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1. Introduction

2. A Brief insight on Effective Communication

3. The need to effectively communicate

4. The Process of improving my skill

5. Challenges of Self Improvement in effectively communicating

6. Conclusion

7. References


1. Introduction

2. Hurdles being faced by contemporary Operations managers

3. Evaluating the potential challenges an incoming operations manager will face in Aggreko PLC

4. Conclusion

5. References

6. Appendix

This section is a reflection on my chosen skill that requires development in the course

of taking the strategic operations management and operational research module at the

University of South Wales. When I learned of this requirement, I made the decision to enhance

my communications skills, as this aspect was where I felt I was deficient. The objective of

improving this skill was to enhance my work proficiency at my place of work - a

telecommunications company where I am part of the sales team tasked with stimulating

purchases from the organization's customers through the effective use of communication.

The ability to use effective communication to achieve planning, organizing

coordinating, controlling, and other management functions is well documented (Radovic-

Markovic and Salamzadeh, 2018). Furthermore, those organizations that have reached a level

of success are described as those where the importance of communication is understood by

organizational leaders and managers (Politi and Street, 2011). This view is held by others who

noted the ability for a positive climate to be created at the workplace when effective

communication is fostered, leading to the better attainment of the organization's goals, as well

as the individual's personal goals (Morley et al., 2002). Additional advantages of effective

communication within an organization include enhancing its productive capabilities, its

innovative level, fostering an improved working atmosphere, and facilitating the development

of trust (Hargie, 2016).

All this literary evidence brings me to the realization that effectively communicating in

an organization can take an organization to an unprecedented level of productivity including

facilitating the development of interrelationships. My organization will ultimately determine

my effectiveness at discharging my duties through the value I can generate from my customer

relationships by ensuring they increasingly patronize the organization. The ability to achieve

this comes from value promotion and being able to communicate effectively with customers

about the products and services being offered by the organization. Another way that indicates

the success of my endeavor will revolve around my ability to engage with potential clients,
being able to pinpoint what they need and subsequently, bringing the awareness of this to the

management team to ensure appropriate decisions are taken. This reflection thus contains a

discussion on my goal to improve my ability at communicating effectively, and how I feel I

have been able to achieve this.


Getting a firm handle on what communication entails is imperative in the aim to

develop a mastery of the concepts of effective communication. In this regard, Shonubi and

Akintaro (2016, p. 1905) define it as a process dealing with the information exchange and its

grasp, often involving more than one individual with the objective to influence or motivate

people's behavior. In more simple terms, it is a process where a sender exchanges ideas with a

receiver using a means, leading to both developing a shared meaning (Nebo et al., 2015). It has

however been stated that along with ideas transfer, feelings and thoughts (verbal and non-

verbal) are also part of the transfer process (Genç, 2017).

Similarly, communicating effectively has been described as a situation involving

information transfer to the intended recipient, and the reaction displayed as envisaged

according to Akram (2011). My understanding of this is the need to channel information in a

simple, precise, and direct manner notwithstanding the method, to achieve the effectiveness of

communication (Genç, 2017, p. 1). Overall, one has to prioritize certain factors for one to

communicate effectively. The factors include adaptability, compatibility, smoothness, and

positive outcomes (Robbins et al., 2010).

The position of Bucăţa and Rizescu (2017) on achieving effective communication by

putting it into practice is one I agree with wholeheartedly. Relating this to the corporate world,

I have come to understand that one has to first develop a grasp of communication, and how it

operates both on a personal and organizational level, along with identifying those impediments

to the smooth flow of communication if improvements are to be recorded. (Radovic- Markovic

and Salamzadeh, 2018). This line of thinking is valid in my opinion, as the ability to
communicate effectively can be improved significantly through constant interaction between

the sender and the receiver, in my case, these include my customers, my co-workers, and

management staff.

A vivid description of an effective communication process was painted by Radovic-

Markovic and Salamzadeh (2018).

