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Timing 3hr M.M 70
Name: …………..…………. Class &Sec: ………….. Roll No.………………… Date: …………….
1. The questions paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.
2. Section A consists of questions 1-18 carrying 1 marks each and is multiple choice
questions. All questions are compulsory
3. Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and Attempt any 5
4. Sections C consist of question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and Attempt any 5
5. Sections D consist of question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case studies.
There is internal choice available
6. Section E consists of Questions 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and Attempt any 3

SECTION A (18x1=18)
Q1. Which of the following is NOT a technological advancement in the field of sports?
(a) Instant replays. (b) Sensor tools.
(c) RFID chips. (d) Digital Contact Tracing.
Q2. The Olympic Games were revived in_________
(a) 1800 (b) 1996 (c) 1896 (d) 1894
Q3. Dhyana is a process of complete constancy of _______
(a) Mind (b) Soul (c) Limbs (d) Heart
Q4. ________ refers to the permanent reduction in physical and mental capacity of an individual
(a) Deficiency (b) Disability (c) Dysfunction (d) None of these
Q5 Identify the kriyas
(a) Vastra-dhauti (b) Danda dhauti
(c) Neti (d) Kapal Bhati

Q6. Strength and endurance are the components of

(a) Physical fitness (b) Wellness (c) Health (d) Recreation activity
Q7. Tool for the collection of information in numeric form
(a) Test (b) Measurement (c) Evaluation (d) Assessment
Q8. The ______ joints are also called synovial joints
(a) Slightly movable (b) Freely moveable (c) fixed (d) hinge
Q9. Which of the following movement is the opposite of pronation
(a) Circumduction (b) Supination (c) Adduction (d) Abduction
Q10. The term flexion refers to:
(a)Turning (b) Bending (c) Twisting. (d)Straightening
Q11 Which of the following is not a cycle under the principle of cyclicity?
(a) Macro (b) Meso (c) Micro (d) Mini
Q12. Match the following vitamins with their functions
(a) Development in shape (i) Mental development
(b) Alertness and concentration (ii) Social development
(c) Team spirit and co-ordination (iii) Emotional development
(d) Pleasure and Hope (iv) Physical development
(a) a–i, b–iv, c–ii, d–iii
(b) a–iii, b–i, c–iv, d–ii
(c) a–iii, b–i, c–ii, d–iv
(d) a–iv, b–i, c–ii, d–iii
Q13 Where is the headquarter of the international Olympic
(a) Geneva (b) Paris (c) London (d) Lausanne
Q14. Which of the following is the role of special educator
(a) Help special children in speaking (b) Activates the muscles of weak body part.
(c) Provides counselling to the special children (d) Develops appropriate curriculum
Q15. Exercising for a longer duration with less weight is related to
(a) Endurance (b) Strength (c) Speed (d) Co-ordination
Q16. If the height of the child is in feet, it is classified under
(a) Evaluation (b) Test (d) Measurement (d) None of these
Q17. Given below are two statement labelled Assertion (A) and reason (R)
Assertion (A) Adolescence is a stage of rapid development
Reason (R) In this stage changes happen in the physical, mental, emotional and social
spheres of young people
In the context of above two statements which one of the following is correct?
a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true and Reason (R) is correct explanation of
b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true but Reason (R) is not the correct
explanation of Assertion (A)
c) Assertion (A) is true but Reason (R) is False.
d) Assertion (A) is False but Reason (R) is true
Q18. Match the following vitamins with their functions
(a) Gliding joint (i) Thumb joint
(b) Hinge joint (ii) Wrist joint
(c) Saddle joint (iii) Shoulder joint
(d) Ball and socket joint (iv) Elbow joint

(a) a–ii, b–i, c–iv, d–iii

(b) a–ii, b–iv, c–i, d–iii
(c) a–ii, b–i, c–iii, d–iv
(d) a–iv, b–i, c–ii, d–iii
SECTION B (Any five)
Q19. What do you mean by doping? Which two agencies regulate doping related
activities? (1+1=2)
Ans:- Such substances or methods which are banned by international Olympic committee
and world anti- doping agency(WADA) during preparation for or participation in a
sports competition that is doping.
The two agencies are world anti -doping authority (WADA) and National Anti -Doping
Authority (NADA)
Q20. Why is study of sports psychology Important? (1/2x4=2)
Q21. Define Flexion and Extension. (1+1=2)
Q22. Enlist the various components of physical fitness (2)
Q23. What is the meaning and aim of adapted physical education (1+1=2)

