Pedagogy and Practice in Education

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Assignment # 4 - Pedagogy and Practice in Education

Aim The aim of this unit is to develop learners’ theoretical and practical
grounding in approaches to teaching and learning, related to subject
pedagogic knowledge and pedagogic practices.

Research subject pedagogy in own educational specialism or subject.

Analyze teaching, learning and assessment approaches relevant to own

Task 1 subject area.

Evaluate teaching, learning and assessment approaches potential for

Using an observation of teaching and learning, critically evaluate the
relationship between policy, practice and theory
Task 2
Examine how enquiry in practice can extend understanding of pedagogy.
Use research to apply pedagogic theory and practice in own education

Task 3 Discuss how professional practice has improved through observation,

reflection, evaluation, enquiry and collaboration.

Self-evaluate and apply learning to enhance practice.

Table of Contents

Introduction… ....................................................................................................................... 3

1. Understand what is meant by subject pedagogy

1.1 Explain subject pedagogy in own educational specialismor subject ...................... 3

1.2 Analyze teaching, learning and assessment approaches relevant to ownsubject

area............................................................................................................................ 4

1.3 Evaluate teaching, learning and assessment approaches potential for pedagogy....5

2. Understand the nature of knowledge and its role in developing pedagogy AC

2.1 Critically evaluate the relationship between policy, practice and

theory ........................................................................................................................ 6

2.2 Examine how enquiry in practice can extend understandingof pedagogy ............. 7

3. Be able to draw on theory and research to support own pedagogic practices

3.1 Apply pedagogic theoryandpractice ................................................................... 8

3.2 Improve professional practice through observation, reflection, evaluation,

enquiryand collaboration ......................................................................................... 9

3.3 Self evaluate and apply learning toenhancepractice ............................................ 10

Conclusion… ...................................................................................................................... 11

Bibliography ....................................................................................................................... 12


The importance and implementation of pedagogy in educational settings is objectively

evaluated in this sense. This role would clarify the implementation of various forms of
pedagogy and their impact on the discipline or subject. The major field of focus in this review
is the teaching and learning appraisal methods at The University of Balamand. This role is
primarily understood to reveal specific styles of approaches to the teaching of students of
various cultural students followed by teachers at The University of Balamand for the
advancement of education management and leadership.Through this review, pedagogical and
instructional theory should clarify the method of teaching through detail. Finally, the
emphasis should be on improving professional practice through evaluation, reflection,
appraisal, inquiry and collaboration. The assignment must recognize different contexts and
circumstances in which educators share their personal knowledge and experiences so that
students will know better. Application of multiple approaches to develop the leadership and
educational management abilities of students in the fields of teaching and studying
pedagogy.By implementation of the teaching approach, areas of development in learners
reading, writing and communication would be identified.

1. Understand what is meant by subject pedagogy

1.1 Explain subject pedagogy in own educational specialism or subject

In pedagogy, different behavior, decisions and teaching methods were defined by

consideration of numerous hypotheses, models and principles of learning. In Paris' opinion,
(2017), pedagogy offers an idea to create an appropriate partnership with students through
recognizing their desires. Educational settings relate to the way the abilities and deficiencies
of learners are defined in order to develop an successful approach in the setting. In certain
situations of an school setting, deficiencies of teaching may be identified when teachers and
students interact inappropriately. Verbal communication through language therefore refers to
the most important fields where pedagogical teaching is required. The standard of the
education can be enhanced by providing a reflective pedagogy in the subject. This method
often lets the student to understand, while The University of Balamand has a cross-cultural
context in its education environment.

In Lozano et al. 's view, the most significant method in the education sense of The University
of Balamand is a greater comprehension of the basic acquisition of learning information. The
area of educational pedagogy and leadership instruction in cross-cultural education offers the
learners the opportunity to become orally engaged. I agree that studying in the classroom
setting helps students to fully grasp their path.

This is the endeavor to gain an appreciation of the meaning and method of learning the
language according to my experience of pedagogy in English: Teaching pedagogy may be
categorized depending on the topic chosen. Cognitive methods in the case of language
instruction are very useful as they help define the method for addressing difficulties of
contact encountered by students. English is quite relevant as this is the primary means of
communication in The University of Balamand's educational setting.

The teachers thus use a positive method, a collective strategy and analysis methods to
determine the present and potential position of the learners. The topic pedagogy (English) in
the field leads to the growth of the educators in their capacity. Educational education in verbal
communication may be known as cultural pedagogy, as three dimensions of operation such as
social, personal and educational can be used with the aid of this educational pedagogy.