 This starts with the sender of the idea;

 Then the encoding process is used in converting into a message from the idea sent,

entailing the framing of the message in a manner that it is understood by the message


 Then it is transmitted;

 Followed by a decoding process where the receiver interprets the message received;

 The receiver then sends feedback to the one that sent it based on how effective the

communication was. For communication to be termed effective means feedback has to be


Figure 1: Communication System Model (Source: Radovic-Markovic and Salamzadeh, 2018)


My admiration for speakers who brave the anxiety and tension to stand in front of a

large audience to pass their message, hoping to receive positive outcomes knows no bound.
The decision to however improve my ability to effectively communicate arose from being

assigned the role of a team leader to oversee a team. The role involved the supervision of sales

staff in my organization to achieve the organization's marketing objectives. This role means I

had to employ different communication methods to achieve the objectives of this role.

Methods used include regular meetings and communications with team members using social

media platforms, physical meetings, and different technological devices. In line with this, it

was observed that achieving effective communication involves certain factors such as making

the appropriate choice of communication channels, possessing the required technical

competence to employ such changes in the presentation mode to the intended recipient, and the

feedback decoding ability (Kaushik, 2011, p. 1). This entails prioritizing communicating

effectively through multiple channels, over the ability to speak publicly, though it still

maintains the dream to develop the competency and confidence to speak before a large

audience (Bucăţa, and Rizescu, 2017).

However, my major goal of attempting to enhance my ability to communicate

effectively is borne out of the desire to improve the conversion rate of customers, as this

entails effectively communicating the benefits of patronizing my organization's products and

services. This position aligns with what obtains in some studies such as that of Krizanova et al.

(2019) which highlighted the supplementary effect of effective communication to marketing in

developing an emotional link with the consumer. The meaning of this is that customer

(prospective and existing) consolidation can be achieved through effective communication

(Kaushik, 2011). This is also my position as I have noticed from experience that

communicating effectively as a sales representative is key to enhancing sales and bringing in

new customers. This ability to improve the effectiveness of the marketing process is a driver in

my deliberate decision to ensure my ability to effectively communicate improves.

One other discovery I made on the benefit of effective workplace communication

includes its ability to ensure productivity is sustained and even maximized in an organization

(Nebo et al., 2015). This is seen in that the corporate objectives of an organization are enabled
through the ability to effectively communicate them to employees; which in turn ensures

workplace interaction among employees is fostered; it also ensures customers' preferences can

be better understood; while also facilitating the achievement behavioral change.


I decided to emphasize three key areas in terms of enhancing my ability to

communicate effectively. They include my listening skills, expressive skills, and skills for

managing the overall process of communication (Kaushik, 2011). My desire to enhance these

skills is largely borne out of my realization that the expansion of my workplace role will bring

additional tasks and responsibilities, meaning being able to communicate effectively will

determine my ability to integrate and coordinate activities at multiple levels in the organization

(Radovic-Markovic and Salamzadeh, 2018). I have thus found that being able to improve all

the aforementioned aspects has had a direct effect on my workplace relationships (with co-

workers, customers, and the management team).

4.1.1 The process involved in the development of my expressive skills

The aspect of expressive communication skills entails the conveying of ideas, feelings,

and messages by using either verbal or non-verbal communication means. I took the extra step

of enhancing my vocabulary to ensure interactions with customers and colleagues improved.

The effect of using certain phrases and sentences also became clearer to me in my interactions

with customers, colleagues, and the management team. Examples include "thank you",

"please", and "how may I assist you?". Additionally, positive outcomes have been derived

from making eye contact with people (Radovic-Markovic and Salamzadeh, 2018). Other

aspects that have contributed to this growth include prioritizing non-verbal means of

communication. Examples include positive body language, always wearing a smile, conveying

sympathy, etc (Kaushik, 2011). Providing constructive criticism to my team members is one

key improvement I have also made, rather than criticizing them destructively.
4.1.2 The Process of Developing my Listening Skills

One other key aspect of developing the ability to communicate effectively is the ability

to listen. This is because it facilitates the development of an improved connection, fosters

comprehension, and provisions the right responses and solutions. In support of this stance, it

was noted that having a good ability to listen enables one to better understand the feelings and

thoughts of others according to Kaushik (2011). I can say I better understand the cues and

gestures of others through attentiveness to more details and by maintaining eye contact. In

particular, the importance of nonverbal can't be overstated as it possesses the capacity to

develop an insight into the mind of someone speaking (Radovic-Markovic, 2011).

