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Adolescents are more vulnerable to the academic issues since they are going through both personal and

social transitions. According to the National Institute for Mental Health (NIH) in Canada, knowing the
causes of stress would make it easier to create counseling modules and intervention techniques that are

This study will determine the relationship between student academic pressure and time management.
The study will answer the following questions:

What is the level of academic pressure of the students in philippine womens college of davao terms of;
     1.1  Aademic expectations  
      We choose this indicator because the belief among other students is that they can handle the
activities so that they fall short of academic expectations.
      1.2  Academic self perceptions 
      The academic self perception they thought that, they can handle it, but when the time comes, it will
be difficult and then you will be under pressure.

What is the level of time management of students in Philippine womens college of davao terms of;
      1.1 Planning
      A fundamental part of time management is planning. Being efficient in planning out your day,
meetings and how you will accomplish things will help you stick to your schedule.
       1.2 Stress management
       You should pay attention to your mental health while engaging in effective time management.
Positive stress management can keep you motivated and improve your performance while you go about
your daily tasks. You can achieve this by scheduling brief breaks throughout the day or by giving yourself
small rewards as you complete tasks.

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