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Table of Specifications

Topic Time Spent Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create Percentage No.
(hours\days) of
1. 3 5 3 2 2 1 1 21.43% 14

2 4 3 1 1 1 14.29% 10
3 3 3 3 2 3 21.43% 14
5 4 10 5 4 35.71% 23
1 6 1 2 7.14% 9
Total 14 18 14 18 10 5 5 100% 70


Enhancement Program for LET

Content Item Placement

1. Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory R – 1,2,3,4,5

U – 6,7,8

A – 9,10

An – 11,12

E – 13

C – 14
2. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development R – 29,30,31,32

U – 33,34,35

A – 36

An – 37

E – 38
3. Erickson’s Psycho-Social Theory of Development R – 15,16,17

U – 18,19,20

A – 21,22,23

An – 24,25

E – 26,27,28
4. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development U – 39,40,41,42

A – 43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52

An – 53,54,55,56,57

C – 58,59,60,61
5. Lev Vygotsky Socio-cultural Theory R – 62,63,64,65,66,67
U – 68
A – 69,70
College of Education
San Enrique, Iloilo
5036 Philippines
Contact No.: (033) 323-2058 Email:


Name of Validator:
No. of years in teaching:

To the validator: please check the appropriate box for your ratings and write your suggestions.

Rating scale:

2= Very Much Valid

1= Not Valid


1. Which of the following is
the correct order of
psychosexual stages
proposed by Sigmund Freud?
a. Oral stage, anal stage,
phallic stage, latency stage,
genital stage
b. Anal stage, oral stage,
phallic stage, latency stage,
genital stage
c. Oral stage, anal stage,
genital stage, latency stage,
phallic stage
d. Anal stage, oral stage,
genital stage, latency stage,
phallic stage
2. What results from failure
to satisfy the needs of a
particular psychosexual
a. Erogenous zone
b. Phallic
c. Oral
d. Fixation
3. Which stage of the
psychosexual theory does
young boys experience
rivalry with their father to
their mother’s attention and
a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency
4. Freud’s structural theory
suggests that human
personality has three key
structures. Which serves as
the source of all physic
a. Id
b. Ego
c. Libido
d. Superego
5. It is the deepest level in
the mental iceberg wherein
all tendencies are in prison.
a. Ego
b. Unconscious
c. Superego
d. Subconscious
6. It is the moral principle of
the Freudian personality
a. Id
b. Ego Ideal
c. Conscious
d. Superego
7. Mr. Francisco was very
much worried about the
thumb sucking of his son. A
friend of him says that
certain behaviour among
infants. Who presented that
notion certain behaviour like
thumb-sucking is normal
a. Sigmund Freud
b. Erick Erickson
c. John Bowlly
d. Bronfen Brenner
8. Based on Freud’s theory,
which operates when a
person is in the height of
a. Superego
b. Ego
c. Id
d. None of the above
9. _____ is described by
Freud as the component(s)
of personality that is
concerned with the idea of
right and wrong.
a. Superego
b. Super-ego and ego
c. Id
d. Ego
10. The child’s focus of
pleasure in this stage is the
a. Oral stage
b. Latency stage
c. Anal stage
d. Genital stage
11. The ______ operates
using the reality principle.
a. Ego
b. Super-ego
c. Id
d. Unconscious
12. Ann gets jealous
whenever she sees her
father showing love and
affection to her mother.
Which of the following is she
showing according to Freud?
a. Complex
b. Phallic
c. Oedipus Complex
d. Electra Complex
13. Instincts are under what
mental dimension?
a. Ego
b. Super-ego
c. Id
d. None of the above
14. Angela focuses her
attention on the school work
and vigorous play that
consume most of her
physical energy. Which stage
of psychosexual theory
illustrates her behavior?
a. Oral
b. Anal
c. Phallic
d. Latency
15. What is the name of Erik
Erickson’s development
a. Psycho-social
b. Cognitive
c. Moral
d. Physical

