The Tale of Benjamin Bunny

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The Tale of Benjamin Bunny

- tale :masal/öykü/hikaye
- signatory :imza sahibi
- copyright :telif/telif hakkı
- bank :bayır/ kıyı(nehir/göl vb.)
- sit on :oturmak
- prick :diken batmak/diken batırmak
- pony :midilli
- gig :at arabası
- along the road :yol boyunca
- bonnet :kaput
- beside this :bunun yanında
 it was driven by Mr. Gregor and beside him sat Mrs. Gregor in her best bonnet.
- slid down :kayarak inmek
- set off :yola koyulmak/yola çıkmak 1. Ateşlemek/ patlatmak 2.
- skip :sekmek/atlamak
- hop :sekmek
- call upon :ziyaret etmek/ziyarette bulunmak
- relation :ilişki/bağıntı/ilişik
- wood :odun/tahta/ahşap
- back of :arkasında
 the back of Mr. Gregor’s garden.
- hole :delik/çukur
 that wood was full of rabbit holes.
- neatest : en temiz
- neat :düzenli/tertipli
- sandy :kumlu
 in the neatest sandiest hole of all lived Benjamin’s aunt and cousins.
- of all :hepsinin içinden/arasından
- cotton :pamuk/pamuklu
- tail :kuyruk
- widow :dul kadın
- earn a living :geçinmek
- earn one’s living :hayatını kazanmak
- struggle to earn a living :geçim derdi
 she earned her living by knitting rabbit wool mittens and muffetees.
- mitten :tek parmaklı eldiven
- wool :yün
- knit :örmek
- muffetee :atkı
- bazaar :çarşı/Pazar
- a pair :bir çift
 i once bought a pair at a bazaar.
- herb :aromatik yapraklı bitki/ ot
- rosemary :biberiye
- tobacco :tütün
- lavender :lavanta
 which is what we call lavender.
- fir-tree :köknar
- come round :etrafından dolanmak
- tumble upon something : birşeye takılıp düşmek 1. Rastlamak/denk gelmek 2.
- top :tepe 1. baş 2. üst 3.
- sit by someone :birinin yanında oturmak
 peter was sitting by himself.
- poorly :hasta/zayıfsız/keyifsiz
- pocket handkerchief :cep mendili
 he was dressed in a red cotton pocket handkerchief.
- scarecrow :korkuluk
- chase :takip/takip etmek/peşinde olmak/kovalamak
- about : etrafında/civarında
 peter described how he had been chased about the garden.
- drop :düşmek/düşüş/damla/düşürmek
- assure :temin etmek (rahatlatıcı/ikna edici sözlerle) 1. Garanti etmek/sigorta etmek 2.
 Peter said he hoped that it would rain.
- camomile :papatya
- fetch :gidip getirmek
- some more :biraz daha
- go for a walk :dolanmak/gezintiye çıkmak/dolaşmak
 peter said he thought he might feel better if he went for a walk.
- hand in hand :el ele
- flat-top :üstü yassı
- upon :üstüne/üzerine
- plainly :sade bir şekilde/gösterişsizce 1. ayan beyan/açıkça 2.
 Peter’s coat and shoes were plainly to be seen upon the scarecrow.
- topped :kaplı/üstlü
- tam o shanter: İskoç beresi
- spoil :şımartmak 1. Bozmak/bozulmak 2. Berbat etmek 3.
- squeeze : sıkışmak/sıkmak
- get in : binmek(arabaya) 1. İçeriye girmek 2.
- proper :uygun/münasip
- pear tree :armut ağacı
- climb down the tree :ağaçtan inmek
- fall down :çökmek 1. Aşağıya düşmek 2.
- of no consequence : hiç önemi yok/önemsiz
 it was of no consequence as the bed below was newly raked and quite soft.
- newly :yakın zamanlarda
- raked :eğimli/arkaya doğru eğimli
- sown :ekili/ekilmiş
- sow :tohum ekmek
- lettuce :marul
 it had been sown with lettuces.
- odd :garip/acayip/tuhaf
- footmark :ayak izi
- all over :her tarafta/her yerden
- clog :pıhtılaşmak 1. Tahta ayakkabı/takunya 2.
- the first thing to be done :yapılması gereken ilk şey
- get back :geri almak
- in order that: -mesi için/ -sin diye
 little benjamin said that the first thing to be done was to get back Peter’s clothes,
in order that they might be able to use the pocket handkerchief.
- Take off: havalanmak/ uçağın kalkması 1. Giysi çıkarmak 2.
- Somewhat: birazcık
- Shrunk: çökmüş/çekmiş
- Onion: soğan
 …… as a little present for his Aunt.
- Seem: görünmek
- Peter did not seem to be enjoying himself; he kept hearing noises.
- Lettuce: marul
- Leaf: yaprak/yaprak vermek (lettuce leaf)
- Be in the habit of: alışkanlığında olmak
- He said that he was in the habit of coming to the garden with his father to get lettuces for
their Sunday dinner.
- Certainly : kesinlikle
- Presently: şimdi
- Drop: damla/düşüş/düşme/düşmek
- Half the battle: işin önemli kısmı/ işin yarısı/işin zor kısmı

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