Chapter Wise Annual Exam Quistions

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Chapter no: 1 Electric charge and field

1. Mention the properties of electric charges. J-14, M-18, M-19

2. State and explain Coulomb’s Law in electrostatics M-14, J-15, M-17 M-19, M-20
3. Write coulomb’s law in vector form. Explain the terms. M-15
4. How does the electrostatic force between two point charges change, when a dielectric medium is introduced
between them? J-17
5. Wright the SI unit of charge M-14
6. Define unit of charge. M-15
7. What is an electric dipole? A-16
8. What is an electric dipole moment?
9. Derive an expression for electric field at a point on the axis of the dipole(axial line) A-16, J-17
10. Derive an expression for electric field at a point on the equatorial line of the dipole M-15, J-19 J-20
11. Derive an expression for torque on a dipole placed in a uniform electric field
12. When will be the torque acting on the electric dipole maximum and minimum?
13. Sketch the electric field lines due to a point charges q. If 1)q < 0 and 2) q >0 J-16
14. Write the SI unit of electric field. J-16
15. Write the SI unit of electric flux. M-20
16. Write the properties of electric field lines. J-18, J-15,A-16,M-17.J-19J-20
17. State and explain Gauss’s in electrostatics J-17
18. State Gauss law in electrostatics. Using the law, derive an expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged
thin spherical shell at point (a)outside the shell (b) inside the shell M-14, J-14, J-18 M-19
19. State Gauss law in electrostatics. Using the law, derive an expression for electric field at a point due to an
infinitely long charged straight conductor using Gauss’s law.(thin charged straight wire) J-15, J-16
20. State Gauss law in electrostatics. Using the law, derive an expression for electric field due to uniformly charged
infinite plane sheet
21. Using Gauss law in electrostatics, obtain the expression for electric field due to a uniformly charged thin spherical
shell at a point (i) outside the shell and (ii) inside the shell.
22. What is the electric field inside thin a thin charged spherical shell. J-20

Chapter no 2: Electrostatic potential and capacitance

1. Define electric potential

2. Define electric potential due to point charge and arrive at the expression for electric potential due to an isolated
point charge M-18
3. Derive general expression for electric potential due to a dipole
4. Derive the relation between electric field and electric potential due to point charge. J-14, J-15, M-17, J-17, M-20
5. Deduce an expression for electric potential energy of system of two point charges in the absence of the external
electric field. M-14, J-16
6. Deduce an expression for electric potential energy of system of two point charges in an electric field.
7. Deduce an expression for electric potential energy of system of three point charges in the absence of electric field .
8. Derive an expression for electric potential energy due to a dipole placed in a uniform electric field. M-19
9. What is a capacitor? J-14
10. Derive an expression for capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor without dielectric medium M-15
11. Mention any two factors on which the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor depends. M-18
12. Define dielectric constant interms of capacity of a parallel plate capacitor J-20
13. A parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates has a capacitance C. what will be the capacitance if
a) The distance between the plates is doubled?
b) The space between the plates is filled with a substance of dielectric constant 5 M-20
14. Obtain the expression for energy stored in a capacitor. A- 16,M-20
15. Derive an expression for equivalent (effective)capacitance of two capacitors in series J-19
16. Derive an expression for equivalent (effective)capacitance of two capacitors in parallel
17. What is an equipotential surface? M-18
Chapter no-3: Current Electricity