4.1.3 Developing Skills for Managing the Communication Process

In importing my skills to communicate effectively, I have decided to openly

communicate, to ensure teamwork, creativity, and openness are fostered. This was adopted on

the basis of the model of effective communication by Kaushik (2011). The model emphasizes

contagiousness, credibility, connection, and comprehension. These 4Cs are used in evaluating

various communication means in marketing, business, and politics (Kaushik, 2011).

i. Comprehension

My previous method involved the delivery of grandiose expressions and vocabulary to

impress, rather than be simple and clear in messaging. I have discarded this meaningless

grandstanding and adopted an approach that ensures customers and colleagues receive the

message in clear and simple terms. This has led to a change in my communication method

with the provision of values to customers in clear and simple terms being the priority. The

adoption of repetition strategies has also been quite effective in passing messages I need to

ii. Connection

Being able to simulate new actions and behaviors from the targets is what is involved

in the connection (Kaushik, 2011). This aspect has proven to be key to me in my marketing

campaigns, due to my ability to employ value propositions to satisfy customer preferences and

wants. Connecting with consumers is a necessity if the objective of the sales rep is to invoke

passion and excitement in them. The method to fulfilling this goal is to ensure the preferences

and needs of my customers are met and satisfied. When the preferences of customers are

understood, then one can send the appropriate message that meets those preferences (Kumar

and Petersen, 2005).

iii. Credibility

Communicating effectively necessitates trust. I have made sure I don't make

commitments that can't be fulfilled. Rather, than over-commit myself with promises that can't

be kept, I don't promise and surprise the customer by over-delivering. My customers have

guarantees of my credibility as a result of this.

iv. Contagiousness

Contagiousness was described as giving audiences messages that are energetic and

innovative, leading to emotional reactions and responses being displayed (Kaushik, 2011). My

clients can benefit from solution-driven and customer-centric products and services, which is

the method I have adopted to achieve contagiousness. I have rather chosen to make the

preferences of my customers a priority, instead of achieving my bottom lines. My customers

certainly appreciate this gesture, thus, providing me with additional motivation on the

appropriateness of my adopted approach.


I have a firm belief that we are shaped by impediments we encounter in the course of
our journey, which reinforces our mental capacity to be able to formulate appropriate answers

while appreciating the entire process. The achieving effective communication was significantly

impacted by the covid-19 pandemic in recent times. The most utilized method of integrating

with clients has always been seeing them in a face-to-face setting. However, the Coronavirus

constituted a stumbling block in this regard, as health measures were enacted that prevented

close contact, meaning alternatives had to be found to connect with customers. The way the

pandemic emerged means there were no warnings, meaning alternative options had to be

chosen, including ensuring proficiency is developed on the methods that were largely

dependent on technology. This created an impediment, especially in this part of the world and

other emerging counties that are plagued with issues of poor infrastructure and technical

drawbacks. The ability to communicate effectively was thus slightly impeded, due to the shift

to virtual connectivity from traditional face-to-face meetings.


In conclusion, the focus of this essay was a reflection on how I was able to improve my

chosen skill - effective communication in the encouraged taking the skills the strategic

operations management and operational research module. Going through different studies on

communicating effectively was illuminating. One of the main highlights was that the

effectiveness of communication is dependent on information or idea being channeled and

transferred to the intended recipient without a loss of meaning. Another is that anyone can

enhance their ability to communicate through practice and an appropriate level of commitment.

Improving my expressive skills, and listening skills in particular were aspects I paid

special attention to while trying to develop and enhance my communication skills.

Consequently, my ability to pass a message or an idea to a target audience using both verbal

and non-verbal skills has greatly improved. The non-verbal aspect, in particular, stood out with

more emphasis on making eye contact, wearing the right smile, and other gestures in the

course of communicating with colleagues, customers, and superiors.

Finally, another aspect I have noticed significant improvement is in my workplace

relationships as a result of the improvement in my ability to communicate effectively. I am

more empathetic in my dealings with others, choosing to criticize constructively and

communicate with others in an open approach. The 4Cs of communication have been

influential in this regard. Overall, developing this skill, which is critical to operations

management will impact me professionally and personally.


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This section involves an analysis of an operations manager's job description and the

potential operational issues operations managers the world over the face in the course of

discharging their duties.

