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Nicanor Reyes St, Sampaloc, Manila, 1008 Metro Manila

First Semester
School Year 2021 – 2022
Formative Assessment # 3 Written Dialogue

Ramina Luzares
Angelo Mañalac
Jerrico Von A. Miguel
Erykah Gheil Orsolino
Rhonel Miko Parro
Talking Point 1: What kind of satisfaction can sexual reassignment bring to people?

Person 1: Would you mind explaining what sexual reassignment is to me in greater detail?
Person 2: Of course, the way I understand it, people who suffer from gender dysphoria, a
term that refers to psychological distress caused by the discrepancy between one's assigned
sex at birth and one's gender identity (American Psychiatric Association, n.d.), and through a
proper process of reassignment procedure, the person now can transition to the gender with
which they identify freely.  To further explain it in greater detail, sexual reassignment is
accomplished through two methods: hormone therapy or surgical reassignment; Hormone
therapy can help suppress their biological gender's secondary sex characteristics, allowing
them to appear more like their desired sex (Baxter, R. 2015). Sex reassignment surgery is
available to both sexes. As for the Male-to-female reassignment, its procedure mainly
involves removing the penis and testicles and creating an artificial vagina. Then for a female
to male reassignment, there are two procedures to choose from, first, the breasts are
surgically removed via mastectomy. Second, the uterus is removed via hysterectomy and a
fake penis is created (Ellis, J. 2014). Isn't it wonderful that a successful transition will
significantly support them in becoming the person they desire to be in their lives?  
Person 1: Basically, what you're saying is that when someone suffers from gender dysphoria,
they immediately experience frustration and unhappiness due to their inability to be who they
want to be. Is that correct?
Person 2: Yes, it has been said that people who suffer from severe dysphoria experience
sadness, dissatisfaction, or frustration which greatly affect their mental health. The reason for
this is that they are unable to transition into the gender they identify. In contrast, if a person
has successfully completed sexual reassignment, they will now experience euphoria, which is
an extreme happiness. As they can now express themselves without holding back. The way I
understand the concept of gender dysphoria it manifests differently for each individual, but it
is generally caused by two things which is being reminded that others perceive you
differently than you wish to be perceived, and being reminded that your body exists in a state
other than the one you desire, which is sad when you think about it because they are suffering
Person 1: So, are you comfortable with the idea that a person can change and do that with
their healthy body? 
Person 2: Yes! I am entirely comfortable with that concept. I have no issues with adults who
choose to undergo such procedures at some point in their lives, as long as they meet all the
requirements needed for the procedure and are fit to do so.  I believe that everyone has the
right to choose what they want in life, as long as they do so responsibly.
Person 1: What exactly does a person obtain in exchange for undergoing a sexual
reassignment procedure? 
Person 2:  Suppose a person wants to undergo a medical procedure that alters his or her
appearance. In that case, there are tons of factors to consider. However, one of the key
concepts they could obtain from that is the improvement in their quality of life; transitioning
men and women report enhanced psychosocial functioning, more stable relationships, and
increased levels of contentment and happiness. (Sandoiu, A. 2018)

Person 1: Nonetheless, doing what you believe is best for your body does not guarantee that it
will ultimately bring you happiness.
Person 2: I believe that it is acceptable for an individual who wishes to undergo sex
reassignment. The ethical theory of hedonism supports a person's desire to undergo sex
reassignment to change their physical sex and transition into the gender with which they
identify. This assists in alleviating their pain and hardships while also increasing the pleasure
they will experience from doing what they want, which is the procedure that will result in a
beneficial outcome. I believe that doing what makes me happy is the best feeling in the world
because even though the process is hard and full of self-doubt, at least at the end of the day
your one decision will shift into the real version of yourself and I think that is a beautiful
Talking point 2: Risk in Sexual Reassignment. 
Person 1: What are the risks associated with gender affirming surgery?
Person 2: There is a serious risk of physical and mental complications during this surgery,
including bleeding, anesthetic side effects, and infection, but different procedures carry
different risks. (Cleveland Clinic n.d.). Additionally, they include the possibility of
psychological distress for those who have undergone or regretted surgery. They will
experience mental conflicts when they are at risk for mental illness, but there are physicians
and mental-health professionals who can assist them with treatment options. Also they will
express doubt due to the changes that will occur to your body, but this surgery may result in
your physical body matching your gender identity. For those who suffer from gender
dysphoria, gender affirmation surgery is an excellent option.
Person 1: How can you assure that there are benefits in the gender reassignment procedure?
Person 2: According to research, transgender individuals who choose gender-affirming
surgery reap long-term mental health benefits as a result of their decision. According to one
study, the likelihood of a person requiring mental health treatment decreased by 8 percent for
each year following the gender-affirming procedure. (Chander, V. 2019)

Person 1: What happens after gender surgery?

