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Time Allowed: 3 hours 12/09/2022

General Instructions
1. This paper consist of three sections A, B and C .Section A consist of 10 marks , (20 Marks) from
section B and 30 marks from section C .
2. Answer all questions in all sections
3. Maximum Marks: 60 Marks .

SECTION A (Answer all questions.)

1. Questions (i) – (x) are multiple choice items. Write the letter of the correct answer against the item
(i) Which of the following is unlikely to produce soot? ( )
A. Luminous flame C. candle
B. Stove D. Non – luminous flame
(ii) Which of the following is not an element? ( )
A. Mercury C. Water
B. Zinc D. Hydrogen
(iii) Corrosive substance are those that ( )
A. Catch fire easily C. Cause an electric shock
B. Explode easily D. Can burn the skin.
(iv) Which of the following is a chemical change ( )
A. Magnetization of iron C. Heating of metal
B. Rusting of iron D. Melting of ice.
(v) A substance that can be easily compressed in its container is ( )
A. stone B. grease C. water D. gas.
(vi) A fixed volume (25 cm 3) of distilled water in the laboratory can be measured by using a (
A. Beaker C. burette
B. Pipette D. Measuring cylinder.
(vii) A student whose hands are spilled out by acid in the laboratory should _____as first aid (
A. rinse the affected area by dilute acid
B. rinse the affected area by a piece of cloth or cotton wool.
C. wash the affected area by running water
D. wash the affected area by strong base.
(viii) Bunsen burner gives non – luminous flame when ( )
A. air holes are closed C. air holes are opened
B. it forms soot. D. air holes are half – opened.
(ix) Motor and paste in chemistry laboratory is used for ( )
A. filtration of dirty liquids.
B. decantation of dirty liquids
C. pounding, grinding and crushing. D. distillation.
(x) The sixth step in the scientific procedure is ( )

Juba Islamic school Mid term examination form 1

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A. Data analysis C. Problem identification.

B. Hypothesis formulation. D. data interpretation.

SECTION B (Answer all questions)

2. This question consist of TRUE/FALSE items. Write TRUE for true statement and FALSE for false
(i) Transformation of energy means changing energy from one form to another________
(ii) The changing of a liquid to a solid is a physical change __________
(iii) Experiments are there to find answers to scientific problems_______
(iv) Hypotheses are true experiments after long term experimentation______
(v) Brownian motion is a systematic vibration of particles in certain solids ______
(vi) The shape of liquid depends on the container holding it.
(vii) A compound is a pure substance made up of more than one element in a chemical form____
(viii) Homogenous mixture has different composition, appearance and properties at various
points of the mixture_______
(ix) Heat is the same as a flame______
(x) The sun is a natural source of heat______
3. The following are matching items. Match the correct item in List B with the corresponding one from
List A by writing the letter beside the corresponding item.
List A List B
(i) Bunsen burner A. Oxidizing agent
(ii) Substance which catches fire easily B. Data analysis
(iii) Turns lime water milk C. Refrigeration
(iv) The study of composition of matter and its D. Pharmacist
(v) Modern scientific procedure E. Kinetic molecular behaviour
(vi) A person who deals with medicine F. Produce non – luminous flame.
(vii) An apparatus for keeping test tubes G. Flammable
(viii) A box containing items used to help a sick or H. Test tube rack
injured person.

(ix) Importance of change of state of matter I. First Aid kit

(x) The idea about the way particles behave in solids, J. Chemistry
liquids and gases
K. Doctor
L. Chemical composition
Write your answers here
(i) (ii) (III) (iv) (v) (vi) (viii) (viii) (ix) (x)

SECTION C (Answer all questions)

4. (a) Describe each of the following terms

Juba Islamic school Mid term examination form 1

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(i) First Aid kit.

(ii) Laboratory.

(iii) Apparatus.___________________________________________________________________
(b) Name any five components of the first Aid Kit and give the use of each.
(c) Name any four chemistry laboratory apparatus and give their uses.
5. A Bunsen burner can produce a luminous or a non – luminous flame.
(a) Differentiate between a luminous and a non – luminous flame.
(b) Explain how a luminous and a non – luminous flame is produced.
(c) Draw a diagram of a non – luminous flame, showing the three main regions then label it.
(d) Which part of non – luminous flame is suitable for efficient heating purposes?
6. (a) Define the following terms
(i) Physical change (ii) Chemical change.
(b) Write three differences of physical changes and chemical changes.
Physical change Chemical changes

(c) What type of changes are these?

(i) Cloud changing into rain (iv) Rusting of iron.
(ii) A match is lit (v) Drying of wet clothes.
(iii) Milk left on the container turns sour.
7. (a) Differentiate between the following:
(i) Mixture and compound
(ii) Solute and solvent

(b) Mention three examples of mixtures and three examples of compounds.

Juba Islamic school Mid term examination form 1

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Wish You All the Best For Your Future

Juba Islamic school Mid term examination form 1

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