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The Pontifical and Royal AY 2022-2023 Term 2 : Spreadsheet 1

University of Santo Tomas

The Catholic University of the Philippines
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
CE2212L Principles of Steel Design


1. The following information should be included in your personalized template for this activity.

1a. Title "Analysis and Design for Tension Members"

1b. Student's name and ID number

1c. Date assigned

2. Create your own automatic program for the topic of this activity.

2a. When dimensions and properties of the structural element are adjusted, results should be automatically computed.

3. Structural element to be used

3a. Two (2) overlapping plates with same thickness

3b. Connected by bolts that are arranged symmetrically along the longitudinal axis

4. Show major parts of the analysis and design process in your spreadsheet

4a. Connection & Material Properties

4b. Three (3) limit states considered & governing capacity

4c. Design Method (LRFD or ASD)

4d. Utilization Ratio

5. Apply the following limitations

5a. Minimum bolt center to bolt center spacing = 3 x bolt diameter

5b. Maximum bolt center to bolt center spacing = 12 x plate thickness OR 150 mm

5c. Minimum bolt center to edge distance = 1.75 x bolt diameter

5d. Maximum bolt center to edge distance = 14 x plate thickness OR 180 mm

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