Person 2: After the surgery you’ll undergo the recovery but it is based on what procedure you
have. If you undergo cheek and nose surgery the swelling lasts for around two to four weeks.
In chest surgery you will experience swelling and soreness. Individuals who undergo sexual
reassignment often experience some favorable outcomes, including an improved perception
of their own physical appearance and the look of youth. (Cleveland, n.d.)
Person 1: Have you ever thought about the possible downside of sexual reassignment?
Person 2: Direct discrimination occurs when someone treats you differently than another
person in a similar setting because you have changed your gender. Indirect discrimination
occurs when an organization has a policy or way of working that disadvantages transsexuals.
The worst forms of discrimination are harassment and victimization, where you are treated
harshly because you have a complaint of gender reassignment-related discrimination. (Unison
National, 2015)

Person 1: If I were in that situation, I would feel bad. But, can you explain more about that
kind of issue or can you provide examples? and how can sexual reassignment minimize that
kind of discrimination?
Person 2: To illustrate more in the discrimination here’s the examples. In direct
discrimination, you inform your employer that you intend to live as a different gender for the
rest of your life. Your boss takes you out of your job against your will since they don't want
you to work with clients. In indirect discrimination, the gender-neutral is prohibited in your
workplace. In harassment, a transgender man is having a drink in a bar, the waiter keeps
calling him “Ma’am” and “she” when serving foods despite her complaining about it. In
victimization, a transsexual gets bullied at work by a coworker, and when he complains about
how his coworker is treating him, he is fired. Some transgender experienced these kind of
discrimination but the is Equality Act of 2010 states that you cannot be discriminated against
because you are transgender, it is also a protected characteristic especially the gender
reassignment. There’s always a legal way for the protection of everyone who wants to move
away from one’s birth gender to their preferred gender. 
Talking point 3: Is sexual reassignment moral or not? 
Person 1: Do you ever question whether it is right or wrong to undergo sexual reassignment if
you contemplate it?
Person 2: It does not matter if it is right or wrong. I make my own decisions in my life. It
does not make me a bad person. Also, I have the freedom of choice on what I want in my life,
and for me, it is right, and I do not care if it is wrong on others.
Person 1: Do you wonder that if you live like that in this society, you will face many unfair
Person 2: In the beginning, I knew that I would face many unfair situations in the future, but
it does not matter. Their words or actions are meaningless to us if we do not step on others'
feet. If we encounter an unfair situation, we accept it because that is the life we choose, and
we should live with it. 
Person 1: Do you think people like you can normally live in this society just like others? 
Person 2: I do not think that we can generally live just like other people because many people
hate the LGBTQ community. LGBT grown-ups say society is seriously tolerating; simply
19% say there is "a great deal" of social acknowledgment today. Many say they have been
casualties of separation, like being liable to slurs or jokes or enduring dismissal by a relative.
(Drake, B. 2018). However, as I said earlier, it does not affect us, and as days pass by, we
will get used to it. They are not the ones who will decide in our life. But there are still people
who accept us for who we are, and they are the reason we keep going and do good things for
others, and I hope they can accept us in the future.
Person 1: Do you think that a free country just like ours will accept people like you?
Person 2: People will still accept us in a free country like ours even though we are like this.
There are still people who accept us for who we are. Many people will not truly accept who
we are, and they make fun of us or maybe worse. Many homophobic people hate us so much,
and their hate maybe can lead to violence. Even if they insult us through words, that is okay,
but if they hurt us physically, we will fight for our rights because we are people too, just like
them, and they do not have the right to do that to us.