According to the report by Van Kampen et al. (2018), English language teaching pedagogy
has provided for cultural gaps between various educational students and for establishing
friendly ties between teachers and learners. I recognize and support the style as an instructor
so eager to acknowledge the criteria of inclusive schools for a fair playing ground for
collective research. This pedagogical method is focused on the student centricity
methodology in which teachers would identify the capacity of the classroom and utilize it for
the students ' development.

1.2 Analyze teaching, learning and assessment approaches relevant to

own subject area

In order to enhance the comprehension of the field, English learning, appraisal and research
methods are used. A main emphasis in pedagogy is to utilize the methods used in resources
for teaching. As Bascopé et al. (2019) said, it is not simple, in order for the instructor to be
informed of five pedagogy strategies which could strengthen the learning cycle, for verbal
contact with instructional objectives. Various teaching and learning pedagogical methods as
given below.

Constructivism or Constructivist Approach: Scherer et al ( 2019) suggests that a positive

attitude to schooling is focused on proactive instruction. This method explains the
advancement of learning on the topic by the greater engagement of students in the topic.
Teachers must maintain active engagement by presenting knowledge to learners. Knowledge
delivery and reception through way of direct contact with learners helps to enhance their
involvement in the topic. Through understanding, students at The University of Balamand
will learn the meaning of the subject and the complete comprehension in English of each
phrase. Growing student will engage in the teacher's approach and attitude in a multicultural

Collaborative Approach: Throughout the group approach, two or three participants

attempted to understand something together. It's not about studying independently where
only one student is involved. Fedosejeva et al .( 2018) said pedagogy focused on an
evaluation of current teaching qualifications and capacities in the realistic instructional
purpose of English Language Teaching. In a group where each participant can effectively
engage in the discussion, more precisely, shared learning information can be developed.
Throughout the public discussion at The University of Balamand, the key approach is to
exchange knowledge.

Inquiry-based approach: Jia (2018 ) claims that investigative research is an active method
of education which The University of Balamand teachers will learn in English. This strategy
starts with probing and concludes by explaining the information scenario. The study of The
University of Balamand students through input or evaluation is also used for this process.
Students, who are eager to develop their English language abilities, were tracked in a easy
period. In order to create a strong partnership between teachers and learners, I have
recognized that the inquiry-based learning method of verbal communication skills
management is essential.

Integrative approach: The principal method to English teaching at The University of

Balamand is a link between the curricula. In the communication skills of students, the void
may be filled. Students of diverse cultural backgrounds of varying communication
efficiency were located in a classroom at The University of Balamand. By emphasizing
students fairly, the teachers will improve the linguistic productivity and communication
capacity for teaching leadership.The importance of the method can be demonstrated in the
measurement of the performance according to Moxham & Moxham (2020). Teachers take
the students' test to obtain insight into their learning performance.

Reflective approach: The instructor of the The University of Balamand thinks about the
reflective teaching method regarding his or her appropriate teaching style. I agree why an
assessment of the type of teaching utilized provides a deeper glimpse into the teachers'
loopholes. Liu&Zhang (2018 ) suggests that teaching and leadership will be taken into
consideration as each student in the classroom is unlike a teacher. Multit-talented pupils are
often present in the classroom along with the multicultural students. And I feel that a
reflective approach will allow me to consider increasing student's desire to develop a
stronger understanding of English.

1.3 Evaluate teaching, learning and assessment approaches potential

for pedagogy

The teaching approach to educational communication and pedagogical leadership are very
appropriate for Ahmadi&Reza (2018), as it helps teachers to apply deep insight to their
students. Using the five instructional approaches to increase the teacher's understanding,
evaluate situational vocabulary, develop reading abilities and maximize professional
performance, the instructor provides resources for students.

Grammatical knowledge: English teaching is beneficial because teachers recognize the

capacity of the student to learn. It is therefore necessary to teach English in the pedagogical
way. The students are assisted by good grammar awareness to render sentences (Rose
&Montakantiwong 2018). This method is helpful to remind students about the usage about
posts, prepositions, verbs and conjunctions. Instructional strategies to research-based learning
are often useful to instructors, as they may recognize their instructional failures; their method
can not be grasped by students.

Situational language assessment: The success of the teaching approach will be measured by
reminding students about the usage of terms. Situation-based language interpretation applies
to body expression use as well as vocabulary thrown. Students are shown how to message
people through apps. The students achieve greater comprehension of the relationship process
with others by introducing the integrative method. Until talking, it is important that the
condition is evaluated, to allow students to use vocabulary and use body language to interact
effectively with others.

