desprende de la siguiente estadística, Petroleum Exportation Co. 4 • 159,782
diariamente 1,183,400 metros cúbicos de gas, o
J. C. Rees .. W • 162,359
que demuestra ‫ دو‬cuál ha sido la exportación pe Frías & Amor . · 152,500 sea, al año, 431,941,000 metros cúbicos, de los
trolera de México, Estados Unidos y otros 291 smaller concerns . V 1,259,207 cuales podrían obtenerse 59,175,917 litros de
países, a contar de 1913 : gasolina, que calculada al precio muy bajo
Total ... 5,436,271
Estados En el de diez centavos litro, da un total de $5,917.589.
ཀ México : Unidos : mundo : Los oleoductos construidos hasta 1919, tenían ¡Seis millones ! de pesos tirados a la calle
1913 .... 25,902,439 248,446,230 384,667,550 una extensión total de 1,420,920 metros, y por y cuenta que sólo se trata de seis pozos ,
1914 .. 21,188,427 265,762,535 399,667,168 donde diariamente podía pasar petróleo en aunque si bien es cierto de los mejores.
I 1915 . 32,910,508 281,104,104 426,370,894 cantidad de 377,216 metros cúbicos . Ahora bien, calculando sobre seiscientos
1916 .. • 39,817,402 300,767,158 459,433,319
1917 . • Llega la producción potencial, a la fecha, a pozos en plena producción , no es remoto
55,292,770 335,315,303 505,362,367
1918 . · 63,828,327 355,927,716 514,729,354 unos mil millones de barriles, o lo que es lo asegurar que el gas incinerado tiene un valor
1919. - = 87,359,533 377,719,000 mismo, México desde 1920 ocupa el primer de cincuenta millones de pesos al año y todavía
puesto entre los países productores de petróleo . creemos que nos hemos quedado cortos.
De enero a junio de 1920, las Compañías
Pero si de esta producción apenas salieron Las empresas petroleras desdeñan la riqueza
petroleras exportaron 75,453,869 barriles , se
155 millones de barriles, se debe a que la flota que están incendiando , porque el capital que
gún detalle : petrolera del mundo es tan reducida, que en
ፈ tienen, prefieren destinarlo a la adquisición de
Standard Oil Co. of New York ... 11,048 un año apenas puede toda ella llevar lo que barcos , tendido de oleoductos , perforación de
& Panuco-Boston ... • · • 166,572 producen los pozos mexicanos en un mes. nuevos pozos , etc. , pues saben que por cada
New England Fuel Oil Co.. 217,972
Cia. Terminal Union , S. A.. 309,314
Al concluir el año la flota petrolera quedó barril de petróleo que obtengan, tienen un
t National Petroleum Corporation† - 460,504 aumentada casi al doble, de modo que en dólar, como minimum.
La Corona, S. A... • 572,810 el año actual seguramente que la exportación Cuando por primera vez la Secretaría de
Interocean Oil Co.. ▼ · 638,729 alcanzará sobre 400 millones de barriles, los Industria se dió cuenta de tan fabuloso
Cía. Petroleum Tal Vez, S. A……. 756,005
que rendirán al Gobierno, por derechos de ex desperdicio , gravó los productos no aprovecha
Pierce Oil Corporation . · 7,025,341
I ‫ مام‬East Coast Oil .. 4,537,159 portación, no menos de 150 millones de pesos. dos con el diez por ciento de su valor comer
Freepor & Mex, Fuel Oil... • 4,595,0 94 Este cálculo no es erróneo, porque a través cial ; pero hasta ahora el impuesto en cuestión .
Mexican Gulf Oil Co ... J • · + ■ • • 4,641,745 de la crisis mundial actual, se ha podido que Carranza decretó con fecha 13 de abril de
Metropolitan de Oleoductos . 5,821,331 observar que mientras todas las mercancías,
The Texas Co. of Mexico . " 6,820,443 1917, no se ha hecho efectivo y la Nación
• · • sin excepción, bajaron de precio, el petróleo , pierde no menos de cincuenta millones de pesos
✓ Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey. 8,234,213
Penn.-Mex. Fuel Co ... 8,451,394 en cambio, aumentó de valor. cada año.
** Cortez Oil Corporation . . • 9,032,751
Huasteca Petroleum Co .. .11,213,443 Para una planta de aprovechamiento de gas ,
con capacidad de 170,000 metros cúbicos dia
Cincuenta Millones de Pesos Queman
◄ Total .. 75,453,869 rios, sólo sería necesario invertir un capital
en un Año las Empresas Petroleras
de $85,000 y las utilidades obtenidas pagarían
+ De la anterior exportación, la siguiente, o O menos de cincuenta millones de pesos integramente la planta en menos de un año .
sean 48,765,764 barriles correspondieron a las No desperdician a sabiendas , cada año , las y aun en el caso de que un pozo se agotara ,
Compañías americanas y 9,131,947 a las in empresas petroleras que explotan nuestro aceite siempre habría modo de aprovechar los gases
glesas, según detalle :" mineral. No se trata de un vano lirismo ni desperdiciados en otro.-De El Heraldo de
‫ ܬ‬3:
de cálculos más o menos basados en el deseo México.
Meses Americanas' Inglesas
} de sensacionalismo, sino de un hecho real y
Enero .. 7,049,515 1,013,314
Febrero ..· 6,229,604 1,458,339 efectivo del cual ha podido darse cuenta la
$ 8,793,599 1,494,784 Ultimos informes aseguran que se acaba de
Marzo . · ■ Secretaría de Industria y hasta trató de
} Abril . • • + 髂* K 8,709,293 1,382,959 descubrir en el Estado de Hidalgo una im
ponerle coto, aunque hasta ahora no lo ha
Mayo . ་ • 9,300,121 1,900,002 portante zona de yacimientos petrolíferos , y
conseguido .
Junio . • 8,683,632 1,882,549 tanto el gobierno local como el federal están
Cualquier persona que haya visitado la re
1 48,765,764 dando toda clase de facilidades a las com
Totales ... 9,131,947 gión petrolera , habrá podido ver en las faldas
de los montes cercanos a los grandes pozos de pañías para la explotación de dicho aceite
23 Hasta y noviembre del pasado año existían en mineral.
petróleo en explotación, enormes fogatas que
2 México perforados 1,056 pozos , de los cuales, iluminan los campos con cladidad meridiana.
los 1 que rendían mayor cantidad de petróleo
Se trata de la incineración del gas natural La Dirección General de los Ferrocarriles
eran los siguientes, con los nombres de las
/ Compañías propietarias de ellos : proveniente de los pozos, que las empresas Nacionales ha acordado un gasto de $55,000 ,
destruyen porque en su concepto es una
000 de pesos para la adquisición del material
1 * 55
Aguila Co. (Lord Cowdray) · * 1 riqueza que no les conviene explotar. rodante necesario para hacer frente al creciente
6 Mexican Petroleum Co .. 34 El petróleo, tal como sale del subsuelo, está
••A 10 auge que han alcanzado en los últimos meses
Corona Co... mezclado con cierta cantidad de gas, que es
Unión Petroleum Co. (Hispano-American a) 17 las líneas nacionales. Se calcula que se necesi
A Texas Co. of Mexico . · 14 separado del líquido en aparatos especiales . tan cinco mil carros de carga y doscientas
Mexica Gulf Oil Co ... 8 antes de que el petróleo sea enviado por los cincuenta locomotoras más para llenar las
1 7
Chicholes Oil Co. (Ltd. ) . oleoductos. Y ese gas, llevado a una distancia necesidades del servicio .
> Mexican Combustible Co .. • A 9
Penn.-Mex. Fuel Oil Co .. D 7 considerable de los pozos , es incinerado en
Freeport and Mexican F. O. Co ... • 7 todos los campos petrolíferos.
Transcontinental Petroleum Co .. • 14 Por cada mil metros cúbicos de gas some Se están continuando con toda actividad los
1 粒 Oil Fields of Mexico ... R • 12
tido a manipulaciones fáciles, se obtienen 137 trabajos para la terminación del Ferrocarril
Atlantic Gulf Oil Corporation . • • · • 4
litros de gasolina. que comuniará directamente los Estados de
En cuanto a la extensión territorial en ex Véamos ahora lo que se desperdicia con la Chihuahua y Sinaloa, hasta la costa del Océano
plotación y exploración, ascendía, hasta esa incineración del gas que se obtiene de unos Pacífico, con cuya importante mejora se acre
misma fecha, a 5,436,271 acres, según el si cuantos pozos petrolíferos, y conste que los centará el movimiento agrícola, minero y
guiente detalle, que muestra, además, los datos que en seguida insertamos han sido comercial de esas ricas regiones.
C }
12 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

THE STEEL INDUSTRY by steam engines. In this department steel There is a modern laboratory with an 80,000
IN MEXICO rails with fastenings and ties are rolled up pounds capacity Riehle testing machine. There
to 25 pounds per yard in weight. All kinds metallurgical chemists are employed and all
An Up-to-Date Plant in the Capital City of round, square, flat, angle, channel, and beam materials are analyzed and tested before ship
-Modern Equipment in Every Detail. steel, are made, including deformed and twisted ping. The company operates two electric weld
steel bars for concrete construction. ing machines of the very latest type.
EXICO is the only country south of the
In the bolt and nut department they manu In the State of Guerrero the company owns
MERio Grande River that has steel in
facture from the steel which they roll in their a large iron mine which they are now exploit
dustries of sufficient size to roll rails, notwith
mills, bolts, nuts, rivets, washers, track spikes ing and will shortly install a blast furnace at
standing there are several larger countries.
and similar material in very large quantities. the mine for their own pig iron.
Mexico has two such industries, one of which
A mill has just been completed for the This company has recently engineered and
is located at Monterrey, in the State of Nuevo
drawing of iron and steel wire which can built a similar mill in Buenos Aires, Argen
Leon, and has been in successful operation for
be used by the telegraph and telephone com tine, for the Argentine Iron and Steel Com
a period of years. The other one is the
panies, made into wire nails and used for the pany, and at present has a large contract in
Consolidated Rolling Mills and Foundries
manufacture of barbed wire. Santiago, Chile, for the construction of mills
Company, S. A. , located in Mexico City. This
company is the successor of several firms, the The tank and culvert department is making and shops for the Chilean Government, where
tanks and culverts of all sizes of special rust they have an office. An office at 30 Church
original of which was started in Mexico in
resisting steel specially made for this purpose. street, New York, has been established for
1900, and to those who are familiar with the
A very interesting department of the busi years.
company the large variety of products manu
ness is the manufacture of oxygen and hydro The company is capitalized at 8,000,000 pesos
factured by them is indeed surprising.
gen gas which are piped through the plant and ($4,000,000 gold) , and the officers are : Presi
The plant consists of 82 acres of land ; hun
dent, Harry Wright ; Vice-President and Gen
eral Manager, S. B. Wright ; Treasurer, Chas.
G. Seifert ; Secretary, Dr. P. M. Monroe ; As
sistant Secretary, A. Guzman Tovar ; General
Sales Manager, Max Wright.

Acquisition of Real Estate

CONSOLIDATED by Foreigners
ROLLI NG MILLS AND FOUNDRIES COMPANY. HERE is no obstacle to foreigners ac
S.A. Tur quiring and owning real property in Mex
ico outside the prescribed frontier and more
recently established coastal zones. That is to
say, 100 kilometers from a national boundary
or 50 kilometers from a coast line.
Although it is generally believed that the
new Mexican Constitution imposes special in
ww hibitions upon foreigners, the clauses in which
they are directly required to waive their rights
to such in so far as relates to the property
which they may acquire dates as far back at
least as 1856, in a decree of President Comon
fort. At that time also foreign property own
ers were liable to military service if needed
for the protection of the town or district in
which they resided . This is not at present
true, as they are not allowed to bear arms in
any military strife.
Foreigners, then, may acquire land and own
the following :
First -Property acquired from private
Office and Headquarters Steel Plant in Mexico City owners.
Second - Government land open to denounce
the gas used for the cutting of iron and steel. ment and purchased direct from the Depart
dreds of thousands square feet of buildings,
The oxygen is also produced for technical pur ment of Fomento and Colonization.
most of which are of steel construction and
poses and is shipped to all parts of the Re Third.-Properties sold at auction for non
equipped with automatic electric cranes.
public. payment of taxes in which the competent au
The principal department of this business is
The non- ferrous metal department of this thority directly authorizes the issuance of the
an open hearth steel foundry, consisting of a
company is far superior to any similar plant deed .
20- ton open hearth furnace fired with Mexican
ever visited by the writer and is claimed by In each and every instance, however, the
crude oil, in which all kinds of steel castings
the company to be as good as the best. In this title must be drawn up and issued through a
for mining, sugar, and railway companies are notary, for although modified from time to
manufactured and in which billets are made. department all kinds of brass, copper, alumi
num, zinc castings are made. Tin and anti time in practice, but not in principle, the early
for the rolling mill of this same company. This Spanish Notarial System for the transfer of
is the only steel foundry in Mexico specializing mony ores are smelted and brass and copper
bearing metals of all kind refined. Castings real property exists today in full force, and
in steel castings. while slow and voluminous, it is in its opera
The company has on order and will shortly of this nature can be secured of as good qual
ity and cheaper from this department than tion eminently satisfactory and secure.
install an electric steel furnace which will
they can be imported . Included in this de
enable them to make the highest quality of
partment are rolling mills for the rolling of If the petroleum interests could induce the
steel. It will consume electrical power from
sheet lead ; machines for the manufacture of United States or one of them-to let their
the Necaxa plant, making the continuous opera
tion of the works more certain, as it will not lead pipe and wire solder, and a large de lawyers write its oil legislation, maybe they
be dependent upon the inadequate supply of oil. partment is the manufacture of brass globe could persuade Mexico to follow the example.
The rolling mill plant consists of an 18- inch, and check valves. Battery zincs, solders, type A precedent is an awfully powerful influence,
16-inch and 10-inch Merchant mill, driven metal and babbitt are manufactured. as courts and statesmen testify.
Febrero, 1921

LA INDUSTRIA DEL ACERO con fines técnicos y se embarca para todos los gobierno chileno, donde tiene instalada una
EN MEXICO puntos de la República. oficina .
El departamento de metal no ferruginoso de La oficina de 30 Church Street, New York,
Una Moderna Planta en la Metrópol esta compañía es muy superior a cualquiera de fué establecida hace varios años . La compañía
con Modernos Equipos los similares que ha visitado el que esto tiene un capital de $8,000,000 de pesos ($4,000 ,
escribe y la compañía pretende es tan bueno 000 de dollars) y sus directores son : Presi
ÉXICO es el único país al Sur del Río
como el mejor. En este departamento se hacen dente, Enrique Wright ; Vicepresidente y Ge
M Grande que posee industrias de acero
toda clase de fundiciones de bronce, cobre, rente General, S. B. Wright ; Tesorero , Carlos
de capacidad suficiente para producir vías
férreas, no obstante que existen otros países aluminio y zinc. Los quijos de estaño y anti G. Selfert ; Secretario, Dr. P. M. Monroe ;
mucho mayores. México tiene dos industrias monio son fundidos, así como refinados el Secretario Ayudante, A. Guzman Tovar ; Ge
de esa clase ; una situada en Monterrey, Estado bronce y los metales de todas clases que con rente General de Ventas , Max. Wright.
de Nuevo León, que ha estado trabajando con tienen cobre. Las fundiciones de esta natu
éxito hace varios años, y otra en la capital de raleza pueden obtenerse de tan buena calidad
Nueva Entrada Internacional
México, que es la Consolidated Rolling Mills y tan baratas en este departamento como las
and Foundries Company, S. A. Esta Com en la Frontera
que puedieran importarse. Agregado a este
pañía es la sucesora de varias firmas, la pri departamento existen talleres laminadores para STA para abrirse una nueva entrada
mera de ellas comenzó sus trabajos en México la fabricación de láminas de plomo ; maqui Esinternacional en la frontera norte, de
en el año de 1900, y quienes conocen bien a naria para la manufactura de tubería de plomo acuerdo con los planes en proyecto. El
dicha compañía se sorprenden de la extensa y soldadores de alambre, y una gran departa Rio, Texas, será la nueva vía, en cuanto
variedad de productos que manufactura. mento para la manufactura de válvulas de queden terminadas las prolongaciones del
La planta cuenta con 8½ acres de tierra con
cientos de miles de pies cuadrados de edificios,
construidos en su mayor parte de acero y
equipados con grúas eléctricas automáticas .
El departamento principal de esta industria
lo constituye una abierta fragua-fundición de
acero, formada de un horno- fragua de 20
toneladas, alimentado con petróleo crudo me
xicano, en el que se manufacturan toda clase
de fundiciones para las compañías mineras,
azucareras y ferrocarrileras, y se fabrican las
plantas de metal que usan los molinos lamina
dores de la misma compañía..
Esta es la única fundición en México que
se especializa en el modelado de acero. La
compañía está construyendo y pronto quedará
instalada una fundición eléctrica de acero que
la pondrá en aptitud de producir la más alta
calidad de acero . Será abastecida por la planta
eléctrica de Necaxa, contando así para sus
trabajos con fuerza motriz que garantizará la
continua operación de éstos, ya que no estará
sujeta a la no siempre adecuada provisión de
La planta laminadora consiste en un molino
de laminadora de 18, 16 y 10 pulgadas, movido
a maquinaria de vapor. En este departa
mento los rieles de acero con sus sujetadores
y traviesas son laminados a 25 libras de peso
por yarda. Se hacen tambien toda clase de
vigas de acero, ya redondas, cuadradas, planas ,
angulosas, acanaladas, incluyendo desfiguradas
Open Hearth Steel Plant of Consolidated Rolling Mills and Foundries Company, Mexico City
y torcidas barras de acero para construcciones
bronce, esféricas y de freno . Tambien se Ferrocarril Oriental en Texas y del Interna
de concreto.
hacen baterías de zinc, soldadores, tipos de cional Mexicano.
En el departamento de perno y tuerca, se
metal y babbitt. Esta nueva línea reducirá a veinte y cuatro
manufacturan del acero que laminan en sus
Existe allí un moderno laboratorio con horas el trayecto para pasajeros y correo de
talleres, pernos , tuercas, remaches, volanderas ,
espigones para vías y material semejante, todo máquina de prueba Rishle de 80,000 libras de los puntos de California. Tambien reducirá
en gran escala. capacidad. Allí se emplean químicos meta diez y seis horas el tiempo actual empleado
Se acaba de terminar un taller para el esti lúrgicos y se analizan y prueban todos los entre la ciudad de México y Kansas, Missouri.
rado de alambre de hierro y acero, que puede productos antes de su embarque.
ser empleado por las compañías telefónicas y La compañía emplea dos máquinas solda
telegráficas, hecho para clavos de alambre y doras eléctricas del tipo más reciente. Se dice que gran número de los capitalistas
usado en la manufactura de alambre de púas . Tambien posee en el Estado de Guerrero una norteamericanos que visitaron México con
El departamento de tanque y alcantarilla extensa mina de hierro en explotación y pronto motivo de la inauguración de su nuevo go
hace tanques y acueductos de todos tamaños, quedará instalado en ella un horno de soplillo bierno, invertirán grandes capitales para activar
de acero especial contra óxido, preparado para para sus propios lingotes de hierro. el desarrollo de las industrias del país , y, al
ese objeto. Esta compañía recientemente diseñó y cons efecto, han estado efectuando viajas a diversos
Uno de los departamentos muy interesantes truyó un molino semejante en Buenos Aires , puntos de la República, especialmente a los
de esta negociación es el de la fabricación de Argentina, para la Compañía Argentina de Estados de Morelos y Veracruz, y demuestran
oxígeno e hidrógeno, que se conduce a traves Hierro y Acero, y en la actualidad sostiene gran interés en las plantaciones de café, arroz,
de la planta, y el gas utilizado en el corte del un extenso contrato en Santiago, Chile, para caña de azúcar y otros artículos agricolas y
hierro y el acero. Tambien se produce oxígeno la construcción de molinos y talleres para el tambien mineros .
• February, 1921

CONDITIONS PRECEDENT Secretary of State, to Mr. McLane , March 7, water power shall be nationalized , and their
FOR RECOGNITION 1859. ownership and distribution be regulated for
"As a general rule of foreign policy, obtain the good of all and not permitted to be
controlled by those who have not been
Requirements Held to Be Sufficient for ing since the foundation of our Government, free from profiteering ?"
One Country to Recognize Another the recognition of a foreign Government by "I believe that the ownership of God
this is not dependent on right, but on fact." created essentials should belong to all the
N response to many inquiries about "recog people ; that they should be used for na
Hunter, Acting Secretary of State, to Mr.
I nition" by the government of one country Baker, Oct. 3, 1879- re Venezuela.
tional needs ; that private owners should be
of that of another, especially when there has justly compensated, but that steps should
"The question of recognition of foreign rev be taken by government control the oil
been a change of administration, sometimes as
olutionary or reactionary Governments is one supply of the nation."
the result of a revolution, THE REVIEW presents
exclusively for the Executive, and cannot be
the following authoritative opinions by promi The most ardent supporter of the Mexi
determined internationally by Congressional can Constitution of 1917 could go no fur
nent officials and statesmen upon the question :
action.” — Seward, Secretary of State, to Mr. ther than this. It is well to note that in
"It accords with our principles to acknowl
Dayton, April 7, 1864-re France. this respect Secretary Daniels only desires
edge any government to be rightful which is
"The judiciary follows the Executive on the that his own country shall do what most
formed by the will of the nation, substantially
question of recognition of belligerent rights." of the nations of the world have already
declared .” —Jefferson, Secretary of State, No -U. S. v. Palmer, 3 Wheat., 610.
vember 7, 1792. done, including Great Britain itself.
"The recognition of Texas as an independ
"There is a stage in such (revolutionary ) ent power may be made by the United States.
contests when the party struggling for inde in various ways : First, by treaty ; second, by
pendence has, as I conceive, a right to demand Another Trade Conference in
the passage of a law regulating commercial Mexico City
its acknowledgment by neutral parties, and intercourse between the two powers ; third, by
when the acknowledgment may be granted NNOUNCEMENT has been made by the
sending a diplomatic agent to Texas with the
without departure from the obligations of neu usual credentials ; or, lastly, by the Executive A American Chamber of Commerce of the
мерн trality. It is the stage when the independence City of Mexico that the second trade confer
receiving and accrediting a diplomatic repre
is established as matter of fact, so as to leave sentative from Texas, which would be a rec ence in that country between American com
the chance of the opposite party to recover ognition so far as the Executive only is com mercial interests will be held in the City of
their dominion utterly desperate. The neutral petent to make it. In the first and third modes Mexico in July next. It is stated that the
nation must, of course, judge for itself when the concurrence of the Senate in its executive chambers of commerce and like organizations,
this period has arrived ."-Adams, Secretary character would be necessary, and in the sec as well as manufacturers and American ex

of State to President Monroe, Aug. 24, 1816 . ond in its legislative character. porters generally in all of the principal cities
"In every question relating to the independ "The Senate alone, without the cooperation of the United States, have received invitations
ence of a nation two principles are involved , of some other branch of the Government, is to send representatives to the meeting. The
one of right and the other of fact; the former first of these international trade conferences
not competent to recognize the existence of
exclusively depending upon the determination was held in the capital of Mexico last Feb
any power." - Clay, in report to Senate, June
of the nation itself, and the latter resulting 18, 1836. ruary, the attendance being about 150 repre
from the successful execution of the determi sentative business men. This meeting was so
NOTE-It was through the second of the modes
nation. ”—Adams, Secretary of State, Apr. 6, above mentioned that recognition of Germany by the successful that it was determined by the men
Knox resolution was attempted. Even here the
1822. President's power is potent through the veto to who are interested in promoting the trade rela
thwart attempts to recognize any foreign power tions between the two countries to call the
"The policy which has hitherto guided the without his consent, two-thirds majority to override
Government of the United States in respect to his veto being ordinarily impossible to obtain. second conference .
#1 new powers, has been to act on the fact of NOTE- For full reference, see Wharburton's Digest
of International Law, Vol. 1 , Chap. 3, VI No. 70. It is pointed out by the American Chamber
their existence, without regard to their origin, Conclusion.- From the foregoing it will be of Commerce that, in order that American
whether that has been by the subversion of a houses shall continue in trade supremacy with
gathered that the present Government of Mex
pre-existing government, or by the violent or Mexico, it is necessary for defensive measures
T ico meets every requirement for recognition .
voluntary separation of one from another part The declaration of Thomas Jefferson, given at to be discussed and adopted. The explanation
of a common nation • have not stopped is that the United States has established itself
the outset, seems to cover the entire ground in
to inquire whether the new Government has as the foremost importer to Mexico, and its
a brief sentence. The present Government of
been rightfully adopted or not. It has been problem will be to retain that position. Com
Mexico has most assuredly "been formed by
sufficient for them (the United States ) that petition will be the key to Mexican trade in
the will of the nation, substantially declared ."
it is, in fact, the government of the country, There can be and is no ground for argument the future, and the American firms entrenched
in practical operation.”—Senator Clay in Re or dissent in this matter. securely in their relationship with Mexican
port of Committee on Foreign Relations, June buyers will have to be alert in order to prevent
18, 1836. their competitors from introducing tactics and
"In its intercourse with foreign nations the buying inducements superior to those they are
Nationalization of Petroleum
Government of the United States has, from capable of giving, it is explained .
3 Deposits One of the principal changes to be noted in
its origin, always recognized de facto Govern
ments. We recognize the right of nations to N the face of the opposition that has the trade policies of American houses is the
IN been propagated against Mexico for the substitution of a credit basis for a cash basis.
create and reform their political institutions
nationalization of her oil deposits, it is in The credit question has been probably the fore
according to their own will and pleasure. We
teresting to note that so high an official as most problem with this international trade,
do not go behind existing Government to in
Secretary Daniels of the United States and, due to the practical withdrawal of all
volve ourselves in the question of legitimacy.
Navy Department has declared himself competition in Mexico by European merchants
It is sufficient for us to know that a Govern
unequivocally in favor of such a step on during the war, American houses have dealt
ment exists capable of maintaining itself ; and the part of the United States . Here is practically without exception only on a cash
then its recognition on our part inevitably fol what he says : basis with their Mexican customers. But now,
lows."-Buchanan, Secretary of State, to Mr. "The first duty of our country is to rec with the reappearance of European competi
Rush, Ambassador to France, March 31 , 1848. ognize that coal and water power should tors in the field who are eager to give liberal
"To sustain the recognition by the United be more and more utilized in industrial
credit, it is necessary for American merchants
States of a Mexican Government after civil plants ashore and on railroads, and the oil to moderate their policies in this regard. Also,
held for ocean commerce and the navy. We
war, it is not necessary that such Government have been wasteful of our resources. business conditions in Mexico have become so
be in possession of the City of Mexico. It is "Oil and water power constitute the basis stabilized that the extension of liberal credit
enough if it be obeyed by a large majority of of national prosperity, international com
to responsible houses may be made without
merce and the best naval operation. Has
the country, and is likely to continue."-Cass, not the time come when oil and coal and risk.
Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 15
7 } í
LOS PRECEDENTES SOBRE "Para pretender el reconocimiento de los Nueva Conferencia Comercial en
EL RECONOCIMIENTO Estados Unidos hacia un gobierno mexicano Ciudad México
posterior a una guerra civil, no es necesario A Cámara Americana de Comercio de
Requisitos que se han juzgado bastantes que dicho gobierno se halle en posesión de la L ^ Ciudad México ha anunciado la segunda
para el reconocimiento de un país ciudad de México . Basta que sea acatado por conferencia comercial en dicho país, entre los
la gran mayoría del país y muestre incidicios
N respuesta a las muchas investigaciones intereses comerciales norteamericanos y mexi
de consolidarse."- Cass, Sección de Estado, a canos, la que se efectuará en el mesde
EN relativas al "reconocimiento " del go
Mr. McLane, Marzo 7 de 1859. Julio del presente año. Se informa que las
bierno de un país hacia otro, especialmente
cuando ha ocurrido un cambio en la admi Cámaras de Comercio y organizaciones seme
nistración, a veces como resultado de un "Como regla general de política extranjera , jantes, asi como los manufactureros y exporta
movimiento revolucionario, LA REVISTA ofrece establecida desde la constitución de nuestro dores norteamericanos de las principales ciu
hoy las siguientes autorizadas opiniones de gobierno, el reconocimiento de un gobierno dades de los Estados Unidos han sido invi
prominentes funcionarios y estadistas sobre extranjero por aquel no descansa en el derecho, tados para enviar sus representantes a dicha
dicho asunto , a saber : sino en el hecho."-Hunter, Sección de Rep asamblea. La primera de estas conferencias
"Se halla de acuerdo con nuestros principio: resentación, a Mr. Baker, Octubre 3 de 1879 , internacionales de comercio se efectuó en la
reconocer cualquier gobierno legítimo, cons re Venezuela. capital de México en febrero último, a la que
tituído por la voluntad nacional plenamente concurrieron 150 delegados de firmas comercia
expresada.”—Jefferson , Sección de Estado , "La cuestión del reconocimiento de los go les. La conferencia obtuvo resultados tan
Noviembre 7 de 1792. biernos extranjeros, revolucionarios o reaccio satisfactorios, que los interesados en el fomen
narios, es del exclusivo resorte del Ejecutivo, to de relaciones comerciales entre ambos países
"Hay un período en las contiendas revo y no puede ser resuelto internacionalmente por resolvieron invitar a una segunda conferencia.
lucionarias, en el que el partido que lucha por la acción del Congreso . ” — Seward , Sección de La Cámara Americana de Comercio hace
la independencia tiene, en mi concepto, derecho Estado, a Mr. Dayton, Abril 7 de 1864, re observar que, a fin de que las casas norteame
de pedir su reconocimiento por parte de las Francia. ricanas puedan conservar la supremacía co
naciones naturales, y en el que éste puede mercial en dicho país . se hace necesario
concederse sin menoscabo de las obligaciones "El cuerpo judicial sigue al Ejecutivo en la discutir y adoptar las medidas defensivas
< de neutralidad. Es el estado en que la inde cuestión del reconocimiento de los derechos correspondientes. La ་ razón estriba en que
pendencia ha quedado establecida de hecho, en beligerantes." -U. S. v. Palmer, 3 Wheat. , 610. siendo los Estados Unidos los que se han
forma que pueda permitir al partido contrario constituído como primeros importadores
la oportunidad para recobrar el dominio to respecto de México , su problema actual
"El reconocimiento de Texas como poder
talmente perdido. La nación neutral debe, consiste en conservar ese puesto. La compe
independiente pueden efectuarlo los Estados
desde luego, juzgar por sí misma si semejante tencia será la clave en el futuro comercial de
Unidos de varios modos : Primero, por trata
estado ha sido alcanzado."-Adams , Sección México-se dice y las firmas norteamericanas
do ; segundo , decretando una ley que regule
de Estado, al Presidente Monroe, Agosto 24 hoy bien aseguradas en sus relaciones con los
las relaciones comerciales entre ambos poderes ;
de 1816. compradores mexicanos, tendrán que estar
tercero, con el envío de un agente diplomático
alerta, a fin de evitar que sus competidores
a Texas, con las credenciales de estilo ; y, por introduzcan métodos y proposiciones de
"En las cuestiones relativas a la independen último, por conducto del Ejecutivo , recibiendo
cia de una nación se encierran dos principios, venta superiores a los que en realidad puedan
y acreditando un representante diplomático de ofrecerse.
uno de derecho y otro de hecho . El primero Texas, lo que equivaldría a un reconocimiento, Uno de los principales cambios que deben
queda exclusivamente sujeto a la resolución ya que el Ejecutivo es el único facultado para adoptarse en la política comercial de las casas
nacional, en sí misma, y el segundo pende de ésto . En la primera y tercera forma se ne
norteamericanas es la sustitución de la base de
la acertada realización de dicha resolución.” cesitaría el concurso del Senado , en su carácter.
contado por la base al crédito. La cuestión
Adams, Sección de Estado, Abril 6 de 1822. ejecutivo, y como legislativo en la segunda del crédito ha sido probablemente el principal
problema en este comercio internacional, y a
"La política que ha normado hasta aquí al "El Senado por sí sólo, sin la concurrencia
causa de que los comerciantes europeos aban
gobierno de los Estados Unidos con respecto de alguna otra rama del gobierno, no tiene donaron prácticamente toda competencia du
a los nuevos poderes, ha sido la de acatar el competencia para reconocer la existencia de
rante la guerra, las casas norteamericanas pu
hecho de su existencia, sin miramiento al poder alguno."-Clay, en el informe al Senado , dieron vender, casi sin excepción, a base de
origen, bien que éste se deba a la destrucción Junio 18 de 1836.
contado a sus clientes mexicanos . Mas ahora,
del anterior gobierno, a medios violentos, o a
con el resurgimiento de los competidores euro
la segregación voluntaria de una porción na NOTA- Por el segundo modo de los antes menciona
dos fué intentado por la resolucón Knox el recono peos en el mercado, deseosos de conceder
✨cional del resto del país. Nunca se ha detenido cimiento de Alemania. Aún en este caso, el poder
del Presidente es capaz, por medio del veto, para créditos liberales, los comerciantes norteame
a considerar si el nuevo gobierno se constitutó ricanos necesitan moderar su política a este
oponerse a la tentativa del reconocimiento de un
legítimamente o nó. Ha bastado a los Estados poder extranjero sin su consentimiento, pues es casi
imposible obtener una mayoría de las dos terceras respecto. Además, las condiciones comerciales
Unidos que sea, de hecho, el gobierno del país partes requerida para contrarresta ese veto. Para
mayores informes, véase el Digesto Wharburton de en México han alcanzado tal grado de estabili
en práctico funcionamiento."- Senador Clay, en
Ley internacional, Vol. 1 , cap. 3, VI No. 70, dad, que la concesión de creditos liberales a
el Informe del Comité de Relaciones Exte
{ riores, Enero 18 de 1836. Conclusión : De lo expuesto se inferie legíti casas responsables puede hacerse sin riezgo
mamente que el actual gobierno de México alguno.
"En sus relaciones internacionales el go satisface todos los requisitos para ser recono
cido. La declaración de Tomás Jefferson dada
bierno de los Estados Unidos siempre ha Recientemente se ha instalado en ciudad
al principio, parece abarcar el asunto en una
reconocido, desde sus comienzos, a los go México y ha comenzado ya sus trabajos, el
breve frase. El actual gobierno mexicano,
biernos de facto. Reconocemos el derecho de Comité Permanente del Congreso Nacional de
las naciones para crear y reformar sus institu indubitablemente, "ha sido constituído por la
voluntad nacional, plenamente declarada." No Ayuntamientos de la República, cuyo objeto
ciones políticas de acuerdo con su propia es velar y resolver las cuestiones que se rela
voluntad y conveniencia. } No nos metemos a hay ni puede haber ya pretexto para arguir o
disentir sobre este punto. cionan con el funcionamiento y progreso del
! averiguar si el gobierno existente es o no
Municipio Libre, institución esta última creada
legítimo. Nos basta saber que el gobierno
existente es capaz de sostenerse por sí mismo. como uno de los grandes frutos sociales de la
La gente humilde del Estado de Nayarit
revolución mexicana. Se auguran grandes
Es entonces que el reconocimiento por nuestra está de plácemes con motivo de un acuerdo
parte, surge inevitablemente." -Buchanan, Sec reciente del Presidente de la República, por el progresos a esta básica institución , que consti
ción de Estado, a Mr. Rush, Embajador de que dispone la dotación de "ejidos" entre la tuye una firme garantía de las libertades ,
} Francia, Marzo 31 de 1848. ' población indígena. públicas.
February , 1921

available plenty of funds for any emergency.