16. What stage is Initiative

vs. Guilt?
a. Stage 2
b. Stage 4
c. Stage 3
d. Stage 5
17. What is Erikson most
famous for?
a. Id vs. Ego
b. Identity Crisis
c. Social Learning Theory
d. Behaviorism
18. Erik Erikson published his
psychosocial development
theory in the following
a. Man and Society
b. War and Peace
c. Childhood and Society
d. Harry Potter and
Philosopher’s Stone
19. The stages that occurs
between birth and one year
of age is concerned with:
a. Initiative
b. Trust vs. Mistrust
c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
d. Intimacy vs. Isolation
20. According to Erikson’s
Psychosocial Stages of
Development, which stage
describes a child who needs
to learn important academic
skills and compare
favourably with peers in
school to achieve
a. Trust vs. Mistrust
b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
c. Initiative vs. Guilt
d. Industry vs. Inferiority
21. Which is an example of
the autonomy versus shame
and doubts stage?
a. An infant chewing on a
teething toy
b. Teenager trying out new
fashions and hairstyles
c. A pre-schooler insisting on
picking our her own clothes,
no matter how mismatched
they are
d. A middle-schooler
completing a challenging
math assignment
22. A teenager joining a jazz
band would be an example
of what psychosocial stage?
a. Trust vs. Mistrust
b. Initiative vs. Guilt
c. Identity vs. Confusion
d. Industry vs. Inferiority
23. Which of the following is
likely to be developed if
infants are shown genuine
a. Trust
b. Autonomy
c. Initiative
d. Industry
24. Who is the author of
Psycho-social theory of
a. Erik Erikson
b. John Piaget
c. Sigmund Freud
d. Lev Vygotsky
25. This stage Psychosocial
theory of development is the
beginning with puberty and
ending around 18 or 20 years
a. Adolescence
b. School-age
c. Early childhood
d. Infancy
26. Is the extension of love
into the future.
a. Exclusion
b. Generativity
c. Promiscuity
d. Fanaticism
27. What is the seventh
stage of Psycho-social stages
of development.
a. Early childhood
b. Infancy
c. Middle adulthood
d. Adolescence
28. What theory states that
there are 8 basic
development stages that the
individual has to pass
through his life.
a. Learning Theory
b. Psychoanalytic Theory
c. Psychosocial Theory
d. Cognitive Development
29. The first stage of
development is the____
a. Adaption
b. Assimilation
c. Accommodation
d. Sensorimotor
30. How many stages are
Piaget’s theory?
a. 5
b. 9
c. 4
d. 2
31. The process of taking in
new information and adding
it to what the child already
know is called____
a. Accommodation
b. Schema
c. Assimilation
d. All of the above
32. Problem and solving ___
are developed during the
fourth stage, formal
a. Questioning
b. Thinking
c. Listening
d. Reasoning
33. During the
preoperational stage
children a very ____.
a. Independent
b. Loud
c. Egocentric
d. Self-centered
34. Lito, a student in
secondary level tends to
spend more time with his
friends and his family, thus,
his behaviour is greatly
affected by them. In which
stage in the Psychosocial
Stages of Development does
Lito belong?
a. Autonomous vs. Shame
and Doubt
b. Identity vs. Role Confusion
c. intimacy vs. Isolation
d. Initiative vs. Guilt.
35. Which of the following
statements does not apply to
a. They desire the approval
of their peers.
b. They seek dependence on
their parents.
c. They have a marked sex on
their development.
d. None of the above.
36. The period of
development during which
school readiness skills are
developed and most free
time is spent playing with
friends is called?
a. Infancy
b. Early childhood
c. Middle childhood
d. Late childhood
37. What stage of cognitive
development is
characterized by the ability
of a child to think logically
but only in terms of concrete
a. Formal operational
b. Concrete operational
c. Pre-operational
d. Sensori-motor
38. The ability to represent
objects and events.
a. Symbolic function
b. Egocentrism
c. Object permanence
d. Conservation
39. Piaget used the term
______ to refer to the
cognitive structures by which
individuals intellectually
adapt to and organize their
a. Assimilation
b. Accommodation
c. Schema
d. Reasoning
40. What is the first stage of
Kohlberg moral
a. Law and order
b. Social contract
c. Punishment\Obedience
d. Mutual benefit
41. Kohlberg’s level of moral
development that is based
on enduring or consistent
principles. It is not just
recognizing the law, but the
principles behind the law.
a. Post-conventional
b. Pre-operational
c. Convention
d. Social Approval
42. Moral reasoning is based
on the “norms” of society.
a. Pre-conventional level
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. None of the above
43. It is based on the
consequence/result of the
act, not on the whether the
act itself is good or bad.
a. Pre-conventional
b. Conventional
c. Post-conventional
d. Universal principles
44. Stage in Kohlberg moral
development that one is
motivated to act by the
benefit that one may obtain
a. Universal Principles
b. Social Contract
c. Law and Order
d. Mutual benefit
45. Joy allows her
classmates to copy her
homework so that they will
think she is kind and will like
her to be their friend.
a. Obedience
b. Mutual Benefit
c. Social Approval
d. Law and Order
46. Ricky does everything to
get passing grades because
his Mom will take his play
station away if he gets bad
a. Punishment/Obedience
b. Mutual Benefit
c. Social Contract
d. Universal Principles
47. Jinky lets Hannah copy
during their math test
because Hannah agreed to
let her copy during their
sibika test.
a. Social Contract
b. Mutual Benefit
c. Law and Order
d. Social Approval
48. Lyka wears her ID inside
the campus because she
likes to follow the school
rules and regulations.
a. Law and Order
b. Punishment/Obedience
c. Mutual Benefit
d. None of the above
49. Anna believes that
authority is respected.
a. Social Contract
b. Law and Order
c. Interpersonal
d. Universal Ethics
50. Ella decides to return the
wallet she found in the
canteen so that people will
praise her honesty and think
she’s such a nice girl.
a. Universal Principles
b. Social Contract
c. Social Approval
d. Mutual Benefit
51. A civic action group
protest the use of pills for
family planning, saying that
although the government
allow this, it is actually
murder because the pills are
abortifacient (cause
a. Social Contract
b. Law and Order
c. Universal Principles
d. Social Approval
52. Little Riel behaves so
well to get a star stamp from
her teacher.
a. Punishment/Obedience
b. Mutual Benefit
c. Social Approval
d. Law and Order
53. A jeepney driver looks if
there’s a policeman around
before he U-turns in a no U-
turn spot.
a. Social Contract
b. Law and Order
c. Social Approval
d. Mutual Benefit
54. Liza volunteers to tutor
children at-risk children in
her community for free so
they will learn to love school
and stay in school.
a. Mutual Benefit
b. Social Contract
c. Social Approval
d. Universal Principles
55. Edwin decides to return
the wallet he found in
canteen because he believes
it’s the right thing to do.
a. Mutual Benefit
b. Social Approval
c. Law and Order
d. Social Contract
56. How many main stages
of moral development are
a. 1
b. 3
c. 5
d. 7
57. How many levels of
moral development are
there in each stage?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 6
d. 8
58. In this stage, children are
good so that they can be
seen as good to other
b. Conventional
c. Post Conventional
d. None of the above
59. If a child is good they do
not want to avoid
punishment, which stage are
the students in?
a. Preconvential/Pre-moral
b. Conventional
c. Post-Conventional
60. In this stage, individual
judgment is based on
individual rights and justice
for the greater good.
b. Conventional
c. Post-Conventional
d. Preconvential/Pre-moral
61. In this stage, the child is
aware of wider rules of
society. At this point, a
student s good because of
what society says.
b. Conventional
c. Post-Conventional
d. Preconvential/Pre-moral
62. What do we called the
support assistance that lets
the child accomplish a task
he cannot accomplish
a. Scaffolding
b. Private Speech
c. Language
d. Social Interaction
63. What is the Zone of
Proximal Development?
a. ZPD is the area where the
child could not achieve with
adult guidance or by working
with “a more fully developed
b. ZPD is the area where the
child could achieve with
adult guidance or by working
with “a more fully developed
c. ZPD is the area between
the child’s current
performance and the level of
performance that the child
could not achieve with adult
guidance or by working with
“a more fully developed
d. ZPD is the area between
the child’s current
performance and the level of
performance that the child
could achieve with adult
guidance or by working with
“a more fully developed

