Garcia, Mary Ann T.

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Garcia, Mary Ann T.

Humss 12 B

1. If I am a counselor and I had this

experience as a counselor, I will no
hesitate to choose my profession
because my purpose as a counselo
is to provide a solution to the
problem my client is having, not to
be their relationship. There are also
many women out there, and she
recognizes that having a connection
with a client is unethicaL.
That is why, before getting into a
relationship, you should pursue
your passion. You can even lose
your certification and be unable to
work as a counselor. A counselor
who is incapable of working with
their own emotions is a very
ineffective counselor. Even if they
fall in love with their client, they
should be able to keep the client-
therapist relationship healthy.

2. Staying on the job, in my opinion,

is more ethical because you will
need money to support yourself.
Staying is better than living because
you're more likely to find what
you're looking for if you live. That's
your job, you choose it, and you
should enjoy it. Don't give up
because you're weary of working.
When you're in need of money, don't
just work because you have to;
work because you enjoy it.

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