Person 1: If society accepts you, do you think they accept you wholeheartedly? Or are they
just pretending?
Person 2: If they accept me or us wholeheartedly, then it is okay for us because we can move
freely without hesitating. If not, then that is not our fault. We can still continue our life
because this is what we want and this is who we are. As I said earlier, their words won’t
affect us as long as we don’t hurt people.
Talking point 4: The impact of stigma in Sexual Reassignment 

Person 2: What kind of stigma do those who have undergone the procedure have to deal

Person 1: People who undergo sex reassignment may face prejudice, discrimination, violence,
and other forms of stigma as a result of their decision to change their gender, which is sad if
you ask me. The decision they made has a negative outcome that adds to their suffering. 
Person 2: The "bad person" here is not the individual who chose to undergo the procedure;
rather, it is those who ridicule, discriminate, and hate. 

Person 1: To be clear, I agree with you that those who make fun of the individual are the bad
guys in this situation; I do not support their actions. What I'm trying to say is that it's not right
to alter your healthy body and then suffer the consequences of your decision as a result.

Person 2: So you still don't agree to their sex reassignment procedure? They did so because
they were free to do so and it benefited them in some way.

Person 1: Yes, I don’t agree with their reassignment procedure because it just adds some
more problems that they would face in the future. The current study results demonstrate the
presence of stigmatization after transition and argue for the provision of psychological
aftercare. (Verbeek, M. et al., p. 11) According to one of the studies that I read about the
experiences and challenges that they face, which I found interesting.

Person 2: Yes, I agree that a person should determine whether or not they are physically and
mentally fit for surgery before proceeding, but I believe that the first issue that should be
addressed is that we should support them on their journey. 

Person 1: Again, by undergoing this surgery, only a person's way of life can be changed;
however, why is it necessary to alter one's gender?
Person 2: If a person is dissatisfied with the body they are carrying, all lifestyle modifications
are rendered ineffective and worthless. Take a look at those who have undergone sexual
reassignment; they gained confidence and many went on to achieve success.

Person 1: All in all, I believe that performing this procedure has a detrimental effect on a
person's life, that altering a healthy body is morally unacceptable, and that the consequences
are severe, with stigma having a long-term effect on the individual's life. Integrating
utilitarian theory strengthens my decision to oppose the surgery, as it focuses on an
individual's right or wrong actions. If their actions are ethically correct, how come they have
negative consequences and a strong impact outcome that is wrong and not beneficial in the
long run?

Talking point 5: Sex Reassignment in Psychological Sense

Person 2: How would you identify your gender?

Person 1: Our gender is our representation and expression on how we want others to see us in
so many aspects. It could be based on our behaviors, attitudes, how we dress and how we
show others what you really are.

Person 2: Isn’t it that our gender categorization is based on how we feel and what we feel
towards our body? Which I think distorts our idea when it comes to gender reassignment and
social acceptance. Gender is socially constructed idea to conform to the stereotypes in our
society (Wittig, 1990) so basically transsexual people think that they had to have the need to
change their gender preferences or specifically undergo sex reassignment because of the idea
that gender stereotype exists.

 Person 1: Transsexual people tend to choose whatever gender identity or sexual preferences
just be accepted by the society they belong to.

 Person 2: So you think that you just need to be accepted by society, not for yourself?

 Person 1: Actually no, they do it for self-acceptance due to pressure and discrimination they
face each and every day within themselves. Their feelings and expression are suppressed due
to peer pressure and other social standards and norms that were set by the society

Person 2: Your purpose of undergoing surgery is just for your self-acceptance and
conforming to the norms. Which I think is good thing to the extent to ease the burden and
pain that transsexual people experience in their daily life, but don’t you think, you’re just
denying the fact that they’re escaping for what is truth from the reality of ethical life. 

 Person 1: How do you say so?

 Person 2: Some transsexual person may seem to have no other option, not to undergo due to
eagerness to get treated for their psychological incapacity because of the norms.

 Person 1:  The decision of a person is based on their feelings and choices in life not because
of what has been set by the society.

 Person 2:  That is delusional! Those feelings that we have to accept are, yes, morally good
but not ethically appropriate and as a result in a life-long process, we are distorting reality
and hiding what is ethically good. In our morality we can identify what is good or bad with
the help of our own ethical principles.