64. According to Vygotsky,

what are the two functions
that would appear in a
child’s cultural
a. First, on the cultural level
and later on the group level
b. First, on the social-
individual level and later on
the familiar level
c. First, on the social level
between people and later on
the individual level, inside
the child
d. First, on the individual
level between people and
later on the social level,
inside the child.
65. Piaget believed that the
most helpful interactions
were those between peers,
because peers are on an
equal basis and can
challenge each’s thinking.
Vygotsky, on the other
a.Vygotsky believed that
children’s cognitive
development is fostered by
interactions with other
children with the same
b. Vygotsky suggested that
children’s cognitive
development is fostered by
interactions with people who
are more capable or
advanced in their thinking
people such as parents and
c. Vygotsky suggested that
children’s cognitive
development id fostered by
interactions with their
grandparents Vygotsky
suggested that children’s
cognitive development is
fostered by interactions with
people who are more
capable or advanced in their
thinking people such as
parents and teachers.
d. Vygotsky suggested that
children’s cognitive
development id fostered by
interactions with his/her
family who are no capable or
advanced in their thinking
people such as parents,
grandparents, brother or
66. The cultural tools
a. Technical Tools and
Political Tools
b. Technical tools and
Economical Tool
c. Technical Tools and
Psychological Tools
d. Technical Tools and
Cultural Tools
67. Language is critical for
cognitive development
because it provides a way to
express ideas and ask
questions, the categories
and concepts for thinking,
and the links between the
past and the future.
a. Technical Tools
b. Psychological Tools
c. Private Speech
d. Role of Language
68. Mutterings play an
important role in cognitive
development because they
move children in stages
toward self-regulation: the
ability to plan, monitor, and
guide your own thinking and
problem solving.
a. Technical Tools
b. Psychological Tools
c. Private Speech
d. Role of Language
69. What are Theories of
Egocentric, or Private Speech
according to Vygotsky?
a. Represents internal
thought; its function is to
communicate with their
b. Vygotsky suggested that
children’s cognitive
development is fostered by
interactions with people who
are more capable or
advanced in their thinking
people such as parents and
c. Represents externalized
thought; its function is to
communicate with the self-
guidance and self-direction
d. Represents externalized
thought; its function is not to
communicate with the self
for purpose of self-guidance
and self-direction
70. Which kind of interaction
in cognitive development did
Piaget and Vygotsky
emphasize as important?
a. Political
b. Scientific
c. Cultural
d. Social

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