Reading skills improvement: The quality of lectures is not just dependent on the growth of
student writing skills, according to Lytovchenko et al .( 2018). Better language instruction is
focused on the proper grammar of English and the right pronunciation of English.
Constructive instruction and reflective teaching are both beneficial for instructors and
students who are partners in English fluently. Students in the English language course may
talk English fluently by the teaching method being used.

Professional efficiency: For the students ofThe University of Balamand, the ability of
English teaching can be explored by developing their skills in the future. Students came for
their professions to the university. For addition, it is really important to boost linguistic
usefulness of the English language (Rose &Montakantiwong 2018).Via the teaching
approach, The University of Balamand teachers often develop their communication skills in
English, which is really beneficial in their future career. At the The University of Balamand,
the consequences of this method for English language learning students are justified. The
teaching method that boost students ' learning ability in their chosen courses.

2. Understand the nature of knowledge and its role in developing pedagogy

2.1 Critically evaluate the relationship between policy, practice and


Teaching and learning are related together as successful teaching that allows students to
gather adequate information about the topic through the educator's descriptives. Teaching
philosophy, strategy and experience are intertwined because most teaching theory offers very
right clear awareness of the teaching method by fluid policy in the classroom.

The cognitive theory of teaching: Cognitive teaching theory aims in research struggles to
learn the psychological aspect of students. The learning theory aims by considering the
learner's thought mechanism to describe human actions. Cognitive theory implemented in the
English language classroom that teaches according to students' desire to learn. The teachers
develop a positive connection to the students by the motivation in the classroom.

Multicultural students are found at the The University of Balamand to learn English. This will
allow the instructors to improve the instructional method by implementing cognitive theory.
According to the government's educational policy, students will not be forced to learn in the
classroom. The psychology of learning of the pupil is the most critical field for teachers to
create a good attempt. Teachers of the The University of Balamand shall obey those basic
concepts by practicing the cognitive theory of education.

• Teachers will be aware of the students' health condition before they assess them.
• Teachers must support students and their research in order to create interpersonal
relations between teachers and students
• The University of Balamand teachers need to listen to students and their concerns need to
be answered before they are addressed

Atkinson theory of teaching (Theory of achievement): In the educational system, this

principle is used to mathematically extend the teaching method. The learning and teaching
model is focused on instructor and student interaction measurement. Encouraging the diligent
work of teachers is also relevant in the comprehensive educational method. University
teachers in Balamand are very conscious of their expertise and teaching methods under this

The main goal of this method is self-determination, where teachers determine their abilities
and limitations in order to offer students a positive school experience. Due to this principle,
the probability of achievement will be raised by the reward factor. Teachers will have the
correct direction to take the topic in the first place by examining problems in the issue. Using
this method, enthusiasm was found to play a key role in schooling and learning (Van
Kampen et al . 2018).The theory of achievement is beneficial both for teachers and for
pupils, as each would possibly be effective by eliminating subject difficulties. The primary
method in this philosophy is instructional psychology focused on the desire to strengthen the
vulnerable field. At theThe University of Balamand, the teachers use a specific teaching
model which follows concepts and teaching practice.

2.2 Examine how enquiry in practice can extend understanding of


Research on the teaching method at the University of Balamand is carried out in collaborative
learning among the practitioners. Group discussion happens in experimental studies, and this
method allows to clarify pedagogical methods and strategies (Scherer et al . 2018). Teaching
pedagogy is an important practice for The University of Balamand professionals to grasp the
idea of students ' intellectual ability.

The central aspect of the research of practitioners is reflective teaching. This enquiry has a
greater effect on the teaching cycle, as teachers are well informed of each student's intensity
and weakness. The inquiry by practitioners lets the professionals continue their growth by
modifying the contemporary teaching paradigm. The integration of multiple styles of teaching
methods has a realistic effect in the multicultural classroom to introduce creative learning
practices to students (Fedosejeva et al. 2018). The need for an enquiry method is important in
the demanding atmosphere where teachers are engaged in learning, in order to develop new
teaching ideas.

The investigation by professionals promotes the professional advancement of education by

stopping the contemporary education cycle. "For some teachers the research can promote
levels of transformative critical reflection" (Fedosejeva et al . , 2018). In these respects, it can
be stated that research by practitioners in the educational setting of The University of
Balamand plays an important role in the systematic approach. Practitioners are also
representatives with their technical education in this case (Fedosejeva et al. 2018). As a
weapon to perform teaching very properly, innovative ideas of teaching can be found.