Irrespective of the industry, whether manufacturing or service-based, every

organization has to deal with the issue of minimizing costs, enhancing efficiency, and

maximizing profits while ensuring customers are provided with value and quality products

and services (Levinthal and Wu, 2010). As such, they are always on the hunt for the most

efficient methods possible for converting resources into value. This process where value is

created for customers by managing transformational systems and processes is what was

referred to by Bellgran and Säfsten (2009) as operations management. This is similar to

definitions from others, one such which defines it as the cohesive synchronization of systems

variables and systems to derive activities and processes used to create value for consumers

and the firm (McFarlane, 2014, p. 26).

It is the responsibility of the operations manager to plan and control the

aforementioned systems and processes to produce goods and services. The achievement of

the organizational objectives and customer preferences is facilitated by the operations

manager through the creation and addition of value at an appropriate purchase, production,

and distribution cost. The OM coordinates processes, systems, and people using available

resources to achieve this (McFarlane, 2014, p. 27).

This entails making decisions and engaging in activities in a timely manner due to the issues

with the supply chain in a complex and dynamic business environment as part of the OM's

role which ends in products/service design (Peinado et al., 2018). In the long run, such

decisions taken by the OM will affect the firm's productivity and financial bottom line
(Gembalska-Kwiecień et al., 2018). However, it is imperative that the strategy of the firm

and the OM's designs are aligned. For example, the quality of products may need to be

sacrificed for the purpose of adopting cost-minimization strategies, as such strategies may

contain costly tradeoffs (Heizer et al., 2017).

Nonetheless, it is necessary to retain operations strategies that are sustainable, and

competitive, in line with the constantly changing environment, so values can be fostered and

generated for customers.

Given this brief backdrop, this report examined the job description of operations managers

and the challenges they face in the course of discharging their duties.

This section of the report is divided into 4 chapters with the first being an introduction, but

second, being a discussion on the impediments contemporary operations managers face, and

the third providing an analysis of what an operations manager face at Aggreko Plc. The

fourth and final chapter is the conclusion of the report.


The job of a contemporary operations manager in the present business environment

includes coordinating people and systems using limited resources while utilizing diverse

channels for distributing the created products and services to meet the preferences and

yearnings of the diverse customer base (McFarlane, 2014). The quest by OMs the world over

to be both effective and efficient in terms of operations is however compounded by the

frequently shifting business environment with regard to issues in delivery, resource

constraints, quality control, and knowledge gaps (Krajewski et al., 2013). Achieving a

balance is possible though for the operations manager between process and strategy by

practically applying OM theories to managing activities and outputs. Such theories as Total

Quality Management, Lean thinking, Six Sigma and others must be completely understood

and appreciated for values to be created for both the business and its customer base
(McFarlane, 2014). Notwithstanding, the immense nature of this endeavor, it is a necessity

for building and sustaining competitive advantages (Gembalska-Kwiecień et al., 2018).

Furthermore, it is necessary for productivity, cost-effectiveness, and efficiency to be

delivered by the operations manager not minding the frequent shift in the environment with

its ever-dwindling resources and increased agitation from consumers in terms of preferences

(Krajewski et al., 2013). It is also imperative that operations managers be proactive in

anticipating potential changes in the demands of consumers, in the market, the political,

economic, and social environments, and consequently formulate practices and systems in

line with such changes (McFarlane, 2014).

Several impediments were highlighted by Jacobs and Chase (2018) in operations and

supply chain management, which is such a dynamic field. These challenges include managing

the consumer touchpoints, optimizing the global production, supply, and distribution

networks, coordinating relationships between separate organizations that are mutually

supportive, and bringing the knowledge of operations and supply chain management as a vital

weapon of competition to upper management. Many other impediments to the work of the

operations manager have also been highlighted to include problems surrounding technology

and sustainability, knowledge management, globalization, and effective communication

(Kleindorfer et al., 2005; Olsen and Tomlin, 2020). Krajewski et al. (2013) identified global

competitiveness, the time and growing service sector, changes being experienced in

productivity, and technological changes as some of the impediments contemporary operations

manager encounter. Given all these issues, being savvy as an operations manager is perhaps

the best way to navigate the impediments and be able to position the organization for success.

Heizer et al. (2017) highlighted six impediments specifically to the work of any

contemporary operations manager. They include:

I. Globalization

In the course of operations, OMs have to navigate the forces of competition in the
world of business. This is even worse given the technological advances that have made the

world such a small and borderless place. Given this, resources such as labor, capital,

materials, and others have become increasingly competitive on a global level. It is thus

necessary for OMs to seek creative design, high-standard products, and efficiency through

international collaborations (Heizer et al., 2017, p. 19).

