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and antiquarian, was the third son of Alexander Abercromby

some time the only) route (Pia Valeria) to Luceria and the

(that is, of which half were foreigners), was abolished.

tax upon Hindus, probably upon similar grounds. Measures

expeditionary army and the Turks fought on the 25th of July

known to literature as a master of dignified and animated

but next year fresh accusations were brought against him. He

The principal examples of such machines are those of W. S.


1902 46,202,424 14.5 670,063,008 63.0 422,224,117

of territory with a coast-line from the Campo river on the

Monchique (7345), Olhao (10,009), Silves (9687) and Tavira

and studied in the school of St Alexander Nevskiy, where

1886. His mother, Queen Maria Christina, was appointed

by the wider angle of extinction on the plane of symmetry.

Accra preserves the distinctions of James Town, Ussher

perfect of facio is feced; here it is a reduplicated form

Sumter kept the spirit of resistance alive by their sudden

Hill and Champion Hill. Alleyn acquired this large property for

follows. Henry asked for permission to invade and subjugate

zemstvo, an elective local administration resembling the county

the streams from the eastern slopes of the Ruwenzori range.

ethereal substance so light that vessels containing it

summer; the word is sometimes spelled ``estivation''), literally

hunters, and do not hesitate to attack even elephants, both

not disturbed by the difference which arose between them on

. into two towns,'' the one ``Turkish,'' ``so surrounded by

existence of ``Amazons'' (in the sense of fighting women)

case of pipes conveying super-heated steam. It has also

species, then the mere fact that man now inhabits every
There is another coefficient of absorption (k) which occurs

streams of the upper Congo basin, preparatory to crossing into

of Sievers and Jespersen give (especially Sievers) full

may be repeated by other investigators, scant credence is

in the extreme S. of Portugal, corresponding with the modern

blood corpuscles of the goose and the testes of fishes and

the line to be determined by the commissioners to be appointed.

Black Sea by means of the Danube, not a 1lrop reaching the

king, to whom he presented a rifle, a pair of pistols and a

the form in the Communion Service is precative, while that

naval stations, except for the medical department and marine

milk, coffee, vegetables, meat and even fruit, and are also

which are always constructed on the vacuum principle. They

to the long range at which artillery fights and the use of

and it flourished for two centuries before it disappeared from

be distributed over a wide area of country and will form

bed of the ocean. In heraldry, the abyss is the middle of an

consent set up a rival emperor and invested the prefect of the

avoided). A mile to the north of the city a huge mound with a

remade into The Columbiad, also an epic. These poets gathered

show of the Smithfield Club in 1898 the highest average daily

ANAGNIA [mod. Anagni; pop. (1901) 10,059], an ancient

the most capable, of the Spanish kings of the middle ages.

so that an alternation of dark and white bands is obtained,

vicinity. It is reported that Alva, being requested to give

this contemplation. As suggested above, by blotting out for

British and French interests were involved. The movement

his house at stated intervals a circle of the most learned

by calcium or by potassium. The water of crystallization is

construction of the microscope. He was also a diligent and

considered adulterated or impoverished if it has been mixed

figure even when his works are no longer read. He was another

143,000, being more than one fourth of the total population.

or of trespass. Thus control can be exercised over such

Lake Iannina and the Nemertzika mountains run in a parallel

Moore, and in particular upon the 28th (Gloucestershire

Fiorentine (1600), the work by which he is best known. In 1595

as entrances; seventy-six were numbered and allotted to the

percentage of some of the crops, as Table XXXVI. shows.

brisk. The sizes will be great and costly, the loads small,

Gall and the Vicomte A. de Montlaur; a few years later the

from the base of which new attachment organs have already

project, of Nevada, was completed in June 1905, and at the

aesthetic faculty than with its functions in the higher stages.

which he is said, in an anecdote of doubtful authority, to

possible. The consequence of this careful breeding is,

the Invalides and the Ecole Mililaire, descended beyond

of their arrival in the Balkan Peninsula. They are probably

Clifton College, he succeeded G. F. Mortimer as headmaster

(Roman Catholic), a fine specimen of Gothic architecture,

city. About the year 646 `Amr was deprived of his government

someuhat wider range than that to which he had previously

Melville (1819- 1891) in Typee (1846) and its successors,

E. of the city is the university of New Mexico, under state

against the Congo system of government, and the admissions of an

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