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Research question:

Should Tiloom enter the market of fertilizers and chemical products to help the grass conditions, how
could this help them to grow?

Currently companies are in constant change, especially in the digital and technological areas of the
company. Tiloom is a company very advanced in this sector and all the machines they provide are
high quality technology that produce precise information. The inconvenience is that they don't
produce as much profit as they could if they entered the fertilizers and chemical products market, this
is where this investigation starts. The main objective is to study the fertilizer and chemical product
market to see if the entrance of tillom will produce benefits for the company.

Theoretical Framework

Syllabus Business tools Use

Unit 1.3 It will help me to find

strengths, weaknesses, external
Organisation SWOT opportunities and threats of the
objectives company

Unit 1.7 It will help me to identify the

advantages and disadvantages
Organisation of the firm entering the market
planning Lewin's force field analysis of fertilizers and chemical
tools products to help the grass

Unit 2.2 Will help to understand how

Organisational the firm works and what
structure changes are going to be needed

Unit 2.4 Help me to find out the firm

Motivation motivation and how to use
motivation to increase

Unit 3.2 Will help me to find out the

Costas costs of fertilizers and
and revenues chemical products to the firm.
And the future revenue

Data Collection Rationale linkage

Interview 1: Javier Espinosa de Los Monteros, Interview:

Co founder of the company It would be used to find out any problems inside
the company, what are the companies vision and
Interview 2: ……… Co founder of the company mission and to find out a way of making Tiloom
more profitable.
Interview 3: Worker who has decided to remain

Secondary data Articles:

Articles and theories Mayn use of the articles are to get information
on the market of fertilizers and chemical
products to help grass conditions


Anticipated Difficulties Anticipated Solutions

Confidentiality The questionnaire done to all the workers is

anonymous and the interview as well. The thing
is that having the information is the most
important thing.

Short time of the company The company is relatively new, so the amount of
data from previous years is smaller but i can
compare the firms data with similar businesses

Lack of information I will find out as much secondary data as

possible to gain more knowledge of the market
and the company. This is because the workers
are anonymous so they will be lees conditions to
hand me a lot of information.

Action Plan (Gantt Chart)

marzo abril mayo junio julio agosto septiembre octubre noviembre diciembre enero febrero
22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 23 23

Organisation and Topic


Supervision sessions with my


Preparing a Guidance for

Effective Interviewing

Interviews with my contact 1

Interviews with my contact 2

Decide the Research Question

and the areas to study
Write initial research Proposal
(500 words)

Visit to the company

Prepare and carry out


Do research about the topic

T Define the Research Objectives

a Select the methodology, tools

and theories
Work on findings
Analysis and Discussion - Mini
Revision of my analysis and
discussion: New

Final Conclusions

Identify 3 possible

Report draft versions

Identify areas for further study

to be recommended
Review of Recommendations
and conclusions

Write the Executive Summary

Final draft of the report

Post scriptum

Content Page:





-ACTION PLAN (Gannt Chart)

Lewin's force field analysis
Motivation Plan

The reason why I am doing this search is because the company Tiloom sells very sophisticated and
expensive measuring instruments, but they do not produce recurring income. Instruments that once
you have them can last for several years without having to change them. For this reason it would be
necessary to look for products of continuous sale that produce stable income.
Tiloom is a company relatively new, making changes this early in the company is a difficult decision
for the founders. The research proposal outlines the reason for taking into consideration making a
change and why this investigation is carried out. Also provides information over methodologies,
theoretical framework and possible difficulties i might face during the investigation.
Overall this report is focused on providing information to Tiloom with some possible changes that can
increase the benefits of the company. It will analyze the benefits of entering a new market and how
the changes will affect the organization.