II. Collaboration in the Supply-chain

It is imperative for collaborative efforts to be put in place by operations managers

with regard to resources for catering to customers given the frequent changes in technology,

materials, processes, the shorter life cycle of products, and rising demands in customers'

preferences (Heizer et al.,2017). Developing increased effectiveness and robustness in the

products supply chain and distribution of resources by OMs is however required for

sustainability to be ensured, given the frequent changes in the global, Industry environment

and the markets (McFarlane, 2014).

III. Sustainability

Another major battle operations managers need to fight is the one to ensure their

products' designs and processes are ecologically sustainable to guarantee improved

productivity (Kleindorfer et al., 2005). This has led to green products that have minimal

resource use, can be recycled, and reused, and are generally friendly to the environment being


IV. Rapid Development of Products

In the contemporary business world, operations managers are using more

partnerships, digital technology, new structures of management, and more responsive and

effective alliances. The competitiveness in the industry and market has however been

magnified as a result of technological advancements and rapid innovation. Consequently,

OMs need to take advantage of these technological advancements to develop quality and

cutting-edge products and services that satisfy the yearnings of consumers.

V. Mass Customization

Given that operations managers are the ones who supervise the process of production,

the need to respond rapidly and innovate products that meet the yearnings of consumers is

imperative. OMs however find it challenging to satisfy the unique expectations of consumers

using customization of products where and when required.

VI. Lean Operations

Another contemporary issue that plagues OMs is the need to maintain their business

competitiveness using the lean operations model. The motivating idea on which operational

efficiency is based is lean thinking, which involves the elimination of waste, and ensuring

happy customers and respected employees. OMs aren't just saddled with developing efficient

businesses, they are also tasked with enriching jobs in the organization to ensure employee

improvement including facilitating products and services production and delivery at the place

and time they are needed, taking the preferences of consumers into consideration (Heizer et

al., 2017).



The challenges listed above are the general challenges almost every operation

manager has to deal with. The ones highlighted in this section are however specific to an

operation manager employed at Aggreko Plc.

3.1 Technical Challenges:

It is a foregone conclusion that an incoming operations manager at Aggreko plc must

possess strong technical and managerial skills given how technical the work at the

organization is. The operations manager's work at Aggreko will involve the management of

information, equipment, and technology added to being taken with managing the technical

staff, team leads, and service engineers. This means he/she will need to be adept at

technology and engineering and have competence in technical aspects of the company

operations. The technical requirements of the work of an OM were highlighted in the

literature, where it observed the need to apply scheduling techniques that are both technical

and mathematical and will require the utilization of lean systems and decision-making

analysis models (McFarlane, 2014). It is also imperative that an understanding of the

processes (supply chain, forecasting, supply chain management, scheduling, etc) and theories

that will facilitate value and quality, as well as efficient resources management in the

organization, be developed by the incoming operations manager.

Given that Aggreko has to provide users all over the African continent with power

solutions and energy, the operations manager faces an immense challenge with regard to the

technology base of the organization. The work entails getting a grasp on managing multiple

sites, what maintaining and operating generating sets entails, being able to read and

understand mechanical drawings, technical manuals, and so forth. Furthermore, he/she needs

to have an eye for talented people and how to coarse optimal productivity out of them.

3.1.1 Suggestions for remedying Technical Challenges

Dealing with the aforementioned technical issues in Aggreko will require an

operations manager that is adept technically and with experience and knowledge of

operations management. It is imperative that development be continuous while ensuring the

daily integration of theories into practice (Sanders, 2014). Additionally, the OM must have

the capacity at adapting to emerging concepts, innovations, and technologies given the
constant theoretical and practical changes. The operations manager needs to maintain an open

mind in terms of ideas and innovations, given the dynamism and innovative nature of the

energy industry (Olsen and Tomlin, 2020).

3.2 Communication Challenges:

Managing operations in Aggreko plc, just like any other organization requires a

communication which is a crucial aspect due to the constant communications and interfacing

that takes place with technical staff, suppliers, customers, and others (Hargie et al., 1999).