Guanajuato State Is Prosperous This satisfactory work in the Treasury De
partment is also due in part to the reorganizer,
Jurisconsult Mr. Enrique Colunga and his
On the Eve of Occupying a Prominent Place in the Provisional Government, which left practicable
Progress of the Mexican Confederation and proper plans for the public rents well
under way, in order to obtain these above
HE REVIEW has been following step by Mr. Madrazo, full of enthusiasm and in mentioned results.
step the progressive march which in spiration to serve his native State, as well as Mr. Madrazo is working at this time to
Tthese times of general reconstruction is with the laudable purpose of enabling the establish properly the public instruction in ac
developing the historic, rich and cultured State people to have their aspirations realized, has cordance with the modern methods of the
of Guanajuato, which is the cradle of the devoted hours of study and work, silent and epoch and the progress of modern pedagogy.
Mexican Independence and the most privileged without ostentation in his office, to solve all the The school will be the basis of our prosperity
territory of that Great Republic, which at the problems which come up before the new func because the "bread of intelligence" will be sup
present time is looked upon by all the business tionaries of Mexico, being able to solve them plied to the farthest point of the territory of
men of the world, because Guanajuato consti with judgment and intelligence, especially the Guanajuato during the year 1921 , furnishing
tutes the heart of Mexico where the tremend problem of Labor through the meetings of the the schools with all of the indispensable
ous success of its mines has astonished the Brotherhoods of Conciliation and Arbitration elements for instruction.
entire world ; the products of its very rich soil which harmonize the Capitalists and the La The facilities which will be furnished the
are incomparable, especially those of the borers in their rights and prerogatives, and industries, arts, and labor in general, are the
Bajio, the land of promise, where the soil is solve all conflicts that may arise through the characteristics of the Government of the afore
mentioned State, as Mr. Madrazo has brought
it about, so that the great foreign companies
which exploit the mines of Guanajuato do not
stop their work in spite of the drop in the
price of silver, and this official has asked the
President of the Republic for various conces
sions which favor the miners, with which he
was able to remedy that world-wide condition
which put obstacles in the way of the ex
ploitation of metals.
Mr. Madrazo has been distinguished in his
public work for the prudence and judgment
with which he attends official matters, and
to all the people of Guanajuato he offers all
kinds of guarantees , without persecuting any
body or permitting damage being done to his
own political enemies, to whom he has shown
that he is a civilized and honest Governor who
forgets all the unpleasantnesses of the political
campaign and shakes hands with friends and
strangers equally.
1-2-3-4 The purification of all the administrative
departments has biven magnificent results, as
with that has been secured the progress of
the State, and in his policy which he is ful
filling at the present time, he has this motto :
Justice, Honesty, and Labor.
Prominent Citizens of the State of Guanajuato (1 ) Governor Antonio Madrazo ; ( 2 ) Enrique
Colunga, ex-Governor; (3 ) Lic. Norberto de la Rosa, Secretary of State ; (4) Professor This is why Guanajuato, with its intense and
Rodolfo R. Ramirez ; (5) Mauro Nisosa, Tax Administrator. Others are members of the State energetic labor in agriculture, mining, industry,
20 Congress , Magistrates of the Supreme Tribunal, Eucators, etc.
es estoppagand arts, and the public education in general, soon
extremely fertile and produces three crops regulations of the Agricultural Labor, which will secure success and will march at the van
yearly, it surprises the industrial centers of indicates the duties and rights of the farmers guard of the rest of the entities which form
America by its goods and manufactured prod as well as the obligations of the owners of the Mexican Confederation. E. S. S.
ucts. The railroads cross all the towns in dif land. This legislation has been very interest
ferent directions and the telephones and tele ing on account of its just and elevating prin PROGRAMME OF THE
graphs in a network of thousands of kilom ciples, which will not permit the combination GOVERNMENT
eters put into connection all the peopled centers of bolshevism and anarchy on account of the
with the country farms, and the safety which fairness which merges the well-being of both Governor Madrazo Makes Important
one can enjoy, together with its enviable factors into one. It is due to this that all the Declarations Regarding His Policy
climate, form a combination of facilities for strikes which we have had lately in the mines, HE readers of the REVIEW are informed
living, and the progress of that laborious people in the factories and in the fields, have been THE of the inauguration of Mr. Antonio
who, as in the war were the first, are eagerly solved amicably and peacefully. These regu Madrazo as Governor of the rich mineral
ready in peace and labor for the struggle which lations alone would be the best sign of pride State of Guanajuato, and his administration,
at this moment is taking place, towards the to the meritorious and thorough work of the it is believed will be one of the most modern
progress of that heroic country which is at Governor of Guanajuato, but his careful at and beneficial for that State. On that solemn
taining its glorious future through the supreme tention has touched all branches of the active occasion, Mr. Madrazo made public very im
efforts of her sons. administration ; he reorganized the finances of portant declarations relating to the policies
Guanajuato has entered, therefore, into a the State, which were in bankruptcy, succeed which his administration will adopt. The ex
period of prosperity and real progress, due ing in balancing the estimate of the incoming treme length of his speech does not permit its
to the efforts of its Governor, Mr. Antonio and outgoing expenses, and with economic insertion in this number, but in order to
Madrazo, it being safe to say that this is the measures, has obtained the greatest success in give an idea of its contents, we publish be
only State which did not have controversies paying up to date the salaries of the employes, low some of the most important excerpts
during the election campaign just past. and the expenses of the Government, having from it:
Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 17

El Sr. Ingeniero Madrazo se ha distinguido

La Prosperidad de Guanajuato en su gestión pública, por la prudencia y tacto
para atender los asuntos oficiales, y a todos los
Está en Vías de Ocupar un Lugar Prominente en el Progreso guanajuatenses les presta toda clase de ga
rantías , no persiguiendo a nadie, ni permitiendo
de la Confederación Mexicana que se causo daño, ni a sus propios enemigos
políticos, a quienes ha demostrado que es el
EMOS seguido paso a paso la marcha tocado todos los ramos de la actividad admi
gobernante culto y honrado, que olvida todos
progresiva que en estos momentos de nistrativa ; reorganizó las finanzas del Estado , los sinsabores de la campaña y de la lucha
Η reconstrucción general está desarro que estaban en bancarrota, logrando nivelar política, que por igual estrecha la mano de
llando el histórico, rico y culto Estado de los presupuestos de ingresos y egresos, y con propios y extraños.
Guanajuato, que es la cuna de la Independen medidas económicas ha obtenido el mayor
La moralización de todos los ramos admi
cia mexicana y el territorio más priviligiado triunfo de tener cubiertos al día los sueldos de nistrativos ha dado magnificos resultados,
de esa Gran República que hoy ocupa la aten los servidores y gastos del Gobierno, habiendo pues con ello se ha obtenido el progreso del
ción de todos los hombres de negocios del en existencia fuertes sumas de dinero, para Estado y en su programa que hoy realiza, lleva
mundo, porque Guanajuato constituye el co toda emergencia. Esta obra satisfactoria en este lema : Justicia, Honradés, Trabajo.
razón de México, en donde las formidables el ramo de Hacienda , se debe en parte, tambien,
bonanzas de sus minas han asombrado al Por ello, Guanajuato, con su intensa labor
al Gobierno reorganizador y Provisional, del actual, en la agricultura, la minería, las in
universo ; las producciones de sus tierras jurisconsulto, Don Enrique Colunga, que dejó dustria, las artes y la educación general del
riquísimas son incomparables, muy espe orientados las rentas públicas, por un sendero pueblo, pronto logrará culminar e ir a la van
cialmente las del Bajío, la zona de promisión , factible y propicio, para obtener esta finalidad. guardia de las demás Entidades que forman
en donde los terrenos son jugosos y producen
la Confederación Mexicana. E. S. S.
tres cosechas anuales ; maravillando a los
centros industriales de América, por sus arte
factos y sus productos fabriles. Los ferroca
rriles cruzan todos los poblados en diferentes.
direcciones y los telégrafos y teléfonos , en
redes de millares de kilómetros, ponen El Ing. Madrazo Hizo Importantes
comunicación todos los centros poblados con Declaraciones Acerca de sus Principies
las fincas de campo ; y las seguridades que se de Gobierno
disfrutan, unidas a su clima envidiable, forman OS lectores de LA REVISTA están enterados
el conjunto de facilidades para la vida y el Los de la toma de posesión del Ingeniero
progreso de ese laborioso pueblo que, así como don Antonio Madrazo como Gobernador
en la guerra fué el primero, en la paz y el del rico Estado minero de Guanajuato, cuya
trabajo con ahínco se apresta a la lucha que administración se confía será una de las
en estos instantes se libra para el engrandeci más modernas y beneficiosas para esa región.
miento de esa Patria heroica, que está con
En esa solemne ocasión, el Ing. Madrazo hizo
quistando su futuro glorioso, por el esfuerzo
muy importantes declaraciones relativas al
supremo de sus hijos.
programa de gobierno que adoptará su admi
Guanajuato ha entrado, pues, en una etapa
nistración, cuya larga extensión nos priva del
de adelanto y de verdadero progreso, gracias
placer de insertarlo en este número ; mas a fin
a los afanes de su mandatario, Ingeniero Don
de dar siquiera una idea de él, insertamos a
Antonio Madrazo, pudiendo decir que es el continuación algunos de sus conceptos más
único Estado que no ha tenido controversias salientes :
por la campaña electoral que acaba de pasar.
"Terminantemente declaro que seré celoso
El Ingeniero Madrazo, con entusiasmo y
de la completa autonomía del Poder Legis
animado de servír a su Estado natal, así como
lativo, para que sus responsabilidades sean
con el propósito loable de que el pueblo vea
efectivas y disfruten legitimamente de las
realizadas sus aspiraciones , ha dedicado largas satisfacciones íntimas que les proporcionará el
horas de estudio y de trabajo, silencioso y sin haber correspondido a la confianza depositada
alarde, en su gabinete, para resolver todos los EL NIÑO PIPITO SANCHEZ
Hijo de Nuestro Representante Don Eusebio por el pueblo en sus personas. Espero, por lo
problemas que se presentan a los nuevos Sanchez Saucedo tanto, que el funcionamiento armónico entre el
funcionarios de México, habiendo procurado
Poder Ejecutivo y el Legislativo se halle
resolver los con tino y clarividencia , muy El Sr. Madrazo, lucha en estos momentos firmemente establecido, sin las bajezas ni las
especialmente el problema del Trabajo , por por implantar debidamente la instrucción complicidades inmorales de las pasadas admi
medio de las Juntas de Conciliación y Arbi pública, conforme los adelantos de la época y nistraciones.
traje, que armonizan al capital y a los obreros los progresos de la pedagogia moderna. La "Los principales problemas de cuya acertada
en sus derechos y prerrogativas, para solucio escuela será la base de nuestro engrandeci resolución depende la vida de nuestro Estado
nar todos los conflictos que se susciten por miento, porque se llevará el pan de la inte son la recta y eficáz administración de justicia,
medio de la Ley del Trabajo Argícola, que ligencia hasta los más apartados lugares del el desarrollo y propagación de la instrucción
indica cuáles son los deberes de . los campesi territorio guanajuatense, en el año de 1921 , pública y las relaciones de esas dos fuerzas
nos y sus derechos, así como las obligaciones dotando a los planteles de todos los elementos que se debaten en el mundo contemporáneo :
de los terratenientes . Esta legislación ha sido indispensables para la enseñanza. el capital y el trabajo.
muy interesante, por su fondo justiciero y Las facilidades para las industrias, las artes "En cada uno de esos problemas se destaca
levantado, que no permitirá la intromisión del y el trabajo en general son las cualidades del un factor de primer orden, de cuya determina
bolchevismo y la anarquía, por el equilibrio Gobierno de dicho Estado, pues ha logrado el ción depende el acierto con que seamos capaces
que consolida el bienestar de ambos factores. ingeniero Madrazo que las grandes Compañías de resolverlos. Yo sabré imprimir a todos los
A esto se debe que se hayan solucionado paci extranjeras que explotan las minas de Guana actos de la administración el sello de la más
ficamente, cordialmente, todas las huelgas que juato, no suspendieran sus trabajos a pesar de extricta honorabilidad. Si antes la justicia
se han presentado últimamente en las minas, la baja de la plata, y gestionó del C. Presidente era un sarcasmo en nuestro medio, porque los
en las fábricas y en los campos. Estas leyes de la República varias concesiones que favore encargados de administrarla estuvieron supe-
serian por si solas el mejor timbre de orgullo cieran a los mineros, con lo que pudo conjurar ditados al favoritismo del Encargado del
a la labor meritoria e intensa del mandatario ese fenómeno mundial que ponía obstáculos Poder Ejecutivo y al precio del mejor postor,.
guanajuatense, pero su cuidadosa atención ha para la explotación de los metales. es mi más sana intención poner a su servici
18 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

"I solemnly declare that I will be atten The Slump in Silver as Affecting power, caused the overlooking of the many
tively mindful of the complete autonomy of the Mining Industry of Mexico opportunities to develop, as did their prede
the Legislative Power, so that its respon cessors, virgin ground into great producing
sibilities will be effective and will legiti IS an ill wind that blows no one good,"
mines of exceedingly high grade gold-silver
T and it is not certain but that the slump ores, and these new-comers have to date been
mately enjoy its intimate trust, in order to
in the market price of this white metal may
reciprocate the confidence reposed in this body satisfied with working over the refuse that the
in the end be of a great and far- reaching
by the people. I hope, therefore, that the har Spanish miners left behind, then too poor to
benefit to Mexico in general as we know that
monious functioning between the Executive pay, in old, apparently worthless, dumps of al
it will be to certain mining districts in this
Power and the Legislative Power will be ready mined ores, and equally too poor to pay
country. From experience we know that every
firmly established without either the baseness to work with normal prices of silver. The
great industrial readjustment, every financial.
or the immoral complications of past adminis corporations working over these low grade
trations. crisis, so to speak, with its subsequent drop in
piles of refuse with high priced silver were
prices of supplies, wages, etc., as pertaining able to make substantial returns and, ever
"The principal problems, on the proper solu
tion of which depends the life of our State, thereto, has carried with it temporarily a jealous of competition , did all in their power
slump in the prices of the metals, silver in
are the straight and efficient administration of to discourage individuals from coming into
cluded, even though this metal was by the
justice, the development and propagation of Guanajuato and developing new mines, neces
fall in prices really made more valuable, hav sarily erecting great milling plants. Thus, this
public instruction and the relationship of those
two forces which must exist in the contempo ing an increased purchasing power, and al wonderful and high grade district became to
though the prices of commodities thus forced the uninformed a low grade ore producing
rary world- Capital and Labor.
to that of normal worth remained, the price district. What they need here is not the timid
"On each of those problems, there is seen a
factor of first importance, on the determina but those fearless men who are able to see op
tion of which depends the ability with which portunities and capable of developing them ;
we are able to solve them. I shall know how men who have the initiative to act and take
to stamp in all the acts of the administration, advantage of opportunities that present them
the seal of the strictest honesty. Although if selves. This silver slump will cause many cor
in past times, justice was an irony in our life, porations operating on low grade refuse ores
because the ones who were in charge of its to either develop their old mines or new ones,
administration were subdued by the favoritism and find ores of commercial values, just as
of the President of the Republic and by the the Spanish did in days gone by, making fifty
buyer's best price, it is my earnest intention to d mand or a hundred dollars per ton of ore instead of
put at its services my absolute respect for the one or two of a few at most, as customary
independence of the Judicial Power, and, mak with many corporations today, thus needless to
ing use of the power which the laws grant me, say a far-reaching and lasting benefit to the
I will watch very carefully in order that jus mining industry of Mexico.
tice will be dealt equally to all the inhabitants W a
e fma
of the State, whatever the social status of the e i
k ue International Traffic Agreement
individual may be, and I will be inflexible with s Mg ro
d m & rid
those who do not know how to fulfill the sa Pe i REE interchange of traffic between the
a g a
t railroads of the United States and Mex
cred mission which they have recommended. Eu ri S FRE
On account of the above, the necessity is im c a an ico was resumed on January 1 , the American
Sa chi ch
posed that one of the first steps of the new uc o Railway Association having announced that
Government is the passing of a law placing the ed under the agreement negotiated with Francisco
responsibility on the functionaries and em o.
Perez, general director of the Mexican Na
ployes of the State, including the Governor, tional Railways, the cars belonging to the
whenever one of them does not keep within American-Canadian roads which were deliv
the path which his duties direct him. ered to Mexico's railways prior to January 1 ,
"I desire that in Guanajuato, our wealth not 9 1918, are to be considered as sold to the Mex
yet exploited, will be developed, and that can ican Railways at cost, less the depreciation
be accomplished only with the powerful aid suffered.
of enterprising men. The Government will All the Mexican cars upon the United
see, therefore, with great satisfaction, that the Representative of the Mexican Review in States roads will be returned to Mexico as
capitalists, native or foreign, will invest their Guanajuato, Mexico soon as possible.
money in the State, and will give them all the No transportation charge will be made dur
aid they may require for the development of of the white metal soon recuperated more or
ing this movement. The Mexican railroads ,
their interests ; and while I am speaking about less, and thus, costing less to produce the sil
ver and being able to purchase more with it however, will pay without interest the repair
guarantees, I might say that the Government bills due to the American-Canadian roads for
after it was produced, the mining booms cor
will grant to religious corporations all guar
responding took place. necessary repairs to enable the cars to return
antees within the law.
Mexico has produced the bulk of the world's to Mexico.
"I could say a great deal regarding the prob
lem of public education, but I think it is suffi silver, along with enormous quantities of gold, The Mexican cars destroyed on American
cient for me to state that I shall dedicate to one great mining camp alone, Guanajuato, with railways prior to July 1 will be mutually can
it all the interest and enthusiasm with which a radius of six by twelve miles, having pro celled.
duced over three-fifths the entire world's out An initial payment of 25 per cent, with
I have always been inspired for it."
Mr. Madrazo ended his speech as follows : put of this white metal. Perhaps this camp in 30 days after the execution of the contract,
"Fellow-citizens : Never forget these plain will be an example of one that may be bene will be made by the Mexican railroads and the
and sincere words ; they come from a heart fited by the silver slump. Here the greatest balance to be forthcoming in three equal in
which is all for Guanajuato, and as it is closely mines on earth were developed by the Spanish, stalments, six months apart.
who were in turn driven from the country a
united to me, remember also that in accepting
the office with which you have graced me, century past. Even with this enormous pro
duction this district has been but scratched in A decree has been issued by the President
without illegitimate interests, I feel only too
happy that this occasion which the history of a few places with equally promising zones permitting the free exportation of copper in all
Guanajuato offers to us, is a glorious one for still undeveloped, but the oncoming of the for forms. Also decrees have been issued covering
me, since I am able to be of use to my be eigner of recent years, along with modern the free export of other metals in view of the
methods of ore reduction and cheap electric disastrous conditions of the metal markets.
loved country."
Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 19

mi absoluto respeto por la independencia del tambien que al desempeñar el puesto que me un buen ejemplo de uno de los que se bene
Poder Judicial, y haciendo uso de las faculta habeís conferido, sin intereses bastardos, sólo ficiarán con la baja de la plata. Aquí las
des que me concedan las leyes , vigilaré anhelo que esta oportunidad que nos brinda la más grandes minas de la tierra fueron explota
estrechamente porque la justicia sea impartida historia de Guanajuato, sea para mí grandiosa, das por los españoles, arrojados del país hace
por igual a todos los habitantes del Estado, ya que puedo serle útil a mi querida Patria." ya una centuria. Apesar de la enorme produc
sea cual fuere su condición social, siendo in ción que rinde este distrito, a panas si ha sido
flexible con aquellos que no sepan cumplir con explorado en pequeñas regiones, pues ricas
La Baja de la Plata y sus Efectos
la sagrada misión que tienen encomendada. zonas están aún inexploradas ; pero el arribo
Sobre la Industria Minera de México
De donde se impone la necesidad de que uno del capitalista extranjero en los últimos años,
de los primeros pasos del nuevo Gobierno, sea O hay viento malo que sople bien a con sus métodos modernos de reducción de los
la expedición de una ley de responsabilidades "N nadie," dice el refrán, pero esto no es ores y su energía eléctrica barata, ha determi
que las haga efectivas a todos los funciona aplicable a la actual baja de la plata, pues ella nado una gran perspectiva de las muchas
rios y empleados del Estado, el Gobernador resultará, a la larga, de grande y extenso bene oportunidades que existen para el desarrollo
inclusive, cuando alguno de ellos se separe de ficio para México, en general, pues sabemos de esa región, como el efectuado por sus prede
la senda que le marcan sus deberes . que redundará en beneficio de ciertos distritos cesores, tornando los vírgenes campos en minas





Courtesy Pan- American Union

This house was occupied by Hidalgo when the Independence of Mexico was declared by him

"Yo anhelo que en Guanajuato se desarro mineros de este país. Sabemos por propia de producción en gran escala, con ores de oro
llen nuestras riquezas, aun no explotadas , y experiencia que todo profundo nivelamiento y plata de altísimo grado. Sin embargo, esos
ello se logrará solamente con el auxilio pode industrial, el final de cada crisis, con la recientes capitalistas extranjeros se han con
roso de los hombres de empresa. El Gobierno consiguiente baja en los precios, salarios , etc. , formado hasta aquí con seguir trabajando los
verá, por lo tanto, con suma complacencia, que ha ocasionado siempre una baja temporal en desechos abandonados por los españoles por su
los hombres de capital, nacionales o extranje los precios de los metales, incluso la plata, pobre rendimiento , dejados como antiguos
ros, lo inviertan en el Estado, el que les im sin embargo de que este metal, con motivo de desperdicios de ores ya explotados, sin valor
partirá toda la ayuda que necesiten para el la baja de precios, adquiere mayor valor in alguno apreciable, y, naturalmente, incapaces
desarrollo de sus intereses. I ya que de ga trínseco, ya que aumenta su poder adquisitivo . de ser trabajados con ventaja con los precios
rantías trato, el mismo Gobierno las dará No obstante, pues, que los precios de los normales de la plata. Las compañías, traba
tambien, dentro de la ley, a las corporaciones artículos se ven obligados a volver a su valer jado estas abandonadas vetas de baja ley
religiosas. primitivo o normal, el precio del metal blanco cuando regían altos precios para la plata ,
"Mucho tendría qué decir del problema de pronto se recupera, mas o menos, y asi, pudieron obtener apreciables beneficios y aún,
la educación pública ; bástame sólo hacer la costando menos producir la plata y alcanzando celosos de la competencia, hicieron todo lo
declaración más solemne de que dedicaré a ésta mayor poder adquisito luego de producida, posible por desanimar a las personas que iban
ella todo el interés y todo el entusiasmo que el auge de las minas no tarda en resurgir. a Guanajuato con el propósito de desarrollar
siempre me ha inspirado." México ha producido la mayor parte del nuevas minas y establecer necesariamente
El Ing. Madrazo terminó su elocuente dis "stock" de plata del mundo, con enormes canti grandes plantas y talleres. Fué por eso que
curso con las sinceras frases siguientes : dades de oro, pues uno de los grandes campos este maravilloso y excelente distrito ha sido
"Concludadanos : No olvideís nunca estas mineros de Guanajuato, con un radio de seis considerado como distrito productor de baja
sencillas y sinceras frases ; son nacidas de un por doce millas, produjo más de las tres ley por las gentes que desconocen la verdad.
corazón que es todo para Guanajuato , y al quintas partes de la producción mundial de Lo que allí se necesitan son hombres resueltos
estar estrictamente ligado conmigo, recordad metal blanco. Acaso este campo minero será
(Sigue en la pagina 48)

20 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

at its expense the share belonging to it, based ,

on the productive capacity.
Oil Deposits In the Federal Zones XIII . For the foregoing effects, the Gov
ernment inspectors will measure each month,
Law Under Which Such Deposits May be Exploited in the presence of the employes of the grantees,
the productive capacity of the wells.
by Private Parties and Companies XIV. The grantees will guarantee the ful
fillment of their obligation by making a de
O MUCH has been published regarding II. Upon fulfillment of the foregoing re posit of one thousand pesos for each kilometer
the granting of permission by the Gov quirement, the order of preference for obtain or fraction greater than five hundred meters,
S ernment to exploit the petroleum de ing such concession will be as follows : of Federal zone granted . This deposit will be
First.-Those authorized legally to exploit returned to them as soon as they obtain the
posits upon Federal lands, and there seems to oil lands bordering on the Federal zones.
first productive well, which will serve, as well
be so much misapprehension regarding this Second - The properties of the bordering as others which they may drill thereafter, as
matter, that THE REVIEW gives herewith the lands, whenever the concession to exploit the a guarantee of the fulfillment of their obliga
provisions of the law governing such develop subsurface of such lands has not been granted. tions.
Third. The exploiters or proprietors of XV. The terms provided for in this con
ment. This law is contained in a decree issued lands situated less than two kilometers from
by President Carranza on March 12, 1920, and cession will be suspended in the event of cir
the Federal zone, who show that they own a cumstances of "force majeur" absolutely and
is still in force pending the enactment of leg sufficient area to establish storage tanks and directly preventing the fulfillment of the obli
islation by the National Congress covering the the other necessary accessories for the ex gations stipulated , the Ministry of Industry,
entire petroleum question. It is as follows : ploitation of the subscription of the subsurface Commerce and Labor to extend such terms for
comprised in the stretch of Federal zone which as long as may be deemed necessary. In order
Considering : may be granted them. that the grantees may be able to use this grace,
III. The duration of the concessions will be they must demonstrate before said . Ministry,
One. That according to the principles set ten years .
forth in Article 27 of the Political Constitution with the necessary proofs, the circumstances
IV. The applications to obtain these con of "force majeur" which prevented or might
now in force, the direct control of petroleum cessions will be published and carried through
and other hydrocarbons, solid, liquid or gas in the form established for the denouncement continue to prevent them from fulfilling their
eous, to be found on the surface or subsurface of oil lands. obligations . The advice and demonstration be
of the national territory, is vested in the Na fore the Ministry of such " force majeur" must
tion ; V.-Regarding concessions applied for by be filed within one month from the day such
corporations or individuals having the right of circumstances are extant.
Two. That in the Federal zones, beaches
preference in accordance with the foregoing XVI. The grantees will have the right to
and ocean beds, rivers, creeks, lagoons , estu articles, the maximum extension of that Fed
aries and marshes, the direct control of the establish pipe lines to carry the oil from the
surface as well as the subsurface is vested in eral zone which they will be granted for ex
ploitation will not exceed ten kilometers. wells to the storing station, as well as to estab
the Nation ; lish in the fluvial routes to which the zone
Three. That the districts at present recog VI. The parcels of Federal zone in connec granted belongs, the piers necessary for ex
tion with which some other contract is in force,
nized as oil producing are crossed by numerous ploitation, subject to the conditions that may
or permission or concessions has been granted be imposed 1 by the Ministries of Communica
rivers, creeks , estuaries, lagoons and marshes for temporary occupation cannot be granted
of Federal jurisdiction , the petroleum ex tions and Public Works ,, Finance and Public
for exploitation. Credit, and War and Marine.
ploitation of which if granted to private indi VII. The grantees will furnish, within a
viduals or companies organized in accordance term of six months from the date of their con XVII.- The Ministry of Industry, Com
with the Mexican laws, may yield abundant merce and Labor will have the right to exam
cessions, a map of the zone granted, in strict
revenue to the National Treasury, from rental accordance with the boundaries provided for ine, through its inspectors, the accounting in
and the just and equitable share stipulated in in the concession. connection with the exploitation which consti
the concession ; tute the basis of these concessions, each time
VIII. cd The grantees must perforate within it may deem it convenient.
Four. That such petroleum regions are be five years from the date of their concessions,
ing intensely exploited and to such extent that 1 at least one well for each kilometer of zone XVIII. In the case of an impervious pub
the rapid exhaustion of the oil deposits is cer granted or faction greater than one kilometer, lic necessity demanding it, the grantees will
tain to come about, as, for instance, is already agree to sell the production of their wells to
occurring in the region known by the name of the the first of such wells to be completed during the Government at the price fixed in the same
first year the concession is in force. The
"Chinampa" and this without affording the na form stipulated in the eleventh paragraph.
obligation of the grantees in connection with XIX . In all things not especially { provided
tion the just profits which it would have de each one of the wells mentioned will be .con
rived if the perforation of wells had been per for in these conditions, the grantees will be
mitted in the Federal zones of rivers, creeks, sidered fulfilled with the completion of one subject to all the laws, regulations and admin
estuaries, etc., of Federal jurisdiction which productive well, or with the perforation of a istrative dispositions which govern the petro
cross them in all directions ; well which reaches the average depth of the leum industry.
Five . That furthermore, according to the productive wells in the adjacent region .
IX. The localization of the wells and the XX. The grantees must carry out the ex
6th paragraph of Article 27 of the Political ploitation of the Federal zones, without preju
Constitution now in force, the Federal Gov necessary installations for their perforation dice to navigation and the common use to
ernment has a right to grant concessions of oil will be subject to the approval of the Ministry
of Industry, Commerce and Labor. All the which they are devoted . They must indem
deposits and other hydrocarbons, solid, liquid nify the damage occasioned ; in accordance
or gaseous, on condition that regular work of installations will be considered as temporary, with the Federal laws governing the subject.
exploitation be established ; and they to be drawn as soon as possible without
XXI.- In no case will the grantees pledge,
Six -That the application filed for making hindering the progress of the work.
transfer or in any way alienate the concessions
perforation in the Federal zones of rivers , X.-The grantees will pay : or any of the rights and franchises continued
creeks, etc., are already very numerous in the First.-An annual rent of one hundred pesos in them to any society, government or foreign
region now known as oil producing, which per kilometer or fraction of Federal zone es State, nor will admit them as partners, any
applications it is deemed necessary to consider, tablished. such transaction which may be carried out to
it being to the best interest of the public finance Second. A share of the daily production of be declared null and void. Nor will they trans
as well as the petitioners to give them the nec petroleum secured from the wells perforated fer the concessions to any private individual or
essary attention ; in the zone granted, which will vary as fol corporation, without due permission, in writ
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and lows : For the first 1,000 cubic meters of daily ing, from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce
Labor is hereby authorized to grant, in the production, 5 per cent ; from 1,000 to 2,000 and Labor, this obligation being permanent for
name of the Executive, such concessions, sub cubic meters of daily production, 10 per cent ; all such corporations as may thereafter acquire
ject, however, until such times as the Congress from 2,000 to 5,000 cubic meters of daily pro the rights granted by the concessions.
of the Union issues the Petroleum Law, to the duction and up, 20 per cent. In liquidating XXII. The grantees will have the preferred
following : the share on each month's productin, the aver right, upon the expiration of the period of
General conditions which will govern the age daily production in said month will be used their concession, to renew it for the time and
concessions that may be granted by this Min as a basis. under the conditions which the Federal Ex
istry of Industry, Commerce and Labor, to ex XI.-The Government will have the right to ecutive may deem necessary.
ploit petroleum and other hydrocarbons exist exact its share in cash or species. For pay XXIII. The Ministry of Industry, Com
ing in the subsurface of the Federal zones, ment in cash, the oil will be valued at the place merce and Labor, will punish the faults of the
beaches, and beds of rivers, creeks, lagoons, of production. If the Government should
grantees which do not call for the cancellation -
estuaries, etc., of national territory. choose to receive its share in species , the
of their concessions, with fines fluctuating be
I. phb The concessions for the exploitation of grantees will only be obliged to keep it stored tween one hundred and one thousand pesos,приме in
petroleum and other hydrocarbons in the Fed in their tanks during the fifteen days following
the date of settlement. accordance with the seriousness and frequency
eral zones, beaches and beds of rivers, creeks ,
XII -If the grantees should fail to deliver, of the faults,
estuaries, lagoons , etc., may only be granted
to Mexicans by birth or naturalization, or to within one month, a quantity of petroleum XXIV.-The ་ Ministry of Industry, Com
corporations organized according to the Mex equivalent to 50 per cent of the productive ca merce and Labor may administratively declare
ican laws. pacity of their wells, the Government may draw (Concluded on page 48)

Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 21

XI.-El Gobierno tendrá derecho de exigir

la participación que le corresponde, bien en
Los Depositos de Petroleo en Zonas Federales efectivo o en especie. Para el pago efectivo ,
se valuará el petróleo en el lugar de la pro
$ ducción.
Ley que Regula la Explotación de tales Depósitos por
Si el Gobierno optare por recibir su partici
Particulares y Compañías pación en especie, los concesionarios solamente
tendrán obligación de conservarla almacenada
ANTO se ha publicado sobre la con otorgarse a mexicanos por nacimiento o natu en sus tanques, durante los quince días si
cesión de permisos del Gobierno para ralización o a sociedades organizadas con guientes al de la liquidación.
la explotación de los depósitos petro forme a las leyes mexicanas. XII. Si los concesionarios no extrajeren ,
II.KE Llenando el requisito anterior, tendrán durante un mes, una cantidad de petróleo
líferos en zonas federales y parece dominar preferencia, en el orden siguiente, para obtener equivalente al 50 por ciento de la capacidad
tanto -falso concepto sobre esta materia, que estas concesiones : productora de sus pozos , el Gobierno podrá
LA REVISTA MEXICANA cree conveniente dar a Primera.- Los autorizados legalmente para extraer, por su cuenta, la participación que le
continuación los postulados de la ley que rige explotar los fundos petrolíferos colindantes corresponde, basada en la misma capacidad
con las zonas federales. productora.
dicha explotación . Esta ley está contenida
Segunda . Los propietarios del terreno colin XIII. Para el objeto anterior, los inspecto
en un decreto del Presidente Carranza de 12 res del Gobierno medirán cada mes, en presen
dante, cuando no haya sido otorgada la con
de Marzo de 1920, el cual está aún vigente, en cesión para explotar el subsuelo de dicho cia de los empleados de los concesionarios, la
tanto el Congreso Nacional decreta la legisla terreno . capacidad_productora de los pozos.
ción general que comprenda toda la cuestión Tercera . Los explotadores propietarios de XIV. Los concesionarios garantizarán el
los terrenos situados a menos de dos kilóme cumplimiento de sus obligaciones, con un de
petrolera. Dice así : pósito de mil pesos por cada kilómetro o
"Considerando : tros de la zona federal, que justifiquen dispo
ner de la extensión suficiente para establecer fracción mayor de quinientos metros de zona
Uno.-Que según los postulados del artículo los tanques de almacenamiento y las demás federal concedida. Este depósito se les de
27 de la Constitución Política vigente, co instalaciones necesarias para la explotación del volverá una vez que obtengan el primer pozo
rresponde a la Nación el dominio directo del subsuelo del tramo de zona federal que se les productivo, el cual servirá, como los demás
petróleo y demás ( carburos de hidrógeno , conceda. que perforen en lo sucesivo , como garantía del
sólidos, líquidos o gaseosos, que se encuentren III. La duración de las concesiones será cumplimiento de sus obligaciones.
en la superficie o en el subsuelo del Territorio XV.- Los plazos señalados en esta con
de diez años .
Nacional ; cesión, se suspenderán en caso fortuito o de
IV. Las solicitudes para obtener estas con
Dos -Que en las zonas federales, playas y fuerza mayor que impida directamente y en
fondos de los mares, ríos , arroyos, lagunas, cesiones, se publicarán y tramitarán en la
misma forma que la establecida para el denun lo absoluto el cumplimiento de las obligaciones
esteros y marismas, corresponde a la Nación estipuladas, pudiendo en tal caso la Secretaría
el dominio directo, tanto sobre la superficie cio de los terrenos petrolíferos.
V. Tratándose de concesiones solicitadas de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo prorrogar
como sobre el subsuelo ; dichos plazos por el tiempo que considere
Tres. Que las regiones reconocidas actual por empresas o particulares, que no tengan el necesario.
mente como petrolíferas, están cruzadas por derecho de preferencia conforme a los artícu
Para que los concesionarios puedan usar de
numerosos ríos, arroyos, esteros , lagos y maris los anteriores, la longitud máxima de zona
federal que se les concederá para su explota esta gracia, deberán justificar ante dicha Sec
mas de jurisdicción federal, cuya explotación retaría, presentando las pruebas respectivas , el
petrolera puede dar origen, al concederla a ción, no excederá de diez kilómetros.
caso fortuito o de fuerza mayor que les haya
particulares o a sociedades organizadas con VI.- No podrán concederse para su explota
ción los tramos de zona federal respecto a los impedido o les impida el cumplimiento de sus
forme a las leyes mexicanas, a fuertes ingresos obligaciones. El aviso y la justificación ante
al tesoro nacional, provenientes de las rentas cuales esté en vigor algún contrato, concesión
la Secretaría, del caso de fuerza mayor, deberá
y de la participación justa y equitativa que se o permiso legítimo para su ocupación transi hacerse dentro del plazo de un mes, contado
señale por la concesión ; toria.
desde el día en que se presente dicho caso
Cuatro .-Que esas regiones petrolíferas es VII. Los concesionarios presentarán , dentro fortuito.
tán siendo intensamente explotadas, • en tal de un plazo de seis meses, contados desde la XVI.- Los concesionarios tendrán derecho
grado , que es seguro el rápido agotamiento fecha de la concesión , un plano de la zona
para establecer tuberías que conduzcan el
de sus yacimientos de aceite, como está pasando concedida, de acuerdo con los límites fijados petróleo de los pozos a las estaciones de alma
en la región conocida con el nombre de en la concesión.
cenamiento, así como para establecer en las
"Chinampa," sin dejar a la Nación la justa VIII. Los concesionarios deberán perforar, vías fluviales a que corresponda la zona con
utilidad que le habría correspondido si se dentro de los cinco años siguientes a la fecha cedida, los muelles necesarios para la explo
hubiera permitido la perforación de pozos en de su concesión , cuando menos un pozo por
cada dos kilómetros de zona concedida O tación, de acuerdo con las condiciones que
las zonas federales de los ríos , arroyos, esteros , impongan las Secretarías de Comunicaciones y
etc., de jurisdicción federal que la cruzan en fracción mayor de un kilómetro . El primero Obras Públicas, de Hacienda y Crédito Público
todos sentidos ; de esos pozos lo terminarán en el primer año y de Guerra y Marina.
Cinco . P Que a mayor abundamiento, según de la vigencia de la concesión. XVII.- La Secretaría de Industria, Comer
el párrafo sexto del artículo 27 de la Cons La obligación de los concesionarios , por lo cio y Trabajo, por medio de sus inspectores,
titución Política vigente, el Gobierno Federal que se refiere a cada uno de los pozos men podrá examinar la contabilidad relacionada
cstá facultado para otorgar concesiones de cionados , quedará satisfecha con la termina con la explotación de los pozos motivo de estas
yacimientos de petróleo y demás carburos de ción de un pozo productivo, o con la perfo concesiones, cada vez que lo estime conve
Ĉ ración de un pozo que alcance la profundidad
hidrógeno, sólidos , líquidos o gascosos, con la niente.
condición de que se establezcan trabajos regu media de los productivos en la región inme XVIII.-En caso de que una necesidad
lares para su explotación ; y diata. pública imperiosa lo exija, los concesionarios
Seis -Que son ya muy numerosas las solici IX.-La localización de los pozos y de las se obligan a vender al Gobierno Federal la
tudes que se han presentado para hacer instalaciones indispensables para su perfora producción de sus pozos, al precio que se
perforaciones en las zonas federales de ríos , ción, estará sujeta a la aprobación de la Secre fijará en la misma forma estipulada en la
arroyo's , etc., de la región actualmente recono taría de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo. Todas fracción undécima.
sida como petrolífera, peticiones que se juzga las instalaciones tendrán el carácter de tempo XIX. Para todo lo que no esté especial
necesario atender por convenir así a los inte rales, debiéndose retirarlas tan pronto como mente prevenido en estas bases, los concesiona
reses tanto de la Hacienda Pública, como de sea posible, sin perjuicio de la marcha de los rios estarán sujetos a todas las leyes, regla
los peticionarios ; trabajos. mentos y disposiciones administrativas que
Queda autorizada la Secretaría de Industria. X.-Los concesionarios pagarán : rijan la industria petrolera.
Comercio y Trabajo para otorgar, en nombre Primera.-Una renta anual de cien pesos por XX.- Los concesionarios deberán efectuar
dėl Ejecutivo, esas concesiones, sujetándolas kilómetro o fracción de zona federal concedida. la explotación de las zonas federales, sin
provisionalmente y mientras el Congreso de la Segunda - Una participación sobre la pro perjuicio de la navegación y del uso común a
Unión expide { la Ley del Petróleo , a las ducción diaria del petróleo que se extraiga de que están destinadas. Estarán obligados a
siguientes : los pozos perforados en la zona concedida, que indemnizar por los perjuicios ocasionados, de
Bases generales a las que deberán sujetarse variará de la manera siguiente : acuerdo con las leyes federales que rijan en
las concesiones que otorgue esta Secretaría de Por los primeros 1,000 metros cúbicos o la materia.
Industria, Comercio y Trabajo para explotar menos de producción diaria, 5 por ciento ; el XXI.-En ningún caso podrán los conce
el petróleo y demás hidrocarburos que existan excedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000 metros cúbicos sionarios hipotecar, traspasar, ni en manera
en el subsuelo de las zonas federales, playas de producción diaria, 10 por ciento ; el exce alguna enajenar las concesiones o algunos de
y cauces de los ríos, arroyos , lagunas, esteros, dente de 2,000 hasta 5,000 metros cúbicos de los derechos y franquicias contenidos en ellas
etc., del Territorio Nacional: producción diaria, 15 por ciento ; el excedente a alguna sociedad , Gobierno o Estado extran
I. Las concesiones para la explotación de de 5,000 metros, 20 por ciento. jeros, ni admitirlos como socios , declarándose
petróleo y demás carburos de hidrógeno en las Para liquidar la participación correspon nula y sin valor alguno cualquiera operación
zonas federales, playas y cauces de ríos, diente a cada mes, se calculará la producción que se hiciere en ese sentido . Tampoco podrán
arroyos, esteros, lagunas, etc., sólo podrán diaria media del mismo mes. (Sigue en la pagina 48)

February, 1921

necessary." Other papers whose familiarity

American Viewpoint Changes with Mexican conditions comes of close con
tact also contend that the new government de
serves recognition . The San Francisco Chron
Editors of Newspapers Show Greater Appreciation of Mexican
icle (Ind. ) believes that Obregon "realizes that
Friendship and Most Are Sympathetic Toward Recognition
Mexico cannot develop without the friendly aid
MERICAN editorial comment on Mex of the United States, and has given abundant
in an editorial captioned "Canada's Bad Side," evidence of sincere intent to win that aid by
ico during the past three months, in wherein it is suggested that conditions along creating the essential conditions in stability at
Α general, has been notably more opti the Northern border of the United States are
mistic as to that country's future, and some home and good feeling abroad ." And to the
becoming more troublous than the Southern Dallas News (Ind. Dem. ) "there seems to
what more sympathetic in appreciation of her border ever was. "Whether Mexico and Can
no real reason why recognition should be
difficulties in effecting reconstruction than ada are good neighbors depends on the point longer withheld."
heretofore during the many troubled years of of view,” says this editor. "The drys protest
The new government, as the New York
revolution ; though, there is not wanting a con that it is far from neighborly for them to
siderable and influential minority of news World (Dem. ) sees it, is one "which reflects
smuggle whiskey into the United States, an the country's weariness of internal disorder
paper editors who refuse to concede the pos opinion that of course is controverted by the and of organized enmities toward friendly
sibility that "Any good can come from Naz wets. Not so much is heard from Mexico neighbors. * * And it is a government
areth." Of these, the Hearst newspapers , as these days, but complaints are increasing in which is not only willing and anxious to prove
usual, are the leaders, their editor-in-chief, number and emphasis that the Canadians are
its friendly attitude, but which is in a position
Arthur Brisbane, asking frankly, "Will Hard putting across the border worse things than
to give guarantees with regard to its inter
ing extend the territory of the United States. the murderous old Villa raids ever were." The
national obligations." While not sharing comFJ
south as far as the other side of the Panama editorial cites some flagrant instances of drug
pletely the world's estimate of the new regime,
Canal, thus conferring a great blessing on smuggling and notes other facts in support of the Philadelphia Bulletin ( Ind . Rep. ) holds
every foot of Mexico ? What a wonderful op its position .
that "any honest attempt at decent government
portunity for a man who has the richest coun In an editorial digest on the geral subject in Mexico deserves recognition and coopera
try in the world and one hundred and five mil of Mexican recognition the Nashville ( Tenn . ) tion on the part of the United States." Mr.
lions of people to work with !" Banner finds hope as the keynote and opinion Colby's move "toward recognition," the New
Possibly it was the sheer brutality of such in general agreement with that of the New York Globe ( Ind. ) thinks, "simply registers
a plea that brought upon this writer the prompt Orleans ( La. ) Daily States, quoting as fol the confidence which half a year of surprising
condemnation of other editors throughout the lows :
tranquillity has engendered," and the Pittsburgh
country, especially from those of the smaller "Secretary Colby's statement foreshadowing Dispatch (Ind . ) adds that "the United States
dailies whose publishers are in close personal early recognition of the New Mexican govern and the world outside will be glad if Colby's
touch with the rank and file of American citi ment and asserting that the Mexican question appraisal of the new Mexican regime comes
zenship. "Hearst's Private War," is the head will soon cease to be a question will be wel anywhere near fulfillment."
ing over the Bridgeport ( Conn . ) Post's de comed by the whole country." Recognition by the United States will mean,
nunciation of the proposal . "As for going The San Antonio Light (Ind . ) recalls that the Fort Wayne (Ind. ) Journal Gazette
down there with the sword and cleaning up "in defining the policy of the United States (Dem.) believes, "that for the first time in al
Mexico-let Willie do it if he wants to. He
toward the new regime over the river the state most a decade the republic to the south is to
can have a war, but it must be private," de department said that not only willingness, but be placed in a position internationally where
clares the Connecticut editor. "One of the ability to cope with domestic problems affect she may rehabilitate herself politically, com
most astoundingly un-American comments ing this country must be demonstrated by the mercially and financially. * * * With the
which have followed the election," is the Au officials of the Mexican government." In the new regime recognized, the jingoes will be
gusta Herald's characterization of the Brisbane opinion of the Light, "Mexico has gone as far handicapped and the once friendly feeling, with
pronunciamento. Scores of papers echo the as she can in her present status toward the all that it means of legitimate profit to both
Herald's sentiments . end the state department had in view. That countries, will be restored." The Indianapolis
The Mexican government's stand in refus she cannot go much farther without the recog News (Ind. ) also believes that "it will be a'
ing to compromise its dignity or promise the nition she craves must be obvious to all who

great thing for the two nations and for the


surrender of national interests in order to se realize Mexico's dependence upon her northern world to be rid of the Mexican problem," and
cure recognition of other nations is widely neighbor." expresses confidence that "the re-establishment
commended by editors of diverse political af An interesting picture of present conditions of diplomatic relations with the United States
filiations . The Dallas ( Tex. ) News, one of in Mexico is given by a border paper, the El will strengthen the forces for law and order
the most powerful dailies of the Southwest, Paso Times (Dem. ) : and will also open the way for our people to
characterizes as "presumptuous" Senator Al "Everywhere in the southern republic mines help in the work of rebuilding the country."
bert B. Fall's attempt, in an interview given a are being reopened , factories and other institu In the rehabilitation and stability of Mexico,
correspondent of a Mexico City newspaper, to tions owned by Americans and foreigners of and the promise of recognition, some writers
prescribe conditions upon which the United other nationalities are resuming operations and see the triumph of the Wilson policy toward
States might accord recognition . "President business is booming. * * * On all sides the turbulent republic. The Richmond (Va.)
de la Huerta's announcement that the Mexican there are signs of a general confidence that the Times-Dispatch ( Dem. ) is one of these. It
government will not exchange diplomatic rep period of strife and turmoil is at an end. notes the "evidences of friendship " which is
resentatives with any country under conditions Everywhere there is the utmost confidence that
which will lessen respect for Mexico, defines a growing up in Texas, "which has suffered most
the new government is permanent, but it is
position which any nation would take in any from the lawlessness heretofore prevailing,"
universally recognized that the one thing
emergency which left it free to act as it needed to assure its permanence is the recog and "assurances as to improved conditions,"
and asserts :
pleased," comments the Detroit ( Mich. ) Free nition of the United States, which is sure to
Press, representative of opinion in the great be followed by that of the nations of Europe. "Thus the policy of ' watchful waiting' has
Middle West. In the East, the conservative
* * Without recognition business is boom been vindicated under a test that sorely tried
Boston (Mass . ) Transcript declares, "No na ing in Mexico and little difficulty is found in the patience of the American people. And the
tion, and especially no American republic, can obtaining the necessary capital to finance al supporters of that policy will not be lacking in
fail to sympathize with the spirit of Provi most any legitimate private enterprise ; but the appreciation of the statement of Mr. Pesquiera
sional President de la Huerta's announcement government is cut off from the foreign money that the Mexican people have come to a ' deep
of his attitude toward the recognition of Mex market, and is therefore helpless to under and lasting appreciation of what Mexico owes
ico by foreign powers ." take the work of caring for its external debts." to the idealism of President Wilson, so nobly
Something of novelty is introduced into the For this reason, the Times concludes, recog and patiently exhibited in the unhappy years
discussion by the Anaconda ( Mont. ) Standard nition "should not be delayed a day longer than during which our oppressed millions fought

Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 23

venido persiguiendo el Departamento de Esta

do. "Que nó puede hacer ya más sin el
Cambia de Criterio la Prensa Norteamericana
reconocimiento que pretende, es asunto que
debe ser evidente para todos cuantos compren
Los Editores Norteamericanos se Muestran Más Inclinados Hacia dan la interdependencia de México con su
la Amistad de México y en su Mayor Parte Simpatizan con el vecina república del Norte."
Reconocimiento del Gobierno . Un periódico democrático de la frontera, El
Tiempo de El Paso , ofrece una interesante
OS comentarios de la prensa norteamericana que cualquier nación digna adoptaría en una descripción de las condiciones actuales de Mé
respecto de México en los tres últimos situación que le permitiera obrar con libertad," xico cuando dice :
L meses ha sido, en general, mucho más comenta La Prensa Libre de Detroit, Michigán, "Por todas partes en la república del Sur
optimista en lo que se refiere al futuro de porta-voz de la opinión pública del gran terri las minas abren de nuevo sus labores ; las
dicho país y, en cierto modo, estiman hoy con torio que se extiende hacia la parte media del fábricas y otras instituciones de propiedad
más simpatía sus dificultades para llevar a Oeste. En el Este, el periódico conservador norteamericana y extranjera están reanudando
cabo la obra de reconstrucción que antes, Reproducción, de Boston, Massachusetts, de sus operaciones , y todos los negocios prosperan

cuando los prolongados y calamitosos años de clara : "Ningun país y especialmente ninguna notablemente. En toda la república existe la
revolución, sin embargo de que no falta una república americana puede dejar de simpatizar confianza general de que el período de con
buena e influyente minoría de editorialistas con el alto espíritu de dignidad que encierra tienda y disturbios ha tocado a su fin . En
que´rehusan admitir la posibilidad de que “algo la declaración del Presidente Provisional de todas partes , en fin, se tiene la mayor con
bueno pueda venir de Nazareth." Entre éstos , la Huerta con su actitud respecto al recono fianza en que el nuevo gobierno es fuerte y
los periódicos de Hearst marchan como siem cimiento de México por las naciones extran estable ; pero todo el mundo reconoce tambien
pre a la cabeza ; su editor en jefe, Arturo jeras." que el reconocimiento de los Estados Unidos
Brisbane, pregunta aún con todo descaro : El periódico El Estandarte de Anaconda sería un buen factor para asegurar la estabili
"¿ Extenderá Harding las fronteras Sur de (Montana ) ha aportado alguna novedad a la dad de dicho gobierno, reconocimiento que sería
los Estados Unidos hasta el otro lado del discusión con su editorial intitulado "El lado seguido por el de todas las naciones europeas .
Canal de Panamá, confiriendo de esta suerte malo del Canadá, " en el cual sugiere que las Aún sin el reconocimiento , el comercio está
una gran bendición sobre cada pié de terreno condiciones que prevalecen en la frontera prosperando en México y casi no existen difi
mexicano? ¡ Cuán maravillosa oportunidad Norte de los Estados Unidos se hacen más cultades para obtener el capital necesario para
para un hombre que posee el país más rico dificultosas de lo que fueron las de la frontera financiar cualquier empresa particular legíti
de la tierra y ciento cinco millones de habitan del Sur. "Que México y el Canadá sean ma ; mas el gobierno prácticamente se encuen
tes para explotarla !" buenos vecinos, depende del punto de vista tra segregado del mercado de las finanzas
Probablemente la abrupta rudeza de seme desde que se considere el asunto," dice el edi extranjeras y, consecuentemente, imposibilitado
jante barbaridad fué la que acarreó a seme tor. "Los partidarios del ' estado seco' sostie para hacer frente al servicio de su deuda ex
jante escribidor la inmediata condenación de nen que está muy lejos de una buena terior."
muchos editores y escritores de todas partes del vecindad el permitir la introducción clandes "Por esta razón , infiere El Tiempo, el
país, especialmente de los más pequeños diarios, tina de bebidas alcohólicas (whiskey ) en reconocimiento no debe demorarse un solo día
cuyos editores se hallan en personal contacto territorio de los Estados Unidos, opinión que más del necesario." Otros periódicos , cuya
con la gente de tropa de la ciudadanía ame desde luego la combaten los del estado familiaridad con las condiciones mexicanas
ricana. "La guerra privada de Hearst," así mojado.' Ya no se oye hablar tanto de México viene del estrecho contacto que con ellas
la titula El Correo de Bridgeport, diario de en estos días, pero, en cambio, las quejas tienen, tambien sostienen que "el gobierno de
Connecticut, al denunciar semejante despro aumentan en cantidad e intensidad sobre los México merece el reconocimiento." El perió
pósito. "En cuanto a dar una limpieza general desórdenes que los canadenses están realizando dico La Crónica de San Francisco, indepen
en México con la espada desenvainada, deje de una a otra parte de la frontera, cosas diente, cree que "Obregón ha comprendido que
mos a Guillermito que lo haga por sí sólo, mucho peores que las pasadas correrías de México no podría desarrollarse plenamente
si es que asi lo quiere. Nadie le impide hacer Francisco Villa." El editorialista cita algunos sin la amigable ayuda de los Estados Unidos
esa guerra ; pero debe ir a hacerla por su escandalosos ejemplos de contrabando de y ha dado completa evidencia de un sincero
propia cuenta," declara el editor de Connecti drogas y señala otros hechos en apoyo de sus deseo de esa ayuda, creando las condiciones
cut. aseveraciones. esenciales de estabilidad interior del país y
"Es uno de los más escandalosos artículos, En un razonado editorial que trata del dando una buena impresión en el extranjero ."
del todo opuesto al sentimiento americano tópico general del reconocimiento de México, Y para Noticias de Dallas, diario indepen
surgido después de las elecciones," así califica el periódico Bandera de Nashville, de Nash diente democrático, "no se ve que exista razón
El Heraldo de Augusta ( Gálveston ) el "pro ville, Tennessee, encuentra en la esperanza la alguna para que el reconocimiento sea demo
nunciamiento" de Brisbane. Otros muchos clave del asunto y juzga la opinión pública de rado por más tiempo ."
periódicos se han hecho cco de los sentimien entero acuerdo con el periódico Diario de los El nuevo gobierno , a juicio del periódico
tos de El Heraldo . Estados, de New Orleans, Luisiana, del que democrático El Mundo de New York "refleja
La firme actitud del Gobierno Mexicano de cita los siguientes conceptos : el cansancio del país de sus desórdenes inte
rehusar comprometer su dignidad o de sub "Las declaraciones del Secretario de Estado riores y de la política de oposición sistemada
ordinar los intereses nacionales para obtener Mr. Colby serán muy bien acogidas por todo hacia una vecindad amigable. Y es un go
el reconocimiento de las demás naciones , ha el país, pues sintetizan un pronto reconoci bierno que no solo está inspirado de la mejor
sido comentada extensa y laudatoriamente por miento del nuevo gobierno de México y buena voluntad y ansioso de demostrar su
los editores de diversas filiaciones políticas. aseguran que la cuestión mexicana muy pronto actitud amistosa, sino que se halla en condi
El periódico Noticias de Dallas (Texas ) , cesará de ser una "cuestión." ciones de prestar garantías respecto de sus
uno de los más poderosos diarios del Suroeste, La Luz de San Antonio, periódico indepen obligaciones internacionales."
califica de "presuntuosa" la tentativa del sena diente, hace constar "que al definir la política Aún cuando no está completamente esparcida
dor Alberto B. Fall, expresada en una entre de los Estados Unidos en favor del nuevo por el mundo la bondad del nuevo gobierno,
vista que concedió a un corresponsal de un régimen que existe al otro lado del río Bravo, el periódico Boletín de Filadelfia ( indepen
periódico de la ciudad de México, de prescribir el Departamento de Estado declaró que se diente republicano ) , sostiene que "cualquier
condiciones bajo las que el gobierno de los necesita no solo buena voluntad sino tambien intento honrado por establecer un gobierno
Estados Unidos otorgaría el reconocimiento . gran habilidad para hacer frente a los proble serio en México , merece el reconocimiento y
"La declaración del ex- Presidente de la mas domésticos que afectan a México , por la cooperación de los Estados Unidos. "
Huerta, relativa a que el Gobierno Mexicano parte de los representantes de su gobierno." Respecto de la inclinación de Mr. Colby
no cambiará representantes con ninguna nación En opinión de este periódico de San Antonio, "hacia el reconocimiento," El Globo de New
bajo condiciones que degradaran el respeto "México , dentro de lo posible, ha alcanzado York piensa que "simplemente indica la con
debido a México, determina el punto de vista en su estado legal actual la finalidad que ha fianza que medio año de sorprendente tranC
24 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

against the injustices that weighed them down President Obregon says Mexico must get in welcomed, and it can do much to restoring
for centuries." Mexico back to health and strength and vigor."
tune with the world. But we thought Mexico
Disclaiming that any credit for improved wanted peace.-Raleigh ( N. C. ) Times.
conditions in Mexico belongs to the "Wilson
policy," the Providence Journal ( Ind. ) be While American recognition of the new
There can be no doubt that the feeling in
lieves that "the order that is reappearing is a regime in Mexico has not come in time to
the United States today is friendly toward
consequence of Mexico's utter exhaustion from make it an incident of Obregon's inauguration,
President Alvaro Obregon and his new Mexi
strife. * * * Anarchy has burned itself
can government. The permanent establishment as the Galveston News hoped it would, in lieu
out." of that has come what in the opinion' of that
and recognition in both countries alike of this
Connecting Secretary Colby's announcement paper is next best-the authoritative assurance
with George Creel's recent trip to Mexico, as friendship is earnestly to be desired . There
is nothing in the mailed fist for either of them. that all of the disagreements which stood in
do a number of other writers, the Worcester the way of recognition have been composed
There are wonderful business, remarkable ex
Gazette ( Ind. ) feels that while "perhaps the during the conferences that Secretary Colby
new Mexican government should be recognized ploitations, desirable exchange of commodities
for both in a real peace-such a one as today and Senor Pasqueira have been holding in
forthwith * * * we must admit that we never
prevails between Canada and the United States Washington.
could be convinced" that such recognition
for instance.-Boston Post. T
should follow "just because Mr. Creel has
taken a flying trip down there, held a six-hour The Cleveland Plain Dealer is hopeful of
chat with President de la Huerta, and, presto, Not in years has the Mexican situation ap Obregon, whom it describes as a hard-fisted,
finds Mexico is all right and America all peared so hopeful . If General Obregon realizes clear-eyed fighting man who has always fought
wrong." the best possibilities of the next few months, on the right side, who is incorruptible and who
he will win esteem for himself at home and has no ax to grind and no rewards to hand out.
abroad . His task is twofold : To preserve "He may fail," concedes the Plain Dealer,
Further Interesting Comment order at home, and to meet his obligations "but there is every indication that he is going
ENERAL ALVARO OBREGON be abroad. In both undertakings he needs con to endeavor to do his best. And hitherto his
GEcomes President of Mexico amid ac structive support. That such good cheer best has been distinctly good."
clamations that seem to spring from deeper marked his inauguration seems to promise that
sources than the crowd's proverbial fancy for he will be able to command the help that he
the new. Keen observers on both sides of the will need- Covington (Va. ) Virginian . Referring to the statement of Obregon that
Rio Grande report a business-minded as well "Mexico will not ask admission to the League
as popular confidence in his serving the country While "watchful waiting" with regard to of Nations, but should an invitation to mem
with efficient patriotism. Certainly nothing of Mexico has been the butt of many ironic jests, bership be extended by the League, it would
the doctrinaire or the adventurer that all too the policy, in the opinion of the St. Louis Post be given consideration, the Charleston News
often bedevils a disquieted nation's leadership Dispatch, has worked out well. and Courier says it is another indication that
has appeared in this frank-eyed soldier and "We, as well as our neighbors," says the Obregon is going to make a good executive
man of affairs. He professes no magic power Post-Dispatch, "have learned a valuable lesson as executives go in Mexico . The attitude he
to cure political and economic ills, thunders from the Mexican situation. The beginning takes is considered an intelligent one by the
no promise of overnight reforms, plays to no of the new order in Mexico is in harmony News and Courier.
factional or chauvinistic gallery. He simply with the new order of justice, liberty and
promises honesty, justice and devotion to the peaceful cooperation in the world." "In view of the long-range forces that have.
common weal .-Atlanta Journal. 1 been at work, it is of minor importance, re
Commenting on the new Mexican situation, marks the New York Post, whether recognition
the New York World reminds its readers that of the Obregon regime comes from Mr. Wilson
Notwithstanding the rumors of factions try one of President Wilson's earliest communica or from Mr. Harding. The essential thing is
ing to oust President Obregon of Mexico, there tions relative to Mexico, in which he em<d that on both sides there is the desire to have
is every sound reason for believing that his
phasized the justice and wisdom of a policy Mexico at peace and at work, and that on both
government will be stable. All the "opposition sides there is the desire to make the necessary
of forbearance, expressed his faith that in
leaders" who are mentioned are demonstrated
better days to come the people of that dis concessions toward that end. Clearly, Obregon
failures.- St. Louis Times.
tracted country would themselves know and wants the friendship of the United States.
appreciate the truth that the attitude of their Just as clearly the American people are still
northern neighbors was inspired not by enmity, determined to let Mexico have her chance."
A great many Americans have a high opinion
but by an honest devotion to peace and
of General Obregon. This fact is reflected in
M progress.
· a recent utterance of the Marion Star, which
refers to Obregon as primarily a business man, "In spite of usurpers and reactionaries on Rehabilitating the State of Morelos
a substantial man of affairs in private life and one side and of demagogy and aggression by HE Mexican Government is taking prac
"not a grafting politician or political adven greedy interests on the other," says the World, Tica tical steps for the agricultural rehabilita
turer." The hope is expressed that President "those days scemingly have arrived, and a
tion of the State of Morelos, which suffered
Obregon will command the support of the bet course of action often reviled is on the point
greatly under its long occupation by the Za
of splendid vindication ."
ter element in Mexico, in which event good patistas. Five thousand American plows have
order will be restored and commercial relations been furnished by the Department of Agricul
with Mexicans will be resumed by the people The Memphis Commercial-Appeal likewise ture for this purpose, and soon other imple
of the United States.-Scranton (Pa.) Repub takes the ground that "watchful waiting" has ments, such as rakes, seeders, harvesters , etc.,
lican. been vindicated, and asks, "What say the will be provided . The highway from Mexico
enemies of Wilson now about that policy ?" City, which in former times was in common
"The new regime in Mexico, " in the judg use for automobiles making trips from the
President Obregon of Mexico takes a most
ment of the Commercial- Appeal, "has given capital to Cuernavaca, is to be reconstructed,
sensible course when he says that he intends and the shade trees which bordered the way
promises that Americans will in the future be
to let his administration speak for itself. · In
protected in all their rights. No valid interest are to be replanted. Ornamental trees are
other words, its record will be his appeal for will suffer. The United States in fairness and being obtained from Government nurseries for
recognition. If he makes good, as we all justice can do no more than join hands with this purpose and also for the restoration of
earnestly hope he will, the desired recognition the new Mexican Government in its determina the gardens and parks, which formerly con
will be gladly extended and all other favors tion to protect the resources of its country tributed so much to the beauty of Cuernavaca.
that go to governments that deserve them. from improvidence, waste and exploitation. An advisory local commission have been ap
Bristol (Conn. ) Press. American capital in legitimate ways will be pointed to give direction to the work.

Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 25

quilidad ha producido" ; y el Despacho de Huerta y presto encontrara que México está Por muchos años no había surgido en Mé
Pitsburg ( independente ) agrega "que los en lo justo y los Estados Unidos completa xico una situación actual tan llena de espe
I Estados y todo el mundo quedarían muy mente equivocados ." ranzas. Si el General Obregón realiza las
agradecidos si la estimación de Mr. Colby mejores oportunidades de los pocos meses
respecto 典 del nuevo régimen mexicano llegara Más Comentarios Interesantes venideros, se conquistará la estimación personal
a traducirse en un pronto resultado práctico." tanto en su país como en el exterior. Su tarea
El reconocimiento de los Estados Unidos L General don Alvaro Obregón ha llegado es doble : conservar el orden en el interior y
significará, al sentir de los diarios El Fuerte Ε a la Presidencia de la República Mexi dar cumplimiento a sus obligaciones en el
de Wayne ( independiente ) y La Gaceta Diaria cana en medio de aclamaciones que parecen extranjero. En ambas empresas necesita
( democrático ) que "por primera vez, en casi surgir de fuentes más profundas que la pro contar con apoyo constructivo . La franca
una década, la república del Sur se colocaría verbial fantasía de las multitudes por lo nuevo. alegría que presidió el comienzo de su gobierno
en situación internacional que la permita reha Perpicaces observadores de ambos lados de la parece prometer que será capáz de conquistarse
bilitarse política , financiera y comercialmente. ribera del Río Grande ven en él una mente de la ayuda que necesita.- Covington (Virginia)
Con el reconocimiento del nuevo régimen, los empresa , tanto como participan de general Virginian.
'jingoes' ( intervencionistas ) serían descarta confianza sobre su capacidad para servir a su
dos, quedando restaurados los sentimientos país con eficiente patriotismo. Decidiamente Sin embargo de que la "vigilante espera"
amistosos de otros tiempos, con todo el cortejo nada de doctrinario o del espíritu aventurero respecto a México ha sido el blanco de fre
de legítimas ganancias para ambos países ." que tan a menudo maleficia a los caudillos de cuentes irónicas burlas, tal política, en concepto
El Noticiero de Indianápolis, Indiana, tam las naciones agitadas, se revela en su franca del St. Louis Post-Dispatch, ha dado buenos
bién es de opinión que "sería un positivo mirada de soldado y hombre de acción. Nó resultados.
beneficio para ambas naciones y para todo el profesa el mágico poder de curar todos los "Nosotros, al igual que nuestros vecinos
mundo dar solución a lo que se llama 'problema males políticos y económicos , nó clama por dice el Post-Dispatch-hemos aprendido una
de México " " y expresa su confianza de que trasnochadas reformas, ni representa papeles buena lección de la situación mexicana. El
"el restablecimiento de las relaciones diplo de galería chauvinista . El simplemente pro comienzo del nuevo orden de cosas en México
máticas con los Estados Unidos, fortalecerá mete honestidad, justicia y consagramiento al está en armonía con el nuevo orden de justicia,
las tendencias hacia la ley y el orden, y tam bienestar público .-Atlanta Journal. libertad y cooperación pacífica del mundo. ”
bien ofrecería a nuestro pueblo la oportunidad
de ayudar en la reconstrucción de ese país ." No obstante los rumores acerca de nuevas Comentando sobre la nueva situación mexi
En la rehabilitación y estabilidad de México facciones que tratan de derrocar al Presidente cana, el New York World recuerda a sus
y la promesa del reconocimiento, algunos Obregón, existen indudables razones para creer lectores que en una de las últimas comunica
escritores ven el triunfo de la política de Mr. que su gobierno será estable. Todo los "liders ciones del Presidente Wilson relativas a Mé
Wilson con la agitada república . El Despacho de la oposición" que se mencionan han de xico, donde hace notar la justicia y sabiduría
del Tiempo, periódico democrático de Rich mostrado ser unos fracasados.- St. Louis de una política de tolerancia, expresa su
mond, Virginia, es uno de tantos . Hace Times. confianza de que en mejores días venideros el
notar "la evidencia de esa amistad," amistad pueblo de ese perturbado país conocerá y
que adquiere hoy gran desarrollo en Texas, Un gran número de americanos tiene la más apreciará la verdad acerca de la actitud de
"territorio que más ha sufrido con los des alta opinión del General Obregón. Este hecho sus vecinos del Norte, inspirada nó en la
órdenes que reinaron en otros tiempos" y se refleja en los recientes conceptos del Marion malevolencia sino en una honesta devoción
"demuestra un mejoramiento evidente de las Star, quien considera a Obregón, ante todo , hacia la paz y el progreso .
condiciones," agregando : "Así, la política de como hombre de empresa , como hombre de "A despecho de los usurpadores y reacciona
'vigilante espera' ha sido vindicada bajo una valer en su vida privada , y "nunca como rios , por un lado , y de la demagogia y agresión
prueba que exasperó suficientemente la paciencia político oportunista o aventurero." Se expresa por mesquinos intereses, por el otro,-dice el
del pueblo norteamericano. Y los sostenedores la creencia de que el Presidente Obregón con IVorld- esos días parece que han llegado, y
de esa política no dejarán de apreciar debida tará con el apoyo del elemento más valiso de una conducta a menudo escarnecida, alcanza
mente las declaraciones del señor Pesqueira México, logrando establecer el buen orden hoy una vindicación esplendente."
relativas a que "el pueblo mexicano ha alcan y las relaciones comerciales de México con los
zado una profunda e imperecedera compren Estados Unidos.-Scranton (Pensilvania ) Rc The Memphis Commercial-Appeal convienc ,
sión de lo que México debe al gran idealismo publican. asi mismo , en que la “vigilante espera” ha sido
del Presidente Wilson, amistad tan noble y tambien vindicada, y pregunta : "¿ Qué dicen
pacientemente demostrada durante los amargos El Presidente de México , Obregón, se cx ahora los enemigos de Wilson acerca de dicha
años en que nuestras oprimidas masas pelearon presa de la manera más significativa al decir política ?"
contra las injusticias que las agobiaran por que sólo pretende que su administración hable "El nuevo régimen en México- a juicio del
centurias." por ella misma, esto es, que sus propios hechos. Commercial-Appeal-ha prometido que en ade
Desconociendo que alguna influencia en las se encargarán de resolver el reconocimiento de lante los norteamericanos serán mejor protegi
mejoradas condiciones de México se deba a su gobierno. Si obra bien, como ansiosamente dos en sus derechos. Ningun interés legítimo
{ la "política Wilsoniana," El Diario de la Provi esperamos todos que lo hará, el deseado re será molestado . Los Estados Unidos , en equi
dencia, periódico independiente, juzga que "el conocimiento se otorgará gustosamente , así dad y justicia, no pueden menos de asentir la
orden que está resurgiendo es una conse como todas las demás ventajas que se conceden determinación del Gobierno Mexicano de pro
a los gobiernos que las merecen.-Bristol
cuencia del agotamiento extremo de México , teger los recursos naturales del país contra
derivado de una larga contienda. La (Connecticut) Press. derroches, desperdicios o explotación imprevi
anarquía se ha consumido por sí sola." sora. El capital americano con propósitos
Relacionando la declaración del Secretario No puede existir la menor duda que el scnti lícitos, será bien recibido y puede contribuir
miento actual de los Estados Unidos hacia el bastante a la reconstrucción integral de Mé
de Estado Mr. Colby con el reciente viaje a
Presidente don Alvaro Obregón y su nuevo xico."
México del señor Jorge Creel, como buen
gobierno mexicano es completamente amistoso.
f número de periodista ha hecho, La Gaceta de Refiriéndose a la declaración de Obregón
El permanente establecimiento y reconocimien
r manifiesta que "aun cuando tal vez
to de esta amistad en ambos países es de relativa a que "México no pedirá ser admitido
el nuevo gobierno de México tenga qué recono desearse ansiosamente, pues no existe nada en la Liga de Naciones, aunque tomaría en
cerse sin más dilación ... debemos admitir digno que deba enemistarlos. Realizamos allí consideración la invitación que para su ingreso
que nunca podremos convencernos de que tal maravillosos negocios, notables expotaciones le extendiera la Liga," ella indica-en concepto
reconocimiento debe efectuarse "solamente industriales, deseable intercambio de ventajas del Charleston News and Courier-que Obre
porque el señor Creel llevó a cabo un cortísi mútuas en verdadera paz, tal como acontece gón obra con el tacto de un buen gobernante.
ma visita a México, sostuvo una charla de ahora entre el Canadá y los Estados Unidos, La actitud yue ha adoptado es considerada
seis horas con el Presidente Provisional de la por ejemplo.- Boston Post. como inteligente por el News and Courier.

} <~

26 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

Has contract with the Mexican Petroleum

1 Company for a minimum of 20 years.'
Light on Doheny's British Oil Deal
"Now let me quote from The Stock Ex
What the Records Disclose as to the Organization of a change Year-Book, for nearly half century
Britain's standard financial and investment an
Mixed English and American Company nual :
N article published in the December company will have an initial paid-up capital LIMITED.- Directors : Lord Pirrie, K. P., P. C.
MEXICAN REVIEW under the same of £2,000,000 and will function as the market (chairman) ; W. Weir, Sir T. Royden, Bart.;
A caption as above-"Doheny's British ing company for Mexican petroleum products Sir P. H. McClelland, K. B. E.; J. B. R. Mor
Oil Deal" -was the cause of a very em in the Eastern Hemisphere . ton (joint managing director ) ; Sir J. T. Cur
" It is planned for the new company to own rie, K. C. B.; E. L. Doheny ( Los Angeles ) ;
phatic denial that "Doheny had sold out to a fleet of tank steamers and to have large tank E. L. Doheny, Jr. ( Los Angeles ) ; E. Walker
the British." Something, by the way, that THE farms at the important European shipping (New York) ; J. M. Danzinger (Los Angeles ) ;
REVIEW had not charged. The editor of THE ports, for the bunkering of vessels with fuel L. P. Sheldon and H. G. Wylie (joint man
REVIEW at once communicated with the author oil. It is also planned to construct refineries aging director ) ; executive director and secre
of the article in question , with a request for for the handling of crude oil from the Mex tary, Sir J. T. Currie, K. C. B.; assistant sec
ican Petroleum Company. Half of the capital retary, E. H. Davenport. Registered office :
further elucidation , which brought forth a has been subscribed by British interests and 21 Bury street, E. C. 3. The company was reg
reply, in part, as follows : the remainder by the Pan-American Petro istered July 15, 1919, to refine, transport and
"In his denial Mr. Doheny probably was per leum Company. The contract with the Mex deal in petroleum, petroleum products and by
fectly justified by the facts. At least, he was ican Petroleum Company runs for a period of products, and, in particular, to market in the
20 years and requires an annual purchase from Eastern Hemisphere the petroleum and petro
perfectly safe, as nothing short of a Congres the Mexican company of several millions of leum products of the Mexican Petroleum Com
sional investigation- if that-could determine barrels of oil and gasoline. pany of Delaware, U. S. A., and its subsidi
what proportion of the oil production of the ""The organizers and directors of the new aries. The authorized capital is £3,000,000 in
Doheny companies was sold directly to Eng company are Lord Pirrie, William Weir, Sir shares of £1 , £2,000,000 being A and £1,000,000
land ; what proportion went there after being Thomas Royden, Sir Peter McClelland, Sir B, and £1,202 of the A shares and £1,000,000
James T. Currie, J. R. Morton, E. L. Doheny, of the B have been subscribed, and £200,240 8s,
sent to the United States for processing, and
H. G. Wylie, E. L. Doheny, Jr., J. M. Dan or 4s per share, called up. The company be
what small proportion remained for American zinger, Elisha Walker, and L. P. Sheldon. ing a private one, further information is not
consumers . That Mr. Doheny has denied the Sir Alexander McGuire and W. A. White will obtainable, but this is official .'
formation of the British Mexican Petroleum act as alternates for the American directors
residing away from Great Britain. "Some day it may be interesting to compile
Company for the marketing of his Mexican *(
'Lord Pirrie, who is chairman of the new from the columns of the financial and trade
oil appears ridiculously improbable . Down company, is the head of the shipbuilding firm press, British Orders in Council, American
right lying, as such a denial would require, of Harland and Wolff and a director of the
International Mercantile Marine Company. War Industries Board rulings, records of the
Mr. Doheny leaves to venal publicists.
William Weir is head of the firm of Andrew United States Shipping Board and other offi
* * * * * * * Weir & Co., and is a large owner and oper 4 cial sources a more complete history of the
"The Washington Herald of December 3d con ator of ships . E. L. Doheny is president and Doheny companies, but this seems sufficient
tains a front page article by Frederic William H. G. Wylie a vice president of the Mexican for the present ."
oil supplying companies. The former is vice
Wile, good-naturedly "ragging" Doheny for
chairman and the latter managing director of
his recent hobnobbing with certain British the British Mexican Petroleum Co. Sir
Further Light on the Matter
lords, which insiders will interpret as a gentle Thomas Royden is deputy chairman of the
slap on the wrist for someone who "butted in" Cunard Steamship Company. Sir Peter Mc As casting some additional light on the sub
with too little discretion. Why the Doheny Clelland is the senior partner of Duncan, Fox ject, the Editor of THE REVIEW quotes from
& Co. Sir James Currie is a director of the the Wall Street Journal, which is sponsor for
following should have been so excited over the
United Baltic Company and will be executive an article on the matter from which the fol
first Herald article is not exactly clear , since director of the new company. Elisha Walker lowing is taken :
it is essentially incorrect only in that it repre is a partner of William Salomon & Co., New
sents as the organization of a new company York, and L. P. Sheldon is a partner of Salo "An important meeting of the directors and
mon & Co., London, which firms have acted executive heads of the British Mexican Petro
what was, in fact, the doubling of the capital Petroleum
as bankers for both the Mexican leum Co., the English subsidiary of the Pan
of a comparatively old one, legally chartered and Pan-American Companies.' American Petroleum and Transport Co. which
in July, 1919, and resulting from the profitable supplies the White Star and Cunard lines with
association of interests having root in pre-war "Some list of titled dignitaries, eh ! And,
fuel oil was held at the Hotel Plaza Saturday.
days. what is more to the point, representative of "The representatives from Great Britain who
"My first thought on receiving your note was scads of filthy lucre, believe me ! Well worthy attended were : Lord Pirrie, chairman of the
of the Times' lavish expenditure of capitals board of directors of the British Mexican
to go through my files and compile something company ; Lord Inverforth, Sir James Currie,
of an exhaustive history of the Doheny com in designating their official positions, don't you
Sir Alexander Maguire and L. P. Sheldon,
think ? And the humble W. Weir, above men
panies, especially of the British interests there directors ; and E. H. Davenport, assistant sec
in . But what's the use, even if you would per tioned, since has become Lord Inverforth . retary.
mit it, of monopolizing your valuable space Published in so conservative and authoritative "The American representatives who met with
a newspaper as the New York Times eighteen them were E. L. Doheny, Herbert G. Wylie,
for an indefinite number of issues ? But the
months ago and never refuted, the above J. M. Danzinger, Elisha Walker, Dean Emory
denial reported by you, it seems to me, merits and E. L. Doheny, Jr.
some further recognition , which, by your quoted item would seem sufficient to establish
"Much importance is attached to this meet
the facts satisfactorily for the average reader. ing, from the fact that Lord Pirrie is head of
grace, may be accorded briefly, first by a quo
tation from the New York Times of July 22, But it has been mooted that a large portion of Harlan & Wolff of Belfast, who built the
1919, as follows : the public has come to be distrustful of the Olympic and Titanic, as well as of another
shipbuilding company of Glasgow, both of
daily newspapers, wherefore let me quote from which employ 45,000 men, He is also chair
TO MARKET OIL ABROAD a standard American authority, Moody's man of the White Star Line and of many of
Analysis of Investments, 1920, which, relating the steamship companies doing trans-Atlantic
Papers for British Mexican Petroleum to the British Mexican Petroleum Company, business.
"The British Mexican Petroleum Co. now
Company Filed says :
has eight tankers in service and is building 12
" Following the receipt of cable messages " Incorporated in England in July, 1919, ships for the transportation of oil. Its busi
from London, it was announced in the finan with an authorized capital of £2,000,000 (pros ness will be confined principally to the supply
cial district yesterday that articles of incorht pectively £4,000,000 ) , one-half subscribed by of petroleum for shipping between Great Brit
poration of the British Mexican Petroleum British interests and the other half by the Pan ain and the United States. The oil comes from
Company, which came into being following a American Petrolcum Co. to market Mexican the wells of the Mexican Petroleum Co. (a
prolonged visit of E. L. Doheny, head of the petroleum . Oil and gasoline in the Eastern Doheny Company) , and will be furnished to
Pan-American Petroleum Company, in Eng Hemisphere from tankers and tank farms, par the British company at North United States.
land recently, were filed July 15. The new ticularly the bunkering of ships with fuel oil. Atlantic ports ."
Febrero, 1921

la mayoría de los lectores. Mas como buena

parte del público ha llegado a dudar de las
Luz en el Caso Doheny
informaciones de la prensa diaria, me permitiré
citar a una reconocida autoridad norteameri
Lo que las Pruebas Revelan Como la Organización de una cana, el "Moody's Analysis of Investments,"
Compañía Mixta de Intereses Ingleses y Norte Americanos de 1920, que con referencia a la Compañía
Petrolera México-Británica, dice :
"VENTA DE ACEITE EN EL "Fué incorporada en Inglaterra en Julio de

L artículo publicado en el número de 1919, con un capital autorizado de 2,000,000 de



Diciembre de LA REVISTA MEXICANA libras esterlinas ( extensivo a 4,000,000 ) , la

Ε bajo el título que antecede- "El nego "Se han Formalizado los Títulos de la mitad suscrito por los intereses británicos y
la otra por la Compañía Petrolera Pan
cio petrolero de Doheny en Inglaterra" Compañía Petrolera México - Británica
Americana, a fin de vender el petróleo y gaso
provocó la enfática negativa de que "Doheny "De acuerdo con los mensajes del cable veni lina mexicanos en el hemisferio oriental por
no había vendido a los ingleses" cosa que, a dos de Londres, se anunció ayer en el distrito medio de tanques y estaciones de tanques
financiero que el 15 de Julio se extendieron depósitos , y particularmente para alimentar de
propósito , LA REVISTA no ha imputado. El
los títulos para la incorporación legal de la petróleo combustible los buques. Tiene un
editor de LA REVISTA Comunicó desde luego Compañía Petrolera México-Británica, que contrato con la Compañía Mexicana de Petró
esa negativa al autor del artículo en cuestión, surgió con motivo de la prolongada reciente leo por un plazo mínimo de 20 años .
visita de Eduardo L. Doheny a Inglaterra, Ahora citaremos al "The Stock Exchange
pidiéndole aún mas aclaraciones del caso, y Jefe de la Compañía Petrolera Pan-Ameri Year-Book," por mas de media centuria el
éste produjo la siguiente respuesta : cana. La nueva compañía contrará con un principal representante de las finanzas e in
capital inicial, ya cubierto, de 2,000,000 de
"La negativa del señor Doheny probable versiones inglesas :
libras esterlinas y actuará como la compañía
mente está bastante de acuerdo con las negociante de los productos petroleros mexi "Compañía Petrolera México - Británica, limi
circunstancias. Por lo menos, estaba bien canos en el hemisferio oriental. tada.- Directores : Lord Pirrie, K. P., P. C.
seguro al hacerla, ya que ninguna próxima "La nueva compañía tiene en proyecto la (Jefe ) ; W. Weir, Sir T. Royden, Sir P. H.
posesión de una flota de buques-tanques, asi McClelland, K. B. E.; J. B. R. Morton (Di
investigación del Congreso si ún eso rector-Gerente ) , Sir J. T. Currie, K. C. B .;
como la creación de grandes estaciones de
podría determinar qué proporción de tanques-depósitos en los más importantes E. L. Doheny (Los Angeles ) . E. L. Doheny
la producción petrolera de las compañías de puertos de embarque europeos, para alimentar (hijo ) , ( Los Angeles ) ; L. P. Sheldon y H. G.
de aceite combustible los barcos. Tambien se Wylie (Director- Gerente ) , Director Ejecutivo
Doheny fué vendida directamente a Inglaterra , pretende la construcción de refinerías para la y Secretario, Sir L. T. Currie, K. C. B.;
qué proporción paró allí luego de enviarse a transformación del aceite crudo de la Com Secretario ayudante, E. H. Davenport. Domi
los Estados Unidos para su refinamiento, y pañía Petrolera Mexicana. La mitad del capi cilio legal : 21 Bury Street, E. C. 3. La com
tal ha sido suscrito por intereses británicos y pañía fué registrada el 15 de Julio de 1919
cuál escasa porción se dejó para el consumo el resto por la Compañía Petrolera Pan para el refinamiento, transporte y comercio de
de los clientes norteamericanos. Parece ridí Americana . El contrato con la Compañía petróleo, sus productos y, en particular, para
culo e increíble que Mr. Doheny se haya Petrolera Mexicana regirá por un período de la venta en el hemisferio oriental de petróleo
20 años y establece la compra anual a la Com y productos derivados , de la Compañía Petro
atrevido a negar la formación de la Compañía lera Mexicana de Delaware, Estados Unidos,
pañía mexicana de varios millones de barriles
Petrolera México -Británica para la venta de de petróleo y gasolina. y sus subsidiarias. El capital autorizado es de
su aceite mexicano. Mintiendo manifiesta "Los organizadores y directores de la nueva 3,000,000 de libras esterlinas, en acciones de a
mente, como semejante negativa requiere, Mr. compañía son : Lord Pirrie, William Weir, Sir una libra esterlina, siendo 2,000,000 de la serie
Thomas Royden, Sir Peter McClelland . Sir A y 1,000,000 de la serie B ; de éstas 1,202 de
Doheny la entrega a los periodistas venales. James T. Currie, J. R. Morton, E. L. Doheny, la serie A y 1,000,000 de la serie B han sido
1 H. G. Wylie, E. L. Doheny (hijo) , J. M. suscritas, y 200,240 de 4 y 8 libras por acción,
"El Washington Herald del 3 de Diciembre
Danzinger, Elisha Walker y L. P. Sheldon . deberán suscribirse. Como la compañía es de
publica en su primera página un artículo de Sir Alejandro McGuire y W. A. White fungi carácter privado, no han podido obtener se
Federico William Wile, en el que cordialmente rán como suplentes de los directores norteame mayores informes, pero los anteriores datos
1 "raja" contra Doheny por su reciente miste ricanos residentes fuera de Inglaterra. son oficiales."
"Lord Pirrie, Jefe de la nueva compañía, es Sería interesante compilar algun día de la
rioso contacto con ciertos lores ingleses, lo tambien Jefe de la firma constructora de
que sus paisanos calificarán como una mode prensa comercial y financiera, asi como de los
buques Harland y Wolff y Director de la
Compañía Marinera Mercantil Internacional. datos oficiales del Consejo de Ordenes Bri
rada "caricia" para quien se "entromete" con
William Weir es Jefe de la firma Andrew tánico, Junta Norteamericana de Industrias de
tan escasa discreción. Por qué habrían de
Weir y Cía. y gran propietario y agente de la Guerra, Junta de Embarques de los Estados
exhaltarse tanto los partidiarios de Doheny por .buques. Eduardo L. Doheny y H. G. Wylie Unidos y otras fuentes oficiales, una historia
el primer artículo del Herald, es cosa que no se son el Presidente y Vicepresidente, respectiva
mente, de las compañías abastecedoras del más completa de las compañías de Doheny.
explica claramente, ya que éste tan sólo difiere Creo, sin embargo, que lo expuesto será sufi
petróleo mexicano. El primero nombrado es
en que presenta como la organización de una segundo Jefe y el segundo Director-Gerente ciente por ahora ."
nueva compañía, lo que de hecho es sólo una de la Compañía Petrolera México -Británica.
ampliación de capital de otra comparativa Sir Thomas Royden es Jefe-Comisario de la
Compañía de Vapores Cunard. Sir Peter Más luz Sobre el Asunto
mente antigua, constituída legalmente en Julio McClelland es socio fundador de la Duncan,
de 1919, y que es el resultado de una lucrativa Fox & Cía. Sir James Currie es Director de El Wall Street Journal respalda un artículo
asociación de intereses, que se remonta desde la Compañía Unida del Báltico y será el Di sobre el mismo asunto, del que copiamos los
rector Ejecutivo de la nueva compañía. Elisha siguientes párrafos :
los precursores días de la guerra. Walker es socio de la firma William Salomon
"El sábado tuvo lugar en el Hotel Plaza una
"Mi primera intención al recibir su nota fué & Cía., de New York, y L. P. Sheldon es socio
de la Salomon y Cía. , de Londres, cuyas firmas importante reunión de los directores y jeles
revisar mis legajos y compilar algo de la de actuán como banqueras de las compañias de la Compañía Petrolera México-Británica,
tallada historia de las compañías de Doheny, Petrolera Mexicana y Pan-Americana." compañía inglesa subsidiaria de la Compañía
especialmente de los intereses británicos con Buena lista de tituladas dignidades, eh ? I Panamericana de Petróleo y Transportes, que
ellas relacionados. ¿ Pero qué beneficio re lo que es más, representantes genuinos de los provee de aceite combustible a las líneas de
portaría en el supuesto caso de que Ud grandes acaparadores del inmundo lucro ! vapores Estrella Blanca y Cunard.
I Muy dignos del derroche de dinero invertido "Los representantes de Inglaterra que con
accediera- el llenar exclusivamente con ella
las importantes y necesarias páginas de su por el Times para conseguir esas oficiales currieron a dicha reunión, fueron : Lord Pirric .
REVISTA, por un indefinido número de edi dignidades, verdad ? I el oscuro W. Weir, ya jefe de la Junta Directiva de la Compañía
referido, desde entonces llegó a Lord In México -Británica ; Lord Inverforth, Sir James
ciones ? Sin embargo, la negativa a que se
verforth. La anterior información , publicada Currie, Sir Alejandro Maguire y L. P.
refiere me parece que puede reconsiderarse en
en periódico tan conservador y autorizado Sheldon, como directores, y E. H. Davenport,
> algo, lo que, en obsequio a Ud , concederemos
como El Times , hace diez y ocho meses, y como secretario ayudante.
brevemente, comenzando por una cita del New jamás refutada, parece suficiente para dejar "Los representantes norteamericanos que se
York Times del 22 de Julio de 1919, a saber : establecidos satisfactoriamente los hechos para reunieron con ellos fueron : E. L. Doheny,

