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Friday Tiết 10-12 (15h50h00-18h30), QH2020 CLC 1,3 304 HTM


Session Readings

1st Introduction to the course Reading

Chapter 1,
7/10/2022 Ch.1: Who is a leader and what skills do leaders
need? Presented by the Lecturer

2nd Ch2: Leadership traits and ethics, presented by the Reading

Lecturer Chapter 2,
3rd Ch3: Leadership Behaviors and Motivation; Reading
Presented by the Lecturer Chapter 3,
4th Ch4: Contingency leadership theories, Presented Reading
by Group 1 Chapter 4,
5th Ch5: Influencing: Power, politics, networking and Reading
negotiation, presented by Group 2 Chapter 5,
6th Ch6: Communication, coaching and conflict skills, Reading
presented by Group 3 Chapter 6,
7th Ch7: Leader-member Exchange and Followership, Reading
presented by Group 4 Chapter 7,
8th Ch8: Team leadership and self-managed teams, Reading
presented by Group 5 Chapter 8,
9th Ch9: Charismatic and transformational leadership, Reading
presented by Group 6 Chapter 9,

10th Ch10: Leadership of culture, ethics and diversity, Reading

presented by Group 7 Chapter 10,

11th Ch11: Strategic leadership and change Reading
management, presented by Group 8 Chapter 11,
12th Ch12: Crisis leadership and the learning Reading
organization, presented by Group 9 Chapter 12,
13th Leader Profile presentation Group 1, 2, 3
14th Leader Profile presentation Group 4,5,6
15th Leader Profile presentation Group 7,8,9

Attendance and participation: 10%
Group assignment: The Leader profile (10%)
Requirement: Each group will conduct a research on a specific leader that is
assigned by the lecturer and make a presentation in the class. The students
should apply theoretical understanding from this course in doing this exercise.
The profile should describe the becoming of that leaders, how that leader leads
and change/achievements they made.
The leader profile may cover the following topics: The childhood and growth,
personal traits, leadership styles, ethical qualities, achievements etc. The group
needs to submit a report in .pdt form to “Group Assignment Report”. The report
should be about 2000 words and has a cover page.
Each group should present their Leader Profile in class. Time duration for
presentation: 20-25 minutes. Timing for the presentation is indicated in Class
Group number Name of the leader
Group 1 Ông Trương Gia Bình, Chủ tịch FPT
Group 2 Bà Mai Kiều Liên, chủ tịch Vinamilk
Group 3 Ông Nguyen Đức Tài, Chủ tịch TTDD
Group 4 Ông Phạm Nhật Vượng, Chủ tịch Vingroup
Group 5 Ông Bill Gate
Group 6 Ông Đỗ Minh Phú, Chủ tịch Tập đoàn DOJI
Group 7 Đại tướng Võ Nguyên Giáp
Group 8 Adolf Hitler
Group 9 Joseph Stalin

Group Chapter Presentation (replaced for the Midterm Exam): 20%

Requirements: Each group will be assigned a chapter in the Textbook of the
course. The purpose of the presentation is to help all class members to learn the
chapter better. Therefore, the presenting group should be expert on what is
discussed in the chapter they presented. The group needs to read the chapter
several times and make sure that you have good understanding of the chapter.
To gain fluency, group member should rehearse before conducting the
presentation. All group members should join the oral presentation. Each
presentation should be 30-40 minutes, followed by a discussion session when
class members raise related questions and the presenting group responses to
the questions. The presentation itself should include three parts, namely
introduction, main body and summary. The group should utilize the provided
slides. The group can modify the slides provided but it should make sure the
modifications improve the available slides.
Final examination: 60% (true/false, multiple choice and short-answered


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