This means the language of the operation needs to be fluently spoken by the OM, in addition

to being adept at communicating in a manner that fosters decision-making toward value

optimization for the firm's clients (McFarlane, 2014). One significant issue the successful

candidate will likely encounter will involve how to navigate the problem of "informal"

technicians, who possess no formal education despite having technical know-how. This

category of employees doesn't have the requisite knowledge to utilize mechanical drawings

and other technical resources for making work processes simpler. This is what presently

obtains in many developing economies. Taking charge of a workforce with such diversity and

successfully managing them will require the operations manager to possess robust

communication and interpersonal skills. The incoming OM has to also take on the

responsibility of communicating the strategy and vision of Aggreko Plc. The OM must

embody the organization's strategies, be they reduction of waste and sustainable solutions,

quality at all times mindset, or strategies to minimize cost.

3.2.1 Suggestions on remedying challenges of communication

The operations manager has to devise communication strategies that will ensure the

delivery of the right message to his team and other stakeholders in the organization and

outside it. The adopted methods and means of communication have to be effective, and the

OM must ensure the work atmosphere is conducive to communicating without mistrust, fear,
or shame. This will facilitate creativity, and open communication, ensure the workplace is

innovative-friendly, and a place where they are free flow of ideas and learning, leading to

enhanced productivity (Genç, 2017).

3.3 Ensuring Lean and Green Operations:

The tasks the operations manager in Aggreko plc will take on is an enormous one that

includes the elimination of processes that are unproductive, and waste, in addition to ensuring

the organizational objectives with regards to CSR, and profitability are attained (Kleindorfer

et al., 2005). Sustainability has to be the main focus of the incoming operations manager, as

this has been revealed to have a significant positive effect on organizational success. The

operations need to implement a culture based on lean operations which means the

organization can reduce waste, and improve the quality of products all while improving value

for customers. Additionally, he/she must foster sustainability so the lives of people and the

business environment can improve. With regard to this, the challenge for the OM involves

developing a synergy between lean and green operations which is targeted at improving

environmental practices and quality improvement (Pil and Rothenberg, 2003). There appears

to be a consensus among practitioners and academics with regard to operations management

that generating cost-effective and sustainable global supply will require green operations

management so the increasing needs of customers in the aspect of cost and flexibility can be

satisfied, while also safeguarding resources for the future (Gunasekaran and Irani, 2014, p.


3.3.1 Suggestions

Improving performances with regard to the environment has been suggested as

capable of leading to an increase in productivity efforts at the factory level, leading to

revenue and market share expansion (Klassen, 2001 Delmas, 2001). The incoming OM has to
ensure a synergy between the least operators and practices in the organization that is targeted

at minimizing costs, while concurrently producing eco-friendly power solutions. Competitive

strategies need to be adopted by the incoming OM to meet the preference of clients by

providing them with clean and cheap energy sources. This means the OM has to embrace

strategies that use cleaner and cheaper energy sources that are based on lean operations. Other

measures that guarantee sustainability such as green partnerships, green procurement, and

green supply chain can be employed by the OM.

3.4 Empowering Employees

It is the responsibility of the operations manager to find and recruit talent for the

organization. The OM faces the difficult challenge of ensuring the organization has the pull to

not just bring in competent workers but to be able to retain them for the long term as well.

This is especially important as the pool of talent is constricted given the number of companies

striving to recruit them in the market. Furthermore, empowering employees is critical for the

OM about motivation, leadership roles, knowledge, and confidence, this will make them

fulfilled and satisfied (Heizer et al., 2017). The organization has demonstrated its

commitment to ensuring employees' potential is fully developed (Aggreko Plc, 2019), hence,

the incoming OM needs to prioritize this as part of his functions. The OM also has the

responsibility of ensuring employees are trained and rewarded appropriately.

3.4.1 Suggestions

Subordinates can be led and mentored by the incoming operations manager when

he/she encourages them and supports their development. The OM needs to put together

training periodically to provide continuous knowledge and development to the employees.

With time availability, the periods for holding such training can be bi-monthly or weekly, or

another convenient time frame, which will serve as means for employee bonding and
socialization. This method can facilitate knowledge transfer among team members within

Aggreko plc, leading to the employees developing a close working relationship.

3.5 Utilizing Innovation to deliver Solutions to Customers

Globally, operations managers have to confront the challenge of obtaining market

leadership and gaining a competitive edge through the use of innovative methods (Jacobs and

Chase, 2018). This means savviness and Innovativeness need to be displayed by the

operations manager given the market dynamism and the benefits and disadvantages of rapid

technological advancement. In terms of managing inventories, global positioning systems

(GPS), and radio frequency identification (RFID) can now be used by OMs to monitor

inventories in real time, causing an inventory management transformation (Sanders, 2014).