The key aim of teaching research is to establish effective pathways to learning outcomes.
University of Balamand implements 4 forms of inquiries in the pedagogical growth of
English-language teaching and learning to explain students ' success.

Confirmation inquiry: Students from the school ask questions in this process. The key aim
is to evaluate the students' logical reasoning capacity by evaluating the tool they use for the

Structured inquiry: Under this phase, accessible questions and methods of review are given
to students of the class. This cycle allows teachers to examine the students ' capacity to
submit. In fact, the teachers may relate more to the teaching process dependent on the
evaluation. Structured examination conducted primarily by the instructors to evaluate the
students ' abilities to analyze and apply.
Guided inquiry: Guided inquiry is conducted according to guidance under which teachers
are provided tasks and strategies to evaluate students ' skills. Teachers design a theoretical
framework for a stronger learning strategy. For the teachers this cycle is essential in
pedagogy because after examining their inherent consistency, a successful method of
teaching can be innovated (Jia 2018).

Open inquiry: This method is utilized by instructors and is an effective pedagogical

strategy. Using their process, students are granted limited time to perform their study. The
findings of the study were debated by the teachers to evaluate their success and changes.

Consequently, instructors have implemented a research review to incorporate additional

methods in the comprehension of individual pedagogy in the classroom. Teaching science
helps to develop the capacity of students to synthesize, interpret and study information skills
(Jia, 2018). For teachers to develop the students' thinking abilities, this phase is quite

3. Be able to draw on theory and research to support own pedagogic


3.1 Apply pedagogic theory and practice

In order to increase the standard of teaching as a whole and achieve a better understanding of
the fundamental resources of schooling, teachers must use a strategy of improving pedagogic
skills. The usage of teachers' theory and practice or teaching enhances the potential to adjust
the experience of learning by students, to store them in the required type and to create a
cooperative learning atmosphere (Grenier, 2016).

Students from different countries and ethnic backgrounds are located at the University of
Balamand. Developing English speaking abilities relies primarily on the usage of multiple
pedagogical methods focused on philosophy to develop the English vocabulary and the
overuse of numerous students' languages. The university teachers then rely on an appropriate
mix of pedagogical philosophy and realistic practices.

According to Koh (2019), it was helpful in this case to apply the principle of multiple
modes to promote English student growth. The professors at Balamand University give
students English literature in multiple forms including magazines , journals, studies and
written lectures. They are also accessible in English. Besides this, it involves the usage of
online content and audible texts to support students develop their English language and
expression skills. As Cattaneo (2017) says, it provides specific English outlets in multiple
modalities of learning (auditory , visual and kinaesthetic) and provides students with
different methods to access the language.

The professors at the University of Balamand often use the principle of collaborative
pedagogy to facilitate effective collaboration between groups of students. This kind of
collaborative pedagogical practice allows teachers to create a more direct link between
students and information differences (Mellomet al. , 2018).

To order to provide English learners with the potential for usage of multiples ways, like
communicating and listening for reading and writing, use of collaborative pedagogy

methodology is helpful. The group-based English research is also an essential aspect of the
teachers at the University of Balamand's theory-based experience of pedagogy. In the other
side, as part of their pedagogical process, the instructors have followed the Frayer
approaches for language learning.They use the concept of graphic organizers to help
students develop relationships with vocabulary practices and to relate vocabulary to their
personal experiences in learning (Wong et al. , 2018). Thus, the implementation of Frayer
method-based methods by teachers for the ELLs (English Language learners) has become a
central part of pedagogical implementations at the university.

Yet the instructors at The University of Balamand have achieved in integrating second-
language pedagogy and social pedagogy hypotheses successfully. We also implemented
second-language teaching in the well-planned attempt to improve students' grammatical, social
and language application skills. The grammar, phonetics and localization processes for English
were often stressed. From now on, instructional activities by the teachers have become rather
concrete (Mellom et al. 2018) in the practical application of pedagogy theory and action.

3.2 Improve professional practice through observation, reflection,

evaluation, enquiry and collaboration

University of Balamand teachers have a greater context in which to develop their pedagogical
methods, through planning contemplation, assessment and working together in the
schoolroom. Reflection may be an significant element in the professional advancement of
teachers in this respect, in order for teachers to gain a valuable perspective into their own
positions by introducing inquiries and questions.