1. Define mobility of electron. Mention its SI unit M-14,M-17, J-17 J-20

2. Define drift velocity of electron J-14 J-20
3. State and explain Ohm’s law J-18, M-17
4. Write the limitations of Ohm’s law J-14, M-15, J-15, J-19, M-20
5. What is Ohmic device? Give one examle. J-17
6. How does the resistance of a conductor vary with its length? J-19
7. Define electrical resistivity of material of a conductor M-19
8. Write the expression for drift velocity interms of current, explain the terms used. M-19
9. Deduce the relation between the drift velocity and relaxation time A-16,J-16
10. Derive an expression for current in terms of drift velocity of the free electron
11. Derive the relation between current density and conductivity of a conductor( j=σE) J-17
12. Derive an expression for conductivity of a material in terms of relaxation time. J-15
𝑛𝑒 2 𝜏
or Derive 𝜎 = where the symbols have their usual meaning. J-18 M-20
13. A resistor is marked with coolers red, red, orange and gold. Write the value of its resistance. M-15
14. Represent graphically the variation of resistivity with absolute temperature of copper and nichrome metals. J-18,
15. Graphically represent the variation of resistivity of a semiconductor with absolute temperature. M-20
16. Derive expressions for current drawn by an external resistor and terminal potential difference.
17. Derive an expression for equivalent (effective)resistance when two resistors are in series
18. What is equivalent resistance? Derive an expression for equivalent (effective)resistance when two resistors are in
parallel M-14, M- 15
19. Find the expression for the equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance of the combination of two different
cells connected in series J-20
20. Find the expression for the equivalent emf and equivalent internal resistance of the combination of two different
cells connected in parallel
Obtain the expression for the effective emf and the effective internal resistance of two cells connected in parallel
such that the currents are flowing in the same direction. M-18, M-19
21. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws. J-17
22. Deduce the condition for balance of a Wheatstone bridge using Kirchhoff’s rules. J-14, A-16, J-16, M-17,J-19
23. Draw Wheatstone’s bridge circuit and write the condition for its balance M-14
24. What is the condition for the balanced state of Wheatstone’s network? J-15
25. How does the resistance of a conductor vary with its length? J-19
26. Define drift velocity of free electron Ma-18
27. State Kirchhoff’s laws of electric network M-18

Chapter No: 4 Moving charges and magnetism

1. Write the expression for force acting on a moving charge in a magnetic field M-19
2. When does the force acting on a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field is maximum? J-19
3. In a region electric field 𝐸 = 5 × 103 𝑗𝑁𝐶 −1 and a magnetic field of 𝐵 = 0.1𝑘𝑇 are applied. A beam of charged
particles are projected along X-direction. Find the velocity of charged particles which move undeflected in this
crossed fields M-20
4. Write an expression for force experienced by a straight conductor of length l carrying a steady current I, moving
in a uniform external magnetic field B. J-18
5. When does the force experienced by a straight current carrying conductor placed in a uniform magnetic field
become (a) maximum (b) minimum? J-20
6. What is the nature of the force between two parallel conductors carrying currents in the same direction?
M -14, J-14
7. Write three uses of cyclotron. M-14, J-14
8. Derive the expression for magnetic field at a point on the axis of a circular current loop. M-14, M-17, M-19
Derive an expression for magnetic field strength at any point on the axis of circular current loop using
Biot-savart’s law. M-15, M-18
9. State Ampere’s circuital law and represent it mathematically. J-14,M-15, J-19, J-20
10. Give an expression for force acting on a charge moving in magnetic field and explain the symbols. When does the
force become maximum? J-14
11. Define the current sensitivity of a galvanometer J-18
12. Explain with a neat diagram how to convert galvanometer in to an ammeter. M-15
13. Explain with a neat diagram how to convert galvanometer in to an voltmeter. M-17, J-17
14. A charged particle enters an electric field in the direction of electric field. What is the nature of the path traced by
it? J-15
15. Mention an expression for the magnetic field produced at the centre on the axis of a current carrying solenoid and
explain the terms J-19
16. State Ampere’s circuital law. Using it, derive the expression for magnetic field at a point due to a long current
carrying conductor. J-15, M-18
17. Derive the expression for the force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors carrying current of
infinite length and hence define ‘ampere’. A-16, J-15,J-16 J-17,J-18, M-20
18. Write the expression for the force per unit length between two straight parallel conductors carrying current of
infinite length and hence define ‘ampere’ M-19
19. What is a cyclotron? A-16
20. What is toroid? Mention an expression for magnetic field at a point inside a toroid. A-16
21. When will the magnetic force on a moving charge be maximum in a magnetic field? J-16
22. Explain with a circuit diagram how a galvanometer can be converted into an ammeter. J-19 J-20
23. A galvanometer having a coil of resistance 12Ω gives full scale deflection for a current of 4mA. How can it be
converted into a voltmeter of range 0 to 24V? J-16
24. What is Lorentz force? J-17
25. State Ampere’s circuital law J-19
26. When does the force acting on a charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic field is maximum J-19
27. Give an application of cyclotron. M-18
28. Draw neat labeled diagram of cyclotron J-19 J-20
29. Give the principle of cyclotron and draw the neat labeled schematic diagram of cyclotron. M-20 J-20

