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2020 Highlights

7 October


Hosts Special Guests

Chris Coulter Kajsa-Stina Kalin

Chief Executive Officer Healthy & Sustainable Living Leader
GlobeScan Inter IKEA Group

Cristianne Close
Global Practice Leader, Markets

Eric Whan Douglas Sabo

Senior Director Chief Sustainability Officer
GlobeScan Visa Inc.


• Method
• Context
• Lifestyle change
• Obstacles and solutions
• Food
• Q&A

Methodology Summary

• Representative online samples

of approximately 1,000 adults
per country in each of
27 countries (n=27,000)

• Samples representative of online

population, weighted to reflect
general population census data

• Online surveying in June 2020

• Where historical data are

shown, questions were asked
using an in-person and telephone
methodology before 2019.

Healthy & Sustainable
Living in Context
Half of consumers are greatly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
Extent Personally Affected by Issues, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Greatly Moderately A little Not at all

The coronavirus/
COVID-19 49 31 15 5

The economic
40 36 18 6

Climate change 31 39 22 8

T2. How much are you personally affected by each of the following problems?
Great variability in impacts of challenges across the world
Extent Personally Affected By…, “Greatly,” Average of 27 Countries, 2020

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic The economic recession Climate change or global warming

74 71
66 65
49 53 57 52 54 54
48 46 52
41 43 46 42 37
40 38 40 39
31 30 33 35 32 31
23 22 20 17 23 22 22 18
15 13 9 15 9

27-country Argentina Australia Brazil Canada China France Germany Hong Kong India Indonesia Italy Japan Kenya

73 74
66 66
60 60 64 62 60 57 56
63 60
56 57
47 49 52
45 46 43 43 41 44 40
37 39 34 36
30 26 30 30 31 27
25 23
17 15 15 13 19

Mexico Nigeria Russia Saudi Singapore South South Spain Sweden Thailand Turkey United United Vietnam
Arabia Africa Korea Kingdom States
T2. How much are you personally affected by each of the following problems?
Trust in most organizations has increased or remains stable; national
governments see the largest improvement over the past year
Trust in Institutions, Net Trust,* Average of 17 Countries,** 2001–2020


80 80 Medical profession
72 Science/academic institutions
60 NGOs
Fellow citizens
40 40
34 32 Large charitable foundations
28 UN
20 24
15 National companies
National government
Global companies

-20 Press/media

*“A lot of trust” and “Some trust” minus “Not much trust” and “No trust at all”
**Includes Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea,
Spain, Turkey, UK, and USA. Not all countries were asked in all years. Before 2019 this question was asked using an in-person and telephone methodology.

T3. Please indicate how much you trust each of the following institutions to operate in the best interest of our
9 society. Would you say you have a lot of trust, some trust, not much trust, or no trust at all in…?
Following responses to the COVID-19 pandemic, almost all sectors are viewed
more favorably
Performance of Sectors in Fulfilling their Responsibilities to Society, Net Performance,*
Average of 18 Countries,** 2001–2020
60 Healthcare
47 Technology/computer
40 40 Food
30 29
25 Consumer goods
20 22 Large retail
13 16 Social media
5 Clothing/apparel
0 Media/entertainment
-7 Banks/finance
-10 -8
-13 Home furnishings
-20 Automobile
-30 Beer
-34 Payment/credit
-40 Oil/petroleum
-50 Spirits/alcohol
*“Among the very best” and “Above average” minus “Below average” and “Among the very worst”
**Includes Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, South Korea, Spain,
Turkey, UK, and USA (Indonesia and Turkey not included in averages for Beer and Spirits). Not all countries were asked in all years.
Before 2019 this question was asked using an in-person and telephone methodology.
T25. Please rate each of the following types of companies on how well they fulfil their responsibilities to society compared to
10 other types of companies…
COVID-19 is this year’s most serious global issue for consumers; climate change
and natural resource depletion follow closely behind
Seriousness of Global Problems, “Very Serious,” Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Coronavirus/COVID-19 68
Spread of human diseases 62
Climate change 60
Depletion of natural resources 60
Extreme poverty 57
Air pollution 56
Single-use plastic waste 55
Unemployment 53
Shortages of fresh water 52
Loss of biodiversity 52
Gap between rich and poor 48
State of the global economy 47
Online data security/privacy 44
Unequal treatment of women 40
Social/political division 38
Environmental Issues
Mental health problems 38

T1. For each of the following possible global problems, please indicate if you see it as a very serious, somewhat serious,
11 not very serious, or not at all serious problem.
Perceived seriousness of climate change is growing in key emitting markets
Seriousness of Climate Change, “Very Serious” and “Somewhat Serious,” Average of 16
Countries* vs China, India, and USA, 2015–2020

90 89
86 Average of 16
81 countries

70 USA




*Includes Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Mexico, Nigeria, Russia, Spain, Turkey, UK, and USA
Not asked in all countries in all years. Before 2019 this question was asked using an in-person and telephone methodology.

