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which he was assisted by a horde of ``Huns'' (514-515); it

in Pauly-Wossowa, Realencyclopadie. (H. S. J.)

The accordion consists of a bellows of many folds, to which

breaking loose again, till at length some obstruction, such

person to whom it is dealt; High of course wins a trick;

at the Hague, but in the absence of a minister at London, he

he and his father were taken ill with fever. The occurrence

``finished,'' the mass is of an impure white or light yellow

made his first voyage from Paris in a balloon 27 ft. in

There is thus evidence that colour is correlated with other

of the dark lines in the solar spectrum; and showed that the

into Peru they were not fertile, whereas now they are

conspicuous longitudinal folds. Finally it reaches the large

ABANO, PIETRO D, (1250-1316), known also as PETRUS DE

at Arca Caesarea in Palestine on the 1st of October 208. His

that--to adopt a convenient word--it has been regional.

Brandenburg, und das neue Stift zu Halte (Mainz, 1900).

to prevent loss by excepted perils and by any other cause.

employed wounded Liberal sentiment and threatened to create

fencing, &c. But severe exercise should only be allowed

Augustine's at Dover, and finally archbishop of Canterbury.

summer. It consists of wheat, barley and a variety of

Bietschhorn. . . . . . . . . . 12,970 Grande Dent de Morcles . . . . . .9,777

ammunition (incl. charges), and if a .256 calibre is adopted the

a tradition that it was he, not Crito, who offered to help

to the eyes retaining their normal pigmentation, areas similar

His elder brother Edward had been a clergyman, but in this

tribes, and the aerarii as such disappeared. But in 304,

then had begun to take a commanding place, and the sailing ship

alone. The diplomatic pressure failed and war became

of the famous Scotsman as really to deceive even Scott's

France. In 1567, Philip, who was a bigoted Catholic,

1570, and that he held this office for forty-five years. His

in consequence, to represent in many cases sounds which are

the local glaciers laid down materials on top of the red

variety of different articles and conditions, dairy produce,

of $300,000 in the appropriation for the common school fund,

and is the junction for the line to Maymyo and the Kunlong

is preserved among the drawings of James Bruce, the African

Aumale and Dellys form the four corners. But in two months

claims, involved in the withdrawal of Commandant Toutee,

press of Great Britain and that of America is, that in the

on the completion of his study of the humanities at Orleans

by the Gallas, the indolence of the Abyssinians preventing

Bibliographie des ouvrages relatifs a l'Afrique, &c. (San Remo,

@, where @ represents the sound which resulted from the

by heat, so as to form in the pores a rich red pigment.

an open rupture with Germany, and even revived for a time the

to Octavian shortly before the battle of Actium (31). He

that there is some ground for supposing that the language

III. JOHN STEWART, duke of Albany (c. 1481-1536), regent

declared. That the use of any preservatives or colouring

occupation of the city (1830), built a rampart, parapet and

of cannibals from the interior later in the same century

horns, which are ringed and form an open spiral. The addax
article under a warranty of genuineness, and that he sold it in

roots. This result is doubtless largely dependent on the

the revised Greek New Testament of Tischendorf. His principal

nucleus. In Hydrodictyaceae, Cladophoraceae, Sphaeropleaceae

coastland west of Mount Cameroon, where there is a mean

the cloth pushed towards the corner, it will at once be rucked

separated from the Holy See. With the help of friends,

Church, with the exception of the Armenians who borrowed

of psychological states as a mode of impressing the mind with

There is another coefficient of absorption (k) which occurs

to food officers, manufacturers and merchants not only in

two recognized occasions on which, by custom, the lord could

details as to their medicinal and chemical properties.

apart, the distance between them by river is nearly 12 m.

by the use of pure materials that the quantity is rarely

to Rome by Augustus in part payment of tribute, and set

Lanzol or Llancol; that of his mother's family, Borgia or

very numerous. His most important work was upon the gymnoblastic

by Berthelot, with translations, in vol. iii. of La Chimie

Nile, a number of Negroids strongly tinged with Libyan blood and

Tennessee, under its new commander General O. O. Howard, fought

terrible disease, he died in 1773, bequeathing to his son Timur

descends 5135 ft., while its drainage area is 6804 sq.

and the only buildings of importance are the chief mosque,

of exploration and description as in the other colonies,

Montmort, a member of the Council of State, afterwards at

which is produced far beyond the last of the myotomes.

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