Chapter No: 5 Magnetism and matter

1. Show that a bar magnet is equivalent to a current carrying solenoid J-17

2. Draw the pattern of magnetic field lines for a bar magnet M-14
3. Writ the properties of magnetic field lines. J-14, M-15
4. State and explain Gauss’s law in magnetism J-16,J-19
5. Define a) magnetic declination b) magnetic dip c) horizontal component of Earth’s magnetic field.
M-14, M-15, J-15, M-17. M-19
6. What is magnetic susceptibility? For which material it is low and positive? M-14, M-19
7. Define magnetization of a sample. What is the SI unit of magnetization A-2016
8. Draw the variation of magnetic field (B) with magnetic intensity (H) when a ferromagnetic material is subjected
to a cycle of magnetization. A-16
9. Where on the Earth surface is the magnetic dip zero? J-16
10. What are diamagnetic materials? Give one example.
11. What are paramagnetic materials? Give one example.
12. What are ferromagnetic materials? Give one example.
13. Write the properties of ferromagnetic materials J-14, A-14,M-217
14. Mention the properties of diamagnetic materials M-20
15. Write the properties of paramagnetic materials
16. Write three differences between diamagnetic and paramagnetic substances. M-15, J-17, J-19
17. Distinguish between diamagnetic and ferromagnetic on the basis of relative permeability and susceptibility.
July-2015 M-19.
18. Distinguish between paramagnetic and ferromagnetic substance. J-16
19. State and explain Curie’s law in magnetism J-18, J-15, J-16
20. Define magnetic intensity
21. Define magnetic permeability
22. Define relative permeability
23. Define magnetic declination and dip at a place. M-18
24. What is hysteresis? Define the term coercivity and retentivity of a ferromagnetic material. J-18,M-18
25. What is hystresis? Mention the significance of Hysteresis curve J-20
26. Where on the Earth surface is Earth’s surface magnetic dip is zero.
27. Define declination? J-19
28. What is Retentivity? J-19
29. Define retenivity and coercivity. M-20
30. Give any one use of electromagnet M-20

Chapter No: 6 Electromagnetic Induction

1. Describe the coil and bar magnet experiment to demonstrate the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction. J-18
2. Give the expression for energy stored in the inductance coil carrying current M-14
3. Mention any two advantages of eddy currents in the practical applications M-14 , J-19
4. State and explain Lenz’s law for induced emf. J-18,M-14
5. What is the significance of Lenz’s law M-20
6. State and explain Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction. J-14, A-16, M-17
7. What are eddy currents? Give one use of it. J-14, J-15
8. Derive an expression for electromotive force (motional emf) induced in a rod moving perpendicular to the
uniform magnetic field. J-14, M-15, J-16, M-17
9. Mention the significance of Lenz’s law. M-15, J-16, M-17
10. Current in a coil falls from 2.5 A to 0.0A in 0.1 second inducing an emf of 200V. Calculate the value of self
inductance. M-15
11. What is self induction J-15
12. Mention any two functions on which the self induction of a coil depends J-18
13. How the self inductance of a coil depends on number of turns in the coil? M-19
14. Derive expression for energy stored in a current carrying coil. J-15
15. The current in a coil of self inductance 5mH changes from 2.5A to 2.0A in 0.01 second. Calculate the value of
self induced emf. A-16
16. Explain briefly the coil and magnet experiment to demonstrate electromagnetic induction A-16
17. What is meant by self inductance and mutual inductance J-16
18. What is motional electromotive force J-17
19. The magnetic flux linked with the coil varies as Φ=3t2+4t+9. Find the magnitude of the emf induced at t=2 s. J-17
20. The current through a coil of 2mH changes from Zero ampere to 5mA in 0.1s.what is the emf induced J-20
21. State Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction M-18
22. Write the expression for magnetic potential energy of a magnetic dipole kept in a uniform magnetic field and
explain the terms M-18
23. Write any one advantage of eddy current J-19 J-20
24. Derive an expression for instantaneous induced emf in an A C generator J-19, M-20