This shows that everything is purely based on feelings. I get that ethics are also based on
feelings but we cannot deny the fact that sex change is a result of unguided psychological

Person 1: It doesn’t mean that if a person feels that he/she have the feeling of getting change
specifically their genitals, implies that their psychologically incapacitated.

Person 2: Again, why do people undergo sex reassignment? It’s because they feel like
everything doesn’t align with their psychological preferences. This can be addressed through
psychological treatment in which they undergo therapy to realign their mind to what is in
between their legs and what they should..

I’m not against the idea of gender choices or preferences of transsexual person,what I’m
implying is that sex change is good act for people who felt like their mental state does not
conform with what’s in between their legs but the root cause is because of pressure in social
acceptance which results to mental disorder. This could be worsen and can lead to depression,
stress, anxiety and still discrimination, don’t you think of that?

Person 1: We cannot fully control what our feelings or minds tell us to do so.

Person 2: Yes! We can't but that’s the problem, we are letting our mind control us and we
ought to think that we can never do anything about it. In their view, the problem is with their
bodies and not with their minds. “Therefore, some opt for sex reassignment surgery in order
to conform their bodies to match their minds” (Gross, 2009, p.714). It’s clearly evident that
there is something wrong with the mental conditioning and psychological aspect of a person
if he/she thinks that our body should be changed in order to attain what true happiness is.

Person 1: That’s the sole purpose sex reassignment to attain happiness and match the body
says to the mind. What is the purpose of our body if we can’t make changes to attain what we
really desire to? The idea is subjective and our decisions in life are subjective and still
depends on the needs of our body.

 Person 2: This is a temporary and superficial happiness. Don’t you think that it could get
worse in the future. Considering that transsexual person is not yet socially accepted as a norm
in the society. They could get discriminated against more in their workplace and in the eye of
the public.

We can say that the utilitarian theory determines that the majority of people will do anything
for their own happiness and to validate their feelings in order to conform to what society
dictates. This is still considered morally illicit since we think that this will be morally good to
everyone because our basis of ethics that we tend to say “ethics can also be based on our
feelings. We are aware of what is morally wrong or right, but we prioritize the good, which is
used to conceal the truths and realities of ethical life.
The true essence of Sex Reassignment

Insight Talking Point 1

Having access to sex reassignment as an individual is ethical mainly because it supports a

person's right to do what is best for their mental and physical health, which is a fundamental
human right. Sex reassignment is primarily a decision made by the person in charge of his or
her own body. Incorporating the bioethical principle of anatomy, which is primarily
concerned with respect for one's decision and dignity, the individual's primary responsibility
is to fully understand and research the options available to them following sex reassignment
in order to understand the risks and benefits. We incorporate Hedonism in a way that it
involves in maximizing the pleasure that an individual will feel after undergoing the
procedure. Since sex reassignment is done in accordance with the individual's will and
freedom, it is an ethical choice. Lastly, our concluding argument is that if there are ethical
concerns about gender surgery or sex reassignment, then there should be ethical concerns
about all elective surgeries, including things like facial reconstruction surgery, cosmetic
surgery and Botox thus you are changing your physical self. 

Insight Talking Point 2 

Dealing with this sexual reassignment has a significant impact on their lives; understanding
the potential consequences that they may face, including the risk of gender affirmation
surgery as well as societal prejudice and stigma, is a challenging process. This sentence raises
a slew of concerns and connotations “Anatomically male but thinks and feels like a female”
Despite the fact that transgender people go through a difficult process and face a lot of
ridicule, they must ensure that they achieve the freedom and satisfaction they deserve and
desire with the help of those around them, particularly professional surgeons. The hedonism
idea fits with this risk sexual reassignment issue, where the rights of a transgender person and
their freedom of choice are more prominent. Surgery carries risks, but it can be avoided if the
person who suffers from it can afford it. This procedure may be able to assist them to enhance
their physical and mental well-being. If they are put in a social situation where they will be
judged, they should know that many people will support them and understand what non-
binary persons are going through. Regardless of the dangers and discrimination, everyone has
the right to a dignified existence, and everyone deserves equal rights, whether they are trans
or not, and the most significant fact is that no one's human rights are infringed upon.