Tiloom is dedicated to the commercialisation of measuring instruments for sports fields with both
natural and artificial grass. In particular, it works with football, golf and rugby pitches. The devices
marketed measure agricultural parameters such as: soil moisture, salinity, etc. It also measures specific
parameters for the development of the sport, such as: speed of the movement of the ball, resistance of
the grass to traction, etc...
Tiloom was born as a technology company project, established in October 2012. Throughout this time
the company has managed to perfect a sensor technology to solve real needs, such as saving
maintenance costs and irrigation water on golf courses, football pitches, rugby pitches...
In November 2013, Tiloom was recognised as one of the best technology-based companies by the
programme for the promotion of technology companies (ActúaUPM), the company was awarded the
prize of best company ActúaUPM. Since its beginnings, Tiloom has sought alliances with the best
technology suppliers to ensure high performance and therefore has the participation of major
companies in the design and manufacture of electronics and aeronautics. The company's mission and
vision is to provide technology that measures valuable information to those involved in the
maintenance of golf courses, football fields and sports grounds, such as soil and environmental
sensors. The information obtained by the devices captures and analyses information to save time,
maintenance resources and irrigation water.

This investigation brings together four primary and two secondary sources of information to conclude
the investigation. All of these are used with the same goal.


-Interview 1: With Javier Espinosa (CEO), he provided first hand information of the company and
where the company needed to improve. He told me that the problem was that “the product long for
many years so the companies only buy the minimum products.” This is where the idea of having a
product that is needed in more quantities like fertilizers and chemical products came.

-Interview 2: Co owner ………He gave me very important information on the structure of the
company. This information is very useful to see how entering a new market could affect the structure
and how the change could be made.

-Interview 3: Worker who wanted to remain anonymous. I mainly talked with him about how the
workers were motivated and what he thinks about entering a new market. He said: “I believe the
change will be great for the company, not only these, new job opportunities will be created in the


Informative Articles
-Two different articles about Tiloom, these articles have information of the company and how the
evolution of the company is going since its foundation.

-Two other articles about the fertilizer and chemical products for the grass market. This information
will help in the investigation to figure out if entering this market will be profitable for the company or

Analytical tools
-SWOT analysis: It will be used to evaluate the strategies and project a future with better results since
with the SWOT the problems of the firm are protected clearly. In addition the SWOT guarantee the
criteria in decision making, if any change is going to be made, with the SWOT the change will be
perfectly evaluated.

-Lewis force field analysis: This diagram facilitates the change, it sees change as different forces and
they compete against each other. It allows us to see the factors that contribute to the success or failure
of the proposed solution.

By using the methodologies, the data collected will ensure that entering in the fertilizer and chemical
products market will create an increase in profit to Tiloom.

In the first interview, with Javier Espinosa and also in the second interview with ……. both active
workers shared with me the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of Tiloom. With this
information I build a SWOT analysis.
Internal Strengths: innovative, Weaknesses: The market is
sophisticated and high relatively small, with
quality products. operators without a great
The main users (golf, economic capacity and not
football and rugby clubs) are very professionalized.
becoming more and more Occasional purchases that
professional and demand are not recurrent, as the
more sophisticated equipment is used for many
products. years.
The controlling bodies (Fifa,
federations, etc.) are
increasingly concerned that
the playing fields are in
good condition to avoid
They distribute the best
products on the market,
which only has imported

External Opportunities:Clients Threates: The low

increasingly need to have purchasing power of many
playing fields in better customers. Most golf
conditions, in some cases such courses have very small
as golf, because the fans
budgets to invest in
themselves do not go to the
fields if they are not in good relatively expensive
condition, they go directly to equipment. Football clubs,
another, in others such as with the exception of some
football and rugby clients, they first division clubs, have
are increasingly aware that a very large budgets to buy
bad field can cause injuries to such equipment.
their players and given the cost The unprofessionalism of
of having them injured, it is the managers of golf
important to avoid them, so courses, above all, and
they invest more in their
football, who do not see how
In addition, some control important it is to maintain
bodies of these sports (football the grounds in optimal
and rugby) are becoming more conditions.
and more concerned about the
grounds, auditing and
controlling them and banning
certain competitions on bad
pitches, a trend that we think is
going to increase and forcing
more and more pitches to
exceed certain parameters in
order to be used in
professional competitions.

After the SWOT I decided to build a force field to show a study of how the change may affect the


Lewis force field analysis

Fertilizer and chemical product market



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