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Computer Application for ME (Demonstration 3)

1. Open mastercam mill version
2. Enable cartesian plane by pressing f9
3. Locate the origin which is in (0,0) coordinates. Note that (coordinates written as (x,y)).
4. Make circle 1 with a radius of 1.000 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ
pt+radius, and input the radius which is 1 then press.
5. Make circle 2 with a radius of 1.500 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ
pt+radius, and input the radius which is 1.5 then press.
6. Make circle 3 with a radius of 2.6 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ pt+radius,
and input the radius which is 2.6 then press.
7. Create a horizontal construction line with any length by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Horizontal, Origin, and input the coordinates which are (5,2) and press enter.
8. Create a horizontal construction line with any length by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Horizontal, Origin, and input the coordinates which are (-5,1.973) and press enter.
9. Create a vertical construction line with any length by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Horizontal, Origin, and input the coordinates which are (0.8,5) and press enter.
10. Make a circle 4 with a radius of 0.360 at the intersec of horizontal and vertical
construction line by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Circ pt+radius, and input the
radius which is 0.360 then press.
11. Make a circle 5 with a radius of 0.420 tangent to the horizontal parallel line and
circle 4 by clicking Main menu, Create, Arc, Tangent, 2 entities and input the radius
which is 0.420 then click the entities which are horizontal line and circle 4 and click the
circle to keep.
12. Create a horizontal construction line with any length by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Horizontal, Origin, and input the coordinates which are (5, 1.973) and press enter.
13. Make a fillet with a radius of 0.5 from circle 4 to circle 5 by clicking Main menu,
Create, and Fillet. Connect the circle and the line.
14. Trim the parts that is not needed. And delete the construction lines
15. Create a vertical line downward tangent to circle 4 by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Tangent, Angle and input the angle of 90 and line length of 5 then click the line to
keep and press enter.
16. Trim the part of vertical line downward tangent to circle 4 that is not included by
clicking Main menu, Modify, Trim, 1 entity.
17. For the diagonal lines, click Main menu, Create, Line, Polar, Origin and input the line
angle 0f 130 degrees and a line length of 5.
18. Make a parallel of existing diagonal line by clicking Main menu, Create, Line,
Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the existing diagonal line and click it to left side with a
distance of 2.027 then press enter.
19. Make a horizontal line at the third quadrant with any length that can pass through
circle 3 by clicking Create, Line, Horizontal, and Origin. Input the coordinates which are
(-5,-0.6) then press enter.
20. Make another diagonal line below with an angle of 280 by clicking Main Menu,
Create, Line, Polar, Origin and input the line angle 0f 280 degrees and a line length of 5.
21. Make a parallel of existing diagonal line below by clicking Main menu, Create, Line,
Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the existing diagonal line and click it to left side with a
distance of 1.710 then press enter.
22. Trim and delete the line that is not needed.
23. Make a horizontal line below with any line length by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Horizontal, and Origin. Input the coordinates which are (5,-2) then press enter.
24. Make another horizontal line at the opposite side with any line length by clicking
Main menu, Create, Line, Horizontal, and Origin. Input the coordinates which are (-5,-2)
then press enter.
25. Make a parallel of both horizontal lines with a distance of 0.400 by clicking Main
menu, Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the horizontal line and click it below
with a distance of 0.400 then press enter.
27. Make a vertical line below with any line length that can pass through horizontal lines
by clicking Main menu, Create, Line, Vertical, and Origin. Input the coordinates which
are (-0.856, -5) then press enter.
28. Make a vertical line below with any line length that can pass through horizontal lines
by clicking Main menu, Create, Line, Vertical, and Origin. Input the coordinates which
are (1.100,-5) then press enter.
29. To make the full fillet, click Main menu, Create, Arc, Tangent, 3 ents/pts then click
the entities where to put the full fillet.
30. Trim the parts that not needed.
31. Make the fillet on the edges needed like circle 3 and 5 with a radius of 0.230. And
from circle 3 to the horizontal parallel line with a radius of 0.090. And a radius of 0.500
for diagonal line and horizontal parallel line.
32. To connect the lines broken, make a line with an angle of 310 degrees (an
extension line of lone with an angle of 130 degrees) by clicking Main menu, Create,
Line, Polar, Origin and input the angle of 310 degrees with a length of 5 and press
33. Make a parallel line of line with an angle of 310 degrees by clicking Main menu,
Create, Line, Parallel, and Side/Dist. Click the line and click it to the left side and input a
distance of 2.027 then press enter.
34. Make a fillet with a radius of 0.090 then trim and delete the lines that in not needed.

-----------------------------------------------------E N D--------------------------------------------------------

John Kaiser F. Cecilio

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