Insight Talking Point 3

         While having gender surgery is an important milestone, it is an individual's choice,

and people have no control over it as long as they are happy with it. Individuals undergoing
gender surgery are aware of the potential consequences and discrimination they will face in
the future but still they decided to do it. The public does not have the right to judge them
solely on the basis of gender surgery. The theory that supports this situation is hedonism, as it
maximizes the pleasure experienced by individuals who have undergone gender surgery.
Individuals must have the freedom to do whatever they want because it is their choice. If
people are unwilling to accept people who are different from them, they are not treating
everyone fairly. Being a transgender person is considered moral because they are
compassionate, intelligent, and bear greater responsibilities. For instance, a transgender
person was elected to the Senate for the first time. Additionally, a transgender person joined
Miss Universe, among others. Therefore, if someone claims that being transgender is
immoral, they should consider whether they have contributed to this society or are simply
passing judgment on others based on their decision.

Insight Talking Point 4

Gender-related thoughts can take on a variety of forms. Certain individuals are comfortable
with societal standards that associate physical type with self-esteem and gender, while others
are not. Those who disagree with this argument may go to great lengths to conceal their true
identities. Sexual reassignment occurs for a variety of reasons, the most common being a
struggle with one's demons. In my opinion, gender reassignment is a dangerous and
ineffective procedure that has a negative effect on the individual who has undergone it. To
summarize utilitarian theory, what is the benefit to society as a whole if an individual opts to
undergo a procedure? It benefits only the individual because it makes them happy. The action
they took, namely sex reassignment, is a complex issue with no simple solution, which is why
the individual should deliberate carefully before proceeding with the procedure, increasing
the risk and consequences associated with their decision.

Insight Talking Point 5

This part points out if sex reassignment actually a result of unguided and unhealthy mental
health in ethical life. That affects how we think and how others think about us due to
stereotypes, norms, and standards. This has an impact on a person’s moral and psychological
well-being. We’ll not just come up with an idea such as “sex reassignment” if we are not
triggered and suppressed by our environment. This could also add up to socially constructed
idealism’s such as gender. We used utilitarianism in a sense that a person’s moral thinking
which he/she thinks is morally good when in fact his/her decision results in unethical action.
These unethical action are illusion of moral principles and decision which is a sugar coat to
the idea that having sex reassignment is again morally right and but is not wrong but ethically
and technically speaking it’s wrong due to psychological and behavioral conditions. The
betterment of our society depends on an individual’s holistic and moral choices with the
guidance of ethical principles which enable them to live in a more unified society despite the
norms and standards imposed in a society’s ethical life. Realizing that our mental or
psychological state has to do something about our decision not just because we have a free
will to do whatever with our body. If not taken action and care of, this will lead to
psychological incapability that add up to a person’s burden, pain and suffering due to what
they say and feel that they are in someone else’s body. 


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American Psychiatric Association. (n .d.). What Is Gender Dysphoria? Web Starter

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Sandoiu, A. (2018, March 19). Transgender surgery can improve life for most, study

confirms. Medical News Today. Retrieved October 3, 2021, from

Collins, S. (n.d.). Gender dysphoria: Your assigned gender vs. Gender Identity.

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Chander, V. (2019, November 8). Sex-change operations yield long-term mental health

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October 11, 2021, from


Peer eval: __97.5__
Peer eval average = 97.5 (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade =68.25 (39 x .50) + (390 x .50) 19.5 + 48.75

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

(DO NOT INCLUDE YOURSELF) (1-5) (1-5) average
Rhonel Miko Parro 5 5 10
Ramina Luzares 5 5 10
Angelo Manalac 4 5 9
Erykah Gheil Orsolino 5 5 10

1. How effectively did your group work?

It is 100% effective because if one member has no idea, another member will teach him/her.
It's give and take to make the task finish and pass it on time
2. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the
team? Explain.
Our behavior is valuable because it is our key to finish the task successfully and efficiently.
3. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience
I learned about working in this group as everyone needs to share their ideas to make the
project more meaningful and creative. Unity is important to finish the work on time with no

Peer eval: __97.5__
Peer eval average = 97.5 (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade =68.25 (39 x .50) + (390 x .50) 19.5 + 48.75