Chapter No: 7 Alternating current

1. Explain the construction of the transformer. Mention its principle. M-14

2. Derive an expression for resonant frequency of series circuit containing inductor, capacitor and resistor.
3. Show that voltage leads current by π/2, when A.C voltage applied to pure inductor. M-15
4. What is the principle behind the working of a transformer? Mention any two sources of energy loss in
transformer. J-15
5. What is a transformer? Mention any two sources of energy loss in transformer. A-16, M-17
6. With a diagram, explain the working of a transformer. J-16
7. Mention the value of power factor of a pure capacitor J-17
8. If the peak value of a.c. current is 4.24 A. what is the root mean square value? M-18
9. Mention one power loss in transformer. M-18
10. Mention the three types of energy loss in a transformer. M-19 M-20
11. What is a Transformer? Mention any one sources of energy loss J-19
12. Arrive at the expression for impedance of series LCR circuit using phasor diagram method and hence write the
expression for the current through the circuit M-18, M-19
13. How does capacitive reactance vary with frequency? M-20
14. What is resonant frequency? Write the expression for resonant frequency J-20
15. Write the condition for the resonance of the series LCR circuit J-18
16. What is wattles current J-18

Chapter No: 8 Electromagnetic waves

1. Who predicted the existence of electromagnetic waves? Give the wavelength range of electromagnetic spectrum.
2. What is displacement current? Give the expression for it. M-20
3. Give any two uses of microwaves J-14
4. Mention two applications of infrared radiation. M-15 J-20
5. Give any two applications of ultraviolet radiation J-18, J-19
6. What is displacement current? Write the expression for displacement current. J-15
7. Give the wave length range of X-rays. A-16
8. What are electromagnetic waves? Write the expression for the velocity of electromagnetic waves in terms of
permittivity and permeability of free space. J-16, M-19
9. Write one application of microwave. M-17
10. Write Maxwell’s equation for the speed of electromagnetic waves and explain the terms. J-17
11. Give any two applications of X-rays. M-18
12. Arrange the following electromagnetic waves in ascending order of their wavelength: Radio waves, Gamma rays
infrared rays, X-rays. M-20
13. Give the wave length range of electromagnetic spectrum J-20

Chapter no: 9 Ray optics

1. Derive the relation between focal length and the radius of curvature of a spherical concave mirror. J-19 M-20
2. Derive mirror equation in the case of concave mirror producing real image.
3. Define magnification.
4. State the laws of refraction or state Snell’s law of refraction. J-14
5. Define critical angle J-17
6. Write the conditions for total internal reflection. J-15, J-17 J-20
7. What is total internal reflection? Mention two applications of optical fibers J-16 J-20
8. Mention three applications of total internal reflection of light. M-14
9. Mention the relation between critical angle and refractive index
10. A blue ray of light enters on optically denser medium from the air. What happens to its frequency in the denser
medium? J-18
11. Derive an expression for the refractive index (n) of material of prism in terms of angle of minimum deviation (D)
and angle of prism (A). march-2015
12. Derive an expression for deviation due to thin prism.
13. Derive the relation connecting n, u, v and R for refraction at a spherical surface M-18
14. Derive ‘lens maker’s formula. J-15, J-16 M-17, J-17 M-19
15. How does the power of a lens vary with the focal length? M-15, A-16, M-17, J-20
16. Derive an expression for equivalent focal length of two thin convex lenses kept in contact A-16, J-18
17. Draw the ray diagram of image formation in case of compound microscope M-15
18. Write the ray diagram for formation of images in the simple microscope M-19
19. Two lenses of power +1.5D and -0.5D are kept in contact on their principal axis. What is the effective power of
the combination? M-18
20. For which position of the object magnification of convex lens is -1 ? M-19

