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mje: CITY OF DREAMS MANILA Testy & Connon Page’ ate METHOD STATEMENT FOR TESTING AND COMMISSIONING KITCHEN EQUIPMENT Phypared by: ae Diane yenasos ‘nod nse Pj: CTY OF DREADS MANILA, ere Steer Teatng & Connisoana Pago at TABLE OF CONTENT |. Objective 1, General Criterla 1. Test instrument 1, Pre- commissioning and pro- functional check ist V. Functional test Vi Hoath and Satoty VI. Testing and commissioning tost form Page Sat w. )BJECTIVE ‘To votly ‘no general appeerance and the proper turctening ot the xuipmorttom ater initiate, To uo ver storia and proses in ovauatn,tsting. and epodying Food Sarom Equipment To voriy te pertomance of the insted oqipmenteyion rect with the space dough ough aun oles at custo ‘To mako thy petomance reper of the equipment based upon the speed ‘ecicl spctoaons. GENERAL CRITERIA The grocedwes sae inthis document over the seis in preliminary ets and mspucions, atonal pafometce tess and the conmissonng of ney complet stale, Tho purpose of hao tess so arsro thal components en ‘toms ator he intlaton arn a satstactery and sco onaton bole sat up. The ‘onracor sal candi the visual rl neon esting on ecuimers proved bythe ‘ssbul plan and tcencal specioors. Tho lasting ans commissioning wo 10 Bo \winssod bythe aproving bodes. The conracr shal bo responble Yo aos the potlrane of he equpent based upon approved plans. Test Instrument Mat meter PRE-COMIMISSIONING AND PRE-FUNCTIONAL CHECKLIST (VISUAL INSPECTION) General EqulpmentVerieation ‘Ts ald veto othe equipment being installed, Ti Inspection apps wth a tho equpment corporenis and systoms wth the nan-doctial end occa roguromen. {eck tn toning: "No spparent damage o the equipment beng stad Model and exdomant desrain bao on plane and elena ‘Supp asta, connactons and plane ro secray mounted Equment tev! 6 guranae ho proper opaatin. “he eames sua rote ated space Tho eld assembled components ad equipment are instal prop. SES eto econmsonin Sabte ‘Chocking the Etctca! ntatiation ‘+ Power sour checkout has bon completed end energized by oocical ‘+ Ponar wing intl propoty anal coonectons ar ight ‘Proper runing ned ol compan nd pent ‘Checking he Plumbing and Piping nstattion ‘+ The plurbirg ition plored seceding othe lfomason onthe rating sto (parmited waterpressiro ara temperate) +The supa ape a iste propery +The waar eanaeton nose boon red witout Ks, V. FUNCTIONAL TEST ‘+ eileaton et esupment acu perormancs data VL. HEALTH AND SAFETY Wearngo cio PPE'S. ‘Atendny elrtaton and sly awareness progam 1 Media tern forth lt ware. VI TESTING ANO COMMISSIONING TEST FORM "chen quent sytem penconal &tnenal tt fom. ny oF tain Forsspac PUNCHLIST [St Aesan Av cr Res a, Paras tn Proje [otwvac systom [5 erectriea Lighting System [Joong Sota ame syst [=] ental Por yam [erection ye FF Fre oneon tA yen ier yee Ey sxeuny acct oye jhe met Ey eit eins en =a Se Smo p> The — Rap fet cat os Tas ae es ss co ss tae epee a ORSSERE Saas Te Fn le asec 7 cory OF oneAMS [croton — [Sic nappwentaarage on i pare berg sae Gh moos an equa aan bios prs and equi [ee apron vats Gone ROP loan [esc quan RB eo [rewrote ssn carponons ad easel In al proper zon ir oproed Sige © [sto bat aes a stat corey, 1 |maachres caer onapment freceston ans a [Foner ses cc ha Ban SRT aa freee yc comer Powe wg rtsled pat anal corer am vo [Peon goaang vase al conparans and fea 11 ower aiconmct an leas propery bed 12 (mst cic onc wore rey 1 [ovecc om pasate wate pope. rt Cai oat: TS air st wees —==—_ - = Nate RE oe i HRM

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