28 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

Still Further Light NO PARTIALITY TO INVESTORS Otontepec Petroleum Company , American ;

Mr. A. E. Burgess, of London , England, an OF ANY NATIONALITY two to the Mexican Gulf Oil Company,
authority on petroleum matters , casts some American ; two to the International Petro
further light upon the matter in an article in Official Statement Giving Facts That leum Company, American ; Compañía Petro
the Mexico City Financier and Petroleo , from Disprove Some Widely Made Asser Mexican,, one well ;
lero "El Nayarit," Mexican
tions Compañia Petrolero " La Libertad," Mexi
which the following excerpts are taken :
can, one well ; El Aguila Company, British,
"The principal event on the London oil IC. RAFAEL ZUBARAN CAPMANY,
share market during the past months was three wells ; Transcontinental Petroleum
Secretary of the Department of In Company, American , six wells ; Mexican
the report that the British Mexican Pe
troleum Co. which was floated last July as dustry, Commerce and Labor, was recently Sinclair Company, American, three wells ;
a private concern with a capital of £2,000,000, interviewed regarding the statement pub Continental Petroleum Company, Ameri
will shortly be brought out as a public com lished in the foreign press that partiality can, two wells ; A. J. Disher, one well ;
pany with a capital of £6,000,000. Among the was being exhibited toward certain nation
first directors are Lord Pirrie, chairman of Texas Oil Company, American, four wells ;
Harland & Wolff ; Sir Thomas Royden, direc alities as against others- specifically Amer Penn Mexico Fuel Company, American, one
tor of the Anchor, Commonwealth and Do icans regarding oil development privileges well ; Tamiahua Petroleum Company, Amer
minion and Cunard Steamship companies ; Sir and concessions. He declared that such
ican, one well ; Cortez Oil Corporation ,
Peter McClelland, director of the British statements were without foundation, and in American, two wells ; La Atlantica, one
Union Oil Co.; Sir James T. Currie ; E. L. the course of the interview said : well, and Cia. Financiero de Petroleo , ` one
Doheny, president of the Mexican Petroleum "In the last days of the Carranza govern
Co.; Herbert G. Wylie, vice president of the well.
Mexican Petroleum and Pan-American com ment the petroleum question had ceased to
panies. The capital of the private company be a practical issue. After the war every
was divided into A and B shares, the A shares, one was willing to accept legislation such Message of Mexican President
being held by the British shipping interests, as had been sanctioned by the many coun ENERAL ALVARO OBREGON, Presi
and the B's by the Pan-American Petroleum
Co., and the British Union Oil Company. On tries in which petroleum had been nation G dent-elect of Mexico, wants the friend
inquiry in circles associated with the concern alized. Companies, large and small, had ship and the trade of the United States. He
I was informed that the statement that the been compelled to accept the new arrange has sent a personal message to this effect to
company would be floated in the near future ments. so no one here mentioned further the people and the merchants of this country
as a public concern was at least premature , the much maligned Article 27. through a consul-general of his own selection,
but it is generally understood that Mr. Do "But a change occurred in the adminis who has arrived in San Francisco as repre
heny's intention is to increase the capital to
at least £10,000,000 . tration of the country. De la Huerta was sentative of the new administration. Enrique
"When the head on the Mexican Petroleum given command and intrigues again sprung Lieken, faithful follower and personal friend
Co. formulated his plan five years ago he up. These continued several months until of the President-elect, is the bearer of the mes
said that he was not at liberty to disclose the the intrigants discovered that the Provi sage which he gave jointly to Pan Pacific
full terms of the agreement entered into in sional President intended to respect the Magazine and the San Francisco Bulletin in
England, but he said that the British interests
involved embraced virtually all the large steam laws and execute them faithfully. The in the following statement on the day he entered
ship companies and that a revolution in the trigues again ceased and no campaign was upon his new duties as chief of the consulate
use of marine fuel is contemplated. renewed until the last change in the high general in San Francisco :
* * * * * government offices took place. Now again "I wish to assure the business men, bankers
"The agreement with the English interests the eternal enemies of Mexico would te and citizens of San Francisco and California
made by Mr. Doheny involves a contract to vive the old and obsolete question , trying that General Obregon entertains the greatest .
furnish British-Mexican Petroleum Co. with to overcome the President of the Republic possible friendship for the United States , and
its requirements of oil at a fixed price for a by means of a mercenary war carried on particularly for California and San Francisco.
period of 25 years. A clause in the contract
gives the right to cancel the arrangement five through those who for pay are willing to General Obregon is essentially a business man,
years after this period. Thus, in fact, it is a attack the nation . and the greatest desire of his heart is to turn
25-year contract, the first ever made in the oil "As to the statements alleging that the Mexico forever from war and to the pursuits
business. No information as to the exact government shows favoritism to British inJ of peace. Mexico is a country of tremendous
price has been made public but it has been de terests, they are as false as others fathered undeveloped and unknown resources, and the
scribed as one entirely satisfactory to the Mex President-elect is eager to encourage American
ican Petroleum Co., assuring good profits on by the Petroleum Association. General
both oil and transportation . Treviño when Secretary of Commerce de capital and enterprise in the development of
* * * * * * clared repeatedly that in Mexico there the natural wealth of his country. He will be
prepared to guarantee that investments in MexTown
"While there is nothing in the legislation of would be given no preference to any
the British Mexican Petroleum to show that nationality and that to strong companies ico will be honored and protected to the same
it is linked up with the Shell group, it is evi able to carry out their obligations, whether extent that investments in this country would
dent that at least a very close working agree be. He will do everything within reason to
ment exists between the British Mexican and English or American , every facility for
carrying on their business would be given, encourage a free interchange of trade across
the Shell . It will be remembered that rumor
the border and he looks to San Francisco and
was rife on Wall street that the combine was conditional only on their compliance with
buying for control. On Mr. Doheny stating the just laws and regulations of the coun California to take the leadership in that trade.
that he did not believe this to be the case it try. The facts in the case can be shown The San Francisco consulate henceforth will
was bluntly said by the editor of a Wall street no better than by the citation of statistics be less of a political office and more of a cen
publication that he had positive information ter for facilitating industry and trade between
quite to the contrary, while Sir Marcus Samuel which show conclusively whether Ameri
cans have been discriminated against as the two republics. I will personally welcome
stated that the Shell combine had joined forces
with the Mexican Eagle Oil Co. and "other compared with the British. Take the first inquiries at this office concerning Mexican con
large producers" in order to be able to give two months of the year, when a total of ditions, requirements and opportunities ."
security of contract to their customers through 43 permits to drill wells were issued. Four General Obregon will be the first business
out the world, in a manner which is not pos President in the history of Mexico, and En
sible to any other petroleum concern. It was of these were British, only three Mexican,
rique Lieken is the first business consul of
then inferred that the reference to the "other while thirty-six were issued to American
Mexico in San Francisco- for that matter, he
large producers" was to the Doheny interests companies , as below indicated :
which control the Mexican Petroleum and is the first in the United States.
Agwi Petroleum and Refining Company,
Pan-American companies." American, three wells ; three to the Union
Oil Company, American ; one to the Topila Mining in the State of Durango is entering
The common people of the State of Nayarit Petroleum Company, American ; one to the upon a period of great activity and prosperity.
are pleased because of the recent order of the New York and Mahuavas Petroleum Com A great iron and steel company has purchased
President of the Republic for the distribution pany, American ; one to the English Petro the famous Cerro del Mercado mountain, pur
of communal lands among the population of leum Company, British ; one to the Boston ported to be the largest single deposit of
native races. Panuco Oil Company, American ; one to hematite ore in the world.
Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 29

Herber G. Wylie, J. M. Danzinger, Elisha los intereses ingleses comprende un contrato dente substituto se propuso respetar fielmente
Walker, Dean Emory y 1 E. L. Doheny (hijo) . ´para proveer a la Compañía Petrolera México nuestras leyes. Cesaron entonces las intrigas
"Se concede mucha importancia a esta Británica en todas sus necesidades de petróleo , y no volvió a emprenderse la campaña hasta
reunión, por el hecho de que Lord Pirrie es a un precio fijo, por el término de 25 años. que no hubo otro cambio de los altos funcio
x narios de la Federación. Ahora los eternos
el Jefe de la firma Harlan & Wolff, de Belfast, Una cláusula del contrato permite la cancela
constructura de los vapores Olympic y Titanic, ción del convenio 5 años después del venci enemigos de México vuelven a resuscitar la
asi como de otras compañías constructoras de miento de dicho plazo . Este es, de hecho , el vieja y olvidada cuestión , tratando de sorpren
vapores de Glasgow, que emplean 45,000 obre primer contrato por 25 años que se registra en der al Presidente de la República por medio
ros. Tambien es Jefe de la Línea ' Estrella el negocio petrolero. Aun no se hace público de una guerra mercenaria que no tardará en
> Blanca' y Jde muchas otras compañías de va el precio exacto fijado en ese convenio, pero ponerse perfectamente en claro y entonces se
pores que se ocupan de negocios trasatlánticos. se estima que es ampliamente satisfactorio sabrá quién paga y quién recibe el dinero para
"La Compañía Petrolera México -Británica para la Compañía Petrolera Mexicana, asegu atacar a la Nación.
tiene en la actualidad ocho tanques en servicio rándole buenos rendimientos así en el petróleo "Los datos referentes a la preponderancia
y está construyendo 12 barcos para el trasporte como en los transportes. y favoritismo a las empresas británicas son
del petróleo . Sus actividades se dedicarán "Aunque los estatutos de la Compañía Petro tan falsos como todos los que esgrimen los
principalmente al abastecimiento de petróleo lera México-Británica no hagan sospechar que miembros de la Asociación de Petroleros . El
para los embarques entre la Gran Bretaña y ésta está vinculada con el grupo Shell, es evi general Treviño, como Secretario de Industria,
los Estados Unidos, y se surte del petróleo de dente, sin embargo, que, por lo menos, existe ya lo declaró una vez y habré de repetirlo
la Compañía Petrolera Mexicana (compañía un estrecho convenio industrial entre la Mé siempre que sea necesario : 'En México no se
de Doheny ) , el que suministrará a la compa xico-Británica y el grupo Shell. Se recordará han tenido preferencias por nadie, sea de la
ñía británica en los puertos del Atlántico del el muy esparcido rumor en Wall Street de que nacionalidad que fuere, y si acaso algunas
Norte de los Estados Unidos." esta ' combinación' estaba trabajando por ad empresas extranjeras tanto norteamericanas
quirir el control. Sobre la manifestación del como inglesas han encontrado facilidad para
Más luz Todavía señor Doheny de que no creía que ésto llegara tramitar sus negocios, ha sido porque han
a ocurrir, el editor del periódico de Wall cumplido con nuestras leyes, porque no han
Mr. A. E. Burgess, de Londres, Inglaterra, Street claramente declaró que poseía positivas sido rebeldes , porque no cayeron bajo la
reconocida autoridad en asuntos petroleros, informaciones
que aseguraban totalmente lo sanción de los decretos expedidos por el Go
arroja aún más luz sobre el asunto, en un contrario, en tanto que Sir Marcus Samuel bierno."
artículo publicado en el Mexico City Financier aseguró que la combinación Shell había unido Como indicamos al principio de esta in
and # Petróleo, del que tomamos los siguientes sus fuerzas con la Compañia Mexicana de formación, para documentárnos sobre la
párrafos : Petróleo El Aguila y otros grandes producto cuestión de los negocios de británicos y norte
"El acontecimiento principal de los últimos res' a fin de poder asegurar contrato a todos americanos en materia de petróleo , se tomó al
meses en el mercado londinés de acciones pe sus clientes del mundo, en condicoines que no acaso una estadística cualquiera, ya que la
troleras fué el anuncio de que la Compañía serían factibles a nunguna otra empresa petro relación entre unos y otros negocios es siempre
Petrolera México - Británica-que entró al mer
lera. Se infirió, pues, que la alusión de ' otros semejante y, por lo mismo , para el caso lo
cado en Julio último como una empresa pri
grandes productores' se refería a los intereses mismo nos servían las estadísticas de septiem
vada, con un capital de 2,000,000 de libras de Doheny, que controlan las compañías Me
bre que las de enero.
esterlinas-muy pronto se constituirá en com xicana-Petrolera y Pan Americana.”
Tomamos las del primer bimestre del año
pañía pública, con un capital de 6,000,000 de
en curso y encontramos que fueron otorgados
libras esterlinas. Entre los principales direc
43 permisos para perforaciones de pozos, de
tores están Lord Pirrie, Jefe de la firma NINGUNA PARCIALIDAD los cuales cuatro únicamente corresponden a
Harlan & Wolff ; Sir Thomas Royden, Di EXISTE CONTRA LOS
empresas británicas, treinta y seis a norteame
rector de las Compañías de Vapores Anchor, CAPITALISTAS , SEA CUAL ricanas y tres a mexicanas, a saber :
Comonwealth y Dominion, y Cunard ; Sir FUERE SU NACIONALIDAD
Compañía Refinadora del Agwi, americana,
Peter McClelland, Director de la British Union
Declaraciones oficiales que Ofrenen tres pozos ; Union Oil Co., americana, tres
Oil Co .; Sir James T. Currie ; E. L. Doheny,
Hechos Contra Semejantes Asertos pozos ; Topila Petroleum Co. , americana, un
Presidente de la Compañía Petrolera Mexi
pozo ; Cía. Petr. New York y Mahuavas,
cana ; Herbert G. Wylie, Vicepresidente de las L Lic. don Rafel Zubarán Capmany, americana, un pozo ; English Oil Co., inglesa,
Compañía Petrolera Mexicana ; Herbert G. EsSecretario de Industria, Comercio y un pozo ; Pánuco Boston Oil Co., americana,
Wylie, Vicepresidente de las compañías Mexi Trabajo fué recientemente entrevistado con un pozo ; Petrolera Otontepec, americana, un
cana Petrolera y Pan Amerciana. El capital motivo de la afirmación publicada en la prensa pozo ; -Mexican Gulf Oil Co., americana, dos
de la compañía privada se dividió en acciones extranjera relativa a una pretendida parciali pozos ; International Pet. Co., americana, dos
de las series A y B ; las de la serie A fueron dad en favor de ciertas nacionalidades en
suscritas por los intereses embarcadores pozos ; Compañía Petrolera "El Nayarit," un
perjuicio de otras- se mencionan los norte pozo ; Compañía Petrolera "La Libertad,"
ingleses y las de la serie B por la Compañía americanos- sobre el otorgamiento de privile mexicana, dos pozos ; Compañía Mexicana de
Petrolera Pan Americana y la Compañía Compañía
gios y concesiones para la explotación del Petróleo "El Aguila," inglesa, tres pozos ;
Petrolera Británica 'Union .' En los círculos petróleo. Dicho Secretario declaró que tales Trascontinental de Petróleo, americana, seis
asociados a esa empresa se me informó que aseveraciones eran completamente infundadas,
la declaración relativa a que dicha compañía pozos ; Mexican Sinclair Pet. Co., americana ,
y en el curso de la entrevista , dijo : tres pozos ; Continental Mexican Petroleum
se lanzaría pronto al mercado como negocia "Desde las postrimerías del gobierno del
ción pública ha sido, por lo menos, prematura, Co., americana, dos pozos ; A. J. Discher, un
señor Carranza, el problema petrolero había
pero se acepta generalmente que la intención dejado de ser tal. Ya nadie pensaba en otra pozo ; The Texas Oil Co. of Mexico, ameri
del señor Doheny es aumentar el } capital cosa que en aceptar una legislación que ha sido cana, cuatro pozos ; La Atlántica, un pozo ;
cuando menos a 10,000,000 de libras esterlinas. sancionada después de la guerra por todos los Penn Mex Fuel Co., americana, un pozo ;
"Cuando el iniciador de la Compañía Petro países del globo , que sabiamente han nacionali Tamiahua Petr. Co., americana, un pozo ;
lera Mexicana formuló su plan, hace cinco zado su petróleo. Las compañías grandes y Cortez Oil Corp., americana, dos pozos, y Cía.
años, dijo que no estaba autorizado para pequeñas habían tenido que aceptar el nuevo Financiera de Petróleo , un pozo.
revelar todos los términos del convenio tenido estado de cosas y nadie volvió a hablar sobre
en Inglaterra, pero admitió que los intereses el calumniado artículo 27 de la Constitución.
británicos envueltos comprendían virtualmente "Pero vino el cambio del personal admini Según noticias recibidas, existen establecidos
todas las grandes compañías de vapores, y que strativo en el país ; el señor de la Huerta ciento cincuenta sindicatos católicos en la Re
se esperaba una verdadera revolución en el subió al poder y nuevamente comenzaron las pública . Esta es la prueba más elocuente de
empleo del combustible marino. la plena libertad religiosa y política que se
intrigas, que duraron sólo unos cuantos meses,
"El arreglo hecho por el señor Doheny con cuando se convencieron de que el Presi concede en México !

A watch '

30 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 19211

MEXICO , ONE OF THE Mexico holds second place in crude oil pro THE RAILWAY SITUATION
STRONGEST COUNTRIES , duction, being exceeded only by the U. S. A. EXPLAINED
FINANCIALLY Its 1919 total of 87,400,000 barrels is expected
to fall but little short of 150,000,000 barrels in
Per Capita Dcbt of $34 Compared President of the Board of Directors
1920 ; for the first 9 months it amounted to 103,
With $225 in this Country and $850 Makes Some Interesting Statements
000,000 barrels. Export taxes amounting to
In Great Britain- Total National Debt, from 10.8 to 15.8 cents a barrel are collected on as to the Condition of Operation
$377,330,000. these shipments .
HE budget of the Treasury Department One of the most attractive of the Mexican
M DOVA, President of the Board of
TH of the Republic of Mexico for the present Government bond issues is the Series A, Treas Directors of the National Railway lines, re
year includes an appropriation for the resump urp 6's of 1913, which mature July 1 , 1923. cently made an explanatory statement of
tion of interest on the public debt. This mani These bonds are secured by hypothecation of
the mode of operation of the National Rail
festation of willingness to meet its obligations 38 per cent of the total import and export
way lines under governmental control. The
is certain to restore confidence in the actual duties of the country. The Government has
undertaken not to contract any new loan se statement throws light upon many little
government and this in turn is certain to be
cured in any way upon the customs until the understood points and is full of matter of
reflected in appreciated price quotations of
bonds of the present loan are repaid. There interest. It is as follows : }
Mexican securities. Interest payments have
been suspended since 1914, so that arrears have is therefore a strong likelihood that these bond "The National Railways Company of
mounted to formidable proportions. Many holders will receive an early settlement in order Mexico is organized as a limited liability
issues possess elements of unusual attractive
ness from the investment viewpoint. MEXICAN GOVERNMENT OBLIGATIONS
Mexico stands today as one of the strongest Issue Maturity Amount Issued Interest Interest Price Interest Maturity
Rate Arrears About Yield Yield

nations of the world, financially. The burdens
Cons. Int. Silver of 1886

E554 «**
of tremendous paper money issues by the vari Perpetual $42,915,825 3 21 10 33 33 -
Int. Redeemable Bonds of 1894 . 4 % s. f. $96,615,100 35 16 31 32
ous rebel factions have been disposed of in the *Ext. Cons. Gold Loan of 1899 1945 £22,700,000 32 45 11.1 20

Ext. Gold Loan of 1904. · ·

simplest way possible ; repudiation . Europe is 1954 $7,620,773 28 30 13.3 · 13.7
*Ext. Gold Loan of 1910 1945 £10,563,780 26 36 11.1 12
now in the same stage Mexico was in two or Treasury Bonds of 1913 , Ser. A. 1923 £6,000,000 6 36 40 15 48
three years ago ; whether its recovery will fol GUARANTEED BY MEXICAN GOVERNMENT
low along similar lines remains to be seen. *Vera Cruz & Pac. 1st mtge. Gold Bonds.. 1934 $7,000,000 4 294 28 16 20.5
City of Mexico Sterling Loan of 1889 ... 1997 £ 1,385,500 5 35 35 14.3 14.3
Mexico is now the only country in the whole Mex. Govt. Irrigation s. f. Gold Bonds . 1943 £5,143,958 4½ 31½ 28 16.1 17.4

Mexican Nat. Packing Co., 1st mtge.. • 1931 $3,000,000 6 42 20 30 36.8

world whose financial business is transacted Mexican Nat. Packing Co. , 2d mtge * • .No. provision $ 1,500,000 6 30 30
upon a strictly metallic basis. Several months *National Rys. of Mexico of 1907 .. 1977 $50,748,575 4 28 17.4 17.5
* Listed on New York Stock Exchange.
ago the Republic found it necessary to issue
paper currency or "vales," in order to relieve
the financial currency stringency due to the that new bond issues may be made against cus association in which the Mexican Govern
disappearance of the silver money when bullion toms recepits. ment holds 51 per cent of the stock, the
prices exceeded the face value of the coins. The Treasury 6's were authorized in the balance being held almost entirely by for
These "vales" have all been called for redemp amount of £16,000,000, but only £6,000,000 have eigners. Through its possession of the
tion at par in gold coin. Upward of a quarter been issued . (Sterling exchange fixed at majority of the stock the government is
of a million pesos still remain unredeemed, but $4.85 . ) Part of the unissued balance has been enabled to determine the policy to be fol
this is considered to represent bills destroyed . utilized as security for notes issued by Mexican lowed in the management of the railways.
The country is again coining silver currency, National Railways Co., in lieu of interest pay "By this form of independent association
paying a premium of some 4 cents above the ments. Interest on the Treasury 6's has been the advantages of official possession are en
quoted market prices for "foreign" silver. The defaulted since January 1 , 1915. On the basis joyed without the dangers and inconven
New York Times Annalist declares that 180,000 iences almost universally experienced under
of present price quotations around 40 the yield
fine ounces a day, equivalent to 24,000,000 fine to maturity figures out at an unusually high direct governmental operation. Up to a
ounces a year, are being utilized in this way. rate, 48 per cent. very few months before the taking over of
The per capita debt of Mexico amounts to The Consolidated Gold Loan of 1899, bear the operations the company was given great
only $34, against $225 for the United States, ing 5 per cent interest, is secured by hypothe liberty by the government, which, in turn ,
$800 for Germany, $850 for Great Britain, and cation of the 62 per cent balance of customs held the company responsible for good
$1,150 for France, according to figures com service, the stockholders and creditors in
revenues. There are £22,700,000 of these bonds
piled by the National City Bank. Other com teresting themselves in the attainment of
issued on which interest has been defaulted
pilations are even more favorable, and indicate those efficiencies and economies necessary
since July 1 , 1914. This issue is listed on the
that the per capita debt is but little more than for the fulfillment of their obligations.
$23. As closely as can be determined, the New York Stock Exchange. Maturity, how
"How to provide for the payment of the
population of the country is 16,000,000 . The ever, is somewhat distant, serially to January 1 , company's indebtedness is being carefully
[ national debt totals but $377,333,000 and the 1945.
studied. There is a large bonded indebted
annual debt charge $ 15,531,000 . Direct indebt Calculation of export and import receipts of ness on which the payment of interest has
ness, inclusive of accrued interest, is officially the Republic of Mexico is à difficult underG been suspended since 1914. The interest
stated to be 546,000,000 pesos. Contingent lia taking on account of the diversity of the coun due and unpaid, together with the floating
bilities, consisting of claims by sufferers during try's commerce. For the first 9 months of debt, which is increasing from day to day,
the ten years of revolutionary activities, are 1920 exports were valued at $131,977,997 and amounts now to over two hundred million
not included in this total. These may be imports at $135,971,565 . Exports for the entire pesos and constitutes a grave problem con
settled largely by grants other than mone year 1919 amounted to $131,451,901 and im fronting the company for solution, this
tary ones. ports to $148,926,376 . Exports of crude oil without taking into consideration that there
The national wealth of Mexico resides in its during the first 9 months of 1920 have aggreJ has been much destruction of company
inestimable resources of oil, mining and agri gated 103,000,000 barrels. This material pays property.
culture ; it is essentially a producer of raw an export tax of from 10.8 to 15.8 cents a "The Interoceanic Railway is an enter
materials rather than a manufacturing nation . barrel ( U. S. currency ) , so that revenues from prise organized independently of the
Intensive development of the country's petro this source approximated $ 12,500,000 during National Railways, which , however, holds
leum resources have proceeded steadily during three quarters of the mentioned year.-From 56 per cent of the Interoceanic Railways'
the past several years, although mining and the Financial Review . stock. This road, in turn, controls the
agriculture have languished to a great extent. NOTE-The figures given are in American gold. Mexican Oriental and Southern Mexican
Febrero , 1921

La riqueza nacional de México descansa SE EXPLICA LA SITUACIÓN

principalmente en sus inestimables fuentes DE LOS FERROCARRILES
FINANCIERAMENTE petrolíferas, mineras y agrícolas, siendo un
país esencialmente productor de materias El Presidente de la Junta Directiva
Su deuda es de $34 por cabeza, contra primas más que manufacturero . La explota hace importantes declaraciones sobre
$225 en Estados Unidos y $850 en ción intensiva de las riquezas petrolíferas del el manejo de aquellos
Inglaterra - Su deuda nacional es de país se ha continuado permanentemente en los L señor don Joaquin Pedrero Córdova ,
I $377,330,000: varios años anteriores, aunque la minería y Presidente de la Junta Directiva de las
la agricultura languidecieron bastante. México líneas del Ferrocarril Nacional, hizo reciente
L presupuesto de la Secretaría de Ha
conserva el segundo lugar en la producción de mente las siguientes declaraciones explicando
E'cienda de la República Mexicana para petróleo crudo , pues solamente la sobrepasa la
el presente año destina una importante partida el manejo de las líneas del Ferrocarril Na
de Estados Unidos. Su producción total de cional durante el tiempo que se hallaron bajo
para la redención de los intereses de la deuda
87,400,000 barriles en 1919, se cree alcanzará el control del gobierno. Estas declaraciones
pública. Esta manifiesta disposición de cum
al rededor de 150,000,000 barriles en 1920 , pues hacen buena luz en puntos bien poco compren
plir con sus obligaciones pecuniarias aportará
la producción de los 9 primeros meses alcanzó didos y encierran el mayor interés , a saber :
seguramente mayor confianza al gobierno la cifra de 103,000,000 de barriles. Los im
actual, y ésta, a su vez, se reflejará sin duda "La Compañía de los Ferrocarriles Nacio
puestos de exportación cobrados en estos em nales de México está organizada en forma de
en mejores cotizaciones de las emisiones me
barques varían de 10.8 a 15.8 centavos por ba Sociedad Anónima, en la cual el Gobierno
xicanas. El pago de intereses fué suspendido
rril. Una de las más atractivas series de Mexicano tiene el 51 por ciento de las acciones.
desde 1914, de modo que los intereses caídos
han alcanzado grandes proporciones ; no bonos del Gobierno Mexicano es la serie A, El resto de las acciones está colocado prác
វ Tesorería 6, de 1913, que vence el 1 ° de julio ticamente en su totalidad, en el extranjero.
obstante , muchas emisiones de bonos oficiales
de 1923. Estos bonos están garantizados con Poseyendo el Gobierno la mayoría de las
poseen elementos atractivos poco comunes , por
hipoteca del 38 por ciento sobre el total de acciones, puede imponer en la Compañía la
lo que hace a las inversiones de capital.
México es hoy una de las naciones más los derechos de importación y exportación del política que estime más pertinente, y por lo
fuertes del mundo, en el sentido económico. país. El Gobierno responde de que no se tanto, no necesita del resto de las acciones.
Lo gravoso de las excesivas emisiones de contratará ningún nuevo empréstito garanti "Por la forma de una sociedad independiente
papel moneda lanzadas por varias facciones zado en modo alguno con las entradas adua se pueden disfrutar las ventajas de la posesión
neras hasta que no se hayan cubierto los bonos oficial, sin los graves inconvenientes de la
rebeldes ha sido eliminado de la manera más
del actual. Existen, por tanto, grandes proba Administración Oficial directa, que la expe
sencilla : por su repudiamiento. Europa se
1 encuentra en la actualidad en la misma situa bilidades de que los tenedores de estos bonos riencia universal revela como un fracaso.
recibirán un pronto pago, a fin de que nuevas Hasta muy pocos meses antes de que se hiciera
ción que México tuvo hace dos o tres años ,
aunque, por lo visto, nó tendrá más solución emisiones de bonos puedan lanzarse con las la incautación, el Gobierno dejó a la Compañía
que esa. México es el único país en el mundo mencionada garantía de las entradas adua plena libertad en sus actividades administra
neras. tivas . Así, la Compañía se hace responsable
cuyas transacciones financieras se realizan
La serie Tesorería 6 fué garantizada en un ante el Gobierno del buen servicio de los Fe
sobre estricta base metálica. Algunos meses
total de 16,000,000 de libras esterlinas, pero rrocarriles, y ante los accionistas y acreedores .
atrás la República juzgó necesaria la emisión
solamente 6,000,000 han sido emitidas. ( El de la eficiencia y economía necesarias para que
de papel moneda o "vales," a fin de aliviar
cambio esterlino fijado a $4.85. ) Parte de esa se pueden cumplir los compromisos y produ
la escaséz de circulación monetaria que se dejó
serie no emitida ha sido aplicada en garantía cirse utilidades.
sentir con la desaparición de la moneda de
plata, cuando los precios del metal en barras de obligaciones lanzadas por la Compañía de "Sobre la Compañía gravita una deuda
excedieron al valor nominal de la moneda Ferrocarriles Nacionales, en sustitución de hipotecaria, cuyo servicio de intereses se ha
acuñada. Ha sido acordada ya la redención pago de intereses. El pago de los intereses de suspendido desde el año de 1914. Los intereses
la serie Tesorería 6 ha sido suspendido desde vencidos y no pagados , así como los docu
total de esos "vales" en monedas de oro , a la
par. Al rededor de un cuarto de millón de el primero de Enero de 1915. Conforme a las mentos de la deuda flotante ya vencidos ,
cotizaciones actuales que giran alrededor de representan una deuda de más de doscientos
pesos se halla irredimido ; mas se calcula que
40, los interéses vencidos alcanzan el alto millones de pesos que va creciendo de día en
esta suma representa el monto de los billetes
premio del 48 por ciento. El empréstito día, y que representa el problema más grave
destruidos. El país ha reanudado la acuñación
consolidado en oro de 1899, que rinde el 5 con que tiene que enfrentarse la Compañía.
de monedas de plata, pagando un premio como
de cuatro centavos sobre las cotizaciones del por ciento de interés, está garantizado con Esto, sin tomar en consideración todo lo
hipoteca del 62 por ciento sobre el saldo de destruido.
mercado para la plata " extranjera." El New
las entradas aduaneras. La emisión de estos "El Ferrocarril Interoceénico de México con
York Times Annalist declara que se utilizan
bonos asciende a 22,700,000 de libras esterlinas stituye una empresa independiente de la Com
de este modo unas 180,000 onzas puras diaria
} mente, que equivalen a 24,000,000 al año . y sus intereses fueron suspendidos de pago pañía de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales , pero
ésta domina en dicha empresa con el 56 por
La deuda pública de México asciende sola desde el primero de Julio de 1914. Esta emi
ciento de los votos en las Asambleas Generales
mente a $34 por cabeza, contra $225 para los sión está registrada en el New York Stock
de Accionaistas. Por su parte el Ferrocarril
Estados Unidos, $800 para Alemania, $850 para Exchange. Su vencimiento, sin embargo, está Interoceánico tiene arrendadas las líneas de
Inglaterra y $1,150 para Francia, según las bastante lejano, pues son de la serie que vence
los Ferrocarriles Oriental Mexicano y Mexi
cifras compiladas por el Nacional City Bank. el primero de Enero de 1945.
cano del Sur ; de manera que, indirectamente.
Otras compilaciones son aún más favorables , El cálculo de las importaciones y exporta el Gobierno Mexicano tiene el dominio en
e indican que dicha deuda es sólo de algo más ciones de la República Mexicana es algo dificil, todas esas líneas.
de $23 por persona. La población del país a causa de la diversidad del comercio de ese "La Ley de Ferrocarriles proporciona al
asciende aproximadamente a 16,000,000 de país. Las exportaciones para los primeros Gobierno todos los derechos necesarios para
almas. El total de la deuda nacional es sólo nueve meses de 1920 montaron a $131,977,997 garantizar los intereses del público y de
de $377,333,000 y el cargo anual de ella de y las importaciones a $ 135,971,565. Las ex la Nación en la explotación de todos los
$15,531,000 . La deuda directa, incluyendo los portaciones para el total del año de 1919 ascen Ferrocarriles mexicanos, sin necesidad de
intereses acumulados, asciende a $546,000,000, dieron a $ 131,451,901 y las importaciones a poseer una sola ación en ellos. El objeto
$148,926,376. Las exportaciones de petróleo de la formación de la Compañía de los
según declaraciones oficiales , la que no com
prende el monto de las reclamaciones por crudo para los primeros nueve meses de 1920
daños sufridos durante los diez años del pe sumaron 103,000,000 barriles . Este artículo ascendieron aproximadamente a $12,500,000 en
los nueve meses de dicho año.-Del Financial
ríodo revolucionario. Estas pueden arreglarse, pagó un impuesto de exportación de 10.8 a
en su mayor parte, por donaciones o concesio 15.8 centavos por barril, en moneda americana,
NOTA- Véase al frente el cuadro sinóptico de las
nes mas bien que con pagos monetarios. de modo que las entradas por este concepto emisiones de bonos y sus garantias oficiales.

32 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

railways in the same way that the govern Prominent Laredan Speaks itself on my mind to a greater extent than the
ment holds the balance of power in all the Well of Mexico fact that alfalfa has been grown in the vicinity
railways. The railway legislation gives the of Mexico City for such a great period of
government such control over all the rail time. I find that the greatest success with
PRO tary of the Laredo Chamber of Com
roads of the country as is necessary for alfalfa under irrigation is in rows or narrow
merce and Director of the Agricultural Branch
the protection of the public interests beds. The same is true in the Laredo District.
of that organization, recently made the follow
whether or not it possessed a single share "My impressions of Mexico from an agricul
of stock. ing interesting statement regarding agricul
tural standpoint lead me to have great hopes
tural and other conditions in Mexico :
"The object in the organization of the for the future. It will be my purpose and, that
with a "As Agricultural Director of the Laredo
National Railways Companies with of the Chamber of Commerce of Laredo to
Chamber of Commerce I have been asked for
majority stock interest held by the govern cooperate with the agricultural classes in
a very brief statement of my impression of
ment was to prevent a prospective consoli every way, to secure the great amounts of
the agricultural possibilities of that portion
dation of the principal railways of the counAging capital required to develop the great stretches
of the Republic of Mexico through which we of rich agricultural land found in Mexico ."
try into an organization so powerful as to
traveled. That includes studies of lands under
constitute a menace not only in the matter
of transportation, but to the economic and cultivation within the vicinity of Mexico City, International Gateway to be
Guadalajara, Queretaro, San Luis Potosi, Tam
political interests of the country. Opened at the Border }
pico, Monterrey and Saltillo .
"From the date of their taking over the NOTHER international gateway is to be
"Without going into details at this time, it
National Railways Company was entirely Α opened at the border, according to plans
quit of the use or administration of its is fair to say that both myself as well as the
under way. Del Rio, Texas, is to be this new
other members of the Laredo delegation have
properties and without any supervision over gateway, when the extensions of the Orient
been wonderfully impressed with the vast
their development, new construction, in railroad in Texas and the International in
creases of wages, purchases, contracts , etc. , amount of highly fertile productive lands in
Mexico are completed.
and for this reason is entitled to no credit the districts above mentioned .
This new line, it is said, will reduce the pas
or discredit resulting from the administra "We can readily understand that when once
senger and mail time from California points
sufficient credit and money is available to put
tion of the railways during the past six twenty-four hours. It will reduce the time be
more of this rich agricultural land under culti
years, and will have no responsibility for tween Mexico City and Kansas City, Mo., six
consequences that may result later from vation, that these immense districts of the Re
teen hours.
their operation during that period. public will become the great sources of food
supply, not only of the Republic of Mexico, but
"The National Railways Company has
authorized no foreign person or corpora many thousands of carloads of surplus fruits Mexico's Prosperity Shown in
and vegetables will be shipped into the United Increase in Railroad Traffic
tion to make any kind of investigation
relative to the conditions under which the States. EXICO'S prosperity is shown in the tre
"There are some restrictions now with ref M mendous increase in the movement of
railways shall be restored to private opera
tion, either as to its own properties or those erence to the importation of fruits, as well freight by the railroads of the country. A
of the Interoceanic Company. This will be as cotton, which it was my special purpose to vast amount of goods is being moved to and
from the commercial centers and this has
a question entirely to be determined by study while making the itinerary. The Laredo
negotiation between the government and Chamber of Commerce is making a special swelled the railroad earnings beyond expecta
the representatives of the companies con study of methods and regulations which will tions of only a few months ago.
cerned, together with the bondholders. make it possible to find a wide market for Increased passenger traffic has also added to
"The Directorate of the National Rail many of the fruits and agricultural products the substantial earnings of the railroads.
ways Company as actually constituted has of Mexico. For that reason they have com Energetic efforts are being made to meet the
bined the position of Secretary of the Chamber pressing need for additional rolling stock.
consistently endeavored to preserve sub
stantially as created the legal status of the of Commerce with that of Director of Agri
culture of the Laredo District. Kansas and Gulf Leases
company, and incidentally of all of its sub
"I can see no limitations to the possibilities Huge Tract
sidiaries, and this, with the provision of
HE Kansas & Gulf Oil Co. has acquired
necessary service, has been achieved by the which the Republic of Mexico has in the way
government. The members of this com of agricultural production. With the mild Tleases to approximately one million acres
mission receive no salaries and neither in winter seasons and practically a continuous of potential oil lands situated along the Gulf
Coast between Matamoras and Tampico, Mex
dividually or collectively exercise any in program of production, it is easy for me to
fluence or control over the official adminis understand why Mexico will become one of ico. The northern boundary of the tracts ex
tends to within 45 miles of Matamoras. A
tration of the railways. the leading sources of agricultural products
of the entire western hemisphere. drilling rig is already on the way to make a
"Mexico, December 20, 1920.”
"I am greatly impressed with the lessons test for oil. Practically the entire interval of
which have been taught by Mexico's agricul 325 miles from Matamoras to Tampico has
tural colleges . It is evident to me that the been leased by American and British operators,
Many Foreign Colonists Coming
leaders of agricultural thought south of the some of whom are preparing for drilling wildw
HE first contingent of 3,000 Canadian cat wells in the coastal region.
Rio Grande have given careful attention to
THE colonists to be located on lands in Durango the proper interpretation of local conditions
was expected in Mexico during January. Other The industries of the State of San Luis
which would be important in the production of
parties are expected to follow at short intervals. Potosi report continuing prosperity, with new
various farm crops, as well as fruits and
Representatives of 8,000 Austrian colonists ventures being started and great expansion of
胄 vegetables. I am especially impressed with the
are now in Chihuahua searching for suitable those already established. The biggest textile
value to the different agricultural districts in
locations. manufactory in the country is now in operation
Mexico of developing varieties of seeds es-
A Department of Colonization is being or there, resulting in a notable change in the
pecially suited to each locality. I had thought
ganized under the Department of Agriculture, economic stability of the neighboring popula
before that many of our varieties might be
Minister Villarreal in charge. It is intended to moters.
suited in Mexico ; but my impression now is,
regulate the colonization business in Mexico
that it is far better that we should cooperate The third Congress of School Teachers was
and protect the public from unscrupulous pro -
tion. with you in solving Mexico's problems by en held during December at Tuxtla Guitierrez,
couragement in the proper selection and breed Capital of the State of Chiapas, during the
According to recent statistics there are in ing of different varieties. I am greatly im month of December. Educators from through
Mexico 150 Catholic societies, a fact cited as pressed with the advanced thought which I out the Republic gathered for the discussion
eloquent proof of the religious and political find among the intelligent proprietors of farm of means and methods for bettering the public
liberty enjoyed in the Republic. lands in Mexico. No lesson has impressed school system of the country.


Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 33

Ferrocarriles Nacionales , con mayoría de ac Los extranjeros, por tanto, pueden adquirir dental en cuanto a sus fuentes de producción
ciones para el Gobierno , fué el de prevenir tierras y ser propietarios : agrícola.
$ una consolidación que ya amenazaba, y que Primero.- De propiedad adquirida de pro "Tengo la mejor impresión de las enseñanzas
podía llevar a los principales ferrocarriles pietarios privados ; propagadas por los Colegios de Agricultura
mexicanos , a manos de un poderoso sindicato Segundo.- De tierras del Gobierno sujetas a de México . Es evidente que los directores del
que, dotado de arma tan formirable, se en denuncio y compradas directamente de la pensamiento agrícola al Sur del Río Grande
‫ ¿ مصر‬contraría en situación de pesar poderosamente, Secretaría de Fomento y Colonización ; han prestado cuidadosa atención a la propia
→ no sólo en materia de trasporte, sino aún en Tercero.- De propiedades vendidas en sub interpretación de las condiciones locales , que
las otras actividades de la vida económica del asta pública por falta de pago de los impues tan importantes son en la producción de varias
país, y hasta acaso enfrentarse con el Gobierno tos respectivos, en la que la autoridad compe cosechas, tanto en frutas como vegetales . Me
en el terreno mismo de la política. tente autoriza el título de venta. ha impresionado especialmente el valor que
"Desde la fecha de la incautación, la Com En todos estos casos, sin embargo , el título para los distintos distritos agrícolas de México
pañía de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales ha que debe ser extendido y firmado ante Notario tiene el desarrollo de diversas variedades de
dado desprendida en lo absoluto del uso y Público, pues con ligeras modificaciones en la semillas , adaptadas a cada localidad . Pensaba
administración de sus propiedades, no habiendo forma, que no afectan al fondo o principios, antes que muchas de nuestras variedades po
intervenido para nada en la explotación , todavía se halla en vigor el primitivo sistema drían adaptarse en México ; mas hoy tengo la
construcciones nuevas, aumento de sueldos , español notarial para la transmisión de la impresión de que sería mucho mejor que noso
compras, contratos , etc. , etc. Por lo mismo , propiedad, que aunque lento y voluminoso, tros cooperáramos en la resolución de los
la Compañía es por completo ajena al crédito , resulta eminentemente satisfactorio en su problemas agrícolos mexicanos, estimulando la
o descrédito que puedan reflejarse en la funcionamiento y muy seguro . adecuada selección y cultivo de diferentes
Administración de los Ferrocarriles, durante variedades. Fuí grandemente impresionado
los últimos seis años, y ninguna responsabili tambien con los grandes conocimientos que
dad tendrá en las consecuencias que pudieran Prominente Ciudadano de Laredo que encontré entre los inteligentes propietarios de
Cresultar más tarde en los actos de la Adminis se Expresa Favorablemente de México
haciendas en México . Nunguna lección me ha
tración durante dicho período de seis años. impresionado más que el hecho de que la
L Profesor Fred W. Mally, Secretario de
"La Compañía de los Ferrocarriles Nacio alfalfa ha crecido en los alrededores de ciudad
Ε la Cámara de Comercio de Laredo y
#L nales > no ha comisionado a ninguna persona Director de la Sección de Agricultura de dicha México por tan largo período de tiempo.
o corporación extraña a ella para que em organización, hizo recientemente las siguientes Considero que el éxito más grande con la
prenda cualquier clase de estudios o gestiones alfalfa irrigada, se obtiene en hileras o angos
interesantes declaraciones sobre la agricultura
दे rélativas a la devolución de los Ferrocarriles y otras condiciones de México : tas plantaciones , al igual que ocurre en el
Nacionales o del Ferrocarril Interoceánico . Distrito de Laredo .
7 "Como Director de Agricultura de la Cá
Este { será un asunto que, llegado el caso, se mara de Comercio de Laredo se ha solicitado "Mis impresiones de México, bajo el aspecto
tratará directamente entre el Gobierno, la agrícola, me revelan grandes esperanzas para
de mí hacer algunas breves declaraciones sobre
Compañía y los Representantes de los acreedo el futuro. Será mi propósito, y tambien el de
mi impresión acerca de las posibilidades agríco
res de dichos Ferrocarriles. la Cámara de Comercio de Laredo , el cooperar
las de la porción de la República Mexicana que
"La Junta Directiva de la Compañía de los he visitado, incluyendo el estudio de las tierras con las clases agricultoras en todos sentidos.
· Ferrocarriles Nacionales de México , que tengo en cultivo en los alrededores de las ciudades para conseguir la fuerte suma de capital que
la honra de presidir actualmente, ha venido de México, Guadalajara, Querétaro , San Luis requiere el desarrollo de las grandes ex
subsistiendo y renovándose únicamente para Potosí, Tampico , Monterrey y Saltillo . tensiones de las ricas tierras agrícolas de
conservar la personalidad legal de la Com México."
સ "Sin entrar en detalles por ahora, es honrado
pañía, o incidentalmente para cuidar de la
decir que tanto yo como los demás miembros Llegan Muchos Colonos Extranjeros
Administración de algunas propiedades secun de la Delegación de Laredo hemos quedado
darias de la misma Compañía, y que por ser esperaba para el mes de Enero el primer
maravillosamente impresionados de la gran SEcontingente de 3,000 colonos canadenses
ajenas al servicio ferroviario, han sido ya extensión de tierras productivas de la más
S devueltas por el Gobierno. Los miembros de para establecerlos en tierras de Durango. Se
4 dicha Junta no tienen sueldo, y ni personal alta calidad, que poseen los distritos antes espera que lleguen otras gruesas partidas
ni colectivamente tienen ninguna relación e dentro de cortos intervalos de tiempo .
"Podemos facilmente comprender que una
influencia con la Administración Oficial de los Los representantes de 8,000 colonos austria
7 vez que el necesario crédito y recursos pongan cos se hallan buscando lugares apropiados en
estas ricas tierras agrícolas en cultivo , estos el Estado de Chihuahua para su gente. Se está
inmensos distritos de la República se tornarán
organizando un Departamento de Colonización,
La Adquisición de Propiedades en grandes fuentes productoras de alimentos
dependiente de la Secretaría de Agricultura,
Raíces por Extranjeros no sólo para la República Mexicana , pues
hoy a cargo del Ministro Villareal : Se tiene
O existe ningun obstáculo para que los muchos miles de furgones de frutas y vege
el propósito de regularizar la colonización en
‫ گی‬N°extranjeros adquieran y posean propie tales de la sobreproducción serían vendidos México, protegiendo tambien al público de los
dades raíces en México, aparte de lo relativo en los Estados Unidos. agentes (capataces ) poco escrupulosos.
"Actualmente existen algunas restricciones
朵 a las fronteras y regiones de la costa, es decir,
dentro de 100 kilómetros de los límites fronte para la importación de frutas, tanto como para Los inventores mexicanos Simón Anduaga y
el algodón, que fué objeto especial de mi Juan Luévano han ideado un aparato salvavi
rizos y 50 kilómetros del litoral de la costa.
estudio durante el viaje. La Cámara de Co
Frecuentemente se ha creído que la nueva mercio de Laredo está haciendo estudios das para el uso de los obreros de las minas ,
3 Constitución Mexicana impone especiales pro habiéndose efectuado pruebas con magnífico $
especiales de los métodos y medidas que hagan resultado en el Estado de Hidalgo, ante la
hibiciones a los extranjeros, sin embargo de posible encontrar un extenso mercado para
que las cláusulas que les exijían ceder sus muchas de las frutas y productos agrícolas representación oficial nombrada para examinar
1 1 la viabilidad de este nuevo invento . El Go
derechos respecto de las propiedades que hayan mexicanos. Es por ello que han puesto a
bierno, en vista del éxito obtenido , datará con
podido adquirir datan por lo menos del año cargo de la Secretaría de la Cámara la Direc
1856, de un decreto del Presidente Conmonfort. ción Agrícola del distrito de Laredo. esos salvavidas a todas las compañías mineras,
velando así por la seguridad y protección de
En esa época los dueños de propiedades ex "No veo limites a las posibilidades que la
los trabajadores.
tranjeras , tambien estaban sujetos al servicio República de México tiene con respecto a la
कह militar, cuando era necesario para la pro producción agrícola. Con sus estaciones de El Presidente ha expedido decretos permi
1 tección de las ciudades o distritos en que invierno templado. y prácticamente un perma tiendo la libre exportación del cobre, en todas
residían. Esto no es exacto al presente, pues nente programa de producción , es para mí muy sus formas, así como la de otros varios me
no se les permite tomar las armas en ninguna facil comprender cómo México podrá alcanzar tales , en vista de las desastrosas condiciones
> contienda militar. 1 el primer puesto en todo el hemisferio occi actuales del mercado de los metales.

February, 1921

State of Campeche I
Oil Concessions Recently Granted Concession of August 23, 1920, granted to
Andrew McKenzie, to conduct oil explorations
Detailed Report of Those Issued During the Latter Portion for four years in all the State, excepting the
of the Year 1920 in Each State County of Champoton, and for exploitation for
a period of twenty years. ( These lands are in
N official statement has been made of the fields that he may select, for which he will cluded in the concession cited before, and
various concessions granted for the ex pay a yearly rent of 5 pesos per hectare. therefore, the grantee is subject to the con
A ploitation of petroleum deposits during Concession of August 14, 1920 ; granted to ditions enumerated in the first concession
six months, beginning with July, 1920, in the Benjamin G. Hill, to conduct oil explorations aforementioned. )
different States, as follows : for three years, in a portion bounded by the Concession of August 27, 1920, granted to
Laguna Madre and the Federal zone which Maria D. Viuda de Delgado, to conduct oil
Territory of Lower California
encircles it (portion situated in the north dis explorations for four years in the County of
Concession of July 15, 1920 ; granted to Mar
trict between the Las Flores and San Enrique Champoton and for the exploitation for a
land Oil Co., to conduct oil explorations for
points ) , and for exploitation for a period of period of twenty years in the fields that she
four years in two zones : The first one, limited twenty years in the fields that he may select may select for which she will pay a yearly
by the parallel 27, which passes through the for which he will pay a rent that will be fixed rent of 5 pesos per hectare. (The deposit
Cancas point, the coast and zone of 35 kilom in due time. which guarantees this concession is of 5,000
eters granted to A. Mendez ; and the second,
Concession of August 14, 1920 ; granted to pesos and the share which corresponds to the
limited by the parallel which passes through
Rodolfo Cruz, to conduct oil explorations for Government is of 10 per cent of the pro
Santo Tomas point and also through Colo six years in the grounds known as Garateño duction . )
rado ; the International border, and the coast ;
and Lonareño with an approximate surface of State of Guerrero
and for exploitation for a period of twenty 30,000 hectares, municipality of San Fernando,
years, in the fields that this company may se Concession of July 30, 1920, granted to Ger
north part of the State, and for exploitation
lect in the aforementioned zones. man Gay Banos, to conduct oil explorations
for a period of twenty years in the fields that
Concession of August 11 , 1920 ; granted to for four years in the district of Abasolo and
he may select, for which he will pay a yearly
Jose N. Acosta, to conduct oil explorations for for exploitation for a period of twenty years
rent of 5 pesos per hectare. of the fields that he may select.
four years in a zone situated between the par The aforementioned grantees have guaran
allels 30 and 32, bounded by the coast of the Concession of October 7, 1920, granted to
teed the fulfillment of the obligations for
Gulf and the concessions granted to Alfred Benjamin G. Hill and Indalecio Flores, to con 1
which they have contracted, with a deposit of
Mackensie and to Marland Oil Co., and for duct oil explorations for four years, in a zone
5,000 pesos, and will give to the Government
exploitation for a period of twenty years, in situated between the parallels 17 and 18 30° to
a share of ten per cent of the total produc
the fields that he may select in the aforemen the east of the meridian of Mexico, excepting
tioned zone . the districts of Alvarez and Abasolo of the
Concession of October 7, 1920 ; granted to
Concession of September 13, 1920 ; to con State of Guerrero, and for the exploitation for
Theodore Montague, to conduct oil explora
duct oil explorations for four years in a zone tions for four years in a zone situated between a period of twenty years in the fields that they
situated between the parallels 24 and 27, the the point known as "Boca de Rio" and the may select.
Gulf of California and the zone of 30 kilom (The above-mentioned grantees have guaran
"Barra de Cañas," 50 kilometers inland, par
eters, granted to Ramon F. Iturbe, and for the allel to the coast of the State of Vera Cruz and teed the fulfillment with a deposit of 5,000
exploitation for a period of twenty years, in pesos. They will pay to the Government an
in national grounds of the district of Tula, of
the fields that he may select in the aforemen the State of Tamaulipas ; and for the ex annual rent of 5 pesos per hectare of the fields
tioned zone . that they may select, and will pay to the Gov- .
ploitation for a period of twenty years of the
Concession of September 14 ; granted to fields that he may select, for which he will ernment a premium as follows : The first
·1 Compañia Explotadora y Petrolera Peninsular, party will pay 10 per cent of the production
pay a yearly rent of 5 pesos per hectare.
S. A., to conduct oil explorations during one (This concession is granted upon a deposit and the second 5 per cent per 1,000 cubic
year, in a zone of the oriental coast, bounded of 5,000 pesos to be put up as a guarantee of meters of petroleum or less ; 10 per cent from
by the southeast of Las Animas Bay and a the payment to the Government of its share, 1,000 up to 2,000 ; 15 per cent from 2,000 up to
rivulet which flows into the waters of the Los as follows : For 1,000 M3 or less of the total 5,000 and 20 per cent exceeding 5,000 . )
Angeles Bay. production, 5 per cent ; 1,000 up to 2,000, 10
Concession of September 17, 1920 ; granted State of Oaxaca
per cent ; 2,000 up to 5,000, 15 per cent ; and
to Emilio Cuen, to conduct oil explorations for exceeding 5,000, 20 per cent. ) Concession of July 30, 1920, granted to Ger
three years in a zone bounded by the parallels man Gay Banos, to conduct oil explorations
24 and 27, from the zone granted to Ramon F. State of Michoacan for four years, in the districts of Jamintepec
Iturbe, South District, and for the exploita Concession of August 23, 1920 ; granted to and Juquila and for exploitation for a period
tion for a period of fifteen years, in the fields Elena Lagunas, to conduct oil explorations for of twenty years. ( Those lands are included
that he may select in the aforementioned zone. three years in the districts of Coalcoman and in the concession granted for lands in the
The aforementioned grantees, excepting the Salazar and for the exploitation for a period State of Guerrero, and therefore, the grantee
Compañia Explotadora Peninsular, have guar of twenty years in the fields that she. may se is subject to the conditions therein enumerated .)
anteed the fulfillment of the obligations for lect for which she will pay a yearly rent of
} State of Tabasco
which they have contracted, with a deposit of 5 pesos per hectare. This concession is guar
5,000 pesos ($2,500 gold ) . They will pay to anteed by a deposit of 3,000 pesos, correspond Concession of September 3, 1920, granted to
the Government a rent of 5 pesos per hectare ing to the Government share, 10 per cent of Jose L. Navarro, to conduct oil explorations
($2.50 gold on each 22 acres ) on the selected the production. for one year in the municipalities of Huiman
fields and will also give to the Government a guillo and Cardenas and for exploitation for
share of ten per cent of the total production. Territory of Quintana Roo a period of twenty years of the fields that
Concession of August 23, 1920 ; granted to he may select.
State of Tamaulipas
Andrew McKenzie, to conduct oil explorations Concession of October 7, 1920, granted to
Concession of July 24, 1920 ; granted to for four years in the said territory and for Manuel Padres and Rafael Manzo, to conduct
Alberto Murphy, to conduct oil explorations exploitation for a period of twenty years in oil explorations for four years in the State,
for three years, in an approximate extension the fields that he may select for which he will excepting the municipalities of Frontera,
of 70,000 hectares in the fields of the munici pay a yearly rent of 5 pesos per hectare. ( The Macupana, Centro, Tacotalpa, Huimanguillo
palities of Soto la Marina, Abasolo and Casas, deposit which guarantees this concession is of and Cardenas, and for exploitation for a period,*
Center District (fields known to the grantee 5,000 pesos, and the amount which corresponds of twenty years of the fields that they may
as "Sierra Tamaulipas la Vieja" ) , and for ex to the Government allowance is of 10 per cent select.
ploitation for a period of twenty years of the of the production. ) Concession of November 22, 1920, granted to

Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 35

Estado de Campeche
Las Ultimas Concesiones Petroleras Concesión de 23 de agosto de 1920 , otorgada
a Andrew McKenzie , para efectuar exploracio
nes petroleras durante cuatro años en todo el
{ Detalle de las otorgadas para cada Estado durante
Estado, con excepción del partido de Cham
los seis últimos meses de 1920
potón, y para explotación durante veinte años .
E han dado a conocer oficialmente las Concesión de 14 de agosto de 1920, otorgada (Estos terrenos están incluídos en la anterior
diversas concesiones otorgadas para la a Benjamín G. Hill, para exploración petrolera concesión y por tanto el concesionario sujeto
S&F explotación de los depósitos petrolíferos , durante tres años en una porción comprendida a las condiciones allí establecidas , )
durante seis meses, a partir de Julio de 1920, dentro de la Laguna Madre y zona federal que Concesión de 27 de agosto de 1920, otorgada
en los diferentes Estados, como sigue : la circunda (porción situada en el Distrito a Maria D. viuda de Delgado para efectuar
Norte, entre los puntos Las Flores y San exploraciones petroleras durante cuatro años ,
Territorio de la Baja California Enrique) y para explotación durante veinte en el partido de Champotón y para explotación
Concesión de 15 de Julio de 1920, otorgada años en los terrenos que elija, por los que durante veinte años en los terrenos que elija ,
a la Marland Oil Company para efectuar ex pagará una renta que se fijará en su oportu por los que pagará una renta anual de cinco
ploraciones petroleras durante cuatro años en nidad. pesos por hectara. ( El depósito que garantiza
dos zonas : la primera limitada por el paralelo Concesión de 14 de agosto de 1920, otorgada esta concesión es de cinco mil pesos y la
27, el que pasa por la punta Cancas, la costa a Rodolfo Cruz, para efectuar exploraciones participación al gobierno el diez por ciento
y la faja de 35 kms. concedida a A. Méndez ; petroleras durante seis años en los predios sobre la producción . )
y la segunda limitada por el paralelo que pasa Garateño y Lonareño, con una superficie apro Estado de Guerrero
por la punta de Santo Tomás, el que pasa por ximada de 30,000 hectaras, municipalidad de
Colorado, la Frontera Internacional y la costa ; San Fernando, parte Norte del Estado, y para Concesión de 30 de julio de 1920, otorgada
y para explotación durante veinte años en los explotación durante veinte años , en los terre a German Gay Banos, para efectuar explora
terrenos que elija en las zonas mencionadas. nos que elija, por los que pagará una renta ciones petroleras durante cuatro años , en el
Concesión de 11 de agosto de 1920, otorgada de cinco pesos por hectara , anualmente. distrito de Abasolo, y para explotación durante
a José N. Acosta , para efectuar exploraciones veinte años de los terrenos que elija.
(Los anteriores concesionarios han garanti
petroleras durante cuatro años en una zona zado el cumplimiento de las obligaciones con Concesión de 7 de octubre de 1920, otorgada
comprendida entre los paralelos 30, 32 , la costa traídas con un depósito de cinco mil pesos, y a Benjamín G. Hill e Indalecio Flores , para
del Golfo y las concesiones Alfred Mackensie efectuar exploraciones petroleras durante ‫ها‬
darán al gobierno una participación de diez
y Marland Oil Company y para explotación por ciento sobre la producción. ) cuatro años en una zona comprendida entre
durante veinte años en los terrenos que elija Concesión de 7 de octubre de 1920, otorgada los paralelos 17 y 18 30' al Oriente del Meri
> en la zona mencionada. diano de México , con exclusión de los distritos
a Theodore Montague, para efectuar explo
Concesión de 13 de septiembre de 1920 para raciones petroleras durante cuatro años en una de Alvarez y Abasolo del Estado de Guerrero :
efectuar exploraciones petroleras durante zona comprendida entre el punto llamado Bo y para la explotación durante veinte años en
cuatro años en una zona comprendida entre ca de Río y la Barra de Cañas , 50 kilómetros los terrenos que elija.
los paralelos 24, 27, el Golfo de California y tierra adentro, paralelo a la costa del Estado de ( Los anteriores concesionarios han garanti
la faja de 30 kilómetros concedida a Ramón Veracruz y en terrenos nacionales del distrito zado el cumplimiento con un depósito de cinco
F. Iturbe, y para la explotación durante veinte de Tula, del Estado de Tamaulipas ; y para la mil pesos . Pagarán al gobierno una renta
años en los terrenos que elija en dicha zona. explotación durante veinte años de los terrenos anual de cinco pesos por hectara de los terre
Concesión de 14 de septiembre, otorgada a que elija por los que pagará una renta de nos que elijan y darán al gobierno una partici
la Compañía Explotadora y Petrolera Peninsu cinco pesos por hectara anualmente. pación como sigue : El primero 10 por ciento
lar, S. A. , para efectuar exploraciones petro sobre la producción y el segundo 5 por ciento
( Esta concesión está garantizada por un
leras durante un año en una faja de la costa por mil metros cúbicos de petróleo o menos
depósito de cinco mil pesos ; siendo la partici
2 oriental comprendida entre el Sureste de la de producción, 10 por ciento sobre el excedente
Bahía de las Animas y un arroyo que vierte pación que corresponde al gobierno como de mil hasta dos mil, 15 por ciento sobre
sus aguas en la bahía de los Angeles . sigue : Por 1,000 Mc o menos de producción , el excedente de dos mil hasta cinco mil y
Concesión de 17 de septiembre de 1920, otor 5 por ciento ; excedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000, 20 por ciento sobre el excedente de cinco mil . )
gada a Emilio. Cuén, para efectuar explora 10 por ciento ; excedente de 2,000 hasta 5,000 , 15
Estado de Oaxaca
ciones petroleras durante tres años en una zona por ciento ; excedente de 5,000 , 20 por ciento. )
comprendida entre los paralelos 24 y 27, a Concesión de 30 de julio de 1920, otorgada
Estado de Michoacán
partir de la zona concedida a Ramón F. Iturbe. a German Gay Banos, para efectuar explo
Distrito Sur y para la explotación durante Concesión de 23 de agosto, otorgada a Elena raciones petroleras durante cuatro años, en los
quince años en los terrenos que elija en dicha Lagunas, para efectuar exploraciones petrole distritos de Jamintepec y Juquila y para ex
zona. ras durante tres años en los distritos de plotación durante veinte años ( esos terrenos
Los anteriores concesionarios , con excepción Coalcoman y Salazar, y para la explotación están incluídos en la concesión otorgada para
de la Compañía Explotadora Peninsular, han durante veinte años en los terrenos que elija, terrenos en el Estado de Guerrero , y por tanto
garantizado el cumplimiento de las obligacio el concesionario está sujeto a las condiciones
} por los que pagará cinco pesos anuales por
nes que contrajeron con un depósito de cinco allí establecidas ) .
hectara. Esta concesión está garantizada por
mil pesos. Pagarán al gobierno una renta de
un depósito de tres mil pesos ; correspondiendo Estado de Tabasco
cinco pesos por hectara de los terrenos elejidos
y le darán una participación de diez por ciento al gobierno un diez por ciento de la produc Concesión de 3 de septiembre de 1920,
de la producción. ción. otorgada a José L. Navarro, para efectuar
Terriotrio de Quintana Roo exploraciones petroleras durante un año en las
Estado de Tamaulipas
Concesión de 23 de agosto de 1920, otorgada municipalidades de Huimanguillo y Cárdenas
Concesión de 24 de julio de 1920, otorgada a a Andrew McKenzie, para efectuar exploracio y para explotación durante veinte años en los
he he Alberto Murphy, para efectuar exploraciones terrenos que elija.
nes petroleras durante cuatro años en el te
petroleras durante tres años en una extensión Concesión de 7 de octubre de 1920, otorgada
rritorio mencionado , y para explotación du
aproximada de 70,000 hectares en terrenos de a Manuel Padrés y Rafael Manzo, para efec
rante veinte años en los terrenos que elija, por
las municipalidades de Soto la Marina, Abaso tuar exploraciones petroleras durante cuatro
lo y Casas, Distrito del Centro ( terrenos los que pagará una renta anual de cinco pesos años en el Estado, con excepción de las muni
conocidos según el concesionario por Sierra por hectara (el depósito que garantiza esta cipalidades de Frontera, Macupana, Centro .
Tamaulipas la Vieja ) y para exploración que concesión es de cinco mil pesos y la partici Tacotalpa, Huimanguillo y Cárdenas ; y para
elija, por los que pagará una renta de cinco pación que corresponde al gobierno es de diez explotación durante veinte años en los terrenos
pesos por hectara, anualmente. por ciento sobre la producción ) . que elijan.


February, 1921 /
Carlos Lodigiano, to conduct oil explorations ( The deposit which guarantees this concession Dallas Chamber of Commerce Works
for four years in the municipalities of Centro is of 3,000 pesos ; the annual rent of the For Better Relations With Mexico
and Tacotalpa and for exploitation for a period lands selected is of 5 pesos per hectare and
HERE has been started in Dallas, Tex,,
of twenty years . of the fields that he may the share for the Government as follows :
select. TH by the Chamber of Commerce and Manu
For 1,000 cubic meters of production or less,
Concession of November 22, 1920. granted facturers' Association, a movement to supply
5 per cent ; from 1,000 up to 2,000, 10 per cent ;
to Carlos Trejo Lerdo de Tejada, to conduct from 2,000 up to 5,000 , 15 per cent, and ex business men generally throughout the United
States with reliable information on trade con
oil explorations for four years in the munici ceeding 5,000, 20 per cent. )
ditions in Mexico, and especially on the pos
palities of Frontera and Macuspana, and for
exploitation for a period of twenty years, of State of Chihuahua sibilities for the expansion of this trade by
the fields that he may select. Permission dated October 27, 1920, granted the granting of reasonable credits to Mexican
(The aforementioned grantees have guar to Mr. Luis Footte, to conduct petroleum business houses of known responsibility. The
anteed the fulfillment of the obligations for explorations for one year in private lands with principal jobbers and exporters of Dallas have
which they have contracted, with a deposit of an extension of 5,000 hectares, in the section of abandoned the custom of demanding cash for
San Marcos, municipality of Ojinaga. goods shipped to Mexican customers, adopted
5,000 pesos . They will pay to the Government
an annual rent of five pesos per hectare of (There is pending a concession, part of during the revolutions, and are now extend $
ing them liberal lines of credit. доменим
the lands selected, and Mr. Jose L. Navarro which is in the State of Chihuahua, and which
and the others will pay to the Government a will be granted to the Government of that In its report the Dallas Chamber of Com
share of 10 per cent of the total production as State.) merce lays special stress on the general sta
follows : For 1,000 cubic meters or less, 5 per State of Coahuila bility of conditions in Mexico and the finan
cent, from 1,000 up to 2,000 10 per cent, from cial responsibility of established firms there.
(There is pending a concession, part of It says :
2,000 up to 5,000 15 per cent, and exceeding which is in the lands of this State, and which
5,000 20 per cent. "The greatest present obstacle to American
will be granted to "Compañia Petrolera de trade with Mexico is lack of knowledge on
State of Chiapas Sonora ." )
the part of American manufacturers regarding
Concession of September 27, 1920, granted to State of Vera Cruz the financial responsibility of their Mexican
Fernando Gonzalez Roa, to conduct oil explora Concession of October 7, 1920, granted to clients.
tions for three years in the district of Chilan Theodore Montague . (Has been mentioned "If a hundred American manufacturers
and for exploitation for a period of fifteen heretofore in the paragraph of the State of would visit the City of Mexico, stay there a
years. (The deposit which guarantees this Tamsulipas. ) week or so and study carefully the business
concession is of 5,000 pesos, the rent for the Concession of November 8, 1920, granted to and political condition of the country, there
fields selected is of 5 pesos per annum per Candor Guajardo and Antonio Diaz de Leon, would follow immediately a great change in
hectare, and the share to the Government 10 for exploitation for a period of twenty years our methods of doing business. American
per cent of the production. ) in the lots No. 27 and 36 of the divided divi manufacturers would abandon their present
Concession of November 19, 1920, granted sion of the land "Zapotal de Solis," known general requirements of cash on the nail and
to Antonio H. Houfy, to conduct oil explora as "San Jose de Solis," municipality of Teme extend in absolute confidence their credit for
tions for three years in the district of Comitan pache, county of Tuxpan, State of Vera Cruz. ninety days or more.
and for exploitation for a period of twenty The annual rent is of 10 pesos per hectare "American houses with long - established
years of the fields that he may select. ( The and the share for the Government as folows : trade in Mexico and which have built up a
deposit of guarantee is of 3.000 pesos. The For 1,000 cubic meters of production or less, large volume of business always sell on open
annual rent is of 5 pesos per hectare and the 5 per cent ; from 1,000 up to 2,000, 10 per cent ; account to their Mexican customers, on ninety
share for the Government as follows : For from 2,000 up to 5,000, 15 per cent, and ex days' time. Those companies, however, which
1,000 cubic meters or less of production , 5 per ceeding 5,000, 20 per cent. ) are just starting to do business in Mexico are
cent ; from 1,000 up to 2,000, 10 per cent ; from Lot No. 173 of Tancoco, county of Tuxpan. erroneously inclined to restrict rigorously their
2,000 up to 5,000. 15 per cent, and exceeding This lot was divided into seven sections of business to those concerns which are willing
5,000, 20 per cent. four hectares each ; these hectares having been to pay cash upon receipt of bill of lading.
(There are two concessions pending for the granted as follows : English, French and Spanish exporters are
Soconusco division, which will be granted For Messrs. Jose Garcia, Jose Velasco U., liberal in their extension of credits to Mexican
to Messrs . Eulogio Ortiz and Heliodoro and Margarito Velasquez, one section. business houses and German concerns are
Duendes. ) For Federico Cardenas, one section. making great efforts to extend their business
State of Nayarit For Jose Lorenzo Sepulveda, one section . by the extension of extraordinary credit facil
For Angel Batiz, one section. ities.
Concession of October 4, 1920, granted to "No American business house will lose
For Jesus de la Fuente, one section.
Hilario Millan, Jr., to conduct oil explorations money in Mexico if it follows the same meth
For Manuel Gonzales Velez, one section.
for four years in a zone limited by the river ods in conducting its business as it follows in
Lerma, the State of Jalisco, the Pacific Ocean For Miguel R. Cardenas, one section .
the United States, obtaining information as to
and the States of Sinaloa and Durango, and Concession of September 21 , 1920, granted
to "Corporacion Petrolera Mexicana," to con its patrons by consulting the commercial
for exploitation for a period of twenty years agencies and basing their extensions of credit
of the fields that may be selected . ( The duct oil explorations for the purpose of ex
on the information so gained."
deposit of guarantee is of 5,000 pesos ; the ploring twenty lots of up to 2,000 hectares The Dallas Chamber of Commerce quotes
annual rent of the lands is of 5 pesos per each, which this company may select in lands. from a letter from the United States Commer
hectare, and the share for the Government as of the Mexican Republic. This concession is
cial Agent in Mexico City, as follows :
follows : For 1,000 cubic meters of production for a period of twenty years . The deposit of
"Business houses that have been doing busi
or less, 5 per cent ; from 1,000 up to 2,000, 10 guarantee is of 10,000 pesos ; the annual rent
which will be paid for the lands selected will ness here for any considerable length of time
per cent ; from 2,000 up to 5,000 , 15 per cent ; have excellent financial reputations and merit
and exceeding 5,000, 20 per cent.) be of 5 pesos per hectare, and the share for
the Government will be of 15 per cent of the the same treatment in the matter of credit and 1
State of Nuevo Leon other conditions as similar concerns in other
Concession of November 5, 1920, granted to countries. It is untrue and ridiculous to be
The concessions granted during the month
Francisco Rodriguez, to conduct oil explora lieve that business here is experimental and
of July had been dealt with and agreed upon
tions for three years in the municipalities of during the administration of President requires greater caution in its transaction than
Linares, General Teran, Allende, Montemorelos , is common in other countries."
Hualahuices and China, of the District of The Dallas Chamber of Commerce proposes
NOTE- During the period of time in which this
Linares, and for exploitation for a period of matter was considered, two or three concessions to give constant publicity, to information of this
twenty years of the fields that he may select. which were granted at a previous time, * have been character.
amended . $