Furthermore, failing to keep up with the trends in technology can create disastrous outcomes

for OMs, notwithstanding the advantages it provided businesses with (Sanders, 2014).

It is also expected that the trend in consumer demands needs to be constantly

monitored by OMs, in order to make the necessary adjustments. Innovativeness mustn't be

limited only to ensuring the organization saves cost, but must encompass satisfying the

preferences of customers.

3.5.1 Suggestions

Overcoming this challenge will require the OM to promote innovation by developing

a customer-centric work environment. He/she can also utilize communication design thinking

and problem resolution to surmount the issue (Sanders, 2014). Additionally, the incoming

operations manager needs to develop a grasp of the country’s market dynamics, the

preferences of consumers with the segment of the market he/she will be responsible for as

well as the suitable products/services for his/her area of deployment.


In conclusion, the focus of this report was on an operations manager's job description

generally and as an operations manager in Aggreko Plc, an energy, and power solution

provider in Africa.

The general challenges faced by operations managers globally were discussed briefly while

significant attention was on the challenges an incoming operating manager will face in

Aggreko plc. The incoming operations manager at Aggreko plc will be taken with providing

customers with energy solutions and overseeing the technical staff, including their

development. The report established that given the number of hurdles that stands in the path

of the incoming operations manager, one significant method he/she can employ in

surmounting the challenges into developing a working environment that encourages

innovation, creativity, and invention. The operations manager can facilitate this by fostering

open communication and teamwork among his/her subordinates.

The report also established that employing sustainable practices that include green initiatives

are some approaches that won't just protect the environment, but also customers are provided

with clean and efficient energy solutions. The incoming operations manager can also improve

his/her organization's brand image, as well as enhance customer loyalty through the

implementation of lean practices which reduces waste, adds value, and ensures sustainability.

Finally, the incoming operations manager can confront and surmount the potential challenges

he/she is likely to encounter through the promotion of a culture that fosters communication,

innovation, Sustainability, teamwork, and efficiency.


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Location: Lagos, Nigeria

Job Type: Operations Manager at

Aggreko Plc

About Aggreko PLC

The company Aggreko plc is the world's biggest power generator. The equipment it supplies

is for controlling temperature. The headquarters of the organization is in Glasgow, Scotland.

Job Overview

 The chosen candidate will be tasked with overseeing, directing, and supervising

operational staff which includes leads of service teams, technicians, and engineers.

Ensuring maintenance of QHSE compliance across every one of the organization's sites,

as well as ensuring a safety culture is instilled in every employee is another responsibility

the chosen candidate will take on. Additionally, client relationship management will be

another one of the responsibilities the chosen candidate will be required to take on.


 Planning and delivery of operations on site, and facilitating uptime commitments are received by

clients by ensuring the availability of equipment, manpower, and parts.

 Oversee engagement and reviews with customers.

 Track and close every client-assigned site-related issue.

 Ensure provision of required resources for completing compliance with service forecast.

 Develop and execute management strategies.

 Provide area sales team with technical support through regular site visits.

 Install measures for saving costs with regard to logistics, and personnel.

 Provide quarterly and monthly updates and reports to the Area Operations Manager.

 Ensure the timely delivery of production reports.

 Ensure compliance with the working hours policy.


 Manage safety reports about discussion and reportage.

 Ensure compliance with every policy on sites, and ensuing HSE policy is adhered with.

 Ensure employees receive safety training such as first aid, defensive driving, and


 Ensure personnel and contractors follow site safety policies and procedures to guarantee a

safe working environment.

Talent development

 Ensure the training and certification of every staff.

Required Skills / Knowledge

 Experienced in managing teams and developing competent staff.

 Possesses the capacity to read, and interpret technical resources.

 Has experience in site management.

 Experienced in resource planning and prioritization.

 Skilled in interpersonal and communication.

 Fluent in the English language.

 Has the capacity to bring out the best in employees.


Has to experience managing teams in the execution of projects. A minimum of 5 years of

experience is required.

Education Requirements
B. Eng in Electrical or Mechanical engineering from a reputable University.

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