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AUTORITATEA NATIONALA SANITARA VETERINARA $I PENTRU SIGURANTA ALIMENTELOR Veterinary certiiate {or breeding and production cattle exported from the EU tothe Republic of Kazakhstan/ Bemepunapuei eepmurpunam ‘no nenopmupyeusid us Faponetcxoce cove 0 PecnySauny Kaxaxerion nnewensolu nonesoeamenswil xpynnil poramell exon Certifiat veterinar pentru bovinele de reprodctes producti exportate gin UE in Republica Kazahstan ORIGINAL /OPUTMHAN — COPY / KONA Total of copies issued Numarul total al copillor emise / Konwuectso ssiqannexx konuit 1 Shipment desCripton/ Onwcanne nocrawwe/descrierea wansporulul | 15. Cerificate Nex] Ceprwwat Nis GeAficatul 16. Country of gin of animals] Crpane seaornc/Tara de Fin 2 animaleor Ti Name and address fconsignor:/Wansavie w aapecrBys00TTpaBnTe 116. Country of orn of animals) cmon npoucson ews nuornan Tata de orgie 3 Snimalelor 1.2 Name and adares of consgnee:/ Hassanue uoBpe 2pysonanyeamens Jumele adress destinatarulu, 113. Mean of wansport/ Tpanchopr T7 Corfvng Member Sate nthe EU Crpana-anen Ee, (Wo ofthe railway wagon, tuck, container, light, name ofthe ship/ (Ne buugaoue ceprubunan Statul Membru UE cave certiich Baron, aBvomauinis, xonrefneps,peic camonea,naseanine cy) IMiloace de transport (nr. vagorll de en, container, bor, | enumivea vasula) “La. Country (es) of Wansie] Crpana (a) TpaNaTE TB. Competent authoriy inthe FU:/ Kawnevenwoe senowerao EC: Autorkate Competent din UE 72.3. organisation in the €U issuing the cerifieater7 | Yepenaene EC ssiaauie cepmgur Crganzatia din UE care emte cartestul 74:10. Pont of erosieg the border ofthe Coston anni] Ayre nepecevene ranue Tamowenoro ¢o1033:) Poet de Lwecere a fronted al Ununi Vamale 2. denification of animals MaenTaeaun noveorin] entfiarea almalelor ioJ | Animal species/ aa maworwore/ | Se/fon/sex | Greed) lopoaa | Date af bith/ Bara | Wentneation number? Ne Specia de animale | rasa omaswne/Dets | Vgerrnparaunenreth asters | nowep/Mumaru de eniieae i 2 3 4 s ‘The inventory is made, more than § animals are shipped, Ris sgned by the State] afiealvetennaran ofthe exporting country and constitutes an integral part of ths corificate/ Mow nepesosne Gonce § mornun cocTaNMeTcR ante mOTHN, KOTODOR RommcusaeTen rocyaapcroenmunt/ eduuwanbnins SereprnapHOm HpeHOM crpavrIMENODTEpa Mm RBARETEA NEGTUEMREMO saeTOD _avoro ceprbanas. /Se foe inventarul dacs transportz ma mult de cnc animale, este sermat de macicul vterinar de AN HAREM meMDOTMON MIDE. aan fnpeaenenis ayrvven x cepotanam SmeTanra ¢ orpiuaTenuiun peayssrarow/ in timpu caratine, animale a fost Supuse unui test serologic la care sau oblinut rezultate negative, conform Codului IE pind Sandtatea Anienaelor Teresreutiidnd metods recamandsta de Manvalul OIE reertor la Testele de Diagnostic Vaccnurile pentru Animale Terese penteuadetectaatiorpisoretipurlo bli imei albaste "orf waw/sau [the animals were subjected to an agont identification testin accordance with OIE Terrestral Animal Health Code using the ‘method recommended by the OIE Manual of Diagnostic Tests and Vaccines for Terrstrl Animals with negative result carted ut at least 14 days pri to shioment,/ mvsorewe nccnencaake Ha Hane BO3GyaNTenm © COOTEETCTANA ¢ ogeicom anoposen Hazewuion HuBOTHHIC MB & COOTBETCTBIN C METORAMN, DEHOMENROSAMHDAH PYKOROKCTROM NO “awarnoenseciss Tecraki » sakunnan AM KAEUNAe KoHAGTMLX MBB. PesynsTar orpMATEMAM, HecreROeSHN pceenens mitunym 33 14 avel zo orrpaakn msornun/animalele au fost spe unui test de idetiicae a agentulu a Care £3 obtinat rezutat nesat conform Codului