The instructors should not rely on their own knowledge or practices in the thoughts of
Armstrong&Asselin (2017) except to assess the learning without questions. This is also
important for teachers at the university to conduct their professional development in a
research-based way. According to the principle of reflection of ladder activity, the reflecting
on one' s own practices and learning is important for escalating the ladder (professional
development). To step down the ladder, on the other side, it is important to switch from
reflecting to testing (Leigh, 2016).

Nevertheless, the teachers need to obtain specific experiences with student concerns through
means of practical observation and evaluation for their professional development. Possible
experience of engaging of instructional processes and materials, as well as other training and
coaching tasks carried out by students. This reflective observation on practical experience
may also be an important component of professional growth of the professors at the
university.It should also be a large aspect of teachers' career learning to draw on their
perspectives and on-going research in schools and out-of-class teachers (Leigh, 2016).

Throughout the case of teaching English at Balamand University the teachers should focus
on developing a mutual learning atmosphere that enables the execution of the language
assessment processes such as group conversation, formative assessment and exercise.
University students experience several common obstacles in the general phase of positive
conceptualization of phonetics, vocabulary and language use (Chouinard & Boyce, 2017). In
this respect, teachers should use the inquiry-based evaluation method of self-performing
instruction and the resulting knowledge to identify flaws or deficiencies in the practice of
pedagogy.It may allow them to spot inadequate language and pedagogy knowledge. It is one
of the most significant explanation why it is necessary for the professional practice of
university teachers to be comfortable with reflective observations and evaluations. The
teachers at the University of Balamand were influenced by this form of reflective practice by
improving their understanding of the deficiency of their technical skills and expertise in

The teachers are responsible for creating a conducive language and learning atmosphere, which
is necessary for the development of successful teaching activities, as described by
Peercy&Troyan (2017). The creation of a reflective understanding focused on objective
observation is a key part of teachers' everyday teacher training practices, often highly
qualitative in terms of developing teacher pedagogical skills at the University of Balamand.

To this effect, the self-examination of teaching abilities in English, self-reflection and self-
criticism to other people are two of the more apparent moves that will have a higher influence
on instructor pedagogy. Therefore, by analyzing the reflection of others by evaluating their
results, accompanied by helpful advice, teachers in the university should use the successful
means of reflection execution (Chouinard & Boyce, 2017).

3.3 Self evaluate and apply learning to enhance practice

In Armstrong & Asselin 's view (2017), instructor satisfaction is motivated by self-reflexion
in teaching. In order to provide teachers with better flexibility and accountability of specific
pedagogical abilities and results, the usage of the participatory method is helpful in the
evaluation and assessmentThe history of the development of useful self-evaluation
instruments for the metacognitive growth of teachers at the university level had been stated
by Mellom et al. (2018), which is also relevant to the advancement of teacher teachers'
pedagogies at the University of Balamand. The self-assessment of the language ability to
teach ELLs (English-language learners) has been stated in this sense as the vital means for
achieving long-term functional objectives (Cattaneo, 2017).

Throughout the context of observation-based reflection, implementing the philosophy of self-

learning when engaging throughout teaching English to students from diverse cultural
backgrounds will facilitate this very process. At the other side, self-evaluation aims to
recognize the difficult areas of pedagogical practice for teachers at University of Balamand.
Self-evaluation lets university teachers also recognize development needs, self-evaluation and
goals to be established (Chouinard & Boyce, 2017).

Besides, for teachers who teach English at the University of Balamand the self-learning
solution is another important one. As Armstrong & Asselin suggests (2017), an significant
field in which teachers ought to commit themselves to enhance English-language
communication skills for the improvement of contact with different students. The instructors
at Balamand University need to implement their own self-learning abilities to move beyond
professional qualifications and successes by recognizing knowledge shortages and
deficiencies.That is why it is important for professors at the University of Balamand that they
engage strategically in self-evaluation and self-learning pedagogical skills.


To recapitulate, it can be inferred that students from various counties arrive at the University
of Balamand to see the gap in the pronunciation. This approach is helpful to help students
grasp the mechanism of articulation in order to solve these issuesFor effective understanding
with the pupil, expressive English language instruction relies on the student's capacity to
learn effectively. The study is studied to allow teachers to develop or implement new
pedagogies from which they can effectively teach. In addition , teachers are impaired by the
process of reflection-based self-assessment in the fields of developing the linguistic abilities,
class instruction and the phonetics-associated regions.


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