T1. For each of the following possible global problems, please indicate if you see it as a very serious,
12 somewhat serious, not very serious, or not at all serious problem.
Lifestyle Changes
Consumers prioritize a healthy lifestyle but the wide gap between aspiration and action
Desire to Change vs Changes Made to Lifestyle, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Desire to change lifestyle Changes made in the past year

to be more… to be more…

A great deal Moderately Yes, major changes Yes, some changes

61 30 Healthy 31 43

50 35
Environmentally 25 44
47 39
Helpful to 24 44

Q1. How much would you like to change your lifestyle to be more…? Q2. Have you made any changes to your lifestyle in the past year
15 to be more…?
Health changes are a priority across demographics; younger generations and women
most want to change
Desire to Change vs Changes Made to Lifestyle, Average of 27 Countries, by Generation and Gender, 2020

Healthy Environmentally friendly Helpful to others

Desire to change lifestyle
A great deal
Gen Z 70 24 59 32 57 34
Millennial 66 27 55 33 53 36
Gen X 60 31 49 37 45 39
Baby Boomer + 51 35 41 38 35 43

Female 63 29 53 35 49 37
Male 59 31 48 36 44 40
Changes made in the
past year
Yes, major changes
Yes, some changes

Gen Z 40 40 29 45 32 44
Millennial 37 43 30 45 29 45
Gen X 29 44 25 44 22 45
Baby Boomer + 20 45 19 43 14 43

Female 32 44 26 46 25 45
Male 30 43 24 43 22 43
Q1. How much would you like to change your lifestyle to be more…? Q2. Have you made any changes to your lifestyle in the past year
16 to be more…?
Behavior Change Index
Healthy and Sustainable Behavior Change Index

Index groups shown in order of interest

Average of 27 Countries

1 Wellbeing

2 Saving water/energy

3 Waste reduction

4 Health

5 Ethical purchasing

6 Circularity

7 New technology

8 Travel

9 Altruism

10 Meat free diet

Globally, consumers are most interested in making changes
they perceive as easy
Desire vs Difficulty to Change Behaviors, Index Scores, Average of 27 Countries, 2020
Very difficult Low Interest, High Difficulty High Interest, High Difficulty

Ability to do

Very easy Low Interest, Low Difficulty High Interest, Low Difficulty

Not at all Interest in Extremely

interested doing more interested
Q9. How interested are you in doing more of each of the following in the coming year?
19 Q10b. How difficult or easy do you think it would it be for you to do more of each of the following?
Saving more energy at home is important for consumers; they are also
keen to recycle and save water
Homelife Behaviors, Interest vs Ease of Doing More, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Interested in changing, Ease of changing,

“extremely” and “very “very” and
interested” “somewhat easy”

Saving energy in my household Saving 80

energy in my household 75

Recycling materials 74 Recycling materials 66

Saving water in my household 72water in my household

Saving 70

Repairing broken products 65

Repairing broken products 53

Reselling or donating products 63 or donating products

Reselling 62

Buying furniture that is easy to maintain

Buying furniture that is easy to maintain and
60 51
and repair repair

Generating or buying renewable energy Generating57

or buying renewable energy 35

Q9. How interested are you in doing more of each of the following in the coming year?
20 Q10b. How difficult or easy do you think it would it be for you to do more of each of the following?
Consumers are interested in more responsible travelling
Travel Behaviors, Interest vs Ease of Doing More, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Interested in changing, Ease of changing,

“extremely” and “very “very” and
interested” “somewhat easy”

Minimizing my negative impact on theMinimizing my negative

65 54
environment when travelling
impact on the…
that are nature-themed or environmentally
Choosing tourist
Choosing tourist activities and experiences
activities 56
friendly and experiences…
Choosing environmentally
Choosing environmentally friendly hotels,
54 47
lodges and other accommodations
friendly hotels,…
Reducing number of personal trips and/ Reducing
number of 57
or travelling closer to home
personal trips and/…
Travelling by train or bus instead ofTravelling
by by train or bus
42 49
instead of by plane

Q9. How interested are you in doing more of each of the following in the coming year?
21 Q10b. How difficult or easy do you think it would it be for you to do more of each of the following?
Obstacles and Solutions
Growing sense of conflict and disempowerment
Environmental Attitudes, “Strongly Agree” and “Somewhat Agree,” Average of 24 Countries,*

2020 2019

I feel guilty about my negative 53

impact on the environment 43

What is good for me is often not 47

good for the environment 34

I believe that individuals cannot do 32

much to save the environment 27

I think people exaggerate the 26

seriousness of environmental problems 21

*Does not include Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam as tracking data unavailable.