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

(DO NOT INCLUDE (1-5) (1-5) average
Rhonel Miko Parro 5 5 10
Jerrico Von Miguel 5 5 10
Angelo Manalac 4 5 9
Erykah Gheil Orsolino 5 5 10

1. How effectively did your group work?

First, we manage the process of how we will comply; then, we clarify the goals by offering
ideas and sketching out plans. Second, we communicate well in order to ensure that our work
is both clear and positive. Finally, we divide the job and clarify our duties so that we may
allocate our time to other assessments. Finally, we stick to the plan and ensure that deadlines
are met. Because our assessment yielded a positive result, our group effort was really
2. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the
team? Explain.
Their contributions are valuable since we were able to attain great outcomes by working
together. I noticed that we were able to balance our work by being able to understand each
other's time, that we exhibited empathy for what my team was going through, and that the
other member shown integrity by providing a confident partnership.
3. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience
I learned how to organize our work process. I improve my time management and
communication abilities. I gained several key skills that I will bring to my next group, I
learned how to solve a problem and assist my team in reaching a solution, and I learned how
to offer other perspectives by giving my thoughts. In addition, I acquire a great competence
by empowering others to grow.
Peer eval: 100
Peer eval average = (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade = (Group grade x .50) + (Pe
er eval average x .50)

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

(DO NOT INCLUDE (1-5) (1-5) average
Luzares, Yna 5 5 5
Miguel, Jerrico Von A. 5 5 5
Orsolino, Erykah Gheil 5 5 5
Parro, Rhonel Miko 5 5 5

Feedback on group dynamics:

4. How effectively did your group work?

We have divided the content of the paper to each of our group. Everyone has their own task
to do. Helping each other on their part when they don’t know something was also made for
the effectiveness of our group. Motivation for each of the group was also done.
5. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the
team? Explain.

The behaviors of our group members are valuable since there is a healthy conversations and
questions that will make our output better. When someone doesn’t know something, we ask our
group mates if they know something about it. Our group mates are very responsive when raising

6. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience?

One thing I learned about working in a group from this project is do not be shy when you don’t
know something. You should ask your groupmates if your work is right or wrong. Not everybody
knows everything. You shouldn’t be afraid to raise questions.

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

(DO NOT INCLUDE (1-5) (1-5) average
Luzares, Yna 5 5 10
Orsolino, Erykah 5 5 10
Miguel, Jerrico 4 5 9
Mañalac, Angelo 4 5 9
Peer eval: __95_
Peer eval average = 97.5 (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade =68.25 (39 x .50) + (390 x .50) 19.5 + 48.75

Feedback on group dynamics:

7. How effectively did your group work?

I think that we were able to do our task and collaboratively share our thoughts despite the
difference time and hectic schedules however there are of course difficulty in reaching one
another because they are offline and they had to do some other task which we are
invalidating. We still respect each other’s time.
8. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the
team? Explain.
There are some points that we do not meet each other literally due to again connection and
communication difficulties but I think they are all still valuable because I know that we
individually can do it alone but without each other we won’t be able to come up with the idea
that we have now.
9. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience?

What I have learned is that you have to manage your time by setting specific time when are
you going to accomplish stuff.

Peer eval: __97.5__

Peer eval average = 97.5 (Peer eval total) x 10 / Number of group members
Total FA3 grade =68.25 (39 x .50) + (390 x .50) 19.5 + 48.75

Group Member (Name) Collaboration Productivity Computed

(DO NOT INCLUDE (1-5) (1-5) average
Rhonel Miko Parro 5 5 10
Jerrico Von Miguel 5 5 10
Angelo Manalac 4 5 9
Ramina Luzares 5 5 10
10. How effectively did your group work?
Despite the differences in time and hectic schedules, I believe we were able to complete our task and
collaborate on our ideas.
11. Were the behaviors of any of your group members particularly valuable or detrimental to the
team? Explain. I learn that sharing
ideas will truly help the team accomplish the task quickly.

12. What did you learn about working in a group from this project that you will carry into your next
group experience?
I still struggle to work as a group I don’t know how to approach my group mates thankfully
they are all kind.

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