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Computer Class III

Chapter no 1: Introduction to Computer

Answer the following questions:
Q1)- What is a computer?
Ans)- Computer is an electronic machine which receives data as
input, and gives results as output.
Q2)- In which field we are using computers ?
Ans)- We are using computers in different fields like science,
engineering, education, medical, industries, communication etc.
Q3)- What does a computer use to store data internally ?
Ans)- To store data internally, it uses microchips .
Q4)-What does a computer use to store data externally ?
Ans) To store data externally , it uses floppy disk, hard disk, or
Q5)- What calculation can a computer do?
Ans)- Computer can perform calculation. It can do addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Q6)- How can a computer print data or information ?
Ans)- Computer can print data or information with the help of
Q7)- How can a computer draw pictures and diagrams ?
Ans)- Computer can draw pictures and diagrams with the help of
drawing software.
Q8)- How computer can edit videos ?
Ans)- A computer can edit videos with the help of special
Q9)- What type of facilities you can get through the internet ?
Ans)- With the help of Internet you can send and receive e-mails
and messages, do chatting and browsing; and collect any type of
information you need at your doorstep easily.

Work sheet #1
Q1.Write T for true statement and F for false. cannot do any job quickly and easily.F
2.Computer can perform calculation. T
3.We cannot draw any pictures on computer. F game is a software which provides the facility to play a
5.Computer cannot connect you to the world through the

Q2.fill in the blanks :

1) Computer is a highly Complex machine.
2) Computer can do any job quickly , easily and accurately.
3) Computer can Store data or information.
4) Printer prints data very Fast.
5) Computer can change the Shape, size and color of a
picture or diagram.
6) Video game is a software.
7) To play music or movies, your computer must have a
CD or DVD drive.
8) Computer can connect you to the world through the

Q3.Label the diagram

Chapter no 2: History of computer.

Q1. Who is called the father of computer?
Ans: Charles Babbage was the father of the computer.
Q2.Name the two devices invented by Charles Babbage?
Ans: Names of the two devices are:
Difference Engine and Analytical Engine.
Q3. What is meant by tabulating machine?
Ans: Tabulating means to arrange the numbers in a tabular
Q4. Who invented the tabulating machine?
Ans: Herman Hollerith .
Q5. Which type of device was the tabulating machine?
Ans: It was a mechanical device and worked with the help of
Q6. How data was stored on punched cards?
Ans: Data was stored on these cards in rows and columns in
the forms of tiny holes.

Work sheet #2
Write T for true statement and F for false.
1.Herman Hollerith invented the tabulating
machine. T
2. Tabulating machine is a mechanical device and
worked with the help of electricity. T
3. In 1833 Charles Babbage invented his first
computer . F
4. Charles Babbage was the father of computer. T
Fill in the blanks:
1. Charles Babbage was an English mathematician.
2. Difference engine was invented in 1882.
3. In 1833, Analytical engine was invented.
4. Analytical engine was a general purpose computer.
5. Charles Babbage is called the father of the computer.
6. Tabulating machine was invented in 1887.
7. Punched cards were made up of card board.

Complete the puzzle.

Chapter no 3: Classification of computer

Q1. What type of work can general purpose computers

Ans: General purpose computers can performs nearly all sort
of work. They help in writing letters or applications and can
draw the pictures and diagrams.
Q2. What does a general purpose computer need to perform
a job?
Ans: A general purpose computer needs software according to
the nature of the job .
Q3. What type of work can special purpose computers do?
Ans: Special purpose computers can do only one type of job.
Q4. Where are the software built-in in special purpose
Ans: The software to perform that specific job are built-in in
their circuits.
Q5. How are the special purpose computers operated?
Ans: These computers are operated by simply pressing few
buttons provided on them.

Work sheet #3
Label the diagram
Write T or F for each of the following statements:
1. General purpose computers can perform only one job. F
2. Special purpose computers are used in aeroplane. T
3. Video games can be played on general purpose computers.
4. Special purpose computers can write letters and
applications. F
5. Computer needs software to do any job. T

Chapter no 4: Parts Of Computer

Answer the following questions:
Q1)- Classify the computer devices ?
Ans: These devices can be classified as:
- Input Devices.
- Processing Devices.
- Output Devices.
- Secondary Storage Media / Devices.

Q2)- What are the main parts of a computer ?

Ans: A computer system has four main parts:
1. Keyboard.
2. Mouse .
3. Central Processing Unit .
4. Monitor.
Q3)- Define keyboard ?
Ans: Keyboard is an input device. It is used to enter data into the
Q4)- Define mouse?
Ans: Mouse is a small pointing input device .
Q5)- What is Central Processing Unit ?
Ans: Central Processing Unit is like the brain of the computer.
Q6)- How does central processing unit perform its work?
Ans: It receives data from input devices, processes it and sends
the results to output devices.
Q7)- Define memory unit?
Ans: Memory unit consists of a microchip which is called RAM . it
is like a store room of a computer.
Q8)- What are the functions of arithmetic and logic unit?
Ans: It perform all the mathematical calculations like addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division.
Q9)- What are the functions of control unit?
Ans: Control unit works like a traffic police man. It directs and
controls the traffic of data, It also controls all the equipment of
the computer system.
Q10)- Draw the block diagram of a computer system?

Q11)- Define monitor?

Ans: Monitor is an output device. It is like a TV screen and it
shows data in the form of alphabets, numbers and pictures on
its screen.

Fill in the blanks

a. Computer system performs its work with the help of its
b. CPU stands for Central process unit.
c. Central processing unit is like the brain of a computer.
d. MU stands memory unit.
f. Memory unit is like a store room of a computer.
g. ALU stands for arithmetic and logic unit.
h. ALU is like calculator.
i. CU stands for control unit.
j. Cu works like a traffic police.
k. Black and white monitor is also called old monitor.
l. The output of color monitor is in screen

Write T for true statement and F for false

1.mouse is a small pointing device. T
2.keyboard in an autput device . F
3.central processing unit is like a brain of computer. T
4.Ram is a permanent memory. F
5.The CPU has three sub unit T

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