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Experiment Report No: 7 Section: CEIT-02-101P .

Experiment Title: POLYMERS Date & Time: Nov. 25, 2021

Name: Estañol, Jerald - Date Performed: Nov. 25, 2021
Course: Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Date Submitted: Nov. 25, 2021

● to perform polymerization that will show from anything like a hard plastic
becoming soft.
● to define the process of polymerization


● Mixing bowls ● Clear Elmer’s glue

● Measuring cups ● Food coloring
● Measuring spoons
● Borax


They poured one cup of warm water into the first bowl then added one half teaspoon of
borax, then they stirred the warm water with borax to dissolve the borax into the warm
water. In the second bowl, they poured one cup of warm water and five ounces of glue,
then mixed the solution thoroughly and added the food coloring to the mixture and
stirred again to blend the color evenly. Last step is to mix the two mixtures from different
bowls and mix the solutions together, it's best if you mix the solution using your hands.
They used glue containing polyvinyl acetate, which is a liquid polymer. When the borax
enters the solution, it links the individual polyvinyl acetate to each other to create one
large flexible substance called polymerization.


There are different types of polymers, there are soft, rubber, and hard. That’s why other
polymers like soft polymers can turn into rubber polymer then hard polymer as time
passes by because the water can evaporate and it becomes stiff and less a liquid and more
like a rubber. It can restore some liquid properties by massaging it with a little bit of

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