૨ 1 1
Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 37

Concesión de 22 de noviembre de 1920 , las municipalidades de Linares, General Terán, La Cámara de Comercio de Dallas
otorgada a Carlos Lodigiano, para efectuar Allende, Montemorelos, Hualahuices y China , Está Laborando en pró de México
exploraciones petroleras durante cuatro años del distrito de Linares ; y para explotación A Cámara de Comercio y Asociación de
en las municipalidades de Centro y Tacotalpa, durante veinte años en los terrenos que elija . Manufactureros de Dallas, ha incitado
y para explotación durante veinte años , en los ( El depósito que garantiza està concesión es enérgicamente a los manufactureros y comer
terrenos que elija. de tres mil + pesos , la renta por los terrenos ciantes al por mayor de todos los Estados
Concesión de 22 de noviembre de 1920 , elegidos de cinco pesos anuales por hectara y Unidos de América, a que den una cuidadosa
otorgada a Carlos Trejo Lerdo de Tejada, la participación al gobierno como sigue : por consideración a la extensión de crédito a casas
para efectuar exploraciones petroleras durante 1,000 metros cúbicos de producción o menos ,
comerciales de importancia en México , y a
cuatro años en las municipalidades de Frontera 5 por ciento ; excedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000 ,
cuya noticia se le ha dado amplia publicidad
y Mascupana ; y para explotación durante 10 por ciento ; excedente de 2,000 hasta 5,000 , en este país. Esta noticia ha sido demostrada
veinte años, en los terrenos que elija. 15 por ciento ; excedente de 5,000, 20 por por la circunstancia de que las principales ca
(Los anteriores concesionarios han garanti ciento. ) sas exportadoras de Dallas. han abandonado
zado el cumplimiento de las obligaciones con Estado de Chihuahua
su costumbre de exigir pago al contado de
f traídas con un depósito de cinco mil pesos . Permiso de 27 de octubre de 1920, al señor los comerciantes mexicanos , estableciendo en
Pagarán al gobierno una renta anual de cinco Luis Footte, para efectuar exploraciones petro cambio condiciones muy liberales de crédito, a
pesos por hectara de los terrenos elejidos y leras durante un año en terrenos particulares aquellas casas cuya reputación financiera les
darán al gobierno una parcicipación de 10 por con una extensión de cinco mil hectaras; sec es conocida.
1 ciento sobre la producción el señor José L.
ción de San Marcos municipalidad de Ojinaga. En su informe , la Cámara de Comercio hace
Navarro, y los demás como sigue : Por 1,000 ( Está pendiente una concesión que abarca especial mención de la estabilidad general de la
Mc o menos de producción, 5 por ciento ; ex el Estado de Chihuahua y que se dará al go situación en México , así como de la responsa
cedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000 , 10 por ciento ; bierno de ese Estado . ) bilidad financiera de casas establecidas en
excedente de 2,000 hasta 5,000 , 15 por ciento ; nuestro país, declarando que estas casas
excedente de 5,000, 20 por ciento . ) Estado de Coahuila
merecen la misma consideración de que se les
( Está pendiente una concesión que abarca extienda crédito , en idéntica forma que se les
Estado de Chiapas
parte de los terrenos de este Estado y que se otorga a las casas de los Estados Unidos .
Concesión de 27 de septiembre de 1920 . dará a la Compañía Petrolera de Sonora. )
otorgada a Fernando González Roa , para Corroborando lo anterior, la Cámara de Co
efectuar exploraciones petroleras durante tres Estado de Veracruz mercio inserta la siguiente declaración de la
Cámara Americana en esta ciudad :
años en el departamento de Chilán, y para Concesión de 7 de octubre de 1920 , otorgada
explotación quince años. (El depósito que a Theodore Montague ( ya se especificó en las "El principal obstáculo que existe ahora
garantiza esta concesión es de cinco mil pesos ; del Estado de Tamaulipas ) . entre el comercio de los Estados Unidos y
la renta por los terrenos elejidos es de cinco Concesión de noviembre 8 de 1920, otorgada México, es la falta de conocimiento por parte
pesos anuales por hectara y la participación al del manufacturero americano , de la estabilidad
a Candor Guajardo y Antonio Diaz de León ,
del comerciante mexicano, que es su cliente.
gobierno de 10 por $ ciento de la producción. ) para explotación durante veinte años en los 4
lotes 27 y 36 del fraccionamiento del predio "Si cien manufactureros americanos vinieran
Estado de Nayarit a la ciudad de México , permanecieran una
{ Zapotal de Solís , conocido por San José de
Concesión de 19 de noviembre de 1920, semana y estudiaran los negocios de esta
Solís, municipalidad de Temapache, cantón de
otorgada a Antonio H. Houfy, para efectuar Túxpam, Estado de Veracruz. Renta de diez capital , que es el centro mercantil y político
exploraciones petroleras durante tres años en pesos anuales por hectara de los terrenos y de este país, habría un enorme cambio en el
el departamento de Comitán y para explota participación como sigue : por mil metros sistema seguido hasta ahora para dar crédito
ción durante veinte años en los terrenos cúbicos o menos de producción, 5 por ciento ; a los comerciantes mexicanos , e indudablemen
elejidos. ( El depósito de garantía es de tres excedente de mil hasta dos mil, 10 por ciento ; te resultaría que el comerciante o manufactu
mil pesos . La renta de cinco pesos anuales rero americano , en vez de exigir riguroso
excedente de dos mil hasta cinco mil , 15 por
por hectara y la participación como sigue : Por ciento ; excedente de cinco mil , 20 por ciento. pago al contado, inmediatamente permitiría la
1,000 Mc o menos de producción , 5 por ciento ; Lote ciento setenta y tres de Tancoco, cantón apertura de cuentas, y con absoluta confianza
excedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000 , 10 por ciento ; de Túxpam . Este lote fué dividido en siete otorgaría crédito de noventa o más días.
excedente de 2,000 hasta 5,000 , 15 por ciento ; fracciones de cuatro hectaras cada una, habién "Las casas americanas que tienen largo
excedente de 5,000 , 20 por ciento. ) dose otorgada estas hectaras como sigue : tiempo de estar establecidas en México , y que
(Se encuentran pendientes dos concesiones ya han construído un voluminoso comercio en
Jonás García, José Velasco U. y Margarito
para el departamento de Soconusco , que se este país , siempre abren cuentas y permiten
Velásquez, una fracción.
darán a los señores Eulogio Ortiz y Heliodoro créditos de noventa días a las casas mexica
Federico Cárdenas, una fracción.
} Duenes. ) nas : pero las casas americanas que apenas se
José Lorenzo Sepúlveda, una fracción . inician en su comercio con México, creen
Estado de Nayarit
Angel Batiz, una fracción.
Concesión del 4 de octubre de 1920, otorgada Jesús de la Fuente , una fracción . erróneamente que el comerciante mexicano es
a Hilaro Millán, jr., para efectuar exploraci Manuel González Vélez, una fracción. débil, y le exigen, ya sea, riguroso pago ade
ones petroleras durante cuatro años en una Miguel R. Cárdenas , una fracción . lantado, o bien, pago al contado contra entrega
zona limitada por el Río Lerma , el Estado de de documentos de embarque. El exportador
Jalisco, el Océano Pacífico y los Estados de Concesión de 21 de septiembre de 1920. inglés , francés y español , extiende mejores
Sinaloa y Durango ; y para explotación du otorgada a la Corporación Petrolera Mexicana. condiciones de crédito, y Alemania está ha
para efectuar exploraciones petroleras con ob ciendo inauditos esfuerzos por recobrar su
rante veinte años en los terrenos que se elijan .
jeto de explorar veinte lotes hasta de 2,000 comercio en este país, por medio de extraordi
( El depósito de garantía es de cinco mil pesos,
hectaras cada uno, lotes que elegirán en te narias condiciones de crédito .
la renta por los terrenos de cinco pesos anuales
rrenos de la República Mexicana. Esta con "Ninguna casa americana perderá dinero en
por hectara y la participación como sigue : Por
cesión tiene una duración de veinte años . El México , si sigue el mismo sistema en sus neA
1,000 metros cúbicos o menos, de producción,
} 5 por ciento ; excedente de 1,000 hasta 2,000 , depósito de garantía es de diez mil pesos, la gocios que sigue en los Estados Unidos , obte
renta que se pagará por los terrenos que se niendo informes de sus clientes por conducto
10 por ciento ; excedente de 2,000 hasta 5,000,
elijan será de cinco pesos anuales por hectara de agencias mercantiles o agentes, y así , decidir
15 por ciento ; excedente de 5,000 , 20 por
y la participación al gobierno de 15 por ciento sus condiciones de crédito.”
ciento. ) sobre la producción.
Estado de Nuevo Leon La Cámara de Comercio de Dallas, también
NOTAS- Se han reformado durante el periodo de transcribe el siguiente párrafo de carta reci
* Concesión de 5 de noviembre , de 1920 , tiempo que se considera, dos o tres concesiones otor
gadas con anterioridad . bida del Agente Comercial Americano en
otorgada a Francisco Rodríguez, para efectuar Las concesiones otorgadas durante el mes de
julio habian sido tramitadas y accordadas durante el México :
exploraciones petroleras durante tres años en gobierno del Señor Carranza. (Sigue en la pagina 48)
38 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

daily program as arranged and carried out

to mutual satisfaction was this :
Mexican Byways and Highways The woman came about sunrise and rapped
at the great outer door, a massive, heavily
Interesting Scenes and Experiences Away From the carved double-leaved affair almost as high as
Usual Paths of Travelers and Writers the house, wide enough to drive a team and
coach through (indeed, the doors of most
BY GEO. F. WEEKS are mines, all of the heavy machinery for houses are often usesd for that purpose) , and
CHAPTER XI- (Concluded ) which was brought from the seaport in thick enough to stop a bullet from anything
this manner. Shallow draft stern-wheel
Down the West Coast to Tepic except the modern high-power weapon. A
steamers could readily navigate the Santiago smaller door cut in one of the leaves of the -
ROM Acaponeta we took the journey by river for many miles, except perhaps in the parent was used by us as a rule, while the
easy stages , making Rosa Morada in a times of lowest water, but so far no one keys to both- well, the ordinary pocket would
F night's ride, and Santiago Ixcuintla (a appears to have attempted the innovation . not accommodate either of them. They seem
combined Spanish and Aztec name meaning St. With canoes to be had for the simple to have been made on the principle of the
James the Place of the Dogs ) in another. making, only the crudest tools being neces most metal for the least money. Each morn
The roads were very dusty and for the sary, and with labor at 25 cents gold per ing when the cook arrived we contributed }
most part of the distance the scenery is day, and even less ( formerly) , there is fifty cents apiece, twenty-five cents American,
flat and of an uninteresting character, slight inducement to introduce methods of
and with this money, one dollar in our cur
though some extensive groves of palms are transportation that require expense for rency, she took a large basket and went to
traversed that add a picturesque touch to machinery, fuel, etc. market, returning with it overflowing with all
the surroundings. We did not miss much It is part of the plan of railway develop manner of fruit, vegetables, eggs, etc. Just
except the extreme heat of the sun by ment in the Territory of Tepic to connect as an example : Eggs, real eggs, fresh eggs,
traveling at night, though that is a decidedly the present single line crossing the Santiago from the country, cost ( my memory does not
sleepy method . Owing to geographical river at Yago , with the port of San Blas exactly serve ) either two cents for three or
limitations the railroad builders were by a branch . Indeed, such a line was three cents for two- that is to say, they
obliged to leave Santiago ( as it is always graded for a considerable distance years either cost one-third of a cent gold each or
called for short) to one side. It is, however, ago. The country is level, roads are easily three-quarters of a cent each, but that is not
the leading town in this portion of the constructed, while it is so fertile and pro important. It is interesting, however, for
Territory and a large amount of business ductive that a large business could readily purposes of comparison. The main fact is
is transacted in many lines . It is on the be built up in the transportation of sugar, that for one dollar she purchased all the food
banks of the Santiago river, which is corn, fruit and other products to San Blas, that five adults ate during the day- for the
crossed by the railway eighteen kilometers which is a regular port of call for several cook ate of the same food that we enjoyed,
farther up stream and in the edge of the lines of Pacific coast steamers. and we did not stint ourselves in any way,
foothills. This river by the way is one of either, though it is true we used little meat,
the largest in the Republic . It has its the climate and our occupations not requiring
source in Lake Chapala, on the other side CHAPTER XII it . But we reveled in fresh eggs, milk, fruit
of the Sierra Madre in the State of Jalisco , and vegetables. At night, in accordance with
many miles distant from its mouth. The Life in Tepic City- An Enjoyable But Inex the custom of the country, the cook took home
pensive Experience
canyon which it has cut through the with her all the food remaining in the house,
mountain range is replete with magnificent INDING that it would be necessary for and it was no small quantity either that she
5 scenery, which but few travelers ever enjoy , me to remain for an indefinite period in was thus able to supply her family. It is
and if any one has written of or pictured Fthe city of Tepic, in order to prosecute safe to say that the dollar in gold which we
it, the fact has escaped the writer's notice . the research I had undertaken with the thor contributed daily sufficed to cover the cost
But it is well worth a visit, as those who oughness that was essential, I foregathered of the food for at least seven persons.
with three other Americans in like circum The cook was a tireless worker, kept the
have passed through the range in this man
ner have assured me. Unfortunately I did stance, each being provided with a complete house neat and clean, and at the end of each .
not have the time to devote to such a camping outfit, and we decided as a measure month was very glad indeed to receive thrée
of comfort as well as economy to engage in a pesos, one dollar and a half gold, for her
journey. sort of cooperative housekeeping. A comP services. And that this was regarded as
At Santiago Ixcuintla the river is broad
ን fortable and quite ancient house of half a ample compensation was demonstrated by the
and even in the dry season when the water dozen rooms, patio filled with fruit trees and fact that we were constantly pestered by 1
is at the lowest it is quite deep and can flowers, corral for our mules, well, and other other and envious women who wanted the
1 only be forded in certain selected spots .
anything but modern conveniences, was found, job for themselves . Doubtless the left-over
Immense canoes are used in navigation , the rent for which was fixed at $12 Mex . ($6 food was as much of an inducement as the
some hollowed out from single logs being
gold) per month . While we were investigat honorarium of three pesos monthly. At all
seen that measured sixty feet in length by
ing and discussing the matter, some of the events, she was regarded by her friends as
seven or eight in width. The "guanacasta " curious neighbors cautioned us against taking in the enjoyment of rare good fortune !
tree is used for this purpose , the wood the place. No Mexican could be induced to It was while keeping house here that we
being soft and easily cut out, while thwarts live there and it had been idle for many encountered perhaps the most novel method
at intervals serve to keep the craft in months. The fact was, they declared, the of time keeping that can be imagined. In
shape . Heavy loads of machinery and house was haunted, and there was also a deed, one would never imagine it. The first
other freight are brought up from San Blas , buried treasure story connected therewith . morning of our experience in our haunted
the seaport at the mouth of the river, by Upon mentioning the ghostly rumors we had castle, while waiting for breakfast, the cook
constructing a platform of large bamboo heard, the owner begged us to take the place came to me and asked how we wished our
lashing them so that a space of about ten and offered to accept a reduction from the eggs cooked. We all wanted them boiled
poles across the gunwales of two canoes , amount first stated. So we rented it for $8 my companions wishing theirs soft, while I
feet intervenes between the two . Several per month, or $4 in American currency-the wanted mine hard. So I told Maria to cook
tons of machinery or goods are thus accom four-dollar discount being the damage done nine of them three minutes and three of
modated . These novel craft are propelled by the ghostly reputation. them six minutes.
by poling, and as the current of the stream We secured a cook in the person of a neat She seemed to understand well enough, and
for many miles is sluggish , there is little looking woman of the better peon class, and after awhile came from the kitchen with the

difficulty in moving large quantities of arranged with her to come to the house nine soft-boiled eggs. After another wait
freight by hand power. On the middle daily, prepare our food, keep the place in she again returned with mine, but when >> I
reaches of the stream far above Santiago order, and, in fact, act as housekeeper. The cracked one I found it was > not at all as I

Febrero , 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 39

aseada y de la mejor clase de la gente del pueblo ,

Por Caminos y Veredas de Mexico y arreglamos con ella que viniera a la casa
dariamente, preparara nuestros alimentos, con
servara el lugar en buen orden y, en una palabra,
Escenas y Aventuras en Caminos y Parajes Poco hiciera las veces de una ama de llaves o señora
Frecuentados por Viajeros y Escritores de casa. El programa diario, según lo arreglamos
PÓR GEO. F. WEEKS mar en la forma relatada . Pequeños vapores de y lo llevamos a efecto de mútua satisfacción,
CAPITULO XI- ( Concluye) ruedas pueden navegar fácilmente el rìo San era el siguiente :—
tiago en una extensión de muchas millas excepto La mujer venía a la casa como a la hora de la
Por la Costa Occidental Hasta Tepic quizás en la época del agua baja, pero hasta salida del sol y tocaba fuertemente a la gran
ESDE Acaponeta emprendimos el viaje aquí, parece que nadie ha pensado en intentar puerta de la calle ; un sólido y pesadamente
esta innovación. Contando con canoas, para
enjornadas cortas, haciendo parada en entallado zaguán de doble- puerta , casi tan alto
Rosa Morada en una noche de camino y cuya fabricación se requieren tan sólo las herra como la casa ; suficientemente ancho para que
en Santiago Ixcuintla en otra. (Este nombre es mientas más burdas, y contando con trabajo a diera paso a un carruaje con su tronco o pareja
razón de veinticinco centavos oro por día y aun (realmente , las puertas de la mayor parte de las
compuesto de español y azteca y significa San
Jaime, el Lugar de los Perros.) Los caminos son menos (anteriormente) existen pocos motivos casas, se usan con frecuencia para este objeto)
muy polvosos y en la mayor parte de la distancia, que induzcan a introducir métodos de transporte y suficientemente gruesa para poder detener una
es cansada la perspectiva y carente de interés, que requieren gasto de maquinaria , combus bala de cualquier arma de fuego, excepto de las
aunque es verdad que existen a trechos sotos de tible, etc. armas modernas de gran potencia . Una puerta
palmas que dan un toque pintoresco a los alre Una parte del plan del desarrollo ferrocarrilero más pequeña , ajustada a una de las hojas de
dedores. No perdimos nada viajando en la en el Territorio de Tepic consiste en conectar la la puerta-principal o matriz, era la que nosotros
noche, excepto el extremado calor del sol, línea única que cruza actualmente el Río San usábamos comunmente , en tanto que las llaves
aunque es verdad que ese método de viaje pro tiago en Yago con el puerto de San Blas, por de las dos puertas , diríamos que el bolsillo común
duce mucho sueño . Debido a los accidentes medio de un ramal. Ciertamente que se ha y corriente no podría ser lo suficientemente
geográficos, los constructores de la línea del construído el terraplén para tal línea en una grande para acomodar ninguna de ellas . Parecía
ferrocarril se vieron obligados a dejar a un lado distancia considerable, desde hace muchos años. que habían sido hechas basadas en el principio
a Santiago (como se llama al lugar por abreviar) . El lugar es plano, las vías se construyen fácilmen de la mayor cantidad de metal por la menor
Sin embargo, es esta una de las principales po te, en tanto que es la zona tan fértil y productiva suma de dinero. Todas las mañanas, cuando
blaciones del Territorio y se transa en ella una que puede hacerse un buen negocio del transporte la cocinera llegaba, contribuíamos con la cantidad
gran cantidad de negocios de todas clases . de azúcar, maíz, fruta y otros productos de San de 50 centavos cada uno (25 centavos en moneda
Encuéntrase sobre las orillas del Río Santiago , Blas, que es un puerto que tocan regularmente americana) y con este dinero , un dollar en
que se ve cruzado por el ferrocarril a dieciocho las líneas de varias empresas navieras del nuestra moneda , ella tomaba un hermoso canasto
kilómetros más arriba, en las estribaciones de Pacífico.
e iba al mercado , volviendo con él rebozando
las montañas. Entre paréntesis, debe decirse con toda clase de frutas, legumbres, huevos, etc.
que este río es uno de los más grandes de la Solamente como un ejemplo diré : Huevos,
República. Tiene su orígen en el Lago de verdaderos huevos, huevos frescos del campo,
Chapala del otro lado de la Sierra Madre, en el Agradables Experiencias en la Ciudad costaban (mi memoria no me ayuda exacta
Estado de Jalisco , a muchas millas de distancia de de Tepic mente) ya sean 2 centavos por 3 o tres centavos
su desembocadura. El cañón que halla labrado ONSIDERANDO que sería necesario por dos ; es decir, costaban ya sea una tercera
en la cordillera está lleno de escenas magníficas para mí permanecer por un período parte de un centavo oro cada uno o tres cuartas
que han observado muy pocos viajeros. Si lo ha C indefinido de tiempo en la ciudad de partes de un centavo, pero no merece gran
descrito alguien, este hecho ha escapado al que Tepic con el objeto de continuar las investiga importancia . Es interesante , de todos modos,
esto escribe. Pero ciertamente que es digno de ciones que me había propuesto seguir con toda como materia de comparación . Lo principal
ser visitado, como me lo han asegurado los que la perfección debida, me reuní con otros tres de todo, es que por un dollar nuestra cocinera
han cruzado la cordillera. Desgraciadamente , no compraba todo el alimento que cinco personas
americanos en iguales circunstancias, cada uno de
tuve el tiempo suficiente para dedicarlo a este ellos provisto de un completo equipo de campo, adultas comían durante el dia, porque la cocinera
interesante viaje. y decidimos, como una medida de comodidad comía de la misma comida que nosotros dis
En Santiago Ixcuintla es muy ancho el río, a la vez que de economía, proporcionarnos un frutábamos y hay qué confesar que no nos
aun en la estación de secas, cuando el agua ha servicio doméstico cooperativo . Una cómoda y restringíamos de ningún modo, aunque es verdad
alcanzado su nivel mínimo, es demasiado pro- bastante antigua casa de una media docena de que comíamos poca carne, porque el clima y
fundo para ser cruzado, excepto en algunos cuartos, con patio lleno de árboles frutales y nuestras ocupaciones no nos la exigían. Pero
lugares escogidos. Se emplean para su navega-- flores, corral para nuestras mulas, pozo y otras nos gozábamos en cambio, con huevos frescos,
ción inmensas canoas, habiendo algunas talladas varias comodidades medernas, fué encontrada , leche, frutas y legumbres. Por las noches, de
en un solo tronco que miden sesenta pies de largo cuya renta se fijó por $12,00 Pesos Mexicanos acuerdo con las costumbres del lugar, la cocinera
por siete u ocho de ancho. Se emplea con este ($6.00 U. S. Gold) mensuales. Mientras nos llevaba consigo a su domicilio las comidas que
fin el " guanacasta, " pues su madera es bastante ocupábamos en investigar y discutir el asunto , sobraban en nuestra casa, y no era poco esto
suave para poder ser trabajada . Varios tra uno de nuestros vecinos curiosos nos emitió su que se diga, porque ella lo consideraba suficiente
vesaños sirven para hacer que la embarcación opinión en contra de que ocupáramos la casa . para abastecer a su familia. Bastante seguro es
*+ conserve
su forma. Se traen grandes carga Ningún mexicano podía ser inducido a habitar afirmar que el dollar en oro con el cual contri
mentos de maquinaria y otros artículos desde allí y aquella casa había estado desocupada por buíamos diariamente , bastaba para cubrir el
San Blas, el puerto de mar de la boca del río , muchos meses . El hecho era, según ellos, que costo del alimento para siete personas cuando
construyendo al efecto una gran plataforma de menos.
la casa estaba encantada y existía tambien un
grandes varas de bambú atravesadas en los cuento de un tesoro enterrado , relacionado con La cocinera era una trabajadora incansable ;
montantes de los remos de dos canoas, separadas aquella creencia. Al mencionar los rumores de conservaba la casa bien arreglada y limpia y al
entre si, de manera que haya entre ellas un espectros que habían llegado a nuestros oídos , final de cada mes estaba sin duda contentísima
intervalo de unos diez pies. Se acomodan así el dueño de la casa nos rogó que la ocupáramos , de recibir tres pesos (un dollar y medio) por sus
varias toneladas de maquinaria. Esta novedosa ofreciéndonos aceptar una reducción a la servicios. Y esto se suponía ser un magnífico
embarcación es impulsada por medio de remos y primera renta fijada . De modo que rentamos sueldo, pues lo demostraba el hecho de que
varas y como en una extensión de muchas millas la casa por $8.00 pesos al mes o sean $4.00 en estábamos constantemente importunados por
es lenta la corriente, existe poca dificultad para moneda de los Estados Unidos , siendo esta otras mujeres envidiosas que deseaban obtener
mover grandes cantidades de carga de este reducción de $4.00 pesos la representación del el empleo. Sin duda la cuestión del sobrante
suerte. A inmediaciones de la corriente , más daño causado por la reputación de los espíritus . de las comidas era un aliciente tan grande como
arriba de Santiago se encuentran minas cuya Nos proporcionamos una cocinera en la la retribución de tres pesos mensuales ! Como
pesada maquinaria fue trafda desde el puerto de persona de una mujer de apariencia limpia y consecuencia, ella era considerada por sus
40 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February, 1921

wanted it. Knowing that there was no clock total expenditure of six to eight centavos—
in the house and that I had the only watch, three to four cents gold ! An American NEWS BREVITIES
while the cook had not asked me to time the prisoner in the jail at Acaponeta (he was
cooking, I wondered how she had determined locked up for several months for thrashing
Now that General Tiburcio Fernandez has
the length of time for boiling the eggs , so I a soldier in public ) , assured me that for $5
asked her about it. been declared the legally elected governor of
Mex. he had good meals brought to him
"Oh, Señor," she said. "for the other gen from a street restaurant for fifteen days ! the State of Chiapas it is hoped that this won
tlemen who wanted their eggs soft I boiled The sidewalk and market place restaurants derfully fertile region, under the new adminis
them as my people always do- un credo (one are a notable feature in all except the largest tration, will be given new impetus in the de
creed ) . For yours, which you said you cities. Certain spaces in the markets and velopment of its agricultural resources. This
wanted cooked very hard, I thought dos certain blocks in the streets are allotted to State and that of Tabasco are popularly
credos (two creeds ) would be enough, and restaurant uses. Women are almost invari called "the granary of the Republic " be
did so." ably the cooks and the furniture and dishes cause of the productiveness of their soils
"Credos ! What do you mean ?" are, of course, of the crudest. But with a when properly cultivated.
And then she explained to me that having handful of charcoal, an earthen brasero and
neither clocks nor watches, it was the custom a few other utensils of the same material, the The general management of the National
of cooks when boiling eggs to recite the cook will prepare dishes of meat, vegetables, Railways has set aside a credit of 35,000,000
Apostles' Creed in a slow manner, and when eggs, etc., that are not to be despised by a pesos for the purchase of equipment made nec
completed and the "Amen" said, the eggs hungry man- more especially if he be a little essary by the great increase of business during
were sure to be cooked sufficiently. And she cramped in the region of the exchequer and the past few months. It is calculated that 250
naturally thought that if one recital sufficed must make every centavo do its utmost locomotives and 5,000 cars will be needed to
to cook eggs soft, two recitals ought surely until the next remittance shall arrive. provide for the service required to handle the
to suffice for me ! Whereupon I explained to Not always, however, does a foreigner get business.
her that in the future she would have to be off so easily. He finds himself at times dis
still more religious and recite the creed three criminated against. As for example : One A diamond mining claim has been filed on
times, which, in fact, proved to be the proper very hot day a friend and myself went into certain property in the State of Guerrero.
method and thereafter my eggs were served an ice cream tent on the plaza and called There is an old tradition to the effect that the
as I wanted them. for some of the appetizing refreshment. I liberator, General Guerrero, discovered a de
Another queer idea also developed in this noticed some natives who were also enjoy posit of diamonds in that region and that a
connection. I found that Maria always boiled ing the same seasonable luxury, and also valuable specimen of the precious gems was
the eggs for my companions before putting noticed when they left that they paid ten presented to the Emperor Iturbide.
mine into the water, and asked her why she cents each. The dishes of cream we had !
did this-why she did not put mine in simul were of the same size as theirs, yet when Active work is continuing on the construc
taneously, thus saving time, but letting them we came to pay for ours the price demanded tion of the railroad to connect directly the
cook double the period allotted. was just double-twenty cents each. "How States of Chihuahua and Sinaloa with the
"Oh, Señor," she replied, "if I did that I is that," I asked the proprietor . "Those Pacific coast, with the completion of which
would get them mixed up and could not tell men who just went out paid only ten cents there will be opened up a new territory, im>
them apart !" each, while you ask twenty from me ?" portant for its rich mineral, agricultural and
Tepic, like all places in Mexico which, to "That is true," he replied calmly. "But commercial possibilities .
use a common phrase, has not been "spoiled they were natives, while you are foreigners !" 1
by foreigners," was one of the most economi And I paid the twenty cents, for I had seen A company composed of Americans has un-
cal places in which to live that can be something of the folly of resisting such petty der active preparation the establishment of an
imagined. After keeping house for several overcharges , and long since concluded that aeroplane service between Mexico and the
months, my companions saddled up one day the wiser course was to submit, but to re United States for both passengers and freight.
and went their respective ways. I there member. It is proposed to maintain a chain of aero
upon sought a boarding house, not caring to Nowhere in all the time that I passed in planes for the entire distance between Mexico
maintain a separate establishment . This I Mexico and in all my travels in that country City and Washington .
found with little trouble. I secured a large did I ever see a place where fruit was so
and comfortable room on the ground floor, varied, so abundant, so cheap and so deli
A comprehensive plan for the federalization
neatly furnished and clean, and enjoyed three cious as in Tepic. Bananas were two cen
of education throughout the Republic has been
good meals daily, largely composed of fruit, tavos the dozen at retail, 25 cents for an en
prepared and has received the sanction of the
eggs, vegetables, milk, bread, etc. The land tire "racimo," or cluster ; pineapples two or President. It is his declared wish that the
lady was very solicitous for my comfort and three centavos each ; mangoes five or six for greatest possible number of new schools shall
hovered over my table to see that I lacked one centavo ; zapotes, one centavo ; oranges be established with as little delay as possible.
for nothing. Constantly she told me : "Señor, three centavos per dozen ; aguacates three or
if you see anything in the market place that four for one centavo ; cocoanuts, green and Frequent excursions of New Mexican capi
you would like, and which I do not have on ripe, mameys, zapote melons, cherimoyas, and talists are being run to the frontier states of
the table, tell me and I will get it for you." many other unfamiliar products of the hot Mexico, especially into the rich State of Chi
And for room and board I paid the munifi country were also abundant and cheap. There huahua, looking for opportunities for invest
cent sum of $ 15 per month gold ! In the case is a species of the pineapple grown in the ment of large sums in various industries.
of boarders occupying rooms in company, the hot country on both coasts that is never seen
charge was $11 each ! Can you beat it ? in the United States, as it, is too delicate to A number of manufacturers and business
I made the interesting acquaintance of a stand shipment, but which is found here in men of the State of Jalisco have formed an
"remittance man" who had lived in this city all its glory, The flesh, instead of being association for the promotion of their interests,
for many years, and whose means were any solid and white, is of a golden translucent believing if they are organized as are the
thing but liberal. He was obliged to make appearance, and is so juicy that it literally workers a better and more practical under
every cent count. Part of the time he kept drips with sweetness. One who has never standing with them may be obtained . !
"bachelor's hall" in a house that cost him one eaten this fruit does not know what a pine
dollar monthly rental. When he wearied of apple really is. The Howeth & Smith concession for pearl
food cooked by himself, he was wont to (To be continued ) fishing in the Gulf of California has beeri
patronize some of the market place or street cancelled by the Secretary of Agriculture and
restaurants, of which there were scores, and Popocatepetl is on the rampage in Mexico . Fomento because of alleged failure of con
here he was accustomed to obtain a very There's one insurgent they can't deport. A cessionaires to comply with the provisions of
good, appetizing and satisfactory meal for a Seattle Star. their contract.
{ } 31
Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 41

amigas como disfrutando de una extraordinaria Esta la encontré con poco trabajo. Me precio que se nos exigió fué precisamente el
mente rara y buena fortuna ! consegui una amplia y cómoda habitación en doble. "Como es eso? " pregunté al propietario.
Aquí fué en donde mientras vivíamos en esta el primer piso, bien amueblada y limpia, y dis "Aquellos hombres que acaban de salir sola
casa, nos enteramos tal vez del más novelesco frutaba yo de tres comidas al dia, mayormente mente pagaron diez centavos cada uno , en
1 método para graduar la hora que imaginarse compuestas de frutas, huevos, legumbres, leche, cambio que Vd . me cobra 20 centavos por mi
pueda. Sin duda nadie se lo podría imaginar. pan, etc. La señora de la casa se mostraba sólo? "
La primera mañana de nuestro lance en nuestro muy solícita por mi comodidad y rondaba siem "Es verdad , contestó con calma, pero ellos
palacio encantado. mientras esperábamos por el pre por mi mesa para ver que no me hiciera son del país, en tanto que l'ds. son extranjeros.''
almuerzo (o desayuno) la cocinera se dirigió a falta nada. Constantemente me decía : " Señor , Entonces pagué los 20 centavos, porque a la
mí preguntándome cómo deseábamos que se si Vd . ve alguna cosa en el mercado que le vez noté algo de la tontería de hacer resistencia
cocinaran los huevos. Todos nosotros los deseá agradara comer y que no la pongo en la mesa , a tan insignificante aumento de precio y mucho
bamos hervidos (pasados por agua) ; mis com dígamelo y con gusto se la traeré." Y por antes de ésto vine a la conclusión que lo más
pañeros deseaban los suyos ligeramente cocidos el cuarto y comidas yo pagaba la módica prudente y aconsejable era someterse , pero
en tanto que yo los quería para mi, duros . De suma de $ 15.00 oro al mes ! En el caso de recordando la historieta.
modo que dije a María que cociera 9 huevos por huéspedes que ocuparan cuartos en compañía (Continuará)
espacio de 3 minutos y 3 huevos por 6 minutos. (es decir, dos o tres personas en cada uno) el
Ella pareció que entendió bastante bien y precio entonces era de $ 11.00 por cada uno !
después de un momento de espera, vino de la Un Millón de Almas
Podría imaginarse semejante cosa ?
cocina con los 9 huevos ligeramente hervidos. Hice la interesante amistad de un " cobratario OS cálculos hechos por los encargados de
Despues de un rato más de espera, volvió de de cuentas viejas e impagables " que había Los recoger los datos para un directorio de la
nuevo con los míos, pero al abrír uno de ellos , vivido en la ciudad por muchos años y cuyos ciudad de México y del Distrito Federal (desig
encontré que no estaba de ningún modo como recursos no eran nada abundantes. Estaba nación equivalente a Washington y el Distrito
yo lo deseaba . Sabiendo que no había ningún obligado a hacer que cada centavo hiciera de Columbia ) llegan a la conclusión de que la
reloj en la casa y que yo era el único que tenía número. Parte del tiempo se lo pasaba en su poblaciòn de la ciudad es de 800,000 a 900,000
reloj , a la vez que la cocinera no me había cuarto de solterón, en una casa que le costaba almas, y con la de los suburbios se llega al gran
indicado que yo graduara el tiempo para el cocido un dollar mensual por renta. Cuando se total de de un millón. Esto representa un
de los huevos, me llamó la atención cómo ella aburría de las comidas hechas por él mismo, aumento de algo asi como del cincuenta por
se las había arreglado para calcular el tiempo solía entonces hacerse parroquiano de uno de ciento , a partir del último censo hecho en 1910.
para hervir los huevos y le pregunté sobre el los puestos del mercado o restaurants callejeros, Tambien se están haciendo trabajos prelimi
particular. de los cuales se hacían censuras, y en estos nares para un cómputo oficial, pero nó es de
"Oh, Señor, me dijo : para los otros señores que lugares él estaba acostumbrado a propor • creerse que el total que se obtenga difiera mucho
querían los huevos ligeramente cocidos, los cionarse una muy buena , apetitosa y satis del antes mencionado.
herví como mi familia siempre lo hace: un Credo. factòria comida por un costo total de 6 á 8
Para los de Vd. , que los deseaba cocidos bastante centavos (de tres a cuarto centavos oro) . Un
duros , creí que dos Credos serían lo suficiente, preso americano que se encontraba en la Informes recibidos por el Ministerio de
y así lo hice." cárcel de Acaponeta (se le tenía preso por varios Agricultura, procedentes de todas las regiones
"Credos ! " Qué quieres decir con eso? " meses por maltratar a un soldado en público) del país , acusan que las cosechas de todas clases
Y entonces ella me explicó que no teniendo me aseguró que por $5.00 Pesos Mexicanos han sido inusitadamente abundantes y que se
ni relojes de pared ni de bolsillo, era costumbre había tenido buenas comidas traídas hasta él han logrado cereales en cantidad suficiente para
entre las cocineras, cuando hervían huevos, llenar todas las necesidades nacionales . A causa
de un restaurant callejero, durante quince dias!
rezar el Credo de los Apóstoles de una manera Los restaurants de las aceras y los instalados de que en tiempos anteriores se hicieron exporta
pausada, y al tiempo de terminarlo con su en los mercados son la cosa más notable en todas ciones de productos que abundaron en ciertas
respectivo " Amén, " seguro que los huevos ya las ciudades, con excepción de las más impor regiones, pero que en otras escaseaban, se ha
estaban cocidos suficientemente. Y natural tantes. estimado necesario prohibir su exportación, a
mente, ella pensó que si un rezo era lo sufi Ciertos espacios en los mercados y ciertas fin de prevenir la imposición de altos precios.
ciente para hervir los huevos ligeramente cuadras en las calles, están permitidas para el a los consumidores.
cocidos, dos rezos deberían ser con seguridad lo uso de restaurants. Mujeres son casi invaria
bastante para los míos ! De modo que le blemente las cocineras y el mueblario y los
Se ha presentado al gobierno una proposición.
expliqué ? que en lo futuro debía ser más utensilios de cocina son, indudablemente, de la
para el establecimiento de un servicio aéreo de
religiosa y debería repetir el Credo tres veces , calidad más tosca. Pero con un puñado de
lo que en efecto comprobó ser el método ade pasaje y carga entre la capital de la República y
+ carbón vejetal, un brasero de barro y algunos otros puntos importantes, con los puertos
cuado, y en adelante los huevos me fueron otros utensilios del mismo material, la cocinera comerciales del Pacífico , con los cuales la
servidos siempre como yo los deseaba. puede preparar platillos de carnes, legumbres , com unicación ferrocarrilera es aún difícil y
Otra cosa extraordinaria se desarrolló en conec huevos, etc. , cosas todas que no serían desprecia sujeta a demoras.
ción con ésto . > Me fijé que María siempre bles por ninguna persona hambrienta , más
servía los huevos para mis compañeros antes de especialmente si la persona de que se trata
poner los destinados para mí dentro del agua, y le se encuentra un poco apartada de la región Se propone establecer 31 estaciones inalám
pregunté por qué razón hacía ésto, es decir, por qué del erario y se ye obligada a hacer que cada bricas en las capitales de los Estados de la
no ponía tambien los huevos para mí simultánea centavo haga todo lo que pueda, cuando menos República y en los principales puertos. El
mente, ahorrando tiempo de este modo, y deján hasta que llegue la próxima remesa de fondos. costo se ha calculado en cerca de tres cuartos
dolos cocer por doble del tiempo designado. No siempre, sin embargo, un extrangero se de millon de pesos .
" Oh, Señor, me contestó : si yo lo hiciera así, aprovecha de ésto fácilmente . A veces se
se me revolverían y ya no sabría saber cómo encuentra exceptuado de esta regla . Por ejem
separarlos !" plo : Un dia muy caluroso, un amigo mío y El Ministro de Fomento y Agricultura está
Tepic, como todos los demás lugares de México yo fuimos a un puesto callejero de lonas en haciendo una revisión cuidadosa de todas las
que, usando una frase corriente , " no han sido donde servían sorbetes, situado en la plaza concesiones hechas por el gobierno de Ca
maleados por los extrangeros " era uno de los de la población, y pedimos algunos de los más rranza con el objeto de establecer sus ante
lugares más económicos para vivir que pueda apetitosos refrescos . Fijé mi atención en algunos
imaginarse. Después de vivir así en nuestra nativos del lugar que estaban saboreando el
casa por varios meses, mis compañeros ensillaron mismo delicioso y agradable manjar, y noté Se ha firmado un convenio entre las autori
un dia sus caballos y cada uno tomó su que cuando ellos se fueron, pagaron diez dades postales de México y Estados Unidos
respectivo camino. Por consiguiente, me pro centavos por persona. Los platillos de sorbetes por el cual se permite el paso de la corres
porcioné una casa de huéspedes, no teniendo que nos sirvieron, eran del mismo tamaño que pondencia y demás asuntos postales a través
oterés de tener una casa por separado . el de ellos, mas al pagar por los nuestros, el de la frontera , sin necesidad de trasbordo.
February, 1921

through, for the exporter to do business in,

Plan Training Young Mexicans than any of the other Latin-American coun
tries. It is on a gold basis. It is so rich that
Education of Youths for United States Business Agents a brief spell of peace puts it on its feet. From
now on, it is going to have an era of peace.
There Urged to Insure Good Relations
The people are absolutely through with revo
lution and war.
MERICAN business men and manufac West, South and West. The appeal of Mr. "Oil is the leading product, but I believe that
turers, who wish to develop their busi Peairs is the first made so far in the East. agriculture in Mexico presents an even more
A ness in Mexico, and also to aid Mexico "The richest country in the world today, in
attractive prospect for the investor. In time,
and promote good relations between the two my opinion, is Mexico," said Mr. Peairs, "and Mexico will buy more American goods than
countries, are urged by the American Chamber American foreign trade has its greatest future any country. This is the time for an alert
of Commerce of Mexico to provide work for there. The best way to develop it that I know business man to study his opportunities there.
young Mexicans and help them through Amer of is to teach Mexican boys our ways and "We hope also that men and women inter
ican schools or colleges. methods of business and to make them ad
ested in the welfare of Mexico and in keeping
The Chamber has worked out a plan by mirers of our country and institutions. the two countries on a peaceful and friendly
which an American who wishes to develop a "The Mexican boy who takes advantage of
Mexican or Latin-American representative footing should take part in this movement to
this plan must pay his own way to and from provide scholarships for Mexican boys."
may obtain a promising young Mexican for the school and support himself after he gets The following schools have provided one or
training by guaranteeing to pay his tuition in there. It is preferable that he should work more scholarships for Mexican youths ; Mu
a good American business school, technical his way through school. Education in Mexico nicipal University of Akron, Ohio ; University
school, college or university. The Chamber has been generally confined to classes with of Nebraska, University of Alabama, Univer
sity of Texas, Iowa State Teachers' College,
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio ; Northwest
ern College, Napierville, Ill.; Drake Univer
sity, Des Moines, Iowa ; Haverford College,
Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa.; Lexing
ton University, Lexington, Ky.; College of
Wooster, Wooster, Ohio ; University of Min
nesota, Hamline University, De Pauw Univer
sity, Beloit College, Ellsworth College, Iowa
Falls, Iowa ; Bowdoin College, New York Uni
versity, University of Nevada, Illinois State
Normal University.
Among the firms which have undertaken to
provide tuition and employment for Mexican
boys selected by competitive test are the Cum
berland Medicine Company and the Waterbury
Chemical Company of Des Moines and the
Dy- O-La Drug Company of Burlington, Vt.
A statement by the American Chamber of
Commerce on Mexico of its plan says in part :
"Education will be the salvation of Mexico
and will solve its problems. That will bring
progress, prosperity and contentment for the
people and will in time make possible actual
democracy in Government.
"Many well-to-do families among the Mex
icans send their boys and girls to the United
States and Europe for education . This, how
ever, is entirely beyond the reach of the great
majority of the people, and the increase of
educational facilities in this country is an urg
"Break-Down Rolls" in Plant of the Consolidated Rolling Mills, Mexico City
ent need. The contact of the native element
does not ask that the business man pay his money. This opportunity is intended mainly with the outside world would be of lasting
traveling expenses or support him, or incur for the poor boy. They are bright, ambitious
any expenses beyond that of the tuition. As and adaptable and will soon pick up American The committee will have the cooperation of
far as possible, however, it is desired that the ways. The hunger for education is noticeable a number of Mexican educators, who are in
man providing the tuition should give part in every part of Mexico. The boys brought touch with students and applicants throughout
time employment to the young Mexican, or Mexico. They will help to select the candi
into the United States under this plan will
otherwise aid him to work his way through. dates for scholarships and apprenticeships
make willing and apt pupils. They will see
school. among the Mexicans who wish to go to the
American boys doing any kind of honest labor
United States.
"The business man, who needs a Mexican to work their way through school and learn
or Latin-American representative, or who real something of our school democracy. "Through cooperation and contact with the
izes the great opportunity in Mexico, is invited "The boys who receive higher education or United States, Cuba's foreign trade has in
under this plan to train a young Mexican, al technical education here will return to Mexico creased threefold in ten years, and the people
ready possessing a fair education, both in his and start a constantly growing stream of Mex are enjoying a prosperity undreamed of a few
own business or factory and in an American ican students to this country. There are more years ago. That prosperity began in closer re
school at the same time," said Will A. Peairs lations with the United States . Mexico is
than 3,000 Chinese students in this country to
seventeen and a half times the size of Cuba.
of Des Moines, Iowa, the originator of the day. The Pan-American Union has a record
of only nine Mexicans attending colleges and "Institutions, companies, societies and indi
Twenty-one schools, colleges and universities schools in this country. viduals taking an interest in the subject are
in the United States have already provided "The best opportunity for foreign trade for requested to communicate with the Committee
scholarships for Mexican youths in pursuance Americans lies in Mexico today, in my opinion. on Mexican-American Scholarships, Ameri
of this plan. Most of these are in the Middle It is a better field, in spite of all it has been can Chamber of Commerce of Mexico City."
Febrero, 1921 LA REVISTA MEXICANA 43

