LPE1 Eapp

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Teacher Ariel N. Alonsagay Grade 11

School John Paul College Subject EAPP
Date February Semester Second semester


 The learner understands the principles and uses of a position paper.


 The learner presents a convincing position paper based on properly cited factual evidence.

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
a. Identify situations in which a position paper may be effectively used in our present
society and distinguish statement which supports the following claims.
b. Promote respectful opinions pertaining to a single issue.
c. Construct claims/stands or positions about certain social issues.
d. Write a position paper.
a. Topic: Writing a Position Paper
b. References:
Online references:
c. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, laptop, Flaglets, and Cut-outs.
d. Values: Cooperation, Attentiveness and Respect.

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

a. Prayer
Class, let us all stand and feel the
presence of the Lord. Thank you so much for this day, Lord. For all of
the blessings, love, and concern you have shown
us throughout our lives. We humble ourselves
before you and beg your forgiveness for the sins
we have committed against your will. We will
continue to seek your guidance and assistance.
Lord, thank you so much. In the name of Jesus
Christ, our Lord and Savior, we offer our humble
b. Greetings prayers. Amen
Good Morning Class!
“Good Morning Sir! Good Morning Classmate!”
c. Energizer
“This time, let’s all make our body active so I'd
like to invite you all to join me in an energizer (The students will participate in an energizer
dance to boost the positive vibes in our classroom. dance.)
Are you ready? Let's go!”
The teacher will show some easy dance steps and
the students will follow

“Are you now all energized, class?”

“Great!” “Yes, we are, Sir!”

d. Attendance
May I know who is absent today?

Very Good! Perfect attendance!

I am glad that all of you are present “None Sir”
today. It seems that everybody is
eager to learn.

e. Review
We have finished discussing Outlining Reading
Texts in Various Disciplines. Before we proceed
to our next lesson, can someone tell me what an
outline is? Yes___________?

“Sir, an outline is a map of your essay or a

“Very good!” blueprint. It shows what information each section
or paragraph will contain, and in what order.”
And what is the importance of an outline?
“Sir, it allows a writer to categorize the main
points, organize the paragraphs into an order that
makes sense, and make sure that each
“Exactly! Very nice.” paragraph/idea can be fully developed.”
What are the two types of an outline? Yes______?

“Great! I’m impressed with your understanding of “Sir, those are Sentence and Topic Outline”
our previous lesson.”

f. Motivation
Okay class, before move to our new topic, let’s
have some activity. Group yourselves into four
(the students will group themselves into 4)
(The teacher will distribute flaglets for each
group. The flaglets contain red, green and

Class do you want another game? Okay, this game

is called Traffic Lights Game. I have her class
flaglets colored red, orange, and green. Each of
your groups will be given a set. What the group
should do is that, you will select five members.
Each member is tasked to give his or her stand on
the issues that will be flashed on the screen. If the
member agrees, he will raise the green flaglet. If
he does not agree, raise the red one and if he is
undecided, he will raise the orange one. Each
representative should come forward and be ready
to defend his answer. I will randomly select a
representative to defend their answer. You are
only given 30 seconds to answer. Am I clear “Yes Sir!”
Okay, Let’s start!

Suggested Proposition:
 Homework should be banned during (The teacher will present the suggested
weekends. proposition and will call representatives from
different groups to explain why they agree or
 Cellphones should be banned in disagree with it.)
elementary and secondary schools.

 The wearing of uniforms should not be

compulsory in public schools.

 Annual drug tests should be administered

to all SHS students.

 Flag ceremony should be conducted every

day in schools.

Alright! I am amazed by all of your answers. It

is evident that you have different points of view.

A. Development Activities
1. Presentation
Okay, class, today's lesson will guide you in
organizing your beliefs and opinions on various
issues. And one way to express your viewpoint is
through a position paper.

So do you have any idea about what a position (students’ answers may vary)
paper is?

Amazing! That’s great. For further

understanding of our main topic for today, which
is the position paper. Let us all know what is it?

2. Discussion

A position paper is an essay that expresses a

position on an issue. It gives arguments that
support the opinion of the writer based on the
facts collected.
“Yes, Sir!”
Are you ready to express your opinion? And how
to organize your position paper?
(Students will listen attentively)
Follow these easy steps to develop your position
paper. This outline helps you organize your paper
as easily as 123.

In this part, you must introduce the topic, and then
provide the history or background of the issue.
You may also describe the issue on-hand so do
your research.