Q11. Please indicate whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, neither agree nor disagree, somewhat disagree, or
24 strongly disagree with each of the following statements.
Consumers believe that affordability of responsible products and services is key
Company Actions to Help People and the Environment, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Make more affordable products and services

that are better for both people and the 50

Create new products that are better for both

people and the environment

Collaborate with governments/NGOs/scientists

and other businesses to find solutions to social 32
and environmental problems
Make it easier to understand which products
and services are better for both people and the 30

Provide more information on how to improve

people’s health and the environment

Q21. What are the best ways for companies to help you live in a way that is better for both people and the environment?
25 Please select 2 actions from the following list.
Social Influence
Consumers are actively seeking information to improve their lifestyles; family and
friends are encouraging them to change
Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles, “Very Often” and “Often,” Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Healthy Lifestyle Environmentally Friendly Lifestyle

Sought out information related to

56% Sought out information related to healthier
47% environmentally friendly lifestyles

Felt ashamed about living a lifestyle that is not

Felt ashamed about living an unhealthy
30% environmentally friendly
Have been encouraged to live an
Have been encouraged to live a healthier
46% lifestyle by family or friends
40% environmentally friendly lifestyle by family or
Have been inspired by an online influencer or
Have been inspired by an online influencer or
33% celebrity to live a healthier lifestyle 31% celebrity to live an environmentally friendly

Q19. Over the past year, please indicate how often you have done or experienced each of the following.
Younger generations are most likely to seek information and to feel ashamed
about their current lifestyles
Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles, “Very Often” and “Often,” 27 countries

Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Sought out information related to Sought out information related to

healthier lifestyles environmentally friendly lifestyles

Gen Z 33 35 23 6 3 25 32 28 10 5
Millennial 29 36 25 7 4 23 33 27 11 6
Gen X 23 32 28 10 7 17 28 29 14 12
Baby Boomer + 13 28 32 14 13 10 23 30 19 18

Felt ashamed about living an Felt ashamed about living a lifestyle that is
unhealthy lifestyle not environmentally friendly

Gen Z 23 27 27 14 10 19 25 29 15 11
Millennial 18 25 30 15 12 15 24 31 17 13
Gen X 12 19 29 19 21 10 18 28 21 23
Baby Boomer + 5 11 26 26 33 5 10 25 27 33

Q19. Over the past year, please indicate how often you have done or experienced each of the following.
Older generations are less likely to be influenced by opinions of others
Healthy and Environmentally Friendly Lifestyles, “Very Often” and “Often,”
Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Very often Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Have been encouraged to live an

Have been encouraged to live a
environmentally friendly lifestyle by
healthier lifestyle by family or friends family or friends
Gen Z 28 30 24 11 7 23 28 25 15 10
Millennial 25 31 25 11 8 21 28 26 14 11
Gen X 17 27 29 14 13 15 25 26 16 18
Baby Boomer + 9 22 29 19 21 8 17 26 20 28

Have been inspired by an online influencer

Have been inspired by an online influencer or
or celebrity to live an environmentally
celebrity to live a healthier lifestyle
friendly lifestyle

Gen Z 24 28 23 13 12 22 26 24 14 14
Millennial 19 24 25 15 17 17 24 25 16 19
Gen X 11 18 23 17 31 10 17 24 17 32
Baby Boomer + 4 10 19 20 47 4 10 18 21 47

Q19. Over the past year, please indicate how often you have done or experienced each of the following.
Food case study
Consumers express more interest in sustainable food behaviors that seem
easier; eating organic and plant-based foods is seen as more difficult
Food Behaviors, Interest vs Ease of Doing More, Average of 27 Countries, 2020

Interested in changing, Ease of changing,

“extremely” and “very “very” and
interested” “somewhat easy”

Reducing food waste Reducing

78 food waste 73

Eating healthy and 68

Eating healthy and nutritious food 78
nutritious food
Preparing meals at
Preparing meals at home 77 80
Eating locally grown foods
Eating69locally grown 65
Eating organic foods Eating60organic foods 52

Eating plant-based, meat-free Eating

39 plant-based, 42
meat-free foods

Q9. How interested are you in doing more of each of the following in the coming year?
32 Q10b. How difficult or easy do you think it would it be for you to do more of each of the following?
A large minority of meat eaters favor plant-based alternatives; health and animal treatment
are the main reasons for potential reduction in meat consumption
Preference for Meat and Reasons to Reduce Meat Consumption, All Who Eat Meat, Average of
27 Countries, 2020

Assuming equal taste, nutritional value, cost Most important reasons for meat eaters to
Meat eaters prefer… reduce their consumption…

Real meat from animals Health

Meat-like alternatives made from plants
Animal treatment
8 2
Environmental 12
41 Financial
59 Nothing would make
me eat less meat 20

Q13. Assuming each tasted equally good, had equal nutritional value and cost the same, which one of the following do you prefer?
33 Q14. What would be the most important reason, if any, for you to reduce the amount of meat you eat?

Hosts Special Guests

Chris Coulter Kajsa-Stina Kalin

Chief Executive Officer Healthy & Sustainable Living Leader
GlobeScan Inter IKEA Group

Cristianne Close
Global Practice Leader, Markets

Eric Whan Douglas Sabo

Senior Director Chief Sustainability Officer
GlobeScan Visa Inc.


GlobeScan is an insights and strategy consultancy, focused on helping our

clients build long-term trusting relationships with their stakeholders. Offering a
suite of specialist research and advisory services, we partner with business,
NGOs and governmental organizations to meet strategic objectives across
reputation, sustainability and purpose.

Established in 1987, GlobeScan has offices in Cape Town, Hong Kong,

London, Paris, San Francisco, São Paulo and Toronto, and is a participant of
the UN Global Compact and a Certified B Corporation.

Eric Whan, GlobeScan

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