y los comerciantes estudien las oportunidades

que México les ofrece.
Plan Para Educar Jovenes Mexicanos
"Esperamos tambien que los hombres y
mujeres que se interesan por el bienestar de
Urge que los Hombres de Empresa de los Estados Unidos
México y por mantener la paz y la amistad
Procuren la Educación de Aquellos Como Medio de Asegurar las entre los dos países, tomarán parte en este
Buenas Relaciones en el Futuro. movimiento que tiende a proporcionar becas
a los jóvenes mexicanos."
OS comerciantes y fabricantes norteameri muchachos norteamericanos realizar cualquier Las siguientes son las escuelas que hasta
canos que deseen desarrollar su comercio clase de trabajo honrado para costearse sus hoy han proporcionado una o varias becas para
con México, asi como ayudar a este
estudios, y aprenderían a conocer nuestra ese objeto :
país y fomentar las relaciones de amistad entre democracia escolar. Universidad Municipal de Akron, Ohio ;
ambos países, son solicitados urgentemente por "Los jóvenes que perfeccionaran aquí su Universidad de Nebraska ; Universidad de
la Cámara Americana de Comercio en México , educación o adquirieran conocimientos técnicos Alabama ; Universidad de Texas ; Colegio
a fin de proporcionar trabajo a jóvenes mexi
retornarían a México, y comenzaría así una para Maestros del Estado de Iowa ; Univer
canos y ayudarlos a hacer sus estudios en las
constante y creciente corriente de estudiantes sidad de Miami ; Universidad de Orfox, Ohio ;
escuelas y colegios norteamericanos.
La Cámara ha ideado un plan por cuyo mexicanos hacia este país . Existen hoy más Colegio del Noroeste, Napierville, Illinois ;
de 3,000 estudiantes mexicanos en los Estados Universidad de Drake, Iowa ; Colegio de
medio todo norteamericano que desee formar
un representante mexicano o latino-americano, Unidos. La Unión Pan-Americana apenas ha Haverford ; Universidad Templo, Filadelfia ,
puede obtener un joven mexicano para su alcanzado un máximo de nueve estudiantes Pensilvania ; Universidad de Lexington, Lex
preparación, bajo condición de costearle la
enseñanza en una buena escuela de comercio,
técnica, profesional o universidad norteameri
cana. La Cámara no exige que el comerciante
erogue los gastos de viaje del educando ni
tampoco que lo sostenga o costee en sus demás
gastos, a parte de la enseñanza. Sin embargo,
es de desearse que quien tome a su cargo
dicha enseñanza hiciera todo lo posible por
proporcionar trabajo al escolar o lo ayudara a
conseguirlo, a fin de hacer frente a sus gastos
durante sus estudios.
El señor Guillermo A. Peairs, de Des
Moines, Iowa, iniciador de la idea, dice :
"El comerciante que necesite un representante TIDEN
mexicano o latino-americano, o quien pueda
darse cuenta de las grandes oportunidades que
México ofrece, es invitado , de acuerdo con
este plan, a preparar a un joven mexicano,
con una educación necesaria, tanto para sus
propios negocios o factorías como en su
educación en alguna escuela norteamericana,
simultáneamente. Veinte y un escuelas, cole
gios y universidades de los Estados Unidos
han proporcionado ya becas para dichos jó
venes mexicanos, bajo las bases de este plan.
En su mayor parte son de la región media
del Oeste, del Sur y del Oeste. Es la primera
vez que el llamamiento de Mr. Peairs se hace
en el Este.
Mr. Peairs dice : "El país más rico del Non- Ferrous Metal Foundry in Pant of Consolidated Rolling Mills, Mexico City
mundo es, en mi concepto, México, y es alli
donde está el gran futuro para el comercio mexicanos que concurren a las escuelas y ington, Kentuky ; Colegio de Wooster, Woo
de exportación de los Estados Unidos. El colegios norteamericanos. ster, Ohio ; Universidad de Minnesota ; Uni
medio más práctico que yo concibo para desa "Opino que la más ventajosa oportunidad para versidad de Hamline ; Universidad de Pauw ;
rrollar ese comercio es enseñando a los jóvenes el comercio de exportación de los norteameri Colegio de Beloit ; Colegio de Ellsworth,
mexicanos nuestras costumbres y métodos canos está hoy en México. A pesar de las Cataratas de Iowa, Iowa ; Colegio de Bow
mercantiles, haciéndoles apreciar nuestro país circunstancias porque ha atravesado, es aún un doin ; Universidad de New York ; Universidad
y sus instituciones. campo mucho más vasto para los exportadores de Nevada ; Universidad Normal del Estado
"El jóven mexicano que goce de las ventajas que cualquiera otro de los países latino-ameri de Illinois.
de este plan deberá costear su viaje así como canos. El mercado se rige a base de oro, y Entre las firmas comerciales que han tomado.
sostenerse en la escuela. Es preferible que él el país es tan rico, que el más breve lapso de a su cargo la enseñanza y empleo de mucha
mismo se abra paso durante sus estudios . En paz basta para que pueda brindar de nuevo sus chos mexicanos, seleccionados por examen de
México la educación ha estado reservada, tesoros. En adelante, habrá allí toda una era competencia, están la Compañía de Medicina
generalmente, a la gente de recursos. Esta de paz. La gente está cansada ya de guerras Cumberland y la Compañía Química de Water
oportunidad, pues, se ofrece principalmente a y de revoluciones. bury, la Compañía de Des Moines y la Com
los estudiantes pobres. Estos son inteligentes , "El petróleo es la principal fuente de pañía Droguera de Dy-O-La, de Burlington ,
ambiciosos y muy pronto se harían a las riqueza ; pero yo creo que la agricultura pre Vermont.
costumbres norteamericanas. Las ansias de senta aún más atrayentes perspectivas a los La Cámara Americana de Comercio en Mé
educación son manifiestas en cada región de capitalistas. Dentro de muy poco tiempo, Mé xico, hablando de este plan, dice :
México . Los jóvenes traídos a los Estados xico será el país que consuma más artículos "La instrucción será la salvación de México
Unidos bajo este plan serían muy aptos y norteamericanos que ninguno otro. Ahora es y lo que resolverá sus problemas. Esto traerá
aprovechados discípulos. Observarían a los tiempo, pues, de que los hombres de empresa (Sigue en la pagina 48)
44 THE MEXICAN REVIEW February , 1921

tive, General Matus, for books, blackboards and

The Pacification of the Yaquis teachers . The Angel of Peace has come down.
with his blessings, to the Yaqui region !
Blessed be the Peace ; symbol of Union and
How Governor Borquez of Sonora Has Settled One of
Progress !
the Most Perplexing Problems in the Country
BY HONORATO BELTRAN Education for Sonora Indians
querable chief of the tribe, the most enraged
Private Stenographer of the Governor of Sonora rebel, has come down from the recesses of the Governor Flavio A. Borquez, of Sonora, has
mountains of Sonora to shake hands with the purchased three hundred school desks for the
EACE, the symbol of union and governor of the State. And this chief, Luis use of Yaqui Indian children in the State.
progress among the civilized peoples, is Espinosa, proud of his courageous race, with This is but one of many expenses which Sonora
expanding more and more every day
great pleasure allowed his picture to be taken is assuming in order to prepare the recently
with a lightning-like rapidity, throughout the in the company of Governor Flavio A. Bor pacified Indians for useful citizenship and edu
Mexican land ; and wisely conducted by the quez, General Luis Matus (a Yaqui Indian cate them up to the high standards being set
prudent policy and patriotic efforts of Presi also ) , and many other perosns. for Mexico's future manhood and woman
dent Adolfo de la Huerta and of the governor All these incidents reveal that the old prob hood.

Courtesy of La Naceta de los Estados Unidos

Gen. Luis Matus Gov. Flavio A. Bórquez Gen. Luis Espinoza
of Sonora, Flavio A. Borquez, has surmounted lem of pacification is approaching a happy end The plans for the education of Sonora's chil
barriers, in olden days thought impassable. It and it has been mostly due to the patriotic dren generally are broad and comprehensive.
has reached the Indian tribes, the never-con faith and enthusiasm of President de la Huerta. More schools are being constructed, and those
quered rebels, the Yaqui tribes ; this Indian and of the governor of Sonora. already in use are being improved . More and
tribe that so deeply worried the administration We can firmly say that there is no danger better teachers are being employed. The field
of General Porfirio Diaz and of each Govern of new revolts. All the Indians that inhabit of education will be gradually but thoroughly
ment that followed. And it is a well-known the vast region known as the Rio Yaqui, those broadened and designed to instruct along prac
fact that all those governments tried by every lands which have witnessed so many scenes of tical as well as academic lines, with special at
possible way and means to establish friendly honnor and butchery, are now busily engaged tention to industrial training.-From The
relations with the Indians, with the view of in plowing the fertile soil . They have changed Gazette of the United States, Los Angeles .
ending thus the perpetual state of war in the rifle for the plow, and they all are happy
Sonora. But the victory was reserved for and enjoy their work-from General Espinosa
President de la Huerta. and General Matus to the last of their men. Notice has been issued that as a result of
Everybody knows that at the present time The Indians are acquiring properties in that negotiations between the two governments, cars
all the Yaqui tribes are peaceful . Everybody region, they are building houses, and in the of the railroads of both countries will in the
knows also, that the most friendly and cordial picturesque village of Vicam, they are con future be passed back and forth across the
relations exist between the chief of the tribe,
structing a beautiful church with a comfortable. border at various points without hindrance or
General Ignacio Mori, and the Federal and
house for the priest. delay of any kind.. For several years this
State Governments. And it is also a well
They not only have requested tools and agri has not been done, and it has been necessary
known fact that the said Indian chief is ac
tually in the City of Mexico, at the head of cultural implements from the Government, but to reship all freights going into or coming
they have asked also, through their representa from either country.
the hodyguard of the President . The uncon
Febrero, 1921

Una Autoridad Americana en Asuntos

La Pacificacion de los Indios Yaquis de la Deuda de México
OS alarmista se han empeñado en propalar
Cómo el Gobernador de Sonora ha Solucionado Uno de los Los la especie de que México está al borde de
Más Escabrosos Problemas del País la bancarrota, y, sin mencionar cifras, han
exagerado hasta la enormidad la deuda nacional
POR HONORATO BELTRAN Espinosa, el General Matus, el último soldado mexicana. Presentamos a continuación las
Es posible que no se levante más el yaqui con la cifras relativas, tal como aparecen en un examen
Taquígrafo Particular del Gobernador de Sonora fría sonrisa de la amenaza ni con el labio trémulo hecho por la Compañía de Crédito Mercantil de
A SACROSANTA Paz, símbolo de la ni la actitud bélica . Está creando posesiones en San Francisco, y publicada en la no menos presti
unión y progreso entre los pueblos su región , construyendo casas , y en el pintoresco giada autoridad financiera , " El Diario de la
civilizados , se extiende, día a día, con pueblecillo de Vícam, están levantando una Calle Wall. " La primera columna representa
la rapidéz vertiginosa de la luz, hasta por los iglesia de regulares dimensiones, y la casa que el capital y la segunda los intereses vencidos
lugares más recónditos del suelo mexicano, y hicieron para que la habite el cura , está per durante los años de revolución y de reconstruc
guiada sabiamente por la política sensata y las fectamente acondicionada . ción :
Y no han solicitado del Gobierno de Sonora Capital Intereses
acertadas y patrióticas gestiones del Presidente
Deuda directa
don Adolfo de la Huerta, y del Gobernante de solamente útiles de labranza, bestias de tiro y
exterior ..... $ 173,469,067 $51,475,133
Sonora, don Flavio A. Bórquez, por fin ha semillas, sino que también han pedido, por
Deuda interior.. 66,611,012 19,132,747
traspuesto los límites en otro tiempo de aparien conducto del General Luis Matus, pizarrones ,
libros, un maestro . ¡ El Angel de la Paz Deuda garanti
cia infranqueables , donde viven las tribus
zada (excepto
rébeldes de antaño : las tribus yaquis ; las tribus ha aparecido de súbito en la región del Yaqui
cambiando los semblantes austeros en bonda ferrocarriles).. 32,222,690 10,133,342
de los mismos que preocuparon hondamente al
Deuda garanti
Gobierno del General Porfirio Díaz como a cada dosos ; la Diosa Civilización entra en la región
zada en bonos
uno de los que hubo después. Y bien sabido del Yaqui iluminándole con sus rayos de luz
de los ferro
es que todos trabajaron , hasta donde su esfuerzo y de sapiencia !
carriles . . . . . $ 57,748,575 14,342,679
se los permitió, por entrar en relaciones amistosas ¡ Salve á Tí, oh sacrosanta Paz, símbolo de la
con ellas y terminar así con la constante rebeldía Unión y del Progreso!
en Sonora ; pero no era el triunfo para ellos $330,051,34 $95,083,791
$ (que al fin y al cabo triunfo debe llamarse a lo Educacion Para Los Indios de Sonora El total, pues, de la deuda insoluta del gobierno,
que se ha logrado , a este respecto, hasta la fecha) ; nó toda , bajo ningún concepto , a favor de los
le estaba reservado al' Sr. de la Huerta. El Gobernador de Sonora , Flavio A. Bórquez,
ha comprado trescientos escritorios para escuela extranjeros, es de $425,135,135 . Además de
Efectivamente , ¿ quién no sabe ya lo pacíficas esta deuda garantizada regularmente , se con
para el uso de los niños indios yaquis en el Estado .
que están ahora las tribus de la región del sidera responsable al gobierno por una suma
Este no es sino uno de los muchos gastos que
Yaqui? ¿ quién no sabe las cordiales relaciones diversamente estimada en $27,000,000 a—
Sonora está verificando · para preparar a los
que existen entre su General en Jefe, Ignacio $135,000,000— de hecho , se sabe fluctúa entre
indios recientemente pacificados a la ciudadanía
Mori, y el Gobierno del Centro y del Estado , y 30 a 40 millones-embargada cuando los bancos
y para educarlos al grado de perfección que
que dicho Jefe Yaqui se encuentra actualmente fueron intervenidos por el gobierno de Carranza .
requiera la futura generación de México , tanto
en México, con parte de su gente, prestando sus
hombres como mujeres. El gobierno también, como principal accionista ,
servicios en la Guardia Presidencial ? ¿ quién no podría ser responsable del 51 por ciento de la
Los programas de educación de los niños de
sabe que hasta el General más rebelde entre deuda de los Ferrocarriles Nacionales, en el
Sonora son generalmente amplios e inteligibles.
ellos, el más sañudo , el más irreducible, ha bajado inverosímil evento de que vinieran en quiebra.
Se están construyendo más escuelas, y las ya
a Hermosillo de las abruptas sierras sonorenses , Ella sería unos-$ 118,015,678. Esta suma de
existentes se están mejorando . Se están emple
por primera vez en son de paz, a estrechar la mano bería ser considerada más bien como activo , pues
del Primer Mandatario de Sonora , de su parte y ando maestros mejores y en mayor número . El
campo de educación será ensanchado poco a poco de pagarla el gobierno, entraría en posesión
de las tribus que comanda ? ¿ quién no sabe que única de las . propiedades ferrocarrileras , que
pero de un modo seguro , y abarcará la instrucción
este General, Luis Espinosa , que revela en su valen cinco veces más aquella suma.
' mirar toda la altivez y el orgullo de su raza , dejó práctica así como la académica , atendiendo de
un modo especial a al enseñanza industrial. Agregando a todo lo anterior el monto de las
gustoso tomarse una fotografía, recientemente , Se están estudiando los sistemas de educación reclamaciones por daños a la propiedad ocasio
en compañía del Gobernador don Flavio A. nados durante las actividades de campaña, unos
extranjeros con el fin de elegir las mejores ideas.
Bórquez, el General Luis Matus (yaqui tambíen) 50 millones, tendríamos $633,150,813 como el
que hayan dado mejores resultados y que están
y de otras personas más? Con seguridad que total máximo de la deuda , por el cual el gobierno
en práctica en los Estados Unidos y en donde
nadie ignora tan trascendentales acontecimientos, mexicano podría ser considerado en todo caso
quiera que las escuelas públicas se hallan desar
y estos que hasta hoy solo son una pequeña como responsable. Para un rico territorio, un
rolladas en alto grado , con las debidas considera
parte de sus actos manifiestos de sumisión , son cuarto del área de los Estados Unidos, y con una
ciones por la diferencia de las condiciones en
las pruebas mejores, las primeras pruebas poblacion igual a la séptima parte de la de este
México .- De La Gaceta de los Estados Unidos, de
palpables, que demuestran que el viejo problema país , semejante adeuda apenas podría ser con
Los Angeles .
yaqui se encamina al fin, directamente, rumbo siderada como opresiva , especialmente si de le
a la solución . ¡ Ojalá se llegue pronto a ella y compara con la deuda de otros países. Bélgica ,
quede descansando sobre los firmes cimientos "Escritores Mexicanos" por ejemplo, con una población menos de la
de seguridad que poco a poco , pero con constancia AJO el título que precede, la Universidad mitad que México y con una área menor que
y acierto efectivos, le han venido construyendo , de Arizona ha editado un interesante algunos de los más pequeños Estados mexicanos,
con fé y patriotismo , el Presidente de la Huerta volúmen acerca de los autores mexicanos, en su tiene una deuda pública directa de cuatro mil
y el Gobernador de Sonora ! mayor parte de la época actual. Novelistas , millones de dollars. I nadie ha pensado poner
Estamos en condiciones de poder asegurar dramaturgos, poetas, periodistas, etc. , son dados en tela de juicio su solvencia !
que, a la fecha, no existe peligro de levanta a conocer, con breves bosquejos biográficos
miento, pues todos los indios , en los vastos cam y la relación de sus trabajos importantes . La Wrigley esta haciendo preparaciones para la
pos de la región que baña el Río Yaqui y que compilación es muy interesante y es una de las construcción de un edificio para la manufac
tantas escenas de horror contemplaron y que que México puede sentirse orgulloso , ya que lo tura de chicle. Hay ya como diez o doce
tantas veces fueron de batalla , hoy están siendo que este país ha progresado en ese sentido fábricas, las más de menor importancia.

โ sembrados: van a fecundar la semilla que regará no es tan ampliamente conocido como corres
el indio, que abandona el fusil para tomar, con ponde a sus méritos. La obra de que hablamos Durante los primeros cinco meses de este
una mano el arado , y con la otra la pica o las fué preparada por la señorita Estela Lutrell , año 11,407 pasaportes fueron visados por con
$ riendas de su yunta. Todos están contentos bibliotecaria de la Universidad de Arizona, y sules mexicanos en el extranjero, permitiendo
aunque pobres y todos trabajan : el General e c rmie ucyónsiqsudasucomendable . que los viajeros entren a México.
EVIE W February, 1921


Defense for Citizens of Mexico EXECUTIVE CHAMBER
"Albany, N. Y., January 14, 1921 :1
Representatives of the Mexican People Ask for Pardon or Consul General of Mexico, ‫کے‬
Commutation of Death Sentence New York City.
"My dear Mr. De Negri :
IGH officials of the Mexican Govern respectfully request Your Excellency to accept "I have not as you supposed announced a
ment made urgent appeals for the this additional appeal from me as an earnest
decision in the appeal of Agustin L. Sanchez
Hcommutation of death sentences of two petition for a reconsideration of your decision and Enrique Garcia, citizens of your country,
which I hope will finally be in accordance with for executive clemency. What you have seen
citizens of the Republic of Mexico who were justice and clemency. in the press is evidently the statement which
executed by the authorities of New York. "Respectfully, I made in your hearing at the close of the
Some of the representations made to the "RAMON P. DE NEGRI, hearing before me. That statement was that
State Department by the Mexican Embassy "Consul General of Mexico in New York. I had heard nothing to justify the exercise of
and by the Mexican Consul General in New "January 13, 1921." executive clemency, but that I would look into
York to the Governor of that State are as fol the cases to see if there was any ground there
On the 10th of December ultimo, the Mexi for. That I shall do . Permit me to say,
lows : can Embassy had the honor of addressing a however, that the ground which you present
"The Department of Foreign Affairs has communication to the Department of State, in your telegram cannot be considered. The
just informed the Mexican Embassy, by tele repeating an appeal presented on April 20, law fixes the penalty for the crime of murder.
graph, that the Honorable House of Repre 1920, entreating the Department to kindly lend I cannot, by granting executive clemency,
sentatives of the United States of Mexico , in its mediation before His Excellency the Gov change that penalty on account of my con
its session of November 29 ultimo, and at the ernor of the State of New York, in order to science. Indeed, it would disturb my con
request of the Honorable Representative from obtain the commutation of the death sentence science thus to put the executive power above,
the Third Electorai District of the State of pronounced upon the Mexican citizen Genaro the law ; nor can I grant executive clemency $
Jalisco , deemed it advisable to address to the García, for that of extraordinary imprison merely because a great many people have peti
proper authorities of the Government of the ment, in accordance with the laws applicable tioned me to do so.
United States of America a request for the to the case. "Very sincerely yours,
pardon or commutation of the death sentence Under the same date, December 10th ultimo, "(Signed) NATHAN L. MILLER.”
pronounced by the judicial authorities of the the Mexican Embassy also took the liberty to
State of New York against the Mexican citi respectfully request the State Department's
zens Genaro García and Agustin L. Sánchez, kind cooperation before the Executive of the January 19 , 1920.
now being held in the Penitentiary of Sing State of New York, in . obtaining his clemency HONORABLE NATHAN L. MILLER,
Sing, Ossining, New York, awaiting the execu in favor of the Mexican citizen Augustin L. Governor of the State of New York,
tion of the terrible sentence dictated against García and the commutation of the death sen +
Albany, N. Y.
them. At the same time, the Department of tence pronounced against him.
Foreign Affairs has instructed the Mexican The Mexican Embassy has not had the honor I have the honor to refer to your letter of
Embassy to address, through the proper chan of receiving a reply to these communications. January 14 answering my petition for clem
nels, an appeal to the Government of the However, the Mexican Consulate General in ency or for revision of the cases of the Mexi
United States in behalf of the Honorable New York has just informed the Embassy can citizens, Agustin L. Sanchez and Enrique
House of Representatives, thus fulfilling its that, unfortunately, His Excellency Governor Garcia, sentenced to death. Only four days
request. Miller, not heeding the thousands of appeals are left before the execution and I beg again
to call your attention to the fact that Sanchez
"Pursuant to these instructions, the Mexican addressed to him in behalf of the Mexicans ,
assuredly is innocent of the crime with which
Embassy has the honor of asking the Depart García and Sánchez, by humanitarian and
educational societies, by labor unions, by sev he is charged, and Garcia committed the crime
ment of State to kindly submit to the Execu
eral Governors of this great Union, by His in self- defense and prompted by dementia. If
tive clemency, with the urgency which the you deign to take the trouble to read the
seriousness of the case demands, the appeal Excellency the President of the Republic of hundreds of petitions you have received in ¡
of said high body, genuine representative of Panama and by the employers with whom behalf of Sanchez you will find that he is a
the Mexican nation, which in this distressing Sánchez worked, who do not hesitate to indorse man of excellent habits and his employers
circumstances, confidently hopes to find rea the good behavior of the latter, refused to in recommended him as a worthy laborer who
sons that may strengthen its admiration, its tervene in the case and to grant the pardon rendered at the Ferguson shipyards, as de
respect and its friendship for the Government to these Mexicans. clared by the vice-president and treasurer of
and for the great people of the United States. In view of such deplorable and distressing the enterprise themselves, great services to the
"The Mexican Embassy gladly avails itself determination of His Excellency Governor allied cause by saving the shipyards from de-,
of this opportunity to express its appreciation Miller, the Mexican Embassy, which can not struction. I am just in receipt of the follow
to the Department of State for its kind media but exhaust all the efforts in favor of its ing telegram from Jamestown , N. Y.:
tion in this case, and to renew the assurances nationals, and which day by day has been as "Have heard that Juror Whelan said he

of its highest and most distinguished consid suring itself of the weighty circumstances as voted for conviction in one of the Mexican .
eration ." sisting García and Sánchez, communicated to cases now before the Governor, not because
Washington, D. C., January 14, 1921 . the Department of State, to wit : that García he thought the man guilty, but because he said
is and was insane at the time of the consum the other jurors thought so . Do not know
7 mation of the crime for which he was sen which Mexican it was. Whelan told this to .
To His Excellency the Governor of New York : tenced, and that there are sufficient grounds Wm. P. Doyle, of Salamanca, Cattaraugus
"I have learned . from today's press of the to believe in Sánchez's innocence, again took County, New York. Call this to Governor .
decision you deemed it convenient to utter not the liberty of addressing the Department of Miller's attention and he will investigate.
deigning to grant clemency to Agustín L. Sán State requesting in the most courteous and "(Signed ) JUSTICE."
chez and Enrique García, two Mexican citizens entreating manner, to kindly lend once more
sentenced to be electrocuted on the 24th of this its efficacious and kind cooperation, and to sub Honorable Governor, you tell me, "I cannot
month. I very respectfully beg to write anew, mit the case of these two unfortunate Mexi by granting executive clemency change that
penalty on account of my conscience. Indeed,
appealing to your Excellency on behalf of the cans, for whom the Embassy pleads, to the
high and humanitarian consideration of His it would disturb my conscience thus to put
people and Government of Mexico and on my the executive power above the law ; nor can I
own behalf as well for a reconsideration of Excellency President Wilson, also requesting grant executive clemency merely because a
your decision. Allow me, sir, to express the not only in the Embassy's name, bespeaking great many people have petitioned me to
thought that if man has been invested by law the feelings of the people and Government of do so ."
} with power to extinguish a human life, it is Mexico, but also in the name of the humani
I entreat your pardon, but I firmly believe
also true that such a measure is greatly op tarian feelings of morality, of which the that the law authorizes you to use clemency,
posed by conscience, and it is purely a matter civilized peoples of the earth are so proud, and grant pardon or commute the death penalty
of conscience which is at issue. I understand of which His Excellency President Wilson is to imprisonment. I repeat that only four days '
that thousands of petitions have reached you such distinguished exponent, to kindly grant separate us from the fulfilment of the terrible
from prominent men and institutions of im the benefit of his clemency to these unfor penalty, and before public conscience, that of
portance both in this country and abroad ; tunate Mexicans. the attorneys for the defense, of some mem
from Mexican and Latin-American colonies The Mexican Embassy gladly avails itself of bers of the jury which convicted Sanchez, of
and consulates in the United States, educa this opportunity to express its appreciation some labor organizations, and of my own, the
tional and charitable associations, Governors to the Department of State for its kind media penalty imposed on these Mexican citizens
of the States of New Mexico, Texas and Ari tion in this case, and to renew the assurances is excessive and I beg to appeal most warmly
zona, and President of the Republic of Pan of its highest and most distinguished considera and earnestly to the conscience, sentiments of
ama, all of them entreating your clemency tion. justice and humanity of the Honorable Gover
toward these two Mexican citizens. I very January 14, 1921 . (Concluded on page 48)` 1


Febrero , 1921. LA REVISTA MEXICANA 47

/ /

1 este caso, no sólo en nombre de la Embajada,

La Defema de Ciudadanos Mexicanos que interpreta el sentir del pueblo y del Go
bierno de México , sino también en nombre de
los sentimientos humanitarios que son base de
Los Representatnes del Pueblo Mexicano Solicitan el Indulto la moral de que se enorgullece el mundo civi
o la Conmutación de la Pena de y Muerte lizado y de la cual Su Excelencia el Presi
dente Wilson es distinguidísimo exponente , se
sirva otorgar el beneficio de su clemencia a
AS urgentes y perentorias gestiones que verdad que la conciencia se opone enérgica los repetidos mexicanos.
desde hace algun tiempo vienen reali mente a ello cuando el asunto de que se trata "La Embajada de México se anticipa a
} zando altas autoridades mexicanas, en es puramente de conciencia. Entiendo que V. expresar al Departamento de Estado su
E. ha recibido millares de instancias de perso agradecimiento por su mediación en este caso,
representación del pueblo de México, para
nas prominentes y de instituciones de im y le renueva las seguridades de su conside
salvar la vida a dos infortunados compatriotas portancia, tanto de este país como extranjeras , ración muy distinguida. 13 de Enero de 1921."
condenados a la pena capital por las autori de las colonias mexicana y latinoamericana
dades judiciales del Estado de New York, han residentes en los Estados Unidos, de socie
llegadron a su período álgido. dades educativas y humanitarias, de los Go "Estado de New York
bernadores de Arizona, Texas y Nuevo Mexico
Sin embargo, las esperanzas fracasaron, y y de Su Excelencia el Presidente de la Repú Cámara Ejecutiva
los dos infelices fueron ejecutados el día blica de Panamá, todos ellos solicitando la "Albany, N. Y., Enero 14 de 1921.
señalado . clemencia de V. E. para esos dos ciudadanos "Honorable Ramón P. De Negri,
3 mexicanos.
Damos a conocer a continuación algunas de Cónsul General de México ,
"Suplico muy respetuosamente a V. E. se
sirva acoger esta reiterada instancia mía como Ciudad de New York.
las gestiones hechas por la Embajada Mexi
Washington cerca del Departamento una petición encarecida, a fin de que se sirva "Mi estimado señor De Negri :
' cana en considerar nuevamente su determinación , la "No he anunciado, como Ud supone, la reso
de Estado, y del Cónsul General de México en
que espero será pronunciada finalmente de lución en la solicitud de clemencia a favor de
New York ante el Gobernador de dicho acuerdo con los dictados de la Clemencia y de
Estado, a } saber : la Justicia. Agustín L. Sánchez y Enrique García, ciuda
Muy respetuosamente, danos de su país. Lo que la prensa publica es
"La Secretaría de Relaciones Exteriores
acaba de comunicar a la Embajada de México , ( Fdo . ) RAMÓN P. DE NEGRI, · sencillamente la declaración que hice a Ud en
‫شه‬ Consul General de México en Nueva York." lo privado, esto es, que yo no sé de nada que
por la vía telegráfica, que la Honorable Cá
**mara de Diputados de los Estados Unidos. justifique esa concesión de clemencia, pero que
Mexicanos, en sesión del 29 de noviembre examinaría los casos para ver si realmente
último y a moción del Honorable Diputado "El 10 de diciembre próximo anterior, la
Embajada de México tuvo la honra de diri puede concederse. Eso es lo que haré. Per
** ‫ یم‬por el Tercer Distrito Electoral del Estado de
Jalisco, tuvo a bien aprobar dirigirse a las girse al Departamento de Estado reiterando mítame decirle , sin embargo, que el funda
autoridades competentes del Gobierno de los una instancia hecha el 21 de abril de 1920, y mento que Ud invoca en sutelegrama no puede
* X Estados Unidos en solicitud del indulto o de suplicándole tuviera a bien prestarle su media ser tomado en cuenta. Las leyes fijan la pena
$ la conmutación de
la pena de muerte a que ción cerca de Su Excelencia el Gobernador del para el homicidio , y yo no puedo, por medio de
fueron sentenciados por las autoridades judi Estado de Nueva York para obtener la conmu
ciales del Estado de Nueva York los mexi tación de la sentencia de muerte dictada en la clemencia, cambiar esa pena basándome sólo
canos Genaro García y Agustín L. Sánchez, contra del mexicano Genaro García, por la de en mi conciencia. Es indudable que ator
> quienes se encuentran actualmente detenidos prisión extraordinaria, de conformidad con las mentaría mi conciencia si pusiera el poder
en la penitenciaría de Sing Sing, Ossining, leyes aplicable al caso. ejecutivo sobre la ley, ni podría conceder
New York, en espera de que la terrible "Con la misma fecha, 10 de diciembre , la
sentencia dictada en su contra cause ejecuto clemencia sólo porque gran número de per
Embajada de México se permitió solicitar
ria. A la vez, la Secretaría de Relaciones ha igualmente la bondadosa cooperación del De sonas me la hayan pedido.
dado instrucciones a la Embajada de México partamento de Estado cerca de la mencionada "De Ud, sinceramente,
de dirigirse por el debido conducto al Gobierno alta autoridad de Nueva York, a fin de conse NATHAN L. MILLER (Firmado ) ."
de los Estados Unidos, en representación de la guir su clemencia en favor del mexicano
Honorable Cámara de Diputados , dando cum Agustín L. Sánchez y la conmutación de la
plimiento al acuerdo aludido. sentencia de muerte dictada en contra de éste. Enero 19 de 1921 .
"En vista de estas instrucciones, la Embajada "La Embajada de México no ha tenido la Honorable Nathan L. Miller,
de México tiene la honra de suplicar al De honra de recibir respuesta a estas dos notas ;
pero el Consulado General de México en Governador del Estado de New York,
partamento de Estado se sirva dar curso, con
la urgencia que la gravedad del caso demanda, Nueva York acaba de comunicarle que, Albany, N. Y.
t a este llamamiento que a la clemencia ejecutiva desgraciadamente, Su_Excelencia el Goberna Tengo el honor de referirme a su carta de
hace el Cuerpo que es genuino representante dor Miller, de aquel Estado , desoyendo miles 14 de Enero que contesta mi petición de clem
de la nación mexicana, la que en esta angustio de peticiones que le fueron dirigidas en favor encia o revisión de los procesos de los ciudad
sa circunstancia confiadamente espera encon de los mexicanos García y Sánchez por socie
h dades humanitarias y educativas , por agrupa anos mexicanos Agustín L. Sánchez y Enrique
trar motivos que de manera singular aquilaten
su admiración, su respeto y su amistad por el ciones obreras, por algunos Gobernadores de García, condenados a muerte. Sólo quedan
Gobierno y por el gran pueblo de los Estados esta Gran Unión, por Su Excelencia el Presi cuatro díaspara le ejecución y me permito
Unidos. dente de la República de Panamá y por los llamar nuevamente su atención sobre el hecho
"" mismos patronos con quienes Sánchez trabajó,
"La Embajada de México se anticipa gusto de que Sánchez es sin duda inocente del
sa a expresar su agradecimiento al DepartaS quienes no vacilan en abonar la conducta de
mento de Estado por su bondadosa mediación éste , se rehusó a intervenir en el caso y a crimen que se le imputa, y que García cometió
conceder el indulto de dichos mexicanos. el crimen en defensa legítima y en un impulso
en este caso y le renueva las seguridades de
su consideración más distinguida. 14 de enero "Ante esta lamentable y penosísima determi de demencia . Si Ud se dignatomarse la mo
nación de Su Excelencia el Gobernador Miller,
de 1921." lestia de leer los cientos de peticiones que ha
la Embajada de México , que no puede menos
de apurar todos los recursos existentes en recibido en favor de Sánchez , verá que es un
NEW YORK, 13 de Enero de 1921. favor de sus nacionales, y que cada día ha hombre de excelentes costumbres y sus patronos
' venido cerciorándose más y más del peso de loabonan como un obrero digno, quien, como
Excelentísimo Señor Gobernador :
las circunstancias que median en favor de declaran el Vice-presidente y Tesorero de la
"He tenido conocimiento por la prensa de García y de Sánchez y las cuales comunicó
hoy de la decisión que V. E. creyó conveniente oportunamente al Departamento de Estado : Compañía, prestó importantes servicios en los
* pronunciar, no dignándose otorgar su cle que García se encuentra actualmente y SC astilleros de Ferguson a la causa de los aliados,
mencia a Agustín L. Sánchez y a Genaro encontraba demente al cometer el crimen por evitando la destrucción de dichos astilleros.
García, dos ciudadanos mexicanos sentenciados el que fué sentenciado y que existen muy Acabo de recibir el siguiente telegrama de
a ser electroejecutados el día 24 del corriente fundadas presunciones sobre la inocencia de
mes. En nombre del Pueblo y del Gobierno Sánchez, nuevamente se permite acudir al Jamestown, New York :
19 de México y en el mío propio, muy respetuosaP Departamento de Estado, rogándole de la "Se sabe que Juror Whelan dijo votó por
‫ܢ‬ 'convicto' en uno de los casos de los
mente dirijo a V. E. esta nueva instancia, manera más atenta y encarecida, se sirva
suplicándole se sirva considerar nuevamento prestarle una vez más su eficaz y bondadosa mexicanos, ahora ante el Gobernador, no
su determinación . Permitidme que exprese la cooperación y someter el caso de los desven
opinión de que, si bien es cierto que el hombre turados mexicanos por quienes aboga, a la alta porque pensara que el hombre era culpable,
ha conferido a la Ley fuerza suficiente para y humanitaria consideración de Su Excelencia sino porque dice que los otros miembros del
extinguir la vida de un hombre, también es el Presidente Wilson, suplicándole también en jurado pensaron eso. No sé de cuál mexicano


February , 1921

se trata. Whelan declaró ésto a Wm. P. Doyle, Trusting that upon receiving grace we will el pueblo goza de una prosperidad que jamás
de Salamanca, Cattaraugus , New York. Llame know how to reciprocate at the opportune
soñaron hasta hace pocos años. Està prosperi
la atención del Gobernador Miller sobre ésto time, I beg to remain,
"Very respectfully yours , dad comenzó con el estrechamiento de sus
y el investígará. JUSTICIA (Firmado. ) " ( Signed ) R. P. DE NEGRI, relaciones con los Estados Unidos. I México
Usted me dice . Honorable Gobernador, " no "Consul General of Mexico ." es diez y siete y media veces más grande que
puedo cambiar, por medio de la clemencia, esa Cuba.
pena, basándome sólo en mi conciencia. Es "Las instituciones, compañías, sociedades o
indudable que atormentaría mi conciencia si La Baja de la Plata individuos que se interesen sobre este particu‫مجھے‬
pusiera el poder ejecutivo sobre la ley, ni lar, deben dirigirse al Comité de Becas México
podría conceder clemencia sólo porque un gran (Sigue de la pagina 19)
Americanas, de la Cámara Americana de
número de personas me la hayan pedido ." y de empresa que sean capaces de percibir las Comercio en México, ciudad de México."
Le ruego me dispense, pero yo creo firme grandes oportunidades y que estén decididos
mente que la ley autoriza a Ud a conceder a aprovecharlas, hombres que tengan la inicia
clemencia, perdón o a conmutar la pena de tiva necesaria para enfrentarse y sacar partido Los Depósitos de Petróleo
muerte por prisión . Le repito que sólo quedan de las oportunidades que tienen ante sí . Este (Sigue de la pagina 21 )
cuatro días para que esa terrible pena se descenso de la plata hará que muchas com
traspasar las concesiones a ningún particular
ejecute, y ante laconciencía pública, la de los pañías que se hallan trabajando esos abando o corporación, si no es con previo permiso,
abegados de la defensa , la de algunos miembros nados metales de baja ley, se dediquen al por escrito, de la Secretaría de Industria ,
del jurado que declaró convicto a Sánchez, la de Comercio y Trabajo, siendo esta obligación
desarrollo de las antiguas minas o de otras permanente para todas las empresas que en lo
algunas organizaciones obreras y la mía propia, nuevas, para obtener metales de valor comer sucesivo adquieran los derechos que las con
la pena impuesta a esos ciudadanos mexicanos cesiones otorguen .
cial, como hicieron los españoles en épocas
es excesiva, por lo que me permito apelar, del XXII -Los concesionarios tendrán derecho
pasadas, obteniendo cincuenta o cien dollars
modo más ardiente y encarecido, a la conciencia preferente, al terminar el plazo de su con
por tono de ore en vez de uno o dos , cuando }
y sentimientos de justicia y humanidad del cesión , para renovarla por el tiempo y en las
Honorable Gobernador del Estado de New mucho, como acostumbran muchas compañías condiciones que estime conveniente el Ejecu
actualmente, con lo que, es indubable, se ex tivo Federal .
York para que se sirva otorgar gracia a esos XXIII .- La Secretaría de Indistria , Comer
infortunados . tenderá mucho más y beneficiará en alto grado
cio y Trabajo castigará las faltas de los con
la industria minera de México . cesionarios que no ameriten la caducidad de
No dudo que el Gobernador escuchará mi
sus concesiones, con multas variables entre ?
petición como Cónsul General de México , y la
de cientos de solicitudes semejantes que ha cien y mil pesos , según la gravedad y frecuen
cia de las faltas.
recibido de todas partes de los Estados Unidos. La Cámara de Comercio de Dallas XXIV. La Secretaría de Industria, Comer
Confiando en que sabremos corresponder cio y Trabajo podrá declarar administrativa
oportunamente la gracia que se otorgue, quedo (Sigue de la pagina 37) mente la caducidad de las concesiones , por
de Ud, muy respetuosamente. "Las casas que en este país tengan algún alguna de las causas siguientes :
R. P. DE NEGRI ( Firmado ) , tiempo de establecidas y gocen de buena repu Primera -Porque al expirar el plazo de uña $
concesión, ésta no sea renovada ;
Cónsul General de México. tación financiera, tienen el mismo derecho y
> merecen las mismas condiciones de crédito de Segunda. Porque los concesionarios no ha
gan los pagos que prescribe la cláusula décima
casas análogas establecidas en otros países. Es de estas bases ;
Oil Deposits in Federal Zone inverosímil e inexacto que se haga necesario Tercera. Porque no perforen en los plazos
experimentar minuciosamente todo crédito que y condiciones que exige la cláusula octava ;
(Concluded from page 20)
se otorgue en este país." Cuarta.- Porque pidan protección a un Go
the cancellation of the concessions for any of La Cámara de Comercio de Dallas estå bierno extranjero , le traspasen la concesión o
the following causes : dando publicidad constantemente a informes le admitan como socio. En cualquiera de esos
First.- For the non-renewal of a concession casos , los concesionarios perderán a favor de
de este carácter, de acuerdo con el programa la Nación todas sus instalaciones ; 1 ✩
upon the expiration of a concession ;
Second.- For failure to make the payments que se ha trazado, sin escatimar esfuerzo Quinta. Porque con motivo de la explota
stipulated in Clause ten of these conditions ; alguno para lograr un mejor y mútuo enten ción de la zona concedida, defrauden de al
Third. For failure to perforate within the dimiento comercial entre México y los Estados guna manera los intereses fiscales .
term and conditions stipulated by clause eight ;
Fourth - For seeking protection from a for Unidos. En caso de caducidad, los concesionarios
perderán el depósito de garantía, si no hubiere
eign government, or transferring the conces sido devuelto, así como los pozos en perfora
sion to it, or admitting it as a partner. In any
ción y los productivos, que entregarán al Go
of these events, the grantees will forfeit in Plan Para Educar Jóvenes Mexicanos bierno en condiciones de inmediata utilización.
favor of the nation all their installations ;
Fifth. For defrauding the fiscal interests in (Sigue de la pagina 42) La Secretaría de Industria, Comercio y
any manner in connection with the exploita Trabajo, antes de hacer la declaración de ♡
tion of the zone granted. el progreso, la prosperidad y el bienestar a su caducidad, concederá a los interesados un
In case of cancellation , the grantees will for pueblo y hará posible la estabilidad de su plazo no menor de sesenta días para su
feit the deposit of guarantee, if not previously actual gobierno democrático . defensa. {
returned, as well as the wells in process of per "Muchas familias mexicanas de recursos XXV.Glamping Las estampillas que deban adherirse
foration or those already productive, which a las concesiones, serán pagadas por los con
will be turned over to the Government in a mandan a sus hijos a educarse en los Estados - cesionarios.
state of immediate utilization . Unidos o Europa . Esto, sin embargo, se
Constitución y Reformas. México, D. F.;
The Ministry of Industry, Commerce and halla fuera del alcance de la mayoría de la 12 de marzo de 1920. V. Carranza . Rúbrica.
Labor, before declaring the cancellation, will gente, y el incremento de las facilidades edu 1
allow the interested parties a period of not cativas en este país es de una necesidad 藏
less than sixty days for their defense.
XXV. The stamps which must be adhered urgente. El contracto del elemento nativo con Aunque el reconocimiento norteamericano del 1
to the concessions must be paid by the grantees. el mundo exterior aportaría permanentes bene nuevo régimen de México no llegó a efectuarse,
Constitution and Reforms. Mexico, March ficios. El Comité cuenta con la cooperación de modo que constituyera uno de los sucesos
12, 1920. V. Carranza. de un buen número de maestros mexicanos , de la toma de posesión del Presidente Obregón >
quienes están en directo contacto con los -como el Galveston News esperaba- en su.
Defense for Citizens of Mexico estudiantes y aspirantes de todo México. Ellos lugar ha venido lo que en concepto de dicho +
(Concluded from page 46) ayudarán a escoger los candidatos para las periódico es lo mejor en turno : la declaración 1
nor of the State of New York to bestow grace becas y los aprendizajes, entre los mexicanos oficial de que todas diferencias que embaraza if
upon these unfortunates. I do not venture to 7
que deseen ir a los Estados Unidos. ban el reconocimiento han sido allanadas en 13 t $
doubt that the Governor will listen to my $
"Con la cooperación y tráfico comercial de el curso de las conferencias que el Secretario
petition as Consul General of Mexico, and to
the hundreds of similar documents received los Estados Unidos el comercio de exportación Mr. Colby y el señor Pesqueira celebraron en
by him from all over the United States . de Cuba se ha triplicado en sólo diez años, y Washington,
+ I

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DR . H. W. STAHL leisure hour and at the same
time learn something
MEX. 7679 NEGRO about the country NORTH CAROLINA
ERIC. 7679

Price $ 1 gold , postpaid. With PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER

Gante, 9.- Tel. Eric. , 21-01
Remedios one year's subscription to "The
Mexican Review, " $2.75. English-Spanish Shorthand. Typewriter,
Copying and Translations done by Experts.
Glover Open 7 A. M. to 9 P. M. and Sundays.
Para Perros MRS. A. M. L. COLESON

Tratado de
Enfermedades de los Perros "The Mexican Review"
y Como Alimentarlos OIL LAND WANTED
(En inglés y en castellano) 817 14th Street Ten acres or more, offsetting large well in
Se enviará gratis a cuantos lo soliciten Mexico . I will pay the price for the right
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National Railways of

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(Administered by the Government)

Direct Passenger Service Between Mexico City and

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The trains to Laredo, Texas, are detained in Nuevo
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classes of merchandise and with all points in the Republic .