Provide evidence that supports your claim. Now
you state your second argument followed by your
third argument. Make sure to provide details that
support the argument given.

Now, you can restate both sides of the argument,
and summarize the three arguments made in your
essay. Lastly, provide a call for action.

Writing a Position Paper and Defending a

Stance on an Issue

The best way to defend your stand is to provide

supporting evidence which includes the following:

• Factual Knowledge – information that is

verifiable and agreed upon by almost everyone
• Statistical Inferences – interpretation and
examples of an accumulation of facts
• Informed Opinion – opinion developed through
research and/or expertise of the claim
• Personal Testimony – personal experience
related by a knowledgeable party

All of these essential parts play an important role

in writing a position paper. The outline below will
help you organized your ideas in one coherent

Position Paper Outline

I. Introduction
A. Introduce the issue.
B. Provide background on the issue.
C. Provide thesis statement on your stand of the

II. Body (the arguments/reasons)

A. Argument #1 of your claims
1. Give your opinion
2. Provide supporting evidence
B. Argument #2 of your claims
1. Give your opinion.
2. Provide support evidence.
C. Argument #3 of your claims
1. Give your opinion.
2. Provide support evidence.
D. Provide counterarguments against possible
weaknesses of your arguments.

III. Conclusion
A. Restate your argument.
B. Provide a plan of action

3. Application
The teacher will group the students into five (5). Directions: From the given issues, make at least
Each group will be given social issues and they two (2) claims/stand or position about it.
will construct a stand/claim/position about them.
Group 4: SMOKING
4. Generalization
Okay Class, from the discussion, what is a
position paper? “A position paper is an essay that expresses a
position on an issue. It gives arguments that
support the opinion of the writer based on the
facts collected.”

Exactly! And what are the outlines that will help

you to develop your paper? Sir, those are:
The Introduction
Body and
The conclusion.

Very nice! It seems that you listen carefully to our


5. Valuing
How important it is to express one's views on
pressing social issues in a democratic country like
the Philippines?

6. Evaluation
Directions: Identify the statement which supports
the following claims. Write the letter of your
choice on 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. Kids are super-spreaders of the Covid 19 virus.

A. Kids love chatting with friends.
B. A US study published in the Journal of
Pediatrics shows that children have higher levels
of virus compared to adults.
C. Children are required to wear masks.
D. Children needs not be vaccinated.

2. Pollution is seen as a major world problem.

A. Some of the lands disappearing beneath rising
B. The earth is considered the only planet in the
universe that supports life.
C. The word Environment is derived from the
French word “Environ” which means
D. People get water, power, and oxygen from the

3. Reforestation is a long-range answer to massive

A. The effects of tropical cycles include heavy
rain, strong wind, and large storm surges.
B. Strong typhoons can disrupt the power supply.
C. Forest serves to keep the water in the
D. Health facilities have been damaged due to
heavy flooding.

4. Mental health is not just a millennial’s issue or

senior citizens but for everyone.
A. A healthy lifestyle is not achieved overnight,
but we have to be consistent.
B. Fats are important for good health and proper
functioning of the body.
C. A high salt intake can result in high blood
pressure and increase the risk of cardiovascular
D. Being far from family alone, not knowing
where to get the family’s next meal, and other
nasty things on social media can trigger one’s

5. Digital technology played a key role as the

economy started reopening.
A. Developments in biotechnology could allow
anyone even amateur biologists, to develop a tool
that kills millions
B. Employees began working remotely and using
work collaboration tools to ensure
C. Data security is risky as digital technology can
be hacked, and transmitted in several ways.
D. People are now more into virtual
communication rather than cherishing what have
in real life.

7. Assignment/ Agreement

Write a three-paragraph essay stating your

position on the use of social media, will you
consider it as a boon or bane? Write it on 1 whole
sheet of paper.

Write your own title and it should have an

introduction part that captures the reader’s
attention, define the issue given and state your
claim. It also should have a body that states three
arguments then cite the evidence supporting your
arguments. Lastly, it should have a Conclusion
that includes restating your claim, summarizing
reasons, and explaining why your stand/claim is
worthy to read.

“That would be all for today. Goodbye

class! See you tomorrow.”
Prepared by:

Ariel N. Alonsagay
BSED- Major in English

Checked by:

Ma’am Lea G. Francisco-Subijano

Cooperating Teacher

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