Chapter no: 10 Wave optics

1. State the Huygen’s principle of secondary wavelets

2. What is wave front of light waves? M-14
3. Derive the law of reflection of light on the basis of Huygen’s wave theory of light.
Using Huygens principle, show that the angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection during a plane wave
front reflected by a plane surface. J-19 M-20
4. Derive the law of refraction of light on the basis of Huygen’s wave theory of light when the light travels from
rarer medium to denser medium.
5. Arrive at Snell’s law of refraction. Using Huygens’s principle for refraction of a plane wave. M-18
6. Give the theory of interference.
7. What is interference? Write the conditions for path difference in case of constructive and destructive interference.
8. Write the relation between the path difference and wavelength of light wave used for constructive and destructive
interference of light J-16
9. Describe Young’s double slit experiment to demonstrate interference of light. J-15
10. Obtain the expression for interference fringe width in Young’s double slit experiment. M-14,J-14, J-18, J-19,
M-20 J-20
11. What is diffraction of light? M-19, J-20
12. Write any three differences between interference and diffraction J-17
13. What is polarization of light? Name two methods of producing plane polarized light. J-18 J-20
14. Define resolving power of microscope
15. Define limit of resolution of microscope
16. Mention the expression for limit of resolution of microscope and explain the symbols.
17. Mention the expression for resolving power of microscope and explain the symbols.
18. Mention the method of increasing the resolving power of microscope. M-20
19. Define resolving power of telescope
20. Define limit of resolution of telescope
21. Mention the expression for limit of resolution of telescope and explain the symbols.
22. Mention the expression for resolving power of telescope and explain the symbols.
23. How the resolving power of telescope can be increased. A-16
24. Write the expression for limit of resolution of (a) microscope and (b) telescope. Write one method of increasing
the resolving power of microscope J-14
25. Write the application of Polaroid A-16, M-17
26. State and explain Malus law M-14
27. Write the formula for Malus law J-16
28. What is Brewster’s angle or polarizing angle
29. For which angle of incidence ray is completely polarized? M-19
30. State and explain Brewster’s law.
31. State and arrive at Brewster’s law of polarization.
32. Why does sky appear blue? M-20

Chapter No: 11 Dual natures of radiation and matter

1. Write types of electron emission. M-14, M-19,J-19

2. Give three characteristics of proton M-14

3. Write Einstein’s equation of photoelectric effect. Give Einstein’s explanation of photoelectric effect. M-14
4. Define work function. Write Einstein’s photoelectric equition and explain the terms.
5. Explain Hallwach’s and Lenard’s observations on photoelectric effect. Define: a) work function b) threshold
frequency c) stopping potential. J-15, J-17
6. Write the experimental observations of photoelectric effect. A-16 ,J-18 , M-19 J-20
7. Define : a)photoelectric work function b) Electron volt(ev) J-16
8. What are matter waves? Write the expression for de-Broglie wave length of a particle and explain the terms.
9. Write the expression for de-Broglie wave length of a particle. M-17
10. Write the expression for de-Broglie wave length of electron in terms of electric potential and explain the terms
used. M-19
11. Calculate de-Broglie wavelength associated with an electron moving a speed of 2x 105 ms-1.
Given h= 6.625 x 1034 JS, me = 9.1 x 1031 Kg. J-18.
12. What is the conclusion of Devison-Germer experiment on the nature of electron? M-17
13. Write any three experimental observations of photoelectric effect. M-17
14. What are de-Broglie waves? How does the de-Broglie wavelength vary with the momentum of a moving particle
15. Draw the diagram representing the schematic arrangement of Geiger-Marsden experiment set up for the alpha
particle scattering M-18
16. What is the rest mass of photon J-19

Chapter No: 12 Atom

1. Write three postulates of Bohr. Mention two limitations of Bohr model. M-14 J-20
2. Derive an expression for total energy of an electron in stationary orbit of hydrogen atom. J-14
3. Name the spectral series of hydrogen atom which lies in the ultraviolet region of electromagnetic spectrum. M-15
4. Name the spectral series of hydrogen atom which lies in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum. J-19
5. Using Bohr’s postulates derive an expression for radius of nth stationary orbit of electron revolving round the
nucleus of hydrogen atom. Hence write the expression for Bhor radius. M-14, M-20 J-20
6. State the three postulates of Bohr’s atomic model J-15, M-18, M-19
7. Assuming the expression for radius of the orbit, derive an expression for total energy of an electron in hydrogen
atom. J-16, J-17, J-18, J-19
8. Write the expression for energy of an electron in electron orbit of hydrogen atom. M-19
9. Name the spectral series of hydrogen atom which lies in the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum J-19