Ole praand Sdnstatea Animal Teesto utiizind metoda recomandats {de Monusil OI refertor is Testele de Diggnostic si Vaccnurle pentru Animalele Tereste,efectuat cu cel putin 24 ze Inainte de expediere wt ether/aw6orte {uring quarantine the animals were protected agtnstculcades/ @ nepnoa wapatmona muons Gunn s2uunuer oF amazes acerone|/nimpd coring ia fs protege cor [the quarantine was earied out in a period of the yeor free from the presence of insects transmitting the infection (competent vectors). / napatin npowoawncs 6 nepvog roma, csoGoansit oF NpNEVTETSIR HaCeKOMbN, neDEHOCALNE agente (kounereninn nepenocwwos).fearentina a fost efecwuata ino period anuluilibera de isectele care Lansmit infect “3 Bipored animals Rave not boon vaccinated against brucelions and Toot and mawth diese] Dweroptpyenne MATETIOE NE saxunnposars nporns Geyuennesa n nuyos,/Arimalee exportate nv au fost vaccinate impetiva beucloze!sfebreiafoase “44 The animals, being exported to the Customs Union are circa Reathy and are exported from herds where no case of boune Spongitorm encephalopathy (8SE) have baen registred. The exported animals were not the offspring from registered ane note BSE postive paronte/ Macornne axcnopmapyesie na Teppuropiio Tamoweworo Cor unvuncnN 320pOBH | NROHEAORNT M9 TOA, 8 wotopau Her aaperterpaposanii exyraee ‘yGuate snueganonstnn wpytnor® poraTOr® eHOrd. DKCnOBMpYENGIE AMEE HE ponctoasr oT poawrenei c saperterpyposannell m noaroepKaennol rySxavOH anuedaronarah xpyTMOO porarorD cx, ale asa eerste Uninet de oon erie a cel ele cu rg abate songforma bows, mall exporate nea uma gn vegsva si notes Boe 38 mr rtd ee GES Tis ze rcmaran Terra on nh i es seri ro ei XY; PREgEDI “FS nthe country of engin prohibited to Teed rarnanis wth animal proveins and feasts containing ama proteins, Guang components permites by the OIE Tevrestral Animal Heath Code crpane npowcroxgenn aanpeuseno Nope NARHA nwecrai Genkaw msoTHOre NpONCXONAEHUR H HOPI, COREPHALYOIN Beak HUEETHOTD NPOICLOMAINR, 22 HEKNONERIEN ovrowenroo, wenoneseeae noropun aonycraeren KegencoM s20p0b0A nase maoTion M3 In ra de arigine est interzs3 furajerea rumegatoareor cu proteine de origine animals: produse fursjere care contin protene de orgine animals, cu except ‘ompusior permis de Codul OIE prvind SandtateaAnimaelr Terese “EE inthe country of engin W's prOnbated to use certain Rarmones, thyostaic substances and Bela agonist Iv animal production cluding prophylactic and medical veatment/ 2 erpave npoHOONAEH JaNpeWeND HeNEnO—aHINe OMpeAereNHAK FOpHOHOR, ‘tpeocrarivecnn npenaparos Gera arowieros 9 paazeaeHN HuBoTHAK, 20 wCKMYERHEN NpOguATNeCKNK H ADAH hmeponpuarni./ In tara Ge orgie este Ineras utliavea anumtor hormon, substanfe Ureostaice #1 Betaagoniste in producla snimalh cu exceptiatatamentuiprofiacic # medical 727 The exported animals were kept for not less than 21 days n quarantine under the supervision ofthe Sate/ofical veterinarian of ‘the exporting country and had no contacts wih ether anim, Animale were ciniealy healthy during ths period and nave been tested with negate results, as appropiate, im an accredited laboratory using the methods approved in the exporting country of recommended by the O1E Mangal of Dagnostc Tests and Vaccines fr Terestril Animals (inceate the name of the laboratory, date and meted of testing)" weave & TEveNNe He MeHEe 71 AWK HaxOLWE B KADAMTIME MO HAGAOMEHHEN Focyaapcruewnorofotmuranenore serepmapHCro wpa¥a CTpANB-KCnOPTERA ME HMERN KOMTEKT2 € ApYFA >RYBOTAN MuaorHie a Tevenne 3700 nepwoga spenenu ocrasaIuce enna IAppORA * UCEARAAHAKM, —COOTETETRENND, K