Ans. Meaning:- it is an individual programme of physical education that is created for

students with disabilities.
Aim:- The aim of physical education is to develop few sports and recreation
programs especially for students with different disability
Q24. What do you mean by yogic Kriyas? Enlist the yogic kriyas (1+1=2)

Ans:- Meaning:- These are certain techniques to cleanse or control the various internal
and organs by which their efficiency improves
List:- Neti, Dhauti, nauli, Basti, Kapalabhati and Trataka

SECTION C (Any five)

Q25. Create a mind map including Objective of Adaptive Physical Education (3)
Q26. Write about any two examples of Technological Advancement (1.5+ 1.5= 3)
(i) Faster Replays:- Re-examination of what happened during a play is essential in all
sports to make the results fair. Instant reply is one of the best examples of fair play
and it became possible only with technological advances. Officials are now capable
of getting second perspective and catch the details that might to missed by on field
referees. Faster replays are used in almost all sports today
(ii) Sensor Tools:-These tools are used to provide exact information on whether
movement occurred in the field when the movement is subtle that it becomes
invisible to the naked eye or a player committed a foul and analyzing whether a goal
is valid or not.
Q27. Write about the FIT India movement (3)
Q28. Define Training Load and Overload (1.5 x1.5 =3)
Training load:- is defined as the total volume, intensity and type of physical activity
an athlete undertakes during both training and competition
Over Load:- When the intake of oxygen is sufficient to meet its demand in the body.
This situation when continued for some time creates an imbalance in the body and
supply of oxygen and the oxygen dept results
Q29. Enlist the professionals who are required for work with CWSN and write what is the
main role of counsellor for children with special needs
Q30. State any Six functions of bones (1/2 x6=3)
Q31. Observe the given figure and answer the questions (4x1=4)

(a) Where does the deoxygenated blood return to _______

(b) Pulmonary vein carries which type of the blood
(c) The human heart is a _______ chambered muscular organ
(d) _______ is the main artery of circulation of pure blood to the body
The left atrium receives blood from the______
Ans:- (a) Inferior and superior vena cave (b) Oxygenated blood (c) four (d) Arota or
Pulmonary vein
Q32. Ramesh is a child with intellectual and physical disability. He is also having difficulty in
communication. He is very good in his academics and love to play with ball. His parents got
him admission in a normal school where he love to go every day by school bus.
Based on the case answer the
following questions (4x1=4)
(a) Which professional can cure his
communication problem?
(b) What type of disability shown in
(c) Which professional can help his
physical disability?
(d) Name the teacher who is specialty
trained to work with CWSN

Ans:- (a) Speech therapists (b) Intellectual disability (c) Physiotherapist (d) Special educator
Q33. Raman is a student of class 11. One day a medical check up camp arrived in his locality.
Raman participated there as a volunteer. Most of the people were advised to practice yogic
kriyas on regular basis. The local body of the locality hired a yoga instructor and people
started the practice of yogic kriyas under his/her guidance. Some of these kriyas are shown

Figure 1 Figure 3
Figure 2

On the basis of above case study and picture answer the following questions (4x1=4)
(a) The yogic kriya (1) can be identified as
(b) Yogic Kriyas are also called______
(c) How many types yogic kriyas
(d) Kapalbhati is associated with_____
Identify the yogic kriya no (iii)
Ans:- (a) Neti (b) Shatkarma or Shatkriya (c) Six (d) Skull or Dhauti

SECTION E (Any Three)

Q34. Define physical education. Explain the aim and objectives of physical education?
Q35. Write a short note on following symbols of Olympic (2+2+1=5)
(i) Olympic Flag (ii) Olympic motto (iii) Modern Olympic Awards
Q36. How the traditional Games and regional Games are promoting wellness (1x5=5)
Q37. What do you mean by adolescence? Explain in detail the problems of adolescence

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