Chapter No: 13 Nuclei

1. State the radioactive decay law. M-14

2. What are isotopes J-14, J-19
3. State any three features of nuclear force. J-14
4. Define half life period of a radioactive sample. Arrive at the relation between half-life and decay constant.
5. Write the S.I unit of radioactivity. J-15 J-20
6. 92 𝑈 Undergoes a α-decay thorium. What is the mass number of daughter nuclide? J-18
7. In the following nuclear reaction , identify the particle X. n→p+e-1 + X A-16
8. What are isotopes and isobars? A-16
9. Write three characteristics of nuclear force. A-16
10. What is the ratio of nuclear densities of two nuclei having mass number in the ratio 1:3? J-16
11. What is the S.I unit of activity M-17
12. State radioactive law. Derive N=No e-λt for a radioactive element. M-17
13. Define half life of a radioactive sample J-17 ,M-18
14. Write the relation between Half-life and mean-life of radioactive element. M-19
15. The decay of proton to neutron is possible only inside the nucleus. Why M-18
16. Write any two characteristics of nuclear forces M-18
17. What are isotopes J-19
18. Write the nuclear reaction equation for alpha decay of 92𝑈 M-20
19. An alph particle, a proton and an electron are moving with equal kinetic energy. Which one of these particles has
the longest de-Broglie wave length? Give reson. M-20

Chapter No: 14 Semiconductor Electronics

1. Explain ‘conduction band’ ‘valance band’ and ‘energy gap’ in semiconductor. M-19
2. Explain the formation of energy bands in solids. Distinguish between conductors, insulators and semi conductors
on the basis of band theory M-14, M-15
3. What are intrinsic semiconductors? Name the element used as a dopant to obtain p-type semiconductor. J-15
4. Distinguish between intrinsic semiconductor and extrinsic semiconductors M-20
5. Distinguish between n-type and p-type semiconductors. J-14, J-16, M-17, M-18 M-19
6. Explain the working of semiconductor diode in the forward bias. Draw I-V characteristic curve.
7. Explain the working of semiconductor diode in the reverse bias. Draw I-V characteristic curve.
Describe with suitable block diagrams. The action of the PN-junction diode under forward and reverse bais
conditions. Also, draw I-V characteristics. J-18
8. What is rectification?
9. What is half wave rectifier? With a circuit diagram, explain the working of p-n junction as half wave rectifier.
Draw input and output wave forms. J-19, M-20
10. What is full wave rectifier? With a circuit diagram, explain the working of p-n junction as full wave rectifier.
Draw input and output wave forms. J-14, J-15,A-16,M-17, M-18
11. What is zener diode? Explain the working of Zener diode as a voltage regulator with a relevant circuit diagram.
M-14, J-17 J-18 J-20
12. What are optoelectronic devices? Name any two optoelectronic devices J-20
13. What is photo diode? Mention its one use. M-15
14. Write any two advantages of light emitting diode (LED) over conventional incandescent low power lamp. J-19.
15. What is logic AND gate? Write the Boolean equation, Truth table, Circuit symbol of logic AND gate. J-14, J-17
16. What is logic NAND gate? Write the Boolean equation, Truth table, Circuit symbol of logic NAND gate. J-15, A-
16, J-16, M-17, J-19
17. What is logic OR gate? Write the Boolean equation, Truth table, Circuit symbol of logic OR gate. M-14
18. What is logic NOR gate? Write the Boolean equation, Truth table, Circuit symbol of logic NOR gate. M-20
19. What is logic NOT gate? Write the Boolean equation, Truth table, Circuit symbol of logic NOT gate.
20. What is depletion region in a semiconductor diode? M-18
21. Which logic gate is used as inverter J-20

22. What is the output of this combination M-18

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