auapeamrooannom na6oparopim eToaats, npwnAnawn 8 cIpaMe-xcnoprepe nn pexoHengotannbinw PyvoooRcTeON no AvarHocnieciint TECTON H soRUHOM ane HaDeHmEK HuBoTHoK MDE, € erpHuarenDMN peayRETaToNN (YAB92TY n9309HHE ‘aGopsropi, aaTy W weroa,weeneaosavun) ra: Animaleleexportae au fos tinute nu ma putin de 21 2 in carating sub supravegherea mediclu vterinar de sta\/ofkil din tara exportatoare | pu au avut contact cu alte animal. Arimaleleerau clinic sinatoase in impul acest! perioade sau fost testateobtindndu-se rezutate negative, dupa cazint-un laborator acreatat utileand Imetadele aprobate in tara exporatonre sau recomandate de Manvalil OF releror la Testele de Diagnostic «i Vacenurla pentru ‘Animale Tereste ineicay denumnireafboratorulu, data si metoda detestare)"" tuberculosis: yBepeynes: tuberculoes emiootic bovine leucosis/ayaoarsecaN nanos KP leucoza enzootic bowed brucelosis/ Spyuennes/ bruceloza ‘ampylabactersis (Campylobacter fetus venerals}xanmuoGaxrepnes (Campylobacter fetus venerals) /campllobacteriona (campyiobacter fetus veneralis)__ ‘wchomenassTchomanas foetus ypxomovon (TeiehomonasFoetus):_/Tlhemoneré_(Trehomenas fostus|_ | bovine viral diarhea according to point 48 of the cartificate:/ apjepe avapeo HpyrNerD pordroro cloTa & COOTEETETaHH ¢ nyviron 4.8 ero copmgunara/cateea als bovind conform punctusi A a ceifistul Infectious bovine Vache aczordinis to pont 49 of he cerca / WGewirannwil TpaxenT HByMNOTA ROFATETS COTA RO yey 9 ceptwowvara/Traheta infeioass bovna conform punctuui 9 din cere Campylobacterioss and Wehmonies tests are required onle for Breeding bul 7 Anane wa vowranGorrepnos W pmromowas oGmaTensiss TOMO Ann macuerienr GoHod/ teitele pentru camplobscteiora si tchomoniaz su necesare numal pentru tauri de reproductie “aT” The animals were] WisoTnoe”” animales au Tore: either vaccinated against bovine vial arthea nt earier than 6 months and nat later than 21 days prio tothe export ‘ue [vanmnposansl rporne SHpYEHO aNapeN HpyRMOFO DorsTOr® cNOTA Ne panee veN 38 6 MACRUEa W He oSAHEe Wem 30 21 ‘vel ao senopa: / vaccinate impotsva earee vale Bovine nu al devreme de 6 lun sinu moi iris de 24 cle nante de export or [not vaccinated against the bovine vial arthea and tested with negative serologic) resuls during the quarantine) nm /sau (ne Sevaesnposahes npOTHS SUPYCHOR aapen KpyRNOrD pOraTOrO cKOTE HBO BpENA KapANTHNA GuisN npoveaeHt ‘cepononiveciue uceneaoKanns c ovpmuaresteuat peayneraroN| /ou au fost vaccinate impotiva dire virale bovine estate cy rezutate srologice nogatve in timpul carantin 143 The animals were/ Misovwne/ “/Animalle au Tost either vaccinated against infectious bovine rhinotracheitis not eater than 6 moaths and not ater than 21 days prior tothe export wove (sonunnsposanei NPoTHE WABEHLERHOreDHOTEaKEHTA xpYMOTO oraTONOCHETA Me paHee we 326 EEAUeR Wve nonaNe® ‘se 3221 ate ao sucnopra/ vaccinate impotia rnotraheitlnfetoase bovine nu mai dewreme de 6 unis nu mai tia de 21 he inaite do export or (not vaccinated ageist infectious bovine rinotracheti ana tested wth aegative serlogcl eults rng the quran] urvlsu [ne sanunnwposann apote snberanonor pinoTROKeHTa noyINGTD pararoro cha H 80 BDewn wapanTana. GM npoveaerss eponorecnne ncneaoaani copnuaensnui pesyneraro] /n a fos vacate knpotv rotanete fectaase bovine testatecurezutate serlogce negative timp caanine! wi athe contry or aémsisrsve ttre ofl fe infections bovine rtinatchsis) // © ea tot Sava Tien obs cafoon of meen oni riteril te sau terteril admnistrat este ol indemn de rinotrahetsinfectomsa bowing

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