This system has been in operation more than two years,
with most satisfactory results .

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and containing some of the BEST IRRIGABLE LAND IN THE WORLD still undeveloped . Let us tell you something of them .
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con mas agua , mas terreno arable y una estación más larga. Esto es en particular cierto de los Estados de SONORA ,
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algunos de los mejores terrenos de riego en el mundo , todavia sin desarrollarse, Daremos informes que solliciten. 4



APR 2 1921







Samuel Gompers and William H. Johnston Find Workers in

Mexico Freest on Western Continent


Tells Congress of Measures Necessary for Progress at Home

and Friendship Abroad


Old-Timer Tells How H-C-L Has Been Ostracized in the

Land of the Aztecs


The Latest Proposals Look ' em Over and See if You Think

the Producers Have a Kick Coming

Live Features, Late Photographs, Editorials and Poetry

20c. American. The Only Periodical Giving General Mexican News in English.
40c. Oro Nal .



Photo from Underwood & Underwood, New York.

President Obregon and His New Cabinet-To the Right of the President, Secretaries
Pani and Rubio. To the left- Secretaries Calles, Estrada and De la Huerta. Behind
the President-(in citizens' dress) Secretaries Villareal and Zubaran. In uniform
are members of the staff.
-Photo by Ackerman.

Statue of President Lincoln in the Memorial Building

in Washington, D. C.
The Mexican Review


The Mexican Review extent of forbidding the use of such gas with the requirement which is the only
unless employed for purposes considered in possible method for removing any ground
Published Monthly at Washington , D. C.
the interest of the public welfare. In the for their original grievance . Consistency
case of Walls vs. Midland (advanced opin seems to be something unknown to these
ions, U. S. S. C. , Jan. 15, 1921 ) , the court trouble makers .
Yearly subscription in the United States, Canada held constitutional a statute of the State of
and Mexico , $2 gold . Elsewhere , $2.50 . Wyoming prohibiting the use of natural gas
in the manufacture of carbon black for Stipulation Agreed to By
Office : Rooms 501-502 , 817 Fourteenth Street Every Petroleum Company
Washington , D. C. printers' ink, unless the heat consumed in
burning the gas was applied in some other N this connection it is interesting to note
I that every petroleum company, without
An Explanation and Reaffirmation industry. In this case the manufacturers
had, prior to the enactment of the statute, exception, has the following stipulation in
N our December issue we published an its articles of "concession , " or charter, from
I article over the signature of Capt. S. G. erected a plant costing more than $300,000 ,
which is now rendered almost valueless. the Mexican Government . It was orginally
Hopkins, of this city, on certain of the inserted in such concessions under the gov
legal aspects of the oil situation in Mexico , One wonders what form of outburst we
ernment of Diaz and the same course has
including the significance of Article XXVII might witness among certain of the Ameri
been and still is pursued . As long ago as
of the Mexican Constitution, which has can oil interests in Mexico, were this doc
1908 the Huasteca Petroleum Company en
been made the subject of some criticism . trine to be applied to gas and oil by the
Mexican government . tered into an agreement which contained
It is proper to explain that upon Capt. this specification , and which was published
Hopkins ' recent return from Mexico he in full in The Review in September, 1919 .
called our attention to the fact that the The text is as follows :
As to "Manifesting Titles"
article in question, due to errors, placed
DISPATCH from Mexico City states "The concessionaire company shall be
him in the position of advocating certain A that President Obregon has issued in considered as Mexican, being subject, both
principles that he did not endorse. It ap
structions to the Secretary of Industry, as to the company itself and as to the for
pears that the original manuscript was,
Commerce and Labor to issue no eigners who have part in its business in
some time ago, translated into Spanish ,
more petroleum drilling permits to any the character of stockholders , employes, or
and when a copy in English was requested
person or company who shall not have in whatever other character, to the laws
for this magazine , two pages of the text in
first "manifested" his ΟΙ their titles and courts of the Republic. Never can it
that language could not be found. In the
to the property upon which it is allege in respect of the property and busi
author's absence these were translated back
sought to drill. And it is stated in the ness of the enterprise any right of extra
into English and when improperly pieced territoriality, under whatever pretext, and
together, contained certain confusion in press of this country that the only com
pany which has so "manifested " its titles it shall have solely the right and means of
quotations from authorities, and expres
and is able to secure permits is an Eng making them valid which the laws of the
sions of opinion at variance with the
language originally employed . In this lish concern . This latter statement is in Republic concede to Mexicans. It shall con
correct, since at least two large American sequently not be able to make any appeal
form the article was unfortunately pub under the said business to foreign diplo
lished . The original which has since come concerns have followed or perhaps ante
dated the English one in this respect. matic agents."
to light, thus sums up the author's view of
Article XXVII which, we trust will prove "Manifesting" one's title to real property
sufficiently consistent and sound to satisfy is exactly the same procedure in Mexico as TTENTION is called to the article by
the most exacting : it is in the United States the filing of the A Mr. Samuel Gompers, published in this
deed, lease or other evidence of ownership issue, and giving his ideas after participa
If the line of reasoning I have sug
or control. And when one seeks to enter
gested is well founded, then Article XXVII tion in the recent labor convention in
is in no sense confiscatory in its nature ; it upon any property and secure permission Mexico City. In connection therewith is an
merely affirms dominum directum on the of the authorities to prosecute work of any
part of the nation to the extent of its article by William H. Johnston , Presi
kind thereon without first having filed his dent of the International Machinists'
ownership in the common deposit, subject,
evidences of title, he has no standing in the Union, both together making a decidedly
always, to those rights previously acquired
by private individuals under Article LXXII eye of the law. This is true of every coun
interesting feature for this month's Re
of the Constitution of 1857, by which I try in the world that has an organized view .
mean the exclusive right of the surface government.
owners (of which the nation is one) , on
their own lands, to extract the oil from the Quite recently complaint was made by
common supply beneath, and to reduce it some of the foreign companies that the THE published statement that Villa has
to possession, under such restrictions and Mexican Government had granted permits been working with the Government in
control as the state, as sovereign, may see to drill wells on their lands to persons who active hostilities against his "old friends"
fit to impose in the public interest. had no title to such lands. In order , the Arrieta brothers of Durango causes a
smile to those who knew just how "friend
doubtless, to obviate further complaint on
Natural Gas Is Public Property ly" these bitterest of bitter enemies were
this score, the government has now issued
N connection with the oil question in a decree that before any permit can be throughout the revolution .
I general, it is interesting to onote that the issued to drill, the parties applying there
Supreme Court of the United States has re for must first present their evidences of The French Government has recognized
cently decided that a state has the consti title to the land upon which it is proposed the Mexican Government and it is said Mr.
tutional right to enact laws to control and to operate. And now the very same parties Cliohant will be appointed Minister. It is
regulate the use of natural gas flowing from who made the complaint in the first in supposed this recognition will be followed
wells owned by private parties, even to the stance make loud protest against complying by others of the nations of Europe.

La Revista Mexicana


La Revista Mexicana Unión tiene el derecho constitucional de sentar primero las pruebas de título alguno
expedir leyes para controlar y regular el sobre los terrenos que se proponen explorar.
Publicación mensual Washington , D. C. uso del gas natural que sale de los pozos Pero resulta que ahora las mismas com
de propiedad particular, y aún hasta para pañías que levantaron la primera queja
GEO . F. WEEKS - EDITOR Y PROPRIETARIO prohibir el uso de dicho gas, a no ser que hacen hoy una ruidosa protesta contra el
se emplee en asuntos que interesen al complimiento de dicho requisito , que es el
Suscripciones por un Año , en los Estados bienestar público . En el caso de Walls
Unidos, Canada y México , $ 2 oro . En modo único de evitar el agravio de que se
cualquiera otra parte, $2.50. contra Midland (opiniones U. S. S. C. , quejaban. La conformidad parece ser algo
Enero 15 de 1921 ) la Corte juzgó con ignorado por estos eternos agitadores !
Officinas : 501-502, 817 Fourteenth Street N. W.
Washington , D. C. stitucional una ley del Estado de Wyom
ing que prohibe el uso del gas natural en Convenio Estipulado Por Toda
Una Explicación Y Ratificacion la manufactura del carbón para impresos Compañía Petrolera
N el número de Diciembre retroprax de tinta, a menos que el calor que se con N este sentido, es interesante observar
E imo publicamos un artículo del Capitán
suma al quemar el gas fuera aprovechado E que toda compañía petrolera, sin excep
S. G. Hopkins , de Washington, sobre en cualquiera otra industria. En dicho caso
los manufactureros habían construido , ción, tiene la siguiente estipulación en los
algunos de los aspectos legales de la situ
antes de la expedición de esa ley , una planta artículos de su concesión o título , hecha con
atión petrolera en México, comprendiendo por valor de más de $300,000 , que hoy ha el Goberno Mexicano . Se ha insertado ori
el alcance del tan discutido Artículo 27 de sido reducida casi a la nada. ginariamente desde las concesiones otor
la Constitucion Mexicana . Cabe explicar , Sería de admirarse la gran explosión que
gadas bajo el gobierno de Díaz y ésto se
sin embargo, que a su regreso de México produciría entre ciertos intereses petro
leros de México si esta doctrina fuera ap ha observado y observa hasta hoy. Desde
el Capitán Hopkins nos hizo notar el hecho
licada allí al gas y petróleo por el Gobierno 1908 la Huasteca Petroleum Company cele
de que el artículo en cuestión, con motivo de Mexicano ! bró un convenio que contiene dicha esti
ciertos errores, lo hace sostener ciertos prin
pulación, el cual fué publicado íntegro en
cipios que él no autoriza. Parece que el Sobre la "Manifestación de Títulos" La Revista correspondiente a Septiembre de
manuscrito original fué traducido al español N un despacho procedente de ciudad 1919. Este es el texto : "La compañía con
hace largo tiempo , y cuando se necesitó una E México se asegura que el Presidente cesionaria será considerada como mexicana,
copia en inglés para el magazin no se en Obregón ha dado instrucciones al Secretario quedando sujeta a las leyes y tribunales de
de Industria, Comercio y Trabajo para no la República, tanto la compañía misma
contraron dos páginas del texto español. Es
conceder permisos para perforaciones de po como los extranjeros que formen parte de
tando ausente el autor, dicho texto fué ver zos petroleros a cualquiera persona o cam ella, sean accionistas, empleados, o cual
tido asi al inglés, produciendo este error pañía que no haya "manifestado " previa quiera que fuere el carácter que en ella
cierta confusión en las citas de autoridades mente el o los títulos de la propiedad en la posean . Nunca podrá alegar, respecto de
y expresando una opinión que varía de la que se pretenda operar. I la prensa de dicho los títulos y negocios relacionados con la
expresada en el manuscrito original, pub país asienta que la única compañía que ha empresa, derecho alguno de extranjería ,
manifestado sus títulos y que, por consig bajo ningun pretexto , y sólo tendrán los
licándose desgraciadamente en esta forma.
niente , podrá conseguir dichos permisos, es derechos y medios de hacerlos valer que
El siguiente es el texto original, tal como una empresa inglesa. Esta afirmación no es las leyes de la República otorgan a los
fue escrito, que resume la opinión del autor exacta, pues, por lo menos, dos importantes mexicanos ; no pudiendo , por tanto, tener
sobre el Artículo 27 , y que confiamos es empresas norteamericanas han imitado , si ingerencia alguna en dichos asuntos los
bastante consistente y completo para satis nó anticipádose en este respecto a dicha Agentes Diplomáticos extranjeros."
facer al más exigente : compañía inglesa . La "manifestación " de
Si el razonamiento sugerido se encuentra títulos de propiedad raíz es en México un Importantes Declaraciones
bien fundado, el Articulo 27 no es por nin procedimiento exactamente igual como el LAMAMOS la atención sobre él artículo
gún concepto confiscatorio en su naturaleza,
pues simplemente afirma el dominium direc registro del título, contrato u otro signo de A del señor Samuel Gompers, que publi
tum por parte de la Nación en cuanto a su propiedad o dominio en los Estados Unidos, camos en este número, quien expresa sus
propiedad sobre el yacimiento común, su y quien pretenda interesarse en alguna pro puntos de vista después de su participa
jeto siempre a aquellos derechos previa ción en la reciente Convención Obrera
piedad y consiga el permiso de la autori
mente adquiridos por particulares al am
paro del Artículo 72 de la Constitucion de dad para trabajar en ella , sin haber regis efectuada en ciudad México . En relación
1857 , es decir, el derecho exclusivo de los trado previamente su título, no contará con este tópico, publicamos tambien las in
propietarios de la superfice ( uno de ellos la con el amparo de la ley . Esto es un hecho teresantes declaraciones del señor William
Nación ) sobre sus tierras propias, para ex evidente en cualquier país del mundo que H. Johnston, Presidente de la Unión Inter
traer el petróleo del deposito común del
subsuelo y reducirlo a posesión privada, tenga un gobierno medianamente organi nacional de Mecánicos, prestando ambas
zado . gran interées a este número de La Revista.
bajo las restricciones y control que el
Estado, como soberano, crea conveniente Recientemente se quejaban algunas Com
imponer en interés público . pañías extranjeras de que el Gobierno A información relativa a que Villa ha
Mexicano había concedido permisos para L estado al servicio del Gobierno , en acti
El Gas Natural Sujeto Al perforar pozos en sus terrenos , a personas vas hostilidades contra sus "viejos amigos,"
Dominio Público que no poseían títulos sobre ellos. Para ob los hermanos Arrieta de Durango , no pu
N relación con la cuestion petrolera en viar mayores quejas en esta cuestión, el ede menos de provocar una sonrisa en qui
E general, es interesante observer que la gobierno ha expedido un decreto por el cual, enes saben cuán "amistosos" han sido estos
Suprema Corte de los Estados Unidos ha antes de concederse ningun permiso para la odios de encarnizados enemigos durante la
decidido recientemente que un Estado de la perforación, los interesados deberán pre revolución .

struction and of Labor, and the corelative

reforms to the organic law of the depart
Obregon Urges Needed Reforms
ments, are matters that so frankly respond
to the necessity of a fair administration and
Asks Mexican Congress for New Legislation on Banking,
of the intensification of education amongst
Labor, Petroleum, Land and Agriculture
the people by all means within the reach of
DDRESSING briefly the special ses sion in which they may take up for con the State, that it is only necessary to
sion of the Mexican Congress which sideration and action the reforms of great enunciate the purposes of the respective
A convened Monday, February 7, Presi moment and importance to which the call laws for the Congress to immediately grasp
dent Obregon stressed the necessity for im refers to. the importance of these matters and the
mediate consideration of legislation for the "The great difficulties that the country need of prompt action on the same.
institution of a modern banking system, for has experienced due to the lack of a solidly "As for the Agrarian Law, its object is
making effective Article 123 of the Con established banking system, through which to solve as far as possible ,the already old
stitution relating to the welfare of labor, the country from one end to the other may but none the less important land problem.
for the establishment of an agrarian policy receive the benefits of a credit system, are In the revolutionary program mention is
which will encourage the restoration of the so much in evidence and they have given made at the very first of the fair distribu
land to the people, and for the solution of rise to such a critical situation, that I need tion of the land amongst the working class,
the problems relating to the application of not try to demonstrate to you the supreme and it is the duty of the Executive to see
Article 27 of the Constitution to the Na necessity of applying a remedy to the cha that this promise be not relegated to the
otic condition which in this respect prevails sphere of political dreams, but, at the same
tion's petroleum resources. time, it should not be understood that the
He declared that an effective system of in the Republic. It is for these reasons,
therefore, that the first matter to which the present agrarian system is to be disturbed,
banks throughout the country is a necessity
for the development of its business and in call refers, is the enactment of a law that nor the fundamental basis of agricultural
dustry. In connection with the formulation will settle the banking problem. I am con life of the country attacked . Although the
fident that the bill I have submitted to the Agrarian Bill which I submit to the Legis
of a labor policy, he suggested the creation
of a new Department of Labor. He com
mended the law now before the Congress
for the more equitable distribution of land
among the people as in conformity with the
principles of the revolution and, without
making specific recommendations, urged
upon the Congress the early and careful
consideration of petroleum legislation which,
while protecting the legitimate interests of
both native and foreign proprietors, will 0.00
conserve the interests of the Nation. His
address follows :
"In pursuance of a constitutional mandate
I have the honor of addressing the honor
able members of the Congress of the Union
with the object of informing them of the
causes that prompted the President to call
a special session of the nation's representa
tives, according to the authority vested in GEN4E0R5
him by Section XI, Article 88, of the Mexi
can Constitution .
"The present, a historical moment for the
Republic, is altogether exceptional, but more
so because of the first-class opportunity to
Photo from Underwood & Underwood, New York.
effect not only the reconstruction of the
California Merchants Received by President Obregon at Chapultepec Castle.
country, but the moralization in the several
branches of the public administration , and Congress will be considered in an ample lative Power is inspired from the most ad
the intensification of education among the spirit of fairness and calmness, and within vanced revolutionary principles, it is also
social classes as far as the legislators and the principles of the economic life of the based on a deep knowledge of the necessi
the government can effect it. ties of the country and on the obstacles and
"Labor laws are measures of protection difficulties that a law of this nature will
"Poor, indeed, would be the conduct of a
government conscious of its duties and obli for the working classes, and their necessity encounter in its practical realization .
gations, if it did not take advantage of this and opportuneness no one will deny. The "Around the oil question there are revolv
tendency of modern thought in matters per ing grave problems of an internal and in
opportunity, the only one in the history of
taining to labor is so unmistakably marked, ternational character which will have no
Mexico since 1910, to respond to the exi
gencies of public opinion and to the dictates that any government that would dare op little bearing on the future progress of the
pose humanitarian measures of such an im country. On the one side there is the prin
of the well-meaning and the high-spirited ,
by bringing about the realization, within portance as are labor laws, not only would ciple of national autonomy which the Revo
the constitutional powers invested in it, of fail in its opposition, but it would fail in lution proclaimed as indispensable for the
the reforms that it is necessary to put into its duty. Therefore, it has been the desire economic progress of the Republic, and for
practice, and by elevating , as far as possible, of the Executive to bring the realization the development of its energies and of its
of one of the most beautiful ideals of the natural resources . On the other side, the
the level of culture of the people.
Revolution by giving to Article 123 of the interests, the owners of the oil lands, are
"Having in mind that the regular session
Constitution immediate practical effects. opposing, either through the tribunals of
of the Congress is scarcely long enough for
This is, consequently, the second point of Mexico or through diplomatic channels, the
it to deal with all of the matters left in its application of Article 27 of the Constitu
care by special mandate of the Constitution , the call.
"Federalization of education, the estab tion. The result of all this has been to
I have deemed it necessary to call the two
lishment of the Departments of Public In make of the oil question a matter of world
houses of Congress to an extraordinary ses

diatos. De ahí el segundo punto tratado

Obregon Urge Necesarias en la convocatoria.
La federalízación de la ensenanza, la crea
Pide al Congreso decrete una nueva legislación sobre Bancos, ción de las Secretarías de Instrucción Pú
Trabajo, Petróleo, Tierras y Agricultura. blica y del Trabajo, y la reforma correla
tiva de la Ley Orgánica de Secretarías, son
L PRESIDENTE OBREGON, en la les encomiendan de una manera particular, cuestiones que responden de modo tan
sesión estraordinaria del Congreso el Ejecutivo ha creído necesario llamar a franco a las necesidades de una buena ad
E Mexicano
verificada el 7 de Febrero las Cámaras a un período extraordinario ministración y al problema vital de intensi
último, encareció a este H. Cuerpo de sesiones, para que dentro de él resu ficar la cultura del pueblo por cuantos me
la necesidad de decretar inmediata elvan las trascendentales e importantísimas dios estén al alcance del Estado, que basta
mente una nueva legislación para la reformas a que se contrae la convocatoria . enunciar el propósito de las leyes respecti
institución de un sistema bancario moderno, Los grandes trastornos que la República vas, para que el Congreso de la Unión coin
la reglamentación del artículo 23 de la Con ha sufrido por la falta de un régimen prenda desde luego la importancia de los
stitución, relativo al bienestar obrero, para bancario sólidamente establecido , que der puntos tratados y la necesidad de una
el establecimiento de una política agraria rame a través de todo el país los beneficios pronta resolución.
que facilite la devolución de las tierras al del crédito mercantil, son de tal manera Proyecto De Ley Agraria.
pueblo, y para la solución de los problemas patentes y han provocado una crisis tan La Ley Agraria tiene por objeto solucio
relativos a la aplicación del artículo 27 con honda, que es inútil pretender demostrarlos nar en lo posible el ya viejo aunque si
stitucional a las fuentes petroleras de la y más inútil encarecer la suprema necesidad empre importante problema de las tierras.
Nación. que existe de poner un remedio radical a la En el programa revolucionario figura en
Declaró que es de gran necesidad para el
desarrollo comercial e industrial el esta huuhte
blecimiento de un efectivo sistema bancario 广十
en todo el país ; la creación de una Secretaría
del Trabajo, para llevar a cabo una franca
política obrera ; la aprobación de la Ley, 59
hoy en cartera, para la distribución equita
tiva de las tierras entre el pueblo, de acuer
do con los principios revolucionarios ; y, por
último, sin hacer determinada recomenda
ción, urgió al Congreso la pronta y cuidado
sa consideración de la legislación petrolera,
que a la vez que proteja los intereses legíti
mos de nacionales y extranjeros, proteja
tambien los intereses de la Nación. Estas
fueron sus palabras.
"En cumplimiento de un deber constitu
cional tengo la honra de dirigirme a los
miembros del Honorable Congreso de la
Unión, con el objeto de informarles acerca ONS
de las causas que tuvo el Ejecutivo Federal HIGH ANIS
para convocar a sesiones extraordinarias a FoT
la representación nacional, en ejercicio de
la facultad que le concede el artículo 88 ,
Photo from Underwood & Underwood, New York.
fracción XI, de la Constitución Mexicana.
California Excursionists Entertained by President Obregon as Guests of Mexico.
El momento histórico por el que atraviesa
la República es verdaderamente excepcional caótica situción que impera en la repú primer término la distribución equitativa de
por todos conceptos, pero principalmente blica a este respecto . De abí que, el primer la tierra entre la clase proletaria, y el
porque significa una oportunidad de primer punto a que se refiere la convocatoria , es la
orden para llevar a cabo no sólo la re Ejecutivo debe velar porque esa promesa
expedición de la ley que resuelva el prob
construcción del país, sino la moralización lema de los bancos de emisión. El Ejecu no quede en la esfera de los ensueños po
do la Administración Pública en todos sus tivo tiene la plena seguridad de que el líticos, sin que por eso se pretenda tras
ramos, y la intensificación cultural de las proyecto que presenta a la alta considera tornar todo el regimen agrario que impera,
diversas clases sociales dentro de la esfera ción del Congreso será discutido con un espí ni atacar en su base los fundamentos mis
propia del legislador y del Gobierno. ritu imparcial y sereno, dentro de los prin mos de la vida agrícola del país. El
Mengua fuera para un gobernante con cipios que rigen la vida económica de los proyecto de Ley Agraria que someto a la
sciente de sus deberes y de sus facultades, pueblos. consideración del Poder Legislativo, si
no aprovechar esta oportunidad, única en bien está inspirado en los principios revo
la historia de México, de 1910 a la fecha, El Articulo 123 Constitucional. lucionarios más avanzados, también
para responder a las exigencias de la opin El Seguro obrero es una medida de pro funda en el conocimiento concreto de las
ión pública y al desiderátum de todos los tección a la clase trabajadora , cuya oportu necesidades del país y de las dificultades
espiritus honrados, realizando, de acuerdo nidad y conveseicia nadie podrá discutir, prácticas que una ley de esa índole ha de
con sus Poderes Constitucionales, las re pues son tan apremiantes las reivindica encontrar en su realización.
formas que es de toda urgencia llevar a la ciones del pensamiento y de la cultura mo En torno a la cuestión del petróleo se
práctica, y procurando, en lo posible, elevar dernas en este sentido, que cualquier go agitan graves problemas de carácter in
extensivamente el nivel cultural del pueblo. bernante que quisiera oponerse a un movi terno e internacional, que han de tener no
Necesidad De Un Régimen Bancario. miento humanitario de suyo tan importante, poca resonancia en la marcha futura del
Teniendo en consideración que el peri no sólo fracasaria, sino que dejaría de cum país. Por un lado el principio de auto
odo ordinario de sesiones del H. Congreso plir
plir con
con su deber. Por eso el Ejecutivo nomía nacional que la Revolución proclamó
de la Unión, apenas si es suficiente para ha querido realizar uno de los más hermo como indispensable para incorporar al pro
que las Cámaras puedan ocuparse en los sos ideales de la Revolución y dar al artículo greso económico todas las fuerzas vivas y
asuntos que los preceptos constitucionales 123 Constitucional efectos prácticos inme todos los elementos de riqueza de la


wide interest, and to create for Mexico necessary to promote a constitutional detail, pledging their hearty support there
grave difficulties which can only be settled amendment so that the Federal Government to . And as with the false statement about
by a careful study of the manner in which can legally prosecute and punish the gam the Yaquis, so with the greater portion of
the interests of the nation can be sate blers, not only in the Federal District, but the other periodical reports about this and
guarded , without harm to the property of in all of the States of the Union. that and the other bandit organizing a "seri
natives and foreigners , provided it has been "With reference to the military pensions , ous revolution. " They have most of their
acquired fairly and legally. the Government believes it to be of justice foundation in the heads of those responsible
"It is the understanding of the Execu and equity to amend the pension system for their circulation , and not elsewhere.
tive that political and administrative hon now in effect, which establishes odious dif
esty must be exemplified by the highest pub ferences with relation to the military rank Return of "Intervened"
lic officials and thence extended through of the individual , the time of his death Property
the entire civil force of the nation . It is or of an injury that incapacitates him for ERIODICALLY it becomes necessary
for this reason that in the call preferential work. There is nothing so contrary to the P
owing to the often repeated and widely
mention is given to a law that will fix the exigencies of fair and humanitary compen
responsibilities of the President of the Re sation than the differences thus established, published misunderstanding regarding the
public and of the Cabinet members. Its ob and, therefore, the Executive wishes that subject, to explain the status of certain so
ject is to place the highest representatives the men who die in the battlefields or their called "confiscated " properties in Mexico .
of the Executive Power strictly subject to wounds are such that their vitality is im
During the recent revolutionary period it
the law in all of their acts, and that they paired , while serving their country, be
given the assurance that the Nation will was found necessary by the government to
be not allowed prerogatives and privileges
that are repugnant to honest men and which come to their assistance as a compensation take over, more or less temporarily, the
have been the origin of delinquencies. In a for their services and their sacrifices. real property of certain pronounced enemies,
real democracy, the public official must ac "All the other laws mentioned in the call as well as some that was needed for mili
count for his acts, whatever his rank or are of importance, and each one of them
tary purposes. This property was not
his legal authority may be, for the greater deals with social, political and administra
"confiscated," in the sense of permanently
his authority, the greater are his duties and tive problems. Action on them is necessary
his responsibilities. Therefore, the Execu if the country is to be placed on a firm depriving the owners of their title, but was
tive, wishing to evidence his democratic basis of organization and progress. merely "intervened," for the time being, to
spirit and his respect for the law, has initi "Gentlemen of the Congress : At the pres use the local expression. When the neces
ated the law that fixes the responsibilities ent moment the Nation demands of its rep sity for such "intervention " had ceased , the
of the President of the Republic and of his resentatives an ample and high spirit of
reform , and a firm determination to work government took steps to return these prop
Secretaries of State.
erties to their owners. A Governmental
"With reference to paragraph ten of the for the reconstruction of the country, for
call, it is highly satisfactory to the Execu the restoration of our national credit, and Bureau had administered them, but some
tive, to return to the Permanent Committee the abolition of the traditional evils that thing over a year ago so large a portion
had been restored that it was found ad
of the Congress the powers it had under have brought the paralization of the en
our Political Constitution of 1857, to call ex ergies of the Republic. The welfare of mil visable to abolish this Bureau, leaving the
traordinary sessions of the Congress, which lions of human beings depends from the handling of the small remaining percentage
action of the Legislative Branch, so it is to the Treasury Department. Notice had
an ill-advised spirit of absolutism of the
Constitution of 1917 took away from it with not a cause for surprise, therefore, if public been given to all claimants of such prop
no justification . In this manner, the Legis opinion is demanding honest, persistent and erties, regardless of nationality, political af
lative Power will enjoy the autonomy which coordinated efforts in the solution of the filiation or any other consideration , to ap
the greater part of modern constitutions problems that are confronting the Nation . pear and reclaim the same. A small per
grant to it, and it will not be subordinated The future of the country depends from centage only was not thus reclaimed, and
to the will and the fancies of the Execu their solution, and it is hoped that the Hon despite all efforts the present addresses of
tive Power. orable Congress of the Union will bring the owners were not discovered , they having
"The clamor of public opinion has pointed about the realization of the hopes and the left the country. This property, therefore,
out deep wrongs in the administration of aspirations of the Mexican people." still remains in the hands of the govern
ment, subject to immediate restoration
justice, which today is only written in our
laws, but absolutely is lacking in effect, what time the owner appears and makes
notwithstanding the fact that our Political Yaqui Indians File a Protest good his title. Prominent Mexican repre
Constitution establishes that the Tribunals ECENTLY statements were sentatives in this country repeatedly have
must at all times expedite the cases in Rthroughout the United States tothe ef challenged any one to show a single case
which they are asked for justice. The fect that "the Yaqui Indians were again where real property belonging to Ameri
principal cause for this state of affairs lies on the warpath ; " that they were discon cans had been "confiscated ," in the sense
in the Organic Law of Tribunals which was tented with the Government of President usually given to that word, and so far as
enacted during the past administration , and Obregon, and were demanding that the en has been noted , this challenge has never
whose defects have been pointed out with a tire vast Yaqui river valley should be turned been controverted, for the very good reason
rare unanimity. The Executive wishes to over to them. It was represented that the that it could not be. The Review will glad
do all that he can in order that justice may situation was most serious in every respect. ly give space to any truthful presentation
Now come the four chiefs of the Yaqui of any case of "confiscation" and will even
be something practical and effective, and
not as it has been up to now, a vain hope tribe- Espinosa, Matus, Mori and Gomez go further- if such case can be made out, it
and file a strenuous protest, in which they will agree to secure the return of the
and a dream of impossible realization .
"The Executive believes that the gambling flatly and unequivocally deny that there is property.
vice ought to be energetically attacked in any foundation for the reports. Instead of
order to ameliorate the disturbances it cre being discontented with the government of Arrangements are on foot to establish a
ates, not only because it gives origin to President Obregon, they are in hearty ac great shipping line between Mexico and
immoral speculations and waste, but it also cord therewith. Instead of going on the the Republic of Chile, approved by the
invites to corruption public officials who warpath, they are devoting their every ef Department of Communications and Public
sanction it or who enter into agreements fort to agricultural development of their Works. It is intended to organize a bet
with the owners of the gambling houses . As lands, and they declare that they have the ter commercial service between all Latin
the Federal Government has no jurisdiction utmost faith that the President will carry American countries with Mexico, something
throughout the Republic in this matter, it is out his announced program to the ultimate badly needed .

República ; y, por otra parte, los intereses que, como hasta ahora lo ha sido, una vana La Devolucion de
de los dueños de fundos petroleros que se esperanza y un ensueño de imposible realiza Propiedades "Intervenidas ”
oponen a la aplicación del artículo 27 con ción .
UZGAMOS necesario insistir sobre la lla
stitucional , sea ante los tribunales de El vicio del juego debe ser, en concepto Jada "confiscación" de propiedades en
México o sea en forma diplomática . Todo del Ejecutivo , atacado enérgicamente, para México, con motivo del frecuentemente re
ha contribuido a que el problema del pe A conseguir que se aminoren en lo posible los
petido y ampliamente divulgado falso con
tróleo tenga resonancia en el extranjero y trastornos que ocasiona, no sólo dando lu
cepto que existe sobre el particular, que
presente graves dificultades que sólo podrán gar a especulaciones y despilfarros inmo
amerita una clara explicación periódica.
resolverse estudiando con serenidad la rales, sino también provocando la corrupción
En efecto, no debe ignorarse que durante
manera de salvar los intereses de la nación administrativa de los funcionarios que lo
el reciente período revolucionario en México
sin lesionar injustamente el patrimonio de consienten o que de modo positivo celebran
el Gobierno juzgó necesario ocupar, más o
propios y extraños, que se haya constituido convenios con los empresarios de juego .
menos temporalmente, la propiedad raíz de
con arreglo a la ley ya la justicia. Como las autoridades federales no tienen en
ciertos declarados enemigos, en cuanto ella
esta materia jurisdicción en toda la Re fué necesaria a las necesidades militares de
Responsabilidades Del Ejecutivo. pública, se hace necesario promover una
entonces. Estas propiedades no han sido
El Ejecutivo entiende que la moralidad reforma constitucional para que puedan le
"confiscadas," en el sentido de haberse pri
política y administrativa ha de comenzar galmente perseguir y castigar a los tahures,
con los altos funcionarios y extenderse a todo vado de sus títulos a sus propietarios, sino
no sólo en el Distrito Federal y Territorios,
el cuerpo de servidores de la nación. De que fueron simplemente "intervenidas,"
sino en las diversas entidades locales.
como medida de guerra, usando el término
ahí que en la convocatoria figure pre Diferencias Odiosas En Las Pensiones.
ferentemente la ley que fija las responsa vulgar, y una vez que cesó la necesidad de
En orden a las pensiones de las militares,
bilidades del Presidente de la República y esa “intervención, ” el Gobierno dió los pasos
el Gobierno ha creído de justicia y de
conducentes a su devolución a los corre
de sus Secretarios de Estado . Con ella se equidad reformar el sistema hoy en vigor,
persigue conseguir que los altos repre spondientes propietarios. Una Oficina del
que establece diferencias odiosas, en rela
sentatantes del Poder Ejecutivo queden su Gobierno (la Administración de Bienes Inca
ción al grado militar que tenga el agra
jetos en todos sus actos al imperio de la ciado en el momento de su muerte, o cu utados ) tuvo la administración de esos
ley y de la justicia, y no gocen de franqui ando es víctima de un accidente que le bienes ; mas hace como un año, y puesto
cias que repugnan a las conciencias honra que la mayor parte de ellos habían sido ya
impida trabajar. Nada más contrario a
das, y al amparo de las cuales se han devueltos, se creyó conveniente abolir dicha
las exigencias de una compensación equi
cometido tantos delitos. En la verdadera Oficina, dejando a cargo de la Secretaría de
tativa y humanitaria que esas diferencias,
democracia, el funcionario público debe dar Hacienda el muy escaso percentaje de los
y por lo mismo , el Ejecutivo desea que los que se conservan en manos del Gobierno. Se
cuenta de sus actos, sea cual fuere la cate servidores de la patria que mueran en los
goría que tenga y su poder legal, pues mi ha dado amplio aviso a todos los dueños de
campos de batalla o sufran heridas que
entras mayor sea éste, mayores son sus de aminoren su eficiencia vital , tengan la se esas propiedades para presentarse a re
beres y responsabilidades. El Ejecutivo clamarlas, sea cual fuere su nacionalidad ,
guridad de que el Estado vendrá en su
cree, por lo mismo , dar una prueba de filiación política, etc. I como un pequeño
ayuda y sabrá compensár sus esfuerzos y
espíritu democrático y de respeto al princi sacrificios. percentaje no ha sido reclamado hasta aquí ,
pio de la legalidad , iniciando la expedición Todas las demás leyes que figuran en la a pesar de los esfuerzos hechos para dar
de la ley que fije las responsabilidades del con sus propietarios, pues éstos han aban
convocatoria son de importancia, y cada
Presidente de la República y de sus Secre donado el país, éste se conserva aún bajo el
una de ellas en lo particular corresponde
tarios de Estado. cuidado del Gobierno, para ser entregado
a problemas sociales, políticos o administra
Con relación al párrafo 100. de la convo tan pronto como sus propietarios se pre
tivos, cuya solución se impone a fin de en
senten a reclamarlos con la comprobación
catoria, le es altamente satisfactorio al cauzar al país en la via del progreso y de
de sus títulos.
Ejecutivo devolver a la Comisión Per la organización .
Frecuentemente buen número de promi
manente del Congreso la facultad que con Señores Diputados, señores Senadores :
nentes representantes de México en Estados
forme a nuestra Carta Política de 1857 En los momentos actuales, la Nación exige
Unidos han retado a cualquiera a que se
tenía para convocar a sesiones extraordi a sus representantes un amplio y alto espi
ritu de reforma y el propósito firms de tra ñale un sólo caso en que una propiedad de
narias, y que un espíritu de absolutismo
mal disfrazado en la Constitución de 1917, algún norteamericano haya sido " confisca
bajar para reconstruir al país, restaurar el
crédito nacional

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