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Cancer Biology


SW. Wulandari
01 02 03
What do we want to Definition and Facts and
know? Description of Hallmarks of
Cancer Cancer
04 05 06
Classification of Histological
Human Cancer Characteristics of Grading and
Neoplasm Staging Neoplasm
“Jika kamu tidak tahan dengan
lelahnya belajar, maka kamu
harus tahan dengan perihnya

—Imam Syafi’i
“Dahulukan adab sebelum ilmu.

“Kami mempelajari adab selam
30 tahun, sedangkan kami
mempelajari ilmu selama 20
—Ibnul Mubarok
What do we want to
01 know?
What everyone wants to know
about cancer

● What can you tell me about this kind of cancer?

● What is the cause of the cancer?
● What are the treatment options?
● Has the cancer spread?
● Is there any preventive measures we can take to
prevent further spread?
● What are the chances of getting cancer?
Physicians and Health Care Professionals

● What are the most appropriate diagnostic tests with

low false negatives and false positives?
● Is the disease local, regional, or metastatic?
● What is the prognosis the best therapeutic approach?
Cancer Researchers

● What are the basic mechanisms of malignant

transformation of cells?
● What causes of cancer that can be identified? Knowing
that, what preventive measures can be taken?
● Are there genetic profiles, hereditary or induced by
spontaneous mutations, that correlate with susceptibility
or progression of cancer?
● Can the gene expression patterns of cancer cells be used
to identify targets for cancer diagnosis or therapy?
Definition and
02 Description of Cancer

Abnormal growth of cells. Causes? Multiple changes in

gene expression - dysregulated balance of cell
proliferation and cell death – evolve to population –
invade tissues – metastasize – significant morbidity –
death of the host.

● All definitions aforementioned favors tumor growth

● Characteristics malignant cancer vs benign tumor
(invasion, metastasize to distant organs)
● All malignant cancers causes morbidity and can be lethal
if not treated (exp for in situ cancer)
Facts and Hallmarks
03 of Malignant Cancer
136.2/100, 17,000,000
New cancer cases worldwide (2018)

8th in South East Asia; 23th in Asia
Cancer deaths worldwide (2018)

Highest prevalence in DIY; 2.47/1000

(Sumatera Barat); 2.44/1000
(Gorontalo) 27,500,000
New cases and 16,300,000 deaths by
Hallmarks of Malignant Cancer
Classification of
04 Human Cancer
Classification based on
Histological Perspective
Carcinoma Sarcoma
Epithelial origin (int or ext), 80-90% cancer
Supportive and connective tissue origin,
cases, adenocarcinoma, squamous cell
resemble tissue in which they grow
carcinoma, glands for secretion

Myeloma Leukemia
Originates in plasma cells found in bone Blood cancer in bone marrow, extra WBC,
marrow affects RBS as well

Lymphatic system, solid cancer (stomach,
breast, brain), Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin
Histological Characteristics
05 of Neoplasm
Why do we need to know the macroscopic and
microscopic characteristics of neoplasms?

● Integrating clinical findings and macroscopic characteristics –

differential diagnosis
● What are the considerations?

○ Anatomic site of neoplasm (route, body function, treatment)

○ Encapsulated, extended tissue borders (staging)

○ Accessibility
Cytologic criteria to determine if
cancer is present

Number of Evidence of
Morphology Nucleus
Mitotic Cells tissue
and Giant invasion
Grading and Staging
05 Neoplasm
Histologic Grading

Stage I Stage II
75% - 100% 50% - 75%

Stage III Stage IV

25% - 50% 0% - 25%
Tumor Staging (TNM System)

Clinical Staging Tumor Imaging

Physical examination, laboratory tests,
MRI, CT Scan, lymphangiography, PET
endoscopic examination

Surgical Staging Pathologic Staging

Surgical procedure

Biopsy for degree of spread, depth of invasion,

involvement of lymph nodes
Staging Categories

Stage I (T1, Stage II (T2, Stage III (T3, Stage IV (T4,

N0, M0) N1, M0) N2, M0) N3, M+)
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